#titration burette
anchored-nyctophilia · 8 months
yes yes the agony of heartbreak, the anguish of unrequited love is all good and fine, but have you ever overshot a titration?
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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ice cream ✨always✨ makes everything better!!!!
#like today… i had a seriously horrible very bad day :(#so i went out to buy like $20 worth of ice cream and now both my wallet and heart feel lighter than before!!!!!#ok fr though i needa rant about my day here in the tags just to get it all off my chest in case i snap at the interns tomorrow lol#this morning one of the mfing titration machines kept giving wonky results >:(#so i just filled its stupid job queue thing with tons of repeats so that it could just run on its own while i did other things instead#then this intern came in and said ‘i’ll take care of these few machines!!!’ and yanked the probe out of the test solution…#all while the thing was still running ಠ‿ಠ and welp time wasted? time wasted.#and this other titration units kept giving invalid blank values for the entire day which sucked bc it was our best unit >:(#then this higher up lady checked the machine and found precipitates in the burette. yeah too bad she only found it like an hour before 5 ಠ‿ಠ#that machine worked properly after it was cleaned out though. as expected of our best unit~#but while those 2 units were deceased there were 2 other units that were up and running#except this random maintenance guy halted one of the unit’s runs to do some pointless check and wasted good ol’ testing time for nothing >:(#all’s fine! we still had one unit!! :)))) right??? :))))#…yeah no. while i was out submitting some results during the last hour of the workday the computer mfing restarted itself#i came back from the dude’s office to see the computer on the lock screen. ‘haha very funny who locked this?’ i thought as i keyed in the pw#oh *no* it restarted itself. while the units were mid-run. in other words the samples had to be re-keyed in、#the then-currently running samples had to be reweighed,and i still don’t know who restarted the computer >:(#to top it all off,that intern from earlier kept wandering over to pat my back and ask ‘are you okay?’#pls i literally hate human contact pls don’t touch me you’re making this worse ಥ‿ಥ#call me ungrateful but i was pretty close to snapping on her. sorry intern. you’re the capable intern too…#unlike that intern who dropped part of the equipment into the waste container while she was supposed to be washing it >:(#i hate titration soooooooo much :( i can’t wait to try out extra dangerous titration tomorrow :(#i get to play with acids this time i think? sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me—#anyway sorry if you read all that lmao. stay hydrated and eat tons of ice cream for a good time ok?#mona monday
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liquidhandlingproduct · 8 months
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Microlit Motorized Burette for Accurate Lab Titration
Discover the pinnacle of precision in laboratory titration with the Microlit Motorized Burette. This cutting-edge digital electronic burette, equipped with a user-friendly TFT touchscreen stylus, sets the standard for accuracy.
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seungkwansphd · 1 year
contusion confusion
pairing: seungcheol x afab reader word count: 4K synopsis: your clumsy lab partner left a bruise on you. seungcheol seems disproportionately upset by it, but it makes way more sense once you understand why. themes: college au, best friend seungcheol, double sided repressed feelings, possessive and jealous seungcheol. warnings: smut, mentions of bruising/marking, mention of reader being smaller than seungcheol.
a/n: i started this literally one year ago and lost steam. and then blonde.fucking.scoups comes along and truly does a number on me. anyways, bon appetit, LOL
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“What the hell happened to you?” Seungcheol’s eyes widened as you stretched your legs across his lap on the sofa.
“What?” you blinked at him, taking your eyes off of the television momentarily.
“What’s this bruise from?” he asked, resisting the strong urge to touch the bluish purple mark just above your elbow.
“Ah, that!” you shrugged, “I almost tripped the other day in lab. Mingyu grabbed me, but he might as well have let me fall! Who knew someone could bruise you just from grabbing you! Like how strong is that dude even?” you rolled your eyes. Grumbling, you returned your attention to the screen.
Seungcheol stewed next to you. While he had no real claim or reason to be upset at your lab partner, every time you brought him up, it made him want to strangle someone.
Mingyu was so tall that you had to readjust the titration burette between replicates. Mingyu was all sweaty because he had come to lab right after the gym. Mingyu didn’t cover his face while sneezing.
Seungcheol eagerly awaited next semester when he wouldn’t have to hear about this man anymore.
Swallowing, your eyes flitted nervously to your best friend’s hands, which were stroking your calves absentmindedly as he watched the show. While just a mindless gesture on his part, you were struggling silently with the way it made your insides turn just slightly into jelly.
“Cheol, that tickles!” you finally pulled your legs away, curling into a ball against the armrest of the sofa.
“Oh, sorry,” he smiled sheepishly at you, seeming distracted. It almost seemed like your friend was sulking, but you couldn’t understand why. You were watching a sitcom!
“There you are!”
You looked up to see your lab partner standing over your table, clutching the straps of his backpack.
“Oh, hey Mingyu,” you furrowed your brows at him, “Did you need something?”
“I thought we were supposed to be working on our lab report today?” he cocked his head at you, wondering if he had gotten the time wrong.
“Oh shit!” you cursed, “I’m so sorry Gyu, I totally lost track of time!”
“That’s okay,” he laughed, “It’s not that big of a deal. You want to work on it now?”
“Sure!” you nodded, glancing at Seungcheol and Jeonghan, who were immersed in their computer programming assignments. “Do you mind if Mingyu joins us? We have a lab report.”
“Yes, we heard,” Jeonghan rolls his eyes at you, “Sure that’s fine.”
“Thanks,” Mingyu nods before taking the seat next to you.
