#tmc drama
randomscpventblog · 4 months
Just logged onto Twitter to see one of Alex Kister’s “victims” attempting to drag their name and all their hard work through the mud for attention. Most of these alleged “victims” are young so I’m not sure whether they realize they’ve been manipulated by Alex’s Ex or not. But it’s very clear to most people that Ven (Alex’s Ex) skewed these young peoples opinion’s on Alex’s words without having any evidence of Alex’s actual intentions. Just for reference Alex made suggestive comments towards some of their Ex’s (Ven’s) outfits and Ven then decided to manipulate these “victims” by saying that Alex was being inappropriate towards them for simply giving them compliments on their outfits because apparently Alex had some sort of “fetish” for clothing, which is probably the biggest reach I’ve seen in a long time. I think most adults can realize that broad things like clothing can be suggestive with partners and in private but that doesn’t mean all clothing is inherently s*xual nor does that mean a person views all clothing as such. These people whom Ven manipulated are young so it’s understandable they wouldn’t be able to grasp such concepts, we can only hope they learn soon and stop dragging Alex’s name through the mud on behalf of their toxic ex Ven.
The only thing Alex was actually guilty of was trauma dumping on a minor which they were doing because of Ven being borderline abusive. Overall Alex may not be a standup person but the actions of their ex were much worse and I think people need to focus on that more. Maybe Alex can start a lawsuit or something, Ven would definitely deserve it but unless that happens people need to be more aware of the situation and stop simply going along with whatever people on Twitter tell them too.
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byyliss · 6 months
The most infuriating part about this whole situation is that no one will learn from it.
It doesn't matter how many times we all go through this whole song and dance, people don't seem to ever learn from their mistakes. When the next youtuber gets accused, people will once again jump on the bandwagon and destroy their career, and when someone brings up past situations they will just go "oh but this isn't like those times". People said that in the Alex kister situation when i said on Twitter this was similar to what happened to Kwite, then boom, it is.
The reason people like Ven, Orion, and all of those liars keep showing up is because people KEEP BELIEVING THEM. They parasite off things like the #metoo movement and we all just keep letting it happen. We never learn.
Look, im glad people are open to listen to possible victims, but unfortunately we cant automatically believe them without solid proof or having both sides. This "believe all victims" thing has been compromised, its corrupted, it doesn't work. We should listen, not immediately believe 100%, this is what needs to be the course of action to make sure people like Ven dont show up again.
How many lives will be destroyed or possibly taken before we start taking a neutral stance?
Please, use the Alex kister situation as a teaching moment. Remember what happened this past weeks when allegations come out against someone else.
Don't let people like Ven use actual victim's stories as a means to harm someone.
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listenheresweaty · 6 months
Reminder that Stirringjuice/Ven themself has said that TMC is not fetish content. Kister’s works are NOT an extension of what was described in the allegations document. If you don’t want to consume TMC content anymore, fine (best you don’t— not in a way that gives Kister money anyway), but don’t spread misinformation.
EDIT: after rereading Ven’s callout document and finally being able to access ALL the screenshots he attached, I have decided that I will no longer support him. I will not go back to supporting Alex Kister yet, but I cannot support a blatant ableist transphobe either. link to annotation doc: (not mine) https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vReErDatnpQ_h3W-WlqrmzmPN26-UyDwLVwBKmHV09WhVZtdZQM44HRxvoV0ZTz8Ho-NaBVKYxjNuha/pub
Things I will be addressing:
Why I do not support Ven (separate from other victims)
Stuff that Alex Kister DID do wrong, even if the allegations were exaggerated/faked/done out of malice
The allegations and victims themselves.
First of all, this ⬇️ (scroll down its below the blue highlighted ss. Formatting issues sorry.). This is a ss of Ven’s (now deleted, now archived post) response to how many people are calling him transphobic for his transmisogynistic comments in his document, and how he had basically outed Alex. Instead of saying something like “it wasn’t transphobic — I had to out Alex— it was necessary for the victims/proof/whatever”, Ven just says that if Alex didn’t want to be outed or subjected to transphobia, he shouldn’t have been a “groomer” (Ven later says that he had misused the word “groomer”. Everyone that Alex had interacted with in a sexual or romantic manner had been an adult, and had fully explicitly VERBALLY consented.)
