#tho I couldn't possibly relate at all
petrichorpetals · 23 days
Fucking thrown about Taeil rn. 🙃 He's not my bias but my friend's and he's managed to avoid everyone that was accused of shit like this by sheer vibes. He's been into kpop since 2012 and managed to swerve on kris wu, seungri, himchan, etc all before their related scandals dropped. The fact that he ults Taeil already has me denying that it could be possible. But SM kicking him before any allegations even dropped??? I can only hope that this just happened midway through contract negotiations and that's why???? I'm so utterly lost about all of this because old man Taeil with a broken hip is the one I would have expected the least. I'm in shock and denial right now and can only hope that this is some wild misunderstanding. I need the facts that come out before I lean one way or another in all of this but I'm bracing myself mentally. 😬
0 notes
wands-natsthing · 4 days
𝐈𝐟 𝐈’𝐦 𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥
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Hii I haven’t written anything in months so hopefully this isn’t like bad 
Plsss like and comment if ya wanna I love reading them and it's so motivating
And feedback is more than welcomed. 
Warings: This is like previous high school student x teachers kinda sorta reader was 18 when that was happening tho no smut yet but will be implied in the future. Panic attacks, Axe’s body spray. That’s all i think but if you recognize anymore lemme know pls!! 
Word count: 1.5k 
Summary: You're in love with your high school English teacher Wanda but at graduation she’s like I love you too but we can’t so then five years pass and you see her at a cafe with another red headed woman.
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They say high school is a time of self-discovery, forming relationships that could last a lifetime, and navigating the endless possibilities of first experiences. For you, high school was wrapped up in the lunches you shared with Mrs.Wanda Maximoff, your 
12th-grade English teacher.
The unusual friendship started with a shared love for classic literature and a mutual understanding of feeling out of place. Mrs. Maximoff had a way of making Shakespeare's complicated content relatable and understandable by intertwining them with life lessons that resonated with you. 
She was different from other teachers. She was patient, helped you with your homework when you couldn't understand the difference between dependent and independent clauses, listened more than she spoke. When she did speak, her words were thoughtful and impactful, often leaving you to think long and hard after class had ended.
Your lunch sessions together started by accident, really. 
On a particularly busy day, when the crowded hallways were more overwhelming than usual, your anxiety was on the brink of turning into a full-blown panic attack. You found refuge in her classroom. Mrs. Maximoff was there, her eyes scanning over a copy of Donna Tartt's "The Secret History." She looked up, saw your distressed state, and, without a word, brought you into her embrace. 
The smell of her expensive perfume didn't burn your nose like the smell of Bath and Body Works, Axe cologne, and body odor in the hallways usually did. 
She calms you down using the softest voice you've ever heard. 
"You're doing so well, darling. Now tell me, what are three things you can smell?" 
"Your perfume,"  you answered. The strong feminine scent overwhelmed your senses in the best way possible. 
"Oh yeah, it does smell pretty good, doesn't it? You're doing so well for me, sweet girl." 
When you were finally calm, she shared her lunch with you. While eating, we talked about everything but schoolwork, music, movies, and favorite books and authors. It was the first time you truly felt seen and heard. 
These lunches became a part of your routine. Every day, you'd sit in her classroom during lunch hour, the chaos of the school melting away as we engage ourselves in conversation about anything and everything. 
There was a silent agreement to keep these lunches between us, our little secret.  
However, as weeks turned into months, your feelings toward Mrs. Maximoff began to change. It was initially subtle, a flutter of the heart when she smiled, a longing to be near her more than our lunches and class time allowed. 
When you realized these feelings you panicked. You knew that they were wrong but just couldn't help yourself. The tabooness of a student having romantic feelings for their teacher was probably the most exciting part about it. 
You fought with your conscience on a daily basis, constantly reminding yourself of the boundaries that should not be crossed, the rules that you both would be breaking, and how she could lose her job. But your heart didn't care. You wanted her, and you were determined to figure out if she wanted you as well. 
As spring transitioned into summer, your feelings continued to grow. Graduation was approaching, and you had made up your mind to express the feelings you had for Mrs. Maximoff on that day.
Graduation day was filled with excitement as students threw their graduation caps and rushed to their loved ones with their diplomas, but you were only interested in finding Mrs. Maximoff. You spotted her talking with someone's parents among the crowd of excited students. You began making your way toward her. The closer you got to her, the more your eyes met. She stopped talking to the parents and turned all her attention to you. Mrs. Maximoff reached out her hands to hold yours while whispering in your ear, 
"I'm so proud of you."  
"Thank you, Wanda," you uttered softly, the sound of her name sweet on your lips. 
When you look back at her face, you see her nose scrunch up the way it always does when she's blushing.With your heart beating out of your chest, you thought now would be as good a time as ever to proclaim your love to her. 
"Hey, Wanda, I need to tell you something," she can tell in your tone of voice that it's serious."
"Whatever it is, you can tell me," she reassures you with a concerned look in her eyes.
"This year has been amazing, the best year in school I've ever had, and I have you to thank for it. I think about that day when you saved me from the hallways all the time, and it was the best day of my life because I met you. As I got to know you, you became more than my 12th-grade English teacher, more than Mrs. Maximoff. I got to know Wanda, and it has been my biggest joy. I guess what I'm trying to say is. I love you, Wanda Maximoff." 
You finish your declaration with tears in your eyes, but Wanda's devastating look turns tears of joy and relief into tears of sadness.
"I love you too," she whispered back, her voice carrying a mixture of sorrow, excitement, and apprehension. "But you're about to start a new chapter of your life. College is not just about studying; it's also about experiencing new things, and I don't want to be the thing holding you back from doing that. I'm ten years older than you. I've had my fun, and now it's time for you to have yours, but please know that I enjoyed our time together just as much, if not more, than you did. Maybe if the circumstances were different, then we could have made this work, but we're just in different places in our lives right now."
Your heart sank. 
Though you knew she was right, you didn't want to hear that. The logical part of you agreed with her, but your heart didn't care. You longed to be with her.
"Okay, um, thank you. Bye," you mumbled tearfully while walking away. You could hear her call out for you, but you didn't have it in you to turn back. Embarrassed and  heartbroken, you left the graduation stadium, ready to experience all the "new things." She said you would hopefully find it. 
That was five years ago. 
Now, at your college graduation with a Master's in library science. All the memories from high school just came flooding back into your mind. You never stopped thinking about Wanda after that day. Every time you would sit by yourself in the campus cafe, you would often think about all the lunches the two of you shared together. 
You had received an offer to work in your high school's library after college, which made you ecstatic. You've always loved your high school's library. It's the best one you've ever visited. 
However, you're concerned about whether Wanda still works there. In the past five years, you haven't tried to look for or talk to her at all. 
You rented an apartment that would be closer to the school when it started in August. You decided to stop at the coffee shop where you would get your hot pumpkin spice latte, even in the summer months. You remembered when you would occasionally bring Wanda one as well. 
When you walked in you heard the familiar bell that would ring anytime someone walked in or out. After you order your drink you settle at a table near the window loving the view it offers. As you take in the scenery you hear a familiar laugh. That couldn't possibly be- You thought as you turned around. 
Your eyes met a sight that took your breath away. 
There was Wanda looking as gorgeous as ever just like she was five years ago. Her hair color hadn't changed; it was the auburn color of red you adored, even her laughter that was echoing throughout the cafe was the same. Across from her sat another redheaded woman, their fingers laced together, sharing a moment of what looked to be pure love and happiness. 
The sight filled you with mixed emotions. You were happy that she was happy, but you couldn't help but feel envy bubbling up inside you. That should be me. 
As you stood up to leave not even caring about how sweet the pumpkin spice flavor on your tongue would be. You hear her laughter subsided. Wanda's gaze wandered and locked with yours. For a brief moment, time stood still, and memories rushed back. 
A smile, warm and understanding, on her lips as she gave a small wave. You go to wave back, but you're paralyzed. Unable to move or breathe. The only thing that brings you back is the sound of your name being called. “Y/n…Pumpkin spice latte hot?" The barista called out. 
"Y- yes, that's me." You replied quickly, grabbing your coffee and practically running out of there. 
You couldn't believe you just saw her again and in the midst of self-patronizing for not waving back and standing there like a deer in headlights. You had one thought. 
Who is that woman? 
Lemme know what you think!! and if you want more
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shootingmorningstar · 6 months
Was inspired by bambygourl’s fanart and a TikTok I saw. Dressing up as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for a costume party with Lucifer. I think he’d be all pouty and grumpy about dressing up as such a silly character and not a suave charming character. Especially since he’d take a look at the white button up, red trousers with suspenders, and blue bow tie with yellow polka-dots and see it as a fashion nightmare XD. And don’t get him started on the bunny ears and tail. Tho his mood is sufficiently uplifted when he sees the reader dressed up as Jessica Rabbit. Low cut red dress with a slit and all. Just imagine pulling on his suspenders or bow tie for a kiss, getting lipstick on his mouth and face, and cooing over how adorable and handsome her honey-bunny is.
I've been meaning to get to this request ever since I saw it because it is just so good. I'm definitely biased for anything Lucifer related but god this is just so cute. Anon, your brain is outstanding. I love pouty Lucifer. If you still have that tiktok on hand or ever come across it again, do you think you could send it my way .ᐣ
You didn't include what kind of request you wanted though, and my default is HCs -- but I couldn't help but throw in a little drabble based on them, too. Or, at least I intended it to be a drabble .ᐣ It got away from me, haha.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀Lucifer and Female Reader Dressing
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Up As Roger and Jessica Rabbit ~
Lucifer is initially thrilled when you bring up wanting to attend a famous yearly costume party in Pride with him. A chance to show you off sounds amazing, and he's great with costumes. Just the thought of you two matching is enough to get him excited.
