#title; i got kicked... in the head (Xander & Buffy)
normallyxstranger · 2 years
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@collectionofvoices​ | title; I got kicked… in the head (Xander & Buffy) | from a starter call
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     He held the ice pack against his temple. The pain wasn’t excruciating, but it did make him sort of dizzy. A throbbing started, just the beginning of a headache that promised to get worse before it got better. At least there hadn’t been any blood. And he hadn’t, ya know, died or anything.
     But Buffy didn’t seem to catch that. She seemed to have a one track mind as she searched through the library’s array of assorted weaponry, looking for the perfect instrument of death to take out the demons who’d attacked them. 
     “Hey, Buff—not to be a killer of joy or anything, but maybe you should wait for the cavalry. Strength in numbers and all that?” He was loath to mention that Angel could help the most with this situation, but even Willow and Oz and Giles’s help could tip the scale. “I mean, you and me going after them doesn’t sound so great. Because I got kicked… in the head. I’m not up to snuff.  And you—”
     Well, probably wasn’t a great idea to point out how the Slayer had gotten her ass kicked too. 
     “I’m just saying. This is me—being rational guy.”
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goose1083 · 5 years
These are my notes for the second episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’m so sorry these are so long this time. I had a lot of questions and long comments. Also, if you haven’t checked out the first one of these, go do that. I explain some basic things that would seem weird otherwise.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Notes
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Season 1, Episode 2: “The Harvest”
There goes the narrator again
Great teamwork, guys
Oh, RIP Jesse. F’s in chat for him, guys
Title still hasn’t changed to the iconic look we know
Quick question: everyone headbands to the theme song as much as I do, right? Cause like, this time, I feared I’d hit my head against the wall when I did it, so I just need to validate my actions
I feel that instead of having that depressed gothic teen, they just have Giles instead
Buffy, was that suppose to make them feel better, cause it didn’t really seem like it
Also, Buffy stole the words out of my brain, Willow you are sitting
Thanks Giles, that made complete sense
So I talked to my dad about Darla and he said that it seemed like they wanted Darla to be a teenager but then made her an adult instead unless that came from group chat I can’t remember
I totally thought the Master was going to say House of Mouse
Okay, but cutting back and forth for info dumps are really effective, especially for me, an adhd person who can lose focus fairly quickly
That right, Xander, don’t be stereotypical. Don’t assume vampires turn to bats. Dracula’s the exception, not the norm
Look at everyone contributing a little to finding the vampires location. See, Xander’s not all dumb, just somewhat
If Scooby-Doo taught me anything, it’s that being bait is just as bad as being food
Also, what’s this advanced technology in the 1990s
Also, thanks Joss for saying mentally challenged. There are so many worse words you could’ve put in but you didn’t👏👏👏👏
Now there’s the reality of public schools
But seriously, who’s he kidding? I bet kids leave campus all the time, they did at my high school
Also, why is the gate open if it’s a closed campus? Why was it left open? Is it so close to the beginning of the day that the custodians hadn’t quite gotten around to closing it yet, and if it’s not, then that raises so many more questions
I thinks it’s cool how Xander’s character develops over time. Like, I can see him struggling with the idea that a man is supposed to be doing the hard work and saving, but later, he’s very content with staying on the sideline for the most part and letting Buffy do all the work
Hi Angel
They already set up the tension between the two, don’t they?
Again, Buffy, do you really think no one is going to notice the door?
I think Angel had friends once but once he got turned, he lost them through fear and time
Ah, of course, the harvest is going to start right under the school
Awww, he already cares so much about her
Wait, did Xander hear the conversation between Buffy and Angel, including his good luck?
Also, how was Xander able to leave but not Buffy? I smell sexism in this thing....and also the fact that Xander has been to the school for a year or two at this point
Also, what was the interaction between Angel and Xander like if Xander followed her?
Xander, don’t you dare disrespect chem class! Chem is the best science out of all of them, excluding computer science. Chem and computer are tied for the sciences
Interesting bonding moment between Buffy and Xander
Hi me
Omg they’re programming and in Linux no less!! Which makes sense cause they didn’t have much in the 90s
Okay, but she wasn’t screaming, the only one who screamed was me
I love how the guy just randomly joined in
Weren’t you just asking your friend to find out what Willow was doing, also she wasn’t talking at all???
Why is other me the complete opposite of actual me. She can’t code, doesn’t know what keys mean versus I can code kind of complicated things, knows how to do basic things like save, etc.
Also, my soul hurt so much watching her hit that delete key smh😔
That’s morbid, Buffy
Round of applause to my boy Jesse who feigned death to get a surprise attack on future attacker, though it didn’t quite work
Yes, I sure someone heard that
Why do their eyes and claws grow in the dark?
Oh, Jesse, you did suck her blood
Why is closing the door so hard for her? She’s supposed to be super strong
Don’t leave the door, Xander, you wait till the escape is ready
Of course, they end up at the power plant
Tbh that whole tunnel segment was pretty underwhelming. You’d think there would be a big fight but no, just some vent crawling
I know that Colin wasn’t gonna go by unscathed but damn, finger to the eye and no response to it. That a strong vampire. Also, thanks for sparing us the image of a finger to the eye. I can handle some gore but it still unsettles me, and many other people are more sensitive than I, so yeah
Only Giles would think murder is great
I rather wish it wasn’t coming together, either
🎵I can see what’s happening, and they don’t have a clue🎵
I’m sorry but isn’t that kind of cannibalism
Hey look, it’s Rafiki putting the blood on simba’s forehead, right? That’s how it goes in the movie?
Xander, don’t take it out on the recycling bin next to the copier/printer(?)
Also, Willow seems pretty non-phased hearing Jesse’s gone. Guess she didn’t really see him as a friend
Really, we’re already doing the end-of-the-world thing?
He has a fidget spinner on his head that or a bad ninja star, seeing as those have 4 points
Of course, the one good place in town, just where I’m gonna be, and all the action and drama is going to take place there, perfect
Oh look, it’s the leather jacket or at least a leather jacket. I mean with her lifestyle, I’m sure she went through multiple of those
But Joyce, it’s literally the end of the world
Is the word I’m looking for “je ne sais quoi–” oh no, it’s cars
Hey, this is kind of a good song
I love how vampirism give you an ultimate swag, even if you didn’t have it before
Hey, this song is also really good
Oh god, the slow mo walk
Apparently, vampirism also gives you the desire for theatratics
See, you can not tell me that was overly dramatic
Why is he groping her while he feeds
Come on, let him have me
How did no one hear the glass?
Buffy’s so cool with those backflips and roundhouses and all of it
Giles, how could you lose that easily to a girl? Granted, he didn’t know she was there but still
Shouldn’t Darla be dead and like not look as pretty in the future cause of that holy water?
Wow, they really just gave Jesse the accidental death, huh?
