lovelymessybubbly · 7 months
i really like that yuri tickling monika idea (especially the idea of her gripping her ankle with no escape), maybe you could illustrate it sometime? theres barely any tickle art of doki doki
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I finally got around to drawing these two !!! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ i never tire of seeing cute and wholesome interactions between any members of the literature club. yuri-chan especially is very beautiful and monika-chan deserves a good laugh, so it was easy to bring this scene to life. hope you enjoy !!!
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matchacowbee · 6 months
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hehe so I realized I never drew monika yet!! so here she is with yuri !!
I hope you guys enjoy this one :3
click for better quality! 💗💗💗
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drbigtime · 6 months
Upperbody vs. Feet tickling
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Which kind of tickling do you prefer?
(Ticklee: Monika - Producer: Czech Ticklish Girls)
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brownhairedbookworm · 3 months
"Ehe!" Fubuki giggled a bit at the bump, since there was a near-ticklish sensation to the surprise touch and she tended to enjoy that playful side of Monika... until she looked and saw the other woman was only one leg into the cabinet. "Oh, uh.... hmmmph..." Fubuki sighed. She shuffled a bit over, ever so gently bumping into Monika in the process, and moved further leftwards. While some of her was now hanging out of the cabinet instead of in, both ladies did have their heads inside, and the light-guns and card readers within reach (even if Fubuki had to reach the latter over her pool of belly).
"... I don't think we're gonna comfortably get through a round of this one, Foob. Let's see if we can find some that aren't booths." Monika carefully wiggles back out of the game.
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
(So sorry I keep picking FNF characters but that's really the only series in the list I'm most familiar with, please bear with me! 🙇‍♀️)
Let's switch this one up a bit, I pick Monika (from the DDTO mod) and Agoti~!
(Odd pairing, I know, but there was a time when I was really into the concept of the two of them hanging out & being buddies after watching D3R3K's covers with them)
Agoti is lee, Monika's the ler and the target of interest will be AG's hair tendrils. The premise: Monika makes an unexpected discovery about the strange physical feature Agoti possesses as a digidevil, and her curiosity and amusement prompts her to examine it further.
Can be purely platonic or romantic, I don't mind either way, whatever you're comfortable with. 👍🏾
Monika's eyebrows furrowed for the third time as her friend flinched away from her hairbrush, she was being extra gentle this time so the student had no idea why he was reacting so strangely, "Are you sure about this?" she asked, concern glossed over her expression.
"I-I'm fine, Monika." Agoti hated making such a cute girl upset but couldn't help it, he stayed hunched over, his hand covered the silly grin stretched over his lips; what she didn't know was that the soft bristles were setting his nerves on fire, the gentle scrubbing over his extremely sensitive tendrils was driving him nuts.
He lowered his guard too quickly and didn't anticipate the tool to touch him so suddenly, he let out a tiny yet still audible giggle; a chill went down his spine, the brush stopped and his heart went with it when Agoti heard Monika softly laugh, "Ticklish?" she mused, sending Agoti into a giggling fit when she resumed her brushing~♡
3 sentence fic by @otomiya-tickles
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monmuses · 2 years
[ TICKLE ]:          the sender uses the ends of the receiver’s hair to playfully tickle them. (For Monika)
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     It was like Monika to always use the best products to make herself look presentable for class. Her hair was one of those little things she appreciated and never trimmed. Long hair was just suitable in its own way for her, and never saw herself having such short ends. Though, what she was not expecting was to be tickled with the ends of her own hair at her sides, especially around her arms and cheeks. She couldn’t help but giggle, snickering and flinching a little from the funny sensation.
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     “Please! I’m not this ticklish, I promise!” She laughed, moving her arm away. “Spare me of at your merciless hand! I never thought my own hair could be so deadly!”
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curled-up-blushing · 5 years
Hi! Do you have any DDLC head canons? I saw you background image and just thought, I need DDLC twords in my life.
