riisume · 1 year
another ffxv fan in the tk community!! welcome :) got any headcanons for the chocobros? -tickleraptorss
Hey there!! Thank you for the ask! I didn't originally have any, I'm honestly shocked. So I took tonight to come up with some! These might be subject to change in the future, but..! I hope they'll suffice for now. ^ ^
FFXV Chocobro Headcanons
-First off, ALL the chocobros are ticklish and you can’t tell me otherwise.
-I can definitely see Prompto being the resident tickle monster out of the bros.
-It definitely backfires on him, though. Especially if he targets Noctis.
-Noctis and Prompto get into tickle fights pretty often, honestly.
-It might take a bit for Noctis to retaliate, but if a few ‘quit it’s’ or ‘knock it offs’ don’t get through, it’s tickle fight central.
-Ignis probably tries to stay out of Prompto’s radar if he can help it.
-Might retaliate just a bit to shoo him away. I don’t see him really engaging much otherwise.
-Gladio… The same can’t be said for him.
-He won’t go out of his way to tickle the others, but if he’s targetted, he will retaliate.
-Strong arms to keep the others pinned while he tickles them, YEP!
-He finds it more fun than Ignis would at least, imo…!
-Prompto’s definitely a squealer.
-Lots of high-pitched laughter, maybe some dorky snorts, very wiggly and squirmy.
-Noctis is probably the type to curl up into a ball and shield himself if he’s losing the battle.
-Noctis also has a really cute laugh, especially when he starts losing his composure. And yes, he very much tries to keep himself from giggling and laughing for as long as he can.
-If you catch him off guard, though, he won’t be able to hold it in.
-Ignis has a very… Refined sounding laugh? His laughter sounds a bit more controlled, but there’s a few spots that can really get him.
-Gladio has the deepest laugh of the chocobros. Pretty rumbly, too!
-You can’t tell me there aren’t times where Promtpo, Gladdy, and Noct all gang up on Ignis.
-Probably happens more often than Ignis would care to admit.
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ticklefits · 2 years
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final fantasy xv | polyship roadtrip | words: 5,073 | commission for @tickleraptorss​ ♥
Ignis is the type of man who boasts a readiness for anything ; breaching enemy lines for a combat operation or practicing a recipe until he has perfected every single ingredient in the dish before serving it to his loves. It’s become something of a skill truly, but with every skill, comes a price to pay. In Ignis’ case, due to the fact that he, Prompto, Gladio, and Noctis were on the run from Niflheim and could rarely catch a break between dropships of mechanized soldiers or wild beasts harboring hunger, deep sleep was a luxury he simply couldn’t afford. He’s always been a light sleeper though, ever since he was a child, so achieving REM wasn’t something that he sought after when it was time to rest. No, Ignis practically embodied the phrase: sleep with one eye open.
Tonight was no different. He’s become used to the sounds of the forest and the low, ethereal hum of the haven that they settled their shelter upon. It was when his ears pricked to the noise of a slight shuffling next to him, followed by a small murmur of something that Ignis couldn’t readily decipher, when his body fully stirred awake. Noctis is laid beside his frame, and Ignis could tell thereafter that the mumbling was leaking from him ⎯ what ends up catching the royal advisor by surprise, is the fact that the next thing he recognizes is the sound of Noctis giggling. Yes, giggling . With his toes curling and his knees tucked up towards his chest underneath the blanket he and Ignis shared. He halts his movements, observing the softly cackling prince with an expression painting over in a twinge of amusement.
Soon enough, the gentle, huffy laughter provoked both Gladio and Prompto to rise from their slumber. Sluggishly, the two of them met eyes before shifting those tired glances to Ignis, who held but a single digit to his lips and gestured down with his own sight. They follow the signal and after processing the fact that Noctis was giggling and fidgeting in his sleep, obviously experiencing quite the tickle dream, neither Prompto or Gladio could find it within themselves to be cross about being awakened so early. Additionally, no one wanted to rouse Noctis from his dream either. Almost as if telepathically, when they all locked gazes with one another again, they shared the same plan: they would make their sweet prince pay for waking them up a different way.
Dawn breaks free over the horizon, and three out of the four travelers rise to meet the sun. They bathe in its rays as each individual occupies himself with something: Ignis moves to prepare their breakfast, Gladio indulges himself on a morning run near the lake, and Prompto ( deeming himself as the official “Noctis Waker-Upper” ) drags a semi-uncooperative prince out from the shelter of the tent, where he slaps himself down into a chair beside the fold up table. Ignis tsks at him, because he simply won’t tolerate such laziness, and assigns Noctis and Prompto to set the table while he finishes the last bit of cooking. They do so with minimal rebellion, and once Gladio returns from his run, they all sit down to enjoy breakfast together. The conversation begins with Noctis teasing Gladio about sweating up the breakfast table and ends with Prompto snapping a quick photo of Gladio wrestling Noctis into a headlock.
With stomachs full of delicious sustenance and their campsite properly packed back into the Regalia, Noctis nearly chokes when Gladio abruptly inquires of him, “So, what were you dreamin’ about last night, Noct?”
“ ⎯⎯ Dunno. Can’t really remember it, I guess.” Noctis replies in a dry tone, attempting to conceal the underlying anxiety beginning to bubble within the pit of his gut. Why was Gladio asking him this? Sure, there were times where the four of them would discuss the occurrences of their dreams, but this was so out of the blue. On top of that, Gladio singled only him out. It couldn’t be that he…?
“Yeah? ‘Cause, to me, it sounded like it was quite the fun dream.”
Oh. No. Unable to oppose the paint of blossom pink that slowly spreads across the apples of his cheeks, it doesn’t take long for Noctis to realize his fate. If Gladio figured out that he was indulging in a tickle dream last night, then that means… Ignis and Prompto know the same. There’s no way they wouldn’t know!