You seemed just as excited as he was -- in fact, he was even more excited when you told him you'd already had something in mind .ᐟ He's pestering you to tell him just what the costumes were as soon as the plan leaves your lips, but much to his displeasure, you refuse, saying you want to keep it a surprise.
You'd even managed to resist the very strongest puppy-dog eyes and pout. Impressive. He usually succeeds in getting his way with that one -- who could ever say no to that face .ᐣ Having exhausted his options, he sighs his defeat.
Well, nearly exhausted his options. He was entirely too ready to pretend that you'd won and snoop through your closet the second you walked away. Apparently his quick glance at said closet had given him away though, and with a quick deadpan stare alongside a scary sounding ❛ don't you dare. ❜ has his feet rooted to the floor.
Did his poker face really suck so bad .ᐣ He's definitely practicing it in the mirror later.
Ultimately, though, he trusts you completely and your choice in matching outfits is no exception, so he allows it to drop for now. There's still a few more days until the party, but that time could be spent much more productively by your side rather than whining about clothing.
That is, until the day of the party comes around and you bring out his outfit. You'd never seen Lucifer's jaw drop quite like that before and it takes iron will to stop yourself from giggling at his present state.
He doesn't understand the reference. Lucifer regrets his past decision to give humanity free will. It's obvious, even if he never seems to say it outright. He had given out such a precious gift and so much of humanity chose to abuse it, to be nothing but cruel. Looking at sinners and by extension humanity is just a terrible reminder of what he'd done, so he prefers to avoid it whenever possible. This quite often includes the media of the living realm -- he's never even heard about the movie, forget seeing it.
So without the full context, all he knows is that you've just handed him an absolutely atrocious outfit -- and to make it worse, you expect him to go out in it .ᐣ Seriously, he whinges, red overalls with a blue bow .ᐣ Rabbit ears .ᐣ And to make it worse, you won't even show him your outfit until he gets dressed .ᐟ He can't believe you're laughing.
He sounds completely and totally ridiculous, in your defense. Seriously, has he seen his regular outfit .ᐣ He looks absolutely stunning, sure -- but he also looks like he walked right out of a circus.
It says a lot, though, that despite the complete and total pity party he's currently throwing himself, he's beginning to shuffle into the costume anyway. He's grumbling the whole way, but the fact that he just doesn't have it in him to say no to you warms your heart.
You had been so, so eager about this party, and the way your eyes had shined like stars when you told him had long since burned itself into his heart.
wc ; 1.2k
His seemingly endless complaints had tapered off ever so slightly when you shimmied his grasp off of the ruby red suspenders sagging unbuttoned over his chest. By the time you take the fabric into your own hands his protests faded to little more than a mumble under his breath, and with the very first snap of a button in place under your gentle touch he'd quieted completely. Where a look of exasperation had reflected off his face seconds prior, in its place now is that of silent awe, his gaze trained on your every action. The gesture of intimacy is enough to leave Lucifer somewhat choked up, his heart still not used to receiving such acts of adoration and kindness. You tie the cornflower blue fabric adorned with tiny yellow spots into a bow to accentuate the costume and cover his hands briefly with your own as you slip the gloves onto his fingers.
Not twenty minutes had passed, and he finds his attitude regarding the ensemble shifting with every second you take to assist him into it. Each and every part of it looks ridiculous at best, but the thought of you picking it out solely for him has him warming up to the idea.
Declaring your work complete, you raise your grasp ever so slightly, palms holding each of his cheeks close, your thumbs rubbing soft little circles below his eyes. Your affections are sufficient only when finished with a kiss placed on his forehead. ❛ I'm going to go get dressed, okay .ᐣ No peeking. I promise I'll be right back. ❜
The way his wrists on instinct dart out to catch yours to bring you close to him again as you pull back nearly got you. He's extended his lips in a pout once more. You hate to leave him quite so sad looking but you know he'll appreciate what you have planned enough for it to be worth it.
Bathroom door shutting closed behind you, there's the smallest bit of lingering regret that he can't help you to get dressed like you had for him. The outfit itself takes you barely a few moments to slip into -- it's the makeup that requires precision, time and effort. His pacing around the bedroom is audible, impatient steps sounding into stomps, the sounds causing you to choke on a laugh. You need a steady hand for your eyeshadow and that's hard to maintain during an act quite as cute as this.
Nonetheless, your look is finished within half an hour and therefore Lucifer is put out of his misery. It's not a second after the door clicks open that his attention is caught, snapped to the light peaking out of the doorway. Stepping into the small hallway, your eyes are met with his own -- and the way his pupils widen as soon as he gets a glance of your dress makes both your efforts and his complaining worthwhile. His gaze takes you in from top to bottom, each detail enchanting him further. The dress so perfectly hugging your curves is crimson to match him and absolutely breathtaking -- and are you walking towards him .ᐣ Your strut does well to accentuate the slit stitched into the leg, your thigh tantalizing in its display.
Finally reclaiming your place beside him, one of your fingers reaches out, finding purchase under his chin -- and when you tilt his head up you swear you saw his eyes flash red. ❛ Hello, my darling husband, ❜ you coo, sending his already overloaded brain into a frenzy. Husband . . .ᐣ You wanted . . .ᐣ With him, really . . .ᐣ And although he's beginning to put the pieces together and clue in that such a term of endearment was part of your match, you seemed so happy to say it. He snaps his focus back onto just how stunning you look tonight, but the idea has firmly implanted itself into the depths of his mind.
Back into the present time, his hands have begun to roam -- he wants to commit every detail of you to memory, and that includes the feeling of your dresses fabric under his fingertips. His grasp is met with your own, for it's not long before you're pulling the straps of his suspenders, tugging him forward into a kiss. By the time he's recovered from his surprise enough to reciprocate, though, you're already beginning to pull away. He chases your lips with a whine but you've already moved on, pressing a kiss first to his cheek and then to his forehead. It's only when you offer him a small compact mirror does he understand -- each of your kisses has left behind a little bit of the lipstick you oh so painstakingly applied. Your marks on his face have left him entranced, desperately craving more.
A gasp rips itself from those same cherry red lips in surprise -- you weren't expecting him to summon forth his tail, much less wrap it around your midsection and use it to bring you closer. ❛ Kiss me again, ❜ He pleads, desperate and breathy. ❛ Anything for my honey bunny, ❜ you chime, matching the mark on his left cheek with one on the right. ❛ You just look so cute, ❜ between each kiss is another offering of praise and compliments, the blush left in your wake matching excellently. ❛ Who's my handsome bunny .ᐣ ❜
Your multitude of kisses has left Lucifer stunned and looking nothing short of angelic -- even more so than usual. You're fully intending on giving him several more, leaning in to do just that when the wall mounted clock besides you chimes a new hours arrival, alerting you to the time. ❛ Oh, dear. I'm very sorry, Mr. Rabbit, but I'm afraid we simply must be going. We don't want to be late, do we .ᐣ ❜
Fixing your lipstick takes all of a few seconds, leaving you free to grab a makeup wipe off the pouch resting atop your vanity and wipe all of the stains you'd adorned his face with away. A snap of his wrist catches yours just inches from his face, however, halting your plans in their tracks. Confused, you look to him for an explanation, a soft ❛ leave them. please .ᐣ ❜ being all he offers you. ❛ You're going to go to the party like this, love .ᐣ ❜ to which he nods sagely. He can't bear to part with them -- not when the lipstick marks are yours, not when they declare proudly that he is yours.
❛ If you say so, honey. ❜ You can't deny that the prospect leaves your heart fluttering. A grand, golden portal appears with a simple snap of his fingers and he takes your arm, now linked with his own in an attempt to usher you forward. He can't wait to show you off, to watch as other demons eyes glow green as they stare his way. You stay still, though, prompting him to look back at you with an air of confusion. It's then that you lean close, whispering ❛ be a good bunny and there will be more where that came from. too bad we'll have to wait until we come home, hmm .ᐣ ❜
Suddenly Lucifer can't wait for this party to be over.
I still can't believe I'd originally intended this to be 100 words and it ended up over a thousand. I can't help it, I'm so weak for anything Lucifer related. I'm half tempted to write an absolutely filthy post party part 2. If there's enough demand for it .ᐣ I just might.
As always, let me know what you think .ᐣ Hearing back from you guys keeps me motivated ~
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pforestsims · 9 months
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Here's a mod that replaces around 70% of base game hood dog noises with very quiet bird sounds.
*There's also an option to disable Pets EP animal sounds, but that will only be useful for people who don't use Pets EP features.
Less Dog Barking Sounds in Neighborhood View
and optional: no Pets EP animal sounds*
Download (SFS)
I used this tool (MTS) to browse TS2 .xa sound files.
More info below the cut:
'Less Barking in hood view' mod package contains 36 dog barking & howling resources that I've found in base game Sound/Misc file. Yes, 36 - and that's not even all (!)
Lot background sounds are a mix of base game sfx and a f*ckload of additional, louder barking that comes with Pets EP.
