wikiweb-blog · 7 years
If you thought you were down...
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A goal. (John McDonnell/The Washington Post) Here’s an opinion: the Caps played badly on Monday night and have a bad playoff history and being behind two games to one is bad, and fans are in a bad mood, and there are many bad trends, and if Washington loses in the first round, that would be bad. Really bad. But the Capitals haven’t lost the series yet. What they’ve done instead is opened up the negative floodgates of Concerned Speculation and unleashed the raging torrents of Playoff Narrative, things which are now gushing all over computer screens and running freely over radio waves and coursing in heavy currents across your eyeballs, and that might be as bad as the two losses themselves…. FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Shop this video: Anti-aging just doubled...
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We found a tool that makes your lotions penetrate deeper, eye creams work faster and serums absorb better. It’s the Dual Sonic Infuser from 2Face, and it also helps fight aging by treating the inner layers of the skin. So how does it work? Watch Celebrity Makeup Artist Jamie Greenberg show you, and prepare to soak in those compliments friends will be giving your new, youthful look. More to shop:An at-home spa device for glowing skinThe hottest new travel essentialReclaim your youth with a miracle plant FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
What’s Next After Turkey’s Referendum?
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That could change, though. Many Turks fear that Sunday’s vote was the last chance for their country’s democracy. The constitutional amendments have now passed, and Turkey officially has a presidential system with no checks and balances. Mr. Erdogan can rule until 2029 and has the authority to pick judges and ministers; directly appoint the heads of the military and intelligence agencies, university rectors and senior bureaucrats; and issue laws by decree with very little oversight. How Mr. Erdogan will use his new powers will determine the fate of Turkish democracy. Will he listen to his polarized nation and try to heal the country by moving to the center? Or will he double down and continue his populist drive toward anti-Western… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Donald Trump’s China ‘Currency Manipulator’ Reversal...
During the campaign, Donald Trump published a “Contract with the American Voter,” and he may even have read it. He described the document as “my pledge to you.” If anybody had been listening, they might have learned from his former business partners what a Trump contract is worth and from his ex-wives what value he puts on a solemn pledge. I have some bad news, Sunshine: Ya got took. One of the items on Trump’s Contract with the American Voter was a reiteration of his vow to designate the People’s Republic of China a currency manipulator, which would enable the implementation of certain economic sanctions from the federal government. It was a dumb idea (every country that engages in monetary… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Johnson & Johnson raises outlook on...
Johnson & Johnson, which Tuesday posted underwhelming sales in the latest quarter amid soft results in the U.S., also boosted its forecasts for the year as it works to close the largest acquisition in the company’s history in an effort to drive growth. J&J has been facing the threat of lower-priced competition emerging for some top-selling prescription drugs. The company said Tuesday its $30 billion deal to buy Actelion Ltd. is on track to close in the second quarter. That deal, announced in January, underscores the hefty price big pharmaceutical companies can face to replenish their drug pipelines as their top sellers lose patent protection. The acquisition of Actelion, Europe’s biggest biotech firm by sales and market value, is J&J’s… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Why presidential candidates (like Trump) campaign...
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A missile is fired from the USS Porter. (AFP) When President Trump bombed Syria last week, many observers were surprised. Trump campaigned on an isolationist “America First” foreign policy. In a series of now-famous tweets, Trump had specifically warned Obama against military intervention in Syria. AGAIN, TO OUR VERY FOOLISH LEADER, DO NOT ATTACK SYRIA – IF YOU DO MANY VERY BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN & FROM THAT FIGHT THE U.S. GETS NOTHING! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2013 And yet before his first three months were up, he did exactly that. Here’s how conservative commentator Laura Ingraham responded: Missiles flying. Rubio’s happy. McCain ecstatic. Hillary’s on board. A complete policy change in 48 hrs. — Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) April… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Prince William speaks with Lady Gaga...
BBC NewsPrince William speaks with Lady Gaga in Facebook video about tackling mental health issuesABC NewsPrince William and Lady Gaga speak on FaceTime to discuss breaking stigmas that surround mental health issues. 0 Shares. Email. Just a day after Prince Harry revealed personal details about how he struggled with his mother’s death, his brother Prince …From Princess Diana to Prince Harry: Why the Royal Family Is Getting Candid About Mental Illness Like Never BeforeE! OnlineLady Gaga talks to Prince William about PTSD and mental illnessCNNPrince Harry says he has been ‘very close to a complete breakdown’Los Angeles TimesYouTubeall 103 news articles » FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Science strikes back: anti-Trump march draws...
On Saturday, thousands of scientists are set to abandon the cloistered neutrality of their laboratories to plunge into the the political fray against Donald Trump in what will likely be the largest ever protest by science advocates. The March for Science, a demonstration modeled in part on January’s huge Women’s March, will inundate Washington DC’s national mall with a jumble of marine biologists, birdwatchers, climate researchers and others enraged by what they see as an assault by Trump’s administration upon evidence-based thinking and scientists themselves. The march is a visceral response to a presidency that has set about the evisceration of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many of its science-based rules, the dismissal of basic climate change tenets by… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Sending a message that science matters
THIS YEAR’S Earth Day represents a pivotal moment in the fight for our environment, as it will be marked by the first March for Science. Thousands of people from across the country – including Philadelphia – will march to send a message that science matters in all public policy decision-making. Scientists used to think that their work stopped once they stepped outside of the labs they labored in and that the research they published spoke for itself. Yet in a world where the president’s own advisers spout out “alternative facts” when faced with inconvenient truths, when an entire administration sets out to repeatedly attack the integrity of the very foundation that our modern world is based on, the scientific community… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Facebook murder suspect remains at large...
