#throwing a fit whenever his teammates didn't do exactly what he wanted
allpromarlo · 2 years
all this redeem team documentary did was give kobe stans even more reasons to be fucking insufferable
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Anon said: I hope I'm not too late to slip in a request! I was actually hoping for a more platonic request with Miche? Just how he would help out a new cadet on his squad or something... Maybe there having a hard time fitting in now that there on a section commander squad or even worried about an upcoming expedition. Miche is one of my biggest comfort Characters and I'm such a shy person lol...I love you blog by the way, it's such a comforting place...🥺
Miche reassuring you that you're enough.
{Miche & reader | tw:none | platonic, comfort | canonverse}
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{ "The Interior of the Palm House on the Pfaueninsel Near Potsdam" 1834 by Carl Blechen 1798 - 1840 }
No one can deny that the survey corps had a...certain reputation between the people, for being ruthless, unhinged and not a place for someone hoping for a future.
Their leader is known for gambling with human lives, their strongest has a criminal history record and their most intelligent, does experiments that would put medical student dropout Frankenstein himself to shame.
In short, you'd be crazy for walking there with your own two feet and expecting a crumb of compassion.
You don't go looking for fish in the desert.
You've heard it all, those sayings people keep reciting like a broken record whenever you'd bring up joining the survey corps.
"You'll just end up titan food"
"Why do you want to throw away your life?"
"God your poor family…"
And despite all of that, you still marched on, despite everyone who told you to quit.
Not only did you join and stayed alive for so long, you've even managed to climb the ranks in record time.
So fast in fact that you were assigned to join a section commander's squad after a very successful titan capture mission that earned you a pat on the back from Erwin.
Being pulled from your friends and moved to a new place where you were surrounded by veterans who've been in their positions for 10 years or more, was quite sudden and shocking.
One thing that should've eased your nerves, was the fact it was squad Miche you're being put into.
Anyone in the survey corps can tell you that in comparison to other squads, this was the most...friendly per say, since they prioritised teamwork and coming back alive over everything else, knowing together they're much stronger and willing to protect each other no matter what.
While yes they did have their quirks, it was almost nothing in comparison to Levi's strict hygiene rules and Hange's workaholic routine or Erwin's unreadable intentions.
And yet, you felt unease at the whole situation.
You were clearly "that new cadet" in this old group of close-knit people, almost standing out even.
You wanted to prove yourself, you've done it before to all those people so why is it any different now.
Maybe...because they are actually experienced soldiers this time, and not strangers living in blissful ignorance inside the walls.
Maybe because you feel the growing burden of expectations set on you for being the newest person in the squad, and being put there by none other than the commander himself which would raise some eyebrows if you couldn't deliver.
Uncertainty and doubt began pooling up inside your mind, making you second guess decisions and overthink actions.
And it's not like the squad members were leaving you out, no in fact they were doing their best to include you.
….maybe even too much actually, it didn't help that all of them were outgoing people, it was overwhelming.
Nanaba was an unofficial stand in caption when Miche wasn't around. Having a confident yet compassionate personality made her protective of her teammates, almost like a big sister, earning her a lot of respect.
So much in fact that it would unintentionally intimidate people out of approaching her
Gelgar was a strong believer in Miche, loyal to a fault almost. Yet he wouldn't say no for a chance to relax and grab a couple drinks, being friends with so many people came naturally to him with his mellow personality and overall friendliness.
Maybe a bit much too friendly? That personal boundaries were often crossed without him realising it. 
Lynne was a good balance between the two, she was considerate of others feelings...even so much in fact that she tended to sugar-coat almost everything.
Thomas and Henning were close with each other, both serious and determined. But maybe because they were so used to each other that dealing with new people became...strange, for conversations with them resembled an awkward dad attempting to check on you but not actually putting much effort to understand.
Meanwhile, you were a reserved and shy person.
It was a miracle that you managed to get a group of friends in cadet training that stayed with you throughout the years, but now after being transferred it was all turned to dust.
You have to start again, meet people again and talk to them while wondering if they actually like you or are pretending to be nice because they don't wanna come off as rude-
On top of that, Erwin seemed to keep an eye on you after your last mission, silently conveying the trust and expectations he's putting your way, to not fail him and show you're worthy of this special treatment.
It was too much, too overwhelming and draining.
Dread and uncertainty loomed in the corners of your mind, only metastating in size as the date for the new expedition was announced.
To add fuel to the fire, apparently everyone seemed almost...excited or nonchalant for going out there again, like this is a mere walk in the park as they began making preparations and training.
