#three wall alcove tub
blooniverse · 8 months
Industrial Bathroom - 3/4 Bath
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Mid-sized industrial 3/4 laminate floor drop-in bathtub remodel inspiration with furniture-like cabinets, dark wood cabinets, white walls, an undermount sink, and marble countertops
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design-and-html · 9 months
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Contemporary Bathroom New York Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary master gray tile and mosaic tile mosaic tile floor bathroom remodel with an undermount tub, white cabinets, white walls and marble countertops
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Bathroom in New York
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Image of a mid-sized, trendy kids' drop-in bathtub with beige walls, gray cabinets, a wall-mount toilet, beige tiles, a vessel sink, beige countertops, and limestone and beige countertops.
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carolinhairandmakeup · 11 months
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Master Bath Bathroom DC Metro An illustration of a spacious, minimalist master bathroom with gray walls and a gray tiled floor
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marlynnofmany · 6 months
Being the tall person at the grocery store is nothing compared to being the tall species on an alien planet. Everybody here was hip-height at best, and my ability to grab things that would normally require a stepstool was very appreciated. I wasn’t the only Big Alien come to visit, since the courier ship was about evenly split size-wise, but I was definitely enjoying it.
Especially since the cargo we were meant to pick up was stored (for some reason) on high shelves.
“That’s everything from this one,” I said to Mur as I grabbed a final dusty crate from head level, bending down to place it on the hoversled. “What’s next?” I straightened up and stretched my back, ready for more.
Mur consulted a list on the communicator he held with one tentacle. “That was the ‘blue alcove.’ Which one’s the ‘round alcove’?”
I rotated in place, looking for round things in the alien barn full of mismatched architecture and empty stalls. The owner had decided to retire and sell their old junk, which meant getting us to deliver it to somebody else’s farm. They were paying extra for us to load it onto the ship ourselves. This farmer was either elderly and infirm, or out of bothers to give. Not that it mattered much either way.
“I see it!” Paint said, pointing a scaly hand upward.
I followed her finger to see a curved opening halfway up the wall. “That’s more of an oval, but everything else is square, so I guess that’s it,” I agreed.
Paint tugged the hoversled over, while Mur sat on top of the boxes with his list. Then they both waited for me, because they certainly couldn’t reach any of it.
“We’re meant to take everything up here, right?” I asked, leaning in to grab a bundle of what looked like hammers strapped together. They were heavy, but not to the point where I was at risk of dropping them on anybody.
“Looks like yes,” Mur said. “Can you get all of it?”
“Mayyybe not,” I admitted. “This alcove is pretty deep.”
“Oh, there’s a ladder!” Paint said, darting away. I was busy straining to reach a roll of wire, so I didn’t see what caused the loud snap. But I did hear her make a disappointed sound.
Mur laughed. “There was a ladder. See any others over there?”
I pulled the wire down and set it on the cart, only then getting a view of Paint guiltily dropping the decrepit piece of wood that had recently been half a ladder. There were two or three pegs sticking out of it, though the rest had stayed with the other half, which appeared to be bolted to the wall.
I winced. “Are we going to have to pay damages for that?”
“Eh, maybe,” Mur said. “Pretty sure the old farmer mentioned a number of things that were destined for the fuel pile anyway. We can let Captain Sunlight ask.”
Paint called over, “I don’t see any others.”
A look back at the near wall showed bolts that might have held a different ladder in place once. “New question,” I said. “What do you see that looks strong enough for me to step on? Because I can just climb up there with a little boost.”
Mur grumbled something about species that were always looking for things to climb. Since this was entirely accurate, I ignored him. Then he said, “Well, I’d suggest stepping on the sled, but it’s full of goods, and the brakes aren’t what they should be.”
“Yeah, no use risking that,” I agreed. “And I don’t need much. I could probably get up there with a running start, but I’d rather not bruise anything today.”
Paint trotted back over. “What about those?” she suggested, pointing out a stack of metal tubs that were probably meant for animal food.
We took a look. Some were rusty and unreliable, and they were all heavy — we had to tip the stack on its side to sort through them. But we found one at the bottom that felt sturdy enough. I probably wouldn’t fall right through it. Probably.
It sure was heavy, though. I dragged it over, leaving a trail through the dirt and alien straw, hoping I wasn’t about to ruin another thing that we’d have to pay for.
I’d just gotten it into position when a new voice asked, “What is taking so long?”
Trrili stood in the doorway, a looming black-and-red menace with mandibles and pincher arms. She looked impatient. She also looked like a giant praying mantis, but she always looked like that.
While Paint explained that the items were hard to reach and the ladder was pursuing an exciting new career as kindling, Trrili stalked over on her many legs. Ignoring me completely, she reared back and easily reached into the back of the alcove. “All of these?” she asked.
“Ah, yup,” I said, stepping to the side.
She pulled back to land with her pincher arms holding a large curved thing that had loops dangling from the sides. “What even is this?” she asked as she dumped it onto the sled.
“Looks like a saddle,” I told her.
She was already back up there, rummaging around with only her hind feet on the ground. “What for?”
I said, “Riding animals, I imagine,” then went to stand uselessly with Paint. We watched as our larger coworker loaded up the rest of the items.
“Why would anyone want to ride an animal?” Trrili asked, placing a segment of pipe between the boxes.
“Not everyone has hovertech,” I said. “And it’s nice when your transportation can watch out for hazards. And appreciate neck scritches.”
Trrili declared the whole idea absurd and unnecessary, fit only for species that got too familiar with their prey. None of this was a surprise to me. I’d heard her opinions on pets before.
But Paint was curious about what it was like to be carried around by a large living thing. Was it frightening? What if the animal went the wrong way? What was the importance of “neck scritches?”
I set about explaining horses to her. I might not be able to reach as far as Trrili, but this was definitely something I could do.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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separatist-apologist · 10 months
Buried Alive Inside My Dreams
Summary: An evil enchantress has locked Princess Feyre Archeron in a tower, secluding her from her family and removing her entirely from the outside world. Trapped and alone, Feyre turns her gaze to the stars, dreaming of returning home to her sisters- of finding peace. She's determined to escape before her birthday and the annual starfall that marks the occasion just as soon as she can figure out a way down.
When a thief breaks into her tower, Feyre takes her chances and leaves with him, unaware of who this man is and the price freedom will try and extract from her
Happy @officialfeysandweek2023
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And at last, I see the light. 
Feyre Archeron was ten years old when she was locked up in that tower. Ten, because she was already a threat with her bow and arrow, and too clever for her own good. She’d been caught hiding in alcove, spying on her wicked step-mother. She’d seen the spell cast over her father, but when Feyre tried to intervene, two blackguards tossed her in the dungeon while Amarantha decided what to do with her.
Perhaps killing felt too messy. Or maybe she didn’t trust the servants not to spill her secret. Some lie was made up about Feyre needing a governess because she was so miserably behind her sisters. Her father, enchanted to do nothing but agree, signed off on the entire thing. Feyre was whisked away without so much as a goodbye from her sisters.
There had been a time when Feyre was sure Nesta and Elain would figure it out. Feyre was content to wait…and then she wasn’t. Days became weeks, became months….became years. Feyre began to forget the faces of her sister. She forgot her father, her home, the palace. 
She might have gone insane in that tower too tall to leap from had a little basket of supplies not been sent up, complete with a paint set. It was practically nothing—twelve tiny tins of paint, three brushes, and no paper. What she did have was the empty stone walls of the tower and her imagination.
And so Feyre Archeron, still just a child, began to paint. All the while, dreaming of the day she might finally get back home.
- - -
Combing out Feyre Archeron’s hair was a task that took the entirety of the morning. Every night, before she fell asleep, she’d braid it loosely hoping to avoid tangles and knots and every morning she woke half trapped in the floor length hair she was desperate to cut. It left her to the chore of washing her hair with the scant bucket one of the black guards occasionally sent up—their once imposing, constant presence had lessened over the years to the point that Feyre was lucky to see them once every two weeks. 
Today was lucky. There, at the bottom of the large window she often sat in, was a bucket and a basket of provisions. And more paint—she’d left a note for more and whoever oversaw her imprisonment letting them know she needed water more frequently, which didn’t come, and that she was running low on paint.
At this point, Feyre barely had space left on the walls. Nearly every inch, from the pointed ceiling to the floor beneath her feet, was covered in her drawings. Sighing, Feyre turned her attention toward a piece from years before, back when she’d still been struggling to find a style that worked for her, and too angry to paint anything truly productive. She could cover it in white and start again. It would take a day to dry, but that meant tomorrow would be filled with nothing but menial chores and painting—the only thing that made her still feel sane. 
But, first—her hair. Feyre dragged out the little, porcelain tub she typically kept propped against a wall. It was built for the child she’d once been, forced to fold her body uncomfortably in order to get clean.
Feyre scrubbed her body with a cake of violet scented soap before quickly rushing from the cold water and dunking her thick, long hair into the water. It took an hour to carefully wash through it, carefully combing out little tangles and burs that accumulated thanks to the length. Getting it out and wrapped in a threadbare towel was another challenge, and by the time Feyre had managed to brush it with a comb made of bones, her arms and neck ached. 
Water sloshed over the edge of the tower, spilling to the vibrant grass made newly green in the open spring air. Feyre sighed, even as a lilac scented breeze caressed her cheek. Oh, but what she wouldn’t give to be out there. She’d thought of jumping more times than she could count and knew if she didn’t immediately die, she was likely to break both of her legs which would make escape useless. The black guards would find her eventually and were just as likely to cut off her legs as they were to help her. 
Sighing, Feyre turned back to the tower and the mural she was working on.  Inky night, with flashes of purple and green and blue—starfall. In Feyre’s mind, it was so vivid, so real. Every year on her birthday, showers of light fell from the sky, illuminating the world just for her.
Well—not really. But when she’d been a child, it certainly felt that way. Feyre had been isolated for so long that she’d take anything, and to comfort herself, she’d spun a story that someone was looking for her. Someone so powerful they could pull the stars from the sky.
At nineteen, she knew that wasn’t true. No one was looking for her, no one was pulling the stars from the sky and no one was coming to rescue her. Feyre was on her own with no idea how she might get herself out. Sighing, Feyre turned to her paints, wet her brush, and began working. It was the only thing that made her feel human anymore.
The loneliness was starting to wear on her. Feyre often found herself talking to the lizards that ran the length of the tower, peering in with jewel bright eyes. They didn’t stay long, but when they did, Feyre unloaded her every thought.
She would have given anything for conversation that didn’t exist in her head, though.
Feyre got her wish three days later. Sitting on the edge of the tower, one leg swinging over the side while her purple dress caught in the breeze, she was carefully braiding her thick hair as three black guards approached. That was unusual in and of itself. The fact that they were armed, and headed right for her?
She supposed it was going to happen eventually. Feyre had no weapons of her own—only a heavy, cast iron skillet she was allowed to cook in. How many could she take out with it, she wondered? Maybe one, before they stabbed her in the back? 
“Princess!” one of them called from the ground, his reedy voice grating on her senses. 
Examining her fingernails, Feyre replied, “Yes?”
“Are you alone?”
She paused. Why wouldn’t she be alone? Her reaction must have betrayed her, because all three guards slowed their steps, shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. Feyre turned to look in the tower where no one but an errant bird remained. “As always,” she replied with a heavy sigh. 
“A criminal is on the loose,” another informed her, his voice somehow more awful than the one before. “Your safety is of the utmost importance. Please go inside and close the shutters.”
“I won’t,” she replied with all the haughtiness she could muster. Truly, Feyre was channeling her elder sister as she remembered her. It was a perfect day—not too hot, with a nice breeze. Feyre wanted to feel the sun warm her skin, wanted to indulge in her daydreams of running across the hilly countryside and vanishing into the forest in the distance. 
“Run along, now,” Feyre dismissed, waving a hand while turning her eyes back to the sky. They grumbled, but as long as they were forbidden from killing her, they were forced to obey. Her mind shifted to the criminal. If her step-mother was chasing this person down, Feyre very much doubted they were much of a criminal at all.
Feyre watched the black guards return to the forest they’d run from, intent on hunting down their missing criminal. “Good luck,” she whispered into the world. Foolish, to wish someone on the run any luck at all.
But Feyre knew better than most what Amarantha was like. 
It took three more days for Amarantha to show her ugly face. She merely appeared while Feyre was in the middle of painting, clicking her tongue against her teeth. “Filthy as always, dear.”
Feyre’s heart immediately picked up. “Is it that time, again?”
“How compliant you’ve grown. What happened to the little girl who bit?” Amarantha crooned, tucking a piece of ruby hair behind her ear. Feyre indulged in a fantasy in which she bashed Amarantha’s face in with her skillet until her blood dripped through the cracks of stone floor of the tower and Feyre was left with nothing but a rotting, sneering corpse. 
“Just get it over with,” Feyre said, thrusting out her wrist. It was the same story. Something in Feyre’s blood slowed Amarantha’s aging, and something in her hair made her step-mother eternally young. It had to do with her mother, and how she’d become pregnant.
A prick of her finger, and three small drops of blood against the snow, promised three beautiful, magical daughters. Amarantha had told her this, once—as a child, sobbing in the tower and begging for her sisters. 
“This is where you belong, pretty Feyre. You were nothing but my magical little tool.”
Feyre sometimes wondered if Amarantha wasn’t responsible for her mothers death. If everything that happened to her hadn’t been planned before Feyre had ever been born. She did feel like a pawn in Amarantha’s game, with rules so complex it would take Feyre a thousand lifetimes to untangle. 
Reaching for her wrist, Amarantha dragged one long, blood red nail against the delicate, fair skin and the blue vein pulsing just beneath. Feyre hissed, turning her head while Amarantha lowered her mouth and drank her fill. She didn’t need much—a few drops at most—but Amarantha liked to torment Feyre by taking whatever she liked. 
“That’s enough!” Feyre hissed, yanking back her arm when it became too much. There was nothing pleasant about it. Just the feel of Amarantha’s teeth biting hard, leaving another crescent shaped scar on Feyre’s body.