So without Pets you might also hear some distant, quiet barking, but it's sparse. With Pets EP, it gets louder when you move the camera near the lot borders. It seems certain objects also emit barking sounds, like the trash can and mail box (??). It can even be heard in CAS.
Those sounds really bother me, but I don't like to play with background sfx switched off and was looking for a solution. Unfortunately, there's no perfect one :( - most of the Pets Misc resources seem to use SPX1 sound file format and cannot be opened (or at least I have no idea how to open it). So I couldn't browse and remove only specific files.
2. edited Misc.package is a PETS EP game file with all sounds removed from it. Unlike the mod, this file has custom installation instructions - it goes into your Sims 2 game installation folder /The Sims 2 Pets/TS Data/Res/Sound/
If you replace that file, pets in your game will be silent. Some other sounds related to Pets EP might also be missing.
Base game background sounds like little birds singing, crickets, frogs, owls hooting at night are NOT affected by this mod.
*I've been browsing TS2 sfx resources for a while now, extracted various sounds and replaced some with existing resources ( I haven't managed to replace any with new files tho) - it is probably possible (?) but files need to be in .xa format.
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ninma · 6 months
I just noticed a very interesting note in Alastor's ad in episode 1...
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Who in Hazbin Hotel is the most associated with circus decor?
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Less than 5 min into episode 1 and we already get a hint that Alastor isn't a big fan of Lucifer.
Which is interesting because it implies that Alastor disliked Lucifer before he even involved himself with the hotel. They hadn't even met yet.
It's such a weirdly specific thing to add to a commercial too. Because when I think hotel, circus decor wouldn't be anywhere on my list of expectations.
It's clearly targeted towards Lucifer. An indirect insult Alastor probably had wanted Lucifer to see.
If this is the case, some of Alastor's commentary can be looked at slightly differently.
Lines like "Lucifer's delusional daughter", "Daddy issues" and the other insulting commentary can then also be partly aimed at Lucifer.
Which would probably be effective hits because Lucifer definitely wouldn't be happy about someone offending his daughter, but the "Daddy issues" line would probably make him feel guilt.
It's as if Alastor wanted to pick a fight the first chance he got to potentially reach Lucifer.
But like...why?
In episode 5 we have a reasonable explanation for why Alastor is poking at Lucifer. Alastor likes to be in control and have power over others, however even he knows Lucifer is more powerful than him. Therefore he aims at Lucifer's relationship with Charlie (which is what the dad comments are really about) to regain some of that power.
Which is why it doesn't make any sense for him to indirectly target Lucifer in episode 1.
Why pick a fight with the King of Hell when he barely had anything to hold over Lucifer?
When this ad was made, Charlie had known Alastor for only a week and therefore claiming to be close to her would be weird.
Heck, Alastor is even insulting Charlie and the hotel here, which definitely doesn't give him any favour from her.
Another point could be that Alastor is also partly annoyed at having to make a video. He probably doesn't expect it to air. But that still doesn't explain why he'd deliberately add a note directed at Lucifer.
So.....What's the deal here Alastor?
There isn't a clear reason for doing this.
The only one I can guess that makes some sense is that Alastor just wanted to feel some sense of power by indirectly insulting Lucifer, who is the most powerful being in all of Hell. Getting a chance to hit him where it hurts would probably bring Alastor a lot of satisfaction.
Another option is that it could be related to Lilith, if she turned out to be the one he made a deal with. It could be that Alastor's frustration over his deal makes him want to take it out on Lucifer (since he obviously can't take it out on Charlie). Lilith telling him to do it is possible, but I find it unlikely. Unless her real motive was pushing Lucifer out of his isolation and back into Charlie's life. Still find it unlikely tho.
In the end, it still feels weird for Alastor to be this intent on picking on Lucifer this early on. Taking advantage of the first opportunity to have a message reach Lucifer, despite Alastor neither having power or leverage over him if Lucifer had responded.
Care to spill the tea on why you're being so pissy?
(Sorry, couldn't resist-)
EDIT: I just realized how funny it is that despite saying there is no tacky circus decor, the hotel itself is FULL of it XD
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Now that I think about it, that might actually be the joke behind the note.
(Admittedly, this might just be a fun bit of foreshadowing and doesn't really have any deeper meaning)
(Also, Lucifer's circus decor isn't tacky. I'd definitely be down for staying at a hotel with his aesthetic and decor. But, maybe that's just me)
(It kinda reminds me of how Vox immediately went to send a message to Alastor on TV the moment he learned of his return XD)
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blue-sunflower-bee · 1 year
Season 2 spoilers maybe?
There's something so oddly powerful when a character like Mr Farouk, who appeared slightly more aggressive and loud in the show than in the books, suddenly speaks very quietly and becomes quite hesitant.
His voice was always loud and clear when talking to the students, but the little scenes with Mr Ajayi, especially the one with the vending machine, hit so different. I loved the scene so much,especially as someone who had similar struggles with their sexuality. I found his voice and body language so interesting and important in that scene.
The way he seemed to take a deep breath before telling Mr Ajayi about his struggle, seemingly searching for the right words to say. Suddenly being all hesitant. Quiet. And honestly that's what sold this scene to me. This complete change in attitude and body language that makes you realise a character is the most vulnerable right now cause they're talking about sth personal that's not easy for them to bring out. (Something similar happened to D'Arcy too later on that episode tho)
The fact that he couldn't even look at Ajayi when he asked if he was flirting with him and just, very hesitantly looked at him.
The way he actively tried to collect himself before following Ajayi to their room.
It's...possible I'm reading way too much into it, but it's little things I notice and get excited about cause I love to observe body language and stuff, and also because Mr Farouk as character and the message he carries along mean a lot to me personally cause I've been struggling with my sexuality for a long while, I'm still not completely fine with it, and the way he spoke when telling Mr Ajayi reminded me a lot of myself when I came out to certain people.
So yeah...they just give me a sense of comfort.
Also,the way Mr ajayi seemed to always be fidgeting with his hands? Relatable as heck as nervous deer
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yurislotusgarden · 1 year
Tying their hair up!
ʚїɞ Separately! Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Platonic! Kyouka Izumi x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ I got this idea after seeing this post! It's not really related but I got the idea, so here it is. I will most likely make a part 2
ʚїɞ word count: 1206 (Dazai - 428, Chuuya - 446, Kyouka - 336)
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff, pet names: 'bella, doll, reader's gender is not specified in any way (if it is please tell me so I can edit it)
ʚїɞ I WANNA THANK THE 22 PPL WHO FOLLOWED MY ACCOUNT <33 I did not expect ppl to like my works??? Like at all??? I actually posted my first works here thinking they're gonna end up with maybe 10-15 notes with luck, and there they are with much fucking more, so thank you if you interacted with any of my works<33
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Dazai Osamu
If you entered the armed detective agency office at the moment, you would see people working, someone missing out on a job but the possibly first thing would be able to notice is that the workers are stealing confused glances at Dazai because… since when does he tie his hair up?
“Hey Dazai, what’s with your hair?” Kunikida asked, wanting to know why the oh so lazy bandage wasting machine changed his hair. In the 2 years he’s been working with him, he never saw the brunette tie his hair up.
“Oh? A fabulous question, Kunikida!” The grin on Dazai’s face could really compare to Kenji’s sun smile. 
“I feel like I’m about to regret this question” A mutter from where Kunikida is standing was heard, but the older detective ignored it.
“You see Kunikida, my beloved Belladonna has done it! And I couldn't bring myself to ruin said happiness they got from seeing me with my hair like this, so I just came in like this!” The bandaged man had stars in his eyes upon recollecting what happened before he came to work.
Dazai looked like he was about to talk more about what happened earlier this morning… Yea Kunikida is regretting his questions, why did he have to ask?
Dazai was sitting on the floor in front of the couch between your legs while you were sitting on the couch behind him, tying his hair up into a ponytail around the back of his head since you decided it would be better for him instead of a higher one. Surprisingly, when tied up, the ponytail was quite long - longer than you first thought it would be.
“You were meant to tie my hair up, not play with it ‘bella” A subtle comment, but enough to get you to stop just running your fingers through his hair, you would've been done by now if you didn’t do that, but hey, you're gonna take any chance to play with his fluffy hair.
“you can’t blame me, your hair is too soft to not play with it when I have a chance” You chuckled, finishing up the ponytail and tapping his shoulder to indicate that you're done and he can stand up or turn around, whichever he prefers.
And as it is with Dazai, he preferred to turn around and hug your waist, burying his face in your abdomen.
…Goddammit you want to play with his hair like you always do when he’s like this, but you can't or you will have to repair the ponytail. Sigh.
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Nakahara Chuuya
“Chuuya-san?” The ginger turned towards the voice, who turned out to be a woman with red-ish hair colored hair, Kōyō Ozaki.
“Yes, Ane-san?” The shorter of the two turned fully towards the taller woman.
“...May I ask what happened to your hair?... And where did your hat go?”  Kōyō asked, actually confused. After all, it’s not every day that you see the hot-headed executive with his hair up, much less without his hat. She’s sure she barely ever saw him take it off besides when in closed private spaces, and his hair being tied up into a high ponytail? She never saw it, but even tho she doesn't voice it out, she thinks the look really does fits the man.
“Ah, I decided to leave the hat at home for once, it would destroy the hair.”
“Why do you not want the ponytail gone?” Kōyō understands that technically it’s easier to do things when your hair is tied up, but she knows that longer hair never caused any problems to the short mafioso.
