#to be fair she WAS hot but acab
had a dream about a mid-apocalyptic dystopian town, forced under a strict regime by a need to survive. People who bent or broke the rules, even accidentally, were imprisoned, straight-up beaten on the spot by guards, or publicly tortured depending on the offense.
Now this is a Very Whumpy Setting, but the most memorable part of the dream was me trying to stop a guard from beating a man who was obviously having bones broken, and when I yelled for her to stop, she glared at me and went,
"are you trying to stand in the way of the law?"
and I didn't have a good reply so I was just like, "no, I just think you're hot"
And she got all flustered and the guy she was attacking got away lol
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edettethegreat · 1 year
In honor of the end of my second year of college, here’s a short summary of every short story, book, and play I had to read:
(this is part 2 of this post)
[ trigger warning: mentions of both abortion and rape somewhere in here. Probably also murder. Because yeah these are literature class assignments, what sorta subject matter do you expect? ]
short stories
The Tell-Tale Heart-
Narrator, while killing a guy: I am definitely not crazy.
Cops: hey we heard some noise here, is everything alright?
Narrator: haha yeah I definitely didn’t kill a guy!
Cops: oh that’s good, well have a good night sir!
Narrator: ok OK you caught me I killed him!! I killed him because his eye was just too weird!!
Cops: I think.. this guy might be crazy.
Rapaccini’s Daughter-
Giovanni: wow that girl next door is so pretty
Beatrice: *touches a lizard, which instantly dies*
Giovanni: that was kinda creepy actually.
Beatrice: *smiles at him*
Giovanni: nevermind she’s still pretty
Bartleby the Scrivener-
Narrator: hey would you mind doing your job for once
Bartleby: I’d prefer not to.
Narrator: that’s fair have a nice day
Lamb to the Slaughter-
Mary’s Husband: so I may have cheated on you…
Mary: oh, that’s perfectly fine
Mary, killing him: I don’t mind at all actually.
The Necklace-
Mathilde: oh no I lost my friend’s diamond necklace!!
Mathilde: *spends the next ten years working to pay off the debt*
Her friend: You idiot. You absolutely buffoon. That necklace was fake.
The Story of an Hour-
Loise: it sure sucks that my husband died, but it doesn’t suck enough to trigger my fatal heart condition
Her husband: ‘Sup! I’m alive!
Louise: Oh no! My heart! *dies*
Hansel and Gretel-
Hansel: wow our parents really hate us don’t they
Gretel: well I mean they abandoned us in the woods so they wouldn’t have to feed us anymore. So. Figure it out for yourself.
Little Red Cap-
Little red-cap: I would absolutely love to murder a wolf.
Rumplestiltskin: I bet you’ll never guess my name!
Rumplestiltskin: It’s Rumplestiltskin by the way.
The Queen: is it by any chance Rumplestiltskin?
Rumplestiltskin: asdjkhskl WHAT how did you guess??
The Dog and the Sparrow-
Sparrow: hey please don’t kill my friend Dog over there
Carter: hey how about you shut up. *kills the Dog*
Sparrow: I see. So you have chosen Death. *proceeds to torture and kill this man, as he should*
Young Goodman Brown-
Goodman: I had this really weird dream and now I gotta be suspicious of my wife for the rest of my life
The Lottery-
Townspeople: Ritualized murder is fun!!
A Good Man is Hard to Find-
Grandma: you seem like such a sweet young man. Please don’t kill my whole family.
The Misfit, actively killing them: you seem like a sweet old lady. Sorry I’m gonna kill you now. *kills her too*
The Smallest Woman in the World-
Everyone: wow that woman sure is small!
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings-
Priest: yeah that’s not an angel, that’s just a dude with wings.
Everyone in the town: Shut up— that totally is an angel!
The old man with the wings: *just wants to be left alone. Is Not having a good time*
The Guest-
Daru: On the one hand, ACAB. On the other hand, I don’t condone murder. So it seems I find myself in a moral conundrum.
Hills Like White Elephants-
The girl: I may or may not want an abortion.
The guy: so… which is it?
The girl: guess.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin-
Tom: well, after all of the things I’ve been through, I am now dying.
Everyone, including the audience: NO NO don’t you dare die DON’T-
Tom: *dies*
Everyone: *crying, sobbing, screaming, overall not having a very good times*
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas-
Frederick Douglas: …and that’s how learning to read and write helped me gain my freedom!
Thoreau: I’m not like other girls. I live in the woods.
The Stranger-
Meursault: I killed a guy because it was very hot outside.
The court: The’s the dumbest reason to commit murder we’ve ever heard.
Meursault: huh it seems they’ve given me the death penalty. Why’s they do that? That’s so unfair.
Carol: hey I see you’ve given me a failing grade.
John: Yes, that’s because you didn’t understand the material. But I can tutor you to help you get a better mark on the final.
Carol: Or, alternatively, I could accuse you of rape and pass by default?
John: wait. what.
Andre’s Mother-
Cal: It sure is tragic that Andre died, isn’t it?
Andre’s Mother: …
Cal: great talk we’ve had here today.
A View from the Bridge-
Eddie: guys, I think Rodolpho is gay.
Everyone: what makes you say that?
Eddie: well he’s just so pretty…
Eddie: …and kissable..
Eddie: y’know. He looks like the sort of guy I’d wanna kiss
Everyone: …
Lula: hi stranger. I’m gonna aggressively flirt with you now.
Clay: haha well this is kinda weird, but at least you’re not a serial killer or something, right?
Lula, while stabbing him: lmao yeah that would be pretty messed up!
Lincoln: hey isn’t it messed up that our parents names us Lincoln and Booth? It’s like they want you to kill me or something—
Booth, killing him: yeah that would be pretty messed up, wouldn’t it?
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Exploring Con O'Neill's Filmography Day #?-Pie In The Sky S02 Ep08
WARNINGS: Gun violence, alcoholism, pain meds addition, disability due to gun violence, workplace ableism, slight comment that could maybe be taken as transphobia? I'm also going to add slight passive suicidal ideation for the character Con plays.
This is a cop/crime procedural, but unlike the ones I grew up with in the US in the mid to late 2000s/2010s this has no claws. Seriously, the main plot is driven by pudding. I align more with ACAB sentiments (obviously), and this does fall into Copoganda. But I'm here for Con, and not much else.
I also didn't catch the name of his character till the very end, as this had no subtitles and I'm bad with accents.
As always, I'll be active in the comments if you want to discuss the episode. Especially if you deal with chronic pain/a disabling injury as I have a bone to pick with some scenes, and want to know how close to life they are.
If you haven't watched it, it's less than an hour and something to turn your brain off while watching. Spoilers ahead.
Pie In The Sky S02 Ep08 (1995, the same year as 3 Steps to Heaven. Jesus Christ, this man's career is wild)
IS HE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE. Based on what I know about crime procedurals, he's the murder.
(Con's character based on the first scene) He seems fun
Who is this mysterious man in the window
When is this? 80s? British 80s
Love the lesbians
That cop smiled more than any I've ever met
I know nothing about this show, and god, I hope I don't need context
Look at that helmet, how do people take cops seriously in England? I'd just point and laugh.
Why does he have a ceramic rooster?
Are these old ladies going to get murdered.
That guy's side part is really unfortunate
A CANADIAN COP, look at the Mountie
Mommy issues to the rescue
This is going to be a phoenix write case
(Con's scene that you've seen online in gifs 'One...Homosexual', you know the one) I LOVE THIS ASSHOLE
Why is talked to him like a child? Rude as shit. Even when he's acting weird, he probably has a reason. Hear him out and talk.
Slightly transphobic line? Idk how to read that.
Oh good, they're writing checks and not cashing them, Girlbosses
Look, I've just met this old guy(our detective inspector protagonist), but he's fun
It's a British show, there must be a character named JOHN.
IS HE A DETECTIVE AND A CHEF? Oh, that's his wife. God, I thought I was stretched thin. Look at him.
CON? (Con at a firing range?)
WHAT THE FUCK, why is he shaking?
At least he's wearing ear protection, (DI sneaks up behind him, and taps on his shoulder to alert him to his presence while still holding a gun) DONT FUCKING DO THAT, WHY WOULD YOU TAP ON HIM. HOLDING A GUN.
Con has a need for speed.
Nvm, that ladies hair is too tall
Why is Con's character just keeping guns in cars. Shouldn't he know where to hide them better? Cause he already carries one on him. The trunk one is probably just in case he loses his main one?
Oh, he was a cop. Got injured and is now paranoid. Fair, but unsafe as hell.
They are such shitty shoplifters. She tried to make eye contact with the woman she was stealing from.
Do English people just make a shit ton of Bread Pudding.
Aww they're sisters and not lesbians. Rude.
I'm just sitting here imagining how funny this scene could have been. 5 guns fall out of his wheelchair as she takes it out. "Those are for work"
Are they going to fuck or is one of them going to get shot, I'm getting mixed messages
(A benching rack in the corner)He's getting his gains, I respect it.
2 Con characters addicted to pain meds.
Pain meds+ Alcohol is got a good look
You didn't choose this but you chose how you react buddy.
Go to therapy
Best DI in media. Stealing Criminal Old Ladies Pudding Recipe
(A chef says a xenophobic line about foreign recipes) What's wrong with foreign recipes? All your shit is bland.
