justmaybee · 3 years
The Phantom’s New Clothes
(Alternatively: ‘I Like Ya Fit, G!’)
A/N: Yes, the spam is gonna end in a dumb fic. No, I’m not confident in posting it. But honestly? I don’t think I’ll ever be when it comes to Fling Posse. So I’m doing it anyways! Because Gen looks like a whole prince, and if I don’t start somewhere I’ll never be able to write them!
Summary: Fling Posse photo shoot time! ~ ☆ and Dice has taken a special interest in Gentaro’s outfit for the day….
Of the many things required by divisions during battle season, one ‘checkpoint’—so to speak—is the creation of promotional materials. A Chuohku-designated event, ‘asked’ of the representative teams from each district.
This is Fling Posse’s second time representing Shibuya, so Gentaro is more or less acquainted with the roadmap ahead of them. And as a group member—and friend—of one Ramuda Amemura, he’s quite used to the mild discomfort of modeling clothes far outside his comfort zone.
Though it had at first been a point of contention in the group—due to some very polarized creative decisions—Gentaro has grown into his role, just a bit. He may never go so far as to call himself a ‘model,’ but he’s done much stranger tasks for the sake of his posse.
Thankfully, this shoot leans decidedly into Gentaro’s style of choice. Unlike Ramuda’s last artistic venture, which had involved a bright yellow top in an aquarium of all settings, this outfit could be described as almost tame in comparison.
The blouse is a loose and flowing white number, tucked into a similar style of black pants. A little tighter to his waist than he’d prefer, but the fabric is soft and stretches down to his ankle—for the most part—so it’ll do. The addition of some colored cords to secure an ash grey cape around his shoulders finishes the look, and Gentaro hums an appreciative note when Ramuda shows him the full look in a mirror.
Ramuda seemed pleased, smoothing out Gentaro’s cape and tucking stubborn hairs back into place before flashing him a grin and bouncing off to help Dice finish dressing.
It’s comfortable, fashionable, and well-suited to his tastes. Gentaro must say, it’s one of his favorite designs from Ramuda so far.
That being said—there’s…one small thing he could recommend be changed.
It doesn’t occur to him until the picture taking is about to begin.
“Ya think Ramuda will let me keep it?” Dice asks, impish grin flashing his canine. He pops the collar, striking small poses as the dressing room around them clears out. Gentaro humors him.
He takes his time, stepping forward from behind Dice, peering over his shoulder at their shared reflection. His hand comes to rest on his chin, scrutinizing the tropical pattern with a deliberate trail of the eyes. He continues until Dice’s gaze lowers, until his hands start fidgeting in front of him.
Gentaro finally breaks with a smile, resting his chin on Dice’s shoulder. He can feel the way Dice sags with relief.
“It’s very likely that he will,” Gentaro muses. “This outfit was made specifically for you, and I’m not sure anyone else would wear it willingly.”
Dice nods in a small repetitive motion, absentmindedly checking his reflection in the mirror. The moment he comes to recognize Gentaro’s backhanded confirmation is both visible and audible. His body jolting upright with a pitchy ‘hey!’ tossed back over his shoulder. Gentaro hides a smile behind his hand.
“Oh, Dice. There’s no need to be insecure,” He coos. “From what I’ve heard, sustainable fashion is on the rise! This set may have been a curtain at some point, but your confidence in it is very admirable.”
Dice has that tight-lipped smile on, the one that pushes his cheeks up and makes his squinty faux-glare even more endearing. It says, ‘I know I’m being made fun of,’ but he continues to endure it anyways. Because it makes Gentaro smile.
Still, he’s come a long way since the early days of Fling Posse, and he won’t take things lying down if he can help it. So he sneaks his hand behind him, aiming a light pinch to Gentaro’s side; his comeback of choice since learning of Gentaro’s…sensitivity.
Unlike those recent times, Gentaro quickly back steps, pulling his head off Dice’s shoulder to smother a gasp behind a well-timed fist. Dice blinks, hand still hovering behind him in the empty air where Gentaro once stood.
