ticklygiggles · 2 years
"I'll be home for Christmas" with KuroDai? Maybe some video call teases or something like that :D
[25 Christmas drabbles] - entries closed!
A/N: happy first day of Christmas! I'M SO EXCITED, I love Christmas sjsjsfn and I hope you all enjoy all the drabbles! ^^
KuroDai - 1. "I'll be home for Christmas!"
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"I'll be home for Christmas!"
"Yeah, you keep saying that," Daichi said to the phone laying on the pillow next to him in bed. "But you know Christmas is literally next week, right? I don't see your face around here."
Kuroo's laugh ringed through all the room from the other side of the line and Daichi's heart clenched, missing to hear that sound in person and see Kuroo's face lighting up with his bright smile.
He missed him so dearly. It was not the first time Kuroo had to leave in a business trip, but it was the first time he had to leave during Christmas time and Daichi couldn't help but feel sad and lonely.
It wasn't like they did a big celebration during Christmas day, they usually just enjoyed some nice food and cuddled in the living room watching some movies, but it was something they did yearly and if Kuroo wasn't going to be around... well, Daichi would feel just like he's not complete.
"I know, I know. I'm seriously going to be there, I promise! Do you miss me that much?" He teased and Daichi's cheeks blushed, but he was quick to answer back:
"Not as much as you miss me tickling you."
"W-What?!" Kuroo gasped and Daichi could hear him blush over the phone.
Ah, yes. Daichi probably also usually spent Christmas day wrecking Kuroo until he was begging for mercy. He wouldn't call it a tradition per se, after all, he used to tickle Kuroo in every little chance he got, but certainly always found the time to tickle him under the beautiful Christmas lights of their tree until there were happy tears of laughter rolling down the sides of Kuroo's face.
Daichi chuckled and a smirk took place on his lips. "What, 'what'? Are you going to deny you miss my tickling? Even though I know how much you love it?"
"D-Daichi! Are- Are you crazy? What are you-
"What do you miss more?" Daichi said, ignoring Kuroo's stuttering. "Me tickling your ribs or your armpits?"
Silence fell upon the other end of the line, except for an agitated breathing. Daichi smirked and he continued.
"Of course, it was silly of me to ask, after all, your armpits are your favorite spot, right?" He heard something like a groan and he chuckled. "You've been away from a few days now, but I haven't forgotten, don't worry. I know you really like it when I pin your arms above your head and just go crazy over your poor underarms."
"Daichi," Kuroo whined. "S-Stop."
"Well, I'm not doing anything, yet," Daichi said and Kuroo whined again. "Maybe when you come back we can try those handcuffs you got the other day. I know you want me to tickle you in those."
"Are you giggling already? C'mon, Tetsu. I'm not even touching you, am I?"
"Ugh, Daichi, you're the worst!"
Daichi chuckled. "I'm just saying you're missing some fun for working and- oh?"
"What's wrong?"
Daichi hummed, getting up from the bed and turning off the speaker of his phone to press it to his ear.
"Someone's knocking on the door... Weird, it's so late."
"Be careful, police officer~"
Daichi snorted and he did some small talk with Kuroo as he walked to the door. He could hear deep mumbling and his heart did a little jump. His footsteps quickened and he quickly opened the door.
"... And then- oh, finally!"
There he was. As handsome as ever. Smiling bashfully at Daichi, cheeks flushed pink and eyes twinkling with excitement.
"Tetsu," Daichi whispered, almost breathlessly, lowering his phone from his ear.
"I told you I would be back, didn't I?"
Daichi felt his eyes tearing up, but he tried to hold back. "You just wanted me to tickle you again!"
Kuroo gasped and he quickly entered the house, closing the door behind him and engulfing Daichi in a tight hug.
"You talk too loud!"
Daichi laughed, tightly hugging Kuroo back. "I missed you, silly!"
Kuroo chuckled, "I missed you too," he said, cupping Daichi's cheeks between his cold hands, rubbing Daichi's cheekbones tenderly before pressing his lips against Daichi's, kissing him lovingly.
Daichi felt his knees going a little weak, kissing Kuroo again after so many days of not doing it, but a sudden giggle bubbled past his lips and into Kuroo's when he felt a cold hand sneaking under his shirt to tickle his waist.
"As far as I know," Kuroo mumbled against Daichi's smiling lips. "I'm not the only one who loves it," he said, making Daichi turn bright pink as now both hands tickled his waist under his shirt.
As Daichi giggled and laughed and tried to escape from Kuroo's evil fingers looking for revenge after teasing him silly, he thought that, now that Kuroo was home, the void he felt in his heart was again filled with joy and love and his Christmas felt just as warmer as the ones before.
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
Okay so I shall share some tiny headcanons about Daichi as a warm up of sorts since I'm nervous—
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Sawamura Daichi, everybody :D
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• He's usually the one doing the tickling, but he does occasionally become the victim.
• Because he has very few tickle spots (along with his tough no-nonsense personality), people often assume that he is not ticklish at all.
• Then Suga thought it would be a good idea to tickle him in front of the entire team simply because he thought he looked grumpy and needed cheering up (he actually did but what Suga doesn't know won't hurt him).
• Most of the team is too scared to solo tickle him for fear of retaliation. Suga, the brave, stupid soul, and Kiyoko, not ticklish at all, is the only exception.
• His tickle spots are his stomach, thighs and his ribs. Although I do enjoy the headcanon that he is also ticklish in his underarms from time to time.
• A quick poke to his stomach will make him flinch amd squeak, and scribbling will get you some chuckles but if you want him to start losing his mind you need to really put your hands on him and knead that muscle like it is bread dough.
• Suga loves to give him raspberries. When he's feeling brave enough, Asahi will also help hold him down and rub his beard on his stomach and ribs.
• Yeah let's just say Daichi goes absolutely nuts.
• His thighs are probably the worst tickle spot that he has. He can not take any kind of touch there, even his own. Digging fingers into the skin will make him scream for mercy for sure. The tiniest little scribbles will have him cackling like a witch.
• Unfortunately that is all I have for today but if you like them I shall provide more!!!!!
Sincerely, Blue-san 💙
uwaaaaahh blue-syaaaan thank you for sharing these, these are so super duper kyuuuuuute !!! ☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆ kyaaah thinking about daichi-kun feeling ticklish like this has me all giddy. i enjoy the idea of suga-chan being fearless and perhaps a bit naive and attacking daichi-kun with no regard to his own safety, haha. and wahh daichi-kun would surely have such ticklish thighs, what i would not give to be able to squeeze the hell out of them and really drive him mad !!!
thank you again for sharing these blue-san, these really made my day (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
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italeean · 2 years
A goodbye without tears
You can find the plot here
A/N: Hi!! I'm still alive... after more than a month of inactivity... 😓 Sorry for not posting my content for a while, after I was done with my entry test and tasted a bit of freedom, I realized how burnt-out I truly was. I took a break from literally everything and hung out with my friends and family since I spent the whole summer studying for a thing or another 😅 Anyway, back to the important stuff, this fic was a request... that I took way too long to write... again... (PLEASE FORGIVE MEEE) but I found it really interesting and I related a lot to the scenario, which is why it came out a bit more personal than I wanted. But at the same time I liked it the way it was so I decided to post it like this. Spero vi piaccia 💚🤍❤️ (I hope you enjoy it) Suggestions and support are always appreciated ^_^
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"That's it for today, guys" Ukai's loud voice echoed throughout the gym "Make sure to stretch properly, clean up, and then go home and get some rest!" He said before leaving, knowing he had to prepare some meat buns. Everything went as usual, but a little detail made that day different. It was the third-years' last training.
Daichi almost couldn't believe it was really happening. Three years had already passed and he was about to leave his volleyball team. And as chaotic as said team was, he didn't like the idea at all. He just felt like it wasn't the right time.
Sure, Ennoshita was more than ready to become captain, but were Tanaka and Noya ready to become less... hurricane-like? Was Yamaguchi going to find his self-confidence? What about Tsukki? Would he find it in himself to open up to the others? To not talk about Hinata and Kageyama's constant bickering...
There was still so much he could help everyone with, even if he was just supporting them or giving a fatherly advice. But he had to admit to himself that they were going to manage without him, his team was full of capable and motivated guys, they were more than capable of overcoming any kind of hardship. He also had to admit to himself that the one who wasn't ready to that kind of change was him.
"...so I was thinking I could go to university and work somewhere to help my family par fo- hello? Earth to Daichi? Are you even listening?" Suga's scoff brought the (soon-to-be ex) Karasuno captain back to Earth. "Sorry Suga, I spaced out for a second..." He let out an embarrassed chuckle.
The grey-haired guy looked at his teammate with genuine concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked worried.
Daichi glanced for a second at the others, who had started cleaning already, and then told his friend about his worries about that being his last training, having to leave the team, missing the team, missing volleyball in general...
"DAICHIIIII!!!" His train of thoughts got abruptly interrupted by Suga's bonk, which was objectively kind of deserved. It was Mr. Refreshing's duty to help anyone who was feeling down, one way or another, and the whole team knew that.