“Someone is in a mood today. And here I thought you might like news of your sisters.”
Feyre’s head snapped up. “Are they well?”
“Hair, first,” Amarantha replied, tutting softly. Reaching for the end of her thick, long braid, Feyre raked her fingers through the ends until she had a few golden brown strands. Amarantha took them, pocketing them in her velvet, black dress. 
“Your sisters are well. In fact, Nesta intends to visit you soon. That’ll be nice, don’t you think?” 
The way her step-mother said those words, with that sharp, gleaming smile, made Feyre’s stomach sick.
“I don’t want to see her,” Feyre lied. She wanted nothing more than to see her sisters. And if Nesta came, it meant that Nesta would learn the truth of things—Feyre would tell her everything, would beg her to take her out. Had Nesta changed so much that she’d leave Feyre behind? It was her biggest fear, that her sisters had become poisoned the way their father had, and didn’t care if she was alive or not.
“Oh, don’t be so petulant,” Amarantha crooned, caressing Feyre’s face. Feyre jerked back furiously, her rage threatening to drown her. “All you ever want to talk about is your sisters and now you don’t want to see them?”
“Take me home, then,” Feyre pleaded.
Amarantha only laughed. “Feyre, you amuse me. Wild animals don’t belong in the palace.”
Her words were a kick to the gut. Feyre halted, eyes wide. Don’t cry, don’t cry—It didn’t matter. Amarantha’s loud, shrill laugh floated through the air as she vanished like smoke, leaving
Feyre standing in the middle of her tower with a bleeding wrist and a bruised heart. 
Screaming at the top of her lungs, Feyre made her way to the window. She was going to jump, she swore it. Jump and see what happened, see—
A twinkling star overhead caught her eye, settling her for just a moment. Head inclined, Feyre whispered, “Please, save me.”
But she suspected, as the wind carried away her wish, that the stars weren’t listening.
And they’d never answer her. 
Feyre woke to the sound of someone swearing. Without light in the tower, all she could hear was thudding coming from beneath her feet and a masculine voice—deep and rich like the night around her—cursing softly. Heart thudding, Feyre didn’t move, waiting to see if it was just another dream. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d hallucinated company only to realize it was her lonely mind playing tricks on her. 
“Fucking kill me,” that voice whispered again. The sound of grinding stone propelled Feyre up, racing for her skillet and then, realizing she was just standing there in a thin night dress, for the closet to hide. Just in case this was a blackguard come to kill her in her sleep—she’d have the upper hand. 
She left it open just enough to peek through a crack. Dust erupted from the floor as a large stone shifted. Feyre hadn’t known that even existed. Certain she was about to see a blackguard, Feyre gripped the handle of her frying pan with clammy fingers. Nerves were threatening to get the best of her, heart pounding so hard it was all she could hear.
The man who wedged his way through the tight hole was not a blackguard. Even in the dark, he was far too beautiful to work for Amarantha. She would have leached away his beauty before discarding the husk of whatever remained.
“The Mother fuck me,” the man whispered, shaking dust out of his midnight black hair. How he’d managed to get his broad shoulders through the opening was its own kind of magic. He seemed tall, muscular beneath the blue vest and white shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows. A bag was slung over his chest, hand protectively touching it as thought to reassure himself it was still there.
“Hello?” he called, violet blue eyes finding her murals on the wall. “What the fuck is all this?”
Feyre waited until he was right against the mural, brushing his stupid fingers through her still-wet paint. She didn’t trust him, creeping through the dark unnoticed. 
“What the—”
Feyre swung hard, hitting him upside the head with her pan. The man crumpled to the floor with a woosh of air, eyes rolling up into his skull. She waited a moment before a hysterical laugh exploded out of her. 
“I did that,” she whispered, crouching beside the stranger's lifeless form. A quick touch of his neck revealed he was still alive—merely knocked out for the time being. He was far too heavy to move, though Feyre did manage to get him into a chair. She bound him in thin rope that wouldn’t hold him forever—just long enough to get some answers.
And then, waiting for him to wake, she decided to rifle through his bag. Inside she found some food, a couple gold marks, a folded up piece of paper, and a small, silver ring with a blue gem encircled by pretty white diamonds. Feyre pocketed the ring, intending to hold it hostage for the time being, before unfolding the piece of paper. 
Wanted! Dead or Alive For Crimes Against the Crown! 
There was no name, and the picture didn’t quite line up with the beautiful man in front of her. His nose was off—crooked and overly large for what was staring in front of her. But the image was close enough.
Feyre had found her stepmother's criminal.
And, perhaps, a way out of her tower once and for all.
It was not the worst week Rhys had ever had, all things considered. Being on the run was nothing new—he’d been running since he was a teenager and his father’s kingdom had toppled under the hands of a fucking witch, who had been looking for Rhys ever since. Ever the chameleon, he’d taken to crime like a fish took to water.
She’d come close a couple times, but Rhys was always one step ahead. At least, until he started circling back to Illyria, looking for the so-called bastard prince that supposedly commanded an army of dragons and monsters. They’d been allies once upon a time—Rhys hoped they might be, again. 
Her blackguards had been hunting him through the woods for a good two weeks, trying to corral him away from the valley, which only made Rhys curious. What was she hiding? What secrets did the witch have? Exploitable secrets, he hoped. Something that made her vulnerable. 
Which was how he’d found himself tied to a chair, head throbbing, while a pretty young woman held a skillet in front of his face.
“Where…” Rhys blinked, his mouth sour. “Who are you?”
The woman blinked starry blue eyes at him. Who was she? Young, no older than twenty two if he had to guess, and so beautiful it made his teeth ache. In a different world, he would have wanted her. 
In this world, he wanted her to untie him. 
“Who am I?” she asked, shoving that stupid fucking skillet further beneath his throat. She could absolutely kill him with it, given his hands were tied behind his back and no amount of working them against the rope was freeing him. “Who are you?”
Time to turn on the charm. “Hi,” she said, offering her his most dazzling smile. “I’m Rhysand.”
She blinked and then, the little shit, pulled out the folded wanted poster he’d had in his bag.
His bag. His mothers ring. “Where is my bag?!” he demanded, wrestling against his bindings while the woman looked at him smugly.
“I’ve hidden it! Somewhere you’ll never find.”
Rhys glanced around the room before returning to her lithe, curved frame. “It’s in your pocket, isn’t it?” he growled, holding her gaze. Her cheeks darkened and gods, was it her first day holding someone hostage? Sweeping his gaze over her, he thought she seemed just a little too thin judging from the way her collarbones jutted from beneath the pretty lavender dress she wore. Her hair, too, was braided and rebraided, likely hiding just how long that thick mass of golden brown strands truly was. 
No shoes on her feet, no jacket hanging on a hook. No fireplace for warmth. “How did you get here?”
She blinked. “Don’t try and change the subject. Why are you here? What do you want with me? Is it my hair? Do you want to cut it?”
“What?” he asked, genuinely stunned.
“Sell it? Sell me?!”
“I don’t—I don’t care about your or your hair!” he insisted, finally snapping the bindings holding his wrists. She skittered back when he stood, rubbing his raw skin. She was far shorter than he’d first realized, a fact he wished he didn’t care about. “Give me back what you stole from me, and I’ll be on my way.”
“Or what?” she challenged. 
“Or—” she’d removed his dagger. Reaching for it, Rhys only found an empty pocket against his chest. She grinned, so obviously pleased with herself. “Feeling me up while I’m sleeping, darling?”
“Don’t be disgusting,” she snapped, but Rhys was a little too intrigued by the idea of her hands on his body, even if he’d been unaware of it. “I’ll give you back your ring if you do something for me.”
“I’m not in the business of taking maiden heads anymore, so—”
“Shut up,” she hissed, fingers curling to fists at her side. “Stop talking. I don’t want you, and if you touch me, I’ll turn your face into pudding.”
Rhys thought he might be in love with her. Maybe that was just the concussion talking, but anyone else would have backed down. He was bigger than her, stronger than her, and had her trapped in a tower he didn’t think she could escape from. All she had was his dagger, which he suspected she’d hidden somewhere other than on her person, and a skillet he could have easily pulled out of her grasp.
And yet she wasn’t scared. She was mad. Crossing his arms over his chest, Rhys arched a brow. “Well. Go on, then. Tell me what it is you want from me.”
“I want you to take me to the Ellesmere palace—”
Fuck no. There was no way in all the seven hells he was going anywhere near that cursed place. Amarantha would have him before he got halfway and would kill him for it.
“Then you’ll never get your ring back.”
Rhys took a threatening step toward her. “I could just take it from you.”
“I dare you,” she replied. Rhys took a breath, trying to calm himself down. His cock had responded to that bratty tone and the flash of defiance in her eyes. Who was she? What was so important about her that she needed to be locked away? 
Maybe she was dangerous. Hadn’t she immediately assumed he wanted to sell her? Perhaps she was another enchantress. That might explain his inexplicable attraction to her, despite not liking her. 
She took a healthy step back, still holding that skillet. Rhys sighed.
“What could you possibly need from the palace?”
She bit her bottom lip. “Revenge.”
Intriguing. “Care to share?”
Pressing her lips together, the woman shook her head back and forth. Rhys sighed. “Look. I’m not going within a hundred miles of that place. Pick anywhere else and I’ll do it—but not Ellesmere.”
The woman considered this for a moment. “Because you’re wanted?”
Because their queen is a witch and she’ll kill us both. “Sure. Let's go with that.”
Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she asked, “Would you take me to Avalon?”
Right to the border, he thought darkly. He didn’t trust Beron Vanserra, either. Still, it was a week of walking to get her there which seemed a reasonable price to pay to get his mothers ring back. Besides, if this woman turned out to be working for Amarantha—and Rhys suspected she might be—he’d have some leverage.
Or he could kill her and wound the witch. 
“Fine. I’ll deliver you to Avalon and in return, you’ll give me back my ring.”
There was a question there, gazing back at him. Rhys had no intention of admitting the ring had any amount of sentimental value. Let her think it a stolen trinket he intended to sell. Anything but the truth. 
She extended one hand, the other still clutching her frying pan. Rhys grasped it, shaking those delicate, paint splattered fingers beneath his own rough, calloused palm. She smelled like violet and pear, and a dusting of freckles over the bridge of her nose were reminiscent of a constellation of stars. 
“After you, princess,” he said, trying to put emotional distance between them. That did little to settle his racing heart.
“I’m not a princess,” she snapped, tossing an errant strand of hair over her shoulder. “My name is Feyre.”
Feyre. Why did that name sound so familiar to him? It did little to calm him down. Feyre, Feyre, Feyre.
Her name felt like the answer to a question he’d been asking his whole life. She wasn’t a princess she said, and Rhys believed her.
But as he moved that slab of rock to the side again, and watched her gingerly lower herself within it, he couldn’t help but wonder if she wanted to be.
What was wrong with him?
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barovianlark · 3 months
valentyna's and ai lin's apartment within the castle.
antechamber: the entrance to valentyna's rooms, where she takes most of her guests that visit her. features:
stained glass windows.
purple and black curtains, trimmed with gold.
mostly couches and the like.
ai lin's former rooms: rooms formerly occupied by valentyna's late human mother. connected to the private salon / dining area right after the antechamber, originally meant for the both of them to use. features:
a boudoir contain ai lin's personal journals and her book collections. it's decorated in soft creams and rich purples, with gold and black accents. decorative weaponry is on the walls of the boudoir, and a small vanity with ai lin's personal jewelery and brushes sits untouched.
a bedchamber with a small cushioned alcove for sitting in, and has glass windows that allow you to look outwards to mount baratok. has a curtained fourposter bed. a fireplace with a lounging chair, a locked chest with trinkets from ai lin's travels sits near a wooden secretary desk. this is also locked but contains stationary, a sending stone, and letters to and from ai lin's family outside barovia.
a dressing room containing ai lin's clothing, shoes, jewelry and makeup. a vase of wilted flowers sits on the three mirror vanity, along with a ornate hairpin baring the crest of zarovich.
boudoir: valentyna's private sitting room / practice room. features:
a vanity with a small mirror.
musical instruments, and many of the things needed to maintain them.
various scores of music.
a mirror vanity in a similar style to the one in ai lin's boudior. the drawers are locked but valentyna has keys. some sentimental jewlery and accessories are kept within here.
a small table, two chairs and a lounging couch.
valentyna's bedroom: valentyna's personal bedroom. previously the nursery of valentyna. the walls are painted with intricate murals of blossoming cherry trees in fog and mist, and the ceiling is painted to resemble the night sky. features:
a curtained, four poster bed.
a desk identical to the one in ai lin's room, containing sealing wax and a candle holder, letters and half finished musical scores on the top, with a holder for quill pens and ink. in the drawers are stationary, more quill pens, valentyna's diary (written in coded shorthand due to anxiety of being monitored).
ledgers, one containing of all of valentyna's expenses, and the other containing all the expesis of parties being thrown through ravenloft.
a journal containing guest lists and menus from parties and events that have happened over the past five years. there are through notes and snarky commentary provided by valentyna in the margins and at various other places.
a bookshelf with fiction novels meant for various ages. some are more well loved than others.
an alcove similar to the one in ai lin's room.
a smaller wardrobe containing more "casual" outfits and robes.
a fireplace, with a plush rug with lots of pillows in front of it alongside half-finished books, and a lounging chair.
a small square table and chairs near a window, that has a dragon chess set.
dressing room: valentyna's personal dressing room. features:
valentyna's wardrobe with her shoes and formal outfits.
a waterfall vanity with three mirrors, covered in perfume bottles, makeup products and various makeup and hair brushes. the drawers are locked with a key, and contain most valentyna's jewelry along with accessories like fans and gloves.
a settee.
a mannequin with a dress meant for the second party night after valentyna's debut.
a table with various seamstress and tailor's tools.
baths: the private bathing area for valentyna. separated into a few parts. features:
magically heated rock floors.
big windows with a stepdown bath for soaking in front of them. faces the east and over looks the woods
a small built in vanity near the sinks, cluttered with various skincare and hair care products.
a small siting area that separates the stepdown tub area from the sauna. with a a small cooler pool of water there.
a stone tiled shower a clawfoot tub.
storage: a large converted to storage for valentyna (and formerly ai lin). the door is only accessible through valentyna's boudoir, as the other entrance has been boarded up from the inside to keep snoopers out.
mostly contains ai lin's former weapons, and any of the things valentyna has purchased: fabrics, weapons, ect ect.
salon/dining room: features:
a wooden rectangular table for eating.
a small cooking area partially separated off with a sink.
a fully stocked pantry with wine and other things to drink.
a portrait of ai lin.
bookshelves containing many rare books on philosophy, strategy, literature, and history, musical scores, along with fiction novels that have valentyna's annotations in them.
