#those nights were incredible
thataroaceghost · 2 years
Junior year of high school I would listen to an Alice in Wonderland inspired playlist and sit on my roof while looking at the stars. I stopped because it got cold and then summer was a bit too busy, there were a couple other factors but the point is I haven't done it since that year and had largely forgotten about it. However, a couple days ago I was listening to the radio while getting coffee and one of the songs in that playlist came on. The song was a cover of Tears for Fears' "Mad World", this cover was by Gary Jules. Since I hadn't listened to this song since using it as an anchor while staring at the stars it has only been attached to one memory or collection of memories.
It would usually be semi cool when I would hop out my window to stargaze on my roof, cool enough that I would always wear pants and a hoodie. The hoodie was partly to hold my phone so I could listen to music but more often than not the warmth provided by it was very much appreciated. My roof is on the mossy side and also has a texture similar to sand paper but the bumps are more spread out and less painful. I remember this because even though it was chilly out I would never wear shoes so that it would be easier to climb on the roof. One part of my roof is slightly higher than the other part, but there was a spot where the two roofs were close enough together that I could lay down on one and rest my feet on the other. It was probably my favorite part of that year. I would sit on that roof until I couldn't feel my feet just staring at the stars and drowning out the world in music about a world that wasn't quite sane.
Part of why the stars were where I would go each night was that I had recently lost a very close friend. We would talk on the phone late at night telling each other our darkest secrets. Until the day we didn’t. Because as all things go people change. She grew up in a way I didn’t. She drowned herself in responsibility and cut off her friends. So I drowned my self in stars and music.
I wouldn't say that I was happy in those memories, but I also don't think I was sad. Maybe sometimes melancholy but I would drown that out in wonder at how deep the sky was. I remember dreaming about drowning in the stars.
When "Mad World" came on the radio I sang along and remembered how I love the stars. The song made me feel as if I was back on that roof looking up at the stars and pretending I was looking down, thinking about how if it wasn't for gravity and the atmosphere I could simply fall off this roof and float away into the stars and meet a cold demise.
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angelmush · 8 days
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nice things lately (posing the stuffed animals when i make the bed, animal magazines in the mini library down the road, my aunt + uncle’s giant new cat they adopted on accident and are in love with despite their best efforts)
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vargaslovinghours · 1 year
It's here! It's the big one-oh! Get ready for the 10th! (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)
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Starting off with some Just Desserts stuff; it's not exactly against the rules to modify Pets with features they wouldn't naturally have - like a cat with wings - but it is side-eyed by other players
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He might be projecting just a little bit lol
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Obviously he'd support Joel wiping the floor with other Pets in the arena haha
Next one's a continuation, comic-style!
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Since they've only got the one pet between them, they have to take turns directing Joel so he doesn't get confused on who to listen to haha, I'm sure it doesn't help that they have similar voices and Scriabin is constantly butting in. I think in this setting Edgar might be able to get away with pushing him around a little more haha ♪ He'll still pay for that later :)
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FNF x Vargas! Quick, who wants to collab as I know Nothing about music composition lol - what might their voices/instrumentation sound like! I’ve always been a fan of strings for Edgar, piano for Scriabin personally :)
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These were the two poses I had the absolute strongest mental images for, so they get the big pretties! Scriabin having a secondary feature to his Up animation (not just pointing a finger gun but also “shooting” it), only being visible when the note is held ah, I just love the animation in my mind’s eye lol
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Two poses inspired by their bouncies! Edgar’s Down and Scriabin’s Right - I didn’t have them onhand for reference, but I’d definitely push them closer to the originals :D
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I really like the idea of most of Edgar’s poses being smaller, more closed-in, and Scriabin’s being big and bombastic, but their Lefts are the opposite! Haha ♪
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I've seen a good several songs that have a mid-level transformation which I find Very cool :D I suppose these could also be for different stages, but going from a whole Edgar to him missing an eye and actively bleeding and screaming and stumbling around to the music - I just think it's a neat concept lol
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Scriabin's transformation would be with his wings of course!
