#tim waterman
zeozeozeo · 11 months
Tim Waterman reads 'Eutopia Now' from All Over the Map: Writing on Buildings and Cities (2011) by Michael Sorkin, as a tribute to the late author who passed away recently from COVID-19.
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e-b-reads · 3 months
Books of the Month: Feb 2024
At this point I'm doing books of the months posts late more by design than by accident (I mean, several were by accident, but now...). It's interesting to look back with a little more distance and see what reads stuck with me from the previous month. This time it was:
My Brother Sam is Dead (James Lincoln Collier): I picked this up literally years ago for free, thinking I've heard of this so I should probably read it. Despite the title being right there, so you know what's coming, it was still a little more violent than I expected, and sort of more sad (although obviously I knew it would be sad! But he still got me). I am including it on the list because of a post I read recently about some people failing to grasp that there's nuance in history. A good book about a boy - young man - and his shrinking family, and how they're mostly just trying to live through the events happening around them.
Thus Was Adonis Murdered (Sarah Caudwell): Now for something completely different! Well, someone still dies in this one, but otherwise. I had heard of these (this is first in a short mystery series) before, but I didn't realize how much of an ensemble cast they have, or how hilarious they are! Set contemporaneously with when they're written, so early 1980s. Oxford Professor Hilary Tamar (gender unclear) seems to never spend time in Oxford, but instead hangs out with a gaggle of young lawyers (solicitors? I admit the British law stuff loses me a little, but it's kind of meant to) in London and in various cities around the world where they keep falling into situations where someone was murdered, and write each other very funny letters about it. I can't describe these sufficiently but I recommend them wholeheartedly.
And then I'm going to do something I never have yet, and list a couple honorable mentions. These were special to me for specific reasons, but might be exactly what someone is looking for so I'll list them too!
Call the Nurse (Mary J. MacLeod): This is one of those books written by someone who had experiences and wanted to write about them, rather than someone who wanted to write and so chose some experiences to write about. True stories from a woman (a nurse) who moved with her family to the Scottish Hebrides in the...1960s?? (Someone is currently borrowing my copy! I can't check, I think that's the right time period.) It was given to me by a very good friend; she'd read it a while ago but had trouble finding a copy to gift. So she was very triumphant when she found one, and I was touched. I enjoyed it as a book to read in the evenings, one chapter at a time.
The Waterman (Tim Junkin): This is fictional but kind of fits with the above as a book that's about a specific place and time as much as about a plot (though it does have a plot! gets exciting at the end). It was written in the 90s, takes place in the 70s, but though things have changed a lot, there's a lot of things that are still true about the communities around the Chesapeake Bay today, and I really liked it.
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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barklyvanish · 5 years
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Band Member,Steve Coy Of Dead Or Alive,1987 #Steve Coy #Dead Or Alive #Pete Burns #forbidden lover #come inside #you spin me round
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robe-and-wizard-hat · 5 years
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
There are a lot posts on here about the trope of “everyone knows that hero’s secret identity but they’re pretending not to,” and everyone can have their own head canon, but mine are correct. So here is the definitive list of which DC franchises should have actually functional secret identities and which ones shouldn’t:
Superfamily: What didn’t Bendis ruin? Superman’s secret identity should be the most ironclad one in the DCU, or possibly tied with Batman’s. “This guy puts on glasses and somehow it works???” is FOUNDATIONAL to the very nature of the genre. The best episodes of both Superman: The Animated Series and Lois and Clark are about how crucial the secret identity is to Clark living a full life. You can’t be Superman and publicly accessible at all times, and also, it ruins the fun. Only two people should ever figure out Superman’s secret identity, and they should be Lois, who calls him on it, and (much later) Jimmy, who doesn’t, because as long as Clark and Superman are two different people he’s gonna keep getting two different birthday presents every year. Jon and Kara’s IDs should be equally airtight. Kon’s is terrible but no one figures it out because Jacket Superboy is such a ham that no one believes he could maintain a secret identity for more than 30 seconds before revealing it in an attempt to get a date or score a free Zesti. (The world knows the boys as Jacket Superboy and Baby Superboy. I don’t care how old Jon is.)
Batfamily: ALSO AIRTIGHT. The only people who should ever be able to figure out Batman’s secret identity are Ra’s al Ghul, Bane, and Tim Drake, three equally weirdo stalkers. No, the Joker doesn’t know. No, the working girls from Jason’s old neighborhood didn’t figure it out because the Red Hood is nice to them. Yes, Matches Malone and Alvin Draper are highly convincing personas. IT DOESN’T WORK IF IT ISN’T AIRTIGHT. I DON’T CARE IF THE BUTTS MATCH.
Wonder Family: Only Cassie even bothers, and she doesn’t have the wig or goggles anymore, so...yeah, everyone at the Elias School knows she’s Wonder Girl. It’s fine. They think it’s cool.