“Did you start anything for it yet?” you asked, pulling your lab notebook out of your backpack.
“Whoa, did I really grab you that hard that day?” Mingyu exclaimed, seeing the purple bruise on your arm.
“Yes, it fuckin’ hurts too!” you squinted at him, annoyed.
“I didn’t think you could bruise someone just by grabbing them. I guess I’m just super strong, huh?” Mingyu preened.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” you threatened to punch him.
Jeonghan observed Seungcheol’s shift in mood with mild interest as you and Mingyu muddled your way through your lab report.
“I need some coffee or I’m going to rip my eyeballs out,” you announced after calculating mole fractions for far too long. You stood from the table to move towards the cafe in the library. You tapped your fingertips on your wallet mindlessly as you calculated how many shots of espresso you could consume without your heart bursting out of your chest.
“YN!” a familiar voice greeted you as they tapped your shoulder.
“Ah, hey!” you smiled at Bina, your lab partner from last year. “Ugh, I’m working on a lab report and it is giving me flashbacks to last semester!”
“Oh my god, please don’t remind me!” she rolled her eyes. You two had barely managed to scrape through that class. Unlike you, it had been her only chem requirement, so she was free of the horror of lab reports now. “Who’s your lab partner this semester?”
“Mingyu Kim,” you scrunched up your nose slightly, “God bless him, but he is such a klutz.”
“Wait, no. Mingyu? The Kim Mingyu?” Bina paled slightly.
“Why? Do you know him? Is there tea?” you looked at her with wide eyes.
“No, god I wish. He’s just so hot to me! I’m jealous, I would slog through another semester of chem to be his lab partner.”
“Would you?!” you gaped at her, thoroughly alarmed. “You’re sick in the head over this man,” you laughed heartily.
“No, probably not,” Bina chuckled after giving it some more serious consideration. “But I’d think long and hard about it.”
“We’re sitting over there if you wanna stop by and say hi. I’ll introduce y’all,” you offered before placing your order with the cashier.
“I might do that,” she craned her head to see exactly where your table was. “You’re sitting with Seungcheol too? My friend is infatuated with that man. They’re in Comp Sci together. Can she come say hi too?”
“S-sure,” you answered blankly. You had no stake or claim, but something in you wanted to scream ‘NO!’ when you heard Bina ask that question.
“You’re the best, we’ll be over in a bit,” Bina smiled brightly at you, giving you a squeeze.
“Okay, I’m ready to resume crying,” you announced when you returned to the table with your beverage.
“Okay, good, cause I’m ready to take a break from crying,” Mingyu looked up at you pitifully. “I think I figured out 4. So then if we can figure out 5, then we just need to pull together some nonsense for the discussion.”
“Okay, okay,” you nodded determinedly. By some miracle, question 5 was just some simple dilution practice, so before long you and Mingyu were typing furiously, chipping away at the remainder of the lab report.
“Hey YN!” Bina’s voice pulled you out of a sentence about how (DUH) important it was to switch pipettes between samples.
“Oh, hey Bina! What’s up?” you waved excitedly at your friend, eager to do some meddling for her.
“Not much, how are you? Long time no see!”
“Yes, luckily you’re done with your chem requirements, otherwise you’d be here crying with us,” you laughed as Mingyu and Seungcheol looked on at you with interest. Jeonghan had long ago put on a pair of noise canceling headphones and was ignoring everybody. “Mingyu, Bina was my lab partner last semester. And she was a lot better than you are,” you couldn’t help but tease.
“Hey!” Mingyu pouted.
“I mean at the very least she’s my height, so I didn’t have to readjust the biuret every time we titrated,” you rolled your eyes playfully at Bina.
“It’s not my fault you’re both short,” Mingyu protested, eyes flickering to Bina for some support.
“If it makes you feel better, I was terrible in lab too,” she offered up sympathetically, “YN is my patron saint of chemistry. Did she ever tell you about how I exploded two crucibles one time?”
“No!” Mingyu looked at her with interest, “Was YN also very mean to you and made you finish your work way ahead of time?”
“Yes!” Bina giggled excitedly, “Like why can’t we pull all nighters like normal people?”
“Hell no, I’m not disrupting my sleep schedule for y’all. No thanks,” you shook your head stalwartly. “Anyways, you two should exchange numbers so you can complain about me on your own time,” you chuckled. Bina and Mingyu seemed to agree and set about that task enthusiastically.
“Ah, sorry I’m being rude, this is my friend Hayoung! We’re in a writing foundations class together so we were working on that.”
“Hi,” she waved at everyone shyly.
“Hayoung, what’s your major?” you asked.
“Computer science, focusing on human & computer interactions.”
“Ooh?! Love me a girly in STEM! These two are comp sci as well! Do you all know each other?” you asked, mostly Seungcheol as Jeonghan was still intent on ignoring you.
“Maybe? You look kind of familiar, but I don’t talk to many people in class,” he chuckled honestly.
“I think we might have a class together?” Hayoung smiled.
“Oh wonderful! You two should exchange numbers too! Maybe you can work on comp sci stuff together,” you suggested. They weren’t really giving you too much to work with, if you were being honest.
“I’d actually love that,” Hayoung’s eyes creased into a smile, “I don’t know that many people in the major.”
“Is it because they’re being sexist?” your eyes widened and you raised a fist theatrically, “I’ll fight them all for you. Cheol, you will too, right? Jeonghan’s not much use in a fight, if I’m being honest,” you commented quietly, glancing at the target of your teasing.