However. Even if your opponent is a bad person, you do NOT have the right to be transphobic. EVER. criticize them on whatever they’ve done wrong, hold them accountable in a balanced and civilized manner— etc. Being protected from bigotry/ not getting misgendered, privacy, legal counsel— these are all examples of RIGHTS.
When you start denying something based on whether someone deserves it or not, that “something” has become a privilege. By stating that his transphobia was excused because Alex is a supposedly bad person, Ven has stated that not being subjected to transphobia is a privilege. here’s the link: (takes forever to load the keep reading portion but it works for me) https://web.archive.org/web/20240317125855/https://www.tumblr.com/stirringjuicee/745117180204548096/alex-kister-and-actively-using-being-trans-to-lure
Screenshot of the post below, along with something from the callout doc (annotated by a tumblr user. The non-highlighted color text is the annotated bit.
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—— ss from ven response (click. It IS An image it just looks like text)
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—- now onto some more details.
Ven, or StirringJuice, made the first allegations document against Alex Kister. He had stated himself that he does not consider himself a victim, just a friend of the victims who wanted to spread the word. Ven starts the document off by describing his past relationship with Alex Kister. He also includes screenshots of text messages from Alex— which often contradict or have no relation with what he’s saying. This is why it’s important to look at the screenshots, guys! Most of the toxicity in Ven’s relationship with Alex stemmed from Ven’s refusal to honestly his boundaries or feelings. He told Alex that he was comfortable with the sexual comments, he told Alex that he was comfortable being just Friends with Benefits, and he told Alex that they were welcome to vent to him any time <- all of this is corroborated by the text screenshots that Ven himself posted.
In Ven’s text messages, we can see him suggesting that Alex gets a therapist. Great! Nothing wrong there. And then you actually look at the ss:
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(Ven is the blue. These ss are linked in the callout document.)
First of all. You cannot force ANYONE to get mental help, regardless of whether you think it’s for their own well-being. If their behavior is harming you, leave. But even the worst people on earth deserve autonomy for these kinds of things. Ven literally states that he had FORCED Alex to get a therapist, and you can see him admit it in the messages above as well.
after these ss links (labeled part 9 in the doc), Ven hits us with this absolute banger:
“[Alex] then decided to go off his meds.”
Someone had already said this, but: YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO OR ABOUT A MENTALLY ILL PERSON. EVER. REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE, OR WHO THEY ARE. it’s an insult to every mental health community.
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^ also, Alex gives a pretty good reason for going off his medication. Not that they needed to.
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^highlighted text is Ven’s callout post. Purple text is a fellow tumblr user’s annotations. They have a whole post with these annotations. I’ll credit them when I’m done writing out my post. [clarification: the annotator uses “she/her” pronouns for Alex, Ven uses he/him. I use they/them because Alex was never publicly OUT as she/her before they were outed, so I’m not sure what to do]
Also: please go on the callout doc and see the “pt. 11” screenshots yourself. There’s a lot of them and I don’t want to add them here, but please go see them.
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^Ven hears that Alex wants to start a new chapter with them (yknow, like redeem the toxic relationship they’ve had) and immediately assumes it’s in the romantic sense.
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^Alex admits that they are not ready for a committed relationship, a good first step for smoothing over any toxicity.
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^nothing else to add. Annotator did great.
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^ text ss as listed under the “pt. 14” link
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These are 3 out of 10 ss under the Pt. 15 link. Look at the text indicated to with the red arrow (drawn by me). Ven literally tells Alex that they “don’t understand anything ever.” They also tell Alex in a later ss (plz find it yourselves because I’m not posting all 10 photos) that they “don’t understand [their] own emotions.”
Maybe Alex was making an unhealthy decision by continuing to reach out to someone they clearly had an unhealthy relationship with. But these responses are borderline abusive, especially when aimed at someone who suffers from paranoia.
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A huge chunk of the entire callout doc is Ven venting about his relationship with Alex. This relationship is not abusive, it is toxic on both sides. The fact that Ven put this much focus on these barely relevant details— even when the topic was the victims, not Ven himself— suggests that he did this out of petty vindictiveness. If the allegations are true, the victims deserved a BETTER PERSON and a BETTER FRIEND to share their story. Not someone who did it purely because it was en excuse to get revenge. If it wasn’t revenge, why add all these details?? (funny thing— the whole doc. Would be more believable if Ven hadn’t added all this stuff. He destroyed his credibility before even getting to the allegations).
