#tickletober day 26
nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 26 - Favorite Spot
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: Crowley/Aziraphale
Words: 372
[Tickletober prompts]
Crowley would pretend as if Aziraphale wasn’t touching him. Darkened room, maybe a bed, usually a couch, and Aziraphale would reach out as if it meant nothing to him and even less to Crowley. Crowley wouldn’t move as his hand ran over shoulder blades and spines, arms and elbows. Aziraphale sometimes liked to pretend as if it was a game of who would acknowledge it first, but he knew that was just an excuse. Knew the challenge had nothing to do with it.
He’d started it on a day where they’d both said little, but he’d found he’d needed the comfort of knowing Crowley was there, more than just an illusion, and so he’d touched his fingertips to his arm and Crowley hadn’t even turned to look at him. Aziraphale found he preferred it that way.
His favorite spot to touch was Crowley’s lower back. It was strange. One second he was still and the other he’d stiffened. It took Aziraphale a while to realize the touch was probably tickling his vessel, such a human thing. He couldn’t tell if it bothered Crowley or not, for he still didn’t move. He’d never even heard him laugh over it.
He was running one sole finger down his spine now, the only thing moving being Crowley’s t-shirt, the fabric painting a picture of Aziraphale’s journey down, down, until he paused briefly by the hem of the shirt and moved back up. He didn’t trail the spine all the way, but changed direction again, up and down, fighting off a smile as he felt Crowley fight against the instinct to move away.
He changed directions entirely, going to the side, swirling over the curve of his body and back, repeating the motion on the other side. He’d never touched the front of Crowley’s torso, but he imagined it would be a squirmier ordeal. He imagined Crowley would be forced to look at him, forced to acknowledge what he was allowing him to do. Would it be ticklish, to allow fingers to trace over his ribcage? Would he speak? Aziraphale wasn’t sure what he himself would say.
Crowley’s tenseness was the way they spoke now. Him not getting up to leave was the way they spoke.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 26: Reward/Punishment
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Ft. Kurokawa Makoto x Kishi Mao
A/N: LISTEN, I know I'm missing three days, (23, 24 & 25), but I promise I'll be posting them soon~ I just wanted to keep going like "in order" and not miss more days skdkdnd
Anyway, today we have a very unknown fandom, BUT THAT'S OKAY! I hope you all enjoy, it, it's rather short and rushed, so I apologize for thaaat! Also, disclaimer, this drabble sfw, but we have some spicy mentions~
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"How's this, Makoto-san?"
"AHAHAHAHA! M-Mahahao-kuhuhun, plehehease!"
Kishi giggled, pressing his chest against Kurokawa's bare back as his fingers wiggled against Kurokawa's ribs, tickling him in what seemed to be his most sensitive spot.
"Please, what? Please more? Why, of course!"
Kurokawa shrieked with laughter when Kishi clawed his fingers against the fronts of his ribs. His arms flinched down a bit and Kishi dug his fingers between Kurokawa's ribs, making him jump heavily with a hysterical laugh.
"Do not lower your arms, Makoto-san," he whispered against Kurokawa's ear, his lips brushing the shell of his ear from behind. "Punishments are not supposed to be enjoyable, right?"
Kurokawa shook his head as his arms moved up again, exposing his tickle spot to Kishi's nimble fingers.
"Tell me, Makoto-san," Kishi said, rubbing deep circles against the sides of Kurokawa's lower ribs. "Why are you being punished?"
Kurokawa screamed with laughter, kicking his legs as his arms trembled heavily. "B-Behehecahause I keheheheep- Ihihihi keep... AHAHAHA! Plehehehase! No more tickling thehehere! It's drihihiving me crahahazy!"
Kishi smirked, "because you keep doing dangerous things outside!" He said, his fingers wiggling against Kurokawa's most sensitive set of ribs on each side. "What if we get caught?! I mean, I did say we could do it from time to time, but didn't you go to work with a vibrator up your-
"I'LL DIHIHIE!" Kurokawa laughed hysterically. His face was red and tears of mirth were pouring down his cheeks. "I'm sohohorry! I'm reheheally sohohorry, Mahahao-kuhuhu!" He begged, squirming and trying to escape from the intense tickling against his ribs, but Kishi easily followed him, not giving him a rest.
"No, sorry, can't do. Didn't we say five minutes?" He checked the phone beside him. "And I've been tickling you for one minute and 24 seconds, so I can't stop now."
"Ohmygahahahad, don't be mehehean!"
Kishi laughed, "I'm not, Makoto-san. Maybe you'll learn this way, don't you think? Oh! Now it's two minutes!" He said happily, giggling to himself at hearing Kurokawa laughing his head off. "I'm glad I found out you're ticklish, Makoto-san, but...," He leaned down to whisper on Kurokawa's ear. "Didn't I say you're not supposed to enjoy your punishment?"
"Then... why are you grinding against the bed so much, huh?"
The sound that filtered through Kurokawa's laughter was enough to let Kishi know that his "punishment" was actually just another game for Kurokawa's satisfaction, well, he didn't expect anything less from his boyfriend and who was Kishi to deny him anything?
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 26: Claws
~A/N  - Another reader (READER !!!!) self-insert fic with the avengers (mostly Steve cause... of course! lol).
Hope you guys like it!!!
- Enoy! ~
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Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
While Charades was usually a game reserved for Christmas time, anything was made better when you added a touch of Halloween spookiness. Especially when you and Peter got to laugh at two old men getting frustrated at each other.
"Soup!" Steve guessed. "Stew? Chef making stew? Evil chef... Baaaad Chef... Gordon Ramsey?!"
Bucky grunted in frustration and continued to act, as Peter whispered his (correct) answer into your ear.
"Chef with hat! Long pointy hat! Ratatouille?" He continued, bouncing on the edge of his seat.
"No!" Bucky groaned. "Come on! Pointy hat, stirring things, evil...?"
Steve was absolutely perplexed, the cogs in his brain ticking away to no avail. While this was funny, it was probably time to put the old dog out of his misery.
"Would it perhaps be a witch, Bucky?" You smirked, laughing at Bucky's exasperation at Steve's lightbulb moment.
"YES!" Bucky exclaimed. "It was a CAULDRON! With a POTION! And she had a HAT! And she's EVIL!"
Steve gave an indignant gasp. "Don't get all high and mighty with me, you could have done a broomstick, or long hair, or something from the Wizard of Oz!"
"What was I supposed to do, sing 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road'?!"
Peter was absolutely pissing himself laughing, as the pair went back and forth arguing over who was more incapable of playing the game.
"Maybe you guys are just too old for this." You quipped, grinning at the glares you got in response. "I'm just saying, maybe marbles is more your speed."
"You know what, how about you guess the next one." Bucky said sternly. "No help."
You grinned cockily. "Easy."
