#this year its on purpose 12 hours with 3 dms and 16 players and they set donoation goals to reveal the teams
wall-e-gorl · 1 year
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splicer02 · 6 years
Homebrew Item: Belt of Chaotic Potions
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NOTE: This has not been tested, I'm planning on changing the effects based on situations.
Item Description: A long leather belt, it can either be worn across the chest as a bandoleer belt, or crossed around the hips. The belt is covered in runes, a skilled magic user can possibly tell that these runes basically mean Chaos and Creation (transmutation). There are four pouches on the belt for potions, they can be slid up and down to position anywhere. In my game, the item was a gift and came with a set of instructions. If you wanted to, you could just have the belt already be full of water vials, and surprise the player after a long rest.
Rules: Obviously you can use this list for whatever, but here is the intended purpose. The Potion Belt has 4 spots for vials. Before a long rest, you put a vial filled with water in each of them. After the long rest, roll on this table 4 times, noting the order (1, 2, 3, 4) so when they go to use one you can keep track of which one it is. The player can attempt to identify the potion, using something like Arcana or maybe even a new skill. Describe the visual details (keep track of that, and hopefully the player keeps track too because they can use that knowledge to identify the potion in the future), smell, etc. I've roughed out this for identification. 1-5 - they have no idea what this potion might do 5-15 - they have a rough idea of if this potion is good or bad (drink or throw it at someone) 15-20 - they know what this potion does
Any vials filled with water can be used in the belt, if the vial is empty or filled with something other than water than nothing happens to that vial. Negative effects have a relevant save DC of 15 (I know there are some written, I came up with this general rule after), and the times in here are kind of arbitrary, make them last however long you think works. Some of them are meant to be thrown, some are meant to be consumed, as the player doesn't know what they do this can lead to some pretty fun results.Most of these are meant for fun, so play around with it based on what suits the situations.
Potions below
Potions (percentile die): 1: Delusion - User believes that the potion bestows a useful magical effect based on the situation. 2: Scales - AC increased by 2 for 1d4 hours, colour matches eye colour 3: Skin Colour Change - 1d6, skin changes colour for 1d4 days      1 - fluorescent pink      2 - green      3 - blue      4 - purple      5 - black with stars      6 - red 4: Liquid Rock - when the liquid is removed from the vial, it turns into a stone 5: Butterflies - when opened, a swarm of butteflies is released 6: Fabric Acid - melts away any clothing it touches 7: Nekovoice - target meows instead of speaking for 1d4 minutes 8: Eyedrops - just.. sterile eyedrops 9: Liquid Wookie - causes hair to sprout wherever it touches 10: Stagger potion - causes loss of balance, disadvantage on dexterity checks for 1d4 minutes 11: Illiteracy - the person forgets how to read and write all languages 12: Spasm potion - any time the target uses an action, roll a d10. On a 1, they twitch and lose the action. This lasts for 1 minute. 13: Fire - ignites on impact, dealing 1d6 damage on first round, ignites flamable material and deals 1d4 if fire continues 14: Shards - deals 1d6 piercing damage, target takes 1d4 damage whenever they use that body part for 1 hour 15: Numbness - Thrown: choose a limb. If a 17-20 is rolled, potion hits that limb and causes numbness, unable to use limb for 1d4 minutes. Lower rolls can hit other parts of body 16: Random drink - roll 1d10      1 - Wine      2 - Rum      3 - Beer      4 - Milk      5 - Tea      6 - Coffee      7 - Hotsauce      8 - Hot Cocoa      9 - Gravy      10- Cordial 17: Bards Brew - the next 3 sentences said must be rhymes 18: Gender - Swaps your gender for 1d4 hours 19: Reset - seemingly has no effect, 1d4 minutes later teleports target back to place where potion was used 20: Minor Healing Potion 21: Illusionary fire - target thinks they are on fire for 1d4 minutes, wisdom save 15DC 22: Attractive - target becomes instantly attractive for 1d4 hours 23: Confetti - explodes in confetti 24: Gravity Water - water falls out upside-down 25: Love Potion - you fall in love with everybody you meet for 1d4 minutes 26: Grass - Grass and flowers grow where this potion touches. Causes existing plants to grow to twice their size rappildy, causing difficult terrain. 27: Amnesia - you forget where you are and why you are there for 1d4 minutes 28: Levitate - you levitate 4 inches above the ground for 1d4 minutes. Movement must be made by pushing or pulling against something. 29: Third Eye - you grow a third eye on your head for 1d4 hours, granting +2 to perception 30: Mutation - you grow an extra toe on each foot and extra finger on each hand for 1d4 hours 31: Hair Colour - same rules as skin colour change 32: Dance - forces the creature to dance for 1d4 minutes 33: Mana - restores 1 first level spell slot - must be used within 1 hour 34: Flight - you gain a flying speed of 10ft but lose your walking speed for 1d4 minutes 35: Drunk - Causes instant drunkeness for 1d4-con hours - disadvantage on dexterity, wisdom, and inteligence, advantage on charisma and strength 36: False Invisibility - causes the belief that they are invisible for 1d4 minutes 37: Tiny Wish - can make 1 wish, will grant the wish on an extremely small scale 38: Slime - when opened, spawns 1d4 baby slimes, non hostile 39: Language - learns one additional language, chosen by the DM, but cannot speak it 40: Jump - Double jump height for 1d4 minutes 