“[Name] is the one who made it, and they seemed really happy to see it on me”
“Please Chuu?” You asked for maybe the hundredth time today, -surprised your boyfriend still has patience for you- about to give up on asking your partner if he would let you tie his hair up. You just wanted to see what he would look like! You can bet your life he would look better than those guys on magazines many droll over. They could never compare to your boyfriend anyway.
A sigh could be heard in the room, a head full of orange hair moving to look at you. Chuuya was getting ready to go to the Port Mafia Headquarters and was about to say no, but when he looked over… yea it was over for him before it started.
“Just don’t rip my hair out, doll”
“Hey! You know I’m gonna be careful!”
Next thing you two knew, he was sitting in front of the mirror while you were standing behind him, making the ponytail high on the back of his. ‘Why is his hair so soft wtf’ had appeared in your head but didn't voice it out.
You hooked your arms around his shoulders and neck, putting your chin on his head. “You look so pretty like this” When Chuuya looked at you in the mirror -as if he wasn't the whole time- the soft smile you had on simply killed him. He couldn't bring himself to destroy the little thing that made you happy so he ended up shocking your ass later on by not bringing his hat to work for once.
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Platonic! Izumi Kyouka
just to see how she looks
“You look so cute!”
You and Kyouka were the only ones apart from the clerks and Yosano in the clinic doing who knows what in the agency building as the others had missions, so you decided to do random things as you have already ended all the paperwork assigned to you for the day.
“Your hair is perfect for any kind of hairstyle but I think you look adorable with a ponytail, it suits you” You smiled at her. It really did fit her the same as her usual hairstyle, you just wish you had some hair accessories at the moment. Her hair would look even better!
“I’m glad you think so [Name]” A soft voice came from the younger girl.
You two continued to make small talk while you fixed her hair, before turning towards the office door when it opened.
“What you two doing over here?” Yosano looked at the two of them with a small smile appearing when she noticed Kyouka’s hair change.
“Messing with Kyouka’s hair. There’s not much to do at the office at the moment but we shouldn't leave the office yet, it’s still quite early” You said quietly, starting to look through your desk to see if you have any accessories for hair. Colorful to be specific.
“Hmm, Can I add myself to the fun?”
“You want to do something with my hair?”
“I have hair clips and more in my infirmary desk”
You looked up at her with stars in yours with such speed that Yosano couldn't help but ask herself if your neck is okay.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go to your office, Kouka’s hair needs something more!”
The rest of the agency slowly started to come back one by one, to not only Kyouka’s hair being colorful from hairclips and more, but also to yours and Yosano’s hair being the same. There was some confusion about what they missed, Atsushi and Kenji just so happened to join in, to say the least.
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated <3
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 months
HI! Holy sht I made it on time when the requests were open again! So anyway, this is my letter for the "Barren Lands, Final Wishes" event. I assume you accept SAGAU judging from the tags you put, so here's my letter for a certain Fatui doctor (Yet again):
Dear Dottore,
I apologize for possibly interrupting your work, but I couldn't help but wonder how are you doing? From what I've heard, what you do can be tiring to any other person, So I can't help but worry about your status.
Granted, I should've expected this. You were quite the ambitious one, judging by your Akademiya records, and even more so under the Tsaritsa's rule. Still, I am asking you to please try and take a rest when you can, as your experiments can be....exhausting, from what I know. Maybe you can have one of your Segments take over some of your tasks? When they're not busy, of course.
Anyway, I truly hope you take my recommendations into consideration. And if you do need any kind of assistance, then may I be of service?
Because quite frankly, your work fascinates me, Zandik.
With regards,
The Divine One
WELCOME BACK @thedarknesslord! Yes, I am taking SAGAU for the event ONLY—requests, I am only taking Wuwa. There is a post to why, but I won't link it because it's related to sensitive topics + it's quite fresh. So glad I can finally work on your letter now!
I do have to warn you though—my Dottore impersonation is really bad—forgive me for that 😔😭 I'll do my best regardless!
Your Dear, Almighty Grace,
What a pleasant surprise to hear from you. Indeed, I was not expecting to get mail from the Divine One—how blessed I feel. I must say, I am truly flattered for being recognized by both the Tsaritsa and you for my research. Rest assured, I don't plan on stopping.
There has been...issues, regarding the transfer of work between my Segments. Having to take out the orders of Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, in getting all Archon gnosises, I had to (rather unfortunately) get rid of most of them. Rest assured, however, this will not sway me in my pursuit of knowledge. Besides, even if they were around, they wouldn't be as cooperative as I would hope they'd be.
No matter, though—such losses are easily durable. I am beyond appreciative that you, Your Almighty Grace, has lended me your assistance. I'm certain you'll be satisfied with the end results of my experiments.
With Great Sincereity,
Il Dottore, The Doctor.
A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! Ugh, seriously, I really can't seem to find the proper time to do things! So unfair! >:( I do hope you enjoyed this tho 🙏
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kisses4lao · 10 months
Could I request kung lao who can't take his eyes off from!reader? Like she has thick thighs and tits that are super hard to cover. I'm totally not self projecting here👀 thanks!!!!!
Girl the way I relate to you so hard 😭 these triple D's make my life so much worse I swear
Tw/cw: Kung Lao being extremely horny, kind of pre established relationship??? Idk, Liu Kang being able to hear his horny thoughts and getting fed up with it, Raidens fed up with it too tho DW, Bi Han is also a simp for reader but Kung Lao is cooler, readers THICCC in the tits and thighs department, cursing, takes place before Bi Han became grandmaster because we all know he wouldn't let a woman NEAR the Lin Kuei
Not proofread
I said this once and I'll say it again, Kung Lao is a certified thigh man. Any thighs, small, big, muscular, soft n squishy, he loves them all.
So when you showed up as a new Lin Kuei recruit member, much to the dismay of Bi Han, Kung Lao was head over heels for you.
You needed to get a uniform tailored specifically for you. Considering you were one of the first female recruits, you couldn't take a man's uniform, according to Bi Han, at least. Not only that, but you needed a uniform to cover up.. well, everything. You had incredibly thiccc thighs and awfully big breasts, both being very hard to cover up.
You were able to persuade Bi Han to make you a uniform that had a turtle neck long sleeve shirt with bell bottom jeans (that's what I'd want at least smh). Bi Han was quick to have someone get your measurements as well as making the actual uniform.
Truth be told, you could tell Bi Han had a small soft spot for you. Which is why he was always more than happy to help you out. When you finally got your uniform, you were confused as to why it was so tight if you got your measurements taken. It had hugged every curve you had perfectly and made your thighs and bust accentuated.
Other than the fact it was revealing without having anything showing, you enjoyed your new uniform and wore it out to train. You could feel your colleagues eyes on you, especially Kung Laos. God did he love how your thighs looked in your new uniform, he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
He'd often times try and spar you, being completely mesmerized by the way your breasts would move in your uniform. He'd purposefully lose that way he could rematch you.
Other times he'd just stare. The other men training would too, but they had the decency to at least look away after a few seconds. Not Kung Lao though. He'd stare at your body for minutes at a time. Raiden would have to genuinely slap him before he got the hint.
He wasn't objectifying you, or at least, not on purpose. He genuinely did have a lot of respect for you as a fighter, he just couldn't help but think about you in the most perverted ways possible.
If you guys were ever next to each other, whether it be at dinner, during training, or something else, he'd spare small glances at you. He'd take in every part of you, your luscious hair, eyelashes, a side profile he deemed perfect.
He'd stare at your lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss them, touch them, have them wrapped around his cock. Same with your thighs and breasts, he'd wonder what it would be like to touch them, to kiss them, make small hickeys on them. He'd love to know what they'd look like bare, or maybe with his cum painted on them.
Sometimes Liu Kang would just look him dead in the eyes while he's thinking about these perverted things and give him the stankest look. Like he'd look at him like a disappointed father.
Raiden is also getting fed up with how much he talks about you but never WITH you. Raiden thought you were gorgeous, both mind and body, and he just wanted what was best for his friend. That, however, did not include Kung Laos endless rambling about you. He had gotten so sick of it that he ended up confessing for him.
Raiden waited until you were alone to approach you. You guys were pretty good friends, so this wasn't out of the ordinary. He'd mentioned Kung Lao once and could see how your eyes lit up at the thought of him. He told you about how he had the biggest crush on you and set you guys up on a date.
Kung Lao wasn't thrilled to find out Raiden told you for him. He wasn't happy about it at all actually, but he'll be damned if he missed this opportunity with you.
The amount of times he's fucked his hands, or wrapped a pillow around his cock just to simulate what you could feel like was too many times to count. The date was at a fancy restaurant, he had picked you up and you were wearing a low cut dress that left nothing to the imagination. You had to keep pulling the dress down because of how often it rode up your thighs, and every time you did, Kung Lao felt like he was in heaven.
You were so beautiful to him, and finding out more about you as a person just made him even more attracted to you. He'd asked you so much about yourself that by the end of the night you'd known nothing about him. So when you asked him for another date, he was ecstatic.
