#tired of him acting like a sl*t idk!
dumbandpoetics · 2 years
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JOE BURROW LAR @ CIN - Super Bowl LVI | February 13, 2022
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
Hi, I know that we are tired, frustrated and even confused, especially because of JK's attitude, in my country there is a saying "every time he speaks, the bread rises" which could be translated as that every time he speaks, things get worse for him. and that is what is happening to that add that nobody in the fandom seems to realize it or if it occurs yet they do not show it or at least not publicly, having said this I am going to put a new perspective on the table, and if in a twist of as events turn out, from now on this is going to be how Hybe promotes everything that comes out? If that moment comes, will we be able to self-criticize and criticize Jm as we do with JK if he starts promoting like this?
You know what I think?
Armies are never gonna call out any members of bts even if they become the worst human beings on the planet. They would never call them out. EXCEPT FOR JIMIN.
If jimin did something like that they would be screaming and making shady tweets about him.
I don't know how to explain this to you. It's like..... Every other bts member has that masculine type image and all and most of armies are y/ns. Whereas jimin is also masculine but recently he leans more towards the shy and feminine side which is my favourite of him but armies don't want that. Armies want macho, hunk men.
So i don't know.
It's like when girls have a boyfriend and that boyfriend cheats on them with another woman. So usually most of the girls never blame their boyfriend they blame the other woman saying things like she seduced him or whatever. Idk if I'm able to explain myself.
But in this case armies are the girl who gets cheated on. Bts are boyfriend and jimin is the third woman.
Like I know jimin is not a woman but i think we all have noticed that jimin's hate is very misogynistic in a way. Like whenever people hate him they seriously go straight to r#pe jokes, sl*t shaming and all that. Whereas I've never seen such hate for any other bts members.
It's like girls on the Internet hating other girls because they're jealous. While if men does same things those same women wouldn't mind it.
Are you getting what I'm saying? Idk if you understand. But it's just something I noticed.
In this case if jungkook is acting arrogant armies would find it attractive because some girls like such things in men.
But if jimin will ever act arrogant they will tear him down like they will tear down any other girl. Because for some reason girls and gay men seem to hate jimin because they're jealous of him for whatever reason.
So yeah it's just my observation I could be very wrong. But I just wanted to share it.
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evans-heaven · 4 years
Oh look more notes on Defending Jacob (ep. 5 this time also still not spoiler free)
As per usual I'm not a pro this is all in good fun I'm biased blah blah blah hope y'all enjoy 💕🤣
The moment I heard the song the episode opening with I was like "really? 🤨" why is this dark ass show opening with a bunch of singing munchkins lmao BUT it all made sense once I saw it was graduation. Of course upon learning this fact i was then sad, cause it meant Jacob was missing it. Poor kid is missing out on a pretty big milestone and who knows how many others in the future because of the murder, and that's sad (keep in mind this was before he called Sarah a sl*t so he still had a lil bit of my favor/sympathy but now fuck him) 😭😔
Kinda side eyeing Joan now cause she spat on Laurie (more on that later) but damn if she didn't make me tear up with how much she was struggling to give her speech. Idk what it's like to lose a kid, especially your only kid, but I couldn't imagine having the strength to even get up, let alone face his entire class that I know he should be with. Mad props to her 💕
I'm gonna honest, just as Andy was looking at Billy before he sat and they started talking, my immediate thought was "ugh he looks like such a doll 😭" Andy is v distracting don't blame me ANYWAY.
The grey/blue tones of this scene set the mood perfectly, paired by the expressions and amazing acting. Here we have a father and son that haven't spoken in decades. There's gonna be tension, there's gonna be a bite in their tones, especially given the circumstances. No smiles, unless you count Billy's halfway smirk and Andy's sarcastic laughing. I adore how it was portrayed because I imagine it was pretty realistic.
No hate BUT I still feel like Laurie could have told Andy about her encounter with the reporter. Even if theres nothing that could have been done, it would have still been a good idea to brace him for the article's release. He shouldn't have had to find out about it via Joanna shoving the magazine towards him. I ain't saying her lie was as bad as his but...it still happened. And meeting a reporter, even if she was ambushed, is a big deal. Who knows what was said and done and what could be twisted?
Can't a woman spontaneously buy 4th of July shit without getting spit on? I know Joan is grieving, I know her heart is broken and I know her mind is all over the place. But spitting on people isn't gonna fix that. Even if it makes them feel bad.
Backtracking here I actually thought she was gonna slap her but anyway
Duffy is so done w this man and shes a whole mood lmao. Andy's gonna get thrown in jail for stalking and harrassment if he keeps this shit up and his ass gets more and more risky. I can't for the life of me get how Derek's mom didn't blow his ass up for even talking to her kid. He looked uncomfortable af 😭 also puncturing her damn tire? In broad daylight? You wanna tell me no one saw him? Either way, bad Andrew.