Maybe I'm bad with age, but Con and the detective seem like the same age. He doesn't seem ten years older than her.
He doesn't have to be a sad bastard, yeah, but Con's trapped playing that role. So if we can fix these characters 'problems' In the next twenty minutes I'll be shocked
He's jealous cause you're young and not jaded to the system like he is. You know. Like every ex cop/military/government character.
THAT CUT WAS JARRING (From a peaceful dinner to Con trashing in bed)
Who gets out of a car like that, slowly pulls out a gun, and fires like that? WHAT WAS HIS PLAN? DID HE HAVE DRUGS HE WAS HIDING? WHY??!?!?!?!
Go to therapy, Jesus Christ. The station would pay for it, and this is interrupting your daily well-being.
(The car shop guy goes to his house to hand over his keys personally, they do a weird double-take glance thing) That interaction post-nightmare felt gay? Is that just me?
What the fuck does 'twirlers' mean? Am I just not British enough to understand that?
73 arrests for shoplifting and they're still this shit? WHAT?
4 pistoles seem low based on his history. But I know a guy who has two hundred firearms anywhere from black powder with buckshot to pistols, and he's just a nurse...Well, maybe rural North West US is not the normal standard to judge by.
ALSO DON'T HIDE A FIREARM LIKE THAT. Does it just slide around in his trunk?
They're such jackasses to him, no wonder he's rude
TRUE THO, as long as he stays a cop feeling like this there's no point. He is just kind of stuck feeling like his life has no meaning. It's shit, but if he finds no point to living then yeah. He'll never move on
I was half expecting him to pull out a gun
The nice thing about being a disabled cop here is no one suspects you and socially we're trained to ignore people with disabilities. It's something our governments actually uses in day to day life. I kinda hoped they cover that more.
I don't think you can pull out credit cards like that. Any bank would be suspicious.
Con was playing a character named Ian? Cool.
Also, NOW WE HAVE ANOTHER CON CHARACTER DOING DUMB GUN SHIT. That brings us up to 5 characters baby (Telestar, Vengence is Mine, Blood Brothers, 3 Steps To Heaven, now this). The worst part is the only Con character I trust with a gun is Val. Cliff is responsible, but I still don't trust him. Izzy can shoot, and due to hijinks in the story, he might accidentally shoot someone.
Took a minute to understand what everything was going on. They brought up a fun idea about how cops use PR. I wish Ian's issues were resolved in the end. He just kind of get's his groove back and suddenly everything's 'okay'. He still hates himself, and struggles with a pain pill and alcohol addiction.
Ian trying to prove he's still useful is giving me some hope for Izzy season 2. Con pulls it off really well. You see Ian's frustration with needing to ask for help, and pushing himself past his limits. You can feel frustration from Ian knowing he's being sent on this baby case for essentially bullshit reasons. He spoke up and upper management essentially remembered he existed. This is a really fun way to use Con's chops as a serious, but fun character.
The old lady plot was weird but fun. Girlbosing legends. Not knowing the protagonist, and being surprised when he rerouted a case just to get a recipe was funny.
Overall an enjoyable episode, besides a slightly transphobic joke, it's not as 90s as it could be. Also, he and the car salesmen guy at the end there had as much chemistry as he and the detective had. Get you a guy who can do both.
Con:8/10. Fun, angry guy. Wish he got therapy.
Story: 6-7/10. Fun, I know depicting cops like this is exactly how they get away with doing awful shit, but seeing a cop story that wasn't life and death(besides Ian possible hurting himself) was fun. Felt new, at the very least. I knew nothing about this show but could still watch it.
Cinematography: 6/10. Of its era, but you get the feeling of putting on a warm coat. This is something that they would play at a hotel, on the free stations. You've definitely seen something like this before.
Overall I'd say around a 7. If I rank it, low B. Just cause he's not a real protagonist in the series, and I want to show love to the shit Con put his whole chest into. But it wasn't a bad watch. Fun contained story.
@ivegotnonameidea thanks for the recommendation ;)
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asafeplaceforus112 · 11 months
I'm watching New spider movie as treat for finishing example
I don't know how I feel about the Gwen stuff being minimised and stuff
Poor Gwen
I love how Gwen swings differently
I like how the old vulture is animated
I like how the subtitles for him were paper
Spider man with a cape xD
I like how all spider people are quippy
I like Lyla
I saw the sunglasses so much I saw and went "yes"
"will you adopt me"
Holy shit that was do cool
Gwen is so cool
"yeah I think it's Banksy" love the reference I swear if her dad used this as an opportunity
"how long have you been lying to me"
Oh fuck me fuck off
Honestly so fair of her
I am but the long lanky dude trying to rob things
"aunt may moved to Florida" on no aunt may not
The kid disowning him
I love that he'd got a friend now
Miles having a BLM
I love how they're upset that it's Spanish that he didn't end up as good at
I like how he and miles are similar
HOnestly he's fair to be upset but also man you're a mess you can't ask that
I like how he's dadding his son anyway
ME TOO MILES me too therapising my dad
Holy shit it's gorgeous
The enjoyment I feel in Lego Spiderman being "one if the best"
Girl does not know what to do with that and that's so fun for her
I love that there's a mural for aaron
Also fuck off that's so sad that he can't find miles
"I'm not proud" cake
Stop it makes me so sad
"whatever" oh he's dead
He's so lanky
Gwen in a cardigan is so cute
They're sooooo in love
Gwen with a pony tail is so cute
I like how her baby hair works
The way they recognise it going bad airg Gwen
They hate how she used first name
"dont steal him from me" ewwww
The way that because it's her family, she's now obligated to do anything they say even if it's against her morales
As the protector that worries about people not looking after us as much as I'll love everyone in the system yeah I fucking cries fuck y'all I'll cry. Fuck y'all I love my system and none of the world treats us right
I'm not sure if the zip joke was needed but yeah
"shoot" is so fun
I'm soooo in love with lyla
How can Gwen not know he's there if there's spidie powers??
Boy don't do it
Like I knew he'd do it but also I just knew that it would fuck it up even more for her
A. The him falling him was sooooo fun
B.the way I happy squirmed happy when I saw Pav
Fuck off with the incel mother fucker
I love how they keep punching the wall as I'd that'll fix it
Noooo spider punk is a fuck wit ))))):
"I don't believe in comedy"
Goddamn he really went for incel huh
I really like how they've animated the incel dude
It would mean to me if spider punk was gay and not interested in Gwen
The way I would do anything for Pav
Oh no don't tell me that it's predetermined for shit like that to happen so they just let it happen
Oh no
"canon moment disrupted" oh no
They're so in love
Pider horse my beloved
Lyla my beloved
Margo spider man brings joy
So Miguel lots his daughter and now thinks everyone has to lose that little girl in their dimensions? Sad
Spider punk really reminds us of a friend we have
PETER B parker!!!
"kids an anarchist" fuck off
Awwwwwweeee he loves his daughter
"taking a crap on the establishment I salute you" oh fuck off
I love Lyla so much
Ice hockey spider man just sitting in the backgroudn
Spider punk telling him how to do it is iconic.
Okay I like spider punk, I wish there was more wod hik
That spider fem was so hot
Oh my god spider DINOSAUR.
That chase scene was fucking amazing
Peter B parker is a dumb ass, too much daddying has turned him into a himbo
Snitches get stiches
Miguel is a piece of shit
I feel miles. People I trusted fucking with me because it's better for them. Yeah I feel that that
The like horror of this! Of Mike's trying to go home and the horror they all feel trying to stop him
Margo is a real one fr fr
Jess fucking sucks
If you have to reassure yourself that you're the good guys you're not a good guy
Okay Miles it's time to tell your dad your Spiderman and that he shouldn't be captain coz it will lead to your death, let someone else be a captain
I love the MJ she's so nice
"Been out murdering all my friends"
Fuck off he loves his daughter
Spider punk is such a cool friend I love him lots
And now his mum finds out
Damn impressive
"of course I'm right I'm always right"
Girl she can see your suit symbol
The way she goes "whose that again" awwwweee nooo
This isn't the right Spiderman world is it
I fucking knew it I fucking knew it as soon as I saw her eyes
Her eyes weren't right I knew it
OHMY GOD that's why he brought up his hair
Oh my god uncle Aaron
That's why she doesn't know who Spiderman is because Spiderman doesn't exist there
A world where his dad died instead
Awwweee he's listening to spiderman
What the fuck aaron
Putting music on is terrifying
The way this is how he was scared that Aaron would acting
The way they did it makes it look like he smashed his brain out and I love that
Oh my god this miles turned into a baby prowler
"why would I do that" idky why the fuck wouldn't you????
God the spot was so Derpy and he still kinda is dery shape but he's so cool
"how I'm trying to be" - misingno in reference to shapeless body from the spot
I knew it was giving the ending vives but fuck man no way
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get-starfingered · 1 year
Pucci won the hottest JJBA man poll on Twitter. Thoughts? He had to battle it out with Weather in the final poll too and while I love both of them, Pucci easily won by a landslide
I was following that poll!
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Nearing the final rounds I knew it was gonna come down to the Puccis battling it out. Honestly I thought Weather was a shoe-in but like you said, Enrico absolutely bodied him. I voted Pucci myself, lmao. Both are gorgeous though, and it was an agonizing choice. Fuck though, E.Pucci is just 🫦🤌
Other thoughts on the above poll:
Not gonna lie, what I was most shocked about was Mista beating Kakyoin in the first round! Kak fans are plentiful and (at times) some can be rabid. I suppose his diehards weren't partaking in the tournie. And personally, Mista > Kak; I prefer Mista's design and character.