Then he spins around; the biggest, toothy grin on his face.
Gentaro can feel the butterflies slowly flutter to life in his stomach. His free arm moves subconsciously, to wrap around his front and hide his torso. The longer they hold eye contact, the more his face begins to burn.
And then the photographer can be heard, calling Dice for photos.
They stay in place, gazes locked for a moment longer; then Dice shoots him a wink and jogs off.
Gentaro breathes a shaky sigh, rubbing away the phantom touch.
So yes, while it was obvious the outfit had less layers than Gentaro was accustomed to, he hadn’t realized just how much thinner the layers he wore were.
Photo shoots don’t have a lot of downtime, in his experience. There’s always group shots, touch ups, individual shots. While it’s undoubtedly ‘Posse Time’—as Ramuda would put it—he doesn’t get more than a passing word to either of his group mates at any one time.
Which make the times he runs into Dice all the more memorable.
Slipping past one another in the hallway when it’s Gentaro’s turn for solo shots. Gentaro feels a distinct skittering of nails over his flank. It has him stumbling, tripping on his own feet. He can hear Dice laugh as he straightens up and continues walking.
Getting his hair touched up, making sure his pesky bangs stay out of his face. Dice comes to watch for a while, leaving Gentaro with a quick pinch either side of his waist. He jolts so hard, the hair on his left side falls out of place. He mumbles an apology to the poor stylist, eyeing Dice’s retreating smile in the mirror.
In a moment to himself, Gentaro tries to retuck his blouse, smooth out the uneven bunching of ruffles. He doesn’t notice when Dice slips behind him, when he grips onto Gentaro’s hips—too easily accessible through these pants—and squeezes. Gentaro yelps, drops to a crouch to dislodge the ticklish pulses. When he turns with narrowed-eyes, he finds himself alone.
Although Dice has been able to startle a reaction out of him several times today, calling these occurrences ‘uncommon’ would be nothing short of a lie. In his extended stay at Gentaro’s apartment, Dice has been very — thorough in his exploits of Gentaro’s unending sensitivity. One could say that once he got a reaction, he couldn’t will himself to stop.
Also a lie. Well, a half-truth to be more precise.
While it had been Dice’s curiosity and willingness to take a chance that led to the discovery, he didn’t act on his newfound information much at all. While a very physically affectionate lover, he would never go so far as to touch Gentaro in a way that caused discomfort or distress.
No, absolutely not. And so despite many implicit hints and invitations, Gentaro found himself having to get very explicit.
He didn’t dislike Dice’s teasing touch.
No, quite the opposite actually.
It was flustering to a degree Gentaro couldn’t imagine, but…Dice got the message.
He got it loud and clear, and now here they are.
In a game of cat and mouse; Gentaro’s eyes darting toward every movement, hands enveloping his torso at the slightest noise. The fabric on his skin is light, breathable, and silky to the touch; impossible to ignore. His stomach swoops nervously, broiling with anticipation—borderline excitement.
Oh, the monster he’s created.
After two hours of lights, cameras, make up, hair, and such; things are finally starting to wrap up.
Gentaro can see the end’s approach easily due to experience. It always comes in the form of Ramuda’s name. Called out by a weary photographer and followed in turn by their leader’s sing-song reply, skipping happily out of the dressing room and into the limelight.
Ramuda’s solo shots are always saved for the end. One must save the best for last, of course.
That being so, it would be a good idea to begin making preparations to leave.
Gentaro can feel the pinpricks in his legs as he slides them off the dressing room couch, uncurling from his seated position. He kicks out, pointing his toes in a stretch, arching his back and spine. The relief pushes a quiet sigh from his lips, leaves him sagging back into the cushions for a moment, suddenly drained.
Time spent in the presence of others can already be tiring, but the looming eyes of Chuohku make things far more intense. Gentaro can find peace in having his posse with him, but the sooner he can get these clothes folded, the sooner he gets his regular attire back—the sooner he’ll be home and out from under the Party’s prying gaze.