Yes I do!!!! This took forever rip
70% lee and 30% ler
Won’t laugh right away- for some reason it takes a couple seconds for her to react, unless you catch her off guard
Let’s out these light breathy giggles, never really gets loud cause she’s not that ticklish- but she turns so red when people tell her her laugh is cute
Palms, neck, sides, ribs, and tops of knees get her the most
But if you catch her off guard, she’ll squeal no matter where you do it- the best way is when she reading. She’ll drop her book onto her lap and tense up and it’s ADORABLE
Mostly tickles Sayori and Natsuki- Sayori cause she’s just so cute and sometimes needs to stop talking (she babbles a lot) so a quick poke to the side will work just fine: Natsuki cause she gets loud when she’s arguing and also needs the ego check lol
Sayori tickles her a lot cause she needs to lighten up and Yuri always swats at her hands but never really pushes her away- she likes smiling for a change
She blushes INSTANTLY if she hears the word “tickle.” She can say it, but it takes a while to get past the stutters
0% anything
She hates being tickled and will slap you if you try. Whenever the others get into tickle fights, she just goes to the back of the classroom and doesn’t pay them any attention
But it’s only cause she’s really just a ticklish idiot
She will shriek if you tickle her anywhere- seriously, she’s probably the most ticklish out of all the girls
She doesn’t laugh tho- she just struggles and grunts. It tickles a lot but she just doesn’t really laugh
90% Lee, 10% Ler
Worst places are underarms, tops of feet oddly enough, ribs, stomach, neck- they will all make her squeal
Her laugh is super girly and cute, but she won’t accept being called cute at all
In denial about being ticklish- “yes I’m laughing my ass off but I’m not ticklish you can’t prove anything” and is determined not to laugh (it doesn’t work though)
Always being tickled by Sayori when she’s grumpy, or when she and Yuri are fighting, but sometimes losing energy from tickling makes her hungry, so the club members have to buy her food as an apology
Totally weak to the Tickle Monster. She runs, she screams, she kicks, everything. If you even start to say the t-word, she’ll turn red and start spouting curses as she covers her face
Tickles Sayori in relatiation and Yuri just because she needs to smile more. She and Sayori get in tickle fights all the time and it’s SO CHAOTIC BECAUSE THEY BOTH THRASH SO MUCH
50% Lee, 50% Ler
She loves both, she is a TRUE switch
Basically ticklish everywhere, but worst places are probably underarms, stomach, and sides
Always tickling the other girls cause it’s fun and she loves seeing them smile. She’s the definition of Tickle Monster, running around the club poking people
Laugh is squeaky girly and ADORABLE!! The longer the tickling goes on, she begins to hiccup and squeal and I just AH
Whenever she’s feeling down, she’ll totally ask for tickles from the other girls, or start tickle fights on her own
100% does that things here she tells a joke and if no one laughs, she tickles them and then thanks them for finding her joke funny
NOT afraid of the T-word. In fact, she says it all the time just to make the other girls embarrassed.
She loves chasing people and being chased, but once you’ve got her pinned down, she just accepts her fate and throws her head back laughing. She knows she can’t escape it and she’s too ticklish to fight back, plus she doesn’t want to hurt whoever is tickling her
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natsuloverme · 2 years
DDLC Headcanons
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- Monika was in ballet for awhile when she was younger
- Monika likes claymation movies
- Monikas hair is very smooth and soft (And usually smells good)
- Monika likes fantasy books
- Monika likes Dnd
- Monikas Favorite animal is foxes
- Monika takes naps in the clubroom because of exhaustion from overworking
- Monika likes the color green
- Monika is understanding of the multiverse
- Monika had a really hard time finding out that she didn’t exist, that her friends didn’t exist and that her whole life she had memory of didn’t exist
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- Yuri is the most ticklish person in the world and gets embarrassed by it quite a lot
- Yuri gets overwhelmed in very loud spaces and prefers peace and quiet or conversations in small groups