Were you the only one that felt nervous? Oh god.
Your legs felt like they were weighted down by stones as you stared at the large board in front of you, a white sheet signed by the commander announcing next week to be the date of the expedition, several names listed below for who'd be required for service.
Your name was at the top, even with a line underneath it. The fact it was in cursive didn't make it any less gut-wrenching.
The chatter of people around you, discussing the plans and joking with each other, began blurring out at the back of your mind.
The weather seemed colder as shivers ran down your neck. A rolling feeling in your stomach making your throat tighten, your own voice inside your head was the only noise you could hear.
All those thoughts and worries creeping from underneath the dark corners that you've been pushing them into all this time, like a swarm drowning you in their "what if" and skepticism, full of doubt and illogical pessimism for worst case scenarios.
Thoughts that aren't even your own joined them, ones you never had and knew weren't true and yet amidst the storm it was hard to tell the real from the ones passing through.
You know you're capable, so why…
Are you capable?
but are you really?
And how are you even sure?
Before it could pull you deeper into that hole of despair, something snapped your attention back to reality, a hand nudging your shoulder. 
"You really didn't hear me huh." The voice came from behind you, a tall figure stepping closer till you were in his shadow.
Miche looked at you with a tilted head, his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes bore into you like he's attempting to guess what's going inside your brain.
You've been too lost inside your mind you didn't notice that you were the only one left standing in front of the board.
From the way Miche's shoulders fell after reading your expression, eyes softening after glancing at your name on the sheet, he was quick to catch on.
Before you could say something to save your face after being caught in this state by none other than your new captain, Miche just told you to come with him, making sure to walk beside you، protectively staying close that no one on your way would interrupt.
Passing the corridor leading to his office, you gave him an uncertain glance as he simply gestured for you to continue walking for whatever unknown place you're headed to.
Soon enough the buildings and stone streets faded the further you went on, grass and dirt roads taking its place.
It wasn't a long walk per say, but more of a secluded area that took both of you some turns in seemingly shady alleyways to reach.
You couldn't hear the horses or soldiers walking anymore, only the soft flowing of the nearby river.
The tall grass barely reaching below your knees, some ladybugs crawling on top of the scattered daffodils in-between, the closer to the river cliff you got the taller it became.
The first thing Miche did, wasn't explaining to you why you're here, or what exactly he was after.
No, he barely said a word even, only taking in a deep breath as the wind had the courtesy of pushing his bangs back, eyes finally in clear view now.
Gaze meeting yours, he gave you a nod, a gesture to do the same thing.
You reluctantly took a deep breath.
He smiled.
Both of you sat by the river, he gave you his jacket to sit on.
As the silence grew between you, even while it wasn't the uncomfortable kind, it was clear he was struggling to phrase something, the right words just not coming to mind.
Turning his body towards you, he finally said, "how about i just..listen, let it out.".
It wasn't easy, you can't just pour out your heart to your superior.
Not to mention the military wasn't a place for weakness, could you really openly admit to your worries?
Well, yes you could, because it isn't weak, it takes great strength to face something scary and admit to it.
It's strength that got you this far.
How could you ever mistake vulnerability for weakness?
Keeping true to his words, Miche didn't interrupt you as you slowly opened up about what's been troubling you.
He patiently listened, occasionally humming for you to go on whenever you'd lose track.
And by the end of it, after you poured out all your frustration, sadness and worries, it felt...like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
Miche looked at you with understanding in his eyes, as if he himself has been in this exact same position years ago.
...and maybe he was, considering his behaviour wasn't what's socially common, he would've definitely stood out back before he had the respect of being a captain.
He isn't a man of words, for actions spoke much louder.
That's why he became more attentive from that day on, offering to help you train, giving you a smile whenever you passed by and sitting near you whenever his squad were gathered so he'd ask for your opinion on plans or simply share looks whenever they began joking with each other.
He didn't attempt to make you change, instead he made changes to accommodate you.
You're part of the team and he made it clear.
And while he couldn't give reassuring words, he certainly gave his time and energy, paying attention to you, reading your moods and listening whenever life becomes too much.
Maybe he saw his past self in you, and wanted to give you all the comfort, attention and care he wished for back then.
Even if it was mere hugs and shoulder pats that he could offer, he knew small things can make changes overtime.
For him, it's not getting rid of your stress that he was attempting to achieve, no, for life is full of stress.
Instead, he wanted to offer you ways to deal with the stress, to acknowledge it as it is and be heard, to be understood.
