#tim riggins fic
allwaswell16 · 1 year
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with American football as part of the fic as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
🏈 Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante / @haydolce
(M, 112k, uni) A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
🏈 Follow Your Arrow by Anonymous
(E, 78k, high school) It's senior year and everything is about to change.
🏈 Want you to want me by lorinhazuzu
(T, 62k, high school) Louis is the popular football player, there’s nothing he wants he can’t get. He wants Harry, but Harry is not impressed.
🏈 But I’m the Quarterback by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
(E, 51k, conversion camp) At True Directions, Harry meets four other boys and five girls, all there to be cured of their homosexuality. He has to find a way out of this place as soon as possible—Christ, he isn’t even gay!
🏈 hush. by @wankerville
(T, 41k, high school) an au where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
🏈 bloodsport by tofiveohfive
(E, 40k, exes to lovers) “This is the first time you’re talking to me in eight months, and it’s still about football.”
🏈 feels like home to me by tippytoetomlinstyles
(NR, 34k, high school) the one where Harry is the quarterback who wants to be a photographer, Louis is the piano prodigy who like being a wallflower, and it's a roller coaster of a life but they're along for the ride.
🏈 the boys of fall by @godgavemelou
(M, 21k, hate to love) an american football au where the boys play for the university of tennessee, and harry and louis quite hate each other.
🏈 make me your future history by treaclenectar / @guccistrawberries
(E, 20k, baking) Or an exes to lovers Valentine’s Day AU
🏈 Twist a Little Closer, Now by @fackinglouis
(T, 20k, dance) the one where Harry signs up for a dance class that Louis teaches. Incidentally, the class is for six year olds.
🏈 one more for the stars by imsosorry
(M, 16k, high school) Harry's the star quarterback and Louis is about to graduate. It's a heartbreak waiting to happen
🏈 Shut Up and Wink at Me by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(T, 14k, roommates) the one where Louis wants to go away to college to get away from everything having to do with his hometown.
🏈 Before you go, can you read my mind? by anditsonlyforthebrave
(NR, 13k, mindreading) Harry can listen to whatever is going inside of Louis’ head and breaks up with him. Louis can never let it go.
🏈 So Much Left to Say by myownspark / @myownsparknow
(M, 7k, established relationship) Harry and Louis play for rival high school football teams, and when they play against each other in the Homecoming game, someone has to lose
🏈 Bad Move, Just Act Normal by @berzerkshires
(NR, 595 words, jersey swap) Quarterback Harry Styles wore rookie kicker Louis Tomlinson's jersey to a press conference.
—Rare Pairs—
🏈 fire for a heart by alnima
(M, 28k, Zayn/Louis)  the one where Louis is on the football team, Zayn is in yearbook, and they make it work.
🏈 I pledge my hands to larger service by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(M, 4k, Harry/Tim Riggins) Harry hasn't seen his high school crush since he graduated over ten years ago. The last place he expected to run into him is in a dark hallway while he's sneaking out after a one-night stand.
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jensenscomedyelbows · 1 month
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*assume all recs are rated EXPLICIT*
*assume all recs are Wincest or Wincest +*
*all participants give and receive*
THE SILENCE OF A SUMMER DAY by wanttobeatree
***Everyone who loves the Winchesters should read this amazing future fic***
AU. Rated PG. The world has moved on. This is their legacy.
(I’m just reccing this one in several different categories because I can)
THE HOWL VERSE by paxlux
S4 AU. Serial killers after Dean returns from Hell. No angels here, just bloodthirsty savages, AND so 👏well👏done👏
OFC POV. Future AU.
