#to anyone living on their own or even with other people idgaf JUST...TAKE ADVICE FROM AUNT ELIZA
murder-and-mayhem · 2 years
Me putting my new desk chair together and trying to decipher these fucking instructions:
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Also me:
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a-k-a-loser · 5 years
1. are you religious?
nope! i was raised catholic tho and i still hold on to some of the weird catholic habits. i’d call myself aesthetically catholic
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
hmmmmmmmm a cat?? or some weird bird maybe??????
3. how do you take your coffee?
too much sugar and some milk, i also like flavored coffees and cold brew!!
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
still haven’t had my first kiss yet actually!
5. museum date or aquarium date?
i work at a museum that has an aquarium, so neither! but aquarium definitely
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
my ears are pierced and i have one tattoo! i want to get my nose pierced and i commissioned my friend to draw a new tattoo for me a while ago and i haven’t got it yet, i have a short list of some others i want too!!
7. favorite fruits?
raspberries! i’m actually not really a fruit person, i prefer vegetables
8. favorite vegetables?
zucchini!! squash, celery, asparagus, snap peas, it’s a very long list tbh!!
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you’re taller than me lol idk actually??? the bar is so low
10. do you cry a lot?
yes, always, just assume i’m crying right now
11. who are your closest friends?
i don’t have a ton of friends, so i’m pretty close with all the ones i have, because there’s like 4 of them, but i think my closest friend might be my friend mckenzi, i’ve known her since the 4th grade and she’s the best
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
i haven’t! there aren’t a lot of protests or marches locally, so it’s not really easy for me to attend any, also my parents are p against the idea of protesting and i live with/am financially dependent on them rn sooooooo
13. do you play any video games?
YES!!!!! i am a HUGE dragon age fan, dragon age 2 is my favorite! rn i’m playing a lot of rdr2 and i love it so much!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
i wanted to!!! really badly!!!! but my mom would never let me cut or dye my hair, and i didn’t get to wear any of the ~super cool scene/emo clothes~ and i’m a little thankful because no embarrassing scene phase pics but also :(
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
it’s mostly dark colors, but i think other than black it’s a pretty even split between blue and green right now
16. what do you like to do for fun?
aaaaaaaaaa mostly video games, sometimes drawing, i like to go outside or go to the park on kinda cloudy days, when it’s cool and there are no bugs out!
17. what is your biggest fear?
geese probably, or dying alone, it’s a tossup really
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
i know a lot of useless video game lore stuff!! and some other weird random topics because i go on internet deep dives when i get really curious about stuff
19. favorite fictional characters?
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i have too many tbh, atm arthur morgan owns my ass
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
i don’t read as much as i used to, so i’m including comics/manga in this, i really like junji ito’s work. i have tomie, gyo, and uzumaki, i also really love les miserables! and i was really into warrior cats as a kid
21. how would you describe your style?
a mess, and not even a hot mess
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
yes!! i have a stuffed animal of the three headed dog from harry potter (don’t know his name because idgaf about harry potter tbh) and i love him and i still sleep with him in my bed!
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
ummmmmm idk brussels sprouts i guess????
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
no, horrible, as anyone who has ever ridden in a car with me
25. who do you live with?
my mom, my little brother, and our pets!!
26. favorite desserts?
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
idk, yesterday i ate a bunch of honeysuckles i found in my yard and that was p good
28. favorite makeup brands?
not sure, i use drugstore makeup and i don’t really pay attention to the brand???? just like??? the cheapest matte full coverage makeup available at the store
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
again not really, most of my favorite clothes come from goodwill, and when i buy clothes not from goodwill i’m looking mostly for stuff that’s comfortable and fits
30. what was your first job?
i still have my first job! i work at a children’s museum, i do kids parties, summer camps, and i tell people not to touch things!
31. do you take a lot of naps?
not really, but when i do sleep i can sleep for like 10+ hours sometimes
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm??????? like maybe my nose??? or my shoulders?
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
i stop typing when i see that the person i’m texting is typing, so i’m gonna day submissive
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
it depends on like my mood and where i am, i can be very outgoing but i’m actually pretty shy in general
35. how tall are you?
5’5” ish
36. what is your body type?
lil chubby i guess
37. favorite flower?
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
A WEREWOLF! or my finished taako cosplay!
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
my age or older! anyone who is younger than me is a baby as far as i’m concerned!
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
i’d rather not
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
not really sure??
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
i have 2 dogs and 2 cats!
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
none of them, this one time a guy who was cutting my hair said that short hair made me look like natalie portman but that is a lie
46. do you like sports?
sorta? i want to get into hockey and i used to play volleyball! when i was kid i liked to go to baseball games
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
no :(((((((( but i have seen some local plays!
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
50. what is your instagram?
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
i don’t wear lipstick, but i like the look of matte lipstick!
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
green apple!!!!!!!!!!
53. what are your best personality traits?
i can be very patient and i think i’m pretty loyal!
54. what is your ethnicity?
i am very white, but i’m also 1/4 puerto rican
55. what different hair colors have you had?
red, blonde, grey, pink, orange, silver, and right now it’s blue/green on one side!
56. favorite disney princess?
57. favorite album of 2017?
going grey!
58. have you ever had braces?
yes! and then i didn’t wear my retainer and now my teeth are fucked again!!
59. favorite holiday?
60. post a selfie.
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61. are you a good swimmer?
not at all!
62. do you wear jewelry?
sometimes, i don’t really wear earrings or necklaces very often because they make me feel too feminine, but i like rings and bracelets!
63. can you play any instruments?
no :((
64. do you have any siblings?
yes! i have two brothers! i’m the middle child
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
both of my grandfathers have passed away, but both of my grandmas are alive and in their 80s!
66. who knows the most about you?
uhhhh idk, probably my cousin @olds-paper
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
little of both?? it really depends on who i’m with!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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blessethwrites · 6 years
status: it’s complicated
Fandom: BnHA
Pairing: TodoBaku
Summary: For someone who doesn't use it too often, social media is a surprisingly big part of Shouto's life. Another is the crush he's been nursing on Bakugou. It's distinctly possible the two are connected.
On AO3
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑
https://t.co/f23he7w new shouto merch go buy it or sth idgaf
19:45 PM - 11 April 2XXX
2.43M Retweets   5.81M Likes
Shouto receives a notification as soon as the tweet is uploaded because, for some reason, when the message popped up back when he was setting up his account asking if he wanted to get an alert every time @groundzero posted something, he clicked yes without a second thought.
Thinking about it now, Shouto can admit to himself it probably had something (a lot) to do with the fact he had (has) some sort of feelings for Bakugou. It’s been that way ever since their third year at UA and Shouto can actually pinpoint the exact moment he started seeing Bakugou in this new light -- something he’s been told isn’t very typical.
(“With most people it’s a gradual thing, I think,” Izuku said once Shouto confided in him. “They like each other as friends first, then they realise at some point down the road those feelings have grown into something else, something more.” He blinked then, mind seemingly catching up to his mumbling, and waved his hands around so vigourously Shouto was worried they’d fall off. “Not that, not that there’s anything wrong about your situation! I’m not an expert on those things, I’ve never really even dated anyone! I definitely didn’t mean to imply you’re weird or your situation’s weird or--” At this point Shouto raised a hand and attempted to ease Izuku’s worries, assuring him that’s not how he took his words, that he wasn’t offended, etc. Privately, though, he couldn’t help but wonder if Izuku’s perceived understanding of crushes and feelings wasn’t based mainly on his own predicament; he did notice how flustered Izuku seemed to get around that one particular classmate of theirs.)
