#tldr THANK YOU and that fix it tag is there for a reason. also it's soooooooo important to me that u guys know that this fic is taking
bejeweledmp3 · 7 months
hi! thank you so much for another completely BRILLIANT chapter of TOTP, it was more than worth the wait! your writing style is beyond stunning, and I'm in awe of how well you understand these characters and how real and true to her portrayal Kimberly feels in your fic, even though we only had a few scenes with her from the show. I love everything about Kim and Tim's relationship too, and the moment with Lucy and Kim about the Cole Porter record was so touching.
I want to ask (and feel free not to answer if you want to keep things to yourself) - will we get to see Hawk and Tim reunite (and fix things) onscreen in your fic? because I keep imagining it and going !!! because I am clinging to that fix-it tag for dear life 💕
FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'm not sure if i've said this before, but chracterization staying true to the ones presented in the show is like, my number one priority, so to hear that you like it means the world to me, it does!!!
And mmm I really don't want to give too much away, but rest assured that the fix it tag is there for a reason. I was talking about this a few days ago I think, but the ending is the one thing I've had set in stone about this fic from the start. I think that what I can say is that we're never ever gonna leave Kim's pov (at least not in this particular fic), and we'll see as much as it makes sense for her to see. Hawk and Tim's relationship is a very important part of why she's even in the situation she's in, and that does deserve some resolution (that it will have!!!). But like, yes there is more to this that will keep being explored and I have to stop now or else I'm gonna spoil the entire thing for you and we don't want that!!!!
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obernice · 1 year
hi! I know you replied to one of my posts a few days ago (well more than a few,, um) and I’m sorry for taking so long to come here and respond!! I dont wanna get into exactly why I took so long, tldr is that even though I did see it the day you commented, I just sometimes have a really hard time getting myself to actually respond to things like that even if I want to,,? I’ve been doing this with another super long reblog of the same post you commented on that’s now like 2 months old,, I’ve been wanting to respond to it since I saw it but just can’t get myself to for whatever reason. but less of my life story and back to the original point of this ask!!
as a fellow evil pv au enthusiast, I’d really like to hear more about ur au!! it’ll be fun to see the differences between how you go about writing an evil pv vs how I go about it :3 if you’d think it’d be easier to explain this through text, we can also talk about it in tumblr dms or on discord maybe if you have it! I have a discord username and tag listed in my carrd though it’s not correct anymore and I’ve been putting off fixing it so I can just tell you what it is in dms if u want it,, maybe I can share with you other evil pv aus I have as well!! sorry it’s so rare to find evil pv aus that aren’t just de pv swaps or just weird yandere romance stuff so I’m really happy you reached out to me!! enjoy the follow :3 no pressure to respond soon/ever btw if you couldn’t tell by now I definitely understand how it feels to not feel able to respond to stuff immediately so take your time!! :DD
O M G 
I'm surprised that you answered me and even became interested in my AU! You can not apologize for such a trifle as long non-answers to questions, I understand everything perfectly and I hope that you will get better :3 (in my case, I didn’t answer for a long time because I didn’t go to tumblr ..... I At some point, I forgot that I even had it) And thanks for your comments on my Golden Cheese art!! I'm very pleased!! I must say that your art style is also very beautiful and cute, they feel comfortable and warm |3 
And I agree that finding AUs in which PV is crazy is quite a rarity, and probably fate brought us together on purpose so that we could create more similar AUs with PV 😈
Regarding connections - I think that we could correspond both in Discord and Tumblr, depending on what will be more convenient for you ;) 
Can't wait to discuss our creepy AU with you 
ehehehee >:>
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scarfacemarston · 3 years
Hey there. So I've been following your blog for a while and I don't know who to ask. I've been in the fandom for about seven months and no matter what I do, I can't seem to break into the fandom. I haven't been able to interact with many people and my writing seems to get nowhere. Have I done something wrong? Am I just not a good writing? What should I do?
That is a tough question and I feel for you. I really do. I’m just as frustrated and have been since I joined the fandom. I know tons of other people are in your boat, even some of the bigger blogs have talked about this. I doubt your writing sucks. It really is hit or miss here. I don’t really have any advice, sadly. A lot of this is stuff out of your control. Part of it may be that the fandom is three years old and a lot of people have moved on. This also happens to artists, role players, people who do original photo edits and those who share youtube content. TLDR: It’s luck, algorithms, who the fandom chooses to interact with, character choices and format. 
I have a few ideas as to what may be happening. Please realize I am not coming for individuals, but I am pointing out trends. First of all, fandoms and people, in general, are entitled. I think all of us are to a certain extent and many of us may not realize it. But I’ve seen people in this fandom be especially entitled and rude whether it’s through requests or criticisms. I rarely get a please or thank you and I just delete the rude ones outright.
One: this doesn’t quite exactly deal with being rude or entitled, but I feel like it relates in some ways. Some people RARELY like content and it is even more rare to reblog. Reblogging is literally how people see your work. Even then, a lot of people don’t tag what they reblog so showing up in tags is another way we as creators “survive” so to speak. I can’t fix that. No one can. It’s not great in this fandom and that’s one of the reasons why some people move on. However, all fandoms have this to a certain extent.This is out of your control. Two: Tumblr’s algorithm sucks. It really does and there is no rhyme or reason. I don’t understand why that is or how to fix it. Some of my favorite blogs don’t get the attention they should and I think that is in part because of the algorithm. If you haven’t posted for a while, I noticed the algorithm gets worse. I took a few months break and it took ages until my stuff started showing up. I had that just happen a few weeks ago when I briefly opened my requests. It didn’t show up in the tags. There is no way to fix that.
Three: People can be shadow-banned and not know it. I don’t quite understand the process myself, but someone suggested a while back that I may have had that happen to me because my stuff wasn’t showing up in the tags at all. I know it’s something that trolls do - some people will gang up and report you and so you get kind of soft banned. (please feel free to correct me, anyone.)
Four: Do you write for what some may consider a niche character or controversial ones? Niche people seem to include Mary-Beth, Kieran, Rev. Swanson, Tilly, and Lenny. (hmmmm I wonder what the last two have in common…..)
If so, people tend to ignore those characters because I noticed the tags are empty. Five: Controversial characters - Everyone knows Micah is a controversial character. Dutch is as well, however, I think he and Arthur have the most fans out of anyone. Now if you’re a Molly, Karen, Grimshaw or Abigail stan, you’re shit out of luck because again - what does this last set have in common? They’re women. This fandom is very sexist and one of the most sexist ones I’ve been. Abigail and Molly are especially controversial. I deal with Abigail a lot and that is actually because others were making anti-sex work and nasty sexist comments so I wanted to correct that. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it did because I was trying to slow that down so my blog is known for that rather than my writing. If you’re a Charles, Sean, Javier, Dutch, Arthur or any of the other mains - you tend ot have it easier,- but there is more competition. Some of these tags may also have a lot more fighting and drama. Abigail, John, and Dutch seem to have a lot of people arguing. Josiah, Hosea and Sadie seem to be wild cards. 
Six: For some people who have been around What are you known for in the fandom? Do people find you controversial? I think I have that status and that’s part of my issue. If you’re newer and haven’t gotten into any drama, that shouldn’t be the issue.
Seven: People rarely interact with each other or at least, that is what I have noticed with me and a few blogs I really like.
Eight: Finally, Formatting. This is the oddest one to me and it shouldn’t be the case. Again, I will be clear that I am not coming for bloggers themselves. They earned their success, too. But pictures. I write a lot of meta. I don’t know if people think I’m elitist or anything by how I write because it can be academic. However, I work very hard on meta.and for many, I rarely get the views, interaction,s or reblogs I wish I got. Yet people can put in one picture or more and get hundreds of likes and reblogs. A picture shouldn’t make a difference in if people read or like your content or not. My only guess is that it breaks it up and people are less intimidated by that rather than seeing a block of text. But it’s very frustrating because people like myself or others work JUST as hard as anyone else and yet something so simple makes such a difference. My metas take sometimes hours to write and have true historical research. I’ve even had similar questions with my opinions and others have similar opinions. I’m not at all saying they stole it - not at all - we agree, but their work gets noticed and mine doesn’t It’s not just me and it’s not just you, anon. It’s a lot of people. I cant add pics to some of my posts because it would be rude to have such a long post and make it longer with pics. I learned this was the case because out of all my metas, the one that has the most interaction is one with a picture. I’m serious. It is the same with people writing headcanons or fanfics, if you have a picture or gif, you’ll get more attention. I know that sounds ridiculous, but that’s the trend I’ve noticed. Overall: It’s not fair, but you can’t control what people read or how they interact. If you put pictures in and your work is shorter, then you might find more success. That’s my only suggestion and maybe I should take that advice.
I know people are going to say I’m whining, and maybe I am, but I have the right to be frustrated with how my content is received, just like how you, anon is concerned and how people have been talking for ages. I mean literally, tons of people in this fandom have talked about this people from newer blogs to even some of the “biggest” blogs here. Everyone wants to feel like they matter.
It could also be as simple as for whatever reason out of your control, people don’t like what you write. For some of my stuff, that is probably the case, especially since I have some hot takes.