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Choosing Master Bathtubs
Whether you are planning to replace your old master bath or want to build one from scratch, there are a few things to consider before choosing the right tub. There are a number of styles of bathtubs for your bathroom, from corner bathtubs to freestanding bathtubs.
Alcove bathtubs
Adding alcove bathtubs for master bathrooms can increase the comfort and functionality of your bath. These tubs are designed to complement the space of a small bathroom. They are tucked away against a wall and are enclosed on three sides. The remaining sides are usually tiled, and the front side has a finished panel called an apron.
Alcove bathtubs can be made of fiberglass or acrylic, and are often shorter than 60 inches. Some feature a shower. They are also available in longer lengths.
In addition to being inexpensive, alcove tubs are also easy to install. A recessed wall bathtub is a strong and stylish choice that blends with most decor styles. They are fully insulated to reduce noise.
Depending on your needs, you can add features such as a shower head, or a jetted tub. Alcove tubs are often used as showers, so they require a shower curtain.
Corner bathtubs
Getting a Corner master bathtubs will not only enhance the look of your bathroom but also allow you to enjoy more privacy and relaxation. It is also a great way to add extra storage space.
Corner bathtubs are not hard to install. You just need to have an idea of what you are doing. You can do it yourself or you can order one online. The latter will be cheaper.
You can find Corner master bathtubs in a variety of styles and designs. Some of them have molded back coves for extra comfort. Others feature lighted chromotheraphy options.
Corner bathtubs are also available in a variety of colors. Some have a sleek, monochromatic look while others feature a dark marble or wood cabinet for a striking contrast.
Freestanding tubs
Adding a freestanding master bathtub to your bathroom is a great way to add style and luxury to your space. These tubs can be made from a variety of materials and offer a multitude of benefits. Some of these include:
The best freestanding tubs are usually made of stone resin or acrylic. They are lightweight and add an airy feel to your bathroom. They also give your bathroom a spa-like feel.
While freestanding bathtubs aren’t as inexpensive as built-in tubs, they can give your bathroom a luxurious feel. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can fit into almost any space. Depending on your budget, you can find tubs ranging from $100 to $1000.
You can also find freestanding tubs that are actually real soakers. Some come with hand-held shower attachments.
Steam showers
Adding a steam shower to your master bathroom is a great way to save space, conserve water, and add wellness to your life. The health benefits are amazing.
Steam showers can improve your respiratory function, increase skin health, and reduce stress. A steam shower is also a great way to rejuvenate after a workout. You can choose from a variety of materials for your shower.
For example, a curved steam shower with an aromatherapy system and chromatherapy lighting can be a beautiful addition to a master bathroom. The shower can also be equipped with a foot massager, Bluetooth audio, and a soaking bathtub base.
The right shower can also save you time and money. Steam showers can help you sleep better at night. They can also boost your metabolism, which can lead to weight loss. They also have the ability to relieve allergies and sinusitis.
Infinity tubs
Whether you are looking to remodel your bathroom, or just want to upgrade your bath, Master bathtubs with infinity tubs are an attractive choice. They offer a luxurious bathing experience that can improve your health and well being. A hot bath can help reduce stress and joint pain, and it helps you sleep better.
These bathtubs can be customized to fit a variety of sizes and designs. They come in freestanding or drop-in variants. Some have an in-line heater, while others provide hydrotherapy methods. Some come with special neck support.
The most common infinity tub is the Kohler Sok tub. It has a Japanese style soaking experience, which includes a fog of atmospheric fog covering the water. In addition, the tub does not have a typical faucet, but instead, is operated by voice command.
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Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply updating your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation can help you create a bathroom that fits your style and budget. With years of experience working with homeowners across Vancouver, BC, we know how to transform bathrooms into spaces that fit your lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for a modern look or something more traditional, we can help you achieve the look you want. As a locally owned and operated company, we pride ourselves on providing quality products and exceptional customer service. When you choose VK Renovation, you can rest assured knowing that you’re choosing a company that cares about your satisfaction.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are mosaic tiles good for modern bathrooms
It would be best if you avoided mosaic tiles in modern design unless you are using them as your accent tiles. They can make your bathroom appear dated and busy. Consider using mosaic tiles to accent your sink, bathtub, and shower.
What colour looks best in a bathroom?
This question is not easy to answer. There are many preferences and different styles, so what looks good in one bathroom might not be the best in another. Some of the most preferred colors for bathrooms are light blue, white, and pale yellow. These colours create a tranquil and serene environment that’s often sought after in a bathroom. Of course, it is ultimately up to the individual to decide what colour looks best in their bathroom.
White is the most widely used bathroom color because it makes a room seem larger and brighter. It is versatile enough to be used with other colours. Another popular option is cream. It gives off a warm and welcoming feeling. Bathrooms are often decorated with light blue because it encourages relaxation and gives the room a spa-like atmosphere. A bathroom with a pale green color is a good choice. It has a soothing effect and can create a relaxing atmosphere. The best bathroom color is one that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.
How do you beautify your bathroom?
You don’t have to spend a lot to beautify your bathrooms. Below, we give you some tips:
Paint Your Bathroom Walls – Paint your walls a bright colour, such as yellow or green. This will make your room feel fresh and clean.
Add Some Mirrors – Mirrors give a luxurious touch to any bathroom. Mirrors are also able to reflect light into dark areas. If you’re looking for a cheap way to improve your bathroom, consider adding mirrors.
Simple accessories are best – These accessories can be used to give your home a chic look. A basket filled with towels can be hung over the bathtub. Put a few candles around the mirror to add a decorative element.
Hang Up A Picture – If you want to change up the decor of your bathroom, try hanging a picture. Pick one with a theme that is relevant to your bathroom. If you live near nature, consider a photograph of a mountain landscape.
Stenciling Creates an Artistic Look – Another way to beautify your bathroom is with stenciling. Use stencils to create shapes and then paint them on the walls. Before you start to paint another shape, be sure to give it several coats.
Buy a New Toilet Seat Cushion – Many people overlook toilet seats when thinking about changing their bathroom. Toilet seats can be easily replaced and aren’t too expensive.
Change the Color of Your Sink Faucet- It is possible to change the color of your faucets. You can create an original style in your bathroom by changing the colour of your faucet.
Install A Laundry Hook – A laundry hook can transform your bathroom. You can hang items like clothes or shoes from the ceiling and not put them away in drawers.
Add Plants – Plants are good for cleaning the air inside your home. Plus, they can be used to hide unsightly objects. Place plants near windows so that you can enjoy the view.
Towels that are old should be replaced with baskets. You won’t have any mess to clean up after guests arrive.
Add Storage Space – Storage space can help keep your bathroom tidy. Consider adding shelves to the top of the sink, along the wall, or under the countertop.
You can improve your lighting by installing better lighting fixtures in your bathroom. Recessed lights are better than track lighting if you can.
You can get creative with tile designs – A tile design can create a unique bathroom design. You can use this technique to incorporate various patterns and textures.
Create a Quiet Bathroom. Take everything off the countertops and cabinets. Get rid of any traces of water and clean up surfaces.
Upgrading Lighting – Replace your lighting fixtures and bulbs with modern ones. This will give your bathroom a new look.
Paint Walls: A white bathroom can feel brighter and cleaner with the help of paint walls. They can also make a beautiful backdrop for artwork.
Mirrors on Cabinets – Mirrors can add light to your bathroom without taking up too much space. They can also reflect natural light into dark areas of your bathroom.
Hang Pictures and Artwork – Hanging photos and artwork can add beauty to your bathroom. Pick pieces that complement one another and fit together well.
How can you make a bathroom more sustainable?
There are many ways to make your bathroom more environmentally friendly. Installing low-flow fixtures like toilets or showerheads is one way. This will conserve water. A second option is to use environmentally friendly cleaning products. These cleaners are safer for the environment. Recycled materials, such as glass and metal, can be used in bathrooms. Your bathroom can be made more sustainable by simple modifications.
How do you update outdated bathrooms?
Today’s bathroom renovations don’t require much more than a new coat or a few fixtures. Sometimes, though, these updates don’t suffice.
It may be worth it to renovate your bathroom completely. This is especially true in homes built before 1980 where the plumbing system can cause leakage and water damage.
But while a complete overhaul might seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. With some planning and preparation you can make your home a beautiful place. Here’s how to tackle a project of this magnitude.
Create a plan. It doesn’t matter if you hire professionals or do the job yourself.
Also, you need to think about whether you would rather renovate or build a new layout. You’ll need to remove walls in order to allow for proper drainage if you choose to renovate existing spaces.
Once you’ve determined the direction you want to go in, sketch rough floor plans. Then measure each room.
Next, select a color scheme. While neutral colors such as black and gray are popular choices, these won’t suit every home. You should choose colours that are complementary to your existing decor. If your house is made of wood, warm colours like orange, yellow, or gold could be used.
It can be hard to choose a palette, but it is possible. Take plenty of time to shop furniture, appliances, accessories.
Finally, check out local building codes. Depending on your district or city, you may be required to obtain permits before starting any major remodel. In certain cases, you might need to apply for a permit at your local city hall. If you’re not sure what code applies to you, call your local Building Inspection Division, or contact the Building Inspection Division, British Columbia.
Reputable Bathroom contractors can help you decide the best way to proceed. They can guide you through the process and provide advice about the permits that you will need. You can also take advantage of tax deductions. A tax credit may be available for those who invest in significant renovations, particularly if they are energy-efficient.
What will be the most popular bathroom design in 2023
The bathroom market is constantly changing as customers demand better-quality products and lower prices.
Next-generation bathroom design will be based on sustainable, safe, healthy materials and finishes.
These include waterless urinals and low-flow toilets.
This trend will also place emphasis on hygiene and health by providing shower heads and other devices to promote better hygiene.
What bathroom finishes will be in fashion?
The matte-black finish was a popular choice in 2022. This trend will continue into 2023. Brushed brass, bronze and other finishes will be very popular in 2023. These finishes can be luxurious and add a sense of luxury to any bathroom.
When designing a bathroom, bathroom finishes are often overlooked. Bathroom finishes should be planned and considered carefully from the beginning. They have a huge impact on how the room feels and looks. They also help to create a sense calmness and tranquility in the space.
It is also important to think about the materials you choose for your bathroom. A classic white tiled bathroom floor might be paired with a wooden bathtub and vanity unit. Or you might opt for a totally different colour scheme like black and white or a completely contrasting palette. Whatever your choice, make sure it fits in the overall design scheme of the house.
If you are thinking of bathroom finishes, don’t forget that it doesn’t take much to make a bathroom luxurious. An easy coat of paint can transform a bathroom into something unique.
The average midrange bathroom remodels costs $27,164, according to the latest Remodeling Cost versus Value report, and it’s projected that you will recoup 58.9% of that cost when reselling your home. (architecturaldigest.com)
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tiles were favoured by 59% of those surveyed.mSlab surfaces were favoured by 40% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed revealed bathrooms are now designed for two-person use. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Heated floors were favoured by a substantial 75% of those who responded to the survey.(https://nkba.org)
NKBA estimates that broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labour (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). (remodelista.com)
If possible, allow a 15 to 20% contingency fund so you’re prepared for the unexpected. (loveproperty.com)
WaterSense-labeled bathroom sink faucets use a maximum of 1.5 gallons per minute, reducing water use by 30 percent or more from the standard flow of 2.2 gallons per minute – without sacrificing performance. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Floating vanities were favoured by 71% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
External Links
2020 U.S. Houzz Bathroom Trends Study
Storage niche and eclectic tile – Contemporary – Bathroom – Other – Katie Monkhouse Interior Design
Learn how much it would cost to remodel a Bathroom
Where does your money go for a bathroom remodel? | HomeAdvisor
How To
How to Design your Bathroom (DIY Project)
It is important to plan carefully for a bathroom remodel. There are many decisions to consider, from the selection of the right materials to the hiring of the right contractor. You should consider the time it will take before starting any major home-improvement project. By doing so, you will be able plan accordingly.
Before you begin your bathroom renovation, you should decide how long you are willing to dedicate to the project. If you have only one weekend to work on the project, you may be able to make minor cosmetic changes. However, if you have the time to complete more substantial projects such as replacing the tub or installing new tiles, it is possible.
After you’ve determined how much time you will devote to your bathroom renovation, you can start planning. Make a list of all the changes you’d like to make. Browse magazines and the internet for inspiration if you aren’t sure where to begin. Once you know what material you desire, you can begin shopping for it and comparing its prices.
If you want to make large changes, like installing a new bathtub, it is a good idea to hire a licensed contractor. They will be able to assist you in the installation and can even offer advice on the best materials. They can handle all permits.
When it comes time to start working on your bathroom renovation, take measurements and photos of the space before you begin. That way, you’ll have a reference point to refer back to as you make changes. Always take your time and be patient. Don’t be afraid of asking for help if you have any questions.
You can calculate the cost of your bathroom renovaton by adding the following costs together:
Materials – This covers everything, from paint and tiles to cabinets. You’ll likely need to purchase these items separately because they’re often sold in packages.
Labor – A professional contractor can save you thousands in future repairs by installing the plumbing, electrical and drywall required for a bathroom remodeling project. There are many factors that can affect the cost of hiring a professional contractor, including where you are located and how large your project is.