"And I'll be the actor, give you a fighting chance." Steve smirked, taking a card from the deck. His smile only got wider as he read the prompt, and something told you he wasn't just smiling at Bucky's little scoff. He stood as still as a soldier for a few moments, readying himself.
And then it happened.
His hands stretched out towards you, fingers wriggling and opening and closing over and over again sending tingles of anticipation and down your back. You squealed, hiding your face in your hands for a second or two before looking up again.
He hadn't stopped. Those hands still in that prime pre-tickling position ready to get you. How was this the card he drew?? Steve knew about your... Thing... Both how weak to it you were and (even worse) that you actually enjoyed it - plus all the embarrassment and flustered feelings that went along with it. Why did it have to be that prompt?!
"You got it yet, Y/N?" Bucky asked amusedly, leaning closer to you and giving you a poke to the side. "Come on, say it!"
You shook your head, unable to look at Steve's threatening wiggles.
"Oh come on, guess!" Bucky grinned. "Just look at his haaaands~."
Steve's hands were still going! Clenching and unclenching, fingers bent at the perfect angles for attack.
"You can do this Y/N." Peter encouraged excitedly. "It could be zombie! Or werewolf... Or-"
"Hey!" Bucky interjected. "No helping! That was the rule!"
Peter gave him a look, moving sideways to playfully sulk at Bucky's words. Leaving you alone to deal with not just one supersoldier's teasing, but two.
"Y/N, it's easy." Steve smirked. "This is used to attack people on dark, spooooooky nights!"
"That's a great clue Steve, but I don't think we can guess it just with that... It's just too haaard~!" Bucky said in a sing-song voice, smiling cheekily at you the whole time.
Peter gave a confused face, obviously not following what the two older heroes were teasing you with.
"Alright..." Steve continued, moving a step closer to you. "When people see this, they tend to get very nervous."
Your face was on fire, every word left you jumping at the slightest movement in the room.
"These tend to target softer areas of your body, for maximum efficiency..."
He wouldn't... Not in front of Peter and Bucky... Though prior experience of getting tickled by Steve disproved your theory.
"And they come out of fingers and sink into their victim..."
"CLAWS!" Peter yelled out, saving you from what felt like an eternity of torture.
You were shellshocked. Claws?? That was what was freaking you out this whole time? CLAWS?
"Peter!" Bucky groaned. "Y/N was almost there!"
Steve could obviously feel your surprise, sitting next to you on the sofa with the biggest smirk on his face.
"What? Is that not what you were thinking?" He asked innocently - though you could taste the fakeness in his voice. "I thought you were just nervous under pressure!"
Your brain had been fried from the last 5 minutes of short-circuiting teases, you couldn't form a snappy response. Which left Steve to continue his assault of words.
"Whatever could you have thought of that would get you so worked up..." He pondered, a finger tapping his chin. "It's used as an attack..."
"Makes people nervous." Bucky joined in, sealing your escape on the other side of the couch.
"Target softer areas..." Steve continued.
"And sink into their victim..."
"Oh..." Steve said in that voice. "Oh I get it..." He let out a low chuckle.
Uh oh.
"What is it Steve?" Bucky continued, playing naïve. "What were they thinking of?"
"No no no Steve please!" You begged, eyes flicking from Bucky to Steve and back again, not knowing who would start the ticklish assault. You flashed Peter a desperate help me look, but even he seemed to be catching on to the teasing.
Steve turned to you, his face looking downright evil. And out of his mouth came your least (but really most) favourite word on the planet. One that was only followed by an all-out attack from all sides, that would break you into a squealing mess. But of course, the rules of Charades means you can't say the word, you have to show it.
Actions do, after all, speak louder than words...
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Day 26 - Reward/Punishment
C!Wilbur/C!Tommy PLATONIC; C!Ranboo/C!Tubbo PLATONIC
“Wiiiillllbuuuurrrr!” Tommy whined, as Wilbur was sat on Tommy’s waist, holding Tommy’s arms above his head. Wilbur knew what was going on and decided to make it impossible to provoke any further. “Yes?~ What’s up Tommy?~” Wilbur asked, teasingly. Tommy whined, “Wiiiiilllll! You’re doing this on purpose you bitch! Just stop dragging it out!” Wilbur giggled, mischievously, “I don’t know what you’re talking about~ can you tell me what exactly you want me to do?~” Tommy whined once more and Wilbur softened slightly, “All you have to do is ask just once, Tommy~” Tommy buried his head into his shoulder as well at he could, and spoke, but it was muffled and Wilbur ‘didn’t hear him’. “What was that, Toms?~ Didn’t quite catch that~”
Tommy moved his head so he could hear him, refusing to make eye contact with him, “P-please..t-tickle me,” his head flushed bright red, and he tried his best to shove his face back into his shoulder. Wilbur awed, aloud, “Awwweeee of course I can Tommy~! But stop hiding your face, I wanna see your face while I tickle you to bits~” Tommy squeaked at the word and I hid his face, his face flushing more vibrantly. Wilbur let go of Tommy’s hands, “Can you keep your hands there for me Toms?~” Tommy nodded, “I…I think so…” Wilbur’s fingers instantly descended upon Tommy’s quivering tummy, causing the latter to squeal, “WAITWAITWAIT NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! WIHIHIL IHIHIT’S SOHOHO BAHAHAD!”
Tommy’s hands gripped the couch cushions above his head, trying to keep himself from putting his hands down. “Awwwweeee, but I like this spot~ Alright fine, how about here?~” Wilbur’s hands went behind his back as he latched onto Tommy’s knees and starting pinching at them. Tommy shrieked and squealed with every squeeze, “WIHIHILbuhuhuhur thaHAHAHAHAT’S WOHOhorse! NOHOHOHOHO!” Tommy’s nose scrunched up as his smile practically split his face. Wilbur giggled, his brother was probably the most adorable person in the world.
“WAHAHAHAIT RAHAHANBOO IHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHORREHEHEHE!” Tubbo pleaded as he was face down into the couch while Ranboo was perched on his shins. Ranboo was currently swirling his fingers over the backs of Tubbo’s knees, as Tubbo squirmed and pleaded from even the light touches. Ranboo shrugged, “Should’ve thought about that before you stole my crown, now take your punishment like a big man!” His blunt nails skittered agonizingly over the backs of Tubbo’s knees as the bee boy snorted and shook his head rapidly. “NONONOHOHOHO IHIHIHI SWEHEHEAR IHIHIHIT WOHOHON’T HAHAHAPPEN AGAHAHAHAIN!” Ranboo shook his head, “Oh really? I don’t believe you~” he blew a raspberry into the back of Tubbo’s knee, causing his laughter to go silent. Let’s just say a few days later his crown went missing again
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 26 - reward/punishment
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Tomo x Kazuha
Morning begins not with beautiful birds singing under the window, but with beautiful male laughter. But perhaps it is worth starting from the beginning.