His phone lights up again with yet another notification and Shouto can feel his lips twitching. He raises his head, finally, to look at where Bakugou’s lounging on the couch across of him.
“Don’t you have your own merchandise to promote?”
Bakugou barely even looks up from his phone as he says, without missing a beat, “Freakshow said I should do some charity work.”
It gets a snort out of Shouto, though he’s quick to cover it up once he sees Bakugou’s eyes shift to him. He can’t have the man thinking Shouto finds him amusing; it’d only feed his already too big to be healthy ego, and Shouto’s not that gone on him.
“I doubt she appreciates being called that,” he says instead, tone intentionally dry to make up for his previous slip-up. He knows he’s right, though, because he can recall at least five different occasions where Bakugou’s manager’s yelled at him for not using her name. Honestly, Shouto’s just impressed she can even do her job -- managing Bakugou in any way seems incredibly vexing, if dealing with him on a daily basis is any indication.
“Guess how many fucks I give,” Bakugou says in response and this time, his eyes stay on his phone, fingers rapidly flying over the screen. He’s surprisingly active on social media, much more than Shouto himself that’s for sure; Shouto has no idea how he does it nor what appeal there is to it, but he’s not judging. Not in the slightest, considering Bakugou’s online presence is one of the highlights of Shouto’s day.
He has to stifle a wince as soon as that thought crosses his mind because honestly, at this point his crush is just sad.
#bakugou katsuki
[Two screenshots of Bakugou Katsuki’s most recent tweets. One says, ‘new shouto merch go buy it or sth idgaf’ and provides a link to Todoroki Shouto’s website. The other says, ‘srsly go buy that shit it’s lit *fire emoji*’]
#bakugou katsuki #ground zero #todoroki shouto #shouto #not tagging any ships bc i don’t want to start discourse
10,468 notes
okay so not to be That Person but like,, Bakugou is so freaking supportive of his friends?? i mean remember when he also tweeted about Mina’s debut as a pro? and when he posted the photos of kaminari kicking that villain’s ass on his insta (i forget the villain’s name but you know which pics i mean)? and then that thread shutting down a kirishima hater and talking abt how badass kirishima is?
get yourself a friend like bakugou katsuki honestly
#bakugou katsuki #bakusquad #we stan a king
1,061 notes
anonymous asked:
Have you seen The Tweets???
I have seen them! And let me just say, I live for that kind of interactions. Be it as friends or more, Bakugou and Todoroki respect each other so much and that’s so heartwarming to see! Also, I like to think Bakugou already owns at least some of the merch lol!
#answered #todoroki shouto #bakugou katsuki #todobaku #i’d love to see them do some more stuff together #whether to team up for something or just hang out or post something together
2,107 notes
“So,” Izuku starts after taking a sip of his iced tea. “How’s Kacchan?”
It’s an innocent question and yet it makes Shouto frown at what it implies. He knows perfectly well that Izuku and Bakugou are on much better terms now than they’ve ever been, and while they still clash every now and then, it’s not that much of a stretch to assume they’re keeping tabs on each other. Which, of course, means Izuku isn’t really asking how Bakugou is. No, he’s subtly hinting at Shouto’s feelings, to which Shouto honestly has no idea how to respond.
“He’s fine,” is what he says finally. In the back of his mind, he wishes he hadn’t already finished his drink so that he could have something to distract himself with, but alas, he and Izuku scheduled to meet right after his workout and so he was quick to finish both his meal and his drink.
Izuku seems to find his answer unsatisfactory because he frowns too, expression matching Shouto’s, except when Midoriya Izuku frowns, it’s like looking at a wounded puppy. “Nothing’s changed between you two?”
“I… don’t see why it would.” After all, Shouto is reasonably sure none of his actions have been betraying his feelings and he has no intention of changing that.
Izuku shakes his head, energetically, of course, the way he does everything. “You’ve been spending a lot of time together! And Kacchan always talks about you, doesn’t he? In interviews and on his accounts; I really think there’s something there!”
Shouto raises an eyebrow, dubious. He’s never got that feeling from the way Bakugou acts around him. Yes, they’ve become friends now, he supposes, but something more? It’s honestly never crossed his mind Bakugou could see him in such a light.
“I believe he’s only being,” friendly, he goes to say but then remembers it’s Bakugou he’s talking about and his lips twitch, “civil.”
“I don’t know about that,” Izuku says, thoughtful, and there’s a glint in his eye that reminds Shouto of when he’s taking notes on various Quirks. He stifles a sigh; he really hopes Izuku doesn’t go to overanalyse his relationship with Bakugou. That would just make everything even more confusing and tiring than it already is.
A Comprehensive List of All (Known Public) Shouto and Ground Zero Interactions
Ground Zero and Shouto debut as Pro-Heroes on the same day. Ground Zero subtweets about Shouto and seems to be challenging him while at the same time congratulating him.
Ground Zero does an interview in which he mentions Shouto as one of his biggest rivals. (2:47) (Also, the question is about which heroes he respects the most so Ground Zero doesn’t mean rivals in a negative way.)
Red Riot uploads a picture of Ground Zero’s 21st birthday celebration which seems to consist of a small circle of close friends (nicknamed by the general public as ‘the Bakusquad’) and, perhaps most notably, Shouto.
Ground Zero is asked by a reporter if his friends influence his speech patterns (in regards to recent rumours swirling around at the time that he might be dating fellow hero, Utsushimi Camie, who is known for using ‘slang’ words which also make frequent appearances in Ground Zero’s tweets.) He answers, “Fuck no. It’d be funny, though, if it worked like that. Imagine Icy Hot cursing. I’d pay to see that.” EDIT: Here’s a link. A huge thank you to @todobaku for sending me that clip!
Keep Reading
As two of the relatively youngest (and, Shouto feels no shame to admit mostly because it doesn’t matter, the most popular) heroes on the scene, it makes sense UA would ask Shouto and Bakugou to talk to some classes, offer them useful advice and maybe even help them with their development.
As Shouto and Bakugou, however, Shouto is inclined to wonder what the principal even expects would happen. After all, he’s aware he’s not one of the most expressive heroes out there; that’s not to say he lacks passion, despite what many might believe, but instead that he shows it in a different way. His whole life, his determination and conviction have been silent, focused, not expressed through shouted words and loud proclamations.
He doesn’t know how to inspire those kids in a way they’d understand him.
Then there’s Bakugou, who Shouto knows will tip the scales in the other direction. He gets fired up over the smallest of things and while sometimes helpful in a fight, Shouto understands his attitude can also be overwhelming for someone who’s not used to his ways.
Simply put, he doesn’t hold out much hope for this to end up as a successful class.
“Morning,” Bakugou grumbles as he enters the teachers’ room, hands inside his pockets, less than five minutes before they’re supposed to go meet the kids. He takes a long look around before letting out a snort. “Huh. Not as shitty as I expected.”
Shouto is about to reply, dry comment already on the tip of his tongue, when a voice beats him to it.
“Thank you for the outstanding review,” Aizawa says from the doorway, face and voice as blank as ever. “Would you like to inspect the rest of the staff’s rooms or are you ready to go?”
Bakugou crosses his arms, face twisting, and Shouto is horrified to discover he even finds his scowl attractive in a way. “You still teaching, old man? Sure you can keep up?”