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the one below has more transphobia and general assholery than ableism.
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^apparently once you are out of the closet, you are not allowed to go back or feel ashamed. Else you are lying and manipulative. Thanks, Ven.
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I am done posting screenshots from the annotation document. Please, PLEASE read it in full. I will tag it in the comments. There are so so so many good points.
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(Orange text is annotator, black is original doc).
Venting to/ Relying on a minor fan for mental health support (I think it was Mitchie). That’s not good.
making allusions to suicide during their relationship with Ven. Joke or not, that’s unhealthy.
wont say much here because I’m getting tired. some people on Reddit have been pointing out that some discord ss (not the ones I’ve shown you, those were imessage ss) look faked because there is use of military time, which is not an option on discord apparently. Other screenshots seem to use different fonts as well, further indicating forged evidence. I have fact-checked none of this and can’t verify it (not that you should be relying on my word alone, anyway).
I do not support Mitchie, since they’ve been telling people to self-harm and/or commit suicide when they point out flaws in the callout doc. I don’t care what you’ve been through. There is no excuse for that.
As for the other victims.. I find their statements fishy. However, I will not disbelieve them until more has been cleared up.
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localparalysisdemon · 3 months
Guys I have a qustion. Is tmc fandom still alive like genuinely wondering it feels like it's been hit by an extinction event due to The Controversy but. But are you guys still here
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 5 months
Thiz gonna be lazt pozt abt drama
Iz fucking wrong 2 do n' don't makez u a """"hero"""" or zum zhit,FYI alex iz innocent (again not FULLY but ztill) if u don't think he iz,iz FINE alzo if u zupport alex,iz FINE if u don't,iz FINE too if u r iz defender,iz FINE too harazzment don't will rezolve nothing it will worzt MORE
i do zupport alex bc that he zuffered alzo he lozt almozt everything but u y'all zhouldn't 2 harazz me bc of that
I'm tired of theze ppl doing that zhit
goddammit thiz drama zhouldn't 2 EXIZT
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aglitchysylveon · 6 months
Have a bunch of my TMC shit, mainly showing my OC because she's cool, also some other OCs and and friends OC.
Also Cecelia working at Starbucks is my favorite thing ever.
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arsunorie · 6 months
Hi! I might be late to this, but i'd really like to contribute a little bit to a certain situation happening around the analog horror community:
ALEX KISTER's allegations: the copying fetish
This post refers to only that one aspect, since that's the one i can confidently talk about, and i'd like to spread awareness about the whole thing somehow.
How did this come to be?
On March 12, 2024, twitter user STIRRINGJUICE posted a google document, which consisted of mainly relationship problems and grooming allegations against Alex Kister, creator of The Mandela Catalogue, although there was another aspect of it which people were posting more and more about: Alex Kister made Mandela Catalogue around his fetish about impersonating people.
To be more clear, this meant that the creator got off to/felt aroused by the act or impersonating others and 'becoming' them.
However, this was mostly a misinterpretation from the community, since the only text on the og document i could find was this:
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I think the first image is cropped, so i'll post the text: "Alex has a scent fetish and would specifically enjoy copying people’s poses because he wanted to pretend to be them. DB didn’t know at all."
We can point out two things about this:
- The only thing being called a fetish is the scent, only saying that he enjoys copying people's poses and pretend to be them.
- In the discord message, Alex only mentions that he would have loved taking pictures in those poses, which was only a vague example (A bad use and lack of evidence imo).
So far, this is the only text that addresses this at all, the rest are just: 60% accuser's shitty relationship, and 40% the grooming allegations.
Now, i'd like to imagine that users mixed scent fetish, with copying people, and got the "Copying fetish", like in these posts:
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(Don't send hate to anyone here, i will erase names if asked!)
We can agree that this is a misinterpretation of the document, because of users assuming that, if Alex Kister has a copying fetish, then TMC must be a fantasy about it! (And i don't blame them, it's logical with the main themes being that demons copy people).
When i saw this, i immediately called bs, and this is the point of the post:
The Mandela Catalogue doesn't exhibit any trait of fetish work.
Why? Simple!
A very common thing in fetish work, are these two things.
Romanticize the fetish: especially for weird, and straight up illegal fetishes! They might downplay the severity, and play the scene as something normal, TMC never does this, it portrays the Alternates as terrifying because of their abilities to kill without even harming the victim physically, and their near-immortality.