- Babies calm/fall asleep in Yuris arms 😌
- Yuri has a huge Emo phase
- Yuri can be be pretty oblivious to when people are trying to be mean/rude to her
- Yuri sketches/draws quite often (Usually during class)
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- Sayori wants to be a counselor/therapist when she grows up
- Sayori sleeps with the cow stuffed animal ✨
- Sayori is very good with babies, she’s good at making them smile and laugh
- Sayoris parents travel and only come back on special days like Christmas or Sayori birthday
- There’ve been times that Sayoris parents won’t be able to make it for these events and Sayori Would have to be alone
- Sayori is chubby
- Sayori loves to wear bracelets
- Sayori wears ankle bracelets
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- Natsuki want to own a cafe when she grows up
- Natsuki sleeps with a kitty plush
- Natsuki is very childish around children and would probably get in a fight with a kid
- Natsuki loves animal crossing, Minecraft and Stardew valley
- Natsuki is also in the baking club
- Natsuki likes cats and bunnies
- Natsuki loves Lucky charms 💕
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bo-bo-bean · 6 years
Hanging Around
(For @sheepytickles!! He's too adorable, I swear, :3)
Hanging Around "Wooooaaahhhh!" Sayori gawked after Natsuki showed off her new cupcake design. They were chocolate cupcakes with light mocha colored icing, a chocolate rose in the middle. It wasn't even a second before Sayori took one and bit into it. "Wh-hey!" Natsuki scolded. "Those are for the party...!" "Shorry!" Sayori giggled with her mouth full. "They're jusht shooo goood!! I love your baking!" Natsuki blushed hearing the compliment, giving a grunt. "Well... I'll let this one slide," she sighed, closing the lid. "But the REST are for the party!" "They look so elegant, yet simple," Yuri gave a soft smile. "I'm sure Michael will absolutely adore your cupcakes." Natsuki beamed and put the cupcakes next to Yuri's tea, which was a simple chamomile tea, to make sure things to go too hectic for the party. The classroom was decorated lightly, with a happy birthday banner that Yuri made, neatly printed with a black gel ink pen, along with an activity Sayori put up; pin the tail on the donkey. The girls had presents for Michael already. Natsuki got him the first copy of Parfait Girls to keep and read, Sayori got him a new t-shirt, Yuri bought him a box of her favorite tea and a horror book, and Monika... "Wait, where's Monika?" Natsuki put her hands on her hips. "She's going to miss the party!" "Oh dear, you're right," Yuri frowned, striking a nervous pose. "Perhaps she's getting Michael? No..m That's my job and it's not time yet..." "I'll go find her!!" Sayori offered, a pep in her voice. Before the other girls could say anything else, she skipped out of the room, looking throughout the school. "Moooooonikaaaaaaa~!" she sang out. "Oh where aaaaarrrreeee yoooouuuuu~? Moooonniiiikkkkaaaaa~?" Before she got to the gymnasium, she heard piano music, flashing a smile. "Ah ha!" She ran to the music room, looking in. Monika was focused, back hunched over the piano, playing beautiful notes. Her voice harmonized through the once empty room. Sayori watched, not wanting to interrupt. However, when she stepped closer to hear better, she tripped over a trumpet that was on the ground. She yelped and fell into a drum set, cymbals clashing and beats tumbling. Of course, Monika heard all of it, ceasing her piano music. "Ah! Who's there!?" "Sorry!!" Sayori sat up, a cymbal on her head. "I-I didn't meant to interrupt!" "Oh, it's you..." Monika placed a hand over her chest. She walked over and took the cymbal off, giving her a gentle smile. