#tho i did get some shots in twilight town
stormyoceans · 9 months
Monica, you and me both. i seriously hope they don't do anything to mess up what we've going on now. because it's been a perfect streak so far and i really badly don't want it ruined. but i don't really trust thai bls that much. the dad showing up completely uncalled for like that was a little bit of turn off for me in that matter. (cause i dint think that was a very important storyline, barely relevant at all to what we've seen of Day's story so far) and i hope that doesn't take more than 5 mins to get resolved. forced separation my beloathed. i also worry night and day will not be resolved as satisfactorily as i want it to (tho i hear we can trust p'aof on that) as there are only 4 more eps left and it's probably not gonna happen in ep 3. andd. as for one last thing, i also wish and hope desperately we get a bit of a reversal in their dynamic. with day being more of a crutch to mohk than the other way around. you know just to complete the picture on both sides. anyways, manifesting nothing but the best. -Skate
MORE RAMBLINGS AND SPECULATIONS AND PERSONAL WORRIES AND FILMING SPOILERS ABOUT LAST TWILIGHT UNDER THE CUT (just to be safe because i really don't wanna ruin people's excitement with my negativity. im also afraid my nomnom card might get revoked ;;;;;;;;)
i personally didn’t mind day’s dad showing up at the end of episode 8 because he has been mentioned since episode 2 and there’s also been a lot of emphasis on day’s mom being a single mom who raised him and night by herself, so i did expect day’s dad to play a role in the story at some point. i do agree that his introduction was rather abrupt tho, like day bringing him up out of nowhere while talking to mork and implying that songkhla was his hometown was a bit too on the nose imho, i think it could have been done a little bit better, but i’ve forgiven shows for much worse. once again my main fear with day’s dad is that he was introduced just to explain why he and ramon separated hence kind of foreshadowing mork and day also eventually separating, which as we previously established i would HATE
and you know it's not like im against separation on principle, i do think it could work for morkday if, let's say, mork was offered a job he's really passionate about in another town and was upfront about it with day and day told him 'you can't be my caretaker forever, you are my boyfriend, i want us to be equal, take this opportunity and make your dreams come true', because i do also agree with you on the fact that we've always seen mork supporting day and i need to have day supporting mork as well to balance things out a little bit more (not to always bring up vice versa but one of the main reasons i love puentalay is the mutuality and equality of their relationship). if this were to happen, they could still talk to each other on the phone and have mork go visit day over the weekend, they would still have a relationship based on love and understanding which is what their entire journey has been about. if this were to happen, i would become separation nr. 1 fan. i would be ready to print every single word of doubts i've ever expressed about the last 3 episodes and literally EAT THEM. the problem is that even if we're talking about p'aof, i can't fully trust him with not going down the misunderstanding route and not making them broke the promise they made of always holding each other's hands. i know that in bad buddy he made everyone think patpran broke up only to say SIKE, but unfortunately that's not enough to reassure me
the only hope i have is this picture
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which to me does look like a 'mork is torn about leaving for his dream job but day is giving him his full support', but unfortunately I HAVE TRUST ISSUES OKAY. I'VE BEEN HURT BY SHOWS BEFORE. and i can't really explain this shot of mork crying in the trailer unless it's about day breaking up with him
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day and night's reconciliation is honestly the thing im less worried about because i do fully believe it's gonna happen, maybe not right away because if night was indeed somehow responsible for day losing his sight i think day is gonna need more time, but i think we're gonna see them finally have a proper talk with each other and by the end of it day is gonna leave an opening for their relationship to heal and go back to what it used to be
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch 8)
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Chapter 8aseball
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 2,668
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing…
               Catalina was no longer running, but she had yet to catch her breath. The room she was in was cement, and Jungkook lay in front of her. She tried to reach out to him, but as soon as she tried to move, her veins erupted into fiery pain. Her whole body seized, but just as fast as it came, the pain left, letting Catalina collapse to her knees. She crawled over to Jungkook and rolled him over onto his back. The wound on his head was scary.
               “Kookie,” she whispered, trying to shake him awake. “Kookie, we have to get out of here. They’ll come back any second.”
               Jungkook spoke without opening his eyes. He said, “When you become one of them, will you eat me too?”
               The pain came back at full force, but didn’t last long as Catalina woke up in a cold sweat.
               “So, you’re telling me that they’re actual real-life vampires,” Jimin said from the backseat of Jungkook’s car.
               “That’s right,” said Catalina.
               “That explains all that rotting food in the fridge,” said Jungkook. Catalina huffed as he cracked up.
               “Yeah, never mind the fridge full of blood bags,” said Catalina.
               “So, they’re real vampires,” said Jimin. “They could kill us if they wanted to, and we’re still hanging out with them?”
               “I mean, anyone could kill anyone if they wanted to,” said Jungkook. He took a turn down a dirt road into the forest.
               “They could do it so easily though!” said Jimin.
               “They won’t,” said Catalina. “I really think they won’t hurt us.”
               “Well, we’re playing baseball with them whether you like it or not,” said Jungkook. “God, I haven’t played baseball since I was seven years old, on that stupid little leagues team. Oh my god, I’m so excited.”
               Catalina looked over at him with an eyebrow raised. He was practically vibrating in his seat. It was his idea in the first place. As soon as Catalina told him about her discovery, he asked when they’d get to play baseball with the vampires, vis a vis Twilight. To “reenact the greatest scene in cinematic history”. Catalina was just looking forward to spending more time with the four of them. She found them fascinating and there were so many questions she wanted to ask.
               She snapped out of those thoughts as Jungkook took a side road. They ended up parking at the edge of a field. The sky was grey and thunder was rumbling. It was perfect weather for baseball. Jungkook seemed to think so too, since he was staring at the sky with a big smile on his face as he got out of the car.
               There were two other cars parked in the field, a black BMW and a pink Jeep Wrangler with two yellow smiley faces on the roof. Jin and Jimmy K got out of the BMW as soon as Jungkook parked. Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon were already standing in the field, Taehyung practicing his swing. Yoongi was sitting next to the Jeep in a lawn chair, sipping wine from a glass. Catalina got of the car. She’s never played baseball before, so this should be interesting.                Taehyung waved at them and ran over.
               “You made it!” he said. “I’ve never played baseball before, but I did some research the last few days.”
               “Meaning, he just watched some videos of ancient baseball games,” said Hoseok.
               “There’s always a guy with the bat, and he has to hit the ball. And there’s the person who throws the ball,” Taehyung explained.
               “I think everyone here knows how to play baseball, Tae Tae,” said Jimin.
               “Jiminie! I’ve missed you!” Taehyung swept Jimin up in a hug. Catalina laughed but wished Taehyung hadn’t been interrupted. She really didn’t know how to play.
               “I think I should just watch for a while,” she said. “I’ve never really played before.”
               Jin sidled up to Jungkook and Catalina and whispered, “You said these guys were vampires?”
               They nodded. Jin eyed the vampires on the field, then nodded, “Yeah that checks out. Normal people don’t look that good. Except for me, obviously.”
               Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yoongi pulling open another lawn chair. She happily took the opportunity to skip over to him and sit down. The rest of the boys got set up on the field. Catalina wondered who the Jeep belonged to.
               Being near Yoongi was different. He didn’t say or do anything, keeping his eyes on the field and sipping from his glass, but Catalina felt a dull aura of danger around him. She didn’t necessarily think he’d hurt her, but being around him wasn’t the same as being around the other vampires. There was definitely something different about him.
               “Would you like a glass of wine?” Yoongi asked, startling Catalina out of her thoughts.
               “No thank you,” she said. They both turned their attention to the field as the game began.
               Jungkook was batting first, Hoseok taking his place in the center of the makeshift diamond as the pitcher. Namjoon crouched behind Jungkook as the umpire. Jungkook struck out the first time, but hit perfectly the second. He dropped the bat and took off running. Taehyung took off after him and caught him in an instant, tackling him to the ground. Instead of arguing that Taehyung’s supernatural speed was unfair, Jungkook laughed heartily as he pulled himself off the ground. This absolutely didn’t seem like something Catalina would like, but it was fun to watch.
               The clouds began to darken and a slow rain began. Catalina pulled her hood up.
               Taehyung was up to bat next, Jimin pitching. Taehyung flipped the bat, tapping the end and catching the handle. That was hot seeing it in the movie, but it was even hotter seeing Taehyung do it. She wondered if Namjoon could flip the bat like that.
               “He won’t be able to flip it like that,” said Yoongi. Catalina’s heart skipped a beat. She stared at him as her mind raced.
               “Can you…can you read minds?” she whispered. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head.
               “No. But I’ve been around long enough to read people,” said Yoongi. “You were eyeing him in his too-tight t-shirt.”
               “How old-“
               The field erupted into laughter. The rain had picked up and the field was staring to get muddy. It seemed that Taehyung had tackled Jungkook again and they were rolling around in the mud, Jimin and Jin were laughing hysterically beside them. Their white t-shirts were practically transparent, clinging to their chests. Jungkook was more toned than Catalina expected…
Namjoon was up to bat next.
               “Flip the bat!” Catalina shouted to him. “Flip the bat like Tae did!”
               Namjoon tried to flip the bat, but ended up hitting himself in the face and dropping it.
               “Told you,” said Yoongi.
               “Whatever. It was worth a shot,” said Catalina.
               The game went on and the rain got heavier. Luckily, Jungkook had the foresight to tell everyone to wear white t-shirts for the baseball game, because soon, everyone’s shirts were soaked and transparent. The ground was muddy and as Namjoon ran to home base, he slid across the ground, the mud splashing up around him dramatically. Jimmy K took the bat next. He was wearing shorts with his wet t-shirt, showing off his sturdy, oiled thighs.