It takes Gentaro a few attempts to rise to his feet. His center of balance equals out as Dice makes his way into the room. The timing is very lucky, Gentaro gets barely a greeting out before his arm is in Dice’s hold. Before he’s swung around, in a blur of cobalt blue and floral print.
His back hits the wall with a dull thud. Not hard enough to hurt—Dice would never—but enough to have his breath catch in his throat. The way Dice leans into Gentaro’s personal space—hand still firmly gripped around his wrist, pinning it to the wall beside his head—makes getting air back a bit difficult.
“Hey Gen,” Dice breathes, a soft smile on his lips that completely contradicts the situation, and makes Gentaro melt all the more for it.
“Hello, Dice.” Gentaro’s hesitation is hardly noticeable.
“Whatcha up to?”
It’s so casual — the way Dice speaks, despite their position which has Gentaro’s brain buzzing like radio static. Strangely, it’s somewhat placating, in a way.
“Well — I’d intended on tidying up while Ramuda’s away…” Gentaro musters up a teasing smile, a lighthearted jab. “If you’re attempting to have me fold your clothes for you, I’m afraid I’ll have to stop you right there—”
Dice laughs. The sound does strange things to Gentaro’s heartbeat. Difficult to miss while it thrums so vividly in his ears.
“No, not that.” Dice smiles. Gentaro can’t help but return it.
“But could I—uh—do one thing? Before you go?”
Gentaro can take a fairly good guess at what Dice is referring to.
He shuffles, wrist rotating the smallest bit in Dice’s hold. His grip is strong, warm, and noticeably firm. Dice hasn’t moved, not an inch from his close lean over Gentaro, but he’s suddenly all that Gentaro can see, smell, feel.
He’s trapped.
It’s invigorating.
Gentaro is somewhat proud of the light, careless hum he gets out. A flippant roll of the eyes before his gaze meets Dice’s.
“Oh fine, if you must.”
Dice laughs again. Gentaro feels that familiar swooping sensation.
“I’ve been dyin’ to do this all day.”
Despite the unaffected air Gentaro puts off, his body is already tensed up in wait. Free hand poised to the side, ready to fend off Dice’s experienced fingers. His waist, hips, stomach; they’re all compromised in this outfit, leaving him more vulnerable than even his home loungewear would allow. It’s anyone’s guess as to where Dice may strike.
Which makes it extra shocking when Dice suddenly drops Gentaro’s wrist. When he slips both hands, with a pre-planned speed, into the gaps of Gentaro’s billowing sleeves and under his outstretched arms.
Gentaro is able to clamp his lips together before Dice’s fingers make contact. It makes muffling his surprised shout marginally easier. The same can’t be said for his limbs.
Before he can even think about it, Dice has found his rhythm, spidering feather-light strokes beneath his arms. His fingertips are gentle, calloused, and so very effective in their unpredictable movements.
Gentaro’s shoulders lock up. He chokes back the bubbling wave of laughter, then clamps his arms down in attempted self-defense.
Immediately after, his spine snaps off the wall. Thrusting his torso flush against Dice, leaning in to cover him. He tosses his head back, a squeaky cry pathetically stifled as the feelings grow exponentially.
It takes all of Gentaro’s remaining brainpower to lessen the pressure of his arms against his sides, to bring his elbows a centimeter out from his waist. Because when he tries blocking Dice’s fingers—
Gentaro bites his lip against a particularly loud squeal; Dice using one finger on each hand to vibrate into the center of each hollow. Oh, please.
—when he tries to guard himself, he just pushes Dice’s fingers deeper.
“Mph! D-Dice!”
It’s debilitating. Dice rarely has access to his bare skin in most situations, but this may very well be a first for both of them. The skittering touch under his arms has Gentaro squirming, shaking. Every time his arms twitch down to stop it, he’s stuck muffling louder laughter at the added pressure he’s made for himself.
It’s all Gentaro can do to hold as still as possible; minimize the jerky, impulsive movements. But it’s so hard, and he’s quickly losing the battle with his volume as well.
What were once small, nondescript sounds are now squeaking—almost whining—noises. As Dice continues his careful track, sweeping soft fingers around and around and around each twitching hollow.
