#ddlc tickles
matchacowbee · 6 months
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hehe so I realized I never drew monika yet!! so here she is with yuri !!
I hope you guys enjoy this one :3
click for better quality! 💗💗💗
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Tickletober day 2 - accidental (ddlc tickle fic)
Hey! So I skipped day 1 since I lacked ideas or motivation XP sorry bout that!
This is a sfw tickle fic so if you don't like that you can scroll now ^^
Lee! Natsuki Ler! Yuri (this can be a ship or just friendship whatever you want! :3)
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"Yuri thats not how you do it!" Natsuki said with a frown and tried to snatch mixing bowl away from Yuri (despite being like 20 times shorter than her)
"Okay just chill out" she replied annoyed and gave her the mixing bowl "H how am I supposed to do it then?"
Natsuki took the bowl and flipped her short hair for emphasis "Okay so you hold it tightly against yourself and you have to mix it hard and quick!"
"Oh I see sorry." Yuri said feeling slightly shy
"Don't apologise dumbie!" Natsuki teased and smirked up at her, and gave her the bowl back "just stir the damn mixture it's almost done"
"Oh okay" Yuri smiled with a slight blush and took the bowl back copying natsuki's technique and seeing how much quicker it all mixed together using her method.
~ 5 mins later ~
"okay now we have to add the sprinkles to the mixture for extra sweetness and kawaii magic" Natsuki quoted to which Yuri laughed.
"I bet you got that from one of your anime manga things didn't you natsuki?"
"huff.." natsuki said with a blush and crossed her arms "how did you even know that?'
"Because you used silly and cutesty words" Yuri said and smiled down at the smaller girl who had an angered face
"MANGA AND ANIME ARE NOT SILLY!" Natsuki said and poked Yuri's side.
"Ah! Hey don't poke me!" Yuri said with a blush and poked natsuki's belly catching her off guard resulting in a giggle.
"Gah- don't do that!" Natsuki said embarrassed.
"why not?? Yuri said and tilted her head before finally catching on "oh? Oh are you really that ticklish?"
"WHA? No!!" She replied defensively
Yuri smiled down at the cute girl and started to spider her long nails up her sides making her squeak
"Wahait yuri stahap!" She giggled and tried to grab at Yuri's hands
"This is a chance that I can't let pass sorry!"
"Hahah fuhuck you Yuri" natsuki said and laughed not even fighting at he hands anymore.
"Exscuse me? Language natsuki!"
"Okahay actually stop now!" Natsuki yelled
"okay okay." Yuri stopped and smiled "hehe that was.. cute"
"WAH? shut up you...dumbie!" Natsuki said flustered
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lovelymessybubbly · 7 months
i really like that yuri tickling monika idea (especially the idea of her gripping her ankle with no escape), maybe you could illustrate it sometime? theres barely any tickle art of doki doki
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I finally got around to drawing these two !!! ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ i never tire of seeing cute and wholesome interactions between any members of the literature club. yuri-chan especially is very beautiful and monika-chan deserves a good laugh, so it was easy to bring this scene to life. hope you enjoy !!!
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angelicmoonstone · 5 months
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Revenge for @matchacowbee
Sorry I made Matcha short XD I don’t normally dabble into DDLC but Sayori deserves to be happy dang it!
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Round 3, Matchup 4
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Propaganda under the cut~
Propaganda for Wiggly: "he's the personification of an eldritch god who tricks the US president into starting World War 3. He's irresistible to adults with problems (aka everyone), so they start riots to be able to buy him (he's only 49,95!). He also has a silly little voice."
Propaganda for Mr. Cow: "cute plushie in a tragic scene"
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jonesy-squish · 3 months
I'm gonna start taking art requests since I want to draw more.I'll take requests for any of things mentioned in my intro post,ask if I like something if you aren't sure I like it since I don't have all of my interests listed.Also I won't do anything NSFW,only very very subtle suggestive art.Wont do anything to do with proships/comships or anything bigotted or gross.
Just leave an ask in my inbox :3
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alechans-cutetickles · 5 months
🇮🇹:ho paura di crescere
🇺🇸:I'm scared to grow up
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yeneah · 11 months
First story so..please no hate!