               “You’re drooling,” Yoongi said.
               “Shut up,” said Catalina, unable to tear her eyes away from the game. She wiped her chin and sure enough, there was drool in the corner of her mouth. She couldn’t help it though. Everyone on that field was incredibly hot and they were all soaked. Their shirts left nothing to the imagination.
               Catalina shifted in her seat. She wondered if Jungkook had checked the weather ahead of time and planned this. She made a note to ask him later. And if he did plan this, she’d have to thank him. She wondered if he knew what he looked like right now, with the wet shirt clinging to his abs and chest and hard nipples…
               She only had to wonder for a moment though, because a few seconds later, Jungkook was lifting the bottom of his shirt to wipe the mud from his face, his eyes darting over to her. That son of a bitch knows exactly what he’s doing, Catalina thought.
               Catalina was startled out of that train of thought as Yoongi stood abruptly, his chair falling backward. Catalina startled and looked at him with wide eyes.
               “What? What is it?” Catalina asked.
               “Shut up,” he said. His eyes narrowed as they darted around the tree line.
               From the woods, three people strolled into the field. The boys stopped playing baseball and watched the three strangers approach. Yoongi joined them, Catalina close behind.
               “I haven’t seen you four around, are you new to this town?” the man in the middle asked. He was big; tall and broad with a good natured smile on his face.
               “No, we’ve lived here a long time. Are you new?” asked Namjoon.
               “A bit,” the man said. “I didn’t realize there were more of us living around here. I figured we already met everyone.”
               “Do you mind if we join your game?” the woman beside him asked. She was tall and blonde, a sinister red smile on her face. The third woman’s eyes flickered between the five humans.
               “You even brought snacks,” she said. This woman had a thick Indian accent and dark skin. Her gaze was so piercing, Catalina felt as if the woman could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her. All three of them had blood red eyes.
               “We were actually just leaving,” Namjoon said as he positioned himself in front of Catalina.
               “No need to get defensive!” the man said, holding out his hands. His smile was still relaxed and charming. “We won’t take what isn’t ours.”
               “Joon-ah,” Hoseok whispered. He was shuffling behind Namjoon, tugging on his sleeve. He looked pale and terrified.
               “We can leave if you want us to, we just thought we’d introduce ourselves,” the man said. “We always love making new friends.”
               Namjoon glanced at Hoseok, then looked back at the man with narrowed eyes. He didn’t say anything.
               “My name is Makai,” the man said. He gestured to the blonde woman and said, “This is Amanda,” and then to the other woman, “And this is Mohati.”
               “My name is Namjoon, and this is Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hoseok,” said Namjoon.
               “You’re not going to introduce your human friends?” Mohati asked, sauntering over to Jungkook. Taehyung growled and stepped in front of him. Jungkook’s eyes were like saucers.
               “I apologize for interrupting your game,” said Makai. “I can see you don’t need any more players, so we’ll be on our way. But here, take my card. Come visit us some time. We’re always on the lookout for fresh faces.”
               He handed a business card to Namjoon then waved to the two women to follow him away. They left the way they came, into the woods until Catalina could no longer see them.
               Namjoon looked at the card and said, “I think you guys should go home. Yoongi and I will follow you home. Taehyung, Hoseok, trail them to see where they’re heading.”
               Hoseok shook his head furiously and said with a shaking voice, “No, no, nonononono we don’t have to do that. They’re probably not going anywhere, we can just go home and forget about it.”
               Catalina looked at him with concern.
               “Do you know those guys?” Yoongi asked.
               “What?” Hoseok laughed the fakest, most nervous laugh Catalina’s ever heard. “No! Why would I know them? Let’s just take the humans home and forget about it!”
               “Now, wait just a second!” Jungkook said, pushing past Taehyung and putting his hands on his hips. “Don’t we get a say in this?”
               “No,” all four vampires said simultaneously.
               “But there’s a mystery afoot!” Jungkook said. “They were sus!”
               “Not a mystery for you,” said Namjoon. “We’re taking you home.”
               “Yeah, I think I’m okay with just going home,” said Jimin, putting a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “This seems like too much for us.”
               That was how Catalina found herself back in the passenger seat of Jungkook’s car with Jimin and Namjoon in the back seat. The BMW followed closely behind, the Jeep behind the BMW.
               “Who do you think those people were?” asked Jungkook. His hair was drying, curling slightly at the ends. Catalina resisted the urge to run her hands through it.
               “No idea,” said Namjoon. “I’ve never seen them before. There’s not many vampires this far south, so maybe they’re travelers? Or maybe they’re just new to town…”
               “This is south?” said Catalina.
               “Most vampire communities are farther north, like Canada and Northern Europe. Less sunlight.”
               “What about Russia?” asked Jungkook.
               “Russia is just as bad as France,” Namjoon spat the word “France” like the country had personally insulted his mother. “No one lives there. Anyway, they probably won’t hurt you since they saw you with us, but you guys should still be careful,” said Namjoon.
               “Sure, whatever you say, mom,” said Catalina with a cackle. Namjoon didn’t look amused. “I’m kidding. I definitely don’t want to be their meal.”
               They drove in silence for a while.
               “Whose car is the Jeep?” asked Catalina. “Is it yours?”
               Namjoon smiled and said, “No, it’s Hoseok’s. Taehyung bought it for him for his birthday last year, but Hoseok picked it out.”
               “Are you guys all crazy rich? Like, the stereotypical vampires coming from royalty or whatever?” Jungkook asked. Catalina remembered what Hoseok told her at game night.
               Namjoon laughed. “Yoongi actually did come from royalty, but not the rest of us. We’re just old enough to accumulate wealth.”
               “Ah, to be old enough to accumulate wealth,” Catalina said with a dramatic sigh, fluttering her lashes at him, which pulled a laugh out the whole car.
               Caleb waited for what felt like forever for something to change. He felt tired and cold all the time. The men came by every day to drop off some food and water, and then the needle went in for a while. Caleb hated that the most because it meant he’d get even more tired and cold. He didn’t even care about the needle prick anymore. The door was always closed, but Caleb remembered when he first came there, some of the doors were open. He wondered if he became too tired to move much, if they’d keep his door open. He would at least like to see what was happening outside of the little cement room.
              One day, the door opened and some men set up another bed and blood bag stand on the other side of the room. Then the blonde woman came in. She was holding a lady in her arms, whom she laid down on the other bed. The lady was asleep. Caleb kept quiet as the blonde woman attached a needle to the lady’s arm, then left, closing the door behind her.
              Caleb got off of his own bed and approached the sleeping lady. It was a bit difficult to move, he kind of felt like he was moving through molasses, something he heard his mom say once but never understood until now. The lady was pretty, she had dark skin and big curly hair. Caleb wanted to wake her up and warn her about what was going to happen to her, but when he shook her shoulder, she just twitched and stayed asleep. The men must’ve given her the sleepy water. They gave Caleb the sleepy water one day when he tried to pull the needle out and run away. He knew not to do that again, because the headache he had after he woke up was the worst pain he’d ever felt.
Even though the sleeping lady wouldn’t wake up, Caleb was glad to have a new roommate. And he was glad she was an adult. Maybe she could help him escape and get back to his parents.
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legendofzelda4life · 4 years
Day nine wow (sorry i get more and more surprised each day that im having the ability to continue this)
Today we have some Wind and Wild platonic angst (why do i always have to do angst with wild??? *cries*
Hopefully nobody dies but I’ll decide it as I write.
“Hey, Wild look!” Wind exclaimed. They had recently arrived in Wild’s Hyrule where they were staying at Lurelin for a few days. This town had to have been the furthest thing from Hyrule castle. The closest guardian was all the way near the horse god and even then it was closer to the Gerudo Region.
“What is it?” Wild asked, curious to what the sailor may have found. “That island.” Wind pointed across the water.
“Oh, that’s Eventide island. On top of Koholit rock is Korgu Chideh Shrine.” Wild explained, pointing at the shrine.
“I’m sorry, what rock?” Legend asked from behind the two. “Koholit. Y’know, west of Toronbo beach? I thought you were awake when I was telling Time about it?” Wild said. It was true, the previous night he told Time all about the ranch ruins, Mabe village ruins, Eventide, the Spring of Power, basically anything he thought was suitable.
(anything I thought was a reference to another time lmao, I might make a post later)
“No, I was asleep. It’s been a while since we’ve stayed in comfy beds.” Legend said. He looked like he’d just seen a ghost. Wind hoped he was okay.
“Can we go over there?” Wind asked. “No way, Time put me in charge of you two and I’m not going anywhere near that goddesses forsaken place!” Legend exclaimed. Wild and Wind shared a knowing look before booking it to the closest raft.
“Get back here you idiots!!! Wild is the only one that knows how to fight in this world!!!” Legend yelled as the other two jumped onto the raft. “No way Vet! You guys are safe in the village, if anything we’re the ones in danger!” Wild yelled back with a laugh. “Really?” Wind asked in an excited tone.
“Hell yeah, there’s an over world boss on this island. I think it might be a blue, or second grade, hinox.” Wild explained, taking out his korok leaf.
“Whaddya gonna do with that?” Wind asked, cocking an eyebrow. Wild smirked.
“This.” He swung at the sail and the boat pushed forward. “Cool!” Wind said in awe.
The two boys sailed along but as they got closer to the island, the wind got rougher.
“You okay, Wind?” Wild asked. The younger boy was sitting down, holding some of the rope on the raft. “Yeah it’s just, really... me... out here.” Wild looked at the boy in disbelief.
“Did you just make a pun with your name?” “Yes.” “Dear the goddesses you’re stupid.” “Hey!” “What?”
