#though eye colours tend to be inconsistent in this game
queensparklekitten · 21 days
time princess players how do y'all picture the MCs of every story
like since every set and piece of official art has a different hair colour, length, and style with every picture of them, and sometimes there's descriptions that don't match the images, which one do you go with
and do you make half of them look like your avatar or have your own designs
#dutp#time princess#when playing/viewing it through the ''story traveler'' lens#i often justify the hair colour changes in-universe by headcanoning that it's story kingdom magic that allows you to change your hair colou#by default i make half the mcs look like (taller versions of) me/my avatar (who's designed after me but with purple eyes) to some extent#but there are exceptions#like if the mc isn't white i'm obviously not gonna base her design off myself#except Maybe giving her my/my avatar's hair length#and if a spinoff shows the mc i'll often use that design#i always pictured zoya blonde until the salvia spinoff story came out and showed her with the light brown hair from that one set#it also described zoya as having black eyes which i went with#i didn't have a locked in eye colour headcanon for her before but i didn't really picture her with eyes that dark#probably because none of the album art gave her black eyes#though eye colours tend to be inconsistent in this game#nastia's described with gray eyes but that one album art gives her blue eyes#and on the flipside charlotte's described with blue eyes in one side story but her model doesn't have blue eyes#nor does at least one album art of her#i give virtually every mc long hair just because most of the hairstyles in those sets require it#i always picture cordelia with dark hair and ocean green-blue eyes#like a vivid teal colour. just fits someone whose name means ''daughter of the sea''#and sometimes i have her stop shaving her legs when she becomes a pirate because a) she lives on a boat#and b) representation of her leaving behind that gilded-cage life of fancy etiquette and ''you must become a perfect wife and mother''#in which she did everything society demanded of her at the expense of her own happiness#like yeah after escaping that i Will make cordelia stop shaving her legs. for the symbolism. and the fact that she lives on a pirate boat.#i always give aurora that pastel-almost-white shiny gradient dyed hair#because a) it's in half the sets b) it looks so so so cool c) it looks great next to the companions i ship her with#matches with novi and gives her a light-dark duality with selene's dark purple hair#idk her natural hair colour but i also give her the creepily pale eyes from Silent Night Rebirth#to match the pastel clothes she's so often in. this is not her natural eye colour either. hey that's p clearly a common thing in this city#i strongly doubt that selene's eyes are naturally that bright blueish purple
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will-o-theforce · 3 months
E. Willow presents
The Pokémon Series: Part 1
Under the cut: Vaporeon, Pikachu, Sylveon, Umbreon, Jolteon, Delcatty, Mismagius, Eevee
*There are signature inconsistencies in early works
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My first attempt at Pokémon art. I know nothing of the games or the anime, so this was an interesting challenge in trying to make those lines and edges as clean as possible.
The background design, done entirely with posca pens, was inspired by those “how to draw water” videos you see on TikTok.
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Not my favourite. Pikachu is adorable, but not particularly challenging. This piece also presents a plethora of rookie mistakes that I’m not proud of, but I maintain that they’ve been helpful in developing a more consistent technique
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She is my everything and I’ll love her for all eternity. An incredible challenge! Not only did I make so many mistakes that I had to fix, but consistently mixing all those different shades of pink that stood out from one another induced an entirely new level of rage for me.
This was when I really started leaning into the idea of really abstract background designs. My research showed Sylveon is a peaceful type Pokémon, who has attacks, but prefers to stay largely nonviolent, and I wanted this to show. I wanted to call to the movement of her body in the lines, and also really allow her to pop with the bubbles filling up those big empty spaces.
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Screaming crying throwing up. So cute! But also a huge pain in my ass! Do you know how hard it is to find a full body pose reference for this little dude? SO HARD! I also think literally all of his attacks are ugly, but I found this one card that had these little stars and some white lightning lines, so I thought that’d be an awesome concept to explore, especially with bringing those background designs to the foreground.
I think he could’ve popped more if the background had been maybe yellow or red to highlight those colour points on his body, but I think he works like this.
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YES. He is beauty, he is grace, the very visible mistake corrections are slapping me in the face. The lovely thing about acrylic is that them mistakes are SEEN. I still love him though. I think his line art would’ve been the most difficult with all those sharp points.
Jolteon is when I decided to be very conscious of posing and placement. With the others, you can see some deliberate choices, but not all of the previous paintings were this carefully thought out. I like the idea of having the determined attack pose, or with the peaceful ones, a flowing pose with lots of movement implications. Movement is one of my favourite things to display in my more abstract designs. Here it’s very prominent in the step forward sparking out and back.
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I wanted to try something with the clean border. I think as a whole, I like the painted edges more because the bright white border tends to highlight those empty spaces rather than letting the empty spaces bring out the figure.
This was my fastest attempt, having been started and completed within about 3 hours including drying time. I think the background should have been a shade darker to allow for those purple motifs in Delcatty to really pop, but there’s also something kind of satisfying about the way parts of the figure blend into the background.
I was so lost on how to display Delcatty’s attack, so I decided to use those movement lines and bubbles extending out from the front to make it seem as though her shout is a power in itself. Almost like you’d see in manga or comic when a character is all caps-ing. I also liked the idea of adding individual movement lines to the tail, because my cat has a tail that flickers and moves a lot when he’s vocal.
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Again with the border, but something about it worked here that didn’t with Delcatty, and I think it’s because of how filled up the space is. I saw the eye motif on one of Mismagius’ cards while I was researching and thought it’d be such a cool addition, and the way it brings attention to her actual eyes is an awesome bonus.
Colour theory kicked my ass with this one. You see those black shadows on the hat and one of her limbs? That shit is violet. But because of the background being that super deep plum violet, it comes out almost black. You have to shine a light on it to see the purple.
This one was a 3am crash course in How Badly Do I Wanna Screw My Sleep Schedule. It’s bad yall.
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This was a commissioned piece and is definitely my favourite of the bunch. The browns just really work together, and I love the honey colour of his eyes. I also love the almost front-facing determined pose with the movement lines and dots going up from the back and following the curve of the tail. I’m also quite happy with how the top left space doesn’t feel like “empty space” even though there’s nothing there. It brings more attention to Eevee himself without overcrowding or leaving it too empty. A good balance.
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I also finally figured out my signature with this one, so hooray for me!
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canaryfeather · 10 months
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @msviolacea!
1. Were you named after anyone? First name, nope. I was early and my folks hadn't picked a name yet, so it took them two days to come up with something. Neither remembers why they settled on what they did. My middle name is based on one of my grandmas', but they didn't spell it the same. They also immediately forgot how they spelled my first and middle names, so they're inconsistent between various official documents! These days I use the spelling on my birth certificate.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up on Sunday, because apparently I was feeling sappy as all get out. Full-out crying, I'm not sure. I know back in May, I cried a couple times during LadyKnighttheBrave’s Andor video. Because damn.
3. Do you have kids? Just cats!
4. Do you use sarcasm? Somewhat, but not well.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Hair. That's how I tend to recognize people, too.
6. What’s your eye colour? Green now, having changed gradually from blue sometime in my teens and 20s.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I don't like downer endings. I watch/read/consume media largely for escapism, and I want my escapism to be happier than my brain often is.
8. Any special talents? Not particularly. Nothing I could use in a talent show or anything.
9. Where were you born? In a town I never lived in, oddly enough. The town I spent the first several years of my life may have been too small to have a hospital.
10. What are your hobbies? Most active at the moment: Video games (playing and talking about), crochet Less active at the moment: D&D (as a player and DM), writing, knitting, sewing
11. Have any pets? Two kitties at the moment, though I tend to still want to count the one who passed last January.
12. What sports do/have you played? I have done intramural softball, kickball, dodgeball, and soccer. I am not good at any of them, but I have fun with kickball and dodgeball, at least.
13. How tall are you? Tall for a gal! Not quite 6'.
14. Favorite subject at school? Math.
15. Dream Job? Growing up, I'd have said, "Work at NASA!" In college, as an 18 year old, I got a coop job with a NASA contractor. So I basically got my dream job when I was 18 and have stayed the course since then. Now I have to get more specific.  So I'll say my dream job is lead/manager in my discipline on a project that makes it to the moon or Mars.
Tagging (no obligations, of course!): @beauregardent @iamgwenslongroadhome @mrv3000 @fabmab @mylittleredgirl @bunysliper @singedsun @spacefiend0128 @thehappyfangirl​ @dyingfangirl  @dreamsofgoldandbooks @gottanerdout @dreamdayvisible @k8andrewz
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crushpdf · 3 years
about me meme
thank you @sleepy-skittles, looks like i can still manage to jump on the sunday tag game funsies :)
what color are your eyes? - brown
what little thing instantly tells you that a person is good? - i think someone going out of their way to do something would make me think they’re good. someone sacrificing a little bit of their time, or otherwise, to help someone else. but i don’t think anyone is wholly good.
do you have a recurring dream? - i never remember my dreams 😭
how often do you find yourself daydreaming? - my head is in the CLOUDS, babey!
name/nickname? - have been given over a dozen nicknames over my life that people regularly use for me. and this doesn’t count pet names, i’m talking name-based nicknames. part of why i switched to “b” is because it is one of those nicknames that people also use irl.
zodiac? - libra 😌
languages? - english, i’m also very proficient in french, and a beginner in both german and spanish (rip the two college-level german courses i took that i nearly entirely forgot)
favourite season? - it used to be winter, but the older i get the more i turn into an old person with the snow. so now it might be summer?
favourite colour? - bright blue. but i mostly wear black/white/millennial pink, and i like to surround myself with moss greens and mauves, too.
favourite animals? - i loveeeee animals, you’d be hard-pressed to find an animal i don’t have a marginal affinity for. people tend to buy me pig and sloth paraphernalia though. i love an aquarium.
favourite character? - ever? i guess my go-to answer is usually H. J. Potter.
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? - very much so tea, except i went to the dentist at the start of the month and haven’t had tea since because i don’t want my teeth to stain 😭
average hours of sleep? - i am Very Inconsistent with sleep. right now i’m lazy, in bed for 7-9 hours depending on whether i have work. but i don’t sleep all the way through the night, either.
cat or dog? - i love dogs but am unfortunately allergic 😔
number of blankets slept with? - just the fluffy comforter.
place ancestors are from? - 7/8ths immigrated from italy. 1 great-grandparent immigrated from Russia (she was Jewish, too, so I have a lot of Jewish cousins although I myself am not).
dream trip? - Ireland! Is probably first on the list right now.
blog established? - 2010? The way I remember is that the 2010 Oscars were happening right around when I joined (tsn fandom forever), and matt smith had somewhat-recently started as the doctor.
random fact about yourself? - i once jumped off a cliff to go paragliding.
three ships? - ronsey, ExR (forever 😌), and lately i’ve been in my rovinsky feels
last song? - bloody valentine (acoustic) machine gun kelly
last movie? - Howl’s Moving Castle? i think.
currently reading? - I don’t know! I guess I should start the second AFTG book tonight, yeah?
currently watching? - one more episode of young royals, then i’m gonna get back into succession i think.
currently craving? - bonk, stability
let’s see, @peoniesandsmiles @ephemeraltea @lotoliria @halflingkima and @elaphaiaa? 
