#tho he did walk into a wall a few times with his new prosthetic
felixcosm · 7 months
"WAIT A SECOND!" Jerry screamed. He swung his head around to look at me, his eyes widening in exaggerated horror. "Oh my god! JACK!" He reached a hand across the counter and put it gently on my face, tilting my chin up slightly as if to get a better view. "Look what they did to you! Who did this to your face? Who hurt you? Tell me…" He turned dramatically and pointed straight at Hector. "Was it him?! You're going to pay for what you did to my friend!"
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woorenergy · 5 years
so Sally Face!AU everyone,,,,,
a little something for this AU since I was quite inspired. Now I’m going to bed tho lol
Words : ~1,125 words
Warnings : Cursing, mention of murder, blood & gore. Lmk if I need to tag anything else !
Emile wasn't 'scared' of the apartments, per se. He just felt some kind of weird, disturbing presence, like if he suddenly turned around, he'd see someone, something that has been following him in the hallways this entire time. He listened to everything, from a dispute between his neighbors to a door squeaking, or the subtle noises of the mice running in the walls. He believed he simply imagined the red-eyed demon in the corner of Virgil's kitchen, too. There was no way it actually existed, right ?
As he grew closer and closer to Remus' apartment, Emile didn't feel so sure anymore. His curiosity was stronger than anything, and yes, he really wanted the delirious man to be arrested for the murder of the poor Valerie, but his guts were telling him to run away. Run away from this fucking apartment, this building, heck this town. This entire town made him feel uneasy, and he barely got to see it yet. He wondered for a moment if Remus would notice the slight change of taste of the tea, due to the sleeping pill that had dissolved in it.
Finally pushing the door open with one hand (the other holding the cup of tea Terrence gave him), the rancid smell attacked his nostrils again, and he had to cover his nose with his sleeve for a few seconds before he actually walked in.
“Ah, weird child, you came back !” Remus exclaimed, still sitting in the damaged armchair.
Emile scoffed at the nickname. People used to call him many hurtful names because of his prosthetic mask, but this one almost felt nice and friendly... if he forgot that the person he was talking to was an actual murderer.
“Hello again, Remus. I, um- I have something for you.” Emile reluctantly approached Remus, whose eyes illuminated at the sight of the cup of tea.
“Oh ! Did you bring me some of Terrence's tea ? That's awfully kind of you !”
“Yes, well, I thought you'd like some. Here.”
Emile made a disgusted face behind his mask when Remus’ fingers brushed against his own to take the cup from him, then drunk the entirety of the beverage, loudly sipping the last drops. The young boy didn't really understand why everyone here craved this tea- it was smelly, and he couldn’t even rely on the color to guess what kind of tea Terrence served, but it couldn't hurt anyone. Plus, it seemed like it made the man happy to make tea for all of his tenants.
“Ah, so tasty. Thank you.” Remus sighed as he put the empty cup to his feet, on the floor.
Emile's eyes lightly squinted. “No problem. As your new neighbor, I figured out I could use some of my time to make a good deed or two.”
“Do you care that much about the image the others may have about you ?”
“I do. This is very important for me.”
Remus crossed his legs and gave the boy a crooked smile as he shook his head. “Would you like to see my collection again ? Remember, I'll rip off your arm if you try to touch it !”
Emile shivered ; in any other context, he would've thought this was just a really bad joke, but after what Virgil had saw, he knew this was possible. He was ready to jump on him if he ever breathed near the dolls sitting on the shelf next to the entrance door. And he even said it with a wide grin, like it was something to laugh about. Erk. He simply nodded, taking a step ahead to look at the dolls' faces closer ; most of them were old and dusty, like Remus didn't move them in years. Yet, some of them had a member missing, or had shreds and stains in their clothes, as if they went through many children's hands before. He felt like their glassy eyes were all on him, following him no matter where he moved or where he hid. Who would want to collect this kind of toys ?
That's when he spotted the one he was looking for, the one Virgil barely described, still covered in dried blood on its face and dress ; he tried not to focus on it, but now, all he could think about was to take this damn doll, and run to the police officer downstairs as fast as he could.
As Emile turned around to ask something to Remus, he blinked when he saw him passed out on the armchair, snoring softly. He didn't even hear or see him falling asleep, and frankly, he didn't expect the pill to work so quickly.
He hesitated for a few seconds. What if Remus pretended to be asleep so he could keep an eye on his guest ? Or what if he woke up when Emile was about to take his doll ? Still, he decided there was no time to loose and, as he grabbed the bloody doll, he left the apartment, not even looking behind him as he rushed to the elevator. He never pushed a button so hard before, and he allowed himself to take a deep breath once the doors were closed.
“Virgil, I did it ! I got the toy ! This bastard is gonna be arrested !” Emile sighed with relief into the walkie-talkie.
“Hell yeah dude, I knew you could do it ! Did you give it to the cop ?”
“Not yet, I'm on my way.”
“Alright. You can come back here once you're done, if you want.” “Thanks. See ya.”
