#tilt: 001.
can-of-pringles · 9 months
You know when I saw Anakin in the latest episode, I couldn't quite figure out why he looked strangely familiar (aside from just knowing who Anakin is obviously, watching all the movies and stuff) but then I figured it out
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jcbbby · 2 years
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thelouvrefm · 1 year
open to — everyone! C L O S E D setting — town fair ( tilt-a-whirl )
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the town fair offered loads of stimulation for kelly. she was usually a bit iffy on small town life, but there was a sense of togetherness that felt like a warm hug. of course, that could also be attributed to kelly's general lack of sobriety. either one of those things could've led kelly to where she was, howling to the moon on a tilt-a-whirl. occasionally, there would be a suspicious high-pitched grinding noise, but that only added to the fun. as the ride came to an end, kelly laughed as she and the person beside her pulled up the bar. finding her bearings was a little difficult, but she managed to not trip as she exited. nudging her partner in crime gently, she inquired of them, "what's next? more rides? games? food? we have endless possibilities!" kelly was experiencing a surge of adrenaline. rather than feigning her energized excitement, as she usually did in the presence of most people, kelly genuinely felt exhilarated.
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yuwuta · 6 months
mine. — inumaki toge
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❝i just wanna say you’re mine, you’re mine; fuck what you heard, you’re mine, you’re mine.
000. inumaki toge + reader
001. fluff, non-curse/college au, slightly suggestive but barely, inumaki uses sign language and speaks like two actual verbal words
002. baby sized drabble, barely even 1k words
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Toge would consider himself patient. He doesn’t mind waiting in long lines for the release of a new game, has no problem when the trains are delayed because it means he can sit and relax in the station a little longer, can sit for hours on end doing nothing and not be bored—but his tolerance for watching other people mess with his girlfriend is extremely low.
He reasons that you continue the conversation because you think it’s merely friend and polite to do so, and you’ve always been such a pleasantly happy drunk. But Toge knows this conversation isn’t friendly on the other end—and it’s not some protective boyfriend instinct, either, he has solid evidence of this idiot talking about you to his other idiot friend in front of Toge during lecture, with no knowledge that he was behind them, or that you are very not single.
(“She’s gorgeous, bro, look,” the kid muses, showing his friend your Instagram profile, “She’s in my bioethics class, and she’s easily the hottest girl. Smart, too. Little bit of a teacher’s pet, but I don’t care, she’s beautiful. A solid eight, for sure.”)
Toge knows that if this guy ever got his head out of his ass and ever bucked up the balls to actually ask you out instead of using roundabout flirting tactics and hopelessly pining over you during lectures, that you’d turn him down. He isn’t worried about losing you, and he doesn’t doubt your love for him. It does, however, concern him that there are people who believe they have a shot with you in the first place. He can’t possibly let that carry on. 
(Also, an eight? How could this guy call you beautiful, but say you’re an eight? It doesn’t equate—Toge doesn’t believe in rating women, but you’re not an eight. You’re a fifteen on a scale of one to ten; a shining star amongst a sea of planets; the love of his life). 
His fuse is about to blow when the guy touches you, reaches for your hair and carefully twirls a bit between his fingers. He knows that move; he knows the excuse was probably that there was something stuck to your hair, but Toge didn’t see shit. He’s had enough, and promptly bulldozes through Maki’s small apartment to reach you. He’s not sure if he’s making a ruckus, or if you can sense him coming, but you turn your head in his direction, a smile spreading on your face before cheering, “Hey, Toge! Do you—”
You’re cut off by a tug on your shirt, firm and impatient—but you’re not moving yet, not quick enough, so he does it again. Your eyes seem to light up with realization. You turn back to acknowledge the boy, and that’s really when Toge really loses it. All he hears is the stupid, desperate pitch of the kid’s voice sputtering out something about finding you later and grabbing drinks for you both, even as Toge’s dragging you through the crowd.
You let yourself be pulled by Toge’s greedy hand. It’s not all that far, just into a corner of the hallway, next to a closet where Maki keeps her cleaning and kickboxing supplies. He’s tempted to pull you into her bedroom, but he’s not up for being bruised for a week. 
“You okay?” you question, voice sweet and genuine—and it makes him grimace, because you really didn’t have a clue. Not one at all. 
Toge huffs, drops your hand to sign; using his left hand to circle around his face slowly, tapping at his chin. You understand, but only partially, given the slight tilt of your head and question that follows, “Beautiful? That’s why you’re upset?” 
He blinks slowly, shaking his head and flailing his arms in the direction of the living room. You follow his hands, down the hall then back to his face, but he can tell you still don’t get it. He tries again, pointing to you, then repeating his previous sign and adding another, and he can see the realization spread across your face, followed shortly by a bashful chuckle. 
“Too pretty? Me?” you ask to confirm. Toge nods his head, all serious and steely eyes, but you throw yours back with a hearty laugh this time. He crinkles his eyebrows, repeating his initial signs this time. Hdoesn’t know what’s so funny, if you’re laughing because you’re flattered or you find him ridiculous or something in between, but Toge means it either way; wants to ingrain it into you, just how beautiful you are.
So, he raises his hands again, when your eyes have met him again, and goes slower this time—pulls his mask down for good measure, so you can read his expression more clearly—to sign one simple word: “Mine.”
You tilt your head to the side again, and now Toge is the one laughing. He thinks you might be a little more drunk than you’ve let on, or maybe you just want him to indulge you. Either way, he has no problem repeating himself, doesn’t mind telling you again and again and again. 
He takes a step forward, leaving mere inches between you. You seem much smaller than him like this, still giggling, but he doesn’t mind. Toge reaches for your rest again, turning your palm upward and using a single finger to trace the letters of the word “mine,” onto your skin.
Your laughter comes to a halt when you verbalize his words, “Mine?” Toge nods, turning your wrist again to lace your hands together, pushes yours against the wall, uses his free one to cradle your cheek. He adores the way your pupils get bigger, the way your lips part slightly in anticipation. It’s his turn to smile, pulling you towards him for a kiss and ghosting his words over your lips, “You’re mine.”
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noosayog · 5 months
001 an innocent valentine ft. kita shinsuke
wc: 500
valentine's masterlist, regular masterlist
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“Who do you think it’s for?” 
“Definitely not Atsumu.” 
“Hey! I’m a great catch, for your information-” 
“Yeah, right.” 
“Shh! They’re coming back!” 
“Put it away-”
“Zip it up-”
“What do you think you’re all doing?” 
The voice of the Inarizaki manager rings from above the second-year trio, Atsumu, Osamu, and Rintaro, caught red-handed rifling through your bag, a neatly wrapped box of chocolates pinched between their trespassing fingers. 
“Nothing!” they all say at once, dropping the box and standing at attention. 
You smack each of the three upside the head with the notebook you have in your hand. “Go back to practicing.” 
“Awwww, c’mon manager. At least give us something. Who’re those for?” Atsumu asks. 
You give him a look before fishing the box out of your bag and calling for Aran. 
“Aran! Here!” you call, chucking the box at him. “Happy Valentine’s.” 
Aran catches it easily, stuffing it in the pocket of his volleyball sweater. “Thank you.” 
“It was for Aran-kun?!” 
“Since when did you two start dating?” 
“Did ya see the way he was so nonchalant about it?!” 
“Big words for ya, ‘Tsumu.”
“Huh?! Ya picking a fight?!” 
“Hey!” you yell. “Shut up and hold out your hands.” 
They obediently stick their hands out. You drop 3 boxes, identical to the one thrown at Aran moments ago, into their waiting palms. 
With one last smack to each of their shoulders, they scurry off back to their drills, satisfied now that they’ve each received their own little prizes. They make it back onto the court just in time for Kita to return from speaking to the club advisor. 
“Hope they didn’t give ya too much trouble today.” 
“Nah,” you say. “They’re troublesome and a bit stupid, but it’s alright.” You look up at your boyfriend, swinging your joined hands and appreciating his thumb rubbing calm patterns along your cold fingers. 
“Yer hands are cold,” he says simply, stopping to wrap his scarf around your neck before joining your hands together again. 
“Thanks,” you breathe, inhaling deeply. 
The rest of the walk home flies by in comfortable silence, the hand held in his staying pleasantly warm even in the late-winter chill. At the entrance of your house, he lets go of your hands, smiling and nodding for you to go in. He stays to watch, making sure you’re in safely before leaving, as he does every day. 
When you stare at him, he tilts his head. “What’s wrong?” 
You laugh quietly. “You didn’t think I made chocolate for all those chuckleheads and not you, did you?” 
He rubs the back of his neck, blushing lightly. “I was looking forward to it, " he admits sheepishly. “But I don’t mind if ya don’t have anything for me. Just being able to be with ya like this makes me plenty happy.” 
You dig into your pockets to pull out a box just for him. It’s wrapped much more elaborately than the others are, with his name in curly, hand-written calligraphy. Instead of tossing it to him, as you did for the others, you hold the box out with two hands. 
“Will you accept my chocolate, Shin?” 
Kita smiles. The warmth rushes all the way through your body. 
“Of course. I’d be happy to.” 
He takes the box, undoing the ribbon and pops one into his mouth. “It’s good,” he says. 
“I’m glad,” you respond. You reach up on your tiptoes to press a lingering kiss into his cheek. 
“See you tomorrow, Shin.” 
“Tomorrow,” he nods.
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theorphicangel · 5 months
now playing… 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦 | eren x fem!reader.
“when I look into her eyes, I know that she can never get enough of me…”
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#track 001 from ANGEL’S PLAYLIST.
NSFW. minors and ageless blogs DNI.
a/n: repost of a very olddd fic lmao, enjoy
content warning: unprotected sex, oral sex (fem receiving, overstimulation
(If I missed anything lmk.)
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“Why’d you have a staring problem all of a sudden?” you muttered, a hand reaching for the bowl of already half eaten popcorn in front of you.
“I don’t.” Eren mumbled. You didn’t miss the pout that sat across his lips in the corner of your eyes once you brought your eyes back up to the screen. Again you felt his vibrant eyes set over your body, piercing into you hungrily. It was only a short matter of time before you got irritated.
You sighed using your hands to push you up into a sitting position on the couch. For a second he almost seemed a little startled, now avoiding your eyes as he sat on the far end of the couch. “Eren, what’s wrong with you? If you don’t wanna watch this movie then fine but quit staring it’s weird.” you complained.
It was obvious he was clearly annoyed by something and that something was starting to annoy you.
He ignored you and stayed silent, eyes watching the television yet his expression was clearly filled with boredom. An arm was placed on the armrest to hold his head up. Then finally, in a quiet voice he merely murmured, “Nothing, you can keep watching if you want.”
“Well I don't want to watch if you're gonna keep sitting there sulking like a baby.” you poked at his thigh with your foot, testing what kind of mood he was in. A guttural sigh left Eren’s mouth as you continued to poke at him, little strands of escaped from his bun drifting across his face.
“Quit that.”
“You first.” you retorted, a smirk creeping across your lips. With a buck of his hips he sank lower into the couch, legs spreading with that bored expression never faltering. The reflection of the movie on the screen glistened in his eyes. You also noticed a slight crease situated between your brows if you squinted.
Slowly, you clambered towards him, the plush and soft couch shifting under your weight until you finally reached your boyfriend. Perched at his side you tilted your head curiously, “Ren what’s wrong?” you whispered purposely using the nickname he oh so loved to gain his attention. And just with the way his eyes flickered you knew you had gained it.
“This movie’s shitty, I don’t even get what’s going on.” he mumbled, still not making eye contact with you. You held back a snicker and instead let out a light hearted scoff.