Nice deception, Buffy
Nice power shot, Buffy
Aww, Angel’s impressed
Is it just me, or is the wrap up of the fight lacking something? maybe singing
You’re right, Xander, nothing’s ever gonna be the– oh okay just cut to a perfectly normal day at school. That’s fine
Why does Willow sound kind of off here? Like, it’s not her voice or they had to redub her lines cause it didn’t pick up right when they recorded I don’t know it’s just seems weird to me
Yup, Giles is the gothic depressed teen
I love these ways of getting kicked out
Omg the mummy! Did they not have that in the first one or is it just me
No, they did. I went back. I guess I just missed it or just didn’t react to it the first time
@highonbandcandy @calraisin @really-really-slowly @towersofsong @morespinach @therealmadblonde @bothersome-bitch
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sunalsolove · 7 years
Sunalso’s Spuffy Fic Recs
(With Shameless Self Promotion-because, hey, I was asked!) 
I’m not one for a lot of dark fic/angst as real life tends to punch me enough. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy conflict in a story, but it does mean that my recs tend to be a little biased towards things I want to escape into after a hard day at work. I read all ratings, but prefer the smuts, and I enjoy all the wide world of possibilities in fics, from baby stories to all human, from canon compliant to complete AUs. I love fanfiction, I love Spuffy, and I REALLY love both together!! (I also love chihuahuas.) All stories completed except those in the WIP section. Most links to Elysian Fields. You have to sign up to read NC-17 fics, but it’s a quick process, and then you can receive emails when authors (like, cough, me) post a new story, or you can follow a favorite WIP and know when new chapters post. Handy!
Under the cut because this is a LONG list! 
Long Fics
Only Time Will Tell by damperandspoons (NC-17, 75K) A fun time-travel romance! There’s sex in a carriage! This is one of the very first Spuffy fics I ever read and it’s still one of my favorites. It’s the sort of story you squee over and then cry over...and then go back to squeeing. There’s a delicious HEA as well. 
Echoes by Holly (NC-17, 116K) Holly is a brilliant writer and this is THE prime example. She takes the Buffyverse, sets it on its ear, and the result is wholly magical. Buffy and Spike start off existing in a vastly different context, one little demon bargain later, and Buffy finds herself 300 years in the future and dealing with present-day Sunnydale. 
Hide and Seek by dreamweaver (NC-17, 37K) Post series. Buffy’s in Rome and wait...who’s that history scholar...and that vampire?? I really enjoy watching everything collide in this fic. 
In Heat by Nautibitz (NC-17, 31K) In the summer after S5 (in a world where Buffy didn’t die) the weather is hot and there are demons that release a pheromone that makes poor Buffy even hotter. What’s a girl to do? 
Superstar Revamped by kantayra (NC-17, 54K) Set during S4′s Superstar. A very fun romp through the episode, as Spike and Buffy figure out both the spell and each other. I could use so many more Spuffy fics set during that episode! 
sex, lies, and sonograms by sabershadowkat (NC-17, 31K) Buffy’s  pregnant post S2...I get a huge kick from this story because it’s like a time capsule. It was written LONG before S5 (so no FFL) so is contains all kinds of early Spuffy stuff. I <3 it! 
Future Imperfect by cousinjean (R, 38K) Set 335 years post The Gift. A little angstier than many recs on this list. Buffy is humanities last hope and Spike is her only connection to her past. Lovely writing and so many feels. Also...Spuffy on the moon. 
Awakening by tempestt (PG-13, 32K) After a planewreck that leaves them alone and hunted in the wilderness, Buffy and Spike both have to survive and Buffy finds out she has more inside her than she ever knew. 
Frontierland by Gort (R, 66K) S5. Willow casts a spell, causing Spike to dream so he’ll see that things between him and Buffy can never work out. Buffy comes along for the ride. It does not go as Willow expects. Spike wears a cowboy hat. This is a touching story that dives deep into Spike’s head and is nuanced and carfully done. I can’t recommend it enough. 
Sunny Days by Gort (NC-17, 103K) Sequel to Frontierland, but we’re starting off in Riley’s head this time, but Buffy and Spike aren’t going to let that stand. Spike’s a hot english professor that wears a fedora. (If you need to know anything besides that...I don’t know what to tell you ;-)
Dreamer by Gort (NC-17, 86K) S4, starts with HLOD. Buffy and Spike end up captured by the Initiative and form a deep bond by the time their released. A close look at just how messed up the Initiative is. Also hair kink. 
Reveries and Ramifications by mak324 (NC-17, 386K) Spike and Buffy are drawn together and into a web of deceit involving the Initiative. No one does first person POV like mak324. it’s stunning and completely enthralling and you get through the 386 K and want more. 
Stitched Up by bewildered (NC-17, 50K) A sock gets a soul. It’s freaking hilarious while still being insightful. Buffy and Spike are adorable and it’s so enjoyable to watch the sock do his best to help them out! 
Send to All by Carrie-Ann (NC-17, 75K) A sexy text gets sent to everyone on Buffy’s contact list. Oops? A hilarious ride with a showstopper climax! 
With A Painted Ribbon by Apfeltorte (NC-17, 151K) Starts with Buffy in the mental hospital and goes like a freight train from there. 
Taking Chances by sandy_s (R, 107K) Starts with Something Blue, goes to an alternate dimension, and ends with the Initiative being destroyed. YAY. Is also a thoughful and detailed look at Buffy, Spike, Willow, Joyce, and others as they go through a great deal of emotional maturing that is badly needed by all. I compare the sheer imagination of the other dimension to Edgar Rice Burrows, it’s just that amazing. 
Etched in Stone by flowerofthewolf (NC-17, 116K) Dru turns Spike into a statue in Restfield cemetery in 1977. He sits there for twenty years with only himself to talk to until one perky Slayer takes a shine to him. Is both poignant and laugh out loud funny. 
Second String by Solstice (PG-13, 48K) Spike’s a watcher in need of a Slayer, Buffy’s a Slayer in need of a Watcher. Wonderfully written and winner of the best OC ever award. And best Xander characterization award. 
Short Fics
Fantasie Segrete by Holly (NC-17, 7.7K) Post series. Buffy’s friends treat her to a little valentine’s day surprise. I love how Buffy’s mind works in this story and it’s so much fun and so satisfying! 
As in ‘Recent’ by Nautibitz (Nc-17, 1.2K) The S7 smut we all wish would have happened. 
Vanishing Act by Nautibitz (PG-13, 1.6K) S6, post Gone...and DUH, Xander.  
Memories Without Words by kantayra (PG-13, 3.2K) 500,000 years in the future, The One is reunited with someone special. I love this fic so much and it gives me so many feels! 
Watching by kantayra (PG-13, 3K) One of my favorite fics of all time, and it’s Riley’s POV during the first half of S5. This fic is brilliant. 
If the Plane’s A-Rockin by Baphrosia (NC-17, 1K) What SHOULD have been the outcome of TGIQ. 