Shouto rolls his eyes and doesn’t bother hiding it. He knows for a fact that Bakugou keeps in touch with Aizawa, and he remembers the father-son relationship they’d grown to have sometime during second year; it’s just like Bakugou, though, to show affection through borderline insults.
“Save some of your attitude for the students,” he mutters as he passes him by on the way out. Aizawa’s already turned around, headed towards the training ground they’re supposed to meet the kids on, and Shouto stifles a smile as he hears Bakugou complain (loudly and violently, as one does) about being ignored.
His smile melts into a more resigned expression, however, once Bakugou pushes past him and Aizawa and greets the students with, “So you little shits want to be heroes, huh?”
Only yesterday young heroes Todoroki Shouto (23), also known by his hero name ‘Shouto’, and Bakugou Katsuki (24), a.k.a. Ground Zero, visited UA’s grounds to join class 1-A for a special training session. Todoroki and Bakugou, both former students of the Academy, have been big names on the hero scene even before their respective debuts (which happened coincidentally on the same day!) so it should come as no surprise the school’s turned to them to offer some advice to the young heroes-in-training.
Take a look at our photo gallery to see exclusive pictures from the event!
The two heroes showed up at the Academy early in the morning, ready to get some training done with the young students of Class 1-A. The class representative, Hattori Eka, kindly agreed to tell us more about the experience, saying that “[Ground Zero] was very intense. He engaged with the entire class from the moment he saw us. Shouto let him take the lead, mostly, but he was also very helpful! It’s easy to see why those two are such amazing heroes,”
During the past year, Shouto and Ground Zero’s names have become more intertwined, with the two of them frequently teaming up and actively talking about one another online. (Click here to see tumblr user symbol-of--peace-all-might’s neatly compiled list of all their known interactions.) It’s certainly not a friendship we expected but perhaps it’s the one we’ve needed all along.
zerouravity: lol ‘they’re such good friends :) just dudes being bros :) bros being dudes :)’
                 lilacsong: It’s… because they are?
                 zerouravity: nah man they bonin for sure
                 allienquen: lol wut? take off ur shipping glasses pls ur embarrassing
dekuuunumberone: This has to be the fourth person I see describing Ground Zero as “intense”. The hell’s that even mean?
                 itmayoritmaynot: dude’s an asshole, that’s what
todobae: Ughhh never have I ever wished more I went to UA instead. Luckyyy
(show more)
Speaking to Momo usually leaves Shouto feeling relaxed and peaceful. She has a quality about her, one that simply makes him feel at ease when she’s around.
Since they teamed up in first year, they’ve only been growing closer, to the point where Shouto now feels more than comfortable placing his full trust in her. And he finds there’s something very liberating about knowing you can rely on someone like that.
So, yes, conversation with Momo or even simply being in her presence usually puts Shouto at ease. Tonight seems to be a slight exception, and due to no fault at Momo, of course. No, she simply does what every good friend would do and admits she’s been worried about him.
“You don’t seem happy,” she says, hesitant, unsure, as if Shouto could get mad at her for voicing her thoughts. “I mean, you do seem content. And I know things have been good lately, quieter and safer, but I can’t help but get the feeling you’re waiting for something to happen.” She waves a hand, nothing like Izuku’s energetic gestures; when Momo moves, she moves with calculated grace, somehow able to make every motion seem elegant. “That doesn’t make much sense, forgive me.”
“No,” Shouto speaks up, throat dry. He has no idea how to react to her words but not because she’s overstepping, as Momo surely believes she is. It’s because what she said hits too close to home, and before she brought it to his attention, Shouto never even noticed.
Now, however, he can’t ignore the truth of her words. Lately, he has been drifting, both in life and even in his work. As Momo said, things have been much quieter, with not as many villain attacks and a notable decrease in petty crimes too; for someone who grew up surrounded by tragedy and villains waiting at every corner, Shouto finds himself perhaps unsurprisingly unused to a life of relative peace.
His days, he realises, consist of the same routine, going over the motions over and over again, and yes, Momo’s right on that count as well -- he isn’t happy. If he has to be perfectly honest, Shouto feels rather useless, really.
The world doesn’t need him so desperately at the moment and it suddenly hits Shouto that he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself when he’s not needed.
You’re waiting for something to happen, Momo said. And he is.
When UA invited him to that teaching session, he was glad. Excited even. He didn’t have high expectations, yes, but still he looked forward to going. Even yesterday, when Momo contacted him with the suggestion to get dinner together, he found himself checking the time every now and then, counting the hours until their little outing.
It’s… a lot to realise in a minute.
“No,” he repeats and shakes his head. “You’re right. I… I hadn’t thought about it like that but you’re right. As always,” he adds with a small smile. It quickly slips away as he sighs. “I simply don’t know what to do with myself,” he confesses and a part of him feels bad about complaining essentially about being bored but he’s so very tired, suddenly. So he allows himself to let go of guilt, just for a brief moment.
Momo’s smile is encouraging. “There are plenty of things you can do! You can pick up a new hobby, meet up with friends, maybe even travel. In fact, I think a change of scenery is exactly what you need.” She keeps talking, a steady flow of different suggestions leaving her lips, and Shouto smiles.
At last, the feeling of calm is back.
Bakugou K.
>> Hello, Bakugou.
>> I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?
> im a busy dude icy hot
> whaddya want
>> I happen to have two tickets to the play ‘The Dancing Dragons’ and I was wondering if you’d perhaps like to accompany me.
> lol laaaame
>> You don’t want to, then?
> fuck off i didnt say that
> ill b there
>> That’s good.
> fucking fantastic
K. Mai @valentiness
I’m seeing some dumb play and I’m pretty sure Shouto and Ground Zero are sitting right behind me.
K. Mai @valentiness
I stg there better not be a villain attack. I came to enjoy my night and I know those boys’ luck. #nightruined
Kamidamn @kkstyle
Replying to @valentiness
omg is it really them?? are you sure?? that’s so exciting!
Ash @thatbinch
Replying to @valentiness @kkstyle
Don’t be so quick to believe everything you read online. Also, ‘dumb play’=’enjoy my night’? Next time make your story more consistent, at least.
K. Mai @valentiness
Replying to @valentiness @kkstyle @thatbinch
We all have hobbies. Mine is making fun of dumb plays. Yours is being a killjoy on the Internet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Attached: One slightly blurry image of Todoroki Shouto and Bakugou Katsuki sitting at a theatre, talking. In the corner of the picture, the upper half of a blonde woman’s face can be seen.]
“So,” Bakugou begins, arms crossed, but despite his confrontational tone and furrowed eyebrows, Shouto thinks he seems genuinely curious. “Why’d you call me here?”
“I asked,” he clarifies, a slight frown appearing on his face. “You’re making it sound as if I made you come.”
Predictably, Bakugou lets out a snort and once again, Shouto finds himself utterly charmed, despite better judgement. “You can’t ‘ make me ’ do anything, Icy Hot,” Bakugou says, meeting his eye, and there’s something there that sends a rush of electricity over Shouto’s skin. It’s not like the feeling he gets whenever he uses his Quirk and Shouto, while not the most experienced when it comes to romance, isn’t stupid. He’s just stupidly attracted to Bakugou, has been for quite a while, and it excites him as well as worries him.