“Eh ⎯ maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t,” Noctis almost shudders out, exhaling in a manner more shaky than he had desired, with all the intention to remain aloof to Gladio’s teasing tonality. “Like I said, can’t remember.”
His tallest boyfriend gave a mere shrug, and settled into his usual seat in the back of the Regalia. Noctis hoped and prayed to every God who’s name he could recall in that moment, that this entire embarrassing situation would be laid to rest once they were back on the road. But the moment his glance met Gladio’s as he approached the empty seat next to him, he knew his taunts weren’t quite finished yet. Goosebumps raised along the flesh of the prince’s arms, and before Prompto could tread closer to the passenger side door, Noctis grabs him by the wrist and tugs him in close.
“Hey,” He greets him with vocals barely above a whisper, as if Gladio were listening to their conversation intently. “Could you, uh.. Could you switch with me? Just for today?”
The blond blinks, curiosity spreading across his features like a brush across a canvas. “Switch with you? But, Noct, you know I always call shotgun! Plus, I need the leg room. And I get car sick sometimes if I sit in the back seat.”
“Wha⎯⎯ you have literally never told me any of that before.”
“I have too! Besides, you’ve never asked to be in the passenger seat before, so why do you want it now all of a sudden?”
“I⎯! Because! Uh…” He tries to wrack his brain for a viable excuse to use, but nothing except the truth comes to mind. Swallowing in a dry throat, Noctis shoves his hands into his pockets, sapphire gaze no longer matching Prompto’s own. “⎯⎯ ‘Cause I… Gladio’s gonna be teasin’ me if I’m back there with him, I can already feel it. I damn well know you guys.. Heard me last night…!”
Trembling lips can no longer hold back the smirk forming, and Prompto gasps softly, acting as though he just now deciphered what Noctis is talking about. He leans in closer towards his royal love, pursing his lips as if he were about to kiss him, before he leans just an inch or so back, slaps a hand on his shoulder and goes: “No.~” With a turn of his heel, he circulates back to face the Regalia and hops much too gleefully into the passenger seat.
Noctis is cemented where he stands, struck dumb with disbelief. Did that seriously just happen? He’s never been the type to pull status, but right now, in this very second, Noctis heavily considered brandishing the prince of Lucis card with an order for Prompto to give him the front seat. He knows himself too well though… And, with little more than a passing glare, he slides into the back seat where Gladio sits and the smug grin etched along his lips is enough to dance a shiver down Noctis’ spine.
That wasn’t nearly the worst of the teasing that was to come. Gladio all but pretends to read his book, while taking any opportunity he can to poke or jab at Noctis at the same time, whether it be with a finger, his elbow, even his damn knee. The prince squirms against his ministrations, relying on every ounce of strength he can muster to deny Gladio the satisfaction of a reaction other than smacking at his prodding extremities. Ignis and Prompto spare informed glances to one another, a smirk adorning both of their features as they pretend to pay the two in the backseats no mind.
The biggest of the four finally ceases his taunting touches right before they make their first stop of the day: the gas station. They all exit the vehicle, Noctis fleeing perhaps a bit too quickly to give off a sense of normalcy, and into the small shop on the side he went, with the rest of his crew following behind. Noctis offers to pump the gas, leaving little room for opposition when he shoves some gil towards the shop owner and returns to the Regalia without Ignis so much as nodding in response. Prompto giggles slightly at the scene, before something soft and yellow catches his eye off to the side. He bends a knee down to observe what he’s seen and the smile across his lips spreads into a full grin. He picks the item up, cleans it off and pockets it for later, springing towards the door when Ignis calls for him to hurry and that they’re going on their way.
The prince is surprised when they hop back on the road again and Gladio doesn’t make the same moves as he did earlier. He’s leaving him alone for some reason, but Noctis doesn’t completely trust it. He can feel that he isn’t safe yet, there’s a subtle electricity in the air between the four of them that’s got goosebumps rising along his skin. Prompto is the one to break the silence, oceanic eyes seeking out Noctis’ in the rearview mirror.
“So, you really don’t remember your dream from last night?”
Noctis nearly chokes. Why is Prompto bringing it up now?! Of all the random ass conversations the blond tends to initiate during their car rides, he just had to press on with his stupid dream!
“No⎯..! No, like I said, I don’t remember anything from that dream. Why the hell are you guys so invested in it?”
“Well, ‘cause you were makin’ some pretty cute noises during it. You were twitching too, looooots of twitching & squirming.”
Shit. Noctis’ cheeks are beginning to redden against his better judgment, and suddenly, he begins to feel smaller than what he is. “I⎯⎯”
“Giggling too! There’s nothin’ wrong with all that, I was just curious about the details of it!”
“Th⎯! There’s nothin’ to say…! Just, leave it be.” He was going to explode. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach, the swirling butterflies of anticipation that made his lips tremble and his knee shake. Something very prominent told him that they weren’t going to let this go. And truthfully… did he want them to?
Prompto chuckles a bit, but shrugs freckled shoulders and relaxes back against his seat. “Whatever you say, Noct.”
That was the last of that conversation, wherein a new topic is triggered by Ignis, something about the missions they had lined up for today that the prince has trouble paying much attention to. He’s much more preoccupied with the sensation of prickling warmth pooling underneath his flesh, all too similar to the feelings he’d experienced during his dream last night. He shoves his cheek into a gloved palm, sapphire sight meeting with the fleeting views of meadows and rock formations as they drive. He keeps his attention to the nature surrounding them, and sure enough, he eventually dozes.
“⎯⎯Ahah!” Is the small yelp that bursts from a previously slumbering Noctis, the culprit leaning above his form and adjusting his glasses.
“Good, that seems to have woken you up.” Ignis drawls, removing his hand from the prince’s side, slow enough so that Noctis could easily tell that Ignis had squeezed his side to jolt him awake from his nap.