It was a long shot but I was hoping Jonathan would win over Jotaro.
Avdol vs Buccerati was PAINFUL. Love Bucci but Av is supreme king in my eyes and I would have died of joy if he had at least made it to the finals (I voted for him, always).
Bucci vs Risotto was another toss-up; both are excellent
Kars should have beat Joot. Full stop.
Had it not been Weather vs Pucci in the end I would have loved to see it be Kars vs Dio (and vote Kars)
If Gyro wasn't up against Dio he would have definitely made it higher in the rankings. Diego getting further than him is rather surprising imo.
Dio vs Pucci was also rather poetic.
And now the women's battle is in the finals!
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Jolyne making it to the finals is correct, immaculate, based. Voted for her the entire way and she was seamlessly sweeping. 😤 Jolyne will be crowned queen! Anything less is blasphemy. (Yasuho is wonderful though and I'm pleasantly surprised she made it so far.)
Thoughts on this one:
LISA LISA SHOULD HAVE MADE IT FURTHER. But this poll and the randomizer are EVIL for me personally for pitting Lisa Lisa and Hot Pants against each other, holy shit. I'm a Lisa Lisa ride-or-die (voted for her naturally) but Hot Pants is up there as one of my fave jjba characters too. But if there's anyone I can accept Lisa Lisa bowing out to, it's Hot Pants.
Hot Pants should have beaten Yasuho.
Cackled at Tomoko vs Suzi Q. Doing them both so dirty istggggg and I struggled hard with that one.
No shock that the Jojo Women's tournie is 80% Jojolion lol
Ngl as nonsensical as it would have been I almost wish some of the various nameless Stone Ocean gals could have somehow been in the preliminaries (there's be no point in any of them progressing further, and even less point in them taking a spot from more prominent and important characters obvs). I say this if only because there were some seriously good, frankly wasted designs Araki and Davpro pulled for background/one-offs. And yes, the G.D.St. Prison lunch lady would have been included because I treasure her.
Erina kicking Miu Miu's ass is *chef's kiss* acab babeeeyyyy
Reimi's precious but Holly should have won.
Speaking of, starting with og universe Holly vs alt universe Holly just makes sense.
Jolyne vs Ermes was also fucking evil too! Pitting Jolyne against one of her partners man, that just ain't right. 😭
Foofy should have made it farther than they did, damn it!
I love Jojo women, each poll was low-key painful.
For both of these polls, if Stone Ocean's final batch wasn't brand new then I know most of the SO cast would not have faired well in against the characters of parts 2-5 and 7. Part 6 was so reviled and ignored for so long, so many fans sleeping on the wonderful core cast and their beauty would have led to, for example, Caesar beating Weather in the first round. So I'm pretty happy that the anime adaptation catapulted these characters into the spotlights they deserve.
All in all, in my mind it comes down to Pucci vs Jolyne (once she creams Yasuho) in the ultimate final "Hottest Jojo Character" and that's fate.
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A Clash of Kings - 14 ARYA IV (pages 192-206)
Arya and co find an abandoned town and decide to hole up for the night, only to be attacked in the middle of the night and forced to split the party or face TPK.
The reading, suffering a blackout that knocked out the power and wi-fi while their phone was low on battery, apologises for the delay in post.
Hot Pie was being silly; it wouldn't be ghosts at Harrenhal, it would be knights. Arya could reveal herself to Lady Whent, and the knights would escort her home and keep her safe. That was what knights did; they kept you safe, especially women.
ACAB That sounds like the kind of thing I'd expect to hear from pre-beheading Sansa. Like I get it, Arya is worn out, and in her home this is a true statement, probably, but outside of Winterfell... ehh, I'd take it with a grain of salt. And to be fair to Arya, at this point they don't know that matters have changed at Harrenhal.
Also irl, Chivalry only technically applied to people of equal or greater station than the knight, it wasn't a full time personality for many of them, so...
Finally the town came into view; a cluster of white houses spread out around the walls of a holdfast, a big sept with a shingled wooden roof, the lord's towerhouse sitting on a small rise to the west... and no sign of people anywhere.
Huh, that's kind of interesting. First Dany, then Jon, now Arya, empty villages and the colour white. City of bones and Arya's village both have white buildings, and Jon was at Whitetree. Probably doesn't mean much past basic parallels and divergence, but I just thought it was interesting.
"Arry's scared," Lommy announced, braying laughter. "I'm not," she snapped back, "but they were." "Smart boy," said Yoren. "Thing is, the folks who lived here were at war, like it or no. We're not. Night's Watch takes no part, so no man's our enemy." And no man's our friend, she thought , but this time she held her tongue. Lommy and the rest were looking at her, and she did not want to seem craven in front of them.
Aye, there's the rub. The Night's Watch might not take part, but they live in the north, and as far as team Lannister goes, if you aren't with them, you're against them. No neutral parties.
She could hear the crying girl from the far side of the haven. I wish she'd just be quiet. Why does she have to cry all the time?
Because, Sansa, Jeyne has been through trauma and this is how she processes those feelings of loss and fear and helplessness. *smacks Arya lightly with a newspaper* stop sounding like Sansa. it confuses me. (joking)
But in all seriousness, it does remind me of Sansa's chapter from GoT, the difference being we can see the reactive shift in Sansa, and here Arya's been slogging through the countryside ignoring her trauma for a while now without a chance to unpack, but in both cases both girls come across as very unsympathetic to other young girls and their crying.
Now, let us hand out medals and awards. First up: For making the war harder than it needed to be by refusing to accept non-combatants as a thing that exists, and stalwartly refusing the surgery to get his head removed from his arse: Ser Amory Lorch.
Well that all escalated in the worst possible way, and none of it needed to if Amory Lorch wasn't such a complete piece of shit who was out looking to do murder and not justice or whatever the else fuck he was pretending to do!
Look at all this fresh trauma Arya has to carry around though! Awesome! (sarcasm.)
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maggotmouth · 3 years
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         it’s me again, nora, bringing u another british muse cos i am british and apparently that’s as far as my range will extend. he’s a wild boy with yellow fingers, crucifix bones and a laugh like butter wouldn’t melt. speedy little fucker. lovable rogue. plays the fool. right in the nucleus of destruction – that’s where he’s most at home – laughing with a mouthful of blood, fire at his fingertips and red wine on his lips.  here is the pinterest for jude. here’s a jude musings tag. this vine radiates jude energy.  so does this.  this video is very jude. 
name:    jude dempsey.
age:   twenty-five.
gender & pronouns:    cis man, he/him.
occupation:  location scout on film & tv sets  /   freelance photographer.
archetypes:  the anarchist. the outcast. the going-nowhere-fast. the aimless. the hostile. the charity case. the juvenile delinquent.
zodiac:  aries sun, aquarius moon, scorpio rising.
residency:  lilac ridge trailer park with his older sister, her surf instructor boyfriend, and their baby.
tattoos:  covered in them. his sister aoife wanted to be a tattoo artist n he was her walking canvas. now she lives in irving n works as a yoga teacher n has a baby called kale.
faceclaim:     aron piper.  
blood stains on a cigarette rizzla, a jovial whistle as you tend to a full english breakfast ( eggs served sunny-side up ), jamming screwdrivers into the tag around your ankle to sneak out of the house to boiler room dj sets, a stick-and-poke tattoo spelling ‘ACAB’ across your knuckles that you got at a house party while tripping on ket, rugby socks and porno mags stuffed beneath a single bed still laundered with spiderman bed sheets.
character references.
Ronan (The Raven Cycle), Daniel Dessario (Freaks & Geeks), Lip Gallagher (Shameless), Mercutio (Romeo & Juliet), Connell (Normal People), Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games), Eggsy (Kingsman).
bullet point summary of jude
—  twenty-five. cis-male. he / him. bisexual. has a million different piercings and tattoos and broken so many bones. he was originally based on the tarot card the fool (which represents spontaneity, impulsivity, new beginnings, improvising, leaps of faith or lack of direction, poor judgement, chaos and stupidity depending on which way up it is). his birthday is april 1st so he’s literally a fuckin joke. i have a full bio for him but i wrote it when i was like 14 and frankly its embarrassing so ur just getting bullet points (n tbh they are long as fuck…. so…..) xx 
— jude is peak dark fruits twitter, massive “u fooking wot mate???” football hooligan britpop love island lad, but also just massive softie once you chisel your way passed the six layers of reinforced concrete barrier beneath his adidas shell suit
— born in lewisham, raised in bromley. was in and out the care system as well as juvenile detention a lot as a kid for petty crimes like larcency, public indecency, trespassing, graffiti. came from a family of miscreants who were often in trouble with the law and as a result social services got involved and he was tossed about different foster families like a hot potato but he kept running back to his mum. this is really sad but i think a lot of the reason why he committed petty crimes was because when he was in the juvenile detention centre there was structure, and people checking in on him to make sure he hadn’t vanished, and he got regular meals, and he was kind of lacking those things at home…. the fridge was always empty, no one cared if he was in his room or out on the streets causing trouble…. in juvie he got a sense of family as fucked up as that sounds….. it’s also where he learned to fight.