It takes Dice vocalizing aloud to get Gentaro to lift his head from the wall, blink one teary eye open and get a look at him.
Dice is smiling sweetly—no doubt a much nicer look than the hot flush and wobbly smile Gentaro’s trying to control—with his head tilted to the side. It leaves his neck and shoulder open, right at Gentaro’s head level.
He takes the invitation for what it is.
Gentaro quickly buries his face into the side of Dice’s neck. If he had the mind to think and the hindsight to see, he might have considered if this was well-meant aid or a well-sprung trap. It really depends how much credit Gentaro decides to give Dice. His scheming side is somewhat lacking.
Either way, it makes things much more manageable, and far less embarrassing when Dice’s fingertips turn to nails and Gentaro finally breaks, spilling surprised giggles into the other’s skin.
“Dihihice! What—whahat are you—ahahahaha! Wait! Th-that isn’t fahahahahahair!”
Dice had never kept his nails long before, not for so long as Gentaro has known him. He had no use for them, and it was much easier to keep clean with nails as short as can be. But he’s taken to growing them out, just a tad, for…special situations.
Situations where Gentaro is foolish, careless. Usually in the comfort of his own home, in clothes that make it too easy for Dice. To touch, caress. Warm hands over soft skin that finds another’s touch one part foreign to ten parts addictive.
Situations where the small scratch of a nail can amp the feeling of a tingle to a spark.
“Dihice, pl-plehease. I—aha! Oh no, oh pleheheHEHEHEASE!”
It’s so much easier to hide; in the warm, familiar grip of Dice’s embrace. Where he can smother his keening laughter and sudden gasps. No care in the world for his pink cheeks and ruffled hair, so embarrassingly genuine after the painstaking process of making him ‘modelesque.’
Where all he has to focus on is the rippling movement, scratching up and down the dips beneath his arms. A constant, offset graze on hypersensitive skin; gentle as can be but more than enough to drive Gentaro past the point of composure.
All too quickly, Gentaro feels his knees go weak. His back slips down the wall a fraction, hands gripping onto Dice reflexively.
Dice responds in kind, keeping him stable, then going the extra step forward. Literally.
He steps until there’s no space between them. Until Gentaro can be held up with no need for his own legs; just the cool, sturdy wall behind him and Dice’s chest against his own. He’s surrounded by Dice’s warmth, by his scent. It’s been only minutes, but Gentaro is panting for breath.
“Hey,” Dice mutters, softly, once Gentaro can focus on him. He tugs his hand free, chuckling along to the author’s stray giggle, before reaching up to cup his cheek. His thumb strokes habitually, eyes staring deep into Gentaro’s — searching. Always searching. Making sure he’s okay.
And he is. Better than okay. That’s not a lie, it can’t be, and the way Gentaro narrows his eyes, sends a challenging smirk Dice’s way — makes that abundantly clear. Dice drops his gaze, laughing to himself. Then he straightens up, thumbs the moisture from the side of Gentaro’s face.
“As I was saying…” Dice trails, locking eyes with Gentaro as he speaks. Watching the way they widen, lips pressing together, when his remaining hand flexes.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
Earl grey tea, milk tea and coffee for Gentaro please? Thank you! ( I love your writing very much!💗)
Aww thank you anon! It always makes my day to hear that people love my writing; honestly, it's hard to find words to describe it. Ahh anyway, I hope this was good akskdks. Hope you enjoy <3
tea prompts: gentaro yumeno
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earl grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
Gentaro was a bit of a romantic, loving the "grandeur" of cute picnic dates or even a slow and quiet walk through the park; honestly, anything where you guys could get to know one another more and get closer though in a slightly more intimate setting. There was nothing better to him than spending a nice afternoon near the lake, chatting and learning more about you. The courtship process is slow, as he intended so, and really, that just made more room for you guys to begin to love each other in a more deeper sense. Gentaro, being an author and probably a bit of a poet (I like to think so), also did like to write poems for you or tell stories where he drew inspiration from your guys' relationship. They were always so sweet and heart throbbing. Sure, he was always quite teasing, and you never could tell exactly what he was thinking, but when it came to courting and developing an intimacy between the other, Gentaro took it quite seriously and was rather sweet.