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to get you!" Sayori giggled, putting the cymbal down. "It's almost time... for..." Her words trailed off, looking down at the drums. When she fell, she didn't realize one of her hands had smashed the top of the drum, deeming it useless. "Oh no...! Oh no!!" Monika looked over, frowning. "Oh, Sayori, it's okay, it was an accident...!" "No, no!" Sayori sat up, holding her hands together tightly. "I-I didn't meant to! Oh no...!" Monika sighed sadly. Sayori was always the one who got easily upset for things that weren't really important, but to her, they were important. "I'm going to get in trouble...!" "No, you won't, I promise!" Monika consoled her, rubbing her back. "There is no need to panic." But she saw she couldn't just take Sayori down happy lane with just words. She was in tears, thinking of worse case scenarios. "Sayori! It's okay, there's no need to worry!" "But it's my fault!" "It's not, don't worry...!" Seeing this was getting her nowhere, Monika quickly tried to think of what to do, and then had an idea quicker than a computer. "Hey, Sayori? I think I know what to do..." Sayori looked over, seeing Monika was sneering playfully. "Perhaps a visit from the tickle monster can help!" Sayori wiped her tears, stepping back, already smiling. Monika knew she was EXTREMELY ticklish. Saying the word tickle made her go mad. Monika stepped closer, Sayori trying to step away. "W-wait, don't...!" Sayori giggled a little. "I'm gooonnnaaa getcha!!" Monika grabbed Sayori by the hips and squeezed, Sayori letting out a shriek and laugh. "Aahh!! Heeeheehaaahahahahahaha!! M-Mohohohonikahahahahaha!" "There's no Monika here," 'Monika' chirped. "Only the tickle monster! And she's hungry for your laughter!!" Monika tickled her fingers up up and down Sayori's sides, her thrashing and squirming. "Eeeheehahahahahahahaa!! N-noohohoho tickle mohohohonster!!" "Yes, tickle monster! She's gonna eatcha!!" Monika planted her hands into her armpits, Sayori squealing out and slowly going down to the floor, Monika following. She trailed her hands to Sayori's belly. "Om nom nom!! She's gonna eat you!" Sayori turned to the side, squeaking and kicking her legs. "M-Mohohohonikaaaahahahahaaa! Pleeheeheease!" "I said there's no Monika...!" Monika playfully scolded, going and sitting on her knees. She took off her shoes and socks, dragging her finger tips up and down her soles. Sayori screamed out, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Her toes curled up and fanned out, shaking her head and holding her stomach. "Noooohohohoho!! Aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!! Naaahahahahahat my feeheeheeheet!!" "This tickle monster is still hungry though," Monika giggled. "You don't want the tickle monster to be hungry, do you? She needs to eat sometimes! And she thinks your laughter is the sweetest of all!" After one more attack to the belly, Monika let her up and went to the instrument closet as Sayori panted on the floor, putting on her socks and shoes. Monika came back with a spare drum. "Ta da! See? Nothing to worry about!" She looked over as Monika helped her up, seeing the new drum. "Drums break all of the time!" "I-I guess... I did... o-overreact..." Sayori giggled out. "Come on," Monika patted her head. "Let's head back." "Could you buy me a snack?" Sayori wondered. Monika laughed and nodded. "Sure."
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selfshiptillyoudrop · 6 years
30 Day Selfship Challenge
Day 6. favorite place to kiss them
[I have a feeling they left this vague on purpose, so I’m gonna do both an SFW and NSFW ver. of this one! It’ll be below the cut.]
My favorite place to kiss Sayori would be her cheeks! It makes her blush really easily. If you mean location instead of where on their body, I guess there wouldn’t really be a preference! Sayo initiates most of them.
Forehead or tip of her nose, easily. It’s more about how she reacts than anything. Location would be either the club or the space classroom, because, well, that’s where we end up spending most of our time.
Along her scars. It makes me feel better to know that she’s doing well, and it lets me remind her that her past isn’t now. Plus, her home always smells like lavender, so that’s probably my favorite location.
Her bruises or her lips. As vanilla as it is, there’s not too much else to add. Her smile is a rare sight so I like to steal as many of them as I can!
NSFW Vers.
Her neck is the best place to get a reaction out of her. She gets all flustered and stuttery, and you’d best bet that if you leave a mark, she’ll cling to you like you were glued together. 
Her stomach. She’s almost like a cat in that if you start to touch her chest or stomach she gets clingy.
She’d never admit it, but she’s super ticklish. If you tease her, she’ll never stop going for it and begging you to keep going.
Probably right on her shoulderblades. Close enough to her neck to tickle a little bit, but close enough to the arm to be teasing. 