—  very working class roots, proud of this fact, and fucking hates the rich. people at school would call his family  “ne’er-do-wells”, and as a result he spent most of his youth causing havoc on the streets because it was the only kind of identity he knew. his brothers worked at the fun fairs and carnivals in the summer months. jude used to rollerblade around and steal candy flosses from the pier and rig the slot machines so that they’d spill out loads of coins for him. the archetypal lock-picking chaotic neutral rogue type.
— had a speech impediment as a kid which is one of the reasons why he can appear quite quiet. was always the kid who knew the answer but if he tried to speak the words would get jumbled on his tongue and come out like tangled cassette tape, so bcos of this he stopped speaking in class, stopped acting like he had anything worth saying, became hostile towards those who’d had lessons in elocution. it wasn’t worth getting laughed at, and he was happy to pretend to be thick at school if that’s what others wanted him to be. he thrived in other areas.
 — constantly undermines his own intelligence and doesn’t really trust that he’s actually clever, despite the fact that he could have done well in school if he’d tried (and wasn’t constantly having to parent his siblings). he knows that people will see him and just assume he’s a dumb idiot so he’s kind of in a place where he makes people think that before they can even assume it, because that way he feels in control. is constantly saying he can’t read but in fact!! he can read. it just takes him a bit longer cos the words move around on the page he got that restless adhd energy baby. (couldn’t possibly be me, getting told for years my characters are adhd n being “like wtf this is just how ppl are??” and then getting diagnosed with adhd at the grand old age of 23)
— never finished school. got a bus to heathrow airport n moved to los angeles at sixteen years old with a skateboard, his best mate, a jar full of pennies and a digital camera. they couch surfed for ages and were in a lot of dodgy situations until jude got pretty involved in the industrial skate scene. then they just slept on sk8rbois sofas and in their dirty basements for a while until they had enough money to rent a flat. also super into parkour. when he wasn’t freerunning himself he took videos of the others n he built up a small following on youtube.
—  now works as a freelance photographer / content creator for VICE and other online journals. involved in a lot of zines. it’s a lot of effort and not much money so he also works as a runner and a gaffer on tv sets.
— that grilling mix of the artful dodger and peter pan. he’s a boy in the body of a man, who doesn’t want to grow up. he can’t accept the responsibility that comes with adulthood, and would prefer to be boisterous and carefree. he could be something great if he cared - the trouble is he’s too preoccupied having fun. 
— despite being lacking in maturity, jude’s kind of like, a caring if somewhat grumpy father figure. because his parents were never really around and him n his siblings had to look out for each other, he likes to make sure everyone’s eaten, and is always the first to offer up his bed or sofa if someone needs a place to stay. he climbs trees to help injured birds and has a rescue staffie with three legs. he likes animals more than people. 
— has been hopping around place to place since he left school at 16. doesn’t really consider anywhere home, but rather the feeling of cracking the top off an ice cold bottle of beer and slapping ur mates on the thighs. he would go back home to lewisham but honestly his dad is never there and his mum is p much a liability and always drunk and he just cant be bothered to deal with it any more, plus all his siblings have moved out now. the reason he came to irving is cos one of his sisters (aoife) is here - she was working as camp counsellor in the states and started dating a surf instructor from irving. now they have a lil baby together and jude is the uncle and godparent. he lives with them in lilac ridge.
— very physically fit. wants to run fast so he can overtake the bourgeoise when the zombies come. sporty soft jock himbo type and was always better with his body than he was with words. he’s learned to say more by not speaking. 
— was massively into parkour as a kid. now a freerunner and freelance photographer. is one of those guys u see nowadays on instagram who climb to the top of a really high building in their fuckin sneakers to do an ig story of new york from like, 100ft up and get paid by vice to do it. he started doing shit like that when he was like 15 because UNILAD or s/t saw one of his instagram videos of him up this building taking shots on his go-pro n were like hey we can use this
— kind of an amalgamation of daniel dessario and nick andopolis in freaks and geeks. obsessed with dad rock and can play electric guitar but is pretty bad at it. is that one friend who’s always like “tame impala are so much better than the stone roses man. talking heads were the fucking bomb, you weren’t there, you don’t know david byrne like i do” etc etc pop culture references. also really into dad rock and fuckin loves parquet courts.
— chews the inside of his cheek when he’s nervous or irritated. it’s a tick he’s had since youth, almost a way of biting his tongue. it used to give him terrible mouth ulcers. he’s also heavily avoidant when it comes to dealing with anything not chill n usually runs from it or gets blackout drunk. he definitely uses binge drinking as a coping mechanism.
— ran track competitively all the way through school. his go-to default is to run when given the fight or flight option. though his blood can easily boil, he’s not quick to resort to violence. he prefers to either run from it or clumsily attempt being a peacemaker. he’ll only usually end up fighting accidentally, literally that tommy shelby gif like STOP FIGHTING NO FUCKING FIGHTING and two seconds later he’s throwing a punch.
 — an angry boi but also a soft boi beneath the angry boi. his anger comes from this eat-the-rich mentality so if ur characters well off at all or appears tht way he’d hate them. has been living off of hardly anything his whole life trying to survive on the breadline and fuckin hates the rich so much. 
— but apart from that, he’s pretty solid. may appear to be a ‘lads lad’ but is actually a fucking sweetheart. some character inspos are connell from normal people, daniel dessario, eggsy from kingsman, soren from the dragon prince, lip from shameless, dionysus god of wine and ecstasy, and sokka in A:TLA.
wanted plots.
— his older sister, a summer camp counsellor, is the reason he came to irving in the first place so maybe ppl who know him through her? she’s called aoife, she’s like 27, vegan, a part time yoga teacher and married to a surf instructor, and has a lil baby boy called kale heath landover-dempsey (terrible name imo). they live in a trailer in lilac ridge.
— honestly brotps. i want so many brotps, if ur character is lad behaviour at all, then hook me up they could be best mates. alternatively they could just really see too much of themselves in each other and not get on spicy.
— he works for vice and pop culture magazines climbing buildings and taking pictures and just posting stupid lil freerunning videos on instagram but since he’s come to irving he’s been doing tv work as a gaffer and a runner when he can or working in the bars so if ur character works in a bar maybe they got him the job, maybe they’re colleagues, idk.
— someone he had sex with in his first week there cos he thought he was only gonna be staying with his sister a few days but then he ended up running out of money and had to stay longer than planned and actually get a job there and now they just see each other in public and its well awks
— skate gang he does parkour, freerunning and skateboarding so would hang around parks where they have shit he can jump off
— i kind of have this vision of him working as an ice cream vendor on the beach just sat in an ice cream van all day serving soft scoops with a scowl, maybe other ppl who work near the beach as life guards, cafe staff etc who might occasionally get an ice cream from him for free n they go skinny dipping together when they all finish their shifts 
— anything and everything. honestly please bombard me with messages, i’m in the discord (nora / maggotmouth), or you can im me, i’m so slow to message but once we get the ball rolling i promise it’ll be a hoot ok pce and love x
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depressedtransguy · 3 years
im tired so I can’t think of a threat but if you read this and you’re not @angelwiththeblue-box ue-box then I’ll cut off your uvula and make you drown in your own blood
Anthony was just stepping out of the Sanctum when he got the call on his glasses. They buzzed gently against his face as his sister's name flashed right in front of his eyes, reminding him that his sister was the only person connected to his spectacles. And she only called him for one thing. "I will thank every god in the multiverse if you tell me right now that you're not in prison again," Anthony whispered with a seething rage as he answered the call, his fingers flexing on a stress ball.
Her overly long silence wasn't comforting. I'm in prison again.
Not knowing whether to scream or break things, Anthony just inhaled sharply as his stress ball popped. "Frigga, I'm about to go on a date! With Atreo! Remember, the Greek god of a man that I'm somehow dating?"
I remember.
"Is there at least not anyone there who's going to immediately kill you? Can you wait a night? Please?"
There was a huff from the other end. You're going to leave your sister in prison for a night to have sex with a mortal?
"Well he doesn't make me break him out of space prison!!" Frigga was right of course. He had to help her. And normally he didn't mind it, it was cracking codes and breaking laws, two of his favorite things, but Atreo was... hot. And Anthony was gay. It was unfair. But like the message of every single Fast and the Furious movie, family came first. "Fine. I'll help. But you owe me big time."
Okay okay, I owe you I owe you, just help me get out of here.
So with the gay side of his mind screaming at him to go hook up with a man carved out of stone, he teleported into his lab and plopped down into his swivel chair with a huff, then letting it roll him over to his main computer. "What prison are you at?" He started up the monitor and tossed his destroyed stress ball over his shoulder.
The Xandarian one.
Anthony groaned. "Again? Stop going to Xandar! They know you're a war criminal!"
It was just a little treason, don't be such a bitch.
"It's not the crimes, it's the fact that you keep going to the places where you know you'll be arrested. I'm a felon on at least 12 planets, but at least I'm smart enough to avoid them," Anthony pointed out, tapping the correct coordinates into the computer before dragging out the 3D model of the building and spinning it around in his hands. "But I guess it's better than one we've never broken out of before. Even though you'll probably be locked up twice as much and have three times as many guards making sure you don't get out. Fun. Really really fun." Anthony double tapped the side of his glasses to increase the volume on her end. "Where are you right now?"
