#though i am sure many of you are not jojo fans. some of you must be
bnha-transparents · 1 year
to any jojo fans looking for manga transparents: i’m now running the blog @jojotransparents​! i make transparents for both the colored scans and black & white scans of jojo ★♡
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: It Starts Like This, Ch. 1/?
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Pairing(s): BruAbba, Platonic Bucci Gang
Summary: Then shit hits the fan.
Or, more accurately, Bucciarati hits the floor.
Giorno bolts forward, but there’s an entire, solid oak desk blocking his path. Gold Experience doesn’t even reach Bucciarati in time. His head hits the ground with a sickening crack, and he’s disturbingly limp.
Notes: Turns out being dead has a bit of a long term effect. Who would have thought?
This fic got away from me, so I'm breaking it down by character interaction (sort of). This is Giorno's part of this very Bucci-centric fic.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Disclaimer: I don't have a diagnosis of epilepsy, but I do have auras/various symptoms and am being tested. Also, I used 'grand mal' here, but it's an outdated term I only picked for the timing of the fic. They're now known as tonic-clonic seizures.
Unrelated: My dog typed the number ‘4’ on the google doc I was writing this on. Obviously it’s cursed. Sorry Bucci.
Giorno is midsentence when he notices Bucciarati’s attention beginning to wander. He watches a moment, letting his own words trail off into silence, as Bruno seems to fixate on something in his own head.
It's not entirely out of character, really. Bucciarati’s often juggling too many thoughts at once, and there are times that his mind will latch on to one in particular and get carried away. He doesn't mean it to be insulting, and Giorno doesn't take it that way.
Only a handful of seconds more pass before Bucciarati’s attention is turned back toward him. He blinks his eyes, clearing his mind, before speaking,
"Apologies, what was it you were saying?"
Giorno gives a slight smile and picks up as though nothing had happened at all.
The next time it happens, something feels off. Giorno doesn't know what. Bucciarati’s eyes drift off, almost upward. Then, rather abruptly, Sticky Fingers is there, reaching out to their user. Their movements freeze abruptly. The stillness is disturbing. Unnatural. Something tells Giorno that Bucciarati isn't lost in his thoughts.
He opens his mouth to try and say something, to right the wrongness of the air around them, but the door to his office creaks open.
Abbacchio looks between the two, from Bucciarati to Giorno. His eyes linger on Sticky Fingers a moment. The stand doesn’t so much as glance at their new companion. They don't move at all.
All Giorno can think is /wrong, wrong, wrong/. He feels sick. Without his realizing, Gold Experience has manifested behind him, fingers reaching forward.
All at once he can see the moment when Bucciarati begins to /exist/ again. His eyes still don't focus on Giorno. In fact, he looks right past him, but so does Abbacchio.
It's then that Giorno sees something settle in Abbacchio's eyes. Recognition of the problem. Or what he thinks is the problem. He nods to Gold Experience, and Giorno looks behind himself to see his stand.
Realization kicks in. Abbacchio thinks Bucciarati’s stillness-- the presence of his stand-- were justified things. Normal reactions to their boss’ stand being present.
Both are thinking: there’s a threat, and Giorno can’t help thinking that they aren’t wrong.
The conversation steers out of his control too quickly for him to keep up with. They’re both concerned about him and why his stand is out and not with what is truly wrong.
The next time it happens, Narancia is there. Bucciarati’s own words trail off. His fingers twitch in the air, a meaningless gesture that screams wrong, bad, wrong in Giorno’s mind.
He remembers, once, hearing Bucciarati explain that things can be unzipped and rezipped in a way that isn’t quite right. That sometimes, Bucciarati is in a rush or under too much pressure to be as precise as he would like.
He also remembers hearing of stands being incompatible with their users, but Bucciarati and Sticky Fingers work seamlessly. They move as one. Why now?
It makes him sick to think about, and he can see that same queasiness on Narancia’s features.
There’s something wrong, and Giorno doesn’t know if he can fix this with Gold Experience. He doesn’t know if he won’t just make it worse. Maybe Bucciarati needs time. Maybe his body will sort this out on its own.
Or maybe it won’t, some dark part of him whispers.
“You see it too?” Narancia asks in a whisper.
Giorno nods. Before he can speak, Narancia continues, “It’s happening more often.”
Those words feel like a knife slipped between his ribs. Before he can ask Narancia more, Bucciarati is rubbing at his eyes and making a confused sound in the back of his throat. All of Giorno’s attention is on him then, but he doesn’t know what to do.
Bucciarati more or less dismisses himself from the room after a few, confusing minutes of conversation.
“I must be tired,” Bucciarati had said.
Narancia and Giorno can only look at the door he leaves through in a helpless sort of uncertainty.
Giorno wants to berate himself the next time it happens, because the next time it happens is in the middle of a fight with two enemy stands, and Bucciarati is standing there, eyes drawn to the sky, and vulnerable. Sticky Fingers is no better. Giorno suspects that, if they had eyes, they would be looking in the same direction.
He doesn’t have time to panic or let the sensation of wrongness flood through him. The enemy stand sees the opening for what it is and rushes right for Sticky Fingers with an aim of demolishing stand and user alike.
Bucciarati turns his head with unfocused eyes, blinks at the thing rushing nearly right at him-- only inches off really, Sticky Fingers is too close. The enemy stand hesitates a moment, suddenly anticipating an attack, but Bucciarati only makes an odd sound in the back of his throat. His eyes draw unnaturally toward his right, where absolutely nothing of concern is waiting for him.
Giorno can only be grateful for the enemy’s hesitation. He takes advantage of it with a ruthlessness that is driven by fear more than anything.
Bucciarati doesn’t even turn his head when the enemy screams out with his last breath.
Everyone else chooses that moment to catch up to them, and the fussing is natural for the situation: the one where the two of them had been ambushed, and not the one where Bucciarati had stopped responding to his surroundings entirely.
Giorno tries to explain it to Abbacchio, but the man waves a hand, reminds him that Bucciarati has a lot on his plate at any given time. Lapses and distractions were bound to happen. Besides, they couldn’t ever be sure where Bucciarati’s attention was. With Sticky Fingers, he could reach beyond what they were used to.
Giorno finds no comfort in the reassurances, but he nods anyways.
Then shit hits the fan.
Or, more accurately, Bucciarati hits the floor.
Giorno bolts forward, but there’s an entire, solid oak desk blocking his path. Gold Experience doesn’t even reach Bucciarati in time. His head hits the ground with a sickening crack, and he’s disturbingly limp for a solid second or two before his whole body goes rigid.
Not one of their little group knows how to respond, all looking on in horror when Bucciarati begins to shake.
It’s Abbacchio that regains his composure first. He’s also the only one that has a clue on what to do, it seems, considering he’s rolling Bucciarati on his side before anyone else has managed to put their jaw back into its proper place.
“They’re seizures,” Abbacchio says once Giorno regains enough of his composure to crouch in front of them. Abbacchio keeps one hand on Bucciarati’s bicep, keeping him on his side without holding him down. He motions for Giorno to take over so he can shrug out of his coat.
“I know,” Giorno doesn’t think that could be any more obvious right now. He frets, for a moment, over how much pressure to put on Bucciarati, but Abbacchio doesn’t correct him.
“No, they’re seizures, Giorno. All of them. I should have realized,” Abbacchio balls his coat up and tucks it under Bucciarati’s head.
And, just like that, it all clicks into place. Giorno feels sick, but Abbacchio takes over holding Bucciarati on his side.
There’s a gargling sound that makes Mista reach forward, but Abbacchio stops him.
“He’s choking!”
Giorno glances back at Mista and realizes, not for the first time, that he isn’t the only one terrified by all of this.
“That’s why I have him like this, just- wait. Fuck, how long has it been?” Abbacchio has to push down his own irritation at himself for not thinking about that before, but he’s barely managing to keep his own composure.
“Thirty seconds, I think,” Trish speaks up.
“Okay, that’s good. That’s fine,” Abbacchio answers with what is meant to be a reassuring nod, but no one looks all that reassured.
There’s something horribly unsettling about the most put together of them being on the floor, with blood and spit mixing together on the ground. Giorno doesn’t actually know how much of the blood is from Bruno’s mouth versus his head, but it all looks like too much. He wants to fix it. He can fix it, but he doesn’t know if that’s a good idea while Bucciarati’s actively seizing. Hell, he doesn’t know if it’s a good idea afterwards either. It’ll hurt, and what if that just makes it worse?
An eternity seems to pass, with Giorno going back and forth with himself, and everyone else being equally tense until Bucciarati slows into what almost looks more like an occasional kick of his feet. Even that stops after another ten seconds.
All together the whole thing takes two minutes and thirteen seconds according to Trish. Abbacchio reassures them that it’s fine. That’s not too long in the grand scheme of things. When he was still a cop, he was trained to call for medical services after five minutes.
Still, Bucciarati is quiet and motionless outside of what Giorno thinks might be his attempts to swallow what’s in his mouth. Abbacchio uses part of his coat to wipe the spittle away while he speaks softly to the man.
“Oh, he…” Trish trails off, quickly removing the outer layer of her skirt. She drapes it over Bruno’s middle.
Abbacchio glances over at the same time as Giorno does, “It’s okay. That’s normal.”
Giorno takes a second to register the same thing that Abbacchio had and instantly knows that Bucciarati would be grateful for Trish’s consideration. Fugo and Narancia process a moment later and both frown. It’s not that they’re judging Bruno for something he can’t help. It’s that he couldn’t help himself in the first place. It’s another thing that makes it all so much more real. If Mista processes it at all, he doesn’t say anything.
Fugo moves to reach out, to touch Bucciarati, but Abbacchio catches his hand. Gentle. “Give him another minute. If we work him up too much…” He doesn’t want to continue that thought. Doesn’t want to accidentally infer that they might be responsible for the next seizure or this one. Or any of those previous. But the reality is that Bucciarati’s brain is dealing with enough. Overstimulating him is too much of a risk.
“Should we…?” Mista asks, already backing up a bit.
“No, we just don’t want to crowd him,” Abbacchio rubs along Bucciarati’s arm in the meantime. He continues his quiet reassurances until Narancia startles.
“His eyes!”
Abbacchio glances up at Bucciarati’s face, half expecting to see another seizure beginning to take hold, but he’s relieved to find Bucciarati looking around sluggishly instead. “Welcome back,” he says gently, “You’re okay now- woah, you need to stay put. Good, yeah, like that. You’re alright. We have you. No one is attacking us.”
“Giorno’s office,” Abbacchio answers easily. He wipes at Bucciarati’s mouth again. There’s definitely blood coming from either his cheek or his tongue. “You owe me a new coat.”
Bucciarati hums and closes his eyes.
“You really had no clue, did you?” Abbacchio keeps rubbing along Bucciarati’s arm. Something comforting but not all together overwhelming. “That’s fine. We can take care of this.” He catches Bucciarati’s hand when it darts out. He checks Bucciarati’s eyes again and sees there’s a muted alarm to them. “You’re alright. You’re just coming back to us from a seizure, but you’re doing good-- great.” He looks to the rest of their little crew when Bucciarati’s eyes slide shut again, “He’s probably going to cycle through this a couple of times, and he’s going to be very tired. He needs to rest. Those other seizures-- they tire you out, but this…” He lets them infer the level of exhaustion they should be anticipating. Abbacchio certainly wouldn’t expect anything from Bucciarati after what was possibly his first grand mal.
It takes time, but they get Bucciarati into bed. Abbacchio is gentle with removing Bucciarati’s clips and taking apart his braid. He doesn’t think the added tension will help. He waits until the kids scatter to start undressing him.
Sticky Fingers appears midway through, and they look like they’ve been through the ringer.
“He’s going to be okay,” Abbacchio tells them. He calls to Moody Blues, thinks maybe her presence will be reassuring. He isn’t surprised when stand leans upon stand. He hopes the comforting gesture translates to Bucciarati without adding unnecessary strain.
He has Bucciarati tucked in by the time the kids get back. He leaves Bucciarati in a new pair of briefs rather than attempting to fully redress him. His knowledge on seizures isn’t the best, but he knows to expect soreness. Getting Bucciarati dressed again simply doesn’t seemed to be worth it in Abbacchio’s mind. The kids aren’t going to go looking under the blankets anyways.
He doesn’t notice Sticky Fingers getting a hold of Bucciarati’s head until there’s already a zipper in place. It doesn’t seem to bother him, so Abbacchio shrugs and let’s the stand take care of their user. Everyone had heard the sound of Bucciarati’s head hitting the floor; no doubt there’s a nasty cut under there. Stick Fingers’ zipper will keep the bleeding to a minimum until they all feel a little more comfortable poking at Bucciarati again.
“Is there anything else we can do?” Giorno asks, when they all stand there practically wringing their hands from anxiety. Each undoubtedly preferring that it was themselves in Bucciarati’s position.
“Not right now,” Abbacchio says, in that same gentle tone from earlier. His own nerves are shot, but he knows they’re scared. They want to help. He gets that, and being snappish and potentially starting an argument isn’t going to do anything for Bucciarati’s overworked system.
Giorno hesitates, but he nods. He wants to heal the problem away, but there’s more to this than he understands. He thinks it might be a mistake to try and intervene now, so he gently tugs Mista toward the door. Mista tugs on Narancia, and Narancia tries to pull Fugo along.
“Narancia,” Giorno calls when the other opens his mouth. “Let’s go.” He puts as much authority into his tone as he can manage. Truthfully, he feels too helpless to feel like their leader.
Narancia grumbles something under his breath but allows himself to be tugged along. Giorno closes the door behind them.
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
dio rejects humanity and becomes fish
"Dio, no!" Jonathan cried, reaching out in vain at his adoptive brother.
Dio cackled wickedly, as he clutched the Coral Mask in one hand, its spikes extending menacingly as it was exposed to a vial of ocean water that Dio had swiped from Jonathan's study room. At his feet, George, Jonathan's father, lay unconscious, having been wounded by Dio to gain the final ingredient-- a smear of human blood.
"I reject my humanity, JoJo!" he shrieked with a sinister grin. "I become MERMAID!"
At once, spiked tentacle-like tendrils emerged from the mask and clamped onto Dio's face. A bright, shining glow began to envelop him as a swirling mist formed a whirlwind of chaos within the mansion's lobby.
"Jonathan, get down!" Speedwagon cried, tackling Jonathan to the floor. Behind them, a frightful transformation began to take place, as Dio began to morph, his clothes all tearing off to reveal his bare, transfiguring body. Golden scales began forming onto his skin, his ears lengthened into pointed fins. His teeth sharpened like those of a shark's and four pairs of gills opened up on each side of his neck. Last to morph were his legs, fusing together into a long, scaly tail tipped with a fan-shaped fin, and now unable to stand, Dio fell to the floor with a thud as the light faded away.
Both Jonathan and Speedwagon gingerly looked up in horror at what Dio had become, as the mask dropped from his face and tumbled to the floor with a hollow clank.
Dio, lying prone on the floor, slowly stirred and pushed himself up to a sitting position. "At last...at LAST!" he laughed maniacally, testing out the flexibility of his new tail. "At last I can feel the POWER OF THE OCEAN coursing through me!"
"W-what have you done?!" Jonathan cried in disbelief. 
"The power of the ocean has transcended my mortal limits!" Dio snarled, though Jonathan noticed he was beginning to wheeze and gasp. "I have...ascended...from a mere...human....to an unstoppable...force of...the sea!"
"But Dio," Jonathan reasoned, "you're....you're not in the sea."
Dio, now panting heavily, seemed to be suddenly struck with a realization, as his eyes widened with terrified regret.
"W-water..." he moaned, clutching his neck in a panic before collapsing onto the ground, his gills flapping vainly for the water that wasn't there.
"Dio? Dio, no!" Jonathan cried, running to his side.
"Leave him be, Jonathan!" snapped Speedwagon. "Let the bastard fish dry out and die, he deserved it!"
Jonathan glared back sternly at his companion. "He may have been cruel and wicked, and now a mythical sea creature, but he's still like a brother to me!" He grabbed the faintly struggling, gasping Dio by his tail, feeling the drying flakiness of his dehydrated scales, and began to drag him toward the back door.
"Speedwagon!" Jonathan groaned. "Take care of my dad for me and make sure he's okay! I have to get Dio into the water!"
Speedwagon nodded thoughtfully as he rushed to George's side. The old man was unconscious but alive, with the stab wound in his flank, inflicted by Dio, still bleeding profusely. "What are you all standing around for?" he yelled at the authorities who entered the room. "Get this man a carriage to the hospital right away!" he yelled, applying pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.
Meanwhile Jonathan, dragging the now convulsively-gasping Dio by his tail, was slowly but surely making his way to the fountain in front of the Joestar mansion: the only source of water close enough for him to reach in time before Dio suffocated to death. With one final, heaving grunt, he lifted up the twitching merman and dropped him into the fountain with a splash.
For a few moments Jonathan watched the dark water with bated breath. Then suddenly, from under the murky water, a pair of glowing orange eyes suddenly glared up at him, before giving out a bubbling sigh of exhausted relief, before closing back down again.
"How's Dad doing?" Jonathan asked Speedwagon, as he arrived to the Joestar mansion in a carriage the following morning.
"He'll have to stay at the hospital for weeks, maybe months," sighed Speedwagon sadly, "but the good news is that he'll live. We're not sure when he'll wake up, but he's stable and in better health."
"That's good to hear," Jonathan replied, thankfully. "I'll try to visit him as soon as I can, but for now...I've got another problem to worry about for the moment."
Speedwagon's face wrinkled in disgust as he became aware of a fishy smell emanating from a bucket that Jonathan carried in one hand.
"Dear heavens, JoJo!" he complained. "What is that dreadful smell?"
"Just some left-over mackerel from our pantry's ice box," Jonathan replied. "I've got to keep him well-fed so he won't...try to EAT anybody."
"Who...?" Speedwagon relied, confused, as his eyes trailed up toward the fountain, where a familiar, blond figure lay in the shallow, running water.
"Here, Dio, I brought you breakfast," Jonathan crooned gently to the merman.
Dio glared hatefully up at him, with brilliant, tangerine eyes, pupils slitted like a cat's. "I am not a pet, JoJo! How dare you treat me like some lowly wretched beast?" he snarled.
"Oh, Dio," Jonathan sighed mournfully. "You did this to yourself. You were arrogant and foolish and it's just brought grief to us all. But no matter how much of a spiteful imbecile you have been...you are no less a brother in my eyes. And I know I'm a better person than to just leave you to die."
He fished out a mackerel from the bucket and uneasily held it out to Dio, who seized it suddenly and without warning, causing both Jonathan and Speedwagon to stumble back in fright.
Gripping his meal in his clawed, webbed hands, Dio messily devoured the fish, tearing into it savagely as his razor-sharp teeth shredded apart fins, bones, scales and all. Speedwagon felt sickened at the sight.
"Disgusting," he groaned. "He was vile before he became a mermaid but he's even worse now!"
"It's a shame, really," Jonathan added with a dry laugh. "Dad always used to praise him for his table manners."