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More of the WOY idea! Scriabin's being so nice 😈♥
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You know I had to draw Jake in this style, he's too cute not to, I had to! Fun proportions hehe
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Two little balls of sunshine <3 This was the one where I really couldn't decide what art style I was most reminded of between Steven Universe and the rest haha
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A rubber hose smooch! Cartoony mwah!
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Don't be fooled Wander, kisses are temporary, bullying Edgar is forever
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The topic drifted at one point to the idea of Scriabin and Edgar being able to turn their brain-sharing on and off which gave me a Two Yeses/One No idea
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Started with them on equal footing - both of them can say no to oppose the other, and in order to link back up they have to both agree! And how that might look depending on who initiates hehe <3
I think it'd be good for them to have hard boundaries in place, not able to be coerced into giving up their privacy :)
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As well as them being able to just tap in and Know again, Scriabin using it to be lazy and not try to communicate with his mouth haha
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But even with those hard stops in place, how would sleep affect things! If he tried, could Scriabin break into Edgar's dreams? Even if he gave permission, would his subconscious allow that? :0 It's interesting!
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Quick break for a scribbly concept of how I wanted my first Vargas Drabbles soft cover to look haha - I didn't end up using the red inlay but it's definitely an idea for next time 👀
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Back to brain-sharing, but this time featuring a return to body-sharing! :00 I hadn't considered it until Zarla mentioned them physically phasing together and then became Very interested in exploring it, when isn’t Scriabin annoying tho lol. It’s because you love him, Edgar!
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Falling back into old habits of emotionally degrading Edgar, but he has the power to kick you out now! Just try your smart mouth on him from out here, where it hurts less!
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Get back in on good behaviour, or because he misses him too much ♥ I love his sweet face here I 💕💗💖❤️💞💝
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How dare he be so inviting, Scriabin has to deal with a physical heart and you are trying to kill him, cruel mean Edgar (lol)
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Inspired by the hug test haha ♪ Hug him!
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This was supposed to be a sweet moment :( Scriabin can't help it, being vulnerable is icky haha
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But when offered the opportunity, you take what you can get <3 They are so damn cute, gah
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Hehe ♪ There needs to be Some level of awkwardness to it, it's still Vargas after all. Would it hurt? No, maybe more like an organ shifting back into its correct position :)
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How's he supposed to help it when you make it so easy
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They'd have to negotiate safe and opportune times to share minds if it required them to share a body! Scheduling when to be apart would probably be stressful, but so would being together haha
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Edgar doesn't want to deal with this until he's more awake, and maybe not at all if he gets jealous hehe
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And finally again, we've returned to the Two Yeses/One No idea - who gets to decide who's "No" counts once they're already enmeshed? :) Introducing the Lobster Trap ✨
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“slrch” is such a gross sound effect haha
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Really struggling with the concept of Scriabin’s autonomy! He quite literally exists outside of you now Edgar, you have to let him grow on his own!
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Scriabin probably just wants out to do something Edgar morally objects to, enough to suffer his company while pissed. The idea of Scriabin having his own body and still having to take Edgar over to exert his own personhood again, ugh, it’s so fraught <3
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The Lobster Trap has so many potential outcomes, even discounting one side over the other! Obviously I had to make as many as I could come up with lol; starting with Scriabin getting to decide when he hops in, and Edgar getting to decide if he lets him out - two yeses all around to show it As Intended, all going well :)
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And here are Edgar's No options: his no overrides letting Scriabin out, but does nothing to deter Scriabin from coming in without his permission. I think this is one of the worst configurations for them haha ♪ It’s so easy for them to be cruel to each other!
