#timezones whomst
united-as-one · 5 months
//AAAA! My Christmas vacation comes to an end, I'm back to work tomorrow ;3; so i probably won't be around in the mornings and afternoons but i'll be around in the evenings <3
I'm in the GMT timezone for those who don't know or whomst forgotten! :3
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baddingtonbitch · 9 months
living in this stupid fuckass timezone while having a sleep disorder is wild i'm like oh the dash is fucking poppin rn the gang's all here. in a different way to how it was poppin 7 hours ago with the other gang of mutuals whomst were previously all here
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snowtimeisbesttime · 5 years
Thoughts and questions on Pesterquest Volume 6, routes 1 and 2! Aka the one where shit finally goes down.
-!!!! musics from the homestuck albums!!!! more concretely i'd say they’re from Alterniabound; Gamzee's is MiRaClEs, while I can't for the life of me remember how that Vriska theme was called but it's Good.
-The question of “does alternian seawater corrode humans (/friends)” is left for another day (considering the acid rain. it probably does corrode humans.)
-Gamzee warms up to MC almost immediately; which actually makes a lot of sense considering... later events.
-Why's his hive so shoddy, by the way? He's in the highest landdweller caste and benefits from the miracle of speedy online deliveries (when back in Hiveswap 1, Xefros mentioned that deliveries for rustbloods could take sweeps- then again Hiveswap (/Friendsim) is a very different time period than Hivebent, and one we'll hopefully learn more about soon!). As far as I remember trolls would have their hives built by carpenter drones very shortly after leaving the Caverns... how long has he been eating those pies again?
-what's the thing about MC that makes everybody go “hmm yes I am going to give Funky Chemical Substances to the alien now”. Seriously by this point I'm expecting Feferi to bust out a 6 pack of Drugs (soda) the second we even see her (as we all know, her mom bought them).
-We also get a pesterquest murderstuck!! Though iirc HS's murderstuck happened because Dave sent Gamzee an ICP video, not just because he ran out of slime pies... and here, he says that someone's been talking to him, and that we'll meet him soon...... (he does go for a lot longer without sopor in pesterquest though...)
(-also like. why wouldn't he get a pie's captcha code and alchemize more on the meteor??? like they had at least one alchemiter... were they too expensive?)
-We got the “okay ending” from that post i made yesterday: clown lore!! As well as our memories of Karako, briefly... he did make MC an honorary clown when he took them with him to the Dark Carnival, didn't he? (There's also the blood initiation (murder) they got in Chahut's bad route... i cant believe mc is double cloun)
-Once they remembered Karako, MC tried to zap to him, and ended up... somewhere nobody was ever supposed to see. A tunnel with a light at the end, where we got to see MC themself in third person and some random humanoid figure T-posing at us (though that was more of an A-pose); before getting zapped back to the main narrative, some time after leaving. ...Might Karako, our most baby clown, be dead when Hivebent happens? Highbloods are supposed to be very long lived, but we don't know just how long has it been since Friendsim's time... and of course, we've already seen him die once :(((.
-wait didn't karako also all but instantly befriend MC? As in, the only route of his that didn't end with friendship was the one where the drone took him...
-Somebody does NOT want MC to get their memories back. We also have more limits here than in Friendsim; if MC opens the mop closet instead of Gamzee, the universe straight up crashes, whereas the last time something like that happened it was more gradual (Boldir & Karako's routes)
-most importantly, we did Not get anything similar to the “cursed ending”, thank fuck.
-Vriska's good route in a word and several images of crying cats with heart emojis: aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
-trans vriska real!!!!
-Of course, we open with a callback to Ardata's route.
-MC manages to miss Vriska doing stuff with dice right in front of them and thinks she means a political campaign, but they're happy to help anyways- and Vriska's definitely happy to explain how FLARP works to them!
-Was that a Nepeta hint??? We know she lives in a cave and it seems that houses are very important focus points for MC's powers... blease let me see my daughter soon (also. when the fuck has vriska been to nepeta's hive??????)
-And we get a sweet sweet FLARP loredump, featuring classes and attributes and Interactivity!!! fuck now i wanna make my fantrolls stats
-The weird shit starts early on in this route- see MC's random reluctance to make more friends, the few monochoices before the route's Actual Big Choice, MC briefly thinking this is the first time they've been to Alternia, the actual literal punching of a hole through the fourth wall when they check out the warnings on the options menu (while vriska just waits for them to finish)...