However, there was still a nostalgic glint in the captain's gaze, and that couldn't be allowed. Sad goodbyes were not accepted at Karasuno Volleyball Team. The gray-haired guy looked around himself for a second. Narita and Kinoshita had already left with Ennoshita because they still had some exams to study for. Noya and Tanaka had to study as well... but they insisted on helping with the cleanup before going. Yachi and Kyoko were gone as well; they wanted to spend some time together since they were going to say goodbye, too.
"Ahem! Guys, gather here for a second." The vice-captain said, waiting for everyone to come. "As you know, this is our last day here." His first sentence was enough to make everyone groan and whine, but he was able to hush them all. "BUT! We don't want it to be a sad goodbye, we want to enjoy this journey until the last second... or at least that's what we agreed upon. However someone is feeling sulky right now. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this little problem?"
Making sure Daichi wouldn't see him, he wiggled his finger to give his own suggestion to the team. Obviously, they all caught on quickly, especially Hinata and Nishinoya, who immediately pounced on the captain.
The dark-haired guy stumbled backwards, trying to keep the two short guys still, but when Suga and Asahi decided to join the fun, he had no choice but topple to the ground while trying to hold back his laughter. "Guys! What a-ahare you doing? This is- ack! This is nohot necessary!"
"On the contrary, captain, this is exactly what you need." The vice-captain smirked teasingly at him and started poking his stomach. Asahi was keeping his arms pinned above his head with one hand and softly fluttered the fingers of the other one all over his neck and ears, changing sides every time he scrunched his shoulder to protect those spots.
Yamaguchi had managed to drag Tsukki into this, claiming that it was a bonding moment and he would've enjoyed it. They were straddling the captain's calves and squeezed the kneecaps and right above them. It made him kick so much that he almost managed to buck the first-years off a couple of times.
Noya was sitting between Daichi's legs and was squeezing his hips and sides quickly and mercilessly, while Tanaka was helping the vice-captain with the stomach. "Guhuys Ihihi sweheahahar..!" The dark-haired guy quickly dissolved into hiccupy giggles and found it impossible to build a complete sentence. "Ah ah ah," Suga teasingly reprimanded him "no swearing at school." He said while dipping his index finger in the wing spiker's belly button and wiggling around, which elicited some snorts that made everyone laugh out loud.
Obviously Hinata had joined the fun as well; he was getting the right side of the ribcage, having fun with counting the bones and sliding his fingers into every groove. "Oi Kageyama, are you coming?" He yelled, only receiving an annoying scoff in response. But he knew better. "Are you afraid I'm better than you at this?"
The setter glared intensely at him and approached the group (with the faintest blush on his face, according to Hinata). He kneeled by the left side of Daichi's ribcage and attacked, going immediately all out, to which the redhead responded with upping his game as well. "Thihihihis ihihis *snort* Thihihis ihis nohohot ahah- ACK! ahaha cohohompehetihihitiohon..!" The third-year scolded them between his laughter.
However, the other teammates seemed to disagree. Seeing the little competition between the freak-duo made them want to join. Daichi arched his back and tried to squirm as much as he could, which wasn't much since he didn't want to take the risk of hurting anyone. "Yohohou're beheheihing meheahahan nohow!" Whoops... wrong thing to say. The teens smirked evilly and started tickling him harder while teasing him as well!
He couldn't figure out who was saying what, he was too lost in his own laughter to listen carefully. He just heard a mix of voices saying "Tickle tickle tickle..." "Aaaww come on, smile captain" "Hahaha did you just snort?" "Hehehe see? This day must be happy for all of us, now smile for us!" "Who's making you laugh more? Me or that boke?"
Okay, maybe he could figure out who asked that last question, but that wasn't the point. He felt his face become red, and he couldn't even hide behind his hands since Asahi was keeping them pinned. But it wasn't so bad after all... until someone, probably Suga, had the idea of going for his thighs. That made him go berserk.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOKAHAHAHAY IHIHI GIHIHIVEHE!! IHIHIHIHI GIHIVEHEHEHE PLEHEHEAHASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" He screm at the top of his lungs. His thighs were his absolute worst spot, and he'd been enduring that playful assault for God knows how long; it made him tap out almost immediately.
"Alright, let's let him up." The grey-haired guy told everyone to stop and helped the captain to sit up. He was still giggling and a giddy smile was plastered all over his face. "That... that wahas... absoluhutely ruthless..." he panted "but maybehe I needed that... thahank you guys..." he finished with a chuckle.
"Thank you, Daichi, for being the greatest captain ever and even guiding us all the way to nationals." Suga said with teary eyes. What could he say... even Mr. Refreshing himself wasn't immune to the strange feeling of saying goodbye. He was already feeling nostalgic as well!
"Sugaaa!! We said no tears!" Hinata yelled while tackling him down and going straight for his sides and tummy. "Hihinahataaa! WhaHAHAhat aharehehe yoHOHouhu dohohoIHIhihiHIng?!" The vice-captain broke down into his high-pitched and squeaky laughter. "Hahaha I think I'll join as well... it's true that we said no tears after all." Asahi said approaching to the grey-haired guy, only to lift up Hinata and blow a raspberry on his tummy.
"NAHAHAHA AHAHASAHAHAIHIHI GEHET HIHIHIM NAHAHAT MEHEHEHEHEEE" The tangerine howled, but he was quickly rescued by Noya, who took advantage of Asahi's distraction while he was putting down Hinata to jump on his back and tickle his neck and torso.
Right after he recovered, the redhead pounced on Kageyama, bringing him down. "Bohohokehehe yohou're gohonnahaha gehehet ihihihit!!" He yelled, trying to sound angry and intimidating, before fighting back and darting his hands up into the middle blocker's underarms. "Ihihi'll beheahahat yohohouhu thihis tihihimehehehe Bahahakahageheyahahama!"
In the meanwhile, Suga thought that a certain couple of first-years was missing too much on the fun, so he wrapped an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulders to keep him in place while he scribbled on his tummy with his other hand. "Nononoohohohoho pleheheahaseee" The pinch server's legs gave out and he went to the floor, but he never did anything to actually stop the older guy.
Tanaka decided to help the vice-captain with his mission and went straight after Tsukishima, who desperately tried to not laugh... in vain of course.
Before they knew it, a tickle fight on full scale had blown out in the gym and everyone was laughing their head off.
Daichi glanced at the mess right in front of him before joining. The thought of graduating didn't sound so scary or sad after all, because now he knew he was never truly going to leave his team, or better, his family.
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intheticklecloset · 10 months
Hi! For the Peppermint Mocha event, I was wondering if I could possibly request Asahi, Daichi, and Suga (from Haikyuu) and the prompt being that they’re playing a series of winter/holiday themed games and one of them is like, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the game Outburst, but like naming 10 things within a minute or two, and then adding a holiday spin of like, naming 10 Christmas carols or holiday decorations with a distraction (the distraction do be tickles). Totally understand if you don’t want to write this though and sorry I totally rambled lol. Hope you have a good day!
❄️ Peppermint Mocha Special Order ❄️
“Name five holiday movies,” Suga said, reading off the card in his hand before flipping over the timer.
To his left, Daichi dutifully and easily listed five holiday titles before his time was up. Then he drew a card.
It was the Christmas break after they’d graduated from high school, and the three former third-years from Karasuno had managed to find a single day to reunite and catch up and mess around like they used to in all of the chaos of visiting their families and whatnot. They had plans to go to dinner in a short while, but for now they were passing the time playing this game.
“Name five winter activities,” Daichi said to Asahi.
Asahi named three, then struggled with the last two so much that he ran out of time.
“I’m not used to thinking about winter sports,” he whined with a slight chuckle, reaching for a card.
“No one said anything about sports. The card said ‘activities’,” Suga reminded him.
Asahi pouted, then read off his card. “Name five Christmas characters.”
Suga did so, easily. When he reached for his card, he paused. “You know, this is almost too easy.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” Daichi replied.
“Speak for yourself,” Asahi muttered, but he was grinning.
Suga hummed. “Why don’t we add a twist to some of these?”
“Like what?”
“Well, for example…” Suga glanced at the card. “Daichi, name five Christmas carols, and we’ll try to distract you.” Then he flipped the timer.
Daichi started, “Jingle Bells, Silent N-ihihihihihihight?! Whahahahat – hehehehehey!”
Suga grinned, digging into his ribs while watching the timer. “Five seconds!”
“Ahahaha! Uh…G-Good Kihihihihing Wehehehehenceslahahahas – Ahahahahahasahi!” Daichi protested when his other friend started tickling his opposite side. “You guhuhuhuhuhuys!”
“Time’s up!” Suga announced proudly, ceasing his attack.
Daichi let out a few leftover giggles and grumbled, “No fair…”
“Of all the Christmas carols out there, you thought of ‘Good King Wenceslas’?” Asahi asked, dumfounded.
“Not all of us struggle with basic concepts, Asahi,” Daichi teased, reaching for his side in revenge.
“Hehehey! I hahahahaven’t beheheheheen given a prohohohompt!”
But it didn’t matter, because soon Suga was joining in with Daichi, and then he and Asahi turned on Suga, who immediately dissolved into his hyena laughter when they scribbled at his belly.
