#thousand sons oc
Past -.- Future
Author's note: More Husbandry with Imhoden.
Summary: Imhoden sees more of these Chaos Marines, and has to go to the medbay to get checked out. He really, really doesn't want to be here.
Warnings: Panic attack, or at least the beginning of one. Body horror? Death Guard Horrifying Looks, seeing the eldritch horror that is Chaos Marines, Seeing The Truth Behind the Warp Veil. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Imhoden had been brought before the local Chaos Marine Chapter Master near where he had fallen. The acting chapter master is one of the Black Legion, which he still doesn't know which Legion that is, but he looks like a caricature of a Son of Horus, most of these Chaos Marines are horribly mutated and feel so wrong in his senses. Twisted, corrupted, sick, wrong, his senses of the Immaterium scream at him. He tries to keep his twitching to the minimum, not wanting to be thought of as Weak or as pray.
As it is, most of them seem to hold some level of contempt for him, even if they also seem to fear him at some level. But as a Psyker, and a son of The Red King, it was a familiar series of feelings and social issues from those of lesser understandings that he's had to suffer his entire life. He's a Son of the Sorcerer King of Prospero, this is merely a minor inconvenience that he can, must, and will rise above. He speaks to the Entity in charge that claims to be an Astartes and he's ordered to go to their medbay to be checked out by one of their Apothecary types.
He bristles, but knows that while he's in these creatures’ domain he has to follow the rules carefully. He's read about, been warned about Warp Predators and Fae creatures that may try to take on the faces of those he knows, or knows of. But to have them so badly take on the forms of his cousins makes his stomach roll as he tries to figure out what it is he can do to get out of the situation that he's in. Imhoden has noticed from when he's first tried to use his powers that Psykery is much, much more difficult, time, resource and energy consuming than it should be, so he needs to carefully conserve his resources and only use what he has available to him, which is severely limited, very, very carefully.
He's guided- and guarded on his way to the med bay. He's glad for his helmet to protect him because he stills as he sees, while the med bay is clean, sort of, the horrific and horrifying entities that fake, poorly, very, very poorly, at being Apothecaries has him slowly trying to edge away from the entrance of the med bay and from his 'guides' who are more likely his guards to keep him from trying to escape. One of the... 'chaos space marine' apothecary types comes over to him. They look almost normal, except they have multiple sets of eyes and curling horns, and look as if they are diseased, infected, and likely will cause him more harm than good being in their presence.
"Greetings," They gurgle at him with a voice like poisoned honey and the garggling of a thousand ill souls. "I am Brother Apothecary Hura of the Death Guard. What brings you in today?"
Imhoden tries not to shake and takes another small step back, or tries to as his 'guides' grab him and push him forward.
"We've got a new arrival," One of his 'guides' on the left says. "He was in the desert on his own for several days before we found him. He's a bit jumpy."
Hura nods, and smiles a little at him, his teeth yellowed and rotted and he can smell a disgusting, sweet fetid rot and decay. Imhoden tries not to gag or throw up, through his helmet, and it's filters are working over time he can smell this horrific thing.
"I see," Hura says with a nod, 'Come along then, Cousin, what name do you go by?"
Imhoden is not going to give this thing his name, at least not a part of his true name, such things hold power and weight. But to lie, which might get caught would also be an exceedingly poor idea. He has to come up with something and fast. Even though his eyes are watering and he's trying not to heave as the Chaos Marines guide him to a private room. Oh fuck no, he's not going to be trapped in a small room with that thing. As he passes by the main area of the medbay, seeing other rooms and treatment of other horrific creatures that almost strain his gaze and make him want to scream and run or destroy them all and claw his own eyes out.
He closes his eyes and takes a couple of deep breaths, trying not to get dizzy. Fuck the smell in here is almost horrifying bad as he tries to think, "Odi."
It's a childhood nickname that he had, long before he became an Aspirant of the illustrious legion of the Thousand sons.
"It's nice to meet you," Hura gurgles at him.
Imhoden spots the horrifying bug-like carapace as the other turns his back towards him and sees the massive, moth wings that are folded neatly against the other's armor. This place is a nightmare, and he really, really needs to find a way out before they decide to eat him, or worse, there are far worse things than death.
"I am in acceptable levels of health," Imhoden says, "And I have been drinking plenty of water and eating enough food, so I am injured and not in need of medical care."
"Are you an Apothecary?" Hura asks him with a gurgling croon.
"I have had first aid training," Imhoden replies honestly, "But I am not an Apothecary."
"Per the rules, all new arrivals need to be checked over by an Apothecary." Hura gurgles, looking at him closely, tilting his head at an impossible angle. "Would you prefer to be seen by a Loyalist Apothecary?"