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streetsavoir-faire · 3 years
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Born Name: Damien Quincy Rodriguez 
Age: 22
Birthday: May 26th 1998
Mother: Catalina Rodriguez (39 February 19th, 1981)
Father(s): Michael Rodriguez (41 April 24th, 1979) Richard “Einstein” Jones (50), Fagin Jones (47)
Mother’s Occupation: Unemployed, Student
Father’s Occupation: Fast Food worker, mechanic, Odd-jobs in a diverse field. Warehouse work, delivery, MLM’s, production, etc.
Family Finances: Lower Class, Skirting Poverty
Other Close Family: Francis “Frankie” Corbyn (41) - ‘Uncle’,  Ignacio Alonso Julio Federico De Tito (24) - Big Brother, Oliver Saluki-Sykes (20) - Little Brother, Rita Saluki-Sykes (29) - Sister,
Pets: Dorothy - Redish/pink betta Fish, Tiny - Tito’s Rottweiler/Pitbull Mix
Home Life During Childhood: Before he was found and taken in by Fagin? Horrible. Dodger suffered abuse from parents who were far too young and immature to have children. They didn’t want a kid, and they made that very clear to Dodger from the very moment they brought him home. He was never shown love or compassion from his mother or father. He was barely taken care of and owned one toy in his five or so years of living with them. He suffered emotional and physical abuse and spent many nights on the streets, unsupervised. Often, he was locked out of his house for ‘misbehavior’. Eventually Dodger just decided to stay out there and spent his nights under a bridge before eventually Fagin took notice of him and eventually gained his trust and brought him home.
After Fagin, his childhood was still a little troubled. Their family was poor, and often struggled to find money for food, luxuries or heat. Even struggling, Dodger much preferred his found family as he got to learn what it was like to have people that loved him. Even with debt collectors, facing abuse from the Sykes’ and occasionally needing to eat small inconsistent meals, or cuddle up together instead of having heat in the house. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.
What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like: When Dodger moved in with Fagin he quickly took over the apartment’s storage loft and claimed it as his own. While it was dangerous (there was no barrier to stop anyone from falling back into the living room below) and a little drafty (there was also a nifty hole that gave him access to the roof) - it was home for Dodger. With a mattress tucked up into the corner and the rickety ladder to get up and down (that he himself rarely used), it was perfect for Dodger. Sure - it wasn’t all the spacious or child-friendly but... it was his favorite.
Any Sports or Clubs: Dodger didn’t go to school - and therefore he didn’t participate in any clubs or organized sports. Instead he went with Frankie to his theater group, spent time reading with Einstein & Fagin or scaled buildings and played made up sports with Tito.
Favorite Toy or Game: Dodger’s favorite toy (and something he still cherishes to this day) was a small teddy bear that Fagin got him the first night he came home. It’s over a decade (closer to two) old and is worn beyond relief, but Dodger still keeps it in his bedroom. As a child he carried it everywhere and was incredibly protective of it. It has plenty of tears and stitches that Fagin fixed himself - but Dodger loves it all the same.
Schooling: Again, Dodger didn’t go to school. He left his home before he would have been enrolled and while Fagin and Einstein tried to get him into school, Dodger simply couldn’t handle the hours away from his new family, nor could he deal with how overwhelming the whole concept was. So instead, they all did their part homeschooling himself and Tito over the years. He’s got plenty of street smarts and owes everything else he knows to Fagin, Einstein and Frankie.
Favorite Subject: Reading with Fagin & Einstein. (And reading plays with Frankie since he was so dramatic)
Popular or Loner: Popular  (not in school obvs)
Nationality: American
Religion and beliefs: None
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Tyler Posey
Movie/Era Representation: Alone 
Complexion: Smooth, olive skinned, freckled
Hair Colour: Naturally Black / Currently Dyed Blue
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 5′10
Weight: 153.4lbs.
Build: Athletic/Slim
Tattoos: A very large and ever growing collection --> See here
Piercings: 14mm Gauges in ears, nose piercing, snake-bites (re-pierced), eyebrow piercing (re-pierced)
Common Hairstyle: Typically sweptback, sometimes a mess when he wears a hat or beanie, usually tries to keep it semi-long, swept to the side (x is a common look)
Clothing Style: Casual street wear. Ratty jeans, ripped jeans, dirty jeans. T-shirts, muscle tanks, sweatshirts. Backwards hats or beanies. Worn black and white converse. Nothing fancy. You’ll tend to see a red bandana somewhere on his person. Sometimes he wears it around his head, sometimes around his neck, occasionally tucked into a pocket or around his wrist. But it’s always somewhere.
Mannerisms: Likes to drum his fingers or drum on things in general, also a knuckle cracker. Tends to move a lot because he’s high energy.
Usual Expression: Smiley babe
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Overall (do they get sick easily)?: Yes. A combination of terrible care to himself and drugs makes Dodger extremely susceptible to getting sick. He’s a perfect picture of what not to do health-wise and it shows.
Physical Ailments: Mildly Anemic,
Disorders: None
Neurological Conditions: None.
Allergies: Latex, mangos, cats,
Grooming Habits: He showers, unlike most #men he is not a 3-in-1 kind of guy, so he knows how to use separate body wash, shampoo and conditioner. He’ll wash his face every morning & every night and brush his hair and shit but he’s not over the top. Shaves if his facial hair gets longer than a mild scruff. Keeps the boys tame.
Sleeping Habits: Inconsistent. Dodger has no real sleep schedule, but he tends to sleep just about anywhere when he needs to. He’s the least picky about how he sleeps and falls asleep easy.
Eating Habits: Uh, he eats. Sometimes. Some days it’s eating for a village, some he skips for a day and is like ‘oh yeah oops.’ It depends. So I’d call this inconsistent as well.
Exercise Habits: He’s always exercising just by association. He walks/runs everywhere and climbs shit and is doing his free running/parkour all over Swynlake.
Emotional Stability: Fair. He tends to stay cool and tries to be the mediator when it comes to trouble. Dodger tends to be the one who keeps it together and stays calm when they’re in a situation. The relief, really. However when he does slip, he can get emotional quickly. Fun-fact: Dodger never yells. He may say things firmly, angrily, etc but he won’t yell.
Body Temperature: Runs warm.
Sociability: A social butterfly.
Addictions: Drugs (weed, alcohol, pills, etc).
Drug Use: Daily, addicted. The hard stuff isn’t daily (weed is... multiple times a day), but more every few days, once a week.
Alcohol Use: Often.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits: Drugs. Drumming on objects or idly, cracking his knuckles, zoning out mid-conversation, scratching the back of his neck, smoking, manipulating people.
Good Habits: Loyalty, offering his help, extending manners, being kind.
Best Characteristic: Openness.
Worst Characteristic: Pride
Worst Memory: Being beaten within an inch of his life & having to leave his family and home behind and flee the country.
Best Memory: Being officially adopted as Fagin & Einstein’s son.
Proud of: Holding his job at the garage. Getting his gig at Pixie’s. Still being in a relationship (new record).
Embarrassed by: His inability to get his music off the ground, how he’s still in the same place in life when everyone else seems to be getting somewhere or doing things.
Driving Style: Does not drive.
Strong Points: His passion and drive. His ability to bring things and people together.
Temperament: Carefree and easy going.
Attitude: Optimistic & outgoing.
Weakness: Coming off as too confident, cocky.
Fears:  Being abandoned/being alone again, his family getting hurt or dying.
Phobias:  Being abandoned.
Secrets:  An open book. Perhaps the one secret he has is knowing that Roscoe abused Oliver.
Regrets: Going to William Sykes and trying to buy them time to pay back their loan.
Feels Vulnerable When: He’s with his parents.
Pet Peeves: People who brag about their money. Charities, but not charity. 
Conflicts: Having money in the family. Having Roscoe married to Rita when he fucking hates him but wants Rita to be happy.
Motivation: Support for Fagin & Einstein/to make them proud.
Short Term Goals and Hopes: To start picking up more gigs and getting music off the ground.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: To be able to fully financially support himself and the fam through his music and that he can quit his real job and do what he loves.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Exercise Routine: Running all around Swynlake like a crazy man.
Day or Night Person: Night - that’s when the action is.
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music: Punk Rock, Rock, Alternative,
Books: Any book that Fagin & Einstein used to read him
Magazines: Playboy (lol)
Foods: Quesadillas
Drinks: Coke, whiskey, vodka, rum, Gatorade,
Animals: Any are cool
Sports: The made up ones he’d play with Tito, Free running,
Social Issues: Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, Women’s Rights, Magick Rights,
Favorite Saying:  Absotively Posilutely
Color: Red
Clothing: Jeans, T-shirts.
Jewelry: Gauges, lip rings, nose ring, eyebrow stud.
Games: Poker, Rummy, Uno,
Websites: Not a huge internet person (because he didn’t grow up into it like most kids his age). He uses Twitter a lot though. Youtube just to watch things. Used to use the ‘Hub’ quite a bit ;)
TV Shows: Doesn’t really watch TV, but when they could pay for cable, anything ridiculous. He was a fan of the Crocodile Hunter if only because Tito and himself would mimic that show and get into so much trouble.
Movies: Again, he’s not really well versed in movies but.. I’m sure he was into shit he wasn’t supposed to watch when he could get ahold of them. Fight Club, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, etc.
Greatest Want: To be happy & with his family.
Greatest Need: Affection.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home: Dodger now lives in Benbow (2D) and honestly his biggest complaint is simply being on the second floor. He would much prefer an apartment he has to climb higher to break into (since who uses the door?). However, he doesn’t like the apartment nearly as much as he loved the old rickety apartment they lived in back home. He misses his loft and all the weird things that made it perfect. This apartment isn’t terrible - sure, the door sticks something fierce and it’s a little cramped for five people but... it’s fine. And the neighbors aren’t the worst, it’s just... never felt right. It’s still home, if only because home is determined by the people living there more than the place itself.
Household furnishings: A mish-mash of things. Nothing in the Jones household is a set. It’s all second-hand or used items that they got when they could and when they could afford to. That means everything from the tables and chairs don’t really.. match like they might in a normal household, but none of them really mind. They’re just grateful to have them in the first place.
Favorite Possession: The bear Fagin got him when he first came home.