Independence Day by pfeifferpack (G, 4K) Post NFA. A loving and nuanced look at what Buffy’s life might be like. Amazing Buffy and Dawn interaction and a hopeful ending. 
#hashtagapocolypse by Wonder and Ashes (PG-13, 1.5Kish) A Buffy story told on twitter! It’s freaking hilarious.
Circulation by theblueeyedvampire (NC-17, 4.8 K) Pangs smut. Enough said. 
The Switch by Gort (NC-17, 13K) Buffy and Spike swap bodies in S4. It goes EXACTLY how you want it to. Bless you, Gort. 
Sinfully Delicious (NC-17, 843) Buffy catches Spike wanking. The title says it all. I seriously could read a million iterations of this (PLEASE). 
Bliss by kantayra (R, 1.8K) Spike comes to find Buffy in heaven. It’s happy and I still cry like a baby over it EVERY TIME. 
Young Robots in Love by Elsa Frohman (PG, 11K) William!bot meets Buffy!bot, sparks fly. Hilarious and touching                              
An Arousing Sexual Encounter Between Buffy Summers and William "Spike" Pratt by gabrielleabelle (NC-17, 523) How every Spuffy sex encounter goes! Hee! 
All Human
People get weird about AH. I’ve heard every excuse but they all boil down to: I don’t want to look/sound uncool. Thanks, 50 shades. AH allows authors to have fun way outside the usual playing field while still making the characters recognizably themselves. That’s the challenge and the draw. Embrace it, have fun with it. Don’t let being worried you’re not a cool enough fanfic person if you like these stories stand in your way of a great read. 
The Poet and His Muse by Addie Logan (NC-17, 45K) Spike’s a poet who can’t meet his deadline and Buffy--a muse with a less than stellar track record--is sent to help. They are simply adorable together! 
Unexpected Company by Paganbaby (NC-17, 25K) How can I say this? Paganbaby’s stories are an...aquaried taste? They are unashamedly my guilty pleasure. She’s got a size kink and I swear Buffy must have a tape measure handy at all times because there are regularly detailed measurements. This fic is experienced Buffy and virginal William that ends with Willow walking in on them with a ballgag involved. 
But for peak Paganbaby you need to read:
The Sitter by Paganbaby (NC-17, 95K) Underage twincest + 26 year old Buffy. You’re welcome. (I unashamedly LIKE this story) 
The Ghost of Christmas Present by Gort (NC-17, 22K) Buffy’s a lawyer sent to oversee the sale of a charming inn haunted by one William Pratt. BEST CHRISTMAS STORY EVER. I’m going to marry this story. I want to roll around in it. I LOVE IT. 
Not My Reality by dawnofme (NC-17, 44K) Buffy’s on the bachelor and Angel’s the fellow in question. He’s so dreamy...except who’s this bleached blond camera guy? This story is the definition of FUN. I reread it whenever I need a pick-me-up. Great Fred and Cordelia too. 
Closer to Midnight by xaphania (PG-13, 38K) Buffy and Spike meet up on a tour of a haunted island. They find themselves falling in love but there’s a ghost story waiting in the wings and everything isn’t what it seems. There’s a lovely NC-17 outtake of the sex scene for those who want it! 
It’s hard to recommend stories that aren’t finished an might never be, but sometimes the journey is worth it even if you don’t ever reach the destination. 
This Means War by mak324 (R) A newly chipped Spike meets up with a sick Buffy instead of Willow. Shenanigans follow as Buffy and Spike dance around each other. 
Prisoners of Love, Blue Skies Above by bewildered (NC-17) Post Something Blue Spike goes on a drunken ramage, Buffy ends up having to pretend to be his wife. It’s all sexy and adorable. It’s the very first Spuffy fanfic I ever read. I still have hope it’ll be finished one day. 
Buffy the Victorian Slayer by Flights of Fancy (R) Buffy’s the slayer in Victorian England. One night she saves one William Pratt from a vampire...things roll from there. I talk more about the WIP than any other! 
My Own Stories 
I love all my fics, but there’s always a few I’m extra eager for people to read!
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by sunalso (Explicit, 135K) A very depressed Buffy is sent back from a post Chosen world to S2. She still means to die...but other things happen instead. I adore my mad hatter’s party scene with Dru in this fic, and the fact that Buffy and Spike can’t hide anything from anyone (the poor azaleas!) 
World on Fire by sunalso (NC-17, 4.6K) I was not allowed to make the summary: Buffy boinks 1900 Spike because the author wanted her to. However, that’s the gist of it! 
Cursed by sunalso (R, 177K) Buffy and Drusilla switch bodies every time the sun goes down. This ended up being everything I wanted it to and Dru is a very strong character in it even though she’s not the main POV. 
Room Service by sunalso (NC-17) Boink or die! Only it’s so warm and fuzzy! 
Thing of Doom by sunalso (Explicit, 60K) During AtS S5 Spike is split into two parts (William and Demon). Much smut ensues. I’m overly critical of the first chapter, but the rest is a really fun ride! 
Someday by sunalso (NC-17, 54K) My accidental novel. Buffy has one day each season to save the world. However will she do it? This is stuffed full of tropes I like and I seriously named one of the sex scenes. Sort of peak me in this one. 
Pumpkin Spike by sunalso(R, 2.8K) Spike’s a pumpkin. 
Every Rose by sunalso (NC-17, WIP) A current project. Wishverse Buffy is sent back to 1880 to kill a newly risen Spike. She gets there a little early. Anne just wants grandbabies. 
Strange Partners by sunalso and Gort (NC-17, 42K) This is still SO FUNNY and I co-wrote it. I can’t believe I wrote it. It’s seriously funny, but with a cohesive plot as well. Don’t drink and read, it’s a choking hazard. 
There we have it! I probably forgot half the stuff I’d like to rec and am probably way too over critical of my own stuff, especially the newer stuff, which makes it hard to rec. I hope you find some fun things to read and please, if you enjoy something, let the author know! 
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handwithquill · 7 years
Heart Under Siege 3
Title: Heart Under Siege
Rating: Pg in this chapter but will probably go up.
Pairing: Spuffy
Summary: In a medieval village, Elizabeth lives with her mother and sister, that’s all turned upside down when the mercenary known as ‘William the Bloody’ wins the land her village sits on
A/N: Thank you to DreamScape99 here on EF and Little Inkstone on Tumblr for beta-ing this. I really appreciate it
Xander had finished overseeing the repacking of the wagons. He had ordered one wagon to be emptied so that the villagers could use it to take their wounded and dead back home. Their leaders had looked at him strange when he let them go, and he hoped the speech he gave them about it being better to be on William the Bloody’s good side penetrated their skulls. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Spike walking back, then did a double take as he noticed the three women walking behind him. He grabbed the reins of his and Spike’s horses and approached his friend.
    “Everything has been repacked, and we’re ready to go,” he said as Spike took the reins and swung up into the saddle of his horse.