Other Costs – The final cost category includes permits and taxes. These fees will depend on where you live as well as the type and extent of your renovations.
Remember that your home’s value will affect the cost of your bathroom remodel. You’ll need to ensure the renovations that you make increase the value of your house if you plan to sell it in the near future. Ask a realtor or appraiser for an estimate of the value of your bathroom renovation.
The post Choosing Master Bathtubs first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/choosing-master-bathtubs/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=choosing-master-bathtubs
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austpekbathrooms · 1 year
Bathtub spouts in a range of styles, finishes and handles to match with your bathroom décor
Far from being a minor detail, a bathtub spout can contribute elegantly to its overall design.
Your bathtub will dictate the spout or faucet you should choose, and also the mounting and style to complement your tub. They are available in an array of styles and finishes to meet the aesthetic needs of discerning clients. While choosing a bathtub spout, consider the one that gels with your overall bathroom design, be it modern or vintage. If it is vintage, determine the era and region it reflects, and if it is modern, determine whether it is geometric, luxurious, minimalist or Zen, and choose your bathtub spout accordingly. Look around the fixtures in your bathroom and if you have metal finishing majorly, select a faucet in that finish.
Check the number of holes in your bathtub, it may have one, two, three or perhaps more. If it doesn’t have any holes then a freestanding or a wall-mounted bathtub spout would be the right choice for you. They come in standard sizes but there are also many unique and specialized bathtub spout sizes. Take a good look at the style, shape and positioning of your tub. This will have the biggest impact on the choice of your bathtub spout and will dictate the bathtub faucet that will work best in terms of function and visual appeal.
When searching for your bathroom spout, you should also consider your tub’s existing plumbing, holes, and spacing that will work within these parameters. For example, if you have a Victorian design ball and a claw bathtub then an angular, modern tap style would be at odds with it. A floor-mount bathtub spout will not work well with alcove tubs, but in the right place, these faucets will look bold and breathtaking. At Austpek Bathrooms, you can choose from the widest selection of bathtub spouts to fit with your various bathtub styles, such as:
Ikon Soko Matte Black Spout
Felton Tate Wall Mounted Spout Matte Black
Phoenix Ortho Wall Basin Bath Outlet
Inspire Vetto Bath Spout Brushed Gold
Phoenix Outlets Water Sheet Wall Bath Outlet Chrome
York Ideal Swivel Bath Outlet Rose Gold
Linkware Gabe Bath Spout Matte Black
Ikon Hali Curve bathtub Spout Brushed Gold
Quoss Cobra Kitchen/Laundry Mixer with Flexible Bathtub Spout Chrome
Tapart Bateau Swivel Bathtub Spout Chrome
Phoenix Vivid Pin Lever Wall Sink Outlet Squareline Chrome
You can also choose a bathtub spout based on the handles it has, and the number of holes you are willing to put on the wall to install it. Typically, you can find one-hole, one-handle faucet, or a three-hole, two-handle faucet. If you go with one handle bathtub spouts, you may have less control over the water temperature, while a two handle spout will provide you with more control over the water temperature. A centre-set spread of the bathtub spout has fixtures closer together, providing it the appearance of a single unit. A wide-set spread can provide you with the perfect look for your modern aesthetics.
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How to remove a cast iron tub
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When it's time to install a new bathtub, it's also time to remove the old one. Removing a heavy, bulky cast iron tub is nothing like removing an acrylic or fiberglass tub. Weight, bulkiness and the possibility of damaging your walls and floors make it very challenging.
But you can choose between three methods that simplify the removal process and pave your way to the important task of remodeling your bathroom. You can either remove the cast iron bathtub in one piece, or you have two options to break it down into small pieces. Which solution you choose will depend on your needs and skills.
If you need to keep the tub for some reason - for example, to reuse it in another part of the house or to sell it - you can try to remove it in one piece. For private waste haulers, it is not necessary to keep the tub in one piece, as they will accept debris in almost any condition.
Remove intact tub
If you are removing the cast iron tub intact, you will need to detach the tub from the walls and floor and transport it out of the bathroom in one piece through the door.
This will minimize mess and reduce the risk of injury from sharp-edged metal.
However, alcove bathtubs usually fit so tightly in their coves that something has to give - either the walls or the tub. With this method, you may have to remove or grind down a wall stud or two to swing the tub out.
For freestanding cast iron tubs, it is best to carry the tub out intact unless the doorway does not allow it.
Break open tub with sledgehammer
With this method, the cast iron bathtub stays in place while the blows of a sledgehammer methodically remove the tub so it can be removed in smaller pieces.
Breaking up a cast iron bathtub with a sledgehammer is the preferred method for contractors and DIYers alike. The tub can be broken down into pieces small enough to fit into plastic bags.
You'll need heavy gloves for this, as the metal pieces and splinters of porcelain coating are razor sharp. The noise is deafening, so hearing protection is required.
If you can handle the temporary mess, using a sledgehammer is the fastest way to smash and remove a cast iron tub.
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theboldlookofkohler · 2 years
Top 5 premium bathroom products of kohler | Premium Bathroom products in Kolkata
The bathroom is without a doubt the most significant space in every home. Its convenience and utility benefit the homeowners. The toilet, walls, and bathtub are not the only components of a bathroom; the top 5 premium bathroom products of kohler are necessary.
But do you know what those bathroom extras are that make the space entirely luxurious, beautiful, and functional? We have put up a list of the best bathroom accessories, so you don’t need to come up with any ideas. Along with the list, we’ve included a list of the best bathroom accessory makers and materials.Here, we’ll list the Top 5 premium bathroom products of kohler that are most frequently sold on the market, arranged by use.
Top 5 premium bathroom products of kohler
Unquestionably, bathtubs are one of the most used bathroom fixtures in a home. Typically, it serves as a sizable container that a person may sit on to take a bath in comfort. They currently have a higher capacity even though they were originally only designed to comfortably hold one person. Most bathtubs have waste drains, overflow drains, and faucets, which meet all fixture requirements.
There are several different sorts of bathtubs; there isn’t just one.Freestanding tubs, alcove, drop-in, pedestal, corner type, and whirlpool tubs are some of the most popular bathtub designs on the market. Bathtubs can be constructed from a wide range of materials, including cast iron that has been porcelain-enamelled, marble, thermoformed acrylic, and fibreglass. It offers few length options, with the majority falling between 5 and 7 feet, like other items of its kind.
Bathroom Faucets
You’ll concur that a faucet is essential to the operation of a bathroom and that you cannot picture one without one. The crown jewels of the bathroom are bathroom faucets, but why? It serves as both the primary water source and the fixture that is used the most.They now function as both a functional feature of the bathroom and a decorative component to raise the space’s appeal.
The most popular bathroom faucet designs include single-hole, centre-set, widespread, and wall mount. They are available in a wide range of finishes as well, including chrome, stainless steel, nickel, brass, matte black, copper, white, and oil-rubbed bronze. Modern faucets today frequently feature cutting-edge features like motion activation, sanitization, laminar flow, etc. to improve their performance.
Toilet racks
When talking about the greatest bathroom accessories, bathroom racks are an essential element.It’s a cheap approach to keep your bathroom organised because everything can be put in one place. With its help, you may store a variety of items, including towels, linens, cleaning materials, and more. Wish other accessories, it comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you may put it wherever you like in the bathroom without worrying that it will take up too much space. Among the typical rack types that are frequently placed are glass racks, standalone steel racks mounted on walls, vanity racks, designer racks, above-the-door racks, three-tier racks, etc.
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suburbeastern · 2 years
Modern Bathroom Design in Sydney
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For the ultimate in luxury and comfort, choose a modern bathroom design. The black and gold mosaic tile lining the bathtub and shower area is accented by a large clerestory window. The shower area is accented by chrome-finished shower fixtures and a bench built-up of brown tiles. Next to the shower area, a white resin tub with irregular shapes sits beside a black quartz countertop that features a pair of vessel-type wash basins and a trio of hanging bell jar pendants.
A built-up bathtub and shower area are framed by black, silver and white mosaic tile. A large backlit mirror is centered in the vanity. Light travertine stone tile covers the walls. The wash basin is partially recessed into the countertop and overflows. Wall-mounted lavatory fixtures in chrome finish are mounted onto the black and white mosaic tile wall. In a modern bathroom, the shower area is separate from the bathing area by glass panels.
Towel racks are a common feature in modern bathrooms. The materials used are usually sleek and unobtrusive. Wooden and chrome are also popular options. The colors used in a modern bathroom are white and gray. Freestanding bathtubs are another important element of this design. Choose a modern style and consider the size of your bathroom. You can also opt for a glass shower instead of a traditional shower. A sill can help you create a bigger space without sacrificing any function.
The walls of the modern bathroom are warm wood laminate and feature large picture windows towards the back. A gold chandelier topped with a vine-motif pendant adds a touch of glamour and sophistication. The floors and walls are trimmed with brown travertine stone tile, while the bathtub is made of boxy white tile. To complete the modern look, the bathroom has a modernesque toilet that is mounted to the side. A padded circular table sits at the center of the bathroom.
A minimalist contemporary bathroom is a great way to create a sense of calm in a modern bathroom. Featuring a large glass-paneled shower with a telephone shower, this design will inspire you to relax. A vanity counter for two is recessed into the wall for intimacy. A sleek wall-mounted mirror and white seamless cabinets make the vanity counter the centerpiece of the room. A silver chandelier adds a touch of elegance to the space.
The modern master bathroom is centered around a curved alcove. The glass-enclosed shower area has grey mosaic tile and three small clerestory windows. The rest of the bathroom is tiled in grey stone tile and white walls. A grey butcher's block wood tile floor supports a travertine stone countertop for the wash basin. A small dressing table completes the look. A tri-headed wall lamp completes the room.
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mel-the-fangirl · 4 years
Always You
Armie Hammer x Reader
Words: 3,372
This is just a self indulgent thing I wrote to get myself back into the swing of writing stuff. This is actually the first thing I’ve finished in a long ass time so it probably sucks but it’s something! 
DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming to know anything about what went on in Armie’s marriage, this is all fiction. I have nothing against his wife, once again, this is just fiction.
Please like, reblog or leave me a message! Thank you!
The California sun beat down on you uncomfortably, matting your hair to the nape of your neck, but you endured it just so you could take in the house before you. The glare of the stark white wall made it hard to look at but you couldn’t help but admire the way the entrance arched around the front door.
Through the small wrought iron window on the door, you could see the courtyard, lush bushes and bougainvilleas of every vibrant colour dotting the perimeter.
You hummed thoughtfully. 
"Not up to your standards?" 
"Surprisingly enough," you spun on your heel and looked up at him. "These are exactly my standards." 
Your eyes traced his impressive height until you were gazing at the floor. 
"Right down to the hand painted tiles." you muttered, eyebrows raised
Armie laughed, throwing his head back, "Wait till you see the inside." 
The inside was even better. Natural, earthy tones were perfectly contrasted by the vivid colour of the Spanish tiles, everywhere you looked there would be a cluster of them in just the right spot.
He talked animatedly, his long arms swinging and gesturing all over the place. His blue eyes were bright and you moved from room to room trying to keep up with his huge strides. 
"This is your room." he stated, throwing open the arched wooden door with a flourish
You knew what to expect, of course. Ever since he came to you asking for ideas on how to design his new home, your shared Pinterest board was focused exclusively on Spanish Revival but seeing it in the flesh was a whole other experience. 
"Armie…" you trailed off, gripping his arm tightly
It was a dream come to life. A dream of a spacious, immaculately clean room with white walls and warmly coloured rugs, a giant bed with your recommended bedspread and number of pillows all in order (you couldn't believe he actually paid attention to the Pinterest board).
"Do you like it?" he asked you, placing his large hand on yours
"Like it? I fucking love it, Armie! Oh my god!"
You raced to see the bathroom and nearly died and went to heaven, if you weren't already there. 
A classic, tiled bathtub was tucked into an alcove that took up most of the far side of the wall. The drawers and the sink were all set in rich, dark wood and it all smelled vaguely like jasmine. 
"Oh, yeah," you nodded approvingly, already picturing yourself in the tub, overcome by bubbles. "Hell yeah." 
Armie looked at you with a goofy grin on his face, he reached out to squeeze your shoulder, "I'll grab your bags, why don't you hop in there? I'm making dinner, you just relax." 
"You said the magic words." you grinned back at him
He leaned down to kiss your cheek, his soft lips and the subtle smell of his aftershave caused your heart to skip a few beats. 
A feeling of dread began to cloud over the bliss that came before. You clasped your hands together tightly as he walked past you, he stopped at the door, the top of his head almost grazing the frame. 
"I am so glad you're here." Armie winked at you and shut the door behind him, leaving you sucked in a whirlwind of your own increasingly frantic thoughts
You stared at the closed door, his kiss on your cheek still tingling. 
"Bath." you declared to no one in particular, hoping that once you were done, all your worries and anxieties would go down the drain with the suds. 
You woke up with a start, the water in the tub sloshing around as you roused yourself from sleep, that bath must have really done the trick. Night had already fallen, it was pitch dark and only the scented candles you lit illuminated your surroundings.
Outside, the palm trees swung from side to side, back and forth in an erratic dance, big fat drops of rain fell noisily onto the ground, painting it in a silvery sheen. A full blown storm was raging beyond the French casement windows. How long were you out?
You ran your hand along the wall to turn on the lights but when you flipped the switch, nothing happened.
A blackout. Of course.
You dressed quickly in the dark, hoping nothing was inside out.
"Armie?" you called out, shutting the door behind you
As you walked through the house in the quiet darkness, with only the sound of your slippers on the tile and the pouring rain as your companions, you couldn’t help but feel a little scared. 
The longer you thought about it though, the more you were convinced that it wasn’t the fact that you were walking alone in the dark that was scaring you, it was the thought of being completely alone with Armie in his beautiful new home. 
You paused just a few steps shy of the kitchen. Frank Sinatra’s smooth baritone trickled out of the massive arched doorway.