So I wish I could give you more help. I really wish I could. But these are at least some reasons why your writing may not be getting traction. I’ll put tags and see if anyone else has suggestions or ways to fix it.
I have a feeling that I’ll get some interesting messages and anons because of this. I might be unfollowed and I can’t stop you. However,  if anyone starts sending me abusive asks, you will be blocked. Plain and simple. I was asked to give my opinion after being here for over three years and watching  many blogs say the SAME thing. So if you’re going to come for me, you have a lot of other blogs to come for, too. These are just my observations.
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Genetically Correct Pleasantview with Scripted Events CC FREE
Hey people! Welcome to my latest project - A genetically correct Pleasantview with scripted events!
When I first found out (a while ago) that the playables we all know and love in Pleasantview aren’t actually genetically related to their ancestors, it totally broke immersion for me. For some reason it really bothered me and that kept me from really getting into a playthrough of the hoods that Eaxis shipped with the game. Then I discovered this crazy cool thing that people did which involved extracting the appearances of the first ancestors from each family, and breeding them in CAS from generation to generation, eventually creating Genetically Correct versions of the sims we all know. This is where I began this exhausting journey - there was a lot of learning but I am really happy with how it turned out!
There have been a ton of various Pleasantview makeovers - all of which are super awesome! However, I was unable to find a Pleasantview that not only already had all the sims genetically correct, but still had their relationships, biographies, personalities, and most importantly, scripted events...because let’s face it - who the hell wants to start a new Pleasantview if they can’t play through the cool ass scripted events in the beginning? I know I don’t. And that’s why I made this hood.
What is this? This is a Pleasantview in which I have made all the playable sims (and their ancestors) genetically correct. It contains no cc and was built on top of a clean template Pleasantview as well. Below are pics of the premades:
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More Info, pics, and download below the cut!
My main goal for this was to make the premades genetically correct while still keeping them actually recognizable. I know there are some GC versions that are totally different, and I absolutely respect that, but I still wanted to look at Daniel Pleasant and say “Yep, that’s Daniel”. 
IMPORTANT: After taking the pictures I realized the skin I use (No longer after this), which I will link below drastically whitewashes the sims. Some sims with skin 3 look super light, such as Daniel Pleasant and Jennifer Burb. They still have the correct skin, it just may appear lighter in my images. I didn’t realize this until after I made the sims and took their pictures. Also note that the eyes may look like different colors. People have said the light blue looks grey, so if you see a strange eye color on a sim it doesn’t match with, be aware it’s likely just the defaults I used. 
Notice: I used a mod, equal genetics while creating these sims. I do not claim to be anything but a simpleton when it comes to genetics, and I know that some of these sims’ genetics aren’t realistic - Like a blond and brunette having a blond kid. I don’t claim to know anything about genetics, so before you genetic purists come at me just know - I know this and don’t care.
My general notion was that if one of their ancestors had a gene, then they could too. 
With that being said, all living premades with the exception of Coral Oldie, Herb Oldie, Mortimer Goth, and Bella Goth have the same eye and hair colors as they did originally. Some ancestors or dead spouses (like Michael Bachelor and Skip Broke) have had a few changes as well. More on that at the very end, for those interested.
TLDR - General Information
I ramble, I know. The main idea is that ALL of the sims are the same exact sims as you’re used to. They all have the same personalities, zodiac signs, hobbies, jobs, aspirations, relationships, memories, etc...They just have corrected appearances. Scripted events still work, and Brandi Broke’s baby is also now going to be genetically correct and related to both her and Skip. 
A few things to note:
- I used a default skin and eyes when taking the pictures. The sims will not come with these. I used Pitstop Skinblend and Poppet Clear Eyes
- Yes, I know Michael Bachelor’s eyes aren’t right. That is fixed in the game.
- This is CC FREE!!
- Brandi’s pregnancy may be a couple hours behind
- All sims have just about the same dominant and recessive traits as they do in the original clean templates from meetme. No sim is homozygous unless intended by meetme/eaxis.
- Sims may get some wants or fears of their ancestors or dead relatives becoming zombies or resurrected, this is just because of the way I did this, their deaths are fresh in the playables minds. 
- This hood was build on a clean template Pleasantview, all ancestors and dead sims are safe to resurrect
- This was made with Ultimate Collection, so unfortunately you will need this or all packs for this to work.
- The versions without townies still include Bella Goth, Kaylynn Langerak, and Gordon King.
- When you add the subhood version with townies, you’ll notice that the townie and NPC names get randomized and aren’t their original names. Though annoying, this is normal and you will have to rename them all yourself.
It seems that some mods can break the scripted events, it was unclear exactly which mods in my folder did it. To circumvent this issue I would recommend that when you initially install and play the scripted events in the hood, take out all of your non essential mods (leave in mods like no unlink on delete, no townie regen, things that are essential) from your mods folder (just mods, cc is fine to stay in) and put it in a safe folder while you just play through the SE - then when they're done, put the mods back in. This seems like a random occurrence - as they only broke 1 out of every 5 times I tested it.
More Pics:
Link to imgur album of individual sims and all (or most) ancestors.
Link to imgur album of individual families
Download Instructions:
This comes in 4 versions:
GC Main Hood Pleasantview with Townies
GC Main Hood Pleasantview without Townies
GC Subhood (Shopping district) Pleasantview with Townies
GC Subhood (Shopping district) Pleasantview without Townies
Download the version you want. 
For Main Hoods, place the folder in the following location:
Ultimate Collection: 
Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Neighborhoods
Disk Version:
Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods
For Subhoods, place the folder in the following location:
Ultimate Collection:
Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Best of Business\EP3\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Disk Version:
:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open for Business\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
meemetotheriver for the clean templates
Carrit for the ancestral sims
Special thanks to:
Sabrina from PleasantSims discord and @isabella-goth​ for their patience and help with my idiocy throughout this project - I couldn’t have figured it out without your help specifically!!
Genetically Correct Pleasantview with Townies
Genetically Correct Pleasantview without Townies (Still includes Bella, Kaylynn, and Gordon King)
I hope you all enjoy this! As usual, let me know if you run into any issues! Tag me in pics or posts of what you do with the sims if you’d like!
Till’ next time
P.S. Changes to premades/dead spouses:
Bella Goth - Hair changed to brown
Mortimer Goth - Hair changed to black
Coral Oldie - Hair changed to blond
Herb Oldie - Eyes changed to dark blue
Skip Broke - Eyes changed to dark blue
Michael Bachelor - Given blond hair, medium skin, and dark blue eyes
That should be the only changes to premades and/or their spouses. Some ancestors have been adjusted too!
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thesassiestcolor · 5 years
Why Chapter 12 Doesn’t Work (non Team RWBY)
OKAY since Tumblr decided to delete my first post after I tried fixing the tags (thanks...for that) This will be my second go-around! 
So I usually don’t like ripping apart a show I’m absolutely in love with, but consider this my vent post about Clover/Qrow/Robyn/Tyrian sequences in chapter 12. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I’m pissed.
This is probably rwde, so decide for yourself if you want to read, but know that I do love RWBY. I think the rest of volume 7 was amazing, but for some reason they really dropped the ball with this sequence. This is...just not good, even if you take out the meta controversy and surrounding the decision at the end of the chapter (I also will not be addressing these things, this is a purely narrative criticism). So here is me explaining why this sequence in Chapter 12 bothers me so. damn. much 
(and some attempts to try and fix scenes so they at least make more sense. And I’m not even getting paid to think this much!) (Additional disclaimer: I don’t WANT what happened in ch 12 to have happened, I’m just trying to show how small plotholes could be fixed, and how some just...can’t be)
TLDR: Watch me get increasingly frustrated over 2000 with the writers for giving characters Dumb Bitch Syndrome as the sequence gets increasingly harder to make better
1 . The Setup
Why the hell is Qrow on the Detain on Sight List? There’s very little credible reason for him to be on there besides that The Plot Needed To Happen
“Oh well, Ironwood knew he would side with Team RWBY so it’s preemptive!!!” 
If you’re following that logic: Robyn should absolutely be on this list too. She’s been outspoken if not directly disobedient to Ironwood in the past and does NOT have immunity of being on the council (just because Jacques was arrested doesn’t mean Robyn can automatically take his place), so there’s more reason for her to be on the list over Jaune, Ren, or Oscar (who have been rather obedient to Ironwood to varying degrees) 
How do we fix this? Just make the conflict about Mantle. Or hell, make the conflict about Team RWBY’s arrest. The writers want Qrow to fight Clover - have them fight about the kids, the people Qrow has been shown over and over again to try and protect. 
2. Clover’s Blind Loyalty
This one can be argued, but Clover automatically arresting Qrow immediately, without hesitation, no questions asked? It wasn’t properly set up to be in his character. Why do I think this? 
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This was kept in for a reason. Even disqualifying for ships/baiting, it means that in this instance, Clover knows arresting Robyn is wrong. And worse? Glancing at Qrow means that Clover is worried about what he’ll think of him.
Yes, he’s followed orders without question in the past, and he is shown to be hesitant in the airship when arresting Qrow, but zero hesitation in a moment this big? It doesn’t match what the audience is expecting because Clover wasn’t shown to act this way before.