He absolutely went home and masturbated so much that night he felt like his dick was gonna fall off. He's probably into that tho
A/n: do you guys think Kung Laos into drinking breast milk. I do. I think he'd be all up in those titties fr
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
rewatching iwtv with one of my partners, and they also love these trainwrecks—but we just finished season 1, and rewatching that scene when Lestat grabs Claudia off the train... I think that may be the cruelest he ever is to her, which is saying a LOT. Do you think we're gonna get extra context about that scene in season 3, or would you bet it's just one of those "yeah Lestat can be Like That" moments? Because it seems pretty hard to square with his ~everything~ in the season 2 finale
Ohhhhh boy I'm so glad you brought this up because @tothevines and I are rewatching right now and when we got to that part my immediate reaction was holy shit Lestat HAS to die now. Like??? Yeah. That was it. The cruelty was truly unmatched. Not only forcing her to go back home but waving her trauma in her face like that... oof.
Lestat is complicated tho!! I do absolutely think we're supposed to take that moment at face value. The reason Lestat works so well for me as a character is because he IS capable of such cruelty. Especially cruelty driven by his deep need for love. Cruelty driven by his need to not be abandoned. The one thing Lestat needed more than anything in that moment was for Louis to not be sad anymore, for him to not fall into the state he was when Claudia left the first time. He knew it would be even worse this time around. He simply couldn't risk it...
I guess in order to square it you have to look at the whole picture of who Lestat is as a character. Which Rolin has said recently we've seen, like... 80% of on screen. He's a lot!!! I don't consider Lestat at his worst to be the full Lestat any more than I consider that sad man in the tattered robe eating rats in a cottage in the finale to be the full Lestat. He is cruel he is a monster he is a big crying baby who needs everyone to look at him and pay attention to him RIGHT NOW he is a lover he is a hopeless romantic he is on his knees begging Louis for just one kiss he's tender he's giving he's a monster who takes great lustful joy in the art of killing...
What's funny is if you asked me to compare Lestat to one real life person I know... I would say my father. At least a few very particular aspects of his personality. I absolutely hate my father. My father is a monster. I haven't talked to him in 20 years and will gladly dance on his grave when he's gone for the things he did to me. I relate to Claudia so much in this sense. But Lestat is also my favorite character on the show. Possibly my favorite character ever at this point??? I love him so much it's insane. And I guess it's because he's fake and my father is very much not that I'm able to feel that way. But that might also be a big reason why I find his cruelty and his most monstrous moments to be so cathartic to watch...
Anyway. Not the point of this ask. The point is HE REALLY IS A LOT!! He is everything. All the good and all the bad. The best and the worst any creature could ever be. He is fully driven by instinct and emotion and LOVE and the need to never be abandoned. And more specifically, to never be abandoned by Louis, the one he loves more than he's ever loved anyone.
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obitoslover · 3 months
Death Note x Naruto has taken over my brain these days, so I did another au (inspired by a friend's psychoanalysis on Madara who made me like bipolar Madara hc)
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Basically, Madara take Light Yagami's place as Kira, killing criminals. One of the differences, tho, is that he doesn't wanna be acknowledged, since it would make his objective a lot harder
Kaguya is the shinigami, yey!! Should've I used Black Zetsu due to his nonhuman look? Yes, but I wanted to make Kaguya with a Samara from The Ring aspect + Kaguya is the mind behind Zetsu in anime + I like her better = Kaguya won
ANYWAY!!! Some lore points I have for now:
— Izuna takes Misa's place, bc he wants to help his brother getting rid of all the bad people; he seems somewhat more excited/engaged for this whole "new world's god" thing than Madara tho
Unlike Misa, he doesn't have the shinigami eyes, since Madara doesn't want his younger brother to take half of his lifespan away, especially when he already got it. Idk if Izuna has his own death note, so maybe he helps his bro in some other way (like the Oracle from DC vibes?)
— Madara wrote Tobirama's name as a "test" to see if the notebook was true. Why? Because that's his brother's ex who broke up horribly with him so why not (they realized they don't know where he is, so they couldn't possibly know if it work. two dummies)
— L is Tobirama... in the sense of who's against Kira, not who's the detective
"But he's dead way before Kira's mass killing was recognized as someone's doing, how is that possible??" you may ask, and I say
"Tobirama" is a fake name
See, l like mad scientist Tobirama and it's variations, so I needed to put this here. He's a criminal who never got caught, a really secretive one about his personal life, so most of the time he's using a fake identity to prevent people to keep a track on him; so it means Izuna didn't know his actual name and gave the fake one to Madara
"Tobirama" was one of the first people to realize all those deaths were induced by someone, so, in order to prevent his possible death in case he's caught, he started to hunt who could be Kira
— "Tobirama" is Hashirama's brother. He dyes his hair and wear eye contacts (and other things too like, idk, different clothing, some light make up to give a different look on his face) while undercover, so he can take a double life
You can't even imagine Madara's surprise when he finally realize his friend's brother and "Tobirama" are the same person
(I wanna make Itama = Tobirama, with his white hair + red eyes combo being his undercover while he has natural colors in his actual appearance, but I'm still deciding how confusing and cool it could be)
— Near and Mello aren't related to L in the slightest. I haven't decided yet who they could be (Maybe Kakashi=Near and Obito=Mello), but they would still be really close to the government and be, indeed, detective prodigies
Maybe they're chasing Kira at the same time as L? If I decide so, it would make Madara's life way harder, since it's both a criminal (with other criminals' contacts and accessibilities) and the government (two people above it, tbh) against him..... nah, he'd be caught way earlier, I need fun
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nisuna · 10 months
ok but what about choso x yuji x reader??
I'm on the floor salivating rip me🪦🤤🤤🥵 I LOVE IT (and you for making me think of one of the best scenarios ever😈😫❤) Gaaahhh♡
Thank you for your take!!<3
~short drabble~
TW: double penetration, vaginal and anal sex, Choso has a big brother kink you can't convince me otherwise, makes you call him Nii-chan, Choso-nii, nii-san even tho you're not related, yuji and him are brothers tho!, nipple play, reader has a big ol dump truck, consensual groping, name calling, hair pulling, lube and anal fingering, tit sucking, spit, boob guy in the front ass guy in the back 😋
So here's the thing: Yuji and you knew each other since you were little, you even called Choso big brother due to that. And you couldn't lie that you had a bit of a crush on Choso, because he was a few years older than you two, typical stuff you know. But here it comes, as time went on and Yuji got older you noticed him getting manlier and more handsome?? And you definitely did notice when he started to get bigger. I'm talkin big arms, buff chest, toned abs. He could throw you around with ease if he wanted to and you began to notice his physical superiority over you. Not gonna lie it made you weak in the knees.
However, you were now in a moral dilemma, as you were crushing on two different guys at the same time and it was definitely about time, that you sorted those feelings out. What you didn't notice tho, was that they also paid attention to you when your breasts swelled and hips widened. The way they wanted to touch your soft squishy thighs and plump ass.
Choso was a boob guy and Yuji loved ass, so when you blurted out one night that you want to fuck both of them to see who you liked better, they knew exactly which position to try.
"Will you be okay?"
"Don't worry, I can take you both."
"In a fight, right?"
"Definitely not."
Choso was on his back with you straddling him and Yuji was perfectly slotted in from behind. As Choso was busying himself with your tits, Yuji prepped you pouring a generous blob of lube on his fingers and circling your asshole gently, not pushing in yet.
"It's a bit cold and it might feel a little weird at first, but I promise I'll make you feel good."
"Mmhh.. 's fine how bad could it possibly be ah-", you yelped as Choso put one of your hardened nipples in his mouth twisting the other one with his fingers. "I'll try to distract her."
"Alright, relax for me.", with that he slowly inserted his finger in your ass. He definitely didn't lie about it feeling weird and it stung a bit. "You still with me?"
"Mhm", you tried to hide your discomfort, which only made you clamp down on his finger harder.
"Want to take a break?", he asked while slipping his finger out, rubbing your ass in comforting circles.
"Noo 's fine I can take it. Give me more."
"Okay, I got you. You good down there Nii-san?"
Choso reluctantly pulled his face out of your tits sucking in a deep breath. "Never better", he stated going right back in to groping and sucking. The chill atmosphere helped you relax a bit as you arched your back to spread your ass for better access.
After Yuji deemed you stretched enough he poured some of the lube onto his dick stroking it. "You ready?", he questioned and as soon as you gave them the okay they sank their cocks into your ass and pussy respectively. During, you all let out embarassing moans making you giggle.
"Now please fuck me stupid."
With that they picked up the pace rutting their hips into you.
"Shit you're so tight. Feels like you're suffocating me. You feelin' good?"
"Yes, so good.", you mewled out slurring the next part as you felt your tongue loll out. "I'm so full. I can feel you in my tummy. Please harder." As you were saying that Choso latched his mouth onto your neck, making sure to leave a mark.
"Which one of us do you like better huh? Who's fucking you better?"
"I dunno, both so good!"
"You gotta decide, sweetheart. Besides, you liked me first right, you like your Nii-chan a lot right? I know you do. You're dripping all over my cock, coiling around me nicely."
GAH. Your mind was spinning both making you feel good so differently, how were you supposed to decide?
"Hey!", Yuji brought you back with a spank to your ass, the tingling sensation making you moan. "Pay attention to me too. You like me too right?", he sulked. But before you could answer any of them Choso pulled you into a sloppy kiss, forcing his tongue inside your mouth. You whined into the kiss, spit dribbling down your chin from how messy it was. You were at a loss of words as they both fucked into you harder, trying to prove themselves. And in the meantime all you could do was mewl pathetically and let them have their way with you.
"You'll definitely choose me if I make you cum."
"Nuh-uh me first."
