#though I personally don't believe any wights
Happy WBW! What are the customs around being invited to someone's house in the world of your WIP? (Is it rude for me to bring a gift? Do I have to take my shoes off before going inside? Things like that!)
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Thanks so much for the Ask, @writernopal!!!
This is a very cool question. Since Agrannor has many kingdoms, I will choose just the ones where my MCs have actually lived in, so it is easier to answer!
In Kestrall -
You are expected to be on your best behavior in a stranger's house during your first visit. Due to their warrior customs, tradition and formality are key to making a good first impression.
If you're invited to an engagement party, you may be expected to wear blue mountain goat fur as an honor to the First Goddess Atreyya - mother of all warriors, the symbol of victory and fertility, patron to happy unions amidst couples - embroidered with silver decorations.
Amidst friends, formalities can be forgotten for the duration of your stay, though you are, as any polite person, expected to abide by the Code of Old Warriors, as you would in any other social occasion.
Bringing gifts is mandatory among strangers, unless stated otherwise by the host or if you are accompanied by a friend. You want to gift your host things associated with might, strength, and a warrior's glory, so weapon ornaments made of iron or steel, and woodland antler-carved arrows, maybe your best choices.
In Midtaren -
You are expected to have a good time and enjoy yourself but do not wake the woodland wights or disrespect any sacred oath the host may have made.
When visiting someone new, you may want to bring handmade gifts, carved out of old tree wood or stone - but NEVER use anything made out of animal bone or fur, as those things are regarded as sacred gifts, and should be given only to those closest to you, as doing otherwise (gifting it frivolously and without deeper meanings) would be considered a disrespect to the animal's death.
During the Festival of Illaren, celebrations may go well into the night, and leaving too early would be considered disrespectful to the hosts of the party at hand.
Also, respect the dead and they (the dead) will respect you.
When visiting a mage, an elf, or any believer in the Ways of Ancient Magic as a common human, you might be expected to perform a runic sign to ward off evil spirits and dark magic that could follow you upon your entry. This is especially crucial amongst older generations.
In Ergyre -
ALWAYS bring sumptuous gifts to your host, especially if they are of a class above yours. Not doing so would immediately be considered a slight and while it would never get you kicked out of the party, it would paint you in a negative light.
Dress appropriately, act accordingly, and engage in the entertainment/activities that are offered to you.
Unfortunately, there is a strict code of conduct for treating household servants, especially if they are of elven origin. You are expected to address them as to make their position in regards to you - you a free visitor, a friend of the House, and they a bound servant - clear. You may not interact with them unless as to make requests. If the House lord offers you the services of a servant, you are expected to accept it.
Speak no lies, but keep your truths to yourself. Secrets are power in Ergyre. Never share the secrets of your host in their presence or inside their household (no gossiping about your host). But if they request someone else's secrets, it would be impolite not to do so.
During Masquerades or other events, wear the sigil, color, or symbol of the House that has invited you. Never wear colors that can be associated with the rebel Houses, ever.
In Vellamere -
When invited by someone that you are unfamiliar with, respect their House rules, and don't overstay your welcome.
Parties are a time of freedom, laughter, and enjoyment. Don't be too nervous, and you will do just fine. Just remember that, before joining the event, it would be better if you are dressed for the occasion and have addressed the House Lords or Ladies before engaging in the celebration.
The Seas are their lives, their home, and their past. Respect their rituals around it, do not disrespect the sea spirits, and do participate in any of the House's traditions around it if you have been invited.
You can bring unique gifts if you want to please your host, but it is optional.
If invited aboard a noble's vessel, accept it and do your part on the sailing if needed. Show that you understand their customs, even if they may not understand yours.
In Liranthis -
Cleanse your shoes before entering any house, and remove travel attire. Remove and leave weapons upon entry. Not doing so can and will be considered an act of threat.