"If I said yes, would I go to a Loyalist Apothecary or would they be brought... here...?" Imhoden says eyeing Hura tensely, the 'guides' on the other side of the door to the exam room he's in and trying to decide if attaching this entity and seeing if he can escape is a good, or exceptionally poor idea.
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amriagaelraincaller · 1 month
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Let me show you one of my OCs: ✨Issa ✨
Sorcerer and navigator. Originally from Thousands sons legion, but for now working in renegade order known as "Cinders Keepers". By his left arm you can see that order was founded by Emperor's Children. They asked (and very tearfully) Issa to join them and help them to avoid most of daemonic dangers on their hard way...
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thousandbuns · 3 months
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Pro-tip: do not combine autism, Space Marine conditioning and Tzeentchian allegiance into one entity. End-results will be devastating to the subject and everyone else in the next five sectors.
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galgannet · 5 months
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The Keeper of Secrets leaves once again satisfied and ecstatic after a successful transaction with a mortal who thinks himself clever. Power or riches, humans are willing to do almost anything to satisfy those desires. Even kill for it. What could be more delightful to a high ranking daemon than the willingness of a mortal to forget his morals and debase himself for such crumbs? Hotweeheestate - The Keeper of Secrets. Qar - The Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons Legion Artstation | Deviantart | VK | Commission List
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bleedingichorhearts · 3 months
𝕸𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 II
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: This one is more of an introduction, if anything.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
TW // Attempted Kidnapping? Violence?
|°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| • {Chapter I} • {Chapter III}
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“Your name is Scarab?” I managed to pronounce the Thousand sons name, his little blue, and gold helmet nodded at me. “And you are Atheloca?” I pointed to the little Death Guard, getting a nod too.
“Don’t forget your other two that have been assigned to you.” The physician sounded bored, writing something on his clipboard.
“I don’t think I could Dr. Ryker. They are the most troublesome out of all of them.” I said, turning my gaze to the other two. The little Night lord squeaking out in demand.
“Yes, I know your name Saveth.” I responded to the Night Lord. “And yours too, Sarvak.” Tilting my head to the World Eater, a quiet rumble coming out of him.
“Alright, you are set to go.” Dr. Ryker sighed, clicking his pen. “I hope you do not find any more small Astartes out there, but otherwise keep them safe. Who knows what would happen to them.”
“Understood Doctor.” I sighed, understanding the last part of his words well, remembering the day of an attempted kidnapping.
It wasn’t even a week I had them before someone tried to kidnap the little Astartes. The little warband squeaking at me in a frenzy, their litte forms waving up at me. Urging me to come back.
I only left the room for a second, wanting a little snack, but came right back by their demands to see one of Sharon’s boyfriends (or her one night stands) was trying to forcefully pick up Saveth. Who in turn, looked like he was fighting for his life. Slashing at the man’s bare hands with his talon-like gauntlets, making him bleed.
The man, out of anger. Backhanded the little Night lord away, a tiny thunk going off as he hit the wall, then the floor.
Worry crushed my heart while I rushed in, brushing past the man; who didn’t even look remotely sorry for what he had done and picked up the potentially injured Night Lord from the floor. Sharon coming into the room at the noise, and yelling at her one night stand for being “so cruel.”
Carefully moving the recovering Night Lord into a different room. I covered him with my other hand, providing a small protection around him while he used it to right himself. A tiny hiss coming out of him while I carefully looked him over.
No missing limbs. No weirdly shaped, or bent arms. No bleeding.
Saveth cooed softly at me while I searched him. Yet I ignored his attempts to soothe me. Observing him of any injuries that hit could have given him. My chest getting tighter.
I knew I shouldn't have left them with Sharon’s one night stands. They always brought off a bad vibe. Was I stupid to even think they wouldn’t do anything? Was I even a good caretaker to these little Astartes?
A cold weight on my cheek snapped me out of my racing thoughts. A tiny purring emitting from the little Night Lord. Then another, and another. Each one having their own tone, pitch, and vibration.
I don’t remember feeling the rest of the warband climbing up my clothes to join in with the… purring session, but it soothed me down more than I’d like to admit at that moment.
“As regular, come back so we can check up on them and run some tests.” Dr. Ryker reminded me. Taking me out of my daze. “And hopefully, in no time. They will be back to their regular size.”
“I’m sure they’ll love that.” I stated, putting my hand down on the counter for the mini warband to climb on. Feeling the little pin pricks digging into the fabric of my shirt while they made their way up to my collarbone. Taking their spots they personally made there.