As Dio finished off the last remnants of the fish, Jonathan and Speedwagon got their first good look at Dio's newfound piscine form in the yellow light of early morning. His entire body was covered in small, fine, golden scales, save for his face, throat, belly and chest, which retained the color and texture of Dio's original skin. A large, transluscent dorsal fin emerged from the middle of his back, the same see-through shade of yellow as the smaller fins that emerged from his ears, his elbows and what used to be his hips. His tail, tipped in a bright golden tail fin, was longer than Dio's legs used to be, coiling snakily around the circular fountain with the fluke dangling limply over the edge.
Still retaining his mop of messy blond hair and sharpm handsome facial features, Dio was both terrifying and yet strangely beautiful, Jonathan thought. Just like many of the sea creatures he studied in his marine researches: a gorgeous, elegant exterior concealing the heart and soul of a ruthless, predatory killer, one that was best admired with distance and precaution.
His golden scales glimmered beautifully in the sunlight, but Dio didn't seem to appreciate the glare one bit. He shrank away from the light, shading his eyes from the glare as he wriggled about in the water until he was safely in the fountain's shadow.
"He doesn't seem to like the light," Jonathan noted observantly. "His eyes must have become adapted for the dark depths of the sea, I shall have to get him some shade from the sun if he's to stay here."
"So, what are we going to do with him now?" Speedwagon asked Jonathan concernedly. "Are you going to take him to the ocean and leave him there? The sooner we're rid of him the better!" 
"We may be rid of him if we do just that, but he'll be someone else's problem." Jonathan warned. "He's vicious and powerful and he's sure to use his newfound abilities to hurt others, and it would be our fault for turning him loose."
"You don't suppose we could...dry him up and sell him to the museum?" Speedwagon snarkily suggested.
Jonathan shot Speedwagon a horrified glare. "No, no, we're not going to kill him! He's perfectly harmless if we keep him confined in the fountain. This should keep him out of trouble and I can keep a close eye on him."
Meanwhile, Dio had been listening to the whole discussion: furious that they were contemplating on selling him like some common fish. Angrily, he planted his scaly hands onto the fountain's edge and raised his body up as high as he could. "I CAN HEAR YOU TWO SCHEMING!" he cried out at the two. "How DARE you treat me like this!"
Jonathan shook his head disappointedly and approached the merman, who crouched back into the fountain's shadow hissing like a threatened snake. "Dio, I don't want to do this any more than you. But it's my responsibility to keep others safe from you, and you safe from yourself. You turned yourself into this, Dio, and now I know no way to change you back."
"Damn you, JoJo..." Dio whimpered, his voice beginning to break. "So I'm going to have lo spend the rest of my life, however long that may be, kept prisoner in this stupid fountain like some kind of trained seal at a circus? As your own personal pet mermaid, huh, JoJo?" He splashed his tail in frustration and let out a loud, inhuman, mournful wail, and Jonathan felt a hint of pity, even for someone like him.
"This was your choice, Dio," Jonathan scolded, sternly but comfortingly. "There's nothing more you and I can do about the situation, but have to get used to it."
He offered Dio another mackerel. "Here you go, Dio. Eat up and stop being miserable, we'll try to find out a way to make this work out."
Dio recluctantly reached out to take the fish from Jonathan, before sinking back down into the water, bubbling indignantly about his plight.
Jonathan turned to Speedwagon as Dio ate sulkingly. "Speedwagon? This may be a bit of a favor to ask from you..." he asked awkwardly.
"Sure thing, anything that you request," Speedwagon replied.
"You see, I'm going to have to watch over my father at the hospital for a while. And I'm going to have to have someone to watch over Dio for a while to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. I know he can't breathe without water for long and can't leave the fountain for long, but that doesn't stop him from trying. Could you...merman-sit for me while I check on my Dad?"
Speedwagon nodded uneasily, and hesitantly glanced toward the fountain, where Dio, taking his time as he slowly ate his mackerel, made eye contact with Speedwagon and gave a hostile snarl.
"Dear me," sighed Speedwagon in exasperation. "Today is going to be a very, very long day."
This.... This was absolutely incredible to read! I love every second of it! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, anon! It's absolutely amazing!
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strawberry-metal · 4 years
Thought I’d upload some more rp stuff since it’d probably be important for Giorno’s relation to everyone in our au for you guys to know, particularly the three sisters and Dio.
This is when Joseph and Avdol talk to the twins about Dio, the rest of the group already knows, takes place shortly after Shanna apologized to everyone for kinda being a...bitch. Writing is from an rp between @kazekothestrange and I for our au. No pictures to accompany it this time, I’m tired and hungry. :c
Dio in our au is a little different from canon. We wanted to have some JoJo antagonists to have a chance at redemption. Those two ended up being Dio and Pucci. We really wanted Mudad to actually be a thing in our story, see what would of happened if Dio was actually able to find someone to love instead of lust after, (look we all know Dio is a horny bisexual vampire lmao) and basically, see how that could affect his character, if he had something more to care about than trying to become essentially the ruler of the world. We also made him a little smarter and had him be a frequent traveler who would only settle down in a country for maybe a year before going to another one. So hes not in fricken Egypt the whole time.
Hopefully that summary will give you guys an idea! If you’re not a fan of it, that’s ok! Your opinion is valid! You don’t have to read the rp excerpt! For those who are, enjoy~
Kazeko: JoJo, please. *she gently scolds him, having taken note of their insistence that their hand holding was nothing*
Joseph: Whaaaat?
Kakyoin: *he laughs, covering his mouth. what a weird, lively group*
Avdol: *he blinks in surprise* Jotaro....has a girlfriend?
Shanna: I'm his girlfriend!?
Rose: Pfu!
Jotaro: ... *his face turns red and all he can do is cover it with his hand to hide it, mumbling a few curse words*
Joseph: Ok, fine, fine, she's NOT your girlfriend!
Shanna: I'm not? :c
Holly: I think WE'RE confusing them now! Teehee~!
Jotaro: *he grumbles louder, tightening his grip around her shoulders*
Avdol: Ahh hahaha, s-sorry.
Kazeko: A-anyway! Mr. Avdol, what did you find out? Anything at all?
Jotaro: ... *letting out an exhale and thanking her mentally, he lowers his hand*
Shanna: *ahem* ....A-Anyway....Kakyoin, you better come hear me play, got it? If we're gonna be friends, you gotta hear me play at least once~!
Holly: *she smiles, glad the kids seem to be getting along just fine now*
Avdol: I will admit, I did get quite distracted, the Kujo library actually had some old folklore studies that I couldn't put down! As for the photo, even with the aid of my flames, it was still too dark to see anything.
Shanna: Hm? A photo? *she looks over, abruptly distracted from her conversation with Kakyoin and the other teens for now* Maybe I can take a look? I got hawk eyes!
Rose: I thought you had musician ears?
Kakyoin: *he perks up again* Video games-??
Shanna: Hai! Every little secret, collectable, route, ending, none of them escape me!
Avdol: Well...I suppose it can't hurt. *he hands the photo over to her*
Shanna: *she takes the photo and stares intensely at it* Hmm....
Rose: So...?
Shanna: *Suddenly, she lets out a gasp*
Avdol: My word! What do you see!?
Kazeko: Ahaha... *she laughs good naturedly, sweatdropping*
Joseph: Oh well. *he sighs, shrugging* Maybe we'll need a microscope or something.
Jotaro: Microscopes aren't the same thing as magnifying glasses, old man.
Joseph: Well it's worth a try anyway!
Shanna: Mm, but there is one thing I must say....
Avdol: Oh? So there was something you noticed??
Shanna: This guy, he... looks REALLY familiar to me... why do you have tasteful nudes of him?
*Suddenly, everyone else but Rose and Shanna gain a look of shock that is quickly replaced by a serious look, Shanna recognizes Dio!?*
Joseph: You do?! *he puts a hand down heavily on the table, shaking the tea set* Where from?! Was he somewhere around here?
Kazeko: *raising from her seat slightly, she puts her hands on Joseph's shoulder* C-calm down JoJo, you don't need to pressure her!
Jotaro: *amidst the commotion, he looks down at the petite brunette in surprise. how could she know Dio? Even he didn't know the guy existed until yesterday*
Shanna: *she blinks multiple times in surprise* Ah- I can try to rack my brain around for some answers, its been some time since I've seen him.
Avdol: Please, anything at all will be of help!
Holly: Shanna-chan....*her eyebrows upturn* How do you know this man?
Shanna: G-Guys, you're kinda pressuring me, give me a moment to think, ok?
Rose: Shanna let me see. *she takes the photo and her eyes widen as well* He....Shanna, this is no mistaking it. This is HIM.
Shanna: Right!? There was no way it couldn't be! Is he some kind of a model now?
Rose: Shanna and I were acquainted with him when we were in our early teens.
Shanna: Hahaha! Yeah! Didn't he think we were orphaned or something and tried to take us in? Something about our teeth!
Avdol: Wh-What...? Do....Do you two have any idea just who this man is...?
Shanna: Sure I do! Hes a rich guy with a redhead spouse and has a son!
Rose: What was his name again....Dio?
Shanna: Yeah that's it!
Joseph: ... *he can feel his blood run cold. he feels simultaneously sick and like putting a hole through the wall behind him. this guy... Dio... so he's just been living carefree like that? He even has a family? Did he manipulate them?! How many peoples lives has he entered without them having a clue who they were dealing with?*
Kazeko: Wh... no... really? Wh-When? Where?? *she clasps a fistful of her cardigan, suppressing her nerves as best as she can*
Kakyoin: *his eyes widen. they really knew him so casually...? The man who brainwashed and sent him out to commit murder?*
Jotaro: *the raven haired male is equally speechless. he knows very little about him, but from what he's heard... these two are lucky to be alive*
Avdol: Wh-Why were you in contact with him in the first place?!
Shanna: Oi oi, calm down guys! I don't know what is suddenly up with all of you! Again, this was back when we were in our early teens! We were still living in Germany then! We've moved since and he probably has too!
Rose: You see, our parents wanted us to learn more about responsibility, so we ended up taking up baby sitting. We took care of his child for him while his wife and he went out at night.
Shanna: Yeah, we did it for him many times too! For some reason it was only ever at night though?
Avdol: *he looks worriedly at Joseph and Kazeko. Should they tell these girls the truth about him? Should they even get them involved in the first place?*
Holly: *she glances around at everyone in the room. She too, is unsure about letting these girls know the truth...*
Joseph: ... *he unclenches his fist* ... Girls... that man. Dio Brando... he's not what you think.
Kazeko: JoJo... *honestly, she's not surprised. even if he's calmed down over the years, he's still the straightforward one*
Shanna: *she raises an eyebrow* What do you mean by that?
Rose: Hes just a night owl with a family though?
Avdol: That’s... rather, he’s more like-
Joseph: He's a vampire. *halfway through Avdol's statement, he says it anyway*
Shanna: ....PAH! HAHAHA! Good one old man! You had me there for a moment~! *she grins and closes her eyes in a smile* Honestly, don't do that, you scared me for a second there~!
*none of their expressions are any less serious. it doesn't look like he's kidding*
Kakyoin: *he looks down and starts fidgeting with his hair. he knows all too well how true this is*
Rose: ...Err...you guys can drop the facade now...
Shanna: Eh? You guys are still at it? *she reopens her eyes* Come on, we're 17. We know vampires aren't real.
Holly: Papa-
Kazeko: ... we wish they weren't-
Joseph: I know it sounds like fairytales and nonsense, but I'm not trying to scare you. It's true.
Shanna: ....This joke has gone on for quite long enough, don't you think? *annoyance is becoming present on her face. Looks like the twins won't just believe words*
Avdol: Mr. Joestar... we can later. Ok?
Joseph: They deserve to know, Avdol.
Avdol: I'm not saying they don't. *he closes his eyes, threading his fingers together* I'm saying that another time is better. When we have proof to give them. Jotaro didn't believe us either, at first.
Shanna: *she leans in to Rose, mumbling* Oi...I feel kind of disrespected here, they're still at it-
Kakyoin: I- ... if I may...
Rose: *she responds in an equally quiet voice*  I understand. Let's just let them have their fun for now.
Kakyoin: I... Rose-sama. Shanna-san...?
Shanna: Oi oi Kakyoin, you better not be joining in on this. Seriously, if we're going to talk something scary and more realistic...what about Aka Manto~? *she smirks*
Rose: Hey let's not, you scare me everytime you talk about it.
Kakyoin: I am serious. ... that thing you pulled out of me, Jotaro? ... He put it there.
Shanna: Really Kak...? *she looks disappointed, but by the looks on everyone's faces...* Wait.... you're... actually serious?
Rose: Did....Shanna and I miss something important while we were getting Holly?
Kakyoin: ... Hai. *he nods, running his fingers over his bandaged forehead*
Joseph: Dio is out there somewhere, brainwashing people and sending them after our family. He's been trying to wipe us out since my grandfather was alive.
Shanna: Ok whoa whoa whoa wait....you are...gonna have to slow down ok? Explain it slowly in detail one at a time, because Rose and I haven't had a single bad encounter with this guy...
Rose: I apologize Mr. Joestar, but we're going to need something a little less...blunt maybe?
Avdol: Mr. Joestar, maybe the way we explained it to Jotaro will be best for them too?
Shanna: Jotaro, you knew about this as well??
Holly: *she fidgets, she doesn't like this topic coming back up, but maybe it... could keep these girls safe*
Jotaro: They told me about this as soon as they pulled me out of jail.
Shanna: Damn-
Joseph: Right... *he taps the photo on the table* See that star there? Does it look familiar?
Shanna: *she picks it back up to take a look at it* Now that you mention it...that looks like your birthmark, Jotaro...
Rose: Jotaro has a birthmark?
Jotaro: Mom and JiJi have it too.
Joseph: Everyone in the Joestar family has one.
Shanna: *she lowers the picture* If you...don't mind....
Holly: *she moves her hair out of the way so the twins can see the birthmark*
Joseph: *he pulls down the collar of his shirt as well*
Rose: So it really is true....then, does this mean Dio is related to you?
Kazeko: ...Not exactly...
Shanna: Thank you Joseph, Seiko. I know that was a bit rude.
Avdol: His body below his neck, doesn't belong to him.
Shanna: You have officially lost me.
Rose: What do you mean... doesn't belong to him???
Joseph: From the neck down, his body is my grandfather's. He cut off his head and used his body as a means to survive!
Shanna: What the fuck, I'm STILL lost!
Rose: Wait wait....there’s no way that is possible.
Joseph: I'm sorry girls, you're gonna have to suspend your disbelief.  ... look at that scar on his neck.
Rose: Pardon me, Mr. Joestar. But his hair is covering alot of it...I see a bit but tattoos are starting to become popular these days.
Shanna: Yeah...don't you think this is a little far fetched-?
Joseph: No, I don't. My grandmother saw him killed right in front of her.
Shanna: What...?
Avdol: *he threads his fingers together* Ah, but our spirits, otherwise known as stands, are pretty far fetched too, wouldn't you say? To the wider world, our gifts are seen as psychic powers.
Rose: Stands...?
Avdol: The spirits that follow you and fight for you? They are always by your side, and are the very manifestation of your fighting spirit, otherwise known as stands. I was born with mine.
Joseph: I know it's hard to believe, but everyone here is wrapped up in 'far fetched'. Hell... I don't doubt a whole lot these days.
Jotaro: ...You're right. Life's been fucking us over for a couple months.
Kakyoin: *he averts his eyes guiltily, having been a part of that*
Shanna: Oi, Jotaro...can you vouch for all he’s saying? *shes looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. This is all very hard to believe, but if Jotaro can vouch for it, then...*
Jotaro: ... *he sighs, taking her hand under the table and threading his fingers between hers* ... I believe them.
Shanna: *she sighs* I guess I got no choice then. I mean...we have been witnessing some pretty weird ass shit ourselves lately.
Rose: Avdol...you said you were born with your, um, 'stand'. Jotaro, Shanna and I didn't get ours until a few months ago.
Joseph: For Jotaro, it's because of Dio's awakening. But he's been out for a few years, so your stand was kind of delayed... Anyway, I don't know why you two got stands.
Kazeko: It could be your relation to him, somehow... or maybe an impactful life event?
Avdol: Or maybe even you both were born with them, but were late bloomers. I'm sorry, but we can't say for sure.
Shanna: I see... *she looks a little down about them not knowing the answer to this*
Holly: Ah...I..wouldn't worry about it too much! You both happened to get stands for reasons we may not fully know, Avdol-san said it's a gift, so be thankful for being granted psychic abilities!
Shanna: Y-Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I let things bug me too much.
Jotaro: *he gives her hair a pet* It's ok. You've got Earth, no matter how it happened.
Shanna: ...*a slight smile appears across her lips. She remembers how Earth even tested her when she first fully appeared, to deem her worthy enough to wield her. Maybe because of how destructive Mother Earth could truly be if commanded to be*
Rose: If I may touch on a rather...recent topic...*she glances at Kakyoin, worried that this will make him uncomfortable* You called that thing a...flesh bud. A mind controlling device?
Avdol: *he nods* It was implanted on him by Dio himself, as you know, it was attached to his very brain and mind controlling him to attack Jotaro. I don't know the details of how it happened, but Kakyoin is....VERY lucky. He shouldn't of been able to survive the removal. Not even the world's most skilled surgeon could remove it. Attempting to remove one will cause the flesh bud to go in you and try to take control of your brain as well. One wrong move during the removal could result in an instant death as well. Kakyoin had a year left to live at most if we left it in him. ....But Jotaro was the one who removed it, despite all odds and danger.
Rose: *she looks shocked at all this new information suddenly thrown at her. It wasn't just mind controlling, it was also a matter of life or death with Kakyoin*
Kakyoin: ... *he quietly takes a sip of tea. he's grateful.... really, incredibly grateful. but he's still processing Jotaro's decision.. he could have easily left him to die to preserve his own life*
Jotaro: ... *he gives Shanna's hand a squeeze* /... sorry I didn't think it over. I... panicked./ *he tells her telepathically, not wanting to admit it to anyone else* I just did it before I knew I would.
Joseph: Either way, I'm proud of you. *he smiles confidently at his grandson*
Shanna: /That's... just like you. You really are such a kind person, Jotaro./ *she tightens her own grip around his hand*
Rose: Avdol...if it's ok to ask...how do you know so much about the flesh bud?
Avdol: I've witnessed other people with the flesh bud before and could not help them...and I almost became a victim myself.
Shanna: What!?
Kazeko: *gently, she places a hand on his back. she knows it was a while ago, but still, it can't be easy for him to think about*
Joseph: It happened four months ago.
Avdol: *exhaling, he places his elbows on the table* It happened back in Egypt, I was returning back to my house, where I did my fortune telling. It was nighttime. And at the top of the stairs stood him, Dio. I was...terrified, but somehow, also calm? His charisma, beauty, and power was overwhelming...he said he heard that I had special powers, and wanted me to show him. It was then and there that the flesh buds appeared. Immediately, I knew I was in danger and ducked out the window. I ran away, I didn't dare stop. I knew the labyrinth like the back of my hand, and was able to make my escape. I was lucky, incredibly lucky.
Rose: I...I'm sorry. That must not of been easy to talk about... thank you for telling us.
Shanna: Avdol....
Avdol: *he shakes his head* Joseph, Kazeko and I together have been trying to locate Dio's location. You kids need not worry about this.
Shanna: O-Oi oi, we're not kids.
Avdol: *he chuckles* Apologies. Teenagers.