He looks away and instead turns his eyes to the stage. It doesn’t lessen his attraction but it does make it easier to pretend it’s not there. “Of course not,” he agrees, attempting to stifle his smile as, out of the corner of his eye, he notices Bakugou watching him with something akin to suspicion. “You’re much too thickheaded for that.”
“Bastard,” Bakugou grumbles and punches him in the bicep, much too lightly to do any damage; it’s basically a caress by Bakugou standards, he thinks, amused. “What’s this dumb play even about?”
“Dragons,” Shouto says, tone dry. “That dance.”
K. Mai @valentiness
Not to feed into rumours and shit but that Shouto kid is a smartass and I respect that. Also, GZ is kind of an asshole (which I respect too) but you already knew that.
K. Mai @valentiness
To all of you asking me for details, gee, chill out. The dudes are just hanging out (or are on a date, don’t know, don’t care), I’m not about to snoop on their conversations and live tweet it like it’s a fucking event. (1/3)
K. Mai @valentiness
I happened to overhear something funny, I mentioned it, end of story. Damn, can’t post anything on this website without some of you going batshit crazy over dumb shit. Let the boys live and most importantly, let ME live. (2/3)
K. Mai @valentiness
Srsly, if one more person starts blowing up my DMs asking for more pictures or gossip etc, I’m gonna lose my shit. Now let me chill on my night off you crazies. (I’d call you harpies but harpies are too cool for some of you shitheads.) (3/3)
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑
i’ll be the best
Tokyo, Japan
Joined March 2XXX
Born April 20
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K. Mai @valentiness  Followed
Don’t mess with me, hon 💄💋
Shouto raises an eyebrow, amused, as his phone chimes in with yet another Twitter notification, as it has been doing for the past few minutes. “Are you getting into fights on the Internet again?” he asks Bakugou who finally puts his phone down.
“Shut up,” he says but his tone lacks heat. He pokes around his food, unusually hesitant, before his abrasive attitude wins over and he lets out an annoyed breath. “Some woman saw us at the theatre. And then numbskulls started asking her for pictures and shit.”
Shouto blinks, for some reason slow to take Bakugou’s words in. He tries to think back on something particularly incriminating this woman might’ve captured but quite frankly, he draws blank; he imagines they must’ve seemed pretty boring to an outsider, even if Shouto considers the night anything but.
“Alright,” he says, unsure of what else there is to say. However Bakugou’s still staring at him, expectant, so Shouto tries to come up with more. “How many pictures?”
It’s a stupid thing to ask, Shouto realises that as soon as the words leave his mouth, but he’s committed to his temporary, Bakugou-induced stupidity. So he meets Bakugou’s eye, waiting, and tries not to wince at the dumbfounded look he gets.
“The fuck you mean, she shot them down.” A grin appears on the man’s lips. “It was pretty fucking funny, actually, I even followed her after that shit.”
Shouto, once again, blinks. There are no pictures, then. If that’s the case, he has to admit he’s at a loss as to why Bakugou was so upset a few moments ago.
“Okay. I’m… glad?” It always amazes him how he seems to lose any semblance of eloquence around Bakugou and, not for the first time this evening, Shouto has to hold back a wince.
“I thought you were supposed to be smart, Half and Half,” Bakugou huffs. (How after all these years of knowing each other he can’t come up with a nickname that doesn’t sound like something a first grader would say is beyond Shouto.) “I’m used to that kind of shit and I don’t give a fuck. But you like privacy and shit, I guess. And it’s not like it’s my fucking fault some people are dumb fucks that don’t know what ‘privacy’ means in the first place; it’s just fun to curse them out.”
It takes Shouto a moment to process everything because, as previously established, his brain tends to malfunction around Bakugou. Once he does, however, it’s really damn hard to contain the smile that threatens to grow on his lips.
Because, in the end, Bakugou’s little speech boils down to the fact he feels bad Shouto’s privacy has been breached (or close to being breached? Shouto still isn’t entirely clear on the details of the story). And those Twitter rants he posted, he did it because of Shouto. (Terrible as far as marketing moves go; Shouto expects Bakugou will hear from his manager very soon.)
“Are you capable of holding a conversation without cursing? I thought you were supposed to be smart,” he echoes Bakugou’s own words back at him, as if his heart isn’t pounding in his chest. He knows, though, that Bakugou still isn’t the best at accepting gratitude, so he wagers that’s a safer bet than outright saying ‘thank you’.
And, true to Shouto’s expectations, Bakugou leans back in his chair, relaxing. “Bastard,” he says and for a brief moment, Shouto can swear his eyes go soft.
It’s a good night.
to: undisclosed recipients
subject: Class Reunion 2XXX
Dear former classmates,
As your former class representative, I have taken it upon myself to organise a class reunion to celebrate five years since graduation. I ask you forgive my forwardness and I most fervently hope you will all attend!
In the file attached to this e-mail, I have included all the necessary details surrounding this gathering.
I encourage you all to RSVP.
Iida Tenya,
Former representative of Class A
“You goin’?” is the first thing Bakugou says as soon as Shouto answers his call.
“Good morning to you as well. I slept well, thank you, and yourself?”
“Very funny, Icy Hot. So. You going or what?”
“I am. I see no reason not to.”
Bakugou hums but doesn’t say anything.
“Are you?” Shouto tries.
“...Yeah, Kirishima’s been nagging me about it ever since we got the e-mail; he’s annoying.”
It’s Shouto’s turn to let out a noncommittal hum and a semi-awkward silence falls upon them.
“Well,” he says at last. “If that was all you wanted--”
“Wait,” Bakugou cuts him off and Shouto waits. He hears a slow exhale on the other end. “I…,” Bakugou trails off and Shouto’s pretty sure the rate at which his heart is beating can’t be healthy. “I’ll kick your ass.”
What. “What?”
“You heard me,” Bakugou says and his tone is a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “So… get ready. To lose. When I beat you.”
And he ends the call.
Shouto can’t remember the last time he was this confused.
[A picture of the former class A, sans Mineta Mineru, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances during first year, and featuring Shinsou Hitoshi who joined the class the following year.]
Liked by redriot and 90,257 others
dekuofficial Class A reunited! #loveyouguys
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[A short clip showing Class A sitting on the floor, playing Villain. Bakugou is yelling from behind the camera, saying “If I was the fucking Villain I’d have killed you all already!” to which someone replies, “Dude, that’s not how the game’s played!” Bakugou yells back “Whatever, fucking extra, I’m not the fucking Villain!” and the clip ends.]
groundzero as if i’d be dumb enough to kill deku first
View all 30167 comments
halfhothalfnot so who was it in the end?
|groundzero fuckin uraraka
After the game, once the main group splits up, Shouto finds himself sat on the couch next to Bakugou. They’re supposed to be watching some sort of film but Shouto has a hard time focusing on anything other than the man beside him.
They haven’t exactly spoken since The Phone Call (yes, it’s become a capitals-worthy event in Shouto’s mind, that’s how bad he has it) though they haven’t officially fallen out either. At least Shouto doesn’t think so.
He hopes not.
The screams and explosions coming from the TV are loud and obnoxious but somehow it’s all background noise for Shouto. In fact, he’s keenly aware of the silence between himself and Bakugou, and it feels louder than the world around them; it makes no sense even in his head, but it also kind of does. Only a little bit.
He shakes his head and has to wonder if he’s not more of a lightweight than he originally thought.
“You okay, Icy Hot?”