“The stars are aglow and tonight how their light sets me dreaming.
My love, do you know that your eyes are like stars brightly beaming?
I bring you and sing you a moonlight serenade.” you heard Armie sing along
His voice was like velvet, rich and deep and soothing. Try as you might, you still found yourself drifting towards him. Don’t get it wrong, your heart was beating three miles a minute but you felt like you were on autopilot. Next thing you knew, you were standing in the doorway.
He moved with ease, swiftly reaching over to the spice rack and back to the pot before him. Entranced, you watched as he dipped a finger into his creation and promptly placed it in his mouth, he nodded approvingly and finally lifted his gaze to you.
Your breath hitched in your throat. You felt like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 
Neither of you spoke. 
"So don't let me wait, come to me tenderly…" Sinatra continued to sing, seemingly giving you instructions.
Armie closed the distance between you until you were almost chest to chest. 
"Dance with me?"
"The power's out." you deadpanned, losing your train of thought as he wrapped your arms around you
"I know, that's why I lit candles. So, will you dance with me?" 
Wordlessly, you wrapped your arms around his torso. He swayed slowly, squeezing you gently.
You rested your head on his warm chest, smiling as he hummed along. This felt good, too good. Your heart tightened in your chest, desperate to hold on to this memory of you and him.
"Oh, shit. The soup." he cursed, pulling away just as steam began to rise from the pot on the stove
The illusion shattered like a porcelain statuette meeting a marble floor. You were brought back to reality and you felt very cold all of a sudden. 
"Y/N, take a seat. I'll bring it all over." he began ladling soup into a smooth wooden bowl
The dining table was long and rectangular, made from dark wood to match the rest of the items in the house. An elaborate candelabra stood in the middle, projecting all kinds of shapes across the room. 
"Now," he set a steaming bowl of fragrant soup in front of you. "Eat up. You're freezing."
"Thank you, this smells amazing."
You expected him to take the seat across from you or at the head of the table but instead, he sat next to you, his leg almost brushing against yours. 
"Hope it tastes as good as it smells." Armie remarked, watching you like a hawk as you took your first sip
"Mmm," you smacked your lips and smiled at his nervous expression. "It's good! Six stars, no joke. Don't look so nervous, Armie, it's just me."
He dragged his teeth along his lower lip and stirred his spoon in his bowl. You would never be "just you" to him, you never were. Something in his heart always made him want to impress you, be around you. It was one of the first things he and his ex-wife argued about.
But you didn't need to know that.
Clearly, this stormy night was going to be spent by candlelight. Romantic, sure, but dangerous. Both of your secrets and words left unsaid hovered over you like shadows, waiting to be revealed. 
Eventually, you settled back into your usual routine with Armie. Catching up, playfully critiquing his movies that you've seen, much to his embarrassment. Then finally, an opening to ask the question you've been dying to ask. 
You set your wine glass on the table, tracing the lip of your glass with your fingertip. "So, are we going to skirt around it all night, Armie? Or are you going to tell me what happened?"
He sucked in a deep breath, wiping both his hands on his lap. He’d been expecting that, of course. You two haven’t seen each other in a year but you never lost touch. When the news of his divorce broke out, you expected to be the first person he would call, but he never did.
“Well, Y/N, uh,” his long fingers scratched at the back of his neck, "I got divorced because I had an affair. Nothing physical happened but, well, you know.”
A year ago, Armie’s marriage had been slowly but surely falling apart, it was falling apart way before the word “divorce” ever crossed their minds but they both held on, for the children. Until, they couldn’t. When all sorts of headlines and far-fetched gossip made the rounds, he took it all, nevermind that his ex-wife had her own issues, all people wanted was to take a shot at him and he let them. He didn’t really care what anyone else had to say.
The trouble was, everything was different for him when you were involved. He hung his head low, keeping his eyes on his lap. 
“Chin up, Armand.” you reached over to brush your knuckles against his chin, “I didn’t come here to judge you.”
“What are you here for then?”
"I’m here for you."
"You've always been there for me." 
A moment passed. Two, three. Mere seconds but it felt much longer. When your eyes met it felt like you were finally seeing each other for the very first time. 
Armie’s palms had become slick with sweat and he felt a lump forming in his throat. He gulped down a glass of water to fend off whatever was going on with him.
"So, uh. How's that guy you've been seeing?" he casually draped his arm over the back of his chair even though he wasn't feeling casual at all.
"Well," you exhaled, smiling ruefully at him. "That's been over for months now." 
He was absolutely floored. His eyes widened to a size that could rival the bowl in front of you and his jaw almost hit the floor. You chuckled into your shoulder.
"Damn, Y/N. That's the second one this month." he clicked his tongue
"Armand, I don't think you're in the position to judge. " you looked at him meaningfully, cocking your head to the side
"Heh. Touché."
You ate in silence while trying to ignore the way your heart was trying to break out of your chest. Talking about your love life was dangerous territory. 
"Can I just ask you something though?" Armie put his spoon down and turned to you
"Look, I know I'm not exactly Dr. Love right now but, what's going on, Y/N? You know I’m always here if you need to talk."
He was so genuinely concerned, you could see it in the way he looked at you. It’s a shame he was the reason behind all your failed relationships. This really wasn't how you pictured telling Armie you had been in love with him since you were teenagers. In fact, you didn’t think you were going to tell him at all.
Before you could even stop yourself, the words came tumbling from your mouth. 
"I've actually been in love with one man my entire life." 
"Whoa! Whoever he is, he’s a lucky guy. To have the Great Y/N Y/L/N hung up on him." the corners of his lips were quirked up in a soft smile but you noticed that it didn't reach his eyes
"Oh, he was lucky for a while," you gripped the side of your chair until your knuckles turned white
"Everyone adored him, saw how talented he was. His life was picture perfect."
Why you were saying all this to Armie, he had no idea. It stung a little, knowing that you were hung up on someone else but he was definitely used to you overlooking him by now. 
"But he.. He's going through a bit of a rough patch now. He's.. He got a divorce," 
He squared his shoulders and weaved his arms tight against his chest, his eyebrows knitted together. 
Finally telling him the truth terrified you but you'd gone this far, there was no turning back. 
"Uh, yeah. He got a divorce and he hasn't seen his kids in months. It was so hard on him and he didn’t even talk to me about it but… I love him."
Saying it out loud was oddly therapeutic.
"I love him," you said louder, feeling the adrenaline course through your body. "I've loved him ever since I first met him. I loved him when we became best friends,"
"I loved him even when I had to sit and watch him marry someone else. I loved him when he told me he was going to be a dad and he cried on my shoulder because he said he was so afraid he'd mess it up,"
Armie uncrossed his arms so abruptly, the face of his watch clacked against the table. His eyes were wide, filled with questions. 
You nodded, answering the most obvious one. Tears began to sting in your eyes and sobs spasmed in your throat uncomfortably. But still you went on. 
"I loved him even when… Even when I watched him build this beautiful life with his beautiful wife and children. Even when all I could do was stand by and try to be okay with knowing that I was never going to get to be with him the way I wanted. "
Your shoulders shuddered with each shaky breath you forced through your lungs. You didn’t dare look at him, you kept a hand over your eyes as you cried.
And like hell did you cry. You cried for all the lost time, the missed opportunities, the longing looks, the what if's.
"I… Jesus. All this fucking time, Y/N." he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose and screwing his eyes shut
Like he couldn't even stomach the sight of you. 
"I should've kept my mouth shut." you shook your head and got up
What were you thinking?
Did you honestly think it was a good idea? What did you expect would happen? That he would take your face in his hands, thumbs skimming lovingly across your cheeks? Did you honestly expect that he would finally press his lips into yours and everything would fall into place?
Just as you were about to leave the kitchen to dramatically pack up your things and see if someone was insane enough to give you a ride home in this storm, Armie reached up to grab hold of your arm.
“Don’t… Just,” he huffed, shoulders deflating, “Just don’t walk out, let’s-let’s fucking talk about this, Y/N.”
“We don’t have to talk about anything, Armie. Let me go and we can just forget I ever said anything.”
“I don’t want to forget, Y/N!” Armie suddenly exploded, rising from his seat
All six feet and five inches of him loomed over you. You had to crane your neck just so you could look him in the eye.
“Okay. Alright, let’s get this over with then.” you dragged the wooden chair back, its legs squealing noisily against the floor
You planted your hands firmly on the top of the chair, using it as a shield between you and him.
Armie regarded you with caution, “You’re not going to throw that at me, are you?”
“Can we get on with this?” you snapped
"Alright then," he ran a harsh hand over his face, "Why." 
"Why what." 
 "Why now!" he yelled, raking his hands roughly through his hair, “Why not back then when things were less fucking complicated!”
"It was too late, okay?! You were already with Elizabeth when I figured it out and I didn't wanna ruin things for you. There was never a good time.”
He stepped toward you, placing his hands on the chair next to your own, “We spent half of our goddamn lives together, Y/N! You never found a good time then?”
You looked at him. You've looked at him for half your life basically. His classically handsome face, the crinkles by his sky blue eyes that were present even when he wasn't smiling, the lines that were carefully etched into his tanned skin deepened as his brows remained pushed together.
"I didn't want to lose you! Okay?! You're fucking right, we spent half our lives together and there was no way I was going to risk going through the other half without you!"
"We could have spent the rest of our fucking lives together, Y/N. Right from the fucking start, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Right from the start, it could've been just you and me." he retorted, his voice threatened to crack
The magnitude of his words began hitting you, wave after wave. 
"We were both goddamn cowards. Now look at us," he threw a hand in your direction then at his chest, "Serial Dater and Divorced Cheater."
Silence stretched miles between you, neither of you had any more words to squeeze out of yourselves, you felt raw, exposed.
Your hand went numb from gripping the chair too tightly, you wandered over to the kitchen sink to hold it over running water but you ended up sitting on the floor with your head heavy in your hands.
To say that this wasn’t what you bargained for when you accepted Armie’s invitation to see his new house would be the understatement of your entire life. You turned his words over in your head about a dozen times.
Didn’t you get what you wanted? There it was, all laid out for you, what were you waiting for? 
Armie sighed, settling down on the floor next to you. He took your hand, the one that was just beginning to wake up, and massaged it in his.
“Can you look at me?”
You did as he asked, lifting your eyes to his. He was smiling, it was hard not to smile back.
“Hi.” he planted a kiss on the back of your hand
“Hi.” you replied, looping your arm through his and resting your head on his shoulder
The storm continued to sweep through and the wind shrieked outside but for the first time that night, you felt completely calm despite the big question staring both of you in the face.
“So now what?” you asked
“Now, I think I should reheat dinner.” he got up and extended his hand to you
Was he fucking with you? That really wasn’t the answer you were expecting but you tried not to let your disappointment show. Once your hand was in Armie’s, he pulled you to him, one hand cupped your cheek while the other landed on the small of your back.
“May I?”
His lips were just a hair’s breadth away from yours. You looked up at him, nodding almost imperceptibly but he didn’t miss a beat. He  kissed your cheek first, then your forehead, making your eyes flutter shut. You were so close together, you wondered if he could feel your heart pounding against his chest.
“Are you going to keep me waiting?” you whispered, hands already snaking around the back of his neck
Armie bent down slightly, nuzzling his nose against yours as he shook his head, “I think we’ve both been waiting long enough.”
98 notes · View notes
saylors-universe · 3 years
All Hands on Deck, four
Rowaelin Cruise Vacation AU
Masterlist here
word count: 3275
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[This is an interactive story! I will include Authorʻs Notes throughout the chapters to inform you when to start a particular song that you can find here in the All Hands on Deck playlist (Also can be found on the masterlist). For the best experience, listen with headphones, AND FOLLOW ALONG WITH THE STORY. Please try to use your imagination when listening and reading - live through the words. Have fun :) - Saylor]
Day 3 - ANIELLE PORT - “Welcome to Anielle! The Ellywe Voyager will depart tomorrow at noon, so make sure you are back onboard!”
   “Wake up you lazy bum,” Aelin straddles atop Manon on her bed, pillow in hand, ready to hit and smother her. She strikes with the soft cotton once, reviving her comatose roommate. Aelin makes a move to strike once more when the aggravated, waken beast catches the pillow mid-swing, much to Aelinʻs surprise.
“Hit me again and Iʻll gut you,” Manon threatens with a deadly tone.
“Good morning to you too, sunshine,” Aelin smirks, gets off of Manon and heads towards their bathroom, “donʻt worry, I wonʻt take it personally. You do get grouchy when you donʻt get enough sleep,” she pokes her head out of the bathroom to look at Manon, “So who, pray tell, kept you out so late last night, a handsome activities director perhaps?”
“I have no idea what youʻre talking about,” Manon refutes drowsily, now sitting up against her bed frame. 
“Oh come on,” Aelin pushes back, now sitting at the foot of Manonʻs bed, “you think I havenʻt noticed the little ʻflirty thingʻ going on between you two?”
“Thereʻs nothing ʻgoing onʻ,” Manon shares with air quotes.
“Oh yeah? Well then whereʻd you go last night?”
“Nowhere, I just stayed back to help Dorian clean up from the show,” Manon gets cut off by Aelinʻs burst of laughter.
Aelin, breathless and on the brink of losing it again, “You? You helped him clean up from the show? Manon you have never once offered to be helpful or selflessly volunteered to do something for someone,” she giggles even more, “Oh my god, you are SO into him.”
“Oh shut up,” Manon throws the pillow at Aelin and she falls back in laughter, but because she was at the foot of her bed she ended up tumbling over and falls on the ground. Manon cackles at the sight of Aelin on the ground, getting up and flipping her off.
   Eventually they both calm down from their humorous morning and relocate to their patio balcony, looking over the docks and people watch. 
“Where are we?” Manon inquires.
“Anielle, Lys and Aedionʻs door says they went out on a hike and I have no clue where Elide and Lorcan went,” Chaol was from Anielle and from what she last heard, he was home visiting family, most likely introducing his new girlfriend to his parents. “You feel like getting off the ship and hitting up the supermarket?”