Shanna: Hmph-
Kakyoin: ... Avdol-san... I'm glad you escaped. ... /I never want anyone else to go through what I did-/
Jotaro: And you've been at this the last four months?
Joseph: Right. Well, Kaz only joined us this month.
Kazeko: I couldn't let them face this problem, just the two of them, having known Joseph so long. ... Not that I'm the most useful ally. Hehe... at least I can heal.
Rose: You don’t have a stand?
Kazeko: No... I'm afraid I don't.
Rose: A medic then? *she smiles solemnly* We’re in the same boat. I have a stand but...shes not really meant for combat.
Kazeko: *she smiles, feeling a bit encouraged* That's right. I don't exactly use conventional medicine, though.
Rose: Oh...? What do you use?
Kazeko: Um, while you're suspending your disbelief... it's called hamon. A breathing technique that generates energy comparable to the sun. At base, it can be used for combat or for healing. I... never really got the hang of the former.
Shanna: Ham? You use ham?
Kazeko: Ah-
Joseph: *SNORT*
Rose: I see...*she rests her head on the table* I can’t even do that. I have to use medical supplies...
Shanna: .../I’m still upset with her but I’m starting to kinda feel bad;;;/
Kazeko: No, hamon. ... ah, but I can't do everything with it. medical supplies are still very useful.
Rose: Uuuuuuu.....
Shanna: Ah-
Rose: * her head shoots up* Ah! Knives! I’m good at cutting! I’m not TOTALLY useless!
Shanna: Oi oi! Why are you getting competitive! You were just depressed!!
Kakyoin: You fight with knives? *he tilts his head, intrigued*
Rose: I, ah...actually took out a stand user with one.
Joseph: *he whistles, impressed*
Rose: Ehehe...
Kazeko: *her eyes widen*
Kakyoin: That's... very impressive. *he blinks, covering his mouth. that's kind of scary, but also kind of hot-*
Rose: I am also very knowledgeable of the human body. I know where all your weak points are, and the best places to torture someone. I know how to keep you alive while also putting you through immeasurable pain. You know, you want to avoid places like the head and stomach, but places like the arms and some of the back...legs....fingers and nails are especially perfect for-
Shanna: She wants to be a nurse, please don't think shes a psychopath oh gosh PLEASE don't.
Jotaro: She's not crazy. She just knows creepy shit.
Kazeko: O-of course not! *although, she does look a little intimidated*
Joseph: Damn... sounds like you'd be good in a fight even without stand combat.
Kakyoin: *ok VERY scary. but still hot-*
Rose: I also know Judo...but my sister is much better at that sort of stuff.
Shanna: Hehe! I took kendo and I'm a black belt in karate, and as I've already said, I used to be a street fighter!
Rose: Please stop bragging about being a street fighter, you're a noble-
Avdol: *ahem* Back to the topic at hand....is there anything else you wish to know?
Shanna: *she shakes her head* ...Well...actually...Joseph, I have two last questions for you. How do you know hes a, uh- vampire? Also....are you certain that his name is 'Dio Brando'?
Joseph: I know from what Granny told me, and from records I got from the Speedwagon Foundation. I don't know what you might call a creature that sucks blood, dies in the sunlight and can walk up walls, but I call that a vampire. And, yes. I'm positive his name is Dio Brando.
Shanna: I see....thank you.
Avdol: Were you...close?
Shanna: He was... kind of like a second father figure to Rose and I.
Rose: *she nods slowly* Gomen, we'll try not to let our personal feelings get in the way of anything...
Kazeko: ... I'm sorry, you two... it's better this way than if he'd actually hurt you, though.
Joseph: *he sighs* This was... really unexpected. But if it helps, you don't have to get involved with us. We just made a stop to help out Jotaro.
Kakyoin: You... said he had a family, too? ... I'm sorry, having met him, it's.. hard to imagine.
Rose: Yes...a wife and son.
Shanna: His son's name was pretty uncommon so I never forgot it. It was Giorno Giovanna.
Joseph: Not Brando?
Shanna: No- maybe he took his mother's last name? I'm sorry, I don't really know anything else.
Joseph: I see... ... I understand if you don't want to tell us. But do you remember his wife's name? It might help.
Shanna: D...Deli....I only remember the first part. It's silly, but I remember uncommon names better than common names.
Rose: She was a redhead though, and their son looked almost exactly like Dio. Except for the eye color.
Kazeko: I see... so... Delilah Brando? Or maybe Delia?
Shanna: I just remember it was D-E-L-I. Her hair was a little short, only about shoulder length since I last saw her. I believe she’s Italian.
Avdol: Thank you. Even if it's hard to remember, every little bit of information helps.
Joseph: I'll let the Speedwagon Foundation know. Don't worry. They won't raid them or anything. Just ask them some questions.
Shanna: *she nods*
Avdol: One more thing, you said he thought you were orphans because of your...teeth??
Shanna: Ah, I didn't understand back then, but it makes sense now that we know hes a vampire....
Avdol: What?
Rose: Shanna and I have really pointed canines, they look like fangs.
Jotaro: *he nods, able to vouch for this*
Kakyoin: I think I noticed that earlier...
Avdol: If...you don't mind?
Shanna: *she shrugs at Rose and opens her mouth, lifting a finger to pull her mouth to the side so they can see better*
Rose: *she does the same but just opens her mouth. ....Wow, she and Shanna have small mouths*
Joseph: *he raises  an eyebrow. so it's true* Huh, I get it. ... maybe those teeth kept you safe.
Kakyoin: ... *he feels a slight rush of blood to his face. he doesn't get why, but he's blushing a little*
Avdol: *he nods* He may of saw you girls as one of his own kind, and thus, your teeth protected you.
Shanna: *she lets go of her mouth* I guess it...all makes sense now. Not gonna lie it... kind of hurts...
Rose: *she closes her mouth* Yeah... it hurts me too... but we can't deny the truth.
Kazeko: ... If it helps... I'm sure he knew by the end you weren't like him. But he still cared enough about you to let you keep caring for his son.
Joseph: She's right. If you knew him as long as you said, that's probably how it went. Dio Brando isn't stupid.
Shanna: *she looks up* So you're saying... he actually did care?
Avdol: It's hard to imagine for a man like Dio but... he very well may of cared for you both in the end.
Joseph: If he didn't, you would have known it.
Shanna: I-I see...
Rose: Thank you, all three of you, for telling us this. I hope that you'll be able to find him...
Holly: *she remains silent, so even these girls may of been in danger?*
Joseph: Thanks, Rose. ... when we find him, we'll let you know.
Kazeko: ... Holly, I'm sorry. Are you alright? ... it's a lot to process, I know...
Holly: *she nods* It's just...I had no idea that even these girls were once in danger too...
Shanna: ....*she holds her tongue on them being in danger for months now*
Jotaro: *he pulls her close to his side*
Kazeko: It must be hard to hear... your life's been fairly normal up until now.
Holly: *she nods* But...hopefully...these four can be safe now. Papa, Avdol-san, Kazeko-chan...please be careful?
Shanna: *she leans against Jotaro, feeling a little better from his comfort*
Rose: ...Kakyoin-san, your face has been quite red for awhile now. Are you ok?
Kakyoin: Uhm- ah! *he blinks, his eyes darting away and to her a couple of times* I-I... I'm alright, really. ... /I-it's that obvious...? I hope I haven't caught a fever.../
Kazeko: Of course Holly. Mr. Avdol and I are here to make sure your papa stays safe. *she smiles at her softly, placing her hand on hers* You can trust us.
Joseph: Oi, Kaz, don't talk about me like I'm still 19! *he looks miffed* I don't run in recklessly half as much as I used to!
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smarmaladey · 4 years
The Bad Touch - (1/3)
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Chapter 1 - “you and me”
Rating: 🇪
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Relationship(s):  🐞♡🚺
Words: 4032
Ao3 Link
(For content warnings and additional notes, click read more.)
The recessive vampire genes in Giorno's blood haven't been sitting too well with him lately. AKA, your boss is in heat. Oh god. Oh fuck. 
content warnings: rape/non-con elements, ooc (probably), AU (probably)
4:00 PM.
The first incident.
Seriously? In your three years working in espionage, this was the most tedious assignment you’d ever gone with? Retrieving a couple godforsaken papers from some insignificant rival group?
Whatever. It was done.
The fruits of your labor were safely tucked in the inside of your coat, ready to be delivered to the big man himself.
You could never fully understand why your boss always made you deliver crap straight to him. Maybe it was a trust thing?
During the span of your near two-year “career” under Passione, you’d managed to be slung up the ranks by the combination of your competence, ability, and tendency to work alone. This meant getting strangely close with the head of the whole shebang, normally taking your assignments straight from the man.
You never really made a big deal out of this. Giovanna was far from a super-secretive man, nor was he cold like one might expect from a goddamn mob boss. Hell , If the lowest, newest, meekest member of a scummy group did one thing that pleased him, he’d probably invite them to dinner at the most prestigious establishment in Rome. Or at least that’s what he came across as to you.
It was kind of sketchy.
But you didn’t really care, nor did you have any right to criticize the guy.
Dwelling on those thoughts wasn’t your style. All you had to do today was: Deliver the file, leave the office, get home, and finally, watch your shows. Simple.
After somehow making your way through his large estate to his office all by yourself, something was a little off.
The door was closed all the way.
You cracked it open a little bit, the too-loud creaking making you uneasy.
“Ah,” his voice was much too quiet, and almost...frantic. “Who’s this?”
How the hell am I supposed to respond to that? “Uhm, me?” You took the liberty of letting yourself in, slightly put off by how dim the room was. Facing you was the back of a leather chair.
Giovanna was looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of his office, curtains pulled half-open, casting soft afternoon light into the room. “...I’m guessing you have the documents?”
“Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t…” Muttering under your breath, you took the black folder from your coat.
He turned around when he heard your footsteps (because of course he could), being illuminated by the yellow-er light from the ceiling lamp.
The files were gently set down on his desk, and you caught him looking up at your face.
Something you’d been noticing for the past few months, (actually, you were pretty sure it began around his eighteenth birthday) he’d been... adorning himself more than usual…? As if he wasn’t already grandiose enough, he’d been wearing makeup quite a lot more than you were used to.
Giovanna smiled up at you, and successfully got you to avert your gaze. His lips were glossed with a very lovely fuchsia, but what really caught your eye were his cloud-white, glittering teeth. And you had no clue why. Something was off about his teeth, besides the fact that, like the rest of him, they were grossly perfect.
He was clad in a classic; magenta suit with numerous full-golden brooches. (Those ones were new, given to him by a “friend of the organization” apparently, and you had no idea why you knew this) Glancing at his hands on the folder, his nails, manicured into rounded points and painted white, contrasted with the signature black leather of your favorite binder.
Strange. His door was completely shut, as if nobody had seen him for the entire day. Why was he still dressed up…?
Swallowing nothing, you took a step back.
“Let’s see…” Your boss’s voice was still quiet, as he carefully tugged the manila files out and placed them on his desk. “Ah, bravo! These are exactly what we’ve been looking for!”
Before you knew it, he had snatched your hand and was shaking it with both of his. The nails digging into your wrist made you cringe.
”Thank you, Sir...thank you…” You tried with all your being not to sound confused or ungrateful, especially with those...intense turquoise eyes glaring up into your soul.
“I expected nothing less of this, perfect job!” His hands lingered for too long before he dropped to start reading the documents again.
You mumbled something, turned around, and began to leave. Yet, just as your hand was on the tacky flower-themed doorknob, he stopped you.
“Wait,” the jump from his chair was audible. “I, ahem, I never dismissed you.” There was a small giggle in his voice, and you weren’t buying it.
“Awh, but Don Giovanna~~! ♡ I’ve had such a long, looong day, and my poor body’s so, sooo tired! Please let me go home, haven’t I done such a good job already~? ♡ There’s a new X-Files episode premiering tonight, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world~!”
That’s what you could’ve said in an ideal world.  
“Right.” In that world, he’d let you leave right away, “am I needed for anything else, Giovanna?” And then you’d go to your quiet, expensive beach house and get an amazing night’s sleep.
He shuffled in his seat a bit. “Yes, why don’t you hang up your coat?” He spoke without looking at you, scanning the files in front of him. “You must be hot in this room, I know I’ve been all day…”
You nodded once. “I think the air conditioning here might be broken…” your boss’s words mostly flew over your head. “I’ve just been feeling so overheated lately. I even keep the door shut now just so the cool air doesn’t leave this room…” You nodded again. “Do you think I should get a fan?” Again.
When you fully took off your heavy coat, you flinched.
Holy shit, it’s freezing.
With your bare arms exposed, you finally processed how cold it was in the room. No sooner did the temperature register with the rest of your body.
The coat rack, like a lot in the room, was floral themed. The decoration of the entire office was pretty on point, but when you walked back across the room again, something new grabbed your attention.
On the ceiling, the round lamp that hung down had a new look. The paper lampshade had a sort of “Classical Asian Art” look to it, like Japanese “Ukiyo-e” or whatever it was called. Neat.
“Nice lamp.” You said, breaking the silence. Giovanna glanced at you, and you pointed up at the ceiling. “It looks nice.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Sitting across from him, you felt somewhat trapped. Just a little, though. It was just...quiet, with him reading papers and you...not.
This guy…
Your heart jumped when he shut the folder in front of your face. “Could you do me a favor, please?” Giovanna pointed somewhere behind you, at one of the many bookshelves lining the walls. “There should be a…” He cleared his throat, something he had been doing a lot during this meeting. “...a sort of history book on the Holy Roman Empire over there...”
Not bothering to say anything else, you got up. He gave you clarification and you were happy to get a little farther from him.
The books were all similar-looking with hard-to-read spines. It honestly felt like they were all sorted by color rather than title, and perfectly lined up with one another. How can one man manage to be so perfectly organized?
“Sir, which shelf is it?” You weren’t answered, as Giovanna had to clear his throat again. “...are you alright? Have you been ill these past few days?”
He waved at you not to worry. “I should be fine, I’ve just been so thirsty lately…”
“It’s so strange, my throat is constantly dry…”
“That so? Would you like me to get some water?” You offered, still facing the bookshelf.
Once more, he cleared his throat. “No, that’s not necessary. Don’t worry about me too much…”
Everything seemed to stop awkwardly.
“It’s probably on the fourth shelf down, the title should be obvious…”
And like that, you found it.
“Grazie, grazie!” Giovanna almost cooed to you when you handed him the leatherback book. When he took it from you, his nails hit your fingertips, but you were distracted by seeing his teeth again. Still, you couldn’t tell what was up.
“Yeah, right…” You sat back down across from him, as he almost immediately started looking through the pages. “So why do you need the history book again…?”
He slid a document to you and pointed at some random word. “Well, it seems like in these records, they refer to--” Out. Everything else he said went through one ear, out the other.
“--and in this, this is a--”
“--which leads me to this one, which I have…”
When he trailed off, it went quiet again.
“This. I’ve seen this quote before!” He was pointing at the bottom of one of the first documents you snatched.
You were about to respond with another “oh really?” before he pointed out at another bookshelf, this time much closer to the desk.
“It’s smaller, but it’s right over there, I’m pretty sure.” Again, the books were all sorted by size and color, so you couldn’t tell anything from each other. He must’ve taken off the sleeves, too, because some didn’t even have a title on the spine.
You really wanted to snarl something at him. “Where am I looking again?”
Giovanna tried to clarify the location again, but it wasn’t working with you. Just get up yourself, asshole.
And he did! For the first time you’d seen that day, he rose from his chair and stared at the same row of books you were. Maybe the same exact book you were looking at. He must’ve, why else would he be standing so close?
“I could’ve sworn I put it around here…” You could hear his breathing. Stepping away, you watched him stand stiff and stare at all the books.
Your eyes were beginning to hurt. It’d been so long since you’d slept, all you needed was to go. “Enough, what’s the title of the book?” You were careful not to groan or scoff before or after you spoke.
Giovanna touched his chin with his index, looking, frankly, gorgeous from a profile shot. “It was called...ah, Invitation to a Beheading? Something like that?”
Something clicked in your head so fast you could’ve sworn you heard a ring.
“Ohhh! I’m pretty sure I remember my mom reading that book!” A quick memory of the book’s appearance flashed in your head, that matched something you had seen on another shelf earlier perfectly. “It’d be over here-”
Now, what happened next needs to be analyzed, because you were 99.9% sure this single moment was the straw on the camel’s back. The action that began the downfall. The great whore to your Babylon.
All you did was turn around, turn around right next to him, so you could head to another bookshelf.
The thing was, you weren’t paying attention to how you were moving your arms, only focused on the stupid goddamn book. Innocently, your arm swung and, as a result, your hand just brushed against his --Giovanna’s, your boss’s-- upper thigh...area. The back of it. You know, that area, the one between the tailbone and the leg, that one.
To put it bluntly, you touched his ass.
Both you two froze in that moment, you could tell. Maybe time stopped.
You looked back around, to make sure you had heard that right.
"I'm sorry…?"
"Ah...you're such a little tease, aren't you…?"
Blood in your veins went cold when you saw the pure, unadulterated salacity in his eyes.
Your fight-or-flight instinct kicked in, and you tried to look to the side, or even turn around, but it was much too late. Giovanna had promptly moved to you, caged your face with his hands and turned you up to look at him.
The eye contact was brief, his gaze drilling into yours, before he forced you into a kiss.  
A shock went down your spine and made you stiffen. Almost instantly, you tasted the strange (and revoltingly pleasant) flavor of his lip gloss, and grew hyper-aware of not only the shape of his mouth, but the contrast of his body heat against yours.
Eyes widened, you uttered out a shocked, muffled noise that only seemed to make his ever-growing body temperature even warmer.
You tried to push against him, but he just grunted and tugged your body against his. Squishing your eyes shut, you tried pushing and palming at his chest, which only made him hold on tighter.
Eventually he detached for air, a thin string of saliva connecting the two of you appearing only briefly. Giovanna's green eyes were absolutely hazed over, a vibrant pink dyeing his usually white face.
A million words were dashing through your head --why? what? who? how? me? you?-- but your brain was incapable of stringing together anything coherent.
It wouldn't have mattered if it had been, though, because almost as soon as the golden boy had pulled away, he pulled in once more.
This time, he took advantage of your pried open mouth to invade you near completely. In the midst, your tongue ended up brushing against one of his teeth--one of his canines.
Sharp. Too sharp.
With that, it was cut short by you successfully jerking away. While he didn't let you go, Giovanna withdrew again, wiping off his smeared lip gloss with the back of his hand.
"Sir! I--" Idiotically, you had assumed it was over, but surely enough, your wrists had gotten snatched.
Next thing you knew, the side of your face had been pushed up against the nearest vertical surface, with Giovanna mewing your body with his own.
"Gh…no..." Your voice had gotten higher, weaker too, "Sir...ah, Don Giovanna, please...I don't understand...why, what is this…?"
"You 'don't understand'? Really now?"  
You trembled at how close his voice had become, now so close to your ear that you could hear his tongue detaching from the roof of his mouth. “Sir, I--”
“Ah,” he breathed out a small laugh, “don’t try and play coy with me, cara, you knew exactly what you were doing…”
Giovanna had noticed how you reacted to his voice, so he decided to drag his tongue along the shell of your ear, before kissing it directly. Again, you let out a weak noise as warmth shocked your body.