“Sure,” Seungcheol’s face creased into a real smile as he watched you whisper about Jeonghan animatedly.
Hayoung and Seungcheol exchanged phone numbers as you watched on excitedly. Hayoung was clearly pleased, but Seungcheol was making a face as if he had tasted something odd, but was too polite to say anything about it.
“Bina is so cute!” Mingyu remarked happily after they both left, “Lucky you with your cute lab partners!”
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes at him, “I love doing unpaid babysitting in the lab.”
“Cheol, can I crash on your couch?” you spoke after he picked up your call.
“Yeah, of course! Are you okay?” Seungcheol’s brow furrowed, worried.
“Yeah, I’ve just been sexiled,” you grumbled, starting your walk towards Seungcheol’s apartment. He met you about halfway and the two of you caught up on the walk back.
“How are things with Hayoung?” you asked, not quite making eye contact.
“What?” his hand slipped as he was moving to turn the doorknob.
“Hayoung, did you guys ever meet up to work on comp sci together?” you asked, lips pursed as you followed him into his apartment.
“Oh, no, she texted me but I forgot to text her back,” Seungcheol shrugged.
“Text her back, you jerk!” you poked Seungcheol insistently, “Hayoung’s cute! And she likes you.”
“That’s good for her,” Seungcheol grumbled, irritated at your attempt to push him towards someone else. Maybe his cause was truly hopeless.
“You’re acting weird,” you glanced at him oddly before flopping down on the couch.
“No, you take the bed,” Seungcheol ignored your statement and plopped down near your feet, tapping your legs lightly.
“No! I’m not gonna kick you out of your bed!” you protested.
“No, seriously, sleep on the bed. I always wake up before you anyways. I’ll end up waking you up if you sleep out here.”
“I-,” you tried to think of another excuse, but he wasn’t your best friend for no reason. He knew you just as well as you knew yourself. “Okay,” you acquiesced, hopping up from the couch to walk into his room, “Do you need anything from here before bed?” you turned to ask him, hand on the doorframe.
“Nope, I don’t think so.”
“Okay, thanks again for letting me crash,” you smiled at him before pulling the door not quite closed behind you.
Once inside, you dropped your bag and helped yourself to a t-shirt and pair of shorts from Seungcheol’s drawers. You laughed at the way you were swimming in the shirt.
“I look ridiculous,” you laughed, walking back out into the living room. “Cheol, look,” you spread your arms out to your sides, showing Seungcheol the way that his t-shirt just swallowed you.
“I-,” his brain stopped for a few moments. He wouldn’t say anything, but he could in fact see your nipples as you tried to show him whatever you were showing him. “What?”
“Your shirt is too big on me,” you folded your arms over your chest, irritated that he had been listening.
“Oh yeah, well I’m bigger than you,” he replied curtly.
“Well, yeah,” you glanced away from him. He was in such an odd mood today! You grumbled just a little bit before flopping down on the bed. You were tired.
Tossing and turning, you fought for a long time to push down the arousal that was building in your gut. Being enveloped by Seungcheol’s scent was making your brain go haywire. You could feel yourself throbbing and you bit down on your fist in an effort to try and distract yourself, but that hadn’t worked. Glancing nervously at the door, you contemplated seeking some relief, but the idea of doing it in Seungcheol’s bed while he was just outside the door inspired guilt, worry, and worst of all, excitement. 
You managed to ignore yourself for about ten minutes before your left hand snuck down between your thighs, stroking them softly. Sinking deeper into Seungcheol’s pillows, you closed your eyes and imagined your best friend’s hands softly caressing and spreading your legs apart. You were embarrassed to hear the wet sounds of yourself opening up, but not embarrassed enough to stop. Your right hand came to tease the sensitive undersides of your breasts as your fingertips stroked languidly through your folds.
In the living room, Cheol wrestled with whether to disturb you or not. Several minutes ago, he had noticed that one of his textbooks was still in his room. He’d been planning to get ahead on a problem set, so it wasn’t as if he needed to disturb you, but he also didn’t see himself falling asleep anytime soon. Chewing his lip, he noticed that the door was still slightly ajar and decided to retrieve the book as you must not have gone to bed just yet.
When his eyes first landed on your face, your brows were knit up in utter concentration as your hands worked feverishly under the covers. Your front teeth had your lower lip pinned down as you bit back the loudest of your desperate noises. Seungcheol’s pupils dilated as he registered what was happening. Frantically, he tried to back out of the room, but his sweater caught the edge of a pamphlet that had been hanging off the bookshelf, sending a handful of items clattering to the floor.
“Fuck!” your eyes shot open, panicked as you met Cheol’s gaze, “I’m, you-, help!” you squeaked, pulling the covers over your face as you wished to vanish off the face of the earth.
Seungcheol’s mind went blank as he walked towards you, placing his hands over yours to pull down the covers. You peered up at him through your eyelashes, so overcome with embarrassment that you failed to register the look of hunger in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry Cheol, I didn’t, I shouldn’t have done that here!”
“What?” he cocked his head to the side, brain not really functioning.
“It’s your bed!” you looked at him as if he was crazy, “I just-, you smell so good,” you spoke without thinking.
“I…,” he looked you up and down, “You’re telling me I inspired this?”
“Shit, I shouldn’t have said that, oh my god!” you groaned, trying to shrug under the covers again. Seungcheol’s large hands held you still and you watched in disbelief as he brought your left hand up to inspect it. The shine of moisture on your fingers was mortifyingly telling, but he surprised you to your core when he brought your hand to his mouth and sucked your wet fingers inside.