I know I said the quote "our memories are often unreliable" could tie into Laurie's memory about Jacob at the bowling alley. Even so, I have a hard time seeing how it could be viewed differently. Unless her memory is twisting itself and making her remember things worse than they are given the circumstances, what was the actual backstory? Laurie is going down a dark path though, so who knows what else her mind is gonna do to her.
So who's gonna help me keep Sarah away from these messy ass boys?? Poor girl already knows some shit (a little or a lot) about Ben's murder, I think that's enough drama for her to be involved in. She doesn't need Derek being a creepy stalker thinking hes superman or Jacob sl*tshaming her like the ungrateful little prick he is. On that note, Ben is also a little prick for the way he treated Sarah before he died. So I maintain, get her away from these messy ass boys. Also maybe I'm biased but I dont think shes the murderer and anyone who does can suck it. If I'm wrong I never said this but i know I'm right lol okay but seriously don't quote me if I'm not.
I spoke enough about the closet scene so scroll through my ask tag for all my thoughts lmao 🤣🥴
I spoke a little about the cutter p*rn here but real talk, Andy's response shouldn't have been to take Jacob fishing. Even if he deleted it from his search, he still found out and still investigated for himself. So why not confront him? Like I said, it may or may not be a big deal. 
I been through this before but...Andy Barber is a good fucking dad. To a fault, maybe, but he loves his kid so damn much and that's heart warming to see-in their more casual moments of course, not when hes making these dumbass moves lmao. I know damn near any parent would want to take their kid's place, and Andy said so. Even if he can't actually do that, hes still willing to put himself in danger if it means protecting his kid.
Andy's face when Laurie told him he has Billy's eyes said a lot. He doesn't wanna hear the similarities between him and that man. Not given their relationship (or lack thereof) or the way they last encounter went. Also, similarities between them could directly mean similarities between Billy and Jacob, which is exactly what they're trying to avoid. I made fun of the murder gene I know, but they could still be concerned with it.
Lil post on the final scene here cause I still feel the same lmao but also Matt you had a big fucking mouth when you were telling your mom to shut up weren't you? So why so quiet now?
Some more shorter notes:
Laurie's smile when she saw Sarah was so precious 😭
Andy Laurie absolutely did not feel the same but idk where those present day scenes are going lol
Also fuck Neal
Man you could put a grey filter over this damn show and it wouldn't make a difference lmao
I love the little pop of color Sarah's work shirt gives, definitely reflects her character and how bright she seems to be in Jacob's life (before he called her a sl*t) and in the show overall.
Laurie's look after Joanna told him good work said it all 🤣🥴
That "hey...hey. Listen to me" in that voice...just fuck me okay.
Andy's laugh after Jacob told him "tell your face" tho 😭🤣 also nice callback to the first ep. with that line!
Thats all for now, til episode six lovelies <3
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cranetreegang · 3 years
The Messenger: Part 2: Looking for a Reason
A/N: Yay Part 2! So... no merman this time :( I honestly debated about just skipping right to more time with Nil, but I thought it would be important to do some fleshing out of the village and some of the peeps living there. I was re-reading the first part and I never realized that Evie didn't have any friends at first and I was like dang I'm an idiot I forgot that friends exist??? Also, my merman self-indulgence is really getting out of hand. I just wanted merman smut and now I have a story wtf.
I don't know how to feel about this part, since I'm just dying to get back to Nil. But, I'm also a sl*t for mermen so ya know. This one went on a bit long and if I were a decent writer I would cut some parts out, but idk I kinda like it all. I'm curious to know what y'all think. I'm always open to criticism!!!
The next part will have Nil again! Yay! I'm ready to get back to talking with him and learning more about these mysterious woods ;)
Thanks again for reading!
Summary: Evie is confronted by one of her friends for her making reckless choices and worries that she might not be thinking things through. She decides to try and fix that and ends up finding potential work.
Word Count: ~5,000 words
Click Here for Part 1
I awoke to a harsh, determined bang on my door. I laid in bed a moment trying to figure out if it was my imagination when I heard Zane’s bellowing voice.
“Evie. I know you’re there. Get up!” His muffled words carried throughout my home; making it impossible to ignore. I sighed into my limp pillow before throwing myself out of bed. I stumbled towards the front door, hitting the wall several times, and yanked the door open. My eyes were quick to shut out the blinding morning sun that was peaking over the trees, and directly into my eyes.
“Zane. Wha’d’ya want?” I mumbled with slurred words. Zane, a bear of a man, shoved his way inside while I was wiping the sleep from my eyes. I kept my annoyance at his rather abrupt entrance to myself and went over to my kitchen. “Want some coffee?” I offered while getting a mug down from one of my shelves.
Zane stood in the living room with his blonde brows pinched together and his muscular arms crossed. “Really? That’s all you have to say?”