Wind playfully glared at Wild before the two started laughing. “Anyway, we should go back. This is the closest I’ll take us.” Wild said, taking out an oar to turn the boat around. “Okay.” Wind stood back up excitedly, wanting to tell everybody what happened.
Suddenly, a rather large gust of wind came through. Without anything to grab, the sailor was thrown overboard. Sure, he could handle cyclones but he was in a boat. This was a raft. Y’know, nothing to grab!
“Wind!” Wild yelled out, reaching for the sailors hand. “Shit!” He pulled out the slate and made a block of ice behind the younger hero.
It didn’t stop him.
For some reason, the wind was now going towards Eventide. If Wind wasn’t stopped, he’d be stuck there and only one person can be on the island at a time.
“Fucking shit.” Wild said as he saw Wind wash ashore. Wind was basically 50 metres away from the sandbank but had no way to get Wind off the island. Then he had an idea.
Wild pulled out the Shiekah Slate.
“Wind, I’m going to talk you through this step by step.” Wild said, seeing the sailor look into his Pirate’s Charm. (the necklace is called The Pirates Charm)
Wild placed a cryonis block and sat on it. If he stayed on the raft, he’d go back to shore before Wind was done.
Also, he burnt the raft so the boys couldn’t come looking for them.
A few days later
“Wild!” Said hero looked up from his spot on the ice block to see Wind running - slightly limping - on the sandbank toward him.
He was battered, bruised and bloody. Wild would have to heal him up before someone like Sky saw, He worried a lot about the other heroes.
As soon as Wind was on the ice, Wild enveloped him into a hug. “I thought you were dead.” He laughed. Wind hadn’t replied since fighting the hinox. “Sorry, I pocketed this so I couldn’t hear you.” Wind said. Wild squeezed him a little.
“I’m sorry I took you here.” He said. “It’s not your faul-” “Yes! It is!” Wild pulled back with tears going down his cheeks.
“Wild-” Wind was cut off again. “When I did this the first time I was knocked out over and over. I was on the verge of death without my weapons. You don’t know how lucky you are to have experience before doing this!” Wild exclaimed. He went to Eventide not long after meeting Purah and wasn’t very experienced against Hinox.
He doubted Wind was experienced with them but the younger hero had been through three adventures and remembered them all. He had more fighting experience than Wild did his first time here.
But that didn’t stop wild being scared for him.
“Wild, I’m fine. Just a few scratches.” Wind said, looking up at the other blue-clad hero.
“Can you jump that far?” Wild asked, pointing to a nearby ice pillar he made in preparation for when they go back. Wind shrugged and jumped across, using his korok leaf like he had seen Wild use his paraglider to go between these.
“Yeah.” He landed on the other side. “Good.” Wild smirked before breaking the ice. “AAH!!! WILD!!!” Wind shrieked as he was plunged into cold water.
“I hate you so much!” He yelled out in a fit of laughter, looking up to see Wild was gone. “Wild?” He looked around before being pulled underwater.
He looked around panickedly to see bright blue eyes staring back at him. Wild pointed up and Wind looked to see a lizalfos. Wild pressed a finger to his lips and led Wind through the water.
Wind could feel himself growing lightheaded so he tugged on Wild’s shirt. The other hero looked at him as his eyes closed.
He didn’t let the air escape him, just closed his eyes as he strained to not breathe in.
He couldn’t stay awake much longer.
He felt the air leave his lungs.
Shit. Shit. Shit!
That’s all Wild’s brain was saying as Wind passed out.
There wasn’t time to give Wind anything before so the older hero forgot to give him a zora helmet.
“...fault!...” Wind could hear snippets of conversation.
Wind shot up. “Danger?” He asked, scared there was an ambush.
The other eight people visibly jumped.
“Oh my goddesses Wind.” Wild took the hero of wind’s into a hug. “I’m so sorry.”
The sound resonated throughout the room.
“Heh. Nice hit.” Legend said, scooping food into his mouth as Twilight glared at him. “What? It was a good hit!” He gesturing his hand towards Wind as he spoke. Twilight shrugged in a way that said ‘yeah okay’ before continuing to watch Wild and Wind.
“This isn’t your fault Wild!” Wind yelled. “Yes it is! You could’ve died.” “But I didn’t!” “But you nearly did on the way back!” Wild got louder and more distressed. “There were lizalfos!”
“I could’ve taken them!” The room went quiet as Wild began to cry.
“I-I could’ve beat those lizalfos easily but I was so mad I let you get lost on the island that my first thought was to get you away.” Wild said, his shoulders shaking as he looked down. “In the end, you could’ve died because of that. I should’ve just fought it, but I didn’t.”
“Will you ever shut up?” Wind asked with a laugh as he hugged Wild once more. “’You’re dumb and I hate you.’ Is that what you wanted to hear?” Wild shook his head.
“Then shut up and stop blaming yourself.”
Hey look, everybody lived. Surprise, surprise.
But this became more fluff than angst.
I really can’t write just sad angst.
I hope you guys enjoyed anyway lmao
One shot shit
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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It’s been a long, stressful week. So, I’m going to drunk-watch Twilight (this is part 1, I’ll do a part 2 later). So far, I have drunk watched and reviewed Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and Breaking Dawn Part 2. I will probably drunk-watch and review New Moon some time in the near future. My sober review of Twilight is that it is the best of all the movies (But New Moon though, I know, it’s a very close second for me). I love that it was meant to be like a cool, niche indie film and Catherine Hardwicke is the best. The baseball scene. The meadow scene. The bio scene. Iconic. Anyway, my drunken thoughts are below the cut as per usual:
- So I know it’s like .0 seconds into this ish, but I just realized when Bella’s tlakign about dying in the place of someone she loves @ the beginning, we see the deer and then in BD2, when the mountain lion tries to kill the deer, Bella kills the mountain lion. Feels like symbolism idk.
- Phil really is like 25 years old lmao. Does it ever say how old he is? He looks young af. 
- Forks seems super depressing. Like the scenery is cool, but like there’s no one there? Only 3,000 people? Boring af.
- everything is so green and blue and aesthetically pleasing, thank you catherine
- i just realized the picture above the shelf with cds is also of a deer. the deer is important.
- the friendship between charlie and billy is all i want in life
- the truck literally brought a smile to my face. and the whsikey. 
- the high shcool looks more like a fancy ass mansion and idk why no one else has ever called out this fake shit
- eric is so precious an we deserved more of hom
- bella playing volleybal is me lamo i’m so uncoordinated at throwing shit liek that hahaha
- i just keep thinking about how anna kendrick forgot she was in this movie. if i played a character as written in canon by smeyer, i’d probably choose to forget it too. 
- mike is so fcking creepy lmao he could’ve been written better but smey r said no
- if people don’t look @ me and my mans on my wedding day the wya they look @ rosalie and emmett int he cafeteria scenr then imma fuking fight
- do not disrecpt carlisle like that hoe he is a flawless mna and deserve your full respecgt
- what the fuck i hate this scnee now that ik now abotu banner fck smyer’s nast y ass
- also lmao @ rob’s face he was foin to fuckng mucj
- wy the fuc did bella wear a bowling shirt over al ong gray shirt?
- my arms feel heavy af right now lmaooooo
- the lady they had play renene lowkey looks like krisen they did a good job casting them
- oooooh hell yeah eyes on fire time bitch
- emmett is my fave pullign up on top the jeep and hopping out like it’s nothing
- this scene is actually pwowrful because bella’s wathcin g the cullens but her human friends try to get her attention so it’s liek she’s being torn between the two worlds. cahterine’s mind
- i duckinf love the aesthetic and scnery of this movie
- mike really said how you likin da rain girlllllll lmao
- when edward apologizes though lowkey that shit’ cute and i would’ve fotgiven him too
- this bitch lied. tlaking about i don’t like any cold thing. homie. you a damn lie.
- “i’m just trying to figure you out” mhy ex said th  same damn thing lmaoooo bitch i ain’t about to let you figre me out unless yo uput a ring on it-
- whne i say edward stopping the van was ome iconic shit i mena inconng
- awww hell ya the hot doc is almost here
the moment i’ve ukjng been waiting on
- i love carlisle i’m so fucking thirsty for this bitch even though i just downed som mufng whiskey
- literally carlisle could get it period.
- rosalie is 1000% a daddy’s girl like anytime someone gives her shit she runs to carlisle and he’s got her back. he only supported edward and bella becaus esme did and she’s a hopeless romatic and carlisle loves that about her. but if it wans;t for esme, edward would’ve gotten his as sent lmao.
- if you see acreepy dude int eh corne of your room what ar you gonna do?
- agaain with the shot of bella being town between the humans vand vamps chathetiner’s mind
- tbh i eel like i know what should’v happened in canon better than smeyr at this poijtn and it’s not canpn that the cullens would’ve gone on a field trip. they just wouldn’t have like it’s extra risk and it’s unnecsary.
- edwar’ds fae when jessica rna upt talking about mike lmaoooooooo
- not gonan lie i love thsit shirt bella’s wearing when they’ra tlaking about la push kind of wanti kt
- the dumbas s salsd
- i want an edward fanvid to  bad guy by bullie easihr lish
- love thatb ella encouageed angela to ask etic to prom. a feminsit quenenne
- why di d theyr rcarst the original embry and quil? 