“Huh?!” you choked out, eyes fluttering shut as he tongue stroked between your digits, tasting you thoroughly.
“You should’ve told me about this sooner,” he told you, voice gravely with desire, “I’ve been torturing myself trying to ignore how much I think about you.”
“Oh?” you blinked at him in disbelief.
“Yes, oh,”  Seungcheol rolled his eyes at you, “Now let me help, as you requested.”
His fingers wandered. His eyes widened slightly when he felt just how wet you were. The rumble that emitted from his chest almost sounded like a purr and you found yourself quickly breathless at his ministrations.
“Cheol,” you moaned, melting slightly as his substantially larger fingers swirled dizzyingly through your folds. He smirked down at you, more than pleased to hear your saying his name in that manner.
“So needy,” he chuckled, eyes flicking over you.
“Well I was halfway there when you walked in,” you teased him and his eyes flashed at you, a subtle warning.
He raised one eyebrow at you before sliding his fingers inside of you. You choked on your breath at the intrusion, though your legs parted asking for more.
“You-, your fingers!”
“Mm, how do they feel?” he smirked at you, confident.
“I knew they’d stretch me out, bigger than mine,” you panted and his eyes widened at the realization that this wasn’t the first time you’d imagined this.
“You think about me a lot?” he raised an eyebrow at you, now cocky.
“No,” you lied, glancing away to avoid his eyes.
“My thick fingers spreading you open,” he continued anyways, smirking when he felt the way you reacted around him.
“Seung-,” you whined, overwhelmed at the way he teased you.
“God I like hearing you say my name like that,” Seungcheol shook his head, as if in disbelief. “Can I see you?” he asked, other hand itching to peel back the comforter.
You nodded wordlessly. You were slightly mortified to reveal yourself to him in this way, but his other hand quickly distracted you. You watched his eyes rove across you appreciatively until they trained in on your bruise, his jaw clenching.
“I’ve been thinking about this all week,” he exhaled sharply.
“Why? It wasn’t on purpose!”
“No, it’s not-,” Seungcheol paused. “That’s not why. I was annoyed because the idea of getting to be the one to leave marks on you has rendered me…basically unable to produce coherent thought.”
“Oh? OH,” your eyes widened, gears in your brain turning. “I mean…all yours, Cheol,” you smiled sheepishly at him.
“Really?” he groaned, looking at you appreciatively as he thought about exactly where and how he’d like to mar your skin.
“Seungcheol!” you snapped at him as he continued to mumble to himself.
“Maybe a handprint here?” he grazed your upper thigh with his palm, eyes dancing mischievously at you. “Or a necklace of hickeys,” he growled as he nipped at the base of your neck. He had decided to seize the opportunity to tease you, and as much as you liked it, you only had so much patience.
“Cheol, please,” you pouted, grabbing at his collar, “I can’t take anymore of this.”
“Yes princess,” he pulled an old nickname out of the vault. You melted.
“Mmmpf!” he smothered your next protest with a kiss.
“Seung. Cheol!” you moaned desperately as his hand grabbed your thigh, hard.
The strength in his grip set your nerves alight and your head fell back against the bed, arching your chest up towards him. His mouth took the opportunity to latch onto the underside of your breast, biting down firmly. Your hand fisted itself in his hair.
It was so much sensation. It was so good.
“Hn,” he pulled back with a breathless smile. His eyes flicked down to the spots where his mouth and hand had been and his lips curled into a cocky grin at the bright red marks. With any luck those would be bruised nicely tomorrow.
“That was…a lot,” you murmured as you caught your breath.
“In a bad way?” Seungcheol’s brow furrowed with sudden worry.
“No,” you smiled at him, slightly fuzzy, “In a good way. A really good way.”
“Really?” his eyebrows raised back up with delight. “So you won’t mind if you bruise a little?”
“I don’t think I’ll mind even if you bruise me a lot,” you answered after some thought.
Your best friend’s eyes darkened. The way you had rearranged his words hit the possessive button in his brain like crazy. His lips nibbled and nipped their way down your torso while his hand came to cup your breast. His grip was on the hard side of firm as his lips latched onto a spot on your inner thigh. His tongue stroked across the sensitive skin as he sucked firmly.
Your thighs parted of their own accord as you squirmed at this building onslaught. As you shifted, you could hear the wet sounds of yourself spreading. Open and inviting.
“Cheol, please,” you tried to pull him towards you. “Please,” you panted.
Seungcheol, the bastard, increased the intensity of his sucking before releasing his lips with a loud ‘pop!’. The jolt of the disconnection sent a shiver through you and the spot where his mouth had been now felt woefully cool.
“Pretty,” he looked at the red mark appreciatively. The thought that you would be reminded of this encounter over the next weeks sent a streak of pride through him that was unexpected.
“Seungcheol!” you grabbed his face by his cheeks, directing his attention to you. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to kick you out and take care of it myself!”
His eyes widened and he chuckled sheepishly before reaching over you to pull a condom out of the nightstand. You watched, almost painfully aroused, as he undressed and unrolled the condom over himself. His cock bobbed proudly as he pulled his sturdy torso over you, slotting himself between your thighs.
You sighed when his cock came to rest against your core. You could already tell it was going to be good.
“Seungcheol, please,” you placed your hands around his jaw. “Need you.”