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
Gentaro's kisses are ethereal honestly. They're always so soft and fluttery to the touch, yet also quite sweet. Every one feels just as warm and passionate and full of love as the last, even if it was a simple kiss to the cheek or forehead. They're the type that left a tingling sensation on your lips immediately after he pulled back, a sorta ticklish feeling from just how delicate it was, and it left you craving for a bit more. They were heart fluttering in a sense, and there was an indescribable warmth that came with it, running all the way from the heat of your face to the butterflies in your stomach. He did like to kiss you out of nowhere, loving the flustered and speechless look on your face. Teasing you was simply quite fun. Even then, however, it's not like you entirely minded them. Gentaro's kisses were rather romantic.
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
65 Random Drabbles Masterlist
This is a masterlist of all of the '65 Random Drabbles Prompts' that have been completed. You can click here see the original post of prompts.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
→ Requests are: {✗} Closed
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→ Updated as of: 【9/16/2021】
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
65 Random Drabbles Prompts
Ichiro Yamada
♡ 4. “I feel like we met each other in a past life”
♡ 42. “I like the red ones”
♡ 24. “Shit, I left my sword at home”
♡ 3. “Wow, you’re wearing a lot of black”
♡ 7. “I don’t want you to look at anyone else”
♡ 59.“Will you stay with me?”
♡ 41. “I could never love someone like you”
♡ 27. “You look sexy in that apron”
Jiro Yamada
♡ 39. “I’m not ticklish, so don’t bother trying”
♡ 38. “Have you ever been in love before”
Saburo Yamada
♡ 41. “I could never love someone like you”
♡ 1. “I don’t know what I would do without you”
♡ 9. “I’ve never met someone as cute or as stupid as you”
Samatoki Aohitsugi
♡ 31. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do”
♡ 5. “Oh my god, is that blood?”
♡ 7. “I don’t want you to look at anyone else”
♡ 38. “Have you ever been in love before?”
♡ 2. “Can I lean against you?”
♡ 31. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do” (short s/o)
♡ 37. “Do it again...but harder” (NSFW)
♡ 35. “Just leave me here, I’m too tired to move”
♡ 45. “It should be illegal to look that good”
♡ 10. “I never liked you” AND 20. “Why would you care about me? Nobody else does”
♡ 6. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
♡ 1. “I don’t know what I would do without you”
♡ 26. “Can we please get a dog?”
Juto Iruma
♡ 27. “You look sexy in that apron”
♡ 46. “Stop it, you’re being a child”
♡ 23. “I’m afraid of the dark”
♡ 59. “Will you stay with me?”
♡ 5. “Oh my god, is that blood?”
♡ 65. “Please don’t forget about me”
Riou Busujima
♡ 56. “Let’s build a sandcastle”
♡ 15. “You’re not ‘chillin’ you broke your arm in three different places”
Ramuda Amemura
♡ 21. “Are you dead?…Am I dead?”
♡ 6. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
♡ 64. “How can you be so mean to me?”
♡ 7. “I don’t want you to look at anyone else”
♡ 9. “I’ve never met someone as cute or as stupid as you”
♡ 37. “Do it again…but harder”
Gentaro Yumeno
♡ 5. “Oh my god, is that blood?”
♡ 13. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
Dice Arisugawa
♡ 8. “Is that…a cake?”
♡ 47. “Can you please stop making that noise?”
♡ 21. “Are you dead?…Am I dead?”
♡ 4. “I feel like we met each other in a past life”
Jakurai Jinguji
♡ 39. “I’m not ticklish, so don’t bother trying”
♡ 23. “I’m afraid of the dark”
♡ 26. “Can we please get a dog?”
♡ 43. “Did you just shoot them?”
♡ 6. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
♡ 20. “Why would you care about me? Nobody else does”
Hifumi Izanami
♡ 55. “Do you think you’d ever want children?”