It was so cozy to stay in a soft bed on this cool autumn morning. But the first one who woke up was Kazuha, who was not used to getting up so early and looked at the opposite side of the bed where the taller man Tomo was sleeping, who smiled tenderly in his sleep. He was lying on his back and one of his arms was raised and the hand was hidden under the pillow, exposing the armpit.
The samurai looked bewitchingly at his boyfriend and smiled, he is so cute. But then an idea came to him and he chuckled.
He settled comfortably on his side, resting on one arm, and the other began to approach the blonde's armpit. The sword user began very gently, using one finger to draw patterns on the smooth skin, causing a slight twitch and a wider smile. His legs began to squirm a little, but the armpit was still open. Kazuha then added all his fingers and began to tickle slowly up and down so that Tomo couldn't get used to it.
He noticed that his boyfriend bit his lip and wrinkled his nose in a funny way.
- Mhehehe - quiet chuckles began to escape and the eyes were tightly closed, as if the blond tried with all his might not to open them, but the eyelids were still shaking.
The anemo element user couldn't stop smiling and decided to use his nails, causing a screech and melodic laughter to be heard and Tomo open his eyes.
- Kahahahazuha, nohohoho - he giggled, but did not lower his hand.
- Good morning dear. - the samurai smiled.
Tomo did catch the playful hand when the sensation became unbearable and he was on the verge of screaming.
- You got up early today. - noticed the blond.
- I've slept enough. - the red-eyed smiled.
- And that's why you had to wake me up.
- Your open armpit attracted my attention too much. - he chuckled.
Violet-eyed smiled and pushed his boyfriend onto the bed and sat on his hips. He gently kissed his neck, causing the samurai to squirm.
- T-Tohohomo, whahat are yohohou doihihing? - Kazuha tried to hold back a giggle.
- Oh, you got up so early, for the first time in months. - the sword user received a kiss on the cheek. - You deserve an reward.
The blond smiled like a pleased cat and his hands went down to his boyfriend's sides and without warning started squeezing them. The red-eyed twitched sharply and began to squeak.
- Tohohohohohomo, plehehehahahahase nohohoho - his hands tried to help the situation, but in the end his boyfriend just caught them and secured them over his head.
- This is your well-deserved reward, baby. Accept it with dignity. - Tomo chuckled and reached under his shirt.
- Oh, what a horror, your ribs stick out so much, I definitely need to feed you. I don't want everyone to think that I'm such an irresponsible boyfriend starving you. - his fingers lingered on each hollow between the ribs, bringing Kazuha to hysterics.
- I cahahahahahahahn't pleahahaHAHAHAHAHAse, thihihihiihis is tohohohohohoortuhahaAHAHAHHARE
- It's a reward, I told you. If this was torture... - Tomo stopped and let go of his boyfriend and immediately grabbed his legs and pinched him in the elbow. - ..then I would have started tickling you under the knees~ he did this and the samurai began to beat the mattress with his fists.
- NhohohoOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHHERE I CAHAHAHAHAN'T- he was already like the color of his eyes, he squeaked a lot and snorted funny.
- Oh, I forgot to tell you something, you really deserve a reward, but also a punishment for waking me up and tickling me. - Tomo stuck out his tongue and winked cutely at his boyfriend and got to his ankles.
- How cold, I must warm them up! - and his nails began to quickly scribble on thin skin and he heard a scream.
The blond looked at the samurai and smiled, his hair scattered all over the pillow, baby hugged himself and his eyes were tightly closed.
Tomo decided to take pity on him and stopped, crawling up to him and hugged him.
- Alive?
- I'm nohot sure..
- Hehe, if you're talking, it means you're definitely alive. - he kissed the white top of head.
- I-It was terrihible.
- You deserve it~ the blond pulled him closer to him. - But I'll make you breakfast and you can recuperate, okay? Hm? Kazuha? - Tomo looked at him and smiled. The samurai fell asleep.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Oh The Irony
AN: Everyone who loves the vampires with ticklish necks trope come get y’all juice! This one is so cute & flustering, poor Baz doesn’t know what to do with himself! 
Baz really hated Simon sometimes. For years he hated him because he loved him so much, right now he hated him because he was being horribly mean. The thing was that Baz had a deathly ticklish neck, ironic seeing as he was a vampire. A fact that Simon loved to rub in his face. He wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't the worst thing ever. And Simon's teasing really didn't help the situation.
Simon was kissing and nibbling his neck, relishing in every gasp and shriek he elicited. Baz was trapped in a sweet hell: showered with tickly affection.
"Si-Sihi- Sihihimom plehehease! Ihit tihihickles!" he whined, hiding his cherry red blush in his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Does it? I had no idea based on your hysterical giggles," he mused smugly. He cupped either side of Baz's face, fluttering his fingers along the sides of his neck. Simon was holding him still so that he couldn't scrunch his neck, and it tickled like all hell. Baz snorted loudly and his hand immediately flew up to cover his mouth.
"Aww but I wanna hear every single giggle, snort and squeal you make. And I wanna see that pretty smile and those sharp fangs," Simon teased in his ear, sending an unbeatable shiver down his spine.
"Crowley Snow, you're kihihilling mehehe," he whined, drumming his legs on the couch.
"What's the matter? Is the big bad vampire too ticklish on his neck?" he cooed condescendingly. That threw him for a loop. On one hand, it was true and Simon might grant him mercy if he admitted it, but on the other his pride didn't want to face the facts and he was left stuttering.
"Ye- Yes- no! I mean no!" Simon chuckled at him, scratching lightly right over the bite mark on his neck, and Baz was thrown into hysterics.
Simon was laughing almost as hard as he was. He wiped away a tear of mirth from his cheek, staring down at a very flustered Bazilton Grimm Pitch. He leaned in, cuddling close to him as he regained his breath.
"You're sooo cute when I tickle you," Simon spoke into his skin. Baz scrunched just neck, a wide grin on his face as he pushes Simon away.
"Oh stop, you're an absolute fiend. I have other spots you know," he complained, tousled hair hiding pink cheeks.
"Yeah, but this one's my favorite," he said, mouthing at his throat and sending him into another bout of giggles. And then Simon blew a raspberry, and all hope was lost.
Baz was in hell, but Simon was in heaven.
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alixlives · 7 months
tickletober day 26- counting
ler!tommy, lee!wilbur
“Okay, so that is..” Wilbur paused for a moment to start counting the amount of blocks he had placed.
He was playing Minecraft, more specifically a creative world to just build whatever. Tommy sat right next to him so he was on Wilbur’s left, watching, lightheartedly criticizing, and insulting whatever Wilbur did.
“Twenty.. Twenty one… twenty two.. twenty three.. twenty four. There’s twenty four, finally.” Wilbur didn’t bother to double check as he continued placing blocks. He was trying to make a house, built on a 24x24 base. Tommy raised an eyebrow. Wilbur was wrong, he’d only placed twenty-three.
“No, there’s twenty three. Are you an idiot?” Tommy looked over to Wilbur, who very quickly shot him an annoyed glare.