He nodded, reaching down to slip himself inside of you. A soft gasp escaped you as his head pushed in and you couldn’t help but relish in the stretch. Seungcheol took his time sinking into you. The whines and gasps that you made were way too good to be rushed.
“Cheol,” your hands clutched at the back of his thick neck until he was pressed flush against you. “Fuck,” you exhaled into his ear.
Seungcheol’s hand was gripping your hip so hard as he struggled to keep control of himself. Of all the things that he found overwhelming, the way you pulsed and squeezed around him, the little sounds you made as he had pressed into you…the worst of all was the way you smelled. His hand fisted itself further in your hip as he inhaled you, a most intoxicating scent.
You clenched around him as his hand tightened. He was sure to bruise you there, too, and you couldn’t wait. Knowing that you’d be able to see these marks as evidence that this wasn’t another crush induced dream made you feel crazed in a different way.
“You feel perfect,” Seungcheol groaned against your skin as his hips started to move. “I just knew it.”
You hooked your legs around his hips as he pumped into you deeply. Each thick stroke pushed you dangerously closer to the precipice and you were ready to fall off the edge.
“Cheol,” you pulled back slightly to meet his blown out gaze. “I’m there.”
“Go ahead,” he encouraged you, aching to feel you come apart around him. “Be good and come for me.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as you let go. Your hands clutched desperately at his shoulders as your pussy fluttered around him. You didn’t even know what kinds of sounds you made as you simply didn’t have the presence of mind.
“So good,” he smiled, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. “So good,” he grunted before his hips shuddered and he emptied himself inside of you.
You wrapped your arms around his torso as he slumped down on top of you. He smiled when you gave him a squeeze with your entire body.
“So you’re kind of possessive, huh?” you chuckled softly after you’d regained your sanity.
Seungcheol squeezed his eyes shut with a laugh. He hadn’t realized it, or maybe it was just because it was you, but yes. Yes he was.
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dried-up-f1sh · 4 months
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I drew Baxter based on something that actually happened in my high school bio class last year... except it was my bio teacher jokingly threatening to release one singular bee. Not a whole swarm. Also, now that I have to do a lot of practicals at uni, part of me wants to draw Baxter doing a titration, but he has to use a stepping stool to reach the top of the burette😭
I did end up drawing Baxter doing a titration and you can find it here
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heliophaestus · 2 years
hey. um ur boyfriend was really basic so we put him in burette for an acid-base titration. yeah he’s been neutralized. yeah he produced water and a salt. sorry.
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trinoxtrinox · 2 years
Thirst for Knowledge
Ectoberhaunt 2022, Side Order. Prompt: Thirst
Summary: New experiments are being done in the Fenton Basement Laboratory, and with that new data will be brought up.
Jack and Maddie Fenton were both working down in the lab right now, Maddie doing a chemical titration with some ectoplasm in a beaker and burette filled with a strong alkaline solution; all the while Jack was in another desk, measuring how ectoplasm refracts light using a spectrophotometer, measuring the sample in both glass cuvettes and quartz cuvettes, the samples being crystallized ectoplasm, liquid ectoplasm and gaseous ectoplasm, the last which was sealed in the cuvettes in order to avoid any leakage of it.
“How are your samples going honey?” Maddie asked not lifting her gaze from the beaker, one hand holding it and constantly mixing it with the alkaline solution that was dropping slowly from the burette, which was being controlled with her other hand so that only drops were being dropped in an interval of 3 drops per second.
“They’re great Mads, and with the help of the Fenton Spectrophotometer everything is going peachy as well. Adding that accessory for solid samples as a permanent feature was a brilliant idea” replied Jack as he put one of the crystals inside the machine, before closing it and turning it on, waiting for the results to come out.
“Oh that’s good to know dear, adding that to the machine wasn’t easy after all”
“You tell me about it, I had to rebuild the original Spectrophotometer like 5 different times, and we ended up buying a new one because that old model was too abused with my hands working on it.”
“Well, when you managed to do it at the first try on the new model we bought then you did us a big favor, those things can be expensive, and by keeping it inside of it we can make sure that it’ll never go missing.”
“That’s for sure at least. How are you doing with your titration by the way?”
“Everything’s fine here, nearing the expected equivalence point for normal ectoplasm, so I have to be extra careful now.”
“I’ll shut up now and let you focus then.”
“Thanks Ja-Oh” the sample in Maddie’s hand began turning from neon green to orange, however it soon faded back into green. “One or two more drops should do the trick.” And with that, one more drop was added. The color orange remained for a few seconds longer yet it still disappeared with time and the movement of Maddie’s hand, and as such one more drop was added to the sample, now remaining color orange after a whole minute of missing and spinning the sample. “Alright, I’m done with it.”
“That’s great Mads, I’m just putting the last sample of gaseous ectoplasm in the quartz cuvette and then I’ll be done here as well.”
“Alright, I can’t wait to read the results,” the mother stood up and began putting all of the used samples and chemicals used in a container beside the table she was working on, “I’ll begin cleaning my table meanwhile, you should start as well since you’re finishing your experiment as well.”
“Great idea Mads, we don’t want the kids nor any spook to grab any of these after all.” And with that he began cleaning his table as well. Granted his station was cleaner than Maddies on virtue of him working with minuscule samples, unlike Maddie who had to use various milliliters of samples and alkaline solutions in order to do everything. The Fenton Spectrophotometer pinged and Jack put the containers of ectoplasm back where they belonged, then checked on the results, wrote them down and finally took out the last sample before getting rid of it in the appropriate ways.