I found the POV fascinating. Boyking!Sam has to continue his predestined lineage. Dean, his Consort, auditions women willing to bear the Antichrist’s child, and when the OFC is chosen, helps her through the actual sex part, since, ya know, he knows what his brother likes. All 100% consensual, as much anything can be in a capitalist society that preys on women
…BY A ROCKING CRADLE by britomart_is
Sequel to the above. OFC POV. Future AU. Boyking!Sam/Consort!Dean/OFC and a bunch of permutations thereof
Crossover: Friday Night Lights
Sam/Tyra Collette/Tim Riggins, implied Dean/Mindy Collette
FNL starred a character named Tyra Collette who was played by Adrianne Palicki, aka Jess in SPN season 1. Tim Riggins was played by Taylor Kitsch, who was coincidentally born in Vancouver BC and currently lives in Austin, where FNL was primarily filmed and where Jared lives. The overlap is just…FANTASTIC. I mean, Sam is Jared is Sam, and Tyra is Jess is Tyra. Tim is just hot. Sadly, Dean’s erotic adventures take place out-of-story in this one, which is very well-written and whose Sam is very much in-character and believable. As a fan of both SPN and FNL, finding this fic was just *chef’s kiss*
THE SUITE VERSE by leonidaslion
Boyking!Sam AU. Lots of non-con and dub-con. I feel like this one is a no-brainer. It’s legendary. Clear your schedule and strap in for the bloody end times. Sam is keeping Dean prisoner in a luxury high-rise above the carnage that Sam is wreaking out in the world as the Antichrist. Dean is not enjoying this turn of events. Appearances by Bobby, Ruby, Castiel, Ben Braeden, and probably more that I can’t remember. Anyway, enjoy this twisted novella-length set of stories. 🫣
APOCALYPSE VALLEY by onelittlesleep and meyerlemon
AU. Sam and Dean are living in a world without people. At least, as far as they can tell, they’re the last men on earth. After a little over two years, a woman approaches. This is the story of Sam, Dean, and Emily after the end of humanity.
*Apocalypse Valley isn’t online anywhere, but my wonderful fic detective @jarpadandjensens found it for me, so I have uploaded it to my Dropbox, and that’s where the link will take you.
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angelicblondie · 1 month
wait i love tim riggins...
i might write a little fic for him just for shits and gigs - probably wont get any likes 😭 but honestly idc i love him so bad
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rustedhearts · 2 months
um hello?? we’re seriously lacking some tim riggins fic! maybe ao3 is the spot for that
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det-loki · 4 months
Was it worth getting Apple TV plus for presumed innocent? What are your top 5 fictional characters and when did you start being interested in Jake? I feel like Prisoners was the first time I ever found him scintillatingly hot. Roadhouse is def my favorite recent role of his.
to be completely transparent, the only thing I've watched fully through on apple was Defending Jacob, and I liked that . So far, apple is my least favorite streaming service but that's also because I haven't devoted anytime to trying a new show. I really want to watch Master of The Air, The Morning Show and Ted Lasso. I'll have to get back to you on those!
Forgive me if I misunderstood your question, but I'll answer it both ways!
My favorite fictional characters of ALL TIME are: 1. Detective Loki (Prisoners) 2.Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects) 3.Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights) 4.Theodore Crain (The Haunting of Hill House 5. Kayce Dutton (Yellowstone) +honorary mentioned: Rust Cohle (True Detective)
My favorite Jake characters: 1. Detective Loki (Prisoners) 2. Davis Mitchell (Demolition) 3. Donnie Darko (Donnie Darko) 4. Billy Hope (Southpaw) 5. Tommy Cahill (Brothers) +honorary mention: Scott Fischer (Everest)
My first memory of seeing Jake in film was Southpaw and Jarhead when I was younger. I fell in LOVE with Southpaw. Then some time passed and I discovered Prisoners. It changed my life, good ways and bad. I had a genuine obsession with that film, I watched it daily. Then came my fic. After the obsession passed, I flew through most of his filmography, watched some interviews and loved Jake as a person. I love how he explained things/his craft, I loved the projects he picked/produced, I loved the way he made space for those around him, with the public interactions he had. He's pretty cool
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: voice like honey; tim riggins
Honestly... I loved writing this. One, it gave me an excuse to write Friday Night Lights again and two.. this inspired me heavily to maaaybe do more with these two in the future on here. Idk, we’ll see.