“No, there’s twenty four!” The brunette shot back. Tommy rolled his eyes.
“Do you not know how to count? There are twenty three, look!” Tommy then reached over Wilbur, grabbing the mouse and starting to count the blocks.
“Three, four, fivesixseven… eight…” Tommy went on. Wilbur was incredibly annoyed at the way Tommy stretched over him, and was very vocal about it.
“Will you get off of me-“ “Shut up!” Tommy resumed counting.
“Twenty one.. twenty two.. TWENTY THREE. See! You miscounted, you dumbass!” Tommy sat back down in his seat. “You don’t know how to count.”
“I do know how to count!” Wilbur protested, throwing his arms up in the air in “frustration.” “I just miscounted!”
“Exactly. You can’t count! Do I need to teach you how to count, Will?” Tommy grinned evilly. Wilbur moved his chair back, and then stood up.
“No. Do I have to teach you how to not be annoying for a day?” Wilbur glared at Tommy for a few seconds, and then turned away. This was Tommy’s chance.
Tommy stood up silently, and he tackled Wilbur to the floor. They luckily didn’t hit anything on the way down, but that didn’t stop Wilbur from screeching at the top of his lungs.
“TOMMY! What the fuck!? Get off me!” Wilbur started shoving Tommy, but the teen was quick to grab a strong hold on Wilbur’s wrists. He pinned Wilbur’s hands under his knees so that he could still have both of his hands.
“What are you doing!?” Wilbur’s voice had raised a few octaves.
“Jesus. Interrogate, much? Calm down.” Tommy’s tone was calm, on the contrary of Wilbur’s.
Tommy then placed his hands on Wilbur’s sides, his fingers resting on his bottom ribs. Wilbur’s eyes widened, and his first thought was;
‘Oh, fuck.’
“T- Tommy.. Noho, don’t you dare!” Wilbur began to giggle nervously. He was fully capable of freeing his arms, turning the tables on Tommy and preventing himself from being absolutely wrecked. But he found himself not wanting to.
A feeling of giddiness, anticipation and a bit of excitement rose in him; this was visible by how he smiled alongside the bright pink hue that began to rise in his cheeks. He was embarrassed at his enjoyment of the situation.
“I do dare, though. I said I’d teach you to count, yeah? What better way to do so thann.. to count your ribs?” Tommy grinned evilly, and Wilbur glared at him as best he could.
“Seriously? You’re gonna do that!?” Wilbur scoffed. He knew this game, he’d seen Tommy do it to Ranboo. But he didn’t think he would fall victim to it.
“Yep! Now, let me start.” Tommy moved his fingers up slightly, wiggling his fingers on the spaces between his first two ribs. “One..”
“TohOMMY-“ Wilbur yelped and flinched to the left, though it didn’t do anything to help as Tommy was doing this to both sides of Wilbur’s ribs.
“Don’t move too much, I’ll have to start over!” Tommy chuckled evilly, and moved his fingers up again. “Two…” A little more. “Three… Four…”
Wilbur was giggling like a madman. Tommy was, thankfully, being gentle, otherwise Wilbur would be screaming. He tried not to squirm too much as he didn’t want to mess Tommy up.
“Five… six… seven… You’re doing amazing, Will.” Tommy smiled fondly now as he continued to tickle Wilbur, counting both sets of ribs at once. He’d be done once he reached 12, as each side was even.
“TohOHOMMY! Cohome ohohon, mahAN! Stohop!” Wilbur struggled to keep still, flinching each time Tommy even slightly moved his fingers.
“I’m almost done! Ten.. eleven.. One more, Will~!” Tommy very, very slowly moved his fingers up to Wilbur’s last ribs. He didn’t move his fingers, only rested them there to build up the anticipation. It worked.
“Tohommy! I swear, juhust COUNT THEM!” Wilbur whined, hiding his face against his own arm. Tommy laughed, and finally counted the final two ribs.
“Twelve! Now that times two is twenty four. You get how to count now?” Tommy lightly teased Wilbur for his previous stupidity.
“I gehet it. Are you done now?” Wilbur rolled his eyes. Tommy pretended to think for a moment, before suddenly digging his fingers into the spaces between Wilbur’s ribs.
“Nope!” Tommy laughed as he started to pinch up and down Wilbur’s ribs. He relished in the way his brother shrieked, grinning evilly.
“TohOHOMMY! NOHO! FUHUHUCK!” Wilbur screamed, trying to free his hands from under Tommy’s knees. He inevitably, as the tickles had made him weak.
Tommy didn’t keep up the rough tickles for very long, it was only to briefly mess with his brother. The chance was right there— why not take it?
“You’re a bitch,” Wilbur glared at Tommy as he was finally unpinned.
“I know.” Tommy smiled in response to the glare. Wilbur rolled his eyes with a quiet chuckle.
He knew not to miscount anything around Tommy again.
Or, maybe he should..
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cringemesstickles · 7 months
Tickle Monster’s Meal
(TickleTober Day 26: Counting)
Summary: Sam is being particularly sassy.
Pairing: none
Word Count: 1,067
A/N: ikik it’s lee!sam again.
It was a typical day in the men of letters bunker; Sam was at the library table, scrolling through his laptop while Dean sat across from him, flipping through a car magazine.
Sam was in a particularly sassy mood today; dropping sly insults, making snarky remarks, even just rolling his eyes when he thought Dean said something stupid.
At first, Dean didn’t care all that much since Sam was always pretty sassy… but when his little brother made the comment that he did, all hell broke loose.
“Dean, you really need to start listening to good music; this crap is seriously outdated.” Said the younger Winchester, looking up from his laptop and shooting his older brother a smug look.
Dean looked at the younger with a look of disbelief.
“Outdated?! Sam, the classics never expire!” He defended, pointing a finger at his little brother, who only rolled his eyes as he prepared his next snarky comment.
“Well it’s certainly been replaced by newer and better songs.”
Dean switched off the radio and closed his magazine dramatically, giving Sam his full attention.
He knew exactly what Sam wanted.
If Sam wanted to play, they were gonna play.
“Ten, nine, eight,” He began counting down, noting the confusion in Sam’s face.
“What are you- oh no. no, no, no, no, no-” Realization settled in for Sam and he knew exactly what Dean was planning.
Without waiting another moment, he leapt up from his seat and bolted towards the halls, searching for a place to hide.
His heart raced as his brother continued to count down.
“Five, four,”
Shit, shit, shit, he was almost out of time.
Thinking fast, he slipped into the closest room, which happened to be Dean’s.
He carefully closed the door and knelt by the desk, hoping it would suffice.
“Two, one. Prepare for the tickle monster, little brother!” Dean called out, a smirk on his face.
He crept through the bunkers halls like a lion stalking its prey.
Sam tried his best to keep quiet, but the anticipation was making it very difficult.