Flash Family: SIGH. Speaking of people who ruin everything, Geoff Johns. Let’s go back to when Wally had no secret identity and was absolutely basking in the attention 24/7. Jay doesn’t even wear a mask! I will permit inexplicable secret identities for Bart and Wallace so that they can go to school. And hell, you know what, let’s say Barry isn’t even trying to maintain a secret identity but no one notices because they assume there’s no way a man that milquetoast could be the Flash, that would be funny.
Green Lanterns: John and Guy have never had secret identities. Does Hal? Does he really? Kyle is the opposite of Barry, where he truly believes he has a functioning secret identity even though he publicly hangs out with the other GLs all the time and leaves Earth for months at a stretch and wears a costume so tight anyone who has ever seen him naked is like “Oh hey, it’s Kyle!” I will allow Simon and Jess to retain their secret IDs for now because Simon wears a mask and Jess never leaves the house and they have, um, families to protect and stuff, which the older four don’t really anymore. (Are Hal’s brothers in continuity anymore? I can’t remember.)
Arrowfamily: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The best part is that they really think they have secret identities. Bless all of their beautiful, equally stupid hearts.
Aquafamily: They don’t actually have any (except that on occasion Arthur has gone by “C. King” or “Mr. Waterman” on land, which is FUCKING HILARIOUS), but there is an arc where Arthur grew a beard and everyone in Atlantis was like “Wow, who’s that?” HE WAS THEIR RECENTLY DEPOSED KING! WITH A BEARD! STILL WEARING THE AQUAMN COSTUME! AND THEY HAD NO IDEA!!! Anyway I therefore propose that humans can see through any Aquafam disguise instantly no matter how good it is but Atlanteans are inexplicably fooled by the flimsiest of fake mustaches and eyepatches. Garth came home with a slight Scottish accent after boarding school and no one recognized him for three months.
Boostle Family (THIS IS A THING, SHUT UP): Booster doesn’t have one. Jaime’s is flawless. Ted truly thinks his works even though he is publicly married to best friends with Booster. I love them.
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fictionz · 2 years
New Fiction 2022 - March
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete - "Deuteronomy" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
More repetition of mostly the same rules and laws from Numbers and Leviticus, but now we see just how wrathful God gets about his flock going astray. He knew exactly what would happen and fully expected that the Israelites would gripe and fall in with the false idols of the natives of the promised lands. It’s basically a demonic horror villain promising all the ways he’s going to make you suffer. I just feel bad for Moses, who tried real hard to keep a society of people in good standing with the Lord but they were just not gonna have it.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete - "Josue" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
I gotta say, I look forward to these shorter books after the long stretches. Josue is believed to have been written by the man himself except for a few final verses added on after his death, an interesting sidenote in this revision. In content, it's mostly another inventory of the people of Israel and Josue's role as executor of God's estate after the Israelites swept through and killed most of the natives. The Old Testament seems to be mostly rules, inventory, and promises of horrible pain and death.
The Fall of Terok Nor by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (2000)
This first part of a trilogy delivered on classic characters in their element, though the authors made some weird choices around characters expressing their attractions and it made some dialogue and behaviors feel out of character.
The War of the Prophets by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (2000)
Then the second part of the trilogy goes off-the-wall ape-shit in its plot. It really is a mind-boggling series of events with some especially gruesome moments of violence. Not bad, per se, but taking the characters out of their element really threw me for a loop. It reminds me of many a middle entry that just isn’t particularly pleasant because bad things are happening to characters I know and it won’t be resolved until the third part.
Inferno by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (2000)
The time travel element hits hard in the ending of this trilogy of novels, and although they get long-winded at times, it’s fun when characters are trying to use technobabble to explain time travel mechanics and paradoxes woven into the many wild layers of shenanigans. But this one ends the horrifying stuff that happens in the previous book and brings everyone back to Deep Space Nine, which I very much appreciated. It’s maybe too neat an ending considering everything they experience, but it’s also where they needed to be since this all takes place in the latter part of the sixth season of the show.
"Giraffes Explained" by Tim Andraka (2022)
Ah, I knew there had to be a logical explanation.
"I have been hired to clean the wizard tower" by tart (2022)
Tough job, but it’s a living.
"白圈 White Ring" by Woshibai & trans. Guandi Wu (2022)
What an immensely confusing experience is childhood.
"Platformer Practice" dev. Itizso (2020)
Love a good girder hop.
Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates dev. & pub. Tiger Electronics (1990)
I have never completed a LCD handheld game and I don’t know that I’ll ever achieve this again.
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles dev. Chris Gray Enterprises & pub. Jaleco (1992)
Nintendo hard still applies to this game from quite late in the life of the NES, but it may be the most mechanically fun of the various games based on Young Indiana Jones. I’m still wondering if this deserves more praise than it seemed to receive in its time.
Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones dev. Brian A. Rice, Waterman Design & pub. Sega (1994)
Whereas this second 2D platformer tried for some technical feats and really just falls flat with its bonkers physics and controls. The very long list of testers guarantees that the issues were noted and this was the best they could do in what I can only assume was a very short development period.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Revolution dev. Riverdeep, Asylum Entertainment  & pub. LucasArts (2007)
I was trying to remember if Flash was still relevant for game development in 2007, and I think it was on its way out then. I still harbor some nostalgia for the vector visuals.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Special Delivery dev. Riverdeep, Asylum Entertainment  & pub. LucasArts (2007)
Someone decided the first game was too easy and cranked up the difficulty of the dexterity challenges, which is an odd choice for slow-paced games based around adequately preparing for long journeys a la The Oregon Trail and answering historical trivia questions.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Hunting for Treasure dev. Riverdeep, Asylum Entertainment  & pub. LucasArts (2008)
While mechanically these simple dialogue and mini game assemblages aren’t very interesting, their edutainment factor is impressive. I really did learn some history each time a character asked me for some obscure detail about war machines or tribal rituals.
Robot Carnival - "Opening" dir. Katsuhiro Otomo & Atsuko Fukushima (1987)
An opening to behold.
Robot Carnival - "Franken's Gears" dir. Koji Morimoto (1987)
Animating any mechanical object must be someone’s special hell.
Robot Carnival - "Star Light Angel" dir. Hiroyuki Kitazume (1987)
Journey with me.
Robot Carnival - "Deprive" dir. Hidetoshi Ōmori (1987)
If you fight and you fight then you will only fight.
Robot Carnival - "Cloud" dir. Manabu Ōhashi (1987)
Continuation is the curse we fail to acknowledge.
The Batman dir. Matt Reeves (2022)
A freak indeed.
Gangubai Kathiawadi dir. Sanjay Leela Bhansali (2022)
Look out for the ones beside you.
Compartment No. 6 dir. Juho Kuosmanen (2021)
The darkness of the everyday makes me more apprehensive than the terrors we avoid.
Umma dir. Iris K. Shim (2022)
A slap in the face of this wayward child.
The Outfit dir. Graham Moore (2022)
A little less polished and this could’ve really hit hard.
X dir. Ti West (2022)
When you’re alone and alone and alone, your world is the only and the others don’t belong.
Sweet Smell of Success dir. Alexander Mackendrick (1957)
There’s no stopping what can’t be stopped.
The Changeling dir. Peter Medak (1980)
A certain kind of horror hero who doesn’t acknowledge the fear.
Re-Animator dir. Brian Yuzna & Stuart Gordon (1985)
This insistence on forever.
Everything Everywhere All At Once dir. Daniels (2022)
The other you pokes you on the shoulder.
La Mujer Murcielago dir. René Cardona (1968)
Yes! The existence of the thing demands its preservation.
The Lost City dir. Aaron Nee & Adam Nee (2022)
It always ends inside the tomb, don’t it?
Infinite Storm dir. Malgorzata Szumowska (2022)
What is the weight of a life to you? Does it ever get too heavy?
Mighty Max (1993-1994)
I always remembered the final episode as a particularly clever way to end a syndicated animated show that would mostly be watched out of order. And considering that this show was made to advertise toys to kids, it’s a surprisingly mature and dark look at the ol’ hero’s journey.
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bakerfender58 · 3 years
Rendere lo stato uno sportivo
Accessori sportivi, incorporato è un negozio di stampa a schermo di proprietà locale. Molti clienti scelgono i nostri servizi di serigrafia personalizzati che includono t-shirt personalizzati, box, cappelli, tazze, banner e altro ancora. http://www.divephotoguide.com/user/jackigreen35 Le imprese locali, le scuole, le città e le chiese negoziano anche le nostre decalcomanie personalizzate, camicie ricamate, abbigliamento ricamato logo, prodotti promozionali e altro ancora.