“Really? That's upsetting you. The fucking film? Why didn’t you just say so?”
His emerald eyes eventually met with your own, “Well you looked into it so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You rolled your eyes at his statement knowing all too well that what he secretly meant was that he no longer had your attention. After a few months into your relationship with Eren you quickly realized how much of an attention whore he was. Just one minute without attending to your precious boyfriend and a familiar, moody pout would reach his lips.
Your hands grazed over his thigh gently not missing how his muscles tense just for a moment. “If you wanted me to give you attention then why didn’t you say so ‘ren” you teased, hands now slowly moving down to his inner thighs. His eyes were completely fixated on your lips not showing a single sign of faltering as you shifted to sit in his lap completely disregarding the movie playing out behind you.
Just like he wanted from the beginning.
His muscular arm moved to wrap around your waist securing you in your position whilst the other hand reached up your head tucking a lock of stray hair behind your ear. As you leaned in to kiss his plump lips he stopped you with a question that was whispered so quietly you swore you almost missed it.
“Your parents aren’t home right?”
You hummed, voice suddenly ragged and eyes never straying from his as you answered, “Gone for the weekend.”
The silent sputter of the word “Good.” was the last thing that spilled into your ears before your lips crashed onto his. The faint taste of whatever energy drink he had drunk lingered onto your tongue, a short whine escaping from your lips. Without coming up for air eren continued to kiss you, large rough hands now gripping your thigh and kneading the fat of your skin.
You broke away first, lungs screaming for an intake of oxygen whilst he decided to bury himself into your neck desperate to find your sweet spot and of course mark you as his. The friction of your thighs rubbing against him was enough for his hips to jerk against you, erection poking through his sweatpants.
A single moan of his name led to a guttural groan slipping out through his soft lips repeatedly sucking on your skin leaving noticeable marks beneath your jaw. “Please…”
“Please what?” he pressed, lips still latched onto your skin. You could feel a smirk crawl across his lips as his fingers gripped your waist even tighter, rolling his hips into you.
“Ah fuck, I- I need you to fuck me Eren.” you let out a breathy sigh attempting to fuck yourself onto him as the ache between your thighs only grew stronger with each passing second.
“Patience baby, patience.”
In a blur clothes were stranded across the living room, you nothing but bare in front of him as he stroked his length. He simply let out a light chuckle at your eagerness, caressing your lower back as your folds gently rubbed at the tip of his cock.
You could practically hear your heartbeat roaring in your ear as you grew wetter by each second. The fire in your abdomen growing bigger and bigger, your arousal making your whole body shudder under his touch.
With your hands firmly placed on Eren’s shoulders, he eased you in, his cock disappearing inside you with ease. Your mouth shaped to form an ‘O’ and eyes already rolling back as you let out a strangled gasp. Your fingernails now dug into Eren’s skin. It felt as if all the air had been knocked out of you as his length stretched your walls. Your juices dripped down your thigh as your walls clenched around him.
This was it, you were too full to move. One thrust and you’d be cumming all over his cock already. You heard him take a sharp inhale, teeth gritted together as he felt his cock pulsate inside you. “Fuckkk…you’re so fucking tight.” he groaned, both hands now cupping your ass.
The split second you adjusted to his size and became loose enough to move, he snapped his hips up accompanied by the sound of your skin meeting him echoing the room.
It felt so filthy.
But it also felt so fucking good.
Your voice quivered as you murmured his name in warning of your climax and you were met with a soft hand moving up to your cheek. He took in your sweet whimpers every time he pumped into you, his balls meeting your ass as he bottomed out. “S’ good for me huh, my good girl.”
“Uh huh.” was the only sound you could make, you could no longer hear the sounds of the movie over the way your pussy squelched with every thrust.
“So fuckin’ wet, look at you dripping everywhere. Gonna make a stain on this couch huh?” he marveled, eyes pouring into you intensely. Your hips clashed down onto his with every plunge and you could feel him going deeper and deeper, his pace suddenly going faster and faster.
A hand met your breast, squeezing it before he bent down to trail his tongue across your nipple, his mouth soon latching onto it. You threw your head back in pleasure, your clit pulsating as he sucked, tongue lapping at your bud. Another whine escaped from your mouth as he moved to your other breast.
“Erennnn I- I’m gonna-”
You were cut off by his husky voice instructing you, “Cum for me baby, jus’ like that” he purred, watching as your body jerked on top of him, hands still gripping his shoulders. He watched with awe, pure satisfaction on his face as you reached your orgasm. It was a sight that he would never get bored of seeing. He could do this for hours if it meant that he could watch you cum in his arms.
Rough hands gently caressed your cheek as he cradled you from your high. “You did so good for me baby.” he praised pulling you in for a deep kiss.
Now reaching a more relaxed pace you rolled your hips forward, your cum painting his cock. With a groan his tongue messily found your lips as you delved into the exploding taste of passion.
All of a sudden his teeth bite down on your lip, a sharp gasp left you as he gripped your waist. now moving it simultaneously with his. The lazy momentum you had kept was being short lived and interchanged into sudden deep thrusts.
Once again the filthy, vulgar sound of skin slapping filled the room. Your mouth agape, no air in your lungs capable of releasing a single sound as you bounced relentlessly. Hungry pants escaped Eren's mouth as he watched how your cunt swallowed his cock with every pound. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck-”
A choked cry left your mouth as you came undone for the second time tonight but with his cum spilling in your cunt.
But he wasn’t done with you just yet.
His hands guided you to lay down on your couch, supporting you. Your chest heaved as you panted for air, thighs shaking and tensing every now and then trying to fully grasp your climax. You could know without even saying a single word that he wanted more. More cries, more spills of his name as you could barely contain yourself any longer until his name was the only prayer you could ever say.
And you craved it.
A soft whimper filled his eyes, the second his mouth was in front of your cunt. His warm breath somehow causes your sensitive clit to twitch. With a moan of his name, he reassured you.
“I know, I know I jus’ wanna make you feel good baby. Wanna make you all mine.”
He reassured you as coarse hands looped around your soft thighs, dragging your cunt towards him. Slow licks over your overstimulated pussy already made you jolt against him. He hushed you with gentle praises murmured from his mouth.
Eyes were rolled back once again as he hummed, licking your slit with his tongue. Relishing in the taste of his release mixed with yours, cleaning you out before making you cum again. He lapped at your cunt, noises of his hunger and your pleasure flooded the room. His tongue changed from broad strokes to short and quick as you rolled your hips into his face.
“I’m gonna cum eren— you’re gonna make me cum.” you babbled repeatedly, his figure not showing any signs of slowing down. He sucked at your silt hungrily before two fingers entered inside you, quickly finding your sweet spot as your back arched in ecstasy.
In a mere vibration he commanded, “Cum on my tongue for me, just one more be a good girl for me.” his hips too rutting into the couch.
And that was all you needed as you fell apart to his sweet melody of pleads a silent scream torn from your body.
Your hips bucked as your eyes saw faint lines of light and dark, your entire body tensing as he continued to gently lick you clean. Your eyes watered as you came down from your peak, aftershocks following as Eren trailed short kisses across your body finally leading up to your face.
“You were so good for me baby” he whispered, eyes struggling to stay open as you returned his kiss, sweet mumbles of nothing spilling from your mouth.
If anything you’d wanted to do it all again.
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reblogs are much appreciated!
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mattslolita · 2 months
sweater weather - c. sturniolo ( 001. )
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in which ... you, the well known popular girl secretly hooks up and hangs out with the loner dealer. dealer!chris x black!fem!reader
warnings ; mild mentions of alcohol, partying, drug use, eventual smut
"𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒆, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
he watched you.
from the sidelines of course, careful not to blow his cover — a blunt was laid at the edge of his lips as he watched you interact with your friends, your dimples prominent with the way you smiled and your brown skin glowing under the lights as you moved your hips to the music playing.
chris knew you were popular around campus, having had many friends because of your bubbly personality and the way you seemed to get along with everyone — which is why it truly shocked him when you started coming to him for weed.
you wanted to keep it on the low, which he definitely understood sure you liked to have your fun with drinking — but doing drugs wasn't something you were exactly proud of.
but chris never judged you.
usually after a party like this, you'd nonchalantly disperse from your friend group and send him a text, hoping you could meet him somewhere where you guys would drive off and smoke with each other.
tonight was no exception either, as you felt yourself becoming overwhelmed — chris could sense it as he watched you say something to your friends, beginning to slink away from them.
he grinned knowingly, running a hand through his hair as he took a hit from the blunt and slowly made his way outside towards where his car was parked, which was a ways down the street as not to draw attention to his presence.
you had successfully walked outside of the stuffy house, being able to catch your breath finally as you looked up at the moon which shone overhead — you smoothed your mini skirt and pulled your baby blue top up more, shivers going down your spine when the cold breeze hit you.
you reached inside your purse and pulled your phone out, immediately pulling up your dealer's contact name.
hey, did u come to tha party ?
yeah, i'm bout to leave tho
can i leave w you? if its okay w you
you know its okay w me, ma
you liked this message!
a smile adorned your lips, figuring that would be his response anyway — your roommate would probably have her boyfriend over, so you were hoping that you could slick side ask him to stay the night as his place.
you took one more look at the house before heading off down the sidewalk, towards the alleyway which seemed like it was somewhere he would park. and you were proven right when you seen his car engine turn on, the familiar black vehicle giving off a low rumble as you grinned.
quickly you ran towards the passenger seat, feeling your skirt ride up a bit but you didn't care, thankful there was no one outside to look at you — you opened the door and hurriedly slipped inside, a giggle leaving your lips as you close the door behind you and relax into the seat.
chris looks over at you with an amused smile and raised eyebrows, holding the blunt in his hand out to you. "whatchu so giggly for, ma? you have any fun tonight?"
"i'm kinda tipsy, and i had fun!" you giggled again, tilting your head to the side slightly as you looked at him, waving the blunt off for now. "did you have any customers tonight?"
"just a few people," he shrugged, taking a hit from the blunt and blowing the smoke. "I'm glad you had fun though, cause i know shit's been fucked lately."
you nodded and looked down, playing with the hem of your skirt — chris knew about your family issues, which you ended up opening up to him about. it was also partly the reason you had decided to start smoking weed, cause you figured, maybe it would help you to take your mind off of things.
chris lifted your chin up with his index finger, swiping his thumb over your jaw causing butterflies to form in your stomach. "you wanna go smoke now, ma?"
"yeah," you nod with a smile, and he nods at you, pulling out of the alleyway.
his hand then goes to rest on your thigh, drawing circles around your plush skin, which caused tingles to shoot through your body — even after the times you've hooked up with him, you would never get used to the feeling of his skin on yours and how much it brought a comfort to you. a lazy grin found itself on your lips as you looked out the window, the breeze carrying through your locs as he drove on.
"i'm hungry," you tell him suddenly, glancing over at him, "can we get somethin to eat?"
"of course, sweetheart," chris tells you, "what you in the mood for?"
"i really want a twenty piece from wendy's and some rootbeer," you told him, and he chuckled at your answer.
"they only come in tens, baby," he said, and you pouted, throwing your head back in frustration.
"i guess imma order an extra ten on the side then!" you decided. "ooh, can i play some music? its too quiet for me."