“You’re only delaying the inevitable, Sammy… and the inevitable involves lots and lots of laughter~” taunted the elder, pausing in between his teases to listen for any giggles.
Meanwhile, Sam could feel those giggles bubbling up, as well as Dean’s fingers skittering all over his tickle spots… his brother was just too damn good at building the anticipation!
“I mean, just imagine it Sammy… my fingers scribbling and scratching all over that ticklish skin of yours. I can practically hear your laughter!”
Sam could hear Dean’s footsteps getting closer and closer and he just couldn’t hold it in anymore; a giggle slipped from his lips and he instantly became aware of how screwed he was; when the footsteps stopped is when it REALLY kicked in how screwed he was.
“Oh, Sammy~ I know you’re in there…” Dean teased, opening the door to his room.
Sam shot up and tried to maneuver around his older brother, but to no use.
Dean caught him around the waist and pushed him on the bed, instantly wriggling his fingers up and down Sam’s sides.
“DEHEHEAN, NOO- I’M SOHOHORRY!” The taller hunter squealed, squirming under the electric sensations caused by his skilled older brother.
The elder grinned, taking in the clear joy on his little brother’s face. He knew his brother more than anyone and he could tell that Sam was enjoying every second of this.
“Too late! You’ve unleashed the tickle monster with all your sass, and he’s hungry!” He skittered nimble fingers up to the ribs, lightening the touch to add more suspense.
“You know, the tickle monster is inquiring about your ribs… wants to make sure you have them all before he… digs in!”
He let his claw shaped hands vibrate against the bones, earning a shrill shriek from Sam, his loud happy laughter filling the room.
“DEHEHEE, NOO! DON’T YOU D-DAHAHARE!!” He flushed bright red, looking at his brother with sparkling eyes filled with excitement, getting a low chuckle from said brother.
“Sorry, Sam… the tickle monster likes to make sure his meal has all the ingredients he requires. I’m sure you won’t mind if I just count your ribs and make sure they’re all there~”
Without waiting for a response, he started counting, massaging the sensitive bone.
“One… two… three- hey! You made me lose count with all that giggling! Now I have to start over…” Taunted Dean, huffing with feigned irritation, relishing the way Sam’s eyes widened with terror.
“NOO!! I HAVE TWENTY FOHOHOUR!! ALL HUMANS DOHOHO!!” Sam guffawed, though he couldn’t science his way out of this situation; not that he really wanted to…
“I’ve just gotta be sure, Sam! What if you lost one?! The tickle monster needs his meal in one piece!” Dean exclaimed, grinning wickedly.
“Now, let’s try this again… one, two, three, fourrr…” He scratched his index finger into the fourth rib, sending shocks of tickles through Sam’s nervous system.
“NAHAHAH- DEHEHEAN!!! I WONT BE SAHAHA- SASSY ANYMOHOHORE!!” Pleaded the younger Winchester, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
Dean felt his heart melt at the sight of his little brother so happy.
He’ll wrap it up soon, but first, he wanted to do one last thing.
“You know what, Sam? The tickle monster is on a schedule today, so lucky for you, he’ll take what he can get and he’ll just eat it now!”
With that explanation, he rolled Sam’s shirt up to reveal his bare skin and without any hesitation, leaned down and blew a loud raspberry against the ticklish ribs, eliciting a snort and a squeal.
His thrashing had doubled, twisting side to side in desperation as his brother blew raspberry after raspberry on his ticklish skin.
His cheeks were rosy and sore from smiling, but he felt so undeniably happy.
When Sam’s laughter went silent, Dean pulled away and let out a laugh of his own, rolling off of Sam and letting him calm down.
“Mahahan… I always forget how ticklish you are, Sam.” He laughed, affectionately ruffling his brother’s hair.
Sam smiled up at his big brother, a smile of contentment.
“How did you knohohow? That that’s what I wanted?..” he asked shyly, averting his gaze.
Dean only smiled.
“Big brothers know everything about their little brothers…”
It was a simple explanation, but one that sam accepted.
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
Day 26: Counting
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 Mighty Nein - lee!Caleb
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: Jester loves to tease. Caleb flusters easily.
[read on AO3]
Words: 550
Caleb squirmed uselessly against the floor as Jester loomed over him, her weight tossed over his hips and her knees pinning his arms to his sides. His cheeks bloomed with the redness of a ripened tomato as he tried his best to close his eyes and block out Jester’s teasing. Her grin was wide as her fingers wiggled teasingly toward Caleb. 
“Jester- wait!” Caleb strained, eyes pleading up at her, the hint of a smile on his lips.
“Okay! Fiiiiive.” As she spoke, her wiggling finger descended in time with her countdown. 
“Fooouuuur.” She drew each number out, words laced with teasing and joy. 
A strangled whine came from beneath her.
“Threeeeee.” A dramatic pause as she sucked in a deep breath.
“Twooooo.” She was getting close to the material of his shirt now.
“No no no no- Jester- Jester please!” Caleb squirmed as far as he could from the encroaching fingers. He could barely fight off the anxious giggles bubbling up in his chest, a few slipped through. 
“What is it, you’re not ready yet?” She pulled her hands back a few inches. “Do we need to count down from a bigger number so you have time to get ready?” 
“No! Please- Jester!” 
“Nein! Don’t!” 
Jester snorted at that. “Eight!” 
Caleb kicked feebly behind her, knowing there was not much of a chance of evading a tickly tiefling attack once Jester or Molly had their sights set. Best to just get it over with - if only Jester would just do that.
“Seven… Six… Five… Four…” Jester’s nails wiggled closer and closer as Caleb lost the battle with fighting off his smile. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best to tamper his giggles. Once his eyes were shut tight, a long few seconds passed without her saying anything else. 
Slowly, one of his eyes peaked open. Jester was beaming down at him, her eyebrows twisted into a faux-stern expression. “Are you paying attention? Do I need to start over at an even higher number so you can get ready?”
“Gods- Jester, don’t-” Caleb whined.
“That’s not what comes next! It’s twenty-four! Don’t skip ahead!” 
Caleb whimpered through his anticipatory giggles. 
“Twenty-three… Twenty-two... Twenty-one... Twenty... Hey you know this next one! Nein-teen!”
Had he not been so high on adrenaline and anticipation, Caleb might have rolled his eyes at that. Or laughed - well, he still laughed. 
“Eighteen... Seventeen... Sixteen…”
“Nein- no no please- don’t count down- don’t count!”
Jester pouted, her hands drawing back to rest on her hips. “Well now you made me lose count again!” 
“Mein Gott- Jester, please!” 
“Do you want me to just start tickling you?” 
“Nein!” Caleb embarrassingly (see: adorably) squealed out in response. “I- I-”
“Well then I don’t know what you want me to do! You know how I draw all the time? My hands have to stay active! My fingers can only wait so long, they have to tickle!”
Caleb willed himself to melt through the floor. Instead, he just closed his eyes as a deflated whine came out of his throat. 
