chordophoneoftheday · 2 months
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Luca Canteri Timples
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jugosocial · 5 months
Jamás te olvidaremos Timple
Lo que ocurrió debe ser denunciado y difundido. No por morbo, sino PARA QUE NO SE REPITA Pasaron 6 meses desde que Timple fuera brutalmente asesinado, un 18 de julio del año 2020. El 18 de enero de 2021, qué casualidad, Timple fue incinerado sin testigos, en un crematorio que se hizo cargo de los gastos. La plandemia  favoreció que continuase el SECRETISMO en torno a esta triste historia, por…
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anagaduomusic · 7 months
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Este domingo 5 de noviembre a las 13:00 h. AnagaDúo ofrecerá su espectáculo musical “Atlantivo” dentro de la clausura del festival @biofest.anaga. ¡Nos vemos en Tegueste!
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vaelinadler · 2 years
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frankcassebaum · 2 years
Das erste nationale Timple-Treffen auf Fuerteventura
Das erste nationale Timple-Treffen auf Fuerteventura
7. Juli 2022 Auf Fuerteventura findet das erste nationale Timple-Treffen statt, eine Veranstaltung, die ausschließlich diesem wunderbaren Instrument gewidmet ist. Vom 7. bis 10. Juli im “Palacio de Formación y Congresos”, mit Vorträgen, Präsentationen, Ausstellungen, dem lang erwarteten Timple-Wettbewerb und Konzerten bekannter Timplespieler wie Benito Cabrera, Julia Rodríguez, Domingo El Colorao…
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ace-of-d1am0nds · 10 months
watching season 3 episode 6 of la by night and there’s something so interesting about watching alexander ward and b dave walters basically switch characters
the way their body language and vocal tics are reversed. watching the man who usually plays jasper sitting as straight as possible, making vaguely disgusted and posh faces. hilarious. and the man who plays victor? hunched over, growling. voice rumbling low, eyeblack across his brow. absolutely intimidating.
i’m imagining them in the brainstorming session asking for something different
and making eye contact just to say
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turbin-merlin · 2 years
Be me. Watching some VtM La By Night. Go through four seasons of heartbreak, darkness, and crazy stuff. What’s season 5 got? Ep 1:
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agorejessstone · 10 hours
Moonvale - Leaving the Forest Behind
So much smoke.
It burns my eyes and throat.
Tears run down my ash and debris stained cheeks.
Sweat runs in rivulets from my timples until it finds the corners of my lips, coating my tongue in salt, adding to the flavor of the dampend hem of my torn t-shirt.
I'd had only seconds to drench the edges in the remains of my water before smoke filled my lungs. Not the best option for a resporator, but it was all I could think of at the time.
Navigating the darkness this far below the surface was hard enough on its own. I felt as if I was decending past madness and straight into hell on the way here.
And that was BEFORE that idiot decided to set the whole place ablaze.
Now? It's hotter than the very bottom circle of hell, and just as intollerable. Darkness stretches on and on in front of me but behind?
Heat licks the walls as the flames reach foward for any oxygen the damp, underground tunnels can provide as fuel.
"Fucksake. I thought I was doing them a favor but if I get myself killed down here..."
Their face flashes in front of my eyes, as if summond on the breeze.
I pause, flicking my flashlight left and right.
There shouldn't be any breeze. In fact...
I sweep my flashlight over the walls and ceiling until something catches my eye.
"You have got to be shitting me."
Either I missed that exit on the map somehow, or the blaze is causing more structural concern than I'd expected. Either way, it's a way out, and I'd be a dumbass not to take it.
I shift directions and take off in a sprint. Just as I hit my stride and explosion nearly knocks me off of my feet. Cinders float through the air catching my hoodie in several places. I try to shake out of it, but it tangles in my backpack.
I curse beneth by breath before finally squeezing through a damp, dark crevace in the earth. The clean air ignights the ash on my arm. In a panic, I shrug out of my backpack, shred my hoodie and mask and take off in a random direction.
Into the woods.
Away from the mines.
Away from them.
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chordophoneoftheday · 10 months
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jugosocial · 2 years
Poema homenaje a un perro asesinado: Timple
Poema homenaje a un perro asesinado: Timple
En homenaje a Timple Os dejamos un precioso poema escrito por Sara Vicente en homenaje al perrito cruelmente asesinado en Teguise (Lanzarote) recientemente. Que esta vil acción no se olvide, que persiga a sus autores y complices el resto de sus vidas y sirva para que las leyes de este país cambien radicalmente y se endurezcan las penas para los causantes de tanto daño. Descansa en paz pequeño…
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anagaduomusic · 7 months
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¡Hola Mundo! Bienvenid@ al blog de AnagaDúo en Tumblr
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More than one threat looms over Cair Mallplex: the raging dust storm and the huge shadow of Elizabeth Haven snuff out the last of the wan light. And there’s no escaping the specters of the past that have arrived. Featuring a one-off nickname, a mystery solved, and a question of what it means to be human.