"Too late, little brother." Choso was already snaking his hand between your legs finally paying attention to your neglected clit. You squirmed at the contact pressing your ass against Yuji, who took that as a sign to speed up.
You felt so full, your mind fuzzy as they both continued to plow into you. You didn't even notice when you came with a silent scream of Yuji's name. His ego was boosted as he pulled your hair and made you look at him.
"That's it, that's a good girl. 'M gonna fill your tight ass up, gonna cum until you can't take it anymore" your pleas drove him right over the edge as he came inside pulling on your hair even harder, breathing heavy as he bottomed out. Your scalp stung after he finally let go of your hair, pulling out of you. As you felt his cum spill out of you, you directed your attention back to a sulking Choso.
"Want your cum too Choso-Nii, pretty please.", how cruel must someone be to say no to you while you looked so pretty and fucked out. Of course he will give you his cum, anything you want. And as he too pulled out after stuffing you to the brim, out you felt like you were gonna pass out, feeling sticky and sweaty.
Yuji was already there cleaning you up with a warm, wet towel as you opened your eyes sighing contently.
"Have you made up your mind yet?"
After all that you definitely wouldn't be able to decide. Yet.
"Will need a second round of testing to finalise.", you hummed basking in the attention they were giving you.
Feel free to send me your Hot Takes as well ^^
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Hello, it me :D
Idk how you want to structure this or how it's gonna sound when I try to type out what's in my brain rn, I do know that I want this to be a full hc tho
Ok. So. I've seen some art here & there of some of the M6 with their own children; mostly just babies but there are a couple older kids in the mix as well. This is where things in my head get weird so bear with me:
I'm thinking this ask could go three ways (I also don't know if Nadia & Portia will be able to fit in to this ask but it is what it is), and you can do just one of the options or all of them, I'll let you choose:
A. M6 reacting to MC telling them they're pregnant
B. M6 & MC mid-pregnancy preparing for the baby
Or C. M6 getting to hold their kid for the first time
Hopefully this makes sense I think it provides an opportunity for incredible wholesomeness whatever you decide :)
The Arcana HCs: M6 during MC's pregnancy
~ ohoho, now this, this is the kind of prompt that makes my heart sing! @themushroomgoesyeet I hope you're ready because I'm doing all three of those suggestions in here, just you wait >:3 - brainrot ~
Other baby-related hcs: M6 when someone hands them a baby
The M6 when the child they have with you is an exact carbon copy of them
-- for the purpose of these headcanons and because I write for a gender-neutral reader, MC is pregnant with a baby that is equal parts their and their LI's DNA. This could have happened the traditional way (depending on how you envision your MC or if you headcanon your LI as trans), or simply by magical means. For my fellow trans men, seahorse dads are still dads! And to my fellow AO3 readers, mpreg is possible. Always. O.O --
For the first time in his life, he was well and truly speechless
And delighted. In fact, his speechlessness was because of the unforeseen tidal wave of joy that crashed over him as soon as you told him and it knocked all the air out of his lungs
Pulling you into an embrace as soon as he can move again and trembling with excitement: "Really? You're going to have my baby? We're going to be parents? I'm going to be a father? Haha!"
If he was bad about hovering before he's terrible about it now
Detailed research on all potential issues (which leads to him having crippling spirals over all the ways this could go wrong)
Auntie Pasha and Great-Grandma Mazelinka are here for it and so overwhelmingly supportive. It's hard to resist Julian's regular suggestions of bed rest because they make it so feasible
Mazelinka's soup was heavenly for your morning sickness
Julian collected at least three different remedies for every single pregnancy symptom you had and filled multiple notebooks with doctor's observations. Even down to tracking your sleep cycle
He also called in several favors to make sure that at least two other doctors would be available leading up to your due date - one for you and one for the baby. (he still insisted on being the main one)
He managed the birth impressively well - years of medical expertise kicked in and he went full "doctor" mode, keeping a cool head and open communication and anticipating every need
Until he held his child for the first time and had to sit down because his knees gave out. He has a whole new reason to live well
You know that panicked blushy face they make? Yeah, that was it
You briefly mistook it for horror - you know he likes surprises, but this is something else - but it was really his own panic at suddenly being plunged into a whole new world of emotion and instincts
Their first motion was to reach out and place their hand over your heart to confirm it through your bond, if only because they couldn't get their words to work and they needed that grounding touch
Once he's collected himself, he's over the moon. Is it terrifying? Sure, but it's also going to be the adventure of a lifetime, and it means building a new future and family with you! As parents!
They want to tell Aisha and Salim about it as soon as you're comfortable because they've done this before, they can help. And also because they’re going to be grandparents
Covers you with enchantments to keep you and the baby safe and happy and keeps a growing list of the most unhinged baby names to make you laugh. Faust likes to gently squeeze your bump
Makes every pregnancy craving you have and tries it with you, no matter how weird. He's got three years of practice being your caregiver and his patience for the mood swings is unending
Spends an hour every night with an ear against your baby bump, listening to them grow and thrive
Offers you every type of pain relief they can find. If not for your sake, then for theirs, because seeing you hurt makes them panic
Holds you the whole way through childbirth, no matter how messy, and stays so reassuring and supportive
Scared to hold the baby at first because he's so shaky from emotions. Won't put it down once he does
The news is so unexpected that she just can't believe it at first
As in, her brain is genuinely incapable of immediately processing what you've just told her, so she just finishes her task before running it through her head a second time before it sinks in
The loudest gasp you've ever heard, you see her drop her teacup as her hands fly to cover her mouth and she stares at you in surprise
So happy. So, so, so very happy
She was never going to pressure you into having children. Between her driven nature and her ongoing loneliness, she'd resigned herself to never being a mother after marrying Lucio
But oh my! What a wonderful surprise! There's so much to do, she's slightly worried that nine months isn't going to be enough time
She sends for multiple physicians and invites several of them to live in the Palace through the pregnancy, and begins the interview process for your baby's pediatrician as well. She wants you healthy
Has the time of her life decorating the baby's future room and ends up getting so emotional looking at all the tiny clothes and shoes
Refuses to let you sleep by yourself. She doesn't want you to feel limited on a day-to-day basis at all, but she doesn't like you being alone for too long, especially during such quiet and precious hours
Prefers to hold off on giving her family any news or updates until she's had at least a few days to let it sink it. Each update she does send provokes a tidal wave of letters and advice and offers, not to mention Grandpa Namar's tear-stained letters of excitement
Has to hide sobs when she holds her child and announces its name
Straight up disassociates. Not due to any fault of yours, it's just a lot. Especially given his own context for parenting (or lack thereof)
"Muriel, I'm pregnant." soul gets yoinked through the stratosphere
You know him well enough to expect him to need a moment, so you're not surprised when he shakily nods, takes a deep breath, and tells you he'll be back before dark before walking off into the trees
Deeply apologetic once he gets back because in hindsight ghosting you might not have been the most appropriate response
He's happy, if not deeply anxious, but he gets more and more excited with every pregnancy update
He makes the baby's crib himself, seeking out the tree with the best wood, chopping it up, designing and cutting the pieces, carving and sanding and painting them with the utmost care
As your due date gets closer he starts reverting to an old habit of his, waking up several times through the night with a need to keep watch for any dangers or discomforts and make sure you're warm
You wake up to this sometimes, with him sitting quietly next to you in bed, one large hand resting protectively on your belly, a quiet smile on his face as he stares at the cradle on the other side of the room and counts every tiny kick the baby lands on his warm palm
He doesn't hesitate to tell Asra, Nadia, (and yes, Julian) about your pregnancy, because he knows they'll be able to help you in ways he can't. Watching you in pain during birth is almost traumatic for him
Doesn't say a word when you hand him his baby, just looks back and forth between you and them in delight and awestruck joy
Screams. Legitimate, jaw dropped, lung-deep screaming
Yes it's because she's excited!!! You're pregnant! That's amazing!!
Funnily enough, she doesn't bring up telling anybody else until several weeks have gone by or until you suggest it. She's used to keeping secrets and this is so special she's still finding words for it
She's also more familiar with what pregnancy can look like, and she doesn't want to make any big announcements with you too early
Borderline obsessive about making sure that you're properly fed and cared for. She keeps every snack stocked, gives you massages every night, asks you about any symptoms and offers relief
She ends up inviting everyone over for dinner so you two can break the news to them together, and if one Devorak wasn't loud and emotional enough, two of them are almost too much for the roof
Mazelinka is quick to offer her services, whether that be bringing soup, taking you two (three?!) to Nevivon so the grandmas can help, grabbing one of the grandmas and bringing them here, etc
Pepi develops a new habit of bringing you stolen fish at least once a day to make sure your growing kitten is properly nourished. the smell doesn't help your morning sickness but you appreciate it
Portia cries every time she sits down to work on another onesie or baby blanket or cloth diaper, which is several times a day
When it's time for you to give birth, she holds your hands as tightly as you hold hers and nearly knocks a doctor out of the way to catch the baby
Full-on happy sobbing when she holds them. Gets jealous anytime someone besides you gets to hold them longer than her
Assumes you're joking until you tell him otherwise because what
It's not that he's against it, but realistically speaking he knows that one of him is already a lot to handle. And you're cooking another??
Once you convince him, his exuberant yells startle flocks of birds from the treetops in a half-mile radius. Speaking of trees ...
You two are journeymen. Where are you going to settle down?