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lovelymessybubbly · 11 months
i see you added doki doki to your list! think we can get some yuri/monika tickles/hc's? I imagine how aggressive they'd get at one another ☺️
omg yes !!! thank you for asking hehe it makes me so happy to know that there are in fact still ddlc fans (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ i swear i am still just as in love as i was 5 years ago lol
yuri was my first love when i played the game (i am a sayori stan now lol) and monika is such an underrated s tier character. and after playing ddlc plus, my ot4 heart grew even more ♡^▽^♡ those two tall beauties do make a good pair, huh ??
monica tickles yuri to get her to loosen up, to tease her, to watch the usually solemn dame become ruffled and lively. being reserved but cheeky, monica usually delivers an attack of some kind at least once a day. but how can she help it ??? it is usually always provoked (at least if you ask monica). if yuri is gonna diminish sayori’s love for a rainy day by saying it reminds her of a young child’s funeral (like, really yuri ???) then of course monika is gonna dive straight towards yuri’s waist and drill her pointed hands into the violette’s sides until her desperate giggling and flushed face wash away that gloomy disposition ?? if yuri is gonna make snide remarks during natsuki’s poem reading, obviously monika is gonna have to order sayori to hold yuri’s arms back so monika can tickle her armpits until she says to natsuki “i’m sorry !! i’m sohohoryyy !!”
when yuri has particularly rough days, and just cannot seem to come down from overstimulation, monika is quick to offer some playful scribbles, just enough to get yuri to relax her muscles, to breathe deeply, to smile.
yuri never craves or yearns for tickling (like perhaps sayori does) but it gets her to relax quickly, and she knows this. so she never really gets upset or indignant at monika’s tickling (even if she does become quite bashful). in fact, she is grateful to have someone who knows how to calm her down so quickly.
not to mention, yuri rarely smiles (likely due to her consistent attempts to not get overwhelmed), let alone laughs. the way her body feels after a hearty laugh is nice, she soon realizes. it fills her with a pure happiness, not the kind that hurts, like she is used to. the giddy feeling is the best thing in the world to her and she treasures it. she is often left giggling sweetly a few minutes after being tickled because of this.
yuri tickles monica in sneaky fashion, never truly owning up to causing it, but her upturned nose and slight smirk gives away her sly, mischieveous and playful demeanor (which monika gradually discovers the extent of and loves yuri even more for it). perhaps she offers to massage monika’s shoulders, and while her slender fingers start off kneading firmly and monika is dozing happily, she soon changes to nail skitters and slow drags, yet denies when monika accuses her of “foul play” through yelps and squeals. or maybe yuri shows monika a new game she has learned, where she makes her hand a tickly spider that crawls and tickles its way up monika’s arm, or a buzzing bee that pokes and prods at monika’s torso with its ticklish stinger. or perhaps yuri sits on the floor, politely with her knees tucked under hear, scratching mercilessly at monika’s stockinged soles, her dormant hand gently but firmly gripping her ankles whilst monika twists and flails and grasps at yuri aimlessly, losing herself in tittering, hiccuping laughter as yuri rambles on and on about “how you feel ticklish only when someone/something else is tickling you because of how your brain reacts to the threat vs the stimulation” and “how ticklish spots are so ticklish because they are usually protecting vital organs or systems so the build-up of nerves are bigger” and “isn’t that just so fascinating ???”
and monika huffs at her, and puffs her cheeks, and expresses how uncouth yuri’s behavior just was, but it is always laced with a prominent smile, because monika just loves that playful part of yuri, even if she displays it in… unorthodox ways.
maybe some ticklish doki girls are in my drawing future (ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) sayori-chan is my fav but i will keep your love of yuri-chan and monika-chan in mind as well !!
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matchacowbee · 10 months
MC is ticklish!?
The girls get mc with tickles bc mc is being a sluggish bum
all sfw! enjoy :3
lee reader/MC (uses they/them pronouns) lers natsuki, yuri, sayori
You slumped on the desk, burying your head in your arms. Today was just an off day for you. Class was long and you kinda just wanted to go home.. but you had club.
Monika stood at the front of the room going over the activities she planned to do today for the club. You listened, as your head was still planted against the desk.
“Okay everyone! Are we ready to start?” Monika said. She sounded pretty lively today; the total opposite of your energy.
The girls all chime in agreement, as you continued to sit silently.
“Jeez what’s up with MC today? They’re acting weirder than usual” Natsuki remarked, causing everyone to notice you.
“You okay?” Sayori asked. You heard her get up and walk closer to you.