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Now the other way around! Scriabin has to get Edgar's permission to come in, so here's their Two Yeses :D Obviously he did it to annoy Edgar, he'll never get to read in peace haha. Not that he would even without this hehe
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Edgar's No would shut Scriabin out, which I think would be good for them honestly; Edgar gets time to process things on his own without Scriabin manipulating him from the inside, and Scriabin gets to eat humble pie
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Two Yeses again, though it was hard to imagine a situation where Scriabin would willingly hop out at Edgar's request - to make fun of him though? Yes ✨
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And again, Edgar's No not overriding Scriabin's Yes - I think this would be really good for them! Edgar doesn't get to hold him against his will, and Scriabin doesn't get to burst in without his permission!
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But really, it'll always be messy with them <3 Even in the best scenario, if Edgar's Yes overrides Scriabin's No of being forced inside - even if he couldn't hold him there, just the action of making him see from his point of view and all that entails... ♪
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Little jailbird, just wants to fly away on clipped wings 💔
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Now for something completely different lol. Scriabin wrote a resumé! I’m sure it’s full of accurate information to help him land a proper interview :)
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Good, good, dates, prior experience, employers, skills, conquests-
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Scriabin insists he's a sexpert but if there's a degree on his wall I haven't seen it
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There is such a Massive difference between writing resumés and actually doing the work the resumé is required for, come on. I do love just how miffed Edgar looks tho haha
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S: >:3c | E: Yeah alright point taken
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Tiny spacefiller - he's so mad! He's gonna tell you all about it!
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Oh hey wow Nny's still here, that's neat. Originally there was an Edgar next to him but only the main character turned out cute, rude
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Quietly cutting potatoes <3 Domestic
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I love Scriabin getting scared inside Edgar but him having to put on an outwardly placid face so he doesn't freak Nny out in turn haha. Nny's love language is knives
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But that's where the nutrients are! Speaking of Ghost-
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Teaching him how to flay skin, not necessarily strictly on potatoes hehe. I like the idea of Nny kinda spacing out when it comes to his favourite activities - yeah he hates touching people, but that takes a backseat to talking about murder and playing with knives
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Obviously Edgar's a bit distracted himself lol. Nny just casually talking about what happens when you separate the flesh from the body and Edgar and Scriabin are over here discussing Just how gay this is haha
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I went and reread one of my old drafts of One Way Mirror recently and ahh I’d forgotten how sassy they are with each other lol
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I'm still crazy about them <3 They drive me absolutely mad 💕 I think it's funny too, since I started writing OWM while deeply fixated but didn't think much of the Flavour of my writing I didn't expect anything from rereading, but it does taste a bit like mainfic hehe ♪
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I love when Scriabin argues how much he wants to "help" Edgar while controlling him up and down, Edgar's not about to take this sitting down if he can help it! Also emasculating insults my beloved ♥
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Thinking again about Hunchback; not quite any of the already-established stuff (they're not playing the roles, nor are they separate and seen the movie! What!), about why Scriabin would side-eye Edgar so much during Out There. It's a good song for him :) And I love drawing him like this haha, proud and haughty angle <3
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Edgar with slightly less floofy hair and the closed-line nose style from a few years ago lol ♪ I do like bridge/bottom of the nose style I've grown into, but it's still a fun style to return to every once in a while :)
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And one last sneaky cheeky kiss for smooch practice before the very end! Just try and stop me! Why did Scriabin turn out so pretty tho ♥
So that's June through September, again-again! Well, almost - turns out I actually made too many sketches for my Blank Slate AU/fic - literally as many as are featured here! - so it needed its own post. So please look forward to that!