41: Speed - double movement speed for 1d4 minutes 42: Smoke - when opened, smoke spews from the bottle for 1d4 minutes, obscuring the area 43: Illusionary Fire Breath - belch fire with the same visual effect as the dragonborn fire breath 44: Bubbles - every time the creature opens its mouth, bubbles come out for. lasts 1d4 minutes 45: Stat Boost - +1 to a random stat for 1d4 minutes 46: Magnetic liquid - causes any metal objects in the area to fly towards the liquid 47: Blood Thinner - causes bleeding damage (1HP per round) from all phisical attacks for 1d4 minutes 48: Random Liquid 1d10      1 - Blood      2 - Oil      3 - Perfume      4 - Ink      5 - Garbage juice      6 - Cooking Oil      7 - Chloroform      8 - Soap      9 - Adhesive      10- False Poison (drinker seems dead for up to 1d4 minutes) 49: Shape change 1d10 for 10 seconds, can communicate telepathically and cast spells, otherwise cannot move. Turn back to normal if they take damage      1 - Mundane Animal      2 - Vegetable      3 - Object      4 - Item of Clothing      5 - Gas      6 - Liquid      7 - Statue      8 - Tree      9 - another player      10- insect 50: Sobriety - instantly become sober 51: Mimicry - can only mimic words and sounds for 1d4 minutes 52: Plant Voice - can only speak to plants for 1d4 minutes, others only hear a creaking sound 53: Hair growth - causes existing hair to grow at a rate of 1ft a minute for 1d4 minutes 54: Age - ages at a rate of 10 years a minute for 1d4 minutes, returns to normal at the end 55: Eye Glow - eyes glow brightly for 1d4 hours, granting darkvision and a disadvantage on stealth checks 56: Nose - nose grows twice as large for 1d4 hours, granting advantage on perception checks related to smell 57: Language Comprehension - Understands all language for 1d4 minutes 58: Random Language - speaks in a language they do not know for 1d4 minutes 59: Inspiration - grants 1d6 inspiration die for 10 minutes 60: Illusionary Size Change - seems to grow twice as large or half as small for 1d4 minutes 61: Susan Storm - turn invisible for 1d4 minutes, does not effect worn clothing or items 62: Gills - grows gills for 1d4 minutes, water breathing but cannot breath air, relieved by drinking water, releases if they suffocate 63: Beard - Immediately grows a waist length beard for 1d4 hours 64: Taste - any food or liquid consumed tastes amazing for 1d4 hours 65: Spider - Spider climb for 1d4 minutes 66: Knowledge - advantage on int checks for 1 hour 67: Identify - instantly identify the next magic item they see 68: Xray vision - clothing is no longer visible to the target for 1d4 minutes 69: Sick - Con save DC15, fail suddenly vomits uncontrollably 70: Egg - Causes feeling of needing to use the bathroom, after 10 minutes feel extreme pain and lay an egg. if kept, egg can hatch into 1d10      1 - Unfertilised      2 - Tiny human baby that ages and dies in 10 minutes, looks exactly like creature that lays the egg      3 - Fully grown adult who tips their hat and walks through the nearest wall      4 - A swarm of insects      5 - 100gp, 25sp, 3cp      6 - another potion (roll on this table)      7 - random miniaturised animal      8 - Random Trinket      9 - Chicken 10- Baby Kenku 71: Fetch - feels the urgent need to chase anything thrown for 1d4 hours, wisdom save dc15 each time they see a thrown object 72: Insects - releases a swarm of harmless but terrifying insects that fly into the nearest creatures face before dispersing 73: Greater Healing 74: Lucky Vomit - painfully vomit money for 1 minute, 1d10gp, 1d10sp, 1d10cp 75: Optimist - everything seems hopeful 76: Pessimist - everything seems terrible 77: Fear - the next item or creature that they see 78: Smile - cannot stop smiling for 1d4 minutes 79: Sad - cannot stop crying for 1d4 minutes 80: Existential Crisis - realises that they are in a game for 1 minute, immediately forget after but are left with a feeling they are being watched 81: Other Amnesia - everyone but the target forgets about their existance unless they are looking at them for 1d4 minutes 82: Spices - 1d10      1 - Garlic      2 - Rosemary      3 - Mint      4 - Nutmeg      5 - Cinnamon      6 - Cloves      7 - Mustard      8 - Ginger      9 - Pepper      10- Salt 83: Food - target feels full and tastes 1d10      1 - Bacon and eggs      2 - tomato and cheese sandwich      3 - salad      4 - fish and chips      5 - buttered corn      6 - hearty stew      7 - dried fruit      8 - candy      9 - fresh bread and butter      10- fried rice 84: Hole - creates a 2 foot wide/deep hole (does not harm living creatures, but can still pass through hole) 85: Silence - mouth disappears for 1d4 minutes, can communicate through telepathy 86: Water walking - walk in water for 1d4 minutes 87: False speak with animals - believe they can talk to animals for 1d4 minutes 88: Mini Wild Magic - roll on the Wild Magic table and create a miniature version of the effect 89: Bloody Tears - blood leeks from eyes for 1d4 minutes 90: Mind Reading - hear creatures thoughts but it is their native language for 1d4 minutes 91: Moustache - you already know what this one does 92: BO -  smell really bad for 1d4 minutes 93: Sneezing - after a lot of build up, it's just a sneeze 94: Rage - Barbarian rage for 1d4 minutes 95: Rot - rots anything it touches (deals 1d4 damage for 1d4 rounds to flesh) 96: Luck - can reroll, must keep second roll 97: False Race Change - appears to become another race for 1d4 hours 98: Breeze - your clothes and hair are ruffled by a wind only you can feel for 1d4 hours 99: Tattoos - your body is covered in black marking following the viens beneath your skin. lasts until you are next healed by magic. 100: Greater Delusion - User believes that the potion bestows a useful magical effect based on the situation, grants 1d10 inspiration
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