- when taylor said old scar tsotry the midwest accent popped thef ick out
- i love jow bellas all serious baout this shit and jake doesnt give af he’s like bitch it aint real lmaoooo
- i stan laurent and i’m so angry about what smeer did to him
why do people just layo out in the sun like this lmaoooo
- awww i’m so happy fro angela i love her
- bella was ahrdore fucking femimnist and it should’ee been more cental to the plot fmeinist bella never would’ve tolerated half the shit she tolerated from jale and edwar.snmeyr has no consitnency
- why tf would opu statt wlaking down a dark alley @ night
- edward saves the day from thos ecuckgjn scumbags
- i just relaized they/re usposed to be in wahsingtob but they have fucmngn oregon plates on the car lmaooooo
- but if a dude whopeped his car lioke that idc what kinda car he drove even a volvo that shti sexy aaf
- he looks so fcking angry lmaooooo @ jess and angela
- yhis scene is cute but it also looks like this is where rob regretted his decision t op lay an emo edodei boi
- the older ig et the creeperi it gets to me that edward followed her like yeah it worked and he ended up resuing her but like still creep yas fuk
- carlisle in that coat at the staitons does a lot for me
- if i was chalrie iw ould’ve given her a hwoel ass taser
- someone tell me why bella tbought the book if she was just goign to golg.e it all
- edward weares the same thign evry damn day lmaooooo
- why werent the yf facgtin eah other when bella was tlaking this shit is too mcuh 
- i wouldn’t be afriad eitgher @ carlise
- it would be fun to run tlike that thou lnao m
- the spakrling skin thuing is funny af while durnki thogjh
- eddie bou is so damn emo and overramatic liek bitch yo uuahgt feelings too chill thf out 
- efawrd remind sme s omcuhg of chuck in gossip girl has anyone else thoguth this
- bella striahgtu p toldthis dumbass she was aafrianf onky of losing him and he left her in the next one
- the meadowa as fucking iconing as everrrrrrr
- i;m not gonna make it through this hwole  movie i’m tired watch out for part 2
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Can we have the tea on why firefly getting cancelled was a good call tho?
My confidence on this website grows in direct proportion to my follower count, and thus the opinions I post get steadily more controversial.  I actually got a mostly-positive response to my pro-Twilight post, so [glances around nervously] [dons fake beard] here it is:
IMHO, the producers were right to meddle in Firefly after its pilot, and they were right to cancel it after 12 episodes.
I enjoy Firefly.  I’ve rewatched “Safe” and “Out of Gas” over a dozen times, I had a Serenity poster on my wall in college, and I’ve got Mal’s quote about statues as an epigraph in my current NaNoWriMo project.  However.
First: they were right to kill the pilot.  (And I don’t mean Wash.)
The biggest problem with the first first episode, in a nutshell, is Mal.  He’s a potentially intriguing character, but he’s not likable, he’s not competent, and he’s not entertaining.  No antihero has to be all three, but every antihero has to be at least one, right off the bat.  A couple examples of antiheroes that got whole shows:
Dexter Morgan (Dexter) is a literal serial killer, so definitely not likable, but the pilot showcases that he’s terrifyingly competent with cellophane and also has an entertaining interior monologue.
Greg House (House MD) is questionably competent, and not that likable, but he’s highly entertaining because he immediately makes us laugh.
Jed Bartlett (West Wing) is largely incompetent at social matters, and he’s not funny at first, but he’s immediately charismatic and likable.
Frank Castle (Punisher) isn’t classically entertaining, and he’s not likable, but he’s shown as highly competent from minute one.
Malcolm Reynolds isn’t funny at first.  He responds to insults by punching Simon in the face or throwing Jayne out of the room, barely tolerates Zoe’s fond teasing, and doesn’t joke around much.  Malcolm Reynolds isn’t likable at first.  He acts openly contemptuous toward Book’s and Inara’s chosen professions, seriously considers killing Simon for trying to protect River, loots corpses, and ignores Kaylee.  Malcolm Reynolds isn’t competent at first.  He fails twice to find a fence for the protein blocks, fails to detect either Simon’s or Dobson’s lies, gets himself and his first mate shot in a bad deal, and barely escapes with his life.  He tells Simon that any day where he manages to keep his ship in the air counts as a success.
I don’t want to watch an entire show about this guy after seeing just the pilot, and I sympathize with anyone who feels the same way.  The only moment in 120 minutes of screentime that intrigues me is the smash cut between Mal announcing to Simon that Kaylee died and Mal roaring with laughter with the rest of his crew over a prank well-pulled.  It’s competent, funny, likable, and enough to make me want to tolerate this guy long enough to see what he’s going to do next.  I don’t blame the producers for demanding that we see Simon-pranking guy more, Simon-punching guy less.
The other tone or setting inconsistencies in the pilot — the characters riding horses when they’ve got a faster-than-light ship, the dirt and platinum constructions, the Chinese vendors offering street meat made out of dog, the heroic depiction of the vainglorious Confederate Browncoat cause, the crew all being fluent in Mandarin but not having a single Asian character in the whole cast* — make it hard to get a sense of what the show is meant to be.  The different elements just don’t make sense together.
Contrast that with “The Train Job,” the second first episode.  There are undeniably Western and sci-fi elements, but they actually make sense together: instead of characters inexplicably swapping land speeders for horses, there’s a spaceship swooping low over a bullet train.  Crow uses frontier weaponry, but it’s an intimidation tactic, and he does own a blaster.  The Asian-influenced elements make a lot more sense, appearing mostly as background details that hint at a melding of cultures.  Mal is warm and affectionate with his crew, willing to joke around to entertain the audience, and at least 43% less misogynistic toward Inara.  Niska plays an important role in plot and character, setting up the possibility that we haven’t heard the last of this plot and also acting as a foil to the Serenity crew, who might kill the occasional unarmed prisoner but at least do their best not to poison entire towns.
Is “The Train Job” as unique an episode as “Serenity”?  Nope.  Does it do a better job at getting someone who’s never heard of this show before to want to tune in next week?  I think so.
And then the cancellation.
Obviously, we’ll never know if people would’ve kept on turning in, because the series got less than a single season.  And I think that was the right call, from the producers’ point of view.  Firefly as a show might not have had the budgetary demands that, say, Game of Thrones did, but even an amateur like me can take one look at that series and go “damn, that looks expensive.”
There are NINE (9!) main characters, with series-regular salaries.
CGI was a lot more expensive and time-consuming in 2002, and literally every episode includes some exterior footage of the ship.
Every single episode involves the characters, or at least the cameras, leaving the ship and going to different phantasmagorical settings.
Even “Out of Gas” and “Objects in Space” had to take the time and money to build the junkyard and Jubal Early’s ship, respectively.
“Trash,” “Serenity,” “Jaynestown,” “The Message,” and “Heart of Gold” each introduces (and requires a build for) an entirely new fake planet.
Every single episode involves minor characters, and over half of them involve crowd scenes that require hundreds of extras.
Horses.  And cows.  Cost money.  As Wash says, shoulda gone with the counterfeit beagles.
The Serenity set itself was built to scale.  That’d save money in the long term, but in the short term required more camerawork to actually film in partially-enclosed locations.  When you add in the fact that the on-planet shots always required dollies, cranes, and similar equipment, it adds up.
On a similar note, “the Firefly shot” (as it became known) requires days of planning followed by hours of shooting to include all of the characters in one single extremely long camera pan (almost five minutes long, the second time it happens).  As a stylistic choice, it was a pricey one.
If Firefly had been spectacularly successful right from the start, it might have been able to justify its enormous budget.  The fact that it was modestly successful didn’t justify the amount of money it was sucking from other projects.  Over 90% of shows that make it as far as network deals never even get a pilot; over 90% of shows that go so far as shooting a pilot never make it past that first episode.  The network decided to spread the love (and the budget) around, rather than sinking it all into a single project currently taking the place of maybe a dozen other potential shows.
Not only that, but Firefly didn’t have a ton of options for cutting its budget down.  It could use fewer camera tricks, but that wouldn’t change the need for CGI just to convey the basic premise of the show.  It could cut a character or two, but the cast would still be unusually large.  It could have fewer on-planet scenes, but there’s only so much one can do with the characters if they’re cooped up inside their ship the whole time.  Firefly was also leeching resources away from that team’s two other enormously successful projects – Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel — and the low ratings of Buffy’s season 6 and Angel’s late season 3 into season 4 reflect that fact.  If it’d been allowed to continue, Firefly ran the risk of killing both those golden geese without ever getting to the point of producing eggs itself.
Do I wish there was more of the show out there?  Yes.  Do I wish the show had had time to evolve, hopefully into something with fewer problems of casual racism?  Hell yes.  Would I have pulled the plug as well, if I’d been in the room when it happened?  Probably yes.
*I am aware of the theory that, given the heavily Asian-influenced settings in the “Safe” flashbacks, the popularity of “Tam” as a Chinese last name, the choice of dark-haired light-skinned actors, and specific elements of the family’s pressure to excel but conform, that the Tams are meant to be Chinese.  Given that all four actors are white, and that there are already ample problems with anti-Chinese racism in this show, I strongly prefer not to ascribe to that theory.
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shriekbackmusic · 5 years
‘Contaminated Pop’ - Lyrics Barry Andrews’ 2019 Solo Album
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I’ve been a groom I‘ve worked the room I’ve wrapped myself around a broom back in my prime
I fixed the stats
I shaved the rats
Brought litter for the Thundercats
- so many times
(I’ve been a jerk)
O mighty plume! O suffering moon! O weasles in the drawing room! (please make it fast) enklastify my words right now unruly  gods will show me how I’ll get the mule before the plough until the last I will not shirk PUT ME TO WORK!
I’ll get the weight upon on my back I’ll eat my body weight in thrak I’ll holler by the railway track (and holler loud!) This Plasma-shift i cannot stop Tumescence intra bellytop Merch is flying out the shop. and in the crowd, are many perks...
O master fruit so tried and true O solemn plague-rat kangaroo Something to get my teeth into is all I pray now linear ducks have just arrived the bullshit has metastasized i am intensely exercised O mood display! Let’s go beserk...
