zanephillips · 2 years
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James McAvoy in The Last King of Scotland (2006)
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motylektoja111 · 9 months
Hejka!! Jak wam idzie?
Mi brakuje juz tlko 1 kg i bede miec niedowage😻😻
Cieszy mnie to bo bardzo sie staram waze aktualnie 44.3!!
Plany na ten tydzien z jedzeniem:
Wtorek-sroda: fast
Zycze wam wszystkim motylki powodzenia!!
Nie poddawajcie sie jestescie silni wierze w was!
Buziaczki chudego dnia💋💋
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kb85lazy · 8 months
Ist tlko
Kp hatra hatra hog hog hog bidba
Av nn mugst
Av nn ebstv ast avn cp
Mgsv ava vksw ale hk hg
We don’t get it
Don’t repeat
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de4d-ins1d3 · 2 years
powiem tyle przeraziłam się dziś ponieważ przytyłam 2 kg gdy wcześniej tlko chudłam czuje się ze zawiodłam ane
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sokka-water-tribe · 3 years
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If evil. Why hot?
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hozzrry28 · 2 years
kescze tlko dwie lekcjr, dobrze ze szybko leci dzisiaj
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nieszczesliwa-a · 5 years
Zostałam ostatnio zapyta co to znaczy kochac? Sama nie znam tego uczucia, nikt mnie nigdy nim nie obdarował, ani ja nikogo nim nie obdarowałam. Ale wydaje mi się, że miłość to nie jest wbrew pozorom coś dużego i rozniosło. Miłość to małe rzeczy, wręcz drobnostki. To uśmiech, gdy uśmiecha się ukochana osoba. To dreszcz, za każdym gdy nas dotyka. To chęć sprawiania tej osobie radości bez oczekiwania czegoś w zanim. To szczęście płynące z każdej chwili spędzonych z tą osobą. To ten uśmiech po pocałunku. To to przytulenie, które jest lepsze niż seks z kimś innym. To spontanicznie decyzje, wyjazdy na których nie przejmujecie się, gdzie będziecie spać, za co zjecie, najważniejsze, że będziecie razem. To oglądanie zachodów słońca, budzenie się razem i to wspaniałe dopasowanie, gdy leżycie. To te idelanie dopasowane do siebie usta. To dotyk na pośladku, który nie jest dla ciebie obrzydliwy, wręcz przeciwnie. To jest patrzenie na te druga osobę i dostrzeganie w niej samych najlepszych cech, mimo iż ta osoba siebie tak nie widzi. To każda rana, po każdej kłótni, którą naprawia każde przytulenie. To płacz razem z tą osobą. Wspólne przeżywanie smutków, która bolą nas bardziej, bo dodatkowo widzimy cierpienie kochanej osoby. W milosci w ogóle nie chodzi o seks, pieniądze, pozycje. Chodzi o tę właściwią osobę. Miłość to nie tylko szczęście ale i wiele smutków. Miłość to nie tlko dobre chwile ale i te złe. To nie tylko przebywanie razem ale i osobno. To wszystko się na nią składa. Nie ma jednej słusznej odpowiedzi...
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bisan095 · 7 years
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Avatar #avatar #atla #tlko
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imnotyogi · 7 years
Well to be fair he is a very good writer and she wrote a book. They've known each other for 10 years more or less working on the same project TLKOS. It could be a partner thank you but it could also be a friendship thank you if Morgan took of his time to read and give advice on the book. Whatever it is I hope he read and gave advice and didn't end up in the thanks just for the sake of being her "boyfriend" ( it's a kind of horse's mouth "").
As far as I’ve seen with the book they’ve given credit to everyone who helped in some way. The first section of the acknowledgements. Given that, Im not going to speculate that he got thanked because he helped in some significant way on it. If this was a script then I could see him giving more input on things. Being thanked solely because youre dating one of the authors isnt bad or anything. People thank partners all the time when they had nothing to do with whatever it is theyre doing. They get thanked for love and support in the persons daily life in addition to supporting them through a project.
Not going to pretend I have any idea how long they’ve known one another either. Sometimes people meet, lose contact, and rediscover one another years later. Or travel in the same circles but never become friends themselves for a while.
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filozoftypebeats · 6 years
"Znow olany teraz chociaz z powodem wolal bym byc rozwiazaniem nie tlko kolejnym klopotem"
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Kolejny anti idiota cowgirlcorp. To już jej drugi raz, pierwszy nie za bardzo wiedziałam czy jest anti czy nie ale ten jest nie tlko anti ale nabija się z fanów którzy są smutni z powodu zakończenia sezonu. I to jakiś wyznawca czerwonki bo widzę, że ktoś rebloguje od niej. Tak walczą z tymi cą się znęcają. Jak na razie lejący się miód lipowy i fotka Krzysia trzymają mój dobry humor. Krzyś może trzyma się z dala od swojego ms. Ruszyłam z puzzlami ułożyłam 4 :) najprostsze już się skończyły.
Ta, też nie byłam pewna czy jest anti czy nie, ale teraz chyba już wiadomo. Ma wyjątkowo obrzydliwe posty.
Krzyś wymiata. I jak mu szybko kudły odrastają! 