Tim Riggins is a near fearless flirt. Tati is the new girl and she likes to liken herself to a butterfly.. Pretty to look at, hard to catch. Something tells me she hasn’t really dealt with a charmer like Tim.
uhhh.. just tim being tim.
Tim Riggins x OFC, Tati
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His voice was smooth and it was probably the first thing she’d ever noticed about Tim Riggins. As soon as he’d opened his mouth, offering a shitty excuse to their homeroom teacher for being late a third time and he’d slunk in, right past her seat, flopping into the seat two behind her, she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off the guy. She’d turned and pretended to be gazing out the window at the back of the classroom, but maybe she’d been staring at Tim.
Naturally, he was a football player. One of the big shots. A Dylan Panther. She tended to keep a wide berth of the more popular kids since moving to Dylan because she’d been one at her old school and she’d promised herself that she didn’t want to be that spoiled little princess again. She hated the way cliques worked and she’d seen them do their worst to a person. But right off the bat, she’d noticed something… Different about him.
He was smart, even though he had acting dumb as a bag of rocks down to an art. He was truthful, even when the truth might hurt a little upon hearing it. He tried to do the right thing, even when the right thing went horribly wrong. As weeks passed, she found herself growing more and more painfully aware of the guy, despite her best efforts to do the opposite. And Tim went on… Being Tim. Partying, playing football and not noticing anything outside of those two things.
At least this is what Tati had herself convinced. Until one day, the day before Valentine’s day, to be exact, that all changed.
Tati sat facing the front, twisting a brunette curly around her fingertip and sneaking glances at the clock. She felt a tap to her shoulder but thinking it was the jerk behind her being an ass again, she tried to ignore it.
The tap was more persistent this time. Tati whirled around, hazel eyes locking on the guy who sat in front of Tim Riggins, a brow raised. “What? What do you want, huh?”
“I didn’t…” the guy shrank back, waving his hands. Tati rolled her eyes and muttered “Jerk” under her breath, turning back around to face the front. She’d just started to doodle on the blank page in her notebook again when she heard a desk scraping across the linoleum floor.
“No headphones today, darlin?” -Dear god, just the sound of his voice.. The scent of Big Red chewing gum and the warmth of his breath against her ear as he leaned in slightly, an amused grin that she didn’t even have to be looking at to feel… it threw her into an internal uproar. She nearly choked on her own cotton candy-flavored gum and his hand shot out, patting her on the back hard. “Easy there, angel.” Tim chuckled, looking at her as if he were concerned. “Don’t like.. die on me.”
“Mr. Riggins.. Ms. Esquivel… What in the world are you two doing?” - at the sound of their teacher and her intent gaze fixing on Tati, Tati wanted to melt into the floor and disappear. The classroom was snickering. Tim remained calm. Nothing rattled the guy, apparently. He gave a teasing grin and nodded to Tati. “Just hit me, Mrs. H.. I ain’t introduced myself to the new girl.”
“I haven’t been the new girl for almost a month now, Tim.” Tati found her voice and spoke up quietly but firmly, blowing at the fringe bangs that tended to always flop right into her eyes, no matter what she tried to do. Tim didn’t seem deterred by Tati or the teacher.
“Touche. See, I miss class. Didn’t know, angel.”
“First of all, it’s Tati…” she took a deep breath. In her entire short time at Dylan High, this was actually the most she’d ever said to anyone. Tim could see her cheeks darkening and he chuckled quietly. The teacher turned back to the blackboard after he finally moved his chair back into it’s correct space and Tim stared at the brunette intently. The bell rang and she was up out of the chair with this cat-like graceful leap that he almost didn’t catch up to her. He managed to, just as she got to a stop in front of her locker.