Lee!Sayori Ler! MC
As MC wakes up sweating from the nightmare he just had, he breathes heavily, sweating, and gets out of bed as fast as a bullet, and checks on Sayori to see her fast asleep. "I'm...relieved..." He sighs and walks out of the room and into the kitchen to make cereal. He eats it, still shaking as if he saw a ghost.
*Sayori yawns and wakes up blurry eyed, going into the kitchen..*
Oh! You sure are you early! How'd you sleep MC?
"...." MC replies back, nothing really to say.
*He gets up and hugs Sayori*
W-Wah!? H-Hey why are you hugging me..? Sayori looks confused. MC looks at her.."I saw you... hanging yourself...." *Sayori looks shocked*
Y-Your depression...it really...made me think you hanged yourself..but it was just a dream.. I knew, you would never...MC says clenching his fist.
"I-I...." *Sayori looks concerned* "I won't hang myself like that if your worrying, so please, forget that dream, if there anything I can do to cheer you up, I'll do it."
*They both go into Sayori's bedroom and talk things out.*
"Oh...it was like that..." *Sayori looks down at her feet.* "Hey hey! I don't want you being sad now..!"
".." *Sayori keeps looking down at her feet*
"Fine then...I'll show you what happens when you get sad!" *MC pins Sayori down onto the bed*
H-Hey-ahahaha! *Her words were cut of by a ticking sensation on her sides* Whahaha!! Nohoho stahahap iHiT!! "Hmmm..nope!" *MC taunts*
Ahahaha!! NOOOOO!!! It tihihckles! Stahap! Ohohkay!! Ihih GIHIVE!..tehaha! "I don't believe it...I'm moving to your inner thighs for lying Sayori~" *Mc starts evily teasing her* waihiht! Nohoh! Not thehere- TAhHa NoHoHo TStOhOHP! iHiT! noOhOW!! "Oh..is that spot?" *MC smiles devilishly*
GEt OhOFf oF mehehe!!!
"Oh... better yet, time for the feet!" *MC smiles like a villain*
"Tickle tickle tickle! It's to tease the toes!" *MC says looking like a cartoon devil*
"Fine fine...but not until you admit your not sad!" *MC looks at her with a grin.*
"i-im not sad..." *Sayori says looking lifeless, twitching from the tickling, a complete ticklee mess.*
The end, hope you liked it!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years
A Giggle Button and a Game
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Sayori and Monika: Tickling each other and Natsuki
Natsuki: Tickling Yuri
Yuri: Empty handed
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M: Sayori?
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S: How are you doing? You look grumpy.
Protagonist: I'm feeling what I need to do work. Nothing.
S: Hey! Poems aren't work! They are enjoyable! And you like writing.. poems...?
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N: Revenge!
Y: Pttt
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P: Woah!
S: Hey girls~ I think someone wants to join the fun~
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P: Wait, wait, I didn't agree to this.
S: Oh you wanna play with us~
P: I don't want to!! Come on!!
S: Well since you won't admit it normally. I guess I need to use the giggle button~
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M: A giggle button?
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S: Too Late!
P: Wait wait please
S: Time to press the tickle button!
M, Y, N: ooooooo
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N: Can we have a try?
S: Ye-
S: You know if you admit you were jealous and wanted this, we can stop.
P: Never!
S: Then this will last a while.. Get over here, Natsuki.
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N: Hell Yeah!
P: No No No No No HAH!
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N: Wiggle wiggle
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P: HA HA HA HA sigh heh heh ha.. Why ar-are you st-topping?
S: Oh we aren't stopping.
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Y: It's just my turn.
P: Not a feather!!
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Y: Yes a feather!
Y: This is such a fun giggle button!
N: They'll break soon
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M: I think it's my turn girls~
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M: Could you let them go, Sayori?
S: Sur-
P: What are you gonna dooo?
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Y, N, S: What!? Why? Come on!
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M: Hear me out. We are trying to make them say they like tickling. That's the entire point of us doing this. But, their reward for admitting they like tickles is no more tickles. So, if they like tickling, why should they admit anything? The tickling would continue for as long as they stayed shut.
So, I'm going to wait Mc out. Admit it, and I'll give you more tickles.