Trying to get away from his voice, you turned forward and pressed your forehead against the shelf, perhaps in an attempt to squeeze yourself between the books and escape.
"Oh, when you tried to leave me earlier," he was beginning to sound almost whiney with how breathy his voice was becoming, clutching your shoulder and hand with an iron grip. "I swear, if you left, I would've…"
He never finished that statement, too distracted by trailing his hand from your shoulder, down your torso, all the way to the bottom of your high-waisted shorts.
"These...ah, did you really expect to come in here, wearing these, and be able to get away~?"
Even with your panic-blinded brain, you knew you had worn these (admittedly, skimpy) pants around him plenty of times before. He never had any problems until now…
"Giovanna, this is- ah!"
Your words were choked back when he had slipped his hand beneath the waistband of your pants. Underwear too, as he wasted little time trying to force his hand between your closed thighs.
His hand had no trouble finding that little rift in your flesh, middle finger delving between and pressing against the sensitive little nub inside.
In a near instant, your legs went from straight to bent, beginning to tremble. You cursed yourself for near literally becoming putty in his hands, but your brain was still fried and unable to think straight.
With a charming, pleased hum, he swirled his finger around, generating more embarrassing sounds from you. He kept his chest firm on your back, making sure you couldn't wriggle away from his grasp.
Giovanna slid his finger lower and curled it, his digit entering your body with a very slight pinch. You yelped again, hyper-aware of the quiet, very muffled squelching sound made.
"Oh, it's so wet here…" he tittered, sending even more polarizing feelings coursing through your veins.
"N-no...not there, you can't…" The softness of his hand, the smoothness of his nail, invading your warm insides made you feel extremely weak, like your body could cave in at any second. Your feet began to slide back on the hardwood floor, so Giovanna took extra care securing his lower body against yours as well.
Tragically, you tried rocking against his hand, begging for relief. That stopped when you realized you could feel his hard-on through the material of his satin clothing.
He decided he'd had enough of whatever this was, extracting his hand from your clothing and backing up a tad. After lapping his finger clean, he took a second to "compose" himself.
"I apologize, I know this isn't the most comfortable place for us, at the moment…" you were gently hugged from behind, him nuzzling into the top of your head a bit.
You wanted to take the opportunity to break away from him, but before you could even realize he had hastily lifted you up. The bright light made you reflexively shut your eyes, but it didn't stop you from trying to wiggle out of his hold.
Giovanna brought you to his large, cushioned chair, sitting himself down and maneuvering your limbs just so you were straddling him. He tried to hug you again, but you pushed yourself away, hands at his chest.
"Sir…please, we have to stop." A tiny, nagging part of your brain knew this wouldn't reason with him, so you added on, "...not now. Not here, at least…"
His engaged expression turned into a soft, content smile.
Holy fuck, did I actually get him to listen? Will I actually get away with my dignity after all?
You nearly smiled at the seemingly good sign.
But instead of letting you go, he spun the chair around, grabbing your wrists.
Actually, it wasn't him grabbing you. Not exactly.
Ghostly white-gold hands faded in, pulling your arms away from each other, as he pushed your torso away, tugged your shins so they dropped from the chair and onto the floor, and secured your pelvis against his.
In the end, the position you had been forced into was both uncomfortable and humiliating, with G • E restraining your arms, the edge of the desk pressing into the small or your back, and to top it all off, your boss firmly holding your groins together.
It made you want to cry, so you did. Just a little bit, though.
"Ah, please don't worry! I don't plan on having briefings with anybody else, so let's not worry about…"
He completely trailed off, losing his train of thought as he looked over your body in silence. It stayed like this for a couple seconds, with him not exactly sure what to do next, and you refusing to look at anything.
Eventually, he leaned forward a bit, reached to the bottom of your top. You glared at his hand as it grabbed onto the hem, and in a single motion, yanked it over your chest. The cold air enveloped your now exposed breasts made your muscles jerk inward, giving the desk a little shake.
In the tense moment, he kind of just stared for a few seconds, eyes round and doe-ish, face very flushed.
He doesn't know what he's doing. And he doesn't even care.
Wetness dotting his yellow lashes, he suddenly wrapped his arms around your torso, nudging up into the crook of your neck and drawing in your scent. You would've wondered why he looked like he was crying, but your mind was occupied with the embarrassment that came with knowing how sweaty you were. Not like he cared.
Giovanna pressed a couple pecks to the bottom of your jaw, before lowering and quickly licking up the side of your neck. He pulled back about a centimeter, and you watched in suspense as  his eyes trailed down to your chest.
He traced a very faint vein with the tip of his nail, one embedded in your breast, until he reached your nipple, erected by the cold air. He took it between the tips of his fingers, rolling it gently.
The muscles in your chest tensed as he cupped your tit with one hand, and slid the other down your body again.
While groping you, he had his lips ghosting the area around your collarbone, wanting to feel every small detail of your skin. His breath felt like it was getting hotter every second, and you were sure that the stuttering little snivels coming out of your mouth were only making things worse.
With a little roll of his chair, Giovanna pushed his groin up against yours, the slight friction made on your vital spot just enough to make you squirm.
His hands really had no right to feel as wonderful as they did, smooth and supple, incredibly warm, and glazed with a sheer bit of sweat. It felt like they were made for your body, as it accepted his touch completely, whether he was groping you or continuing to explore your insides with his digits.
You continued to try and fight back, be it very weakly, by wiggling your lower body best you could. What made you completely give up the quarrel was Giovanna leaning down and taking one of your stiff teats in his mouth. The sudden feeling made you reflexively cave in your chest, as your elbows finally touched the cool wood of his desk. In the back of your hazed mind, you took note of how G • E loosened his hold.
He put more pressure on your body, eyebrows knit, like he was savoring the taste of your skin. As he grew rougher, you felt his sharp canines poke at your supple flesh, and you jerked again.
Giovanna responded by slipping another digit inside, pushing you back a tad more while staying latched on your chest.
Too much. It's all too much.
With seemingly nothing else to do, you let your head drop back. Then, you saw an opportunity.
The lamp.
See, while you had been tangled up in getting restrained by your Boss's Stand, you somehow forgot one critical fact; that you had one too.
The key to escaping this Freudian Nightmare was, quite literally, glaring you in the face.
And all you needed was just another little push…
As if on cue, your arms slid back about a half-centimeter more, and you grabbed the opportunity with an iron grip.
In an actual blink, Giovanna's ceiling lamp imploded, causing the room to go dark. The minor vacuum caused was enough to make the desk shake, and you slide across and onto the floor ahead.
Despite landing awkwardly on your shoulders, you hastily got on your ass, tugged down your shirt, and rose to your feet.
The relief you felt when you finally reached the door was indescribable, yet you still found yourself glancing back.
Pulverized glass was still falling through the air, what once remained of the most interesting part of the room now glittering with sunset light. Giovanna, on the other hand, had rolled his chair back a bit, adorably rubbing his eyes.
Hit one!
The beat of your heart was racing, yet…
"Giorno, I'm sorry!"
Hit two!
You had no time to dwell on your apology, though, as you rushed out the door.
Hit three! Triple fuckup combo!
You leapt off the mezzanine to the ground floor, and made a dash to the exit.
The cool air of the night came to rightfully claim you. That night, while running across the Italian countryside, you felt rather different.
Needless to say, you missed that night's episode of X-Files.
n: thanks to aaron for making the title cards for me, he’s a great skunk man!  I said i was gonna do it, and here i am.  Hopefully this means i’ll be able to start using tumblr a bit more frequently... Or maybe it won’t, who knows? I’ll post the second chapter here tomorrow, and as for the last one...it’s coming, don’t fret :D
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kdtheghostwriter · 5 years
SNK 116: V Has Come To
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Alexa: play “Roundabout”
When I first saw the Kanji that represents “rumbling,” my first two thoughts, in immediate succession where as follows: “Oh, shit, is it already happening” and “Oh, no, wait it’s just like JoJo.” (Fun fact about that ED, since Ded Memes live here. The little To Be Continued arrow always flies in before the drums hit. Like everything it gets adjusted for the purposes I suppose. Anyway!) Honestly, every chapter in this volume has ended like the episode of an anime, including this one with its hero/villain stare down and triumphant proclamation from the narrator. More on how those tables have turned later.
 I want to spend most of this essay talking about Eren, since I spent most of the last one talking about his older brother. I’m not so much surprised at the direction his character has taken after so many years of pain and abuse. What does take me aback is how so many people are apparently sympathetic to Zeke while hating Eren, especially considering how Eren had a comparatively awful upbringing while spending a lot less time being shitty to people.
But maybe I shouldn’t be too shocked. Even as the main character, he’s always been controversial. Whether by people who want him to be paired with one character or another, or those who just plain don’t like him. Even in-story, good will has been hard to come by. One minute they’re honoring you and your friends in front of the Queen. A few years later, you’re locked underground as a fugitive of the military-controlled government.
It was the Chapter 112 recap where I broke down the nuance of a pro wrestling storyline – specifically in regards to their character-driven nature. I used performers like Shawn Michaels and Brett “The Hitman” Hart to outline the natural progression of a character from fan favorite to hated ne’er-do-well. Now, I’ll be using an example much more relevant to the story. The Rise then Fall then Return then “Turn” of Daniel Bryan.
Most important thing to note about Daniel Bryan is that he’s not supposed to be in the ring at all. A series of concussions and other injuries forced him to retire from active in-ring competition. This was directly after a year-long saga of him trying to prove himself as a main event player. After what seemed like endless waves of red tape and front office hurdles, he achieved the absolute pinnacle of the business. Winning in the main event of the year’s biggest show, WrestleMania, and becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. It was always going to be downhill from that point. What couldn’t have been predicted was the suddenness of it.
Three years pass and Daniel Bryan announces his imminent return to active competition. His first match back is yet again at the Showcase of the Immortals. He receives a hero’s welcome and for several months is riding a familiar high as the most popular superstar in all of wrestling. And then, he fights AJ Styles and something changes.
I must note here briefly that at this point in the latter part of 2018, AJ Styles himself is enjoying a year-long run as champion of the world’s largest federation. He and Daniel Bryan were scheduled to have a match at the Crown Jewel event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Yes, the same Saudi Arabia that allegedly orchestrated the murder of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi. Daniel Bryan, along with other members of the roster, refused to make the trip. As such, his WWE Championship match was pushed up a week to be contested on TV. Bryan lost this match, but that would not be the last time they faced. In fact, the very next time the two squared off, Bryan captured the title, albeit via some nefarious means. It was after this match (followed by a match with former UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar) that something broke within Daniel Bryan.
The WWE’s relentless media schedules as well as the punishment of months of fighting on the road finally broke him down mentally as well as physically, and he decided that enough was too much. Daniel Bryan utilized his newfound platform as champion and killed the movement that catapulted him to worldwide fame. In its place, a message of repentance. He replaced the leather strap of his title belt with one made of hemp and naturally fallen oak. He railed against the paying fans for their unchecked consumerism and even admonished his boss, billionaire Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment Vince McMahon, for exploiting their more reductive tendencies.
This is going to sound weird because, honestly, these things change month-to-month but, yes, Daniel Bryan is supposed to be the bad guy here. And for a segment of the audience he absolutely is. Live crowds across the country (excluding his home state of Washington) hate Bryan with a fiery passion. Meanwhile, all of Twitter asked all at once, “Wait, you want us to…boo him?” It’s the most famous Heel Turn in recent memory due in part to the circumstances and the performer involved. This was the most popular wrestler in the world not six months prior. But even though the crowd still loved him, they were not clamoring for him like they had been. The magic of the Yes Movement was largely gone.
In Shingeki no Kyojin, I’ve witnessed this cycle ad nauseum. It’s the ebb and flow of fandom. I’ve been reading this series long enough to recall a time when Eren was seen as a useless, whiny geek as opposed to the badass world-beater he is now. There was a time, believe it or not, where Reiner was as polarized and hated as Eren is now. Before that even! Reiner was little more than the cute, air-headed jock before he and Bertholt revealed themselves as spies. Isayama reveals him as his favorite character and he’s been the darling of the fandom ever since. Second perhaps only to Commander Handsome himself who is even more popular in death. Annie still has her fans, despite only being in maybe fifteen percent of this manga.
My point is the same that Isayama has been getting at for the past three volumes or so. (Maybe more than that if we accept Kruger’s monologue as the first example.) Your notion of how the world works has been fucked from the start. Good and evil; right and wrong; Marley and Paradis. Reality is only as good as your perspective. The author was not content with just stating this, though. To prove his point, he deconstructed his own carefully planned narrative, rebuilt it backwards, then flipped it upside down so that now, we’ve come back ‘round to this.
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Funny thing, life is. When your idols become your rivals. Eren once confided in Reiner for support in his darkest moments. Now, it’s very likely he’s going to try and kill him. Simply for getting in his way. This is more of the framing I’ve talked about before from Isayama. This looks like any other match card from an actual title bout. To show you what I mean, I’m going to line up several examples.
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Seeing it now? Classic promoter tactics. Building up the hype. People rib on the Dragon Ball series for doing this sometimes – in the case of Z – to a comical extent. But really, this method can be seen elsewhere in stuff like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lupin the Third; I really could just name twelve more titles.
This is a rematch four years in the making. Yes, they met in Liberio but I don’t count that as a fight, considering Eren won long before anyone even transformed and Reiner was literally begging for his death. In present day, the Warriors have caught The Usurper off guard and they have much needed backup. This conflict has been set up like the apex of any Marvel movie. The mismatched group of heroes converging on one point, because the only hope they have of defeating the super villain is if they do it together.
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This is why Pieck didn’t pull the trigger when she had the chance and also why Eren didn’t transform and splatter her and Gabi against the dungeon walls. Pieck is part of a team. A team with a plan. Part of that plan involved getting Eren Jaeger out in the open where he would be exposed to an all-out attack. Eren had prior knowledge of the Warrior Unit’s arrival and knew his best option was to track their location and cut them off. Pieck was likely dead whether she cooperated or not. What Eren didn’t account for was Porco, who was actually in plain sight amongst the other Jaegerists, but in a world where photography has just recently been introduced, one could not expect them to recognize him out of his Titan.
 Pieck trusted her friends, and now they are all dropping in to Shiganshina to aid in her rescue. Eren did not trust his friends, and now they are all dead, mutilated or locked in a cell and they won’t be coming to his rescue. In another manga, this would be the turning point of the story where the Big Bad got his comeuppance and learned the ultimate lesson about the Power of Friendship and the series would end with the two brothers embracing in a pile of rubble. This is not any manga. Eren has three Titan powers at his disposal. (Four if he can get his hands on Porco again.) Unless there is a legit airstrike of some sort or some other secondary offensive, Reiner has no chance of winning this. Maybe he doesn’t have to, depending on what the plan is.
We still don’t know what Eren’s plan is either! That’s probably the biggest difference between him and Daniel Bryan. The Daniel Bryan character was developed weekly on television over many months and his motivations up to this point have been fully fleshed out. Eren’s motivations are a mystery to everyone except Eren. Even his brother Zeke doesn’t know what he’s up to. Zeke who, by the way, can magically appear in this upcoming battle as well. No, I don’t think Eren is the final “bad guy” of this story. I just wish he was, because he’s damn good at doing it.
I do not know how this ends. I am, however, sure of one thing.
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  Stray Thoughts
- I wouldn’t say either Eren or Pieck had the other fooled at any point. They were at an impasse and Eren decided to move the plot along.
- Eren isn’t the classic mwahaha villain (yet) but wow is he angry. And not the violent, explosive anger we know him for. Cold, cunning, calculated. I genuinely feared for Pieck’s life despite her holding the gun.
- I know we’ve been conditioned by this story to search for subtext, even when it’s not there, but I wouldn’t read too much into certain…stuff that happened with the 104th. The point here was to re-establish what we already know about the crew. Jean is a very perceptive lad and almost certainly the next Commander if anyone survives this story. Armin is…having a moment.
- I have to wonder how good Magath’s intel is for this op. Does he know that Shiganshina is deserted? Has he accounted for Zeke’s appearance? Does he know the God of Destruction is nearby?
- Yelena has been a favorite of mine since her debut, when everyone thought Connie grew three times his size. I won’t call it a Heel Turn because it doesn’t count if you weren’t wearing the White Hat to begin with.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Megan Fox celebrates 'putting the B in #LGBTQIA for over two decades'
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/entertainment/megan-fox-celebrates-putting-the-b-in-lgbtqia-for-over-two-decades/
Megan Fox celebrates 'putting the B in #LGBTQIA for over two decades'
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Happy Pride Month, she’s, gays and they’s.
It’s the queerest time of the year – yes, the whole month of June – when the LGBTQ community comes together to celebrate being out and proud. Pride started as a protest outside the Stonewall Inn in 1969 in New York, and the community wouldn’t be as outspoken as it is today without the work of Black and Latinx transgender women.
The coronavirus pandemic thwarted traditional Pride parades and other debauchery last year. With the country reopening again, members of the LGBTQ community can more readily gather safely this time around.
But how are LGBTQ celebrities partaking in Pride Month this year, and what does it mean to them? We asked some – and are monitoring many others’ social media accounts throughout June – to tell us their thoughts.
Interesting: Is coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community over? No, but it could be someday.
Megan Fox has been ‘putting the B in #LGBTQIA for over two decades’
Actress Megan Fox celebrated Pride Month with a series of selfies that included a rainbow French manicure.
“Putting the B in #LGBTQIA for over two decades,” Fox, 35, captioned the photos June 26 on Instagram with two rainbow emojis and a Pride hashtag.
She also promoted two charities in the caption: Move On, an organization that refers to itself as “a force for social justice and political progress,” and Into Action, “a movement of designers, illustrators, animators and artists building cultural momentum around civic engagement and the issues affecting our country and world.”
More: Machine Gun Kelly, Megan Fox pack on the PDA at Billboard Music Awards: Their relationship timeline
Former ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ star Laganja Estranja comes out as trans
Drag queen and choreographer Laganja Estranja, who appeared in the 2014 season of reality competition show “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” announced she is “so proud to identify as trans” in an Instagram post for Pride Month.
Story continues
“I feel so empowered that I don’t have to hide in the shadows as I make this journey,” she wrote in a June 15 post, thanking “all the trans brothers and sisters that came before me who fought so that my coming out could be joyous!”
Estranja’s given name off-stage is Jay Jackson, which she told Entertainment Weekly she still plans to go by with those close to her.
“I am so proud to identify as TRANS and to be living my truth. Happy PRIDE, you are beautiful as you are.”
Kamala Harris and husband Doug Emhoff march in Pride parade
Vice President Kamala Harris and husband Doug Emhoff wore Pride T-shirts and joined marchers for the Capital Pride Parade on June 12 in Washington, DC.
Harris’ shirt read “Love is love” and Emhoff’s showed a series of text reading “Love first” in a variety of colors.
The vice president stopped and talked to the crowd, according to pool reports.
“We still have so much to do. We celebrate all the accomplishments,” she said. “Finally marriage is the law of the land. We need to make sure that our transgender community are all protected.”
Harris shared a similar message on Instagram the next day where she also recalled the honor of officiating the wedding of Kris Perry and Sandy Steir, whose court case paved the way for marriage equality in California. She noted a need to expand protections for the LGBTQ community in housing, employment and education.
“I want you to know we see you, we hear you and the president and I will not rest until everyone has equal protection under the law,” she said.