In Made in Abyss, the weird scenes where the kids speak about sexual stuff is shown as a normal scene, like if it was something kids normally talk about.
Using the fetish as the main thing: this means focusing on the fetish itself and giving them too much screentime, to show them in a good light. The fetish specifically means copying another, and most of the alternates never quite copy other people perfectly, the most infamous ones are deformed, non-human appearing and most don't even copy a character we've already seen, and viceversa, we don't see much of the alternate version after we've know about the real person. (Caesar Torres and his alternate, Preacher, the scary hallway guy, and the archangel Gabriel and his Alternate, to name a few)
You might expect the fetish content focusing only on the act that involves the fetish, which leads me to my last point.
They never show an alternate actually changing into somebody else, morphing their features to look like the exact person, a fetish scene might be where the alternate is slowly morphing their features in front of the other person, to the exact same traits in front of them.
A few more points:
Mark Heathcliff, the character interpreted by Alex Kister himself, doesn't really have it's own Alternate, 'Caesar' only becoming him after Mark dies, and only like a frame, i feel like someone with that fetish would insert themselves more? I'm not sure how to explain.
If the story was about the fetish, i don't think the series would even have the biblical references.
To back up my previous point, the inspiration of Mandela Catalogue is about the creator's existential crisis with Christianity, Covid, Local58, and the Walten Files, cited by both Wikpedia and an interview.
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(So sorry for taking a photo, i really struggle with my phone)
And that's all i have! If you have any more evidence or points, feel free to know and i'll add them! Any criticism is welcomed, since this is my first post and i'm not an english speaker! I know it might be weird since i'm never active and i don't post about TMC, but i just had to support this thing somehow, thank you!
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My final statement on the Kister vs Ven drama.
I have read all of the documents word by word, and initially, I had nothing to say about it, but re-reading all of them again, even Ven's new document before they deleted their Twitter/X account, I now finally got something to say about it.
Just to note, this statement is my full over opinion on the Kister vs Ven situation. I'd love to hear what you overall thing about this drama that had been all going around for nearly a month.
For those who don't know:
On March 12, Alex Kister, the creator of one of the most popular and well known analog horror series, the Mandela Catalogue, as well as his other series called Mystifying Oracle, was accused of predatory behavior by Twitter user STIRRINGJUICE (or Ven). I am not gonna go into too much detail, but the doc mainly states the accused problems Alex did while he had been with them and been friends with other fans.
A week or so later, Alex Kister has made a long response towards the accusations. In the doc, he provided plenty of evidence to justify his claim that overall that the doc Ven made is moreover wrong, but at the same time, he admitted that he had been friends and boyfriend with the fans and even trauma dumped to them. I will tell you, person reading this blog, about my personal opinion on this kind of action Kister has admitted too.
Later on, Ven made a pubic apology about them making the doc and their wording, saying that it is "transmisogynistic" and that what they did to him as an actual person was "excruciating". A day after they posted this apology, they have since deactivated their Twitter/X account, thus possibly putting an end to this drama.
Now that you all know about the history of the Kister vs Ven drama, lemme tell you my final opinion/statement.
When I first heard the allegations, I instantly felt devastated and upset over this and I had thought that Alex Kister was a good being. As a result, I felt some sort of heavy resentment towards the dude, but I never stopped loving his series, the Mandela Catalogue. I still do and I continue to write it (Wattpad is emmathemandelaresident; I digress).
Later, I began to move on and when I saw Alex's response, I was initially unsure of what to say or what to feel about it, but I will admit though, the way he has written the doc and provided much evidence to justify his claim is not really that bad at all.
But lemme tell you my overall opinion with his admitted actions. Being together romantically with a fan is not a great idea at all! These are your FANS that love your work and you should appreciate them, not go too far to be together with them, and ESPECIALLY not trauma dumping towards them! These are people that look up to you and your work, and venting towards them as well as dating them is fucked up in my personal opinion. These actions Alex had are inappropriate and I hope that Alex learned a very important lesson over that!
Overall, I will admit that he proved himself innocent, but I was still skeptical about this, so I continued to have some resentment towards him (though by a little bit).