-We get to give MC an actual name we can see in words! In a route where they explicitly have trouble seeing themselves as a distinct, unique entity...
-Vriska tries to use her powers to control MC and give them Epic Sword Skills- but all she can do to humans is make them fall asleep. (also it says that “the seven red dots of her prosthetic” glow- what prosthetic??? her glasses??? did she have a robot eye all this time???)
-Thanks to that we get to meet again with the Best Troll, Boldir!!! Who also speaks about a he who's fucking shit up here. Her presence in MC's mind (and maybe not only there) also helps us remember our friends, finally. Sadly we're separated by the strings way too soon... and immediately transported back to DS the first's house.
-What will you do? That's STILL the best fucking question anybody's ever asked. MC has the power to direct the narrative now, and what they'll do is FIX THIS.
-Not only do we get explicitly stated out that Spidermom's a piece of shit (as seen in the post i made yesterday), but MC also yeets her into Jade's volcano!!!!!!!! Now all Vriska needs to do is break free from all the boxes society's given her... (while her good route's great, both her bad routes are short and sad...)
-Vriska also joins the list of Trolls Who'd Benefit A Lot From Living In Earth C (As We Imagined It Before The Epilogues And All That), which includes Karkat and of course Daraya, amongst others.
-She looks up to Mindfang the rebel, too........
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fabaesuaves · 4 years
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wow leap year days are so weird right? blink and you miss it....
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tencoalblocks · 3 years
i only just remembered i wanted to start working on a thing for the syndicate's first meeting aaah
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obiwan · 4 years
idk if the actual video will drop tonight so maybe a teaser 🤔
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sinsoakedsaints · 5 years
i woke up at 11pm so now i guess breakfast is dinner? anyway catch me at 6:46am eating popcorn and watching asoue.. lets get this depression!! and replies kjhgfgh 
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dcndrohime · 2 years
Symbol Meme. // Accepting.
@chalkhearted​ -  ★☽ + reverse !!
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Time seemingly disconnect with that which is found outside of the Teapot. Aye, time was opposite of Teyvat’s timezone, or well, more precisely, Inazuma. But topic aside, thoughts discarded, as teal hues shone within the confines of night, did Hina caught sight of a seated figure, right by the main house doors. 
It takes the canine lady a moment to realize whomst it may be. 
She does get close but quietly as to not startle the other out of, whatever he did appear to be thinking of so alone. How alone he has been, finds way in the Dendro bearer’s mind but it is not voiced. 
Instead, she too, sit. 
With considerable distance betwixt both individuals, does the woman finally opens her mouth to let words slip. 
‘‘Here, you can have this’‘, a piece of dango is handed over, still fresh for the eating. She’d offer coffee or a true meal but they were not inside.
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pirotehnist · 4 years
Me, who gets up Early, making a post and seeing someone in my notes whomst I know is in a different timezone and Should be asleep:
👁👁 y o u
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mortalcoilrp · 4 years
Name & Timezone – bats! gmt 0 Potential Faces – me,,, throwing darts aimlessly at a board – lana zakocela, luma grothe, oscar spendrup, tashi rodriguez, phoebe tonkin, lucas kittel, Whomst Knows Potential Plots– give me ethically questionable research, evil girl gangs, any hammer horror vibes, supernatural bureaucracy pls, thank u Favorite supernatural person in media – * blows a kiss 2 frankenstein *  * blows another to godzilla *  Anything else? – hi this concept is very sexy and really that’s the only worthwhile thing i have to contribute thank you very much xo
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kindofsharethat · 5 years
omg okay ima clown rn but not really omgdjb so you know how louis has released songs the day before (or the day of depending on timezones) certain days? forgive my memory and correct me of I'm wrong im too jittery and excited to fact check. but just like you - national coming out day. two of us - mother's day i think? right ? are there others i can't remember. but yeah January 31st for Walls and in different timezones that could be feb 1st, whomsts borthday? im clowning 🤡 but am i really
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nuclearshxgun · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by stolen from: @bytesnbolts
tagging: Absolutely anyone whomst interested
Let’s talk a bit about my stances in my latest pet project, Xeno
MY MUSE IS.   canon (ish) / oc / au  / canon-divergent / fandomless
is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  WELL… / NO / IDK. (Usually not)
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
are they underrated?  YES / NO. [Definitely overshadowed by Ghidorah and Destoroyah as far as villains go]
were they relevant to the main story?  YES (Main antagonist on 2 occasions) / NO.