Additionally, Clover just isn’t a complete idiot. Waiting until the transport is at the jail, with backup surrounding him, would be a much better tactic if he actually wanted to bring Qrow in - rather than escalating the situation with both Robyn and TYRIAN right next to them. 
But okay, assuming Clover HAS to arrest Qrow for the sake of the plot; How do we make this make sense? 1. We can cut out the hint of doubt Clover has in Ironwood shown in the glance scene. 2. We can add in a scene like Ruby and Harriet had, where Clover firmly establishes that his orders don’t have to make sense, he follows them. 3. We can have him at least talk to Ironwood over the comms like “Are you sure??? Damn okay” to be in line with his character and 4. (but this won’t end up with him dying like CRWBY planned, but it would absolutely make more sense) Have him wait until they’ve landed in Atlas to even try and arrest him without stupidly escalating the situation 
1, 2, and 3 probably would have made Clover less likeable of a character, but it would at least make sense in this moment (and besides, making a character super likeable to your audience just to kill them off for emotional impact is *gasp* a cheap writing trick) 
3. Qrow’s Retaliation 
Firstly, I’m willing to let Robyn’s reaction slide, as it’s been established that she is a hot head. Qrow on the other hand? His actions, again, don’t make much sense
Recap: Clover tries to arrest Qrow (dumb, but okay, it’s happened, we can’t change it). Robyn challenges Clover (dumb, but at least in character). Qrow tries to get everyone to chill (actually in character, he does this in V5). Robyn attacks Clover. Qrow says “fuck it” and attacks….Clover ???
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CRWBY made a point to show that Qrow does not want to fight, and is willing to wait until they get to Atlas. When Robyn escalates, it would be reasonable to assume Qrow would try to subdue her. He instead attacks Clover because ??? The Plot Needs Him To
Here’s the thing: the plot doesn’t need him to
This could have been just a scuffle between Robyn and Clover and Tyrian still could have escaped the same way. The crash still would have happened. (After that point, all common sense goes out the window, which I will get to in a moment). The plot needs for Qrow and Clover to fight, so they fight. Even if it makes no sense. 
How do we fix this? Again, I’d suggest making the conflict about team RWBY. Qrow is very protective of his family. If Clover was refusing to back down or listen to their side of things, it’s much easier to envision Qrow getting pissed enough to fight him in a “I will protect my family. You are going to hurt them. I will stop you.” way
4. Tyrian’s Escape
This has been mentioned before, but yes: Clover calls in for a prisoner transport, but they are shown to be in a regular airship, without a barrier between the prisoners and the cockpit. Why? Because the plot needed Tyrian to easily kill the pilots. 
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CRWBY took the time to make a model of the prisoner’s transport, but decided not to use it again. I honestly don’t know why 
How do we fix this and still have Tyrian escape? Tyrian has a robot tail. This is an anime. An anime that follows the rule of cool. Have Tyrian’s super strong tail be able to bust through the barrier of a prisoner transport . Hell, have Tyrian’s tail be strong enough to rip open the side of the transport itself - the audience has accepted way sillier for way less. At least this way we’d have an “oh SHIT Tyrian’s STRONG WOW” moment instead of a super simple plothole
5. Robyn’s Injury
Robyn was the only one not to actually take a hit against Tyrian (and if there was a small one that I missed, it wasn’t enough to noticeably impact her aura). She has the most aura out of the four of them, and yet - she’s knocked out by the crash. 
Qrow was also in the same place as Robyn during the crash but he’s fine because the plot says so. Again, Tyrian had NO aura after their fight in Mantle, but he also wakes up and is even able to use his semblance because!! The plot says so!!! 
How do we fix this? Make Robyn take a few noticeable hits before the crash or with Tyrian - and also have Tyrian be knocked out for as long as she is. This is will also alter how the sequence plays out, but we’re getting past the point of no return 
6. Crash Immediate Aftermath
“Robyn needs help.” “I never pegged you for the manipulative type.” Except….Clover’s not being manipulative he’s actually being smart for 5 seconds. And for some reason Qrow is still inflicted with Dumb Character Disease so he lashes out at Clover instead 
And again why is he even attacking Clover?? The Plot Says So. 
But let’s assume that at this point, Qrow just doesn’t want to be arrested. What would be reasonable? A) Fighting the guy you have repeatedly said you do not want to fight, Or B) Turning very easily into a bird and flying away to escape 
“Oh but Clover would just use Kingfisher to catch him!!” Clover misses. Literally the first time we see Kingfisher in action, he misses. It would probably be pretty easy to be unhooked considering Qrow is smarter than an actual bird. And crows are way smaller and way faster than you think they are
How do we fix this? You tell me, lmao. This is the part where all logic goes out the window, and I honestly cannot think of a way to have them fight and make it make sense at this point. They have so much bigger things to worry about. I’m screaming at my screen, CRWBY is drinking my tears, and the characters’ IQs have reached 4 points. They literally never remember that Qrow is a bird
7.  Clover Prioritizing Qrow’s Capture over Tyrians
Again, this has been ripped apart over and over again, and yeah. It’s pretty dumb. 
“Maybe Clover thought he could take Tyrian all by himself and Qrow was a bigger threat!” Nah. Again Clover’s not an idiot, the only reason Tyrian went down so easy in Mantle was because it was an ambush AND a 3v1. Qrow is also less of a flight risk than Tyrian at this point so again this doesn’t make a lot of sense 
Again I literally don’t know how to fix this besides changing Clover’s character entirely to for some reason really really want to take Tyrian down. But that’s not the case, so yeah. Dumb
8. “I wanted to trust you.” 
First of all: Yes, Chris Wehkamp totally nailed this line. Too bad it also doesn’t make any sense considering his actions.
If Clover really wanted to trust Qrow, he would have done so. He would have waited to arrest him until he knew the situation. He would have attacked Tyrian instead of Qrow. He would have done like a thousand other things besides what he actually did. 
(Sidenote: I actually really do like Qrow’s line of “Why couldn’t you just do the right thing?” Because of 1. Jason’s amazing delivery 2. It actually projects a lot of Qrow’s own issues onto Clover. It would have been really interesting to see Clover go through something similar and learn to think for himself but too bad fuck that I guess) 
9. Tyrian’s Strike
We got a teleporter!!! Teleporting returns as a really dumb way to move the plot along!! 
What do I mean by this? 1. We see Harbinger get thrown from Qrow, he then SPRINTS across the open tundra to punch Clover from the SIDE 2. Clover is now facing where Qrow came from, and thus has Harbinger in his eyeline
This means:
1. Tyrian had to free himself from Kingfisher without being detected in an extremely open area and both Clover and Qrow being to the side of him 2. He then had to sneak past Qrow to grab harbinger in the same exposed, open area while also being in Clover’s eyeline 3. He then had to sneak BACK around Qrow to then be behind CLOVER and stab him from behind without being detected
This is straight up bullshit and I cannot excuse it! This isn’t Rule of Cool applicable because what Tyrian did wasn’t cool!! It was shitty!
10. “Good Luck.” 
Clover’s last line doesn’t mean anything because we don’t know what it means. 
Qrow states that he’ll make sure “James takes the fall.” 1. That fall for what? Clover’s death? Mantle’s imminent destruction? Tyrian’s escape? Idk, it could be any one of those things. 
Thus, Clover wishing him good luck also doesn’t mean much. What is the wishing Qrow good luck for? Taking down Ironwood? Well Clover just fought to the literal death for Ironwood so I’m pressing Y to Doubt. Is it for Qrow to save Mantle? That hasn’t come up since Robyn was still awake so it’s weird to bring it up now. 
If Clover somehow saw the error of Ironwood’s ways, it happened pretty damn fast imo, which also undercuts the meaning of the line. They literally had a character that skyrocketed in popularity’s last line be meaningless and confusing CRWBY why 
Anyway, this isn’t even getting into the whole debate of “bait/bury” which I can’t really speak to like I can speak to narrative plotholes. If you have more, add on. Go nuts, I’m proclaiming this as a Vent post. Then we can hope V8 gives us something good
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quickspinner · 4 years
Alright tell me why my dumbass didn’t realize you had a load of stories on AO3... tell me why I’ve been moping around because I had no Lukanette to read and it was sitting right under my nose! Excuse me while I fall down that rabbit hole.
LOL tosses down a rope and yells “Don’t forget to eat and hydrate!”
I try to make sure everybody knows where to find all my stuff and keep things organized. I was just thinking it was time for another housekeeping post so thanks for the excuse! Here goes, and I’m gonna be extra thorough this time! I apologize up front for my wordiness, I don’t even fight it anymore, so for the TLDR folks I’ll try to bold the important stuff.
Just so you know what you’re getting into, my work is pretty much all Lukanette all the time and I like to think the sodium content is pretty low (I’m gonna level with you guys I am getting really sick of all these ‘Oh, if only there were Lukanette fics that weren’t mean to Adrien, but alas! they do not exist’ posts I’ve been seeing. Insert Will Smith gif here).
All my work on tumblr can be found under the tag quickspins and everything that’s part of a series has a series tag, and I try to link back to the other pieces.