    “Good. Find a place for these three. They will be accompanying us to the Keep.” The expression on Spike’s face kept Xander quiet, so he didn’t mention the look that passed between the oldest two women. Xander bit his lip as he watched the younger one watch Spike ride away. The girl couldn’t be more than thirteen summers, but she watched his friend with what he was sure was the beginning of infatuation.
    “Ladies, if you please,” he held out his hand and escorted them over to the wagon that held the food stuffs. “It’s not the most comfortable way to travel,” he grinned at them, “but a bag of flour should be more comfortable than a collection of swords.” He helped them into the cart, before mounting his horse and hurrying to join Spike at the front of the line.  
    “Don’t say it!” Spike hissed.
    “Say what?” he asked, “Oh! You mean that Riley and Liam have changed a great deal since I saw them at breakfast this morning!”
    “I said leave it alone!” The harshness of the comment had Xander looking at his Captain. Spike was looking off to the side and breathing hard. “Take the men on to the keep! I’ll catch up later!” With that, he tugged on the reins and bolted off into the woods. Xander watched his friend with worry.
    He waited for a count of twenty before calling for Graham to take command and chased after his friend. It didn’t take Xander long to find him. He followed the sound breaking the stillness of the forest and watched Spike taking a chunk out of a tree with his sword. As Xander approached, he dropped the sword and started kicking the tree swearing with each kick.
    “Bloody,” kick, “Sodding,” kick, “Buggering,” kick, “HELL!”
    “Does the tree really need to be punished that badly?”
    “Go away!” Spike didn’t turn around.
    “Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Xander dismounted and tied the reins to a nearby branch.
    Spike spun around, he was breathing hard, his eyes were hooded and his lips were nothing more than a snarl. His hand were clenching and unclenching in an attempt to control the rage Xander could see coursing through him.
    “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that when I got there, he had her in his grip and he was tugging at her clothes...AHHH!” He let out another scream and started punching the tree. He can hear his captain muttering to himself, but cant make out the words. Then suddenly, Spike dropped to his hands and knees and emptied the contents of his stomach.
What happened was obvious to Xander. His long time friend’s state was enough to tell him even without his previous word. Xander didn’t know why Spike had such an extreme reaction to it. Whatever it was, had happened long before the two had met. He watched as Spike continued to cough and heave, his stomach muscles quivered as it tried to expel matter that wasn’t there. With one last retch, Spike pushed up and leaned against the tree.
Xander handed him a canteen watching as his Captain took a mouthful and swished it around before spitting it out and swallowing the next gulp.
“So I take it that the villagers will be picking up pieces of them for a while?” Xander asked. Spike shook his head.
“I let them go. Told them that if they were seen on my land again, I’d have them executed.” Xander’s eyebrows raised at that.
“I hope you don’t come to regret that,” he said.
“So do I.” Spike stood, and they mounted their horses.
“So...” Xander drawled out as they left the woods
“So, what?”
“So, what’s with the women?”
“I wasn’t sure if Liam and Riley would come back, and I didn’t want to leave them there is case they did. If I’m going to be these people's Lord, I need to start caring for them.”
Xander wondered if that reason, which was a very good reason, rung as hollow in Spike’s ears as it did his. Xander watched him as he hurried to catch up to the convoy and retake the front of the line.
** ** * ** **
Elizabeth looked up as she heard a horse gallop past. The new Lord William road to the front of the wagons with the dark haired man who seated them following behind.
“Dawn!” she hissed as her sister leaned out of the wagon to waved to them.
“What?” she asked, looking back at her sister with a frown.
“Sit down!”
“I’m fine!
“You’ll fall out!”
“No, I won’t!”
“Girls,” their mother said. Both quieted but sent the other a glare when Joyce wasn’t looking. Buffy continued to watch the trees as they passed. Her mind was changing subjects quicker than she could concentrate on them. She shivered as she once again felt that man’s hands on her and she pulled down the edge of her skirt just a little bit more. She couldn’t help wonder what would have happen if Lord William hadn’t shown up. She’d like to think she would have gotten away, but... she shivered again.
“Mother? What do you think of Lord William so far?” she asked trying to hide just how curious she was.
“Well,” Joyce started, her eyes moving to focus on the person they were talking about. “He seems polite. Not what I expected of a former mercenary at all. So far we only have rumors of him, and honey, I know I taught you better than to listen to rumors.” She patted Buffy’s knee, and her daughter nodded with a sigh.  
But didn’t some rumours have a hint of truth to them?  Isn’t that how they got started?  At the same time the reputation of William the Bloody seemed at odds with how he’d saved them.  Not only had he stopped his men he’d also sent them away with a threat of death if they returned. Truthfully, she didn’t know what to believe; this morning everything had been much simpler and she couldn’t help but wish to go back in time to when her mind wasn’t plagued by thoughts of handsomely dangerous men.
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yetanotherbuffyblog · 7 years
Oz is back! At the worst possible time.
I’ve got good news! Through Inter-Library Loan, I’ve finally picked up the final book of the Obsidian and Blood trilogy! And it’s got a cool title: Master of the House of Darts.
Willow is officially out of the closet.
And I must say I liked this episode a lot more than the last one, in part because it advanced the actual plot and made it look like we’re actually going somewhere.
So Willow and Tara are getting somewhat serious. Tara is talking about the two of them adopting a cat, and she’s been hanging out with the group more and more. They have one of the Scooby meetings to point out that absolutely nothing is happening on Buffy’s patrols (though Riley says the Initiative is bagging more and more monsters), when Oz shows up.
Oz is back, he’s apparently been around the world and learned in Tibet how to suppress his lycanthropy during a full moon. And now that he’s in town, he wants to get back with Willow, who was the reason he went on this quest anyways. And since Xander told Oz that Willow isn’t seeing a new guy, he assumes that Willow’s available. So of course there’s awkwardness as Willow now has feelings for Tara, and Tara feels as if she’s just in the way of Willow being happy with Oz, so everyone’s a nervous wreck.
It’s when Willow discusses the mess with Buffy that Buffy realizes that Willow’s in love with Tara.
But this isn’t just a soap opera, so a squad from the Initiative is attacked by some fuzzy monster. And Riley’s skeptical of the idea of anyone dating a werewolf, which leads to a conversation about him thinking all monsters are bad, and Buffy’s emotional about this because Oz is her friend but also Angel.
Oh and Spike is approached by Adam. See Adam wants his help with something, and it involves pretending to help the Slayer, and in return Adam promises to remove the chip from Spike’s head that prevents him from feeding on people. Spike agrees.
When Oz finds out that Tara and Willow are a thing (he meets Tara in the hallway and realizes Willow’s scent is all over her), he gets very emotional, and actually wolfs out--in the day. In a hallway of the college. Tara runs away, but werewolf Oz is captured by the Initiative.
Riley wants to kill him, but when he morphs back into Oz, Riley reconsiders his whole position, and tells them to stop being dickish. The rest of the Initiative wants to keep running experiments on him though, and they do so, showing how if they taze him he turns back into a werewolf. Because this is what happens when you let the government do stuff.