Tati’s eyes met his in the flimsy mirror she had stuck to the door on the inside of her locker as she slicked on more red gloss. “You’re real good at blockin people out, ya know that? I’ve tried a thousand times t’ get yer attention by now.”
Tati turned, finding them body to body. Her eyes widened ever so slightly and she gulped, nearly choking on the damn gum again. Tim chuckled and stared down at her, his arm up, blocking her off so that she was pinned in. Tati took a ragged breath and then asked quietly, “Is there something I can do for you, Tim Riggins?”
“Well, you can start by lettin me walk ya to class, Tati. That’s a cute name, by the way, darlin.. Short for somethin?”
“Tatiana.” she gave a soft laugh as she looked up at him, tearing her eyes away abruptly when he happened to glance down at her. “Sorry.. I didn’t know you were trying to get my attention.”
“Maybe if you didn’t slink around campus with headphones in so loud..” Tim mused, snickering as she simply shrugged. They were standing in front of her classroom door now and he chuckled quietly, grabbing hold of her hand and placing a folded sheet of notebook paper into it as he winked. “I’ll see ya in an hour, angel. Gonna be waitin right here.”
Tati breezed into class and sank down into her seat, trying and failing at collecting herself. That only worsened when she opened the folded sheet of paper and hazel eyes scanned the words written there.
Never been good at this dancin around shit.. So here I go.. Valentines Dance with me, yes or no?
Tati smiled to herself, digging around for her favorite glittery red pen and she quickly scrawled out her response.
Yes. This better not be some kind of prank or bet, Tim or I swear to God..
After class, she handed him the note and he opened it, right there in front of her, chuckling as he slipped an arm around her. “I don’t joke a whole lot. I mean.. not about when I’m into somebody. And I am definitely into you..” in that almost velvety gravel voice of his as Tati’s heart hammered wild against her chest.
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I pledge my hands to larger service by yeah_alright
Harry Styles/Tim Riggins | 4k | Mature
“Don’t get me wrong, you were adorable in high school.”
Oh. Well, fuck. 
“And you even started to show signs at what might be hiding underneath that adorableness by the time you graduated.”
Ok, but what the fuck?
“But I never would have predicted this.”
“What the fuck is happening?” 
Tim does laugh at that. And staring at his mouth as he does is what makes Harry realize his own bottom lip is slack, his jaw having dropped in disbelief and then decided to just hang out there until Harry screams at his brain to return it to a more dignified position. 
“Want a beer?” Tim asks, nodding in the direction of his truck. “Think I still have a few in my cooler.”
And yes, Harry wants a fucking beer. He wants all of them.
Harry hasn't seen his high school crush since he graduated over ten years ago. The last place he expected to run into him is in a dark hallway while he's sneaking out after a one-night stand. They can't let the coincidence go to waste.
Written for the 2022 @harryrarepairfest. 
Read now on AO3
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Great night for fics! Bad night for ticks! (the insect in question got flushed). @heavy-lies-the-crown @lovedinapastlife and @flwrpotts all updated this evening. Go! Do! Be! Read! If you’re like me, you’ll spend this Friday with Bughead, Tim Riggins, and the dead tick.
It’s a wild night. Whew, lemme tell ya!
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arrthurpendragon · 6 years
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                                           SKY’S STILL BLUE
                                       Friday Night Lights fanfiction
                                             by: @barbychan4ever
 After her parents’ divorce, Anne moves to Dillon, Texas with her mother. She becomes fast friends with Julie, Matt and Landry, and circumstantially entangled with the Panthers’ running back.
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jerepars · 7 years
I survived the grocery store on Superbowl Sunday and am now prepared to use a football game as background noise while I edit.