“Ehehehehehehehe! Stahahahahahahahap!”
Daichi and Asahi exchanged amused glances. “He still has that laugh, huh?”
“Dohohohohohon’t make fuhuhuhuhuhun of mehehehehehe!”
But they weren’t, and Suga knew they weren’t, and soon the room was filled with the sounds of all three of their laughs as they took turns tickling each other just like the old days at Karasuno High.
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infrequent-creator · 11 months
DAY 25: Gang
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DAY 25: Gang
((Love this tall fuzzy boy 💜))
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otomiyaa · 4 months
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Kuroo x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by @italeean for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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Your keys were rattling as you opened the door to your shared apartment with Kuroo. Inside, you already saw four pairs of unfamiliar sportsy looking shoes, and you smiled. You were not surprised.
You knew your boyfriend was having some old friends from his high school days over, and that they were staying for some fun and drinks. No problem to offer the study room and couch for that.
"I'm home~ Guys?" you called out.
Why was it so quiet though? Had they gone out to play volleyball perhaps? No... At this hour? Besides, their shoes were right here.
You thought about it calmly as you took off your own shoes and shuffled around the corner.
"Guys, hello? .... Oh."
Inside, you found a mess. You immediately spotted your boyfriend Kuroo on the couch, sitting upright but looking like he was asleep.
Daichi was fast asleep on the floor. Why on the floor? His face had doodles on it too.
"How much did you guys drink?" you sighed, finding Oikawa in the kitchen. Looked like he had wanted to get something from the fridge but passed out in the middle of getting it. The fridge was still open. He was also missing his pants.
"Tetsu, watch our energy bill!" you called out to your sleeping boyfriend on the couch as you closed the fridge, and you found Oikawa's pants a little further. You threw it on top of him to cover his geeky underwear.
In the bathroom, you found Bokuto and Ushijima, piled up together. Also snoring, reeking of alcohol. Looked like the guys had made themselves comfortable anywhere but the futons you prepared for them in the study room.
"You guys are unbelievable," you said fondly, shaking your head like a mother.
You headed towards Kuroo who had the most comfortable spot of all, except his position looked anything but comfy. He was sitting very upright, which looked uncomfortable for his back, and his.. uh. Huh? His wrists were tied together in front of him, with... handcuffs? But why?
"Dear, what's going on here?" you chuckled, kissing his cheek and then picking up his tied hands to take a closer look. The handcuffs looked legit. Not some cheap toy.
Well, you knew Daichi was working to be a policeman after all... You shook Kuroo's bound hands around playfully and watched how he opened his eyes tiredly.
"Hello baby," he said, and he let out a cute burp. You waved the smell of beer away and patted his head, combing your fingers through his messy hair.
"What have you been up to? It's not even midnight yet."
"Hm.. Drinking game," he answered, leaning in to nuzzle your chest like a cat. Hehe, Kuroo was always a charmer, but somehow he managed to make you even more flustered whenever he was drunk.
"I see, I see. Well, let's untie your hands first and get everyone to bed. Where's the key of the handcuffs?" you asked.
"Hm... Let's make love," Kuroo said instead answering. "Right here."
"No no, baby. We can't. And we can't let your friends sleep like this. Let's go to bed."
"Hmm, to bed we go.... I'll make you feel so, sooo goooood," Kuroo said seductively.
You couldn't help but snicker in response. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position," you said. You picked up his hands again to demonstrate, not prepared for him to suddenly reach for your tummy and - wah! Tickle?
"Tehehetsu! Hehehey now!" you laughed, tumbling forward against him. His hands may be tied together, but he could still reach out and move his fingers, and damn did he know where to get you to make you collapse in an instant.
"Make love to meee," your drunk boyfriend said with a goofy grin.
"Nohoho! Whahahat! Tetsuraahaha! D-dohohon't!" You tried to move away, but somehow even with handcuffs, Kuroo was a beast.
He managed to capture you with his legs, keeping you in position firmly. He then tickled your sides and tummy until you were squealing so loudly it was a surprise not one of the others woke up. Alcohol comas were sooo bad!
"Prohohomise mehehe y-y'all nehehever drink so muhuhuch agahahain!" you laughed, squirming at your boyfriend's mercy.
"I promise~" Kuroo said sweetly. You were a little embarrassed how easy it was for you, with both hands free, to get overpowered like this while Kuroo was limited in his movements. You were simply stuck between Kuroo's legs and giggling like an idiot.
"Nohohow prohohomise to lehehet me gohoho!" you tried since he did seem a little reasonable.
"Can't promise that~"
"Ahahahalright! Lehehet me gohoho - wehehe'll cuddlehehe!" It was funny, Kuroo was immediately sold. His weakness for cuddling, even more than sex, was just adorable.
"Okay!" Kuroo chirped, and you were surprised it worked. He stopped tickling you, but instead he wrapped his arms around you. His tied hands now rested against your back, and you jumped when he scratched you there fondly. Not again!
"Y-you're stihihill tickling mehehe!" you whined. And now you were even more stuck.
"Tetsu! Lehehet gohoho!"
Okay so it didn't work. Well, sometimes people would make bad choices like you did. It couldn't be helped. In your new position, you were even more trapped than before, and even when Kuroo fell asleep in the middle of tickling your back, you could hardly get out of his grip.
After all, you didn't want to wake him again. "You're so silly," you said with a smile, and you had to make some effort to kiss him in this cramped position. You then rested comfortably against him, and you started to feel sleepy.
It was anything but comfortable, but then again, definitely more comfortable than those other guys. You could at least try to sleep a few hours, and then hopefully wake up with a sobered up boyfriend!
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
I call this a triple release! Time lines are different, of course, but during the day, I'm uploading three fics!
I wanna write for kageyama again! Squeee! I haven't done it in a while, so maybe the usual... kageyama hinata combo strikes back!
Hehe enjoy
Warning spoilers alert
The first year combo!
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Hinata was getting better at taking Kageyama's sets, in fact those two are an u stoppage duos.
Prodigy Kageyama and passionate Hinata. These were polar opposites, and no one can believe how connected they are during games...
"Kageyama you are being mean!"
"Enough jabbering, Boke (idiot)!"
That's until their off the field. They are a hopless crew. Daichi thought with a smile. The seniors all understood this usual scenario with the first year combo.
Hinata's orange hair is gripped in a vice grip by Kageyama, with a scary grumbled under his throat as he threatened the little guy. This is usual, and as always, Tsukishima had a snarky comment. "What are we grade schoolers?"
In fact, Hinata face was twisted into a hilarious contorted face of reluctance. He knew by strength he couldn't possibly be Kageyama's equal. Nobody seemed bothered to stop a fight they couldn't interfere with. Not even Daichi.
"Boke! You better understand that there's a difference between you and me -ah!"
He released the orange head eventually and stepped away with one hesitant step. Hinata hadn't expected it to work. He reflexively poked him in the ribs in order to make him shrink away from pain but it was a light squeak that was uncharacteristical of the King.
"Wait... wait... wait. " Hinata leaned forward on his knees, trying to get a better idea of what happened."Did you just squeak?"
"Did not" a childish side glance from a child who is lying to a parent visualised in Tsukishima's eyes. He was not merely called the smartest in the group so he could pass tests. He, in fact, deduced enough of the situation to focus on it rather than spiking for Nishinoya.
"Liar, I totally saw you go - like this!" He reached over to demonstrate, but it was unsuccessful as Kageyama grabbed his wrist with sudden panicked motion. He pushed the hand away before going back to the net, almost convincing. "If you have time to goof off, then I suggest you make ample time to practice with my sets instead"
Hinata being the naive idiot fell for this distraction and groaned "Weren't you the one who started this?"
Tsukishima sighed. He knew this won't be a good ending for a good climax, he called out tauntingly. "Nice way of avoiding a fierce tickle attack from your regal subjects, your majesty"
Everyone stared at Kageyama, now widened in eyes with pure intent of curiosity. But he let his guard down too swiftly when he felt someone tackle him from the side.
Shocked, the speed and reflexes couldn't have possibly been anyone but Hinata himself. The kid attacked him with his nimble fingers on his ribs first "Ahh ha! I knew you were hiding something, I'm not thar stupid to fall for your tricks"
Yameguchi gave a fond smile to him and said, "Yeah right, a minute ago he almost did if it weren't for Tsukki"
"Gaha! Oi, yohohou huhuhuman tahahangerine!!! Ahahahand you'll pay! FOUR EYES!"
"Wow, such recognitions, I'm honoured," he said stoically, not even the least bothered by the warning.
Meanwhile the least of Tobio Kageyama's worries is revenge, he needs to get out of this situation where a monkey is determined to straddle him and tickle him to pieces.
He couldn't help it, but being ticklish is something even Oikawa took advantage of. It was a well hidden secret. Well, until Tsukishima decided to expose him while his little friend almost triggered it. Scratch that ...he did trigger it thanks to four eyes.
"Alrihihihight! Cuhuhuhut ihihit ohohohout Hihihinataa!" Kageyama tried to squirm his way off, but surprisingly, he didn't expect the persistence being a strength that evolved to physical strength.
"Na ah! I didn't even know such a weakness existed on you of all people!"