Because while stress will pass either way, it didn't mean it had to pass painfully.
You weren't alone, he made sure of that.
Maybe he got too attached, maybe someone might say he's giving you special treatment, maybe Erwin would give him a backhanded comment every now and then.
But since when did Miche pay attention to these things? 
Well...he can't deny he might be giving you more break days than the other Cadets, larger food portions and even most of his time.
But he won't justify himself to anyone either, he doesn't have to.
Because after all, there really isn't any ulterior motives behind his actions, they were as simple as they came.
It was pure genuine care, the type that makes someone want to protect a person and watch them grow healthy.
The type that made him offer you a thumbs up after each training session, a proud smile on his face for how much you're learning.
Maybe some slight teasing about how if you keep this up, you might even replace him as the second strongest one day.
And while he said it with a joking tone, the hopeful pride-filled look on his face told a whole nother story.
you're not sure if it was a joke or a promise.
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kaaytea · 4 years
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Summary: You've been avoiding him all week, and now he's starting to question what exactly you're doing when you pull Yaku into rooms with you.
Warnings: angst, cheating?, Lil fluff at the end as a treat
A/n: ITS KUROOS BIRTHDAY!!!! Kuroo is the captain of my favorite team and was one of my first favorite characters! I hope I did him justice with this lil fic also I apologize for the angst 😔
Why were you avoiding him?! And on his birthday never the less!!
The whole day whenever you spotted him you'd skitter off without a second look behind you.
It was kind of annoying actually.
You hadn't said a word to him today besides your good morning text. For the first time in a long time, Kuroo was feeling kinda lonely. The past few weeks you had been slowly spending less and less time with him; this week had been the worse so far, he's only talked to you face to face about three times.
Kuroo stepped into the classroom, eyes scanning the groups of faces for you. Maybe you'd want to talk a bit before you had to go to your class like usual? He spotted you by the front of the room pointing at paper that was spread out on Kai's desk, Yaku and Kai listening intently to what you were saying.
Unfortunately, Kai noticed him walking over to the small group and nudged your arm. You looked up from the paper and froze when your eyes met with his. In a split second, you hurriedly snatched the paper from the desk shoving it into your bag then grabbed Yaku's hand and dragged him out of the classroom.
Kuroo sighed inwardly.
You sure had been spending a lot of time with Yaku these past few weeks; you seemed to almost always be around him, grabbing onto his hand, pulling him into different rooms...Whispering to him....in the halls......
Wait a minute
You couldn't actually be...
The two of you weren't.....You'd never.....Yaku wouldn't... Right?
Then why was there this awful feeling twisting in his chest, a feeling that only got heavier as he thought back on how weird you had been acting the past few weeks, like you were hiding something from him.
Kuroo felt like he was gonna throw up. Has he really been that blind? Were you actually cheating on him right under his nose, and with one of his teammates?
He sat down at his desk completely ignoring Kai's gentle greetings.
He felt numb. He also felt completely and utterly stupid.
Did Kai know? He was the one to tip you off that he was in the room. Now that he thought about it Fukunaga did something similar earlier in the week.
Did everyone know but him?
The rest of the day went by slowly. It felt like he was trapped in a pool of molasses, slowly and painfully trudging through, only to be pulled back in by his sticky thoughts and doubts.
By the time practice came around he was exhausted, emotionally and physically.
He was so out of it, he almost didn't hear Coach Nekomata wish him happy birthday with a cheery smile and a soft pat on the back.
"You're acting weird"
Kuroo glanced up at Kenma from his spot on the bench.
"What do you mean by that?"
Kenma sighed and shuffled over to sit next to him, "You keep spacing out," he mumbled softly, "you're playing stiffly and you've been avoiding Yaku like the plague."
He really can't fool Kenma, huh? I guess growing up together played a part in that.
Kuroo sighed, he unconsciously started to ring the towel in his hands. He didn't want to admit it out loud, his body started to burn from the build-up of thoughts and emotions throughout the day.
"I think (y/n)'s cheating on me," Kuroo's stomach twisted sickly at saying that sentence out loud.
"Why's that?"
"They've been avoiding me all week, they've also started being very friendly with Yaku."
Kenma almost burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation, quickly masking it with a cough.
"I don't think they'd ever cheat on you, they probably have an explanation for their behavior," Kenma said, he silently pulled out his Switch already booting up a game.
Kuroo frowned at the gym floor. He hated feeling like this.... He felt lost and hurt, a dull ache pierced his heart when his thoughts drifted to you.