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frankcassebaum · 7 months
Förderung von Geschmacksrichtungen und Produkten aus Fuerteventura beim Saborea Festival auf Lanzarote
Marlene Figueroa: “Wir fördern unsere enogastronomische Kultur, einen reichen Ausdruck lokaler Identität, der dazu beiträgt, Vielfalt und Qualität in das touristische Angebot von Fuerteventura zu bringen.” Samstag, 25. November 2023. Das Tourismusamt von Fuerteventura hat gemeinsam mit der Vereinigung der Köche und Produzenten Fuertegourmet eine breite Palette von Geschmacksrichtungen und…
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ace-of-d1am0nds · 10 months
the entirety of season 3 of la by night has been me going "I have just watched victor make the stupidest decision of his fucking life" and he somehow manages to top himself everytime AND YET IT HAS STILL NEVER BACKFIRED
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theravenpiper · 4 months
Making Lists of Characters Interesting
Epic fantasy often has so many characters that a list of characters (also known as dramatis personae) is a necessary aid to readers. The trouble is, a character list is usually as dull as dishwater. The best solution I have seen is from Lindsey Davis. Her character lists in her Roman mysteries about the Falco family have a definitely flippant tone to them. As a result, they are so entertaining that I often read them after finishing the novel they appear in, when I can fully understand the jokes. In fact, I admire them so much that I have shamelessly copied their tone for my character list in my current project The Bone Ransom:
The Ravenpiper Family
Talson Ravenpiper: A teenage boy, corrupted by stories and the training for the role of a second child.
Skulae Ravenpiper: Talson’s older sister. Nothing is her fault.
Bronwy del Caleryon: Talson’s mother, a ruler who knows she’s right.
Dyr-am-Syrans (Dhuramtsuran)
Kosky, aka Kahuin: A teenage girl, caught between two cultures and sarcastic about it.
Hilaswy: Kosky’s father, a dignified chieftain and drunk.
Guji: Kosky’s body-fluid foster brother. Disgustingly popular.
The Elite Housecarls
Ragger: Bronwy’s steward, and leader of the housecarls. A retired hero who has seen too much.
Aldleaf, Morgrim, and Eimur: Three veterans housecarls on duty in the city.
Ulfman: A housecarl not known for his polish.
Other Torsmyrians
Aglachad Torhte: Second cousin to the Ravenpipers, and not important enough.
Eshborg Torhte: Aglachad’s daughter and Talson’s ex-lover. An embarrassment.
Bloody Eyril: A Barber-Surgeon. He’ll extract your teeth for a fee, or punch them out for free.
Hindcalf, Gruce, and The Glover: Bronwy’s circle of enablers.
Lyxus: A Lawgiver with a bad memory for his oath of office.
Ivoryne: Server to Bronwy.
Borrie: Ivorne’s baby, named for Talson’s grandfather. But it’s not what you think.
Darogar: A swinging smith.
Frith’s Osgerd, Dallader, Slorm, and Fyrwulf: Members of the Fox age-group of the Hearth Guards. Veterans and still trying to forget the fact.
Off Stage
Karllaron (Lawbench) Hringesthorn: An elderly but still active rival of the Ravenpipers, fond of practical music.
Osbolt IV: The Margram of Torsmyr, the Ravenpiper’s titular overlord. A religious reformer.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Elzymer Ravenpiper: Talson’s father. A reluctant hero with a roving eye.
Borogrim Ravenpiper: Talson’s grandfather. The upstart who conquered the province of Ilvarness and freed the serfs.
Rungest “Dicer” Ravenpiper: Talson’s ancestor, who ended a civil war and died the obligatory heroic death. Pure ballad-bait.
Kermane Ravenpiper: Founder of the Ravenpiper family. An intimidating ancestor.
Purcirm Ravenpiper: Talson’s ancestor, who disappeared while exploring the Silvorn River, making himself romantic.
Skordis: An ancient runewife whose name is still used to frighten children.
Leel, Runger, Timple, Varchild and Ashnborg: Female housecarls who have let themselves go.
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engelart · 2 years
Niegas hacer comentarios sobre tus publicaciones, no me queda otra forma de decirte que una de ellas es identica a las de las mujeres isleñas de las islas Canarias, como no te lo puedo hacer llegar, te lo digo de esta forma, en vez de Guitarra de seis cuerda, sería Timple de cinco cuerda, saludos en la distancia.
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Thanks for the information. I would love to see the picture that you speak of.
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