SHIT-PIXIE Don’t you feel in the spring the sickening overkill of everything? can’t help it it’s all hard-wired now All these earthly delights Looking as silly as a bag of lights Ah come on now It’s gotta feel real tired now…
Hey Mary! Get Lairy! You’re still off with the fairies But you know what the whizz and the gelignite can do.. Don’t tangle, just jangle Bring on the crimes and the scandals I’m the Shit Pixie - I’m gonna dance for you.
Nothing real will impinge on the fierce exertions of your perma-binge. Working for you? Got it in hand now? But you won’t draw the sting with your classical allusions and your broken wing. I’m gonna draw you a line in the sand now
So shabby! Gabby! Get yourself back to the abbey you can tell the enqiuiry what and when you knew They concluded what you did was totally scuppered and scoobied I’m the Shit Pixie and I’m gonna tell you true
All the gears grind for you but the light still shines on Column 32 It’s an idea (might make it worse now) Nothing glows in the night and you feel sexy as an ammonite all your virtues are a kind of curse now
Ah Mimi! It’s dreamy! if you shut your eyes you can see me I’m a horse of a different colour boiled to glue. Ignore it; just floor it. It’s so shot-away-in-the-war it’s just the Shit Pixie who’s got a thing for you..
Virgin of the Ladder
I really dig your chiaroscuro it gives me something I can misconstrue these sickly martyrs make me feel alright: they give me something I can live up to
I guess this is where the magic happens: an epiphany of stone and light? Blue-collar… of the Madonna to bring in something from the building site.
O my Virgin of the Ladder will you be with me when I start to climb? Gravity I’m overcoming Nothing doing when it comes to Time
in this year without a summer when I lost everything I thought was mine all the pain and the sheeting rain and I’m sorry baby that was the last of the wine
and I know I can change but there’s only so much a ladder will do D’you want an acolyte that is so scared of heights? rung by rung I’m climbing up to you O virgin of the ladder grant me only that I do not fall towards the centre of the earth Ah keep that ladder up against the wall Oh Virgin of the Ladder what a pretty gal you are maybe a slow climbdown into the squalid town Light a candle on the way to the bar
it’s laboured as an image overused as a metaphor  for spiritual ascension (Blake and Jacob did it long before)
but you are Mother of the Word Incarnate but what good are words when you want deeds? - you need practical KIT when you’re deep in the shit and that ladder’s gonna meet my needs O my Virgin of the Ladder will you be with me when I start to climb? Gravity I’m overcoming Nothing doing when it comes to Time
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ABDOMEN JONES she will never understand all the tragic flaws of man and has not the slightest sympathy for anyone who can she disdains all protocol (she finds much distainable) still she has nothing in the quiver she’s unable to deliver
Calling Abdomen Jones I love Abdomen Jones and her animus is tidal Paging Abdomen Jones - with her 3 mobile phones - she says: ‘work is the blackmail of survival’
Honey badger isn’t fussed he has transcended disgust ….and it’s known that Jones atones for anything she must Doesn’t claim to be profound never takes the Higher Ground She is fully hypostatic - you should hear her in the attic…
Calling Abdomen Jones Strength to Abdomen Jones! with all her subtle modulations Paging Abdomen Jones with her libido made of chrome she says:  ‘pain is a kind of information’
And in any case she sees she is queen of all the bees (as she has some fun and stuns us with her fluent Javanese). And who tunes the concert grand? who will now conduct the band? Her case is prima facie (takes the Beethoven quite pacy)
Calling Abdomen Jones Lovely Abdomen Jones she makes the sound of steam escaping Paging Abdomen Jones she does just fine on her own says: ‘caresses are a form of scraping..’
Darling monster, sweety-pie.. my mind is wandering sadly I must walk into the reeds` terribly corroded and the saints have crumbled into sand they will not intercede
And I carress the velvet hand grenade my part   is played and yes- the windows are steamy so no-one can see me
I lick the Lollipop Bomb I lick the Lollipop Bomb
hark the hot valkyries cry   their flaxen hair and crazy eyes they come at last for me honey angel baby lamb I am not what you think I am and i will never be
and I will dally in the sullen glade I’m not afraid of al that I will be streaming at twilight’s last gleaming
I lick the Lollipop Bomb I lick the Lollipop Bomb
tho I was galloping along I read all the portents wrong the Golden Age could never last that long
we are not brave we are not free and yet somehow, remarkably, are able to apall this thinning crowd here in this place the baffled looks upon their faces really says it all
and I will freak out when the time arrives it’s very clear to me that life is a long song and I sang the wrong one
I lick the Lollipop Bomb I lick the Lollipop Bomb
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Come with me if you will - my imaginary friends - I have a tale to tell of phosphors and vapour. Upon a tiny screen i saw a magic realm though i was overwhelmed   I got it down on paper.
there’s a scenario: a woman and a wasp not everybody’s thing but no doubt it’s someone’s tumescent butterflies are spurting everywhere: to get the full effect you can even become one
there is a land of wonders and a lot are for hire where all pay homage to the glories of the gland. Do it with Dumbo’s mummy if that is your desire there’s nothing you can’t do in Filthy Wonderland
Some legendary beasts preposterously endowed throw down a fairy girl with wings and tiara. The hobbit looking on is visibly aroused   to see these monsters ride the lovely Titania
…and Things with tentacles - that penetrate the bum, A massive squirrel with a fearsome erection the  whole environment inclusive as they come, pushing the envelope of natural selection…
There is a brave new vision that machines have designed (the old pornographers will never understand) such complicated pleasures for the liberal mind this is the way of things in Filthy Wonderland
a rampant unicorn; a goblin in a thong: sexual complexity well beyond triangular little Red Riding Hood encountering the wolf in ways (you have to say) are specifically glandular
Phantasmagoria: the Japanese Depraved My Little Pony is away on a hack there. Some mythic masterplan - the lion fellates the lamb - (I need to think this through before I go back there)
There’s an enchanted garden with a final frontier: a blessed Shangri-La to greet with your left hand. they put the magic in you in a new ecosphere a brave and weird new worldc     in Filthy Wonderland
There is a land of wonders (and a lot you can buy) where all pay homage to the glories of the gland. Make it with all the cast and crew of Family Guy nothing’s denied to you in Filthy Wonderland..
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Christ, here comes the storm again that lacerates the heart: the savage wind of ‘really nothing doing’. Pray for us the blighted: all the failed in love and art, who question everything they were pursuing. When the black dogs come for you well, what else can you do, but downwardly revise your expectations? Just kiss the sickly little rose and hold her steady as she goes as you light out for those lands of Consolation
All the aching moments when it didn’t go your way (we saw it all and none of it was pretty) Now you hear their voices in the gruesome light of day, with the wheezing, cheap harmonium of self pity. And there’s some sad things known to man - and quite a few are sadder than the sodden Paggliacci’s ruminations - but still you’d have a heart of stone to leave the poor clown on his own with half a bottle left of Consolation.
When you’ve failed to consummate the wedding of the soul or any other union you may yearn for Let the baby demons come and stretch you on the coals There’s nothing else you’d really care to burn for. Well it really isn’t fun and it comes for everyone   it hauls you off despite your protestations. But all the Saints of Legoland; the Poundshop Martyrs hand in hand Will wash you in the seas of Consolation.
Satan in a monster truck Jesus on a bike all these things are sent to test your mettle Half-mast flags in Whitehall or your head upon a spike? Depends on where the dust is when it settles. All the things you struggled for you can check em at the door get ready for a dubious sedation. It’s all designed to reassure: the bingo and the talking cure, as they walk you round the grounds of Consolation
Feel the Need (lyric by Abrim Tilmon - Detroit Emeralds)
See how I’m walking See how I'm talking Notice everything in me Feel the need, oh Feel, feel the need in me
I need you by my side To be my guide Can't you see my arms Are open wide? Feel the need, oh Feel, feel the need in me
Every day, I need every day, I want,  without your sweet Sweet love, I'd rather die
I need it constantly your love takes care of me your love is better To me than apple/cherry pie
Your love is tuff and I can't get enough Girl, your love is So important to me Feel the need, feel the need in me
Just put your hand in mine Love me all the time The proof you will Plainly see, Feel the need, oh Feel, feel the need in me
I need you on the case To keep my heart in place You make me what I need to be Feel the need,  Feel the need in me
I need you by my side To be my guide Can't you see my arms Are open wide? Feel the need, oh Feel it, feel the need in me
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howlinglady · 6 years
so I realize I’ve been underutilizing the photo mode in kh3, need to fix that, but I gotta finish food and then actually finish the game
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darkvolley · 5 years
Concerning the manga, I wonder how they're going to make things work out, considering the manga version had cut off worlds. and by the way from the latest chapter I just noticed they put in Meg bounded and gagged from the manga version of kingdom hearts 2. so I think they're putting in references from the manga version. are they going to make a mix of the manga and the game? what do you think?
I'm not entirely sure if I have all the knowledge necessary for this topic. I haven't read all the KH mangas(only volume 2 of KH2 and I own Days but haven't gotten around to reading it) and I don't fully understand the KH3 one yet since it's untranslated. But I did remember seeing a post a long while back including some shots from the KH2 manga and apparently it combined both visits to The Land of Dragons into one so I assume all/most/some of the manga did that with the repeat visits.
It makes sense honestly. To condense stuff down or skip over the not fully important stuff. The KH mangas aren't like normal mangas where that's the original version and often times viewed as the one true canon. The mangas are just basically retellings I guess where Amano is allowed a certain level of freedom to mix things up as he pleases. Yen Sid gave Sora a Keyblade warmer that looked like Mickey in the KH2 manga so, yeah. The manga definitely is sorta like it's own separate universe.