#💟#Doodles#Art#Sketchdump#Scriabin#Edgar#Jake#Nny#Blood#There's also some potential body horror and possible uncomfortable boundary-crossing so be warned#So the standard Vargas fare haha#Lots of crossovers this time! Practically crossover central in here! Lol#The FNF doodles were like 95% inspired by the absolutely Incredible Animation vs. Friday Night Funkin mod#Specifically Stickin' To It but honestly watch/listen to the whole thing it's actually incredible#I've seen some pretty amazing FNF mods but that one hits different for me it is So inspiring#I mean yeah I already love AvA lol but just ugh the amount of care and work that so obviously went into it <3#The kind of passion is contagious! As evidenced by all the other crossovers as well lol#WOY passion <3 And yeah I'll count Just Desserts too why not haha#The biggest inspiration is still the original tho >:3c Nothing sparks images quite like The Source - of course haha#Conversation is a big aspect of that haha - all of those middle doodles of them mind sharing again were largely just from talking :D#And I mean - some leftover thoughts and feelings about You Can't Live Like This but when am I not lol#I want to see them being good to each other! I want to see them being cruel to each other!#Dynamic truly unmatched haha#I did actually write a temp resumé for Scriabin (as practice :P) but there's a lot of ambiguity left open lol#I do love them being domestic together#Some of these feel real disjointed 'cause if you read the last bit you know I had to cut a lot!#Well rather - separate them out into their own sketchdump lol I can do ~90 images but not double that I already had to make this three times#Which means I Think that I've gotten all formatting errors from attempt two but if I didn't? Just ignore those if you'd be so kind <3#I could go back and fix them but hahahaha absolutely not you actually couldn't pay me#Lol tho ♪ Just happy to have another one done :)
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carcarrot · 3 months
this time last year i was probably sitting in the kitchen while my dad started making an early dinner of chicken bolognese trying not to get too nervous about the concert i'd be going to in a few hours
#the nyc concert was last year. LAST YEAR .#thats so insane like yeah that feels like a year ago but good god the insane amount of stuff that has happened since#but god i remember that day so well#it was cloudy and a little rainy in the morning which made me ough thinking it was a bad omen and wouldnt be as fun#and i remember going to library and printing out my silly letters (i should have just. not done that lol)#and on the DAY OF on the way back home from the library#i even bought a cropped black blazer specifically for my concert outfit. havent worn it since lmao#and my dad and i even watched a movie at lunch#a short movie but a movie nonetheless. lol and even then i was like oghh my gosh excitement and nervousness#and then the car service getting there i felt so fancy and as the drive started the clouds were magically dissipating#so that it was a nice clear evening when i got to the theatre#and then all the insanity of the show. god i cant believe it still after all this time. wowie#going to listen to a playlist of the show setlist im gonna get emotional now. guys........#one of my fave memories is how everyone started standing up as they went into so may we start so i was like ok are we all doing this#and stood up too and then stood for the entire rest of the concert. i think the first 3-5 rows were like that for the whole show#surreal and insane i was front row. those guys were REAL and CLOSE#i was also very excited to notice russells new shoes :) when i wasnt like awooga (how i was 99% of the time)#there was one so may we start jump that was well. yeah. front row baby#i think after latte i was like ok i cant film i gotta just vibe#religious experience doing the 'ah ah ah's during that. really interesting#ok im not gonna go through the whole show again but wowie one of my most insane nights. second only to hollywood bowl#wow what a fun year it was. just so many incredible moments#ok yay 💖 happy one year to all that. love those guys so much#spars#ok not actually done beaver o lindy was INSANE LIVE!!! AS WAS EVERYTHING ELSE. so fun ok now done for real
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wildflowerteas · 3 months
extremely embarrassed I am once again coming to you with 3 asks😔😔😔 elli read chapter 4
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OH GOD. here we go. i panicked thinking this was about chapter 5 because of the mid-chapter 4 line but from the skim i just did i think I'm going to have to steel my heart or risk cardiac arrest from your reactions to the smut ( which, by the way, was the first smut I've ever written so please go easyonme ). Chapter 4, however, was incredibly fun to write so I'm excited to read through this. ( Sweet Dreams is playing too--i've had the tsp sskk playlist on loop to get in the mindset for part III )
Yes!!!! the PM is also in the tags! i couldn't make a murder mystery AU set in Los Angeles of all places and not have corporations with dirty hands and deep-pocketed old-money types floating around their establishments. Los Angeles doesn't and didn't have a main crime family with a lot of Aura, so inserting the PM without feeling like I was replacing a very real crime syndicate ( like I would if this was NY or Chicago ) was quite nice.