Then when Ven's document came up, I legit had enough of this shitty drama. I kept asking to myself, when is this gonna end? Then I decided to read their doc. I honestly had no idea who I can trust anymore, cause at this rate, it looks like Alex Kister has won against the allegations in the most impressive way possible.
But I do believe that Ven's actions to get back on the dude and deplatform him was wrong and it should never be taken this kind of way to make an accusatory doc. Also the sentence "I did not expect crew members would leave because of how some of them responded initially" is kinda stupid. Like dude, your document had a WHOLE LOT OF SHIT AND "EVIDENCE" AGAINST KISTER. How could you possibly not expect crew members and actors to leave the Mandela Catalogue!?
I feel like this whole thing should have been kept in private and behind closed doors to avoid any kind of drama and other problems that escalated into something big! This would've been simple and easy, but Kister and Ven didn't do it.
Now just like Alex's response to the situation, I didn't have anything else to say or feel with Ven's new doc. But now I know that what they did was wrong as Alex's admitted actions to his fans.
So overall, I believe that both sides are mainly at fault. Alex's admitted actions are inappropriate and wrong and Ven's "goal" to deplatform the former is abhorrent. Now do I still love the Mandela Catalogue? Of course I do and like I said, I continue to write my crappy fanfic on the series. I believe Ven's decision to delete their Twitter account was good enough considering his actions, but I also think that Alex SHOULD learn something from his actions of dating people who looked up to and venting towards them.
I will continue to be active in the Mandela Catalogue fandom without traces of the drama barging into my brain and my Wattpad life.
But that's all for this giant statement! God, this was a lot to type on my laptop but that's my overall opinion on this Kister vs Ven situation.
I'd love to hear what you think about this drama!
Okay, now time to go sink into a mud puddle.
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plutoboiiix · 6 months
So guys, are we gonna talk about that supposed victims doxxed Alex and his parents or?
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I just gave off 5 years of my life making this
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izel-reblogs · 3 months
My thought process reading your blog intro:
“Oh, you speak polish?? that’s so cool… WAIT YOU LIKE MANDELA CATALOGUE FUCK YEA—“
HELL YEAH BROTHER 🦅🦅🦅💯💯💯💥💥‼️‼️‼️
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Bruh I’ve been soooo obsessed with Total Drama lately. I’ve already finished Island and pushing the second season rn and I’VE NEVER REALIZED THESE TWO HOLD SO MANY SIMILAR QUALITIES TOWARDS EACHOTHER
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byyliss · 6 months
This rabbit hole goes way deeper than any of us could have imagine
Edit: someone reported the document. We will try to get it back up
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listenheresweaty · 6 months
Since Ven uses they/he and not he/they like I previously thought, I will be referring to Alex as she/her to differentiate. If Alex is uncomfortable with this since her pronouns were not supposed to be public information, I will change this.
After reading Alex Kister’s response, and having read the language used in Ven’s callout doc (read my previous post on the matter), I am ready to say that I do not believe that Alex Kister is a groomer or predatory in any way. Victim DB— an adult AND older than Alex, like Ven— had explicitly consented to Alex’s flirting and sexual messages. There are screenshots showing this. Victim Donutqq changed their perspective on Alex only after someone told them, with little proof, that Alex’s intentions were predatory— before, they had been unbothered.
I extend my sympathies to 16-year old Mitcha for having been briefly used as a mental health crutch by Alex. I hold him completely accountable for that— but I also condemn Mitcha for the shit they’ve said on twitter. Telling people to self-harm or commit suicide and ACTUALLY DRIVING SOMEONE TO A SUICIDAL MINDSET is never, NEVER excusable (<- some people say Mitcha uses they/them, others say she/her. Lemme know).
I do not believe the grooming allegations against Kister, HOWEVER, I do not extend my full support. Although her intentions were not predatory, forming close relationships — especially romantic ones— with fans is not a good idea. She has taken accountability for this. Also, Alex had made efforts to stop interacting closely with fans LONG BEFORE THE CALLOUT DOCUMENT WAS MADE, by deleting fan-interaction servers (and possibly posting about how she was going to take a break from friendships- I think this was mentioned in the callout doc but I’m not sure). In the callout doc and Alex’s response, it is explained that DB and Ven took Alex’s attempts to change as her “hiding” from accountability and decided to start the smear campaign callout doc process.
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^ss of Alex’s response. The discord screenshots come from Ven’s document as well. Please let me know if the last one is hard to read.
