#time for a midnight snack
theriu · 4 months
Free yourself of the notion that expensive foods must inherently taste better than inexpensive ones. For example. I have yet to find a string cheese more personally pleasing and delicious than the ones I get at the Dollar General.
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velnna · 9 months
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our endings bound
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self-love is me resisting the urge to eat the leftovers I have in the fridge as a bedtime snack, out of compassion and adoration for future-me, who deserves to wake up in the morning and eat something delicious without having to cook it first
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 3 months
Can you do dumb Ezra and Zeb fanart?
Hope you've a great day! ❤️🧡
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POV: you just stepped into the Ghost’s kitchen at midnight
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pluvio-floret · 1 month
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Ah, tragedy au (said like Dungeon Meshi. Winged Lion voice.)
Original post
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justmi1000 · 3 months
more pickypiggy x catnap
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inspiration: @/ChibiChaX
[On Twitter/X]
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wizardlyghost · 10 months
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nythtak · 5 months
Thought it'd be fun to do a little drabble soooo-
Cattonquick Oxford Days - the first cigarette
(This is based in the Maneater AU - unless I change my mind on details later - but can be read as in canon universe)
The lighter fails to catch the first couple of times Felix tries it. But after a final, despairing shake of the crappy thing, the flame sputters to life.
“Thank fuck,” he mumbles around the ciggie, and hurriedly brings the lighter up. April’s swung in with far too much chill, because fuck England, right? No spring for them, nooope. Just horrible grey rainy days, where even brief lulls like this evening are tarnished by cold winds.
He’s regretting not grabbing a jacket when he had chance to, and he eyes Oliver’s long-sleeves jealously. They’re on their way back from the pub, and it’s still early enough that most streetlights feel unnecessary. After a of couple hours there Felix realised he just wasn’t feeling it tonight, that stickiness of going through the motions and not enjoying himself like usual, where even a few pints couldn’t soften it up.
So when Oliver gave him a nudge, mentioned he has an essay he really needs to work on, Felix leapt at the chance to head out. He has his own pile of coursework to dive into before the Easter holidays start. Maybe speed through a chunk of it tonight, get that late night focus on, and then he can decide how much is usable tomorrow.
He’s glad he decided to stick it out at Oxford over the coming break. Originally it was more about keeping his word on staying at university all year, rather than nipping home every holiday - or even every other weekend, like some silly sods do. He went as far as to swear off a trip abroad this school year, fully committed to the uni life, which means no fluttering off to sunnier skies.
He aims a glower up at the dark clouds far above them. Curse thy existence.
Felix’s head snaps down, and down, and he has to grin. Oliver is so short. Like, okay, so he’s not actually super-duper short. A bit below average, perhaps, and around the height of most girls. But he’s a lot shorter than Felix, which is what really matters.
It means he’s the perfect height - practically made for it - for Felix to sling an arm around his shoulders and drag him into his side. Oliver runs a bit cool, but he’s still a damn sight warmer than the nippy evening air.
“Yeah, mate?” Felix takes a pull from the ciggie, careful not to blow it all in Oliver’s face. Would be awfully rude. But that does get him thinking about how Oliver doesn’t smoke, and he frowns at him. “You know, I don’t think you ever said why you don’t smoke.”
Could it be something to do with his family? Cigarettes are a huge leap from heroin and meth and whatever else, but traumas can be multi-layered, can’t they? A full-on aversion to anything even related. But Oliver is clearly battling through it, going to the pub and clubs where alcohol abounds, not even flinching at all the casual drug use their group gets up to.
“Just not keen.” Oliver shrugs slightly, and it’s interesting to feel the motion of it under his arm. Makes him want to squeeze Oliver a bit. His hand slides down to cup Oliver’s bicep rather than hanging loosely, but he holds off on the full grabby. For now.
“So you’ve tried one before?”
Oliver hesitates, but shakes his head. He’s looking ahead rather than at Felix, and while he does have lovely thick hair, that isn’t quite the view Felix wants currently.
So he brings them to a stop, Oliver stumbling into him a bit and looking up questioningly. There it is. Christ, Oliver’s eyes seem to get bluer every time Felix catches a glimpse. Like, with each additional second he knows Oliver, he’s able to see more of him. Another droplet of paint on the colour palette, swirled in with patient brush strokes.
“If you’ve never tried it…” Felix puts the ciggie between his lips, just so he can flip his hand and pluck it out again. Holding it filter-first toward Oliver with an inviting smile. “How can you know you won’t like it?”