I dunno if there were continuations between the manga verses already or not, but I assume not since it seems like that's what you're implying. Hasn't it been a long ass time since the last KH manga anyway? Well, I think the KH2 manga went on for a while and that was Amano's focus until it ended then there hasn't been anything except illustrations for the novels. Since it's been a while I don't see why he wouldn't start connecting the manga verses. There's no real reason not to unless he was actually told not to.
Olympus, 100 Acre Woods, and Twilight Town are the only returning worlds outside the Keyblade Graveyard tho so I don't think there's too much to really connect back to the other mangas with. Hm, I guess unless we see a lot of Demyx related references to the KH2 manga. Actually, we could also get other Org references to Days and CoM. Oh shit, there's way more here than I thought, lol.
Anyway, getting off topic. So, if Amano's connecting manga verses there's no problem with that since the mangas aren't 100% accurate to the games anyway. They're their own special separate versions of the story and that's totally okay! People just gotta remember they're not actual canon... I'm probably not gonna be catching like, any of these references anyway since most of my manga knowledge comes from Tumblr posts. But references are always nice, so if that's what Amano is going for then I don't see why it wouldn't be a plus!
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ice-cream-beat · 8 years
Roxas and Ven with 12? :)
I HAVE DONE THE THING and I’m sorry this is so stupidly late! this was a super cute prompt tho ahhhh ty for suggesting it!
#12: Enjoying the first snow together
Summary: Ven was definitely the outgoing type, but Roxas couldn’t really compare him to anybody else, not directly. Ven was straightforward, but lacked Hayner’s brashness; he was considerate, but bolder than Xion; he was similar to Sora in a lot of ways, but there was something… calmer about Ven, or maybe gentler. [Ventus + Roxas, post-KH3.]
Ao3 version here
/ / / / /
“You really haven’t seen it before?” Ventus’ eyes were wide and bright and curious, a cheerful smile belying his tone of surprise. Then again, Roxas was quickly discovering that it was rare for Ven not to smile.
“No,” he confirmed with a shake of his head. “I’ve never even felt it get this cold.”
“Huh.” It was a neutral sound as Ven shuffled the toe of his shoe against the cement, shifting the undisturbed layer of perfect white. Like Roxas, he was dressed for the cold with only his face showing any skin. “We get a ton of it every year where I’m from. We usually make bets on how long it takes the first snowfall of winter to arrive.”
“How much is a ton?” Roxas wondered. The snow that already coated the sidewalk, roads, and rooftops of Twilight Town was impressive, especially considering it had only started falling a couple hours before, but he figured an inch of the stuff could hardly be considered much.
“Mm… about knee-high, I guess? Well, for me, anyway. One time we got a lot more, though.” Suddenly Ven turned to him, looking excited. “Hey! So that means you’ve never had a snowball fight or any of that!”
“Well, no. I never–hey!”
“Come on!” Ven had a hold on the crook of Roxas’ arm and was already trying to break into a run. “We gotta hurry!”
Roxas humored him and matched his pace, but shot him a puzzled look. “To where?”
“I’ll explain when we get there!”
Ven half-led, half-dragged Roxas through the snow that continued to swirl in the chilly breeze. They earned a few glances as they went, a few of them knowing Roxas well enough to do a double-take when they noticed Ven, but nobody tried to dissuade them from their trek. “There” turned out to be the park: Ven abruptly stopped at the edge of it, finally releasing Roxas and scanning the area thoughtfully. When his eyes found the playground at the far end of the small field, he grinned and gave an indicative nod. “Down there! Let’s go!”
Now curious, Roxas didn’t need to be pulled along this time. The two of them crunched over the frozen grass and made for the collection of equipment – swingsets, a merry-go-round, climbing nets – all of which was now colored white. After another moment of looking around, Ven quickly led them over to the tube slide, a tall, winding tunnel of orange. “This should be good,” he decided. His cheeks were pink and his visible clouds of breath were coming quicker than before.
“For what?”
With another grin Ven crouched down and began gathering snow between his hands. The top layer was still dusty and slipped between his gloved fingers, but the rest stuck together as he rolled it into a tight ball. “Preparing,” he replied. He let that unhelpful answer hang in the cold air for a few seconds before raising his head. “By the time everybody else gets here, we’ll have a head start.”
“Everybody else?”
“Uh-huh. Is this is the only park?”
“The only one around here, yeah. The other one’s a train ride away.”
“Good! Then we’ll get a lot of people.” Noting Roxas’ perplexed expression, Ven added, “C’mon, help me make some more.” Once Roxas had also squatted down to start crafting snowballs, Ven nodded back towards the open field. “There’re lots of kids here, right? I bet this is where the snowball fight happens.”
Oh. Well, that explained a couple things, but– “How can you tell?”
Ven’s smile was the widest yet. “Because you always have a snowball fight after the first snow. And since this is your first snow ever, I’ll make sure you’re prepared.”
That caught Roxas by surprise – but the smile was contagious and he couldn’t resist a quiet laugh, even if it was a little self-conscious. Ven was definitely the outgoing type, but Roxas couldn’t really compare him to anybody else, not directly. Ven was straightforward, but lacked Hayner’s brashness; he was considerate, but bolder than Xion; he was similar to Sora in a lot of ways, but there was something… calmer about Ven, or maybe gentler. Roxas wasn’t sure what to call it or why exactly he thought that, but that was the impression that had stuck with him ever since (properly) meeting him several months ago.
Roxas glanced up at the slide. “So what’s this for, then?”
“You need somethin’ to hide behind. While everybody else is buildin’ theirs, we’ll already have one.” Ven had definitely thought this through.
With nothing else to do but accept the offer, Roxas set to work on mimicking Ven’s motions and adding to their snowball repertoire. It was pretty easy, similar to handling wet sand but more malleable, although he was feeling the bite of cold through his gloves within half a minute. Ven was much faster at it.
A few minutes after that, Ven’s guess proved right: others began trickling in, ranging from small children who had already begun to hurl snow at one another to teenagers who quickly took to constructing short walls out of the stuff. The two Keyblade wielders were already way ahead of the rest.
When a sudden thump sounded right beside Roxas’ left ear, they both whipped their heads up to see snowy remains crumbling off the slide. Together they turned to search the field for the source, a tricky endeavor given the size of the crowd at this point–
“Watch it!” Roxas jerked aside as another snowball flew in their direction, narrowly missing his face. He felt Ven catch hold of his sleeve.
“Come on!” he laughed. “Behind cover!”
As if by some silent command, the park erupted. The air filled with snowballs lobbed in every direction, accentuated by laughter and the occasional cry of surprise. The slide proved to be good defense, after all, tall enough that they could stand when they needed to and wide enough to let them each take one side. While other kids scrabbled to make more ammunition between throws, Roxas and Ven were well-stocked and kept pushing the offensive.
Roxas certainly didn’t have bad aim, but he noticed that Ven’s shots were on-target the majority of the time. Whenever somebody risked dashing out through the open field, becoming an immediate target for the rest of the crowd, the snowball pitched beside him always found its mark.
After several minutes of receiving only glancing blows and slim misses, Roxas was startled by the very wet, very cold slap of snow against his face, seemingly out of nowhere. He quickly scrabbled to dig it out of his collar, but a few icy chunks were already tumbling down his neck and the back of his shirt in sheer torment. Laughter drew both their attentions, and they looked left to see three more warmly bundled teenagers huddled behind the monkey bars. Specifically, they saw Olette trade high-fives with Hayner and Pence as all three of them flashed amused grins.
“Aren’t those your friends?” Ven panted. He was leaning over with his hands on his knees.
“Uh-huh. This just got a lot harder.” Despite the new challenge – because of it, rather – Roxas was smiling.
/ / /
Ven hadn’t spent enough time in Twilight Town to get used to the perpetual sunset, so it was a bit odd when he and Roxas finally withdrew from their fortified space an hour later and the sky gave no sign of the time passed. He could appreciate the sight, though, because the snowfall had eased up to a gentle flurry that allowed him to look skyward without constantly getting condensation in his eyes.
Both boys were flushed and panting from the exercise. With the ground covered in snow and their bodies already a few degrees too cold to be comfortable, they claimed the nearby swingset for seats. Some of the other kids remained in the park, building snowmen or pulling one another on sleds, but the battleground had died down for the most part. It ended up pretty quiet where they were, but Ven didn’t try to fill it with talk just yet. Like Roxas, he just watched the activity with mild interest while he caught his breath, hands cupped around his mouth to try and warm up the air going into his stinging lungs.
“It’s nice.”
Ven looked over. “Hm?”
“I don’t remember the last time I went all-out like this. Doing something that wasn’t a fight, anyway,” Roxas mused. “Or training. Maybe I never did.” That last remark sounded uncertain, but not sad. Like the light smile he wore, it just seemed distracted.
“But it was nice,” he repeated. “Just… moving without thinking, you know?”
Ven nodded. “Yeah. Sometimes you need to stop thinkin’ and start doin’. That’s why you like sports, huh?”
Roxas tilted his head as though debating his answer. “I guess. I mostly do those ‘cause my friends like them. Well, I like them, too, but I probably wouldn’t bother if I didn’t have anybody to do it with.”
“I gotcha. I’ve got my friends to thank for some of my hobbies, too.” Taking hold of the chains on either side of his shoulders, Ven kicked lightly against the ground to get his swing moving. “If you liked this, you should come to our world sometime. You haven’t had real competition until you go up against Aqua.” Terra could throw a lot harder, but Aqua’s aim was legendary as far as Ven was concerned. She’d taught him a lot, although he was still lacking compared to her. He suspected she worked some magic into it somehow.
“I can go there?” Roxas asked, sounding slightly bewildered.
“Sure. Why couldn’t you?”