Here’s my AO3. I personally think it’s the easiest place to find my stuff if you’re looking to binge, and some of my older works from there are not on Tumblr yet, which include:
I’ll Give You the Stars (which I’m currently in the process of posting here)
Second Chance (which is queued up next and pairs well with IGYTS) 
Finding Harmony (which is probably my favorite piece to date, honestly, sort of my mostly-unsalty fix-it for Season 3) (does it count as salt if it’s Lila acting like Lila?) 
All That’s Best of Dark and Bright (my very first Lukanette fic)
Can’t Stop the Pain (just a quick little thought piece mostly)
Until It Doesn’t Hurt (because who hasn’t written a post-puppeteer fixit at this point)
A Time to Every Purpose (the sort of sequel)
Take a Chance (a college AU that I did for the first week of Lukanette September)
Okay, that was more stuff than I realized, wow. I’m pretty sure everything else is cross-posted. The only thing on tumblr not on AO3 that I can think of is Payback and the April Kisses pieces I’ve been doing. However it will all end up on AO3 eventually so if you are worried about missing something, you can subscribe to my author updates on AO3 and get ALL THE THINGS.
Go nuts, leave me as many comments as you feel like! I promise my reaction to an inbox full of comments is not eek a stalker it is always OMG BEST DAY EVER. 
If you run out of my work, because I do have to sleep sometime, check out my AO3 bookmarks for other awesome Lukanette writers (and actually a few really good LS fics too believe it or not, I have been known to venture out of my niche once in a while). There’s a little bit of everything there so even if you find some that aren’t to your taste keep clicking, I promise there’s good stuff there. 
Links are in my blog header too if you lose this post, and you can also follow me if you’re looking for Lukanette because I try to reblog most of the Lukanette content I find. We’re all in this little ship together and I love to share other people’s work as well as my own. I strongly believe in supporting other content creators so love to all of you out there, even if you haven’t been brave enough to hit that publish button yet.
Please remember also that authors crave your feedback so try to leave some when you can. I try to answer all of my AO3 comments and anything that comes in my ask box; it’s a little harder for me to respond to replies in the notes here for some reason but I still love them just as much, and I love it when people leave some love in the reblog tags too. So, don’t feel bad if you can’t, but if you can, I’d love it if you did.
My ask box is open too, so if you have questions or can’t find something or you’re just curious, I promise that in real life I am seriously uncool and nobody you should be afraid of, so if you’re thinking about dropping me a note please feel safe and loved doing so. 
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rom-e-o · 5 years
I was tagged by the ah-mazing @treya-barton to share my fic preferences! (Very fitting, since we collaborate on a Souyo fic together!) It was super fun to read her answers because, well, we have a lot in common.
Thanks so much for the tag! Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences and tag some more people!
Slow burn or love at first sight? 
Slow burn is a safer choice because it plays into the whole appeal of fic writing. It’s an infinite, free forum for fans to correct how their fav pairings meet and interact. And that can happen as quickly or slowly as a writer wants. Love at first sight is more of a ‘call to action’ than it is an incentive for readers to keep reading, imo.
Basically this: if it’s a one shot, gimme love at first sight. If it’s a multi-chapter, gimme slow burn.
Tldr; yes.
Fake dating or secretly dating?
Yes. A la Monica and Chandler in season five (right? I don’t remember).
Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
All of my OTPs are literally friends to lovers. All three of them.
“Oh no there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence?
Bonus points if both of them want to share the bed and know the other one wants to share the bed as well.
Hurt/comfort or amnesia?
Oh man.
Yeah, I write a lot of hurt/comfort fics. I’m realizing now that maybe that’s not a good thing (haha) or maybe it’s a cry for help? EEEHHHHHH...nah. I just love the idea of characters loving each other through their pain/faults.
Fantasy AU or modern AU?
For some reason, the fantasy genre just suffocates me. I feel like I can be more creative and whimsical, oddly enough, in a more modern setting.
Mutual pining or domestic bliss?
I have OTPs in both camps. Usually one leads to the other anyway, SO.
Alternate universe or future fic?
Both! Fix-it fics are also great. But some Band-aids on the plot.
One shot or multi-chapter?
I’ll read anything, but I tend to write more contained fics. I try to steer clear of contained/bathtub fics and make sure there’s at least one pivotal moment (a confession, a kiss, a realization, something) so that the characters change at least a little bit from how they were in the beginning. Hopefully for the better, too.
Reincarnation or character death?
I’d prefer neither, though.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage?
The only way I can think about accidental marriage is a “drunk in Vegas” scenario, haha. To me, ‘accidental’ implies comedy, while ‘arranged’ implies angst. I don’t enjoy angst personally, so I tend to steer clear of that.
High-school romance or middle-aged romance?
I have OTPs in both.
Or do you mean romance in a Middle Ages setting? If so, all three OTPs are accounted for.
Time travel or isolated together AU?
Two characters depending on each other for survival? Sure! Against, as long as it’s in a touching way and not a...torture p*rn movie/Killer Instinct kind of way.
Sci-fi or magic AU?
I’m bias toward sci-if because of series like Cowboy Bebop, Stellvia and Space Dandy. I just grew up with it more. I like mechs, spaceships, bounty hunters and dark skies.
Body swap or gender bend?
I feel like it can be a fun trope if it’s in the right hands.
Angst or crack?
Are crack fics still a thing? I feel like those were a big thing when I was in middle school. That being said, I used to write crack fics all the time. I’d incorporate inside jokes I had with friends too. I used to have so much fun coming up with the stupidest stuff and getting my friends to laugh.
Apocalyptic or mundane?
If I could make money writing a nonfiction product, it would be a Slice of Life.
Alrighty! I’ll tag @my-name-is-clover. Anyone else reading this can also give it a go! Please tag me if you do. I want to peep your answers.
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angelinuhh · 6 years
Hi there A! Could we get a public review from you? Thank you so much and we hope that you have a breathtaking upcoming week! ~ Admin Catie
DISCLAIMER: this review is onlyreflective of my own opinions and is intended to provide constructivecriticism. there is no obligation to listen to or agree with anything said.
the reality tv junkie in me loves this concept of this rp. and, asI look around, this typifies exactly what I love about the genre: characterdevelopment, fast-paced events and, of course, a healthy dose of competition. Ilove your color scheme and your theme. for a contained theme, I found it incrediblyeasy to navigate—which was a real and true blessing. however, I do think that there are still many things to improve, Ithink a little more consistency and editing in your descriptions and overallaesthetic could really elevate your rp and make it more accessible andattractive to prospective members. I also would like to see a change in yourrules, both in policy and in tone. overall, I wish you guys the best of luck.
I really do love the rp idea, but I do think the plot page leavesa little something to be desired. For appless rps, especially ones withoutblurbs on the sidebar, you really do need something that is concise, both eye-catching and attention-grabbing, all the while getting to the point. while the content you have on this page isn’tbad, you have a long-ish block of text that can read a little dry at time.
I’ve taken the liberty of editing your plot to take on a more activetone to show you what I mean. while you have no obligation to use it, you dohave full permission to:
 There is no greater motivation in theworld than money – and nowhere is that more present than in ParadiseIsland, MTV’s new reality television show. Sent to a private island inpairs and forced to compete challenges and tasks set by the producers, contestantsoften find themselves doing things they wouldn’t normally do, all for a chance at$750,000.
Here at Paradise Island, the fun never stops. With 24/7 Streaming, viewers are given a real-time seat to the  drama,the romance and more! While binge-worthyshows are great, the 12 million daily viewers know the truth: they never have to find something new towatch again.
After a rigorous application process, including video essays about why theywould like to be on the show, interviews and even a test challenge was preparedto see which finalists caused the most drama or had the most chemistry, thehundreds of potential applicants were narrowed down to just 40. The producersrandomly assigned each contestant into pairs and, for the duration of the show,these partners were to share a room in the mansion and work together to win thegrand prize. 
But what happens next—will loveblossom? Will greed step in? Witha 1/20 chance of winning the $750,000, most of the contestants will do anything to get their hands onthat money, but there can only be one pair of winners.
Who will be victorious in the first Paradise Island?
paradiseislandhq is anappless  23+ pairedmuse roleplay based on reality television. Contestants have been sent to aprivate island and must work in pairs for the chance to win a grand jackpot of $750,000w/ additional prizes. We focus on weekly character development tasks &challenges, plotting between members, in-character drama, and. of course- vacation vibes! Applicants are free toapply for a wanted connection partnership or to have one picked at random foryou!
 If you would like to take a crack at it, here’s what I tried to fix.
Have a more ACTIVE TONE
 thisis a purely stylistic choice, but i would suggest varying up sentence structureand utilizing your bold and italic keys a little more as most people in thegenre do.
Try to avoid going on tangents
Inthe beginning, you start with the motivator of money above all and thenimmediately move to love and status, thus weakening the power of your opening
Ialso did not particularly think the tangent about streaming services in thethird paragraph was necessary. Your goal is to emphasize that the show is 24/7—you don’t necessarily have to explain that.
Is it… $750,000 or $750,000+, because both were used. That needsto be clear.