“Nah,” Manon shares, and Aelin feels a sense of relief, sheʻs not exactly sure why. Although it was highly unlikely she would run into him, she decided not to leave the ship at this particular port, just in case, after all the Gods did hate her and she wouldn't put it past them to somehow place her ex in her path. “Wanna look around the ship more? Iʻm sure thereʻs more to this big floating raft than just the pool and Sky deck.”
“Sounds like fun, letʻs do it,” Aelin was happy to have this time with Manon. It had always been Manon and Elide, the two roommates turned inseparable best friends. She could tell that ever since Lorcan entered the picture, Manon had been getting left out. Now, with them being the two singles in their friend group, they have time to get closer and become great friends.
   The two women get ready for the day, leaving their room after organizing their doorʻs magnets into the message “out exploring” and then they stroll off to the food bar before their day plans to grab a quick cup of coffee and say good morning to Emrys and Luca. To begin their adventure, they continue on the Lido deck, already familiar with the pool, they investigate the extensive food buffet bar. They find that Emrys and Lucaʻs station specialize in breakfast foods in the morning and then offer fresh burgers and fries for the rest of the day. A little further down they find the all-you-can-eat salad bar, the ice cream machines, and the dessert bakery. Aelin sets her sights on the most glorious stack of chocolate cakes she has ever seen. Her mouth waters and she begs Manon to stop for her to grab a slice and demolish it. 
   They move on to the opposite side of the pool, they happen upon the hot tub jacuzzi and the sauna rooms nearby. Traveling a little further down, they find four ping pong tables, three occupied with intense, heated games. They halt for a quick game on the remaining, open table. A game that Manon absolutely destroys Aelin at. Who knew Manon was so speedy and had the most precise hand-eye coordination? Also near the ping pong tables they notice giant chess and checker boards with giant, life-sized pieces. 
   They make their way to the stairs and travel up to the next deck, the Sports deck. They walk around, taking note of the basketball courts and the mini-golf putt courses. Taking the elevators to the Verandah deck, they find the fancy, dress up, sit down restaurant, The Antica. The two women agree to drag the rest of their friend group there later that night to finally have a family style meal.
   Moving to the Promenade level, where they knew the music room was located, they found a library and recreational center on the opposite side of the ship. Aelinʻs passions had always been music and reading so she found her comfort, happy place in the shipʻs library. She dragged Manon through the libraryʻs alcoves and bookcases, finding a brilliant, diverse collection of stories and works. 
Coincidentally enough, the two run into Dorian Havilliard, his nose stuck in a book in the deepest shelf in the library.
“My, my,” Aelin spooks Dorian who jerks up from his reading, “heʻs devastatingly handsome, and he reads, how very ostentatious of you Mr. Havilliard.”
He blushes and grins at the realization of being caught, “My preferred method of escape,” he closes his book and returns it to the shelf, “how may I be of assistance today,” his dazzling smile returning.
“Well being an avid reader myself, Iʻd love to share some recommendations with you later but for now could you point us in the direction of some attractions on this massive ship.”
“Absolutely, have you guys seen the dance club or the arcade/casino lounge bar yet?” The two shake their head, “Why donʻt I escort you guys?” They happily accept the tour and Aelin takes the role as wing-woman, nudging Manon closer to Dorian every so often. Aelin doesnʻt miss the murderous glare Manon gives her in warning, she just sticks her tongue out, scrunching her nose, and continues on. Dorian gives them the full tour of the dark, vacant dance club. She made a mental note to visit later and experience the chaotic night life first-hand. Then Dorian shows them through the casino lounge, Aelin sticking close to Manon in fear that sheʻd be tempted and fall victim to the trap of gambling, again. 
The three of them return to the main deck when Aelin gets distracted by the sound of soft piano playing. 
[A.N.] Play “Pantomime” by Ben Hammersley now, follow along, and let your imagination work. Find playlist here.
Aelin canʻt determine where the music is coming from, which intrigues and sparks her curiosity. 
-  Aelin addresses Manon and Dorian, “Do you guys hear that?” 
   They both nod, looking just as confused and curious. They collectively take on the challenge of the mystery and peruse around the ship trying to find the source of the music.  -
-   They follow the sound, leading them to the elegant ballroom. Aelin spots a small crowd, formed around where she last recalled the grand piano. The three respectively move around people to take part in whatever has captured everyoneʻs attention.   -
-  Aelin slips in through a crack in the wall of bodies just as the maestro ends and the crowd applauses. She catches Rowanʻs attention, sitting at the piano, a soft smile plastered over his tanned, slightly pink from sunburn, face. He clears his throat, now fully aware of her presence, and then addresses his small audience.
“This one, I wrote recently, itʻs called Rome.”
[A.N.] Start “Rome” by Dermot Kennedy now, follow along, and let your imagination run wild. Find playlist here.
-   Their eyes lock onto each other  -
   OOH, AH
-  The crowd cheers and applauses, Aelin shortly following them once her heart slowed to a healthy pace. She offers Rowan a shy, sincere smile and then proceeds to grab Manon by the wrist and drag her back to the library where she letʻs out her panicked, disoriented rambling. Manon manages to calm her down by opening up a nearby book and getting Aelin to start reading. She spent the next few hours reading the book, totally oblivious to the real world and her surroundings. Once completed, she returns, finding Manon no where to be found. She probably went off to see Dorian no doubt. Aelin makes it to her empty cabin room and takes a nap, waiting for her friends to return.
Night 3 - ANIELLE PORT - “Movie Night: ʻBeauty and the Beastʻ Tonight on the Lido deck at 8:30pm, Come join us!”
   Aelin wakes from her nap right at the peak of the sunset. She enjoys the beautiful display of colors from the comfort of her cabinʻs patio balcony, basking in the silence and alone time.
   She leaves her room and notices across the hall on Lys and Aedionʻs door, the magnets reading ʻHomeʻ, so she knocks and to her surprise, Lorcan opens the door. He lets her in and finds all her friends; Lys, Aedion, Manon, and Elide in a heated game of cards.
“Hey sleepyhead,” her cousin greets, looking up from his unfortunately delt hand.
“How was your hike?”
“Oh it was awesome, right Lys?” 
“Oh yeah, it was so much fun, you guys should have come, we left really early though, we tried knocking on your door but you two must have still been sleeping,” Lysandra answers.
“Next time. And you guys?,” Aelin gestures to Elide,” what did you and Lorcan do today?”
“The cruise offered us some honeymoon spa sessions, so we got some couple massages today,” Elide grabs for Lorcanʻs hand, their engagement bands clinking. 
“Sounds fun”
“We were actually waiting for you, weʻre all going to get ready, dress up all nice and fancy and go to dinner. And then maybe weʻll stop by for the movie tonight?” Manon pitches.
They finish their game and everyone ushers off to prepare for dinner. Manon puts on a one shoulder, black to red ombre dress that falls all the way to the floor. She styles it with thin, black strapped, open-toed high heels and red, ruby earrings. Aelin decides to wear a deep blue, backless, form fitting dress with a deep v-neck, presenting her flattering cleavage, and a front slit reaching to her high-mid thigh. She styles her ensemble with creme colored close-toed heels, and a warm, creme-toned bracelet and pendant necklace.
The two meet back up with the group, everyone styled very fancy and professional. “Wow, you boys clean up nicely, and ladies you look as beautiful as ever,” Aelin exclaims enthusiastically. Aelin and Manon lead the way to The Antica on the Verandah deck. A server meets them at the entrance and informs them that there is assigned seating. He asks for their keycards and they provide them, he looks over their cards indicating their place on the seating chart and then leads the way.
   They are shown to a large, round table, able to seat nine maybe ten. They each take a seat, Aelin and Lorcan being the bookends with the other empty seats in between them. The waiter returns, taking the tables order for drinks, they order a bottle of red wine for the table. After about ten minutes, three very attractive men, in formal wear, are guided to the table by another server and they each take their seats. Connal takes the empty seat next to Lorcan, opposite Elide, Fenrys beside his twin, and Rowan next to Aelin.
“Evening everyone,” Rowan greets. His deep, sensuous voice sends a warm tingle down Aelinʻs spine. “Aelin” he says more quietly, and only to her, in greeting. Her eyes graze over his finely-tailored suit and his styled hair. Wow, she thinks to herself. How is it possible for him to look even more fine. Her train of thought gets cut off when the waiter returns with the bottle of wine they ordered, he then goes around taking drink orders for the new patrons.
“Iʻm fine with just a water, thank you,” Rowan informs the waiter. Aelin tries really hard to focus on the menu in front of her, but her eyes continually wander elsewhere. Before she knew it, the waiter confronted the table, jotting down everyoneʻs order for their entree. The waiter gets to Rowan and Aelin monitors his face, not exactly hearing any words. The waiter gets to her and still being undecided she blurts out, “Iʻll have what heʻs having.”
“Escargot?” Rowan questions in disbelief.
“Um, yeah, Iʻll have whatever he said,” she notifies the waiter, having absolutely no clue what escargot is. 
For the duration of the wait for their meals, the entire table take part in friendly discussion. They share jokes and laughs and Aelin recognizes feeling comfortable, happy even, with this group of individuals. 
Their food arrives and Aelin stares at her plate for a few minutes. Snails. Rowan had ordered cooked snails. In their shells and everything. And like an idiot who couldn't pay attention for five seconds, she ordered them too. Not ready to own up to her idiocy, Aelin takes a few bites of her questionable meal. Not terrible, she thinks to herself, but this is definitely a one time thing, god Iʻm going to have to stuff my face with so much cake after this.
The group finishes their meals and wine, continuing their exciting conversations which everyone contributes in. Manon brings up her idea to catch the showing of ʻBeauty and the Beastʻ on the Lido deck and so the group finishes up their thoughts, cleans up a little and travel together to the Lido deck. Before finding their seats, they all stop by the ice cream machine and help themselves to a creamy, soft-serve cone. Aelin takes the chance to sneak away and head further in the bar and gets to the dessert bakery. She snags a slice of chocolate cake and begins devouring it.
“Still a fan of chocolate, I see,” 
Aelin turns, mouth full of cake, “you caught me”
She says it so innocently that Rowan canʻt help but laugh.
“Did you want some?” she offers him a bite. He holds up his hand.
“No, thank you though, I just wanted to check on you, make sure youʻre okay.”
She laughs, “Hm let me see, besides eating snails, Iʻve found the library, read a really fascinating book, taken a nap, and tried the best cake Iʻve ever tasted, Iʻd say Iʻm doing pretty great.”
They share an intimate moment of pure laughter and joy.
“Well we better get back to everybody, Iʻm sure the movieʻs about to start.”
   She follows his lead and they find their friends. They lay on deck chairs facing the projector screen, right next to each other. The rest of the night is a dream. Throughout the movie, she shares laughs with her friends, old and new, and she shares a few lingering glances with the man in the chair next to her. Aelin and her friends sing along with the songs of the movie, a little too loudly at times, earning annoying glares from nearby children. When the movie ends, the two groups share hugs and promises to hangout and do something the next day. A tired Manon and Aelin safely make it back to their cabin and Aelin quickly drifts off into a deep slumber, dreaming of being Beauty with a certain, familiar Beast.
All Hands on Deck taglist:
@smalltddygothgf​ @booksbqueen​ @underworldboxers​ @live-the-fangirl-life​ @booknerdproblems​ @rowaelinismyotp​ 
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Choosing the Standard Bathtub Size for Your Space
Whether you are planning to remodel or you are just looking to buy a new bathtub, you will have to determine the standard bathtub size for your space. This is important because it will help you know what type of tub to buy and it will also give you an idea of the cost involved. Choosing the right bathtub size will help you decide on the shape and style of the tub as well.
Alcove baths
Typical alcove baths are built into a three-walled enclosure. This allows them to fit into small bathrooms, while maximizing space. Many are designed to double as showers. They can be fabricated with shower heads, shower curtains, and other fixtures.
Standard alcove tubs vary in length from 48 to 72 inches. They can also be shorter, such as 25 inches.
Alcove bathtubs are typically made of acrylic, fiberglass, or other materials. They are relatively inexpensive, and they are easy to install. They are available in a wide range of sizes, styles, and materials.
The smallest alcove bathtubs are about 30 inches wide and 15 inches high. They are a great size for bathing small children and animals. They are also very common in master bathrooms.
Alcove tubs are also known as drop-in tubs. These tubs sit inside a built-in deck, and are often installed by the homeowner. They are similar to alcove tubs, but they offer more surface area and are usually made of the same materials.
Alcove bathtubs are a popular choice in the United States. They offer all of the features of a regular bathtub. They are usually made of acrylic, and have a smooth surface. They also usually come with a showerhead.
Corner bathtubs
Using a corner bathtub can free up space in the center of the bathroom and create a unique aesthetic. It can also be a useful addition to your bathroom.
The most obvious benefit of a corner bath is its ability to fit into spaces that traditional baths can’t. This will improve traffic flow and allow you to have a more comfortable bathing experience.
Corner bathtubs are generally considered to be the best option for small bathrooms. Their sizes vary and the design can be as simple as a figure eight or as fancy as a soaking tub. The most common size is the 4’x4′ or 5’x5′ corner tub. They have a water depth of approximately 75 to 90 gallons, which is quite a bit more than a standard bathtub.
They are typically constructed of fiberglass or acrylic. They are relatively inexpensive and are fairly easy to maintain. They also hold heat, so they are great for bathing in the winter.
However, there are also some disadvantages. Firstly, they may be hard to clean. Also, their size can make them difficult to fit in a small bathroom.
One way to avoid this is to consider a non-traditional corner size. Unlike a traditional tub, a corner tub can be placed at an angle, which can free up space in the center of the bath. Alternatively, a shower over the bathtub may be a good alternative. This will also help save space, since you can choose to take a quick shower without leaving the tub.
Freestanding tubs
Taking a bath in a freestanding tub can be a luxury. You can choose from a variety of sizes, styles and designs. You’ll want to consider your bathroom’s space and functionality before you buy.
