#tilda x lis
aloyxtilda · 1 year
I am just going to make a positive post right now to mention how much I love the Horizon fandom. 💓🌹🌈
All of you just been so supportive and fun. I've made some really sweet friends here. I am a Tilda x Aloy/Lis fan and not going to lie it was rough being a Tilda lover when I first came on Tumblr. I got bullied for it bad. But then our tiny fandom grew and more loving people came out to share that love. ❤😊 And those of you who support that are amazing and I love you! And those of you who don't ship that but still follow me for Horizon art, etc are also awesome! I love Seyka too now! So expect more Seyka and Aloy art from me. Me and my super sweet friend, @yoursaltytears are dancing around poor Tilda's corpse and chanting for her return in game 3. SaltyTears was with me from the start back in the early Tilda days and she has been such an amazing support and friend. I am blessed to have her. 🙏🤧We may live across the world from each other but she makes me feel like she's right beside me. Having my back. 💪👏❤ We are not losing hope on Tilda tho. 💕😌 So thank you everyone for being apart of this cool game series and making me feel safe here. Horizon has changed my life. I just got over covid so I apologize for no new Horizon art. But you can be expecting lots of it soon! 😊🌹Thank you.
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villanargh · 2 years
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✨ i could live in this moment forever ✨
an illustration to accompany this beautiful fic as part of horizon big bang 💖
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yoursaltytears · 2 years
The OMG reaction got me 🤣 because me and my friend also discussed about the Gaia gang possible ice cream flavors based on their attitude because we love random HFW thoughts and ice cream.
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Because her girlfriend is a Dutch 😌✨
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
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“unnerving reminiscence”
(thank you foibs for beta-ing lol and editing my dialogue!!)
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polarolds · 2 years
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My... apologies, Aloy. I seem to have gotten lost in my thoughts...
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i have many many thoughts about Tilda van der Meer. when it was revealed she and Lis had history it was very 👀, but i have some mixed feelings about how they handled her towards the end
anywho sometimes my brain will go kjanKJSADNKsjdn and i’ll spit out a whole ass comic, hope u enjoy :’) 
smol headcanons: i definitely see lis and tilda being lightly competitive (esp. with tilda saying lis was always one step ahead of her in canon). tilda is thrilled whenever she finds out she’s better/more knowledgeable about something (pictured here: tilda is more proficient - read: wayyyy more proficient - at hairstyling so she always teases lis whenever they have to go to a fancy conference or event and she catches lis struggling)
lis just complains about how she didn’t want to go to the event in the first place and would rather crash and take a fat nap. tired scientist be tired (they end up having fun anyways)
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artekai · 9 months
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melikochan · 1 year
12, Lis/Tilda
Ohohooo prepare for some completely unedited angst
“Actually… I just miss you.”
Lis knew better than to answer a call from Tilda, especially while hunched over her desk at—she squinted at the clock in the corner of her workstation—2am. So she let it go to voicemail. It was only at 4am, when she leaned back from her desk with an exhausted groan, that she saw the notification. It seems Tilda had left a message. With trepidation, she had started playing it.
In the background of the call, Lis could hear muffled classical music playing. She was never good at identifying particularly composers. Tilda herself is hushed, and...drunk? There is an uncharacteristic slur to her words, and Lis can detect the barest hint of Tilda's Dutch accent, normally so carefully tamped down. Gone is the carefully crafted stoicism; the Tilda she hears recorded is raw. Vulnerable.
She started the call with some flimsy excuse—some item left behind at Lis's apartment—but Lis could tell it was just a pretense for calling. Nobody calls someone at 2am to remind them to mail over a forgotten jacket. Tilda seemed to realize this too; she let out a tense sigh.
Lis continues to listen.
"I miss you so much, Lis. I miss your triumphant grin, when you'd figure out a solution to a tough problem. I miss the way the sunlight would make your hair shine like polished bronze. I miss the way you smell, like your cheap supermarket shampoo and machine oil. I even miss your sarcastic bite."
There is a pause—is that a sob, Lis can hear faintly?
"I can't sleep without you, Lis. The nightmares have returned, and I am suffocating, drowning in the flood. I wake up tangled in my sheets, panic clawing at my throat. I haven't sleep through the night since..."
Tilda trails off, and Lis feels her chest tighten.
"I know you won't call me back. I understand that, truly. But Lis...I love you. I miss you. I would do anything to have you back.
I am forever yours."
The recording ends. Lis spends a good few minutes staring at the faint glow of her workstation, pushing down the pain, and the loneliness. Going back to Tilda would be...easy. Familiar. But it wouldn't be right for her, not anymore. She's grown too far apart, and the hurt? It's still too big.
"I'm sorry, Tilda," she whispers to herself, her holo workstation illuminating the dark hoods under her eyes. She pushes back from her desk and stands. "I just can't."
She deletes the message, so she won't listen to it on repeat.
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anaugust · 2 years
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More doodles from twitter.
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sobeckfamilyvalues · 2 years
Lis and Tilda both had the same amount of trouble trusting people to stay with them but Lis handled that by refusing to open herself up to people and by remaining a solitary creature whereas Tilda tried to manipulate them into staying with her
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mxnf · 1 year
My Horizon head cannon: One night Tilda stays at Lis’ place only to notice the bottle of 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash in her bathroom. Tilda is stupefied by this discovery and simply cannot cope with the idea of it. Tilda then spends hundreds and ✨H U N D R E D S✨ of dollars buying Lis all of the expensive toiletries in which she wholeheartedly believes the woman should not be living without and has a large parcel sent to Lis’ home.
And this is the sole reason why Lis breaks up with her.
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aloyxtilda · 1 year
Fan Art of Tilda and Elizabet Sobeck that I painted. 🌹
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villanargh · 2 years
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✨i will always love you✨
uncropped version available on my twitter @villanarghnsfw 😘
commissioned by @melikochan
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starlight9606 · 10 months
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Elisabet sobeck and chloe price in fallout 4
Elisabet turned out very well
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yoursaltytears · 2 years
Tilda: I'm Lesbian.
Lis: I thought you were Dutch?!
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
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horizon doodle dump BWAHA
(thank you @finrays for the first doodle idea lmao)
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sienoel · 2 years
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enough now. time to let go. 
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