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Vice President Kamala Harris and husband Doug Emhoff join marchers for the Capital Pride Parade on June 12, 2021 in Washington, DC.
JoJo Siwa celebrates first Pride, 5-month anniversary with girlfriend
JoJo Siwa is celebrating her “first Pride” this month, which also coincides with her and her girlfriend’s five-month anniversary.
“Happy pride month!” Siwa, 18, captioned a June 4 Instagram post with a rainbow emoji. “It’s time to celebrate being who you are and LOVING who YOU wanna LOVE!!❤️”
In the post, Siwa and girlfriend Kylie Prew are shown beaming and embracing while wearing rainbow getups in front of a huge “PRIDE” display. The internet star, who started out on “Dance Moms” in the mid-2010s, came out in January as a member of the LGBTQ community, later sharing she identified as queer and pansexual. For the couple’s one-month anniversary in February, she divulged in a sweet post that she was “the happiest I have ever been.”
“It really has been the best 5 months of my life truly being exactly who I am and finding love has been the best part of it all,” Siwa added in her new post. “I love this human so much. I’m so happy❤️”
‘You’re a shining example’: Elton John praises JoJo Siwa at ‘Can’t Cancel Pride’ event
Miley Cyrus seeks to put a stop to homophobia
Miley Cyrus’s message for Pride was blunt: “STOP homophobia whenever and wherever you see it,” the singer wrote on Instagram alongside photos of herself next to a stop sign. She tagged her Happy Hippie Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to providing resources to LGBTQ youth, homeless citizens and other vulnerable communities.
The former Disney star spoke about being pansexual and gender-fluid in Variety’s 2016 Power of Women L.A. issue and said she discovered her identity through through the LGBTQ center in L.A.
“I saw one human in particular who didn’t identify as male or female,” she said. “Looking at them, they were both: beautiful and sexy and tough but vulnerable and feminine but masculine. And I related to that person more than I related to anyone in my life. Even though I may seem very different, people may not see me as neutral as I feel. But I feel very neutral.”
Alexandra Shipp says it’s ‘never too late to be you’
“X-Men: Apocalypse” star Alexandra Shipp took to Instagram on June 3 to share “regrets” for not coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community earlier and to encourage fans to be themselves.
“I didn’t come out until I was 28. Though I don’t believe in regrets, this would definitely be #1 for myself. I denied denied denied,” Shipp wrote. “I struggled with not only my sexuality, but my femininity. I was scared it was too late. I was scared I wasn’t going to be able to get work. I was scared no one would ever love me. Scared. Scared. Scared.”
The 29-year-old added that she is now “happy in ways I don’t think my kid self could imagine.”
“It’s never too late to be you. If I don’t work because of a flawed, racist and homophobic system, then it was never the right thing for me … I’m not scared anymore. I have #pride in who I am and what I’m doing on this planet.”
Janelle Monáe encourages LGBTQ community to ‘shine hard’
Janelle Monáe came out as pansexual during a 2018 Rolling Stone interview and in 2021 she is using social media to spread love.
Pansexuality is attraction to all gender identities, or attracted to people regardless of gender, according to GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis.
Saturday the “Tightrope” singer reposted words from a tweet by LGBTQ writer and activist Alexander Leon.
“Queer people don’t grow up as ourselves, we grow up playing a version of ourselves that sacrifices authenticity to minimise (sic) humiliation & prejudice,” Leon wrote. “The massive task of our adult lives is to unpick which parts of ourselves are truly us & which parts we’ve created to protect us.”
She finished the post with a series of emojis including rainbows and spaceships calling herself a “kid for life.”
“For those of us who spent time in the dark and had to build worlds to protect ourselves Shine HARD. I love us,” she wrote.
More: Janelle Monáe comes out as pansexual (and it’s not the same as bisexual)
Former ‘America’s Next Top Model’ contestant Lio Tipton comes out as queer, nonbinary
Lio Tipton who starred in Cycle 11 of “America’s Next Top Model” and played the role of babysitter Jessica in the movie “Crazy, Stupid, Love” reintroduced themself on Instagram Wednesday.
“Hi. My name is Lio. My pronouns are they/them. I am proud to announce I am queer and I identify as non binary,” they wrote.
Tipton’s caption was linked to an illustration featuring a unique robot among other droids depicted to match one of two categories a call to the binary nature of gender.
They finished the post with a rainbow flag and a heart writing: “I hope to give as much love and support back to those who continue to show love and support for the Pride community at large.”
‘High School Musical’ spinoff actor Larry Saperstein comes out as bisexual
Actor Larry Saperstein, who plays Big Red on Disney+ show “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,” announced he is bisexual Tuesday on social media.
Saperstein, 23, shared in a TikTok video that he “plays a character with a girlfriend on TV,” but “is bi (in real life).” In the current season, his character, a theater tech crew member-turned-performer, is dating fellow theater cast member Ashlyn (Julia Lester).
“is it really that unexpected tho #pride,” Saperstein added of his announcement in the video caption.
Laverne Cox celebrates intersectional Pride
Laverne Cox, who has made waves in Hollywood as a trans woman, posted on Instagram to celebrate Pride with the theory of intersectionality.
The “Orange is the New Black” star listed names of Black feminists who contributed to the theory of intersectionality which is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination combine, overlap, or intersect.”
“My pride is intersectional. I bring all of me into pride month. I believe true liberation must be intersectional,” Cox wrote.
Under a photo of Cox dressed in a golden leotard, she named 11 key figures of intersectionality and called on her fans to name the rest.
“There are so many names. Who have I left out? List them below. Happy Pride Month,” she wrote.
Tan France wants to ‘champion diversity’ for LGBTQ community
“Queer Eye” style expert Tan France who is expecting his first child with husband Rob, opened Pride Month with an Instagram post of him fashionably wrapped in a rainbow flag with a star-like flower adorned on his head.
In the caption France made it a point to approach Pride Month with love and support.
“Let’s celebrate and champion the diversity of our community,” France wrote. “Let’s show compassion to those who don’t feel that they can come out yet, and offer them love and support as they work through it, knowing there is a supportive community, waiting to welcome them with open arms and hearts.”
Busy Philipps praises her child Birdie for Pride Month
The “Girls5Eva” actress posted a selfie of her and 12-year-old child Birdie, who came out as gay last year and uses them/they pronouns, to celebrate Pride Month.
“Today is the start of PRIDE MONTH! I have so much pride for this kid and everything they are and do,” Philipps wrote.
She shares Birdie with her husband, screenwriter Marc Silverstein, and took to Instagram to brag on Birdie’s ability to give back.
“Birdie decided to start gathering the unopened makeup and hygiene items from me and other influencer types(actors, singers, makeup and hair artists) to donate to the @lalgbtcenter for the queer and trans youth that the Center provides a safe space for,” Philipps wrote. “Well. Thanks to many of my friends, Birdie was able to donate HUNDREDS of items to the center.”
Pride Month: Busy Philipps reveals her 12-year-old child Birdie is gay, ‘prefers they/them’ pronouns
In December 2020, Philipps revealed on an episode her podcast “Busy Philipps Is Doing Her Best,” that Birdie was gay and used nonbinary pronouns.
“I want Birdie to be in control of their own narrative and not have to answer to anybody outside of our friends and family if they don’t want to,” Philipps said.
Taylor Swift urges senators to pass the equality act
The “You Need To Calm Down” singer is “proudly” teaming up with GLAAD for its “Summer of Equality” campaign to help get the Equality Act passed.
“Who you love and how you identify shouldn’t put you in danger, leave you vulnerable or hold you back in life,” Swift wrote in a statement posted to Twitter Tuesday. “I proudly join GLAAD in their #summerofequality and add my voice to those who support The Equality Act. Happy Pride Month!”
The Equality Act would amend existing civil rights law to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identification as protected characteristics. Those protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education and other areas.
Swift took a moment to thank her fellow “courageous activists, advocates and allies for their dedication to fighting against discrimination and hatred.”
She continued: “As always, today I am sending my respect and love to those bravely living out their truth, even when the world we live in still makes that so hard to do.”
It’s ‘so upsetting’: Taylor Swift calls out 2020 census for ‘brutal’ transgender erasure
GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis thanked Swift for her advocacy and said the goal of their “Summer of Equality” campaign is to “get every senator to vote yes.”
The bill passed the U.S. House 224-206 in February, with all Democrats but just three Republicans supporting it. Its fate in the closely divided Senate is uncertain. The House also passed the bill in the last Congress, but it didn’t advance to the Senate.
Niecy Nash: ‘Love should be at the forefront’
Niecy Nash and wife Jessica Betts got married in August – when virtually no one even knew Nash was queer.
“I am proud of who I am,” she says. “I am proud of my relationship. I’m proud of our marriage. I am just proud to be a Black woman who (lives) life on her own terms and does it out loud.”
How’s she digging the newlywed life? “It’s treating me great,” she says. “I’m married to one of the most beautiful souls.” A typical weekend for the pair involves good food, swimming and relaxing in the hot tub, she says.
Surprise! Niecy Nash reveals wedding to singer Jessica Betts and shares photo with fans
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Niecy Nash hosts this year’s GLAAD Media Awards.
Nash didn’t know what to expect once she revealed her truth to the world, “but my close friends and family were extremely supportive and so that was the most important part for me,” she says.
She’s been vocal about how she didn’t come out – she “never hid anything” – but rather came into herself.
“I feel like you only really need courage in the face of fear,” she says. “And I don’t know if I was afraid in as much as I was just cautious, because I did not know how we were going to be received in the world.”
Plans for her first Pride Month aren’t set in stone yet, but she encourages people to lead with love.
“The world needs so much love right now because we’ve come through a really tough year and there’s so many things happening in the world that bring stress and chaos,” she says. “Love should be at the forefront of any conversation that anybody is having.”
In case you missed: Niecy Nash says marrying Jessica Betts wasn’t a ‘coming out,’ but a ‘going into myself’
Candis Cayne reflects on first Pride, need to band together for trans community
Actress Candis Cayne acknowledged that Pride has changed over the years – especially since she came out (Cayne came out twice, but as transgender in 1995).
“When I first came out, Pride Month was about fighting for our rights. It was about marching, it was about telling the world that we were OK with who we were, and we were valued people in the community. And luckily, more and more, it’s been accepted,” she says. That said, there’s still a ways to go.
Her first Pride was in New York City, where she saw a sea of people on Fifth Avenue.
“I remember just vividly thinking, ‘There’s more of us out there than I thought,’ ” she says. She’s done New York Pride for about 20 years, including performing on floats, and she recalled dressing as Wonder Woman and jumping off a truck and pretending to push it forward and backward – a magical, quintessential Pride moment.
‘I get goosebumps’: Laverne Cox on Netflix transgender history doc, landmark Supreme Court decision
She doesn’t have plans just yet for Pride – she is vaccinated and encourages others to do the same – but “might just have a get together and celebrate Pride in a more intimate way this year.”
She encourages the LGBTQ community to come together and support the transgender community amid ongoing legal battles and violence.
“Seeing how our community’s being affected right now, with all the legislation, how trans women of color are being murdered at an alarming rate, I think that’s something that we really need to focus on as a community and band together,” she says.
‘From Disclosure’ to ‘Pose’: What movies, shows to watch on Trans Day of Visibility
‘Grey’s Anatomy’ actor Jake Borelli talks growing in his queerness
“Grey’s Anatomy” star Jake Borelli viewed Pride Month as a celebration when he was younger. But after publicly coming out in 2018 and spending more time in queer spaces with a variety of queer people, he had time to reflect on what Pride is really about.
“As I’ve grown in my queerness, and my relationship to my own queerness, I know wholeheartedly that it’s a riot, and it is a protest,” the actor, who plays Dr. Levi Schmitt, says. “At this point in my queerness, I feel like I can’t allow myself to stand anymore for the negative way society has made me feel about my queerness and Pride and Pride Month, and Pride gatherings.”
The absence of physical queer spaces during the pandemic forced him to think even deeper.
Did you see? How Lil Nas X, JoJo Siwa and Zaya Wade are teaching kids to be more inclusive
“That caused me to start thinking a lot more introspectively about what it means to be queer and what growing up as a gay person surrounded by straight people really actually did to my psyche in the long term, and I’ve found myself having to re-parent myself right now as as a queer man, re-parenting my younger queer self,” he says.
He’s been to a host of different Pride celebrations in his life, from Los Angeles and New York to his hometown of Columbus, Ohio.
“It was such an incredible experience to go back to my hometown where I was fully closeted, and didn’t feel like I could be my full self and to see that there was an entire group of people who were pushing forward in Columbus for the queer community and had been forever,” he says.
His advice for queer people going on similar journeys as himself?
“Be patient with yourself and everyone who’s around you,” he says with a laugh. “I have to remind myself that every day.”
Leyna Bloom talks Pride Month, how she celebrates ‘every single day’
“Port Authority” star Leyna Bloom recently opened up to USA TODAY in a Q&A about how she celebrates Pride Month daily.
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Leyna Bloom stars as Wye in the drama “Port Authority.”
“Pride is not just this time when we can explore things that are in us that we’re raised to suppress and now we’re taught to express it in the sun and in the streets and the world just for one month,” Bloom says. “It’s something that I have to do every single day of my life. I have to wake up and be proud that I’m alive and (ask) ‘Why am I here? And what am I doing here, and am I going to be able to help people?’
“Through all the most traumatic experiences in my life and in the world, seeds are being planted everywhere I go. And this summer 2021, everything is blooming at the same time: Sports Illustrated, movies, TV shows. It is really a moment to be Black, be queer, be trans, be Asian, so I’m just honestly going to celebrate every single day that I’m allowed to be alive to have those moments. So I’m really excited to see what else I can do and how we can elevate our community to unite.”
Contributing: Anika Reed and Cydney Henderson, USA TODAY; The Associated Press
For more on that interview: ‘Port Authority’ star Leyna Bloom on trans love story, how she celebrates Pride Month daily
‘We’re not there yet’: LGBTQ representation dips on broadcast TV, GLAAD study reveals
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Pride 2021: Megan Fox, JoJo Siwa, more stars celebrate month
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passtheseppie · 7 years
C, if Louis has a one and done album deal with Syco, why do you think he hasn't rushed to get it out, so the contract with them would be over sooner?
Hey, friend! Thanks for the message.
Before I start, we have no way of 100% knowing the exact terms of the deal. I hesitate to comment on this too much for that reason. I’ll share a few thoughts, though.
Number one, it frustrates me that some people still assume a debut solo album isn’t a big deal for Louis. It’ll be one of the most important events of his solo career; we need to step back from 1D days, where we were used to the unbelievably draining “one album a year” routine. That kind of turnaround is not normal. I’d be really sad to know that some people think of him as the kind of artist to rush such an important milestone, Syco circumstances aside. 
We know how important his music is to him, and we know how seriously he takes these kinds of things - this will be a debut to the world, not just to the fans. So many people are going to be listening to it and evaluating him as an artist based on that one body of work - of course he’s going to spend a lot of time on it, even if he does have a “one and done” deal. 
That said - sure, there absolutely could be other influencing factors, but before I get into those, I want to reiterate: Louis isn’t the kind of artist to rush out a debut solo album, regardless of circumstances. This fact is obvious based on his work ethic and devotion to his craft alone.
Moving on! 
Album Release Date Speculation 
Does anyone remember back when he first started talking about the album during the summer, and how he initially mentioned it could be out in late 2017?
In an interview with MTV UK during the summer, he said:
“In my head, I’m like 80% done with the album […] In an ideal world, it’s [out at] the end of the year.” 
That quickly changed into “probably next year”, and then “early 2018″, and now maybe toward the end of the first quarter of 2018. Again, these kinds of delays are totally normal and could 10000% be due to the creative process alone. 
Lots of news outlets used quotes from that same MTV UK interview all through the summer and fall as the release date moved out further - this next quote in particular when it started to look like the album wouldn’t be out until 2018:
“I’m very much a perfectionist. But I am nervous about it, because I want it to be as good as it can be, obviously. […] I’ve got an idea, and a vision, and a message; what to get across. It’s a difficult thing actually doing that across a body of work [on] an album. I’m nervous, but also really excited for the fans to hear it.”
Example from People’s Choice, September 2017:
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As you’ll notice, he’s been evasive with putting an exact date or even month on it. I think that that’s, of course, at least partly due to the perfectionism aspect. Wouldn’t you want your debut solo album to be 1000% perfect, especially with the pressure he must be under? 
Also: as I mentioned earlier, we can only touch the surface of how hard it must have been to record and tour simultaneously in 1D. Putting out an album a year must’ve been unbelievably difficult & draining. I think all of the guys are absolutely entitled to having more time to focus on the creative process, yet I only see people criticizing that when it comes to Louis. Sigh. 
Other Possible Influencing Factors
I do think there could be (at least minor) influencing factors. There’s plenty of reasons why a record company might push back an album release date.
More on that under the cut.
Comparison #1: Liam
Let’s take a brief pause and look at Liam. He’s doing the same thing as Louis - taking time to work on his debut album. I know he’s signed to a different label altogether, but let’s generally compare. 
Via a Universal press release in mid-November, his album release date was initially announced to be January 12th, 2018. 
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While this wasn’t officially confirmed, it’s safe to say that a press release is far more reliable than, say, an update account assuming a date.
On the 3rd of December, however, Liam told a reporter at the Jingle Ball that he had a finished album, and he only wanted to change “one or two songs” because of some producers he’d met. 
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Side note: two days later, it was announced that Camila Cabello’s debut album would be out on January 12, taking that spot from Liam. As I’ve said before, I don’t have a lot of knowledge about Liam’s promo, but he seems to do (at least recently) some cross-promo for Camila in interviews and the like. This may be related to them both being on the Jingle Bell Ball circuit, or possibly because she’s still a Syco artist.
Usually, Syco/Sony doesn’t shy away from having multiple drops on one day, but they seem to be really pushing solo Camila. If we’re looking at alternative reasons for an album date being pushed besides perfecting the sound – Perhaps Sony/Syco wanted the overlapping fans from Liam’s fanbase and her fanbase to focus only on her debut album. 
I just found it interesting that his album got pushed back right before hers was announced, especially after his was announced via press release. It’s certainly possible that it’s just a coincidence, of course - they’re not labelmates, but as I mentioned, there are a few ties connecting them.
A week later on the 10th, Liam had more comments about the release date of his album:
“I wish I knew. It was almost done and then I decided I wanted to do something a bit different and push the boundaries. I’ve met some new producers that I really like, and I have a ballad-y kind of thing coming out with somebody, so that’ll be really cool.”
I noticed that a few of the Liam blogs I follow were wondering about that rationale, but again - I don’t want to comment too much on his stuff because I’m far less well-versed in his babygate and PR circumstances.
So, to summarize -
His album could’ve been pushed to accommodate Camila’s release, maybe due to both of their ties to Syco (hers current, his past) and competition between their similar fanbases. It also could’ve been pushed by the release of “For You” if he was a late add to the soundtrack, though that came out on the 5th, so it seems odd that that would be the reason. It also, of course, could’ve been pushed because he simply wanted to work more on it, even though it was finished at one point.
It could’ve been none of these reasons, and it could be a similar situation to this next comparison - who knows for sure! 