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[Sat down with each other]
N: Man, you are way too smart to be a part of our team.
M: Thanks. Now. We just got a wait game.
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M: Something you want to say?
P: .... [Muffled Whisper]
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[scoot scoot]
M: Have something to say to me?
P: I'm sorry! Okay?! I was jealous!!
N, Y, S: YES!! She did it! Go Monika! Yeah!
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M: Do you think you can handle any more tickles? You seem exhasted.
P: I-I'd like some more...
M: Ok, Mc.
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S, Y, N: Oh, Go Monika!!!
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Laughter as Sweet as a Poem
AN: My life may be falling apart rn but I’m in too deep to give up on tickletober now. It’s how I cope 🙃 Played Doki Doki Literature Club for a class so I thought I’d show these girls some love! They could really use it lol
Natsuki wasn't a fan of the whole "sharing our poems" thing, but she supposed it could be worse. It was only the second day of doing so, but she felt pretty proud of this one. Sayori bounded up to her, swapping the pages on each other's hand as they both read the poems.
"Wow, this is really good. Who knew you had this in you?" she teased. Sayori giggled, grinning from ear to ear.
"Aww, thanks! Yours is sooo good!" Sayori said, hugging it to her chest. The smaller girl beamed with pride, puffing out her chest.
"You bet it is! Took me less than 20 minutes too!" she bragged.
"Is this about how people are mean to you because you read mang-"
"Jeez Sayori, tell it to the world why don't ya!" she snapped, her body going completely stiff. Sayori winced at her harsh tone.
"Ehehe, sorry, I forgot you don't like people mentioning that," she apologized. Natsuki crossed her arms and looked down, blowing a lock of hair away from her eyes.
"It's fine since it's you. Just- watch who you say that around," she mumbled, continuing to advert her gaze.
"So... do you like spiders?" she asked as she handed her back the poem. Natsuki made a face of disgust and shook her head.
"No way! Spiders are not my thing!" Sayori giggled, taking a step closer.
"Well I didn't wanna freak you out, but there's a spider on you." She squealed and immediately started scanning her body, smacking herself to kill the offending bug.
"What? Where? Get it off, get it off!" she demanded, spinning in a circle in her haste to save herself.
"Hold still, it's riiiight here!" she exclaimed, pouncing on Natauki and lightly scribbling over her tummy. She shrieked, smacking Sayori's hands.
"Y-you lihihiar! Thehere was nohoho spider wahahas there?" she claimed, turning around to flee. She didn't get far because Sayori was able to wrap her in a tickle hug before she managed to escape.
I'm sorry Natsuki, this spider is just too fast for me to get!" she teased, fluttering her fingers up and down her sides. Bubbly giggles and shrieks flew from her mouth between thinly veiled threats.
The rest of the club members watched on in amusement, though Yuri was blushing profusely and kept looking away.
Sayori let her go, giggling nervously as Natsuki glared at her.
"What the heck? Why'd you do that for?"
"Sorry, I couldn't help it! I saw the opportunity and I  just took it. You have such a cute laugh Natsuki!"
Her cheeks glowed a bright red and she turned away. "I-I do not!"
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. She was just playing around," Monika intervened, feeling the need to diffuse the situation before it had the chance to escalate.
"Pft, whatever. You better not do that again!" she warned, hands on her hips.
"No promises!" Sayori chirped. Natsuki growled and turned on her heels, storming off to the classroom closet.
It hadn't been the worst thing ever, but she'd take that secret to her grave.
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
(So sorry I keep picking FNF characters but that's really the only series in the list I'm most familiar with, please bear with me! 🙇‍♀️)
Let's switch this one up a bit, I pick Monika (from the DDTO mod) and Agoti~!
(Odd pairing, I know, but there was a time when I was really into the concept of the two of them hanging out & being buddies after watching D3R3K's covers with them)
Agoti is lee, Monika's the ler and the target of interest will be AG's hair tendrils. The premise: Monika makes an unexpected discovery about the strange physical feature Agoti possesses as a digidevil, and her curiosity and amusement prompts her to examine it further.