The first thing I always look for is the synopsis at the bottom,but yours is a little bit long. 
Iwould center it as well. You can do this by entering into the html and putting , I think.
Side note: make sure your navigation tab’s blurb matches the one on this page.
I also spotted a couple of grammar errors. Your biggest and mostfrequently repeated error is run-on sentences and a lack of commas.
bh, your rules page was a hugeturnoff for me. I don’t think it was your intention, but it was very blunt, alittle wordy (ik ik… im legit the most wordy person on earth) and read kind of…rude. A a potential applicant and as a reviewer, I just- I wasn’t feeling itand would likely be very wary of applying because of it.  There are also quite a few run-on sentenceshere, so watch out for that.
I’m not going to rewrite the whole thing, but here are a few specificchanges I would make and alternate wordings to your statements.
(++) I would put in a HOW WE RP section and add in the stuffabout the tasks, points and challenges. Because that should not go underinclusivity. I also do not understand how it works and I need much moreexplanation. I can guess, of course, but I shouldn’t have to. You need toclearly outline how this rp will be run and how tasks will be delegated and pointswill be awarded. Vaguely stating that there will be challenges and points andwhatever will not work.
(++) Your muses section is very confusing. Especially the agebut also the diversity part. I understand that you feel strongly about this,but I brought it up to some friends and many of them were just as confused as Iwas. I read your FAQ and things did not get any clearer. If I were you, I wouldsimply say “all muses and fcs must be older than 25. Please aim to make yourcharacter’s age believable with your faceclaim.”. And that, “to encouragediversity, if you have more than one character, at least one must be POC.” Asyou have it, it is very murky and kind of defensive?? almost. Like I reallywant people to be over 25, but I guess they can play 23, but also they canactually be 40 but they can play in their 20s. It’s convoluted and I get alittle frustrated trying to read it. In my opinion, you just have to pick asingle age and go with it.
I feel like your unfollow rule is extremely lenient for one ofthese rps. It may lead most of your members being inactive before they getunfollowed.
Alt wordings (some suggestions)
Although it is expected that in-character partnerships will needcharacter development, please make an effort to interact with all member.Bubble RPing is NOT permitted and we aim to make an inclusive environment whereall muns can explore their characters.
Youroriginal statement really put the onus on the RPer like they’re already doingsomething wrong.
We are happy to oblige with hiatus or semi-hiatus requests. Lifecomes up and we want all of our players to be comfortable. However, we onlyaccept these requests through asks that come through our inbox.
Reallythe CAPS and the Do not inform by im… don’t really feel like you want me tocomfortable.
We allow small/medium gifs. Please do not use large gifs. In orderto be accessible we do not allow gif icons under 90x90. >>>>In order to be accessible, large gifs and gif icons under 90px are not allowed.We prefer small/medium gifs.
Feel free to cause in character drama. However, no OOC drama willbe tolerated !! >>> While in-character drama can be fun, OOCdrama will not be tolerated.
idk why but those exclamation points were felt in my soul, man. Sdfjdkf. Look, it’s just a little intimidating.
I knowthis sounds like a small thing, but I really am impressed.Container themes are notoriously hard to navigate but I had little to notrouble going through yours. If your rp grows, that muse tab is going to behell to update so I admire your commitment.
My onlycritiques are that
 youneed to finish updating your nav so there are no broken/nonexistent links—whichI’m sure you will do
on your/map page, you have ‘wanted connections’ spliced so both wanted and connectionare links.
I’dmuch rather see a page with all the tags to track than just having them floataround on the navigation. But this is totally up to you to change.
Lovethem. Whoever did them, mostly, did a good job in maintaining the color scheme.My only critique is that I’m not really feeling the headers for, like, the plotpage and the wanted connections…etc. These harsh black borders and script fontsstand out a lot and, while the images are nice, they have a completelydifferent color scheme (dark blue-ish tones to the warm and tropical orange ofthe rest of the theme). I wish they would! Because otherwise, I really do likewhat you have here.  
I would edit or remove the first question onyour FAQ.If anyone asks the question, you can say to promote age diversity andthat’s reason enough. As it stands, the question and the answer just makes me confusedand, some of the statements like “actors over 25 have more resources” is justuntrue.
thebiggest flaw that I see in your RP is inconsistency and occasional lack ofclarity. here is a list of things I’ve found that varied from page to page.
1.      Sometimesthe jackpot is 750,000. Sometimes it is not.
2.      Theblurb on your navigation does not match the blurb on your plot page
3.      Yourefer to this rp both as appless and semiappless.
TLDR; what i would like to see changed, vaguelyin order of most of least importance. Feel free to ignore any or all of these.
REDO your rules page to include a HOW WE RP detailing thepoints, tasks and challenges
 CHOOSEa clear and consistent ruling on your age bending/limits. It might make senseto you and promoting age diversity is very admirable, but, look, we’re alldumb.
EDITyour rules page to be… more affable. It’s not bad as it, but it just helpspeople get through it.
i wrote a few alternate phrasings you can look at
EDITyour plot to be more engaging and concise to really grab people’s attention.
i wrote something above that you may use
DOUBLE CHECK all your pages to make sure that you don’tcontradict yourself in various places.
 as a last note and reminder, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE ANY OF MYSUGGESTIONS. There is no ill-will from me to you. As always, this is notintended to be hate and I genuinely want the best for you guys. However, I amterminally cursed to be nitpicky. I’ve done my very best to make sure my adviceis constructive, but please call me out if you find any of this offensive orcrude.
I genuinely like the idea of the RP and appreciate the work you’veput in. Seeing Dev Patel used--- makes my day. Thank you for your time andpatience.
If you have any more concerns or questions, please feel free tocontact me.
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rpadoptionnetwork · 7 years
hello there! could we get a review, please? :)
DISCLAIMER: this review is only reflective of my own opinions and is intended to provide constructive criticism. there is no obligation to listen to or agree with anything said.
first of all, i love the teaser video. saw it in the tags and adored it. i also love intricate rps and this definitely is one of the more detailed groups i’ve seen out there. the world here is developed to an impressive point and i’m interested to see how things turn out. i also love your skeletons and your commitment to this universe. however, there are several critiques i have on the presentation of information.
i’ve done my best to give my honest review and opinion on how you can fix the issues i see. i tend to be a bit wordy, so there is also a TLDR at the very bottom of the page. as always, i am here to elaborate on any of my critiques if asked. thanks for coming by! ♥!
The basic structure of this RP is great. I like the way you’ve organized the page and all the links. This is always my go-to qualification for whether or not I will even consider applying for an RP, and you guys pass with flying colors.
I love the navigation layout. And, at first glance, everything seems right. However, as I actually delve deeper into the pages, it becomes increasingly more difficult to understand what is going on.
I suggest you edit some of the pages that you’ve created for general readability. The concepts behind your RP are not that complicated, but, because of the way they are written and presented visually have become hard to follow.
It actually genuinely makes me upset to say this, because I know how hard it is to edit all this code and to write all this stuff out. as you can clearly see, i am very wordy myself. however, a lot of what you’ve done is unnecessary and adds a layer of complexity to your rp that is confusing at best and off-putting at worse.
I say this with all the love in my heart. I love the prose here and I love the concept, but some of it has no place in this plot description.  
This is not to say that this section is not written well, but rather that, it is simply too-detailed and too tangential for a general plot page. To fix this, I would simply remove every section describing each of the departments in its entirety.
In my opinion, it should read:
… was broken up into five departments: Hoshiro: the madcaps*; Ettinger; the healers…etc.
The road ahead will be treacherous, and to get ahold of their abilities, the students must do everything in their power to successfully work both in a …
This makes it more concise and lets everyone understand the premise of your plot– that this is an academy rp that divides the superpowered students into 5 groups, each defined by a certain trait. If people are interested in your rp, they will automatically go look for the Departments page to learn more. Otherwise, you are bogging down people with unnecessary information.
Please, if you follow my suggestion, save the writing you’ve done! Just use it in a different place (namely the Department page)
I would also add an OOC description of the plot at the very bottom. For example,
excelsior-hq is a plot-driven skeleton rp set in a academy for superpowered individuals who are completing their final project before being let loose on the world.
If you do include this part or write it in your words, please  do not make it longer than two sentences long.
*i would even use daring, instead of madcaps just to make things easier for people to understand? this point is purely nitpicky
That mono-spaced font that you’ve used for the posts is hard to look at. It makes your writing look dull and uninteresting, just a glob of text. This is especially disappointing when all the headings and graphics have been done with sleeker or much more elaborate fonts. And it is even more upsetting after reading everything and realizing that I really like what you’ve written. This font just doesn’t make sense thematically and makes things at least 3x harder to follow.  
Also, I understand that it is your theme, but I honestly wish that the text was just aligned to the left, because the centered alignment only helps contribute to this confusion.
in fact, the longer i spend on your page. the more i get a headache. you utilize bullet points very often and bullet points lose their effectiveness when none of them are aligned.
if you could one of both of these, i promise it would only help you get your message across and make your rp more attractive to any prospective applicants.
I love these. They make sense and they are visually pleasing to the eye. You’ve opted to not make anything too flashy and it works.