The question is unexpected and Shouto has to turn his head to look at Bakugou to make sure he didn’t simply imagine it. When he does, however, he finds Bakugou staring straight ahead at the TV, the only sign he’s not really paying attention being the furrow of his brows and his clenched jaw.
“Of course.”
Bakugou snorts but doesn’t say anything else which of course means it’s up to Shouto to continue (revive?) the conversation. Except he’s tired, both of those feelings he’s been keeping under wraps for years and of the disappointment that always follows getting his hopes up for nothing. So he lets out a small sigh and gets up to leave.
“Right. Well, have a good night,” he mutters to Bakugou as he passes him by because he’s a boy with an unrequited crush, yes, but that doesn’t erase years of etiquette lessons.
Bakugou says nothing.
[Images: Both pictures are cropped from the Class A picture Midoriya Izuku posted on his Instagram. One is of Bakugou Katsuki and the other of Todoroki Shouto.]
fUCKIN SCREAMIN look at todobaku staring at each other Like That™ ughhh kill me rn
#todobaku #todoroki shouto #bakugou katsuki #TELL ME THAT’S A PLATONIC LOOK I DARE YOU
1,247 notes
Holy shit Bakugou’s going off I stan
EDIT: Here’s what I mean, for those who asked.
#bakugou katsuki #todobaku #? #bitch idk but this shit is wild
12,970 notes
Endeavor ☑
‘Being number one comes with more responsibilities than the public realises.’ Read Endeavor’s full interview at https://t.co/81q6s7v
17:19 PM - 31 August 2XXX
4.91M Retweets   10.5M Likes
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑ @groundzero
know what rly pisses me off? when shitty parents act like they own their children
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑ @groundzero
u bastards think i’m subtweetin bc i’m scared? tHINK FUCKING AGAIN
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑ @groundzero
. @endeavorofficialaccount ur son isn’t ur property so stop fuckin talkin abt him as if he is
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑ @groundzero
. @endeavorofficialaccount u don’t have the right to demand/expect anything from him
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑ @groundzero
. @endeavorofficialaccount he’s a fucking adult he can make his own decisions
B+ @fiiiyah
Replying to @groundzero @endeavorofficialaccount
Get screenshotting y’all i can feel tweets getting deleted later and the drama channels will need receipts
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑ @groundzero
Replying to @groundzero @endeavorofficialaccount @fiiiyah
nothing’s gettin deleted. i’m fuckin right and everyone with half a brain knows it
yes my kid’s the exploding shithead @bakugoumitsuki
Replying to @groundzero @endeavorofficialaccount @fiiiyah
you tell him brat #parentingdonefuckingright
By the time Shouto gets the call from Izuku to check out the tweets, he’s already seen them. (Again, he gets a notification every time Bakugou posts something; it’s a good way to stay up to date, if anything.)
“Are you going to talk to him?”
Shouto lets out a breath. “Because he challenged my father on social media? Yes, I suppose I should, shouldn’t I.”
Izuku is quiet for a moment and Shouto’s just about to check if he didn’t disconnect by mistake when he finally speaks up. “Not only because of that, though. I think… I think it’s about time you two cleared some things up.”
It is but that doesn’t mean Shouto’s looking forward to it.
                                        POLL: Is Ground Zero dead?
                                        Yes, Endeavor’s killed him and covered it up | 48%
                                        No, he’s just taking some time off social media | 52%
They end up meeting at Bakugou’s flat, as if a home-made meal will make this conversation easier. Surprisingly, it does, to a point, until they end up at the dining table, plates empty, with not one word exchanged since Shouto got here.
It’s stupid, he thinks and sighs. Might as well get it over with.
“You tweeted my father,” he says and dear lord, that doesn’t sound any less stupid out loud. Still, Shouto persists. “Why?”
Bakugou scowls, crosses his arms, and by all indications, Shouto doesn’t expect him to reply. But then he tilts his head, just the tiniest bit, just so that he can look Shouto in the eye, and says, “‘Cause he was being a fucking asshole, that’s why.”
Shouto, decidedly, does not roll his eyes because that’s progress. Kind of. “Okay. But how does that concern you?” His words come out not quite as he intended them to but it’s fine, Bakugou seems to understand he doesn’t mean to sound rude.
Still, he stays quiet this time around.
“What do you want me to say, you bastard,” Bakugou very nearly growls and Shouto’s eyebrows shoot up. He’s mostly just surprised Bakugou’s indulging him at all, if how stubborn the guy is can be of any indication of how their usual interactions go; now he seems to be on a roll. “We’re fucking friends, aren’t we? Why the hell would I stand by and watch that piece of shit Endeavor treat you like crap? Is that the kind of person you think I am?”
“...We’re friends?” To be fair, Shouto reasons inside his own mind, it’s the first time he hears Bakugou confirm it out loud; it’s normal to focus on that particular statement.
“You really are a dumbass,” is all Bakugou says which Shouto translates to ‘yes, of course we are’. He’s become rather fluent at Bakugou-speak.
“And… a couple of weeks ago,” he pushes still, “when you said you’d ‘kick my ass’...”
He trails off, partly because it’s the first time he sees Bakugou looking even close to abashed, partly because he has no idea how to continue his train of thought. Did you mean it the way you meant it back in first year? Do you still only see me as a stepping stone to becoming number one? If you do beat me, does that mean you’ll stop paying attention to me?
He supposes those sound rather overdramatic, especially since Bakugou just admitted they were in fact friends, but he can’t help it. If there’s one thing in his life he’s most insecure about, it’s got to be his relationships; he feels completely out of depth here.
“Stop thinking whatever the fuck you’re thinking,” Bakugou barks suddenly from where he’s sat across of Shouto; his arms have yet to uncross and his whole body is coiled tight. “I guarantee you it’s not whatever bullshit you think it is.”
Shouto’s eyes narrow in confusion.
“I was going to fucking ask you out,” Bakugou says, resolutely looking anywhere but at him, which… is okay, Shouto supposes, because he’s not really sure what’s going on.
“Ask… me out?”
Absentmindedly, somewhere in the back of his mind, Shouto thinks that clenching his jaw so incredibly hard can’t be good for Bakugou’s teeth.
“Yes,” he grits out and Shouto blinks at him.
“Why didn’t you?”
That makes Bakugou’s eyes snap to his once again and for a moment, they just stare at one another, each slowly putting all the pieces together.
“You’re fucking with me,” Bakugou groans and bangs his head on the table. “You’re seriously fucking telling me you’re into me and I could’ve just asked you the fuck out?”
“Well,” Shouto says once he feels he’s regained some of his composure. “It would seem we’re both not as smart as previously believed.”
Bakugou raises his head, chin still propped on the table, and laughs.
Shouto doesn’t try to stifle his smile.
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑
you really thought i’d get offed so easily??? well think again bastards i’m here to stay
10:04 PM - 2 September 2XXX
3.39M Retweets   8.97M Likes
Shouto ☑
Ground Zero has new merch available. Do check it out at https://t.co/13dy52jr
14:30 PM - 5 September 2XXX
6.29M Retweets   10.15M Likes
bakugou katsuki aka ground zero saying ‘fuck endeavor’ and kissing todoroki shouto 1 hour version
601,340,481 views 👍20M 👎1.2M
Published on Dec 24, 2XXX
CamBam 1 hour ago
endeavor works hard but oldschoolallmight works harder
View 1,842 replies
Bakugou Fucking Katsuki ☑
yes icy hot and i are dating. that’s all you vultures are getting. merry fucking christmas.