Most Cherished Possessions: The bear Fagin got him when he first came home (shocker) - though a worn red bandana that he took from Fagin also comes in close second. He’s almost always wearing it somewhere. Also the stuffed Reindeer from his first Christmas. The beat up guitar that the whole gang pulled together to get him.
Neighborhood: Benbow
Town or City Name: Swynlake
Relationship with Family: Great! Dodger is incredibly close with his found family. He would lay his life on the line or do anything for all of them. He’s closest to Fagin, but only because that man gave him everything in life he’s ever needed when no one else would. He loves his family so much though. Even if he annoys the absolute piss out of Frankie & Rita, he couldn’t be happier.
Car: Doesn’t have one
Career: Part-Time Mechanic, Part-Time Musician, Part-Time Con-artist/thief
Dream Career: Musician
Dream Life: Happy & can provide and take care of his family so they don’t have to work so hard anymore.
Love Life: Peri
Talents or Skills: Singing, Guitar, Percussion, Piano - musical talent in mostly all forms, athletic ability/balance, can juggle, sleight of hand, pitch perfect.
Intelligence Level: Street smart, book....slightly smart.
Finances: Poor as fuck
Past Careers: Full time thief, part time street performer, odd jobs,
Past Lovers: ‘Lovers’, none really. The closest he had was a toxic first ‘boyfriend’, Corey but it didn’t last long.
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morphedphaseblog · 4 years
The starless sea by Erin Morgenstern
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Goodreads version
The introduction
This is just to warn everyone that I'm not a literature student, an English major nor a native English speaker, so I'm sorry in advance if this is a jumbled mess. I tend to ramble a lot but I've really tried to keep this as short as possible. (Short meaning a little bit over two thousand words for one review, I've never written a review this long.) I wrote this for self indulgence and for my lovely book club @readerbookclub
The first impression
This book pleasantly surprised me, it was like a very long dream that you don't want to wake up from. The moment I finished it I wished that I hadn't because I couldn't part from it just yet. It would feel almost like cheating, I wanted the intertwined stories to continue and for me to remain in its trance, lost in the beautiful writing and bizarre world.
I will be the first to admit that when someone says the story is written almost poem-like, in prose, and similar, I will immediately think of meaningless quotes that are there just to look pretty. Characters saying things just to sound deep, frilly writing that leads nowhere, and dragged on descriptions that had no place being that long and boring. Those are the first things I think of when I'm confronted with someone explaining those kinds of books to me, and that's completely my fault. This book was none of that, it was captivating from the first page to the last.
"There is a pirate in the basement. (The pirate is a metaphor but also still a person.) "
I can tell you, when I first read this, on the first goddamn page, I was hooked. This book has a strong bizzare sort of setting, one that almost reminds me of Neil Gaiman, distinctively Neverwhere with its underground society and twisted perceptions of reality, and yet this book stands out on its own as an individual. It's definitely a unique book, one that I'm still hesitant to part from.
The writing
This book has a very unique writing style, one that is extremely consistent throughout the book. There's nothing I hate more than an inconsistent writing style that changes without a reason. The author plays around with words and describes things simply yet poetically. There were only maybe two instances where I thought the writing was a bit pretentious, but ultimately the good outweighs the bad.
I don't know what exactly it is, but I will try and explain through the next few quotes:
"The book is mis-shelved in the fiction section, even though the majority of it is true and the rest is true enough"
(This really gives you the sense of vague foreshadowing in the book, where even though the description tells you sweet sorrows is mostly true you don't realise how true it actually is. I never saw the fact that the characters in that book would be actual people that interact with our main characters. Plus the writing is really pretty)
"It's binding has been cracked a handful of times, once a professor even perused the first few pages and intended to come back to it but forgot about it instead."
(Is it just me but these small detailed descriptions really give you a sense of real world happenings and that the story is really set in the real world. You can imagine people passing their fingers over the spine of the book before glancing around and getting distracted with something else. The professor taking it into his hands and skimming it but ultimately forgetting all about it later, and finally Zachary reading the whole book from top to bottom.)
"His dark hair is grading at the temples, framing a face that would be called handsome if the word rugged or unconventionally were attached to it."
(Now I'm in love with this kind of mental visual, it's fun and it almost plays with your expectations. I just really like small things like these, they immediately make my reading extremely entertaining.)
"Someone in the corner is dressed as a highly recognizable author or, Zachary thinks as he gets a closer look, it might be that highly recognizable author."
(Again as before, this is the kind of writing I like. It plays with your imaginary visuals of what's happening and making them ten times more fun, especially when we confirm a bit later that that had indeed been that highly recognizable author.)
"He walks over bones he mistakes for dust and nothingness he mistakes for bones."
(Yet another example of those fun visuals, I didn't even realise how many of these I had marked until I had to go through them for this review. I just adore this writing style.)
I have so many more of these so here are just a few more to really make this review even longer:
"A portrait of a young man in a coat with a great many buttons but the buttons are all tiny clocks, from the collar to the cuffs, each reading different times."
"His face is so much more than hair and eye colour, she wonders why books do not describe the curves of noses or the length of the eyelashes. She studies the shape of his lips. Perhaps a face is too complicated to capture in words."
"There are dozens of giant statues. Some figures have animal heads and others have list their heads entirely. They are listed throughout the space in a way that looks so organic that Zachary would not be surprised if they moved, or perhaps they are moving, very, very slowly."
"The figure in the chair is carved from snow and ice. As her gown cascades down around the chair the ripples in the fabric become waves, and within waves there are ships and sailors and sea monsters and then the sea within her gown is lost in the drifting snow."
"Allegra watches him with studied interest from the other end of the table, the way one watches a tiger in a zoo or possibly the way the tiger watches the tourists."
"It sounds strange and empty now, in her head. Rhyme can hear the hum of the past stories though they are low and quiet, the stories always calm once they have been written down whether they are past stories or present stories or future stories.
It is the absence of the high-pitched stories of the future that is the most strange. There is the thrum of what will pass in the next few minutes buzzing in her ears- so faint compared to the tales layered upon tales that she once heard- and then nothing. Then this place will have no more tales to tell." .
(Probably one of my favourites, it really highlights everything I like about this style of writing.)
Another kind of writing style I noticed in the book was an abundance of making things literally feel alive, giving human emotions to objects, personification. I don't come across this too often in other books, and when it happens it isn't repeated as often in that same book,since it tends to get old, but as we have already learned Erin Morgenstern never makes this boring. She plays around with this and never seems to stop, adding another layer to her writing cake. I love how she gives these characteristics to even the smallest of crevices hidden in shadows, something just people wouldn't even think of.
"He takes his torch and explores the shadows, away from the doors and the tent, among jagged crystals and forgotten architecture. He carries the light into places long unfamiliar with illumination that accept it like a half-remembered dream."
"Outside the inn the wind howls, confused by this turn of events. (The wind does not like to be confused. Confusion ruins it's sense of direction and direction is everything to the wind.)"
"The wind howls after him as he leaves in fear of what is to come, but a mortal cannot understand the wishes of the wind no matter how loud it cries and so these final warnings go unheeded."
"If the sword could sigh with relief as it is taken from its scabbard it would, for it has been lost and found so many times before and it knows this time will be the last."
One more thing that caught my eye in the writing was also the composition, where we technically start with in medias Res. We find out by the end of the book that everything that has happened was one big ass story wrapped in stories and overlapped with other stories. So Zachary literally comes in not even in the middle of the story, but at the very end that has been overdue for quite some time. This makes for a very interesting storyline as all the other storylines intertwine into eachother, it makes for an even more interesting read as our MC comes in only when the plot is at its end, tipping over the very edge.
(I also got the feeling that the entire book is almost told through the perspective of the story, if that makes any sense whatsoever. It's almost like the story, that is bound together like the most complicated twister game, is alive and is smiling over our characters smugly waiting for everything to run its course. Like an omnipresent god, that's at least the vibe I got reading the book. )
The world building
Now in my opinion the world building goes hand in hand with the writing in this book. Every detail I mentioned before builds the atmosphere and the base of all the world building in this book. The way the plot is written is written also contributes to the world building, as all the stories overlap and meet at the very end. The looping plot line is actually my number one favourite thing in the entire book.
There isn't that much to say except 'what the hell is going on?' in the best way possible, to the world building, because as confusing as it can be it's amazing to read and I think that it's one of my favourite aspects of the book.
The Characters
Now is time for the weakest part of the book, its characters, who even though I think are amazing, are definitely flatter than everything else in the book.
In my opinion most characters personalities I just can't pinpoint, and even though this personally doesn't take away from my enjoyment too much, I know a lot of people love well defined character personalities.
For some characters I can understand the constant change in character, like Mirabel, whose multiple lifetimes make it so it makes sense why her personalities overlap and make little sense. She constantly felt a bit inconsistent to me, but again I personally didn't think it ruined the book.
The most well developed personalities I could feel were Kat and the keeper, and at times Dorian. Zachary is a weird gray area for me, because even though I loved his character, I can't really tell who he is besides the son of the fortuneteller. I think that most of the character building was sacrificed to make the plot and the world feel alive. As I said before, it feels like the omnipresent god and the world is more developed than any of the characters personalities.
I usually love marking all 'character moments' where I feel like I can understand what kind of person the character is, their sense of humour, friendship, socializing, thinking and so on. But I found myself marking basically nothing of that kind in this book, just the beautiful descriptions of the world. The story was just more alive than the characters in it.
I liked all the romances even though they all lacked some depth, but the fairytale style writing of the romance definitely made them extremely enjoyable. If it weren't for the fairytale vibe all the romance would have been just flat, and I  wouldn’t be invested at all.
The Conclusion
I wouldn't reccomend this book for everyone, as I think great many people wouldn't be fans of the writing, and so the lack of character depth wouldn't help either and there would be no good to outweigh the bad. I truly think this book is a perfect 4 starts but to me personally it is 5 stars. I am just such a big fan of the looping storyline, I still haven't gotten over that. To finish it all off here are a few extra quotes that I liked:
"No one takes responsibility. Everyone assumes someone else will do it, so no one does."
"It is critical to steep the tests in ignorance to result in uncorrupted responses."
"They all have similar elements, though. All stories do, no matter what form they take. Something was, and then something changed. Change is what a story is, after all."
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chaosintheavenue · 4 years
New Plague: My Version
The New Plague isn't mentioned very much in Fallout lore as it is, and a lot of the information that is available is incomplete or seems incompatible with previous lore. Thanks to all these inconsistencies, I've come to the realisation that I can't really progress much further with New Plague discussion (or, by extension, Tibbs's storyline) without laying out exactly how my own headcanon-ed version of it works. By the way, when I'm writing or otherwise worldbuilding, I tend to gloss over or discard canon lore that I don't like, or that I only became aware of after creating my own headcanons to fill in a gap, so all differences from canon material are intentional.
