cerastes · 2 years
Whats wrong with Near Light?
It is completely clueless as to what its own point is.
"Maria Nearl" made an excellent job of portraying the capitalist bloodsport known as "the Kazimierz Major" as a soulless venture meant to sell dreams and deliver bloodshed, propaganda, and ad revenue instead. It is impeccable in its themes, to the point that Blemishine is in fact told that she is expecting far too much, by EVERYONE else, when she says she'll compete in the Major for the sake of House Nearl having a Knight Primus. Her closest associates end up supporting her not because they truly believe she's right, they support her because they literally don't want her to end up dead. Zofia, Vogelweide, Kowal and Marcin know there's no actual stopping Maria once she sets up her mind on something, so they choose to train her not so she can win, but so she can survive at all in something she's woefully unqualified for. There's absolutely no glory to be made. This is a vie for survival first and foremost.
Near Light then completely disregards all of this and makes Margaret Nearl, a character I really like, into a generic fantasy hero that Must Fight To Achieve Things. It takes the very grounded "meaningless fight for something" from the first event, which is completely in line with old knightly literature, and turns it into a shonen, which I found pretty, well, insulting. Victory equals successful ideals now, because she's Margaret "Kirito SAO" Nearl, so if she does it, it's Fine now. It spins everything into seemingly being honorable knightly duels (but we're the good ones), while giving a horribly passive centrist narrative to what was purely a criticism of late stage capitalism in the prior event. Margaret wants to change things systematically from within.. Which is just a load of hog-fucking-wash when we already established from moment one that the system is in itself flawed, corrupt, and a cesspit of maggots trying to eat each other. It makes you wonder if it was the same writer that wrote both events, because it sure as shit doesn't seem so, and if it was, did they get into NFTs in the meantime or subscribe to Infowars or Andrew Tate or whatever equivalent there is mainland China or something? It went from a clearly muddied look at a system that is inherently flawed into "Actually, if we win enough fights... We can begin the Change Everything castbar, it's pretty simple, actually".
And I bring up those particular shitstains because Margaret Nearl, VERY uncharacteristically, pulls off a "no handouts, let them pull themselves up by their bootstrings" in the event: She refuses to go rescue Pinus Sylvestris because "they can't be saved by those who already have true conviction, they must do it themselves"... Actually what the fuck? You see in Chapter 0, 1 and 7 of the main story that Nearl will go out of her way, risk her very own flesh, to rescue those who are hopeless because that's what she believes in, that's why she's admired, because she'll fucking pull through in these situations... And then she says this shit in Near Light? AND THEN, as if that wasn't enough, smashing a fucking broken thermometer over a salted wound, it is then stated in god damn Operators Files that she did rescue Pinus Sylvestris off-screen anyways, because whoever was responsible for "writing" this, and I'm being fucking magnanimously generous with that word, couldn't just have their cake, but also had to devour it wholesale in one single bite? Get the fuck out.
On screen: Yeah, they gotta earn their lives. [Some fakedeep shit about needing to be devoted enough to their own cause and beliefs] Off screen: Oh I saved them anyways lol, I need to Look Cool.
It's not good writing, g, I'll tell you that fucking much, and it makes me upset because it's a character I like in a setting I love.
Of course I'm not going to like if they Kiritofy a character they had consistently written real damn well prior to an event meant to star her.
It makes me mad because the ultimate resolution of it all is a very cowardly "I Will Now Improve Things From Within" yeah okay and Suzaku was right in Code Geass too, right? Jesus fucking christ, man.
Bottom line, it all feels like they set up something incredible in Maria Nearl, right up until the very end, when Fan Favorite comes out of fucking nowhere to save the day, and then her event contradicts the key tenets of her character thus far to boot.
So you'll have to forgive me but my opinion on Near Light is not particularly positive because it became a "Wow look at how COOL this character is!" kinda shonen shitshow when we had a very "The system is inherently wrong, the solution is not at all simple" sort of seinen narrative going on. It should be telling when Mlynar embodies a more scathingly apt take on the sides Maria herself did not cover in her event towards the narrative than whatever the hell they decided to tarnish Margaret with. It's like the Twilight of Wolumonde writer handled Maria Nearl until the end and then they put the Sword Art Online writer on for Near Light.
It's not because I dislike Margaret Nearl that I feel this way. It's because I like her and they did her dirty. But sure, wau cool horse dom wife mommy or whatever.