But unfortunately, and I hate to harp on this. the quality of your graphics just exacerbate the font problem. They clash with the presentations of your posts, and only make mereally wish the text were different.
These are good skeletons! Reading through them, I like how you’ve given a sense of the character without being too elaborate.
However, one thing that stands out to me is the connections.It would be far more effective and much easier to read if you just put
CHARACTER A: short description of unique connection
CLUSTER MEMBERS: character b, character c, character d
CLUSTER MENTOR: character e
because, in combination with the font choice and alignment, i don’t want to read four lines only to just to find out that each of the characters is a cluster member. by just making this change, things become more concise and easier to follow.
i love that every skeleton is open gender and fcs and i love the diversity here. so keep it up!
i was really put-off by this. for some reason, i automatically get the vibe that someone is talking down to me and i know this is not the mods’ intention.
i would suggest replacing the ‘CONFUSED? CLICK HERE’  with just ‘WHERE TO BEGIN’. i would also erase the entire section prior to ‘A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE OF WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU APPLY’. it is completely unnecessary. if you must, i would have a
‘please feel free to ask any additional questions you have to the main. we  will be happy to help you’
at the very end, because otherwise you’re just further complicating people who have clicked here and are a little lost.
i understand the purpose of this page and commend you for making something like it, but to have someone tell me ‘confused? lost?’ when i’ve barely started looking around and ‘it’s better if we explain it to you personally than having you stare at the main completely lost and then closing it shortly after’, just assumes a lot and makes me feel as if I can’t /possibly /comprehend anything without assistance. it just– i don’t like it at all. i’m very sorry.
I cannot read this. Not that I don’t want to, but that- I shouldn’t have to. It is so much information on one page. And though, most of it is necessary, I would never read it if I could avoid it.
First of all, the thin white font on a black background is hard-to-read. And secondly, the way this is set up is far more trouble than it is worth. I said it earlier in this review. I know how much work it can be to edit code to do this, and, genuinely, you’ve done such cool things with it all. However, there’s only 5 or so Departments and it’s ridiculous that I have to click 6 times and scroll so much just to read what they are.
If this were my page, I would just make a single page with all the general descriptions & reference the titles you gave them in your general plot. It will be far easier. For example:
As you will notice, I suggested that you split the descriptors and the rest of the information (powers, final project…etc.) As someone who is just entering the RP, it is more important that someone gets a feel for each of the groups before delving into the specifics (namely the rules that affect them, the powers they can have… etc.). On these specific department pages, i would even add the fun prose parts you had in the original plot. Just be sure to make clear divisions, so people can ctrl+f to find THE RULES or THE FINAL PROJECT or POWERS.
You call them clusters everywhere else, so I’m not sure why they’re called sets on the navigation here.
This page is absolutely needed, but would be better formatted if everything was written in parallel way.  For ex,
and then keep the same format for each of these clusters. As of now, each cluster dynamic and each role within it is written in a slightly different way and thus I have to adjust every time i learn more about every role. It is tiring for me and it shouldn’t have to be. There is a reason why parallelism is the thing tested on the SAT and it’s because it is so important and makes things 10x more legible.
Also, this section should BE THE SAME as the section on the department page. Otherwise, what you’ve done is created two separate and slightly different documents to describe one thing.
which— brings me to my last (I promise, I know, I’m so sorry) critique.
this page looks great and, though i wish each untaken character graphic had something to distinguish it as the role it is (as right now, i have to click each untaken graphic to see who and what is going on), i initially had no critiques. however, as time wore on, i have to say that i intensely dislike the setup of this page and, even more so, the descriptors for each of the skeletons you’ve put on this page.
by my count, that is 4? separate and slightly different ways you’ve described each skeleton.
1. HERE. 2. THE DEPARTMENT PAGE. 3. THE SET/CLUSTER PAGE. 4. THE ACTUAL POST of the SKELETON &… to be completely honest, I’m sure there’s more.
If I’m applying for a character, I don’t want to have to look in 4 separate places hidden across the RP just to find out what the character you’ve sort of set-up is. i would erase every description completely and just redirect to the skeleton. it doesn’t make sense to describe the skeleton, redirect to the skeleton which is slightly different and then describe it slightly differently again on a separate page.
if i could suggest, i would just like to see the CLUSTER, AGE, POWERS, FC & a LINK TO THE SKELETON, nothing else. As a side note, I like these descriptors better than the ones on your cluster page– and would honestly prefer to see them used there, instead of the ones you have.
TLDR; what i would like to seechanged
change the font and make things left-aligned. otherwise, iget a genuine headache from trying to decipher what is going on. 
change the title of the ‘CONFUSED? CLICK HERE’ link on yournavigation to ‘WHERE TO BEGIN’ or ‘HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS RP’…etc.
on that same page, erase the entire section prior to the actualchecklist. it is unnecessary and feels.. a bit rude.
i would erase all the department descriptions from your generalplot and, maybe, include an OOC description
i suggest a retooling of your department page
using just standard pages, have one page with a general overviewof the departments and THEN linking to 5 separate & more specific pagesincluding the power…etc. ?? 
on your department, sets, characters pages & the skeletonposts– make all your descriptors of the characters consistent. otherwise, aperson has to really search to get all the information you’ve given about eachrole the character plays. 
I have no idea  how power selection works –personally, i would just list out ALL possible powers a character can have andsay, select, at maximum 2 or something– and include a disclaimer saying, theadmins will judge whether this is overpowered and approach you after yousubmit. otherwise, i’m just going to be staring at a page for hours trying tofigure out the four categories and think about the 5 departments and then theclusters and just… i’m so sorry, but, even though, i absolutely adore thatyou’ve worked out all of this, i could never go through with it or force myselfto figure it out.
I know this is so much and thatyou all are very well underway on this project. And I want to assure you thatI’m really very impressed by this RP and the work put into it. However, I amalso keenly aware that tumblr doesn’t tend to gravitate towards the mostcomplex of things and I really wanted to help you guys present your informationin a way that is much easier, so everyone can have the best experience here atyour RP. 
I personally played in and ranan fairly complex superpowered academy RP over 4 years ago with (not the same)but a similar idea– and i’ve always found that it can be hard sometimes topresent these kind of ideas.  
as a last note and reminder,YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE ANY OF MY SUGGESTIONS. There is no ill-will from me to you. As always,this is not intended to be hate and I genuinely want the best for you guys.However, I am terminally cursed to be nitpicky. I’ve done my very best to makesure my advice is constructive, but please call me out if you find any of thisoffensive or crude. 
Thank you and have a nice day.Good luck!
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criscura · 7 years
Re:Re:Re:Sexualising Genos (sorry)
Hi, same anon, just like to clarify a couple of things @sinsually rebutted. (Sorry criscura I just wanted to clear something up)
You misunderstand me. My response was regarding why people sexualised Genos. I admit wholeheartedly it stemmed from a frustration from seeing it everywhere and I agree, tagging and filtering out the content we see isn’t easy or possible in tumblr. I even used patronising, condescending language that was in no way suited to a conducive discussion.
BUT, I’d just like to point out, my response “what does this say about us” is in reference to criscura’s original post about how we sexualise Genos “BECAUSE WE WANT TO SEE HIM MATURE AND BE IN A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP.” I’d like to raise the same point as you being that we should not generalise the fandom to think the same way. As I said, and I think you’ll agree, some people are just doing it for the jollies. Others may not be.
My main point was: People sexualise Genos for very different reasons and it would be naive and ignorant to say (as criscura did) that it was because we want him to be happy because we use him as a proxy to be happy. 
Therefore, I AGREE with you. If it says something about us, it doesn’t say anything in particular.  Especially not that “we want to see a character we relate to end up happy”. Sexualising Genos is not about that. That is my argument. 
When I bring up canonisation and being ‘in character’, I mean “if you’re going to talk about creating situations to see Genos happy, once you’re out of canon (as many depictions are), you’re not really looking at Genos as a character anymore. I acknowledge this is arguable. Characterisations and headcanons can vary. What I’m trying to say is that criscura’s main point about sexualising Genos being "an easy way for us to see a character we love fulfill some of his desires, and also gives us hope because seeing a character we relate to end up happy despite the odds being against them means there’s a chance for us too” is naive and generalising.
This is what I mean by projecting onto a 'character we love’.
TLDR; I do not agree that this is 'our character’, it is 'your character’ that you are sexualising, that you are 'making happy.’ Often, it is not a Genos I recognise. 
And while I recognise that 'people have their own fan interpretation’ that is not the issue here. The issue is, it is not his desires you are fulfilling, but your own. Sexual, non-sexual, whatever purposes it may be. It’s not that innocent, it’s self-indulgent, wish-fulfillment and all I’d like is for people to acknowledge that.
((Submission from the Anon who initially replied to my post, answering sinsually’s reply!))
Thank you for sending this!! I agree with mostly everything, except for the idea that sexualizing Genos (or giving him other desires) is only to serve ourselves, and not because we want to see him happy. I genuinely believe that can come from a good place, and it is not inherently selfish, self-serving, or bad. I think, though, that a lot of our disconnect is coming from how we define characters, because I think you bring up a lot of really good points and it doesn’t make sense that we’re coming to completely opposite conclusions given that we have similar thought processes up until that point.