Alex also addressed and took full accountability for venting to her partner and an unwilling 16 year old. (Ss below)
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^screenshot from Alex’s response. In short, there are things that Kister has done wrong— bad ideas, unhealthy things, etc. None, however, require her being deplatformed. And none are intentionally manipulative or predatory.
I will take a temporary break from providing monetary support to Alex in response to what she HAS done wrong, but I will not support the people who made the callout doc. The callout doc was a smear campaign.
let’s leave off with this lovely ss.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
ough..... <- had idea
monster au jonah marshall but he played JD from Heathers in the high school play
Bro learned how to give a death glare and maybe did some research on explosives a little bit maybe
I don't know that musical, nor that character but. yeah. yeah he was definitely a drama kid-
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 6 months
my thoughtz abt teh drama now
remember iz juzt my opinion plz don't harazz me over it
well I find thiz drama waz very zhitty,I thought alex waz problematic,groomer n' pedophile bc I believed on doc I don't actually read it in grain of zalt alzo my friend zaid 2 me it that iz not fake n' I believed her,but I zaw teh ppl debunking teh doc that might 2 be fake I became neutral until alex rezponzez teh doc
i could like 2 apologize 4 jumping teh gun before alex rezponzez it waz zhitty on my part n' I zhouldn't 2 believed that doc n' that my friend zaid it
tbh I think alex iz innocent,not fully bc in fact he waz bad partner n' irrezponzible 2 their fanz I'm glad he take accountability of it but he iz ztill innocent
i think teh rezponze waz good rezponze I'm glad he takez accountability of that he did n' teh mozt thingz of teh doc waz fake
if r zaying "that abt teh other docz?" alex don't have 2 review all of them alzo theze r debunked by kirby_PPG on twitter
how I hated ven did that bullzhit doc he went tranzmizogyniztic n' ableizt on that doc n' mizuzed teh word "groomer" n' "parazzocial" damn he did that doc juzt bc they got butt hurted by alex,abt teh relationzhip needz 2 be rezolved IN PRIVATE NOT IN PUBLIC,damn I agree thiz lookz like a high zchool drama 💀 alzo thiz iz other reazon why dating on internet don't alwayz workz
alzo I hate that alex got harazzed n' doxxed,calling him with tranz zlur thiz iz dizguzting,zame if teh doc iz 100% u zhouldn't 2 do that u r putting him n' hiz family in rizk,doxxing iz not n' never will be juztifiable of it I'm glad that dumbazz who doxxed alex got taken down on Twitter but unfortunately teh commentz from hiz yt pozt not...
I'm zad that martin (iz very dizappointing bc I am teh walten filez fan),chezzkidz,teh modz who waz working on TMC FNF modz,blackMEZ,alex kaizo n' etc jumped teh gun before alex rezponzez n' zided teh "victimz" (they ztill zidez with them) n' they literally actz like immature kidz,which thiz iz very unprofezzional tbh (mainly on chezzkidz) I find thiz iz very upzetting
alzo I think mozt VAz (except thorne ig) left iz bc they want 2 zave their azzez from harazzment,doxxing n' zhit,ppl thinkz if u r neutral which meanz u r horrible perzon
i feel bad of alex he don't dezervez that...
twitter iz a huge zhitty platform which everyone hatez each other,harazz ppl n' doxx them too,tell ppl 2 kill themzelvez n' alot of zhit alzo cancel culture iz a huge cancer tho
alzo I might get hated of thiz,but I will zupport alex bc she lozt almozt everything like friendz,employeez,fanz n' etc...I hope they recoverz that...
i hope everything will be fine n' move on teh drama thiz waz very wild...
n' again don't harazz me bc of my opinion iz very zhitty 2 do
n' don't harazz alex,"victimz" n' anyone they never dezerve that.
TLDR;teh drama iz very zhit,I thought alex waz a problematic bc of doc,but after I zaw ppl debunking teh doc I became neutral until alex rezponzez,I think alex iz innocent,not fully but ztill that ven did iz terrible,iz dizguzting that he got doxxed n' harazzed i'm zad that internet horror creatorz that ztill ziding teh victimz,i think mozt of VAz left bc they don't want 2 be attacked twitter zuckz n' I will zupport alex bc of that he zuffered.
alzo I'm zorry that my Englizh iz zhitty,bc iz not my firzt language
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