"it better not be that depressing ass playlist you sent me the other day," chris warned you, his eyes flicking to you momentarily.
you giggled and lightly smack his arm, reaching for the aux cord. "no, okay? this is my shit, i'm finna put you on. i bet you don't have this song in your playlists, either!"
chris just shook his head at you, his hand continuing to rub comforting patterns on your skin — you scrolled through your playlist until you found the song you were looking for, a small grin overtaking your features as you clicked on it.
cherry cola by kuwada flowed softly, and you let out a content sigh as you relaxed and sat back in your seat comfortably — chris didn't know you liked songs like this, and he found himself liking the melody as it was peaceful, the perfect kind of music you get stoned to. when he stopped at a red light, he looked over at you to see the lazy smile that adorned your lips as you lip sang the lyrics, your head moving ever so slightly.
soon, chris pulled up to the wendy's drive thru, and you clapped your hands excitedly as he pulled up to the loud speaker. "hello, what can I get for you tonight?"
"can i get a ten piece meal then an extra ten piece on the side?" he speaks, and you watch as he rubs his chin and you almost melted at the way his blue eyes shone from the fluorescent light.
"what sauce would you like for the nuggets?" the worker asked, and chris looked at you for your answer.
"um, barbecue," you nodded, then he repeated what you said.
"okay, and the drink?" he asked.
"rootbeer, please," chris asked, and you placed a small kiss to his cheek, pulling away with a grin.
"okay will that be all for you?" he asked once again, and you seen chris's eyes rove over the menu again.
"can i get a baconator combo, large?" chris said, "do you guys have pepsi?"
"unfortunately we don't carry pepsi," the worker said, and chris tsked causing you to rub his back comfortingly.
"i'll just take a lemonade, then," chris told him.
after completing the order he gives him his total and they drive up to the window — you went to grab your purse so you could pull out your share of money for your food, but chris was already handing him a twenty.
you rolled your eyes at the boy. "chris, you didn't have to pay for my food!"
"you right ma, i didn't," he told you, leaning over the middle counsel to whisper in your ear, "but i wanted to. so shut that pretty mouth and stop worrying about me spoiling you."
he placed a kiss just below your ear, causing you to bite your lip at the contact and slink back in your seat.
after getting your food, chris drives off and you get back comfortable in your seat whilst holding the bag that contained both of you guys' food, and you could feel the warmth of the bag radiating onto your exposed thighs.
chris pulled up to his house, but the only available parking space were two spaces down, so he hurriedly backed the car into the space and cut the engine.
you took your heels off, which were hurting your feet and you bought them up into the seat, positioning yourself comfortably as you turned to face chris with a cheeky smile.
"okayy, here's your food," you said, handing him one bag, then giggling as you bought yours closer to you.
"you always get so excited about food," chris chuckles, and you give him a look of disbelief like he was crazy.
"boy, food comes before anything, best believe that!" you told him, and he just shook his head, reaching into his bag of food.
it didn't take you two long to eat, but you were disappointed cause this meant you had to make your way back to your own dorm — you honestly wanted to spend the night with chris, but you were scared to ask for some reason.
a light tap on the window gained your attention as you finished the last sip of your drink — a tiny water droplet hit the car's window pane and one drop soon turned into multiple.
it was raining.
"shit," you mumbled under your breath, glancing over at chris, "i think i'm gon head out now."
"you sure ma?" chris asks you, motioning to the rain which was now coming down, "we don't have to yet."
"i'm pretty sure you're tired, and it's late as fuck," you shrug, and you ran your hand up your arm in an attempt to warm it.
"if you say so..."
you quickly get out of the passenger seat and are immediately greeted with droplets falling onto your skin, causing you to shudder as you let out a gasp.
chris notices this as he walks up to his doorstep — he deliberately takes slow steps, watching as you begin walking in the other direction quite slowly.
chris turns around upon hearing your voice. you turn to face him, now being almost soaked — you being walking back towards his house. "my roommates having her boyfriend over tonight. can i stay here? with you?"
he steps away from his doorstep as you approach him, and you could see his breath create smoke as he lets out a sigh — he grabs your waist, pulling you close to him causing you to look up at him through your lashes as your cold bodies are pressed against each other.
"it's too cold for you out here," chris whispers, his breath fanning your ear, "come inside, baby."
you allow him to pull you inside of his home, the rain soon forgotten about as the warmth of his home now encompasses both of your bodies — and his lips press against yours feverishly.
lil 💌
giggling at the smut coming in part two 🥴 I hope y'all will enjoy this short series, i love u all forever 💌
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @eyeliketoeatpoosay @sturn777 @stasiesturn @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @chrissturniolossidehoe @moonk1ss3d @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @thenickgirl @sturnprime @summerssover @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @middlepartmatt @livelovepercabeth
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hayisins · 7 months
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# — oral ! 🕊️ (part two)
how : childe, neuvillette, kaveh, itto, + dottore give head ! find part one here ! ♡
disclaimers : you give neuvillette head too ! oh also he has two dicks. bottom!itto drabbles teehee !! medical play with dotto !
afab!reader, no pronouns used ! mdni 18+ ONLY ‼️
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# 001 — CHILDE !
being in a sexual dynamic with childe was quite the wild card. things were always changing and the sex was never consistent — except for one thing.
ajax is obsessed with oral, he needs to give it to you even when you have no plans to have sex. he starts by trying to sweeten you up, kissing your neck and gently squeezing at your thighs until before you know it, his tongue is gliding against you.
he loves when you sit on his face, bright baby blue eyes watching your body intently while you use his face as your own personal object. he whimpers — whines pathetically under you. his cock is so hard it’s painful and leaking. his heart continues to race for you. ♡
— “more . . please — fuckin’ give me more.”
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the ludex is calm and collected . . unless it comes to you. usually, neuvillette was someone who always followed the rules, he’s the face of justice after all. due to his nature it was no suprise he attracted someone like you.
someone who was a rule breaker, someone who marched to the beat of their own drum. which is how he ended up with you under his desk, tongue licking all over the tip of his primary cock, hands happily stroking the secondary. the grip on his desk was intense as he listened to the conflict one of his dear assistants provided him with.
the longest ten minutes of his life went by before neuvillette was panting, chest heaving slightly as he motioned for you to come out from your hiding place. before you could even stand up properly you were shoved onto the same desk he just gripped his nails into. biting and nipping at your thighs he left sloppy desperate kisses against your hole. ♡
— “such a bold brat . . aren’t you ? my my . . a lesson you shall learn today, little étoile.”
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#003 — KAVEH !
since he’s an artist, everything that kaveh does is meant to be an artistic expression. sometimes he doesn’t even realize it.
sometimes, kaveh will have you on the expensive 500,000 mora couch he has. he watches you struggle to stay still under his touch. he watches the way you drip onto said sofa in need. silently he drops to his knees, ruby eyes staring intently at your heat.
his tongue paints a beautiful and erotic picture. the architect takes his time gently running his tongue through every single fold and nerve he can find. his chest practically heaves when you grab his locks, shoving him in even further. ♡
— “fuck . . your taste — you’re so . . ethereal, my muse.”
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#004 — ITTO !
big strong arms always keep you close. the oni treats you as if you’re the most precious thing he’s ever possessed. he would walk to the edge of the world and back if you told him to.
which is why him being the usual submissive in the bedroom was one of your favourite things. itto waited for every single order like a puppy eager to please it’s owner. the muzzle around his face made your much large boyfriend grunt in annoyance.
ittos face shoved right up to your cunt causing you to hiss from the feeling of the cold metal of the muzzle. itto had a problem with biting and marking you from head to toe, so you had to compromise. however he also just looked incredibly sexy while he whimpered — tilting his head in every way possible to get his tongue flat against your holes. sometimes he was successful! ♡
— “pleasepleaseplease !! come onnn sugar ~ just a little taste yeah? fuck . .”
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#005 — DOTTORE !
the doctor is quite the tease when he’s not completely engrossed in his work. he wouldn’t ever admit it but you are one of his weaknesses.
so when you come to visit dottore during one of the periods where he’s completely locked himself in his laboratory it’s only a matter of seconds before your being lifted and spread against the cold metal lab table. all of his previous experiments had been disregarded as non important as his hands explored you.
silently he used black gloved fingers to poke and prod at the most delicate parts of you. sexual reactions was truly something dottore was interested in. he dips down, parting his lips to prod his tongue against you. he’s by no means gentle, using his razor sharp teeth to gently bite down on the skin. his free hands is taking messy notes on a clipboard. a skill he’d learned to do from each and every one of these meetings. ♡
— “interesting reactions . . every day i get closer to figuring out all your secrets, little dove.”
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staytinyville · 9 months
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Stay Alive (6)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
NOT BETA READ (I did try the best to my ability. If you would like to be my beta reader feel free to DM me :)
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Walking into work in the morning with a tired sigh, you were feeling a bit drained from the night before. You had a massive headache from not finding sleep due to another massive headache. It seemed like there was something trying to push at your mind, wanting to worm its way into your brain. It left you restless.
“(Y/N).” Suho called you the moment you walked into the office space. You looked up, trying to give a friendly smile. “Doctor Hanseol would like to see you.”
That seemed to take care of your headache right away. Your eyes went wide as you nodded your head, making haste to get to the office on time. You had dropped off your things at your desk before making your way to the elevators to take you up.
Once you reached his door, you sighed and tried to get a grip on your tired nerves. You knocked on the door, hearing a call before entering.
“Hello, sir.” You bowed your head, waiting for him to tell you to sit. When he gestured with his hand, you moved to take a seat in front of him.
“Hello, (Y/N).” Your boss greeted. “How is everything going with Jungkook? Is he behaving?” He smiled, laughing a little.
You played with your fingers in your lap, chuckling quietly to make it seem like you found his joke funny. “I couldn't imagine him misbehaving. He's a really great patient to look after. I find it hard to believe he's even here. He is quite healthy.” You explained absentmindedly.
Hanseol hummed, nodding his head. “Yes, well, you will find most patients in the facility are healthy. It's just certain mental problems or life long issues we are looking to heal.”
“I understand.” You spoke up. 
The man left you unsettled. You didn’t know if it was because of the presence he had around him or if it had to do with the fact that he was your boss. You knew your past employers sometimes made you feel worried about your work ethic but Hanseol made you feel insignificant. Like just your breathing was bothering him. 
It was only your second time meeting with him and both times you noticed how he carried himself. He was arrogant–a man who looked like he was only helping the less fortunate because it gave him money. But you couldn’t say anything, he was the one to give you the job. And if it wasn’t for that you wouldn’t have met the boys. 
“It seems you've built quite the reputation at the facility.” Hanseol continued on.
“I'd hope in a good way.” You laughed stiffly.
“Certainly for you.” He smiled, moving to look at a file on his desk. “It seems we had another problem with a patient of ours.” He dragged the paper over to you. “He seems to want no one else but you. He's posing a problem to us because he won't do what we ask. So I have decided to accept and put you to be his personal nurse.”
You looked up from the file, frowning as you tilted your head in confusion. “What about Jungkook? Or my job up here at the clinic?” You asked. 
“You won't have to work here in the clinic.” Hanseol shook his head. “As you have probably gathered by now, we have a large number of patients in the lower levels. I only have 15 nurses stationed there for the 50 patients. Each one is often given at least two—sometimes three to take care of. You will still be Jungkook's nurse as well. Because of this I have decided to make you a full time nurse for the In-Patient care facility.” He explained to you.
You looked over the man’s file, the large 001 next to his name caught your attention. You had studied to become a nurse and help others who needed it. Filing papers wasn’t exactly something you wanted to do, so you felt you got lucky with getting Jungkook’s file by accident. You also owed it to the boy for throwing a tantrum to get you as his nurse. Getting another patient would add on to your experience and your position would be changed officially. 
“It would be an honor.” You smiled at Hanseol, bowing your head in thanks.