Can be purely platonic or romantic, I don't mind either way, whatever you're comfortable with. 👍🏾
Monika's eyebrows furrowed for the third time as her friend flinched away from her hairbrush, she was being extra gentle this time so the student had no idea why he was reacting so strangely, "Are you sure about this?" she asked, concern glossed over her expression.
"I-I'm fine, Monika." Agoti hated making such a cute girl upset but couldn't help it, he stayed hunched over, his hand covered the silly grin stretched over his lips; what she didn't know was that the soft bristles were setting his nerves on fire, the gentle scrubbing over his extremely sensitive tendrils was driving him nuts.
He lowered his guard too quickly and didn't anticipate the tool to touch him so suddenly, he let out a tiny yet still audible giggle; a chill went down his spine, the brush stopped and his heart went with it when Agoti heard Monika softly laugh, "Ticklish?" she mused, sending Agoti into a giggling fit when she resumed her brushing~♡
3 sentence fic by @otomiya-tickles
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matchacowbee · 23 days
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guys look I drew something :0
i still miss them 😫
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ashrodisiac · 1 year
・┆✦ʚDDLC x Reader ɞ✦ ┆・
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DDLC x Reader
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Ashrodisiac's Note: im so sorry that sayori and yuris part r so shorttt :( im starting school tomorrow so yeah my motivation has dug itself 6 feet under 🔥🔥🔥
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╰┈➤ Monika falls asleep leaning on your shoulder, but unfortunately wakes up to Sayori's squeal while watching a horror movie
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
You felt something weigh on your shoulder and brush against your cheek lightly. You looked away from the TV screen and saw Monika leaning on you, her eyes shut closed and her mouth slightly agape in a peaceful state. It was quite rare to see her this calm, her being the president and dealing with quite an amount of work. Her bow holding her brown hair in place, but slightly messy.You glanced at the others, Natsuki bringing popcorn to her mouth from the bowl on Yuri's lap every moment she was finished chewing the last one. Yuri's eyes were quite wide in interest as the killing scene came on, looking glued to the TV. Sayori had a pillow tucked under her chin and clutched it to her chest, a seemingly exaggerated reaction coming from her. You then brought your gaze back to Monika. You brushed the stray strands of hair tickling her face away and looked back to the TV, and a haunting tone played. Sayori huddled closer to her pillow, so scared you could practically hear her shallow breaths, the two seemingly unfazed as the tone crescended louder, and eventually ended with a jumpscare. Sayori screamed, jumping up in the couch, swinging her pillow away and hitting the popcorn bowl, sending it flying in the air as Natsuki yelped along with her. Monika jolted awake when you sat up in panic as you watched the scene unfold. It all happened so quickly, the popcorn bowl laying abandoned on the floor with its contents spilling out. Sayori blinked, then laughed nervously. "Uhm..." "You're such a clutz!" Natsuki yelled, huffing out in frustration. "Now we have to clean this up!" Yuri was quiet the whole time, unsure how to react, just sending glances at you awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry! I'll clean this up now!" Sayori apologized, rushing on her knees to pick up the food. Monika glanced at them and sighed, then at you. You could only smile at her exasperated reaction, making her share the same expression quickly. "Was the movie good?" she asked, her bright, emerald eyes seeming like the were lighting up the dark room. "We weren't able to finish it..." "Shame." You heard Natsuki yelling once again at Sayori, and Yuri had stood up to pull Natsuki away. "I need to use the restroom," Monika sighed, then got up from the couch, your shoulder left with a warm feeling where her head rested.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ Sayori tears up at a hug while you help her clean up the mess
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
When Yuri had pulled Natsuki away, Monika in the restroom, you got up and began to help Sayori. She looked up at you with a surprised expression, turning into a grateful one. You noticed tears forming in her eyes and quickly stammered to act. "Hey! D-dont cry! It's not your fault..." She wiped them away with her wrist, her fingers dusted with salt from the popcorn. "I-... I just got super scared and..." "That's alright. That jumpscare scared me too, honestly." She let out a hiccup, and you pulled her in a hug, to which she began to cry even more. It was quite awkward if you were being honest, but at least she felt better, clutching onto you while her tears stained your shirt.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ You tell her the impact she had made on Sayori, saying she needed to apologize. It seems she was doing just that, baking cupcakes for her, and you get to get a first try