You end up picking a spot close enough to Vesuvia for your old friends to be able to help, in a town where you know you'll have a fresh start. Buying a cottage is hard when you're used to a palace
Lucio occasionally remembers his mother's comments about how her pregnancy with him made the Red Plague seem like a summer cold, and then he panics about how much pain you must be in
Sits bolt-upright in bed four months in to your pregnancy in a cold sweat because it just hit him that your belly bump is actually an entire tiny human that's half him and half you and it's miraculous
Starts talking to your bump almost constantly after that
Everything from what the dogs are doing, to the right way to start a fire, to the best types of cookies - he's telling it all to the bump
Does he know, logically, that your baby isn't likely to be born missing an arm because of his amputation? Yes. Does he still have an irrational fear of that happening? Also yes.
Has such a hard time controlling his frustration during the birth when you're in pain and there's nothing he can do about it
Wraps his golden arm in a baby blanket and doesn't care about the mess the first time he holds them and presses a kiss to their head
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onyour-right · 11 months
First things first, I'm gonna need Gen V to never fucking do that again. How dare they release such a good episode and only have it be 34 minutes??? Is it a fucking sitcom??? They do that again and we WILL have problems.
Now, Cate. I done told y'all she was the mole and now look. I mean do I still love her? Absolutely. Do I think she is a victim of Dean Shetty's manipulations? 100%. Do I believe she thought she was protecting her friends? Yup. But do I also think Andre was right somewhat in what he said? Yeah, kinda do. Listen, with all the good intentions in the world the fact that she repeatedly made Luke forget about his baby brother when she knew the type of turmoil it was causing in him is twisted. The same way she was going to confess to Andre before the text came is the same way she should have confessed to Luke. Granted I think the reason she was even going to confess to Andre was because of how wrong things were going. But still, she ain't right for that..
So, I see three possible avenues they might take with her: first, kill her off at the end of the season in order to redeem herself to her friends; second, she could become an antagonist to the group (tho this is less likely); or third, she may act as a double agent and spy back on shetty so they can find out what's really going on..
Jordan Li. My beloved. My baby boy/baby girl. I can understand why they thought Marie couldn't accept both sides of them and I'm so glad they explored a bit more into their character's history. But baby, Marie wants to love on you no matter what your gender so just let her!!! At least they got to a point where they realised they were being unfair to Marie over the whole situation though, so hopefully episode 6 will have them talking about it properly. Alsooooo, Jordan getting pissed when Marie's brain was tampered with again? Good fucking food. Jordan moving closer to Marie at Cate's reveal? I was eating that shit upppp. Jordan this whole episode was kinda unhinged and you know what? I wanna see more, please and thank you!!!
Alsoooo, can we talk real quick about Jordan's conversation with Andre and Cate because I cannot have been the only one who was straight dyingggg through it. "is it a black thing?" "...oh my God!!!". The way Jordan didnt even dismiss the fact that him and Marie made a good couple too. Likeeeee. C'monnnnn.
Marie, my sweet girl. Once she finds out the true extent of her powers its over for everyoneeeee; she's gonna fuck everyone up and I personally will be cheering her on at the sidelines!! Slightly worried though because 1) who is her benefactor?? and 2) what if they are able to capture her somehow??? She is yet to go unhinged and I would like to see it, especially if it's in relation to something happening to Jordan.
Emma and Sam. I mean you know its real when one half of the pairing's mind has been wiped and still there is an undeniable connection between them.The fact that Sam went out of his way to find Emma after all the shit that went down??? Ooof, I'm living for itttt. The fact that even though Emma hadn't gotten back her memories she still believed him? Don't make me cryyyyy. I loved how Emma realised how wrong her mother was about her "getting big" & how she's beginning to carve out who she wants to be for herself. Also, her and Marie's friendship is honestly just goals.
Also, lowkey everyone should have just let Sam kill that Dr Cardosa because he's gonna bring big problemssss I fear, and on that note they should have him kill Dean Shetty too because ole girl needs to skedaddle her way out (although the person who takes her place could be even worse, so idk about that yet)
Also, someone please give Andre a hug that boy needs it. Seeing him unhinged tho?? Ooofffffff 10/10.
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dinogoofymutated · 5 months
I've seem nothing on Gladiator and I NEED CONTENT PLZ!! I'd love seeing him go to Earth with his preaching "humans are crazy, useless, etc" and then just falls head over heels for a Mutant. Like he acts stoic and all but he's just smitten and what that would look like
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SFW! Gladiator/Fem! reader! I want you to know that this ask has had me in a CHOKEHOLD!!! Parings where couples are opposites like this have my heart. I know I usually try to make my fics and headcannons Gender neutral, But i was listening to the waitress soundtrack when an idea for this hit me and I couldn't help myself. This might actually be a contender for my Favorite fic of the week! -Ps- for anyone wondering about my finals, I've done good so far? I don't wanna jinx it tho. eesh. TWS: Kallark be kinda judgy at first. Mutant discrimination, Building fire. Violence, head injury.
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Kallark does not like earth. He can't say that he had ever enjoyed his brief visits there, but if the empress commanded his presence on the planet, who was he to refuse?
He respects Professor Xavier, although he doesn't necessarily agree with him. The X-men, although his allies, he does not care for very much. He thought them a little foolish, and was not interested in many of the things they invited him to experience.
As fate would have it, the one thing he had eventually agreed on was going to a Terran diner. He thought it was a little greasy in some spots, and didn't understand why anyone would want to be able to order breakfast food 24/7, but he assumed that there had to be a reason the team enjoyed going here so much.
Turns out, it wasn't just any Diner. This was one of the very few places that catered to mutants, although it wasn't advertised as such. Rouge had excitedly told him that he would "Just love" the waitress that would be serving them, a mutant in her own right.
He obviously hadn't believed forming deep emotions as such was possible in a short time span, but then again, he hadn't met you yet, had he?
Kallark was absolutely taken by you the moment you met. It didn't make any sense to him. How was he so infuriatingly, naively taken by simple Terran? A mutant nonetheless? He had met a handful of Terrans, all of which had been either crazy and idealistic, or scumbags and bastards. But you? He just didn't understand it. He thought for sure that you had to have some sort of power over him. Some bewitchment or spell that certainly had to be related to your genuine smile, or lighthearted laugh.
He was in trouble, and he had to find out why.
"Back again I see!" You chirp, smiling brightly at Kallark as you lead him to a booth, the only seat where he really fit due to his stature and build. He nods in a greeting, following you to his seat quietly. He visited the diner often after that initial time here with the X-men, always seeming like he had a lot on his mind every time.
To be honest, you enjoyed seeing him. He had become a regular of yours, and commonly came into the diner during the graveyard shift. He always sat in your section, being polite and patient with every order. You were sure he'd be tired of the greasy food by now, having tried just about every item on the menu, but here he was. Part of you wants to believe he comes in to see you specifically, blushing at the thought. Of course, you were just about always here, preferring to take late-night shifts as that was usually the time Mutants would come and visit. You made the diner a safe space for a lot of people, and that was a fact you took pride in.
Kallark is quiet every time he comes in, simply telling you what he would like to eat, and thanking you when prompted to do so. Sometimes he would speak more, asking questions here and there, but conversation was usually barren, consisting mostly of a comfortable silence between the two of you. Today was similar. It wasn't until you gave him the check that he asked you a question you didn't quite expect.
"What do your mutant powers consist of, exactly?" He asks. It's a simple question, but you cant help but blush at the sound of his voice- finding it unfortunately attractive. You try to shake it off, smiling at him politely.
"What, is this an interrogation? Hope you're not here to arrest me, Officer." You joke. He doesn't laugh, and you cringe at yourself a little bit. "...Maybe it's best if I show you." You settle on instead, walking over to the glass desert cabinets. Kallark watches you closely as you carefully cut out a slice of a creamy lemon pie, and plate it. He cocks an eyebrow at you as you bring it to the table, and hand him a fork. He does not understand where you are going with this exactly, but he takes a bite anyway.
A feeling of elation takes hold of him, happiness to an extent he's not sure he's ever felt before. You watch as his face shifts, giggling at his pure confusion.
"It's not drugged, I promise. My powers aren't exactly the most useful in a fight, but I can say that they pack a tasty punch." You wink. "It's all about the energy I put into something while I bake. If I want breakfast muffins to make people more energetic, it does. If I want a slice of lemon pie to make people happy, well," You motion at the pie, smiling brightly.
"So you do this with the other food as well?" Kallark asks. You shake your head.
"Ha! No. I'm not very good at cooking. everything else on the menu is made by Terry, our nightshift cook." You nod towards the kitchen, where Kallark can see a green-skinned mutant mutant pass by the open door briefly. He furrows his brow. He really though he had it for a minute, thinking that he had fully figured out where these emotions for you had come from, and yet he had still fallen short.
"You know, you've never had one of my deserts before, have you?" You think out loud, humming. Kallark has the same conclusion. He did agree that the pie was certainly very good, but it did little to explain the fast-paced beating of his heart. He finishes the pie before he leaves for the night, and to your surprise, he waves you goodbye when he does so. He's never done that before, and you find yourself blushing again.
"Are you blind?" You startle at the voice, turning around to see Terry leaning against the serving window. You put your hands on your hips, shaking off the surprise.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You scoff. He lets out a laugh, and walks back into the kitchen. You lean after him. "Seriously Terry, what do you mean by that?!"
The longer Kallark stayed on this planet, the more he started to feel like a lovestruck fool.