“Y⎯Y’know you could’ve just shaken me or somethin’ right?” Noctis stutters out, still groggy and obviously tired, as he opens the car door and slides until booted soles hit the ground below. He throws his arms up to stretch his cramped muscles and nearly tumbles back inside the back seat of the Regalia when Ignis reaches to pinch at his side once more. “Hey! Ihihignis, cut it out!”
“I’m simply giving you extra aid in waking up; you still appear tired and we can’t have that right now, we have missions to complete.” The advisor responds with a matter of fact tonality, but the smirk playing at the corner of his lips speaks of underlying mischief.
“ Okay , o⎯okay, I’m awake now, alright?” Legs start carrying him off before he even finishes his sentence, knowing damn well that being alone with Ignis with that look can only spell trouble for him. Gladio and Prompto must’ve already gone on ahead and Noctis races to catch up with them, but he hears their boyfriend trailing not far behind him.
When they both catch up to the other two, they relay the information they discovered and all four begin their hunt for the target. Unfortunately for Noctis, Ignis’ cheeky little squeezes were all he needed for his focus to break apart and split itself between the mission and the ghost touches that still linger across his skin. Cobalt hair wisps as he shakes his head to rid himself of his distractions ⎯⎯ he can’t let it be known that their actions have snuck their way under his skin, not with a commission on the line.
And yet… that’s exactly what transpires.
The commission detailed a request to take down a coeurl that’s been nesting too close to the main road and harassing travelers and vendors making their way between towns. The foursome has fought their share of these tempest wildcats before, and though they’re certainly dangerous, if they focus on the task at hand and work together, the commission would be completed easy enough. That was supposed to be the case.
But, regrettably, the entire ordeal proves to be more difficult than need be. In the midst of battle, Noctis doesn’t notice the huge paw, ripe with sharp claws, moving to strike him down, until Ignis calls out to him, and grabs him by the hip and tugs him away just in time. Prompto fires two bullets, with one lodging into the coeurl’s leg and successfully tears the creature’s attention away from Noctis and Ignis. With Ignis’ hand still squeezing against his hip, the prince can only slightly nod when the taller inquires if he’s alright, teeth gnawing down on his bottom lip to refrain from releasing the goddamn yelp stuck in the hollow of his throat.
Seriously? Seriously?! He can’t possibly be this hypersensitive, not when they’re fighting a beast like this?! He could’ve been killed just now! Ignis saved him, and even though he’s since let him go to rejoin the battle, Noctis’ stomach is still preoccupied with the sensation of Ignis’ fingers digging into his hip..
His mind clarifies when he hears Gladio shout his name, warning him of the coeurl’s impending lunge towards his body. Noctis re-focuses, warps out of the way of the danger and then, after ricocheting off of a large nearby boulder, he summons his sword for a final strike and ends it with that blow. Panting slightly, he steps closer towards the slain beast to examine its form and make certain its truly deceased, with the others closing in as well. Noctis, however, steps a little too close to it, as the last few shockwaves pulse off of its frame and reach his upper body.
“Ah!” He jumps back, startled when something of a giggle rips from between his lips. The shocks were weak, much weaker than when the coeurl was alive and using full power, and the ticklish feeling that came with their touch left Noctis’ skin vibrating. His cheeks flush a petal pink, especially when he notices the small smirks each of his boyfriends don. Without another single word, he bends to pick up one of the whiskers dropped by the coeurl, shoves it into his jacket pocket, and immediately picks up the trail back to the regalia. The rest of the crew follows suit, chuckling a bit about how absolutely adorable that was.
After returning to their quest source, proving they’ve completed the deal and earning their reward, Prompto immediately asks if they can splurge a little for a hotel for the night. They’ve been camping for the better part of a week now, but with the heavy funds from the coeurl mission and roughing it out in the wilderness, they should have saved enough to afford a nice room at the hotel in Lestallum, and then some. Mulling it over, Ignis ultimately leaves the decision up to Noctis, who agrees rather easily. After all, a shower and a warm, soft bed sounded absolutely divine right now.
And, Noctis was right. Scrubbing a week’s worth of dirt and grime off of his body made it seem as though he could tackle any problem in the entire world. As soon as he gets dressed in fresh clothes, he makes it his personal mission to sink as far and as deep into the bed nearest to his person as possible, arms spread out across the surface of the blanket. He comes to regret that though, when Prompto leans towards him as he’s walking to the bathroom for his turn to shower, and pokes him a few times along the back of his waist. He relishes in the squeak that releases from his boyfriend, observing with glee as he jolts up and curls into himself. The blond giggles, until he catches Noctis with a look as though he were about to launch at him, and Prompto nearly slips as he flees into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.
Noctis frowns at the shut door, huffing through his nostrils before he jolts once again after circulating around to see Ignis and Gladio standing in the entrance to the room, each one wearing their stupid little smirks well.
“Holy crap.. Maybe you wanna be a little quieter next time, you made so much noise comin’ in the room.” The sarcasm drips off of Noctis’ tone like a leaky faucet dripping water, but there’s a whirling sensation in the pit of his tummy that’s urging him to knock off the sass.
“Tch. Big words for someone as jumpy as you’ve been today.” Gladio rebuttals, recalling Noctis’ little stagger when the coeurl shocks tickled him.
“Honestly,” Ignis chimes in, slowly making his way further into the room to settle into one of the accent chairs near the bed that Noctis occupies, “You’ve got a lot of snark in your voice now, and it’s the first time I’ve heard you this confident all day. I wonder why that is, your highness.”
Noctis gulps, swallowing in an abruptly dry throat, and refuses to meet the other’s eyes. He can feel the heat of color painting his cheeks again, cursing his embarrassment under his breath.
“I⎯⎯” The prince begins, before Gladio interrupts him by joining him on the bed, meeting sapphire with intense honey brown.
“⎯I bet I could take a few educated guesses.” The broad swordsman continues, coiling an arm around Noctis’ middle and grinning when he feels the smaller male tense up, “Heh ⎯⎯ still jumpy, I see.”