Riddles, Tests, and Games may be offered to you, especially during parties and other celebrations. They are supposed to test your ingenuity - to get in your host's good graces, try to win them.
During meals, table manners are paramount.
Be clean, polite, and clever as much as possible.
On the Morosyn Empire -
If you are invited to someone's house, respect their hierarchy if they are above you, but do not slight them if they are not.
Do not dishonor the Emperor's name. Be at your best - in every sense - you are expected to champion the values of your name or the House your host represents.
If there are gladiator fights, you are expected to watch them. If you have the money, the host may request that you bring your own champion, though, on some very rare occasions, the visitors may be expected to compete (though, on said occasions, they are rarely ever to the death and only up to first blood)
Recite the Old Oath before a meal.
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caithyra · 4 years
Cousin in the North?
So, GRRM has said that the characters will end up more or less in the same positions in ASoIaF as they did in GoT. If you’ve seen me in other fandoms you know what that means...
Random Theory Time! (Or: How Sansa ends up ruling most of Westeros in the books, maybe?)
So, when Robb is looking at the chain of inheritance, Catelyn suggests distant cousins in the Vale of Arryn. Anyway, turns out Lord Frey is the biggest FoBzilla there ever was and now Sansa Stark is considered the only legitimate Stark alive (no one in the North believes Jeyne is Arya ffs, they watched these girls grow up! All that’s needed is for the Starks’ bannermen to be called and they take one look at Jeyne, who is the wrong age and presumably not with a long “horse-face” or she wouldn’t have thrown so many stones in that glasshouse, and boom).
Here’s the thing: Sansa Stark is not just the last legitimate Stark. She is also first cousins with the young and sickly Lord of the Vale and the niece of the dethroned Lord of the Riverlands, which is currently going through a famine in a ten-year winter, while the Vale’s granaries and larders are so full they might burst.
Yes, Edmure has a baby, but this is Westeros; if grown women like Minisa, Joanna, Lyarra and rest are dropping like damselflies, I fully expect kids under the age of 3 to drop even faster, and Edmure was probably traumatized over the whole Red Wedding thing and not in the mood to lay with his Frey wife (if the High Septon doesn’t go “weddings are not massacres!” and annuls it for a tidy sum that may or may not have the prints of “small” fingers on it). Alternatively, if Edmure dies and baby dies after him, Sansa would inherit from a cousin in the Riverlands as well.
Things Catelyn says/wants sometimes comes true (see wanting to keep Bran in the North before his fall, and then he even goes further north!). She talks about inheritance, cousins, the North and the Vale.
And the gods, whether they’re the Seven or Old, listen to Sansa’s wishes/curses at times, and Sansa wanted Harry the Heir thrown by his horse (depending on when it happens, that’s a guaranteed trampling, maybe even by several horses, sometimes not very survivable, it could also happen on the side of a mountain on a trail, even, and, well, the Moon Door is a death sentence for a reason).
What if Sansa wont be Queen in the North?
What if she will become the Queen of the Northern Kingdoms? The North, the Vale and the Riverlands?
Heck, we have the “Younger, more beautiful, Queen”-prophecy and Jaime’s quest for honor, so lets thrown in the Westerlands as well by the Western bannermen abandoning Cersei after Tommen/Myrcella’s deaths (maybe she flees King’s Landing for Casterly Rock and opens the gates to Greyjoy in exchange for becoming his wife and instead ends up a saltwife?), and going to swear fealty to Jaime, because by now the world is upside-down enough and they don’t care about some silly Kingsguard vows he already broke in the most spectacular way possible (also, they all seem to like him, so...).
Except, he pledges his sword and shield to Sansa Stark. Basically becoming her bannerman. Which makes his bannermen, her bannermen, too.
Tywin: “Muhahaha! I shall steal the North via Sansa Stark by forcing her to marry my most hated child!”
Sansa: *Yoinks the Westerlands and his favorite child from underneath his most successful child’s feet by playing much fairer than him.*
"Queen you shall be . . . until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."