As always, for my own peace of mind: I came up with all of this last summer!
- Detailed discussion of illness, infection disease outbreaks, and mentions of blood and death below the cut -
To quickly summarise and recap my previous posts, the New Plague seems to have different symptoms every time it gets a rare mention in a canon game. Interplay said it led to respiratory symptoms resembling flu, which then became severe enough to cause suffocation. Bethesda- inexplicably- went down the route of internal and external bleeding instead. I saw that these symptoms weren't necessarily mutually exclusive, and mashed both versions together to produce...
Limit 115: Chaos Strain
Transmitted by respiratory droplets or through contact of body fluids
Early stage (starts up to a week after exposure): Gradually worsening headache (usually the first sign), mild muscle aches, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, sneezing, nosebleeds, bloodshot eyes, weakness, tiring easily, mild but increasing breathlessness, moderate fever
Acute stage (occurs two to three days after onset of symptoms): Sweating, lightheadedness, blue or grey colour to skin and sudden increase in breathlessness, all caused by massive bleeding into the lungs. Breathing becomes impossible, the victim falls unconscious, and death is certain without urgent intervention
Later symptoms if the victim survives the acute stage (early symptoms remain during this period too): Spontaneous bruising and bleeding, severe muscle and bone aches, extreme exhaustion, high fever
Recovery: Symptoms slowly fade away for two to three weeks, but fully regaining previous health and strength is likely to take months (or may never happen). Overall survival rate is 2-5%
Uncommonly, a person may develop a long-term infection without any symptoms, acting as an asymptomatic carrier. Milder, localised infections are also possible, especially in older people (who are less prone in general, it tends to strike the young and seemingly healthy the worst)
To clarify, since all of this might seem to contradict a previous post I made, I still believe that the best canon explanation for the symptom changes betwen games is that the Limit 115 pathogen (I don't like confirming or denying that it's a virus, even though Fallout Tactics did it first) mutated to the point of being almost unrecognisable following the first epidemic/pandemic, then caused subsequent outbreaks in its new form. But for my own writing, I... honestly, I just wanted to make poor James Jr. endure the most awful illness possible, so all of the symptoms at once it was!
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odanurr87 · 4 years
My thoughts on... Mirror’s Edge
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Released by EA in 2008 for PS3 and Xbox 360, and 2009 for PC, Mirror's Edge tells the story of Faith, a Runner who relies on her honed parkour skills to run errands for her clients, people who'd rather keep their deals hidden from the preying eyes of the ruling elite of this totalitarian world. The City Protection Force (CPF), the city’s equivalent to a police force, tends to ignore these Runners as the two parties have an unspoken agreement to stay out of each other's way, but everything changes when Faith's sister and one of CPF’s own, Kate, is framed for the murder of Robert Pope, a friend of their father's and running candidate against the current Mayor Callaghan. So starts an adrenaline-packed ride to find out who framed Kate and why, with CPF and other private security firms hot on Faith's tail.
While a fairly standard setup, so much so you’ve probably already figured out all the twists and turns of the plot from my short description, it could’ve been executed better, or tighter, than it was. By the time you finish playing and look back on it, the plot's many inconsistencies become apparent, in particular its single-minded obsession with framing Kate, going so far as to keep her alive throughout the entire game. I get it, Faith needs a motivation, you need a motivation, and a dead sister is probably not a very good one, but it makes little sense that the bad guys wouldn't have gotten rid of her as soon as she served her purpose. The first thing that occurred to me the moment Faith met up with her sister at the beginning was, "This is an ideal situation to set up Faith as the fall gal and accuse Kate of trying to help Faith through her connections in the CPF." Indeed, given the "evil master plan" revealed later in the game, it would've been the better plan. Alas, the bad guys are not as good as Faith at improvising, nor are the writers apparently. The introduction of the Pursuit Cops later in the game also doesn't add up plot-wise, to my mind, for unless they trained in the field, and by field I mean on the city's rooftops, like Faith and the other Runners (and if they had I'm certain the Runner community would've known about it), there's no way in hell they'd be nearly as good as Faith, yet they are, what leads me to gameplay.
This is what Mirror’s Edge is really all about.
You could easily make the case that I suck at melee combat, in this game anyway, because Faith was made out of glass (ironically) every time I encountered an enemy. I remember having an easier time of it in Catalyst; Faith was certainly not a tank but she could pull more moves to neutralize her opponents and far more smoothly. Maybe it helped that you didn't have people wearing full body armor firing machine guns at you. I never used a gun in Catalyst, but I practically turned this game into Battlefield: Faith, what's not easy seeing as shooting, while functional, is as bare-bones as can be. This at least makes sense from a narrative standpoint, as Faith is a Runner, not a soldier, but what a fine soldier did I turn her into! Perhaps combat's worst sin for me was how it interrupted the flow.
As in Catalyst, the sensation you get from running and jumping and parkouring is the franchise's strongest selling point, especially when you nail every jump, roll smoothly every time, and find the fastest route to your destination. The usual appearance of enemies coupled with the linearity of the levels hindered the flow more often than not. Catalyst fixed this, in my opinion, by making the world larger and Faith a better fighter. However, its open-world nature ironically amplified the "beautiful emptiness" of the original, highlighting the absence of people, both Runners and others, in their day to day life. While I noticed this during my playthrough, the levels are usually short enough that you don't give it a lot of thought. Indeed, it took me around 8 hours to complete, though I'm missing around half the Runners’ bags.
Another strength of the franchise that I have failed to mention is how damned gorgeous the game looks, and it's more than a decade old! You could argue it looks as good or even better than Catalyst at times, and Catalyst looks fantastic! Everything from the architecture, through the colours and textures, to the lighting, feels real, hyper-real perhaps, according to the above video that explains how and why Mirror's Edge is able to retain its good looks, comparing it to similar games released in that year, as well as Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst. I thoroughly recommend you give it a watch. Some character models, like Faith and Kate, could've been better, while others, like Celeste, actually look pretty great. In this context, the choice to complement the game's hyper-realistic visuals with animated cutscenes may seem odd or even wrong for some, but I think it was the right one given the limitations at the time and I enjoyed the animation style. It’s a shame they didn't follow it up with a short animated movie.
If I didn't mention at this point the franchise's great soundtrack by Solar Fields, I'd be doing them a disservice, as it complements the game's aesthetic to great effect, and these guys doubled down with Catalyst, releasing a soundtrack that's over 5 hours long! "Still Alive," the game's main theme, sang by Lisa Miskovsky, is just perfect, and it's still number one in my heart above CHVRCHES' "Warning Call." I mean, just listen to the bloody thing...
I tend to favour story over gameplay in most of my games, meaning I can get through some bad or just plain gameplay loop if the story's captivating enough. However, Mirror's Edge is one of those rare games where I appreciated the core gameplay loop in spite of a rather lackluster story. When you're running and jumping through the city's rooftops, pushing the boundaries of your freedom, becoming one with the flow and the music, that's when Mirror's Edge truly shines. But those moments exist, as Faith puts it, "on the edge between the gloss and the reality - The Mirror's Edge." Maybe that's the way it should be.
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serendair · 6 years
Yagami residence
The other day I found myself needing some information on the arrangements of Taichi’s home for a project I’m working on. Obviously I could have just made up arrangements myself because for my cause it wouldn’t even matter that much but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t try for canon compliance. I figured maybe someone else was thinking the same before me so I did some research and actually found some takes on this topic.
Taichi’s and Hikari’s bedroom arrangements by @taikaris​
Yagami residence “Adventure” edition by @analyzingadventure
Yagami residence “Our War Game” edition by @analyzingadventure
(I didn’t find much more but if you know of anything please let me know, I’m really curious about this topic.)
Seeing these takes on the living arrangements already reveal a lot inconsitencies within the show and being the obsessed-by-accuracy person that I am I couldn’t help but think “I just make a blue print. How hard can this be?” (Little did I know!) 
I ended up taking 153 screenshots throughout Adventure, Adventure 02, tri., and Our War Game, sorted them by which direction they’re facing, and studied the one plan of the main room we are given thanks to tri. thoroughly. This will be lengthy but if you want to join me on the way to my version of the floor plan keep reading under the cut. If you’re bored already just click and scroll to the very end where you’ll find the result of this exquisite waste of time.
First things first I have to stress it again that we’re facing a lot of inconsistencies throughout the show. 
Some are minor and - when constructing a floor plan - not important to take into account such as continuously colour changing furniture, decoration, doors, and walls. Or a fridge that opens in different directions. Let’s file this under “creative freedom” of the producers and artists giving us the chance to obsess over something like this in the first place!
(example - colour changing door that also opens to the left and the right: top left - Adventure episode 21; top right - Adventure episode 32; bottom left Adventure 02 episode 45; bottom right - tri. Reunion)
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Others are on a medium level important like the front door that tends to open in different directions, the constant rearrangement of furniture within the apartment (especially Taichi’s and Hikari’s room), or the direction the apartment itself is facing documented by the views we get outside the main entrance or from the balcony. The ferris wheel for example just randomly appears on the other side of the house or not be in sight at all. Keeping in mind this being for a floor plan it doesn’t matter really but the tiny voice in my head is not happy about it. 
(examples alignment of apartment/building: top to bottom - Adventure episode 21, OWG, tri - Confession/Reunion; left side - view out of the main entrance; right side - view out of the living room)
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Then there are the ones that are major problematic as they affect the layout of the place heavily. To name only a few there are the randomly appearing and disappearing doors to rooms of which one can not exsist by physical law as it would lead through the wall right into the kitchen cabinets. A balcony that changes length indicating that there either is another room in the apartment or the wall to the next door neighbours. A single shot into the bathroom that collides heavily with the floor plan given to us in the book “Digimon Adventure tri. Design Works”. The scenes where we are shown the apartment is at the end of the corridor but when we enter the place walk straight and take the second door to the right to enter Taichi’s (and Hikari’s) room we are given scenes where their bedroom is at the corner of the building as well (see third and fourth picture below). The list to these is long and I will adress the relevant ones as I lead through the whys and wherefores of my take on the blue print of the Yagami residence. For now let’s see what we know for sure and go from there.
Given facts - outside
The Yagami family lives in this housing complex in Odaiba Tokyo (source OWG)...
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...in apartment number 1306 (source OWG)...
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...which happens to be on the second to last floor (source Adventure episode 33)...
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...and also at the end of the corridor (source Adventure episode 21 and 32)
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That we are at the end of the corridor will be particularly important when we get to the layout of the apartment and the location of the individual rooms. 
Given facts - inside
As stated before I took plenty of screenshots that give great insight on the arrangements of the Yagami residence. Also stated before though there is plenty of important inconsistencies. Thanks to the “Digimon Adventure tri. Design Works” we get to see an actual floor plan of the main rooms of the apartment. 
