#thx lost yxars
thechipsaredown · 2 months
@thx-lost-yxars continued from here:
“Not yet.” The Fiend uttered in dull, unbothered sarcasm towards Six. In truth, her presence gave Scratch enough trouble to worry about. After all, she’s pointing a gun at him. Scratch raised his hands a little, showing no hostile intent against the other. His eyes, anxious and conniving, lingered on the gun and then on Six. In his mind, he was trying to think of a plan. He wanted the advantage, he wanted to be the one with the gun. After all, Scratch hated being the disadvantaged. He tilted his head a bit, his eyes leveling with Six. He answers, his voice calm enough to sound confident. “Same as you. I’m scavenging, looking for something nice to sell.” He grinds his teeth slightly as he stares. Inside him, a desire for violence beckons him to action. He restrains that desire, until the right moment comes for it. “Look, we can go our separate ways. I just need what I want, then I’m gone. Simple as that.”
"I'm not buying it," Six drawled out the words simply, her head cocking to the side as she gestured to the left with her gun to steer him where she wanted.
When lacking evidence the only alternative was to go with a gut feeling - the wasteland would not allow for any less. there was a stench rolling off of this fella's response and it wasn't just his body odor. Maybe it was where she found him, maybe it was that he was a stranger in a bloodstained place, "but how 'bout I make you an offer?"
She didn't trust this fella as far as she could throw him but there were plenty more people that needed shooting in this place. Six wasn't above taking a bet either, even if it was just with herself.
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okiedokiegoosey · 1 month
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↳ @thx-lost-yxars → “I come from a place where the world is what you make of it.” [x]
she's miffed in this new place with all of it's new rules. why did she ever leave the vault, again? oh, yeah, they're lying pieces of work, too. regardless, there's too much invested in the success of this trip than letting her newfound temper get the best of her. everyone is allowed to state their opinions in a saloon; even if they're doing it directly at her. continuously. this conversation draws her ire short. "oh, yeah?" she replies, eyeing the crowd once more for her travel companion who obviously abandoned her here. "i come from a place where everything is laid out for you. except you have to do what they want, because it was built that way. you don't get to make anything. well- except for babies." and wasn't that still the struggle? she'd wanted to repopulate an earth that was never empty. she wanted to make a difference, just as she'd been raised to believe she was meant to. but now? now, she was wandering a wasteland, and nothing made sense. "and i still want to believe in where i came from. i do." she mumbles almost miserably. "because a few bad people can't make it all bad, right?" she's fishing for what she wants to hear, and she knows it. she just wished someone understood what it meant to be a vaultie. what it meant to be property to a company that did so much bad but taught her to see the world as good. the collar of her jumpsuit feels a little tight. "sorry for rambling. my name's lucy. what's yours?" there it is. there's that thirty-third go-getter. so what if she talks too much.
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ratherxintense · 1 month
“This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep.”
lack of sleep starters [open]
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"You know what's coming for you. You, and your little nest of vermin. Try as you might to stay vigilant, mighty Caesar's Legion will crush you all the same. Generous of me, I know - to give you such an honest warning."
Vulpes relished this moment, standing across from one of the fearsome Fiends, only this time with a proper force of legionaries on their way. The raiders would all be rooted out in some way or another. Vulpes was simply here to discuss terms with anyone bearing enough rank and sobriety to speak them.
"There might be hope for you, if you surrender now. Need I remind you of the eighty-six tribes that have preceded this moment?"
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meadowlarksabove · 1 year
“What’s your leader called again? Kaiser or Caesar?”
Regional pronunciation
"Depends where you´re from. It can be Caesar or Kai-zar.” 
The frumentarius spoke down from his perch, sitting cross-legged over a boulder. His eyes took in the flat desert around them. As far as he could tell, this guy had approached him on their own. Very strange.
“Why do you ask?”
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cicero-the-assassin · 2 years
"Trick or Treat!”
"Trick or Treat!”
Cicero looks the other up and down in his costume. Some sort of caped American hero guy.
An eyebrow raises, taking a moment to lean in the doorway, resting the candy bowl firmly on the opposite jutting out hip. Of course, Cicero himself seems to be dressed as a vampire. Though, it doesn't take much effort on his part to take on that visage.
"You come 'round here for the festivities? Trick or treatin' at MY door? Babe, I knew you just couldn't stay away. Or perhaps it was bad luck on your part?" Either way, Cicero clenches a handful of wax wrapped candies and drops them into the other's bucket. His mother gave him that recipe. The caramels and taffys are sure to please.
He can't help the pointed grin that begins growing on his face.
"Got tricks or even more treats inside should you like~"
He winks flirtatiously.
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🧋 - to offer your muse a drink .
misc action memes
"Hmm? Oh."
Kira apparently had been day dreaming. Taking a bit too long to answer. Wrapped up in whatever thoughts plagued her. As she most often was. Perhaps it was rude when keeping company. Maybe he just had an inkling from her furrowed brow that she needed to take a load off.
Kira didn't drink much. Made her a bit... too loose. But, one drink wouldn't hurt right? She trusted Scratch regardless. For better or worse.
She takes the bottle gently and takes a swig. Holding the liquid in her cheeks before swallowing. A sort of vague look of disgust crosses her face before she coughs once with an 'eugh'.
"That- that tastes like shit. You drink this crap?" She asks, handing him the beer back.
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renoxvated · 2 months
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❝Well I've seen some strange things out in the wastes...talkin' robots, hell even a robot that can fu--uh, just ya' know lots of strange shit...❞ Brown eyes linger on the sight before him, the kind of thing he'd only heard about from old world ghouls really, not that he talked to a whole lot of ghouls but the ones he had.