“Well then, let’s check the results already,” an excited Jack walked to the computer of the lab and began inputting all the data collected into it, letting it all load before adding the next set of results, “What were your results honey?”
“Here, let me type them for you,” Maddie positioned herself besides Jack and began typing her own results in another program to avoid mixing them up, and once both of them put them in, they began comparing them to the previously collected data.
“Mads, is it my imagination or does your ectoplasm sample seem more acidic than normal?”
“That’s not your imagination Jack, I collected those samples with the Specter Speeder from deeper in the Ghost Zone than we’re used to traveling to. There was this river of ectoplasm that I was too curious to leave alone.”
“Well that’s amazing, I wonder what was so different from that ectoplasm that was able to take the form of a river and why it was as acidic as it seems to be according to the results.”
“Not to mention that somehow it was able to stand out between all the ambient ectoplasm of the ghost zone as well.”
“Yeah, I wonder about that. One would think that it wouldn’t be able to stand out like that, but then again Ice and water can be differentiated easily enough.”
“True, but that’s usually because there’s air molecules stuck between the expanded hydrogen bonds that bond the water molecules, thus giving them the extra white inside of them, allowing them to see at a glance the difference between each of them.”
“That suggests that ectoplasm has impurities in it depending on the state of it. Oh I’m getting excited already thinking what kind of discoveries we’ll do with this information, I wonder if there’s pure ectoplasm being naturally formed in the Ghost Zone? Is the air of the Zone pure ectoplasm or would liquid or solid ectoplasm be the pure one? What about plasmic ectoplasm?”
“Well, there are many questions there, but not enough data to get answers. Shall we see your results now and compare them to the ones you’ve made before?”
“Sure thing Mads, I can’t wait to see how that crystalized sample we got last night will compare with the liquid and gaseous ectoplasm.”
“... Well, there’s certainly a difference in the refraction value given by the solid form of ectoplasm, but if that’s because it’s in the form of a crystal or because solid ectoplasm is like that we don’t know yet.”
“Yeah, this is the only sample of solid ectoplasm we’ve managed to collect thus far after all. If only we knew how that was made to replicate it and make more tests on it”
“If only, but that won’t stop us regardless, right Jack?”
“You’ve said it Mads, a Fenton never gives up after all!”
“Mmmhhh, hey Jack, have you thought of doing this experiment on some particles of crystals suspended in gaseous ectoplasm?”
“What are you thinking about honey?”
“Well, if humans can use steam and silver particles for magic tricks, then who’s to say that isn’t something ghosts do to fool our instruments?”
“MADDIE YOU’RE A GENIUS, I’LL GET ON IT RIGHT NOW,” and with that the wall of a man ran towards the crystal of ectoplasm, let it on a table and went up to the kitchen, returning with the cheese grater, ready to turn a part of the ectoplasmic crystal to dust.
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ribcage-musings · 2 years
titration lab
when i first learned about titrations
i hated them
equivalence points and pKa’s and molarity calculations
i carved S shaped curves into my mind and still couldn’t understand
what exactly made them work
i am not a patient person
i dreaded sitting there for hours watching the
drip, drip, drip,
of the strong base or acid
one drop at a time, to get an accurate result
one drop the difference between pale success and bold failure
it didn’t take me long to figure out that
one drop is nothing.
we would be here forever if we did what we were supposed to and
took our time
so i turned the stopcock and let it run too long
five mLs, ten mLs
until the solution was solid pink
and my lab report had 200% error.
when you snapped at me for the first time, it was a drop in clear solution.
i am not a patient person. i never swirled my flasks thoroughly enough. i let tens of milliliters of titrant flow out of the burette before i even thought about slowing down.
one time, my lab partner and i forgot to add the indicator
and it took us 40 mLs of sodium hydroxide before we realized something was wrong
one drop of phenolphthalein
and the whole solution bloomed bright pink
sudden and all at once and way too strong
you held a pillow to my face until i begged you to let me breathe.
one drop is nothing.
the solution stays crystal clear
until it rides the S shaped curve up
and approaches the equivalence point
but by then, it is often too late
and i haven’t swirled enough, or been vigilant enough
and instead of disappearing into clear liquid
the phenolphthalein pink stays
bright as cherry lipstick
and the mark blooming on my cheek
the day you hit me was the day i finally figured out titration curves.
weak acids buffer the pH change
when you add a strong base
and they share the same ions
but eventually, add enough base
and the delicate balance is ruined with one drop
hot pink flaring in an erlenmeyer
how much does it take?
five? ten? twenty?
how many drips before i’ve had enough?
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labotronic · 22 hours
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator
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Labotronics Automatic Potentiometric Titrator offers precise 15- to 25-ml volumetric titration capacity. It boasts an accuracy of ±0.025 ml to ±0.035 ml, repeatability of 0.002, and a ≤0.2 mV repeatability error. The resolution is 1/20000 for the 15-ml burette and 1/10000 for the 25-ml burette.
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microlitseo · 3 days
Training Lab Personnel on the Proper Use of Liquid Handling Instruments
Liquid handling instruments, such as pipettes, dispensers, and burettes, are essential tools in laboratories across various scientific disciplines. Proper use of these instruments is crucial for accurate and reliable experimental results. Training lab personnel on the proper handling techniques ensures consistent performance, prevents errors, and protects valuable samples. 
Importance of Proper Technique
Accuracy and Precision: Correct use of liquid handling instruments guarantees accurate and precise transfer of liquids, preventing experimental errors and ensuring data reliability.