I'm in line for my mugshot. My wrists are locked together with power dampers and there's a guard ready to taser me if I take a wrong step, but besides that I'm pretty free. So I was able to tap the piece with my shoulder and they just think I'm crazy talking to myself. Same place as last time.
The young scientist increased the size of the hologram prison until he spotted the room she was talking about and he then pulled it out before pushing it back into the computer. The camera footage from that room immediately popped up. Due to Frigga being arrested so frequently, he had already programmed the entire hologram with the codes needed to access both their camera and security system. It just made the whole process a lot simpler. "Alright I'm in." Anthony rolled forward in the chair and squinted at the monitor, increasing the picture with two outstretched fingers until he could zoom in on where his sister stood waiting for her mugshot to be taken next. "Oh my god, you put up another fight didn't you?"
With a groan Anthony leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You may be powerful Frigga, but you, with your wrists and neck locked, and your powers suppressed, and four Xandarian guards surrounding you, you absolutely will not win in any situation." And it was obvious she didn't win that time either. A black ring was around her eye with blood dripping down her philtrum and her chin, as well as what appeared to be another bruise on her left cheekbone.
Says the guy with more scars to mark his battles than me.
She was right. She was. But that didn't mean he liked it. "This isn't about my problems right now, this is about yours," Anthony pointed out. "Focus on listening to directions. I don't want you to get hit again." Even though she was messing up his date, that's not how he wanted to get revenge on her. He already had a better plan that was calming his anger just from knowing they'd be even in the end.
You're not breaking me out now?
"Surrounded by guards and other unstable patients and chained up to your ass? I'm not stupid. Just trust me, I know what I'm doing."
A sigh came from her end. Fine. But I need to get a new prison breakout guy. My current one's too slow.
Anthony laughed back. If he was suffering emotionally, then she could too. It was only fair. "I'm the best in the business honey, don't underestimate me. And I don't make you pay me. Calculating the exact price of a hacker-if we ignore the fact that they would have to be available for you at any time since you get arrested way more than the average person-with the amount of times I've helped you out, including now, that adds up to about... $14,191. And we're poor."
Fuck you.
"Fuck you too, I'm out of fourteen hundred dollars and a date. Now just pretend to be obedient for the next 20 minutes and I'll get you out."
I still hate you.
"I hate you too."
The siblings fell into silence as Frigga's arm was grabbed and she was then pushed onto the platform, right in front of the electronic height measurer that all mugshots had for some reason. In her flat shoes she rose up to the marking of 6' 1". Which did annoy Anthony a bit, as he sort of received the short end of the stick when it came to tall genetics, but he swallowed his jealousy and listened to what the officers had to say while she was scanned and her pictures were taken. ACAB might be true, but they did have some pretty interesting banter.
She's back again? one guard, who Anthony nicknamed 'Terry' on the spot, commented with a hint of sarcasm.
Yep, the other guard, nicknamed 'Jake', responded with a small *pop* on the 'p'. The bounty's big on her, I'm surprised she wasn't handed over sooner.
Well she's escaped out of here thrice, so she's obviously got some tricks up her sleeves.
Jake let out a low whistle. Three times? That's gotta be a record.
It is. She just... slips through our fingers every single time. I don't know how she does it. Maybe with an accomplice or something, something that our camera's can't detect, maybe a brother or a parent or a friend, but there's no way they'll get through this a fourth time.
The two space cops laughed and assumedly bumped their fists together based on the small popping noise that came from the other end. Anthony only smirked and then tuned out their annoying voices when it moved to annoying prison stuff to then jot down the information typed out on the wall where she stood, describing her ethnicity, criminal background (there was a lot of that), special powers, descriptive marks, etc etc. He didn't look up when she was told to turn to her side.
You're paying attention, right? I can hear you writing something, Frigga suddenly interrupted.
"I have to record all the information they have on you to figure out if it can possibly be exploited. I'm organized Frigga, and anything can be important."
Frigga just groaned. Just get me out.
"Patience... is a virtue."
Patience can kiss my ass.
"You can kiss your ass goodbye if you don't shut up and follow the guards; I can see them looking at you." Although it was mostly to shut her up, he technically was telling the truth, as one of the guards broke out from the group to grab Frigga's bicep and pull her away from the mugshot space. Normal prisoners moved on their own with guards nearby, but three time escapists were snatched and moved on their own. Which Frigga wasn't used to, nor did she like. If Anthony wasn't there to bargain with her for her peace she definitely would have put up another fight and made practically everything ten times harder for herself. "I'll lead your escape plan in the direction of killing that guard," he offered as a reward if she stayed calm. A pretty useful tactic that both of them used on each other whenever something that they weren't good at was involved and needed to be done.
And it worked as usual. Frigga just huffed and pushed her shoulders back in order to hold her head high as she was walked toward where she would be temporarily staying, knowing she'd get to slaughter the person manhandling her in the end. Anthony followed them through the different rooms along the different security cameras.
More and more shackles were added as they went. A muzzle slapped on that thankfully still let her speak, new and bigger handcuffs, legs chained together to be dragged along the floor, and a full on torso restraint, all with Frigga looking more and more annoyed. It was actually pretty funny. Not that Anthony would say that aloud since he knew she'd just get (rightfully) mad. Although he had clicked record a minute prior and planned to laugh his ass off in front of her later. Once no one's life (but his) was in danger.
Eventually there were enough chains on her and she had reached her single containment facility, so while one guard lifted her up from the ground, the other opened the door for her to be thrown inside like a sack of potatoes before they then slammed it shut. At that Anthony had to laugh audibly at.
Oh fuck off.
"You didn't- they just- they just fucking threw you-" Anthony struggled out, wheezing through the words due to how hard he was laughing. It was so fucking funny. "You should have seen yourselffff."
Get me out of prison quicker so I can kill you quicker.
Anthony had to take another minute or two to stop laughing before he could actually get to work. "Alright, could you describe your surroundings? I have no quick way of getting in there."
Fine. I'm in a small, most likely vibranium room, about four feet by ten feet by... 12 feet. There are some sort of magnets in the back that connect to the chains' padlocks, so as soon as I was tossed in they snapped together, so now I'm hung up kinda like Jesus Christ on the cross. The room besides the door is bare.
"Any cracks above or below the door?"
Not a thing. They really don't want me to get out of here.
"But you will. Could you describe your chains to me? I didn't get a good look when I was watching you before."
The links are about three inches across, the metal an inch thick, and the cuffs are as heavy as Jeff, being almost four inches up and one and a half inches thick. They cover most of my forearms. The color is... a dark gray with a little hint of navy blue. Uh, I should paint this scene. I think I could really piss some Christians off with it because no joke, I'm exactly positioned like Jesus was in the El Greco pai-
Silence followed for a few seconds. Anthony was planning on telling her to focus once her sentence was done and comment on her mention of Jeff, their childhood 15 pound cat, but the end of it never came. So he just zoomed in on the door and increased the volume on her side once more. "Frigga? Come in Frigga."
There wasn't even silence on the other end. Static started to come through. "What the-" Anthony's work didn't produce static. His inventions and creations didn't create static. Ever. "Frigga tell me this is a joke, what's going on?" There had been no movement at the door, and as he was forced to take Frigga's word about the room's layout, there was no other entrance to it. "Frigga. Come on."
The only reason he was snapped out of the repeated cycle of him adjusting his glasses and repeating his sister's name was because his other senses perked up and he caught the feeling of a presence behind him. A certainly unfamiliar one. But before he could even turn or react, he was snatched from behind and his whole world went black.
Frigga was being manhandled again when she woke up. "Ugh, did you dickheads knock me out again?" she hissed as she twisted in her shackles, surprised to be out of her personal prison with no warning, but still angered. "I was thinking about painting, asshole." She was struck in the face (as expected) for her rudeness. At least Anthony didn't scold her for it. Could you do your best to not piss everyone off while you're vulnerable? That would be great, is what he always said. As your doctor I have to tell you that it's a stupid ass thing to do. But he said nothing.
In fact there was no sound at all from Anthony. Not even breathing. Just static...
Wait. "What's your name?" the guard holding her up by her biceps demanded before she could properly think about where her brother was. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? You guys have arrested me four times! In fact I should be asking you that, are you a new hire or something? I didn't see you the last time I was here."
The guard brought his arm back to hit her again, but that time the other one stopped him. "Her sleeve is torn. She's telling the truth; she has been arrested multiple times."
"Then explain why she isn't in the system!"
"I can't. But she's not lying, so you shouldn't hit her. Let's just bring her to the mugshot area, get a photo, and then put her in the hardcore containment facility so we can figure this stuff out on our own," he bargained with the more unstable guard.
The guard did agree after a bit more negotiating, and soon enough Frigga was brought back to the mugshot area and positioned on it. It didn't look like the same one she was in just minutes earlier. Well, it looked... similar? Yet... outdated. Like the old system they used to use. She didn't say anything aloud, as she knew that would just get her hit again, but she tried to imprint the oddities in her mind as best she could. Dammit why did Anthony get Dad's photographic memory?! she mentally hissed as details vanished from her brain almost seconds after. Why do I have to be forgetful?