I laid my head against the oak countertop with a loud exhale through my mouth. “What do you want me to say? I don’t even know why you’re here.” I went back to making myself a beverage. I needed something to get through whatever mood he was in.
Zane came next to me as I was grinding down a handful of beans. He took my grinder away from me to have my full attention. “You went into the woods.” He hissed.
I met his warm brown eyes and saw a terrified boy staring back at me. I felt guilty for not considering Zane’s feelings in all of this. We’ve been friends for years, yet he never even crossed my mind yesterday.
“And I came back intact. As you can see.” I motioned over myself. I realized that I couldn’t recall his face being in the crowd yesterday. “Not that you were there to wish me well, or welcome me back.”
Zane shook his head. His light pink lips pushed together. “Why would I wanna send my friend off to their death? Huh?”
“I don’t know. Maybe to at least say ‘bye’ one last time.” I grumbled. “Like I said, I’m fine. See.” I twirled around with a smirk. “The big bad forest didn’t gobble me up. So thank you for checking up on me. In fact, I’ll be going back out soon if you wanna do another wellness check before then.”
“What!” He exclaimed. “Are you serious, Evie? Have you lost your mind?” His nose flared out and his jaw clenched. My face contorted in anger that matched his own.
“What’s your problem? You know I’ve always wanted to go. I don’t know why you’re acting so surprised.” I struggled to keep my tone under control, but the annoyance of being woken up, just to be chastised, was not sitting well with me.
Zane shook his head while glaring at me. “Yeah. I didn’t think you insane enough to actually go through with it. Why in the hells are you even thinking about going back? Once should be more than enough.”
I shifted from one foot to the next at how best to answer his question. I couldn’t tell him I found a creature. Considering how well he was handling me going out there in general, telling him about Nil would be disastrous. I chewed my lip in thought on how best to get Zane off my back.
“Because it’s my job.” I finally stated.
Zane let out a mocking snort while rolling his eyes. “Right. Your job. You’re choosing a stupid job, over your own life. You can’t be that dense.”
“I’m not choosing one or the other! I know what I’m doing.” I crossed my arms and bit my tongue to keep my heated words at bay.
“What do you know about that forest? Huh? Do you know what dwells there? Or how to even defend yourself?”
“Like you’ve any idea what’s out there either. All we’ve got, are dusty old books and hearsay.” I countered back. His shoulders stiffened and he seemed set on doing something. He shoved me back with a forceful push. I managed to keep my balance for a moment before he shoved me again.
“Stop!” I slapped his hands away before he could push me again.
“See. You can’t even stop me. What do you think those things out there will do to ya? Did that even cross your mind?” He closed his eyes and let out a tired sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he said, “I know you have this… fantasy that the woods are calling to you. But, did you ever think that those monsters might not want you there?”
I opened my mouth to counter him, but I could find no words to say. I averted my gaze to my feet to help me mull over what he said. I hated that he was right to some extent. The idea never crossed my mind. It wasn’t even a possibility. Perhaps yesterday was just that; pure luck. Then I thought of Nil. The mer in the lake. That wasn’t a possibility before either. I should’ve died yesterday, if what Zane was saying were true. Nil could’ve easily dragged me to the bottom of the lake and feasted on my corpse. Instead, I was here, having to listen to Zane chew me out. Perhaps being Nil’s meal would’ve been a better alternative, I thought darkly.
I looked back up to him with a renewed determination. “It might not want me, you’re right. And I might die out there, sure.” Before he could praise me for finally realizing he was right, I continued, “I would rather be out there, with the monsters,” I pointed out towards the woods, “than stuck here wondering for the rest of my days what’s out there. I can’t live with myself if I don’t find out. Even if they don’t want me there.”
His eyes widened before he shut them in quiet sorrow. He ran his hand through his scruffy short hair. “There’s no changing your mind, is there? You thick headed idiot.”
I gave him a bright grin while yanking my grinder back to me. “No. There’s not. But you knew that before you barged in here.”
Worry danced in his deep brown eyes that made me almost reconsider my stance on the messenger job. Almost. The prickling feeling of doubt was brief like a summer breeze over me before disappearing. I placed my hand on his broad hairy forearm and squeezed him.
“You worry too much. I can handle whatever happens. Trust me.” I said.
He patted my hand with a short nod. “Don’t got much of a choice.” He sighed.
I frowned for a moment then went back to grinding. “Guess not. You also don’t have a choice on breakfast either. How ‘bout some eggs, ya big oaf?”
He snorted then went over to grab a few brown eggs from my basket. “Idiot.” I heard him mumble under his breath.
I couldn’t hide my smile at his endearing name calling. Zane always had my back and supported my craziest schemes… to an extent. There were a few times he had to shut down my ideas before I did something ‘reckless’. I thought back to the time I wanted to make a catapult to launch me into the woods. My logic was that since I wouldn’t be walking into the woods, I wouldn’t be banished. I spent all day creating a horribly put together wooden monstrosity that Zane promptly smashed before letting me try it. I didn’t talk to him for over a week until he brought me one of Nana’s cinnamon cakes as a peace offering.