“Dear” -> Jaime’s loyalty, the adoration and fealty of the kingdoms, queen in her own right without having to marry, is called beautiful the most in the books, would get Casterly Rock through either her marriage to Tyrion or by Jaime’s vow, as well as under the tutelage of Littlefinger becomes the Queen of the Chessboard of the Game of Thrones.
Heck, with Brienne of Tarth and the Baratheons dying out, lets add the Stormlands as well!
Though those are an even longer shot, since it wouldn’t have poetic justice behind it (on the other hand, Joffrey Baratheon abused her and Stannis Baratheon wants to steal her birthright, hm...).
Basically, we don’t know who Brienne’s mother is, but she could be a Baratheon aunt, which would make Brienne next in line! ^_^ How fun! Okay, we’ve got 5/7 kingdoms now...
The Reach will probably devolve into civil war because the War of the Five Kings is pretty much half-exported from the Reach (Hightowers/Tyrells supports Renly and Joffrey and Tommen, while the Florents support Stannis, via their queens, Selyse and Margaery). Depending on how destroyed the Tyrells are, and how busy the Hightowers will be with the Greyjoys, it might end up becoming a three-way within the Reach’s borders alone.
The Iron Islands might end up swearing fealty to Sansa to pay for their transgressions through Theon and Asha, or this will be the conflict that finally gets rid of the cockroaches that should never have survived this long with their stupid culture...
Dorne will probably remain independent.
The Crownlands will burn with wildfire, but from the ashes the shoots of a new spring might grow...
Okay, so Iron Islands and the Crownlands! There, Seven Kingdoms of the North (of the Reach and Dorne). Okay, so those were a reach, but eh! This is Random Theory Time! Strict logic and accuracy need not apply!
And so you have witnessed the birth of The Queen of the Northern Kingdoms Theory. Move over BoltOn, Varys the Little Mermaid, Septa Lemore and the rest! There’s a new Queen in the North! Lol.
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voices-not-echoes · 6 years
You're calling out fookjonsastark in your post but have you ever seen Dany-Sue and her hate about Daenerys/her stans? There are MORE Dany/Jonerys haters than Jonsa haters (most Jonerys stans LOVE Sansa - they just don't see her with Jon). All the Jonsa posts today that mention Dany talk about her invading Jon's space or her dragons eating children - theories that hold no water at all. Jonerys people don't do that in relation to Sansa. It's Jonsas who hate all the time, not Jonerys.
Imagine sending this in response to the post I made, thinking you’re making a valid argument. Apparently there is more salt to come on my normally drama-light blog, so once again, feel free to ignore. Also, this is my first anon hate! Congrats you made me feel shitty.
Before I answer, I’m just going to insert a few parts of my post that you should have read before you interacted with it or sent this ask.
“This is all of my raging Jonsa salt finally exploding, so if you don’t ship or you just don’t want to see me go off, feel free to ignore.” ~ Me, letting you know if you follow me exactly what this angry rant I made at 11 o clock at night was so you didn’t have to read it. If you don’t follow me, there was a cut.
“I can recognize that there are Jonsas who are rude and tag incorrectly. I can recognize that there are people who make hateful comments and send gloats and anon hate and all that other bullshit. There are plenty of super nice Jonerys stans too, I follow a bunch of them.”  ~Me, acknowledging that there are people who make hateful posts about Daenerys’ stans
Now, let’s move on to your ask, and the way like 89% of what you said proved my point.
There are MORE Dany/Jonerys haters than Jonsa haters (most Jonerys stans LOVE Sansa - they just don’t see her with Jon). 
First of all, I don’t think the first part of your statement is true? Hating Jonsa is kind of a trend for the whole fandom right now. More importantly, you are not arguing against my post. Although I personally feel uncomfortable making content that is against a fictional character, I am okay with people who do that. I just look away when I see that people don’t like my fave, whether its my favorite ship or my favorite character. I am talking about fans insulting other fans (the real people behind the screens) for theorizing against Jonerys or liking Jonsa. I’ll leave some pictures below to clarify.