"Yeah yeah, I know I know," Frigga grumbled, reluctantly doing as told and then eyeing the information they were presenting about her on the screen. Some of it was from the identifying marks and tears on her clothing, like her escapist status and such, but most of it had come from the special type of scanner that The Kyln owned that could identify everything from hidden objects on the body down to a being's DNA. Hers was correctly listed as 50% Terran, 50% Jotunn. Her ear piece wasn't recognized just like Anthony had designed. But, in an odd turn of events, none of her powers were listed as they usually were. Not one.
After the scan was done, leaving both the guards and the young demi-god with more questions than answers, Frigga was grabbed by the bicep and led over to a containment facility. Not her usual single one, but a seemingly group one with approximately 13 more people inside. Only a few had handcuffs. And no chains were added to her, leaving her completely open spare her wrists, which was a ridiculous oversight on their part. (There had been a lot of weird oversights on their part by then.) At least it would be an easy break out. "Anthony, are you there?"
No answer.
Frigga bent her arms and reached over to press into the ear piece in case it accidentally got turned off when she was passed out. She said her brother's name again, ignoring the looks she got from other hardened criminals inside. "If you're fucking with me you are so dead when I get home."
"Hey crazy, stop talking to yourself, some of us are trying to nap here."
The familiar voice made Frigga stop in her action and turn toward it. "Rocket?" The other guardians also laying down looked up at the call of his name. "What- what are you all doing here? You're supposed to be in New Asgard."
They all looked extremely confused. "What? Look, lady, I don't know who the hell you are or what New Asgard is," Rocket continued, reluctantly pushing up to his paws and rubbing out the flat spot in his fur, "so I guess I'd prefer for you to talk to 'Anthony' because what you're doing now is creeping me out even more."
"Okay- no. I'm not the crazy one here. Everyone and everything has been weird, and now you guys too? Come on, this isn't fair."
"Hey, isn't New Asgard that place where Thor was living before he joined us?" Quill questioned as he too sat up.
Rocket only groaned. "Great, let's get more people in on this conversation. Peter, please don't enable her, she's obviously lost her head."
"What do you mean she lost her head, her head's right there on her shoulders!" Drax chimed in, getting up and gently shaking her back and forth with a grip on her shoulder to show that her head was really on there.
Frigga was used to Drax's typical maneuvering and his deafness to sarcasm, so him moving her back and forth was the least of her worries at that point. It was the others. "Mantis, come on, you remember me, right?" Frigga said in exasperation, being the only one in the room who was completely lost making her a bit worked up. Especially since she didn't have Anthony in her ear. He was always with her when she was arrested; in one way or another.
Mantis seemed to sense this and walked over to press her open palm to her revealed bicep. "You feel... desperate."
"Well I am desperate because I'm the only sane one here but you're all looking at me as if I'm the crazy one. Rocket, Quill, Drax, Mantis... Groot! Come on, you all know me," she went on, just waiting and practically praying that one of them would grin and tell her it was just a stupid joke. But that didn't happen. In fact the only change in their expressions was Groot looking up and murmuring something about it being too loud for him to play his game. "Oh come on!" With a huff she plopped down on the floor and rested her head against the wall's cool steel, bending her elbows again to cover her eyes with her hands and hoping that it would all just disappear. But, as one might guess, that didn't happen, and in fact she felt someone move over and sit next to her. Most likely out of pity.
It was Quill, of course. "What's your name?"
Maybe they were hit with some memory loss thing. Maybe there was a reasonable explanation. So Frigga opened her eyes and turned her head toward him. "Frigga."
His eyes widened a bit and Frigga got a little too excited. "Do you finally recognize me?"
"No- sorry, but that's just this- guy that I know's mother's name. Frigga," he gently explained with a slight blush and a nervous scratch at the back of his head.
The movements were a little confusing at first, but then Frigga realized that they were coming from the mention of Thor, and didn't have to do with her at all. But why would he act like that? Thor and he had been dating for decades. Since before she and her brother were born. She and baby Anthony were at their wedding. He was in a little blue tux and she in a little green dre- wait a fucking second. "Quill... What year is it?"
"What do you mean? It's 2024. What else would it be?"
Frigga gasped and jumped to her feet. It all clicked at once. Why the guards didn't know her. Why all the technology and architecture seemed older and outdated. Why her own uncle and the guardians didn't recognize her. She hadn't even been born yet. But the only question still there was... how? And also, why? But in order to have a prayer at answering those questions, she had to get back to Earth where she knew the Avengers as well as her parents would be. Although they technically weren't her parents yet. God are they even dating yet? It didn't matter. She just needed to get there and hope that Anthony was there too. The only problem (besides every other problem that she had) was that she had never escaped a prison without him before. They could only do it with each other. It seemed like a major roadblock... until she glanced over at the raccoon.
"Hey, Rocket, could you remind me again of how many prison's you've broken out of?"
Rocket, who had clearly been trying to ignore them but was just accepting his fate as his name was called once more, turned toward them with crossed arms. "About 24. What's it to ya?"
A small smile spread over Frigga's face. "And how many times out of here?"
"Just the one."
"Great. If you bring me to Earth, I'll help you get out."
He scoffed as if that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. "And why would I need your help out of here?"
"Because I've escaped here three times myself. And, you don't have Gamora, nor is Groot an adult as he was last time. Earth isn't even that far from here, just a few jumps, so why not pad your escape with me- a demi-god by the way -and just take me there in return?" she bargained, getting more and more calm and excited as her thoughts clicked together. Sure, everything was still weird, but at least she was able to get a grip on her situation.
Based on his extremely annoyed expression, Rocket knew that she was right and that they could use the help, yet was extremely reluctant to admit it. "Demi-god? We already got a half celestial, I don't think we need any more half- things," he tried to point out.
But Quill was on her side. "No, no, I think we should hear her out. Especially since I don't even have the powers of a half celestial anymore. If she's escaped from here three times then she could really be a big help for us. They've changed a lot of things since we were last here, and we're in a new area. And, although I'm not sure how she knows about Gamora and Groot, she's right about that too."
Rocket snarled as Frigga smirked and raised her arms up at him in a shrug. "The man's got a point."
"That man is also an idiot. But fine. You can join us, and we'll bring you to Earth."
Frigga grinned wider as Rocket moved closer and removed what seemed to be some sort of bobby pin from the back of his head, making her cuffs fall off in under a minute. She rubbed her sore wrists and thanked him. "We should probably pick up Thor from Earth anywhere, I'm pretty sure he's still there with the Avengers," Quill pointed out as he joined them and glanced at the red rings on her skin. "Why were those so tight?"
"Well, due to my powers they need to restrict me so I don't just slaughter them all and escape like that, and they usually do that with overly tight power dampers," she explained to him as she continued to try to get the blood flowing normally back into her hands. "You get used to it. Especially since they get steadily tighter and tighter due to the guards' fear in me increasing every time. I killed a bunch last time so the chains applied doubled. Until I woke up in 2024 of course, but I'm ignoring that for now."
Quill very obviously had no idea what she was talking about, but as he wasn't one to judge with making sense he just smiled at her. "Good, you can do it again."
"After this stunt? Fuck yeah I'm going it again."
<finish prison scene and go to anthony>
Stephen had no idea why he was being called to Avengers Tower. Except for the occasional meeting that he was forced to attend that he usually managed to escape early from, he had never been asked to go to their living and working quarters. So he couldn't imagine what the problem was. "What's the situation and how can I get out of it quicker?" was the first thing that fell out of his mouth once he stepped out of the portal. He was met with the stares of all six Avengers and Loki. Great. "What the hell happened?"
"We found a kid."
Definitely not what Stephen expected Tony to say. "What?!"
"Okay that was a shitty explanation. Just look." The group parted to reveal a body rested on their couch with handcuffs around his unconscious wrists. The only indicator that he was alive was the small rise and fall of his chest. He looked young, easily 18, with dark brown hair that slightly fell over his forehead, and glasses over eyes of a hidden color. Stephen noticed most of all was that he had two thick scars on the dorsal side of his hands; one for each. "We found him in our meeting room. There's no identifying items on him, and his fingerprints aren't in the database, so we have basically no idea who he is."
"So what can I do?" Stephen questioned.
"Ask Loki. He's the one who requested you."
Only then did Stephen look up to lock eyes with his fellow sorcerer. One that he had never really gotten along with. "You?"
"To be fair I didn't request you, I just said it would be useful to have another magic user here. John Doe here has magic practically radiating off of him," Loki tried to explain without making it seem like he wanted Stephen there, hints of forced annoyance and real nervousness leaking through. The 'John Doe' reference was imprinted in the sorcerer supreme's mind without a clear reason. Since when does he know Midgardian terms? "Can't you sense it?"
Stephen could. There was a large amount of power coming from him. "It's a multitude of different types. I can't even distinguish them; they're all so mixed up."
Loki agreed. "I was planning on picking through his memories, but due to the mixture of magic and power, I thought it'd be more safe if I waited for you to hold him down if anything goes wrong." An uncomfortable amount of silence passed between the two, unknown whether to continue genuinely or be sarcastic and snarky. "Not that I think you're capable of it, but you're sort of better than nothing."
There it was. The Avengers looked around at each other as they were described as 'nothing', the sorcerers forgetting about anything that wasn't the other, as usual. "You're very kind, Loki," Stephen drawled out with a sarcastic smile.
"I am, aren't I?" With that he jumped over the couch and kneeled down next to the body, gingerly going to place his fingers on his forehead.
But just as they brushed his skin the entire tower shook lightly and made everyone look up. FRIDAY spoke up to fill them in. The Guardians have arrived, sir. And they have a guest on board.