The doctor hummed. “Also, try not to get too attached. They might not want to be with you once they grow back to their original sizes.” A certain dread dropped in my stomach.
“Grow back? So you have something in the works for them?” I asked, focusing on the Astartes health more. Ignoring the tiny sting on my neck.
“Yes, we have something in mind, but it isn’t ready yet.” He confirmed before leaving the room, mumbling something underneath his breath as he shut the door. Leaving us in an empty room once again.
“Well, at least you know you are not ultimately stuck as a small gremlin.” I spoke out loud, earning a couple of nicks, and conflicting squeaks from some of the Astartes. “Ow! I’m not retracting my statement!”
I jumped at another nick. “It’s true! You are small.”
“Ow! You know what? Come here you little-” My hand quickly went up to my neck, snatching the little Astartes who caused the most pricks. A squeak came out of him as I held him firmly in my hand. “You’re grounded.”
Saveth, the little Night Lord could only squeak back at me, and chirp to the warband to help him out to no avail. He was stuck with his consequences.
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nitro-devil · 4 months
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Atrix and Lily, for the second day of @ockissweek !~
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tagedeszorns · 7 months
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Aldus, Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons, and his tzeentchian demon Cheshire.
He got one of the infant Chirurgeons and it reacted totally different on a Psyker in terms of growth and development and is now a pair of bony arms/hands/claws.
Aldus is the OC of @aldus-trazyrae.
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vvictuss · 9 months
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WIP comic, and @valhallasoutlaw’s OC Chapter Master Ajax Aleghri absolutely having the time of his life. Comic is a scene in the wh40k book Saturnine by Dan Abnett, where Magnus and Mortarion have a brief but heartfelt (?) conversation.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Sharing Food
Male Lead: Nakht Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marine Canon Status: ???
So for the person who suggested Chaos Space Marine I might do that as a non fluffuary fic because I really do see them as a sort to do that and I've got a wonderful idea for a Chaos Space Marine and their homeless human. Just Nakht and his Birdie...
He cooed at his Birdie as he lovingly rubbed her jaw just looking at the way her mouth moved as she ate. He was sorry he had to get rid of the formation of her lovely beak had to go away with how he had to heal her from her accident... how wicked some of her mortal compatriots can be. He made an example of her rival... when your organs are all on the outside of your body one doesn't live for very long.
He feels her bat his hand away with the rough skin of her hands looking akin to the skin of a macaw's feet. He looks at how her feathers rise up in annoyance as she feels his hands on her again. She sighs as his food is so much better than what she has had in a long while... he is an astarte after all... so he has to be fed the best.
She watches the way his hands peel a fruit ... something in her brain buzzes as she wants it. Not realizing she tries to grab it... not knowing what overcomes her.
His laugh is rich and warm as he keeps her at bay as she sways slightly just her eyes fixated on the fruit in his hands. "Patience my pretty bird. I'll feed you shortly." He says leaning in and stealing a kiss from the corner of her lips.
She frowns as she tries not to appear like she is enjoying the food too much but each plate he got... the food looking plenty with honey slathered upon some of the cakes... fresh fruits with bowls of preserves nearby to slater on whatever her heart desires... meats delicately cooked and other such things that she feels herself salivate more as she was being stubborn on not taking much on her plate verse his full plate though Nakht soon takes her plate once he finishes slicing the fruit.
"Eat." He demands as he puts his full plate in front of her as she goes to protest but the warm demeanor that normally fills his eyes flash with something akin to an order. She pouts glaring at the plate as she doesn't want to get on his bad side. She hears him sigh, "Please? I'm sorry for giving you an order." He sounds remorseful as she feels his arms wrap around her waist and his face hiding in her hair and feathers.
"Fine. It's fine... Nakht." She says softly leaning back into his grasp. Watching his large fingers pick up a slice of the fruit she tried to steal earlier and bring it to her lips. She sighs as she takes a bite of the overly rich fruit. The sweetness drapes her tongue as she frees her arms as she slathers honey on one of the cakes before offering Nakht a bite.
She can't see the grin on his face but can hear the crunch from the slightly toasted exterior of the cake between his teeth as he takes a large bite. Perhaps this wasn't the worst thing.
Fluffuary taglist: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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nephitefortuna · 4 months
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Finished Soheil's ref finally... <.< I didn't post the doodle tho, sorry! XD
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sleepyfan-blog · 23 days
Author’s Note: this is the second part of mer-Tallis fic! Previous. Next
Tagged: @the-pure-angel @egrets-not-regrets @whorety-k @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: none? Ask me to tag anything if it bothers you
Summary: you find that the astartes you serve has had an accident of the magical kind.