were they relevant to the main character?  YES (Biologically) / NO 
are they widely known in their world?  YES [Technically ripped apart Earth once] / NO 
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL
My headcanon to the timeline is a bit weird honestly, it tries to thread all the respective ‘eras’ together chronologically, with each ‘era’ represented by a different Gojira (Hence Goji mentioning his ancestors frequently). After Final Wars, I feel things get rather divergent, considering Godzilla Unleashed both as the follow up to Final Wars and as the ‘endgame’ of the Final Wars Gojira, leading into the ‘Reiwa’ incarnation represented by my Goji muse. The ‘Reiwa’ timeline is loosely based on the Monsterverse.
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
Well, I’ve seen le bad boye has already become popular amongst followers but:
1. I felt like another villainous Kaiju whom was a bit different from Ghidorah would spice things up a bit. I’ve been planning to bring a villain to this blog for a while and I felt SpaceGodzilla was the best fit, having the most opportunities to develop character.
2. He’s an absolute gremlin
3. Is insane enough to conspire with other villains to achieve his goals of removing Goji from the natural hierarchy.
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
I feel SpaceGodzilla is in a particular position where they’re particularly overshadowed by understandably more powerful Kaiju.
Perhaps its a bit of a risk to have a muse that throws morals and common sense out the window, considering I’ve been used to playing ‘moral’ characters previously.
I’ve been around for a while, about 5-6 years now, not always in this particular fandom (Some may still recognise me as @kazankaizer). I’ve had this Gojira blog properly for about a year and had always planned for the blog to be inhabited by two muses, with a villain muse that acted as the ‘opposite side’ of the coin as it were to Goji. i had always intended it to be SpaceGodzilla but as a new entrant to the community just a bit before KOTM, I felt I wasn’t ready back then. Well here he is, a year later.
As for the characterization, I’d hoped I’d gauge it somewhere between the alien, yet calculating nature of Ghidorah and the streak of insanity of Destoroyah, with a hint of childish jealousy and sense of entitlement.
Well, the concept that SpaceGodzilla is always hatching sinister plots with his  ragtag band of bastards. I do intend that at a future point, Goji will become aware of Xeno’s actions and perhaps begin to counter them a bit more.
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. [Is there an IDK for this?]
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. [Absolutely]
do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  [I've pondered about making ‘Starstruck’ an actual story one day... maybe]
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. 
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [About as good as I can be]
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. [Can I say both?]
Feedback makes us better doesn’t it? I’m all for suggestions to be honest. As long as it’s constructive, it’s gud.
See above, absolutely
I have designed my muses to be flexible, should I need to fit in with a different headcanon with particular threads, that can be arranged for. I may kindly ask why.
Personally that’s fine, I personally respect other interpretations of characters on my blog and in fact appreciate that we have our degrees of difference.
Well, I suppose I can’t do overly much about that can I? We are entitled to our own opinions I would assume, though I would be wondering why on Earth you’re even bothering to follow me if you hate the portrayals.
I find I usually catch myself with grammatical errors before others point it out, if they do at all. I’m yet to find someone who is iffy about grammar, even if I’m usually good with it.
Absolutely! I’m open for most things and enjoy casual discussion with the community about various things. I often find I’m slow to approach at first and that’s fine, once I get to know muns, I’m usually on fire.
Things rp partners/mutuals should know:
- Tumblr can really be a hell site sometimes, sometimes I miss replies because I can’t see it in my notifications so if you think I’ve missed something please gimme a shout.
- I’m in an admittedly awkward timezone, so for a lot of people, I’m replying to things in the dead of night.
- Sometimes, I tend to take breaks from things for a while so if it appears I’ve disappeared for a bit, that’s probably what’s happened, me recharging and getting new ideas.