Blushing harder, he tried to kick his way out and decided to turn the tables though he wasn't experienced in tickle counters.
Hinata was ticklish too and thankfully he burst into quick laughter, "ahahaha Kageheheheyamaaa! Nohoho fahahahair!"
"So fair punk! You started it"
"Ohohoho wehehell thehehen tahahahahake thihihis!!" He started to move his way to reach for his sides again and that allowed a brief time for Kageyama to get his armpits instead.
Stream of giggles left his mouth now painfully ticklish. He was in tears, not expecting the tables to flip.
Tanaka called out "Come on Hinata get the sucker while you can, he's more ticklish than you!"
"Kageyama, kick his ass!" Nishinoya seconded that.
These cheers were Hinata's motivation. He decided that Kageyama's awkward tickling wasn't that bad, but he broke through only to sneak a squeeze to his knee. Hoping it was sensitive, he did this, and much to his happiness, it was more effective.
"OHOHOHOI! Nohohoho Hihihinata!" He was thrown off balance by his own jerking ways. He didn't expect such a counter and giggled back uneasily now, distancing themselves instead of fighting.
"Kageeeyaaamaa~ Come here, and I'll treat you nice and easy" Hinata threw himself back only to grab his knees with firm vigour. It was strange how such an unusual spot could be this vulnerable. Kageyama definitely had similar thoughts as he couldn't attack back but rather shriek in surprise.
"Alright, game over for Kageyama." Asahi reached to grab Hinata's collar, and he dangled like a puppy. He looked thrilled to see a new side of Kageyama and had wicked schemes to exploit it. While Kageyama was given gentle assaults by Sugawara and Tanaka, who were hungry to join the final bit, but Daichi had ordered them to practice now.
Sure enough, Tsukishima remained in the shadows, smiling at his own play that he scripted with one mere call to Kageyama's weakness. He really became a mastermind, only Daichi suspected that.
Still, it was a good day, Kageyama would often be teased back for that defeat, which Hinata rarely witnesses during most challenges. Poking and prodding on their way back after practice, they were determined to hold another tickle fight, this time hoping who'd win foe real with equal strength.
"That's what makes them a team." Suagwara chuckled, locking the gymnasium.
"Yeah," Daichi grinned, now looking at the unfolding evening sky to night as time got much delayed.
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shoto-lee · 1 year
Tickletober Day 8 - "I'm Not Ticklish"
lee!tsukishima ler!yamaguchi
Summary: Yamaguchi wants to know what side tsukishima is more ticklish on - the left or the right. However, Tsukishima claims he isn't ticklish...
A/N: binging haikyuu so i decided to write something for my favorite character, tsukishima! (posting this a day early)
Tsukishima sighed. He didn't know why he had agreed to let Yamaguchi do this... Maybe it was because he was cute when he asked, maybe it wasn't. Who knows?
"When will you be done?" Tsuki asked, a slight frown on his face.
Yamaguchi ignored his question - he hadn't even started with his experiment. He was desperate to figure out which side of the taller boy was more ticklish. His left thigh or his right thigh? His left knee or his right knee? The question went on and on, and Tadashi was determined to answer it.
He already had a prediction. Thanks to some supporting evidence from a practice match some time ago, he knew that Tsukishima's right side was more ticklish than the other. During the match, Tsuki had gotten a cramp in his left calve. Daichi had tried to remedy it with a brief massage - pushing and circling his thumbs across the sensitive area.
When that didn't work (which he 100% expected it would), the captain of the team became confused and thought he was massaging the wrong calve, so he moved on to the right one. Tsukishima was a giggly mess as soon as he was touched there.
"Alright. I'll begin here." Yamaguchi placed his index finger on his friend's right thigh. Tsuki was wearing shorts, so the area was largely exposed.
Yamaguchi slid his finger down Tsuki's thigh until he met his kneecap. He then slid it back up to the end of his shorts. Nothing. Not even a slight grin.
Tsukishima could see Yama's visible disappointment. "I've told you already, I am not ticklish." He cockily laid on his back, putting his hands behind his head - leaving Yamaguchi kneeled down beside him.
The boy huffed and puffed. "I can't accept that! Everybody is ticklish, even you, Tsukishima."
The blond scoffed, shaking his head. Did he really believe he wasn't ticklish? Yamaguchi was right - everyone is ticklish somewhere. Tsukishima was in for a rude awakening.
Tsukishima's confidence began to crumble when Yamaguchi slid his hand under his leg, softly tickling the bottom of his outstretched knee. He pressed his lips together to keep from giggling.
Clueless to the fact that with a little bit more effort at the spot he was at, he'd have Tsuki a ticklish mess, Yamaguchi decided to make his way down to his calve. He lightly traced circles with his fingernails on the taller boy's skin.
Lips still pressed together, Tsukishima was nearly unphased - only on the outside, though. On the inside, his heart was slowly beating faster and faster. He hadn't felt the ticklish sensations he was feeling now in a while. He slowly began to remember the way his brother, Akiteru, would tickle him when they were young... This scared him because, with those memories, he remembered just how ticklish he really was.
"Y-Yamaguchi, are you finished yet? I already told you, I'm not ticklish." Tsukishima scratched his neck, a nervous look on his face.
Yamaguchi noticed this, unfortunate for Tsukishima. He could tell that he was close to getting to a ticklish area, so he continued down the boy's leg.
When Yamaguchi reached Tsukishima's heel, he tried to pull his foot away but was quickly stopped by Yamaguchi placing his ankle in an armlock.
"Why are you trying to get away? I thought you said you weren't ticklish."
Tsukishima tried to reach Yamaguchi's body to get him away from his foot but was stopped once again. The boy had begun to claw his fingers up and down the middle blocker's heel, causing him to gasp and giggle.
"Ahaha, Yahahamaha! StohohoHOhOHop it!" Tsukishima didn't know how to react to this ticklish feeling... All he could do was laugh and laugh. And laugh some more.
"Wow~ Someone's right heel is ticklish. What about the left one?" Yamaguchi teased, swiftly snatching Tsukishima's left ankle and scratching at his heel.
Tsukishima bashed around, trying not to laugh. He held his lips together but they were immediately separated by sweet chuckles and snorts every single time.
Yamaguchi took notes. Although he was having fun wrecking poor Tsuki, he still genuinely wanted to find an answer to his question. And as far as heels go, he concluded that Tsukishima's left heel was more ticklish.
But what about Tsuki's sides? Or his armpits? The experiment continues... But at another time.
Yamaguchi released the ankles that were in his grip. He quickly crawled over to a pink-faced Tsuki, rubbing his back.
"Are you alright? Do you need some water?"
Tsukishima caught his breath and replied, "No. But, I do need..one thing."
Yama tilted his head, listening carefully. The least he could do was help out his friend after tickling the hell out of him.
"I need you to not try and get any revenge after this." Tsukishima smirked, pushing Yama to the floor and pinning his arms above his head. All of this happened so quickly, leaving the smaller boy in a blur.
However, he quickly realized what was happening after he felt a hand reach under his shirt and dig into his armpit.
"NuhohOHOHA! FuhUHUHAHA!" He yelped, kicking his feet all around. It was only fair that Tsuki got a bit of revenge, right..?
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
ooh okay actually i just saw your post about suga and how you love him and the post was about him having a ticklish back 👀 okay okay
how about.. ahh i don’t just wanna say “daichi is giving suga a massage but he’s really ticklish” but like… it’s a classically cute trope, but idk if that’s the kind of prompt you want???
Haikyuu! drabble #1
You kiddin'? This is one of my fave tropes ever!! As basic as it might seem, it's just so cute so thank you for sending this in uwu
Again, haven't watched Haikyuu! in so long so sorry if characterization is off, enjoy!
This is extremely short btw im sorry 🫠 so I'm gonna put it as a drabble fufu
Suga x Daichi (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Suga
Ler: Daichi
Warnings: Tickles!
"D-Daichihi... hohow much longeheher?!"
"If you keep squirming like that, I'll just have to start all over again~" the captain whispered close to his teammates ear, earning a flustered whine.
What was supposed to be an innocent massage turned into... whatever this is. Suga trying and failing miserably to stay still while Daichi tormented his sensitive back. Short nails scratching between sensitive shoulderblades.
"Yohou're dohohoing thahat on puhurpose!" Suga tried to pout through his giggles, wiggling all the while.
"So? I don't hear you complaining~".
Well shit, got caught redhanded.
"H-hmhmph! Pfftehehehe!".
Maybe massages aren't so bad after all.
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
Cold Hands, Warm Suga {DaiSuga}
Advent Calendar Event!
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A/N: here’s the little thing I’ve been planning on doing for the month of December! Hopefully I’ll be posting a little drabble every other day until Christmas, and here’s the first one! I haven’t written for Haikyuu in sooooo long this felt so refreshing hehehe~ I hope everyone enjoys! Stay cozy! (sorry this title is so bad. titles remain my nemesis)
Summary: Daichi goes to pick up emergency groceries for Sugawara, but ends up freezing. Sugawara then has to help him warm up!
“It’s absolutely freezing out there!” Daichi hollered, shutting the door behind him as quickly as he could. He had just gone out to get some emergency groceries that Sugawara had said he needed, but he hadn’t expected it to be as cold as it had been.