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La società sopra menzionata non è sola quando si tratta di accessori sportivi. Altri che sono altamente ammirati in questo mercato degli accessori per attrezzature sportivi sono Tiger Woods, Arnold Palmer, Evander Holyfield, Joe Montana, Wayne Gretzky, Arnold Palmer, Joe Montana, Pele, David Beckham, Joe Montana, Brian Leininger, Affitto Maccabee, Wayne Gretzky,Arnold Palmer, Evander Holyfield, Arnold Palmer, Joe Montana, Pele, David Beckham, Bobby Jones, Curt Edwards, Vince Young, Joe Montana, Jimmy Durante, Amy Waterman, Tim Beckham, Roger Clemens, Joe Montana, Mickey Mantle, Joe Montana, Mickey Mantle, Joe MontanaScandali steroidi, LP MVP, Roger Maris, Joe Montana, Joe Dimaggio, Joe Namath, Joe Montana, dipendenza steroidea, e così tanti altri. Come puoi vedere, non c'è limite a ciò che alcune delle più grandi stelle sportive e icone del mondo hanno raggiunto nella loro vita. In effetti, alcune delle migliori celebrità sportive ora vivono per il resto della loro vita, come grandi celebrità, in pensione, perché hanno approfittato del lusso e dello stato sportivo che erano a loro disposizione per così tanto tempo. Come dice il proverbio, non c'è niente di più grande che vincere una guerra, ma perdendo una battaglia. Quindi va con gli accessori sportivi. Ci sono molte persone che hanno lo stato e il denaro per acquistare e indossare gli ultimi e costosi abbigliamento sportivo e gli accessori disponibili sul mercato, che solo il super ricco e famoso potrebbero permettersi fino a quando il prodotto è diventato fuori moda o è diventato un oggetto di culto. Ma, ancora oggi, ci sono ancora molte persone che non potevano preoccuparti di meno di ciò che è alla moda o popolare, ma sono ancora in grado di sfruttare un abbigliamento sportivo dall'aspetto eccezionale perché hanno approfittato del lusso sportivo e dello status disponibile per loro in passato eMi piace ancora. I consumatori di oggi sono abbastanza fortunati da avere accesso alla ricchezza di attrezzature sportive, abbigliamento, abbigliamento, accessori e privilegi che erano stati limitati agli elite pochi solo pochi anni fa. Ci sono molte celebrità sportive e strutture sportive che fanno miliardi di approvazione di alcuni prodotti o sono famosi per indossare un po 'di attrezzature sportive. Tuttavia, ci sono molti altri che non potevano preoccuparti di meno su ciò che è popolare o alla moda, ma sono in grado di fare una fortuna solo fornendo atleti, bodybuilder, weekend warriors, e simili con le attrezzature sportive e gli accessori di cui hanno bisogno per rimanerela forma superiore e competere. Al giorno d'oggi, tutti possono essere una stella sportiva o almeno assomigliare a uno perché il mercato degli accessori sportivi si è evoluta in un'intera linea di prodotti che possono essere personalizzati per soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza e preferenze personali individuali. Con tutte le diverse attrezzature sportive e accessori sportivi disponibili oggi, è importante ricordare che hai il controllo di ciò che indossi, come lo indossi, quanto tempo ci vuole per farla pulire, e così via. Puoi scegliere tra centinaia di diversi accessori sportivi e abbigliamento che ti farà sembrare come se fossi appartenenti a una squadra o in una squadra sportiva diversa. Proprio come nella vita reale, alcuni atleti indossano la testa quando sono in competizione, mentre altri giocatori preferiscono mostrare un lato più serio e rilassato al pubblico. Sia che tu scelga di indossare picchi, tacchetti, caschi, imbottitura, stinco, o qualsiasi altra cosa, gli accessori sportivi possono farti sembrare buono o almeno sentirsi meglio su di te. Solo perché ti stai godendo una stagione sportiva di successo o un evento non significa che devi lasciare andare il tuo stato. Stelle sportive come Lance Armstrong, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Evander Holyfield, Pele, Joe Montana, Magic Johnson, e così tanti altri sostengono ancora un alto livello di rispetto e status nella loro carriera sportiva, dimostrando che gli sport possano effettivamente portartigrande gioia. Se hai sempre sognato di essere proprio come loro, ora ci sono molte opzioni per te per goderti quel sogno. Scegli tra carte sportive, abbigliamento, caschi, maglie, tazze, premi, statue, attrezzi e qualsiasi altra cosa desideri.
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echologue · 3 years
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The Fifth Day, Nicolas Moufarrege, 1980  Thread and pigment on needlepoint on canvas Collection of George Waterman III. Photo by Emily Peacock.
Nicolas Moufarrege 1947–1985
Nicolas Abdallah Moufarrege (1947–1985) was an artist, critic, and curator born in Alexandria, Egypt to Lebanese parents. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees in chemistry from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon in 1965 and 1968, respectively. In 1968 he moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts on a Fulbright Grant and a Harvard University assistantship; it is during this time that he decided to pursue a career in the arts. He returned to Beirut and had his first solo exhibition of tapestries at Triad Condas Gallery in 1973.
With the onset of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975, Moufarrege relocated from Beirut to Paris, France. During this period, his work was included in exhibitions at Mathaf Gallery, London, England (1976); Gallery Kamp, Amsterdam, Netherlands (1977); George Zeeny Gallery, Beirut (1979); and Galeries de Varenne/Jacques Damase, Paris (1980).
In 1981, Moufarrege moved to New York City where he became a central figure in the burgeoning East Village arts scene. His writing for the New York Native, Arts Magazine, Flash Arts, and Artforum is credited with bringing early attention to galleries including FUN Gallery, Gracie Mansion, Civilian Warfare, and Nature Morte, and to artists and friends including Greer Lankton, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Fab 5 Freddy, and David Wojnarowicz. From 1982-84, Moufarrege received a studio through the International Studio Program at PS1, the Institute for Art and Urban Resources (now MoMA PS1), where he mounted two studio exhibitions, The New York Times Front Page (1982) and A Flag for the ‘80s (1983). Moufarrege had two solo exhibitions in New York: On Pins and Needles at Gabrielle Bryers Gallery (1983) and at FUN Gallery (1985). Moufarrege also curated the exhibitions Intoxication (1983) and Ecstasy (1984) at Monique Knowlton Gallery in New York.