“Mmmmnngghhh.. I’m fine.” You said groggily. You lifted your head out of your arms and laid on one side of your face, looking at the others.
Yuri had quietly walked over from the side you couldn’t see, and gently placed her hand on your back rubbing in soothing circles.
“Did something happen today? Would you like to talk about it?” Monika said, coming closer to you. Monika gave you a small smile as she sat in the desk in front of you.
“I’m fine, just feeling a little tired and weird.” You said.
“Awwww MC.” Sayori chimed
Natsuki scoffed, “Ugh you guys don’t need to coddle them, they’re just being a baby.”
Yuri continued to rub your back, making you feel better, until her hand accidentally got too close to your lower back, which was just a little sensitive…
You jolted at her sudden touch, not expecting it. The others had noticed this reaction.
Yuri pulled her hand back, “Ah- sorry did I hurt you?” She backed away in shame and sat in the seat to your left. You now sat up and tried to diffuse the situation as an attempt to try and avert the attention away from you.
“I-I’m fine, I just um.. wasn’t expecting your hand there..” You tried to stammer up something that wouldn’t sound unconvincing.
However, your childhood best friend knew too well. Sayori shuffled over and swiped one of her fingers along your back.
You again, jerked away from the touch. “MC~~~~” Sayori said in a teasy voice.
You looked over at Sayori with a glare along with a hint of embarrassment. A light blush tainted your cheeks.
The three other girls looked at you two quizzically. “What’s going on?” Monika said, her face showing a confused smile.
“Nothing! I’m fine now, let’s start the activiti-“ you replied, as Sayori suddenly interrupted.
“MC is tick-“ She began to say, until you clamped your palm against her mouth.
“Ugh Sayori, stop! Guys let’s just start..” you said frantically. And then, you felt her hands squishing your lower sides, making you squeak and retract your hand from Sayori’s mouth.
“MC is ticklish!” She shouted out.
A collective “Awwww!” was let out by the girls, who were all now looking at you with dazzled eyes. You crossed your arms against your chest, and a bright pink flushed along your cheeks.
“Y-yeah so whatever..” You refused to look at anyone, as this was one of your secrets that you weren’t particularly ready to share with the group.
“That’s so cute, MC there’s no reason to be embarrassed!” Monika smiled with glee.
Natsuki then teased, “Ahah, now we know your secreeett!” She said in a singsong voice.
You silently rubbed your arm as your blush increased. This was too flustering for you. Of course they all had to find out this way. You’ll never hear the end of this from Sayori or Natsuki now.
Then suddenly, you felt some fingers lightly wiggling against your sides from behind. The touch was light but quick, and attacked your upper ribs as well.
“A-ahha eheeheh h-heheyy!!” You fidgeted in your seat and brought your arms to your sides. You turned your head to find Yuri gently tickling you, who gave a guilty smile and brought her hands back to her lap.
“Ah, sorry I couldn’t resist..” she said shyly.
“Haha! Nice Yuri! I want to try now too!!” Natsuki exclaimed.
She stood up from her desk and made her way over to you. Trying to avoid her ambush, you too stood up and tried to dart away from the area of crazy girls.
“Hey, we don’t need to try anything! You guys know I’m sensitive now… so let’s just move on.” You said, as Natsuki continued on trying to catch up to you.
“No way! Yuri and Sayori got a turn, I want a go too!” Natsuki said as she played chicken with you around one of the desks.
“Here Natsuki I’ll help!” Said Sayori as she appeared behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Get their stomach! I always tickled them there when we were kids!” She said, as she just casually exposed one of your more ticklish spots. Natsuki had finally made it over, and immediately went to town on your stomach.
“Ehehe take this MC!!” She said all giddy.
Her fingers sent a tickly feeling throughout your body and caused you to let out a loud squeal, which made you even more embarrassed by.
“Nohohoo!! Staha- stop!!”
Lots of helpless giggles fell out your mouth as the onslaught continued. What made it worse, is that Sayori had now joined in once again. This time, squeezing your hips and lower sides.
“G-guhuhuyss!! pahah..p-PLEASE!! NohoOo mohohoree!” You begged them to quit.