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
When you two had cleaned the floor up, you went to the kitchen to wash your hands and found Natsuki there, carefully squeezing pink frosting on fresh cupcakes, concentration on her face. She jumped in surprise when she heard the faucet turn, water running down. "Did you just try to sneak up on me?" she huffed, wiping her hands on her apron. "What?" you said, taking a soap bar in your palms. "I just came here to wash my hands." You suddenly recalled Sayori crying as you took her in a hug. "Hey, Natsuki." you said. "Sayori got really upset when you yelled at her." "It's her fault she's such a clutz." she muttered. "...I think you should apologize." "Can't you see I'm trying to do just that?" she said in a frustrated tone, finally turning to look at you, irritated. She understood by the huge question mark on your face, that you didn't seem to quite get what she meant. "I'm trying to make cupcakes for her." her voice pitched down lower, softer and less harsh. "Oh," you wiped your hands on the cloth hanging from the fridge door, and was quite surprised when she took a cupcake and plopped it down in your hands. "Here, try one." she said. You took a bite, the taste of strawberry touching your taste buds, and eventually leading you to finishing the whole thing in no time. "You ate the whole thing already!?" she said, surprised, then she leaned on the counter with one hand on her hip. "So, how was it? did it taste good?" With your mouth full, you could only nod with a smile and say with a muffled voice: "Yewsh." Eventually, she brought the tray to the living room, where the three others sat, trying to find another movie. "Wow, these look great, Natsuki!" Monika said, eagerly biting, her palm under her other hand to catch the crumbs. Sayori looked overjoyed as she thanked Natsuki, licking at the frosting like a child who had just gotten their ice cream. Yuri smiled gratefully, "I'm sure these taste heavenly," she complimented, later confirming it when she had tasted it. The tray was empty in just a few moments, Natsuki proudly clearing the place up. Putting a movie that Sayori seemed to like much better, the lights were once again off, appetite satisfied, everyone was huddled on the couch again.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ Yuri's bored look gives off that she isn't enjoying the movie...
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
But you noticed Yuri looked... unhappy? her chin resting in her palm, her eyes not as wide as when she was watching the horror movie, her full interest not on the movie. You scooted next to her and whispered, "Hey, what's up?" She glanced at you and quickly fixed her posture, red creeping on her face. "Oh! Y/n..." "You seem bored." "Ah," she fiddled with her hands. "It's just that... I was very invested in the horror movie we were watching earlier... I really wanted to finish it, perhaps when I get home." "Ah, I see now." She laughed awkwardly and offered, "Would you like to watch the movie with me later?" "Of course!" she was surprised you had said it with no hesitation whatsoever, but was pleased. She nodded vigorously. "Alright then...!"
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
all things mel.
kny oneshots
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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chocos-universe · 2 months
Fandoms I'm Into (And will write for) -
Total Drama
Disventure Camp
Andy's Apple Farm
Suction Cup Man
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Poppy Playtime 1-3
CupHead (Show and Games)
Baldi's Basics
DDLC (Side Stories Included)
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 2
Sally Face
Inside Out 1 & 2
(Some) Disney Movies (if you want a specific list js ask and I'll make one:3)
Scream 1 (Only Scream 1)
Sly Cooper 1-4
Clone High
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Fairly OddParents
Fairly OddParents: A New Wish
Dandy's World
Chikin Nuggit
I WON'T write for -
Total Drama Reboot Island - Haven't watched it yet
Total Drama; Chef - I don't like it, sorry:<
Disventure Camp; Grett, Miriam, Nina - I despise Grett and Miriam, and Nina is... well, a doll. Plus, she scares me-
Eddsworld; Laurel, Kim, Katya (?) - Not very familiar with them still
BATDR - Didn't finish the game/not very familiar with it still
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 3 - Never seen it be played, never played it in general
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 1 - Not a very long game for me to REALLY write anything about it.
Inside Out 2; Val and her friends + OTHER PEOPLES emotions - I'm not entirely comfortable with Val and her friends, including other people's emotions, so I won't be writing for them/for that
Helluva Boss; Side Characters - I won't write for them because they aren't big characters. Meaning, as in Stolas's lil date at the party, Wally, people like that. (The sins, Martha + Mayberry, Vortex, Verosika's friends, ect, ARE allowed)
Hazbin Hotel; Lute and Lilith - I might sound picky, but I don't like Lute nor Lilith in any sense. This might change, but for now, it's a no.