Comparison #2: Sky Ferreira
Here’s a similar example from Sky Ferreira, who had a finished album that was then pushed back after it was complete:
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Pic quality is grainy, sorry - basically, the actual album wasn’t released until late 2013, though it was planned for 2011. Sky was signed to Capitol - Liam’s label - so this is more relevant as a comparison to Liam than Louis, but it’s a similar situation. 
In 2014, she had this to say about Capitol:
But it almost wasn’t to be. According to Ferreira, Capitol Records intended to release a different album this fall made up of songs she’d worked on with various collaborators. “It was okay,” the singer said, “but I wasn’t really proud of it.” (Lance Turner, who handles marketing at Capitol, said, “We’ve always supported Sky’s creative vision.”)
At the last minute, Ferreira persuaded the label to allow her to make her own record — provided she could work fast enough to meet a predetermined release date. So she recruited a pair of L.A.-based producers, Justin Raisen and Ariel Rechtshaid, and together they banged out “Night Time, My Time” in a 21/2-week burst of writing and recording.
“I felt like I was on a cocaine binge the whole time,” Raisen said. “We just got into this state of mind and went for it. There was no second-guessing.”
That sounds extremely familiar to Liam’s situation, doesn’t it? The album changed at the last second, added new producers, and Capitol is involved. Not making any claims, just drawing parallels here. 
For context, Sky had a complicated relationship with her label, and there was friction behind the scenes over creative differences.
She said, “I do a lot of stuff behind their back. I have to because nobody ever listens to me! I do have supporters at the label, but I still have to deal with a lot of people who are like: ‘Er, I don’t want to spend that money on her.’" 
Additionally, Capitol ended up recalling the finished album altogether - allegedly because of the cover. This blog compared the recall of Sky’s cover to a nearly-identical album cover made by Blind Faith in the 70s: 
So, why is it that an album cover that was certainly controversial, but allowed to exist in the marketplace for 50 years, is suddenly deemed too racy and pulled from circulation?  If one didn’t know better, one would almost think that it never existed in the first place.Sadly, the same fate awaits Sky Ferreira’s new album, which has just been recalled by Capitol Records due to the subject matter of the album cover.  Keep in mind that the label had no problem releasing the album a mere two months ago with the original cover art.
As a result of the album being pulled, it sold far less than expected and Sky was dropped from Capitol.
Okay, so now we’ve made a few comparisons:
 Liam’s on a similar timeline, and there’s curiosity surrounding his delay as well. (I use “delay” for lack of a better term because, again, this turnaround time wouldn’t be unusual to other artists.)
Sky Ferreira’s album was delayed because of friction with her label, demonstrating that albums can indeed be delayed for that reason.
Back to Lou:
1) Louis is a self-proclaimed perfectionist when it comes to his craft. An album a year is not the norm for most artists, so him taking the time to perfect his debut solo album shouldn’t be all that unusual. 
2) That said, there’s a possibility that there are other influencing factors at play. 
Influence 1: More general mismanagement. 
Quote from below about JoJo’s mismanagement, which rendered her unable to release new material. One of her albums was rewritten and rerecorded three times over, but not released for years after the fact.
“One of those extreme situations where you have [a label exec] who is one of those guys who would just go to war and say, 'No, I’m not doing it,’” says David Byrnes, a partner at Ziffren Brittenham, whose firm has represented clients like Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, and Fleetwood Mac. 
Influence 2: “Starving out” dedicated fans by limiting the flow of content.
@theyrereallyawful made a great post about the content starvation occurring, so check that out if you haven’t yet! Especially compared to the other guys, Louis’ team severely lacks in delivering content that is consistent, shareable, and easy to find. This has been happening for a long time, and (if they are intentionally pushing the album back) that could be another example of content starvation. 
Liam’s digital content agency, WMA, has spoken about this very topic:
“One of the key learnings is that, for an audience like Liam’s, there is never too much content or too much you can do.” 
So, overall: 
To answer anon’s original question - Louis isn’t the type of artist to rush through an album release just to get it out there, especially not his debut solo album. 
I don’t think there’s much of a delay in its release in the first place - or at least not one that would be unusual compared to other artists. I think Louis is definitely a perfectionist, and he’s certainly under a lot of pressure from a lot of people to deliver a good solo debut. If he takes a little extra time perfecting his album, so be it. 
I do concede - based on his team’s shitty, shitty history - that there could be other influencing factors at play. Namely, pushing the album back when it’s already finished could serve to starve out fans and/or could be an example of more general mismanagement. 
The thing that makes me curious about that option is Louis’ wording in the first MTV UK interview –
“In an ideal world, it’s [out] at the end of [2017].”
All I know is that it will be out when it’s out, and I can’t wait to support and promote the fuck out of that masterpiece.😎
Beyond that, all we can really do is guess.
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Affections Over The Airwaves (Josuke/Reader)
You've loved Josuke for as long as you can remember. Now that you're all out of high school, that still hasn't changed. In fact, it's gotten worse. You want to tell him but you're terrified of ruining your friendship or making it weird. After a nudge from a couple of your friends, you decide to try something to get your feelings out: Confess over the radio with a letter and a song that sums up your feelings. How it'll go you're not sure, but then the surprising happens...
OK THIS IS MY FIRST JOJO RELATED WRITING SO PLEASE HAVE MERCY. I’ve been writing general fics and stuff for years but this is my first one related to the JJBA universe so I hope it’s not too bad;; I thought I’d do something for Valentine’s Day so why not some sappy stuff with everyone’s favorite Morioh good boy?
Tried to keep it as gender-neutral as possible // Everyone/Most Characters Live AU
You're not sure how anything like this could happen. At least to you of all people.
This whole situation started a couple days ago. Listening to the familiar voice of everyone's 'favorite neighbor' in Morioh on the radio, Kai Harada, you had heard him doing a segment he had added back in December; he answered people's letters and messages for advice on just about anything. It was a couple of weeks before Valentine's Day so he was doing mostly love letters and confessions from listeners, and you had actually sent a letter in yourself. Anonymously, of course, under a name you thought of on the spot. It was mostly at the suggestion of Yukako and Aya, who you had met through your friends in town. 
"Why not give it a try?" The longer haired young woman had asked you. "It might help with this 'issue' you have going on."
"It wouldn't hurt, and if things went sour, you could just forget about it all; We just want the best for you _____-san," the older woman added, a comforting hand on your shoulder.
What were they talking about? Oh, nothing much... just your ridiculously huge crush on the town's golden boy is all.
You had met the so-called 'Morioh Gang' when you had come to the town with your family and you ended up at the local high school. You had actually met Koichi first since you had classes with him, but soon enough met Yukako and, oddly enough, you two got along. Well, after you assured her for the 100th time you weren't interested in the grey-haired boy. Soon enough, you had met the others in their group. A rough-looking but funny and friendly young man who cared for others more than himself who you came to know as Okuyasu Nijimura, a manga artist who only seemed to show little if any friendliness towards Koichi, Rohan Kishibe (who seemed personally offended you had no idea what Dark Pink Boy was and shoved the first volume in your hands the next time you saw him), and the talk of many students who's name was whispered on their lips, especially from the females of the school: Josuke Higashikata. 
Was it his big heart? That beautiful smile with a voice to match? That retro-chic hair he prides himself in? The fact he seemed to tower over you by what seemed like at least half a foot? Or maybe it was that pair of beautiful baby blues he looked at you with as he listened so intently to whatever you had decided to talk about? You're not sure what it was that drew you to the popular boy, but when it happened, it happened hard. Everyone, most of them at least, were such nice people, and Josuke was no exception. As the school years went by, you grew close to a lot of them and before you knew it, you were a part of them too. Unfortunately for you, your heart figured befriending the pompadoured Prince fan just wasn't enough and before you knew it, you were in full on schoolgirl-crush mode. Even after graduating, the feelings didn't cease. It didn't help that everyone ended up at the same university either.
So now here you were, cheered on by Yukako and the woman she had introduced you too later on, waiting to see if Mr. Harada would read your on-air confession. Admittedly though, you had a feeling it might, especially considering the special guest he had called on for the corner to help with love issues.
"Thank you for joining us tonight, Miss Tsuji; You've been great help in answering some of our lovesick viewers," the host thanked the woman, who gave a hum in reply.
"Of course, Harada-san; anything to help people's dreams come true. I am the godmother of Morioh, after all~" she responded, a sigh leaving her lips after. "What's more beautiful than finding someone who makes you feel so happy and carefree? That's the main reason why I created my salon in the first place: to help others make their dreams come true; Finding that special someone is something I think everyone strives for and I simply wish to help them do so."
"Well said, Tsuji-san. Now, this next letter you had said caught your eye out of our pile here. Why is that?"
"Ah, I'm not so sure myself. I suppose it called out for me." You could hear that coy tone in her voice; you don't know how many times you had heard that tone in person, it generally meant she knew exactly what she was doing, which could only mean one thing... The sound of an envelope being opened could be heard, Kai clearing his throat.
" 'Harada-san, I hope that you can help my feelings call out to the person they're meant for. There's a guy I've known for a few years now and I couldn't ask for a better friend. He's kind and sensitive and the most loyal and reliable person you could meet. I don't want to say names but let's just call him 'my prince charming' for now. Over time, however, these feelings have changed and I'm...I'm so scared. I've talked to my friends about this and they encourage me, which I appreciate, but I've never been in a relationship before. I cherish the friendship I have with my prince like it was a treasure, and I'm terrified that I'll change what we have. At the same time though, my friends are right and I need to do something or I'll regret everything and hate myself for not even trying'."
"Such strong wording, they must have been struggling with this for a long time," the woman commented, Harada being the one to make a noise of agreement this time.
" 'That's why I've written in'," he continued to read. "Ah, they have their confession here... 'I haven't known you as long as I'm sure other people in this town have, but you make me so happy. You shine like a sun in my life and you've made every day I can see you and your dazzling smile or beautiful blue eyes is one I hold dear. I know there are others after your heart, but I can't help myself. If I don't say it now, I may never say a thing, so here are my affections over the airwaves . With Love, Stargazer'. They also have a request attached but we'll leave that a surprise. Ah...such heavy emotion."
"What a peculiar psuedonym," Aya pondered. "Would you like my personal advice or would you like to give them a word, Harada-san?"
"Please, after you."
"Thank you. Now to this star-crossed lover, no matter who you are, I only have this. I know affairs of the heart can be frightening, especially if you've never experienced it at quite this level, but it's something that must be done lest you live with regrets the rest of your life. Whether you say it yourself or ask for a friend's assistance, if you truly want to see if your prince will ride with you into that happily ever after, you need to take that next step." There was a pause as she collected her thoughts. "Cinderella made it to the ball and kept hope in her heart that her own prince would come for her, even when the clock struck twelve and her gowns turned back to rags; although she had the help of her fairy godmother, she took those steps up in her glass slippers herself when she was given the opportunity to go to the ball. I can only imagine how much courage it took for you to declare your love for this prince for all of Morioh to hear and for that I'm proud of you. Consider our reading your glass slippers and golden carriage; Much like the fairy godmother comes to Cinderella in her time of need, I hope that we're able to make some magic for you by reading your message and playing your song."
"Beautifully said, Tsuji-san. And now, the request."
You swore your heart was in your throat, or at least part of it was. You wanted to thank Aya and curse her out at the same time. She knew exactly what she was doing and it made you so anxious. Hopefully the name you picked gave enough away without being too conspicuous. You liked seeing the night sky and all so why not go with something like that? Simple enough, right? It felt like your heart was gonna burst out of your chest as the song of your choosing played. You could only hope your feelings got across loud and clear.
The radio show continued to go through other letters after, some people in similar situations (though braver by using their name and the name of the person they liked), some who went through breakups, even some who wanted to share their stories related to Valentine's Day, White Day, and Christmas in an attempt to support others in their missions for love. Or possibly deter them/help them save face with some of the stories told.
It was near the end of the corner after Aya had said her goodbyes to Harada before the host had one last thing to read.
"In a peculiar turn of events, we had a last minute e-mail marked with urgency for the corner. I'll end our little program with this. 'Harada-san, a letter you had read earlier caught my interest and, surprisingly, I think it might've been for me, or at least I hope so. No one's ever done anything like this for me and I have to say I'm flattered. Stargazer, I think I might know who you are, or at least a good idea of who you could be. If it's not too much, I'd like to meet you; we could go to the cafe in town! I'd ask you to meet me on Valentine's but I'm pretty sure the place'll be packed by then, so let's make it tomorrow around noon.' Whatever happens, one of you please keep me in the loop; the build up is tearing me apart! Could this be a love story in the making? Only time will tell. For Kai's Corner, this has been your neighbor, Kai Harada. Now back to your favorite tunes..."
It was a good thing you were sitting on your bed because you probably would've lost your footing hearing that.
At this point, you were second guessing yourself.
Dressed in you casual nicest, you sat nervously at Deux Magots. It was a usual spot for you and the others to go aside from Tonio's place, specializing in various coffee and tea drinks along with desserts. You just hoped that if things went awry, you wouldn't be too embarassed in public. You didn't dress up too much, a nice outfit but not overly done, and you had ordered a glass of a fruit-flavored tea to help soothe your nerves. The place seemed more packed than usual and a part of you wondered if it was because of the Kai's Corner from last night, people coming to see if this story had a happy ending or, if this Stargazer person would be heartbroken. Good thing no one knows that person was you.
As you were sitting, a friendly voice called out to you. You turned to see who it was and oh god are you blushing? You're pretty sure you're blushing. This would be so much harder without everyone else here.
"What's up, Jojo?" you responded with a wave, a hitch in your throat as he approached. "I figured you'd be sleeping in since it's the weekend, or did your mom kick your ass out of bed?" A laugh left the other as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
"Y'know, just...felt like takin' a walk here, that's all!" There it was, that sweet voice you had grown accustomed to. Something about him seemed different, though you couldn't put your finger on it. "Y'mind if I sit with ya? Unless you wanna be alone or somethin'-!"
"No, it's fine, go ahead!" you assured him with a smile, watching as he took the seat in front of you. "So, what brings you here? I thought you and Oku were gonna work on that final boss in that game you guys were stuck on last week."
"We still are! I just didn't wanna wake him up. When I called him earlier, he picked up for about 4 minutes and then I heard the other end go quiet. Th' next thing I know I get this loud snore in my ear," he laughed at the recent memory. "I guess it'll just be later, y'know?"
You couldn't help laughing yourself. Seems legit considering how those two could be. Anyone help the person who was in the same room with a snoring Okuyasu and Josuke like you were when you all stayed over at Yukako's place that one time to study. It was like being right next to two lumberjacks sawing at a tree.
"Yeah, it's probably better to let the poor guy sleep; he's been working pretty hard," you commented before looking around. "The cafe's pretty packed today, huh?"
"Yeah. It's pretty busy most've the time anyway but it looks super busy today" he commented, glancing around himself with a grin. "It's not too long before Valentine's 'n all so that might be why. So, got a date or somethin' for then~?" 
You rolled your eyes playfully at his teasing tone and the smirk that followed. "Don't talk to me about dates, Mr. Popular," you poked back. "I'm sure you're gonna be pretty damn busy the 14th. Just don't take too many chocolates or you'll have a lot of treats to pass out when White Day rolls around!"
"Not really," he sighed through his nose before glancing over at his hand on the table. "I still got admirers n' all but it's nothin' like high school. I'm actually kinda glad about that; bein' the popular guy in school can take a lot out of ya..."
"Oh? I figured with all the new people that come into Uni every semester, you'd be swamped. I'm glad about it too though, you looked so tired some days and I know a giant group of people surrounding you probably didn't help, cheery personality or not."
"...Y-Yeah," he muttered, going oddly silent. And did he just stutter a little? The atmosphere became different and the white noise of patrons talking around you and clanking cups and plates filled the air. You were both quiet for a few minutes until Josuke spoke up once more. "Hey ____-san, you still listen to Morioh-Cho Radio, right?"
"Of course, who doesn't? It's nearly everyone's favorite station. Why do you ask?"
"I was just thinkin' about that advice corner from last night. Y'know, the one that Aya-san went on about the Cinderella story after? I wonder how that'll turn out. Must've took 'em a lot of guts to send in that letter..."
"Oh, the Stargazer one? Yeah, they must really be in a pickle," you commented. "I mean, to be in love with someone who's such an amazing friend to you must be scary. I would imagine they sent the letter in because they were too afraid to admit their feelings to the person's face." You looked down into your cup of tea, the reflection of the lunchtime sky moving gently on the surface as you thought through your words. "I know there's been some stories of people confessing and they were still friends after but-"
"-they were still afraid they wouldn't be friends anymore after," he finished. You looked up at him, your mind racing at how hard he had just hit the metaphorical nail on the head. The air felt thicker around you, a true sense of nervousness sitting in. Since he was here now, you might as well bite the bullet and hope for the best. 
"Hey, uh, Josuke, there's something I need to tell you, and-"
"I like you." His words pierced the air before you could even think about confessing.
Wait. W a i t.
W H A T!?
You could only watch as his larger hand engulfed yours on the table, his gaze down at the table in front of you. You could see him bite his lip in thought, as if collecting the words he wanted to say in his head; it's something you had noticed about him when he was thinking about things. This was like something you could only dream of, but it was actually happening. The taste of the tea on your tongue was sweet, the light of the sun was warm against the chilly air, and the feeling of your hand in his was oh-so real and soft. You could only see his mouth considering how proudly his hair stuck out from his head as it was ducked down. As much as you wanted to see his face, his words were the most important thing in this moment.
"______, I-" he paused, not quite sure of the exact words to say. "I know we've known each other for a while now and- Shit, that's not it..." He let out a harsh sigh from his lips, as if releasing a held breath, before looking up towards you, eyes intense and focused as his cheeks bloomed into a light shade of pink. "I like ya. A lot. I have for a long time and I've honestly been too afraid t'say anything 'cause you're such a great friend and I don't wanna be that poor sap that got a crush on their friend just t'get their heart broken and have their friendship be all weird after. When I heard that letter last night, the way that person wrote it reminded me of you and...and..." Josuke's focused gaze softened, glancing down at your conjoined hands for a moment before looking back up at you, those pretty blue eyes staring through your soul as much as ever. "...and I was hopin' that it was you, since you like stars n' all that stuff...and you were talkin' about me..."
You had never seen this boy so nervous before. Well, the only time that could come close is when that fountain turtle crawled up on his leg without him knowing until he looked down and he didn't want to jump up and accidentally hurt the little thing. But other than that, this was the most unsure yet most sincere you had seen him, and that was saying a lot considering he was the most sincere person you knew.
"Josuke, I-" you could feel your heart in your throat. His face looked like how you felt, scared, eyes telling you he was so sure you would tell him you didn't feel the same. "It...was me," you finally managed to get out, the lights in his eyes coming back as your other hand came up to cover his. "You're the best friend I could ask for and I love every moment I get to spend with you; even if I had an awful day, you always managed to make it feel better. I've felt like this for a long time, but I didn't say anything 'cause you're always surrounded by others who love you and you're so popular. I was so sure you deserved better than me-"
"Are you kidding, babe?!" He exclaimed, clearly shocked at your words, and possibly how easily that term of endearment slipped past his lips. "You're the best damn thing to happen to me! I don't want better 'cause I got the best. I've got you."
Oh geez, you knew Josuke was a love kind of guy but you didn't know just how much love this one man had in his body. If you weren't blushing before, you definitely were now, and it showed through how pleased he looked at your reaction. 