"Well that was quick," Thor murmured under his breath. "They're getting better at escaping."
"Were they in prison again?" Bruce questioned.
Thor nodded back. "I'll go greet them, you guys stay here and figure out his identity." With a small wave the god of thunder then left the room, and all other attendants watched until he left the room and then they all turned back toward the boy on the couch. Except- oh. Fuck.
"Where did he go?" Loki whispered.
"I'm right here."
The entire group swiveled to see the boy formerly laying on the couch sitting in a chair behind them all, his legs and arms crossed tightly, handcuffs done, and a stern expression on his face. "And I'd like to know what the hell is going on."
"You're the one who somehow got into our tower, why don't you explain it to us?" Clint shot back.
The boy only looked at him with a face void of all amusement. And with eyes that were a colored a blood red.
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astro-break · 3 years
Thoughts on the 8th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima. Spoilers beware
Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 & 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7
Love that every time its a MTC centric episode im so busy that i can’t watch it the day it airs
I like how the beginning of the episode kinda mirrors the events in MTC’s story in ARB
hey hypmic you wanna try making it Less obvious who the culprit is? like damn you’re just giving away secrets like its candy. First Ramuda, the Ruikawa and now these two assholes. Might wanna keep your cards close before you spoil the ending of the anime oh wait they already did that nvm :p
Samatoki please have some sense of self preservation and ask what its about before accepting something. but I guess it also speaks to how trusting he is of those he lets close to him which also explains a bit more as to why he hates Ichirou’s guts
Love that Jyuto is actually choking the information out of someone and Samatoki is actually gathering intelligence and creating boards out of it. Most people expect the opposite from their characters and it such a great dynamic
I find it hilarious that Rio uses older computers but that brings up the question of “How far into the future really is hypmic?” bc those computers look to be from early 2000′s which would be A N C I E N T and completely unusable for hacking come a time when WWIII happens
Iris on a bike has no rights looking as hot as she does. The vehicle CGI is really nice too and so is her character model on top of the bike. Loving how Iris completely owns the two cops
The MTC love here is jsut. through the roof i can die happy now that i’ve seen Samatoki aggressively caring for his teammates animated and voiced. like, please. just. help. I can.t/ MTC care so much for each other I would hug them all and tell them good work, you can finally go rest now uughghghgh MTC guys. MTC
But mannn Iris is so cool, approaching MTC without any fear
I find it hilarious that Saburo would pose as a game dev from dubai which yknow doesn’t make any sense if you think about it. but whatever it just makes me laugh at how easy it is to fake a lot about yourself because yeah! it is easy! 
The whole conversation about cops and good cops seems a bit off considering ACAB but considering Japan who has largely swept both BLM and ACAB under the rug it isn’t surprising. That isn’t to say that Japan doesn’t care, its just that these movements aren’t on the spotlight so topics like these don’t carry as much weight
lol yeah he should have expected to be stabbed from the front lol
SRKHFSKJD Rio please stop living in the water, i can’t believe he did that lol
Love the SamaJyuto subtext in the translation lol
Jyuto’s sequence is kinda cute in a way ahaha
The kurosawa-esque b&w screens are a nice touch to the song as well as the MC Name drops and hypnosis speaker drops. Idk about Rio’s 2DIE4 reference though since it doesn’t really rhyme nor does it add much to the rap itself
The song itself is pretty nice but it isn’t a bop like Fallin’ was. It has a different more gritty feel to it that i don’t hate but isn’t my style
Of course Iruma pulls this situation into his favor, its so typical of him.
Rio didn’t speak much here and took a general backseat to everything. I wonder if it was because during the time of recording this episode, Rio’s VA, Kamio Shinichiro, went down with The Virus (you know the one) so he couldn’t record much. Who knows but best boy. just let me hear best boy’s voice please
Ramuda’s phone vibrate actively annoys me oh my god it makes my skin crawl
If Ramuda’s sleeping on the couch then that really does confirm that Ramuda lives in his studio. Not surprising considering everything we know about Ramuda but at the same time, please get like a futon or smth sleeping on a couch will only hurt your back
Ramuda just busting in is fun
but im not sure how to feel about two divisions shoved into one. like this is basically telling us who is the important divisions, Ikebukuro and Shinjuku. Obviously BB are the protagonists of the series what with the staff coming out to even say that Ichirou is the hero, and if you know what happens then you know why Shinjuku is also highlighted which. also gives away the ending of the anime. again. I’m just glad that the team decided to stick with the irl results bc if they didn’t, they’d have a lot of angry fans
Back to my main point tho, this just. pisses me off. I love FP and MTC and to see them sidelined like this doesn’t feel fair. they deserve full eps to themselves bc if I’m being honest, these two teams have some of the best inter team dynamics out of the current cast. I understand that budget issues and episode constraints exist but this is just kinda frustrating that my main division has been tossed aside and the team that gets the most overall development gets thrown away too
Im not surprised that they cheated because gambling anime is about who can outcheat the other and the mind games played. thats the thrill of gambling series is the psychological factors in it
Ramuda emulating Gentaro’s speech is cute
The mindgames are not present at all and I expected that lol
thats.... midly gay gentaro lol do you always go around pressing shit into people’s mouths while leaning in close? thats pretty gay lol i love the homoerotic subtext present in this episode. First SamaJyuto and now GenDice
no speaker summon sequence? thats slightly disappointing but whatever. the anime is really doing FP dirty by cutting a lot of corners with their episodes
I never noticed that Ramuda and Gentaro hold their mics in their left hand while Dice holds it with his right. neat detail
I love how even in a battle FP still keeps their preppy attitude
Gentaro looks so awkward to the little sway and kick thing in the song lolol
This is probably one of the songs that I like the least. Jackpost is a very Dice song and not really fitting for either Ramuda and Genaro. I think i’d like it more if it was a dice solo or dice centric but the emphasis was pretty cleanly spread so that makes it pretty hard to enjoy
Oh hell yeah FP meshing as a team is just, so cute. Though that foreshadowing with Ramuda and his candy is just. wow
Yup they kept the og brackets so I think the anime’s going to stick with the IRL results. Which means that any tension they try and build won’t work for ppl who are already familiar with the series but I hope they don’t take that fact as an excuse to slack off
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flameontheotherside · 3 years
He thinks my tattoo artist is hot 😵
I'm not the jealous type. Never really cared because there was never a reason I had to be worried. So Erik tested me by saying he thinks my friend is hot. Well if I was into that sure I could see what he means. I also want to twist Erik's ear and make him tell me he's not a peeping Tom. I'm only mad because she has a better body.
For now I'm still working hard at losing weight. I work out every other day or every day depending on what I have going on. I might work out after my tattoo appointment.
That's right! She's tattooing the rest of my sleeve!
I'm working on two sleeves, two on my back, two on each clavicle and a few on my legs. I won't be completely covered. Just enough to be a walking flower garden. Since I can't have a garden, I'll be a walking mosaic of them. It's only fair. Lol. I'm super excited because my girl is cool af. Younger but she's been through some shit so I age her about 30. She's a big time witch and I looooooove her bed room. It's covered in Norse mythology. So is her body. She's has Norse ancestry and she's mixed race like me so I really like that.
I want to get:
Minha história não acabou
My story isn't over (Portuguese English translation)
Somewhere on me but not sure when. Also thought maybe instead of Erik's initials I'll put the ♾ mark on my left ring finger. Thats the ring finger of the widow. I think that's better. It's a better compromise. My bf shouldn't have a problem with that. Maybe some time later I can get the initials either above or below it. 🤷‍♀️ If you have a problem with it, you can see my assistant Ariel on my page in desktop mode and she will give you a clue.
😘💕Well I've got to get ready to meet up with my friend!
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paradigmaticsims · 3 years
18th Century Pleasantview: Unhappy Marriages
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Ok, that’s not really fair two of them are not necessarily unhappy but they’re not based on romantic love. This is just me setting up the same kind of thing the game tells you to do, but hopefully after that I will do more different things with these sims.
This post is like, really long, too long, its stupidly long.
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I know I said I would go to Pascal Curious next, but then I thought of how glorious it would be to see Daniel Pleasant in a powdered wig and how could I deprive anyone reading of that?
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This shot is not historical, just kinda cool looking. I will take that swimming pool away from you Daniel…. When I can be bothered to makeover the house.
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So Daniel has the affair with Kaylynn and all that, Mary-Sue finds out.
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Daniel apparently didn’t want that to happen and goes into aspiration decline. They’re staying together though, cause divorces are difficult for women to get and I think it’ll be more interesting this way.
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Cassandra and Angela enjoying the stereo while they still can.
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Then Angela and Lilith start fighting and Cassandra just keeps dancing awkwardly like the useless lesbian she is.
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Now featuring proper underwear, Daniel is balding underneath the wig.
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Lilith has ANGST! Which I mean, I don’t disbelieve her, her family is in shambles.
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Angela and Dustin’s first kiss
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Lilith sneaking out with her son of an artist bf: Lol Angela would never do this.
Me: I mean Angela’s dating a peasant (and in my mind a revolutionary) so I actually think she wins.
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Lilith sneaks back and Daniel is like, right there, but they just blank each other. I guess he can’t really lecture anyone right now.
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Onto the Goths now! I’m in the process of actually caring about making over their house.