Noctis nearly whines when Gladio’s breath trickles over the side of his neck, making a small oomph sound at the display of strength from his shield as he tugs Noctis up and against his chest from the weird, half curled, half sprawled out position over the blanket. Ignis joins after removing his shoes, and soon enough, seconds later, Prompto emerges from a steamy bathroom and pouts at the scene before his eyes. He complains about the cuddle pile occurring without him, but Gladio is quick to pull him into the embrace and silence his bellyaching. The four of them remain like this, enveloped in each other’s warmth and limbs and love, until Ignis catches Noctis fidgeting against him slightly, that dusting of roseate still prominent upon the skin of his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, Ignis speaks up with: “What’s the matter, Noct?”
“Nothin’.” His reply comes a little too fast, a little too breathless for any of his boyfriends to ignore.
“Are you suuuuure there’s nothing botherin’ you? There isn’t aaaaanything in this moment that you definitely want?” Prompto’s sing-song tone is enough to darken Noctis’ flush, because damnmit, there’s nothing better worse than being caught up in the predicament he’s in now. Astrals, he’s such an evil tease.
Noctis bites down on his bottom lip to force back the small squeak that dared to jump up his throat from Gladio shifting, his grip around his waist tightening, as though he were preparing for Noctis to attempt to flee or something. Warm breath finds his sensitive neck again, Gladio’s lips press to the shell of his ear and the prince nearly melts when he goes: “C’mon, what’s got you so flustered, your highness?”
This sucks. It sucks , it sucks , and it’s the best damn thing ever. He can’t remember the last time a situation was like this: being granted such taunting and embarrassing affections from each of his lovers , building Noctis up to the brim right before his boiling point. He hasn’t spilled over yet, hasn’t given in to the sensations overwhelming his body before they even do anything, but he’ll be damned if he isn’t close. Ignis seems to sense this, with his careful eyes and methodical gaze, so when his hand rises, and two fingers settle under Noctis’ chin ever so gently, turning his face to meet with Ignis’, Noctis’ visceral shudder blooms a smirk across Ignis’ lips.
“We aren’t going to do anything until you ask us to, my little prince. Consent is important, after all.”
Noctis curses under his breath and even his words wobble; of course , this is the turn he would take. He studies his advisor’s features and notes that he’s serious, he has no intention of allowing anyone to do so much as poke Noctis without a verbal agreement. Everyone seems to be on the same page too, even Gladio’s grip begins to loosen a bit. Pearly whites now worry against his lips, fighting an internal struggle on whether to give in or stay resilient and refuse. He weighs his options, and decides there’s more cons situated on the side of refusal than if he were to do as Ignis instructs. His stomach is performing backflips and he’s already squirming, succumbing to further abashment the longer he waits to deliver a decision.
Eventually, after a few more minutes of grappling with his thoughts and desires, the prince finally opens his mouth to speak, albeit his words come out hushed.
“Y… yeah, I .. ⎯⎯” He begins, swallowing the lump in his throat to continue ( everyone’s eyes soften as he goes on, he really is too cute ) , “I want… that.”
“Y’want what, exactly?” Gladio urges him, gently, his own vocals barely above a whisper.
“To ⎯⎯ .. to be … tickled ,” The last word leaks out like a dripping faucet, quick and quiet, and almost completely shoved to the side when Noctis keeps talking, “But..! Uh… I want it, kinda.. Gentle. Not rough or fast-paced, like usual, just…” He trails off, growing silent with butterflies, but his boys understand him well enough.
“As the prince wishes.” Prompto calls out, affection poured into each word, as he leans up to plant a soft kiss to Noctis’ cheek.
The three of them take a position somewhere against Noctis’ body: Gladio holding Noctis from behind, Ignis at his front, and Prompto at the lower half of his body. There aren’t any more words for now, it’s time to speak with actions. Ignis begins with digits spidering along the plane of Noctis’ stomach, delicate touches just like he asked for. He squirms, but still remains mostly silent, sapphire sight hidden by the lids as he closes them. He can’t fight back the trembling smile that spreads across his lips though, outing his ticklishness despite there being no laughter yet.
Gladio decides to join in then, raking his nails ever so gently along his sides, and that’s when tiny, breathless giggles bubble up and out of the royal. His limbs fidget against the sensations surging throughout his frame, contending against the urge to keep them out of his boyfriends’ way or protect the sensitive areas they’re targeting.
“We’re barely even touchin’ you and you’re already giggling your head off.” Gladio comments with a grin, bright and loving and just as teasing. His fingers pick up the pace just the slightest bit and when Noctis attempts to bite on his lip for the third or fourth time that day to stifle his laughter, it lasts all of about twenty-two seconds.
“Could it be that it tickles even more when our touch is more merciful? Is that it, Noct? Does it tickle more? ”
Ignis knows exactly what he’s doing, knows exactly the right buttons to push. Noctis is so weak to the way Ignis speaks, especially in moments like these, and it shows from the way he tries to hide his face in the older’s shoulder. Ignis tsks, and removes one hand from his stomach to lift Noctis’ visage back up, shaking his head disapprovingly.
“None of that now, my prince. We want to see that sweet face of yours, isn’t that right gentlemen?”
“Heheh, yep, no hiding, Noct~! That wouldn’t be very fair to us, huh? Not when we’re bein’ such good boyfriends and giving you what you want.” Noctis swears that Prompto’s been the worst out of the trio today, and he’s definitely making plans for some well deserved payback some time soon.
For now, his focus on thoughts of vendetta are shattered once he registers Prompto softly clawing at his knee caps, and Noctis’ new thoughts consist of wondering why it tickles so much worse when there’s minimal pressure applied to it.
“Ehe⎯! C-CraHAhap..!”
“Your knees aren’t usually a bad spot for you; you must’ve been really pent up, huh?”
“Lying’s not gonna get you anywhere, gigglebug.” Ignis chimes in, and the urge for Noctis to hide his face again is strong as ever, the nickname renewing a flush of red down his neck.