Choosing a freestanding tub is a big investment, so you should take your time. A quality freestanding tub is not only practical for daily use, but can also add value to your home. If you are looking for a tub that you can enjoy for years, make sure to research and choose the tub that fits your needs and budget.
Typically, a freestanding bathtub has smooth, sleek lines. This is a good sign that it is a high-quality tub. However, you should be aware that a freestanding tub is typically taller than a traditional built-in tub. This means that you’ll need a larger bathroom for it.
The typical size for a standard freestanding tub is between 27 and 32 inches wide. The height can range between 15 and 22 inches. Most freestanding tubs have a water capacity of 40 to 75 gallons.
Some bathtubs are deeper than others. A standard freestanding tub will usually have a depth of around 19 inches, though that varies based on the model you choose.
The bathroom is often the most overlooked room in your house. It’s easy to see why it’s usually small and hidden away, and it’s probably the last place you’d expect to spend a significant amount of time. But the truth is, the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home. It is a functional space for bathing and washing and a social hub for your entire household. So it makes sense that you want to ensure it looks its best. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation specializes in bathroom renovations. Whether you’re interested in updating your current bathroom or building a brand new one from scratch, we can help you create the perfect space for your whole family. We believe that bathrooms should look spa-like, sustainable, and modern. In addition to being practical spaces, they should also feel warm and inviting. With that in mind, we strive to incorporate natural materials, open floor plans, and lots of light.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the future trend in bathroom decor?
Bathroom decor trends are changing constantly. However, certain themes have been the same since the beginning. These themes are covered below.
Minimalism – The goal of minimalism is to eliminate all clutter from our homes. This could be as simple as clearing out shelves and cabinets, getting rid of unnecessary items, and then replacing them with useful ones. It’s also important to keep everything simple and straightforward.
Urban Living – Many people prefer living in cities because they’re close to the action. However, many modern urban dwellers want to live in an area where they can still enjoy nature. When they move to the city, they don’t want trees and green spaces lost. They have shifted back to smaller houses and apartments that have small yards.
Eco-Friendly – People are becoming more conscious about our environment. This has resulted a rise in ecofriendly design. Green design focuses on creating spaces that are healthy and sustainable. There are many ways designers can create eco-friendly properties. Design professionals can use natural materials in their designs. A second way is to ensure that the home’s overall design doesn’t distract the eye from the surroundings.
Shabby Chic is a style that was born from necessity and not fashion. To save money, women had to reuse their old clothes during World War II. After the war, many women started collecting and repurposing vintage items. Shabby chic is now a popular style in all design areas, from furniture to accessories to food.
Artistic Design: Artistic design has existed for centuries. Artists have always tried to express themselves through art. Artistic design has evolved with the advancements in technology. Digital art and 3D printing can be combined to create unique objects that would not otherwise be possible.
Industrial Design – Industrial designing is not a new concept. It is an ancient concept that has existed for hundreds of decades. The access to industry that industrial design has today makes it unique is what makes it so special. To participate in this type of design, you don’t need to be part a large corporation. The internet makes it possible to do anything.
Modernist Architecture – Modernist architecture takes inspiration from traditional design elements, such as order and symmetry. Instead, the emphasis is on asymmetry or irregularity. This allows architects to experiment with different shapes and sizes. Open floor plans are also available, with clean lines and blank walls.
Contemporary Design – Modern and traditional design are combined in contemporary design. This is a combination of all types of design. It gives you something original and new that will take your taste buds for a spin.
Nature Inspired – Nature-inspired design is all about bringing nature inside. The addition of plants and flowers to any room adds life, while fountains draw water into the space. These are some great examples of interior design that is inspired by nature:
Rustic Interior Decor – Use reclaimed barn wood or cedar siding if you want rustic. These elements give the rooms a farmhouse look that can be used in any setting.
French Country Interior – If you are a lover of the country, but are afraid of the cold, then consider adding some touches to French country interior design. Soft furnishings and simple colors are best. Paint the walls a light hue and add some french provincial furniture to the space. You’ll enjoy spending time here during the warmer months.
Bohemian Style-If you enjoy the idea living in an urban area, but still desire a bit more country feel, the bohemian fashion will be able to help you do that. Think of earthy colours, comfy fabrics, and low-key decor.
How can I make my Bathroom safer?
To make your bathroom safer, you must first understand what safety entails. Safety is not just about keeping yourself safe from harm. Safety does not only mean protecting yourself from harm, but also others around. If someone falls into the bathtub, you should think about how you could protect them. This would include removing objects that may cause falls, such as slippery floors and tubs.
To help prevent falls, grab bars can also be installed throughout your bathroom. These devices come with hand grips to help someone stand on them. They’re great because they keep people from falling over while showering or taking baths.
To make your bathroom safer, you can place mats outside the tub. These mats will prevent bathers from falling and sliding while in the tub. To see clearly where you are, you could add additional lighting. These items will not eliminate the possibility of accidents but they will greatly reduce the likelihood.
How can you make a bathroom look new on a budget?
It is important to first take stock of all the items you have. This could include toilets as well as mirrors, sinks and mirrors.
After you have finished the list, determine if any items you can salvage. If they’re not salvageable then they need to be replaced.
Next, you’ll need to decide how much money you want to spend on each item. Once you have a rough idea of how much you want to spend on each item you can start shopping for replacement parts online.
Once your new parts are in place, you’ll be able to update your bathroom. This could include tiling or painting the walls. Whatever route that you choose, you should ensure that your budget is within reach so you don’t end up spending more than you intended.
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value. (remodelista.com)
NKBA estimates that broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labour (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). (remodelista.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Floating vanities were favoured by 71% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
Outdoor showers can dramatically increase the value of your home—according to a 2018 report from Realtor.com, homes with outdoor showers tend to list for nearly double the asking price of other homes! (housebeautiful.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tiles were favoured by 59% of those surveyed.mSlab surfaces were favoured by 40% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed preferred low-maintenance, nonporous surfaces for their bathroom. (https://nkba.org)
If possible, allow a 15 to 20% contingency fund so you’re prepared for the unexpected. (loveproperty.com)
With this technology, whether you take a 5-minute or a 50-minute shower, you’ll use the same amount of water, reducing your use up to 90 percent! (elemental.green)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Bathroom faucet designs reflected wellness concerns, with 61% choosing accessible lever handles, 48% choosing motion and 36% going for the touch or tap options. (https://nkba.org)
External Links
How to Buy a New Toilet for Your Home
How to paint bathroom cabinets and make a simple vanity upgrade
How To
How to design a master bathroom
A master bathroom design should take into account a few factors. First, think about the size of the space and what type of fixtures you want. Choose a style that is both beautiful and complements your home’s design. Select materials that are resistant to water and wear. Finally, make sure to personalize the space.
A great way to ensure your master bath feels luxurious is to add a spa-like experience. A steam shower, heated towel racks, or candle-scented candles can make your master bathroom feel more luxurious. These little touches can make bathing more relaxing.
Lighting is essential in the master bathroom. Make sure that there is adequate lighting for reading and working while you bathe. You should choose a shade that doesn’t detract from the beauty of your bathroom.
There is no need to decorate your master bath extravagantly. Keep things simple and clean. Use neutral colours and avoid bright colors. Once the bathrooms are completed, you’ll be able to see the difference in the rest of the house.
Storage is important! It is important to have storage in every room. But it is especially important for master bathrooms. Make sure everything has its place by investing in quality cabinetry. You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to keep the bathroom tidy when everything has its own home.
These are just some tips to help you create the perfect master bath. This space is yours, so make it yours. Take your time. Enjoy the process.
Did you miss our previous article… https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/things-to-consider-when-buying-a-bathtub/
The post Choosing the Standard Bathtub Size for Your Space first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/choosing-the-standard-bathtub-size-for-your-space/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=choosing-the-standard-bathtub-size-for-your-space
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satans-codpiece · 4 years
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,354 Summary: Kylo brings you a gift, then he brings his brothers a gift. Contains: RAPE/NONCON. Kidnapping, general Dead Dove: Do Not Eat stuff. Mild Gore. Smut. 
For once, you focus on the lingering ache between your legs. On the deep, unsettling pain behind your pubic bone that wouldn’t go away.
“Two day delivery.” Kylo says, smiling down at the strip of leather in his hands. "It's even waterproofed." You don’t ask him where he ordered it, it has to be custom made. Perhaps on a professor’s salary he could afford it. The collar is black leather with your name stitched in red. Below it, a metal D-ring is attached firmly to the fabric. The inside is lined with some sort of soft padding. To prevent chafing, you suppose, for the long hours you'll be wearing it. You'll probably wear it for...
You sniffle and keep your eyes shut as he fastens the collar around your neck- the padding almost luxurious, at least compared to the roughness of the rope and chain they’d been using. The padlock of the chain clicks as Kylo unlocks it- and clicks again as he attaches the tiny lock to your collar.
Kylo steps away from you as you slowly open your eyes again, staring only at the plain cement floor. Perhaps you should be happy that he’d bought you a collar- it obviously meant he planned on keeping you. Not just…
You swallow thickly.
Would it be better to just die? You didn’t know- couldn’t think. You want to go home, to go back to what you had…
Kylo hums pleasantly- and your chain clicks again. You turn to follow the sound and watched as Kylo unclips your leash (another joyous new addition to your wardrobe) from the wall. He watches you for a moment, considering something- then nods up towards the basement door. “Come on.”
Your heart skips a beat. You’re so stunned you don’t even resist Kylo helping you to your feet- your gait awkward and stilted after being off your legs for… how long? How long had you been down here? At least two days, you knew... Surely not more than that.
Kylo is more patient than you would have guessed, urging you along with one hand at your back, but letting you hobble your way up the stairs, one at a time. With your hands still bound in front of you, you can’t even use the handrail to steady yourself. He opens the door- and the scent of something fresh and… citrusy washes over you. Your feet touch carpet- and squeeze your toes into the wry strings- tears springing to your eyes.
You weren’t sure you’d ever feel carpet again.
Kylo guides you down the hallway into what was clearly the master bedroom. Sparsely furnished with a nightstand, two dressers (one of which supported a large TV), and the bed. You began to sweat just looking at the bed- though it was surely a King and was topped with a large, soft-looking black duvet, it was the frame and headboard that made you anxious. The headboard appeared to be wrought iron, several strands twisted to make an ornate pattern with multiple good places to hook your leash onto.
Kylo doesn’t even pause to look, just ushers you into the attached bathroom. The size of it stuns you- a separate bath and shower across from a long mirror. Around the side of the shower is a small alcove created by the solid side of the shower- and you can see the toilet hiding in there.
A low sense of dread settles in your stomach, followed only by the sudden urgent need to pee. Your eyes flick between Kylo and relief, hoping he would understand (that was surely why he brought you here, wasn’t it?)- or at least wouldn’t punish you for wandering away.
Kylo only tilts his head and gives a single nod. You begin to turn away- and your leash jerks you back towards him, his fist twisted into the black leather. He stares at you, eyes burning with intent. He licks his lips, “Ask for permission.”
You can’t help the anger that washes over you first- the rage and horror that comes from being treated like this monster’s pet. But what choice do you have? Ben would certainly rejoice in punishing you for any bad behavior- and despite Kylo’s confessions of love and adoration, he was by no means merciful.
You hold your tongue, look to the tile. “May I use the bathroom…?”
Kylo hums- as though he had to consider your question. “Try again.” Indignation (and your increasing awareness of your bladder) makes your lips pucker and curl. Kylo’s voice is sugar sweet when he speaks again. “You’ve asked before. You know how.”
You want to tell him to shove off- perhaps to walk back into his bedroom and piss on his carpet like a bad dog. But he’s already holding your leash, keeping you here on the cool tile of his bathroom. You close your eyes, try to keep the anger stifled. “Please, Kylo,” you barely manage to bite it out, “May I use the bathroom?”
Kylo smiles, serene. “Yes.”
Kylo keeps hold of your leash, passing the length under the edge of the door. If he knew you planned to spend several minutes simply sitting in the small, enclosed space just to enjoy having something vaguely normal, he said nothing about it.
You did notice, however, that despite having a small basket that you would presume would normally hold magazines or books or something- the little wicker thing was completely empty. Isolation, you figured. No other reason to keep you from simple paper goods. You struggle a bit with your hands bound, but ultimately manage to take care of yourself.
You step out of the small room already feeling much better- some degree of autonomy restored to you. Kylo remained in a good mood. He gestured to the large tub. “Would you like to take a bath?”
Judging his intention is impossible. You stare at his face for a long time, trying to figure out what deception he was playing-- but perhaps it really was that simple. A bath. You probably did stink, after all- if nothing else the stress of…. of all of this would make you sweat.
Hesitantly you nod- just one single jerk of your head. Kylo smiles again, genuinely pleased- and he runs the water for your bath.
With his back turned, you look around the bathroom again. The boys personal effects are here, a toothbrush holder with three toothbrushes. Black towels on a rack on the far wall. Bottles of various brands and colors in the shower. But nothing you could use. No razors left out (which surely they must use- considering two of them were clean shaven and Ben had some stubble). Nothing remotely sharp, or- or hell, not even anything you could use as a blunt weapon.
The mirror you could shatter- but if the other boys were home they’d hear it. You couldn’t take all three of them with a shard of glass. Assuming, of course, you could get a decently shaped piece on the first hit to the mirror and could cut your arms free. If it only cracked…
You bit your lip and turned back to Kylo- the water was already filling the tub quickly, drifts of steam rising off the surface.
The water is too hot when you step in, but you don’t say anything. Because it feels amazing. You whine pathetically as you sink in completely to the hot water- already it soothes some of the aches in your spine, the residual ache between your legs.
Kylo pulls a plastic bag out from under the sink- never letting go of your leash, you note- and sets the items on the edge of the tub around the faucet. Soap, shampoo, a face wash, conditioner- “Here.” Kylo says, interrupting your peace- as he kneels beside the tub with a spotlessly new, pink loofah.
Your stomach churns at the sight of it. Something so familiar and domestic- and silent tears slide over your cheeks.