“I did tell you to wear warmer clothes,” Sugawara chuckled as he walked up to Daichi, taking the bag of groceries from him. Daichi grumbled, crossing his arms.
“You said to wear a scarf. A scarf wouldn’t have been able to protect me from that! It was like an absolute blizzard!”
Sugawara broke into a laugh, walking into the kitchen and emptying the groceries into the fridge and cupboards. “I doubt it was that cold. You’re being dramatic.”
Daichi huffed, shivering. He walked over to Sugawara, who had his back turned, and put his hands on Sugawara’s neck. Sugawara shrieked, jumping. He nearly dropped the carton of eggnog he was holding, swatting Daichi’s hands off as he whipped his head around.
“Your hands are freezing! Stop it!”
“I told you it was cold!” Daichi laughed, pulling his hands away. They burned a bit after coming in contact with Sugawara’s warm neck, but it was a pleasant burn. He’d easily take that over frostbite.
Sugawara huffed and put the rest of the groceries away, humming. “You got the good eggnog, huh?”
Daichi frowned. “I still don’t see why eggnog, cereal, and marshmallows were absolutely essential. The store wasn’t even warm!”
Sugawara shrugged, grinning sheepishly. “Well, I might’ve been… a tad dramatic in saying they were “emergency essentials.” I just thought that some cereal treats would be tasty, and eggnog is a holiday classic, isn’t it?”
Daichi’s eyes narrowed. “So you sent me on a trip to the grocery store – a trip where I could’ve frozen to death – because you were hungry?”
Sugawara chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he shrunk against the fridge. “Ahem… yes?”
Daichi sighed. “You are seriously ridiculous, you know that?”
Sugawara nodded. “Isn’t that why you love me?”
“Unfortunately,” Daichi rolled his eyes. “But you do have to help me warm up now, since it was so cold out there.”
Sugawara’s cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. “What did you have in mind?”
Daichi hummed, putting his hand on the small of Sugawara’s back and pulling him in. “Well, I do have one idea.”
Sugawara nodded, leaning forward. Daichi smirked. “My hands are especially cold. I think I know just how to warm them up.”
Sugawara shrieked suddenly, crumpling forward against Daichi. Daichi had snuck his hands under Sugawara’s bulky sweater, his freezing fingers wiggling along Sugawara’s sides as he giggled profusely.
“Dahahaichi! Thahahat’s not whahat I hahad in mind!” Sugawara protested, squirming around as Daichi tickled him. Daichi raised an eyebrow.
“This isn’t what you had in mind? But this is the best way to warm up cold hands! Especially right here,” Daichi teased, wrapping an arm around Sugawara’s waist as he clawed at his stomach with the other hand. Sugawara threw his head back and squealed. “You’re very warm on your stomach, it’s perfect for my hands.”
“No it’s nohohot! Keeheep your hahahands to yoursehehelf!” Sugawara cackled, trying to shake free of Daichi’s tickles.
Sugawara squealed and laughed as Daichi tickled him, hardly able to handle the tingly sensations. Sugawara was ticklish enough already, but Daichi’s cold hands weren’t making it any better. Sugawara squirmed as he laughed, his cheeks warming as Daichi’s hands did as well.
“Stahahap! You’re freeheeheezing!” Sugawara whined. Daichi stuck out his tongue.
“It’s your own fault for making me go to the store. I was freezing earlier, so now it’s your turn,” Daichi chuckled, pinching back to Sugawara’s sides, where he climbed up to Sugawara’s ribs. Sugawara hollered, shoving at Daichi as he laughed frantically. Daichi only continued, listening to Sugawara’s ringing laughter as his hands slowly came back up to temperature.
Sugawara snorted, making Daichi laugh. Embarrassed, Sugawara buried his face into Daichi’s shoulder as he laughed. “Pleheheheaseee! No mohohore, Daichi! It’s too cohohold!”
“It’s not that cold. You’re being dramatic,” Daichi teased, recycling Sugawara’s previous jab.
Sugawara could only laugh and snort as Daichi continued to warm up his hands. He finally decided that they were a sufficient temperature and relented, pulling his hands out of Sugawara’s sweater, instead wrapping them around him for a hug.
Sugawara caught his breath, hugging Daichi back. “Thahat was mean. You’re gohonna be on the naughty list.”
“Am I now? Does that mean you won’t get me a present?”
Sugawara chuckled. “I never said that…”
Daichi hummed, scooping up Sugawara. Sugawara squeaked in surprise, holding Daichi’s shoulders as he was carried to the couch. Daichi tossed him gently on, Sugawara landing with a soft chuckle.
Daichi was quick to curl up next to him, holding him around his waist as he rested his chin on Sugawara’s chest. Sugawara pet his hair lightly, snickering.
“See, this is a much better way to warm up. Plus we’re on the couch! Much more cozy,” Sugawara rubbed Daichi’s cheek with his thumb. Daichi smirked.
“It is much cozier, isn’t it?” Daichi drawled, crawling forward a bit until his face was right by Sugawara’s. “Hmm… I’m still a little chilly. Can you help me again?”
Sugawara’s eyes widened and he shook his head, giggling nervously. “No, no! Don’t you dahahahare–! Dahahahaichi!”
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I headcanon that because of Asahi’s anxiety he’ll sometimes host or be invited to self-care nights with the other third years (Daichi, Suga, and sometimes Kiyoko), because as much as they tease, they do adore their gentle giant. One time they did a mini at-home spa night, but they’re all a little too ticklish so various activities ended with them giggling. They wouldn’t have it any other way.
This is so dang soft oh my freaking HEART!!! Also you know what's super underrated? Cheek tickles- more specifically when you get those bubble clay masks and they get all tingly? That was the inspiration for this one :D I hope you like it!
“Hold still, Asahi.”
“I’m tr-hhihihihiihing!” He giggled, scrunching up as Kiyoko smeared the cold face cream across his cheeks. “It tiihihihickles!”
Things have been less than stellar for Karasuno’s gentle giant as of late. Midterms were arriving soon, as was an away game for the team and various other little things. For the most part, he had it handled; his grades were fine and he wasn’t having trouble with time management.
Unfortunately neither of those things did anything for his anxiety. Hence he was here now- tucked away against the edge of his bed among his fellow third years in an impromptu “Spa night”. Right now, Daichi was lying on his back, face covered in similar cream and hair pushed back with one of those cat ear towel bands. Suga was across the room, freshly painted toenails aimed at the small fan to help them dry faster.
“I never knew someone with such ticklish cheeks.” He mused from his spot, smiling around a chip. “Is it really that bad?”
“Ihiihihit’s! *snort* It’s buhuhuhubbly!” Asahi tried describing it, giggling more as Kiyoko dabbed along his brow. “Hohohohw much is ohohohon thehehhehere?”
“Not that much. Hang on, I’m almost done.” A hint of laughter was in her voice as she finished up his face mask, sitting back to check her handiwork. “A bit messy, but I think it came out alright. Now- don’t move your face too much.”
“M-Mhmhmhmhmm!” Asahi nodded, pressing his lips together as the face mask bubbled and tingled. It smelled nice at least- something floral. He wondered if the scent would linger.
“Aww, does it tickle, Asahi?” Daichi cooed from behind, fingers finding Asahi’s neck and making him scrunch. “Does the face mask tickle? Does it?”
“Ahehehe! D-Dahahhaichi, plehahhhase!” Asahi scrunched, unable to fight down the giggles as his neck was squeezed. Around him, he could hear kiyoko scolding them gently through her laughter “Careful- it’ll stain his clothes!” While Suga was in his own fit of giggles, most likely from his own mask application.
It was silly and dumb and- much to Asahi’s mild dismay checking his shirt the next morning- messy.
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 20: Create a tickle monster
Ft. KuroDai
A/N: I'm not actually creating a tickle monster for this prompt because I'm not creative, but we'll have some tickle monsters here~
A lil disclaimer: there are mentions of n$fw moments, but nothing explicit!
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"You have to be kidding me," Kuroo said as he entered the room and Daichi snorted. "Two beds..."
A room with two beds was the least important concern for Daichi after everything that had happened less than an hour ago when they had arrived at the hotel where they would stay for their vacation.
Long story short, upon their arrival they received the unpleasant news that the room Kuroo had booked months in advance had been taken by someone else due to a mistake. Kuroo had already paid for two nights and one day and, clearly, the manager wasn't going to let the guests leave just like that.
So they were offered a better room than the one they booked at no extra cost. It was a good offer, they were already there anyway, so they agreed, but they were never informed that it was a room with two beds.
Daichi chuckled, "It's okay, Tetsu," he said, leaving his backpack in one of the beds after closing the door. "I mean, it is better than no room at all, huh?"
Kuroo huffed, letting himself fall onto the other bed. "I wanted our vacation to be flawless, Dai!" He whined, rubbing his eyes profusely. "But it's been a mess since we arrived."
Daichi smiled sincerely, sitting beside Kuroo on the bed and placing a loving hand over his chest. "It's okay, Tetsu. This is not your fault, and it isn't that bad! You can sleep here and I'll sleep in the other!"