In 1985, Moufarrege passed away at age 37 from AIDS-related complications. He is survived by his sister Gulnar “Nouna” Mufarrij, his brother Nabil Moufarrej, and his family in Shreveport, Louisiana.
In 1987, Tim Greathouse, Cynthia Kuebel, Elaine Reichek, and Bill Stelling organized a memorial exhibition of Moufarrege’s work at the Clocktower, the Institute for Art and Urban Resources, founded by Alanna Heiss. Since then, Moufarrege’s work has been included in The Downtown Show (2006), curated by Carlo McCormick in consultation with Lynn Gumpert and Marvin J. Taylor at New York University’s Grey Art Gallery, and SIDE X SIDE (2008), curated by Dean Daderko for Visual AIDS at La MaMa La Galleria.
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zeozeozeo · 11 months
In this hybrid seminar, Tim Waterman, Acting Director of Architecture History and Theory at The Bartlett School of Architecture, is in conversation with Sarah Ensor, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, bringing a nuanced and varied approach to thinking through queer futurity in today's world.
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e-b-reads · 3 months
They reached Pecks by five-thirty. By quarter to six they were on the river, which was like pitch in the moonless dark, and as they churned into the Choptank, they watched the first sluice of light invade the distant horizon. The breeze from the Bay was moderate. Sipping from the thermos of coffee and whiskey he had mixed, Byron worked the upright tiller post while Clay put on his oilskin apron, which had been Pappy's. Gradually the sky uncovered itself, and the silver water glimmered pastels.
- The Waterman, Tim Junkin
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 4 years
ethnicity headcanons bc why not
pew pew, this is my most recent list of my city ocs ethnicities so :
Lynn Cooper (Manhattan) is Lenape
Rodrigo Madden (the Bronx) is Puerto Rican - Irish
Frank Russo (Staten Island )is Dutch, German, & Italian
Tim Cohen (Brooklyn) is African American & Ashkenazi
Andy Perez (Queens) is Chinese , Filipino, & Dominican
Will Waterman (Albany) is Dutch, Irish, English
Emma Waterman (Schenectady) is African American -Dutch
Noemi Eastman (Rochester) is African American, English &Puerto Rican
Stephen McKinley (Buffalo) is Polish , English , & German
Frances McCarthy (Eastern Bronx) is Italian-Irish
Genevieve Richelieu (Paris) is French
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Parasite
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role Joaquin Phoenix, Joker
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role Renee Zellweger, Judy
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role Laura Dern, Marriage Story
TELEVISION Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series The Crown
MARION BAILEY / Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother HELENA BONHAM CARTER / Princess Margaret OLIVIA COLMAN / Queen Elizabeth II CHARLES DANCE / Lord Mountbatten BEN DANIELS / Lord Snowdon ERIN DOHERTY / Princess Anne CHARLES EDWARDS / Martin Charteris TOBIAS MENZIES / Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh JOSH O’CONNOR / Prince Charles SAM PHILLIPS / Equerry DAVID RINTOUL / Michael Adeane JASON WATKINS / Harold Wilson
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series Sam Rockwell, Fosse/Verdon
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series Michelle Williams, Fosse/Verdon
STUNT ENSEMBLES Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Marija Juliette Abney Janeshia Adams-Ginyard George “Gee” Alexander Derek Alfonso Nate Andrade Christopher Antonucci Randy Archer Brandon Arnold Steven S. Atkinson Ben Aycrigg Jennifer Badger Christopher Balualua Danya Bateman Loyd Bateman Kelly Bellini Joanna Bennett Carrie Bernans Felix Betancourt Gianni Biasetti, Jr. Mike Bishop Tamiko Brownlee Troy Butler Jwaundace Candece Marc Canonizado Janene Carleton Elisabeth Carpenter Sean Christopher Carter Kevin Cassidy Hymnson Chan Courtney Chen Anis Cheurfa Fernando Chien Alvin Chon Tye Claybrook, Jr. Marcelle Coletti David Conk John A. Cooper Brandon Cornell Thomas Joseph Culler