23:21 PM - 25 December 2XXX
11.15M Retweets   25.5M Likes
New Power Couple on The Hero Scene?? Ground Zero Confirms Relationship With Shouto in a Tweet!
After Bakugou Katsuki (24) and Todoroki Shouto (23) shared a passionate kiss on national television (and right after Bakugou saying, “F!@# Endeavor!” too), multiple debates on the topic sparked all over the Internet. Some believed the kiss was a spur of the moment decision, fueled by Bakugou’s annoyance with Todoroki Enji (54) a.k.a. the Flame Hero, Endeavor, while others firmly refused to believe the kiss was anything less than genuine.
Well, congratulations to you, TodoBaku shippers out there! Bakugou confirmed their relationship the very next day, in this short and maybe-a-little-sweet tweet:
[Attached: Bakugou’s tweet confirming the relationship.]
You heard the man, folks! The Explosion Hero and the Hot and Cold Hero are officially dating! While we don’t have any confirmation on when their relationship started (come on, Bakugou, give us at least that!), we can only assume it’s been a couple of months, considering that just last August, things seemed strained between the two.
Whatever the case, we wish them all the best!
zerouravity: fuckin called it
0 notes
we-hear-her · 6 years
Self described as “fierce”, I am excited to introduce you to our next girl, Jess. In this interview Jess shares her journey with yoga and her on and off struggle with body image. 
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So Jess, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself now.
“Hm I’m a dog mom, plant mom, amateur chef, yogi and a receptionist at a chiropractor's office. ”  
What about high school you? How would you describe yourself then? 
Ha, why naive?
“I was naive because I didn’t have my own voice and always did things that pleased others first before myself.”
Do you think you’ve changed a lot since then?
“I’ve obviously grown since high school. Now, I just do what I want and IDGAF what anyone thinks.”
That’s awesome. I think its really interesting that you brought up you don’t feel like you had your own voice when you were younger. I feel like I can relate. When I was 16, I thought I knew who I was but really I was just whomever the group I was hanging out with wanted me to be. I didn't speak out very often if at all and it was hard for me to feel like I could just be myself. Though, I’ll be honest, I never gave much time to figuring out who I was in the first place ha. 
What did high school you think you would be doing at your age?
“Easy. Trying to work for National Geographic, traveling the world, taking photos.”
Is that still what you would be doing, regardless of finances?
“Yea, I want to travel and see the world.”
Let’s go back and talk about high school you. You said you didn’t really have a voice and that you felt like you just kind of bent to the wishes of others. Was there ever a time you felt like you were bullied?
“Not really bullied. I usually kept to myself except for my close group of friends.”
What about a time when someone made you feel bad about yourself? 
“Yes, I used to date someone in high school that didn’t make me feel like I could be myself. That it would upset me but I’ve now moved on and am in a much better place.” 
Yeah, I remember putting up with a lot of shit from boyfriends past who are honestly nice guys now. Can you think of advice that present you would’ve given to you in high school?
“Yeah, my advice would be, listen to your gut. Don’t always live your life the way you think others expect you to.”
I like that! What about anxieties you had growing up? Do you remember any anxiety that you had in high school? 
“I was always anxious when I had to think about the future and college.” 
Do you still feel that way? Being anxious about the future?
“Yeah, I feel like it’s such a big decision. And I don’t know exactly what I want to do even now.”
I totally understand that. I sometimes feel like I’m not sure what I'm supposed to be doing or if I’m on the right path. 
“Yeah, I’m afraid I'll find comfort in a career I don’t like.” 
So where do you find comfort now?
“I feel most comfortable in my own home.”
What about when you’re feeling uncomfortable or unhappy? What do you do to make yourself feel better?
“Haha, I guess I like to take a shower when I'm not feeling good. It makes me happy to be warm and clean!” 
I totally relate but I’m a bath person all the way. But you gotta self care your own way! Is there anything that bothers you a lot now? Makes you feel bad about yourself or unhappy?
“Well my body dysmorphia has been in full swing lately.”
Would you mind sharing your struggle with body dysmorphia or advice you might give to others about how to move through it? I think it’s really a beautiful thing to share that so many of us have similar problems and I think it helps us to feel less alone. 
“I don’t think I’d be the right person to give advice on that. I honestly don’t do a lot to help myself. There’s nothing I’ve tried that’s really helped me feel better about my body. It’s sad but it’s true. I got issues girl.”
Hey, we all have issues and I think it’s interesting that you mention that you don’t have all the answers but you don’t let it stop you from living your life. It’s like my anxiety disorder. I try and have tried so many things to help myself. And there are some things that help me, like identifying triggers, creating control in environments where I feel out of control, climbing, ect. but nothing has like saved me ha. So is there anything that makes you feel confident? You mentioned you’re a yogi, can you talk a little about that? Do you feel like that’s helped you at all?
“When I do yoga I feel confident. Something about being comfortable in uncomfortable positions makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. I started 8 years ago because I figured I be pretty good at it because of my background in gymnastics and cheerleading. But now I practice because it’s the only thing that will make me stop thinking about everything. Keeps me calm. But unfortunately, no, yoga doesn’t help me in that aspect ha..”
That’s awesome. I am always in complete awe watching you do inversions ha. It sucks that it doesn’t help you with body dysmorphia but at least it shuts the negative thoughts out and centers you! I have no idea what it must feel like having body dysmorphia. Can you describe how it makes you feel? Like are some days better than others?
“Some days are better than others. Usually it just makes me feel shitty about myself like I should be working out more often or eating better than I do. Shopping for new clothes is hard, finding something that looks good and is comfortable for me to wear is hard. But some days (very rarely) I just wake up in a “fuck it” mood and do/wear whatever I want.”
Is there anything or anyone that helps you get through the “shitty” days? Helps you realize you should keep trying and working harder?
“Having Matt (her boyfriend) and Cody (her dog) with me at home helps because they make me happy. Matt always tries to help me find solutions to some of my problems. He’s really good at working through feelings and problem solving ha.”
Has trying to be healthier or working out more helped at all? I know that when I try to do those things I feel better but it’s so hard to get myself into the routine so I don’t really reap the benefits.
“Yeah usually after a good run I feel awesome. But we are the same and I don’t really stick to a routine.”
So true.. haha 
And finally, do you feel like there is anything you’d want people to know about how you feel about body dysmorphia? Like with my anxiety I hate when people tell me to relax because it doesn’t help so my advice would be that it’s ok not to understand how I feel but that it’s not as simple as just saying “relax” ha.
“I guess the only thing that I would want people to know is that everyone sees you in a different light than you see yourself, so someone might not understand or see what you believe is your “fault”.”
Thanks for sharing I’m sure it’s really hard to talk about it or to know others will read about it. But I really appreciate your willingness to share. I’m sure as you keep learning and moving along you will find better ways of coping! 
What I love most about this interview is that it’s so easy to read an article or listen to someone go on about how something helped them with their struggle and they’re all better now. It’s great to get some insight and to find something that you can try to help yourself. But I think it’s so much more than that. We are all going day by day, going through ups and downs and sometimes we come along things that work. And sometimes, the things that work for a while stop working. But ultimately that’s okay, we will find something else. We keep moving. I like this story because Jess keeps going. She doesn’t quit on herself. She keeps moving. And that’s really all we can do right? 
Keep moving, keep trying and it’s okay not to have all the answers.
