#throwing it back to the twister video because off-season is boring
hagenwo43 · 9 months
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Off season Pt3
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
Are you currently learning from anyone how to play any instruments? Nope.
Are you one of those people who always tend to think critically in issues? I think so? I don’t just take everything I hear at face value or go with what others believe and are saying. I want to inform myself and form my own opinions.
Do you know anyone who is overly flirty with people? Girl or a boy? No.
When was the last time you had any kind of pork? What kind was it? It’s been a little while, actually. I have more beef cause of hamburgers and chicken.
Are you someone who normally eats a full breakfast every single morning? Noooope. The most I have in the morning is my cup of coffee and a donut or muffin. I rarely eat breakfast otherwise. I like breakfast foods, I just don’t eat them at breakfast time usually.
Do you believe vampires are real? Not the stereotypical Twilight kind. There are people who like to drink blood. Blech.
Is there anyone out there who can give you butterflies in your stomach? Ty gave me that feeling.
Are you someone who has to hide the things you like around friends? Not really hide, but I’d just rather not bring up or share.
Have you ever been to a porn website? Were you addicted to it afterword? Yeah. My friends have shown me videos before. I really don’t get the appeal, it definitely wasn’t my thing. To each their own.
What is the most disgusting thing you think the opposite sex can do? I don’t know.
Would you rather be able to teleport or freeze time? Which one seems best? Teleport. I could go anywhere I wanted, whenever.
Have you seen the movie Twister? Did the tornadoes look real to you? I haven’t.
Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? Thankfully, no.
Did your mom ever fix your eggs and bacon into a smiley face as a kid? I don’t think so.
What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? McDonald’s does when they’re nice and hot and soft. Now when they’ve been sitting there for a long time and are all hard.
Do you believe one day aliens might take over the planet Earth? Let’s hope not.
Are you someone who always looks for sales when you go shopping somewhere? Usually, yes. I like saving money. <<<< Same.
Are you constantly re-arranging your bedroom? Or do you not like change? Nope. My room setup has been the same. I just add stuff. I can’t really do a whole lot with it because my room is kind of small.
Who would you consider the best teen actor or actress out there now? I don’t know.
When did you last cuddle up next to someone and watch a movie? I haven’t cuddled up with anyone to watch a movie except for with a hot drink and a blanket, but my family and I like to watch movies together.
Where would people most likely find you out on the weekends? At home.
Do you like the school you attend or is it just pretty bland to you? I’m not in school.
Do you remember when they used to actually throw candy out at parades? I haven’t been to a parade.
What is your favorite childhood memory? Who did you share this with? Just my childhood in general. I loved just playing Barbies and doing my own thing without a worry in the world.
Are there any windows open in your house right now? Which ones, if so? Nope.
Is it currently your favorite season? If not what is your favorite? One of them, yes. I also love fall.
Do you like soda pop? If so, which is your favorite and least favorite? I’ve been asked this a lot as of late. Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi (the cherry varieties as well), and Cream soda are my favorites. I don’t care much for Sprite, Sierra Mist, or 7-Up. I have an off and on relationship with Root Beer; sometimes I like it, sometimes I don’t. I rarely have it. Is Ginger Ale a soda? If it is, that’s also one I don’t like at all.
Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? I burp at home around family, but not around others or in public.
Do you have any siblings you’re embarrassed about being related to? Wow, no. I love my siblings and I am happy to call them my brothers.
Which noises do you currently hear right now? Can you control those? The girl talking in the ASMR video. I could control it by turning the volume down or stopping the video.
What is one thing you’ve never understood throughout your life? Life.
When you see an old person do you think ‘sweet’ or 'creepy?’ Uh it’s not just one or the other for a whole group of people. I don’t usually think anything.
What is it that makes old women want so many cats in their life? To fill the void. I always say I’ll be the old dog lady instead cause I’m a dog person and will likely be forever alone.
What is one kind of music you’d do anything to not listen to in the car? I don’t like techno.
When was the last time you babysat, if ever? Did anything bad happen? It’s been yearsss. I’d babysit my younger brother and two of my cousins when they were kids, but one is 18 soon to be 19 now, my brother will be 18 soon, and my other cousin is going to be 17. They’re all big now. :’(
How many times a day do you wash your face? Do you wash it really good? I haven’t been good about doing that. :/ For awhile I was washing it every night.
Would you consider yourself to have a boring life or a really exciting one? It’s really rather boring and simple. I’m sure most people on the outside looking in would think so. The thing is, I genuinely like doing the things I do like Tumblring, surveys, reading, coloring, watching Youtube, and watching TV. I like staying home as opposed to going out. It doesn’t mean I never get bored, or that I never like to go anywhere, but overall those are the things I like to do. I like the simplicity.
However, I’ve kind of been on the extreme end of things for the past two years. Especially this past year. I became withdrawn and distant from friends. I’ve holed up at home. Before I was in school, and I would also hang out with friends and stuff. I got out of the house and did stuff. Being the way I have been doesn’t do much good for my mental health. Being with myself and my thoughts all the time isn’t good. I’ve been having issues with my physical health, some of which requires me to on bed rest as much as I can. That gets rather frustrating. I do get an itch to switch it up now and then and break the routine. I’ve been feeling that way lately. I could stand to get out for awhile and do something.
Do you ever talk to people you met online through webcam? Or is that weird? No. I didn’t even like doing that with people I knew in “real life.” I’ve never been a fan of that. I don’t like Facetiming and all that.
Who was the last person you kissed and why did you kiss this person? I don’t get this question every time it’s asked. We kissed cause we wanted to. Oh, and it was Joseph.
How many fish have you owned in your lifetime, so far? Did they all die? I’m not sure. I had a lot as a kid. Yes, they did all end up dying at some point.
When do you think it’s the right age to pass away? I don’t know what the “right” age is.
If you were to get drunk right now, how would you most likely act? I wouldn’t be getting drunk, though.
How many people have you kissed in your lifetime, so far? Who were they? Three.
Are you going to post this on a social networking site after you take it? I’m posting this on Tumblr and that’s it.
Is there something people in general do that bothers you a lot? I don’t know. I just can’t people a lot. I can’t be around a lot of people.
Has anything supernatural ever happened to you? What were these events? No.
How many concerts have you seen so far in life? Were they good ones? About six, I believe. Yes, I had a good time.
Do you like doing anything your friends wouldn’t expect you to do? *shrug*
Can you sing very well or are you considerably tone deaf? I know I can’t sing.
When did you last make a survey? How many people took it so far? I don’t make surveys.
Would you ever consider becoming a scientist? Why would you or why not? No. I don’t excel in science at all, and it’s just not something that I wished to ever pursue. It’s not to say some of it isn’t interesting, but it’s something I’d rather read about on my own rather than get a degree in it and become one.
Where is your favorite place to go when you’re feeling sad and alone? My room.
Have you ever had to call poison control while you were babysitting? No.
Do you ever look back on the past years and wish you could go back? Yes.
When is the next time you’ll talk to the cousin you’re closest to? I’m not close with any of my cousins anymore. :(
Does it bother you when people constantly sign in on MSN? Or not so much? I don’t use MSN. Never have.
When was the last time you saw a bird? What kind of bird was this? I don’t know. Probably the other day. I don’t really pay attention.
Have you ever seen someone getting beat up by lots of people at one time? No. I don’t understand why people like watching fights and would go run over to it if they saw one. I don’t like watching that.
Are you really into vintage things? Have you ever been into that stuff? Not really into it, but I do like some stuff.
When was the last time you bought new sheets for your bed? My parents got me a new set this past Christmas.
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