"So, you think you wanna give this a chance? U-Unless ya need some time to think or somethin', I'm sure this is a lot for ya to take in!" The most popular guy in all of Morioh was a blushing mess in front of you, and all because of you. Admittedly, it made you feel a little proud.
"I wouldn't have sent that letter in if I wasn't sure and ready, you dummy," you replied, a relieved smile coming to your face. "I've wanted this for years." You could see him release any tension he had building up immediately, a happy expression now on his face. 
"God, you don't know how happy y'just made me. I promise I won't make ya regret it!" You swore his eyes were literally sparkling. It's so adorable you think you might die.
The rest of your time at the cafe was mostly talking and having some sweets while you were there, which Josuke insisted you guys share and that he feed you a bite or two. Needless to say he got a head start on that promise of his in the best way possible.
"...and that's all for updates in Morioh. Before we end this edition of Kai's Corner and wrap up our weeks of love specials leadng up to Valentine's Day, we have an e-mail here that I'm sure some of you will be glad to hear. 'Harada-san, this is Stargazer from the other week. I should thank you and Aya-san from the salon as I have some good news. The last letter of that same night was indeed the young man I had my eyes on and, in a twist of fate, he had the same problem as I had. Neither of us wanted to mess up the friendship we had, but as it turns out, that friendship was the very thing that helped bring us together. I can happily say now that we're currently dating and, although it's only been a little bit, we're very happy.' Ah, what a nice conclusion to that story. We here at Morioh-Cho Radio congratulate you both on your newfound relationship, and may you stay together for years to come. This has been your neighbor, Kai Harada; now back to our regular music broadcast..."
THERE IT IS. I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope it came out alright; I said it in an earlier post, but this idea actually came from a thought I had regarding if the OC I’m working on was in the part 4 universe and ended up crushing on pomp boi. Originally, Josuke was gonna be the one who sent in the letter and the request but I changed my mind in the middle of writing this;
I ended up making the Kai’s Corner thing for fun. I remembered this old radio show that would come on around 6pm or so around here where I live; this woman did requests and advice stuff related to love and couples=, like someone in a long distance relationship dedicating a song to the person they love or whatever. It seems like something that could happen on Morioh-Cho Radio so I threw it in.
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The year that almost never was...
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I know what you’re thinking. How on earth do you do a “best of 2020” movie list when a) there were very few movies to review, and b) it’s not possible to use the word “best” to describe 2020.  
Both very valid points. But the way I look at it, is in a year where change was thrust upon us, it might be nice for a little bit of normalcy. And normalcy is the key here. Because in an “unprecedented” year, when so many of us have been forced to “pivot”, this movie list will be doing no such thing.  
Sure, I could have changed up the plan by including direct to steaming movies in this year’s list.  But as a fan of cinema and the actual experience of going to a movie theatre, I decided to keep the list as it has been in years past, only taking into consideration the new release movies I saw in cinemas, including those designed for streaming services but had a limited cinema release nonetheless (i.e., The Prom).
Of course, this does mean that several of the movies that likely would have made it onto this list such as Disney-Pixar’s phenomenal Soul, the latest live action remake of an animated classic Mulan, and the quirky and brilliant Palm Springs, will not feature.  Which is a shame, because two of these would have likely shaken up the top three spots (hint: the awful Mulan adaptation would not be anywhere near the top of the list).  But the decision to release these films direct to streaming has such excluded them from this list.  As much like Ross’s sofa, I refuse to “pivot”, particularly when cinema releases for these movies were possible in Australia given most theatres only closed for approximately 3-4 months.  Either way, I am sure the studios must be devastated over this exclusion. It will be up there with the delay/cancellation of the Academy Awards in terms of disappointment for them, I bet.
But enough about that. Let’s get to the movies – all 17 of them.  Talk about depressing.
Even with only 17 films though, there were some shining lights – and one unmitigated disaster. On the positive front, of the far fewer films released in 2020, the overall quality was, well, quite good. In fact, almost all were at least entertaining enough to keep this humble reviewer transfixed for a couple of hours.  Some surprises included the Clea DuVall directed Christmas flick, Happiest Season; the Judd Apatow dramedy The King of Staten Island; and the Ryan Murphy Netflix produced movie musical, The Prom.  The latter providing a glossy, polished, and amicable adaptation of the Broadway musical it was based on in-spite of its mediocre lead cast (honestly, James Corden and Meryl Streep really need to stop being cast in every movie musical ever made).
At the top of the list however were three films that could not be further removed from one another if they tried (actually, two of them do share one very notable theme, but that’s about where the similarities end).  
In third place, was the latest adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s literary classic, Little Women. Greta Gerwig’s adaptation brought a renewed and timely retelling of this all too familiar tale via an extraordinary cast led by the brilliant Saoirse Ronan and a cleverly rearranged order of events.  In doing so, Gerwig managed to bring to the forefront some of the timelier themes and storylines to make this well-told story fresh again.  Which in and of itself is no easy accomplishment.
In second place was Taika Waititi’s charming, original, joyous, and heartbreaking story of acceptance in even the darkest of settings, JoJo Rabbit.  This bold attempt to combine drama, comedy, coming-of-age romance, as well as a billion other themes into a satirical war film could only be conceived, and more importantly, executed successfully, by the deft hands and mind of the brilliant Taika Waititi.  Like many of Waititi’s films, the characters are the real standouts here.  They are charming, colourful, and quirky, and juxtapose the dark storyline and historical setting so perfectly, that it somehow makes sense to be shocked and disarmed in one moment, and then in fits of giggles the next.  This really was an extraordinary film that deserved every accolade it received.
But it was another war epic that pipped JoJo Rabbit to the number one spot.  Sam Mendes visually stunning, utterly mesmerising and ferociously intense 1917 rocketed to my number one spot when I saw it in January.  I’m not normally a fan of war epics – and I’m even less a fan of movies that focus on visuals and fancy schmancy in your face direction over storytelling – but in 1917, Mendes used these techniques to actually enhance the story and create well-rounded characters and a level of suspense I’ve not encountered in a cinema since 2019′s Hotel Mumbai.  Maybe I’m a sucker for suspense (who knew?), because much like Hotel Mumbai, this well crafted suspense was more than enough to earn this film my number one spot of 2020.  I guess it truly was an unprecedented year after all.
And let’s leave it at that. Normally I’d go on to explain some of the weaker entries from the year that was, but let’s just say the less said about The New Mutants, the better.  
So, like much of 2020, let’s close the book on it quickly and hope that 2021 brings with it not just a return to cinemas in general, but that the long-anticipated string of movies delayed from 2020 live up to an extra year of hype and anticipation.  
To be honest though, who really cares?  Just get me back to cinema escapism and away from streaming movies – stat.
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
Caato Higashikata, 34 chapters (8 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
Warning: this post was written when chapter 96 was the latest chapter of JoJolion and edited when chapter 98 got updated, therefore I’m not responsible for the new chapters after ch-98 that potentially be contradicting with this post.
Yeah, there are still many people who believe that she will be the big villain, despite her total absence in 34 chapters (8 volumes) of JJL!! (though she was occasionally mentioned).
I did list some common reasons of how she could be the main villain (see the related post) & put my thought about those, but there is something I had missed, thanks for the discussion with one of the Caatofags. Here is the argument:
About Caato’s past:
It is a backstory for both of them, but when you look at it, it is moreso for Cato. Look at how the chapter is framed and how each character is used. The chapter starts with Tsurugi explaining the dilemma of Higashikata parents and Cato being worried about Jobin, the middle is about Cato healing Jobin by sacrificing the kid, and it ends by focusing on Cato going to jail. You bring up FV's childhood, but 1. I think Diego's backstory is a might have been a better parallel for the point you were trying to make and 2. In that story, the focus is clearly on FV.
But then we look it again, Diego and Valentine didn’t share the same backstory, unlike Jobin and Caato. Sure, obviously it is because the later are family (and I do like that flashback), but it’s still more about the introduction of Jobin’s character development, so that we know him even further even when we already familiar with him. And yeah, both Diego and Valentine’s flashbacks were childhood flashback, like Jobin’s… not the motherhood flashback of Caato.
In this chapter, the focus is almost always on Cato. You bring up Jobin appearing more, but you should be looking at how he is used instead. Whenever Cato is onscreen, she is the one who gets the most focus, with Jobin being used as Cato's motivator. When Jobin takes the focus, it is always to bring focus back onto Cato. He almost kills the bully, causing Cato to act.
The character development of how Jobin is ambitious and justifies any means… is because of this flashback. Yeah, there is also a little character development of Caato as the mom who desperately wanted to save her son, yet she hesitated in the way in which she had to sacrifice herself so when the opportunity came without having sacrificing her own life… she did it… immediately. It’s just by the name of mother’s love.
He is strangely healthy, causing Norisuke to look to Cato.
Norisuke IV’s suspicion of why Jobin healed without anyone in the family dying and the suspicion was confirmed when she was busted by the police.
Speaking of which, even the art supports this by heavily focusing on Cato.
Yeah, this is Caato:
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And this is Jobin:
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Same screentone btw.
And sorry, that’s the way the fanatic fan would answer.
While this is definitely an important moment for Jobin, he is a passive entity for most of it, with Cato being used to frame and end it, commit the defining action, and receive much of the focus.
Okay, if that is your answer after you compared Jobin’s backstory with Diego's one, then you may say that in Diego's backstory, it’s actually about his mom too (which a shame that she wasn’t named), of what had happened to her and what was her action & reaction, because his mom is the MVP who did most of the action. Look at her (Diego's mom’s) panel, she got some big panels & focus too (though I’m not showing that here, just look at the chapter by yourself).
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SBR chapter 30: Scary Monsters - Part 3
Even though the story mostly focused on his mom, the backstory still belongs to Diego. You can say that both little Jobin and Diego were observing their moms’ actions then got inspired, that’s why Jobin becomes ambitious (climbing higher) and justifies any means and Diego maintains his pride and will not let anyone look down on him.
I still see that the flashback for Caato was more to resolve the mystery of her character (of why she was in prison). I hope she gets more flashback if she really has to be the MV, perhaps something outside her identity as the Higashikata ex-matriarch, her childhood perhaps, what was her birth family like or why she got married to the Higashikata, what was her expectation and how she reacted when she discover the hereditary rock disease, did she already know prior to the marriage? Whatever because I still more familiar with Jobin than her.
Clashing motivation with Josuke:
Also, you bring up JJL being about Josuke wanting to heal Holly, but there is a deeper motivation to him. Josuke's goal, at its core, is about wanting to regain the life he lost and find a family. Healing Holly is how he will get there, but taking back his life and finding people to care about him is the heart of his character and his goal. You know who else shares that goal? Not Jobin, he already has all of that. It's Cato, a woman who had her life taken from her and wants what she has lost. But unlike Josuke, she feels it is owed to her, and does not seem to want to earn it, but to take it. Cato works as a much better foil for Josuke than Jobin, who is moreso a foil to Norisuke, because she is like a dark reflection of his goal, which is what all JoJo villains are to their respective JoJo.
When Josuke's identity discovery would make a good parallel with Caato's identity recovery, that still wouldn't make a direct confrontation compared to "saving my mom” (Josuke) and saving my son (Jobin)", because the later requires the same objective to fulfill it (The New Locacaca fruit) and whoever obtains it first could be the winner, thus confrontation would likely happen. Then again, when Josuke's other goal is to discover his identity, didn't he already get that and accept it? Yet last time Caato declared what she really wants (fortune & rights), she doesn't even take a single action yet. Her action & her further background is still in the dark. There are already Josuke & Jobin's clash moments and the closest Caato clashed with Josuke is when she called him freeloader (LOL).
I’m aware that JoJo fan nowadays are too obsessed on the “parallel thingy”, whereas the more important aspect in story-writing (that we should give more attention to) is when the two events/actions collide (regardless of the reasons of why they happened) and makes a great conflict or an impactful event.
I guess with that kind of answer, you prefer anything with deep meaning to structural and impactful events.
I think at this point it's hard to tell what she will do, but there is a lot there that points to her being main villain material. The only thing working against he is the fact that she is barely around, but she'll have to pop up again soon.
At least you admit that she is still lack in action, then keep dreaming LOL (joking). While it becomes a mystery of why Caato is still MIA (missing in action), there is still a bigger mystery of why Kyo (as Holy’s daughter) is still MIA as well. In fact, I think that Kyo should get a greater priority to have any action rather than Caato, due to their relationship with their respective family. There is still zero interaction between Caato and Tsurugi compared to Kyo who clearly showed that she cares about her mother. Why doesn’t she (Kyo) show up at the hospital? Visit Holy? Meet Josuke? Then (perhaps) help him? Where the hell is she right now? We still know nothing about the relationship between Caato and Tsurugi, especially of what Caato thinks about her sickly grandson, in contrast to Kyo’s feeling about her mom, Holy.
Caato is not completely forgotten (or gone... like Kyo), I’m aware. She did get mention sometimes between her last appearance to chapter 98. However, none of the mentions were about her current action or her whereabouts, but rather her as the “cause and reason” (Jobin’s questionable action that is for the good cause he said was based on like she did in the past, the bully of Tsurugi due to Caato’s murderer background and Maako’s interest on that past rumor), all of them are in the past and tied to the same one event: The Backstory of Mother & Child chapter). Although this can still be counted as foreshadowing for Caato to be the big villain, that claim is still weak by the lack of her current action during this climax. Unless if there will be another (one) arc after this Dangerous Pursuit with The Head Doctor and the race for the ultimate Locacaca, where Caato will shine, but I doubt it because JoJolion had already surpassed Steel Ball Run in the chapter length. I am sure we are heading towards the end of JoJolion right now.
Still, my best bet is that Caato will be Jobin's Yoshihiro in a much better way.
Now, this is my hypothetical scenario of how Caato was supposed to be set up as the original ally (or mastermind… whatever) who collaborated with Damo’s group:
Jobin’s involvement with Damo’s group confirmed:
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JJL chapter 63: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon - Part 5
The revelation of Jobin as merely a gofer (right after his childhood backstory):
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JJL chapter 64: Mother and Child
But then, Dolomite hesitated to say more like… “I know nothing more, in fact I feel safe if I just let myself to be kept in the dark.” So, the real player he meant must be more dangerous than Jobin.
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JJL chapter 64: Mother and Child
“This isn’t about Jobin anymore” said Dolomite, “This is about someone more dangerous than him, which actually led to his mom, Caato” said any Caatofags.
Nah, but this weird though, why would Dolomite hesitated (and was afraid) to sell Caato’s name if he felt safe enough to sell Jobin’s name which literally her son. Why would he let Josuke know about Jobin (which might cause Josuke potentially confront him)? Will Caato sacrifice her own son after just a few pages flashback ago she literally saved his life?  I’m sure had Caato heard that Dolomite was about to selling Jobin’s name, she would immediately prevent it by killing Dolomite on the spot.
Also, this chapter should be a great timing to reveal her as the true associate of Damo’s group, just after her backstory had just been told, a great momentum to start set up Caato as the big villain like what Caatofags suggest.
The “one group of people” Dolomite was talking just after he said that Jobin was not a real threat, do you seriously believe that the group is the one that is being led by his mommy (Caato)? Nah, I’m sure he was talking about “The Locacaca Organization” led by The Head Doctor. Though of course Caatofags still theorize that HD (and Tooru sometimes) is either part of her disguise or her decoy. Silly...
The introduction of The Head Doctor (mentioned only) after the investigation of the connection with mysterious ambulance during Ozon Baby’s Pressure arc (chapter 76):
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JJL chapter 83: The New Locacaca
The Head Doctor’s introduction was 19 chapters (5 volumes) after Dolomite’s confession and 7 chapters (3 volumes) after the ambulance scene, still in a reasonable interval to introduce the big villain. Then after that, the Dangerous Pursuit arc featuring The Head Doctor began.
So much had already happened, but you can’t deny that there is not a single action yet from Caato between those events.
I’m not saying that Caato can’t be… and won’t be the main villain, NO! It is still possible. However, the claim to say that she definitely will be the main villain is too early with pretty weak proofs to back it up (and then they make theory… theory… and theories with revolves around “parallel” shits). What Caatofags got so far is still mainly just clues which are still unconfirmed. While they think that her backstory & personality (then motivation… they say) are legit, her actual action tied to the current climax event is still nonexistent.
This worries me even more of how fanatic Caato’s supporters are. Already gone for 32 chapters (8 volumes), they’re keep saying that she will be The Main Villain, rather than focus on talking about Jobin and The Head Doctor for a while, who currently are very active players or maybe even Caato’s possible action & her role placement. They are only keep saying that “Caato will show up and be the big player, Ha Ha EPIC!” I can’t even imagine what will happen once a single panel of Caato appears in the upcoming chapter.
I hope I don’t end up hating Caato just because how annoying, loud, gullible and delusional her supporters are.
Sister post: Caato Higashikata, 36 chapters (9 volumes) MIA and still overhyped
Related post: JoJolion Cardspiracy: Caato & Damokan group
Related to:
Caato Higashikata, the case of a character getting overhyped
The legit hype Caatofags once had
See also:
JoJolion timeline LOG
JoJolion: The Main Villain and The Red Herring
Changed the spelling of 「Kaato」 into 「Caato」because it’s Caato, not Kaato.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
[A4A] (Fandoms) Summer is here! Looking for Long-term, writing Partners!
Your Name/Nickname/Alias: Bocaj Age: 22 Time zone: EST  Add. Information: Born in the Year of the Rat, Also, a Hufflepuff. 
Looking for: Someone interested in writing with Fandoms.
Literate/semi-Literate/Basic (Script): Literate, no text talk or anything like that please. 
Response Time: Varies throughout the day, but a few times a day. At least twice! Response Lengths: Again, varies. Bare minimum, a paragraph. More, usually.   POV: 3rd Past Tense, 1st when a character is in thought.
Original /Fandom: Fandom, please.  Canon Characters/Original: Usually, I stick to Canons. Some Fandoms are open to OC's,  I don't ask you to nail their character 100 percent, but try your best.  Favored sexual orientations:  If things go in a romantic way, usually I like FxF, or MxF.
Response Time Preferred: I ask, at least once a day, if not more. 
Contact Stuff: I like to Discuss, and possibly write on Discord. Open to moving to Email. Discord is: TheOneWhoSits#3363
Some ideas Revolving around the Fandoms I wish to write with:  Kingdom Hearts:  Now this can go many, many ways! I have played every game in the series, including the mobile App game, Union Cross. That said, my favorite must be, 358/2 Days. (Just so you have a feel of my type of KH fan I am.)  Could dive into a certain time frame from the serious, or, not. AU’s also welcomed to be discussed! For the sake of keeping spoilers out of public eye, I will say, there are things in Kingdom Hearts 3, that I would personally like to re-write in a Roleplay. But I will not dive into said things here.  Also, open, to writing in the time frame, when the Organization, the original Organization were still Some-bodies, under the study of Ansem the Wise. Dive into the rather sketchy experiments and studies they performed. 
Recently thought of something, sort of like an AU, based off the same idea of Final Fantasy X-2. Basically, some adventure /spin-off with the girls of the series. Could be its own AU, or what not. But, Aqua, Kairi, Namine, Xion all working together sounds fun! Not sure where we could take it, but very open to this!