(Some) Disney Movies - There's some I dislike and won't write for. Again, I can write a list if anyone is interested.
Sly 4; Penelope - She genuinely makes me sick in Sly 4, and I can't bring myself to write her in that timeline. Probably only the third will be an exception. Possibly her IN the Black Knight will do, though. (Ik, I'm weird)
Scream 1; Side/Pointed out characters - Meaning as in Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steve. Though Sidney and her friends are an exception.
Please, don't be gross and be respectful on this blog! This is SFW, so please, NSFW DNI. Requests and Asks are always open!♡
I do accept people wanting to rp with me. Just DM me:) I personally don't mind if it's tickle related or not. Just keep it SFW, and all will be alright!
If you want (my) OC tickles included with fandoms, you can go to my second blog!⬇️
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lovelymessybubbly · 11 months
i see you added doki doki to your list! think we can get some yuri/monika tickles/hc's? I imagine how aggressive they'd get at one another ☺️
omg yes !!! thank you for asking hehe it makes me so happy to know that there are in fact still ddlc fans (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ i swear i am still just as in love as i was 5 years ago lol
yuri was my first love when i played the game (i am a sayori stan now lol) and monika is such an underrated s tier character. and after playing ddlc plus, my ot4 heart grew even more ♡^▽^♡ those two tall beauties do make a good pair, huh ??
monica tickles yuri to get her to loosen up, to tease her, to watch the usually solemn dame become ruffled and lively. being reserved but cheeky, monica usually delivers an attack of some kind at least once a day. but how can she help it ??? it is usually always provoked (at least if you ask monica). if yuri is gonna diminish sayori’s love for a rainy day by saying it reminds her of a young child’s funeral (like, really yuri ???) then of course monika is gonna dive straight towards yuri’s waist and drill her pointed hands into the violette’s sides until her desperate giggling and flushed face wash away that gloomy disposition ?? if yuri is gonna make snide remarks during natsuki’s poem reading, obviously monika is gonna have to order sayori to hold yuri’s arms back so monika can tickle her armpits until she says to natsuki “i’m sorry !! i’m sohohoryyy !!”
when yuri has particularly rough days, and just cannot seem to come down from overstimulation, monika is quick to offer some playful scribbles, just enough to get yuri to relax her muscles, to breathe deeply, to smile.
yuri never craves or yearns for tickling (like perhaps sayori does) but it gets her to relax quickly, and she knows this. so she never really gets upset or indignant at monika’s tickling (even if she does become quite bashful). in fact, she is grateful to have someone who knows how to calm her down so quickly.
not to mention, yuri rarely smiles (likely due to her consistent attempts to not get overwhelmed), let alone laughs. the way her body feels after a hearty laugh is nice, she soon realizes. it fills her with a pure happiness, not the kind that hurts, like she is used to. the giddy feeling is the best thing in the world to her and she treasures it. she is often left giggling sweetly a few minutes after being tickled because of this.
yuri tickles monica in sneaky fashion, never truly owning up to causing it, but her upturned nose and slight smirk gives away her sly, mischieveous and playful demeanor (which monika gradually discovers the extent of and loves yuri even more for it). perhaps she offers to massage monika’s shoulders, and while her slender fingers start off kneading firmly and monika is dozing happily, she soon changes to nail skitters and slow drags, yet denies when monika accuses her of “foul play” through yelps and squeals. or maybe yuri shows monika a new game she has learned, where she makes her hand a tickly spider that crawls and tickles its way up monika’s arm, or a buzzing bee that pokes and prods at monika’s torso with its ticklish stinger. or perhaps yuri sits on the floor, politely with her knees tucked under hear, scratching mercilessly at monika’s stockinged soles, her dormant hand gently but firmly gripping her ankles whilst monika twists and flails and grasps at yuri aimlessly, losing herself in tittering, hiccuping laughter as yuri rambles on and on about “how you feel ticklish only when someone/something else is tickling you because of how your brain reacts to the threat vs the stimulation” and “how ticklish spots are so ticklish because they are usually protecting vital organs or systems so the build-up of nerves are bigger” and “isn’t that just so fascinating ???”
and monika huffs at her, and puffs her cheeks, and expresses how uncouth yuri’s behavior just was, but it is always laced with a prominent smile, because monika just loves that playful part of yuri, even if she displays it in… unorthodox ways.
maybe some ticklish doki girls are in my drawing future (ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) sayori-chan is my fav but i will keep your love of yuri-chan and monika-chan in mind as well !!