“…Oh. It’s just… It’s a really important place, right? So I thought only the really important wielders could go there.”
Ven laughed, cocking an amused eyebrow. “No. I mean, you have to have permission, but all you gotta do is ask. Who counts as a ‘really important’ wielder, anyway?”
“I dunno. Real ones, I guess.”
Ven dug his heels into the mulch to cut his momentum. Now he just looked puzzled, no longer smiling. “Real ones?” he echoed.
“You know. Wielders like you and your friends. The ones who got their Keyblades from their Masters. Not by chance.”
Frowning, Ven stared, but Roxas still didn’t turn to him, still didn’t sound anything other than thoughtfully neutral. After a moment Ven dropped his gaze, thinking over his response as he toed the tracks he’d left in the snow.
“Y’know, Roxas… I don’t believe in chance,” he said resolutely. This time Roxas did glance over, and Ven met the look with an easy smile. “And I don’t think there’s any difference between wielders when you get down to it. ‘The Keyblade chooses whom it will,’ ” he recited. “Even if we don’t understand why, that’s all right. We don’t have to know everything. Our role as wielders is to walk the path we’re given no matter what.”
Roxas appeared to take that to heart. At least, he thought on it for the next few silent moments. “Did your Master teach you that?”
“Yep.” Both of them did. “But after everything that’s happened… I don’t think you need a Master to tell you that. We’ve seen destiny in action. Up-close and personal and everything.” Ven grinned. Roxas didn’t return it, but there was something decidedly less serious in his expression as he looked out over the park again. After a few heartbeats, he gave a small but knowing smile.
“You’re saying… I’m no accident, huh.”
“Nobody is,” Ven countered without hesitation. “That Keyblade’s yours, Roxas. You’re as real a wielder as I am.” Standing up, he shoved his cold hands in his pockets and turned on his heel. “But your pitchin’ arm could use some work.” He grinned again. “How about some practice?”
Roxas blinked at him, but then after a beat laughed quietly. “You two really are alike.”
“Never mind.” Pushing off his swing, Roxas caught up to him and gave his shoulder a friendly shove. “All right! Show me what you know.”
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daisy--sorbet · 5 years
no one cares but uhhh time 4 some kh3 opinions
god i love olympus. it was a rly nice world to be reintroduced to and i actually rly loved whats essentially a tutorial level.
and while im sorta implying game mechanics - i actually rly love the way kh3 plays. the fighting feels pretty fluid imo and i really love formchanges a lot more than i did in kh2
and by formchanges i mean
just. i guess just the formchanges from shooting star and hunny spout - more shooting star tho bc its just. rly fun to nyoom around 
uhhhhh what else
im sad abt twilight town bc it was one of my fave worlds in kh2 tbh and now its just. its so tiny. its gorgeous but its just so small and i would have loved to be able to see the usual spot at the very least???
HAYNER. PENCE. OLETTE. i love them. especially hayner tryin 2 fuckin kick ansem sod like u stupid boy i love u
also i never expected to love ienzo as much as i do but i love him w my entire god damn heart. a cute dude. 10/10 i can and will die for him
and speaking of characters i love a lot: demyx, axel, and larxene are all still <3333 for me. axel and demyx have been since 2, and larxene started w 3 and intensified when i met her in kh re:com because ugh she could literally slam me against a wall and i’d be heart eyes emoji at her
listen i loved playing as riku in 3D and i wish i could play as him more.
AQUA. MY GIRL. i loved fighting as her even tho i nearly died in the process once or twice but-
also!!!! waking ven up!!!!!! my boy!!!! i love ventus so much and hes probably one of my fave characters its just <333 to see my boy awake again
possibly also intensified by the fact i recently beat bbs and watched him sleeb
i already shared my thoughts on the paopu scene.
uh back 2 worlds
i think my fave worlds so far would be a huge tie between the kingdom of corona and san fransokyo??? which... im probably biased because i rly love tangled and bh6 but
i love eugene so much sdfkjhsdf hes just. one of my fave disney guys honestly.
and UHHH
TWO??? BAYMAXES???? i was so excited when i saw both of them bc baymax has been one of my favorite characters for a while now and bh6 is still one of my fave movies even tho i desperately need to rewatch it soon.
i tried to get a pic of hiro being hugged by both of them just so i could send it to a pal and say “god i wish this were me” but sdkfsdhf
uhhh least favorite world out of all of them is definitely the caribbean :/// FUCK luxord and that boat race. it was bullshit and i lost too many times bc i literally like. had the tutorial on how to steer boat and i went “oh no. ohhh no. oh no.” because i Knew what was coming because you dont just introduce new mechanics like that without putting in some kind of challenge with them tbh :/
but no, seriously, this world literally ruined any sort of replayability for me??? like. i’d replay the game, but i’d get to the caribbean and go “oh fuck, not this part” and die i guess
arendelle was.... ok. not my favorite world, but not my least favorite in the series at all. i wish they could have done more.
100 acre wood felt... rushed. im glad they included it bc theyve had it in every game im p sure??? or at least in most of them. i do love the minigames and its still a good happy place 
i got so excited to see remy in twilight town 
mr ratatouille im a huge fan
(idk how many ppl i dmed that with 0 context and they were like “ok then” but it was a lot)
monstropolis was fun! i grew up watching monsters inc a thousand times w my brother so it was just another <333 nostalgia thing for me 
TOY BOX WAS LIKE. VERY MIXED FOR ME??? i love the world and what it is, but i didnt enjoy certain parts of it
mainly also that opening bc that commercial confused me a lot before it was revealed to be a commercial
lets talk forms.
toy box sora: good design imo. very cute. 
monstropolis sora: also very cute. his lil tail...
the caribbean sora: honestly, as much as i hate this world, i absolutely adore this design??? hes so cute and he actually fits in with the world because kh2... the contrast there is rly funny sfkjjshf
uhhhhhh main complaint: can we talk about the writing in this game? mainly the female characters?
i was hoping for badass kairi. shes a keyblade wielder for christs sake! but instead shes stuck in another pretty pink dress and shoved into the background.
and while we’re on kairi: i wanna know more about her friendship with axel??? 
i actually really like concepts brought up with aqua. she stayed hopeful for so long, anti-aqua was an interesting concept! im also an awful person who likes to break characters sometimes for the development it brings but something tells me not much is going to come from this. she was left alone down there for so long, and when she had a shot at potentially escaping, she lost it. :(
thank u san fransokyo for giving us some good gals. i love go-go and honey lemon a lot since hell yea!!! smart gals kickin ass!!! love them.
i feel ROBBED of having elsa as a companion. i guess it makes sense but i was hoping to have her fuck shit up after accepting her ice powers bc her kingdom was in trouble Or Some Shit like cmon man :(
also why was the entirety of let it go in kh3. it looks so good but why.
were there any other female characters??? olette im relatively ok w since shes not supposed to be some super strong fighter or anything im p sure - and the other female characters in different worlds either didnt stand out enough for me to have any feelings towards
sora feels... off in this game. so does riku. idk what it is, but...
they’re so good.
i was smiling so hard at the “just like your face!” joke because it was so DUMB but it was so CUTE and i love the three of them being good pals and making dumb jokes together
i also love mickey and riku havin a good friendship there.
even if i did make the “mickeyriku is canon” joke when they reunited at the end of 2. it was purely to stop myself from crying.
but idk as much as i love sora, donald, and goofy gettin some good friendship stuff in - it feels like
thats where all the focus was for sora’s friendships? like.
idk he doesnt really talk to kairi or riku as far as i remember???? more kairi than riku but like. still. theyre supposed to be two of his closest friends tht he grew up with, and yet he doesnt??? really make any comments abt communicating w them from what i can remember???
like. the most he had was calling riku i think? and then going to the realm of darkness to get riku and the king back.
i wonder how much of the kh3 plot would change if we took kairi out
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minsquare-blog1 · 7 years
Chapter 4
Twlight Moon sky
It wasn't like i felt anything. Sitting in jail. Looking out the window. You might ask yourself. Why am i here? I guess i killed someone.. My two best friends.. Shyriu..And leen. On their 18th birtday I guess..I kinda owed Shyriu my life. Where to start? I guess when i was born. You know there are other worlds out there. So i was born on a world called 'Darkite'. There were the poor and the weathly the poor weren't alowed to talk to the weathly. But my mom and dad talked. They even made me. My world went to war once they found out i was born. So my mom sent me to this world. Where i could have a life without war. I crashed here. On this world. Terra. A young woman found me. She was working on a haunted house looking for ghosts. She was inlove with a man named Vincent. He was...So hansom A year later those two moved into the house. Since she liked the house so much. Vincent and her adopted me. They didn't want spria to find me. Spira was basicly the FBI for this world. I was from another world..And they knew that. I looked more like Vincent. Red eyes..Black hair. I mean..Red eyes aren't normal for this world. But whatever. I was maybe 7 when my adopted mom and Vincent got into a big fight. She did have a son with some else.. And she ran off with the father of that son. Leaving me and Vincent. I grew up..Without really knowing her. I knew Vincent really loved her. More then anything. After 10 years i knew he still missed her. She saved his life. He would always tell me that story. How they always went on date..And he wanted to marry her. Luci...Was her name. The same year she left i met shyriu.. And leen. They became my best friends within a week. When we were 10. Leen make us all necklaces. Mine was a dark red flower. Shyriu's was yellow. And leen's was pink. We all shared everything. By age 13 i started falling inlove with Shyriu. He was just so perfect for me. A year later Leen asked him out. He said sure. I felt so broken. I wanted him to be with me. I hid in my room for a week. Not even a month later Shyriu saw how hurt i was and broke up with leen..You didn't have to do that Shyriu..I'd be with you in heaven so..All 3 of us..Together again..To bad i can't die. I tried so many times. Suicude...Getting killed by the cops. nothing.