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What we see here is what I learned a so called LDK which stands for livingroom dining room kitchen. Usually this abbreviation is preceded by a number indicating how many bedrooms there are in addition. You can find this in the side notes of the plan as well.
In the same book we are given a one-point perspective line drawing of Taichi’s bedroom.
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This combined with this screenshot (source: tri. - Confession)...
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...makes an excellent base to start a blue print for the entire apartment. Now this is where the fun begins. Time to analyze this plan and compare all the evidence captured in screenshots to it to find consistencies and rule out things by educated guessing. Let’s get to work, shall we?
Analyzing the plan
The next step after researching, screenshoting and sorting things was to analyze the floor plan from the “Design Works” book. I reconstructed the (not so quite accurate) one-point-perspective of this bird’s eye view to a flat plan. By doing so it was clear pretty early that even though we have a constructed plan it still is inconsistent in itself looking from an architectural point.
Walls that should have the same thickness to them are slightly off. (Talking inside walls here that obviously are different from those framing the building. I know this seems like nitpicking but there are norms in architecture that should not be ignored completely!) I ended up following a middle ground path adjusting the slightly off indoor walls but keeping the outdoor frame due to lack of better knowing. (Again, we’re talking about 0,x mm based on the picture above. It’s probably not worth mentioning. I’m sorry.) “But the wall separating the kitchen from the dining area is wider!” you might now say. Well, yes - but keep in mind there is a counter like surface on top of it making it broader to place items on top. (Please see reference pictures.)
The seven doors have different widths with should have the same. (Again, lack of norms and standardization. I’m a sucker for precision! Please bear with me.) I decided to adjust them to one and the same size which so happened to be the one of the doors leading to the mysteriously appearing and disappearing rooms opposite to Taichi’s bedroom. The reason why I chose this one and not another is simple: those two had the same width while all the others were different. The majority won here lol.
The furniture themselves aren’t perfect in proportion either but fiddling around with standardized sizes I found on a website helping (mostly foreigners) to furnish their apartment in Tokyo just turned the idea into one huge mess. For the sake of my sanity I decided to keep things as they’re given in the floor plan matching real furniture proportions or not may care about who want.
This left me with an outcome you would probably say “Yea, well... duh!” (You’re kinda right. I had to go all the way for this though. I can’t help myself lol)
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Comparing the plan
Now that the first part of the blue print was done it was time to compare it to what we’re given throughout the show. In other words time to rule out those parts of the inconsistencies that just don’t add up in the overall picture. 
Comparing doors
Besides the change of colours probably the most talked about issue when it comes to this apartment. The amount and placement of them vary greatly throughout movies and series so here’s a side by side comparison and reasoning why I ruled certain things out.
First off the 4 or 2 doors down the hallway. In some episodes, namely 31, 32 and 34, we are confronted with a much longer hallway leading to the main entrance of the apartment containing 4 instead of 2 doors. 
(examples 4 doors: top - Adventure episode 31; bottom left - Adventure episode 32; bottom right - Adventure episode 34)
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In any other episode of Adventure, of 02, tri., or OWG these additional doors do not show up. (I was hoping I could say this is because it was always the same director or screen writer but that’s not the case so I don’t have a valid explanation for you.)
(examples 2 doors: top - OWG; second row left - Adventure episode 21; second row right - Adventure 02; third row - tri. Determination; bottom left - tri. Confession; bottom right - tri. Coexistence)
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For a while I considered the one glimpse we get into the toilet in Adventure episode 21 that led me to the thought the third door might be leading to a separated bathroom but since you can see the shower/bathtub in the background of it I wasn’t so sure (I’ll come back to this later when discussing the bathroom.)
The reason why I ended up not taking the two doors left and right next to the main entrance into consideration when working out the floor plan was mostly the kitchen window. In many of the screenshots (and many more occassions throughout the show) we see a window facing the same direction as the main entrance. When looking at the entrance from outside (see above) we find the same window design making it obvious (to me) that this is the kitchen window. If we assume now that there’s another room behind the door to the right in the upper example between entrance and kitchen then the window in the kitchen would make no sense at all as it would face directly into that room. In other footage of the show the hallway is also much shorter not giving enough space for another room which aligns with the window theory. This kind of rules out the door across the hallway as it is highly unlikely that an apartment complex has such a weirdly angled floor layout. All this given plus the floor plan we are provided with in the “Design Works” makes it save to say there are just two doors down this hallway instead of four.
Secondly we have the ominous doors on the other side of the living room opposite to Taichi’s bedroom that tend to vanish from time to time.
(examples: top left - Adventure episode 21; top right - Adventure episode 32; bottom left - tri. - Confession; bottom right - tri - Coexistence)
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What we know is where the LDK, the bathroom and Taichi’s room are as they are consistent throughout the whole show. According to just Adventure and 02 those are the only rooms the apartment offers which is not just weird because one might wonder where do the parents sleep but also because we see Hikari having a room of her own in 02. Where did this magically come from? This is where OWG and tri. come to the rescue. In these movies the apartment gets two (actually three, one connecting the two “new” rooms) more doors leading to more rooms. While we never get a look behind those doors in tri. it is one of the main stages for OWG providing us with plenty of information.
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Here we see that this room is connected not only to the living room but also to the room we never get to look inside - ever. Also this room is attached to the long balcony that goes all the way past the living room to the end of Taichi’s room. Maybe not worth mentioning at first glance but remember what I said about room orientation in relation to the end of the building? If the building ends where we get to see it ending in any of the outside-the-main-door shots then this room is the one at the end of the building.If Taichi’s room is the one at the end of the building according to the outside-the-balcony shots then this room is sharing one wall with the next door neighbours. This will be interesting when we get to Hikari’s room, so keep it in mind.
Also the middle shot supports the small sketch oft these two rooms in the floor plan of “Design Works” where you can see the array of walls being angled so the door to the unseen room is a bit offset.
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Putting these things together we’re getting this: 
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How wide these rooms are we don’t know. Neither do we know how they’re funished. I’ll get to this at a later point. It is save to say though that for the sake of the parents and Hikari these rooms do exist and provide a privacy space for each of them. Therefore I do add them to my version of the floor plan. Before we get back to the interior of these rooms let’s finish comparing the LDK and set up Taichi’s room as the furniture dimensions of his room contributed immensely to what my final plan looks like.
Comparing the LDK
There’s a lot of rearrangement going on in these rooms when it comes to placement of the furniture. Kitchen equipment and devices switch places and the fridge opens in a different direction. The design of the kitchen table and chairs is switching and sometimes there’s a computer at the wall next to the kitchen table sometimes it’s just a cabinet. The little side table for the phone changes position and so do the cabinets and the TV stand (including TV obviously) in the living room where also the couches change size at random. 
I’ll share some of my screenshots for those who are interested in this but I won’t go into detail about it. If I wanted to adress these issues I’d be sitting here with another overly long post like this particular one going on about furniture colour, dimension and placement of a show that couldn’t be further away from this content lol. (Not that I wouldn’t have fun doing it but let’s be real, there has to be a line somewhere!) The main reason for this post is to share my findings about the floor plan of the apartment and since the main positions of things stay the same regarding the LDK there’s no real need for that either.
(examples kitchen: top left - Adventure episode 21; top right - OWG; middle left - Adventure episode 21; middle right -  OWG; bottom left - tri. Reunion; bottom right - OWG)
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(examples couch size and furniture arrangement in the living room: top left - Adventure episode 21; top right - tri. Reunion; second row left - Adventure 02; second row right - OWG; third row left - Adventure episode 32; third row right - Adventure episode 34; bottom left - Adventure episode 21; bottom right - tri - Coexistence)
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(examples cabinet/computer station behind the kitchen table: top left - Adventure episode 21; top right - tri. Reunion; bottom left - Adventure episode 32; bottom right - tri. Confession)
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Alright. Now on to more interesting things.
Analyzing Taichi’s room
Now that we’ve got the easy part out of the way let’s check out the rooms attached to the LDK starting with Taichi’s room as we have the most information about it.
My first step here was to turn the linework we are provided with by the “Design Works” into a flat plan by morphing the perspective following the same path as for the plan analysis. This turned out as an utter failure when I realized I don’t have the tools to do so. I ended up turning to the screenshot from tri. - Confessions and went from there back checking with the linework for proportion and position reference.
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To explain how exactly I went about this would would take a riddiculous amount of time. What I did in short was to reengineer the one-point-perspective bird-eye-view we’re getting in this screenshot to a somewhat flat plan. This leaves a lot of lose ends as we don’t see where the wardrobe, the computer desk, the bed, the coffee table, the rug, and the TV stand end. 
We do know a few things though:
The wall with the glass doors leading to the balcony is an extention of the living room.
The wall with the door is a given from the floor plan of “Design Works”.
The door to Taichi’s room and the bathroom are also given in said floor plan which indicate the wall separating them being in the middle of them both.
The width of the room is given in both the screenshot and the lineworks. This is the point where I started using Taichi’s size and shoulder width as measurement unit. (Sorry for the abuse, Taichi! You were very helpful though!) With this knowledge I could now determine the layout of Taichi’s room in relation to the already established floor plan setting up the missing wall.
The desk and chair are obvious. 
Using what we were given in the original plan of “Design Works” I took the size of the TV stand as given and decided the one in Taichi’s room is the same dimension. I double checked this with the aforementioned website of real furniture proportions and found it - even though shorter - pretty accurate.
Taking a closer look at the lineworks of Taichi’s room you can see that the TV stand alings almost with the door to his room. This now gives us great information about the wardrobe. We do know where the wardrobe starts and how deep it is thanks to the screenshot. We also know where the room ends and the glass doors to the balcony start. Seeing in the lineworks that the wardrobe goes all the way to this wall we now know the dimensions of the wardrobe (keep it in mind, it will determine the size of the other two rooms.)
We know where the smaller PC desk starts (attached to the slightly larger desk), how deep it is and we know it extends to the wall with the balcony doors. 
We are also given three sides of the bed and a fixed position in the room as seen in the screenshot. Putting this down into the floor plan gave the missing side to close the bed frame.
From the lineworks I assumed the rug being rather square in shape and having one side given in relation to the coffee table, TV stand and wardrobe width in the screenshot and the lineworks it was easy to place this square down.
The coffee table ended up being a smaller version of the one in the living room adjusting its proportions to the width we’re given in the screenshot.
The balcony doors ended up being half the width of the ones in the living room. I randomly tried this size since there are two panels in Taichi’s room and four in the living room. Positioning this width in the middle of the wall is actually congruent with the lineworks of his room and the “Taichi’s shoulder width” proportion so I settled for that.