The volume of his giggles have heightened considerably, especially so when Prompto begins to alternate between his knees and stroking at the soles of his socked feet. He’s nearly kicked him twice already ( Noctis has determined that soft tickles are the devil in disguise ) and as such, he’s lost the privilege of allowing his legs to be easily maneuverable. Prompto’s moved to settle on top of them, bent over at the waist so he can still reach his feet and Noctis is inwardly grateful that Prompto doesn’t weigh that much.
Still, he’s more than distracted by what’s occurring with his upper body. In addition to Gladio’s fingers messing with his sides, he’s taken it upon himself to make sure that the prince’s ears and neck weren’t left out. Nibbles and kisses scatter all over his skin, from the base of his neck, to the side of it, and the shell of his ears. Ignis occupies himself with his tummy and ribs, stroking the flesh between the bones, and even bending forward to grace his belly with a few kisses that make Noctis snort. Not a single touch, or kiss, or nibble advances above minimal pressure and it’s just about the most flustering thing Noctis has ever experienced in his life.
Not to mention that every new reaction he gives them, whether it be a squeak, a wiggle, higher pitch or volume, they coo at him for it. Whisper sweet nothings to him, comment on how adorable he is, and tease him for being so damn ticklish that even touches as easygoing as these have him unraveling by the seams. And they’re right, because Noctis is so red, so reactive, and his body feels like it’s got low power electric currents running along every inch of his skin, he’s getting intoxicated on the sensations of it all.
He doesn’t even realize at first that Prompto’s went and swapped his fingers for feathers ⎯⎯ chocobo feathers to be exact. Noctis has no clue where he’d even gotten the feathers from , nor when he actually got up to grab them, but what he did know was that the feathers were absolutely twice as bad as fingers.
“Che⎯⎯! Cheheheater..!” Noctis accuses, making Prompto grin and roll his eyes.
“You never said I couldn’t use feathers! Besides, how’s this cheating? I’m still givin’ you what you want, babe!” And for emphasis, he swipes the tip of the feather over the tops of Noctis’ feet, before sawing it in between his toes and Noctis loses it all over again.
He’s lost it multiple times tonight, but every new spike of ticklishness caused a spot or tactic change brings a wide smile to his face, basking in the warmth of the tenderness and care his lovers show him. He’s surrounded by a shower of adoration, he can feel it with each caress, each word uttered, the way they observe him with a fondness unmatched. Just for tonight, any worries or problems they’ve had to encounter in the last few weeks are shoved out of Noctis’ mind. The only thing that reigns in his thoughts, is how lucky he is to be so blessed with this kind of appreciation, this kind of amour.
They continue their ministrations like this, gentle tickles and soft, blossoming laughter, well into the night. Until Noctis can no longer access his internal vocabulary to form words and the only method he can use to signal that he’s truly had enough is when his laughter goes silent and he cloaks his features by burying into Ignis’ shoulder once again. Slowly, all fingers and feathers cease their movements, permitting Noctis to simply pant and catch his breath. His body practically melts into the limbs of his companions, pliant and content and glowing with hazy glee. He accepts kisses from all of them, one by one, followed by one giant kiss with all three of them positioned at a part of his face.
He doesn’t think he could be any happier at this moment, as the evening calms down with the four of them, and Noctis begins to drift off listening to their heartbeats collide into one. A series of lazy good nights and i love you’s lead into Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto following in Noctis’ sleepy pursuit.
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faleesia · 11 days
22 and 23 :3
22. A song that's been stuck in your head recently
23. Someone you like to fluster!
@tickleraptorss @txckletease and @b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b cuz they don’t get as much mention or attention around here
@barefoot-snow @anothertickleblog @in-stitchesx cuz I feel like it
I could go on… (get a mirror)
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tenta-tickles · 1 year
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Finally finished something I’ve had tucked away in my folders for a bit :3c
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ticklepinions · 3 months
it's always awesome when the community bands together to dunk on an alt-right weirdo. also how are you gonna be against guys presenting femininely but have no problem w masc-presenting girls? the double standard is insane. bro wouldn't last 2 minutes in a visual arts classroom (shoutout to art students btw) (have this one pal who's amab but uses all pronouns and wears skirts regularly and fucking SLAYS!!! genuinely they're always dripped tf out it's awesome)
anyways if you get mad @ people for existing the way they want to bc it makes them happy, you're a loser and i would feel sad for you if you didn't spend your life arguing w people online ❤️ go outside! life is too short to spend it hating people for being themselves. -tickleraptorss
I love when the community is nice, gives me some hope
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tickly-tufts · 10 days
thinking xenoblade thoughts Always but if u are willing could u write a lil smth w ler eunie nd lee mio... w mio getting sm soft tks on her tummy... nd eunie being a menace but internally is so "oh my god she's so cute im gonna die" im in rarepair hell <3 thank u in advance if u decide to write a lil smth! -tickleraptorss
"E-Eunie! Eunie, no! Don't you dahahahahare!" Mio had hoped to hold out longer, only to fall apart once she felt Eunie's lips. "Nononohohoho! Thahahat's cheheheating!" she protested through uncontrollable giggles. It was an absolutely adorable sound, and Eunie just couldn't get enough of it.
Normally, the Kevesi would've jumped right to raspberries, delighting in the shrieks it inevitably earned. That day, however, she'd chosen a lighter path, peppering Mio's belly with a barrage of ticklish kisses. Cackles were fun, but giggles were precious, and it'd been too long since she'd heard them from Mio. After a full minute of this treatment, she lifted her head to look at Mio's face.
"Alright there, love?" Eunie was grinning, pleased to see a blush complementing Mio's smile.
"You're... a menace..." Mio panted lightly, attempting a glare and utterly failing.
"Me, a menace? For givin' you kisses? Well, now you're just hurtin' my feelings..." Eunie feigned upset for a grand total of three seconds, before her hands jumped to Mio's stomach. Instantly, Mio squealed, body jerking beneath her weight. "Can't take insult like that lyin' down," the Kevesi reasoned playfully.