I guess i should start my story. Quit my mindless talks. Like i use to do with Shyriu... i was about 17 when this happend. My birthday was in Octotber. This was in the summer. Well the begining of summer. Around may. Finals were comming up. Not like i cared. School is just a place to baby sit you till your 18. Anyway. Shyriu always walked me home from school. Today he was walking me home. We had just dropped Leen off. My house was far into the woods. Right before i walked inside he grabbed my arm. "Twlight.." I looked at him. "Be my girlfriend" He looked into my red eyes. I blinked. "Okay.." He hugged me. "Thank you.." He whispered in my ear. He ran back to his house. I walked into the kitchen. If i could i would use this place as a haunted house. I laughed as i walked to get a drink. Vincent stood in the door way. "I hear you.." I said as i poured myself some wine. "You shouldn't be drinking that" "You shouldn't be telling my what to do..Your not my real dad.." I said as i took a sip. He grabbed the glass from my hand. "Room..Now" Uhg why does he always tell me what to do? "No..You can't tell me what to do..Dick" His eyes flashed a bright red. I knew that meant he was pissed. I grabbed my bag and ran up the stairs. I sat on the floor of my room for a hour. I looked out the window. I went to lock my door. I ran to the window and unlocked it. Vincent can't tell me what to do. I jumped out the window and ran to Shyriu's house. By the time i got there it was dark. I knocked on the door. His little sister Aria opened the door. "Is..Shyriu here?" I asked. She closed the door. I stood there waiting for him. i heard a window open. "What you doing here sweet stuff?" He said as he sat on his window smoking something. I smiled. "Looking for a little fun" He got away from the window. I climbed up on the side of the house. I rolled into his room. It was your normal emo room. Posters everywhere. I loved him for that. My best friend...And boyfriend. "Leen should be here soon.." He said as he poured me some drink. I smiled at him. "You think we have some time for fun?" He looked at me. "What kind of fun?" I shrugged. He picked up a ligher. "Wanna smoke?" I shook my head. We heard a knock on the door. "Shyriu? you in there?" It was leen. He grabbed my hand. "Come with me.." He opened his window again and we jumped out in and ran. We ran to the beach. He slid down in the sand. Making me fall with him. He looked at the night sky with all the stars out. "It's nice..Isn't it?" I looked up at the sky too. "Nice..Like you" He said as he looked at me. I looked at him. He Kissed me. My phone rang. I looked at it. 'leen' I just threw my phone and kept kissing Shyriu. We just made out on the beach for awhile. His phone rang. It was leen. He sighed. "Ey Leen? Oh Twilight? She's with me..Her..Dad wants her? Ugh..She just ran off..Maybe to go home" He hung up on leen. "Your dad wants you.." He looked at the sand. "Maybe you should go.." I also looked at the sand. "Or stay here with me.." He looked at me. I got up and grabbed my phone. "I should go.."
The next morning i woke up in shyriu's room. I sat up holding my head. I saw him getting dressed. I looked at the clock. 6am. I looked at him again. Oh man..That's a nice ass. I put my long black hair behind my ears. He put his shirt on then looked at me. "Oh..How long have you been watching?" Hehe..Enough to get turned on. "I just got up.." He pointed to his couch. "There are some clothes..Leen left them." What happened last night? "C..Could you leave the room for a second?" I asked as i got up. He nodded. He left the room. I looked at the clothes. I put them on then looked at myself. I looked like a preppy fag. I just looked at myself. He knocked on the door. "You..Okay in there" I ran over to the door and opened it. He looked at me and laughed. "You look cute" He said as he hugged me. "We gotta get tho school now.." He grabbed his backpack. We left his house and walked to school. "EEEKKK SHYRIU!!" oh i forgot..Our friend Elia..She loved shyriu more then anything. Can she could get him. Since she was the queen and she could get anyone she wanted. She ran over to him and kissed him. He looked at me as she kissed him. "Oh..Don't you love me anymore Baby?" She asked. She was a bit younger then us. Her long blue hair was like a shitty scene kid's. Good thing we didn't have any classes together. The bell rang. Me and Shyriu ran to class. After school i saw Shyriu talking to leen. I ran over to them. "Hey.." Leen looked at me and smiled. "Hey..Your dad is fine with you staying at Shyriu's place.." Oh thank god. "But you should have told him before you left" Fuck her. "Listen here leen. I needed something fun. Not some bitch to tell me what to do. If i wanted some bitch to tell me what to do i'd look for my mom" I ran home. I opened a wine bottle and took it into my room. i drank the whole thing. I just sat on the floor drinking. I walked downstairs to throw the bottle out. I saw a picture of Luci, Vincent and me..I use to be such a good kid.
"Hey! Shyriu! Look at me!" I said as i kicked a ball into a rabbit hole. He laughed. When i was 10..It was so much fun. Everyone didn't care what we did. It was cute..When did i stop being cute? I don't remember. I threw the bottle away and looked in the woods. I wonder where Vincent was...I grabbed that picture. I took it to my room. I grabbed my lighter and some weed Shyriu gave me. I rolled the picture up and put weed in it. I lit it up. Smoking made me forget everything. I passed out on the floor. I woke up later that night. I looked at my phone 20 texts from Shyriu. I looked around. Life was the same. I heard a knock on my window. It was Shyriu. I got up and opened it. He jumped inside. "I texted you like...a thousand times!!" He yelled. I started to cry. "I'm sorry.. I'm ruining my life" I looked at the half burnt picture on the floor. He hugged me. "It's okay..Shh" I just cried.
The next two weeks were the same. Smoking drinking sleeping. Finals were next week. Then summer break and Shiyriu and leen's birthday. I asked Leen for forgivness. I knew i was mean. One day me and Shyriu were smoking in his room one day after school. "Hey.. Twlight?" He looked at me. "I think we need a break" I looked at him. "Till after finals..Then i'll buy you a ring to marry you" Why would he want a break? Maybe he didn't want me to bug him. I stood up. "Okay..A break for a week?" He nodded. "Before you go.." He looked in a box under his bed. He took out a necklace. It was in a heart shape. "Here.." He put it on me. "Open it.." I unlocked it and opened it. It had a picture of me and him in it. I looked up at him. "Thank you" I whispered. Finals came and went. I passed I got tickets for me, Leen, and Shyriu to see the robot our town was buliding. I heard it was big. Me and Elia covered their eyes as we walked there. Elia could just get in for free. We got past the guy at the gate. We walked down a long hall way. Then heard people running after us. "Hey Kid! you can't be in here" Elia looked at me. "What are we going to do?" Leen looked scared and held onto Shyriu. "You two run..Go find the robot" I told Shyriu and leen. The both nodded and ran off. Me and Elia stood blocking the way. Elia was a healer. She was once since she was little. And me? Only knew how to fight with knifes. "Go with them" Elia said "I'll told them off" I nodded and ran to go find them. I heard leen yelling at Shyriu to get down from the robot. My foot slipped i fell. I held onto the platform I heard people run in and get ready to shoot them. I looked up as i pulled myself up a little. Shyriu held Leen in his arms. The people shot them. I got myself up and ran over to them. I grabbed shyriu in my arms. Blood was everywhere. He coughed. "Twlight.." I brushed his hair away from his face. "Save your tears" I knew it. I was crying. "I'll come back" He said before he finally died in my arms. I looked over at leen. She was already gone. "You there!" yelled one of the guys who shot them. I kicked the guy off the platform and grabbed his gun. I amied it at the others "You bastards" I heard a clap come from the guys. Elia walked out. "Nice work men" She laughed. "Did..You do this?" I asked. She looked at leen and Shyriu. "If i can't have him..Then no one can" I shot her point blank. "Go to hell" One of the men ran off with her in their arms. I shot most of them I ran off after some were gone. I ran  as far as i could. They caught me. Took me to jail. And as i sit here. Thinking of life. I can't help but think..It's my fault. I closed my eyes. I looked out the tiny cell window. The stars. They remind me of him. A tear fell down my face.  i closed my eyes A knock came from the window. They broke it. It was a girl. "I can get you out of here" She held her hand out. I grabbed it. "I knew who Leen was. Big fan. I found Elia's old boyfriend." Boyfriend? She had one? She dragged me off to a grave yard. A guy was sitting by a grave on a hill. "How long was i there?" I asked the girl. "Two years"  I shook my head and took the gun from her hand. "Who is that guy?" I pointed to the guy at the grave. "Her boyfriend..Fenrir" I shot him. "Go before i shoot you" The girl backed away then ran off. I walked home. I opened the door. It was unlocked. Weird. He doesn't normally keep it unlocked. I walked into the kitchen. Vincent was sitting on a chair drinking his pain away again. "Twlight?" He said. He looked shocked. "Yeah..Got stuck in jail" He shrugged. "You have mail.." He pointed to a letter on a small desk. I walked over to it. I opened it. A letter..From Shyriu... "I'll love you forever, Twlight.. Even in death i will. I know i'll die first but..Hey whatvever" I started to cry. "I didn't read that..But it must have touched you.." vincent said. I ran upstairs and packed my bags. I grabbed a box from under my bed. Blue and pink hair dye. I dyed it. It looked like cotton candy. I ran back down the stairs. "Daddy..I gotta go" "Wait.." He said as he got up. "You look like you haven't aged..at all" He sighed. "There is something i gotta tell you before you go..When luci and i were together..She gave you something..That won't let you age unless you find your soul mate..You aged... because of shyriu..He was your soul mate.." A tear fell down my face. "Now go..My daughter.." I nodded and ran off into the woods. Forgetting my life forever
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