“I knew you would accept.” The smile the man gave you made you almost falter. “I expect you to take very good care of this patient. He was our very first client when I first started this company. He means a lot to me.” 
While his voice was normal, there was an underlying tone that made you shiver. Maybe it hadn’t been directed towards you, but the way he spoke about the patient made it seem like the man was troubled with them. 
“Of course, sir. I'll do my best.” You bowed your head one last time before moving out the door, file tucked closely to your chest. 
You sighed deeply as you moved to the elevators. Instead of going directly to your desk, you began to make your way towards the lower levels. You figure it would be best to get acquainted with your new patient. 
Going down into the facility, you were quick to come up on the door you knew belonged to the person you would be in charge of. You sighed to yourself, a smile on your face as you knocked. “Come in.” A voice called roughly from the other side. 
“Hello, Mr. Kim.” You greeted, walking in. “I'm (Y/N). I'll be your new nurse!”
Your new patient was sitting comfortably on the couch, book in his lap. He looked up from the pages when he heard your voice call to him. He calmly took his feet off the couch and placed his book down. As he stood up, you smiled bashfully as you took in how tall he actually was. It made you a bit intimidated by his height. 
You remember Jin was probably the same height however Namjoon seemed to have a harsher stare and a passive look on his face. “I know. I asked for you.” He told you, walking closer. 
You nodded your head, feeling stupid for introducing yourself that way. “Right.” You said. “Do you mind if I ask why?” You asked.
“Jungkook told me about you.” He had reached you, looking at you as though he was sizing you up. 
You rolled your shoulders back to calm the anxious nerves racing through your body. “I'm sure that boy has told everyone about me.” You smiled at the thought of the younger boy. “He's really sweet.”
“He is.” Namjoon’s lips curled up slightly as he thought about the boy. “Very kind.”
You had to stop yourself from giggling at the dimple that appeared on his cheek. It was absolutely the cutest thing you had ever seen. And it was only a partial dimple. 
“Would it be alright if I go over your vitals?” You shook your head, looking down at the file given to you. “I have to do a check up.”
“As they normally do.” The man waved you off, moving to sit at the bed like Jungkook had that first day. “Get on with it.”
You sighed deeply at how the man’s attitude was passive. He didn’t sound like he had any emotions to give to you. You figured he was still trying to come up with his own analysis of you. “Yes.” You nodded, moving to put the file on the table before getting all you needed to check his vitals.
When you gathered all you needed, you moved up to him. “Is it okay?” You asked, gesturing to his arm. He held it out for you, waiting for you to put the band around his arm. As you moved to touch him, you noticed how warm he was. However it wasn’t something you would find to be worrisome. What you did stop to frown at were the skin lesions on his arm. 
The skin looked like the epidermis had been peeled back in small patches the size of pimples. It didn’t seem like he was bleeding, however the skin was red. It reminded of you of a blister wound that had been peeled back.  It looked painful and it made you shiver at thinking about having an open wound like that on your skin. 
“Did they put anything on these wounds?” You openly scoffed and momentarily put down the heart rate padding. You had a frown on your face and Namjoon watched as you huffed and turned around to rummage through his cabinets. 
“They should put something.” You angrily mumbled to yourself.
“What are you looking for?” He asked, watching you huff and puff at not finding whatever it was you were looking for. 
“An ointment.” You told him. “Something to fix the breaking skin.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows raised, glancing down to the picked at skin on his arm. His hands smothered down his legs, feeling the fabric of his clothing rub at the raw skin on his thighs. “I'll be fine.” He sighed.
“I read in your files that you're here for a skin condition.” A grin overtook your face when you had found the first aid kit. Namjoon looked at you from the bed as you pulled a box out and dropped it onto the floor to look through it. 
“You're a patient and I'm the nurse.” You explained, jumping up as you came into a stand. He flinched back at your sudden movements, but kept his eyes on your grin. “I have to heal your wounds.” You walked closer holding up a bottle of some medicine and some gauze. 
As you moved to reach out, you froze before looking up at him. “Is this okay?” You asked, waiting for his response. He slowly nodded his head, his lungs seizing up for some reason as he took in your scent. While he could clearly smell your perfume, there was something else that seemed to catch him by surprise. 
As your hands were softly touching him, his eyes closed as he allowed your kindness rush to through his nerve endings and into his chest. His empathetic nature seemed to intertwine with your aura. 
“I'll come by tomorrow to check up on them.” Your voice brought him out of his stupor, the man looking down at you with hooded eyes. “If you feel itchy you can take them off yourself but I wouldn't recommend it, the ointment needs to soak up.” Your smile made him dizzy. 
“Everything should be good now.” You told him after you wrote down all his vitals. You looked towards him, a smile on your face as you tilted your head at his dazed expression. 
“You smell nice.” He blurted. 
Your face turned beet red, choking on air. “Thank you?” You giggled.
“Sorry.” He shook his head when he heard you laugh. “I've never met someone like you. It made my senses fog up.”
“I'm flattered.” You continued to laugh, your cheeks hurting from your smile. “Is there anything I can do for you?” You asked before you left. 
“No.” Namjoon stood from the bed, seemingly back to normal as he walked you to the door. “I should be okay.” He finally gave you a smile which showcased his dimple. 
Your eyes crinkled as you swooned over it. “Then I'll be on my way. I have Jungkook to tend to.”
“Yes, you should go before he comes to find you.” Namjoon playfully rolled his eyes.
“I hope you have a good day, Mr. Kim. Goodbye.” The smile you gave him made him swallow.
He knew that all of them had started to become desensitized in this place that only seemed to take from them. They had given up all hope for a better future. A future where they were able to return home. It seemed so long ago that they were brought in as children and tested on until they could no longer feel anything. He knew there would come a day when Hanseol would no longer need them, everyone ran out of magic at one point. Who knew what would happen to them then. 
But hearing you say such kind words–touch him with such kind hands–he knew he wanted to get out. He had suffered so much and meeting you made him remember what it was like in the first place. He was going to find a way to get out. He was going to find a way to save everyone. And he knew you were the one person who would help him do that. 
“Of course.”
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Series Masterlist
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potassiumivy · 24 days
PLAYBOY. | jjk ❥ mdni. fic masterlist.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 001: GOLDEN GIRL.
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"HUH? FUSHIGURO, WHY IS THAT THE ONLY DOORKNOB COVERED IN GOLD??", itadori questioned during the mini-tour of the jujutsu facility, offered by none other than gojo satoru himself. after dropping his stuff in his new room, they bumped into fushiguro and dragged him along, making their way to the third year's hallway. now, they were right in front of your door, with yuuji's doe-eyes stuck on the shiny doorknob like a toddler in a candy shop, and both megumi and gojo KNEW that he wanted one for his room as well.
a sudden jab to the stomach pulled the black haired boy out of his thoughts, making him glare at his new classmate. "why you-"
"glad you asked, yuuji!", gojo puts an arm around his students' shoulders, bringing them closer.
"you know," he whispered, "that's the kind of privileges you get when you're my favourite student! after all, as the strongest, i can-"
megumi scoffed loudly, pushing his teacher away. "you're so full of shit. yuuji, it's just her technique."
the said male tilted his head a bit, scratching it. "her technique is making doorknobs out of gold?"
"what- no! she can turn things to gold, idiot."
"don't fight, ladies!", gojo clapped his hands loudly, irking megumi once again. "we have a lot of things to do! first, we should help yuuji- hey! where are you going??"
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
megumi was now beyond pissed. truly, he didn't look all that menacing with yuuji's pink cowboy hat on his head, but he felt like he was going to crack gojo's neck like a glowstick. his teacher grabbed him by the collar earlier to force him to "bond" with his new classmate, which consisted of him helping yuuji tidy up his room.  currently, he seems to be gojo's personal mannequin, the said man being too busy laughing and taking pictures of him in yuuji's different accessories.
megumi rolled his eyes as the man child was rolling in yuuji's bed, kicking his feet around and wrinkling the bedsheets. he didn't even have the energy to tell him off anymore- this was yuuji's problem now. 
"me-gu-mi!", he singsonged, " i'll sent those to y/n, you know?" 
"oh? is she the golden girl, gojo-sensei?", itadori asked, remembering you by your unique doorknob. 
"golden girl?"
"golden girl indeed!" , the teacher grinned, "she was a brilliant student of mine!"
"woah!! so she's super smart, right??"
gojo smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. he didn't know how to let yuuji down gently. "well, she certainly shines a lot in life!"
"right! i can't wait to meet her!", yuuji clearly didn't get the memo, letting them know he didn't understand that you weren't exactly academically gifted. he then happily skipped around the room before stopping abruptly.
"oh! i can't find my magazines! i'll go check the other boxes outside, i'll be right back!", and with that he skipped out of the room. 
now, megumi was sure he saw the pile in one of the boxes earlier, so when we took one out randomly and opened his mouth to tell yuuji that he found them, he suddenly froze.
"hmmm? what's wrong?", gojo peeked at the magazine title from afar, laughing a little when he discovered why his student acted so bashful.
"what is it, little megumi? never saw a porn magazine?", he teased, but megumi didn't even glance at him, as he proceeded to speed walk to the nearest trash can. now, this action made gojo raise an eyebrow since his teasing would usually be enough to get a reaction out of him. 
he teleported in front of him, making grabby hands. 
"just give it!", he whined, "i wanna see what turned my dear student on so much!"
"shut up and move out of the way. i'm not turned on.", megumi hissed.
"oh my god," gojo wiped his fake tears, "i can't believe how fast you're growing up!" 
megumi inhaled sharply, frowning at him. 
"sensei- just stop it. I'm serious right now."
gojo stopped smiling immediately at his student's seriousness. 
"alright, megumi. i'm sorry i made you uncomfortable."
and being the responsible person he is, he jumped on top of his student, snatching the magazine away from him, and finally laying his eyes on-
✞ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐘✞ next!!
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©potassiumivy, 2024. all rights reserved. do not translate / modify / republish my works.
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freckled-koi · 8 months
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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summary: you've known gojo since your training days at jujutsu tech. you were inseparable - as thick as thieves. so, what happened?
pairing: satoru gojo x reader (feat. nanami x reader).
cw: angst, emotional manipulation / mental spiral, mature themes. 18+ / minors dni.
wc: 3k+.
a/n: this is just the first chapter, but i wanted to give some fair warning for content!! this is also my first jjk fanfic i'm steadily working on, so tread lightly.
( ◡ ◡ ♪ ) 。
you can also read here on fanfiction.net!
The lone cigarette hangs over your tiers loosely, mindlessly staring off into space. You were pondering a thought for a moment, but you couldn’t bring yourself back to whatever it was that made you zone out. Your arms cross just below your chest, leaning into the brick of the office building. The ash at the end of the cigarette was progressively increasing the more you became idle.
What was it that you were thinking about?
“He’s not back yet?”
The lowly registered voice breaks your subconscious fixation on whatever it was far into the distance, eyes now flitting up to the taller, blonde haired man that appears adjacent to you. You purse your lips together, lithe fingers reaching up to remove the cigarette from your lips to tap the excess of ash after realizing just how much of it there was. 
“Of course not.” You respond with a hint of annoyance in your tone when you remember what you were thinking about – or who, for that matter. 
Satoru Gojo.
He was off completing another assignment – one that he completely dismissed the offering of help from the other known sorcerers in the branch – even though Ijichi insisted on following along after as a support system. And he hadn’t returned yet. It wasn’t out of Gojo’s character to do such a thing, so when you hear him complaining outside of your office audibly to ‘taking on the job himself’, it doesn’t come as a surprise.