Kuroo quickly uncovered his eyes and looked at Daichi with an offended expression. "Wait, what? Why are we sleeping in different beds?!"
Daichi tilted his head to the side, shrugging a bit. "Well, one of them will go on a waste, we better make use of it too, don't you think?"
"That doesn't make any sense!" Kuroo sat on the bed, facing Daichi. "If you want to make use of one, then we'll have sex in one and we'll sleep in the other!"
Daichi's cheeks flushed bright pink and he gasped, "Kuroo, you- shut up! It makes sense to me and that's what we're going to do!"
Kuroo groaned and fell back onto the bed once more. Muttering things under his breath about how Daichi was being unfair and how his life was unfair too.
Daichi chuckled, shaking his head softly before standing up. "Let's get ready for bed, Kuroo. Let's bathe together, yes?"
In a second, Kuroo was up and taking Daichi in his arms, carrying him like a princess. Daichi laughed and fought for only a few seconds as he let his kitty lead him into the bathroom for a moment of relaxation together.
They didn't came out until the water was freezing cold and the only thing Daichi wanted after their long trip and unpleasant surprises, (and some other activities in the bathroom), was to lay down and bed and sleep for hours straight, but it seemed that Kuroo had only been energized during the bath and was now complaining fervently as Daichi crawled under the covers of one of the beds.
"Daichi, please! We're, basically, a married couple having a vacation! How can we sleep in different beds?!" he groaned, stamping his foot on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum and Daichi hid his smile under the sheet.
"Tetsu, please. Don't you feel bad having one bed left and-
"Ugh, I forgot that I had married Mr. Humble," Kuroo said, rolling his eyes and collapsing on his bed. "And I won't kiss you goodnight."
Daichi hummed, "If I die during the night, you'll regret not kissing me."
There was a long silence and after a moment, Kuroo got up from the bed and went to Daichi to kiss his lips and wishing him goodnight with a very grumpy expression, before he came back to bed and they both finally set to sleep.
Or at least that was what Daichi expected, but not even ten minutes later, he heard Kuroo's voice again in the darkness.
"... Dai," Kuroo whispered. "Are you sleeping?"
"Nnghh, I am, so shut it and sleep.'
"I can't! I think... I think there's a monster under my bed! I'm scaaared~!"
Daichi blinked the sleep away and he turned on his side to look at Kuroo on the other bed. "You're kidding, right? Are you twelve?"
"Were you scared of monsters under your bed at twelve?" He teased and Daichi snorted.
"I was going to help you, but not anymore."
"No no, please! I am scared! Help me!"
Daichi sighed. This was stupid, but he knew Kuroo wouldn't stop whining if he didn't do something about this. He heavily got up from his bed and crawled under Kuroo's bed. He gasped.
"What?!" Kuroo gasped too, sitting up.
"Oh no, there is a monster under your bed!"
"W-Wait, what?! What do you mean?"
"It's... the tickle monster, Tetsu..."
"The ti- no. wait, nAH!"
Kuroo screeched when Daichi jumped from the floor and onto the bed, his hands easily latching to his sides, squeezing in over and over until Kuroo has his head tilted back, giggling brightly.
"Nohohot thihihis!"
"Tetsu! Help me! It's the tickle monster! He's- He's trying to... pos-possess me!" Daichi said, panting heavily, but smiling a huge mischievous grin as his fingers quickly made their way to Kuroo's ribs.
"Ohmygahahad! Dohohon't! D-Dahahaichi!" Kuroo laughed, arching his back and trying to push Daichi's shoulders in an weak attempt to make him stop. "Stohohop beheheing like thihihis!"
"I'm not Daichi," he said over Kuroo's laugh, finding those hypersensitive highest ribs and causing Kuroo to cackle as he campled his arms against his sides. "I am... The tickle monster!"
Kuroo flushed to the tip of his ears. "You ahahahare ahahaahawfuhuhul! Plehehease, dohohon't tihihickle me thehehere!"
"Tickle you where, Kuroo Tetsurou?"
"You knohohow wheheher! Stahahap! We'll gehehet a nohohoise complahahaihin!"
Daichi tried to hold back a giggle, hearing Kuroo's nearly hysterical laughter. His poor boyfriend was writhing under his tickly touch, his cheeks were pink both from laughing and for embarrassment. He didn't expect to tickle Kuroo to nearly death, but it was his own fault, claiming that there was a monster under his bed.
If he wanted a monster, then Daichi would definitely give him a good one.
"AHAHAHA! Plehehease, Dahahai! Not my ahahaharmpihihits!" Kuroo begged, shrieking as Daichi wiggled his fingers higher past Kuroo's ribs and into the warmth of his underarms. "PLEHEHEASE! Not thehehere, DAHAHAICHIHI!"
Daichi chuckled, "I have told you that I am not Daichi. I am the tickle monster!" His fingers sped up and Kuroo arched his back off the bed as his legs desperately kicked behind Daichi.
"I'll dihihie! Oh, plehehease! Tickle mohohohonster, anywhehehere but THEHEHERE!"
Daichi chuckled again and he tortured his boyfriend for only a few more seconds, until he could perfectly see Kuroo's face glowing red in the dark. His shrieks died down and so did his laughter, until he was simply giggling and breathing heavily.
"You ahahare the w-wohorst! So mehean!"
Daichi gasped, "Oh no! Tetsu, I'm so sorry! I think I was possessed by the tickle monster! I don't remember what I did- did I tick-
'Yohou dihihid! Stohop lying, goodness!" Kuroo giggled nervously and flinching when Daichi chuckled, but instead of attacking him again, he collapsed beside him on the bed, grinning widely at Kuroo.
Kuroo had already caught his breath and was simply lying down next to Daichi, a smile still pulling at the corner of his lips as he looked directly at the ceiling.
"Hey, Kuroo," Daichi mumbled, reaching out to hold Kuroo's hand and intertwining his fingers with Kuroo's once he found it. "I know you're upset, but let's enjoy our vacation to the fullest, hmm? We can share a bed if you want," Daichi said, playfully rolling his eyes and earning a quick tickly squeeze to his side that made his squeak out a sudden giggle before he was engulfed by Kuroo's arms.
"Yeah, we'll make this vacation one of the best," Kuroo hurriedly said before pressing his lips against Daichi's. "Hmm, also, I guess I should thank you for trying to save me from that evil monster."
Daichi laughed, "I'm glad we could somehow get rid of it."
Kuroo nodded, but then he gasped, holding Daichi tighter and smoothly sneaking a hand under Daichi's arm, making him shriek with surprised howls of laughter.
"Oh no, Dai- Dai, he's got me he's... He's possessing me too!"
"Nohoho! NAHAHAHA!"
Maybe tomorrow morning they'd feel a little tired from staying up all night laughing their heads off, but that was a good start to their perfect vacation.
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
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- So Suga is obviously Karasuno's resident tickle monster (Noya is too but shhhh I'll talk about that some other time). He can and will tickle anyone who either wants it or that he thinks needs it.
- Along with Yamaguchi, he somehow knows the tickle spots of everyone on the team.
- His most common victims are Asahi, Daichi, Noya, Hinata, Tanaka and Kageyama.
- Most likely to start the tickle fight and win. Also the most likely to win gang tickle wars.
- Him and Noya gang up on Asahi a lot, especially if he's been talking down to himself. He loves tickling Asahi under his arms because he lets out the cutest little shrieks and unintentionally traps Suga's hands, therefore sealing his fate.
- He often pokes several members of the team while they are stretching. He just grins at Daichi's threats of retaliation and pokes him again.
- A huge fan of teasing, but is quick to redirect if he can see that the person he's tickling is genuinely uncomfortable with it.
- I don't see Suga as really deathly ticklish besides in a select few places. He's quite ticklish on his stomach, although not as much Daichi and a few other members of the team. His waistline is also sensitive, but mostly to lighter touches. I can see his neck being the tiniest bit sensitive, but not so much that it's noticable.
- Likes being tickled and is not at all ashamed of it.
- When he's being tickled, his laugh is very light and airy, almost like a song of sorts. Noya and Hinata think his laugh is very beautiful and have told him such. Often giggles.
- Unlike some of his other teammates, he actually doesn't move around that much when being tickled. He willingly holds his arms up and allows his tickler to do what they please. He can be a bit twitchy when it comes to his stomach and waist, but otherwise he doesn't move because he's so happy.
- Fun fact: he didn't even know that he was ticklish until Daichi accidentally squeezed his waist while trying to keep him from falling once in their first year. He was so surprised.
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- Ah, Asahi.
- So unlike Suga, Asahi is Karasuno's resident ticklee. He's usually the one who is being tickled and he is often ganged up on because of his major sensitivity.
- He occasionally tickles Daichi and the younger teammates, but more often than not that either backfires on him immediately or they get MAJOR revenge later down the line.
- He is most commonly attacked by Noya, Daichi and/or Suga.
- Is the least likely to win in a gang tickle war, so he usually just helps hold people still when he's not getting the living daylights tickled out of him. Ran away during a tickle war once and only once. Suga went after him and tickled him so bad he has not done it again since.