Post criticizing Sansa and promoting Jonerys:
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Do I agree with that content? No. Is it critical of my favorite character? Yes. Does it make me want to cry because I feel like my intelligence is insulted when I’m already having a bad day? No. Not insulting the people who like a character is not hard. Let’s see some people fail at it**.
**I had to venture into the anti Jonsa tag to prove my point on this one and just know, these were only the short Jonsa criticisms I found. I could have basically copied That One Big Jonerys Fan’s entire blog. This made me kind of emotionally exhausted also. I don’t think I’ll respond to any other asks on this.
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Huh…..it’s almost like…..people make their whole brand out of being mean to Jonsas. Whoever could have guessed? I don’t care about your hatred of a fictional character. Literally write whatever you want about Sansa Stark. I won’t like it. Sometimes I’ll refute it. But I won’t feel personally attacked because it isn’t a personal attack. As soon as you bring in how every Jonsa is a delusional, misogynistic teenage soccer mom who advocates for slavery, the murder of children, and feudalism, it is a personal attack. And even if it’s tagged correctly, if I see it, it will hurt me.
I’m not even going to talk about the fact that, despite how ridiculed they are, Jonsa theories generally come from somewhere? Whether its some book passages, chapter order, costumes, or scene directions, there is some evidence and a lot of analysis behind these metas and theories, and even if parts of them or even all of them turn out to not be true, it still took a lot of intelligence and work to put together that evidence and analyze the shit out of it. The Jonsa fandom is smart and creative and, contrary to popular opinion, not entirely made up of salty people who hate Dany so much they just had to join the party. We all have our own personalities, our own pet theories, our own level of investment in the ship. Even though Political Jon and Dark!Dany are popular in our fandom right now, not everyone believes them, including me! I’m thinking heroic sacrifice for Dany and Jon! Look at that! A jOnSa! With her own opinions!
All the Jonsa posts today that mention Dany talk about her invading Jon’s space or her dragons eating children - theories that hold no water at all.
Oh and also I’m refuting this even though I wasn’t originally planning on it because this post is already so long and so salty that I might as well. 
That scene in the trailer where Dany approaches Jon is like 3 seconds long and has no context, so… literally any theory about it holds water. It could be Dany sneaking down to meet up with Jon for some hot sex on Catelyn’s grave. It could be Dany threatening to burn Winterfell to the ground. It could just be Dany and Jon sharing a moment before they go up to feast after arriving. We don’t know!
Oh and…. about the dragons? Hate to tell you this but the dragons frequently burn people. That’s kind of the reason they’ve been brought North. To burn the wights. And, just in case you’ve forgotten, they have burned a child. Her name was Hazzea.
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rantingdinguslady · 5 years
what makes me more sad about Dany dying (in the books, not that bullshit that the show did) is that she never experience real happiness, a real home and love, with someone who chooses her for being her, she won't have a baby, that little girl she wanted, she lost two babies already. I don't see anything bittersweet in her story and journey, everything is tragic
Hello Nonny
I think Dany may or may not have a child and depends heavily on how long GRRM can stretch the time period of ADOS. How long will the Long Night and struggle be? it could certainly stretch to a year of half and year , we just don’t know. No matter what, she already is a symbolic mother to a lot of people and derives at least some sort of motherly satisfaction from taking care of her people starting all the way back from her days as a Khaleesi of her own Dothraki people. 