Jahnel Curfman Gui Da Silva-Greene Chris Daniels Keith Davis Martin De Boer Robbert de Groot Isabella Shai DeBroux Holland Diaz Josh Diogo Jackson Dobies Justin Dobies Cory Dunson Jessica Durham Justin Eaton Jared Eddo Katie Eischen Kiante Elam Jazzy Ellis David Elson Jason Elwood Hanna Tony Falcon Guy Fernandez Mark Fisher Alessandro Folchitto Colin Follenweider Glenn Foster Simeon Freeman Shauna Galligan Monique Ganderton Johnny Gao Jomahl Gildersleve Denisha Gillespie Daniel Graham Ryan Green Carlos Guity Califf Guzman Dante Ha Akihiro Haga Garrett Hammond Lydia Hand Daniel Hargrave Kandis Hargrave Sam Hargrave Regis Andrew Harrington III Thayr Harris Zedric Harris Jimmy Hart Alex Hashioka Zachary Henry Danny Hernandez Mark Hicks Maria Hippolyte Bobby Holland Hanton JT Holt Crystal Hooks Niahlah Hope Damita Howard Justin Howell Jacob Hugghins Lindsay Anne Hugghins Michael Hugghins Tony Hugghins Scott Hunter James Hutchison III Pan Iam CC Ice Sarah Irwin Mami Ito Duke Jackson Michael Jamorski Kirk Jenkins Preshas Jenkins Floyd Anthony Johns Jr. Richard M. King Ralf Koch Khalil La’Marr Matt LaBorde Danny Le Boyer Matt Leonard William Leong Bethany Levy James Lew Marcus Lewis Jefferson Lewis III Eric Linden Scott Loeser Rachel Luttrell-Bateman Adam Lytle Tara Macken Dave Macomber Julia Maggio Ruben Maldonado Richard Marrero Rob Mars Andy Martin Aaron Matthews Tim R. McAdams Taylor McDonald Kyle McLean Crystal Michelle Mark Miscione Heidi Moneymaker Renae Moneymaker Chris Moore Tristen Tyler Morts William Billy Morts Marie Mouroum Spencer Mulligan Travor Murray Jachin JJ Myers Anthony Nanakornpanom John Nania Nikolay Nedyalkov Carl Nespoli Paul O’Connor Marque Ohmes Olufemi Olagoke Noon Orsatti Rowbie Orsatti Jane Oshita Leesa Pate Natasha Paul Gary Peebles Nathaniel Perry Josh Petro Lloyd Pitts George Quinones Taraja Ramsess Greg Rementer Antjuan Rhames Meredith Richardson Bayland Rippenkroeger Ryan Robertson Christopher Cody Robinson Donny Rogers Carrington Christopher Eric Romrell Michelle Rose Corrina Roshea Marvin Ross Elena Sanchez Maya Santandrea Matthew Scheib Erik Schultz Jordan Scott Joshua Russel Seifert Brandon Shaw Bruce Shepperson Joseph Singletary III Tim Sitarz Dominique Smith Dena Sodano Robert D. Souris Jackson Spidell Daniel Stevens Jenel Stevens Diandra Stoddard Milliner Granger Summerset Phedra Syndelle Mark Tearle Hamid-Reza Thompson Tyler J. Tiffany Aaron Toney Amy Lynn Tuttle Tony Vo Todd Warren Kevin Waterman Amber Whelan Aaron Wiggins Joseph Williams Matthew M. Williams Thom Williams Zola Williams Mike Wilson Tyler Witte Michael Yahn James Young Marcus Gene Young Woon Young Park Casey Zeller Keil Zeperni
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Comedy or Drama Series GAME OF THRONES Boian Anev Mark Archer Kristina Baskett Ferenc Berecz Richard Bradshaw Michael Byrch Andrew Burford Yusuf Chaudhri Nick Chooping Jonathan Cohen David Collom Christopher Cox Jacob Cox Matt Crook Matt Da Silva Levan Doran Dom Dumaresq Daniel Euston Bradley Farmer Pete Ford Vladimir Furdik David Grant Lawrence Hansen Richard Hansen Nicklas Hansson Rob Hayns Lyndon Hellewell Jessica Hooker Gergely Horpacsi Paul Howell Rowley Irlam Erol Ismail Troy Kechington Paul Lowe John Macdonald Leigh Maddern Kai Martin Kim Mcgarrity Carly Michaels Nikita Mitchell Chris Newton David Newton Jason Oettle Bela Orsanyi Ivan Orsanyi Radoslav Parvanov Oleg Podobin Josh Ravenscroft Andrej Riabokon Zach Roberts Doug Robson Stanislav Satko Paul Shapcott Mark Slaughter Sam Stefan Jonny Stockwell Ryan Stuart Gyula Toth Marek Toth Andy Wareham Calvin Warrington Heasman Richard Wheeldon Belle Williams Will Willoughby Leo Woodruff Ben Wright Lewis Young
WINS BY STUDIO Disney – 1 Neon – 1 Netflix – 1 Roadside Attractions/LD Entertainment – 1 Sony Pictures – 1 Warner Bros – 1
WINS BY NETWORK Amazon – 3 FX – 2 HBO – 2 Netflix – 1 Apple – 1
SAG Awards 2020 – Winners MOTION PICTURES Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Parasite HYAE JIN CHANG / Chung Sook…
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nehmmo · 5 years
Kalani | Gift from Heaven - Trailer from Nuno Dias on Vimeo.