As you continued thrashing around, Natsuki kept tickling around your midriff, occasionally pulling her hands back, and shooting them in a new place. Sayori laughed with you, as she even slipped her hands under your blazer a bit, causing your laughter to spiral. The two girls were relentless little tickle monsters against you.
“Ehehee- guhuhhys!! S-stOHooP!” You cried out once again.
Monika and Yuri watched. Monika with a gentle smile on her face, occasionally laughing at the situation, and Yuri blushing at the sight of you being tickled.
You only hoped that they would stay over there and not join in too. Fortunately, your prayers were soon answered, as Monika came over to de-escalate everything.
“Ahaha, okay you two. I think they’ve had enough.” Monika said calmly, as she placed a hand on Natsuki’s shoulder, motioning her to stop. Sayori gave you a quick hug from behind, and then went back to sit in her seat.
The room fell silent for a bit as you felt your cheeks heat up again. Ugh, this was so embarrassing!!
The girls smiled at you as you took a seat.
“Well then, why not continue with the rest of the club activities?” Monika chimed.
the end :3
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switchy-lee-tan · 6 years
hi!!!!! if youre still doing the writing prompt things, can you please do 14 with lee!Sayori and ler!Monika? thank you so much!!!! ;o;
(can I get a HELL YEAH)"But it’s such a lovely word! Tickle tickle tickle!” Monika smirked, leaning closer to Sayori. Sayori let out a squeal and moved away, her face red."Stop it Monika!! It's embarrassing!" she whined.Monika chuckled, putting her arm around Sayori and pulling her close."Why? Does it make you feel ticklish to hear the word tickle?" Monika rested her long fingernails on Sayori's side, gently dragging them up her ribs. Sayori squirmed and yelped through light giggles."Nohohoho! H-hehehelp!""No one can help you now," Monika said with a grin, tackling Sayori to the ground and tickling all over her upper body. "Tickle tickle, Sayori~!""N-NOHOHOHO!"Sayori's face was pink, her smile wide and her hair fussed from lying on the ground. She looked beautiful. And adorable.Monika slowed to a stop, letting Sayori catch her breath."How was that?" Monika smiled. Sayori giggled."G-good."
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}lil-moni-x3: What We Know So Far
super cute
super soft
blushes when you call her "Moni-Muffin"
is VERY aware of the real reality, but is fond of playing dumb when spoken to over IMs
has the Chaos/Super Emeralds
there's a Gjallarhorn hiding in her closet
(speculation) very likely has a glaive of some sort hiding somewhere (possibly the Black Knight Halberd)
has played Bravely Default enough to know entirely how Special customization works (which means she's played a lot)
filthy fucking Fox main
has played Dark Souls
likes swords (?????)
has made no mention of a "Player" so far
claims to have never played Destiny
has definitely played Destiny
has gone to me to make sure I'm writing Destiny right in my crossover fic
me. the most knowledgeable Destiny lore person in my friend group besides maybe @theishtarindividual
speaking of which she also has a Strange Coin hiding in a book somewhere, possibly others
really wants to be part of my first DnD ever group despite both of us knowing how poorly that would work
I mean really really
like many of us, she too has been wanting to play for a long while
is still on good terms with the other Dokis
is particularly not fond of "fix the game" mods or "save a (/the) Doki(s)" mods
canonically super fucking ticklish (nice)
also enjoys slightly spicy food
is also vegetarian so haha good luck with finding any that aren't 🅱️eppers!
literally the sweetest thing ever omfg
thinks bees are all aliens
no seriously
don't ask her about it
runs a sad and edgy sideblog fueled by fake deep song lyrics where she pretends to be an elder god that wants to make contracts with people
like her main blog, it isn't going anywhere
speaking of which she's also incredibly lonely
please give her love she deserves it
not an ARG
not an ARG
not an ARG
made me put that there three times
might? have a thing for socks?? I think??? unconfirmed?????