I think she will experience some sort of fulfillment of having friends and family and real love because Daenerys is also on a heroine’s journey too and the Heroine in a tale always gets the family and love she would want even though it is not in a way she initially wanted like how Dany started this journey with the desire for “House with the Red Door” , a place of sanctity which is heavily associated with her childhood both literally and metaphorically and  but it is slowly growing and into a more adult fantasy where she is not a child but the mother behind those doors when she fantasises of being simple folk with daario as her husband. Soon enough it has to ivolve past a point where Dany lets go of that fantasies and finds the person beside her who makes her feel like she is home wherever he might be and that person would be Jon as has been foreshadowed and prophesied up wazoo until this point.
Considering what tragedy would befell Jon , what him being a Fire wight, hunted and shunned by most of the people for who has turned into and now knowing who his real father is and  in turn the tragedy that would befall Dany after knowing the real history of her father  when it literally blows up on his face, it would be nothing but act of selfless love which should bind Jon and Daenerys together because certainly they have nothing else** to give each other which they could want for themselves. Jon would want someone to make him feel human again, to be loved unconditionally for once an Dany only wants someone to trust her and actually not betray her , be her family that she wanted and almost got to know before fate intervened and cruelly took any of that chances away( its just not her children but the fact Aemon was so close to Dany but he died!) 
This is what is bittersweet , i think would be about Dany. The fact she could  and would have it all as a mother and lover and family but she cannot enjoy it as long as she lives because she has to die for saving the world. There would be no choice and it is up to her and her dragon riding partners to take up the mantle. 
Because if Dany dies without getting love and family , the Heroine Journey template would be for nothing and that is a pointless exercise which spanned 25+ years of hardwork and investment on author-reader part. Nuh uh, that is not happening. 
**Also, full disclaimer i believe it completely that Jon is a bastard by law of Rhaegar  so none of the nonsense which we saw with GoT where Rhaegar can annul his marriage with two children by a random priest of the Seven from bumfuck nowhere is happening  . Nor do i think a polygamy in any ceremony whether it be Old Gods vow or some Valyrian ceremony could make their union valid without Aerys’s permission since he is the King ( and even then i doubt it because GRRM  has kept the veracity of a polygamy marriage a big secret. If Polygamy was so easy, i bet Tywin would have been the first to play that card for Cersei by having her seduce Rhaegar )
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jonsa-creatives · 7 years
Hi could I please submit this prompt: "You're scaring me," she says quietly. "Please don't look like that. I wouldn't tell you you were if I didn't trust you."
Hi Anon!
Thank you for the prompt and yes we’re still filling prompts these days, we just have a lot of prompts in our ask box - which is a good problem so keep them coming - just bear with us as we fill them out. We have more prompts than we have fic ideas tbh so it does take some time lol! 
So thank you for your patience! Anyways, hope you like it! Enjoy!
Summary: Post-apocalyptic canon divergent AU, everyone dies but only fifty of them remain after the Long Night is over and the Night King defeated. Jon and Sansa survive and they are the only ones left to rebuild Winterfell. R+L=J revealed and they both explore what that means…
Mood music: House Stark theme by Ramin Djwadi (brilliant man!)
Rated PG-13 (unbeta’d)
~Mod Elle xx
We Are Home Now
It still stood tall and proud. And grey. Some of the stones were chipped off and obscene chunks strewn all over the snowy grounds, but the walls still held fast.
That was Winterfell. The castle had taken countless beatings and yet its towers stood defiantly, the battlements still heavily draped with tattered Stark banners flapping in the chilly winds. 
There was never any doubt to whom the castle still belonged to. Though it was no longer a domicile of proud Northern folk, most of them had perished in the Great War; a frightening war that lasted a year between the dead and the living. In its monstrosity, it had unleashed a great fear and dread never seen since tales of the Long Night were written. It had come as prophesied and it had come with a vengeance. Took with it every living person and creature, man woman and child. And the strong with the weak. Knights, squires and even Queens. 
It tortured him a great deal; their shrill screeches still awake him at night and sleep had turned into a threatening demon - ever vigilant to snatch the very life out of his fatigued body every time he tried to close his eyes. He knew he had not slept for ages and it weakened him, no matter how much he tried to remain his stoic self.