I still questioned his judgement on such matters in regards to the woods. Or maybe his intuition about these things were spot on. As he’s told me before, ‘I see what’s real, and you see what you wanna see.’ I heard that line more than a few times from him. That didn’t end the nagging feeling in the back of my head that Zane was projecting his fear onto me. The fear shared by everyone in this village. A fear that I was starting to doubt was valid in the first place.
Zane helped me create a full sized breakfast of bacon, eggs, and biscuits; which was enough to feed his never ending stomach. We managed to avoid the topic of the forest, in favor of him telling me about how well the crops were doing this season. He droned on over the wheat being especially plentiful this rotation and that he would give me a bushel once they began harvesting. We cleaned up and I walked with him to my front door.
He looked over at me with a fond look. “I’m glad we talked, even if you’re still going out there.”
I chuckled, “Me too. Even though your worrying is unnecessary.”
He rolled his amber eyes and began to walk away when he stopped midstep. “Ya know,” He turned back around to face me, “when you get a chance, stop by Nana’s. She’s been worried about you.”
I nodded with another pang of guilt. Not even Nana crossed my mind yesterday. “I will. Don’t worry.”
He gave a short wave then kept walking towards the farm. I watched him climb the rolling hills away from me as I thought about all that he said. He did have a point on defending myself. Perhaps a trip to the blacksmith wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
I got ready for the day by slipping on a plain beige dress and quickly brushing my hair before heading over to Jo’s place. Various people were milling about from different shops and they did their best to not stare at me as I passed by. I could sense their curiosity about what happened yesterday, but none were brave enough to approach me. When I passed by the apothecary, the salt and pepper redhead owner Maggie was leaning on her doorway smoking a grey pipe that was as long as my hand. She stared at me with a knowing grin that made me look away from her piercing emerald eyes. I kept my eyes glued towards the blacksmith and away from eerie Maggie.
Jo was hammering away on a piece of hot iron when I approached her. Even though I was several arm lengths away from her forge, the heat blasted me in the face like the midsummer’s sun. Her sweat glistened in the light of the forge’s fire and the whole place smelled of burning coal and searing metal. Her short curly bister hair was tucked away behind a faded red cloth tied around her forehead.
“Mornin’ Jo.” I greeted.
“Wha’ ya wan’, kid?” She didn’t bother looking up to acknowledge me.
Jo was infamous for her ‘quick-to-the-point’ attitude. It sometimes rubbed people the wrong way, but no one was willing to risk saying anything to her. Jo was the only capable blacksmith in town. And she also looked like she could kill a man with just one arm.
I smiled while placing my hands behind my back. “Well, as you might know, I’m the new messenger.”
Jo didn’t show any reaction to my statement and kept hammering away. The sharp metal tings she produced made my ears ring.
“I’ll just get right to it. I need a sword or a dagger!” I yelled over her working.
She paused and looked up at me for the first time. “Why didn’t chaya say so?” She grabbed her long piece of iron and shoved it back into the roaring coals then took off her oversized padded gloves. She motioned me to follow her inside her shop, which I was greeted with an array of metal works, like nails, cutlery, and door knobs, as well as various sized daggers, swords, and clubs on every surface.
I stared in awe over each piece while letting my finger go across a rather sharp sword. I hissed when my finger split open. I promptly stuck the injured finger in my mouth to stop the bleeding. Jo wasn’t amused and gestured over her stock of daggers.
“These’ll work for ya. But doubt they’d help. These beaut’s‘re only good for small game. If somethings big’s after ya, ye dead.” She picked up one of the palm sized daggers for me to examine. I took my finger out of my mouth to look over the dagger. The weight felt good and the size was just right for me. Not that I had much knowledge on what was a good dagger or not. I’ve never really used a dagger besides ‘play’ fighting with logs or to cut up meat. I feigned stabbing a goblin right in the face and decided that the blade would work.
“How much?” I asked.
Jo smirked while leaning closer to me. “Free.”
“Free?” I raised my brow as my mind worked over why she would do that.
“In exchange,” She added, which I interrupted before she could speak further.
“Ah. There it is.” I placed down the dagger next to the others. “What could you possibly want from me?”
She smirked; her tanned leather like skin creased together on her forehead. She ducked below the counter and I heard metal clang on metal as she rifled through underneath. She hefted up a crate and let it drop on the counter. Blades clattered together from the counter shaking. The crate was as long as I could spread out my arms, and looked to be barely holding together by crude nails. “Needa delivery made, messenga.” She patted the wooden crate to emphasize her point.
I stared at the crate in dumbfounded confusion. “You… need a delivery.”
“Wot I said, yeah?” Jo put her meaty hands on her hips with a scowl.