I was going somewhere that wasn’t an anti-government rant…
Oh right so while Riley is being detained for having questionable loyalty, told he’s a traitor to the US government if he doesn’t stay in line. Buffy and the Scoobs work on a plan to break out Oz. But just then Spike shows up and offers to help them sneak in the back. So they do that. They break out Riley too, who defects from the Initiative.
Oz decides that his werewolf-ism is often activated by his feelings for Willow, so he buzzes off. And now Willow and Tara are together, yay.
-Alright Spike is right, Giles, please lock your door. This is Sunnydale. It’s not quite Gotham levels of bad, but it’s not a good place either.
-I’m going to take this opportunity to say how much I hate the look of werewolves on this show? They don’t look wolfish. Or canine really, at all. They just look like fuzzy people in grumpy masks. It’s worse than the Supernatural werewolves, I think, because we had decent suits when the show started.
-Okay, Joss, you’re telling me that in less than a year, Oz has been to Mexico, went across the ocean to Tibet, and mastered some form of meditation or calmness or spiritual juju that represses his lycanthropy? I...no, I don’t really buy that. I would think something along those lines would take much longer to master, and it’d take more than a few months for Oz to even find someone who was willing to teach him that. Stephen Strange only found the Ancient One as quickly as he did because he was a world-renowned surgeon with connections and was able to look up a miraculous recovery, which he used to find a guy to get a reference to the Ancient One. I know maybe we’re supposed to believe that Oz is just so chill of a guy that it wasn’t hard for him, but...nah, I think that’s a bit lazy.
I would have been more open to the idea if he’d gone out east and found a group of other werewolves who taught it to him, like when Ruby is taught how to control her wolf form in Once Upon a Time?
Holy Father Francis I just used OUaT for a positive example.
-Right also, I was kind of surprised Buffy didn’t know about Willow and Tara? Because Faith picked up on it instantly, though I guess Willow didn’t introduce Tara to Buffy the same way that she did to Faith. And when this came out [checks release date] 2000? Really? That’s almost twenty years ago now. I’m old…
--but yes, there were a lot less people out of the closet? No, that’s not the right way to put it, but there were a lot less people who were in homosexual relationships and accepted by the public. It’s not out of the question that it simply didn’t occur to Buffy that Willow might be romantically or sexually interested in another woman, especially considering her previous relationship with Oz. It also didn’t occur to Xander, who went ahead and told Oz that Willow wasn’t seeing anyone.
-Initiative has a newish leader guy? He may have come in during a previous episode and I just didn’t care enough to mention. Standard military douchebag. He says he’s going to court martial Riley and all.
-Hey how did the college explain Maggie Walsh’s death? Or replace her? Or anything like that???
-Oz’s outburst on Tara was meant to evoke that his werewolfism was kicking in, due to envy, and it clearly doesn’t seem like it’s meant to be homophobic, but it was also really dickish, yeah? Chill dude. He’s upset that no one told him about Tara, which is a big detail to leave out, but it’d be difficult for Willow to cope with everything and it’s only been like 24 hours man.
-Raise your hand if you think Adam is planning to double-cross Spike! I mean I’m sure he’ll remove that chip from his head, but I imagine it’ll be by ripping his head open and breaking his skull.
Spike: So you help me and you get this chip out of my head? Adam: Scout's honor. Spike: You were a boy scout? Adam: Parts of me.
Yeah that inspires confidence.
-Buffy decides it’s about time to tell Riley about Angel. Which makes sense, as this episode has him getting over his issues of seeing monsters as always being subhuman.  And also breaking away from the Initiative, so it’s not like he can report it to them.
-If Tara and Willow got a cat, what would that mean for that one witch girl who was turned into a rat? Is she still around?
-If it wasn’t Oz who attacked the Initiative patrol, what was it? Was that ever resolved?
-Adam can apparently hack Initiative security. Because why not?
-When they’re getting out the Initiative, they take captives, and Buffy is pointing a crossbow at someone’s head and we get this treasure:
Buffy: Stay back or I'll do a William Burroughs on your leader here! [everyone looks blank] Xander: You'll... bore him to death with free prose? Buffy: Was I the only one awake in English class that day? I'll. Kill. Him.
For reference, writer William S. Burroughs accidentally killed his wife by shooting her in the head while drunkenly playing a game of ‘William Tell’ (that is, trying to shoot an apple off of the top of someone’s head).
-The episode ends with Tara and Willow officially together. Which, I mean, it’s about time.
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E02 “Dead Man’s Party”
Not really a favorite of mine, but certainly has its moments. Season 3, Episode 2, “Dead Man’s Party” is next!
> Oh! We open with a previously this week! I love those 😁
> Ah yes, remind us of all these loose threads. Ease us slowly back into the actual show after the weirdness of the premiere.
> I'm gonna be real, upfront: this episode is DEEPLY uncomfortable, but it does an amazing job of dealing with how Buffy would reacclimate.
> "Will you be slaying?" "Only if they give me lip." Classic mother/daughter banter.
> Isn't this episode title an Oingo Boingo song? Way to keep it weird, Joss.
> It is sort of weird and random that Buffy finds them all on the street. Like, wouldn't the Library be your first stop? Oh, right...
> "It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye." Prescient.
> "Night Hawk?"
> I don't know if Oz meant to look pissed when they're all staring up at Buffy, but he does, and I love it.
> I'm experiencing New Theme Ennui: the new theme is finally here, but now the wait is over and it will never change again. Le sad.
> Xander, just SToP. TALKING.
> The GIGANTIC CROSSES everyone's wearing are extra ridiculous.
> "I pretty much remembered the address." 1630 Revello Drive! :D
> "Belgium!" Critical theory: the Scooby Gang is forever emotionally stunted at this age having been irreparably broken by Buffy's disappearance.
> Cordelia's fashion advice, going from grunge to sporty, is actually very on point with the changing trends of the late 90s. Interesting.
> "Kind of tied up." "You wish." Now that I’m older and wiser, I actually believe that.
> "I'd describe myself as tingling." BLUGH.
> Remember when we thought Snyder actually knew anything about the Mayor?
> If this was made now, Buffy would have done at least one semester at another school, just for the stories, but she would've graduated at Sunnydale for sure.
> Willow standing up Buffy is so harsh, even more now all these years later, when their friendship has endured way more. I used to be annoyed that Xander is the only member of the trio to miss an episode but maaaybe I'm not anymore...
> IT'S PAT! This woman's in a whole bunch of stuff. Love her.
> Deep End Of The Ocean. Great reference there.
> The Hulu copy of this episode just told me it's rated TV NR - is that right?
> "Willow just called. She got held up, but she says she tried to call." The time before cell phones.
> The dinner party was Joyce's idea, and she invited “Willow and Mr Giles.” Omigod, how is she more amazing than I remembered?