Doppo Kannonzaka
♡ 13. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
Kuko Harai
♡ 45. “It should be illegal to look that good”
♡ 53 “I love it when you do that”
♡ 15. “You’re not ‘chillin’ you broke your arm in three different places”
Jyushi Aimono
♡ 30. “You look like you just saw a ghost”
Hitoya Amaguni
♡ 3. “Wow, you’re wearing a lot of black”
Sasara Nurude
♡ 55. “Do you think you’d ever want children?”
Rosho Tsutsujimori
♡ 27. “You look sexy in that apron”
Rei Amayado
♡ 17. “Why am I doing this…isn’t this supposed to be your job?”
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narashikari · 5 years
Ship meme: Ryusei and Tomoko
who wakes up first in the morning
Tomoko, because Ryusei’s body clock is usually messed up by his jet lag (that’s what he gets for working abroad lol)
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
Also Ryusei, for the above reason
what they playfully tease each other over
Tomoko teases Ryusei over him being a little scared over some of her witchy behaviors. As a Kamen Rider and an Interpol agent, he’s seen the worst of humanity and yet he’s scared of being hexed by his wife
Ryusei sometimes teases her on her being a famous writer. She’s sometimes uncomfortable with the attention it brought her. And he also teases her when she writes romantic scenes asking if those are the things she wants them to do
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
When Tomoko is having a bad day it might be better to leave her to her own devices, since that’s when her witchiness is at its height. And no one wants to mess with a very witchy Tomoko for fear of being hexed
Ryusei’s bad days typically have to do with assignments going sideways so usually it’s him calling up Tomoko for advice. Despite it being against protocol, Inga (his partner) looks the other way because she knows she can trust Tomoko and the rest of the KRC.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
Tomoko does it in a unique way: she would make a herbal tea meant to ward off bad feelings and give it to Ryusei, who knows immediately what it means. Even though he doesn’t like how it tastes (it’s pretty nasty) he’ll drink every single drop she serves because of her sentiment
Ryusei on the other hand will grovel when he needs to apologize to Tomoko. He doesn’t want her to hate him the way she did when he was revealed as Meteor after he killed Gentaro.
which one’s more ticklish
Tomoko! Ryusei thinks it’s adorable.
their favourite rainy day activities
Cuddling under a blanket together drinking tea and talking quietly
how they surprise each other
Tomoko has a pretty good poker face. She never gives anything away when she wants to surprise her hubby!
For Ryusei, it’s coming home without telling her. He’d just show up to wherever she is just like he did in Movie War Ultimatum and just nonchalantly stand there until she notices.
their most sickening shows of public affection
Speaking of Ultimatum, that incident when Ryusei showed up at Tomoko’s book signing and she stood up to glomp him why didn’t she kiss the heck out of him ended up all over the Net. ‘Bestselling author spotted with mysterious beau at book signing!’
But then that’s topped that a year later when Ryusei, coming off a major mission, sneaks into a livestreamed Q&A forum for Tomoko’s book incognito, gets in line to ask a question... only to reveal himself when his turn comes and for his question to be “will you marry me”. Tomoko barely manages to say yes before she glomps him and kisses him in front of the entire audience
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asknarashikari · 5 years
Rate Riders on how ticklish they are
From the most ticklish to the least
Sougo: no resistance whatsoever
Haruto: the one with a hysterical laugh
Gentaro: tries to resist but fails
Philip: has a few very weak spots
Takeru: is done for once his side is tickled
Eiji: has weak spots everywhere but can resist
Sento: has weak spots in weird places
Tsukasa: has a few weak spots and can resist
Shinnosuke: has a few weak spots and can resist tickle torture
Shoutaro: hyper aware of his own body, very hard to surprise and thus tickle
Emu: will likely tickle you first
Kouta: no tickle reflex since becoming a space god
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narashikari · 5 years
Ship meme: Kengo and his pure boyfriend Gentaro
who wakes up first in the morning
Kengo, definitely. I feel like Gentaro is the epitome of the meme where he wakes up early, then goes back to sleep because he’s no longer a student... only to jolt awake because he remembers he’s the teacher now
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
It depends, I think. Kengo is almost Philip and Sento levels of obsessed with researching the Presenters and Gentaro has a lot of late nights doing lesson plans and grading tests
what they playfully tease each other over
Kengo would tease Gentaro about being a friendship monster who is friends with everyone from half-boiled detectives and pantsu-obsessed senpai to giant WMDs in space and an overpowered fruit-themed space god. Gentaro on the other hand is too good natured to tease anyone over anything, let alone his boyfriend.