Yeah . . . TSP Atsushi is a whole different thing, on the surface at least. He's older, more experienced ( Yeah. ), and honestly, has bigger problems to deal with than the budding realization that he might like men so he just waltzes into flirtation with Akutagawa like it's nothing. If I were Ryuu I'd have pushed him down the stairwell by now, but he's too smitten for that.
I need to draw Mori in that shirt ( he did step up, after all. The Tsushimas weren't great, even if Dazai thinks of them with that wistfulness seen in Chapter 2 ).
OMG I CANNOT TELL WHATS BEEN BLACKED OUT IN THESE SCREENSHOTS SO I JUST FREAK OUT WHENEVER THERE'S A MASSIVE SPOILER QUOTE TT_TT. My blood goes cold. Poor Elli I bet there are entire conversations that are just a wall of grey rectangles to them.
I'd LOVE to write a bsd au set in a neo-futuristic AU!!!!!! honestly, that would go crazy, I can imagine it already.
I think Dazai is most attractive when he's shutting the fuck up unfortunately
Oh wow I feel like I'm watching a downward spiral into hornyposting in real-time surely this isn't going to go anywhere.
#ALSO: I think canonzai is already quite dog-coded! I know he actually refers to Chuuya as a dog#but the meanings behind them are quite different. Chuuya is a Sheep Dog#controlled#owned#he has a home and he'll loyally defend it to the point of ruin. Dazai pokes fun at that and forcibly opens Chuuya's eyes to the fact that h#HAS free will.#like the STB scene where Dazai puts saving the world on hold for Chuuya to make a decision for himself.#I don't think Dazai would be as interested if Chuuya just did as he was told. Dazai is the opposite. He's a stray#under the illusion of freedom#picking and choosing where he goes#but never belonging anywhere except for the nights in boxes taking shelter from the rain or for the few seconds he's loved when he's being#fed scraps by humans that pity him#but can't bring themselves to take him home. He tries and tries and he can't understand why everyone else--all the dogs around him who were#born and bred for companionship the way he was#have those lives#and he keeps trying and changing himself in the hopes that some day he gets to wear a collar and a tag like the clean dogs on walks with#their colorful leashes#so he learns tricks and welcomes pets and plays fetch#but when he bites people blame his nature as a stray#but he hasn't known anything else ( that is#until he joins the ADA ).#ask#hi guys!#omg i actually dont know where i was going with this#i do think Dazai is also incredibly cat coded#though#its hard becuase nobody is one or the other#thats just#people
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dimitrscu · 2 years
i love spending hours writing only to read it back the next day, cringe, and then delete the whole thing
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queer-fag · 6 months
You’re all so starved over external conflict and decent media that the second something pops up that’s a little fun you’re all losing your mind even if it’s a total let down
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horsemage · 5 months
I think we should bring back basic etiquette lessons such as shutting the fuck up when you’re watching a movie in a group that is not exclusively your friend group 🙂
#welcome to another Mick Airs Out Their Grievances and by god is it a VERY long one#prob best if u don't expand the tags#am I being maybe a bit meaner about this than I would be for any other movie? maybe but pac rim is one of my favorite movies of all time#so I think I get a pass on this one.#one of the groups on campus is hosting movie nights & I went to this one bc I've only ever watched pac rim on my laptop and wanted to watch#it on a larger screen. yay yippee I love this movie!#there r maybe 10-ish of us in this room and a three person friend group is sitting on the couch one of whom has seen the movie and two who#have not. okay so far so normal.#and then the movie starts and they won't! stop! fucking! commentating! the whole fucking movie!!! I don't have a problem with doing that#when I'm in just my friend group because I know that I can tell my friend to stop talking or pause the movie or whatnot but not when I'm in#a large group w people I'm not good friends with ffs#and the comments aren't even funny or anything they're all oh this is JUST like in iron widow!! oh they're SO gay and autistic!!! and#they're talking so loud about this that it completely drowns out the movie audio which has already been turned up a few times#like. be considerate!! some of us want to yknow actually listen to what's going on and not whatever bullshit you're saying#I nearly walked out three or four times before I actually wound up doing so#I may