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Timett son of Timett by Tiziano Baracchi
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sherlokiness · 9 months
if jon sleeping with dany is him sacrificing his love and honor but it has no real consequences because sansa doesn't care and he still gets to marry her what is he sacrificing? what does sansa feel about this? what does this mean for the story martin is writing for her?
Hi, anon. Thanks for the ask!
He is sacrificing his honor and love and the consequences would have been to live the lie with Dany. He would have been away from his family. He is only saved by Deus Ex Machina of RLJ. This is reminiscent of Jon's choice in refusing to kill the Old Man in Queenscrown. His choice would have resulted in both their deaths if not for the Deus Ex Machina Summer. In essence, Jon gets to keep his conscience and warn Castle Black. The author lets Jon have his cake and eat it too which is basically Dark Dany and Jonsa. Jon's betrayal of Dany would be the right thing to do and he gets the girl! There will have been some innocents killed though like how the Old Man was still killed by Ygritte. Jon got a "white hot knife" of pain for his betrayal which will also be true for Dany. He'll be left with some pain.
It only looks like Jon didn't sacrifice anything when we look at the result but that's not the case at all. He will be rewarded for his selflessness just like he was rewarded with Ghost after he took himself out of the equation to get his siblings to keep the direwolves.
What about Sansa? It's the same except there's PolJon? I don't see that much of a difference in dynamics? Jon would have had to lie to everyone and they will be angsting over each other how it could never be~~~ Jon will marry Sansa and I suspect the Starks will tell the world it's for duty but only they know it's for love. Sansa ends up with a hero who doesn't look like a hero. His being a hero will involve some lies but not all lies. The end.
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alaynasansa · 17 days
Sansa watched him walk off, his body swaying heavily from side to side with every step, like something from a grotesquerie. He speaks more gently than Joffrey, she thought, but the queen spoke to me gently too. He's still a Lannister, her brother and Joff's uncle, and no friend. Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father's head. Sansa would never make that mistake again
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“I...” Sansa did not know what to say. Is it a trick ? Will he punish me if I tell the truth ? She stared at the dwarf's brutal bulging brow, the hard black eye and the shrewd green one, the crooked teeth and wiry beard. “I only want to be loyal.”
“Loyal,” the dwarf mused, “and far from any Lannisters. I can scarce blame you for that. When I was your age, I wanted the same thing.” He smiled. “They tell me you visit the godswood every day. What do you pray for, Sansa ?”
I pray for Robb's victory and Joffrey's death... and for home. For Winterfell. “I pray for an end to the fighting.”
“We'll have that soon enough. There will be another battle, between your brother Robb and my lord father, and that will settle this issue.”
Robb will beat him, Sansa thought. He beat your uncle and your brother Jaime, he'll beat your father too.
It was as if her face were an open book, so easily did the dwarf read her hopes. “Do not take Oxcross too much to heart, my lady,” he told her, not unkindly. “A battle is not a war, and my lord father is assuredly not my uncle Stafford. The next time you visit the godswood, pray that your brother has the wisdom to bend the knee. Once the north returns to the king's peace, I mean to send you home.” He hopped down off the window seat and said, “You may sleep here tonight. I'll give you some of my own men as a guard, some Stone Crows perhaps—”
“No,” Sansa blurted out, aghast. If she was locked in the Tower of the Hand, guarded by the dwarf's men, how would Ser Dontos ever spirit her away from freedom ?
“Would you prefer Black Ears ? I'll give you Chella if a woman would make you more at ease.”
“Please, no, my lord, the wildlings frighten me.”
He grinned. “Me as well. But more to the point, they frighten Joffrey and that nest of sly vipers and lickspittle dogs he calls a Kingsguard. With Chella or Timett by your side, no one would dare offer you harm.”
“I would sooner return to my own bead.” A lie came to her suddenly, but it seemed so right that she blurted it out at once. “This tower was where my father's men were slain. Their ghosts would give me terrible dreams, and I would see their blood wherever I looked.”