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bibivanna · 1 year
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Another dnd character, commission by @thunderbird145 thank you so much✨
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
You always have the best fate opinions how do you do it
well for starters I've been into fate for a decade now so I've had a lot of time to cultivate good opinions about it. if you dig back into my blog far enough you're bound to find posts i no longer agree with (i used to dislike shirou can you fucking believe it. i thought zero was better than stay night) because things and people can change a lot in ten years. back in MY day i had to fight for my life to convince people yariyumi was anything more than a crackship
i also just legitimately have strong reading comprehension (i got certificates to prove it and everything) as well as good pattern recognition, which in a series that constantly repeats itself one step to the side means i can predict whole character arcs off minimal information. and, this is crucial, i don't say things about characters i don't think i have a good grasp on. if i don't know what I'm talking about i just shut up. sometimes i think i know when I don't and end up saying something dumb anyway but this trick serves me well the vast majority of the time
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Does spine snap satoshi have a noble phantasm?
Noble Phantasm: Salacious Spine Snapper - Lunatic Lust 
Classification: Anti-Decency 
Rank: A++
Effect: Causes instant death to all female enemies 
Causes hp degeneration by 690 until hp reaches 1 [demerit] 
Overcharge Effect: Causes terror, reduces max hp, attack, defense, and np gauge to 0% for all male enemies 
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weisscoldglare · 6 years
Do you do commissions?
i do, feel free to email [email protected] for details, references, and price,,,, but more importantly, is that cat cosplaying arthur 
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soeurshipping · 6 years
You can stream pretty easily with the program OBS, and even if you don't want to live stream it the program also records videos.
yeah, i just recently found out i can record videos in sims 4 w/o having to use like, screen recording from quicktime. 
I do also have a twitch but i only use that to watch stuff. but who knows.
i’m just currently exploring and picking out which options would be better!
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goobermation · 7 years
Tohru from maid dragon as a pokemon trainer?
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Tohru used Flamethrower!
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Last two posted
I don’t know those two characters at all, but maybe the other mods do? based on appearance i’d maybe say Rozalin??
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biggaycowboys · 8 years
Cream and Rose
Rose - You’re pretty.Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.…ohmygosh ty
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ecstaticacrobatic · 8 years
Boss Battle?
(I talked about this with the person asking but I thought I’d leave an explanation for the setting im about to give they specified Reverse boss fight, Celeska VS their OC Pina Ciravel. A druid with lightning claws not sure what universe she’s for but it doesnt really matter)
Celeska wandered into a large forest, she was here looking for whatever made the loud Thundering noise shear heard outside of the forest but now, she was a bit lost. She had her machette at the ready incase anything attacked her. Suddenly she heard the noise again… and unfortunately what made the noise, or who rather was standing in front of her. A girl with brown hair, a tad shorter than Vemi and from the looks of it, a bit younger too. By the stance this girl took Celeska knew that she was not welcome in this forest. but what she found most odd is that she didn’t recognize the species of this girl… is this? a Human?
Celeska readied her weapon as it appeared as a fight was unavoidable if she wanted to leave the forest safely. The foe began walking towards Celeska Menacingly before breaking into an aggressive sprint!
(Ignore the first 5 second intro)
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v-poreons · 7 years
What's up with Disneyland
I like it? I don’t get what you mean lol
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Looking at the last two waifus, who do you think will win in a fight?
The last two waifus requested or the last two officially posted?
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biggaycowboys · 7 years
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@thunderbird145 Here is your lamp, my good friend
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arin-hanson · 9 years
One of my favorites episodes, hands down, has got to be the pac attack one off. So funny.
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greenwitching · 9 years
Read me, please.
you didn’t say which one you wanted so let’s go with a one card for convenience:
the empress, reversed: creative block, dependence on others
one shouldn’t follow one leader all the time my friend.
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tainbocuailnge · 9 years
Undertale characters as servants?
havent finished the game yet so i might wanna revise this down the line but
murderfrisk is assassin and pacifist frisk is avenger
undyne is 100% lancer class no question. can also be saber and even archer if all other slots are filled but you got a strong enough catalyst but her stats are highest as a lancer. has like A++ rank battle continuation.
toriel is a caster and i havent run into asgore yet so im not gonna comment on him yet (but going by the trident probably lancer)
papyrus is either caster or archer depending on how you interpret the magic bone attacks but im leaning toward caster. he wants to be lancer class so bad (bc undyne is one) but no amount of magic bone attacks makes him any closer to a lancer class.
sans can be both caster and archer like papyrus but I’d say he leans more towards archer since those gaster skulls are more projectile based. he’s also a counter guardian dispatched to stop murderfrisk. maybe papyrus is too who knows they both just showed up one day after all.
i guess u could classify mettaton EX as a deviant rider class with him ‘riding’ that robot body but it’d have to be a weird fucking grail war for him to be summoned lmao. his noble phantasm is a reality marble where everything is turned into a live tv show it’s fuelled similarly to iskandar’s in that it’s his fans that provide the mana to sustain it.
alphys isnt a servant she’s undyne’s master and also she played the original vn and can’t stop thinking abt mana transfers. alternatively she’s mettaton’s master and hopes to god she won’t have to do mana transfers.
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