4? Brawo! Moje dalej siedzą w pudle i nie mam na nie siły xD
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Yes, there has been a change of plan. Owing to writing constraints and me having watched other films more recently, we have a different first review.
At this point, in the year 2017, 11 years after TLKOS was made, I feel like it’s too easy to drop into the old movie journalism trope of saying “This was a very personal film for me”. The phrase brings to mind images of dusty old critics embalmed in their black polo necks, seeking to create some kind of anecdotal gravitas by telling you a connection they have to whatever film they’re writing on. In lieu of this, I’d like to tell you of two connections I have to this film. Both, (alongside curiosity and knowledge of its acclaim), were great influences in getting me to watch the movie. In other words, these connections have a point.
Firstly, my Dad went to school with Kevin Macondald. He knew Kevin relatively well and has often remarked on what an interesting person he already was even then before his career in film. Secondly, the great African dictator Idi Amin had always casually fascinated me after I was told my Mum saw him buying a pint of milk in Saudi Arabia during his exile. This truly weird and unique belittling of a man well known for his brutality and feared persona drove me to wonder: What was he really like?
“The Last King of Scotland” is not, as I myself believed at first glance, based on an entirely true story. It is an adaptation of Giles Foden’s 1998 modern historical fiction of the same name. It tells the story of a young Scottish doctor, (James McAvoy) who through both a chance encounter in the Ugandan countryside, and his nationality, becomes personal physician to President Idi Amin, (Forrest Whittaker). The narrative then tracks the twosome’s respective downfalls, Amin’s real life descent into paranoia and political nightmare after political nightmare, and Dr Garrigan’s imagined downfall brought on by Amin’s destructive lifestyle. The DVD blurb describes Garrigan being “…Blinded by his (Amin’s) decadence”, an apt description as the young man’s initial dreams of worthwhile and altruistic medical work are tainted into a whirlwind of free-spirited women, booze and parties.
While Whittaker and McAvoy dominate the screen for the most part, TLKOS hides a very effective and perhaps under-appreciated supporting cast. Gillian Anderson burns twice as bright but half as long, (given only bookended appearances at the beginning and end) as the conflicted but well-meaning wife to Adam Kotz’s Dr Merrit, Garrigan’s original boss. The warm chemistry between her and McAvoy is used cleverly by Macdonald to foreshadow Garrigan’s decadence when he attempts an affair with her behind Merrit’s back. Meanwhile Simon McBurney’s smarmy British diplomat Stone instils dread most effectively, coming off as a cross between Lost Highway’s Mystery Man and Michael from Mean Streets. Stone is a perfect secondary antagonist, one that is both willing to manipulate Garrigan for the government’s benefit all the while without a shred of compassion. The single-mindedness with which he constantly haunts and pesters Garrigan recalls Richard Romanus’s ever-present and quietly menacing mafioso in Scorese’s Little Italy. Last comes Kerry Washington in the roll of Kaye Amin, the dictator’s estranged and neglected wife of an epileptic son. With a startlingly accurate portrayal of the Ugandan accent and her character’s identity, Washington delivers a tragic and sensitive performance and works well alongside McAvoy. It is their joint story arch, somewhat predictable at first but improved as the story marches on, that makes the third act so shocking and edge-of-the-seat.
Concluding my views on TLKOS’s acting, I feel it would be pointless to shower as much praise on Forrest Whittaker’s Amin and McAvoy’s Garrigan as has already been written. Suffice to say that both are fantastic performances full of heart and stolid understanding of their respective characters motivations and identities. Though Whittaker may steal the show with what has been called “One of the great performances of modern movie history”, McAvoy is right there behind yet mostly beside him, delivering on every level one would expect of his character. Garrigan is fleshed out and deepened in tandem with Amin, yet McAvoy does not let this slow development hinder his performance.
Macdonald’s direction and Anthony Dod Mantle’s cinematography are sharp and on point. Interesting use is made of montage to convey both symbolism and build emotional and situational tension. Scenes are shot with an Alfonso Cuaron-ish clarity and realism, full of verisimilitude and appearing to place the viewer directly into the narrative and plot. The soundtrack and music often stands out with Alex Heffes’s score jumping from non-existent to full or raw passion and fury, (sometimes even with a beautifully authentic Ugandan and African flavour), with the speed and immediacy of a well oiled machine or highly trained dog.
THE VERDICT: A thoroughly enjoyable, thrilling and above all intelligent semi-fictional biopic that both entertains and introspects without losing any balance or misfiring too hard. The Last King of Scotland is a must watch for fans of Whittaker, McAvoy and proper “Good old fashioned” performance-driven cinema.
ACTING: 9/10
OVERALL: 8.8/10
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lilydoepotter-blog · 8 years
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ᴊᴀᴍᴇs ᴍᴄᴀᴠᴏʏ ғɪʟᴍᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ ᴄʜᴀʟʟᴇɴɢᴇɴɢᴇ [1/?]
The Last King of Scotland (2006)  ↳Dr. Nicholas Garrigan "My name is Nicholas Garrigan, and I'm from Scotland. I need to go home now."
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bbwntrwolf · 11 years
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The Lesser Key of Solomon: Objects
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johnboyoga · 12 years
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James McAvoy and his gorgeous eyes in The Last King of Scotland, 2003.
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