Tyrion Lannister studied her face. “I am no stranger to nightmares, Sansa. Perhaps you are wiser than I knew. Permit me at least to escort you safely back to your own chambers”
Sansa Week 2024 : day five — pawn to player
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sacrifesse · 8 months
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⏱️ ⋆˙⟡♡ TiME ) TiME TRAVEL iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : timesse , timette , timely , timelie , travelle , travelesse , travelette , futuresse , futurette , pastesse , pastette , dawn , clocks , chronos , hourglasse , aurora , nina , eternity , eternitie , eternette , eternesse , nova , pandora , persephone , eon , century , centurie , centurette , centuresse
— PRONOUNS : time/times/timeself , travel/travels/travelself , future/futures/futureself , past/pasts/pastself , dawn/dawns/dawnself , clock/clocks/clockself , hourglass/hourglasses/hourglasseself , eternity/eternitys/eternityself , eon/eons/eonself , century/centuries/centurieself
— TiTLES : the time traveler , (pronoun) who travels through time , the bender of time , (pronoun) who bends time , the futuristic traveler , the old-timey traveler , (pronoun) who holds time in the palm of (pronoun) hand , the keeper of the hands of time , the timely one , (pronoun) who is buried in the sands of an hourglass , (pronoun) who travels for an eternity , the centuries-old traveler , the decades-old traveler
— GENDERS : chronocontrolic , chronocattic , hourglasspupgender , timedeity , timeywimeyphrasic , timeaffectic , mortelum , timegender , genderclock
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pt: time/time travel id pack
requested by anon /end pt.
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jozor-johai · 2 months
my take on Mandon Moore's motivation for trying to kill Tyrion: it was personal. There wasn't anyone pulling the strings, it was just Mandon Moore hating Tyrion and taking his chance.
Tyrion thinks it has to be a conspiracy against him, because that way it isn't his fault. He's not in the wrong, he didn't deserve to be killed, it's that someone—or multiple people—are out to get him.
But that's one of Tyrion's failings through the entirety of Clash, and it's what comes back to ruin him in Storm. He constantly thinks he's in the right, and doesn't consider the consequences of any of his actions; he thinks that as a Lannister, he's right, and he's unstoppable.
Mandon Moore's assassination attempt happens in Tyrion's last chapter in Clash—and to bookend that, the reason for his attack come in Tyrion's first chapter:
Yet if he let the man turn him away, where was his authority? He made himself smile. "Ser Mandon, you have not met my companions. This is Timett son of Timett, a red hand of the Burned Men. And this is Bronn. Perchance you recall Ser Vardis Egen, who was captain of Lord Arryn's household guard?" "I know the man." Ser Mandon's eyes were pale grey, oddly flat and lifeless. "Knew," Bronn corrected with a thin smile. Ser Mandon did not deign to show that he had heard that.
Tyrion, with Bronn's help, intentionally brags about killing Mandon Moore's friend Vardis Egen in an attempt to assert his power in the situation. Mandon Moore doesn't react... here. But this is the motivation for his attempt to kill Tyrion—it's because Tyrion killed his friend, and was cruel on purpose.
And of course, Tyrion doesn't even remember this when he's searching for a reason... which is fitting for where he is in his story, here.
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agentrouka-blog · 9 months
What's your favorite ASOIAF theory?
Apart from jonsa? And Arya finding peace in her reunion with Lady Stoneheart? Um. You can't make me choose..?
Let me think.
Probably Bran playing magical cat and mouse in the timeline, trying not to get caught gently manipulating events so they lign up the right way to resolve the threat of the Others. That's my own theory, so I maybe shouldn't count it. But I love it so. My clever little baby. <3
I also have a soft spot for Timett son of Timett being the son of that missing daughter of Alys Waynwood and Elys Arryn (Gulltown branch), ahead in the line of succession of Harry the so-called Heir. I know I didn't come up with that, but it would be such a GRRM thing to do. Not that I think it will matter, it's more of an easter egg.
Or did you mean Hilarious Brain Twangs from the lower layers of the iceberg? :D
Honestly, I really don't know.
What are yours? :)
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inlovewithquotes · 11 months
"This girl's to be your queen," the imp told Joffery. "Have you no regard for her honor?"
"I'm punishing her."
"For what crime? She did not fight her brother's battle."
"She has the blood of a wolf."
"And you have the wits of a goose."
"You can't talk to me that way. The king can do as he liked."
"Aerys Taragryen did as he liked. Has your mother ever told you what happened to him?"
Ser Boros Blount harrumphed. "No man threatens His Grace in the presence of the Kingsguard."
Tyrion Lannister raised an eyebrow. "I am not threatening the king, ser, I am educating my nephew. Bronn, Timett, the next time Ser Boros opens his mouth, kill him." The dwarf smiled. "Now that was a threat, ser. See the difference?"