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angelicblondie · 1 month
i wish so bad i could write some niche litttle fics. like tim riggins from fnl? i could write a killer fic for him
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maddiewritesstucky · 2 years
(Blaming the algorithm for keeping the Would You Ever away from me for three days) xx
Would you ever write crossover fic? Up to you whether this is various iterations of stucky or stucky x another ship or a stucky au in a universe we’re familiar with (TV/show)
I do remember seeing some FNL thots a while ago but figured I’d open it up!
😏 hoooo boy do I ever have thots…
I do want to preface this by saying that overall, I’m not super interested in picturing Steve/Bucky with anyone else.
I have indulged in a few daydreams (and screamed with @rainbowsandcoconut about them) involving our jock boys playing against a rival team, whose fullback happens to be one Big Tim Riggins…
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This cocky, broody, beer-skulling beautiful idiot in the mix with our sluttiest, nastiest iteration of Steve/Bucky? Potent. Impeccable. Nothing could go wrong.
Can you just *imagine* our jocks getting an eyeful of 33 out on the field?
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Bucky would have a fucking field day taunting Steve, “he’s almost as pretty as you, Stevie…wonder if he’s easy like you, too…you think he puts out?”
(Spoiler alert — Tim Riggins absolutely puts out)
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Bucky would probably be railing Steve in the showers after the game, running his mouth about offering Steve up to Riggs as a consolation for their team losing (or a victory prize for their team winning)
Now, is there any latent possessiveness or jealousy underlying our jocks that would prevent them from actually acting on this…? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤐 Who knows. Impossible to say.
It’s a nice thought, regardless.
And now that I have strayed gloriously from your actual question — I am not opposed to writing crossover fic, as such. If I knew both materials well enough to feel I could do it justice, and it’s something that would make sense for the characters, then yeah. I would.
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wolfenm-charries · 7 years
Tim Riggins, you precious cinammon roll ....
Why is it so hard to find fics centered on people realising how ill-treated and misperceived Tim Riggins often was / how he needed help, but *aren’t* about him being paired off with anyone / are instead about people, particularly the Taylors, being parental to him? (Not hating on the ships, per se; just not really looking for them.)
In particular, it bugged the crap outta me that Coach Taylor yelled at Tim for “abandoning” the team to go to Mexico, and made him do all this stuff to make up for it, yet gave Jason a *job* as assistant coach. Like, they went there *together*?? Why are you punishing one but rewarding the other??? Lyla and Jason, why didn't you tell anyone that Tim was trying to save Jason's life??
I may have to steal some time from myself to write some angsty stuff / fix-it fic for him involving (these are not prompts; this is me taking notes on what I want to do) parental / non-romantic hurt / comfort, people (probably Jason) standing up for him, maybe people finding out about that psycho he lived with (hmm, him getting shot would make for good hurt / comfort), and coach apologising for more than just the Julie thing. I mean, that apology was one of the show's better scenes, but Tim deserved *more*, LOL!
Maybe a fic where the whole “getting kicked out of the Taylors’ house” sitch sends Tim into a tailspin of depression .....
And maybe a fic where his situation with that *other* coach became worse / Taylor intervenes as it happens ....
At least maybe I can swing doing some sweet fic of him getting sick while staying with the Taylors and them worrying about him and nursing him back to health ....
And maybe I'll even do a fic where he, Jason, and Lyla have a poly thing, even if Lyla really grates on me, because it seemed in Mexico like they were going to go that route and I was really disappointed when they didn't, and the world needs more poly representation ...
UGH, I do not need to add to my to-do list!! LOL Why did I binge that show last month?? XD
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: so this is love; tim riggins
This was originally sent to my main’s ask box and I knew i had to transfer it to this blog. Because Tim Riggins and fluff. I might do something with this in the future, idk.
Tim and Amber are a thing now and they’re getting used to each other. Maybe it’s time to take the next step? Fluff.
Tim Riggins x Collette!OFC, Amber
uhh.. none.
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Tim bent, tugging off the heavy soled work boots. The scent of chili hung heavily on the air and his stomach growled. She was in the kitchen, the football game playing on the radio, and all he could do was grin lazily when the dog ran out to jump up on him.