Ah...this...got quite long, and I didn’t mean for it. The rest of my answer is under the cut @////@
I suppose....I can see sexualization as a form of well-wishing because that’s how I see sex a lot of the time--if someone is going out, and they look really nice, I’ll give them a quiet cheer that they get good and fucked if that’s what they’re looking for, and can leave the interaction happier than when they went into it. It’s not because I want to see them having sex--if I wanted that, I would just watch porn. It’s because I want them to have it if that’s something they’re looking for, and because it’s nice to think you can go out and just...have a good time, without anything negative happening afterwards. That might sound ideal or sickeningly sweet, but it’s true, and I approach the characters I love the same way. 
Maybe it is naive to think many other people do the same, but even if it isn’t to the degree that I do it myself, I stand by the idea that it does happen and it’s not self-serving. Although I will concede that!!--I do enjoy seeing NSFW art of Genos/Saitama just on a sexual gratification level. For me, though, knowing that they’re enjoying it is extremely important. Otherwise I don’t want it, and it does seem like it’s the same way for a lot of fans. Of course it isn’t okay to generalize, so it wasn’t okay to think most people do. I....I don’t want to discredit fans though--I really, honestly think that there’s more heart than, ah....”head,” so to say, in OPM art. But again, that could be me being naive, and I admit and accept that.
However, I think...from what you’re explaining, our interpretations of a character--or at least the definitions of a story’s character!--are different, and I think that’s where some of the disconnect is coming from. From what I’m getting, you’re saying that a character is rooted indefinitely within their story, and if they have not been written/shown/described doing something as part of the story, then canonically they haven’t done it and cannot do it. Anything and everything else counts as outside the story, thus not canon, and enters the world of fandom, so it’s not the story’s character but the fan’s character.
Under that definition I would say no, Genos is not sexual and can’t be, because (like I said before) sexuality is absent in OPM (not that I think it can’t exist, just that it’s a huge white space that--if I’m remembering right--ONE has mentioned was left out because it doesn’t affect the main plot at all). It hasn’t happened in the show; we haven’t seen it.
On my end, though, a see a character as their own entity, capable of being able to separate from their story, and one that carries their own story with them. Mm.... I suppose I can explain it as while the way you seem to be explaining characters, the story that they’re part of is an intricate clockwork where the characters are the gears, and each is perfect for their given purpose...unless they are altered in any way by someone who isn’t the clock’s creator, in which case they won’t be able to fulfill that purpose and they’ll jam the entire system, because they didn’t create it and they don’t understand how it’s meant to work. On the other hand I see a story as the open windows/doors into a stuffed building that’s filled with characters that are all doing their own thing, and the scenes we see just happen to be what was visible through the window or door at that moment--what happens behind the walls is open to interpretation, and so long as it gets you from one window to the next in a believable way, then it could have happened that way.
Sorry to get a bit off-track there, but I said all that to explain that I think, so long as what fans come up with is in-character based off of what we’ve seen happen--that they have reasons to explain why they think a character would do such-and-such thing, and not just “I want to see it happen that way,”--then it could have happened that way. That’s why I think sexualizing them, and in turn Genos, is just another way that fans are thinking about him in order to better understand him. Sure, they may make self-indulgent porn, but so much of NSFW art is about what fans think the characters’ wants, needs, and desires are given what's happened in the story. And because I feel like a great deal of the OPM fandom is generally positive, and because it seems to be close to a lot of fans’ hearts, I think they’ll remember to take that into consideration. 
I also said it to explain why I think we agree on so many points, but diverge on that one, and to again emphasize I think what you’re saying is totally valid. We’re operating under different ideas. But like you mentioned!! Everyone is open to their own interpretations and their own headcanons, and that is absolutely okay, because we’re all allowed to freely theorize and wonder about characters and stories that we love. 
OH MY GOSH I reread this to post it and I realized I barely addressed using Genos as a proxy to happiness... I would normally go back and fix each section, but I will admit that I’ve spent about an hour and a half writing this and I’ve plain-old run out of time, so I have to address it in its own section here. Also please forgive me if this is confusing--I’m so tired, but I want to answer fully.
I suppose....I.... I can’t understand why that’s bad, and why it would count as glorifying something shameful. I’m not saying that as an accusation!! I’m not trying to sling that as an insult to make your point seem unaccredited, unfounded, or unreasonable. It’s simply that....well, why else do we have stories, except to relate to them and to have their characters push us and inspire us in other situations? This sounds sentimental, I know that, but if a character is close to us, if we look up to them and think we’re similar to them, why wouldn’t we imagine what they would do in certain situations, and try to act in the way they would? And then to imagine they could be happy somehow, to see that illustrated in fandom or in canon and feel hopeful that we could have the same....that’s why fan art is so popular, isn’t it? Because we relate to it and seeing our favorites be happy makes us happy and gives us hope? That’s one of the biggest reasons why we tell stories in the first place.
Ah, I know I’m rambling, and I’m sleepy to the point that everything is running together in my head, so I hope you know that I’m not trying to invalidate what you’ve said, and I really think you make good points. I think what you’re saying is important to hear, and though I disagree, you should be saying it if it’s what you believe and it’s important to you.
I...I’m sorry, I hope I’ve responded well, and that I’m not just....going on about things that are unrelated. Again, though, thank you for sending this!!! I appreciate it, and all the time you’ve spent thinking about it, I really do. It means a lot to be able to have open conversations like this.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
It doesn't matter!
Ok so I work at hellmart (low prices every day) and I need to preface with a few things. First, I’m a Sales floor associate who is cross trained on register (cuz when I started everyone had to be register trained but that’s a rant for another day). Second (and I have NEVER had a complaint about this) if I’m on register and ringing and bagging the items takes less time than asking how the customer is, then I just scan, bag, tell them their total, etc. Third, since I’m Sales floor I only ring register when it gets busy.
So today (4/7) I’m ringing up these people and you could tell it’d be a transaction from hell. The lady starts with “it’s about time they open more lines” They have maybe 6 items? So I start scanning and bagging, get through 4 items (notice the candles that were hidden under the pillows, bringing the total up to 8 or 9 items), I scan a pillow and they snap at me that the pillow is hers not his. So I void the pillow off, say sorry, and place a divider behind her order for the people behind her. Now I’ll admit I put the divider down with a little (lot) more force than necessary. My bad. So she says real snotty, “sorry” and I’m just “no its fine.” Total his order, tell him said total, he pays I give his receipt “thanks have a nice day.”
I start scanning and bagging her pillows, have them bagged, THEN she asks (tells) me to bag them in the big bags “it must be so difficult for you” so I grab a big bag, it won’t open, so I snap it open (like a trash bag ya know) bag the pillows and move onto the candles. She says that I’m being rude (up til now, I’ve been quiet, I put the divider down harder than needed, and I did exactly as she demanded.) She asked for my name and a manager. I told her “I’m not obligated to tell you my name” because I’ve always been told that we are encouraged not to divulge ANY personal info (including names) over the phone and told that we don’t have to provide personal info face to face either. (Found out after this we are required to give first names if the customer asks) so my name tag is on one of those things where I can pull my tag away and it’ll slide back when I let go. Since I started using it, people have started reaching over and turning my tag around if it’s turned around and if someone’s yelling at me and tries to touch me, I’m likely to punch them so I pocketed my name tag and called a manager for her.
She asks someone on a nearby register what my name is, I tell them (admittedly kinda rude which I apologized late) not to tell them my name.
CSM comes over, talks to her a few feet away, I put my name tag back on, and take care of my next customer. She’s saying how I’m so rude and refused to tell her my name and throwing a fit because she’s related to one of our assistant managers (which we literally don’t care about, no special treatment for that) and he tells her that being related to management actually entitles her to LESS because our companies policy is set up to prohibit favoritism, something that manager and all of her family have been told repeatedly. Csm told me that I did in fact have to tell them my name since they asked so i did. Csm was told by the customer behind her that i handled thigs really well for the most part, that i had been very professional and polite with them (the one talking to him, not the lady). Csm went to tell the asm that was closing that night (and currently fixing something in the cash office) and then had a quick chat with me when I got dismissed from register to let me know asm had been informed etc.
Now I’m scared that I’m gonna get written up but also found out a while back I can refuse to sign a written warning/coaching if I feel it’s undeserved. And based off of my knowledge prior to and during the interaction I did nothing to warrant a written coaching. Based off of knowledge gained AFTER the interaction I could possibly be coached for removing my name tag but that would be rediculous…right?
Coworker from the nearby register tells me, csm, and asm that the lady literally threw a fit for no reason. All in all the situation was “handled” right then and there. So regardless of if I didn’t wrong or not, if the manager she’s related to tries to coach me for a situation that occurred when she did not work, and was handled the same day it occurred anyway, I will refuse to sign and I will go straight to our store manager about it. Even if I was wrong (which I admit some of what I did was out of line) I will NOT take a coaching just because her cousin/sister/whatever relation she is to her complained to her at dinner about me or whatever.
Tldr: lady thinks being related to management should get her better treatment than anyone else, gets treated the same as everyone else, throws a fit.