I tried lifting up the crate, and was baffled at how heavy it was. I scratched my head in thought. “And, how did you expect me to carry this thing?”
“Not my problem. We gotta deal, or nah?” She drummed her meaty fingers across the lid.
I hummed in thought at how I would be able to transport such cargo when an idea began to form in my mind. “When did you want this thing delivered?”
“Tomorrow.” She huffed in reply. I had an objection on the tip of my tongue, but I quickly stopped myself. I could go back out into the woods tomorrow instead of having to wait all week. I’d be stupid to let this opportunity go to waste.
“Okay. Lemme talk it over with Griffith then I’ll let you know.” I bowed my head then headed over to the Post Office.
Not to my surprise, Griffith was organizing a fat stack of letters while humming a simple tune to himself. His eyes met mine and he greeted me with a warm smile.
“How do you do, young lady?” He asked in a jolly voice. He continued flipping through the various letters, but would glance to me on occasion.
“I’ve been asked to deliver a rather large, heavy crate by tomorrow. And I was wondering if you had some way of helping with that.” I informed him with an innocent smile.
He stopped what he was doing and regarded me with disturbed shock. “People are already giving you things to deliver? My that’s,” He paused then forced a grin, “great. Just wonderful.” He climbed out of his stool and hobbled over to the paned window. He stared outside as he brushed his chestnut goatee with his forefinger and thumb.
After a few moments of thought he went, “Ah! There might be something that’d work.” He turned to face me with a clap of his hands. “The barn should have a cart for you to use. You might even be able to borrow one of the horses as well. It’s what the riders use when they journey to Whitend.”
I felt an excitement bubble up in me. “Great. Thank you, Mister Griffith. I’ll talk to Udo.” I waved at Griffith before running off towards the farm.
So, I wouldn’t have to wait all week to get back out there. This couldn’t have been better luck. I took a shortcut by going across the rolling green hills instead of taking the path to the farm. The grass came up to my knees and swayed gently in the breeze. At the top of one of the taller hills, I took in the sight of the farm in front of me. We only had one farm that fed the whole village, and it never failed to produce us enough food. To the left of the farm, was Leah Mountain. The mountain had a solitary mine that provided us with rich minerals and metals.
The mountain pass nestled away inside Leah Mountain was the only other way out of the village. With the next town, Whitend, being a two week’s ride by a swift horse. And the trip was by no means easy. Only Remi, one of the farm hands, and Jakomi made the journey every other month. I asked Remi about joining him and Jakomi on one expedition, but was promptly shut down due to my lack of riding experience. Remi was insistent that the journey to Whitend was not for the faint of heart. And no matter how much I begged him to teach me to ride, Remi would refuse. I had my suspicions that Zane convinced him to not teach me, but I could never find enough evidence to support my theory.
At the base of the mountain, I could clearly see into Mistress Talia’s estate. I stared at the lone home that had towering walls preventing anyone from getting inside. Only a handful of people have ever set foot in there. Even fewer times has anyone seen Talia leave her fortress. She had one man, a grizzled butler named Hitch, run into town for her for various reasons. None of which Hitch would disclose. Hitch had been offered various items, money, and even favors for just a hint at what Mistress Talia does, but Hitch would remain silent.
As I stared at the manor, I too wondered what goes on behind those walls. I bit my lip at how Nil reacted yesterday. Disgusted, but the more I look back on it, there was an underlying anger hidden in his flickering dark amethyst eyes. Questions were beginning to bubble up inside my head, and I had to focus my attention on the task at hand. I continued down the hill towards the farm.
I got onto the paved stone path that led directly to Udo’s home at the very end. The path was lined with the hands’ homes to the left of me. Zane’s was in the middle of the five other cottages. He had bright colorful flowers on his window sill and on either side of the path leading up to his dark green door. He’s been a hand since he could walk, and hasn’t tried any other profession since. He convinced me one summer to be a hand with him. One summer was enough for me to realize that I would rather get eaten by a griffin than work on the farm. The fields to the right of me were brimming with towering stalks of corn, wheat, and various other vegetables. Further past the fields, was the apple orchard that was nearly ripe for picking.
I could make out Zane, Merdia, and Remi tilling away in the lush corn field. Merdia, her wild red curls bouncing in the wind, was quick to notice me and began frantically waving at me. I waved back at them as I passed by towards the stables.
“Where’re you goin’?” Zane shouted after me, to which I ignored. I wasn’t ready for another lecture.
I went inside the stables where Udo was brushing one of his black pinto colored mares. Hay was strewn about the wooden floors with horses, pigs, and cows occupying the numerous stables. Udo gave me a cheery grin when I approached. The lanky man never failed to have a sweet smile.
“Haven’t seen you around. How ya been? Heard ya went into the forest.” He commented as he stroked over the black and white fur with ease. I watched his brushing for a moment before replying.