Kylo’s hand is larger than you expect, covering your cheek entirely as he rubs away a tear with his thumb. “I’ll take care of you…” You only sigh and close your eyes.
He’s methodical about his bathing. He pours the soap onto the loofah and lathers it across your chest first- the scent of green apples being rubbed into your skin. He doesn’t dally with your breasts as you thought he might; he’s shockingly chaste. He scrubs hard with the sponge, but if you flinch away he softens his grip. When he’s done with that area- the skin now fresh and tinged red with irritation- he lays his lips to it in an apology.
When he washes your back he sits up on the back edge of the tub. He scrubs as he does with the rest of your body- but eventually sets the loofah down into the water with you- and rubs his fingers along your spine. He’s shockingly good at it- and you hate that you relax into his touch, letting him work the knots out of your back with an artist’s precision.
He’s careful when he washes your hair. He lifts your chin to keep the shampoo from running into your eyes- and he massages your scalp as he did with your back, making little electric sparks tingle down your neck. He rinses the shampoo out and runs his fingers through your wet, flopping hair several times.
Then: nothing. He simply sits with you for several minutes as you water begins to cool to lukewarm. You watch his throat bob warily. He let out some length on your leash so he may move to the towel rack and retrieve a washcloth. He kneels beside the tub again- and he hesitates for only a second. “Turn towards me. Close your eyes.”
There’s little option to weigh- and you obey him. Kylo catches your chin in his hand- delicate, only holding you with his thumb and forefinger. The other hand- you yelp when something disturbs your water- but Kylo retracts the washcloth immediately and begins wetting your face.
He returns a moment later with the face wash. For as rough as he was with the loofah, he’s gentle with your face. Never straying towards your eyes or mouth, but working a thick lather over your forehead and cheeks. Your water ripples again as he rinses the cloth- and then rinses your face. He makes several passes, making sure all the soap is gone before speaking again. “Okay. You can open them now.”
Kylo rings out the washcloth and puts it next to the sink. He stands there watching you for a while- and you turn away from him, focus on the still vaguely warm water. You rub your hands over your skin- and feel the wrinkles of your pruning fingertips.
“Do you want to get out?” He asks.
You bite your lip and consider how to answer. He at least looks sincere- so you shake your head softly.
You expect a reprimand or Kylo dragging you out anyway- but it doesn’t come.
You stay in the bath until you start to shiver. Kylo stays beside you for the entire length. Sometimes just staring at you, with this sicking look of awe and love- but mostly on his phone, idly checking apps and pages.
When you begin to shiver, he knows immediately. He stands and retrieves a large, fluffy towel. You don’t resist at all as he guides you to stand and step out onto the bath mat. He’s so gentle- wrapping you up carefully and drying you- even getting a second towel to begin drying your hair.
It’s nice, even. You let yourself close your eyes and relax into his touch. Rhythmic massaging across your scalp as he wrings the water from your hair. When he deems you dry enough, he leans forward and presses his lips to your forehead. You don’t fight him.
Was this your life now? Trading your cooperative captivity for small acts of kindness? You suppose it’s better than the alternative- fighting with no chance of success, only to be punished with more pain and humiliation. You look up to find Kylo watching you, deep brown eyes unreadable- but you dare hope it’s concern creasing his brow. He leads you back out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.
You wish you had fought him.
On the bed, Ben and Matt wait for you. You tense up, drag your feet on the floor even as Kylo begins to push you across the plush carpeting.
“Really took your time, huh?” Ben asks, not bothering to be subtle with how his gaze rakes up and down your nearly nude body- only one towel protecting yourself from the three brothers.
Matt looks ashamed, biting his plush lip- eyes flicking between the ground and you, like he’s trying to resist and keeps faltering.
“No,” You whisper, trying to dig your heels in and stop- and Kylo’s body presses up against yours as he nearly carries you, the thickening curve of his cock against your lower back leaving you with no doubts as to what was about to happen. "You can't do this..."
“It’s okay,” Kylo coos, forces you up onto the bed. Ben and Matt move out of the way- Ben’s calloused hands catching your shoulders and drag you up towards that ornate cast iron. On instinct you begin to writhe against your captors- but the harsh vice grip across your arms stills you.
You whimper, fight the tears gathering in your eyes as Kylo loops your long leash through the ties around your hands- and attaches the whole assemblage to the headboard. You’re left on your knees, facing the wall- your hands only movable along the length of the black leather.
You figure out quickly that the boys had planned in advance how this would work. Kylo lays down on the bed beside you- his belt and pants already undone, cock jutting proudly from the denim. You turn away and close your eyes- don’t even look at him as he lifts one of your legs to force you to straddle his hips.
Kylo says your name. You sob quietly as his cock slips between your labia. But more concerningly, the brothers are moving- Ben crawling onto the bed behind you, Matt sitting next to Kylo’s head. You make the mistake of looking over your shoulder at Ben.
You watch for a moment as he pops a cap to a bottle- lube, you suspect. Closing your eyes, you hang your head, let your hands slide uselessly to your chest. One large hand cups your cheek. You can’t tell whose it is- Matt’s or Kylo’s. You’re not sure you care.
Cold lube pours against your ass, making you shiver, grit your teeth. Ben wastes no time in pressing his fingers into you, working with brisk, efficient movements. You already knew he didn’t care for you- he was just here for the good time Kylo had so graciously provided him.
Fingers swept through your hair, pushing it away from your face. “It’s okay…” Matt coos. “I told him to be gentle.”
You don’t thank him.
Ben’s fingers slip out of you as something thicker pushes against your flesh. And if they were truly identical triplets, then you knew how much you had to take. “Please, please don’t. Please, Ben...”
Only one sob escapes your lips, still nearly silent as Ben pushes into you. You try to relax, even as every part of you screams for him to stop- the head of Ben’s cock presses in. He groans, pressing his face against your back and he’s too big, his preparation too rushed, it hurts-
“Oh, God!, Kylo, it feels so good,” You feel every hot pant of his breath against your skin as he tried to reign himself in, to ease his length into you. The only thing holding him back is Kylo, you’re sure- and the sickening feeling of being grateful for Kylo’s presence rises in you. You clutch at the ties to the bedframe and wish so badly you didn’t want to be clutching at Kylo instead- at least Kylo wants to be gentle with you. And as Ben bottoms out, his hips fitting snugly against your ass, a hand brushes across your cheeks, pushes any stray hair from your face.
“It’s okay,” Matt cooes again. It’s not. It never will be. But what else can you do but take what they do to you?
Below you, Kylo begins to shift and it truly dawns on you what is about to happen. His cock- that had been grinding nicely against your clit, the only thing keeping you from focusing exclusively on the soreness in your ass, slides down and presses against you. You close your eyes and Matt cups your cheeks.
“It’s alright, love...” Kylo murmurs, but he’s not looking at you. He looks down between your bodies and lines himself up. “You were so good to me before, please do that again?”
You whimper, turn your face into Matt’s hands. And with your body already stuffed full of his brother’s cock, Kylo fights to force his own thick length inside you. Pain lights across your body- you tug at your restraints on instinct, but can hardly move without agitating the pain in your rear. "Stop! Stop! It's too much!"
You sob- and Kylo moans low, his head dropping back against the mattress. He groans, “You’re so tight, so good for me,” Matt’s fingers card through your hair as the tears finally resume. “Wonderful, so perfect for me.”
Ben groans and you feel sloppy wet kisses between your shoulder blades. “Oh, fuck, Kylo. It's so tight."
Ben thrusts involuntarily and you scream-
Matt’s hand clamps over your mouth. His big, round eyes implore you to keep it quiet, to control yourself, but now that Ben’s started he can’t stop. Worse still, through your thin walls, he’s made Kylo groan- his own self control snapping as he grabs your hips and moves in tandem. Everything between your legs burns and you stare blankly at Matt, the only remaining triplet.
He was so nice to you. He brought you food- took out Ben’s torturous toy. Was it so bad what he’d done to you, compared to them? Compared to their hot breath ghosting over your skin and the cruel moans and their utter lack of care for you. You look to Matt’s face- and see the same twisted affection that Kylo has but more controlled, reined in. He knows the reality of it- you hate them.
His hands leave your face- a cold block settles in your stomach. He pulls at his belt, unbuttons his khakis. “I’m sorry.” He whispers and you drop your head. “I’ll be gentle.”
His cock prods at your mouth, it takes a little for him to pull at your jaw and make you open up. He’s warm on your tongue and you pinch your eyes closed before you can see how his head tips back and he moans. His fingers slide through your hair in a mockery of the kindness he’d shown you before,
He’s true to his word, too- while Kylo grabs at you, pulls you down against them with bruising strength and Ben’s hands leave your shoulders to reach around in front of you and grope at your breasts, Matt remains slow, cautious. Ben moans loudly and Kylo has his deep, masculine grunts, but Matt stifles his noises down to choked gasps. Kylo batters against your cervix, yet Matt never chokes you with his dick... He even keeps your hair from your face, brushes it away with fingers too soft to come from a rapist.
You begin to cry again and grab at the leash keeping you in place. It's too thick for you to tear through, but it creaks as you yank on it. The pain is bad enough, but the twisted affection that Matt gives you is too much. Even with Kylo’s swears of love, Matt’s tender gaze is what unnerves you. How could he be kind while he and his brothers kidnapped you, violated you?
Ben’s grasp tightens, his fingers clamping down on your chest, pinching at your nipples, and you flinch back towards him, trying to escape his hands. Matt’s fingers twist into your hair to keep you from moving too far away- and you focus on the nicest brother. It’s too much, the other two- they’re cruel and ruthless and they don’t really care about you, but Matt-
Ben cums, moaning loudly in your ear. Heat fills your ass and nausea washes over you as he keeps fucking you, riding out his bliss at your expense. You whimper and his slowing thrusts only make you more aware of Kylo’s increasing force. With Matt’s cock in your mouth you can’t look to Kylo’s face; you’re not sure how to feel about that. Ben slips out and you feel his cum follow him, oozing warm and slick out of your battered and sore ass, down to your pussy. Down to where Kylo’s cock continues to fuck you.
Matt taps the back of your head- you look up to him. That’s all the warning you get, his fingers tighten in your hair but never like Ben’s bruising grapples- and he cums across your tongue. It’s bitter and disgusting, you want to spit, but Matt’s cock frustratingly stays in your mouth as he stutters through a few more thrusts. You twist against his hand, but Matt has his brothers’ strength and you can only cry as Matt’s head tips back. Cum touches the back of your throat and you wretch.
That gets Matt’s attention. He pulls himself free, swiping away the long strings of saliva that follow his cock. Under Kylo's groans, you can barely hear Matt's quiet little, "Sorry, sorry..." The cum gathers on your tongue and you start to turn towards the empty sheets-
A hand claps over your mouth; your face stings, burning under the hit. You flinch and try to scream against a huge, warm palm. “Don’t you fucking dare spit.” Ben growls.
"Ben..." Matt pleads. The rage sparks inside you- and is snuffed out just as quickly as Ben’s other hand closes over your nose.
You struggle, pull away from his hands- but Ben simply moves closer, bends you backwards to keep you from fighting. “Swallow.” Ben commands you, and through your blurry tears his eyes are cool, unmoved by your suffering. With your hands still tied, there’s little else you can do, and as much as the taste in your mouth is vile, evil, disgusting, the burning in your chest is worse. “Swallow and I won’t rape your ass again.”
With your mouth full you can’t even properly sob.
You gag halfway through, but you force Matt’s cum down your throat and nod weakly at Ben. The cold stone of his expression blossoms into the cruel smile you’d seen before. He lets go of your face and you gasp in deep lungfuls.
Another set of hands cup your jaw, delicate and careful as he rubs his thumb over your cheek. You don’t bother looking at him; you know he’ll have that same expression from before. Like he’s concerned about your well being, like he actually gives a damn what his brothers do to you.
You don’t have to ignore him for long; Kylo’s fingernails bite into your hips and he drives into you. The lightest push against Matt’s hands and you can look down at the eldest brother. Kylo’s dark hair is splayed out over the sheets, his cheeks flushed pink, eyes closed so tight his brow has begun to crease. He gasps, sucks in air through his teeth and though his cock works inside you, rubs against the deepest parts of you, the pain in your ass and the suffering deep in your soul keep you grounded.
His eyes open and once again that twisted, warped love in his eyes makes your stomach churn. You look away. Kylo sighs, apparently glad to finally have you to himself again, “You’re mine-” He chokes out, the last syllable rising off into a stifled moan. “All mine, forever, ah!”
His cock twitches, his fingers digging bruises into your skin again as he groans- and though you want nothing more than to curl up on your mattress in the basement, it’s the relief that it’s over that bothers you the most. Cum pours into your cunt and that’s all your life will be now. Used over and over, just waiting for it to be over. He won’t let you go, it’ll never be over-
You’ll never go home. Your family will never find you. Tightness builds in your chest, a buzzing loud in your ears over Kylo’s exhausted, blissful panting. It’ll never end.
You’ll die here. They’ve taken everything from you, and you’ll die in their fucking basement.
The misery in you twists, distorts. Your hands twist into the restraints and every part of you wants to dig your nails into Kylo’s neck, to rip open his throat and watch him bleed out. Or Ben- to smash Ben’s face against the cement walls you’ve been trapped in for so long until that cruel, horrible smirk is nothing but red paste-
And fingers touch your jaw. Matt’s eyebrows are pulled in high and tight, a little frown tugging at his lips.
And Matt with his soft caresses, the tenderness. It’s all fake, all show and ruin- he’d used you just the same as them and he doesn’t even have the decency to act like it is what it is. For him to pretend that he’s somehow better than them-
“What's…?” He starts, catches sight of the fire in your eyes.
"Fuck you." He starts to move back, towards the headboard. There’s no restraint to stop you from following, from lunging forward.
With your hands tied, all you have left is your teeth- teeth that sink into the first expanse of pale, mole-dotted skin that you can reach, teeth that sink in until the taste of his cum is washed away under blood-
And Matt screams.
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