Now, Felix would never pressure anyone into doing something they don’t want to. That would be terrible manners. All he’s doing here is giving Oliver the chance to expand his horizons. Indulge in a little fun, like he’s clearly not had chance to- well, probably in his whole life.
Felix has been making up for that. He’s fully embraced showing Oliver the highlights of uni life, and it’s been an absolute blast so far. Letting Oliver have a go at smoking is just another part of that.
“I dunno, mate.” The corner of Oliver’s mouth ticks up as he looks from the ciggie to Felix. “They’re not great for your health, right?”
The little right? at the end softens what might’ve been an annoying admonishment, to something that makes Felix smirk. “All part of the appeal. If we only did what was healthy, we’d be a proper dull lot.” He raises his eyebrows and tips the cigarette closer to Oliver’s lips, his pinky finger grazing Oliver’s chin. “You’re not dull, are you, Ollie?”
He knows most of his friends think Oliver is boring. That he outlived any novelty within the first week; Felix’s unlikely saviour from a tutorial scolding, the scholarship boy with the funny accent. Farleigh has certainly made his opinion clear, his pissy attitude the real bore around here.
They just don’t get Oliver. None of them.
Nah, Felix is the only one who gets the real Ollie, the one Oliver trusts and opens up to. They’re already best mates, fitting together like two puzzle pieces. And the way Oliver looks at him - yeah, it can get a bit much at times, but it’s all part of Oliver’s charm, really. He’s completely genuine and clearly thinks the world of Felix, so obviously he can’t filter that intensity down. Felix would never ask him to. He accepts Oliver exactly as he is.
Oliver takes the cigarette, pinched between his thumb and forefinger as he eyes it like it might bite him. Or give him lung cancer.
Felix would give him a drumroll if he could. He settles for an encouraging shake and cheering, “Go oooooon, Oll-aaaaay!”
And Oliver does.
Not that there was ever any doubt. But it’s still satisfying in a warm, buzzy way to watch Oliver take a drag, lips pursed and the shadows on his cheeks deepening a little. Takes it like a pro, his Ollie, and it’s only once Oliver’s eyes close that Felix realises they’ve been locked in a staredown.
Then Oliver breathes out, and Felix is hit by a faceful of smoke.
The moment his coughing fit is done, he grabs a hastily apologising Oliver by the shoulder, snatches the ciggie back, and gets revenge.
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roraimae · 1 year
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Baldur's Gate 3 Shenangians
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kaeyachi · 1 year
Kaeya would just have a shelf full of jars of homemade jam, and most of them are for Klee, so she would have bread with jam as a snack when she goes on adventures
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theodoradevlin · 2 months
*You find a small wooden bowl filled with peanut sauce on your nightstand.*
*dips my finger in for a generous helping*
the perfect snack, how did you know?
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mieiri · 5 days
i never want to art again (will die and rot in agony and despair if i don’t create anything at all)
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yume-fanfare · 1 month
spanish culture is the block of street i grew up in was like this
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pyrriax · 3 months
hi tumblr i. cannot get a thought out of my head so take this little wip thing....
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[ Image ID: A sketchy, grey-scale comic, reading from left to right. Zenith, a lanky, thin man with fox ears and a long tail walks toward the right, having an indistinct conversation with another character who isn't visible. His ears are tilted back, and his shoulders are raised; he's nervous about where he's going. A small triangular cut out on the top right shows Zenith's expression as he stops, he's looking down at something, and looks afraid. His ears are pinned completely back, and his mouth is open slightly in shock. There's a small dialogue box between this cut out and the next, reading in shaky text, "what the...". The next cut out is a trapezoid on the bottom right, almost connecting with the top. There's an indistinct person sitting on the ground, half-leaning against the wall with their head down. Their hands are cuffed together, and their legs are splayed. They've been hit in the head. There's blood on the side of their head, dripping down their face and onto their arms, as well as blood smeared on the floor. /End ID. ]
@my-little-versaille (in case you want to reblog it for your own storage purposes :3)
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armandyke · 2 years
How come it never clicked in my head before that Encanto is basically the disney magical version of the Hargreeves but with extra generations and magic realism
AU where Five disappears but he was actually just living in the walls the entire time
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vihntage000 · 2 months
Vihntage im craving fries so bad 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
I encourage you to get fries tomorrow, I am the demon in your shoulder, get them fries.
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