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I like the piano shots.
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Cassandra and Don’s wedding (but it’s a sham marriage that they’re both in on). I forgot I must once have had a hack that makes sims wear their formalwear instead of the default wedding gear?
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Ahh I figure out how to force them into their formal wear too late, so hear is Cassandra’s ironic wedding dress, and Don’s frock coat. Mortimer and Alexander dancing is cute.
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Don, Don, Don, Don… DON we have multiple baths on this lot. You married a rich sim you no longer have to wash like a poor person…. in the kitchen... in view of everyone.
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Don: Hey I married a rich sim, this means I can have a sponge bath in the bathroom… wait bath what?
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I like the piano, piano shots are cool.
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Oh hey Don finally figured out the bath! Good for him.
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This is cute, Don tucking in Alexander.
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Here’s my attempt so far of trying to Georgify the Goth house, while maintaining an old and creepy vibe. I probably don’t know enough about 18th century houses but who cares it’s not like there’s enough cc out there to make it accurate to within the 1790s or something so close enough is good enough.
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Cassandra embarrassed by her father marveling at the fact that rain exists.
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I want to use colours in the interior design! But still colours that are unusual, or a bit sickly, something to show that the Goths are still weird.
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Don is bi cause I think that makes him easier to like. He thinks the butler’s hot.
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Cassandra: And once day we’ll have a baby, we’ll give it toys, and play with it and give it all the attention a child needs.
Alexander, an actual child who exists in the here and now: Wooo! Look at me I got an A+ I crave attention!
Everyone: *ignores*
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Random scene from the Broke house.
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This will only make Dustin more acab.
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At Nina and Dina’s house:  I forgot the burglar’s sack uses cartoon logic and is thus able to carry hot tubs.
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Mortimer is awake while this happens, but just decides to dip instead. I guess when you’re rich you don’t care about poor people’s problems, even if you are dating courting one of those poor people.
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Dina goes into full on meltdown over this, I don’t usually play fortune sims so I underestimated how much it would affect her.
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Dina’s memory of this trauma inducing event is just ‘nice to meet you stranger’
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I wish this guy spawned in a different hood, so I could just leave his magnificent hipster aesthetic be.
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Back at the Goths and unfortunately my game crashed when I was playing the Goths before they hired a butler, so this time we get a new guy and he looks fun. (I would like an 18th century butler outfit default, that would be a cool thing that I have no idea how to do).
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Mortimer I know you might not be the most social ques aware guy, but talking about the hotness of your new fiancé to your daughter is weird, just fyi.
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To my great disappointment Don is not attracted to the new butler, which I do not get, Don are you seeing this?
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I see Cassandra as being mostly gay and their marriage as mostly a sham, but she is at least bi enough to initiate trying for baby this one time. Cause sexuality on sims and in reality is more fluid and complicated than we give it credit for. Though I think she mostly just wants the baby cause maxis inexplicably made her a family sim. She’s the sims version of Wednesday Addams and they made her goal to get married and have babies? I do want her to have one kid for the sake of inheritance, but after that I’m making her a knowledge sim. Anyway despite all that I think this is a pretty picture.
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I love the custom greetings.
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Dina and Mortimer’s wedding, during the day and at the Goth house, cause it makes no sense for Mortimer to move in with Dina and Nina in their tiny house, wouldn’t Dina want to move in with Mortimer in his big old money house? I think she would. Plus her being in the same house with Cassandra and Don makes for maximum awkwardness.
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Dina: Hey congrats on your hotness! Meanwhile Cassandra is applying far too much logic to be interesting to Nina.
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Don and Cassandra have an open marriage with no jealousy set for both of them. Even so Nina just openly serenading Don right in front of Cassandra does seem a bit tactless.
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On his own wedding day all the young people just ignore Mortimer.
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Nina and Dina get to a point in the grief cycle where they feel it necessary to bad mouth the burglar.
Don asking the important questions: But did you… have sex with the burglar?
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I forgot that reading kids to sleep was a thing you could do in game. This is cute.
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Maybe Don and the butler were just meant to be bros.
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The ‘Legacy Career’ is just a living off an inheritance. I 100% believe this is how rich people operate.
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Cassandra, starting with how your Mum got abducted by aliens is probably not the best way to impress a girl. You ease into that.
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Cassandra, who is pregnant, wet herself and then passed out and apparently these were things she was scared of so much that she hits aspiration failure. And I’m here to say that is just way too high a standard to be setting for yourself. Also the butler served people beer as food which is the real problem rn.
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I like this picture, I don’t know why there’s not food when there is, but I like it. Don should get a new coat.
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Look at these three queer, and mostly pregnant disasters.
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I made over the butler, I took some liberties, but I mean he’s blue. I imagine he used to be a pirate. Don, I don’t understand you.
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But at least he has learnt the ways of the bath.
The end. Now I have to see if I can fix some bugs.
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thedappleddragon · 4 years
Day 114 (Saturday July 4th)
I don’t remember a ton about this bay because I didn’t write these 2 entries until Monday but HERE WE GO
Also I’ve decided fuck it, y’all get to know my siblings names because referring to them as my brothers and sister is dumb. Eric is the oldest brother, Greg is the other older brother, Emily is the little sister.
Eric was already home, and he woke me up at like 1pm. I started getting ready for the day just because now I assume if someone is waking me up we’re about to do something. Greg came home sometime in the middle of the afternoon. My dad made food on the grill and we all sat around and ate and talked a lot, and eventually my sister leaves out to have a sleepover with friends. My mom gave her grief about it because she wanted to watch fireworks with the whole family. We drove to some huge church property because they were the only ones around shooting off fireworks, and I made everyone clover bracelets and we got ice cream and an elephant ear because there was a whole-ass fair situation. We all wore masks tho. It was really nice just being outside and doing something almost normal for once. They had a speaker playing music and someone made an announcement thanking local law enforcement and we all went “ACAB” and laughed. The show was nice, my dad braided my hair, and I got to sit on the roof of the car waiting for traffic to lighten up. My brothers talked about math the ENTIRE time. After the show, we went to the store for key lime pie and my brothers got alcohol and stuff for drinks. We all talked more when we got home until I got tired.
Day 115 (Sunday July 5th)
Eric woke me up again, but this time to get McAllister’s and go to the park. I got less sleep than usual and kind of tired all day. Eric and Greg also got coffe at Starbucks. We ate at the park and sat on the bench for forever, trying to decide on something to do. We talked about kayaking, but all boat rentals needed to be made a day in advance. We instead decided to go hiking!! We went home to prepare, and headed out to the Monon trail. It was hot and humid out, and there wasn’t much shade at first, but we crossed a street and turned a bend and ended up in a heavily wooded area that was super pretty. We were wondering when a good turning around point would be, and had just started going the other way when a huge thunderclap rolled overhead. We decided that was a pretty good sign to head back. It started sprinkling, and as soon as we got out of the woods the rain picked up and we had to run to the closest shelter in front on an ice cream shop. It started coming down in sheets, so we booked it to an open jimmy johns across a small street. We bought some soda and waited out the worst of the rain, but we still had to walk a little over a mile while it was still sprinkling. Eric considered paying for a 1 mile Uber lmao. I felt like I was in a Studio Ghibli movie with all the greenery on either side. The rain fully let up as soon as we got to the car, but some guy with a blunt in his hand tried to talk to us as we passed by him, saying we looked like cowboys walking through the mist. We laughed it off and went home. As soon as we got there, we changed clothes, had a quick snack, and went to our neighbor’s house. One of our neighbors had died, and his neighbor was having a little get-together to remember him. As soon as I got there I was stuck talking to the two wierd homeschool kids for an HOUR. I HATED it. I had to text emily and her friend to come rescue me. We talked on our porch for a little bit, but then they kicked me out so I went inside and waited for everybody to get back. Dad came home first, since Eric and Greg were still talking with neighbors. When they got back, we wanted to watch a movie, and I brought out Shrek on tape, but we couldn’t get the tape player to work. Eric and Greg played video games, and emily and I played Mario kart ds. It had been forever since we were able to play, but because I found my white ds, we were able to!! After a while, I went to my room for a bit and drew for artfight. I got a headache, took some medicine, and sat next to Greg on the couch watching him play rimworld until I fell asleep. I later woke up and moved to my own bed.
Day 116 (Monday July 6th)
I woke up wierdly early (10am ish), but Greg was still asleep on the couch, so I had to be quiet while getting some breakfast. I spent the morning sketching for artfight and going between the kitchen and my room. Eric didn’t show up until some time after noon, and the first thing he did was show off his new infrared thermometer by zapping my forehead. He had to work all day, so I didn’t see much of him. I went back to my room to draw until Greg’s girlfriend texted me asking if he had his phone on him. I had to wake him up at 3:30pm lmao. I went back to drawing until I got sick of it. Later I talked with Greg in the backyard about college and mental health for probably over an hour until emily came outside and asked if we were going to do anything tonight or tomorrow. We went inside and fetched Eric, then all gathered on the couches to eat dinner. Eric bought procreate on his iPad for me to play with, and it’s really fun to draw with. I drew while Eric and Greg played video games and emily watched TikTok. She eventually left, and I sat on the couch drawing until past 2 am and went to bed. My G O D procreate is so fun to draw with, it’s a shame Eric is taking his iPad when he leaves :/ ill just have to buy and iPad and pencil for myself some time
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