have been a bit of a bitch at the end but I don't care. I got up to leave because this was not an enjoyable environment and one of#them offered to turn the movie down if it was too loud. this caught me a bit off guard since I expected them to still be so wrapped up in#their convo and. well. I may have said 'it's not the movie that's too loud' before closing the door#this also reminds me a lot about my issues with online shipping culture and it bleeding through into how we interact with media irl#this is probably heavily influenced by my aromanticism but I'm so sick of people constantly reading romantic relationships into everything#AND placing more importance on those relationships than any other form. I don't mind romance in media. I think if done right it has great#emotional impact on a story but when a movie is running and when other people who may not want to hear it are in the room watching it too#is not the time to be loudly saying 'he's autistic!' 'they're in love!' 'she has a crush on him!'#I have my own interpretations of the movie some of which agree with what they said and some of which don't but that's beside the point of#knowing how to coexist politely in public#anyway. I think they were awful and annoying and they ruined my night out.#I think I'm just so incredibly mad about this because I love the movie and I was looking forward to watching it in a group of people who#found it cool as well while still having some modicum of politeness#I almost wish I had been meaner but that's the extreme annoyance talking I think#hater hour over love u guys bye
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
I think you know whose coming for the fmk alternatives.
Blanche, Dorothy and Rose for 8 & 9 😊
Haha, I was hoping you'd send them!! Let's see...
8. share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with
This one had me stumped for a while because of the bank account thing. Blanche is very clearly the richest among the three, but she's also a big and extravagant spender, and I'm not sure a single bank account would be able to support both of us 😂 she also got swindled that one time in S5E22: Cheaters, so... yeah, I'm not putting my money into her hands 😂
My knee-jerk reaction was to share an account with Dorothy, since she's the most level-headed and responsible one of the trio. I mean, she kept her family afloat for decades on very little money, and she handles both her expenses and (most of) Sophia's ones! But then I remembered that she's been shown to take impulsive decisions and go on shopping sprees that she can't afford at times (see eg S3E3 Bringing Up Baby), and she has also dealt with a gambling addiction in the series, so...
All in all, surprisingly enough, I feel like the most reliable one when it comes to money is Rose! iirc, all her financial problems in the show were related to either losing her job or losing Charlie's pension -- so she's not *rich*, but she seems to be responsible with the little finances she has. She's a little too generous with donations (I vaguely remember her gifting money to a fund for needy rich people?), but apart from that, she's fairly sensible when it comes to money! I'd mostly feel safe sharing an account with her. :)
With that out of the way... if that 'sharing a car' is a long-term arrangement, I'm definitely sharing with Dorothy. I'm willing to bet she's great at car upkeep and at keeping track of car-related responsibilities! She'd be the type to fill up the tank once she's done using the car because she doesn't want to leave me with no gas :') and she'd be very respectful of any set turns or arrangements!
That leaves Blanche and sharing a cake -- and I have to say, it sounds like a dream! I can't wait to listen to her sordid tales of young romance while she convinces me to put some ice-cream on that cake (and it would be a cheesecake, obviously!).
9. watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
This one is much easier, haha! My favourite movie of all time is The Sound Of Music, and I'm sure watching it with Rose would be a fantastic experience. We'd make an evening out of it, complete with a good blanket to snuggle under and chocolates with little marshmallows on top! And we'd sing all the songs, of course -- so it would double as a karaoke night :)
I'm definitely bringing Dorothy to a play. She enjoys theater plays, so she'd have a grand time, and that's already a point in her favour; plus, she's knowledgeable about literature and history, so odds are she'd be able to enrich my experience by telling me interesting stuff about the play itself, the author, and/or the historical context it was written in. It would be so fascinating -- I'd learn so much, and I'd have a wonderful time!