That doesn’t mean it never brought a tinge of annoyance every time he was performatively cocky.
And not only that, this had become something of a recurrence. He was gone for far longer than he needed to be today, though.
A similar sigh of annoyance expels from the man, fixing the ocular frames along his face that you always found so oddly shaped. You can’t help the amused smile tugging at the corner of your lips to his reaction, taking a slow drag from the cigarette only to exhale a short laugh of cloud.
“Kento.. You can’t be surprised by that, you know,” You comment in a murmur, allowing your arm to hang off the one bent under your bosom as your gaze now settles on the other. 
His features were stoic, the strain of his work days idle on his features, but the way he carried himself was far from exhausted through his built, taller stature. You can see the shimmer in the glass of his frame when his head tilts towards you, offering him a raise of your brows. 
“He’s too arrogant.”
“Again, not surprising.”
There’s a growing silence between the two of you. This conversation was becoming a common one, Nanami somehow finding you outside more and more with the same pack of cigarettes in your hold; same position; same time and place. It was almost as if it was a routine.
“.. Have you spoken to him at all?” He asks, and you don’t know if it’s out of curiosity or of concern.
It’s only then that you ponder a response after a moment of trying to recall the last conversation you had with Gojo.
He had been brushing you off every time he caught your glance in the office, every time you walked past each other with a few centimeters of distance between you in passing. Granted, the last time you were even in the same vicinity as Gojo, it wasn’t pleasant and all you wanted was to block it out of your memory for as long as you could. It was only a couple months ago, but it was still fresh on replay in your mind.
Nanami inquires about Gojo everytime he finds you outside. The history between Gojo and yourself wasn’t that too farfetched to understand – all of them having been in the same technical school, gone through the same training, known each other for what seemed like years. You knew Gojo best, even with how closed off he seemed to other people, but you were someone that saw through his bullshit a lot more than just surface level to anyone else who would just brush it off as him being consumed by narcissism.
“Y/N,” Nanami says with a weight that’s delicate even with how deep his tone was, breaking you away from your trailing thoughts that cause your gaze to travel once more, looking back at him. 
He holds your gaze with a hesitance, hands neatly tucked into the pockets of his trousers just as he expels a breath through his nostrils, still waiting on an answer that he knew was the same.
“You know him, Kento, he always comes back.”
You see a small sense of tension release Nanami’s shoulders by your words, and that’s enough for him to not press forward. It’s almost peculiar in the way he doesn’t pry. Part of you wanted him to keep prying. 
He turns away from you, both of your eyes now settled into your surroundings a bit of the way across from you, settling into the silence between the two of you.
“You know you should quit doing this.”
“Smoking? I know.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Nanami’s larger frame leans back into the building beside you, still giving you a couple feet between the two of you.
Of course, you knew what he meant. You let out a sigh, blindly pressing the end of the cigarette to the brick to put it out with a twist of your fingers. 
“It’s complicated, Nanami.”
“Which is more of a reason to stop. If you know how he is, Y/N, you’d stop giving him this much grace.”
The weight of Nanami’s words were heavy on your chest, but you knew he was right. He didn’t know the full story between you two, but he didn’t need to know. It was the way you carried yourself, the energy you possessed at the mentioning of Gojo – it was all too obvious.
You decide to avoid a response to his words, turning your head to look up at him with a playful smile that feigns innocence, now returning your arms back to their crossed positioning.
“You know you don’t have to care about me so much~” You say in jest, just enough to get a small inkling of a smile from the taller man.
And you do, the corners of Nanami’s lips turning up into a slight smile that resembles sunlight between cumulus. It’s enough to make the somber moment much more lighthearted than it needed to be. 
“I’d be a fool to not care as much. Any decent man would want to be worried.”
There’s an airy chuckle that leaves your lips, just before your attention is drawn away from each other to hear the slam of a car door. 
Nanami’s smile is now dissipated, settled back into his stoic expression just as your own resets, even with your brows still slightly lifted to the sight of two men walking up to the building. 
The much taller, white haired man emerges from the vehicle, tugging down the dark bandage over his eyes and brushing the dirt and non-existent gravel from his dark attire. His appearance is disheveled, looking as if he scrapped with someone in a ditch with remnants of blood littered in his hair, across his pale flesh and fabric clinging and distressed to his frame.
“Yo, Nanami!” He exclaims, tone a tad exhausted while a slightly shorter, dark haired gentleman trails behind him soon after. You hear a disgruntled breath leave Nanami, catching from your peripherals his hand lifting in greeting.
“Satoru.” Nanami calls out, eyeing over his appearance as he’s leaning off the building and your own body straightens up. He glances over to you for a second, seeing the discomfort in your stiff appearance, now taking two steps forward when Gojo begins to walk over. 
“You look like hell.”
“Hey, I’ve fought worse~ This was lightwork.” Gojo says with a smitten grin plastered onto his face, Nanami only sighing hopelessly.
There wasn’t an ounce of acknowledgement of your presence when Nanami and Gojo spoke to one another. It doesn’t bother you, but it does bother you. It makes you realize that you really don’t need to be here after all. 
‘If you know how he is, Y/N, you’d stop giving him this much grace.’
The quote replays like an echo in your head. It sinks deep and it’s now something you’re completely stuck on. It’s enough to bring your feet to step away from the two of them, crossing behind Nanami to head back into the building. You need to be away and in your office anyway and you got the reassurance you needed that Gojo was still kicking. 
It’s when you step away, does Gojo’s attention follow you for a split second before it returns back to Nanami. And Nanami can clearly see it, no matter how short of a fraction it was, his own gaze trailing behind you before he turns back to the white haired man. 
You’re no longer in earshot of the conversation, but the feeling of dread is still there. Why was it consuming you this badly? What purpose did it serve to wallow in it? You tousle your tresses in dismay, huffing to yourself.
“This is so fucking stupid..” It’s something you murmur to yourself.
Every time he goes on a mission, you worry; every time he isn’t back in the fit time frame, you worry. How much more did you need to worry about a man that wanted absolutely nothing to do with you?
You weren’t expecting a ‘hey, hello, Y/N!’ or a ‘were you waiting on little ol’ me~?’ that he would casually throw in just to annoy you, to which you would retort with something along the lines of ‘glad to see you not dead’.
You don’t know what you were expecting. 
The moment you enter your office, you close the door immediately behind you and lean back into it, the back of your head pressing into the glass. You feel a slight sting behind your eyelids when you close them for a moment of clarity, you already know your eyes are welling up by just how frustrated you were.
You settle into the memory from years back.
It’s as if you’re reliving it. The momentary glimmers of your youth with Satoru, the stolen glances, the teasing that traveled into your later years that were still juvenile just more refined with age. Late nights after trials and training. Off days where you’d hang around his place; where he’d hang around yours.
Then, the memory starts to build up. 
Being employed under the same group of sorcerers for the academy. Taking assigned missions with each other with ease, celebratory drinks after to congratulate each other on coming out alive of each one.
The memory starts to boil over.
Letting you in on his Infinite. 
It’s scalding.
His Infinite.
It’s hard to control – hard to breathe.
The day you realized he denied you access to his Infinite.
It makes your stomach sink the more you think about it, the more you ruminate in it–
“Lost in thought or are you spiraling?”
The familiarity in that tone of voice sends a shock through your frame and makes your gut once sunk low jump straight back up into your throat. 
Your eyes shoot open, immediately darting to the glimmer of the white haired figure sitting at your desk, sitting back comfortably with one leg settled over his knee.
“Jesus fucking Christ–” You let out a weary gasp, palm pressed to your heart as if to check if it was still beating. Gojo expels a short laugh in response and your brows twitch together.
It was the first thing he’s said to you in months, and it didn’t feel as comforting or fulfilling to be finally addressed by Gojo as you thought it would be. 
You wear an irritated expression as you glance over him, standing up straighter against the door. 
“Can’t remember the last time I popped in on you like this,” He remarks with his hands folding together on his lap, mirth playing on his tiers with his head cocked towards his shoulder, using his heel to lean back into the chair. “I almost forgot how jumpy you get when I do it.”
You couldn’t remember the last time he did this either. Gojo would play this game with you quite often, mostly to ask you a measly question about something that could have been simply sent through a text or just to get under your skin when you weren’t expecting it. Most of the time, it was the latter.
“Why can’t you just knock on the door like a normal person?” You respond with a sharpness in your tone that just causes the grin to stretch further on his lips.
“Mmn, I’m not normal, remember?” He purrs lowly.
“Clearly,” A sigh leaves your lips, your facial features now relaxing after taking a small glance around your office before it returns back to him. You ponder what to say next, but the words come out less polite than you initially wanted. “What do you want, Gojo?”
It’s quiet for a short moment before the grin is softening on his lips into more of a cocky smile, sitting back up again and swiveling in the chair to face you.
“Come over to my place tonight.”
You stare blankly. You don’t respond.
Gojo exhales a dry laugh to the delay of a response he receives from you, only causing your shoulders to tense.
“Do I really have to repeat myself again, Y/N? You heard me.”
“I heard you–” You echo back to him, scoffing under a haughty breath as you push yourself off the door, shifting to stand in front of your desk. You lean over to snatch up a few papers that were laid out on the surface, turning to your filing cabinet to store them where they needed to be. “--but lemme guess.. You don’t have some other girl to occupy your space tonight, so you have to turn to me as a last resort?”
“Oh, please, Y/N~ You know me better than anyone else, and you know that I can scoop any random girl in a millisecond to do my bidding if I chose to~”
Your jaw tightens to that. 
But, he wasn’t wrong. 
Gojo had a knack for hooking up with just about anything that had a pulse, and they’d surely fall into his palms just with a glance. You’ve walked in on him a couple times when you would merely visit and a different girl every time was scrambling to get their clothes on and rush out as fast as possible, never to be seen again.
“Tonight’s different. I want you to come over. For old time’s sake.”
“I’m busy tonight.”
Gojo grimaces with a twitch of his nose, even exhaling a snort to the quick admission.
“You’re lying.” He chimes, head following you as you close the filing cabinet and turning towards him again. 
“And?” You place your hands on your hips, facial features stern when speaking – definitely trying to shield yourself. “So what if I’m lying? Why do you want me over?”
“For old time’s sa–”
“Gojo.” You raise your voice to stop him, the sound bouncing off the walls as you hold a hand up to press into your temple and close your eyes to calm yourself for that small pause, quietly, deeply sighing.
You’re mildly hesitant when your mouth opens, the following words hardly summing up how you felt in that moment.
“You haven’t spoken to me.. In months,” You begin with a worn tone, much quieter but still audible enough for him to hear you. It was only the two of you in the room after all. “And.. you want me to come over to your place? Just like that? You want me to just say, ‘yes, Satoru, I’ve been waiting for you to reach out like this, I’ll definitely come over!’ and just do it?”
You play up the performance by exaggerating your words – even when there was so much truth behind them – hand falling to your side as you stare a hole into the white haired man perched in the seat. 
All the while, Gojo’s smile is still fixed on his tiers, lightly clicking his tongue soon after before he’s standing up from the chair to walk around your desk, leaning his hip into the edge of it.
“Honestly, knowing you, I figured you wouldn’t be too thrilled by it,” He gives a shrug of his shoulders, rolling his head to cock once more. “But.. You haven’t said no.”
You blink once, coming to the realization that you really haven’t denied it. He wasn’t really asking either. 
He just simply said it. 
“Come over to my place tonight.” Gojo repeats, now lifting himself off of the desk to stand tall and a foot away from you. He towers over you, so you have to crane your neck just enough to get a good look at him. “If you don’t show up, I’ll get the message.”