(Reuters) – A murder suspect who police said posted a video of himself on Facebook shooting an elderly man in Cleveland remained on the loose on Tuesday as authorities appealed to the public for help in the case. Police said they have received “dozens and dozens” of tips and possible sightings of the suspect, Steve Stephens, and tried to persuade him to turn himself in when they spoke with him via his cellphone on Sunday after the shooting. But Stephens remained at large as the search for him expanded nationwide, police said. The shooting marked the latest video clip of a violent crime to turn up on Facebook, raising questions about how the world’s biggest social media network moderates content…. FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Pence visits Tokyo to reaffirm security...
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Seoul (AFP) – US Vice President Mike Pence arrives in Tokyo on Tuesday bringing a renewed commitment to Japan’s security amid a growing threat from a nuclear armed North Korea. Throughout his bareknuckle election campaign, US President Donald Trump repeatedly called into question a mutual defense treaty between Japan and the United States, suggesting Tokyo should pay for its own security. But now, Pence will try to reassure his jittery hosts that those decades-old security commitments are ironclad, a necessity made more acute as tensions rise over Pyongyang’s latest missile test and Washington’s refusal to rule out military action against the regime. Defying international pressure, the North on Sunday test-fired another missile and fears are growing it may also be… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
5 Leadership Failures That Contributed to...
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The internet is on fire with the recent United Airlines scandal in which a passenger was forcibly pulled off a plane after the airline had overbooked or oversold the flight. Following the event, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz issued a statement to his employees, which was met with harsh criticism from the public.People took to social media to express their opinions about how United mishandled the situation and vowed to never fly the airline again. In truth, in a week or two this whole matter will be forgotten and people will move on. While this is fresh on our minds, let’s examine what occurred and determine how we can all learn from it. As business leaders, we’re all subject to analogous… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Turkish PM says rumors of foul...
ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Tuesday rumors of irregularities in a referendum over the weekend were a vain effort to cast doubt on the result, after the main opposition party vowed to apply for the vote to be annulled. “The people’s will has been reflected at the ballot box, and the debate is over,” Yildirim told his parliamentary group. “Everyone should respect the outcome, especially the main opposition”. (Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Isabel Coles) FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Down in polls, France’s Le Pen...
PARIS Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen sought on Tuesday to turn the debate in the final week of France’s presidential election to immigration as she looked to reverse a dip in polls.Surveys of voting intentions have for months shown Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron qualifying on Sunday for the May 7 run-off, but the National Front leader has been under pressure since the start of April as conservative Francois Fillon and far-leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon close the gap on the favorites.Speaking to a rally in Paris on Monday she vowed to suspend all immigration with an immediate moratorium, shield voters from globalization and strengthen security, subjects that have won her core backing and that she hopes can give her boost… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
For many at violent Berkeley rally,...
When hundreds of activists on the left and the right converged here Saturday, things got ugly very quickly.It was billed as a “free speech” rally by conservative activists, staged in one of America’s most liberal cities. But even before the event was set to begin, fists were flying and people were left bloodied. In the end, 21 were arrested and police confiscated an array of heavy sticks, knives, and Pepsi cans used as projectiles. But what appeared to be a political event that devolved into violence was actually something more complex. The combatants on both sides were extremists who traveled from far and wide to make Berkeley their stage. Many freely admitted they were there to make trouble and that… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
Stopping the flow: Warming-driven glacier melt...
In the summer of 2016, the global warming-induced retreat of Kaskawulsh Glacier — one of the largest glaciers in Canada — altered the flow of its meltwater so substantially that it killed off one river and shunted its waters over to another, an abrupt geological act known as river piracy.A team of researchers were serendipitously on hand to document the upheaval, which likely marks a permanent change and could have substantial consequences for the ecology and surroundings of both waterways.While river piracy, or stream capture, is known to have happened in the past because of swings in Earth’s climate, most of those examples were from thousands of years ago. This instance is the first attributed to human-caused climate change.“This is… FULL STORY
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wikiweb-blog · 7 years
New Measles Case Confirmed In Minnesota:...
Minnesota is having a tough time dealing with the increasing number of measles cases. The disease is primarily affecting young children who are not vaccinated. On April 14, Minnesota health officials recorded an additional five cases of measles affecting children in the Hennepin County, taking the total to eight. According to a new report, health officials confirmed a ninth case of measles in Hennepin County. It is expected that the number will increase significantly in the near future. Measles, which was reportedly eradicated from the United States in 2000, has seen a significant increase in the country over the past few years. Measles Outbreak: Source And Main Reason Most of the affected children belong to the Twin Cities Somali-American community and… FULL STORY
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