As for the soap opera, Blanche is the perfect choice, no question -- and not just because she's the only one left. She's the queen of drama! And soap operas are the most dramatic shows ever! We'd have a blast just reacting to everything that happens (with a good cocktail glass of lemonade in hand, of course) -- and if I'm lucky, our watch party might even turn into a hell of a gossip session!
[fmk alternatives]
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teamahwol · 1 year
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“How is it, being gay in utah? Well I hope it’s better tonight” -phoebe
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wraenata · 1 year
Good luck with the wedding!! Hopefully it goes smoothly and the rest of the evening treats you kindly!!
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Hehe I showed my bestie this during the reception/ dancing and it made her chuckle :3
Thank you Robin! We are finally free! That was a long 14 hour adventure, I'm going to be tired for the next 7 days oof.
Hey, I even danced to ONE song, so that's something!
But honestly, I think I had the most fun on the half hour drive back to besties place. We jammed out in her jeep XD
Tomorrow morning we will do the Asian Food Market and hopefully I can get some lotus root, and then the Farmers Market.
It was a beautiful wedding and I'm glad to have supported the bride but both bestie and I are so glad to be done with this endeavor. My bestie more so she was a little more antsy. If you read what happened at the Bachelorette party you'd know why lol. Guess what maid of honor lost AGAIN while we were getting ready asdfgjknfdr
Anyway thank you so much Robin I really appreciate it! I hope your weekend treats you wonderfully and all sorts of amazing things happen for you!
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cartoonbird · 6 months
figure skating's crazy
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wavernot4love · 6 months
oh buddy i am currently having a Moment because what do you Mean i see fall out boy again in ten days .... ten days ,,,, we are almost into single digits oh this has crept up on me SO soon
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sassmill · 8 months
Tomorrow I’m going to keep organizing our family photos if it kills me and then I honestly think I can never look at them again for my own sanity
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at this point i just dont know how dreaming works
#snap chats#this sounds depressing as hell no its not im just CONFUSED#i posted bout daigo and mine for like. months everyday 24/7#and in that time ive had one Utterly Peculiar dream with daigo in it but like. on a technicality#and ive never had a dream with mine yeah. probably for the better#but i swear last night i had a dream where i was watching something with tsutsumi and nakai in it#make it make sense brain. do you know ill be mentally unwell if i see daigo or mine in my dreams.#trying so hard to remember what it was but its been lost to the subconscious#im gonna blame it partially on me having read those arasawa fics right before bed#i mean it was objectively not arakawa and jo in my dream but yk. same face#i just wanna remember what it was even about... mightve been a comedy of sorts...#OH YEAH SINCE I MENTIONED THOSE FICS im gonna throw up they were great#ooohhh i love sad/tragic fics oooh the guilt on both sides was so real and potent#im gonna think of jo helping masato walk until i die#the vision of jo in the rain with masato’s burned in my brain actually i might. draw it if you will#but im going to the mall in a hot hour so. hm. we’ll see#maybe i’ll do it before i leave for the mall... shouldnt take long...#not unless i also wanna include a shot of arakawa and turn this into a two-panel comic ig....#IDK POINT IS everyone should read those fics. both sides theyre so good#there is no happy thought and if there is its incredibly fleeting and im injecting it right into my veins#these tags are damn everywhere but i treat tumblr like a Blog blog so im updatinng everyone on everything#plus its related ok. im valid.#alright im gonna snake to my computer and crank out that drawing then#mall wont open for another two hours anyway and i dont wanna be a mout breather standin at the door as it opens so
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solpng · 2 years
the wedding was... ok.
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