-A Clash Of Kings
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jackoshadows · 1 year
I am starting to understand the Sansa/Tyrion ship and seeing parallels for these two. For instance both Sansa and Tyrion pretending to be bastards after fleeing KL and Cersei. Tyrion takes on the alias of Hugor Hill and in Westerosi history, Hugor Hill was supposedly the first King of the Seven and his wife was a ‘girl supple as a willow with eyes like deep blue pools’
And get this, according to the WOIAF book, the Kings of Mountain and Vale from House Arryn claim to be descented from Hugor Hill!! And where is Sansa currently hiding as a bastard? The Vale!
The first half of AFfC and ADwD take place in the same timeline and so Sansa pretending to be Alayne Stone and Tyrion pretending to be Hugor Hill is happening concurrently in the story. (The main difference being in their attitudes. Tyrion is blasé about it because as he says ‘Every dwarf is a bastard in his father’s eyes.’ Sansa on the other hand is aghast at having to play a bastard and hurt by the cruelty)
Stone and Hill! And then there’s the entire story of Tyrion with the Hill tribes of the Vale where, in AGoT, he promises them the Vale in exchange for their fighting for House Lannister. He uses some of them to guard Sansa, including Timett and the burned men who have returned to the Vale.
It’s very likely that the Hill tribes will attack the Bloody gate in TWoW and Sansa may have an advantage in treating with them as Tyrion’s wife - a call back to Tyrion appreciating Sansa’s ability to charm the Lords and Ladies in KL.
Could a helpful soul point me in the direction of some good analysis/meta with respect to parallels, foreshadowing, narrative themes and story for any future Tyrion and Sansa relationship? Thanks!
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I saw a theory once (I don't remember where) that the daughter carried off by a Burned Man is the mother of Timett son of Timett
I've also heard that theory! it's reason why I mentioned the daughter who was carried off, but I can't remember if there's any evidence aside from Timett being the one Burned Man character we actually know anything about, lol.
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finitefall · 1 year
Nettles is one of my favorite characters from the Dance and it's just really sad to me that the fandom only uses her as fodder against Daemyra or Daemon. That girl tamed Sheepstealer using her wits, was one of the best dragonriders in the Dance, and went on to be worshiped as a fire witch! She's also very Arya-like, which I love, and her relationships with the other Dragonseeds are superior to whatever went on with Daemon. But Daemyras hate her and antis want Daemon to molest her. I hate it.
I feel you nonnie. But Daemyra shippers don't hate her at all, we respect her, we even love her. The ones who don't like Nettles aren't Daemyra shippers: they hate Daemon, Rhaenyra, or both. They would rather see Daemon molest her than Daemon being faithful and loyal to his family, just to "prove that Daemon is evil".
As I said before, that’s why they say he groomed Rhaenyra (he didn’t, as many people have explained before) and that’s why they want Mushroom’s version of his relationship with Nettles being true. It has nothing to do with either Rhaenyra or Nettles and everything to do with their hatred for Daemon and their need to demonize him as much as possible. Some of them hate Rhaenyra too, so they’re killing two birds with one stone by saying Daemon and Nettles were in a romantic, sexual relationship. “Daemyra shippers are such losers, he doesn’t care about Rhaenyra in the end because she’s too old and fat, he’s with the skinny young girl”: both Rhaenyra and Daemon are being shamed here.
About Nettles being worshipped as a fire witch - excellent point! We’re introduced to the Burned Men in A Game of Thrones - Tyrion VII:
Every clan in the Mountains of the Moon feared the Burned Men, who mortified their flesh with fire to prove their courage and (the others said) roasted babies at their feasts. And even the other Burned Men feared Timett, who had put out his own left eye with a white-hot knife when he reached the age of manhood. Tyrion gathered that it was more customary for a boy to burn off a nipple, a finger, or (if he was truly brave, or truly mad) an ear. Timett’s fellow Burned Men were so awed by his choice of an eye that they promptly named him a red hand, which seemed to be some sort of a war chief.
And we know that Nettles and Sheepstealer were thought to be “somewhere in Crackclaw Point or the Mountains of the Moon.”
We learn more about the Burned Men in The World of Ice and Fire - The Vale:
Mots of these clan names have some meaning, however obscure those meanings might be to us. The Black Ears take the ears of men they defeat in battle as trophies, we know. Amongst the Burned Men, a youth must give some part of his body to the fire to prove his courage before he can be deemed a man. This practice might have originated in the years after the Dance of the Dragons, some maesters believe, when an offshoot clan of the Painted Dogs were said to have worshipped a fire-witch in the mountains, sending their boys to bring her gifts and risk the flames of the dragon she commanded to prove their manhood.