“I’ve been great, thanks. And I was actually here about that. Jo wants me to deliver a crate and I needed to borrow a cart and maybe a spare horse, if you had one.” I gave him my best smile as he stared at me.
He huffed to himself with his dark brows rising to his hairline. “I see. Quite a tall order, missy.”
“It’s alright if you say no. Maybe I could use a wheelbarrow or something instead?” I offered.
Udo laughed and shook his head. “That’s a horrible idea. I doubt you’d get very far without it falling apart.” He set down the brush on a nearby stool and walked over to his book laying out on the far table against the stable wall. He scanned over the different entries while muttering to himself.
“When did ya need all this?” He asked without looking up from his book.
“As soon as possible. Preferably tomorrow though.” I went over to the pinto horse and stroked her muzzle, which she snorted in appreciation.
“Doesn’t look like we need Jumper this week. I’ll have Zane and Remi get the cart ready for ya in the morn’.” He looked back to me with a stern glare. “You better bring back both, kid.”
I nodded enthusiastically. “Of course!”
Udo gave a soft smile while motioning towards the barn door. “Get outta here. Before ya cause trouble.”
I waved bye to Udo as I skipped out the barn back to town. Zane was already coming up to me with Remi and Merdia in tow.
“What was that about?” Zane asked.
“Hi to you too.” I smirked while waving at Remi and Merdia.
“I can’t believe you went into the forest! Drink with us tonight. Please. We wanna hear all about it.” Merdia begged.
“Yeah. Come on. Can’t leave us in the dark.” Remi added in. His coffee brown hair was tied into a short ponytail behind his head, and his freckles seemed to consume more of his tanned skin than I remembered from the last time I saw him.
Zane hushed the curious duo then asked me again, “What’re you doing in there?”
It was hard not to be taken back by his accusing tone. Even harder to hide my discontent with his question. “Well, I think Udo’ll tell you soon enough.”
“Or you could tell me now.” Zane countered with one raised brow.
I shrugged. “I could.” I shoved my way past Zane. “Anyways, I gotta get going. Catch you later!”
“Evelyn!” Zane called after me, but I kept walking down the bumpy stone path back to the village. I knew he would be furious tomorrow morning, but that was a problem that could wait.
I ran back to Jo’s and stood in front of her forge triumphantly. “I’ll do it. I’ll be here tomorrow morning to take your package.”
Jo looked up from her work and gave me a pleased lopsided grin. “‘Ery good.” She reached into her black apron and handed me the sheathed dagger I was looking at earlier.
I held the blade in my hand for a moment before blurting out, “I’m surprised you trust me enough to do this.”
Jo shrugged. “Not like any’ else linin’ up to do’s it. ‘Sides, I gotta move this merch. Remi ‘n Jakoff ain’t goin’ for ‘notha three’s weeks.” Jo grumbled more under her breath that I couldn’t understand. Something about needing to pay a lost bet to Jakomi from what I could make out.
I hummed as I strapped the dagger to my hip. “Your trust is well-placed.” I gave a low bow then waved at her. “See ya in the morning, Jo!”
Jo gave a short nod to my leaving as I headed over towards Nana’s.
Nana’s place was right in the heart of the village. Which was appropriate since nearly everyone came to Nana for one thing or another. Nana claimed nearly everyone as her own, since she had no living children. I approached Nana’s with hesitancy. I knew she wouldn’t be mad for not seeking her out beforehand. Didn’t make facing her any easier.
I bit my lip and let my feet guide me into her shop. Various baked goods, like cakes, pies, and strudels, lined most of the shelves with jars of pickled goods taking up the rest. I could hear her bustling around in the kitchen behind the compact dining area. I caught whiffs of sugar cookies in the air the closer I got towards the kitchen.
Nana was taking out said lightly golden cookies from the oven when her eyes landed on me. “Ah. There you are. I was wondering when you’d stop by.” Her toothy smile took up most of her dark wrinkled face. She placed the platter of cookies on the countertop then straightened out her teal apron. “Come. Sit! I’ll get us some milk.”
She shuffled off towards the cellar and I took a seat on the worn stool across from the cookies. She returned with a clay jug of cold milk she poured for the both of us. We clinked our glasses together then dunked the hot cookies in. I couldn’t stop my smile from how deliciously sweet the cookie was and I found myself in a total state of bliss.
“I don’t know how you do it, Nana.” I mumbled between bites.
“Years of practice, sweetheart. Now, tell me all about it. You seemed to’ve come out all right.” Nana winked; her steel gray curls bounced a bit with the slight motion.
I nodded while I finished chewing my second cookie. “Yeah. Something that Zane isn’t getting.” I rolled my eyes with an annoyed groan.
Nana patted her worn hand on mine. “Don’t be too hard on him. He’s just worried about you. With good reason too. That forest isn’t safe.”
I held her hand while biting my lip. I avoided her curious gaze as the question on the tip of my tongue refused to come out.