> Joyce had, like, pictures of Buffy and her friends on display in the living room. That's so random but sort of beautiful.
> Joyce's cat eulogy is so weird. Joyce is going through some shit right now, y'all.
> Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you...
> Quickly, let's get as many scenes of David in direct sunlight as we can before Angel comes back from the dead. #YouHaveToKnowWhatToSee
> "Am I dreaming?" #Buffy / "Did I fall asleep?" #Dollhouse
> 7 AM alarm, I wake up earlier than Buffy now, eww.
> Joyce is laying down some real talk for so early in the morning but I am on her side about Buffy’s school options being limited - until she suggests going to the police to get special allowances as the Slayer. Dude. Come on.
> I don't think I ever enjoyed watching Giles and Joyce fumble awkwardly around each other. I get it more as an adult myself, but it would've been cool to see the two actual adults on this show bonding better.
> "Well I like it. I think you should call it Patches." Bless Oz.
> What sort of rich is Cordelia that she usually brings onion dip to parties?
> "Thanks for ruining our lives for the past 3 months." OMG Xander, who asked you to - ?? Ugfh. I am not looking forward to "Revelations," I tell you what...
> Willow Rosenberg = Mokey Fraggle, fight me on it.
> Giles happening to skip the exact right page in a book irks me beyond measure. TOO sloppy.
> I love Buffy's cute pink dress.
> "Not thinking about any more flights of fancy, I hope." Good lord, Pat.
> In my version of Buffy, where Joyce is a lesbian hippie, Pat could be her girlfriend.
> The Dingoes playing a house party feels weird. Is it weird? God, so much weird shit happens in this living room...
> Seriously, Willow, how long did you think you could get away with being this weird around Buffy?
> Devon has 90s rocker dying scream face when he sings.
> Cordelia, XANDER IS HAVING A CONVERSATION, and you are sucking on his neck right now? What are you doing?? So rude.
> Weird to think that, in just four years, Buffy will be caught in an awkward semi-sexual encounter with Spike by Willow's ex-girlfriend in that same hallway...
> I fucking love the dude who thinks the party is for "some chick who just got out of rehab."
> I also love Joyce just chilling in the kitchen during this rowdy high school party. Totes normal.
> Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the "overhearing something at the wrong moment" trope and how that greatly contributed to my neuroses? lol
> I always get extra excited when the Dingoes play "Pain" because it was on the soundtrack.
> "Party villa, can I rock you?" Unsung hero of a guest star.
> "That guy's gotta do a shot!" Seriously, I say that all the freaking time.
> "Sorry, Mr Belvidere." This guy needed to be in more episodes.
> Ugh, all the Buffy/Willow angst stresses me, ugh.
> "Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead! Americans..." Love forever.
> Giles's car remains hilarious.
> OH GOD, JOYCE, NO, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. Except that it is.
> Xander looks super hot in this scene. He doesn't act it, but. Ya.
> "You found out who I really was and you couldn't deal." What do the people at this party think is going on right now??
> "What about you by the dip?" JONATHANNNNN.
> "I'm Buffy, freak of nature, right?" CORDELIA, WHAT? I’m pretty sure by this point that Anya displayed more empathy on this show than Cordelia ever did.
> I love Oz being "referee guy." He’s not ALWAYS as cool-headed as people remember, but he is still very level-headed and I like that influence in the group.
> Aww, my party guy died. At least he died like he lived: partying hard.
> You know, once the zombies kick in, I really do love this Classic Gang Mess-Around, especially with Joyce involved.
> The closed captioning tells me Cordelia just said "Shall we check?" but I really doubt that, it is not her speech pattern.
> "How do we know it's really you and not Zombie Giles?" Portent of Season 7, haha.
> Oh, it's Oz that says Dead Man's Party. Sure, makes sense.
> I always forget about the deck in Buffy's backyard, but it's so cute! I love Buffy's house so much.
> "Made you look." Classic. And I love this week's quick zombie clean-up. Hilairs.
> I know it's a quick make-up between the gang but honestly that's one of the things I love about Buffy. This bond surmounting anything.
> This Giles scene with Snyder was so badass, then AND now.
> "Would you like me to convince you?" WOOF. 😍😍😍
> Ahh, thus begins the ongoing conflation between TV witchcraft and Wicca. Sigh.
> I think Willow's final jab of "Freak!" might've been unscripted. Not sure, though.
0 notes
lilbreck · 7 years
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Title: Chapter 3: The Deals We Make, pt 1 Characters: Anya Jenkins, Buffybot, Rupert Giles, Spike, Tara Mcclay, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris Rating/Warning: FRT Word Count: 3,735 A/N: Though I list a lot of characters, and some of them actually do get dialog, some of them just pass through.
Read Elsewhere: Personal Archive \ LiveJournal \ InsaneJournal \ Dreamwidth \ AO3 \ FF.net
Shock raced through Spike. How long had they been planning this? He had thought they were growing close – or at least that he and Willow were. Apparently, he had been wrong. He expected to feel anger. All he could feel, though, was hurt and betrayed. Part of him wanted to turn around, leave, and pretend he had never overheard the conversation. However, the part of him that had watched Willow's back for these past few months came forward. Her friends weren't in the right place to make her stop and think, so he had to.
"No. Giles and Spike can't know. They might not understand." He could hear nothing but conviction and determination in her voice. He only hoped it was all a front and he could get her to slow down and rethink things, maybe get her to explain what was going on in her pretty little head.
He took a deep breath – quickly shook off the random flash of Willow's voice from a few nights after they had started patrolling together questioning why he bothered with the deep breathing – opened the door and stepped into the room just in time to hear Willow start to break.
"Her body, yeah. But her soul – her essence, I mean, that could be somewhere else. She could be trapped, in-in some sort of hell dimension like Angel was – suffering eternal torment just because she saved us, and I'm not gonna let... I'm not gonna leave her there. It's Buffy."
This was it. He needed to step in, calmly and rationally, before her tearful speech convinced her pals to go ahead with this insane idea. He had to. For Willow. After pulling the Buffybot into the room and pointing her to the couch, he leaned against the door jamb like he hadn't just overheard them planning something completely unnatural, dangerous, and foolish. He had to choose his words carefully.
"I'll grant you, she could be in a hell dimension. It happens sometimes," he was not too brainwashed by his time with the white hat brigade to go without a small smirk when Xander and Tara startled at the sound of his voice, but his gaze remained on Willow "and sometimes it doesn't."
When she didn't speak, didn't even turn to him, he skirted the kitchen table. He would have to take his time and be gentle; yelling or talking down to her would only get her dander up. He could do gentle; the question was if she would let him or not.
Spike circled around her until she had to either face him or deliberately turn away. Thankfully, she chose to remain as she was. He decided to go one step further and, placing his hands on either side of her head, raised her face until she was forced to look him in the eyes. He briefly closed his eyes and prayed he could find the right words. Now would be a convenient time to develop some decent poetic ability, not that he had much hope of that.