“How about we try again?” Jester grinned down at the blushing wizard. Her tail whipped side to side with excitement behind her. “Come on, open your eyes, I’ll start over-”
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
TickleTober Day 26 ~Counting~ (Blue Lock)
“Hey.” A poke to his cheek roused him. “I can’t sleep.”
“That makes two of us.” Isagi blinked a few times before turning to Bachira’s big eyed stare, luminous in the dark room. “Why don’t you try counting sheep?”
“Tried it. It’s boring.”
“That’s the point?”
“Yeah, but now that I realize it’s boring, I can’t do it anymore.” Bachira snuggled closer, a pout forming on his face. “I need a new thing to count.”
“Count soccer balls then.” Isagi barely fought down a yawn, eyes growing heavy. “I did warn you about napping earlier, no?”
“Yeah, but Isagi~” When Isagi didn’t respond, he poked his shoulder, then his arm. Finally- he poked along his side, walking down his ribs with each tap. “One…two…three…”
“Mmph!” Isagi squirmed at each jab- lips pressed shut as he struggled not to make noise. “B-Bachira! It’s the middle of the nihihght!”
“So? You said count something! Where was I? Oh yeah- three…four…five…” Bachira’s voice was barely over a whisper as he tasered Isagi’s side, not heavy enough for proper laughs but soft breathy titters. “How many ribs did you say we have again?”
“Tweehhehehenty fohohohour! Twhehehehlve on ehehehahch sihihihihide!” Isagi giggled out, face half shoved in his pillow to muffle the embarrassing sounds. “Bahahhachira, whehehehe’ll wahahhake eheheveryone up!”
“Not if you keep your voice down. Kay- I’ll just have to count your side twice then! Six….seven….eight…” Each poke towards his lowest ribs was agony. Bachira drew out each number like a slow note, hovering over the spot he knew Isagi would die at. “Should I do it?”
“Yooohu’ll wahahhake the teheheheham!”
“The team’s already awake- just tickle him already!” Raichi called from his futon. That’s all Bachira needed. Within seconds Isagi was squealing with mirth, flailing in his sheets as his worst spot was tormented.
“Bahahahhahahahahchira, wahhahhahhahahhait!”
“Hehehe- that’s right! Laugh for me, Isagi!”
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jeonginsdiary · 6 months
- tickletober day 26
- counting
- lee! felix | ler! seungmin
“what are you supposed to be?” felix stared at seungmin’s long white coat with wide eyes, running his fingers along the variety of tools it’s pockets held.
the younger took out a lengthy purple feather, waving it around yongbok’s face. “isn’t it obvious? i’m a doctor!” he brushed the feather along the australian’s neck. “except the staff doesn’t trust me with real doctor tools, so they told me i had to be a tickle doctor instead.” the blonde flinched at the tickly feeling, scrunching his shoulders up and wriggling away. “so… you know what that means, right~” seungmin carefully pushed the older down onto the linoleum floor, pinning his hands to his chest.
“wait, this isn’t fair! get off of me!” felix began to struggle when the vocalist got comfortable on his hips.
the brunet lifted said boy’s shirt, slowly and agonizingly lowering the tool down. “not fair? this is just payback for that massage you gave me!” the vocalist twirled the tip of the feather into yongbok’s belly button, relishing in the scream of laughter it produced.
“ahahahah! stahahap, it tickles!”
“this is nothing. you wanna see what really tickles?”
the deep voiced boy was a nervous wreck, but nonetheless intrigued. “w-what? i can handle it!”
he really couldn’t.
seungmin shrugged. “if you say so.” and with that, jeongin was bouncing into the room at the call of his name. “just hold his arms up. make sure he can’t get away.” the boy motioned to felix’s helpless body.
“oh, you’re doing that,” the maknae took the australian’s arms, pinning them above his head. he cooed at the attempted glare shot at him.
the blonde shivered. “what are you even gonna do!?” blood rushed up to his cheeks and he turned his head to avoid their gaze.
“hm…” seungmin tapped a finger on yongbok’s side, giggling when the older broke into a tiny, anticipated smile. “can you handle… your ribs being counted?”
at those words, felix felt his stomach churn in a tingly manner as he tugged at his restrained limbs. “pleasepleaseplease! don’t do this!”
“now you’re begging?” the attacker whipped the feather back out, scratching the hard end on yongbok’s lowest rib. “one~” he teased.
“nohonohonohohoho!!” the older giggled hysterically when seungmin dug the same end of the feather into the crevice before moving onto his second rib. “plehehehease, it’s reheheheheheally ticklihish!” he arched his back when the boy abandoned his tickle tool, instead using his nails to claw at felix’s third rib. the australian arched his back reflexively, only causing his ribs to protrude which never failed in prompting seungmin to dig into the clearest one. the older crashed back down every time.
“come on! really laugh for me yongbok!” the younger whined. he ducked his head down, blowing the longest raspberry he could muster on the boy’s top few ribs.
that drove him crazy.
“sto—OOOOP! KIM SEHEHEHEHEUNGMIHIHIHIN!!” felix’s laughter silenced soon after, leaving him a thrashing, flustered, ticklish mess on the ground.
jeongin released the blonde’s hands and, after a bit of nibbling (which drove the australian crazy), seungmin let up before the older actually went insane.
“don’t even try and get me back, you deserved this!”
“mhm…” yongbok replied tiredly. if he knew one thing it was that kim seungmin would not be getting away with this…
i really hope you guys liked this one and, though it is definitely one of my least favorites, i hope you don’t think so. it makes me really happy to know that you guys reread my fics!!
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ticklygiggles · 7 months
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 26 - Thunder
Arataki Itto x Gorou
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A/N: I'm not quite sure, but I think this is the first time I'm writing ittorou? I hope you enjoy this lovely Faaaabiii ❤️
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Itto could hear the soft whimpers under the blankets. It was hard to believe that the brave Gorou was shaking from the thunder outside, but the general had explained to him a long time ago that the noise was unbearable for his ears. The sound, about ten times louder than for a normal ear.
Itto knew that Gorou hated him seeing him like this, but neither of them thought that a short trip to the City of Freedom would end with terrible weather with thunder making the room where they were staying vibrate, or maybe it was just Gorou shaking in fear? 
"I'm sorry," he mumbled under the blankets and Itto gasped. 
"Why do you say sorry?! You didn't do anything wrong, Gorou! Maybe I should be the one saying sorry," Itto said sheepishly, his big hand resting against Gorou's back. ""I was the one who proposed making this trip after all." 
"Don't be silly, how could we know the weather- eek!"
Both men froze. Gorou's head popped from under the blanket and looked at his partner with curious, yet teary eyes. 
"Why did you make that sound?" 
Itto giggled, his cheeks a little blushy. "Well, when you held on to me, it kind of tickled my side, here, you see?" He explained, pointing at his bare torso, a spot real close to his ribs. 