Fifty. Just fifty. That was all there was. Just fifty of them who fought and lived. Tormund and the few wildling men who survived had returned with bleak news and with sacks of bones, proof and a result of months ranging deep into the north of the Wall - that there was not one living human left for miles and miles. The Night King had been industrious in his enslavement, his subjects had numbered almost all of Westeros. Except just fifty of them. Whether they were fortunate or cursed remained to be seen but Jon was thankful he survived to see his family by his side. The Starks will endure, he remembered Ned’s words still.
Word had yet to come from the South, where Arya, Pod and Gendry accompanied by the remaining Knights of the Vale were tasked to bring news of the state of the Capital. Jon had prayed for the first time in his resurrected life that they would all return safely home soon and intact. He had doubts, for the gods were cruel but if the Lord of Light had restored him, he would have the faith that He would restore his people too. If not, Valryian steel would do. Arya had proven a better swordswoman than most men he battled with. 
At least he had Sansa by his side. Sweet Sansa, still shaken and bruised, her nightmares were every bit as real as his own. It had become somewhat a norm for them to be in each other’s company, sitting by the fire before they retired for the night. Words were rarely spoken but there was hardly a need, they were both comforted by each other’s presence. Though never acknowledged between them, Jon never felt more at ease with anyone, let alone a woman other than Sansa and there was no others that Sansa wished to spend her quiet time than with Jon. 
Conversation was almost naught, since the day he returned home to Winterfell with the Dragon Queen by his side and pledged his fealty to her. The riot and discord amongst the Northern Lords and their objections were short lived when alarms had sounded and they all realised the dead had come marching too close to home. The Wall, created to keep the Walkers out had crumbled to pieces and the War had begun. Just as Jon had warned them. 
The dead, the dead, the dead… 
It had seemed like ages ago, almost as if it had been in another lifetime entirely as Sansa recalled how her heart nearly stopped when a wight had her neck in its clutches, the bony chilly fingers wrapped around her throat and Sansa found herself staring into hollow icy orbs of blue. This was what death had looked like. Her nightmares did not come close to what had touched her. And all she remembered was shutting her eyes and screaming. 
It was within just a breath when she was yanked away forcefully from death’s own grip, one that made Sansa open her eyes despite her fears. Jon. How his warm body and familiar scent was suddenly over hers, shielding her from evil. That was the only word that played in her mind. Evil. Cold, pure evil. She watched in horror with her very eyes how the Dragon Queen fell, captured and torn to shreds by wights - as if she were a ragged doll, bloodied bits of her flying about and her magnificent dragons slain close by, failing to save their Mother, as each one was shot and bled to the ground. 
No creature was too great nor too formidable for the Night King to kill. It was a sight that would remain on her mind for as long as she lived. Jon was right. There was only one war and it was nothing like any wars known to man.
The memory made her flinch and a small whimper escaped her lips, alerting Jon who was sitting quietly reading a book by the fire.
“Are you all right, Sansa?”
There was no need to speak of the truth that ailed her. It was a quiet and peaceful time for both of them and she would cherish these moments as much as she could.
“A slight knot in my neck is all, I had been sewing all night, yesterday. I suppose I shouldn’t any longer. Silly me.”
“New dress?” Jon gave a little knowing smile as he glanced her way to meet her eyes.
“A new cloak wouldn’t hurt. I’m making one for you and Bran.”
Jon’s face lit up in pleasure as his eyes met hers. “Thank you Sansa. I’m sure it’s magnificent and I’m looking forward to wearing it.”
“You’re very kind, Jon. I doubt it will be. I try my best but… sometimes my hands tremble a little too much-” Sansa paused, realising she had said more than she should. Taking a deep breath, she shut her eyes for a moment.
A year was too little to escape from the horrors that replayed in her mind and a silence blanketed the room. A brief glance his way found Jon staring at her intently, as if willing her to continue and say her piece. 