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I hope you are all moving along during this confusing, “what day is it again?”, holiday week! Have a good weekend!
0 notes
theonemusicmaniac · 7 years
Yo,yo,yo, tell us some of your fave musicians/bands? : o
Oh my gosh, of course I’d love to talk about that!!!!!!!
I’m gonna preface first & foremost by saying that I AM a music major & have been exposed to all kinds of music, so you’re probably gonna get a LOT of answers from me!! I’m also gonna put this under a read more cuz I am a crazy child who can’t shut up!!! Anyways, here we go!!
So as a musician, I actually started off playing the Alto Saxophone. That being said, my biggest jazz inspirations are probably Charlie Parker (my MOST fave saxophonist tbh I studied all his music!!), Cannonball Adderly, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, & Herbie Hancock!! And my favorite thing about Herbie Hancock (other than the fact that he’s still alive & bumpin’) is that he is one of the biggest successful names who also practices the same sect of Buddhism I’m involved with, & that’s Nichiren Buddhism. Hancock is evidence of our buddhist practice because he chants Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (loosely translates to “devotion to the Mystic Law of cause & effect thru sound”). So why is that important? We believe that if you chant NMRK & also put your thoughts into action, then you will receive immense benefit. The point of our practice is that we believe anyone can become happy thru chanting, & our goal is that if we can make everyone know happiness, then the world will know peace. ANYWAYS, back to music, that’s just my jazz answer!!
I’ve also had to study a lot of classical music growing up, & I must say that I’m most fond of Romantic Era & 20th century classical music. Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Brahms, & Liszt are some of my faves from Romantic Era. Stravinsky, Schoenburg, Copland, & Ives are some pretty incredible 20th century classical composers as well.
GROWING UP, I started off as a lil bop/top hits child because, yknow, parents will only make you listen to what they deem appropriate, but as I became exposed & learned more, I actually became a lil rocker child like my dad!! Dad exposed me to Led Zeppelin, Queen, AC/DC, Kiss, all the classic rock shit. This was also around the time that the one Jack Black movie came out (School of Rock I think it’s called). So I eventually began exploring rock music within my own generation (which there are TOO many bands that I like to even list off).
My biggest inspirations from middle school (and still to-date) are Alkaline Trio & 65daysofstatic. These two band saved my life when I thought I was down at my worst back when I was suicidal.
Going into high school, I was still the rocker child, but I think 65daysofstatic exposed me to start listening to more electronic stuff. Not necessarily dubstep bc dubstep didn’t become really big until just about when I graduated high school, but like. Stuff like Armin Van Buuren. Trance stuff. I thought it was super cool. And honestly, my favorite thing about seeing dubstep thriving into fruition was that I felt like a saw new generation of music being born. I couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this what it was like when rock was born? Was this what it was like when jazz rose within America?” It was SO cool!! Even though I’m still a lil rock child, I have so much love, appreciation, & respect for electronic music, & would definitely incorporate it into my own compositions (but since I don’t have a band rn, as you can see, electronic is all I make for now).
I would say my top 4 biggest inspirations to-date are In This Moment, Motionless In White, New Years Day, & William Control. & I can break this down easily:
1) In This Moment
In This Moment is SOOOOOOO important to me!!!! Gosh I almost don’t know where to start!!!!! I remember the first time I heard them was actually on MTV back when Headbangers Ball was big, & “Beautiful Tragedy” was like, their new biggest hit! I DIED when Maria Brink collaborated with Chris Motionless to make the music video for “Whore!” But most importantly, “The Fighter” was my motherfucking anthem after my ex & I broke up last year, & ESPECIALLY when I was sexually assaulted five days after. “I will not hide my face, I will not fall from grace, I’ll walk into the fire baby. All my life I was afraid to die, but now I come alive inside these flames.” The other thing is that Maria inspires me SO MUCH from a lyrical/compositional aspect cuz like (& I know I said I’m Buddhist from a philosphical standpoint), I also consider myself a witch, & Maria has a very enchanting witch aesthetic, & ALL of her music is written to have these really heavy messages with grand morals & such, so I see bits of both my buddhism & my witchcraft thru their music! I’m gonna be seeing them live for the first time in April and ASDIFHAOIJGPOWJGE I am so excited!!!!
2) Motionless In White
WowowowowowowoWOW where do I begin again!! I know people make fun of old MIW since it was basically only screamo/edgelord stuff, but I used to LOVE that shit once upon a time, and tbh, I think MIW is the only band of its original genre to actually become successful in obtaining that Halloween/goth/nu-goth aesthetic (which is exactly why I LOVE IT), I admire Chris for his “idgaf” attitude & for the depth in which he writes his music. MIW is obviously a very political & socially aware band, but they also take time to write very personal music too. I think the Graveyard Shift album was VERY personal, given that 570 & Hourglass were their favorite songs to make & they had such deep messages about their own journey as musicians. I’ve had the pleasure to meet this band twice, & the second time I think I left a good impression! I gave everyone in the band & their girlfriends (bc I’m such a barista) Starbucks gift cards, & they were all very nice & thankful!! I think Chris also remembers me as the one who asks really heavy music-related questions at VIPs cuz like, the first time I met them I was like, “What advice do you have for musicians like me who want to do what you do??” & the 2nd time I met them, I had a question regarding composing music. Nicest band, 10/10, & if you’re going to the final Vans Warped Tour show, you should definitely go support them because they’re on the lineup!!! (Not important info, but they also featured Maria Brink in their song “Contemptress” off the Reincarnate album, & I think that’s amazing that they team up so well)
3) New Years Day
MY BABYGIRL ASH IS SO GOOD SHE JUST GOT ENGAGED OMG I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Anyways, NYD is another REALLY nice band, & much like ITM & MIW, they carry both the witchy aesthetic (since Ash is an open witch), & they also have a bit of a Halloweenish vibe to them in their own sense (but not in the same way MIW does). I think, if you’re not big on the heavy music ITM & MIW make, NYD is a PERFECT recommendation because it’s still dark-themed music, but especially vocally speaking, it’s much “easier” on the ears (I love all of this kind of music, but this is also what people in my close circle also tell me cuz not all my friends like my music). I’ve only met this band once, but I’ve also had SO many incredible interactions with them! I met them for the first time at Vans Warped Tour last year, & it was exactly one month after I was assaulted. I didn’t feel all that great that day (partly cuz I was going to VWT by myself & I hate going alone to concerts), but Ash Costello called me beautiful when I felt my ugliest. And that’s when I realized, “Fuck if my idols can see my own worth & beauty when I can’t, the who the fuck am I!?!?” I also got to experience music lessons with both Nikki Misery & Jeremy Valentyne (just before Jeremy left the band) & they’re both very cool people! I’ve also supported Ash’s now-fiance as a musician by donating to his GoFundMe when he was doing presales on his very first EP (I think I was one of his top highest donators??) & I also made a purchase off of Ash’s DEPOP once, & she actually sent me Christmas/New Years thank you letter & some polaroid photos of herself and I???? Cried??? New Years Day is one of the few bands that I actually genuinely actively see interacting with their fanbase & loving their fans as much they do, they’re so GREAT. If you get into them & interact with their social media or go see them live, they’ll love you up to bits & pieces, they’re so sweet. I want to be as humble as them if I ever make it big.