You don’t even have a second to reply, or even come back with a snarky comment, before he’s disappearing from sight.
The weight on your chest has somehow lifted, the tension in your shoulders soothed, but it’s not comforting in the slightest. You stare at the spot he was once standing in, mindlessly walking over to your desk to sit onto as your eyes wander the room. Your fingertips drag along the surface of the wood, quirking your lips to one side in thought. 
Why didn’t you say no..?
There’s a knock at the door that breaks you away from lingering far longer on the thought, your body back to its stiff state. Only then does it go away when you see it open and Nanami appear behind it. A sigh of relief leaves you, almost slumping forward with your palms bracing the desk.
Nanami doesn’t have to say anything. The look in your eyes says enough.
You break the silence after a moment, standing back onto your feet as you take a glance at the clock on the wall before looking back to Nanami.
“Dinner on me?”
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thevirtualvalentine · 11 months
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content warning: drug use, nsfw, spanking, getting destroyed by zoro, cunnilings, maybe more.
plot: you smoke him out and have to deal with the consequences.
a/n: reposting the only fic I had saved, as requested by @kingofthe-egirls it will see the light of day again.
“Like this..?” he asks, plucking the well packed joint from your hands, placing it in between his lips as he takes a slow inhale. Zoro lets the smoke fill his mouth and then his lungs as he tries to mimic your movements.
“Woah that’s en—“ and of course he starts violently hacking, the cloud of smoke that hovered the air smelt loud as it filled your nostrils. The hits you took previously are already settling into a nice buzz as you chuckle much to Zoros dismay.
“W-what’s s so funny” he chokes out in between coughs as he hands you your spliff back, almost dropping it with the force the coughs were shaking his body.
Not to worry, you prepared for this. You didn’t think Zoro was the type to smoke, let alone the type to let you smoke him out. “Here tuff stuff,” you tease while handing him some water you set out earlier, “breatheee” you say while patting his back and rubbing soothing circles, taking another hit as he recovers.
“Oh fuck you,” he says as he watches you ghost the smoke so effortlessly, it was attractive to him the way you handled it with ease for some reason. “Lemme try again,” he challenges, never one to be one upped by anyone. His hands reach for the joint before you tug it away out of his reach.
“Nope. Don’t think you can handle it,” you joke while sticking your tongue out at him. Not wanting to waste your good weed, you take another two puffs before turning your attention back to a very ‘neglected’ Zoro.
“No fair,” he pouts, letting his head rest back against the railing of the ship. As he closes his eyes he feels his mind start to blur, whatever this shit is has a smile creeping up his face. He lets his body relax, shoulders dropping as he exhales through his nose.
“Aw, poor pirate hunter,” you tease while taking the last drag. He huffs at you before feeling your weight shift on the deck. “mhmp,” you tap at his shoulder trying to get him to understand what was happening, but to no avail. He just looks at you all confused tilting his head to the side like a dog.
You didn’t think you could hold it in anymore so you just grab his face, inching in closer as you try to blow the smoke into his mouth. You’ve never been this close to him before so he’s startled by your proximity, brushing your lips with his slightly as he inhales what you gave him.
The way you’re staring at him watching his lips as he inhales the smoke that was just in your mouth makes his head even fuzzier. “What the hell was that woman?” He asks defensively, scared of whatever weird feeling he’s getting in his chest. Must be the weed.
“That,” you say while sitting down on your hands in front of him, “was us shotgunning. Thought it might help you and your weak lungs you big baby,” you say preparing for backlash.
Instead he laughs. Zoro let’s out a genuine belly laugh at your quip about him, coughing a little as he calms down. You’ve never heard him laugh like that before which makes you start to giggle. Now the both of you look like baked idiots on the deck of the sunny as you laugh about nothing. “Be nice, it’s my first time,” he reminds you as he goes to take another sip of water.
The two of you sit around and talk until his high kicks in, you notice him start to space out as he gets used to the feeling. “Feel good?” you ask while pulling him out of his trance, you place a hand on his thigh innocently to ground him. The first few times you smoked you weren’t ready for the way it makes your mind wander. That’s why you wanted to make sure he was holding up alright so he didn’t have a bad high.
You weren’t any better though, a smiling giggly mess as you watch him splay himself out on the wooden planks. “Yeah, just ..” he starts, hesitant to say what’s on his mind. “Hot, I feel so hot,” he finishes while spreading his legs. Your eyes trail down his chest but dart away before you look any further.
You smack yourself to regain your composure. No sexy, shirtless, scar having, built swordsman will tempt you right now. “We can go inside?” you offer wanting to make sure he’s comfortable throughout the entirety of his high.
“N-not like that ..” he stutters over his own words, a rare occurrence for him actually, all of his usual confidence smothered by the growing heat in his body. He covers his face with his forearm, embarrassed about the fact he’s so fucking horny from doing nothing but smoking your weed and looking at you in a way cremates shouldn't.
Suddenly the lightbulb goes off for you, “OH! Oh..? Oh— my god. I forgot to say that,” you blurt out sheepishly, even though you were aware that this happens, it went over your head as you grounded up your bud, packing it into your rolling papers. “It doesn’t happen to everyone but it’s normal..” you say while finally looking at him in the eye. Bad idea.
His rugged breathing causes his chest to rise and fall as his posture leads him to manspread in front of you, imprint on full display. He’s looking at you like you’re his current attraction, but that would never happen .. right..? But he won’t stop eye fucking you, gears turning in his mind as he debates what he wants to do.
“Zoro..?” you say, but he’s not listening. Not when the blood in his ears is rushing so loudly, and all his mind wants right now is to touch you, to feel you on him, to fuck you. He doesn’t want to think, doesn’t want to talk, just you.
When did you two get so close? You notice your knees touching as your body involuntarily gravitates towards him. “If you don’t stop me, I can’t promise I won’t,” he says as a warning. Zoro's unsure of what he’ll do when he gets his hands on you, that’s why he wants to make sure it’s ok now rather than later.
“Who says I want you to?” You whisper, less than an inch from his face. Teasing him as you let your lips ghost his, who knew pirate hunter Zoro could get so needy? Letting lust control his cognition processes is a rare anomaly indeed. Lucky you.
Impatient. He kisses you and it’s all teeth and tongue. While you weren’t against it, you could just pick up on his lack of patience opting to take the lead for him. Immediately you slow the pace down, letting your hands roam into his short pretty green hair as you cup his face, tilting his head so you can deepen the kiss.
He hums in approval as your tongue invades his mouth, all his senses are drowned out by you. Your tongue fighting his for dominance, how you smell so good just like fresh baked cookies n vanilla, your warm breath fanning his face each time you dive in for more.
“More, need more than just your mouth,” he pants with heavy breaths as he wipes your spit off his lips. He’s getting so worked up from a simple makeout sesh, but he needs to satisfy his craving, a sweet tooth if you will.
Zoro is a sight to behold, disheveled hair obviously played with, half lidded heavy red eyes, swollen and puffy lips parted as he asks you to make him feel good.
Your high has made you so cock hungry you just want him inside you now. “Gonna give you everything, all of it,” you practically drool out as you push him back against the railing and crawl up his legs. Letting your drenched kitty sit on top of his lap. His hard bulge pressing against you as you rub against him for any sort of friction. It's desperate and it's hot, but he makes you feel so good you don't want to stop.
His eyes trail from where you’re mounted up to your pretty face, taking you all in. “I love this ass,” he says while slapping your left cheek, gripping the fabric of your jean skirt. He can feel the recoil in his palm as you squeak from the force and it triggers his carnal instincts.
In one movement he's picked you up, throwing your figure over his shoulder as he makes his way across the ship. "Z-zoro hey! What are you doing?" you ask confused, head spinning from how easily he picks you up like you're nothing.
Another loud slap, "takin' this sweet ass somewhere I won't be disturbed," he says and you can do nothing but accept it.
Honestly the way he's manhandling you is kind of a turn on, "no objections here," you giggle while his strong arm keeps you bolted in place. You're like a doll in his hold as he ascends up to the crows nest, locking the door behind him.
You feel your back hit the sofa but not before you're distracted by his hot mouth all over you. Zoro is groaning into your maw with each kiss, shoving his tongue impossibly deeper down your throat. He's on his knees with your legs spread on either side, his hands push your skirt up your waist while sliding himself up further and further.
"Stop teasin' me Zoro," you say while breaking the kiss, you're too hot and needy for just some bumpin' n grindin'.
"Anything you want baby," he says in your ear, the octaves of his voice have dropped a few pitches and it's so sexy. The way he slips in a pet name so casually like he's called you that a million times before is new but not unwelcomed, it sends butterflies to your stomach.
He slips your panties down your hips as he lowers himself eye level with your cunt. It's a bit embarrassing to see him staring so intently at your bare sweetness but hesitations leave you when he pushes your legs bak to to spread you wide open. "Can I?" he's so respectful even though he's visibly throbbing in his pants. Drooping his head and letting spit roll off his tongue onto your already wet cunt as he waits for your permission.
"God yes," you say carelessly, fuck he looks so hot between your legs. You want him to make a literal mess of you. Your hands grip his short tussles as he licks his own spit up and down your slit, shaking his head side to side as his tongue licks you clean.
He's pussy drunk on your taste, flicking his tongue on your clit to get you to moan his name like that again. He keeps pushing the back of your legs further apart just to get a better drink of you.
When his fingers come into the mix? You're shaking. "Ahh- you're so good at this Zoro, fuckkk." you're melting as he brings you pleasure in the form of his tongue and hands. Two thick fingers working in and out of your pussy as he fucks you on his digits, your juices running down his wrist.
He sucks in his cheeks as he devours your clit like it's some kind of sweet treat. Middle and ring finger ripping an orgasm out of you as he prods against your g-spot over and over again. "Just like that, keep cumming pretty girl," he says while reluctantly removes his mouth from your clit. Zoro's enjoying the sight of you panting on his fingers more than he thought he would.
"Gonna fuck you now, yeah? That ok?" he says as he kisses up your jaw, removing the rest of his clothes. You meekly nod as you take in all of him, he looks like he was carved out of marble by david himself. You're unsure if all of that will even fit inside you, but there's only one way to find out.
He resumes kneeling in front of you, holding your legs in his hands as he massages your inner thigh with his thumb. "Gonna make it fit baby, don'worry," he says as if he's reading your mind, holding his heavy cock as he lines himself up with your entrance.
"Shitttt.... hah- and all that work I did to make sure it'd fit," he tuts as he pushes through your tight walls. One of his hands moves from where it was holding your legs open to rub slow circles on your clit as he bottoms out.
Oh fuck does it burn, but it stings so good that you're mewling out for him to move despite the fact it could very well split you in two. "Shhh, you'll get it baby, all of it." He's repeating your own words from earlier and it's vile, showcasing his trademark smirk thats usually reserved for enemies he's about to slice in two.
Whatever this weed is doing for his libido is insane, his thrusts are sharp as they increase in speed. Maybe it's just the truth he's been wanting to deny, those fantasies where he fucks you like a jackrabbit in your room with his fingers down your throat trying not to wake up the entire sunny. But he's here, now, plowing open your cunt wide open, making a mess of you.
How your head turns to the side as you bite your lip, tits bouncing, with your curls framing your face so beautifully does something to him. "Been wanting to fuck this sweet pussy f'so long," he confesses, disregarding all inhibitions. You can't even hear him he's fucking you that good, each thrust filling your cunt up as his tip kisses your cervix.