Sample Integrity: Proper handling techniques minimize contamination risks, preserving the integrity of valuable samples.
Instrument Longevity: Correct use extends the lifespan of liquid handling instruments, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
Safety: Proper techniques help prevent accidents and injuries, ensuring a safe working environment for laboratory personnel. 
Key Training Areas
Instrument Selection:
Match instrument type (micropipettes, micropipettes, dispensers) to the volume range and liquid properties.
Consider factors like accuracy, precision, and ease of use.
Calibration and Maintenance:
Regular pipette calibration ensures accurate dispensing.
Teach proper cleaning and maintenance procedures to prevent contamination and prolong instrument life.
Pipetting Techniques:
Demonstrate correct pipetting techniques, including:
Plunger pressure and speed
Tip immersion depth
Avoiding air bubbles
Proper tip disposal
Emphasize the importance of using appropriate pipette tips for different liquid types.
Dispenser Usage:
Explain the proper operation of dispensers, including:
Setting the desired volume
Filling the reservoir
Dispensing the liquid
Cleaning and maintenance
Address specific considerations for different dispenser types (e.g., serial dispensers, repetitive pipettes).
Burette Handling:
Demonstrate the correct use of E-Burette for titration and other applications.
Teach proper filling, reading, and draining techniques.
Emphasize the importance of avoiding parallax errors when reading the meniscus.
Troubleshooting and Error Correction:
Provide guidance on common issues, such as leaks, air bubbles, and inaccurate dispensing.
Teach troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve problems effectively. 
Training Methods
Hands-on Practice: Encourage trainees to practice using liquid handling instruments under supervision.
Demonstrations: Provide clear demonstrations of proper techniques.
Role-Playing: Simulate laboratory scenarios to reinforce learning.
Quizzes and Assessments: Evaluate trainees' understanding and competency.
Online Resources: Offer access to online tutorials and resources for additional learning.
By providing comprehensive training on the proper use of liquid handling instruments, laboratories can ensure accurate, reliable, and safe experimental procedures. Investing in training not only improves data quality but also contributes to a positive and productive laboratory environment.
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gosciencecrazy · 11 days
Shop Chemistry Supplies for Students: Essential Tools for Academic Success
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Chemistry is a fundamental subject that forms the backbone of scientific understanding and innovation. Whether students are just starting to explore the basics or diving into advanced topics, having the right chemistry supplies is crucial for their success. Shop Chemistry supplies for students At Go Science Crazy, we understand the importance of quality tools and materials for educational achievement. In this article, we will explore the essential chemistry supplies that every student should have and how to choose the best options to enhance learning.
1. Essential Chemistry Lab Equipment
When it comes to chemistry, having the proper lab equipment is vital for conducting experiments safely and effectively. Here are some essential items every student should have:
Beakers and Flasks: These are used for mixing, heating, and storing liquids. Graduated beakers are especially useful for measuring liquids accurately. Erlenmeyer flasks, with their narrow necks, help in swirling solutions without spillage.
Pipettes and Burettes: Precision is key in chemistry. Pipettes are used for transferring small volumes of liquid, while burettes are essential for titrations, allowing for the precise addition of solutions.
Test Tubes: Versatile and durable, test tubes are ideal for conducting small-scale reactions and observing changes. They come in various sizes and are often used in conjunction with a test tube rack.
Bunsen Burners: Used for heating substances, Bunsen burners are a staple in chemistry labs. They provide a controlled flame that can be adjusted for various heating needs.
Safety Equipment: Safety goggles, gloves, and lab coats are non-negotiable in any chemistry lab. They protect students from harmful chemicals and accidental spills, ensuring a safe learning environment.
2. Chemicals and Reagents
Having a well-stocked inventory of chemicals and reagents is crucial for performing a variety of experiments. Some common chemicals and reagents include:
Acids and Bases: Solutions like hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, and acetic acid are frequently used in chemical reactions and titrations.
Indicators: Indicators such as phenolphthalein and litmus paper are essential for determining the pH of solutions and understanding the acidic or basic nature of substances.
Salts and Solvents: Sodium chloride, potassium permanganate, and ethanol are examples of salts and solvents used in various experiments.
It’s important for students to handle all chemicals with care and follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents and ensure accurate results.
3. Scientific Notebooks and Calculators
Proper documentation and calculations are essential for any scientific experiment. Here’s why students need these supplies:
Scientific Notebooks: A good scientific notebook helps students record their observations, procedures, and results accurately. This documentation is crucial for analyzing data and drawing conclusions.
Calculators: Chemistry often involves complex calculations, including concentration, molarity, and reaction yields. A scientific calculator with functions for these calculations can be an invaluable tool.
4. Choosing the Right Chemistry Supplies
When shopping for chemistry supplies, consider the following tips to ensure you select the best products:
Quality and Durability: Choose equipment and chemicals from reputable brands known for their quality and reliability. Durable materials will withstand frequent use and ensure consistent performance.
Safety Compliance: Ensure that all safety equipment and chemicals meet industry standards and safety regulations. Properly certified products will provide better protection and reliability.
Budget Considerations: While it’s important to invest in quality supplies, there are also budget-friendly options available. Look for suppliers that offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
5. Where to Shop for Chemistry Supplies
Go Science Crazy is your go-to destination for all your chemistry supply needs. Our extensive selection includes everything from basic lab equipment to advanced chemicals and safety gear. With a focus on quality and affordability, we provide students with the tools they need to excel in their chemistry studies. Explore our range of products and find the perfect supplies for your academic journey.