Gorou looked at him perplexed before he chuckled, shaking his head. 
"Honestly, your shriek was so loud I barely heard the thunder." 
They giggled, but suddenly both gasped and looked at each other with wide eyes. 
"You can tickle me to not hear the thunders!" 
Gorou laughed, but when another thunder started to purr in the sky, his hands quickly latched to Itto's ribs and the oni threw his head back with loud laughter. 
"W-Wahahahait- ahahahack! I wahahahasn't reheheady!"
Itto squeaked, trying to keep his arms glued to his sides to let Gorou tickle him freely, but gah! It was so so hard. Gorou already knew his ribs were so ticklish and so, he knew exactly how to tickle him to make him shriek with laughter. 
But, even though Itto already felt tears of laughter clinging to his lashes and he was snorting as Gorou pressed his thumbs deep into the spaces between his highest ribs, he was glad his boisterous laughter was enough to make Gorou ignore the loud thundering outside, but he himself thought his laughter was way too loud and somehow felt a little embarrassed.
"How are you this ticklish?" Gorou asked tenderly as Itto threw his head back when Gorou's fingers sneaked under his arms, tickling his armpits. "Is this a disease?"
"DOHOHON'T tehehease mehehehe!" 
"Why not? Does it tickle more?"
Gorou laughed, "if it tickles so bad, why are you raising your arms?"
If Itto wanted Gorou to forget about the storm completely, then he was more than determined to expose himself as much as possible… even when he was snorting and shrieking like crazy.
"You are so weird, Itto," Gorou said fondly, but his fingers barely took a rest as he tickled Itto more and more. "But I guess you're being more than helpful right now, I can't even hear my own thoughts."
That made Itto laugh harder and his arms went down a little, but he held himself up very well. He wanted to say something, at least let Gorou know that he was glad he was being of help, but his laughter barely let him utter a single word, so he simply nodded, laughing and shrieking and snorting as he patiently waited for the storm to fade away so his beautiful partner could stop suffering. 
He could handle a little bit of tickling, besides… it was really fun!
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otomiyaa · 7 months
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Hi all! 31 fics are finished for this year's Tickletober: Miya & Mia's Tickletober, prompt list together with @ticklygiggles! An overview of my finished fics can be found below. Thank you to everyone who participated and used our list. I hope you didn't struggle too much, or curse our names like a certain @lovelynim did 🤭
Special SPECIAL thanks to precious @wertzunge 💕 for helping me retrieve my fics after I lost my account. I didn't back them up, and thanks to his help I could get them back and post them on AO3.
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Note: not all fics are uploaded on tha tumblrz.
Day 1: Trap | Rengoku x Tengen (Demon Slayer) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 2: Claws | Josh x Lucy (The Hating Game)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 3: Villain | TodoBaku (BNHA)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 4: Mask | Itto x Heizou (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 5: Disguise | Rei x Kazuki (Buddy Daddies)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 6: Movie | Sawako x Kazehaya (Kimi ni Todoke) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 7: Playtime | Miyo x Kiyoka (My Happy Marriage)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 8: Haunted | Dani x Jamie (The Haunting of Bly Manor)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 9: Mirrors | Hobie & Miles (Across the Spiderverse)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 10: Cloak | Peter 1 & Peter 2 & Peter 3 (MCU)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 11: Pumpkin | Beidou x Ningguang (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 12: Wolf | Garu x Eiden (NU: Carnival)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 13: Prank Call | Enola x Tewkesbury (Enola Holmes)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 14: Roleplay | Lyney x Wriothesley (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 15: Babysitter | Sengoku & Miyamura (Horimiya)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 16: Sweets | Ariel x Eric (The Little Mermaid 2023) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 17: Closet | NSFW - Yiyoung x Daehyung (Work Love Balance)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 18: Spiderweb | Jean x Marco (AOT)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 19: Dark | Tokoyami x Shoji (BNHA)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 20: Cursed | Suzume x Souta (Suzume no Tojimari) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 21: Horns/Fangs | Sariphi x Leonhart, King of Beasts (Niehime to Kemono no Ou)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 22: Tail/Wings | Tighnari x Albedo (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 23: Party | Momose x Shirosaki (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 24: Spell | Maleficent & Aurora (Maleficent)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 25: Boo | Reader x Solomon, Barbatos, Simeon (Obey Me) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 26: Thunder | Scara x Childe (Genshin) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 27: Monster | Link x Zelda (TOTK) AO3 | Tumblr - Collab with @dokidoki-muffin
Day 28: Silence | Wade x Ember (Elemental) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 29: Zombie | Hinata & Miya Twins (Haikyuu)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 30: Fantasy | Simeon x Solomon (Obey Me) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 31: Halloween | Neuvillette x Wriothesley (Genshin) AO3 | Tumblr - Collab with @ticklygiggles
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yourllocalaroace · 8 months
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Day 1 Anticipation - Lee!Sanemi Ler!Giyuu
Day 2 Accidental - Lee!Tanjiro Ler!Nezuko
Day 3 Cuddles - Lee!Momo Ler!Shoji 
Day 4  Weak Spot - Lee!Bakugo Ler!Kirishima
Day 5 ‘I’m not Ticklish’ - Lee!Giyuu Ler!Tengen
Day 6 Chase - Lee!Genya Ler!Gyomei
Day 7 Flustered - Lee!Obanai Ler!Mitsuri
Day 8 Truth -  Lee!Jirou Ler!Denki 
Day 9 Lie - Switches!Ochako and Tsuyu 
Day 10 Ghost - Lee!Class 1-A Ler!Hagakure 
Day 11 Saueal - Lee!Senjuro Ler!Rengoku 
Day 12 Bites/Nibbles - Lee!Shoto Ler!Yuwai 
Day 13 Sneak Attack - Lee!Gyomei Lers!Tengen,Mitsuri,Rengoku
Day 14 Soft - Lee!Sanemi Ler!Kagaya
Day 15 Tickle Fight - Switches!Muzan,Enmu
Day 16 Unusual Spot - Lee!Todoroki Ler!Midoriya
Day 17 Interrogation - Lee!Bakugo Ler!Mina 
Day 18 Magic - Lee!Iida Ler!Villan
Day 19 Arms Up - Lee!Muichiro Ler!Tanjiro 
Day 20 Relentless - Lee!Tokoyami Ler!Ochako 
Day 21 New Discovery - Lee!Shinobu Ler!Mitsuri 
Day 22 Ticklish Kiss -  Lee!Hakuji Ler!Koyuki 
Day 23 Pinned - Lee!Genya Ler!Sanemi 
Day 24 Incoherent - Lee!Shoji Ler!DekuSquad 
Day 25 Gang Tickles - Lee!Gyomei Ler!Pillars
Day 26 Counting - Lee!Kanao Ler!Tanjiro 
Day 27 Hysterical - Lee!Kirishima Ler!Kaminari
Day 28 Massage - Lee!Kagaya Ler!Pillars
Day 29 Wake Up - Lee!Zenitsu Ler!Inoskue 
Day 30 Caught - Lee!Inoskue Ler!Aoi
Day 31 Aftercare - Lee!Midoriya Ler!Ochako 
I’m so excited for this years (my first) TickleTober (о´∀`о) 🫧🤍
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intheticklecloset · 7 months
TickleTober Day #26: Night Sky
Gin and Akutagawa (Bungo Stray Dogs)
“The sky is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” Gin asked as she came up behind her brother on the rooftop.