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lunima · 5 years
NAME:   sugarplum  MUN FC: when i can be bothered  GENDER:   female  HEIGHT:   5′1″ ish HAIR COLOR:   blonde  EYE COLOR:   blueish grey  RELATIONSHIP STATUS:   siiiiiiing(le) SEXUALITY:   bi bi bi BIRTHDAY:   april 25th ZODIAC SIGN:   taurus  NATIONALITY:   american  TIMEZONE:   pst  HOBBIES / LIKES:   painting, writing, daydreaming, playing with makeup, meticulously researching my latest hyperfixation, idk i'm always depressed so i can’t remember 90% of my hobbies outside laying in bed tbh  # OF SIBLINGS:   two older brothers   # OF PETS:    a gsd and a kitty  CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB:  yis. I’m a jr web developer   FAVORITE COLOR:   turquoise, purple, moss green, reds and golds  FAVORITE SINGER/BAND:    florence and the machine, nightwish, hozier, chelsea wolfe, enya, hans zimmer, james newton howard, the birthday massacre, abba, agnes obel, skald, phildel  LAST SONG LISTENED TO:     bilgewater - brown bird CURRENTLY LISTENING TO:     16 psyche - chelsea wolfe LAST MOVIE WATCHED:    it chapter 2  FAVORITE BOOK:    the winternigt trilogy by katherine arden LAST BOOK READ:   galaxy’s edge: black spire by delilah dawson CURRENTLY READING:  wicked saints by emily duncan  BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT:  art ig?? and lit. i was homeschooled so it was weird  MAC OR PC ?:   mac DAY OR NIGHT ?:   night  SUMMER OR WINTER?:   summer   MOST-VISITED WEBSITE?:   twitter, tumblr, youtube, instagram, whatever site i’m working on.
tagged by:   @garuvusu uwu tagging: @desperatous @dedicagent @liberons @ccwboy @nahenama @erleidn @zieklijn @ravkralj @demijn @stormtsar  @thelittleqveen WHOMST EVER ELSE WOULD LIKE TO DO THIS just say i tagged u.
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asongofachilles · 4 years
name: shiloh
age: oh god whomst can really know tell? 25
timezone: cst
favorite tropes: friends creating a family together because their own families suck, anything gay i sip that shit like fine wine, hardened assholes who get all soft for people much shorter and scarier than them but are also rays of sunshine, enemies to lovers 800k slowburn!
what would you like to see on straight chlorine? i love laidback stuff with no pressure. just a place to relax and have fun without stress! also something uber gay bc i am and i will sprinkle it everywhere i go without shame.
a meme to describe you:
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alphadrg · 5 years
NAME:  Nero / PT MUN FC:  Amidatelion from Crystal Bearers.. my true love GENDER: no HEIGHT:  5′5 HAIR COLOR:  Brown EYE COLOR:  Dark Brown RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  11 and single SEXUALITY: im gay BIRTHDAY:  may 12! ZODIAC SIGN:  taurus NATIONALITY:  united statesian TIMEZONE:  central HOBBIES / LIKES: drawing, writing, sleeping, sitting staring at a wall for 4 hours disassociating during work, taking long walks through the forest, and crying over all my oranges  # OF SIBLINGS:  none  # OF PETS:  my beautiful baby doggo whomst i love  CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: i work several jobs... journalist, technology/printer assistant, LGBT  volunteer teacher, freelancer, and now i’m on the SOA committee. on top of being a full time student. Help FAVORITE COLOR:  purple! FAVORITE SINGER/BAND: linkin park, killswitch engage, mary elizabeth mcglynn LAST SONG LISTENED TO: voltiac black knight CURRENTLY LISTENING TO:  city ruins LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  i dont know so im saying hercules FAVORITE BOOK:  king killer chronicles, dandelion wine, les miserables LAST BOOK READ: i cannot remember... CURRENTLY READING: the tale of the heike, the last wish, and some others BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT:  history MAC OR PC?  pc bay bee DAY OR NIGHT?:  night SUMMER OR WINTER?: winter, colder the better MOST-VISITED WEBSITE?  youtube, twitter, tumblr, and google
tagged by: @lazhadeg tyty
tagging: @whmwoods @ninseng @naeglingheir and you and you and u
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psst 🤫 bisharoncarter
viv @bisharoncarter: do i know this blogger? 🤔 viv, you’re one of the best, friendliest, funniest, hardest-working people i know 💖 i love talking to you, whether we’re just catching up on each other’s day (or night lmfao, timezones WHOMST) or catching up on the next new thing we either love or are both angry about on the internet fdhsjkds. i think you’re one of the people here who knows me really well because we’ve had such a broad range of conversations, & also, i love your blog/your tag for me because our interests & senses of humour align really well. i love that you’re confident with your opinions & have no problems speaking your mind, & i’m lucky to know you because you’re the kind of friend who’s really invested in the people around you. you always know the right thing to say when i’m down, and i really appreciate you 😊. the energies of our urls together? unstoppable. it’s what we deserve.
send me a tumblr user’s url and i’ll tell you what i think of them!
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