Equipping students with the right chemistry supplies is essential for fostering a productive and safe learning environment. By investing in quality lab equipment, chemicals, and safety gear, students can enhance their understanding of chemistry and achieve academic success. Visit Go Science Crazy today to shop for the best chemistry supplies and set your students up for success in their scientific endeavors.
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hitechtraders · 23 days
Your Guide to Chemistry Lab Glassware
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When it comes to scientific research and experimentation, having the right tools is crucial. Among these tools, chemistry lab glassware holds a special place.
Reliable, durable, and versatile, glassware is fundamental to any well-equipped laboratory. The fate of your experiment hangs in the balance, and the right chemistry lab glassware can tip the scales. From beakers to flasks, every piece of equipment plays a vital role in the scientific pursuit.
The Importance of Chemistry Lab
Scientists can't get much done without reliable lab glassware - it's the foundation upon which experiments are built, observations are made, and breakthroughs are achieved. You can't help but feel the weight of scientific progress when you're surrounded by it - it embodies the dreams, triumphs, and setbacks of chemical pioneers.
One reason glassware dominates the market is its trifecta of benefits: exceptional chemical resistance, remarkable thermal strength, and an affordable price tag that doesn't break the bank. Transparent glassware takes center stage in the lab, allowing learners to track even the subtlest changes in reactions and crystallization processes - and actually see the science unfold.
Types and Uses of Chemistry Lab Glassware
Chemistry lab glassware comes in many shapes and sizes, each designed for specific functions. Here's a look at some of the most commonly used glassware in laboratories:
Beakers: These are simple cylindrical containers used for mixing, stirring, and heating chemicals. Laboratory basics wouldn't be the same without them - they come in a range of sizes and are necessary for everyday lab tasks.
Flasks: Including Erlenmeyer and volumetric flasks, these are used for mixing chemicals and conducting reactions. Erlenmeyer's narrow neck safeguards your mixture, fending off evaporation, whereas volumetric flasks guarantee precision in every measurement.
Pipettes and Burettes: These are used for measuring and transferring precise volumes of liquids. When you're mixing chemicals, precision is everything, and burettes come in handy for accurate measurements during titrations.
Test Tubes: Commonly used for holding small samples, test tubes are essential for qualitative experiments and analysis.
Watch Glasses: These are used as lids for beakers, for evaporating liquids, and as containers for small amounts of solid substances.
Desiccators: These are used for drying substances or keeping them dry. They are essential for maintaining the integrity of hygroscopic chemicals.
Why Choose Chemglass?
Reliable lab glassware is a must-have for any chemist, and Chemglass reliably fills that need. Flawless quality is what you can expect from their products - no imperfections to worry about, just consistent results.
Chemglass glassware is designed to withstand rigorous laboratory conditions, including vacuum applications for multiple hours without leaks, thanks to its thick-walled construction. Whether you need beakers, flasks, pipettes, or desiccators, Chemglass products are crafted with precision to ensure accuracy and reliability in your work.
Their commitment to quality means you can trust Chemglass glassware to deliver consistent and dependable performance, allowing you to focus on your research without worrying about equipment failure.
Elevate Your Laboratory Experience
For scientists, technicians, and researchers, the right chemistry lab glassware is not just a tool but a critical component of their work. The clarity, durability, and versatility of glassware like that from Chemglass enable accurate observations and reliable results. Your research depends on the best tools, and high-quality glassware is no exception – with it, you'll see tangible progress and achievements.
If you're looking for cost-effective options that meet all your experimental needs, consider exploring their lab glassware collection at HiTechTrader. Their range of products ticks all the boxes for durability, precision, and affordability, ensuring you have the best tools at your disposal.
Don't compromise on quality—equip your laboratory with the best chemistry lab glassware and see the difference it makes in your scientific endeavors.
For more information about Gas Chromatography Machine and Analytical Chemistry Equipment please visit:- Hi Tech Trader
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sylvialabtronuk · 1 month
Acid Number Tester
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Labtron Acid Number Tester, controlled by a microprocessor, offers a 0-1800 mV potential range and ≥0.05 mg KOH/g acid number range. Utilizing potentiometric titration, it detects endpoints automatically and features continued dosing, easy operation, automatic cleaning, 10 mL burette precise measurements
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liquidhandlingproduct · 9 months
Motorized Burette | E - Burette Stand, Clamp &Titration Instrument | Microlit USA
The Microlit Motorized Burette stands out as a top-tier digital electronic burette, featuring a user-friendly TFT touchscreen interface complete with a stylus. With burette capacities of 10ml, 25ml, and 50ml, it serves as an indispensable tool for precise laboratory measurements, particularly in titration processes. Its advanced features make it the go-to choice for accurate and efficient lab work. Visit https://www.microlit.us/product-category/burette/
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labtronltd · 1 month
Acid Number Tester
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Labtron Acid Number Tester, automated by a microprocessor, offers a 0-1800.0 mV range, ≥0.05 mg KOH/g acid measurement, and a 10 mL burette. It features a Windows-based real-time titration display, an accurate imported unit, auto cleaning, endpoint detection, and easy workstation operation.
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amiralabtronorg · 2 months
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Labtron Automatic Potentiometric Titrator features integrated burette valve,an adjustable stirring system.ensures reliable, reproducible titrationswith microprocessor control, automatic pH standard identificationhigh accuracy ±0.01 pH, ±0.03% mV,±0.3°C temp.
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