"I'm not saying you shouldn't worry that she's trapped somewhere suffering. You're a smart girl to worry. And I'm not saying you should pretend it's not possible. I just think you need to be sure that she's not somewhere better than here before you go trying to bring her back."
As he moved to rest his forehead against hers, he was suddenly hit with why she was so determined to go through with this that she hadn't even thought to see where Buffy had ended up. She had gone from being the sidekick and occasional Big Gun to being the one everyone turned to. The person everyone expected to have the answers and the plans and know exactly what to do. His Red was tired.
Spike took a deep breath and, in a soft voice, continued, "I know you're hurtin', Red. We all are. And I know we put so much weight on your shoulders, more than we should most of the time. I'm just asking that you make sure you're doing the right thing before you do something you can't take back."
He shifted his hold on the sides of her head – one hand unconsciously petting her hair as he did – and continued in a whisper, "And if she's better off where she is, we'll find some other way to make this right for you. I promise I will move heaven and earth to find a way."
In the silence that followed, he could practically feel Xander's desperate belief that Spike would pull a miracle out of thin air. He must have been desperate for someone other than him to stop Willow's plan if he didn't make a fuss at a vampire being so up close and personal with one of ‘his girls'. Spike was racking his brain for just such a miracle when Willow lifted her hands to rest gently on his wrists. The look on her face was grim and tired, and he half expected her to keep fighting him. Instead, he and Xander got their miracle.
"We'll wait until we can be sure. We'll all look for a way to find out where she is before we do anything else. And if she's better off… we'll figure out what to do."
Spike was too focused on the witch in front of him to pay attention to anyone else. That was why he missed the anger that flashed across Tara's face and didn't notice how, when he stepped back, the arms she wrapped around Willow were more than a touch possessive. If he had seen it, though, it wouldn't have mattered to him; he had got Willow to wait and that gave him hope he could stop her going down a path that could destroy her.
Last time he'd gone to this much trouble for someone else, he'd been a fool in love. What was his excuse now? Here he was going against the very nature of a vampire to prevent someone he… to prevent a friend from doing something potentially stupid. Was this what being a do-gooder was like all the soddin' time?
The meeting quickly lost steam after that and Anya less than tactfully kicked them all out. Spike, Willow, and Tara's trip back to the Summers' home was spent quietly talking about possible spells while they walked behind the bot and course corrected whenever it tried to go off in the wrong direction. They quickly figured out that they couldn't mention who they were looking for because it seemed to get Buffybot stuck on a logic loop and she refused to move while trying to work out what they were talking about.
Willow was so focused on trying to keep Buffybot walking in a relatively straight path that she missed the tension between Spike and Tara as she tried to subtly exclude him from research plans and he none too subtly included himself back in. Of course, the argument ended when Buffybot's glitch caused her to start spouting some of her original colorful programming again.
While Willow didn't seem phased, Spike didn't miss the almost triumphant look on Tara's face that went so smashingly with the surge of self-disgust rising in his gut. After making sure they made it safely to the house, he made his excuses and left.
The next morning found Buffybot training with Giles in the backroom of the Magic Box. Of course, that only lasted until Anya got bored and intruded on the session. Her blunt words reminded Giles that he wasn't training a slayer and he quickly lost any motivation to continue.
In answer to the bot's ever cheerful voice asking if he would like to test her again, he could only muster a half-hearted "No. Perhaps we should call it a day. Your, uh, your responses are fine."
He turned too quickly to notice the earnest expression that came across her face. However, he was brought up short by her next words.
"I can't call it a day. Willow told me that I had to stay here until she came to pick me up. She, Tara, Xander, and Spike are busy at my house. I told her I could help her look for the spell they wanted, but she used her resolve face."
A sense of unease took root in his stomach as he asked, "What spell are they looking for?"
The bot's smile was vacant and placid as it she told him, "It's a location spell. They want to find out if Buffy went to a hell dimension when she died."
Hurt lanced through him; both at the mention of his slayer and at the thought that they felt it necessary to exclude him. That hurt stayed with him as he mumbled some instruction to the bot and quickly left out through the back door to avoid being seen by Anya. It lasted until just after he started his car and he realized why they would have excluded him. It then quickly turned to an anger which stayed with him for the rest of the trip.
When he arrived at the Summers' house, he didn't bother with knocking. It was obvious that Spike had warned them he was coming up the walk by the fact that they were clearly in the middle of trying to hide their research.
"Don't bother cleaning up on my account."
While both Tara and Xander sat down with guilty expressions, Spike simply leaned back into his chair with a bored eye roll. Giles's eyes went to Willow who straightened up with an expression that was both defiant and defensive. When she made no move to try and explain herself, he broke the silence himself.
"Imagine my complete shock when I learned, from a robot of all things, what you lot were up to! At first I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out why you would hide it from me. And then it dawned on me. You knew I wouldn't approve of your plan of action for if she's in a hell dimension."
Willow took a deep breath and smiled at him in what he could only assume was meant to be placating.
"There's no need to think about that one way or another until we find out where she is."
Her obvious disregard for reason infuriated him.
"Have you even put one moment of thought into how reckless and foolhardy this is? I will not stand by and let some arrogant amateur go against the very laws of nature!"
Almost immediately he felt the air in the room get heavier. Giles could feel a knot of dread form in his stomach. Spike was suddenly at Willow's side, hand over her arm as if to sooth her. Willow's face, however, didn't show any of the rage Giles could feel practically throbbing in the air. Her expression was cold as she spoke.
"If I find out that Buffy is in a hell dimension, I will get her out. And I will not be asking for anyone's permission."
Almost immediately the room seemed to lighten as Willow's expression turned pleading. "Giles, I don't want to fight. Let's not. We'll just focus on finding out where Buffy is. Okay?"
Feeling out of his depth, he could only nod. Had Willow become unstable and he somehow missed it? How had she gotten to this point? He was drawn out of his confusion by Spike's voice, obviously not believing silence would keep Willow calm.
"Old Rupes is just in shock, Red. How about I take him into the kitchen and have tea and a heart to heart with him. Brit to Brit?"
The look Willow turned on Spike was full of hope and relief as she quietly agreed. With a quick gesture of his head, he left the room and Giles followed without a word. However, Spike didn't stop in the kitchen; opting instead to head out to the porch where he obviously expected Giles to follow. The door had no sooner closed behind him than Spike was up in his face.
"Rule number one, Watcher, we do not piss off Willow. She is a mighty powerful witch who is buried under responsibility and grief. If she snaps, we're all buggered. When I found out about their little plan, she had already skipped straight to resurrection and her little witch and her friends had rolled right over and were ready to follow her every command. This finding out where the slayer is? This is my compromise.
"If we find out that Buffy is in hell, short of killing her, I doubt there's anything that anyone can do to stop her from getting her friend back."
Spike got impossibly closer and his voice dropped as he finished. "And I don't care how much it fries my brain, I won't be letting you or anyone else touch her."