Also open to playing with any of the Trio's, even one that's not highlighted a lot- (Young Xehanort, Yen Sid, and Eraqus.) A lot is open for this Fandom.
Might be open to OC Keybladers, in Union Cross type story, ending with the Keyblade War. That is one aspect of that game, I do like.
Dragon Ball: 
For this Fandom,  I wish to stay within Universe 6, Champa's Universe. Mainly focusing on the Saiyans of said Universe, Kale and Caulifla, and Cabba. I really want these three to be the main protagonist! After watching Super Heroes, I like to adapt some of that, and the GT Tuffle Arc in the Sixth Universe. The Tuffles rebelling against the Saiyans, perhaps them targeting Kale, since her Legendary like form.  OC's, as villains and antagonists are welcomed here, but the focus being on the Saiyans.
Persona 5:  This is also very open!  Part of likes the idea, of going through the story, with an all-female version of the Phantom Thieves.  Also like the idea, taking inspiration from the Anthology Manga, with side stories and events.  Perhaps we find a way to Cross Kingdom Hearts over with the Thieves. Sora, Donald and Goofy, working alongside the Phantom Thieves of Heart, could be fun!  Maybe something with the P5 Royal Girl, from the trailer. Something redeeming Akechi, or even the story from his perspective.  Maybe we can dive into our favorite ship and write an AU around them. (Mine is MakoAnn~!)
   Pokémon:  In reality, this deals with Pokémon Colosseum specifically, but not against any of the other games. (Though, the idea of mixing other Protags into the Colosseum realm is welcome too!)  Growing up, this was one of my favorite games. Though, even then I noticed how quiet it was. In a way, I wish to re-write in, but giving character arcs/growth to main villains and Wes himself. Let's have Wes have done some pretty horrible things, while working for Team Snag'Em, hinting at why he decides to betray them. People around the world, recognizing Wes, from his time as a bad person. Adding a sense of a redemption story for him, in his quest to stop them.  Team Snag'Em, themselves perhaps could be working in the Shadow Pokémon business, selling to other Crime groups, maybe other organizations from the other games.  Power Rangers!:   So, who doesn't like colorful spandex, and explosions! Of course, I did say I want to dive into the 2017 Movie universe, and this is still true! Ideally, continuing where it left off. Adding in, a new Green Ranger (ideally, a female Tommi Oliver) Though, my idea is to have her, slightly corrupted by the Power Coin Rita once held. (Stealing from the MMPR arc, Evil with Green) the coin could slowly corrupt her mind, in a way making her a second Rita, and the Rangers having to deal with a way to free her.  If we go the BOOM STUDIO Comic-Verse, I'd like to play around with the Broken Grid, type arc, after Lord Drakkon tried to rule over all. Form a team of our favorite Rangers, and have them stuck in many places, dealing with monsters out of time. Have this team, unstuck in time, as they try to fix the Grid, one way or another.  
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: I’ll be honest, I skimmed through most of Part-4; it didn’t really capture me that much. My favorite parts (of the anime, and in order) must go: Part-2, Part-3, Part-1, Part-5, and Part-4. Recently started watching Part-5, and its doing a lot better for me, than Diamond is Unbreakable.  I will also add, I enjoy Hamon, a little more than Stands. I know Hamon is all but forgotten now, but still, Joseph made me love it.
Though, I am not sure what I would do with this Fandom, just that it could be fun to write in! Perhaps OC’s, rather than Canon characters; though, I could try Canon characters. But we could take this many direction, really. Just a bit more discussing for this one.
    The Arrow-Verse:  For this, I have written a time-line, of sorts, for a Darker Future; since, all the shows seem to point in this direction. However, with the current season of Arrow having Flash-forwards to a dark future, I might have to re-work my Time line.  But, ideally, I wish to have the focus on Nora West-Allen/Xs. and John Diggle Jr/Connor Hawke. Dealing both with the loss of their father figures, and trying to work in a world, that has almost gone completely to crap.  Since Arrow has introduced new characters like Mia, and William, we can have them join the group as well. Kind of, like a new Generation of the Trio (The trio being Ollie, Barry and Kara). Open to introducing a character from Super-Girl's blood line. I don't want this to focus on one show's characters too much, hence why I suggest Nora and John Diggle Jr be the leads; the arrow and Flash reps. A super-girl character could be fun too!  Have arcing plots, maybe Nora looking for what happened to the Flash, but trying to locate Oliver Queen (since he was close to Barry) only to discover a ruined Star City and a New Green Arrow hopelessly holding on. 
Sword Art Online:  I don't have too much on this, just that I would like to have Suguha as a main character. Perhaps an AU, where she was trapped in a game, instead of her cousin. Or, her in some other sorts of games. OC's are welcomed in this as well.  A few other things, that would be discussed, but also open to write within! High School of the Dead| Prison School| The MCU| Legend Of Zelda| Battlefront II; Inferno Squad|
0 notes
ixcaliber · 8 years
I Will Rate Every Stand In Part 5
Gold Experience - not a bad stand for a protagonist, pretty versatile, looks are okay, giorno has plenty of opportunities to use it in weird and creative ways to overcome obstacles. a pretty solid stand 7 out of 10
Sticky Fingers - first up i’m a sucker for the hidden eyes look so this stand gets extra points right from the get go, the zips thing is pretty cool and sometimes buccelati does the ora ora thing with ari ari arrivederci when he hits people 8 out of 10
Black Sabbath - okay so black sabbath looks seriously cool it has the whole venetian garb look going for it and the arrow motif i’m already on board when it comes to this stand but then for bonus points its a remote stand that operates in a cool and interesting way (attacking everyone who sees polpo’s lighter get extinguished and using the arrow to do so to create new stand users for the mob) and god i’m super on board except i do have a couple of niggling questions. Like how did the stand arrow become part of polpo’s stand, why didn’t the requiem stuff happens when in the fight black sabbath stabs gold experience with the arrow? i’m not gonna get too bogged down in inconsistencies and shit that doesn’t make 100% sense though because this is jojo after all. ultimately black sabbath is a real good stand. 9 out of 10
Moody Blues - moody blues looks real cool and also while maybe not the best fighting stand imagine how powerful a stand is that can play back any action anyone has taken so long as it has access to the place where it happened and knows when it happened. it’d be virtually impossible to keep anything secret from this stand and i love it. also the part where it flies the plane by replicating the actions of a pilot. it’s really cool and underutilized maybe. 8 out of 10
Soft Machine - it put a boat in another boat and i still don’t understand the logistics of this 4 out of 10
Sex Pistols - while i like standard stand design i really really like stands that don’t adhere to that and this stand is bullets and its really good. they’re kind of adorable sometimes and its just a shame that shooting people is pretty useless in jojo 6 out of 10
Kraftwerk - dont like its teeth i’d be so much more enthused about this stand if it didn’t have this awful fixed grin (though maybe thats the point given its ability) its ability is cool so i can be too mad at it though 5 out of 10
Aerosmith - remember when i said i was a big fan of stands that don’t look like the standard... Aerosmith great its just again kind of a shame that its ability isn’t the most engaging you know... 6 out of 10
Little Feet - shrinks its enemies it’s dull and plain looking 1 out of 10
Purple Haze - the stand too powerful to ever actually do anything throughout the entirety of part 5. it looks cool enough the only problem with this stand is that it’s a protagonist stand instead of an antagonist stand. i really kind of feel like after buccelati et all broke off from the mob and fugo remained loyal they should have done more with that. fugo being actually loyal and seeing his friends as betraying him and then actually going after them, that’d have been a cool story imo. purple haze is kind of too powerful though so um 5 out of 10 could have been cool but wasn’t
Man In The Mirror - this stand has like a mask thing going on which is in its favour but at the same time its like a mirror world thing and its kind of... whatever i’ll give it a 7 out of 10 for that mask alone
Mr President - apparently the name of the turtle room stand. it’s pretty cool even though i don’t understand why a turtle has an alcove for a key and how that whole arrangement came to exist. is the key the stand and the turtle the user? are they part of a whole? was this turtle just born with a key in its back or born with this indent and then once someone found the matching key its stand was unlocked? so many questions. one thing is for sure this turtle is a precious friend lets say a 5 out of 10 for being more functional than interesting
The Grateful Dead - lots of eyes... kind of unpleasant to look at... the aging thing is pretty cool though... 5 out of 10, it might have got more but somehow it fails to be as outright alarming as 
Beach Boy - any scene where Beach Boy is moving up beneath someone’s flesh is the most viscerally unpleasant. i kind of can’t believe that a stand that’s just a fishing rod is as much of a nightmare as it is but holy shit. 8 out of 10 is a score thats supposed to reflect that its a very effective stand at what it sets out to do even if i am not exactly super fond of it
Baby Face - the first thing this stand does is rape a woman so she can give birth to a specially designed bucellati hunting stand... this is a bad bad stand. 0 out of 10
White Album - white album has powers to make things cold... which is... okay i guess i mean i’d certainly take that over punching stands that just punch real hard. it does get points for being a stand that someone can wear and having cool ice skate feet though. 6 out of 10
King Crimson - haha god i’ve got no fucking idea ?? out of 10
Clash - i do like the non-humanoid stands so i’m already down with this i um forgot what this stand can actually do though.... oh okay just the teleportation between liquids, i um kind of expected it to have something more than that given that it needs that much to be even just able to get around. its okay you know but not what i might have envisaged for something based on The Clash. 6 out of 10
Talking Head - looking back i seem to either be saying ‘i like the design but the power isn’t interesting’ or ‘i like the power but the design is bad’ and this is the latter of the two. it’s pretty fun and is used real well though lets say 7 out of 10
Notorious B.I.G. - Notorious BIG is great i love this unkillable stand, the only stand that actually survives because they’re just like ‘nope there’s nothing we can actually really do about this lets just get it the frick away from us’. its design is great its concept is great. i mean i do have to wonder what the heck its deal was before its user died i mean this is not a useful stand to have at all. that guy must have been real dedicated to the mob you know. 10 out of 10 love this stand so much
Spice Girl - mostly just mad araki didn’t really give trish the actual opportunity to fight anyone or really use her abilities. there’s also no real need for spice girl to have breasts. wasn’t a major fan of how spice girl seemed to be sort of an independent intelligence and essentially i just want trish to be given more and to be treated better. kind of shitty that the one fight they actually give her is one thats unwinnable by design she doesn’t get to kill anything. maybe also not great that they give her a stand thats focused on softness i mean feminine stereotyping you know... that said spice girl is okay and the power is interesting and it’d have been nice to see it more fully utilized 6 out of 10
Metallica - the little metal beings that live inside the guys body i umm i ummmmm some of them are kind of cute somehow but seriously this stand kind of made me uncomfortable for most of its existence. oh oh and i forgot that metallica has the ability to turn an enemies blood into razor blades and shit i um nope no no thanks 5 out of 10 points being awarded for kind of cuteness and the power is pretty creative but i still hate it
Green Day - looks too human like to be really endearing to me... but has an interesting power and is well utilized and gets to do the thing where the user dismembers himself and uses green day’s ability to control each limb independently its fucking wild 7 out of 10 sure why not
Oasis - my experience may be biased given this is where i ran out of good translations and the fight just became incomprehensible. Oasis seems like a sub optimal name for a stand that can dive deep into the ground... and the design is kinda meh. the power is... okay i mean i guess this predates the awful senor pink from one piece but i did see that first and he left a bad taste and the guy who uses Oasis is pretty trash also... lets be generous and say 4 out of 10
Silver Chariot Requiem - requiem stands are duuumb. if you’re gonna add like another layer of power to a stand make it at least like an extension of the power of that stand. Silver Chariot’s power was like what...? well it was a part 3 stand i think it was just that it could slice things with a sword and was pretty fast things were much simpler and sometimes less interesting back in part 3 but requiem silver chariot has 1) make everyone in the entire city of rome go to sleep 2) bodyswap everyone in the entire city of rome 3) i think i remember that like it was trying to bring mankind towards its next stage of evolution or something who even fucking knows and 4) turns your own stand attacks against you powers. this stand makes no sense as a bumped up version of silver chariot i hate it 0 out of 10
Gold Experience Requiem - guess what other stand makes no sense as a souped up version of the original yep its this one. Gold Experience’s power is just the opposite of whatever King Crimson’s power is because we just need to be able to beat King Crimson and get the part over with already. 0 out of 10
Rolling Stones - i scream please just end already at the manga but it does not listen instead i have to read this chapter designed to explain why Buccelati didn’t be the dead for such a long length of time, or I assume as much. yeah also there’s a part in this where its like ‘oh this girl touched the stand and realized she was going to have a painful death from an illness so just was like well i guess i’ll go and commit suicide right now then this seems like the logical course of action’ i didn’t enjoy this stand 0 out of 10
in summary i enjoyed part 5 i just felt that the end was super disappointing and trish deserved better
0 notes
fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Fandom Partner Search!
Your Name/Nickname/Alias: Bocaj Age: 22 Time zone: EST  Add. Information: Born in the Year of the Rat, Also, a Hufflepuff. 
Literate/Semi-Literate/Basic (Script): Literate, no text talk or anything like that please.  Response Time: Varies throughout the day, but a few times a day. At least twice! Response Lengths: Again, varies. Bare minimum, a paragraph. More, usually.   POV: 3rd Past Tense, 1st when a character is in thought.
Original /Fandom: Fandom, please.  Canon Characters/Original: Usually, I stick to Canons. Some Fandoms are open to OC's, which I will mark, but typically, Canon. I don't ask you to nail their character 100 percent, but try your best.  Favored sexual orientations:  If things go in a romantic way, usually I like FxF, or MxF.
Response Time Preferred: I ask, at least once a day, if not more. 
Some ideas Revolving around the Fandoms I wish to write with:  Kingdom Hearts:  Now this can go many, many ways! I have played every game in the series, including the mobile App game, Union Cross. That said, my favorite must be, 358/2 Days. (Just so you have a feel of my type of KH fan I am.)  Could dive into a certain time frame from the serious, or, not. AU’s also welcomed to be discussed! For the sake of keeping spoilers out of public eye, I will say, there are things in Kingdom Hearts 3, that I would personally like to re-write in a Roleplay. But I will not dive into said things here.  Also, open, to writing in the time frame, when the Organization, the original Organization were still Some-bodies, under the study of Ansem the Wise. Dive into the rather sketchy experiments and studies they performed. 
Recently thought of something, sort of like an AU, based off the same idea of Final Fantasy X-2. Basically, some adventure /spin-off with the girls of the series. Could be its own AU, or what not. But, Aqua, Kairi, Namine, Xion all working together sounds fun!
Also open to playing with any of the Trio's, even one that's not highlighted a lot- (Young Xehanort, Yen Sid, and Eraqus.) A lot is open for this Fandom.
Dragon Ball: 
For this Fandom,  I wish to stay within Universe 6, Champa's Universe. Mainly focusing on the Saiyans of said Universe, Kale and Caulifla, and Cabba.  After watching Super Heroes, I like to adapt some of that, and the GT Tuffle Arc in the Sixth Universe. The Tuffles rebelling against the Saiyans, perhaps them targeting Kale, since her Legendary like form.  OC's, as villains and antagonists are welcomed here, but the focus being on the Saiyans.
Persona 5:  This is also very open!  Part of likes the idea, of going through the story, with an all-female version of the Phantom Thieves.  Also like the idea, taking inspiration from the Anthology Manga, with side stories and events.  Perhaps we find a way to Cross Kingdom Hearts over with the Thieves. Sora, Donald and Goofy, working alongside the Phantom Thieves of Heart, could be fun!  Maybe something with the P5 Royal Girl, from the trailer. Something redeeming Akechi, or even the story from his perspective.  Maybe we can dive into our favorite ship and write an AU around them. (Mine is MakoAnn~!)
   Pokémon:  In reality, this deals with Pokémon Colosseum specifically, but not against any of the other games. (Though, the idea of mixing other Protags into the Colosseum realm is welcome too!)  Growing up, this was one of my favorite games. Though, even then I noticed how quiet it was. In a way, I wish to re-write in, but giving character arcs/growth to main villains and Wes himself. Let's have Wes have done some pretty horrible things, while working for Team Snag'Em, hinting at why he decides to betray them. People around the world, recognizing Wes, from his time as a bad person. Adding a sense of a redemption story for him, in his quest to stop them.  Team Snag'Em, themselves perhaps could be working in the Shadow Pokémon business, selling to other Crime groups, maybe other organizations from the other games.  Power Rangers!:   So, who doesn't like colorful spandex, and explosions! Of course, I did say I want to dive into the 2017 Movie universe, and this is still true! Ideally, continuing where it left off. Adding in, a new Green Ranger (ideally, a female Tommi Oliver) Though, my idea is to have her, slightly corrupted by the Power Coin Rita once held. (Stealing from the MMPR arc, Evil with Green) the coin could slowly corrupt her mind, in a way making her a second Rita, and the Rangers having to deal with a way to free her.  If we go the BOOM STUDIO Comic-Verse, I'd like to play around with the Broken Grid, type arc, after Lord Drakkon tried to rule over all. Form a team of our favorite Rangers, and have them stuck in many places, dealing with monsters out of time. Have this team, unstuck in time, as they try to fix the Grid, one way or another.  
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: I’ll be honest, I skimmed through most of Part-4; it didn’t really capture me that much. My favorite parts (of the anime, and in order) must go: Part-2, Part-3, Part-1, Part-5, and Part-4. Recently started watching Part-5, and its doing a lot better for me, than Diamond is Unbreakable.  I will also add, I enjoy Hamon, a little more than Stands. I know Hamon is all but forgotten now, but still, Joseph made me love it.
Though, I am not sure what I would do with this Fandom, just that it could be fun to write in! Perhaps OC’s, rather than Canon characters; though, I could try Canon characters. But we could take this many direction, really. Just a bit more discussing for this one.
    The Arrow-Verse:  For this, I have written a time-line, of sorts, for a Darker Future; since, all the shows seem to point in this direction. However, with the current season of Arrow having Flash-forwards to a dark future, I might have to re-work my Time line.  But, ideally, I wish to have the focus on Nora West-Allen/Xs. and John Diggle Jr/Connor Hawke. Dealing both with the loss of their father figures, and trying to work in a world, that has almost gone completely to crap.  Since Arrow has introduced new characters like Mia, and William, we can have them join the group as well. Kind of, like a new Generation of the Trio (The trio being Ollie, Barry and Kara). Open to introducing a character from Super-Girl's blood line. I don't want this to focus on one show's characters too much, hence why I suggest Nora and John Diggle Jr be the leads; the arrow and Flash reps. A super-girl character could be fun too!  Have arcing plots, maybe Nora looking for what happened to the Flash, but trying to locate Oliver Queen (since he was close to Barry) only to discover a ruined Star City and a New Green Arrow hopelessly holding on. 
Sword Art Online:  I don't have too much on this, just that I would like to have Suguha as a main character. Perhaps an AU, where she was trapped in a game, instead of her cousin. Or, her in some other sorts of games. OC's are welcomed in this as well.  A few other things, that would be discussed, but also open to write within! High School of the Dead| Prison School| The MCU| Legend Of Zelda| Battlefront II; Inferno Squad|
  That's all I shall write for this.  My roleplay Medium is: Discord My Discord Handle: TheOneWhoSits#3363
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