You had never once dreamed of getting the honor of becoming a serf to one of the mysterious but generally well loved and revered Legiones Astartes. Not even after Lord Tallis had rescued you from the warp storm that had obliterated the ship that you'd served since you’d been born. Not until he'd asked if you wished to stay with him and work alongside him sometimes you were still in just as much awe and uncertainty of the giant, graceful mer you diligently served as the first day that the two of you had met
Other times… Like now, for example, as you silently made your way over to your lord, you wondered internally how he had managed to survive for so long without assistance.
You'd found him in his ritual chamber, spellbook open to some half-finished incantation, laying partially across the runic circle etched into the floor and filled with gold ceramite. The Lord Astartes whom you served directly was clearly passed out as well.
You'd briefly panicked and rushed over to his side, realizing that he was - from tip to tail - half the length of your open palm. You could see the steady rise and fall of his chest as you swiftly knelt down at his side, relief sweeping through you before another wave of concern hit you hard. You called out to him “Lord Tallis, will you permit me to pick you up and take you to the nearest Apothecary?”
You had no idea how he had managed to shrink himself into such a small form - nor why he'd done it. You weren't sure if you wanted to believe that the shrinking had been an accident or unfortunate side effect, or he'd done this to himself on-purpose. Any of those scenarios were equally likely, as you had learned in the time that you had spent serving Lord Tallis.
The thousand son stirred from where he lay prone on the floor, a groan leaving his lips as he used his hands to push himself upright, looking around and then up at you, blinking on confusion and mild alarm “How have you gotten so large? I told my brothers not to cast any spells on you without informing me first and asking you if you'd agree to such a thing. How are you feeling? Amy headaches, hunger, dizziness? How is your sense of balance adjusting to your change in height and mass?”
You suppress the urge to sigh - or grin - and answer “I’m not the one who's changed size, my lord. You are, and I can only guess this happened by magic somehow. I think I need to get you to an Apothecary, to check you over while you try and figure out how this happened.”
He floats up and settles comfortably in your hands, despite the sullen expression that flits across his handsome face. “I'm… Not Entirely sure why I shrunk down to this size. the effect I was trying to create on an inanimate object was to increase its size, not make it smaller.”
You hum in acknowledgement, holding him carefully as you make your way to the infirmary you weren't the only serf assisting the thousand Son they served to the medbay either. One of the astartes was a violent shade of green. Another was hiccupping a steady stream of multi-colored bubbles out of his mouth, nose and ears. A third had somehow caused his fins to change shape and size constantly.
Sorcery was a tricky art to master, especially When practiced within the warp. The fortress world you'd been brought to within the warp was heavily guarded against the larger predators that lurked in the chaotic currents. The Thousand Sons were much more free to practice their sorceries here, rather than put in normal space where the uninformed and terrified hunted them as witches and heretics for using and learning about abilities they were born with.
You were keenly aware of the risks and dangers of warp magic, having seen all sorts of strange and terrifying things. Lord Tallis had offered to drop you off at a relatively stable Imperial Planet of your choice… But he had saved you from certain death or far, far worse. You’d pledged to be in his service until either you died or he was tired of your presence at his side… A boon which he had generously granted. You’d genuinely come to care for Tallis in the months you’d spent dutifully serving him and delighted in the person he was beneath the imposing armor of a space marine.
You waited patiently in the triage line, humming to yourself as you held Tallis close to your chest. At this size, he was cool to the touch, which concerned you as Tallis had always been warm to the touch before this latest magical mishap.
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Brave New World
Author’s note: Imhoden in Husbandry AU :)
Warnings: None? Tell me if I need to add any. Desert Survival, Chaos Space Marines, Descriptions of fighting.
Summary: Imhoden arrives on Ancient Terra, and treks through the Desert to get to somewhere safer. And gets grabbed by the local Chaos Warband. He is So Fine and Normal.
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @kit-williams
Tagged Again: @kit-williams, @whorety-k
Imhoden had been one of many that had taken up arms, when the Captains of the Thousand Sons sent out the call. That the barbaric Space Wolves were coming to kill and burn them all to ash. Rage and hatred is nurtured in his heart, for Prospero, for his Primarch, for his brother’s he will fight those no-good mad dogs that dare to spill the blood on the sands of Prospero. He and his squad of Thousand sons had been fighting the Maddened Space Wolves, when he heard- and saw one of their Wolfen Ships blast down bolts to rain down utter destruction.