Now that all the furnishings were placed down in the blue print I back checked with the website of furniture sizes and calculated side proportions back and forth. After some adjustments and fiddling around I finally ended up with a plan for Taichi’s room in tri. (As I said, the individual steps would take extremely long to lay out to you. If you care, pm me and we go into detail lol) Looking like this:
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If you double check this plan with the plan given in the “Design Works” you will find that the position of the doors to Taichi’s bedroom and the bathroom have been adjusted somewhat towards the living room. There’s several reasons for this.
Taichi’s room dimensions are determined by what we just established.
In screenshots throughout the whole show the door leading to Taichi’s (and Hikari’s) room is more in between couch and kitchen table than directly behind the kitchen table.
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I’ve not been working on single rooms individually as I guide you through but simultaneously on everything at once making sure everything matches and I don’t end up with a bathroom twice the size of the kitchen...oh wait. I’ll get there, promise! (No that’s not a threat!)
Comparing Taichi’s room
Alright this will be fun. The arrangement of furniture in this room has changed so many times that one could lose count and going by the screenshots I took over the course of 7 movies and 2 seasons I was facing a huge amount of discrepancy. 
Comparing the balcony windows
This difference is probably the most noteworthy of them all as it defines the general size of the room.
(examples: top left - Adventure episode 21; top right - OWG; second row - Adventure episode 35; third row - Adventure 02; bottom - tri. Determination)
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Honestly, while trying to figure out the cut of the apartment this was the biggest struggle (which transfers to the office of OWG as it is the same situation really). Eventually I had to make a decision and I decided on the cut that goes with the two window planes instead of four. The main reason for my decision was just common sense really. An apartment in Tokyio affordable for a family of four surely isn’t that  big of a size. If we went with the four panel window we’d end up with a width of the room identical to the living room (as it has a four panel window). Knowing where the door to Taichi’s room is (and therefore the other wall) this would mean Taichi and Hikari had a room the size of the living room and the dining room just to themselves. This is so highly unlikely considering where they live that I’m sure we can agree that this can’t be the case really. I did mess around with the furniture and arranged them in a wider room testing out theories like “What if those four panels are looking out of the building in a 90° angle to the living room?” and similar things but knowing that the balcony is connected to both Taichi’s room and the living room theories like these were ruled out quickly. Plenty of thought went into this only to come to the conclusion that I will move on with what tri gives us which also is supported in any other episode of Adventure besides 21 and Adventure 02 as well as the official lineworks of the “Design Works” book that served as a source for my plan.
Comparing the wall to the right of the door
There is again a very mentionable difference throughout the show also determining the general cut of the room to a certain extend.
(examples: top left - OWG; top right - Adventure episode 31; middle - Adventure 02; bottom - tri - Confession)
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As you can see in the screenshots above the distance between the doorframe and the wall separating Taichi’s room from the bathroom differs in wardrobe depth. I played around with this again which means I moved the door up and down the wall seeing how this would adapt to the furniture inside that room and also how it would affect the arrangements outside in the LDK and for the bathroom. In the end I returned to my base argument of the positioning of the doors. Even though I already had to adjust their placement towards the window side of the apartment due to the bathroom giving difficulties if I didn’t. 
There’s more to compare and talk about Taichi’s (and Hikari’s) room but that only regards the interior and as said before that’s a whole different topic one could go on about forever. So let’s move on!
Setting up the bathroom
Honestly there’s very little information about that place. We get one (!) glimpse into this room in Adventure episode 21 where Hikari waits outside the toilet for Koromon finishing his business.
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Thanks to the “Design Works” book there is also a sketch of a potential layout which doesn’t even match the plan it belongs to in the slightest when blowing it up to match dimensions. It also has nothing in common with what we see in the screenshot above.
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This little sketch which is merely a sidenote of the floor plan in “Design Works” really is so out of proportion that no matter what you do when trying to blow it up and match arrangements of the plan it will not fit at all. Looking at that one screenshot I still decided to go with the sketch rather than what we get from the show since it is obvious that the toilet right behind the door with only enough space for a pair of slippers making people climb over the toilet whenever they want to take a shower is just for pure story telling purposes and not for actual arrangements.
 For this part of the floor plan I just guesstimated using the layout we get from the sketch and adjusted it so it would fit in dimensions. I also used the room width we established planning Taichi’s room by simply extending it. Eventually things added up and worked out proportionwise that I ended up with this:
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Now that this side of the place is settled time to finish the other side.
Setting up Hikari’s room and the parents’ bedroom
Alright. We can see the finishing line from here! 
We already established the wall distribution of the office before which implies the wall distribution of the room we never get to look inside. We just need to determine the width of those rooms. Again using some common sense the missing wall can be nothing but a straight line. Where this is we need to figure out though. 
First we need to take a look at what else we know about these rooms or the rooms that should be these - meaning one of them being Hikari’s room we get to know in Adventure 02 and the assumably existing bedroom of the parents. An educated guess would lead us to the assumption that once Hikari was old enough to have her own bedroom (too old to share it with her big brother) the parents gave up on their bedroom and moved into the office. Alternatively they empied the office for her. Let’s see which one it is.
We only get to see Hikari’s room twice throughout Adventure 02 and both times the same shot.
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This looks like a lot of information at first glance but when trying to place it down on the plan it doesn’t work out really. What we have is a bed, a desk with a chair and a rug. We also know her desk is under a window (not in front of a balcony door!) and the other two walls are plain. We also don’t know where the door to this room is. The classic movie take on this would indicate that the viewer is looking at these scenes from the doorframe but it might as well be on one of the walls to the side just outside of the viewers sight. We don’t know.
Starting with this window we see it somewhat rules out this room being the office OWG takes place. The office does not have any windows but the balcony doors and two doors leading to other rooms. The rest of the walls are plain.
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Taking this information I think it is save to say that the parents gave up on their bedroom and moved into the emptied office. (Makes me wonder where all that stuff went.)
Back to the window of Hikari’s room. I made an assumption here claiming the window we see is facing the same direction as the kitchen window. The reason for this thought is the view we have from outside the apartment on the main entrance.
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These two shots as used before point this out best. You can clearly see the kitchen window being close but not right next to the main entrance leaving enough space for a window. The fact that it has the same recessed design as the kitchen window supports this thought.
Obviously I could be totally off with this theory as we’re moving outside of any given content now. The window we see in the two screenshots of Hikari’s room might as well be on the wall facing a 90° angle to what i just talked about. 
Taking the furniture size for the desk, chair and bed we established when figuring out Taichi’s room placing it in an arrangement as in the screenshot leaves only one reasonable placement that again supports the theory of where I will put my window.
Next thing I needed to clarify was the width of the room. After some consideration I decided to use the angled arrangement of the wall separating the two rooms as the perfect placement for a wardrobe. Taking what we worked out in Taichi’s room I used his wardrobe and placed in that position. This at first being nothing of a random thought turned out to work surprisingly well for the whole concept and after a little bit of playing around with the furniture I decided that this is where I will close the room.
Obviously I had to check back with the office now being a bedroom if that newly established wall works out for this room as well. What the room needed was a bed and maybe two night stands and a wardrobe. We know the size of a wardrobe by now and I accepted nightstands being about the same dimension as the phone stand. I also turned to my trusty guide on how to furnish an apartment in Tokyo looking up double beds. Placing this down in proportion to the already known single bed of Taichi and Hikari this worked out better than I would’ve hoped for. 
One last test seeing how a now reduced in depth two panel window would fit into the wall (remember the issue we had with Taichi’s room at this point? It carried on!) left me satisfied enough to keep it as it is.
That’s when I was sitting on a complete blue print of the apartment completely furnished besides Hikari’s room still looking somewhat empty. Doing some more guesstimation here I gave the poor girl the same convenience as her brother adding a TV plus stand, a carpet and a coffee table and for the hell of it a 2 seats couch because that’s what girls have and the room had the space. 
If you made it to here: Thank you so much for reading! You have my highest respect for dealing with me!
The final result
 Again this is the mix and match of what is given by the producers, official books, a good amount of adjusting to divergence with the addition of substantiated guessing. 
If you now think “Dude, that is just... no! What did you conjour up?” I don’t blame you. If you have better ideas that you can support by anything but headcanon then please by all means pm me. I’m dying to hear other people’s take on this subject and would love to exchange about it. Now without further ado here it is:
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I hope I didn’t do this just for my own sake of mind but that it can actually be put to good use by fanartists, writers or analysts that might do a better job than my rambling lol. If you actually can use it for your own projects please let me know! I’d be happy if this helped anyone to do their projects! 
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ardenttheories · 6 years
Admittedly that was less “twenty minutes” and more “several hours” but regardless, I am here to provide a Homestuck/Undertale AU!
Also this got kind of long: It includes short character descriptions and powers, goes into a “pre-game” lore, and then picks up as if telling the story the “player” would play through if it were a game. At the end I also included little facts of the plot (specifically about Roxy, who acts a bit like Gaster), and a fun “No-Mercy run” twist of events. 
John: A prince of the human realm. He was once great friends with Jane, before his family was struck down, and war ravaged the world. He disappeared soon after, and though it has never been confirmed, it is widely assumed that he was slaughtered alongside his parents. 
Jade: The Royal Scientist of the Underground. She is a serious woman, when she wants to be, but tends to flip between tireless workaholic and outright shenanigan-fuelled silliness. She suffers occasional bouts of narcolepsy, but finds visions in her dreams that fuelled her projects, or encourage her to begin new ones. She is a plant-based monster (think Shyren, but with hair of thick vines, moss-based skin, and a long, thick lab coat). Her signature move in a fight is to resize the SOUL, making it harder for the player to escape her thorn-covered vines. 
Dave and Davesprite: Twins who appeared under mysterious circumstances in the Underground. Both have a tendency for hiding their fears behind jokes and quick wit, often striking the fear of the other when they are fearful themself. They are skittish, unsure, but cover it well; to most outsiders, they are simply a pair of rambunctious crows, frequently getting themselves in trouble and aiding those they can in between bouts of arguments. Though Dave has the more dominant personality, speaking for both of them and making most of their friends, Davesprite tends to stick in the minds of people more; he is the quieter of the brothers, yet the one who (accidentally) makes the most trouble. They are Crow monsters: Dave’s feathers are white and his eyes are red, whereas almost every part of Davesprite is a fluorescent orange; they have no beaks, but instead bird-like noses and wide eyes, the majority of their bodies covered in feathers besides a small portion of their faces; from their forearms and their knees down, they are covered in the scale-like skin of a bird’s legs, toes and fingers turning into claws; and both sport large, beautiful wings, though Davesprite is missing the right wing. Their special move is to turn the SOUL orange and split it in half; Dave attacks one side, and Davesprite attacks the other. Davesprite’s attacks damage Dave’s half of the SOUL; Dave’s attacks damage Davesprite’s half of the SOUL. 