Once again, she could have dug in, only to favor a gentler touch. Her fingers fluttered across Mio's skin, tickling inwards from the sides. Mio had initially flushed at Eunie pushing her shirt to her ribs. Of course, it'd been quickly overshadowed by the flurry of tickles that followed.
"Sohohorry! I'm sohorrehehee!" Mio babbled, shaking her head from side to side.
"You're lucky you're cute," Eunie teased as she paused. "Then again, bein' cute's what got you here in the first place."
Mio tittered when Eunie's fingers drummed along her belly in thought. Sensing more ticklish danger ahead, she considered simply throwing Eunie off. Even with a power frame equipped, she was indisputably stronger.
Maybe after a few more minutes, Mio decided to herself.
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skribblz · 2 years
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@tickleraptorss​ thank you for commissioning me! <3 the references were really helpful and it was pretty hard to choose a position lol since they were all so great, hope you enjoy!!
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feathergil · 1 year
bro isn't link like 100+ or smth bc he went 2 sleep for 100 years bcuz of the calamity??? i don't remember the plot of botw but i think that's what happened -tickleraptorss
in botw he’s 117 bc he had to go into slumber in the chamber of resurrection for 100 yrs bc he almost died in battle, and then totk takes place like probably 7 years after botw (bc all the kids are now grown up) so now he’s around 124 years old
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theatregaymer · 1 year
A Royal Relaxation
Merry Early Christmas @tickleraptorss​! I’m your secret squealing santa this year! I absolutely love the Chocobros and was excited to see your prompt come my way. I hope you like it and have a wonderful end of 2022!
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Life in he royal capital of Insomnia was not the cakewalk some people thought it might be, especially for certain officials...most of all a certain heir to the throne of Lucis. Noctis Lucis Caelum had no idea just how much of his younger years were spent avoiding responsibilities of the crown until he had turned eighteen. Through hard work, medical science and a bit of luck he had overcome the crippling injuries sustained as a child and was now a rather physically fit twenty year old properly considerable for inheriting his father's legacy.
Of course he didn't do it alone, he learned from a young age he would need to surround himself with trusted companions to help keep him standing tall, and that's exactly what he did. Though he couldn't have anticipated that through their years together, Ignis, Gladio and Prompto would end up being more precious to him than just about anything else in the kingdom. Eventually the four of them moved into the same space together, Noctis citing that he needed Ignis to help with his scheduling, Gladio to keep him safe and Prompto to...well that one was more thanks to Ignis insisting that the blond could keep Noctis happy as his friend, but really it was more like he added that goofy element that just seemed to keep things lively in their large condo.
And such a thing was neccessary on days like today, as the prince got out of the car, met by Gladio at the front entrance so his royal guard escort could be relieved of duty...thank god. His tasks lately were so suffocating, listening to old men complain about policies that benefited the common people, how they should be demanding harsher repparations from the empire of Niflheim over recent petty squabbles. Some of them were also the crafty types already trying to butter up Noctis himself, hoping to gain their houses favor with the future king. It was so exhausting and depressing to see the state of the people who were supposed to have his father's back when leading the nation. "Tired Noct?" Gladio asked as the two rode the elevator upwards, the shield of the prince having this comforting air about him as the royal was able to let his hair down, figuratively at least. He leaned against the larger man, groaning slightly. "It's just a lot today...ugh all those bastards care about is their money and reputation. We narrowly avoided a war and all they think of is themselves." Gladio knew better than most how Noctis hated most of his own duties, but skipping out wasn't really an option for him...not if they wanted to avoid a chastising from the old man...or Ignis for that matter. "Well Iggy was whippin something up last I heard, and Prompto's off work today too so you can have the rest of today to relax huh?" He ruffled the prince's hair affectionately, earning a soft chuckle from the twenty year old. The two would then go on to enter the large condo that the four men all shared, curtosey of the crown of course. The smell of something delicious wafted through the air as they came in, Prompto apparently taking a shower before dinner. Ignis of course, greeted the two upon their entry, calling from the kitchen. "I do hope your recent responsibilities have left you hungry Noct...I decided tonight to make something a bit more labor intensive after all." The prince peeked into the kitchen, knowing better than to offer to help since his own culinary skills were lackluster at best. "Oh um...yeah, famished." He said, curiosity filling him to the brim before a certan blond seized him around the middle. "Noooct you're home!" The only issue with the normally welcome embrace of course being that the professional photographer was still wet from his shower. "Gah Prom come on, can't you fully dry off first?" He complained, though with a large smile on his regal face.