He pushes your legs all the way back till your knees hit the sofa, ass lifting off the plush surface. "Zo-" but when he plunges back in you’re struggling to even think coherently. He's so deep you're seeing stars with each drag of his cock along your gummy walls.
"Takin' it s'well, knew you could baby. Good girl," he praises as he feels your walls grip his dick like you don't want him to pull out. You're practically folded in half as he uses you like a hole to fuck. "Gooood fuckin' girl," he says letting his head roll back, eyes closing as he focuses on how you feel around him.
He's truly beating that kitty up, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass and the back of your thighs reverberates throughout the room. The only thing drowning that out is how you're crying when he grips your ankles in one hand, making your cunt impossibly tighter. "Oh ff-fuck," is what you think you're saying but it sounds like a jumbled mess as he drills all 5 senses out of you.
"Gonna let me cum all in this pussy, yeah? Fill you up to the brim," he implies while bending over further, tip dragging against your g-spot each time he pulls out.
"Please Zoro, n-ngh.. need it, want it s,bad," you dont even realize what it is youre truly asking for, but you want his load so bad you'll worry about it later.
He grunts hearing that you want, no .. need it. Need him to stuff you full of his seed. He flips you over in seconds, giving you no time to adjust to the new position. He's holding your wobbling lower half by the hips as you're bent over, meant to brace yourself against the sofa with your forearms. He has a perfect view of your ass as your cunt struggles to swallow all of him.
He's making your shit clap, you're fucked dumb into the sofa as he brings you both to your climax. He doesn't even have to rub your swollen clit to coax it out of you, just another slap to your ass that leaves heat in its wake. Drool coming out of your mouth as tears of pure euphoria cascade down your face.
"That's it, cmon, milk it out of me if y'want it," he goads, relishing in the feeling of making you finish a second time. You're spent, knees buckling in his hold as you twitch from oversensitivity. He continues to fuck you senseless until his balls contract and he's spilling his load into you in thick ropes. Your walls are painted white as his thrusts become uneven, curses under his breath barely audible.
As his pace finally slows down, you push your ass back against him to feel all of him again. You could definitely get used to this. Too tired to talk, you show him you enjoyed it by reaching your hand back to touch his abdomen.
"I t..told you," he starts trying to catch his breath, "I wasn't gonna stop." You can only laugh but you're sure you'll have trouble walking for at least three days. He wraps you both in a blanket before taking you to the showers to clean up (and for another round).
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Horror movie idea:
A day in the life of a normal salaryman. He wakes up, gets ready for work, gets to work and begins working. Every couple of shots there's a shadowy thing watching and just sort of staring toward the camera.
But all this is a distraction. Instead, the horror is subjected to the viewer.
From the beginning of the movie, there's a constant buzzing noise which initially is undetectable but slowly increases over the course of the movie.
The movie screen starts tilted by .001 degrees and rotates very slowly until the movie is sideways.
The red and green tints are gradually moved in opposite directions of the sliders.
Every several frames, there's a single frame of a child who's been twisted into this horrific image and every time the image flashes, it looks more human.
Meanwhile, the actual unaltered video is just the guy working at his computer. Maybe sometimes he gets up to stretch or have some water. But there's nothing strange, except that shadow thing appearing randomly in the background.
Then at the end of the movie, everything snaps to normal when the salaryman's alarm goes off and he clocks out and goes home. Last scene is him in bed. He turns out the lights and goes to sleep. Final shot shows the shadowy thing watching while the guy is asleep.
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arachine · 2 years
— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞?: 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬
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+ 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝: multiple stranger things men
+ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: mature
+ 𝐜𝐰: explicit sexual content
+ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: me when i’m reposting this for the 5th time 
+ part one can be found here !
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+ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: the small font is a stylistic choice that is only used for headcanons because they’re usually very short reads!
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peter “the 001 for you” ballard 
↻ length: crazy men have big dicks. this is a known—a fact. it cannot and will not be debated. why do some of you keep going back to your crazy exes? surely not because of their personalities…but i digress. peter doesn’t even know he’s got a dick of gold swinging in his pants. like he’s aware of its presence, but he never really sat down and thought ‘damn, i’ve gotta really big dick’—probably because he’s too distracted most of the time planning the demise of a bunch of little kids more than half of his age. 
coming in at 6 inches flaccid, and roughly 7.4 inches erect, this definitely makes peter the second biggest on the list. 
↻ width: he doesn’t really strike me as someone who’s gotta thick cock. i’d like to think it’s on the skinnier side, mostly because he’s very tall and lanky.
↻ color: peter is so pale, it’s literally just a pink stick. 
↻ groomed: hmmm… a part of me wants to say yes. i think he’d groom it down probably for comfort. i can imagine that it’d get very itchy in those white orderly jumpsuits, and so, i feel like he’d groom it down in that sense. he just strikes me as someone who’s very calculated and precise with everything that they do, so having an itch down there would be annoying and he hates to be annoyed. 
↻ curved: unfortunately, no :(
↻ veins: yes, plenty. they start to branch down from his pelvic region, all the way to his dick. they wrap around so prettily and when he gets hard, it looks kinda mean and angry!
↻ how he uses it: peter likes to fuck you from the back, with the upper half of your body smooshed down into a hard surface, and your head forced down flat with the palm of his hand. it’s the only position he enjoys that doesn’t involve intimacy. but most of all, he likes it down your throat. because in this position, you’re on your knees, with your head tilted up at him, and tears streaming down your eyes like ribbons.
it gets him so unbelievably hard because he’s the one with all of the control. you sit there and take him—all of him—down your throat because you like it. and he knows you like it too. he knows that you get a rush when he pushes it so far down that you can’t breathe, and he knows you like it when he forces all of his load down your mouth. so, that’s why this is his favorite position. because from up here? he’s a god, and you’re just some bitch that prays to his dick like it’s sunday service.
dmitri “got you walking side to side” antonov or, better known as, enzo
↻ length: if i speak…
ok, listen. i’ve heard some things about those russian men, i’ve seen some things…and i’d like to bet that enzo is one of them. there’s just something in the atmosphere down there, something in the air…something that i think we (the people) should investigate because why and what is causing this big dick phenomenon? anyway, enzo is 6.7 inches flaccid and 8 inches hard. i don’t make the rules, i listen to the voices. and right now they’re telling me to relay the message and i am. 
↻ width: baybeee, let me tell you something. his is thick. like, really thick. you just better hope he has the patience to stretch you open first, because if not…well, good luck soldier. 
↻ color: i could say pink—but i won’t. i am standing on this hill when i say his cock is tanned and his tip is brown or brown adjacent. it’s somewhere in the brown family okay, just…just trust me on this one. i know russia is cold as fuck but he ain’t that damn pale, so i am not budging with my answer. 
↻ groomed: no. just full, unadulterated man bush over here. how we like it. the girls that get it, get. and the girls that don’t, don’t. 
↻ curved: uhm, duh. he is a founding father of the captain hook club!
↻ veins: vein wonderland, just so many of ‘em.
↻ how he uses it: i don’t think it matters what position, you’re getting fucked and you’re getting fucked good. just know you’ll be directionally challenged by the end of it. suddenly, determining left from right, and up from down becomes a challenge tad too difficult. 
argyle “let me smoke you out” [redacted] …because he wasn’t given a last name. them damn duffer brothers fucking up my list!
↻ length: i’d like to say his dick is as long as his gorgeous hair (which i’m very jealous of), but it isn’t. i’d like to sit here and tell you that the man who carried season four with jokes has a 12 incher, but i can’t (for i fear the masses will crucify me at the stake). but in all seriousness, argyle has the perfect cock. it’s not intimidatingly large like peter or enzo’s, but it’s not too small either. 
argyle rests at a smooth 4.8 inches flaccid and a good 6 inches erect. and whatever he lacks in length—which isn’t much because 6 is perfect for some girlies—he makes up for in girth. 
↻ width: i love me some stout men, and when i look at argyle, i just see a man with a fat cock and balls. big fat balls. big nuts. like i want the weight of his dick to be so powerful that it gives me a black eye…but, maybe that’s just me. 
↻ color: he has such a pretty complexion, so i just know that it flows from a nice tanned color, into a pretty brown or mauve-y color at the tip.
↻ groomed: no, he doesn’t have time for that. he only has enough time in the world to roll his blunts and get high. everything else be damned. the male-bush agenda is going strong and we can’t stop now!
↻ curved: to the left, and he really knows how to use it. i know i said before that he didn’t have much time for anything other than rolling blunts, but i lied. he’s definitely got the time to learn how to make a woman cum. 
↻ veins: just one that stretches from the side of his cock to the underside of his shaft…
↻ how he uses it: oh, god. i just know he likes a good ol’ mating press. he likes squishing you down into the bed, or the back of his van and getting all deep in your cunt. he says it’s because he’s ‘so high’ and that ‘he’s tired’ every time he flops down on your like that, but you know it’s because he loves seeing you folded like a pretzel beneath him. nothing beats the expression you wear when he hits that spot you like. the one that gets your toes curling, and your legs shaking, and leaves your head all dizzy. he could fuck you like that forever and it still would always feel like the first time. 
jonathan “i have a degree in stalking” byers
↻ length: i don’t care for jonathan but i feel like he’s got something a little lethal down there…like not crazy big but he’s definitely working with something, so maybe that’s why nance ignored all the stalking. what if…what if i said he’s got like something close to a 7 incher? like 6.5-6.7? i don’t know… i don’t know but them creepy guys be having good dick. exhibit a: joe goldberg. it must be some sort of requirement…
↻ width: hmm, he leans more on the skinnier side so i don’t think he’d be thick.
↻ color: scarily pink, like raw meat but progressively reddens when aroused.
↻ groomed: jonathan doesn’t take that much pride in his appearance, and until nance, he probably didn’t do too much grooming. but now he keeps it fairly shaved down.
↻ curved: almost as straight as will, but in other words, yes. it’s got some curve too it but not enough to be a part of the captain hook committee, unfortunately. 
↻ veins: two prominent ones that form a ‘y’ shape down his shaft
↻ how he uses it: the real question is how long can he use it? because i don’t think that boy’s got any self restraint. he probably finishes really quickly, but i kinda see him having a lot of stamina—but not in the way you think. i feel like he’d prefer having you ride him, because in this position, he gets to play with your tits and admire your body like the pathetic man he is, but as soon as he cums, his dick is ready to go again before he is. it’s just him lying there, totally overstimulated, and you riding him, milking him for all he’s worth. so, yeah, i’d say he’s not so much as using his own dick, but you using him. 
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© all content belongs to arachine 2022. no reposts, modifications, plagiarizing, or remaking of any form without proper credit. 
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00127am · 1 month
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CASE 001. holding hands (yours, mine, and its)
@ happilyeverhaunted as far as xiao dejun is concerned the night parade of one hundred demons is nothing more than a folklore to scare kids into behaving. so imagine his surprise when he's thrust into exorcising all hundred of them. the only thing worse is having you as a ghoul hunting partner. word count 2.4k
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If someone had ever told Xiao Dejun that he would be promenading down the halls of Korea’s most infamously haunted asylum with you, he would have laughed in their face and told them to fuck off. Because being anywhere with you, for all intents and purposes, is something that would not occur within the reign of his own free will. Spending time with you in a haunted asylum is completely, utterly, and wholeheartedly out of the question. Unreasonable and unfathomable. 
Or so he wishes. 
“What’s a matter, pretty boy? You scared already?” 
Xiaojun shoots you an irked look, shoulders tense and eyes narrowed. “No. Are you?” 