Rose: A reclusive woman, hiding herself away in the furthest portion of the Underground. She has made her home in an oddly magical forest, covered in blue fungi and tar-like trees. She spends her days peering into her reflection in the only crystal-clear pond in the entire forest, searching for answers that play like movies on the bubbling surface of the water. She is a Cat monster (think the Snowdin shopkeeper, but... a cat) on her upperhalf, and a mass of tar-like tendrils on her lowerhalf. Her special move turns the SOUL crystal, requiring them to remember the pattern and order of her attacks that will then appear on screen invisible.  
Dirk: An amalgamate. He was made from the dust of several monsters, infused with determination in order to see if they could be revived. Unfortunately, there was not enough dust of each monster to keep individual shape, and the resulting Shambling Limbs melted together instead. As a result, he is incredibly deformed: arms hold his head in place above his body, disconnected from his neck; odd-coloured arms sprout from his body, acting as if they are separate entities, constantly in discord with one another; parts of him waver in and out of existence, turning to dust only to to shift back into place, solid once more; his lower half is a molten goop, legs unable to retain their shape and leaving him with a trail of barely formed dust; and his face is droopy and inconsistent, flickering between the faces of the monsters he is formed of - a Robot (Brobot), a Shadow (Hal), a Fire Elemental (Godtier) and a Mirage (Brain Ghost). His signature move is to make the SOUL fade in and out of existence (turn blue and orange).
Jake: An adventurer, bored of the Underground. He is a boisterous and joyful man, always seeking out anything that can retain his attention for a long period of time. He has scoured every inch of the Underground and uncovered all of its secrets (or so he thinks), and desires to escape into the Overworld simply for the thrill of more. He is a Greater Dog. His signature move is to cycle the SOUL through various colours every turn. 
Jane: A lonely princess who remembers the days before the Underground. She once had a brother, a father, and a loving court; now she has dirt, dust, and nothing to show for her title besides a tiara she’s long since forgotten. She locks herself in the Ruins in the hopes to avoid her future, and the masses of monsters out in the Underground expecting her to solve the conundrum of their entrapment. She is a Jackrabbit monster (think the Snowdin shopkeeper mixed with Toriel). Her signature move is to turn the SOUL light green, showering down volleys of white attacks with green attacks interspersed; the player has to collect these green attacks to refill their continuously depleting health. 
Roxy: The Royal Scientist prior to Jade. She disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving the lab and the amalgamate inside to her descendant. Very little is known about her, though it is assumed, at this point, that she must be dead. She is a Shadow monster. Her signature move turns the SOUL black, hiding it against the background and only blinking into existence every few seconds.
Jane was the heiress to the throne in the Overworld. At that time, there was peace; her and her father kept close relations with the human King and Queen, to the point that she befriended their son, the prince. All was well, until one day, her father announced that he was going to marry. The woman he had found was a wicked Witch. She treated her population awfully, but presented such an image of terror that nobody dared to fight back. In time, she attempted to stretch her influence into the human realm, and initiated a bloody attack; she slaughtered her husband, and murdered the human King and Queen. The young human prince disappeared overnight. 
The humans would not bow down to her will, as the monsters had. Instead, a gruesome war took hold of the world; blood ran the rivers red, battles devastated villages and towns, and dust coated what were once well-inhabited homes. 
Between the brutality of her mother, and the overwhelming power of the vengeful humans, the monster population dwindled to near extinction. Jane was desperate to save her people. 
She opened the way to the Underground as an escape for monsters of all kinds, leaving the Witch to her pointless war with the humans. 
Before she descended with them, she fled back into her mother’s territory. It took her years, but she soon found the missing prince, deep in a slumber beneath the castle’s walls; aged years far above his own, he was frail and weak. With tender delicacy, his tender form clutched gently to her chest, she fled into the Underground with her only friend - and used his SOUL to obscure the entrance from ever being found. 
In the safety of the Underground, the monster population soon began to rise. New young replaced the dead, raised on the whispers of humans and terror and war. Time passed, and the rumours only gained friction, become more distorted from the truth the more they were repeated. Soon, Jane was only a whisper on the lips of the hopeful; the one who saved them, and the one who would set them free, once the humans and the Witch had slaughtered each other off the face of the Earth.
Only one monster, a Scientist named Roxy, ventured to the supposed living of the princess - the Ruins. It was a well hidden, forgotten place, but Roxy was used to seeking well hidden, forgotten things; when she reached the Ruins, she found that access was forbidden to her - or, more accurately, to anyone. She knew the princess was still inside, and thus, she began to speak. 
It took time. A long, long time. But they both had plenty of it. 
A friendship bloomed between the two between the door of the Ruins, Jane inside, Roxy outside. Eventually, she was able to befriend Jane to a point that she was told, very quietly, one thing: the rumours were false. The catastrophe was at the hand of the Witch only, not the fault of the humans. Jane did not speak to her for days after that. 
When she did speak again, it was a request; for the scientist to look into Determination, the only thing - beyond Jane’s magic - keeping her human friend alive. She wanted to know if it was possible to reverse the effects of the Witch’s powers - because with the prince back, going into the Overworld may be a viable action. 
The scientist quickly took the extracted Determination slipped through the door, and the slowing-rotting corpse of Jane’s only friend. With both in hand, she dashed away and holed herself up in her lab, performing experiment after experiment in order to achieve the goal she had been set - in order to make the princess happy once more. 
Experimenting with monster dust and Determination led to terrible results. The Amalgamation she created could never disintegrate, but wanted to with all its hearts. She did her best to ensure that it - all of it - was happy, until it eventually accepted its fate, took on the name Dirk, and decided to be he instead. He helped her with her work, far more careful and calculating and risk-taking than she was willing to be, and together, they began to make progress. 
But something was missing. No matter what they did, it failed in the end. Frustration led the scientist to drastic measures, and one day, she vanished. 
The lab was given to another scientist. Though it took Jade some years to find and understand her predecessor’s notes, she eventually managed to piece together what she had found, believing it to be the only chance of escape from the Underground. She wasn’t sure why or what it all meant until she found a journal detailing the princess’ stories as told through a door in the Ruins, far, far away. Filled with the wonder of the Overworld, of the space and the possibilities and the endlessness, and the fury at the humans and their war, she threw herself into her work, desperate to see if what she had read was true. 
The Underground moved on. The monster population began to flourish. Two new monsters appeared out of nowhere, odd Crows that seemed to wreck havoc and give help in turn. Nobody could say for sure where they had come from, but whoever they were, Dave and Davesprite soon settled themselves into the normal world of the Underground until there was barely a seam to show their fit. 
Then, one day, a human appeared in the Underground. 
With no recollection of who they were or how they’d gotten there, they went into the Ruins, coming across the princess in her isolation. Though shocked, she in equal parts of eagerness and tentativeness gives them a quest; to go through the Underground, reach its furthest point, and uncover the resting-place of her human friend. Only then could the human leave, however they had arrived - with the monsters following in tow. 
The human leaves, and quickly comes across an odd, adventurous Greater Dog, whom excitedly shows them the ropes of adventuring (including a battle tutorial). Jake appears several times to encourage the human, sharing his fanciful tales and making a general nuisance of himself. He guides them towards the main town, whereupon they find two strange Crows. 
The Crows seem to both like and dislike the human, flipping back and forth about how they each seem to feel. They put up halfhearted attempts to “stop” the human’s progress, but ultimately just let them move on, recognising that they’re absolutely no harm to the anyone in the Town or the Underground as a whole. They follow the human on their journey, attempting to figure out an odd feeling in the back of their heads - a little annoyance that tells them there’s something the human should watch out for, or be wary of. 
They only realise what the feeling is when, part way through the journey towards the lab, they are cut off from the human. 
Jade, in her isolation, has become staunchly anti-human.  
Attempting to survive the lab and its surroundings is the only way for the human to survive. They trudge through dangerous death traps, complex puzzles that seem to hold no answer, tricky pathways that take them far, far out of their way before suddenly diverting back towards the lab. By the time they reach the lab itself, things seem to be getting easier, almost. 
Except then they are very much accosted by the Amalgamate. 
The only option is the run. The Amalgamate is very fast and very angry; tiring it out in battle, escaping from it, running as far as they can, and repeating is the only way for them to reach deep enough inside the lab that the scientist, in a turn of heart, can save them. She placates the enraged Amalgamate, gently encourages him to go back to his space within the lab, and greets the human.
She apologises for her behaviour - though they may not have seen it, she had set up all of the tricks and traps in order to kill them. She had been quickly surprised, however, by how determined the human was with solving all of her puzzles; rather than turn on tail, or march their way through guns-blazing, they had taken their time and stewed over her creations - and after so long without anyone to talk to besides Dirk, she had eventually found herself hoping the human would overcome her obstacles. 
Recognising that they mean no harm, and thoroughly embarrassed with her actions, she questions why they are there. Realising that they have been sent by Jane, she begins to apologise more fervently - before suddenly dashing off to her notes. She comes back and explains that she has been working to complete the work of her predecessor, trying to tie together almost incomprehensible notes into an idea that would help the Underground as a whole. It has been slow going, and she always felt like something was missing - but with the human there, she seems to realise what she has to do. 
She gives the human a vial of Determination, the last part she has left, and opens up the other side of the lab, encouraging them to go onward. 
Nothing much happens (besides the reappearance of the Crows and the Greater Dog, who argue back and forth until Jake is forced to admit that he maybe isn’t as great of an adventurer as he thought since he’s never been past the lab, resulting in Dave and Davesprite feeling guilty and attempting to make him feel better - only to make it worse) until the human reaches the edge of the Dark Forest. There is a hush there suggesting that nothing living exists beyond the dark, nigh-dead grass, and as the monsters attempt to follow the human, they find that they instead walk into an invisible barrier. 
Left alone, the human must traverse the confusing twists and turns of the forest. Blue mushrooms light the way towards the centre of the forest, where they there find a tentacled Cat monster. She informs them that her name is Rose, and that she has been waiting for them for a very, very long time. She then says that it is quite lovely to be able to meet the prince in person - or, at least, his detached SOUL. 
She expositions that the previous Royal Scientist had, prior to her disappearance, founded the forest in an attempt to try and keep the prince alive, using the natural magic within it to turn into life force that would keep his body going. She then discovered that he was, in fact, only a body; his SOUL existed elsewhere, lost above in the Overworld when the Witch had snatched him away. Rose theorises that the Witch must have been using his SOUL in order to extend her own life and power, leaving the body to rot and wither away; and that Roxy had known this, and somehow “called” the SOUL to the Underground. 
What lies ahead is, essentially, his decaying body. The Determination the prince’s SOUL carries within him should be the factor that binds SOUL and body together once more.
Rose judges him before he moves on. Pleased with how he has been behaving in the Underground, she lets him move onward without much issue, merely informing him that she’ll see him on the other side. 