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kawowru-nagisa · 7 years
(1) i dont get it. why does everyone have some sort of mindset that you have to be persecuted in specific ways/ a specific amount to be lgbt. I realize that there has been some pretty ridiculous comments by certain people in the aro/ace spaces but honestly most people i know aren't like that? and it makes me sad to see people picking those specific instances and spreading them. i dont think its fair to make statements about what’s “worse" since that's generalizing people and everyone's
(2) experiences are different and weigh differently for each person and their set of circumstances. but i DO acknowledge that there are more systematic ways of oppression for other lgbt members. idk it makes me really sad to hear all this because people seem to always brush things off/make jokes about being ace/aro without actually trying to understand or talk about things. it feels like people are trying to be exclusive, which is ironically what other people have done to the lgbt? i’m(3) rambling i guess, but i guess i'd like to hear clearly what your feelings about this are since i cant see your full thoughts in the tags and also you seem to identify as (grey) aromantic yourself.tw for mentions of rape and general overall homophobia woohoook so i finally got onto a computer so i’m gonna answer this as shortly as i can so everyone knows where i am in this whole debate lmfao. you’re correct, i am aromantic. and i think that aromanticism and asexuality are real and valid things. but they don’t make one lbgt or automatically qualify a person to be part of the community. like i’m part of the lgbt community because i am trans and pansexual, which means i am not cis and not heterosexual or heteroromantic. i’m not part of the lgbt community because i’m aromantic, as if i were aromantic or asexual and otherwise heteroromantic/heterosexual and cis, i would not be oppressed as i would be straight and cis and there is no system of oppression built around not wanting to date/have a long term relationship/have sex if you’re a straight (heterosexual or romantic), cis person. the only true instance where i see asexuality and aromanticism as being part of the lgbt community is if the person who is asexual or aromantic is otherwise not heterosexual/heteroromantic and/or cis. straight cis people have built this idea that the lgbt community is dirty for having sex, but it is also weird for them not to have sex, so if one is a gay cis female, for instance, she would be given shit by straight cis people for wanting to have sex without a relationship, and she would also be given shit by straight cis people for wanting a relationship without sex, because for some reason when you’re not straight or cis that means that your entire relationship has to be built up around sex that is “dirty” (so if one is aro and not dating someone but just having sex, they’re “dirty,” but if one is ace and not having sex at all straight cis people will question the validity of one’s relationship) while also not being sexual at all as to not make cis straight people upset. that ties into oppression against cis gay women specifically, therefore making her oppressed for her asexuality or aromanticism. this applies to gay, bi/pansexual, or otherwise sexually fluid humans as well. on the other hand, if someone is a cis straight person, regardless of whether or not they’re a man or a woman, there is obviously some taboo around not wanting sex or relationships, but there is no real oppression, as straight relationships comprised of two cis people are not inherently expected to be sexual, and when two cis straight people have sex it is not considered “dirty.” to put it simply, when people who are ONLY aromantic or asexual but are otherwise hetero and cis try and reclaim words like “queer,” say stupid shit like “i could be having DIRTY gay sex but instead i’m not doing anything at all !!” or literally anything else that they do on this stupid website, it ticks off people from all stretches of the lgbt community and it’s awful. then they claim oppression when we get upset with it, and then they turn off their computers and their “oppression” about their sexuality goes away. asexuals on this site have also tried to use the term “corrective rape,” a term coined by gay, lesbian, and trans people for when someone tries to “fix their gayness” by raping them, to describe sex they’ve had and have been uncomfortable with or even sexual assault. like i’m sure that there are some instances of sexual assault or rape because someone said they’re not interested in that stuff and obviously any sexual assault is absolutely horrible and nobody deserves that, but going so far as to call that “corrective rape” when you’re not homosexual or trans is really truly pushing a line in my opinion.
anyway this is starting to get really long and i’m starting to just kind of become annoyed so i’m gonna end this here lmao. if there are any questions or if i didn’t go into enough detail about something, feel free to shoot me an ask and we can talk about it.
tldr: being aromantic or asexual doesn’t make you lgbt !! sincerely, an aromantic person
thanks for the ask !!
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alys-gay-parade · 8 years
Thank you.
TLDR: My life was very negative for a long time, and between my friends, in-laws, and you guys... I’ve healed. The people tagged don’t have to read any of this, but if you do, I love you guys.
Also, there are some touchy subjects here. It’s basically my life story and it’s not pretty. I’m pretty sure I worded it vaguely enough to avoid any triggers... but still. Tread carefully and proceed with caution.
EDIT: for some reason one of the tags didn’t work, so I fixed it in case the person wanted to see it.
So, lately I’ve been super happy and blissful. Looking at myself in the mirror is no longer a personal horror story. And I’ve come to terms with a lot of things. So, I guess I’ll just tell my life story because I’m a person who overshares a lot.
I guess I should start with why the fact that being able to love myself is a big deal. Ever since I was 8, I’ve had a very negative self-image. That was mainly due to sexual abuse that I sustained from my dad. And I harbored that burden and was silent to most people about it, even after it stopped when I was 12 (I really didn’t want to go into foster care. My mom wasn’t working and couldn’t provide for me). I guess to cope with what was happening, I tore myself down in the hopes that I wouldn’t be attractive to anybody. But that backfired, because now I have scars on my arms from my constant picking and self harm, and people still found me cute and beautiful. So the only person who found me ugly was myself.
That in and of itself is fucking awful. But believe it or not, it gets worse. My whole childhood, my parents would split up and get back together in a really unhealthy and abusive cycle. Neither of them were really in the right ever, but dad was always the worse of two evils. He would beat her and threaten her and the family, she would rile him up further. A few old friends of mine would be able to confirm this shit because it happened on more than one occasion with friends over. And after mom left for good, dad turned his verbal, mental, and emotional abuse toward me. He even went so far as to threaten to kill Brian, my wonderful husband, because dad’s a giant fuckface and loved to make me cry.
When I eventually moved in with Brian, I was... extremely depressed and anxious. Every little thing would trigger something, whether it was paranoia, somebody raising their voice, being called useless... I was a really fucked up person. There was no “normal” for me. I eventually got a job, but had to quit three months in for a lot of reasons. Mainly it wasn’t being able to afford the commute with my very low hours, but the other part was just being so upset that I would lose focus. I couldn’t function, and only Brian and a few close friends knew why.
Now, I came out to my family about the abuse a few months ago, and basically, the whole clan turned on him. Obviously. There’s no statute of limitations in my state, but I just really didn’t want to dredge it all up with a court case or anything. So my mother, being the saint she is, forced my dad to pay restitution. In the mean time, he’s somewhere in Oregon seeking therapy while randomly sending me money under my grandmother’s name. I could care less if he pays or not, I just don’t want to ever see his face again.
My oldest brother has two daughters, but the real kicker was that he hated mom. He called me right after I had mom spread the word and asked if it was true. Compare that to my middle brother, who came over to my house as soon as he could and the first thing he did was hug the fuck out of me and apologize for not knowing.
The other night, I had an epiphany. When my oldest brother found out that what mom said was true, that probably flipped his whole world view upside down. He grew up on dad’s side for the most part. He probably repressed a lot of things and bought into all of dad’s brainwashing, so when i confirmed “yeah, it happened”, I probably broke him. Because he went silent for a while before his normally pacifist ass got really, really angry. Understandably.
There are other things I wonder, like what my dad’s family thinks. And what his father, my Papa, would have thought if he were still here. None of them have tried to contact me.
I was still very depressed after coming out about all of it. I had no idea why, seeing as getting closure should make me feel better. Probably because 2016 was the worst fucking year and a lot of drama was going on everywhere. But then 2017 started, and I started feeling better...
I began to draw a lot more, love old games that I’d long forgotten in my hazy, destroyed childhood, began writing and feeling like I’ve improved . I started to talk to some of you guys, and open myself up. And the other day, I caught my reflection in a window and thought genuinely to myself for the first time in over a decade “Wow, Alyssa... you look... good.” My scars are no longer a reason to hate myself, but a reminder that I survived the darkest part of my life. And now I’m getting ready to go to a specialty college for something that I love. And in a way... it’s thanks to you.
I’m going to list the people who deserve this thank you. There are more, but these are the ones that come to mind right now.
@jaykay-senpai - my wonderful husband, who has spent almost seven years supporting me through my troubles.
@actual-iggy - an irl friend who’s gone from a quiet freshman to one of the most refreshingly frustrating challenges in my life (just kidding, I love you)
@vapedolphin - another irl friend who serves as a voice of reason and a source of wisdom beyond her years. Truly the greatest friend on the planet <3
@memyselfandyoutube - Every time you comment on one of my fics, it urges me to continue and improve. I wouldn’t be as proud of my current works without you.
@ectink - We met on shamchat and had a really dumb billford rp, but I eventually got comfortable enough to talk to you about my personal life somehow. Also, in case you didn’t already know, you are officially my little brother and you can literally talk to me about anything. <3<3
@mistely - you and I have only recently started talking, but I think our awkward and attempted conversations were what kicked me out of my depressed stupor. You’re genuinely a good person and I’d love to get to know you more.
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