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viluve · 1 month
Introduction post ᯓ★
Hello, I see you’ve stumbled across my blog. Welcome and thanks for stopping by.
For your information, this is a tickle blog, aka just a silly little place where i repost amazing art, occasionally write stuff, and just chill. My blog is fully SFW so fellow minors are welcome to interact with it. Please do not interact with me in any way whatsoever if you post NSFW content, i am a minor.
To find out more about me,my boundaries, and general information about my blog, look under the cut. :)
About me ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ :
First of all, here is an image with things that apply to me
Tumblr media
Done looking at it? Good!
More about me ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ :
My name is Vic, friends may call me Vivi or any other nickname that isn’t weird. :)
I do not know if i am an ENTP or an INTP (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
I am a True Neutral (Moral Alignment Test)
If I had to describe myself with adjectives i would say I am bold playful, open, and (mostly) funny.
I think that’s it about myself. But before we move onto my boundaries I will briefly explain what all my shortened words mean in case you do not understand them. :D
DNI : Do Not Interact
SFW : Safe For Work
NSFW : Not Safe For Work (18+)
tk : tickle
TDLOSK : The Disastrous Life Of Saiki .K
ASSAS CLASS : Assassination Classroom
PJSK : Project Sekai
DDLC : Doki Doki Literature Club
My boundaries ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ :
DNI if : You are a Lovejoy fan, a Wilbur fan, a Melanie Martinez fan, over 20 years old (with the exception of blogs i follow/interact with first), if you post NSFW content, if you are racist, a proshipper, xenophobic, homophobic, or transphobic, and if you are too sensitive. (The “too sensitive people DNI” thing because no, i will not do a whole list of things for you just so that you don’t start crying and screaming like a child.)
You are on thin ice if: You are a Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss fan, if you are a DTEAM fan, 17-19 years old, someone who likes to argue, or just annoying.
Please interact if: You are in any fandom I’m in, if you are a fellow SFW tk blog, or if you’re just chilling :)
What you can/shouldn’t do ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ :
Here is a list of things i would be comfortable with and that you can do, followed by a list of things i would be uncomfortable with and that you should not do. The list of things you can do is if you do not fall in the DNI criteria of the previous list.
What you can do: Dm me to talk, ask for my socials, give me non romantic compliments (e.g. “pretty; smart; funny; silly; …”), reblog or like my posts even if you are not a tk account (just don’t put them in a main tag), send me asks, and just enjoy my content :)
What you shouldn’t do: Dm me in hopes of romance, dm me for sexual matters, tease me if i do not know you, ask for teases if i don’t know you, dm me in hopes of seeing my face/body, interact with me in any way if you are in the “DNI” category, give me weird pet names, sexualise me, or be weird.
Now that i’m done talking about myself, let’s talk about my blog.
About my blog ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ :
My blog has two “sides”, a non tk related side, and a tk related side. Regardless of what you are following me for, be aware that the other “side” exists.
About tk related things :
This is not a fetish, nor a kink, for me tickling is just a playful and cutesy thing between friends or characters.
I might post some more fics, headcanons, or other things. If I do post them, expect them to have characters from these fandoms :
- MP100
Please understand that i cannot write for fandoms i know nothing about, so if you send me an ask saying e.g. “can you write lee!y ler!x from xyz show??” I will not be able to do that.
To see my fic/s type in “tickle fic” in the search option on my profile.
About non tk related things :
I think i’ll mainly just reblog poetry or write about stuff happening in my life, nothing too hard to understand :)
Once again, thanks for stopping by and thank you for reading my introduction. :)
Vic outᯓ★
Started my blog on August 14th 2024 at 09:53am (CET/GMT+1)
(yes the exact time is necessary)
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