It was unsettling how he had his eyes resting on her. She had caught his stares more than once now, and it lingered a little too long than she thought was appropriate. There were questions in his eyes and if he was looking for answers, Sansa didn’t have them. 
“I-I’m sorry. I meant the cold. This winter has gotten to me, I suppose.”
Jon broke his gaze and looked down. Sansa thought she saw a slight flush come over his cheeks, from the faint light of the flames. The silence was pregnant with unspoken need for seeking comfort. From their nightmares, obviously. What else could it be? 
“I tremble too. Sometimes, when I sleep, my body twitches and I jolt out of bed. And I never want to sleep again.”
“It’s not the cold,” Jon continued as his gaze returned to her. 
Sansa’s breath hitched and she almost clutched at her chest. 
“I can’t sleep either, Jon. It tires me but I could never sleep. I know it’s not the cold. But… We’ve never talked about it.”
Jon didn’t answer. Sansa stared again into the flames. Whatever the Lord of Light has brought upon them, Sansa hoped it was a brighter future. 
“Do you want to? Talk about it?” Jon’s voice wavered a little as the question finally escaped his lips. 
“It’s been a year, Jon. All that’s happened. Why are we still alive? I can’t sleep at night because my nightmares are memories and I’m still truly frightened. I don’t want to live like this. None of us are the same anymore.” 
“Aye, we’re still alive. We’re still standing. I don’t understand it anymore than you do and I wished I had answers, Sansa. But I don’t. I’m still Jon,” he said, his voice softening at the last few words, as if uncertain. No, you’re not, he thought to himself. 
“ Are you? Are you, still Jon Snow?”
Jon closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The scent of burning embers was a constant source of comfort. I am a Stark. I am of the North. I have always been, he told himself. 
“Aye. Is that so hard to believe? When I say that I am truly a Stark?” Jon turned to Sansa who was now fiddling a tad too zealously with her handkerchief.
Sansa hesitated to speak her truth. She had known about Jon, or Aegon as Bran recounted to her. Sam Tarly was present to corroborate that, pointing out to a page in archived anecdotal records. Secret ones, no less. And there it was clear as day, as to who Jon really was. His birth and his parents. 
Perhaps, Jon realised she had known the truth. He wasn’t the same Jon anymore. Or at least she wasn’t certain.
“Will you hate me, when I tell you I know the truth? That I know who you are? We have to talk about this, Jon. About what it means.” The gentle, pleading tone in Sansa’s voice pricked his ears and it was unmistakable, her care and concern for him. 
Jon felt heat rising up his neck and settling on his cheeks. Anger, it was not. His eyes remained on Sansa but his body inched closer and soon, they sat only two steps away from each other, their hands would almost touch if any one of them shifted ever so slightly. Strangely enough, he felt at ease still. 
“Please don’t look at me like that. You’re scaring me.”
Jon quickly turned his head away, snapping back to his senses. Don’t, she’s still your sister. Half sister. Cousin. 
“How did you know? Was it Bran?” 
“Does it matter now? Please Jon, I wouldn’t tell you if I didn’t trust you enough not to hold that against me.”
“Do you? Trust me that is? Now that I’m no longer a Stark by name?” 
Sansa cocked her head slightly as she studied Jon. There was nothing different about him. He still looked the same. But there was a different air about him now that she sat in the presence of the true heir of the Seven Kingdoms. Or what was left of it. It was uncanny how she was always in the company of kings. Ominous, it seemed. Of what, she had little knowledge. 
“I am truly sorry you had to find out.. The way you did. And I’m sorry about Danaerys, I-” 
“No, Sansa. Please don’t,” Jon objected softly. “Please talk about everything else but please do not talk about her.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to see if… If you’re all right, is all. With all that happened. I’m truly sorry for your loss, Jon.”