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
They go to the (rebuilt) Rabbit Hutch and just hang out there. The other usually calls up the others to say that they want to be alone for a while.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
Gentaro would apologize profusely and sincerely. Once he starts blubbering, Kengo won’t be able to take it and forgives him immediately.
Kengo, on the other hand, is more... grudging when it comes to apologizing. Gentaro, being Gentaro, doesn’t really mind because he knows Kengo too well. Though if Kengo is really sorry and thinks he’s the one who fucked up, he will absolutely grovel to Gentaro, who is sincerely confused by it.
which one’s more ticklish
Kengo, because Gentaro isn’t just a Friendship Monster... he’s a tickle monster too.
their favourite rainy day activities
Hanging out in the Rabbit Hutch where there is no rain to disturb them. Though to be fair, everyone else is usually there save for Ryusei who’s usually abroad doing Interpol work.
how they surprise each other
Gentaro surprises Kengo... by being Gentaro. Even years later Kengo still underestimates how... Gentaro Gentaro can be.
Kengo on the other hand is more methodical in planning his surprises. He often gets the assistance of their friends to do so.
their most sickening shows of public affection
Kengo once came back to Ama during White Day only to see Gentaro being mobbbed by females throwing themselves at him, so he sweeps Gentaro into a kiss which everyone in the school sees. Kengo sort of snarled to the girls to get off his man. Gentaro goes mushy at this then he’s the one kissing Kengo in front of everyone at AHS.
One of Gentaro’s students in the current KRC sends a video of it to the past KRC members. No one will ever let Kengo and Gentaro live it down.
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narashikari · 5 years
Ship meme: Nadeshiko and Gentaro
who wakes up first in the morning
Nadeshiko, probably. Gentaro might need some... convincing to wake up (i.e. he needs to be reminded that he’s now the teacher)
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
They go to bed together, usually quite late because Gentaro is busy doing teacher things
what they playfully tease each other over
I don’t think they’ll really do this. Gentaro is the guy who sees faults and accepts them wholeheartedly (even if said fault is killing him- coughRyuseicough) while Nadeshiko can’t bear to see Gentaro hurt by anything either.
Occasionally they get teased by the other KRC members (old and new) by their height difference. Gentaro in particular is told he is being purposefully to high for his girlfriend to kiss properly
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
They suit up as Fourze and Nadeshiko and sit outside the Rabbit Hutch just staring at the Earth and the stars (but not at the sun. That’s a bad idea, Gentaro, seriously, listen to Kengo-)
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
They don’t really argue either? At least, I don’t think so.
which one’s more ticklish
their favourite rainy day activities
Nadeshiko loves the rain for some reason, so they put on rain gear and play in the rain. They’ve also done the whole “kiss under the rain which causes one of them to drop the umbrella so they get soaked” thing, more than once. And Gentaro totally parodied Singing in the Rain, of course.
how they surprise each other
Gentaro is really easy to surprise. She just shows up out of the blue to visit Gentaro, completely unannounced. Gentaro, of course, is always happy to see her. Nadeshiko is harder, though Gentaro occasionally does succeed with the help of his friends
their most sickening shows of public affection
Gentaro probably unthinkingly kissed her in front of his students one day when she visited AHS. His students were all surprised that he actually had a girlfriend, let alone the fact that she crash-landed in the football field
Also, that kiss they had in Movie War Megamax was seen by Eiji, to his eternal mortification and horror. He’s secretly whining that his high school age successor got his first kiss before he did.
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