And yes, it does fit with what’s been said about Nettles in Fire & Blood - The Lysene Spring and the End of Regency:
High in the mountains, the unthinkable happened one night as Ser Robert and his men huddled about their campfires. In the slopes above, a cave mouth was visible from the road, and a dozen men climbed up to see if it might offer them shelter from the wind. The bones scattered about the mouth of the cave might have given them pause, yet they pressed on... and roused a dragon. Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deeper into the mountains with a “ragged woman clinging to its back.” That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros... though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “fire witch” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair.
It’s so interesting, because we know Nettles isn’t a witch but was worshipped as one by this savage clan thanks to Sheepstealer. She’s full of resources, but it’s disappointing to only have those bits of information pieced together about her story. I know Nettles isn’t a main character in any book, but I wish we would know more about her story after the Dance.
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Tyrion and his Wildlings by Nate Barnes
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sherlokiness · 1 year
Trying to sort out my thoughts about one eye Jon and what it might mean for Aegony and Jonsa but if we look at the show then it means Jon was blinded by love for Dany and basically turned to AGoT Sansa with a female Joffrey and focused on her rescue and ignored her being a little shit. She turns out to be a monster, a comely monster. Sansa had to have her father killed to see him for what he was but Jon needed the people of KL to be burned. Like...the show gave us a "blind" Jon technically.
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sylvanlore · 2 years
Winds of Winter speculations
Cersei, Arianne and Jon Connington:
Oldtown will fall to Euron Greyjoy. Willas Tyrell will have to send forces south to fight the Ironmen. The Reach defences will be spread too thin, Highgarden will be virtually defenceless.
News of f!Aegon and the Golden Company taking the Stormlands gets out. The Merryweathers, Tarly, Redwyne of Arbor, and many other Reach lords will betray the Tyrells and join f!Aegon.
(These are suspected former Blackfyre supporters, and many lords in the Reach think the Tyrells are upstarts, and that Highgarden and overlordship should have gone to one of them when house Gardener went extinct.)
Myrcella returns to King's Landing together with the sandsnakes; Nymeria who takes Oberyn's place in the small council and Tyene who infiltrates the High Sparrow's inner circle.
Cersei's trial by combat. Robert Strong easily wins. The charges are dropped.
Margaery's trial by the seven. Tyene influences the trial against Margaery to remove her as queen (allowing Arianne to take her place) and splinter the Lannister-Tyrell alliance. Margaery is declared guilty of high treason and locked up awaiting execution.
Arianne joins f!Aegon in order to seduce him and become queen of Westeros. Dorne joins the fight on f!Aegon's side.
Highgarden surrenders to the Golden Company and joins their forces in order to save Margaery. The Golden Company, Dorne and the Reach attacks King's Landing.
Lady Nymeria murders Tommen.
Cersei flees to Casterly Rock with Myrcella and crowns Myrcella queen.
f!Aegon is crowned Aegon the VI on the Iron Throne.
Margaery is demoted from queenship. Epic tug-of-war between Arianne and Margaery for who will marry f!Aegon.
(The sandsnakes WILL NOT assassinate Margaery, because then f!Aegon will loose Tyrell's support and start a civil war within the Reach, which will weaken f!Aegon's side.)
The tourney of the Vale. Alayne gives her favor to a Mysterious Knight.
The Mysterious Knight wins the tourney. Harry the Heir feels humiliated.
During the festivities the Mysterious Knight kidnaps Alayne.
Turns out he's Timett son of Timett, the war chief of the Burned Men.
Timett has recognized Sansa from their time in King's Landing. Tyrion promised the Vale to the mountain clans, Sansa is Tyrion's husband and Littlefinger's (pretended) daughter.
Also, Timett is the son of one of the lost Arryn sisters, his mother being the elder sister of Harry the Heir's mother, who was abducted by the mountain clans years ago. Ergo, Timett is higher in the succession order than Harry. And he wants his birthright. (Possibly his mother is alive among the Burned Men, and can vouch for him.)
The Vale rallies to rescue Alayne on Sweetrobin's orders. Harry the Heir intends to regain lost pride by leading the rescue.
Harry the Heir is promptly killed.
Alayne is revealed as Sansa Stark and manages to parlay a truce between the Burned men and the Lords of the Vale.
Littlefinger finds out Timett is another heir (albeit a problematic one) and thinks "Useful!".
The Lords of the Vale are not happy to have the war chief of the Burned Men as Sweetrobin's heir or the Burned Men as allies. But as long as Sweetrobin won't die and the Burned Men don't do trouble in the Vale, let's agree to the damn truce.
Also, holy shit it's Ned Stark's little daughter!