“Kalani” Premieres this Friday at Surf At Lisbon Festival.
For the past 3 years, filmmaker Nuno Dias has been busy capturing the life of one of the most enigmatic phenomenons of the Big wave Scene, Kalani Lattanzi.
Filmed in Nazaré and Rio de Janeiro, this documentary portrays Brazilian waterman Kalani Lattanzi’s route, all the way from his origins and first contact with the ocean in Brasil, to Nazaré in Portugal. Where ultimately, with his body alone, no fins or boards or jets, he faces the biggest waves in the world, in the most pure form of wave riding: bodysurf.
“Kalani - Gift from Heaven” also counts with the participation and testimonies of some of the biggest names in the big wave scene, that crossed or witnessed Kalani’s path, names like Garrett McNamara, Andrew Cotton, Ross Clarke-Jones, Hugo Vau, Maya Gabeira, Carlos Burle, Nic Von Rupp, Lucas Chumbo, David Langer, Tim Bonython, Tom Lowe, Dudu Pedra and João Zik.
This production contains a lot of unreleased and unique big wave imagery of Nazaré, including historic footage of the biggest waves ever attempted by a bodysurfer. The result is enriched by a variety of different angles: action from land, aerial photography or water footage, in what is a particularly difficult sport to capture on video.
At 25, Nuno Dias has filmed some of the most iconic Nazaré moments, is a multiple WSL Big wave award winner, including the filming of a Guiness Record Wave. His film “Empties” won best short film in 2018 at SAL, and later the Festival Lagoa Surf e Arte, in Florianópolis, Brasil.
“Kalani - Gift from Heaven” premieres this Friday, November the 8th at 9h30 pm, in Cinema São Jorge in Lisbon. Tickets available on Ticketline and at the Cinema São Jorge’s Ticket Shop. For more info contact @kalanithefilm on Instagram
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impact24pr · 3 years
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bomberlandia · 3 years
Ranking every Bombers player from the Elimination Final loss to the Bulldogs
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Heading into the Elimination Final against the Bulldogs one of the main worries for the Bombers was their inability to stop run-on goals. This was a trend that appeared regularly all year. 
So it was no surprise then that the Bulldogs kicked 8.3 to 0.5 in a steady second half blitz to end Essendon’s year by 49 on a wet deck in Tasmania. 
This, surely, will be an area the Bombers need to fix if they want to contend for a flag. 
So what did work? 
The Bombers won the hitouts by +19 (53-34). They won the tackle count by +17 (82-65). Even in the wet they clunked marks (+18) and were better at intercepts (+7). 
But the areas they lost ground in ultimately decided the game. 
They lost clearances by -8 (45-37) and centre clearances 14-7. The Bulldogs were far better in the contest, winning that by 22 (170-148). 
They had a string of midfielders that stood up. For contested possessions the Bulldogs had seven players that collected 10 or more: Macrae (19), Liberatore (17), Treloar (14), Weightman (11), Bontempelli (10), Hunter (10), English (10). 
The Bombers had four: Parish, Merrett, Draper and Redman. 
The Bulldogs also won the free kick count 22-14 which kept the Bulldogs in the game early when Essendon dominated stretches of the first half. 
Weightman booted four goals all from free kicks. The Laverde high tackle was there. Not sure about the rest. 
And at one point the Bulldogs had kicked seven goals: five of those were from free kicks. The game wasn’t decided by free kicks but it impacted momentum because of the timing of them and where those free kicks were given. 
To be clear: the Bulldogs deserved to win. Their second half was elite. Bombers were smashed in the midfield as they rediscovered their mojo. 
So where to from here? The Bulldogs play the Lions. The Bombers get some rest and will have another pre-season adding talent to their list and fixing weaknesses: i.e. stopping run-on goals. 
With that, I ranked every Essendon player from Sunday’s 49-point Elimination Final loss. 
1. Parish: Easily the Bombers best player. He had 15 touches in the second quarter and stuffed the stat sheet with 35d 4t 29 pa 11 clearances 6 inside 50s 7 score involvements all at 71 percent efficiency on a wet day. He also had 698 metres gained, kicked 1.1 and was Essendon’s best contested ball winner with 18. 
2. Merrett: Zach and Parish held the midfield together like they’ve done all year. You can forgive Merrett’s untidy ball use going at 61 percent efficiency, because he worked hard in other areas and earned the most tackles and pressure acts of any Bombers player. He finished with 31d 9t 35pa 13 contested touches 6 intercepts and 593 metres gained.
3. Draper: That was probably his best game for the club. He did everything he could in the wet to win the ball forward, win the contest, take marks. His 44 hitouts were incredible and most of those were to advantage. He had 18d 5m 4t 5 clearances 5 inside 50s, 5 score involvements 12 contested touches and 407 metres gained. He just unlocked the new standard for himself. 