- Gets super super flustered when he's teased. Cannot TAKE being called a "big ticklish bear" (one of Suga and Noya's favorite teases) and loses his mind when that happens.
- His laugh is loud as heck, no ifs, ands or buts. He's all giggles and chuckles and guffaws until you get the death spot. Then his voice goes higher than a chipmunk-dolphin hybrid on helium.
- Speaking of death spots, his is under his arms. He cannot STAND any kind of touch there. Even the very act of pinning his arms down has him freaking tf out.
- He is very squirmy, but he instinctively tries not to move too much when being tickled for fear of hurting the person tickling him. Which obviously doesn't work out too well for him. Noya and Suga totally use this knowledge to their advantage.
Sincerely, Blue-san 💙
kyaaaah as usual, they are all very adorable Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ uwaah the way you describe them is so soft and sweet, i can picture their cute laughter in my head really well. thank you again for sending these i love reading them so much !! (⌒▽⌒)♡
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honeybunny-sawamura · 2 years
Daichi Sawamura PG-13
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[06:25 PM] Rainy and cold. It’s not how you wanted to end the long and dragging work week; with the bottom of your work pants damp and umbrella fighting against the winds. You guess it’s better that you have your umbrella, than facing this little storm unprotected. You just wish that the rain would have started until after you stepped foot inside your home. A little cozy place that you shared with your loving husband who texted a second ago that he was finishing up dinner and asked if you were almost home. You wait until you cross the street and safely on the other side to reply that you’ll be there in just a few minutes, to which he replies with an “okay! 😘”. His reply perks a little spring in your step, and you hurry on; impatient to leave the cold and harsh world outside for the solace of Daichi’s embrace.
The moment you enter your shared abode, its warmth seeps into your chilly skin and the smell of something made from broth and noodles has the tension from work ebb away. It’s Daichi’s voice, though, that has you dropping everything and making your way to him.
“Welcome home! Just in time! Give it a bit to cool and we can eat. How about you head in to change and-" He takes a good look at you when he finally sets the pot down and sees you wet, cold, with a little pout on your lips. Your whole form tells him that today was a little rough and you need a pick me up to start your well-deserved break. You just wanna run into his arms when his look of surprise softens to something gentle and full of love, but you let him come to you as he tugs the apron off of him then takes your hand.
“Come, hop in the shower with me,” He says and your pout deepens a bit.
“What about the food?” You ask. Daichi shakes his head and leans in to press a kiss to each of your eyelids.
“It still needs to cool and if anything, we can warm it up again. A nice warm shower would feel nice right now, don’t you think?” He suggests and honestly, you agree.
You follow him to the bathroom where he slowly starts to undress you. His touch isn’t lustful but tender and intimate; letting his large warm hands caress your skin and sometimes letting his lips follow their trail. Your heart blooms at his affection and it pushes any dark cloud that work and other outside forces had stirred up in you from the past few days. Your own hand helps him undress too and find anchor on his strong arms, murmuring his name and how today was not a good day at all. He hums along to let you know he’s listening then tells you that the day is finally behind you and all you need to think about is you and him.
Once the water from the showerhead is warm enough, Daichi starts lathering up the shampoo and massaging it into your scalp. Your eyes close and you lean into his touch, letting out a little moan when he gets to your nape and works the tension out of there. He’s careful when rinsing it out and gives you a peck on the lips to tell you he’s done; that has you smiling. It grows into a grin a few seconds later then into giggles when he starts rubbing the soaped-up loofah to your body. His own chuckles join yours at finding how cute you are being ticklish before finishing that off with a rinse to your form too.
In return, you do the same thing for Daichi; washing his hair and scrubbing his body while taking your time to admire him. Running your hands through his wet dark hair and getting a purr from him when they go to his shoulders to knead away the knots. He takes one of them and raises to press his lips on the inside of your wrist after getting the shampoo out of his hair; intense dark eyes full of love making your cheeks heat up and heart flutter like crazy. He lets your hand go so you can continue, and you eagerly do so. Letting your hands roam from his bulging biceps to his taut chest then the valleys and dips of his abs.  Deeper chuckles fall from Daichi’s lips again and you grin up at him sheepishly, glad to see he’s enjoying your attention as much as you are before finishing him up.
Your husband wraps you up in a fluffy towel the moment you two step out of the shower; wiping away the droplets from your skin and rubbing the wetness from your hair. He pauses once or twice to peck at your lips playfully, earning another set of giggles that has his heart soaring for joy. Seeing you so tired and dejected earlier made his heart hurt for you but it eased away when mood lifted. With another kiss to your lips, he promises that he’ll make these next sets of days off worth it and all about cheering you up.
“Well, you’ve already made me feel better just now. Can’t wait to see what you got cooked up for us the next few days” you grin, eyes gaining that spark back that Daichi loves so much.
“Well the first thing I got cooked up is that dinner that’s waiting. Let’s put on some clothes and get to that. And maybe I’ll make hot coco for us to curl up with after while we watch the rain pass. How’s that?”
“Sounds good to me!”
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
Hello! Could you do lee!Asahi with ler!diachi for the coffee shop requests.
Something like Asahi being stresses out before a game and Diachi absolutely wrecking him in front of the team. Thank you, have a spectacular day! 🖤
This is very late and I'm very sorry, but I hope you enjoy! ^^
After Asahi’s third failed spike in a row, Daichi turned to him with a frown. “What is up with you, Asahi?”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Asahi stammered, rubbing his face with his hands and pacing in circles. The others on the court exchanged glances. It was obvious he was freaking out, but why now? Why this game?
“Hey,” Daichi caught his friend by the shoulders and forced him to meet his eyes. “It’s going to be fine. You know that.”
Asahi groaned. “I don’t know that! I’m missing everything you send at me. I shouldn’t do this; I’m not ready. Put me on the sidelines; I’ll only slow you all down—eep!”
Daichi kept his finger in his side even after giving it a good poke to shut him up. “I’m not sidelining you.”
“What are you so afraid of?”
Asahi did his best to hold still and take it, but he couldn’t help the way he crumbled at the wiggling finger in his side. “Dahahaichi, stop it! Not in front of them!”
The team captain glanced over his shoulder at the rest of their teammates, who gave him various encouragements such as thumbs-up from Noya and Hinata and a more subtle nod from Kageyama and Tsukishima.
“Looks like they’re cool with the intervention. Clearly you need it.” Daichi turned back to his friend who was now trying to shuffle backward, a nervous smile on his lips. “Brace yourself. This is going to tickle. A lot.”
Asahi gasped and turned to run, but Daichi had him wrapped in a tickly bear hug from behind faster than he could take two whole steps, and soon the other boy’s giggles filled the air as he squirmed in their captain’s hold.
“Hehehehehehey! Nohohohoho! Daichi, I’m fihihihihine! I dohohohon’t need – stohohohohop it!”
Daichi smirked at the higher-pitched cackles he got when he dug his fingers into Asahi’s ribs. “Sorry, but I don’t believe you. I think another minute of this is necessary.”
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jqnny · 2 years
| Haikyuu!! Sentence Starters #1 - 5 |
- ⚠️ tk ⚠️ -
1. ~ lee!Ushijima ler!Tendou
“Oho, does it tickle here too?” Tendou asked, brushing his finger around Ushijimas ear repeatedly, making the man flinch slightly at every touch. “N-no Tendou-san! Don’t!” Ushijima whimpered, trying to remove the red heads arm wrapped around him that was trapping him down on the bed.
“Hehehe stop trying to free yourself Ushi~ You’re gonna be here a while y’know.” Tendou teased, wiggling his nail softly behind Ushijimas ear. Ushi scrunched one of his shoulder, trying to move away from Tendou’s finger. No luck.
Tendou moved his finger to Ushijima’s neck, slowly tracing circles around the skin.
“T-Tendou-san please!” Ushi jolted at the feeling on his neck, now scrunching both of his shoulders.
“Hehe what Ushi?? What’s wrong?” He blew cold air against Ushijimas neck, making him shiver.
“Tendou-san! Dohon’t!” Ushi accidentally letter out a giggle but unfortunately for him, Tendou had good enough hearing to have heard it.
“Ooh? Was that a giggle I heard Ushi? Do that again~” Tendou used his other hand that was trapping Ushi and brushed it against his other ear.
“S-stohop! T-Tehehendou-sahan!” Ushijima suddenly realized that Tendou’s other hand wasn’t so secure on him anymore. Ushijima quickly wiggled out of Tendous trap and used this chance to escape. Ushi bolted out of the room.
‘I’ll get you next time Ushijima~’ Tendou thought as he watched his friend run out of the bedroom, making his escape.
2. ~ lee!Oikawa ler!Iwaizumi
“I’ll give you 5 seconds to run Oikawa.” Iwa warned Tooru, holding up his fingers for countdown.
“What!? Iwa-chan I didn’t even do anything!” Oikawa said, confused on what was happening.
“5..4..3..” Iwaizumi continued to count down, ignoring Oikawas question.
Oikawa ran since he didn’t want to know what would happen. Iwaizumi did say that he had to run so it had to be something bad.
“..2..1!” Iwa finished counting and chased after Oikawa that hadn’t made much progress from getting away.