Thankfully for the blond, he quickly retorted so as to avoid a scolding from Ignis. "Hey I'm mostly dry. I'm not dripping or anything, I just couldn't wait to see you!" About now was when Noctis noted that Prompto had indeed rushed out after likely ensuring the minimal amount of drying neccessary, since he was only wearing boxers and not much else. "While blondie here puts some clothes on..." Gladio's voice chimed in, effortlessly lifting Prompto up and slinging him over his shoulder. "You should get in the shower next Noct, take some time in the hot water to cool off, ya know what I mean?" The prince nodded, "Ah yeah, I could use it." He replied, feeling a bit of his own exhaustion creeping in as he went to retrieve a set of evening wear before cleaning up. He didn't miss Gladio dragging him into one of the two bedrooms though, likely to chastise him for running around their place in his skivvies. Just before the rush of water overtook his ears however, Noctis could have sworn he heard the muffled sounds of laughter in the air...maybe it was just his imagination though. Of course, many thoughts were floating about Noctis' head as he stepped into the heated water. For some reason his three partners seemed very much....overly comforting today, in their own ways of course. It gave Noctis some fond sensations in his stomach, the feeling rising into his chest almost enough to ache as he felt like all he really wanted right now was to relax with the three of them, curled up in a cabin somewhere out in the wilds for a week or so. He couldn't deny that more than the others, he tended to crave affection a lot of the time, though sometimes Prompto could give him a run for his money. Once he finished cleaning up he dressed in a comfortable black top, some gym shorts and black socks to keep his feet warm. He spent some extra time blow drying his hair out of course, liking the extra fluff he got from it before making his way out. Prompto, now dressed in pajama bottoms and a tank top, was setting the table while Gladio helped Ignis bring the food over. "Ah right on time." Ignis stated, finally having the chance to come over personally to hug the crown prince. "Welcome home." He stated, before giving a small kiss to the boy's head. "Tonight is grilled barramundi, daggerquil rice and chiffon cake for dessert." As the two made their way to the table, Noctis had to wonder if there was some special event he missed, or celebration he forgot about, but no, apparently the three of them all together just agreed to take the night to relax together. Dinner was a fun and eventful time, the four men having getting plenty stuffed while joking around, soft flirtations being tossed into casual conversation and even a game of footsies under the table with a certain freckle faced photographer. Noctis felt at least somewhat relieved after things began winding down, with he and Prompto double teaming the cleanup duties, he was never quite as thankful as times like this for having a dishwasher. Soon enough while Ignis himself was taking some time to clean up, the other three boys were all on the sectional, watching some random cartoons on the television. Little did Noctis know however, that the tone of the evening was about to go into overdrive. "Hey Noct, you've definitely been in a mood lately yeah?" Gladio piped up, causing the prince to look over and blink. "Huh? Oh well, it's been exhausting yeah..." The prince admitted, hearing Prom chime in from his other side. "Emotionally draining, upsetting, nearly traumatizing?" He spoke with a clearly over dramaticized tone, giving the royal reason to pause his thoughts as he raised his eyebrow. The two of them were acting rather odd, well more than usual, even without Ignis around for the moment. "We figure you can use some tlc, somethin to help you relax and cheer up." His shield stated, the prince unsure as to what he meant before he saw Gladio hold out his hands, palms up.
This gesture seemed rather innocent to Noctis for the time being, as he placed his hands in the others. "I guess...I could definitely use a nice distraction after the week I've had." He gave a soft smile, an expression that unfortunately was replaced quickly by surprise and slight alarm as Gladio's hands closed tightly around his own before raising them up over his head, Noctis forced up into a kneeling position. 
"Huh? H-hey what the heck are you-" It was too late for questions, the realization hitting the dark haired young man at the same time Prompto's fingers did. Skittering up and down his now very vulnerable flanks, the blond happily sang out the words he dreaded hearing. "Tickle tickle tickle~" The prince spasmed, always having a weakness that was so easy for the others to exploit. He hated being tickled usually, finding it utterly embarrassing...of course that was usually just when he was on the receiving end. "GEHEHAHA AH ahahaha prohohomptoho nohohHOHO Haha guhuhys comeahahan!" He writhed about almost instantly, tugging at Gladio's grip to no avail. The blond didn't make things any better either, his hands dancing along the very vulnerable ribcage as he made sure Noctis couldn't get his legs off the couch to mount any sort of defense either.
For all his protesting and wriggling around, Noctis noticed that both Prompto and Gladio were tormenting him, and yet neither of them were being overly forceful, just enough to ensure he was able to laugh and not escape. While it was true tickling would never be his preferred method of unwinding, Ignis had always told them that laughter enacted an involuntary relaxed state...so it wasn't like this was the worst thing. "Ah I'm surprised you aren't going after these." An oh so familar voice was barely noticeable to Noctis, before he felt dexterous fingers make a quick dash along his upturned socks. "HYAHah NAha nohoht bohothha Ihihignis hehelp!" The caretaker to the future king walked around to Gladio's side, sporting a bit of casual yet fashionable evening wear of his own as he admired the laughing prince. "Why Noct it's been over a week since I heard you laugh so genuinely. I dare say you could use the break. So why don't I help make things a bit easier?" 
Easier!? Easier for whom!? This cruel four-eyes decided to take ahold of his wrists, freeing up Gladio's own larger hands to dish out whatever additional torment they saw fit. And it only got worse from there, with Prompto taking Ignis' words to heart and yanking his legs back until he was partially leaning on the armrest of the sofa. And as Gladio's fingers began wriggling into his taut stomach, the prince felt his best friend start clawing playfully at his soles. "GAHAHAa AHah ah ahah naha nohohoh nahaha this ihihisn't fahaairrhhehahha aha this is tohorture!" He cried out, tugging on Ignis's hold, though not with all his strength. "Now now, I believe it's perfectly within reason to want to help you relax, we do care after all...so long as you don't laugh yourself sick all over the furniture." Ignis was always so methodical with his taunts, it really got under the prince's skin. 
Though words under his skin was nothing compared to fingers under his shirt! Gladio making this point very clear as he felt those strong hands beginning to skitter up along his bare abdomen. "HYAHAHAha Hahah ah ahah youhuhuh suhuhckhahahaha hohohh AH AHAH NAHAHAH!" Tears of laughter began to form in the corners of Noctis' eyes, Gladio taking his words as a challenge as he suddenly chuckled with that sinister deep voice of his before his shirt was shoved upwards, fingers scrambling about in his bare underarms. "What was that Noct? Hah if I didn't know any better I'd say you were wanting something more challenging. And here we just wanna make you happy."
Noctis was shaking his head, trying in vain to kick his legs as he felt Prompto's lithe fingers peeling away his socks. His size ten and a half feet mostly bared for the blond as blunt fingernails began to scratch at his soft arches and claw at the plushy balls. "For real Noct, we want you to smile a bit more. You've got it tough enough already ya know? Least we can do is spoil ya with laughs yeah? Hehehe but uh if you decide to get payback, know that it was Gladdy's idea." The prince in peril shook his head quickly, feeling the tears beginning to dribble along his cheeks as his socks fell from his freshly bared toes now. 