The North is by right hers, she's the heir to the Riverlands (until Roslin Frey gives birth to Edmure Tully's child), and she's a potential bride to Robert Arryn (according to the Vale Lords) or Timett (according to Littlefinger, who moved his plans from Harry to Timett. And this heir comes with a lot of clansmen!).
Epic tug-of-war between the Vale Lords and Littlefinger for Sansa.
Sansa COULD deploy the clansmen to free the captive Northern and Riverland men and lords from Frey captivity. But Edmure is still imprisoned in Casterly Rock.
f!Aegon and Cersei both demands fealty from the Vale and the Riverlands. With Lord Edmure Tully in a Casterly cell, the Riverlands are forced to submit to Cersei. Littlefinger in the Vale submits to f!Aegon.
Littlefinger plans on having Sansa seducing f!Aegon? Some kind of proof/witnesses of Sansa's innocence in king Joffrey's murder needs to be revealed/fabricated so the charges of kingslaying against her are dropped. (Is this still necessary if one dynasty is replaced with another?)
Cersei still believes Sansa is guilty, and is NOT happy she's getting off free for murdering her son.
Sansa needs to take charge in the Riverlands against Cersei while Edmure is imprisoned. f!Aegon travels to the Riverlands to offer his support against Cersei.
Yup. f!Aegon falls head over heels in love with Sansa. Arianne and Margaery are not happy. Sweetrobin (if he is stil alive) is not happy. Cersei is NOT happy. She starts to suspect Sansa is the younger, more beautiful queen.
Lots and lots of more things will, of course, happen. Something with the Freys (pretty sure it will involve Arya and Nymeria's wolfpack, or Lady Stoneheart). Euron Crowseye, Oldtown and Sam, the Nights Watch, Stannis, Daenerys, and so on. But this is it for now.
Jon Connington will go mad upon hearing the city bells chime (either when the Golden Company capturing King's Landing, or in a later battle). He falls into a well during a duel, and King's Landing is poisoned with greyscale.
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reginarubie · 2 years
While you wait for the next chapter... here, have an additional content ~ The female court of princess Sansa of House Stark
The female court of princess Sansa Stark of Winterfell, lady of Winterfell and heir to the North
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Formed by northerners and valemen as well as mountain clans and wildlings it still lacks rivermen as of now the Riverlands are under the domain of House Frey.
Lady Myranda of House Royce, lady-in-waiting, acting lady of the Gates of the Moon. We remember.
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Lady Wylla of House Manderly, lady-in-waiting, at the moment acting head of House Manderly as her kin is held hostage in Winterfell by Ramsay Bolton. Through tide and tempest!
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Lady Maege Mormont of Bear Island, Head of House Mormont and member of the war-council of king Jon and her daughters, lady Lyra of House Mormont, member of king Jon Stark's battleguard and lady Lyanna of House Mormont (at the moment still in Bear Island). Here we stand.
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‘Lady’ Mya Stone, baseborn daughter of king Robert Baratheon. A mountain is not a man, and a stone is a mountain's daughter.
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Lady Jeyne of House Poole, lady stewardess of princess Sansa of House Stark, de facto head of House Poole. Loyal and true.
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of the mountain clans, of the Burned Men, Arya daughter of Sansa, ward of princess Sansa and king Jon of House Stark and Ralla daughter of Timett. Cry your fill now, and then be brave.
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princess Val of the Free Folk, a leader of the wildlings. Men are men and women are women, we have plenty as you do.
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and here you have it. The members of the female court of princess Sansa Stark of Winterfell, lady of Winterfell and heir to the North.
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sacrifesse · 8 months
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♾️ ⋆˙���♡ iNFiNiTY iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : infinity , infinitie , infinesse , infinette , timesse , timette , watchesse , watchette , eternalle , eternesse , eternette
— PRONOUNS : infinite/infinites/infiniteself , infinity/infinities/infinitieself , time/times/timeself , watch/watches/watcheself , eternal/eternals/eternalself , past/pasts/pastself , future/futures/futureself , present/presents/presentself
— TiTLES : the infinite one , (pronoun) who howls forevermore , (pronoun) who knows infinity , (pronoun) who howls with the past (as they gouge each other’s eyes) , (pronoun) who carries a pocket watch (that documents all of time) , the eternal one , (pronoun) who holds the infinite hourglass , the keeper of the infinite hourglass
— GENDERS : infinitygougelyric , infinitebodiment , infinitygender , epsilonic
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pt: infinity id pack
requested by anon /end pt.
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