Oikawa ran into the bedroom, closed the door, and tried to lock it. Oikawas hands were shaking since he knew that Iwa was near the door.
Iwaizumi swung open the door before Oikawa was able to lock it. Iwa then launched himself at Oikawa, making both of them fall on the bed.
“I-Iwa! Don’t do this please!” Oikawa tried but struggled to wrestle Iwa off him. Iwa pins down both of Oikawas wrists together with one hand.
“Heh it’s too late now Oikawa. I’ve already caught you~ I gave you time to run y’know and you didn’t run.” Iwaizumi begins to poke Oikawa on his sides. The man giggled at the ticklish feeling that spreaded across his body in an instant.
“Iwa-chahahan! Stohohop!” Oikawa laughed, trying to break free from Hajimes grip.
“Stop trying to free yourself Oikawa. You’re going to be here for a whiiile.” Iwa said, wiggling his fingers at Oikawas side. Oikawa knew that he really was going to be there for a while.
3. ~ lee!Daichi ler!Suga
“Daichi! Clean up your room!” Suga commanded, walking into Daichis room. Suga came over to Daichis house today to hangout and had just opened his bedroom door, revealing the messy room filled with clothes and trash on the floor.
“Don’t worry Suga, I’ll clean that up later.” Daichi said, turning the other direction knowing full well he won’t.
Suga also knew that Diachi actually wouldnt clean up his room after he leaves the house so he needs to see him clean up with his own eyes.
“No! Clean it up now Dai.” Sugawara demanded again, pulling Daichi back to his room. “Clean it now before it gets messier.”
Daichi stayed silent for a few seconds. He ran.
“Hey Daichi come back! You cant run away!” Suga said, running after Daichi.
“Nooo! I told you I’ll clean it up later!” Daichi kept running with Suga on his tail.
Daichi changed kept changing directions, running all over the house, almost tripping but was able to prevent that.
Dai eventually ran into a dead end with nowhere else to run.
“Daichi just clean up your room! Or I’ll have to make you.” Sugawara wiggled his fingers at Daichi, making the man get shivers. Suga took tiny steps towards Daichi.
“S-stay back Suga! I’ll clean my room!” Daichi tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but trying to run past Suag would fail since he could just easily catch him.
“Alright Dai, you have sealed your fate.” Suga launched forward towards Daichi and attached his wiggling hands in Daichis underarms.
“PFFT- STOHOHohop! I’ll clehehean my room! Plehehease Sugahaha!” Daichi laughed and laughed, gripping on Sugas wrists, trying to remove them from under his armpits.
“You should have cleaned your room when I told you the first time Dai~ now look what happened because you didn’t listen.” Sugawara said as he moved to Daichis sides.
“NOHOHOHohohohoho! Sugahahahahahah!” Daichi fell sideways, trying to crawl away but it just makes it tickle more since hes not easing the sensation with his arms.
Sugawara slowed down to gentle tickles so Daichi could atleast breathe a bit.
“Heheh Sugaha stohooop.” Daichi giggled, trying to pull off Sugas hands from his sides.
Then Suga finally stopped and helped Daichi off the floor.
“Now clean your room Dai. Or I’m going to tickle you again.” Suga said, walking with Daichi back to his room.
Suga turned and saw that Daichi wasn’t next to him.
He looked behind him and saw Daichi running again to not clean his room.
“Oh Daichi I’m going to get you worse this time!” Suga ran after Daichi again, trying to catch Daichi.
Daichi did end up with the same fate as the first time but worse. Just like Suga promised.
4. lee!Kuroo ler!Tsukki
“Tsukki, where are you~” Kuroo said, scanning the empty kitchen before moving on to the bathroom.
There was so response from Tsukki. The blonde was currently hiding somewhere in the house due to a punishment he had refused to receive.
Tsukki had insulted Kuroos bedhead and Kuroo took that personally, so of couse he wouldn’t get away with it.
Kuroo continued to walk towards the bathroom while Kei stayed quiet, trying not to give away his hiding spot.
“Hmm, you’re not in here, are you Tsukki?” Kuroo asked but there was still no response.
Kuroo left the bathroom and headed towards the bedroom with clothes on the floor. Not much different from Daichi.
“Where are you hiding Tsukki?”
Still no response from Kei.
Kuroo went towards the closet and swung opened the doors. Inside was a bunch of clothes and a curled up Tsukki.
“K-Kuroo!” Tsukishima said, looking up at Nekomas captain with wide eyes.
Tsukki pushed Kuroo aside and tried making a run for it, but Kuroo got up fast enough to grab his arm to pull him back while he was still stumbling out of the closet.
“You can’t run from your punishment Tsukki~ This is what happens when you insult my hair.” Kuroo pinned down both of Tsukishimas wrists, grabbed his hips, and kneading into one of his worst spots.
“AHAHAHAH S-STOHOHOHOP KUROHOHO” Kei laughed, squirming under Kuroo while trying to full his wrists free.
“This is your punishment Kei. Now stay still and accept it.” Bedhead Kuroo squeezed Tsukkis hips before squeezing his thighs. His other worst spot.
“AHHHH STOHOHOHOHOHOP K-KUROHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE” Tsukki screamed, shaking his legs and turning left to right repeatedly.
“I’m not stoping until you say “Kuroo I am so sorry for insulting your hair and your hair is amazing.” Kuroo went back to kneading Tsukkis hips, making him yelp and arch away from Kuroos hand.
“WHAHAHAT!? THAHAHAHAT’S SO STUHUHUPID” Tsukishima yelled through his laughter.
“Well then I guess I’ll continue tickling you then.” Kuroo said, still squeezing Tsukishimas hips.
“Say it Tsukki! Say it!” Kuroo said, switching to squeeze Tsukishimas thighs, making him go crazy.
“UGHHAHAH K-KUHUROHOHO IHIHI AM SOHORRY FOR GAHAH I-INSULTING YOUR HAHAIR AHAHAND AHAHAH” Kei choked through his words, almost going insane from all this tickling.
“C’mon Kei you’re almost there!” Kuroo said proudly, still kneading Tsukishimas thighs.
“GAHAHAH A-AHAHAND YOUR HAHAIR IHIHIS AMAHAHZIHIHING O-OKAHAY NOW STAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE” Tsukki had finally spitted out the whole sentence and so Kuroo was satisfied.
“Ok ok ok I don’t want you passing out.” Kuroo finally stopped tickling Tsukki and letted go of his grip on his wrists, pleased at the whole apology thing he had made Kei say.
Tsukishima curled into a ball once again, just like how he was like in that closet, hugging his legs towards his chest, huffing and panting after all that tickling that almost made him go insane.
“Y-Yohour the wohohorst. I can’t believe you.” Surprisingly, Tsukki even managed to get those words out with the leftover giggles in him.
“Whateverrr. Anyways get up when you’re good. I’ll go make something for us to eat.” Kuroo said, standing up and heading to the kitchen, leaving Tsukki as a puddle of giggles to recover from his attack.
5. lee!Kageyama ler!Hinata
“Stop running Kageyama~!” Hinata said, sprinting after Kageyama.
“You stop chasing me!” Tobio answered back while running in all kinds of directions away from Hinata.
Kageyama ran up and down the hill, making a bigger space between him and Hinata.
Hinata of course, is faster than Kageyama so he was able to close up the gap pretty quickly. They ran and ran into the gym. Kageyama was pretty exhausted at this point so his legs were feeling a little weak.
Kageyama knew that Hinata would eventually catch up and of course, he did. Hinata pounced on Kageyama, making both of them fall on the hard gym floor.
“H-Hinata get off me!” Kageyama turned to his side and tried to push the orange head off of his back with his hand. Hinata rolled Kageyama back on his back and straddled him.
“Hinata you’re heavy! Get off me!” Kageyama wiggled under Shoyos straddle, trying to crawl away which was pointless.
“Hehehe now lets see how ticklish you are!” Hinata scribbled Tobios back, earning a squeal in return.
“H-Hinata! Stohop ihit!” Kageyama was giggling on the floor, trying to get Hinata off him but was unsuccessful.
“How does this feel Kageyama??” Hinata asked, continuing to scribbled all over Kageyamas back.
“Gehehet off mehe!” Kageyama waved his hand behind him to sway Hinata away.
Hinata and Kageyama hears someone coming in the gym and lifts their heads to see Asahi.
“Asahahahi-sahahan! Hehehelp mehehehe!” Tobio reaches his hand towards Asahi, signaling for help.
“Nope sorry Kageyama. I don’t want to be a part of this.” Asahi said as he walked out of the gym, leaving Kageyama and Hinata, once again alone.
“Nohohoahaha Hinata stahahap plehehease!” Kageyama pleaded, laying flat on the floor, weakened by the attack.
“Only if you promise me pork buns!” Shoya said, easing his tickles a bit.
“Okahahay fihine just stohohop!” Kageyama now had to spend his money on some pork buns for Hinata. He could get some for himself as well actually.
“Yay! You’re the best Kageyama.” Hinata finally got off from Tobios back, letting him breathe.
“Whahatever.” Kageyama slowly sat upwards after laying on the hard floor for so long.
Kageyama and Hinata left the gym to buy some pork buns as promised.
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