Minutes later, the toy was taken away as a proof of the murder of Valerie, and policemen crashed at Remus' place. Emile was sitting outside the building, and yet, he could hear the noises coming from the open window of the second floor ; noises of furniture being broken, complains of a man claiming his innocence, yelling of cops trying to pin him down. Soon enough, Three men exited the building, surrounding Remus who clearly looked like he's been struggling to stay free. As their eyes met, Remus gave him a dark glare, and suddenly stopped walking.
“You fucking child ! What the hell did you do ? Are you trying to ruin my life ?! I didn't kill her !”
Emile took a step back, hugging himself- though the men were handling him quite easily by now. He thought keeping his mouth shut was a better idea than trying to argue with him. The guy was crazy on a daily basis, but he looked even more terrifying when he was mad. The cops led him to a car and settled him in the back before he could speak again.
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ultxmately · 6 years
The group at Conventions
- his first impression of them were that they're just for major nerds and the whole thing was pretty pointless and dumb
- newsflash Lance, you're a fuckin nerd too
- went with Pidge and Hunk for the first time to see a Marvel panel and kept going back after that
- loves buying plushies and jackets
- seriously it's a problem
- hes always wanted to cosplay but he always holds it off to the last minute so he'll usually either end up going decked out in merch clothes or a costume he bought online
- he still really wants to make his own costume one day tho
- one time he met Chris Pratt and almost cried (totally cried) when he signed his shirt
- Pidge has pictures of him in the center of a bunch of Spiderman cosplayers
- Lance claims it was the closest to a cult he will ever get to see in person
- is mostly there for comics, he loves going to those booths to buy new issues
- is perfect for navigating through crowds because people kind of part the way for him
- is of course the mom of the group
- "ok so we have that panel at four and the meet and greet at five. It might be cutting it close but we should be good if we take a bathroom break beforehand. Speaking of which we should probably take one now, too. Also whens the last time you ate, Pidge? I say we have lunch in about half an hour before it gets packed"
- has thought about bringing a baby leash for Lance and Pidge because they like to wander off so damn much
- doesnt like to cosplay much but he'll do it in a group setting
- hella good at spotting those good deals on merch (which is good because otherwise Lance would go into debt)
- total nerd but it's great
- mainly comes for video games and the occasional anime
- once cosplayed as a Homestuck character and Matt will never let her live it down
- (she got horns stuck to her head)
- is really good at making fake weapons or masks for cosplay so she'll normally set up an etsy shop a few months before the con to rake in some extra cash
- matt has suggested to open a booth but she'd rather walk around with her friends
- pin hoarder. As in,,, she literally only buys pins,,, maybe a sticker for her laptop here and there but you get the idea
- "Pidge at this rate you're gonna run out of clothes to put them on" "I am an innovator, Matt, I will find a way"
- isnt it obvious that hes an anime nerd?
- never cosplays the same character twice
- cant wait to meet up with his fellow nerds and freak out over new seasons
- Pidge is his impulse control
- She's put a limit on how much merch he can buy
- it's mainly spent on prints and figures
- theres a video floating around on the internet of him dressed as Narruto dancing to Africa by Toto with one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes
- he and Shiro met the group at a con
- Keith sets up booth every year to sell prints and zines
- He's actually a fairly well known artist
- He and Lance got into a lot of fandom related arguments at first until Hunk told him that Lance has bought like three of his works online in the past
- Lance will never forgive him
- On the days he isnt running his booth, he likes to walk around and look at all the cool weapon replicas
- shiro has stopped him from buying a sword or knife on more then one occasion
- knows a couple other artists and likes to meet up with them
- his bedroom walls are pretty much covered floor to ceiling with posters and art
- mostly there for Keith but still freaks out over DnD stuff
- Has gone to several tournaments and gotten in the top three
- If hes cosplaying, it's as his DnD character
- Hes actually fairly well known in that community
- Like Hunk, hes also there to make sure everyone doesnt die
- "Keith did you eat lunch? I told you to take a break an hour ago here drink some water weve been walking around a lot. Actually let's all find somewhere to sit down for a few minutes. Did we lose Lance again? I think he said he was gonna go check out that booth over there but let's all agree to meet back here in half an hour before we go to that panel"
- a lot of people ask if his scar and prosthetic are real and Keith wants to murder them
- Shiro just rolls with it and incorporates it into his DnD character
- loves cosplaying as Wonder Woman or Stevonnie from SU
- She also loves studio ghibli, it's all she spends her money on
- She once entered a raffle and won a signed book full of concept art
- it is her most prized possession
- Coran almost spilled soda on it once and it's a miracle hes still alive to this day
- little kids like to come up and take pictures with her and she loves seeing how excited they get
- every once in a blue moon a guy will come up and start quizzing her about certain things and without fail everytime she'll purposefully spoil something for them and watch the life drain from their eyes
- didnt actually know what Comicon was until Allura brought her to one
- She automatically fell in love and now she and Allura have it down to a science
- they both come in with a game plan and schedule down to the second
- Shes a huge fan of cartoons like Steven Unirverse, Bee and Puppycat, Adventure Time, you get the idea
- Cosplays as Sailor Moon or some other older anime character
- Shes often asked to pose in group photos and she happily agrees
- her bed is covered in plushies that even outnumber Lance
- loves buying fan made clothes and going to panels
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