4) William Control
A god amongst kings... My love & appreciation for this man runs so deep & knows no boundaries. I grew up on Aiden in both middle & high school, but when I learned about how the industry fucked with Aiden as a band, not only did I support Will’s transition from the punk/goth Aiden to his now electro-synth Control morally speaking, but I was actually surprised to find that I actually genuinely really LIKED his electro stuff more than his rock stuff! You can almost tell he’s going forcibly high in Aiden, like he’s straining his voice so much to get that right tone (even though he KILLS IT cuz he’s a MONSTER). But Will’s openly said before that the transition to William Control has helped him vocally because now he sings in a much more comfortable range. He also exudes an aesthetic that I wish I could obtain within the music industry?? Like, his music is sexually themed, but he’s not inadvertently SEXUALIZED. That’s how I WANT to be. I want to make music that can have sexual themes, but without actually sexualizing MYSELF. He’s also really open about being in the BDSM community, & most of his merch is based off of BDSM like his “Fuck Christian Grey” t-shirts (I think he even has his own branded butt plugs?? bless him). He has been able to transform his life so much that he went from “broke-but-famous” Aiden, to “I own my own record studio now & I’m the boss now” William Control. He actually technically retired as a musician (he’s stated that he hates touring & knowing that his son could grow up without him, so he wants to take time to focus on his family), but he’s still the manager of his very own Control Records. Because I don’t see myself forming a band anytime soon, it’s actually one of my goals to apply for Control Records as an electronic musician.
As for what I’m listening to right now (I don’t condone smoking, but if you do smoke, smoke weed), I sometimes listen to stoner shit cuz I do get high with my friends recreationally, & I do genuinely need weed to help me cope with my anxiety & depression, & my IRL friend @spectra-indica recommended CloZee to me & I can’t stop listening to it!! It’s both organic & electronic in it’s own fascinating way, & one point I got so high & connected so deeply with CloZee’s music that I almost started crying.
And yeah, those are my top faves by far!!! I wish I could list more, but then it’ll get too long aaaaaah ;A;
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litl-theinterview · 7 years
Emem Offong
1. What is your favorite thing right now?
Korean street food and Carly Rae Jepsen! I spent the last couple of weeks visiting Seoul with family and had a phenomenal time sampling the delicious street food. Fish cakes! Eels on sticks! Steamed dumplings! Spicy octopus! Roasted chestnuts! All the meats! But my favorite of all the dishes was the roasted sweet potatoes. I know! I know!  It sounds basic but TRUST ME. I have never tasted roasted sweet potatoes that yummy before. I had one almost every night. So, so good. As for Carly Rae Jepson, what can I say, the critics were right. When CRJ’s last album “Emotion” was released in 2015, the reviews were euphoric. I was skeptical. Fast forward a few years and I hear about it again from a close friend so I gave it whirl. WOW. The whole album truly is pure pop perfection. I’ve listened to it on repeat for the last 3 weeks and am no closer to being sick of it than I was the first time I heard it. Every song makes me want to dance wildly and kiss someone I like.
2. If money (and access) was no object, what would you buy today?
I would buy a house in Ditmas park with a porch and a backyard, and a place deep in the woods upstate New York. I’d go on a tasting tour of the best restaurants in every city in the world. I’d set up a B Corp and use its profits to post bail for anyone unable to afford it. John Oliver’s piece from a couple years ago really stuck with me and I dream of fucking up that whole system.
3. Have you ever gone on a pilgrimage?
I have not. But this question has definitely piqued my interest.
4. What is your Kryptonite?
Crispy Fries. I love potatoes in all forms—baked, mashed, boiled, you name it. But crispy fries have my heart. And as frugal as I try to be about most things,  I have a really, really hard time resisting beautiful shoes and expensive electronics.
5. What is your favorite time of day?
I have become a morning person in the last 3 or 4 years, so it’s currently a tie between my walk home from the gym and the moment right after my first sip of coffee. They both signal the start of another day and I absolutely love it.
6. Do you have a go-to "power" song?
Not particularly. I tend to fall in love with an album, listen to it obsessively and then move on to the next. In the last few months, that list has included MUNA (“About U”),  Paramore (“After Laughter”), SZA (“Ctrl”), Beyonce (“Lemonade”), Bruno Mars (“24K Magic”), Brett Eldredge (“Brett Eldredge”) and of course Carly Rae Jepsen (“Emotion”).  I do have certain artists I rely on to get through specific tasks. For instance, Ludacris and Lil Wayne when I need to focus on a tedious design project. And Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Kelly Clarkson, Backstreet Boys and Celine Dion when I need to kill at karaoke.  
7. What is your happy place?
My apartment is my favorite place on earth. I am so thrilled to have a space that’s all mine that at least once a year, I take a week off just so I can spend even more time in my tiny, beloved studio. Nothing makes me happier than a whole day spent puttering around that shoebox doing whatever the hell I want.
8. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?
This is a tough one. But I’m going with Rihanna. Because, to quote Kid Fury of The Read, “Rihanna is the baddest bitch.” She is the epitome of IDGAF realness in everything she does whether it be music, fashion, business or just living. Men AND women want to be her and be with her. It’s been gratifying to watch her come into her own. She operates in a rarefied space but unlike many artists at her level, she looks like she’s having so much fun doing it. I love it.
Other women I considered: Oprah, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Condoleeza Rice and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
9. What do you think you do best?
To my friends, I think I’m a good cheerleader, emotional support system and sounding board. As for me, I am persistent—comes with a side of procrastination—and I handle myself with a lot of grace. I can sit still and be perfectly happy doing it; I’m terrific at keeping secrets and am pretty decent at keeping my composure in most situations. And, I make the BEST hush puppies.
10. What is something you do to cheer yourself up?
I’m a big believer in taking the time to feel the full extent of my feelings in order to get better. So if I’m having a bad day(s), I wallow for as long as I need to until I feel like myself again. Nothing like a hard, long cry; some journaling; a self-administered pep talk; a day spent doing whatever I want; and a heavy dose of super sad songs to lift the spirits!  
11. What is the best advice you've ever been given?
Nothing specific comes to mind but I do love a good motivational quote and have found them to be effective reminders of how I want to live my life. Right now, for the moments I beat myself up for not working harder or doing more with every free minute I have, I’ve been drawn to quotes that remind me that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.  That everything worth doing takes time. Sam Lamott’s June 5th, 2017 post on Hello Humans ended with a sentence I love—”Being unstoppable has nothing to do with speed”. He was speaking more to people battling depression and suicidal thoughts but I’ve repeated that line to myself every time I get down about not achieving some goal within a certain timeline. Just gotta keep chipping away at it.
12. Who would you like to see interviewed here?
The women in my life are just killing it. Small sampling; My friend Anna Varghese, director of the TED Prize.  Megan Haseltine, director at NYU Langone Medical Center, working to increase women of color’s access to breast cancer screenings. Courtney Mitchell, development director at Travis Manion Foundation, a nonprofit that empowers and supports veterans and their families. Janet Kim, a woman so multi-talented, she has fashion designer, painter, recording artist, and UX designer on her resume. Kellan Anderson, executive producer and partner at Harbor Picture Company, a powerhouse film and production company based in NYC. Emily Fleisher, the development director at Manhattan Theater Club, who turned me into the Broadway fan I am today....
Emem Offong is an entertainment and pop-culture aficionado who spends her days helping readers navigate mentalfloss.com successfully. She loves Brooklyn, Belgian beers, extra crispy fries and Dough doughnuts. 
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