❝This is a motorcycle right? Fuckin' cool.❞ Roy really had seen a lot over the years, mostly nothing good and sure he'd seen motorcycle's before, but not the kind that actually worked. In fact most just seemed to be as bad off as the cars littering the wasteland, like brightly colored tetanus beckoning trash. ❝This makes you cooler than all those hoity suits on the strip.❞ He mused outload, ❝Probably pretty fast too, right? At least faster than anything on two legs.❞ Roy continued, finally cocking his head to the side and looking towards the stranger.
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armageddonpitchman · 1 month
"I'm tougher than I look."
"Well you gotta be to be Wastelandin, otherwise you'd already be dead."
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rotting-steel · 2 months
@thx-lost-yxars liked for a starter.
Fucking Fiends.
All they were was people escaping the shithole through poisoning themselves, living for a high that'll just end with them dead in a ditch, along with a pile of bodies under them. Allister had been walking through the Mojave when not only did his armor alert him to something, but he caught a shot in the shoulder from a high-powered rifle. It didn't penetrate, but the now visible dent in his beloved power armor sent his anger skyrocketing. He knew exactly who they were with only a glance, this wouldn't be the first time he cracked their skulls.
"Come here you little fucking CHEM HEADS!"
The armored man walked over to a shell of a car, destroyed but enough metal to still be of use, and tossed it up to then act as a shield. With one arm he pushed the car toward the fiends, while with the other his plasma rifle stuck out from behind and started firing in their direction.
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❛ i have met some of the most insufferable people. but they also met me. ❜
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"So I guess that would make it an even trade then wouldn't it?" Fiona says laughing a bit as she grins knowing she is being a little shit.
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thechipsaredown · 2 months
{ For Six } - "it's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack - not rationality."
Kill Bill sentence starters from @thx-lost-yxars
"I'm sorry, did I give the impression that I give a fuck?" Six scratched her temple with the barrel of her gun before she let out a quiet snort When was the last time she'd slept? Faces blurred together, voices morphed. Quite frankly she had no idea how many she had killed since she had entered this building. She supposed it didn't matter. She sniffed as she turned the gun on him, her voice steady as she spoke with a quiet confidence, "'cause if I did I really oughta work on my person to person demeanor."
There was only one thing she cared about and it was reaching New Vegas, she had to put all the jagged pieces of the puzzle together so she could make sense of it all. She needed to know what she died for and if she needed to make her own little pile of bodies to get the caps to breach that glittering gate then so be it, "what I'm interested in is what you're doing here."
One answer was all he got before she flipped that switch. There were too many pieces in this building; tech, chems and traps. Anyone here was untrustworthy far as she was concerned but this could be yet another opportunity. It wouldn't be the first time she'd worked together with a shady sonofabitch to get the job done.
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redheadrecon · 2 years
❛ it’s okay to fear. ❜
The soldier sneered. Fear was not something she cared to admit she could still feel.
"As if." Eagle scoffed. She rolled her eyes. "The Fiend teaching about fear... What's this, a story book?"
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mamavalcalaw · 1 month
@thx-lost-yxars has found the oddest of traveling group camped in an formally abandoned building.
The small creatures that would normally harass people or follow a person, waiting for scraps were... Very quiet as a massive predator walked up and down the old street in a patrol while chewing on a large chunk of some sort of meat in her hands. Now and then the death law would pause and sniff, trying to sort out the new scents in the area.
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meadowlarksabove · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random headcanon.
Gabban has a good eye for details and tends to remember events through them. Like remembering a conversation he had with a decanus, not because he was interested in what was being discussed, but by the gold brooch they had on their uniform. That´s the kind of stuff that tends to stick.
The frumentarii share a medium sized tent at the Fort (except for Vulpes who has his own). They´re all busy with their own missions so they´re rarely back at the same time. If they were I´m pretty sure they´d be arguing about who gets which bunk.
Some soldiers think he´s bad luck to have around. Considering what he does under Caesar´s command, he´s got to have a bunch of angry spirits cursing him and filling him with bad vibes.
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cicero-the-assassin · 2 years
✊ - for my muse to hit yours .
misc action memes
He licks the blood from his lip after the recoil of a landing blow and smiles.
Fucking. Smiles.
So this little shit stain bites back. More often lately he's noticed. Maybe he's been too soft on the fiend. Maybe his feelings for him have clouded his judgement.
"What's havin' ya feel so brave today, sweetheart? Psychojet or somethin'? Fine. Fine. For you babe? I'll skip the fucking foreplay today."
Instantly, one of Cicero's legs jab outward harshly. Intending to connect with the side of his knee. With the force given? Fully intending to break it.
"Little shit- see how brave you are when you can't fucking run from me-!"
He's pissed. Pissed that he was caught off guard. Pissed that his face actually stung this time.
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"Well? Go on, then. Prove me wrong."
Tension Sentence Starters
"Fine fine fine-" Kira chuckles lightly, waving him off.
Apparently Scratch was a skeptic, and she couldn't exactly blame him. As he was actually correct.
Yao guai were indeed vicious creatures. Territorial, and willing to use those long and sharp teeth and claws to protect what was theirs.
And here Kira was, hopping over the fallen tree they were hiding behind to approach it. She couldn't explain how or why, but she'd never been attacked by any creature in the wild besides bugs.
She makes small cooing noises as she approaches casually as to not startle it. Eventually making her way to it's side. Most were more naked than not, but they managed to come across this one that Kira deemed 'cute'. It had a lot more fur than she was used to seeing. Which she reached out and 'petted'.
There's no reaction, the creature at a stand still as she scratched it's back. Casting a glance back at her nervous friend, she shrugs.
"I never understood it either."
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