He was coming to see you just about every night at the diner, picking up conversation with you more often than naught. He wasn't used to Terran courting customs, and he certainly wasn't used to the way you captivated his mind so often. That wasn't to say he wasn't trying, he just didn't really know how to show you this strange affection of his.
That was until he returned to the diner one day to find it trashed, glass windows shattered, kitchen actively burning. And worst of all, you, injured and in need for a rescue.
The night had started off so well that you feel like a fool for not knowing the other shoe was going to drop.
The diner had been a safe zone for so many for so long, it was only a matter of time before someone caught on to the many mutants who called it haven. A group of rather conservative folks had come in around midnight, Not giving anyone a minute of warning as they shattered the windows and stormed into the back to find Terry, presumably. You had dove for the emergency button, but was tackled and forced to the ground before you could. The few mutants that had been eating had scrambled, fighting tooth and nail to escape. You hoped that a few did, but your head had been slammed into the ground so hard you couldn't see straight. You're having a hard time thinking over the pain you are in, the screams from the customers, the smell of smoke that had started to travel through the air. You feel a few tears slip down your cheeks as the diner lay in ruins.
The weight on top of you lifts abruptly as a great gust of wind sends the man above you flying into the counter violently. You feel like you can't lift your head to see what's going on, but there's a commotion of yelling and the sounds of bodies being slammed and incapacitated. When you manage to open your eyes, you flinch as another one of the men goes flying past you, smacking sqaurely into the wall and falling limp to the ground.
A pair of familiar boots step into your view, and you find yourself being helped up by Kallark. You have to hold onto him to steady yourself, head aching with every movement as he helps you stand. It only takes a glance around you to see that he had rescued you right on time- the diner, not so much. You sway a little, and Kallark is quick to catch you.
"You're certainly the gentleman, aren't you?" You laugh. Kallark furrows his eyebrows as one of his hands gently probes the back of your neck and skull. You wince at the feeling, and he draws his hand away.
"You have a concussion. We should get you some medical assistance." Kallark says. If you weren't mistaken, You'd say that he almost looks concerned. You shake your head at him regardless.
"Hospitals don't take care of mutants around here." You say, frowning. "Most of the time I just suck it up- but I don't think that that's the best idea right now."
"You'd be correct." Kallark hums. "I'll get you to Xaiver, but it would be wise for you to try and stay awake in the meantime." You smile at him, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek as he picks you up into a bridal hold. He looks at you, wide-eyed for a moment, before he's off. He sincerely hopes that it's not possible for your kind to hear just how fast his heart is beating inside his chest.
"Thanks, Handsome. I owe you one."
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banquetwriter · 5 months
୨୧ Cinnamon ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 Johnnie and reader don't get together, sorta a unhappy ending (tho its unclear whether Johnnie is into reader)
summary: ʚ after texting Johnnie for days straight a party doesn't go how you imagine ɞ
Words: 1502
An: this didn't go how i wanted it to… you get a star if you can guess which song this was very loosely based off of.
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There are so many unique feelings humans feel that have names. Such as opia​, the feeling of looking someone in the eye and feeling an intense feeling of vulnerability. As if someone is looking through you.
Or exulansis, the tendency to stop talking about something in the middle of talking. Often when the listeners do not seem interested or relate at all feeling the storyteller is jealous.
Of course, there aren't an endless amount of words. Like for example there is no word to describe the feeling of breaking up/getting broken up with over text late at night when you're young and having to act completely normal at breakfast with your family the next morning. As they had no idea you were even seeing someone in the first place.
There are no single words to describe that feeling. A very unique one. It's a similar feeling to what you feel now. Dumb, maybe a little excited, and egear. You met Johnnie Guilbert almost two weeks ago at a party. Being a mutual friend of Tara’s it was bound to happen at some point.
You immediately felt a pull towards him. He was funny, had good style, and above all else was nice to you. Not a common thing among most men nowadays. Knowing the nature of Tara’s friends you googled him as soon as you got home.
Immediately found his Instagram and followed him. You weren't sure it was going anywhere but one day he followed back and another party the two of you had been to led to texting for almost 4 days straight. Often replying in between tasks never taking more than a few hours to shoot another text back.
You had felt electric. You had kept most of the conversation platonic and respectful but as the sun went down and the days went on the conversations got so much more real. Talking about both of your struggles, your hardships, and your successes. It felt so natural and nice.
Tonight happened to be another one of Tara’s parties. You had not subtly put on one of the most amazing outfits yet. Your hair, makeup, accessories, and clothes fit you so well, perfectly showing off your style. You however were not radiating the confidence your outfit dripped.
You were so nervous to see Johnnie tonight you felt like you could have a heart attack from how fast your heart was racing. It had been almost an hour and a half since the party really started and almost everyone was there already. Except Johnnie.
It was stupid really. You hadn't even done anything super romantic or anything to suggest that toward him when texting. And you two certainly weren't exclusive. And you didn't dress for men so really the fact you felt so sad and embarrassed was bothering you.
So there you sat. One shot in. Shoving down a slice of cinnamon-flavored cake. You numbly shove the fork into the slice of pure sugar and place your fork in your mouth. It was then that you looked up and saw that Johnnie arrived. He was being greeted by Tara and a few others.
You felt a second wave of confidence folding the paper plate and tossing your items in the trash, passing the microwave’s reflective surface to ensure you still looked good. Nerves ran through you, your heart racing so fast you almost couldn't see.
You sat against the kitchen island waiting for Johnnie to walk by you and see you. You casually sipped on a drink slightly moving to the beat of the music coming from the music in the living room. The small crowd of people with Johnnie made its way towards you. This was your moment!
You tried to not look at him as much as possible. That inevitably failed when you finally looked at him, he was in a black button-down. The first few buttons were undone with several metal necklaces. He gave you a tight-lipped smile, nodding his head at you in acknowledgment. You looked at him and you could swear your eyes lit up with a flame.
He was so cute. But that feeling I was talking about earlier? When you break up with someone but can't say anything to anyone about it? That's what you felt as Johnnie brushed past you and went outside. He didn't acknowledge you.
You didn't move, just stared at the floor with your red solo cup in hand. Instead of your eyes burning with fire they burned with tears. You felt so goddamn stupid crying over a boy you aren't even with. You quickly pull your phone out to have something to stare at, not just look at the floor.
The tears gather in your eyes and at this point, you can't hide the fact you are crying. You quickly make a break for the bathroom. You slam the door shut. Tears spilling out of your eyes as you sob. Your fake eyelashes collect the brunt force of the water.
You let yourself cry for a moment. You eventually could hear the house music again. Your breathing slowed down. You used a piece of toilet paper to clean up the tears and retouched your makeup. You let yourself feel how sucky this was.
But if he didn’t want to be with you he didn’t want to. Oh well, what could you do about it? You step out of the bathroom. You move to one of the rooms further back in the house, finding a group of people smoking. You decided you weren't gonna let him ruin your night entirely.
“Yo! Y/n…” someone called out. You turn and see one of your old friends. They offer you a blunt and you happily oblige, holding the smoking plant to your mouth and inhaling.
Letting the cloudy smoke fill your lungs. You let out a breath. Your head buzzed with the hit you took. You decided to take just a few more. You were definitely buzzed, maybe even high.
You weren't gone by any means but you weren't all there. You made your way to the backyard through the kitchen. Seeing Tara, Jake, Johnnie, and Colby all sitting around a little campfire. There were other people too around but you either didn't know them or didn't care. “Hey guys.” you slightly slurred out.
“Yoo.” Jake laughed out looking at you. You could smell the weed on you, your eyes squinting with red. “Shut up.” you giggled out sitting down next to Colby and Johnnie. “Hey, where's Sam?” you asked, grabbing Tara’s drink from her camping chair cup holder.
Tara shot you an annoyed look as you took a swig of the soda. Jake giggled into his eyes and had never seen you high before. “Oh Sam has a meeting tomorrow he needs to be at so he didn't wanna drink a bunch tonight,” Colby said smiling at you with a small nod.
You only nodded your head in response. Staring down at the campfire. It wasn't really cold outside, more just chilly, but the warmth of the fire felt really nice. Your friends went back to their conversations as you looked at the fire crackling. You felt a jolt on your left side.
You looked to your side seeing Johnnie peering at you. “You ok?” he asked you, obviously referring to that you were staring off into space. “Yeah I'm good,” you mumbled out with a smile.
The orange glow of the fire made him look so good. Giving a slight shadow to his eyes. There were so many things you wanted to say to him. Tell him how pretty he was or maybe how funny he was. None of them were appropriate so you stayed quiet. You were getting very dizzy.
“Dude seriously,” Johnnie said, his hand holding your shoulder. Maybe you were showing how much you had a little too much as you realized you had been leaning almost over the fire. “Let's get you some water,” he said standing up.
You followed him with a small smile on your lips. You wanted to live in this moment. Share a giggle and relish the fact the boy you liked was taking care of you. Let it feed into the delusion that he liked you back. But that wasn't fair. So you didn't.
You just silently watched him pour the glass of water into a new solo cup. He turned around and in your current state, you couldn't figure out what his expression was like. Was he happy? Mad? Concerned?
You decide not to figure it out. You take the water cup from his hand and thank him. Intentionally looks away, still feeling his eyes on you. It's like he wanted to say something. If he wanted to be didn't just slowly walk away.
You felt horrible about not taking that moment to flirt with him. But you knew it wouldn't end well if you had. So in a way you had lost but in another way you had won.
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