Having said his peace, Spike went back into the house and began preparing tea. Giles had the sudden urge to find a quiet place to pray to whatever deity would listen that Buffy was in heaven because God help the world if she wasn't.
He quickly dismissed the idea of being able to stop Willow; he couldn't do it himself and even if he was willing to call in for help, the council would take too long to get a man here and there would be no telling if Willow would know they were coming. The only thing he could do was stick with them and try to ensure everything went as safe and smoothly as it could while perverting the laws of nature.
To that end, Giles entered the house and walked past where Spike was lounging against the kitchen counter. Making his way toward the door, he took a deep breath and turned back to where Willow was watching him with confusion.
"I believe I know just the spell we can use. I'll run by the Magic Box and grab the book so you can look it over."
Willow seemed relieved at his words and he did his best to return the smile she gave him before he left.
As Giles was making his way to the shop and returning with the book in question, a few hours ride out of Sunnydale the vampire that had escaped Spike and the Buffybot the night before was in a bar spilling his guts to a demon biker gang. It didn't take long for them to decide that the Hellmouth was ripe for the picking.
Oblivious to the incoming danger, Giles, Willow, and Tara went over the supplies they'd need for the spell while Spike listened from the kitchen and Xander left to go spend time with Anya and update her on the situation.
That night Willow sent Buffybot off to patrol. Of course, she couldn't see a way around telling her where everyone was headed, just in case the bot should malfunction again. As she stared up at the tower where Buffy had jumped to her death, Willow began to think on the possibilities. If they had to bring Buffy back, would that somehow also bring Dawn back?
Spike's voice, a hushed whisper at her side, brought her back to the present. "Everything's set up, pet. It's on you now."
She had no sooner looked at Spike and caught a brief glimpse of understanding and sympathy in his eyes, then Tara was on her other side gently pulling on her hand.
"Are you sure you want to do this so soon? We can always wait until you're ready."
Willow tamped down her anger; Tara was only trying to help and be considerate. Regardless of how it came across, she didn't mean to question Willow's abilities. She mustered up a smile she hoped came across as grateful and said, "I'm ready now."
"Well then, we're ready on our end." Giles voice was a welcome reprieve from the further questions she could see Tara was ready to ply her with. When she walked up to him, he gripped her shoulders lightly. There was comfort and reassurance in the gesture, neither of which she realized she needed so badly.
"This will take a great deal of concentration given the vast number of dimensions Buffy could be in. Calling on the first slayer should narrow down the possibilities, but I need you to focus solely on the task at hand. The rest of us will make sure nothing happens out here, you concentrate on the spell."
Giving a firm nod of her head, Willow said, "I'll keep my head in the game, coach."
Giles didn't smile, only shifted his hands until he held her face between them.
"Remember what you're looking for and why you're looking for it. Do not get lost. No matter what you see or what you are promised, remember that this… Remember that we are your home. Come back to us, Willow."
Her vision blurry with tears and a lump forming in her throat, Willow lifted her hands to his wrists and gave a reassuring squeeze and promised him she would in a barely audible voice. Walking toward the circle they had created, she accepted the hug from Xander and the oddly reassuring bright grin and thumbs up from Anya.
As Willow entered the necessary trance to track down Buffy's spirit, Buffybot was not far from them on patrol. It had been an uneventful night until she caught sight of a large group of demons vandalizing a storefront. Knowing it could simply be a case of a well-meaning demon not understanding the finer aspects of personal property, she informed him that the DVD player that he had just picked up wasn't his and he needed to put it back. She kept her voice firm and authoritative so he would know that it was not a suggestion.
He replied with a screech that seemed to be designed to call the attention of the other demons to her. Soon, she was surrounded by the group. The largest of them, most probably the leader, spoke to her. Banter was part of her programing and so she attempted to implement it. However, he quickly injured her, requiring her to locate Willow so she could be repaired. Hopefully her friend would understand why she had to intrude upon their evening and would be able to repair her soon enough to deal with the pack of demons that followed in her wake.
It didn't take long to find the tower where Willow and the others currently were. Unfortunately, the demons were on motorcycles and able to keep up with her. No sooner had she yelled to Willow that she needed service than the gang appeared behind her. She attempted to disengage from the fight, but there were a large number of demons and they continued to attack. Her friends were greatly outnumbered and were therefore unable to help her. She could not see a way out of the situation.
Perhaps if her friends had been equipped with weapons, the fight would have lasted much longer. However, in a short amount of time, the demons had them all captured and kneeling together. Buffybot found herself circled by four motorcyclists with a chain wrapped around each limb. She was sure that, were she able to feel fear, now would be the time she would. As it was, she chose to mute out the demon leader's speech and concentrate on her friends. Perhaps, if she somehow were to survive this attempted destruction, her memory banks would be all that was left of them. As her focus came to Willow, kneeling in a circle she saw the witch begin to come out of her trance.
Willow slowly became aware of the world around her. It was much louder than when she had left it; disturbingly so. She was extremely confused by the large number of demons, but that was quickly overridden by the sight of Spike, Tara, Giles, Anya, and Xander all being held captive. Looking around, she caught sight of the Buffybot gazing at her with an almost serene expression, highly at odds with the chains wrapped around her. Just as Willow registered what was about to happen, a gunshot went off and then the bot was torn apart.
Grief and rage tore through her, her heart unable to tell the difference between the death of her best friend and the destruction of a robot. A wordless scream ripped from her throat, the precursor to a wave of magic that incinerated half the demons yet left her friends untouched. Willow was so focused on the gang leader that she didn't feel it as she began to rise into the air. She took a deep breath and let out a scream that set fire to those demons left who hadn't already run. The leader remained and, with a snarl, stalked towards Willow. With a growl that barely sounded human, she pushed forward her hands as if digging into his ribcage from a distance. The demon stopped in obvious pain.
"And now you die."
Willow followed her words up by ripping her hands out away from each other and the demon in front of her was brutally torn in half. In the next breath, Willow, spent, fell to the ground. Within seconds Spike was by her side, pushing the hair out of her face and asking if she was okay. Before she could answer, Tara's arms were wrapped around her in a crushing embrace and Spike straightened up to stand beside them as Tara pulled back to look at her.
"Oh, baby! You're bleeding. We need to get you healed."
Limping toward them, half supported by Anya, Xander said "Not hating that last minute save, Wills."
With a pained grimace, Willow looked up at Spike. "We got lucky."
Looking around at their battered friends with a disbelieving laugh, Xander asked, "How is this lucky?"
Spike answered, though his eyes remained on Willow. "Because we're alive and the demons that Willow didn't manage to kill ran away. Those were Hellions. They go after vulnerable places. They obviously knew there was no slayer protecting the Hellmouth. The next time whoever comes might not run away.
With pained grunts and a lot of help from both Tara and Spike, Willow made it to her feet. Looking around at her battered friends and girlfriend, her eyes finally landed back on Spike.
"We need the Slayer."
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