#though looking at it closer I realised that Vykkers right foot looks rather phallic and now I can’t unsee it...
ohfugecannada · 3 years
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An Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee T-shirt with some art I don’t think has been seen before online. I really like the colour scheme and how the characters are composed here. With munch being the only white thing on the shirt apart from the game title and being tiny compared to, not only the blackness of the rest of the shirt, but also the dark silluette of the vykker looming over him, eyes blank yet still filled with malice, illuminated by the blood red graphic in the background and about to use their surgical tools or big sharp claws to inflict a world of pain on tiny, helpless Munch.
The symbolism in the graphics and art here perfectly captures what Munch’s Oddysee is about while also just being a kick ass design for a shirt. An amazing design all-around!
Full credit for this photo goes to @ed_fries on twitter.
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