Just as he was about to go help clean up the gym, Nekomata called out to him.
"Go deliver these papers to the principal for me, the directors wanted a copy of the tournament schedule."
Kuroo only nodded and made his way out of the building, at least he got out of cleaning up the gym today.
When he arrived back at the gym all of the lights were off.
That's odd....usually, there are a few people who hang back and work on solo drills.
He stepped into the dark building, searching blindly for the light switch. At this point by he just wanted to go home and sleep, it hadn't been that great of a birthday anyway.
He flipped on the lights only to be startled by the sound of a confetti popper.
Kuroo turned around, the entire team was stood in the middle of the gym with you in the front holding a cake with a bright smile.
"Happy birthday Tetsurou!!"
You handed the cake to Kai, who went off with Fukunaga to cut it, and launched yourself at him trapping him in a tight hug.
He looked down at you, his brain was still catching up with the fact that you were actually interacting with him, "...yes?"
"Ah! I’m so glad I don't have to keep a secret anymore! That was so long!" Lev shrieked.
You turned to Lev with a baffled look, "What do you mean long! I literally just told you what we were doing yesterday."
You started bantering with Lev but your conversation blurred out as something clicked in Kuroo's brain.
"How long have you been planning this?"
You turned away from Lev and looked up at him, "A few weeks, Kai and Yaku helped a bunch though!"
Oh.....well that explains a lot.
Kuroo let out a sigh of relief and pulled you into his chest, you looked at him with a worried expression, "Are you ok Tetsu?"
He chuckled slightly. Could he consider himself ok if he spent the entire day thinking you had been cheating on him only to find out you were just planning a surprise party?
He got his answer as he looked into your eyes, they sparkled with love whenever you were near him and the genuine concern on your face made his heart clench.
"I'm great, (y/n)" he smiled at you then proceeded to press kisses all over your face causing you to giggle at his actions.
There was a gagging noise heard behind you causing the both of you to look in the direction of the sound.
The gagging came from Yaku with a slightly disgusted Kenma standing next to him, their faces scrunched up at your display of affection.
"We get it you're both sickeningly cute but please for our sake save the sappy stuff for later"
"You think I'm cute Yakkun?"
"Don't push your luck!"
<< ---------------------------------------------------- >>
Kuroo enjoyed the small party with the team but he was even happier now that he got to spend alone time with you. The second the both of you got back to his house he was pulling you to his room so he could cuddle you to death. After the absolute rollercoaster of emotions he went through today he needs to just hold you close to further convince himself that you wouldn't ever leave.
"Tetsurou?" you piped up from your position lying against his chest, your hand continued to twist and twirl locks of his messy hair.
"Are you sure you're ok? Nothing happened today right?"
He didn't have the heart to lie to you, so he came clean. He told you about this morning where he made the silly assumption that you were cheating on him and how your behavior fit in with everything.
"Oh Tetsu, I'm so sorry! I didn't even realize what everything could have looked like from your perspective," you pulled yourself closer to him, tucking your face into his chest, "I'd never cheat on you, ok? And I don't plan on leaving you any time soon.... you're too important to me."
What you said was barely above a whisper but those words rang loudly in Kuroo's heart.
His eyes burned slightly with unshed tears as he pressed his face to the top of your head.
"I wouldn't dream of leaving you either, (y/n)."
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
kise is in no way reliable, he knows that. he didn't thought himself of being reliable when he doesn't even know what he wants to do for the rest of his life. never felt like he was in control of that, anyway. and maybe he'll never be in control of it. so here the blond was, sitting on a bench as he watched kagami do some throws in the hoop. it was still early and it was just a coincidence that kise was doing his morning jog when he spotted kagami in the court. he approached, received a simple greeting and that's that.
he could tell kagami was fuming about something. “ i can’t make you trust me. but i’m gonna stick around long enough for you to realize you can. ” flatly says, standing up from where he was and stole the ball from the latter. he said that because he wants to be able to be there for kagami, whenever he needed someone, anyone.
every so often, the frustration resurfaces that he relies a good deal on his team to support him in games. sure, anyone does to some extent. basketball is a team game. good teamwork is not weakness, nor is it something to take for granted. but kagami doesn't want to be a member of the best team. he is going to be the best. he loves seirin, and gets chastised for being self-centred or even selfish when he voices that sometimes seirin's wins don't feel like enough. so he doesn't voice them. he'll spend practice deep in thought, criticising every choice he makes. comparing it to better players. saying be more like him, or he wouldn't do that to himself. it's something that either his teammates aren't aware of, or are aware and know they can't do anything to help. they can distract him, remind him of the importance of a team, but they can't help.