She squeezed my hand and said, “Spit it out already.” She gave a gentle chuckle at my anguished state.
I laughed to myself that the old bat could see better than she lets on. “What’s so dangerous in that forest? I’ve heard the rumors, but I feel they’re all just scary stories to tell children. I want to know the truth.”
Nana frowned and let go of my hand. She tapped her fingers together several times before speaking again. “Oh honey, there’s much you don’t understand.” Her scratchy voice faded away into a quiet whisper as the memories of the past seemed to be flooding her. Her rich golden eyes were distant and troubled. A thought in the back of my head told me to drop the subject. The sensation was gnawing at me, but I managed to push it aside.
“Please. I want to know.” I pleaded.
Nana looked down at her cupped weathered hands. “Sweetheart, the things that lurk in that forest wish nothing but to come here and kill us all. The only thing stopping them is Mistress Talia’s magic wards. We owe her our lives.”
I knew my mouth was gaped open and I quickly shut it. “They want to kill us? Why? What happened? Surely we weren’t always cut off from those woods?”
Nana’s eyes narrowed and I was taken aback by the sudden intensity of her gaze. “It doesn’t matter why. What happened, happened. Now, they want their revenge.” Her features faltered to a soft smile and she sighed, “I know you want answers. But, answers won’t change the past.”
“You don’t know that.” I stated, then felt guilty at my sharp response. Nana didn’t like it either as her brows pinched together in annoyance.
“Enough. I’d prefer if we talked about something else, if you don’t mind.” Nana said in a strained tone.
“Of course.” I forced a smile despite me being disappointed by Nana’s reluctance in helping me. Whatever happened all those years ago must’ve been terrible. I chatted with Nana about everything but the forest, or my messenger job. When the sun was starting to set, I decided to take my leave. Nana handed me a basket of various foods for me to take since I looked too, ‘too skinny for her liking’.
I was leaving her home when I stopped in the middle of her doorway. My eyes caught sight of something inscribed all over the wooden doorframe. My fingers traced over the markings that were similar to the ones out on the path. I glanced around the neighboring homes, but they lacked the same intricate carvings. I tried to remember what other buildings had these same symbols, yet my mind drew a blank.
I thought about asking Nana, but I remembered how she snapped at me earlier in regards to such matters. I’d need to find this out on my own. I began the walk back to my home while scanning each house for more markings. To my surprise, there were only two other buildings with those marks: Maggie’s Apothecary and the Post Office. I wasn’t sure what to do with this newfound knowledge. And my main problem was figuring out who to ask about these carvings. Perhaps they meant nothing.
A nagging sense in the back of my mind told me otherwise. There was something going on here, and I was going to figure out exactly what.
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some-rfa-imagines · 7 years
Hi~! You're amazing (in typing those three words I already made like 50 typos that's how amazing you are omg) I was wondering if you could write how the RFA+Minor Trio would react to an MC who ALWAYS forgets her birthday (this is actually me omg I forget my birthday every single year whenever someone greets me I look so confused and then they're just so done with me all my friends are so tired) lol thanks!!
HHHHhhhhHHhhhh Thank you!!!
I hope you like it anon!!
He’s so, so excited!!
oh my gods its your birthday and you’re celebrating together and and and he needs to get the perfect present oh no will he have enough time?
well, it turns out he does (even though he’s so stuck in with school work that he couldn’t finish your present sooner)
because you forgot.
yeah. you forgot your own birthday.
MC HOW?!!?!?!?!??!?!!??!!??!?!
By the third time, he’s used to it
but he still marvels at the fact that you manage to forget your own freaking birthday
[i’m not bitter]
Oh well, it’s worth it for seeing your eyes light up when you remember
he tries his hardest to surprise you better and better every year
he plans detailed side-quest-like hunts that revolve around your forgetfulness
also gets the RFA to chip in (thank you Jaehee for fine tuning it, ur gr8)
and one year, he tops them all
by proposing~ (⺣◡⺣)♡
is all prepped to spoil you with his attention
and his fans are too
so when you wake up and are completely surprised by the amount of gifts you’ve been given, he kinda does a double take.
“Wait, what? MC, you seriously don’t know what day it is today?”
“No.. Why? Did you get a new role and forget to tell me or something?”
“You’re kidding.”
he just sighs and reminds you that it’s your birthday
to which you grace him with a huge smile, awkward laugh and an “oh, yeah, right.”
you guys spend the rest of the day going around and visiting all of these nostalgic places
[que next year]
“Morning MC~! Do you know what day it is~?” “No… What day is it?”