For the briefest of moments, he felt like his worries were actually somewhat erased by the men he loved so much. Of course this was swallowed up in the storm of laughter from all four men at the hilarity of the prince's predicament. "Tickle these tooooes!" Prompto would sing out. "Here let's swap Iggy, I bet you want a turn." Gladio's voice was next. "Ah how thoughtful. If I recall, our young royal here always had a soft spot for these." Dexterous hands squeezed at his bare flanks and hips, Noctis cackling like some wicked witch when he heard the briefest intake of air before feeling the older man's lips press to his abdomen, right around his navel as he blew a wicked raspberry. "AAHAHAAAAHAHah! AHah STAHah STAHahap enahahaughheheha ah aha ah CHahaha Chocobohoo CHocoohohoho!" Long since decided on as a mutual safeword between the four of them during their roughhousing, the phrase almost immediately brought the tickling to a halt, a soothing palm rubbing affectionately at his stomach while Prompto massaged his feet, slightly reddened from their treatment. 
"Ahah...ahah hah....oh god you guhuuys." Noctis fixed his shirt as soon as his wrists were released, Gladio actually using a pocket tissue to wipe away the tears he'd accumulated on his face. "Heh gotta admit, you make quite the cute little tickle target...your highness." Noct playfully slugged his shield in the arm. "Shuhuht up." He retorted, finally getting into a normal sitting position before feeling Prompto practically wrap around him. "You guys are lucky I'm so tired and stuffed...mmph you owe me." Ignis chuckled softly, moving to sit at the far end of the sectional, propping his feet up on an ottoman before beginning to change the television to something they could all wind down with.
And as the films intro began to play, Gladio getting up to make some popcorn despite the massive meal they'd already had, Noctis was left to cuddle with Prompto, making the blond promise to reapply his socks for him before bed. The life of a prince could be tedious of course, but for Noctis at least, his companions ensured that there was never a dull moment.
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kikibumblesqueaks · 5 months
i definitely feel you on the "being too ticklish for physical therapy" thing. i have scoliosis and suffer from chronic shoulder pain that has started affecting my arms, wrists and hands and i've been seeing a massage therapist and an osteo to help manage it. my back is very ticklish so you can imagine my mental turmoil lol -tickleraptorss
*hands you some cookies* 🤲🍪🍪
Aww hi chronic pain buddy!🥺😭🫂🫶
I’ve got hEDS symptoms and have chronic pain in most of my joints and my stomach frequently hurts, it’s debilitating and I don’t go out much anymore😣 I feel your pain🙏 *offers comfort*
But yesss omg the amount of times I’ve had to swallow my giggles and try to act normal is ridiculous!!🥲 Hip squeezing, being touched behind the knees, having my tummy kneaded😵‍💫
At one point I had an ultrasound just to rule out other health conditions and at first it was bearable and actually soothing, but after 10 minutes suddenly the wand sliding around my lower tummy with the KY jelly started to really get to me and my muscles started fluttering on their own accord and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling like an idiot🙈🙈🙈
Thank goodness for covid masks and dim lighting in ultrasound rooms😂🤦‍♀️
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rainbowwing251 · 1 year
ty for answering my ask hehehe... was reading through ur tags and to answer the question of if mio would have to strategize in advance or not, i think noah's the kind of lee who just kinda crumbles and curls up when he's tickled so mio can just hold him and go to town bc he doesn't rly fight back that much. plus i like to believe mio is stronger than him bc did you SEE her send that moebius flying in that one cutscene with her bare fists? insane. -tickleraptorss
She literally Falcon Punch’d that Moebius across the field into a rock, how did I forget that?!
Yeah, she probably doesn’t need to be strategic when it comes to tickling Noah because A) she’s naturally stronger than him, and B) like you said, he essentially crumbles into dust if someone were to give him a single poke, and he doesn’t even try to fight back!
The only reason why she’d want to strategize her tickle attacks is to jazz herself up I guess? To make herself even more merciless than she normally is?
But that’s not necessary either because even if he knows it’s coming, Noah will die the moment she touches him. She does it anyway because it’s fun to see him get reduced to a puddle of squeals and giggles by her own hands.
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trrickytickle · 2 years
there is little to no content for xenoblade chronicles (the first game) 😔😔😔 which sucks bc there's so many!!! tickleable characters!!!! there are people who have wings on their head!!!! the potential is There but there's like no content for it :(
one character in particular, melia, would be such a cute lee. very posh and serious princess who is very ticklish.... probably snorts when she laughs..... her lil wings flap when u tickle her... shes So Cute -tickleraptorss
a tickly melly!! @tickleraptorss
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ticklefits · 2 years
i feel like being mean but im also weak LMAO but... the best strategy to winning any tickle fight? tease em first so that they get all soft and lee and that's when you go for it because they'll just lose on purpose and i have a feeling that could work on you >:3c
also i do remember you mentioning your sides were pretty bad haha wouldnt be it sooo crazy if i just gave em a lil squeeze 👀 -tickleraptorss
tell me how you'd tickle me | @tickleraptorss
you better say those teases fast my friend, because if i manage to sneak my arms around you and scribble on that tummy of yours it's over for you <3
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faleesia · 7 months
Omg how could I forget my Captain @tickleraptorss 🫡🫡 has a very nice silly laugh
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A thought for my Splatoon frens. (Mostly @creepychippy and @tickleraptorss )
Me: -watching a video about Booyah Bomb cancels-
Video: Zipcaster doesn't do much.
Tickle Brain: Zipcaster player stretches arm and tickles them down.
Actually, how about just Zipcaster tickles? The so-called masked hero is actually a tickle monster.
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ticklepinions · 2 years
bro what is with this community i s2g people will get called "toxic" for being an INFP or smth on god -tickleraptorss
Legit- like is this what people are like?? It's so sad and miserable really. We have the power to make people's day but instead we spread hate? Clown shit.
Anyways raptors I love you, I am sending you hugs. You better be drinking water because I will beat you up if you're not 💙💙
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