may or may not be crushing on Sayo
updated her blog's look recently and it actually looks... pretty good
she had me design her banner photo tho
so that's nice
apparently a fan of the rather vulgar YouTube gaming group known as "Friends Without Benefits"
I... guess we all have our guilty pleasures
Bedroom? If you insist. I mean, you are pretty cute. He took my hand. I- *shot*
used to actually live in Japan Standard Time™ until Sayori rewound the clocks to accomodate Monika's... more western followers
seriously really just wants to live a normal life as a normal girl with normal friends who love her for who she is as a person and not just a character and honestly what a fucking mood tbch
she also quite likes Nozomi's hair
whatever that means
in the end, definitely the most in-depth rp blog I've ever seen, and it's a damn shame no one likes her
on one hand, it's definitely because no one follows rp blogs that don't either have silly doodles with each ask or don't actively get into novel-esque rp scenarios
on the other hand, Kay says she wants to only use "official" assets for now
oh well
y'all need to go look at it because seriously if I didn't know any better I'd say Kay herself is just an irl Moni she does it so well
Here's the part where I mock Alve again and add a tiny blurb of flavor and say something about Ragnarök (when's that happening? huh? Alve? waiting! ready to die! any day now!) so yeah uh cryptic shit let's see um land of butterfly immortals rise of a dark goddess war of dragon fire death of a loved king at the hands of his brother vicious elder god purging the world traitor wolf extinguishes the first light phoenix discovers an afterlife experiment fails horribly distant forgotten continent CHAOS REIGNS anyway see y'all at Ragnarök or some shit{
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selfship-pri-blog · 7 years
2 and 5 for Monika?
Is your F/O(s) ticklish? If so do you use that to your advantage?
I’d assume Monika would be ticklish, but since I hate being tickled I probably would never tickle Monika, as she would tickle me right back.
What was your first impression of your F/O(s) when you met?
I thought she was really nice and caring and was one of the only girls in DDLC that I was interested in before I got the game.
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Pros/cons to cuddling with the nyo axis!!
Nyo!Italy Veneziano (Alice Vargas)PROS: - She's down to cuddle anytime, anywhere- Surprisingly not very squishy. She's actually quite toned! Very safe cuddles with her. - Lotsa kisses and carresses. CONS:- She tends to sing and in her sleep. - She moves around. A lot. When she's sleeping, anyhow. - Blanket hogger alertNyo!Italy Romano (Chiara Vargas)PROS:- Unlike her sister she's soft. Like man, just squish and hug her. - Quiet during cuddles, so you can sleep if you want to!- Nice curvy body. She thicc. Loves when her S/O touches her curves. CONS:- It can take a little to convince her to cuddle, despite being lazy from the start- Being quiet also means it can be a tad bit awkward, at first anyhow. - She's also surprisingly ticklish, so be careful when touching her curves. Nyo!Germany (Monika Beilschmidt)PROS:- She's sooooo strong. A good, firm grip on her love. - If they prefer to be the little spoon, they're in luck. She doesn't accept any other position than big spoon. - Nice big tiddies for comfort 👌🏻CONS:- Sometimes she may grip a bit too tightly!- If they like to be big spoon you're shit outta luck. She'll actually growl it might get a bit sexual real quick- Tiddies are usually a pro but she tends to bind them a bit. It takes some to convince her to let them go freeNyo!Prussia (Julchen Beilschmidt)PROS:- HOT BABE, CUTE GIRL- Always makes sure her love is safe with her awesome presence- Cute lil conversationsCONS:- LONG HAIR JEEZ IF THEY DECIDE TO BIG SPOON THEY BETTER WATCH OUT- Never lets go- Sometimes those conversations turn into pillow fights Nyo!Spain (Isabel Fernandez Carriedo)PROS:- Smells rlly nice- Usually puts her hair up so hair isn't usually a problem- Soft touch shhhhhCONS:- Sometimes her perfume may be a tad bit too strong- Lotsa conversation. Don't fall asleep!- Jk she won't let you fall aslepNyo!Japan (Sakura Honda)PROS:- Smol baby- The softest of them all istg- She can get very fluffy when it comes down to cuddling. Kisses, random "hey, Y/N? I love you"CONS:- Like Chiara, it can take a little to convince her to cuddle- Despite being very fluffy during cuddling, she can be a bit awkward at first (like Chiara)- Because of all of the kisses, she tends to move around a lot. She a smol spoon
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