He tries to raise a shield of Warp power to protect himself and his brothers from their utter ferocious, and unprovoked attack. He defiantly chants insults and warp-craft at the ship, even as he feels the ship bolts heat scorch and burn him. He blinks the light from his eyes, the spots of light blinding him as he slowly closes his eyes and opens them several times as he realizes the miracle that is him alive and his hearts sink to his stomach when he realizes he’s not on Prospero any more.
The desert sands of this planet he now resides on his not the sands of his birth, the lands of Prospero. He looks up at the night sky, to see if he can recognize the stars and the patterns he'd been taught by his brothers, and his hearts sink more as he realizes that he doesn't recognize the stars in the night sky either. Well then, he's definitely not where he once was, part of him wondered if he was dead and, in the afterlife, if there was such a thing, or if some other thing had happened to put him here, wherever here is. He checks what he has on him for hydration and food rations as well as calculating where he should go.
Closing his eyes briefly as he reaches for the warp, and finds to his alarm that it's much, much harder to grasp onto the warp and to use even the smallest of spells takes a staggering amount of effort that drives him to his knees panting, such effort that he hasn't had for such a simple location spell for the nearest spot of civilization since he was a very young Aspirant, being taught the ways of the Sorcerer Warriors of the Red King. He cuts off the spell, before it takes his life, or causes him to pass out.
He'll have to try to go in the vague direction of where he'd sensed civilization, and try to find a place to hide from the wrath of the sun during the day time if he could. He's careful as he paces himself walking across the desert, even with his training for survival in such dire circumstances, surviving in a dessert alone, with few supplies is never a sure thing. It takes him several days to get to the Oasis that his warp powers had led him to. He was careful to test the water, and check on the vegetation around him, to see what was possibly edible, and what was likely not edible.
He takes just enough, but not too much, for weight is something he needs to be careful of, part of him is calculating whether or not keeping his Ceramite armor was better, or worse. While in armor he's faster and it protects him from the elements somewhat, the weight of it is very concerning, depending on how long he has to trek through the desert before he can find some semblance of civilization. It takes him several more days before he finds some cacti that have fruits that are edible, and contain life giving, precious water, he carefully plucks the prickly pinkish-red hued fruits and carefully de-spines the fruits and takes a bite, the flavors that dance along his tongue are odd, and floral, but he is glad to have found more sustenance.
He's eating as little, drinking as little as possible, moving during the night, and trying to find shade and uneasy rest during the hottest parts of the day as the unrelenting sun beats down at him. He continues to move towards where the warp spell had led him to go. He would only use the spell sparingly, and only for brief periods of time, as to not overextend his vastly weakened ability to use the warp. Finding the small baseline community after nearly a month of travel had felt like a stark relief.
Realizing that he did not understand a word the locals spoke had been concerning, but he was nothing if not adaptable, determined and doing his best to learn this local tongue. None of them seemed to understand Gothic, or any of the other languages that he knew. He also noticed how skittish they were of him, understandable, the Trans-human Dread due to being an Astartes affected all baseline humans. They do allow him to stay in a place to rest and recover from his trek in the deserts surrounding this small town.
He's quite surprised when a few days later, some other Astartes come into town- their forms are strange and twisted, but he recognizes one of them as an Emperor's child, and the way this 'warband' of their treats the local has him frowning at them in disapproval. Getting dragged into their war band is something that he protests at first, but after many a squabble and sparring match, which he usually loses, he, rather unwillingly follows along with them.
Learning about the fact that he's on Ancient Terra, and how there are loyalists, Renegade and Chaos Marines, all on the same planet with the larger groups having an uneasy alliance had been quite the shock. They had, rather frustratingly, given him bits and pieces of information slowly, monitoring his reactions as they told him about what they were doing there and why. Apparently, his arrival had been noticed by an Ultramarine Librarian and they had sent them to gather the wayward Thousand Sons.
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amriagaelraincaller · 1 month
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For an Emperor's Child, I'm a little obsessed with sorcerers...🐦 And as i said on X-blog: no matter what people say, I'll draw more and more Thousand sons as i want to see them, hah.
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Two halves of a whole Idiot, Atrix and Isa
Thanks to THE-ART-BLOCK for the Astartes base (I've also used this for a few chaos marine colors X3 )
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galgannet · 5 months
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When summoning a daemon you get sometimes more than you have bargained for. Even an experienced sorcerer can fall for the seductive trap of Slaanesh. A sorcerer named Qar belongs to my beloved wife. The Keeper of secrets belongs to me. My charming boy. The stage of image readiness 1/3
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pringoleon40k · 9 months
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Feeling like I’m really cooking with this scheme. I’ll show more when the interesting bit will be ready but it’s my first attempt at kitbashing.
One free virtual oreo for the first person to guess what it is !
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