on days like today, when nothing is good enough and the pressure he's put on himself is so intense that he fumbles, making it worse, this truly reflects on his mood. to try and drag himself out of this dark place, he'd stayed up late last night analysing nba matches, comparing where he is as a 17 year old enthusiast, to fully grown, nba champions. naturally, this doesn't help. as good as he is, as good as he knows that he is, kagami still feels like a small fish in a big pond sometimes.
his late night had made for a restless, tired day today. he'd zoned out through basically all of his classes, staring at the blackboard with his arms folded, envisioning plays and tactics almost as vividly as when he runs drills by himself. practice wasn't fun. the way he has been speaking to himself ( "you're not trying hard enough," / "you expect to make it big doing stupid mistakes like that?" / "that wasn't good enough. again. fail. do it again. that's not any better! try harder! do it again!" ) started to spill into how he spoke to his teammates and naturally he had clashed. like when koganei fucked up a perfectly easy pass because he'd blinked at the wrong time. fuck's sake, open your eyes next time maybe isn't the nicest thing to say to someone? he apologised to koganei, of course he did ( not much choice when there's berating coming from all sides ), but he hasn't been any kinder to himself. he'd come out after practice, followed by kuroko. no, i'm fine, kagami had said to him. and then, hoping that this would stop further questions, he continued i got stuff going on right now that i don't wanna talk about. catch you later, yeah?
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he doesn't entertain this thought much, but if, by any chase, kagami is not good enough, what then? if he doesn't make the nba. it's almost unfathomable. he will. but if he can't? he'll keep trying. no-- see, it's relentless. kagami truly believes in himself, he is as tenacious as they come. but if he doesn't, there is no plan b. he doesn't care about anything else as much as this. his dad said he's sure he can get a job at the office, but the thought is laughable. asao, his father, is alive. he breathes, he eats, he sleeps, he works. but he doesn't live. kagami's perception is that a 9 - 5 is a slow death. it probably isn't, of course, but it feels that way to him. kagami recognises that it's stable, though. reliable. he would learn how to fit his life around office hours. it's just... kagami is in no way reliable, he knows that. he yearns for something more. he hopes that basketball will take him there ( and god help him if it doesn't ).
kise arrives on scene to watch kagami fuck up a three-pointer. it's not his fault, it had been in the air before kise could be blamed for it. still just as angry at himself as he has been all day, he scowls and offers a rhetorical 'sup? to his rival. please fuck off, kagami thinks to himself, he really can't handle forced cheer and loud noises this afternoon. kagami scoops up the ball and bounces it around his feet, lining up to go for a dunk. then kise does distract him.
"i can’t make you trust me," he says and kagami looks over at him with a quickly softening frown. "but i’m gonna stick around long enough for you to realize you can."
god, did he just get chills? kise closes the distance between them, and kagami can so little predict what he will do that he is a perfect target to steal from. he can concentrate better without thinking about bouncing the ball around, anyway. kagami stands straighter, closing his gaping mouth. maybe they're just pretty words said by someone who likes to think he's everyone's friend. is that fair? kise has his dark side too, one that kagami can just about see when the joyful façade is lowered enough. but why should kagami open up to him? they don't even go to the same school. they're alike in some ways, and different in others. with these generation of miracles guys, there's even more of that sneaking feeling that they'll just up and ditch as soon as they lose interest. that's not kise's fault, though. not really any of their fault. it's just kagami and his shattered ability to trust in people. to trust beyond a game.
he exhales. come back to earth. kise isn't asking for him to bare his soul, just maybe not to give him the cold shoulder so much. kagami inhales, closes his eyes, exhales, and smiles because he can't fight it. he's too in his head about his skills, where they need sharpening or improving, to think about the weight of kise's statement. but he'll remember it later when he's cooking dinner alone. it'll help him then, too.
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"you're pretty full of yourself coming in here and disturbing me like this," kagami lowers again, a familiar spark re-entering his eyes. it's playfulness. he darts over, goes for a steal but it's obvious and kise avoids it. kagami huffs, running a hand through his hair. "you wanna help me out, you can play me."
it's not that he doesn't trust kise enough to voice exactly how he's feeling, or that he thinks kise would drop him and the weight of his problems, it's that he can't. he cannot open up about it. he doesn't even realise that he doesn't know how.
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