A look around his living room revealed that apparently, she’d had time to think it over after their talk two nights ago and she’d moved most of her stuff in.
The house he built actually kinda felt like home. Or what he thought home might feel like.
He walked to the doorway separating the kitchen from the living room and he stood there, thumbs in his belt loop, watching her move around the kitchen, laughing when she went to open a higher cabinet and grab something just out of her reach. She’d been about to climb onto the counter, but Tim moved up behind her, grabbing for the bowls, chuckling as he nuzzled into her neck.
“You’re back early…” Amber turned to face him, staring up at him as she put her arms around his neck. Tim nodded to the living room. “Gonna take me up on my offer?”
“Mhmm. I mean… you did make a good point. I’m here every night lately anyway and it saves a trip across town.”
“That right?”
“Well, there is the fact that I wake up to see your sexy grouchy ass first thing every morning too..” Amber purred as she gripped the front of his oil stained white tee shirt and used her grip to pull herself up to his level, her lips meeting his. Tim gripped the edge of the counter and her hip, pulling her against him, pressing her back against the counter as he laughed and muttered, “I’m not that grouchy.”
“Tim Riggins, you’re lying your ass off right now.”
“ I could be hurt by that if I were a more sensitive guy.” Tim joked, the kiss breaking as he stared down at her. “I’m just glad you decided to take me up on it. Things… They feel better when you’re here.”
“I know what you mean.”
Before she could stop the words, they were out.
“I love you.”
Tim smiled and nodded, leaning in for another kiss. “I love you too. Wasn’t expecting it to happen but I’m happy it did.”
“Me too.”
“So… are we eatin tonight, or?”
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Reveal your most embarrassing old ships - those which you'd trawl ff.net and ao3 for, before you developed a more sophisticated taste and realised..duh, I can write my own. I'll go first....Hermione Granger and Remus Lupin...unfortunately, I've always been about, and will continue to be about, the older gentleman.
I feel like no ships are all that embarrassing because the beauty of fanfic/fan art is that you can ship characters what would never be canon together. You can explore the most taboo of pairings.
i was a huge original character fan because reader fics really didn't exist in the 2000's. I was really into Jack Sparrow/OCs. Legolas/OCs.
Big Draco/Ginny shipper. Julie/Tim Riggins. Sookie/Eric. Jacob Black/Bella (book!Jacob, bitches). Sparrabeth or Will/Jack/Elizabeth. Dean Winchester/Jo. Dean Winchester/Jess.
I was honestly never into any of the teachers in Harry Potter probably because I was so young when I read them. Like I am fully shocked that Lockhart was in his twenties and Snape/Sirius/Lupin were in their 30's
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thelonelybrilliance · 2 years
Followed you because of Stancy. But it tickles me that you like Tim/Tyra too! I thought I was the only one. We were robbed of their dynamic after season 1 - even if it wasn't romantic. They clearly were becoming friends at the end of the season but then L*ndry had to make her feel guilty about it. Their season 5 scenes were bittersweet for me since we should've gotten so much more. Especially when Billy/Mindy were dating/engaged, how did we not get more wedding party shenanigans!
OMG HI--WOW--I simply LOVE to find a Tim/Tyra shipper. Tim Riggins aka my favorite television character of all time and Tyra the perfectly imperfect heartbroken heartbreaking GIRL with the core of steel and the softest eyes! They have simply SO much potential and chemistry and you can be darn sure that I will someday write a future fic detailing their life together!! I agree that we only got scraps and yet SOMEHOW they're almost as powerful a bond as Coach/Tami because there are just LAYERS of history and meaning there. Right person, wrong time...Stancy vibes abound. Yeah I could talk about them forever and, uh, L*ndry is not seeing heaven #SnakeForSoManyReasons
Anyway thank you for sending this and having impeccable taste
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