Akutagawa has been looking out over the city, his mind racing as always. It never shut up. It could get to be a lot sometimes, which was why when she couldn’t find him after midnight, she knew exactly where to look.
He let out a breath that fogged up in the cold air. “Yeah.”
She stood beside him, glancing at his face, gauging his mood. He seemed to be in good spirits – as much good spirits as he was capable of, anyway. But that faraway look in his eyes told her everything in a moment.
“If you like him, you should tell him,” she said, never one to mince words.
Akutagawa stiffened beside her. “Who?”
He closed his eyes. Hearing his first name was so rare these days, and Gin was almost always the one to say it. She knew it brought him some strange sense of peace, which was why she used it when she could.
“I don’t like him,” he muttered, turning away, walking a few paces. “That’s…preposterous. I’m going to kill him. That’s it.”
“You’re going to kill the first thing that’s ever made you happy?” Gin shot back. “You would. Which is why I’m telling you, you shouldn’t.”
He spun around, eyes wide. “He’s not the first—”
Gin stopped him. “I don’t count, Ryuunosuke. Any happiness I bring you is nothing compared to the weretiger.”
Akutagawa frowned. “You’re wrong.”
Gin was fast. He knew that, had watched her grow into a skilled assassin alongside him over the years in the mafia, but it still took him by surprise sometimes. Like now, when she was in his personal space, fingers in his ribs in less time than it took to blink.
“Gin!” he yelped, trying and failing to grab onto her, to stop her. But she was quick, and she danced around him, digging and poking and tickling until he couldn’t help but laugh, eventually crumpling to his knees on the rooftop. “Gihihihihin, nohohohohoho! Enohohohohough!”
“Tell him,” she insisted, never showing mercy. “Tell him before you miss your chance. Before you regret it. Because you will, Ryuunosuke. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you let him get away.”
Akutagawa knew she was right. About all of it. But he had his pride, and so he retorted, “My ohohohohonly regrehehehehet will come if I dohohohon’t kill him lihihihike I prohohohomised! I ahahahalways keep my prohohohohomises – Gin, stohohohohohop!”
“Then keep your promise to me, and let yourself be happy,” she said, climbing on top of him to pin him down, going for the kill.
“GIHIHIHIHIHIHIN!!” he screamed, laughter spilling out of him in crashing waves as she dug into his lower ribs. He tried pushing at her, but his physical strength was nonexistent, and he would not use Rashomon on her. “AHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Tell the weretiger how you feel,” she demanded, grinning behind her mask, “or I’ll tickle you until you see reason!”
Akutagawa opened his mouth to protest that he didn’t like Atsushi – that was ridiculous – but right at that moment she found a really ticklish spot near the back of his ribs, and he instead found himself yelling, “FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK!!” before collapsing in a fit of wheezing laughter, tapping her arm in submission.
She stopped, let him catch his breath, still grinning. “You gonna tell him?”
He groaned but nodded. “Very well, Gin. I’ll…I’ll tell him.”
“Good.” She nodded, satisfied, and helped him to his feet. “Thank you for keeping your promise to me, Ryuunosuke.”
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koala-fluff · 8 months
Tickletober Day 2: Accidental
Fandom: The Owl House
Thirty…" Luz said, her hands over her eyes. As soon as she started counting, everyone scattered to find a hiding spot.
"Willow!" Gus whispered, gesturing wildly. "I need your help!"
He ran down the hallway, Willow's footsteps close behind. They ran down to the basement, closing the door as quietly as possible.
"What do you need help with?" Willow asked, speaking quietly. Gus grinned and simply pointed at a high shelf on the wall.
"Really?" She sighed as he nodded. "Fine, but I better have time to hide too."
"You will!" He said cheerfully, approaching the wall.
Willow rolled her eyes and stood behind him. He lifted his arms dramatically.
"Raise me to the heavens!" He announced, making his friend giggle.
"Ready?" She asked, putting her hands on his sides. He flinched slightly and nodded. In an easy motion, she lifted him into the air.
He stiffened so suddenly that she almost dropped him. She quickly set him back down to adjust her grip.
"Hey!" She whispered. "I don't wanna give you another concussion!"
"Sorry!" He whispered back. "I wasn't ready for it to tickle so much! Just try again."
"Are you sure? Cause you can't squirm." He nodded so she grabbed him again. Once again, he was lifted off the ground
He flinched and grabbed onto her hands. He bit his lip and tried to keep himself from moving too much. Willow rolled her eyes with a grin.
"You're too ticklish for this." She stated, standing on her tiptoes. "Reach for the shelf!"
He raised his hand, shifting slightly in his attempt to reach it. Willow slid her hand down to his hip to support him.
He snorted and clasped onto her hand, bending to the left and offsetting her balance. She squeaked and stumbled, squeezing him a few times by accident.
"Hehey!" He giggled, starting to squirm. "Dihid you do thahat on purpose!"
"No I didn't!" She finally steadied herself. "Reach for the shelf again! And stop squirming!"
"I cahan't!" He spluttered, shaking his head. "Stohop holding my hip!"
"If I do that, I'll drop you!" She retorted. "Just try! We're running out of time!"
He slowly raised his arm, his body shaking in somewhat withheld laughter. He swiped for the ledge, only to fall short.
Willow stumbled as their weight shifted again. She held on tighter, making Gus bring his arms back down as he laughed harder.
"Why couldn't you reach it?" She whispered, slightly louder to speak over his laughter.
"Nohot tahall ehenoughff!" He cried, really wiggling now. "Stahand ohon youhour tihiptohoes agahain!"
"You're moving too much!"
"Juhust tryhy!"
"Than stop moving!"
"Ihi cahan't!"
"We're almost out of time!"
"Ihi knohow! Lihift mehe hihigher!"
"What in the world are you two doing?"
Willow glanced behind her, still holding up the giggling boy. She sighed as she saw Luz, who looked incredibly amused.
"Helping him get to his hiding spot." She said, putting Gus down. He bent over, holding his sides as he calmed down.
"Well, I found you!" Luz grinned from ear to ear. "Come upstairs when he's calmed down! Now to find everyone else..."
With that, the human left.
Gus stood up straight, smiling nervously. "Better luck next time?" He said sheepishly.
Willow slowly turned to face him, her face unreadable. He gulped and stepped away.
"I want you to know, Augustus," she said, approaching menacingly. "That this is on purpose."
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