4. Heppell: The skipper was upbeat after the match and you can hear his belief in the team when he spoke about 2022. He ran all day. Clocked up 14.7 kilometres for 24d 7m 18pa at 75 percent efficiency with 6 intercepts. Although not the result he wanted, it was a real leader's effort. 
5. Ridley: I enjoyed watching the contest between Ridley and Naughton. Two young talents going at it. Naughton ended the day with three goals but two of those came in the last quarter when the game was iced. Ridley, who’s only played 48 games, finished the day with 16 spoils, 17d 6m 8 intercepts at 82 percent efficiency in the wet. He’s established himself as an elite defender who can do it all. 
6. Redman: There were no running goals from Redman from half back on Sunday. We’ve been accustomed to this because of his sharp rise in development. He picked up 18d with 9 interceptions, 25pa and 398 metres gained. He was the fourth best Bomber for the contested ball with 11, behind Parish, Merrett and Draper. Good game. Solid year. 
7. Snelling: Ran 15.8 kilometres on the day which was the most on the ground, even more than Bontempelli. Kicked 0.2 and had 15d 7t 24pa with 5 score involvements. A lot of what Snelling does goes unnoticed. This was a solid outing. 
8. Cutler: He had some unlucky moments where the ball ricocheted off his foot into the hands of Tim English for a set shot (missed) and another one on the full. He finished as the fourth best ball winner for the Bombers with 21d 4t 17pa and 8 intercepts at 71 percent efficiency. He got better as the year progressed. 
9. Stewart: The former forward took the most marks for the Bombers with 7, and had the best efficiency at 87. This is what you want from a key defender. He also had 16d and 6 intercepts. He’s been one of Essendon’s success stories of 2021. 
10. Stringer: He didn’t get his hands on the ball enough and probably spent too much time forward or resting. We didn’t see Jake bust through the centre of the ground at all and that’s what the Bombers needed in that third quarter when the game was slipping away. He worked hard with 25 pressure acts. He kicked 2.1. Had eight tackles. But just had 9 touches. 
11. McGrath: Because of Hind’s absence Andy was forced into other parts of the ground. That meant the Bombers missed his clearance and contested work. He finished with 15d 20pa and 7 intercepts. A quiet day by his lofty standards. But he gets a pass. 
12. Laverde: He was strong in the contest and when the ball hit the ground he held his own and was able to get the ball out of the back half accurately most of the time. Gave away two free kicks including the high tackle (which was there) on Weightman who goaled. Ended the day with a solid line of 12d 6m 6 intercepts 11pa at 83 percent efficiency. He’s turned his career around in this new role. 
13. Smith: Tried hard all day. He was involved in a few chase down tackles on the wing. Kicked a goal from a 50-m penalty. Finished with 13d 6t 22 pa and 6 inside 50s which was on par with his season averages. He played his role. 
14. Durham: For a 19-year old playing his first final he did really well. Sure, he wasn’t clean and got pushed off the ball a fair bit, but he kept digging in at the contest. He picked up 17d at 82 percent efficiency with 22 pa and four inside 50s plus four score involvements. There’s something really exciting about Durham. Looks like a real good find. 
15. Caldwell: Had a hot start then faded. Can’t be too hard on him. It was his first senior game since round two. It was actually impressive to see him get through a tough finals game and looked good when he touched the ball. He had 14d 4t 14 pa and 6 inside 50s at 64 percent efficiency. 
16. Guelfi: Played well in patches. Brought great energy. Started the game hot. He had 9d and 4m in the first quarter and then 9d over the next three quarters. Finished the day with 18d 4m 13pa at 66 percent efficiency and had 5 inside 50s. 
17. Gleeson: Was prominent early when both teams were feeling each other out. Had 7d and 5m in the first quarter and by halftime had 13 touches. Only touched the ball five times in the second half. He finished with 18d 6m and 6 intercepts at 77 percent efficiency. 
18. Shiel: Butchered the ball with 45 percent disposal efficiency which included 33 percent in the second term and 25 percent in the third. Shiel has had issues with efficiency before but not to this level. The bad weather didn’t help. Finished with 24d 4t 20 pa 326 metres gained and 6 clearances. 
19. Francis: Kicked 0.2. One of those hit the post. Anytime the ball went forward there was a sea of players on top of him. Had 9d 3m 4t 8pa and 5 score involvements at 33 percent efficiency.  
20. Perkins: Looked under the pump in slippery conditions and it was also his first final. Couldn’t control the ball when he got his hands on it. He had 6d with 12 pa at 83 percent efficiency. Will be better for the experience. 
21. Waterman: Had the least amount of time on the ground (69 percent) for Essendon. Had 10d and 7 pa. Couldn’t get his hands on it. 
22. Wright:  Not his day. Spent 56 percent of his time in the defensive half of the ground. Finished the day with 7 disposals. All handballs.
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