You scoff, turning to face him while walking backwards. Shrugging your shoulders, you tilt your head and flash a toothy smile-- cat like features warped into a cavalier expression. “Nah, it would take a lot more than this to scare me,” 
Your classmate rolls his eyes as you pivot back around, muttering under his breath in repetitions of “yeah, yeah, yeah.” Xiaojun shakes his head, watching the back of your sneakers slide up and down your heels with each skip of your step. The sight induces a slight scowl to lift onto his lips. He can’t quite get how you’re so composed but it’s irritating. Especially when his hands are gruffly shoved into his sweatshirt pocket to hide the fact that he’s trembling. His gaze travels to impatient tapping of your fingers, drumming on your thigh. Then to the ever so slight sway of your hair and the perfectly relaxed stature of your posture. His scowl turns into a glower. You’re aggravatingly calm. Too calm for someone aimlessly wandering a deserted pitch black hallway which is probably-- no, definitely haunted. Not that Xiaojun would ever admit that. Not to you at least. 
If he did, he’s fairly positive you would tease him to death before a ghost could actually get its hands on him. 
As if feeling his prying stare, you turn your head just enough for him to catch the shit-eating grin on your face (at the sight of that, he can practically hear the pestering remark about to come out of your mouth). You stick your hand out mockingly, accompanied by a pout that just barely hides the crooked, upturned quirk of your lips. 
“Wanna hold hands?” 
Annoying. Rip-his-hair-out annoying. That’s the only correct way to describe you. Or perhaps insufferable. Or infuriating. Or… well, Xiaojun digresses. He swats your hand away with a glare. “Can you shut up?” 
You abruptly stall in your tracks and for a moment Xiaojun thinks he actually ticked you off. He follows suit, tilting his head onto his shoulder with a sigh and the grit of his teeth. “Don’t tell me you actually wanted to hold hands-” 
“Xiaojun, shut up,” 
“Huh? Don’t tell me to shut-” 
“No, I’m serious,” the tone of your voice wavers and you take a quick succession of steps backwards, “Don’t you hear that?” 
Oh. You are serious. So serious that Xiaojun can’t help but inch closer to you, laying a heavy palm on your forearm. You jump at the sudden touch, turning to him with worried eyes and a clawed hand landing on his bicep. Your right hand travels up to pick at your lip as you nervously scatter your gaze to the walls surrounding you. Normally Xiaojun would leap at the chance to make some witty, snarky comment about how scared you are. Maybe poke fun at the way you're holding onto the sleeve of his sweatshirt like your life depends on it or perhaps the wobble in your stance, otherwise unnoticeable without the lack of distance between you. But he doesn’t. Far too occupied with the fact that for once this entire night, something is wrong. And not just because you’re clinging onto him like a scared high school crush at the movie theater. Xiaojun tightens his grip just enough for you to flinch underneath his touch, his eyes flipping between the look plastered on your face and the long, seemingly never ending stretch of hallway in front of him. 
Xiao Dejun has always been afraid of the dark. Hes convinced himself it’s a childish fear due to one too many scary movies late at night (blame Renjun). But now, he’s beginning to think that there could be another, underlying reason. That maybe there’s something there in the night that he just can’t see. Something or someone lurking around every corner. Eyes that peer at him in the shadows, unbeknownst to him or you. 
And then there’s that feeling. The skin crawling sensation of something unnatural breathing on the back of his neck. And the way the hair on his arms stands at attention as he feels the sudden urge to remain completely motionless. How the eerie silence of the building turns to a chaos of white noise, supplying a sharp ring in his ears which echoes through his brain before slipping off his tongue in the form of a whimper. And then it’s gone, replaced with the sound of your shallows breaths. Or maybe those were his. Or something elses. 
That thought causes a lurch in his stomach, one that winds and squeezes his innards like a python on its prey before slithering up with throat and getting caught in his windpipe. There’s a slight choke which unwillingly falls from his lips as he begins to move his head. The bang and batter of his heartbeat is overwhelming, as if it’s about to break free from his chest. It’s cold, so cold that the room seems to come to a standstill-- time moving at a snail’s pace as his eyes get a first glance towards the hallway behind him. Xiaojun doesn’t want to look, convinced that when he does flip around he’ll be met with a grotesque face much too close for comfort. How long has he been turning now?
It couldn’t have been more than seconds and yet it feels like a lifetime as he feels your nails slowly scratch at the fabric of his sleeve. The drum of his heartbeat is so loud now that he can’t help but clench his fists, knuckles turning white as the crescendo builds to a climax. Beating and beating and beating until he finally stares into the empty eyes of the night. No ghost or creature pressing cold caresses to the back of his neck. No stranger lurking behind him. Xiaojun exhales, shoulders slouching and tensed hand dropping from your form. It’s a sigh of relief which meets his ears next as his heartbeat begins its slow descent back into its usual pace and the hairs on his arm lay flat on his skin. It was nothing. Nothing but the captivation of his wild imagination. 
He’s just about to turn back to you and assure you that everything’s fine when he feels a sharp, clawed jab on his side. He lunges forward, a wisp of a feminine scream erupting from his throat as he fumbles on his feet before falling hard onto the floor. He flips back towards your direction, eyes nearly popping out of his head with heaving, panting breaths, expecting to see some creature of hideous and horrifying descent but… 
Xiaojun scowls. “Are you fucking kidding me?” 
The only creature there is you, laughing hysterically as you double over-- the sounds of your entertainment bouncing off the empty halls of the wing. Form faded in the dark, he can only imagine the pure pleasure on your face as you stamp your feet onto the tiled panels of the flooring. It’s a wheezed exhale that emerges from you before gasping for air-- one hand coming up to wipe the tears brimming from your eyes. You straighten up (almost falling back down in the process) and stagger over to him with a lean in your step. It takes you a few more moments before you're able to stifle your giggling with no help from your classmate, of course, as he’s staring you down with a gaze that would rip you to shreds if it were possible. And then burn those shreds to ash for good measure. 
“I can’t-” another infuriating bout of laughter (you’ve been laughing for much too long in his opinion), “I-I can’t believe you actually fell for that!” a barked out cough paired with more giggling, “Don’t ya hear that? I mean, come on!”
From his position on the floor, Xiaojun doesn’t find this as nearly as amusing as you. His heart was still recovering from the monumental scare only a few moments earlier. And his back from the quick and painful fall to the floor. And his pride for being tricked by the likes of you. Oh god, you’re infuriating. Every inch of you sets him off. You know how to push his buttons, grind them, rip them off. And you’re good at it. So good that Xiaojun can’t begin to imagine a calm, collected, and civil conversation with you. Nor does he want to have one. This time spent with you has been more than enough and frankly, he’s ready to never see you again. Especially after this stunt. 
“You got so scared. God, I thought I was gonna break my act before I even got to scare ya,” another snicker before you clear your throat dramatically, turning an entertained eye to your peeved classmate. “Were you gonna say something like I’ll protect you-” 
“I do not sound like that,” 
Xiaojun’s right. Your impression is bad and frankly a little too high pitched but that doesn't stop you from ignoring his interruption and continuing with your sentence as if you never had heard him. “-before I scared the shit outta ya? Did…did you think I was gonna play the part of the damsel in distress?”
 “I thought-” he begins with his tongue pressed harshly up against his teeth. 
“-That you would be my knight in shining armor?” you finish with a sly smile and an extended hand in his direction. 
Xiaojun pushes your gesture away, brushing the dirt and dust from off his clothes before sending you an aggravated glare. “Hardly,” he snaps, running a hand through his hair with a locked jaw and strained, irritated smile. 
His response doesn’t seem to hold any weight as you carry on with your teasing, going on about the exact facial expression he made when you hit him. Xiaojun doesn’t care enough to pay attention, knowing the only thing listening will do is elicit a reaction out of him. A reaction which you could further torture him with. But it’s not very easy to tone you out, certainly not with the way your inflection fluctuates between a teasing emphasis and a purred resonance. It’s with several weeks of practice, however, that your classmate is able to render your voice to nothing more than the up and down melody of your speech patterns. That and the occasional interjection of your accent which pops out in noisy iterations of ‘ya,’ ‘yer,’ and ‘ta.’  
He rolls his eyes, leaning back on his hands and laying his head on his shoulder-- choosing to focus on the slight alterations of your various expressions rather than anything actually coming out of your mouth. Or rather, he was. 
“You really should have seen yerself-” Xiaojuns staring straight past you, expression warped into an impressively authentic mix of terror and confusion. You bite down on your tongue and your previously amused countenance falls flat, irked at his sudden lack of attention. “- What the hell are ya lookin’ at?” 
He can’t seem to muster a response, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as his fingers flex upon the tiled floors--like he was preparing to shoot upwards and run with his tail tucked between his legs. His fear looks so genuine that you can’t help but be impressed. Who knew Xiao Dejun was such a talented actor? You raise a brow, scoffing as you cross your arms. 
“Cute expression but ‘ts not gonna work on me. I just played this trick on you, I’m not that naive,” 
No response. 
“Even if you keep lookin’ like that I ain’t gonna fall for it,” 
“Ya can seriously stop now, Xiaojun,” 
He raises a shaky finger, eyes blown wide and chest heaving. His effort is good, much more convincing than your prank earlier, but that doesn’t mean your going to play along just like that. Doing this only mere minutes after yours isn’t in good taste. Not enough for you to fall for it at least. In fact, it’s getting on your nerves. How many times do you have to tell him you’re not going to be tricked before he gets the hint and calls it quits? You huff, foot tapping on the floor in impatience. “I know there’s nothin’ there so knock it off,” 
Silence, again.
Your patience snaps. “Will ya stop?! I’m actually gettin ticked off-” 
There’s a heavy hand perched on your shoulder. One that consumes the entire surface of it-- long, bony fingers reaching down to the middle of your forearm. Its palm just hitting your shoulder blade. It’s cold and clammy with bones that you can feel digging into your flesh and dirtied nails which press every so slightly onto faded bruises. The skin itself is delicate as if it’s made of fine lace. Capable of ripping at only the slightest of tugs. It’s tawny in color with rough calluses and wet blisters which seep onto the surface of your skin. And it smells. It smells horrible, like rotting meat left out to cook in the sun for a week or a mixture of day old vomit and sweat. Even so, just the sight of it is enough to conjure a gag in your throat. 
You look to Xiaojun, who appears as if his soul has exited the husk of his corpse, and then back to the hand. Then to him, tears threatening to spill from his frightened gaze, and then to the hand. And then to your hands, then his, then the hand. Then to the figure standing behind you. 
Then back to Xiaojun, whose voice was finally emerging from his throat in stuttered syllables of complete gibberish. Then to the face of the owner of said hand which rested prominently behind a tattered, tangled mass of black hair. It blinked slowly at you with large, yellowed eyes before opening its mouth in what could have been interpreted as a poor attempt at a smile. Or maybe an attempt at taking a chunk out of you with whatever decaying teeth it had left. You weren’t planning on sticking around long enough to find out.
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taglist. @clockwork--fandoms @evilsailorsenshi @222brainrot @marvelous-llama @yangasm @trourevaille @ikozen thank you for supporting happily ever haunted! ♡
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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fanatics4l · 2 years
so you know how people were shook when they connected the dots between flayed billy's weird behaviour at heather's house and henry creel's very similar weird behaviour when he's talking to el in the lab? (i'm referring to the posture, the clasped hands, and the tilted head smiles.)
don't y'all ever come for dacre again when it's dacre who was the blueprint for jamie's acting for vecna/001. jamie took so much inspiration from flayed billy. dacre set the standards for how the mind flayer acts. he helped create jamie's version of 001 at the lab with el. dacre did it first and y'all would not have had your favourite vecna performance without him.
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