Jon sighed deeply. How he wished he could speak openly of his heart’s desires, his secrets, his fears. His shame and guilt.
“I am not. Aye, she was brave. She fought for the North but I shall be forever burdened with the guilt of her death it till my dying day.”
A familiar sense of home came over her and Sansa grabbed and squeezed Jon’s hand in his. “But she was your family, Jon. The only family you had.”
And I debauched her. I poisoned myself, my flesh mingled with hers. My own flesh and blood. I would live with the shame and have it burn deep in my bones till the day I die again. 
“No. You’re my family. You. Arya and Bran. You have always been. No others could change that. We are home now, ” Jon’s other hand clasped hers in his and he found himself staring into her pale blues. Sansa smiled as her eyes slowly welled up in tears. Jon is Jon. 
“Cousins,” Sansa corrected him, with a slight smirk. 
Jon chuckled. “Aye, cousins.”
As the dawn of Spring kissed the snowy dew..
“Touch me, Jon. I want you to.”Jon opened his eyes and they were met with a piercing blue eyed gaze full of longing. Oh, Sansa. 
“Sansa.. If I do, I’m afraid I will never ever stop,” Jon whispered into her mouth as their lips met again. This time with such fervent hunger, as she grabbed tightly onto his tunic, pulling him close. 
“Then don’t. There is only us now. The only Starks left. We made a promise, Jon. To each other, to our family,” Sansa said as she nuzzled into his firm broad shoulder. 
“Will you have me, then?” 
Sansa ran her palm along the curve of his chin and cupped the side of his head. There was little resistance from either of them as Sansa lovingly kissed the tip of Jon’s nose. 
 “Yes.. we are home now. You and me. This is our Winterfell.”
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sheikah · 7 years
Hi there, I thinl you know the spoilers if not don't read any further. I read that during the boatsex we see Rhaegar and Lyanna wedding, I kind of wanted the boatsex to be it's own scene and not cut away to something else, what do you think? By the way do you know any juicy details about the boatsex scene? Live your blog
Hi there! I’m on my lunch break and will only have time to get to a question or two even though I’ve gotten 35 since last night. WHOA! 
Anyway, there are conflicting reports about what the cutaway scenes will be during boatsex. Lads, who has so far been right, told us that boatsex would cut away to Bran and Sam learning of Jon’s parentage and that he is a legitimate Targaryen. This would include a second flashback to the Tower of Joy scene in which we would actually hear what Lyanna whispered to Ned–that Jon’s true name is Aegon Targaryen. 
Lads also mentioned that the scene would cutaway to the Night King knocking through part of The Wall astride wight Viserion. However, after reading the leaks many times, I believe that when he said cutaway about THIS part, he meant it would take place at the end of the episode after we get the sex scene/Bran vision montage. In other words, I don’t think we will see The Wall during the sex scene. 
This is corroborated by Frikidoctor who said that the sex scene is cut with Bran’s vision of Rhaegar’s and Lyanna’s wedding. If we can accept that Lads meant The Wall scene comes after the montage of sex + Bran, then Friki’s and Lads’ accounts actually won’t contradict each other. Because the R+L wedding is actually part of Bran’s vision anyway. 
Like you, I wish the sex scene was its own scene, not cut with anything. Unfortunately I don’t think we are getting that now that two leakers have mentioned the scene as a montage. 
In terms of juicy details, a user on r/freefolk sent a DM to Lads asking for details and that person screenshotted their conversation. In it, we learned 
1. Jon is the one to initiate the boatsex, knocking on Dany’s cabin door.
2. There is no dialogue at all. I have mixed feelings about this but I have seen sex scenes in other shows/movies where there is so much tension that the people see each other and just get straight to it and I’ve actually liked those scenes so. I think it has potential to be hot even though I would like some fluffy conversation first. 
3. Lads described it as “intense” and “sweaty.”
That’s really all we know. Thanks anon! And 6 days until #epic boatbang :’D
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