*record scratch* *freeze frame*
{Zen’s face is something resembling ∑(ΦдΦlll}
okay, so you’re actually serious…
pampers you anyway
at this point, he just sighs and reminds you with a smile
I mean, this is just a quirk of yours that he learns to love ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Oh my bab
she’s been so used to being busy with work that she used to forget about her birthday too (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
but now that you’re working together at the cafe she has more time to relax
which means, she can prepare for your birthday! and hers too, eventually, she supposes
So she wakes up early and goes to the cafe after writing you a little note (telling you to relax and sleep in, and that she’ll take care of a few things first)
(she’d made sure that all of your regulars knew that the cafe would be closed today so you two could have a day to relax.)
she spends her whole morning baking and decorating a beautiful cake for you.
Then she decorates the cafe a little, putting up a “Happy Birthday” banner and such
when you get to the cafe, you’re confused. Who’s birthda- oh.
You play it off like you didn’t forget, but she knows.
It happens a lot from there on
and she just smiles and laughs it away. what can she do about it? it’s a part of you.
He’s up early, finishing a breakfast in bed for the two of you
it’s your birthday so of course you should spend it in style and comfort??? hello?? duh??
when you wake up, you are greeted with the smell of [favourite breakfast foods]
Jumin comes in carrying a tray covered int he most delicious, mouthwatering food you have ever tasted in your life
“mmm! it smells so good!! what’s the special occasion?”
he laughs, thinking that you’re joking. you raise an eyebrow
oh shit you’re serious
“MC.. it’s your birthday.” “It is?” oh yeah, it is
you share a laugh and then spend the rest of the day together, having fun, going out etc.
then it happens again, the next year.
He doesn’t get it. How can you remember literally every other holiday (including but not limited to: things like Noodle Day, Dog Day, Umbrella Day and Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday) but not your own birthday???
So he gets you a personal calendar with professional photos of the two of you (”Can I not just want a photoshoot with my girlfriend?”) and makes sure it’s marked, in bright colours [MC’S BIRTHDAY]
so you never e v e r forget.
and how does he do that?
He ‘forgets’ it’s your birthday, giving the others time to plan a surprise party.
so he’s all ready to treat it like a normal day when you wander into the kitchen and… well…
plan failed.
you’re acting like it’s a normal day too..
no. you just… forgot.
well, you’re greatly surprised by the party, that’s for sure.
by the second time, he decides to update your phone a little
he sets it so that every year,,, on your birthday,,, at twelve AM,,,,, like clockwork,,,,,
it also covers the screen with confetti and balloons but that’s not the important bit
which leads you to your first birthday of slapping him in the face right as you wake up
he’s just really excited for your birthday.
since he’s gotten surgery, he can’t wait to spend the day out with you, just going wherever you wanted and doing whatever you preferred
i mean, you do this a lot, but today was special ‘cause you had cake
when you wake up, he’s running his fingers through your hair, and drawing patterns on your skin, like he always does [hhh goosebumps]
“Happy Birthday MC~”
your very sleepy brain barely processes this and when it does, your expression turns confused
???? do you not know what day it is???
he writes it down to just waking up and you continue on with your day
then the next year rolls around
you guys don’t get to see each other until later in the day because he had an unchangeable business trip.
You shrug it off and say you don’t mind (you were sleeping all day anyway), but he can’t stop thinking about it.
so, when you pick him up from the airport, he’s the one with a massive bunch of flowers instead of you.
he gives them to you and apologises for missing your birthday.
wait what?
He wants to surprise you for your birthday
he just doesn’t know how
so it’s actually a huge relief when you wake up with no realisation of the day
I mean, at first he thinks you’re pranking him, but no..
at some point, he calls up the RFA for some help in surprising you
Seven: take her to a theme park and propose on top of a roller coaster
Jumin: Treat her to only the best e v e r y t h i n g
Jaehee: ??? take her out on a date? idk??
Zen: Treat her like a princess and shower her in flowers and love and
Yoosung: ?? hECK?? ?
Saeran: I hate all of you
eventually, he manages to plan a cute picnic date at your favourite park
there are fairy lights strung up through the trees and flowers all around and it’s just so cute and heartfelt and gahh i’m crying
heavens have mercy MC
and at the very end, he actually ends up taking Seven’s advice ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
they’re happy to be sharing your birthday with you
they just want to do something fun to chill out and just relax so they enlist Seven to help plan something fun
oh gods why
Seven plans an adventure hunt that involves you two wandering around the city [kinda like his Valentines Day DLC but not]
it ends with a trip to the beach where they made reservations at one of your favourite restaurants
your birthday rolled around soon enough, as it tends to do
and they wake you up pretty early to start on the hunt
but,,, you’re confused,,, why are you getting dragged around the city at 7 in the morning???? 
Vanderwood pls
They just kinda stop
“MC it’s your birthday you know” “what” “yeah.” “you sure?” “positive.”
They should’ve figured
You tend to forget the important things, like when you’ve booked an appointment or have bills due.
So, like most things, they take it upon themself to plan it out.
oh also your dinner/night overall ended up pretty gr8
also still can’t write Vandy well… i don’t do them justice… i just,,, ,love them ,,, so ,, mu ch,, ,, , ,
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