He marches on. As predicted, his SOUL enters his body and the Determination takes effect, bringing him back to life. A rumble shakes through the Underground almost as soon as the prince opens his eyes. 
With the aid of his newfound friends, John makes his way back to the Ruins. He has a tearful reunion with Jane, who exclaims gleefully that the barrier she’d used to hide them has been broken, and that ever since it has, she’s heard no sound of fighting. She hopes that peace exists in the Overworld. 
Of course, not all is that easy. The Witch is not yet dead, and furious to find that not only was her SOUL snatched back by its true owner, but also that an entire monster population existed outside of her reach. She immediately imprisons the monsters as Lost Souls, and begins a brutal battle with the prince, determined to take his SOUL and kill him once and for all. 
John defeats the Witch, who melts away after her furious Determination causes her body to disintegrate. The monsters cautiously step into the light, wary of what might be waiting them outside...
And find a peaceful world, grateful for the Witch’s demise and the return of their ancient prince. 
And some fun clarifications:
Roxy realised that she’d never be able to use determination on monsters. She also realised that she’d never be able to get a human into the Underground, being unable to leave to lure them in. Upon realising that John’s body no longer hosts his SOUL, and that the Witch likely still has it, she thrusts herself into her research, attempting to find a way to call out to his soul to return to his body. She eventually does; it’s a complex mixture of science and magic that results in the destruction of her own body, but allows her to pinpoint John’s soul, free it from the Witch, and essentially hook it back through the barrier and into the Underground. 
Determination courses through her as she realises that there’s nothing left of her form. Desperate to see it through to the end, and to give John’s SOUL the best chance of survival in the Underground, she manages to split her remnants in two; two parts of a Shadow forming two Crows imbued only with the desire to protect. Dave and Davesprite are the only monsters she’s successfully been able to create. She’s not entirely sure how she was able to do it, but it should be noted that Dave and Davesprite are much more material and much less magical than most other monsters. (It should also be noted that they will live nowhere near as long as Monsters do and are essentially living on borrowed time, but a much more extended borrowed time than, say, Undyne the Undying).  
That, of course, is the Pacifist route. It would be perfectly doable to slaughter every monster in the Underground, snatch up the determination, and then reach Jane, who sobs as she attempts to gain vengeance on her people, stating that humans must simply desire warfare and death and despair. In truth, it’s implied that the Witch still retains control over the SOUL. Having realised what Roxy was attempting to do, she destroys her control over the SOUL’s path and ensures that it follows her vicious whims and desires, slaughtering the monsters of the Underground in punishment of their defiance. Roxy still creates Dave and Davesprite from her remnants in his instance, but does so more to protect the Underground than to protect John. 
Dave and Davesprite will battle more fervently if they think that John actually poses any sort of harm to the Underground, and battle him twice; once when they first meet him, and once more after he’s regained his body. Once both are defeated, their bodies will fuse together, becoming a broken Amalgamate of Roxy who tries to fix her mistakes. This secondary phase to the battle doesn’t last long; the Crows were already existing on borrowed time, and Roxy had already lost her body once. She fades away with her regrets. 
Furthermore, in a No-Mercy run, Rose’s judgement would work much like Sans’ judgement. She will battle John in order to stop him from reaching his body, but doesn’t have anywhere near as much HP as any other monster. After she has exerted herself, John’s first hit will kill her immediately. 
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the-fushiguros · 6 years
tagged by @thehotstrangeryoullneverseeagain
Thanks Agata!
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
name: Rook
nickname: Technically Rook is my nickname. I like it a lot better than my real name.
age: 21
gender: female
orientation: bisexual
favourite colour: Red. Bright, loud red
book recommendations: Most of the stuff I read is history books for my research, but besides that I recommend: Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, and The Book Thief
tv recommendations: Queer Eye! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a piece of media that makes me so happy and proud. I do recommend NOT binging it though. You have to spread it out. Save the new episodes for when you need a pick-me-up instead of watching it all at once.
music recommendations: My favourite band is (clearly) Arctic Monkeys, followed closely by The Last Shadow Puppets. Besides that though, my music taste is pretty weird and inconsistent. Because of my synesthesia (I taste noises) my favourite songs tend to be those that taste good over ones that sound good. Alex Turner’s voice tastes like whisky with occasional hints of apple when he gets into a particularly low pitch, and Miles Kane’s voice tastes like maple! Other songs I like include: Dream is Collapsing from the Inception soundtrack which tastes like raspberry shaved ice. Rachmaninoff’s prelude in c# minor which is incredibly sweet. And anything by Pigeons Playing Ping Pong has this background taste like a rare cooked steak. The synesthesia makes music (and life) incredibly interesting. 
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Meh. Can I choose cider instead??
cats or dogs: Dogs!
favourite meme: This one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=glHrLyDpV1k
I want to live long enough to witness: Space travel. Like Star Trek level exploration.
weird obsessions: I can’t think of anything I’m into that’s particularly weird or strange.
tumblr birthday:
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how many sideblogs: Two! A humour one and a video game one
random fact about me: My go to is usually my synesthesia, but since I already mentioned that...I’ve written three books! They’re objectively terrible and just sitting in files on my computer. But still.
goals for 2018: Stay healthy. I just want to go one year without some major health crisis/surgery. Just one!!
And I’ll tag some people when I’m back on my computer instead of my mobile!
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leechangjoons · 6 years
Name: Lee Jangil  Shifter Form: shiny Jolteon  Appearance: A lanky and rumpled man with wild eyes and messy, lime-streaked hair, it’s not difficult to recognise the current Jangil as who he now is. He usually is clad in a dark blue blazer over a lime-coloured collared shirt and long pants, with his right pant leg neatly folded on the seat of his wheelchair. His other heavily braced leg usually has a platform shoe worn on it, and from the way he’s dressed, you’d think he’s still a prosecutor... The indicator of his shift can also be seen from his attire, as he dresses in more casual geek tees and shorts while as Sunwoo.  Personality: Fiercely competitive and greedy, Jangil unravels easily when spoken to. He tends to be inconsistent in his speech, often employing jargon from tabletop games and claiming to be ‘leaning really close to the 4th wall’ when questioned about his intentions. Unhinged as he is, he often seems to be slipping in and out of reality, and when he disassociates he starts speaking as his second persona of his ex-best friend. When he’s clearheaded, however, he is surprisingly sharp and levelheaded, often exploiting his finesse in law to solve problems quickly and scale the corporate ladder. His tendency to have people let their guard down around him by playing up his unhinged nature makes his exploits so much easier, and he is deeply calculating and manipulative. However, throwing in his lot with Changjun and Eunsoo has given him second thoughts of leaving them, craving the thrill and fun as it was to be the one catching people off guard. While insidious and manipulative, he craves the stability and contact of family support, and despises his father greatly. 
As his second personality, Jangil responds to ‘Sunwoo’, and acts like a teenager: while he seems mature in this nature, he also becomes much more petulant and often sassier than he usually is. While he retains Jangil’s memories, Sunwoo cannot tap into his skills as much, often ending up bumbling through things than helping. Sunwoo’s temperament is also much milder than Jangil’s nigh-consistent mood swings, being calm, grounded and often the voice of reason.  History: Jangil was from a poor family and grew up in a lonely seaside village with his father. From a young age, he excelled in his academic studies, dreaming of one day making it in the real world, his only friend being a boy named Sunwoo. His efforts paid off and he became a celebrated public prosecutor. Jangil's greed and ambition for fame and fortune made him betray Sunwoo, and he lived with his dark and lonely secret believing for the longest time that his friend had died. 
After an elaborate revenge scheme from Sunwoo, Jangil soon had a breakdown and was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. Jangil stayed in his now fragmented secondary personality of Sunwoo for a few months, and when he regained lucidity, he was informed that he had been cared for by the apologetic Sunwoo the entire time. Driven once more to a second breakdown, he committed suicide the same way he had attempted to murder Sunwoo years ago after convincing Sunwoo he was well again- by hurling himself into the freezing ocean of their childhood home in an act of penance. 
Jangil was eventually fished up by seafarers on the absolute brink of death, and from a bizarre case of mistaken identity, eventually handed over to the Full House faction of Area 51 as a part of them. Adopted into their family after being accidentally mixed up with their dead sibling of the same name, Jangil embraced the confusion and preferred to keep his past hidden- not that he could for long. With one leg missing and the other paralysed, he threw himself into physical training and working with the much more stellar agents in an attempt to forget his past, all while laying down strong foundations for his future climb in society. 
Eventually, however, he did once again climb to a powerful position within Area 51 with his connections and intelligence. Though, chaotic as he was, and with his facial features incredibly similar to a certain weaselly prosecutor, he soon fell in with Changjoon and Eunsoo, both who were suspicious of his intentions but combined with him anyway for the same purpose. He’d infiltrated Hangjo on the guise of a law consultant, and while working with Yeonjae connected the dots of her needs, and sought out Changjoon as a bargaining chip for his advance. While Changjoon saw through Jangil’s wiles, nothing he did seemed to deter him and instead made Jangil even more clingy and loyal, so Changjoon eventually decided to simply roll with things. 
When Changjoon upended the Western Seoul Prosecution Office, Jangil too followed the vine up to his position as a close confidant, but acutely aware of Changjoon’s difficulties in processing language, he took on a secondary job of compiling simpler and more concise notes for the older man. He would argue that it was helping himself, but everyone could tell that the two had actively caused a change in the usually uncooperative man. While not a full-time employee due to his health, Jangil remains an indispensable asset as one of Changjoon’s most trusted informants, taunting those who try to get close to Changjoon and turning them against each other before they could reach him. 
Jangil now bunks with Changjoon and Eunsoo after an attempt at Eunsoo’s life caused her to accidentally rejuvenate. He claims it was to ‘keep an eye on them both’, but truth be told he genuinely just craves human company. He bickers on and off with Eunsoo often and sweetly refers to Changjoon as ‘old man’ and Yeonjae, Changjoon’s wife as ‘sister-in-law’, but Eunsoo remains the only person who visited Jangil’s original home and knows of his difficult relationship with his late father as well as his struggle to return the inheritance he rightfully got to him. Jangil also became an uncle to Changjoon and Yeonjae’s daughter Soojung, a responsibility he tackles with reckless abandon.
In recent times, he’s returned to his family home and dug up his father’s cache of gold bars in an attempt to take back what’s his. The rest, having accompanied him however treats this as a family holiday.  Powers: Jangil can sharpen his hairs into fine needles, which he can fire at others- embedding the needles into another person means he can channel electrical charges through them, effectively paralysing or shutting them down. Immortal/Semi-Immortal?: Mortal  Alignment: Chaotic Neutral  Other: Based off the Equator Man character of the same name 
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