#to be honest he's such a dick to mo xi
Gu Mang, after gaining back his memories, looking at Mo Xi: he somehow got hotter. I don't know how it happened, I didn't think it was possible, but he somehow got hotter
Gu Mang: and that personally offends me
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Ranking my Summer of Danmei Results: Yuwu Side Characters
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My answers:
1) Murong Lian
My precious junkie son! His back and forth with Mo Xi over Gu Mang are my everything. He is a problem child, but he's my problem child.
2) Jiang Fuli
I adore this man and his lack of morals. He sees Ximang, ignores it and takes the pay. Apparently, his wife is super hot too so good for him.
3) Yue Chenqing
He's too precious for this world.
4).Murong Chuyi
Chu Wanning 2.0 or 1.0 since he's the prequel. Same energy. Basically a carbon copy minus the horny thoughts. I love him by default. Fourth uncle is the best uncle.
5) Li Wei
The greatest housekeeper that ever was or ever will be. Give this man a medal for the shit Mo Xi makes him put up with. A misguided gossip. Teaching Gu Mang to call Mo Xi Princess is the greatest thing he ever did.
6) Lu Zhangxing
Just Meatbun stomping all over my heart. Best dage energy.
7) Fandou
I googled whether or not he died.
8) Jiang Yexue
He just makes me suspicious in ways I cannot quite put into words yet. Potentially he may serve the creep vibes. Either way I do not care for him.
9) Murong Chen
He's just a dick to be honest. I don't feel sorry for you because you are shit at playing political games. He fucked over Gu Mang and Mo Xi should've stabbed him. (Or not because of the whole ashes issue)
10) Murong Mengze
She's at the bottom purely because she bores me. What else does she do but pine after Mo Xi?
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kindregard · 2 years
Q&A with 19 days!
Question 1- Who would you trust most to watch your child, excluding all romantic interests?
Jian Yi: Hmm… I’d be better off just getting a babysitter
Zhan Xi: Probably redhead. He isn’t the nicest, but at least I can have the comfort of knowing my kid isn’t trying to slam their head into a brick wall.
Mo: Ma
He Tian: Auntie or Xixi
Question 2- Who do you think is most likely to be an internet influencer?
Jian Yi: Me, of course!
Zhan Xi: He Tian or the blonde idiot.
Mo: I honestly hope none of them are, but if I had to say… probably chicken dick
He Tian: Jian Yi
Question 3- What do you think everyone would be arrested for?
Jian Yi: Hmm. I would probably get a DUI or like running a red light or something. My Xixi would NEVER get arrested!! Redhead would… umm… I don’t know actually. Maybe getting into a fight or something. He tian would be arrested for going 70 miles per hour above limit.
Zhan Xi: I would probably get arrested trying to keep Jian Yi from getting arrested if I’m being entirely honest. Jian Yi would be arrested for theft. I feel like he would take something as a joke, but the person he took it from wouldn’t find it very funny. He Tian would definitely get arrested for battery or assault. I can’t really picture Redhead getting arrested, but he’d probably be accused of doing something and get temporarily detained. I don’t know much about the law, so, take my words with a grain of salt.
He Tian: I would get arrested for assault. No way around it. I would beat the shit out of anyone who says or does anything to my momo. Momo is too uptight to get arrested; he was raised very well. Jian Yi would definitely gaslight someone or make verbal death threats. Zhan Xi wouldn’t get arrested either.
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zhanyes · 3 years
19 days pandemic version / living together headcannons
I just want to imagine the boys living together because let’s be honest it’s going to be so chaotic but they deserve each other’s company
P.s. I know nothing about how China dealt with the pandemic so this is purely self-indulgent
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- When the lockdown happened they were all at He Tian’s for a sleepover so they were forced to stay there for a few weeks until everything settled
- Mo guanshan kicked up a fuss over it but was actually just worried about his mom being left alone at home
Mo guanshan, already taking note of what to put in the pantry: “THE FUCK YOU MEAN WE’RE STAYING HERE?! NO!”
- Zheng xi is surprisingly okay with staying at He Tian’s for the time being, Jian yi says it’s because He tian has a ps5 (He’s not wrong)
-Mo Guanshan lost all respect for Zhengxi when he said “It could be fun.”
- Both Zhengxi and Guanshan’s parents agreed that they should stay for a bit just to be safe
- Jian yi is a panic buyer and with He Tian’s money they bought enough food to feed an army
- He forgot to buy necessities and Guanshan wacked his ass
Mo guanshan looking at the 9 full plastic bags of groceries: “You’re telling me OUT OF ALL OF THIS, you didn’t buy a single toothbrush?”
Jian yi, a dumbass: “I didn’t know we were having toothbrush for dinner?”
Mo guanshan brandishing a knife out of thin air: “Come ‘ere I’ll show you what's for dinner.”
- He tian is a menace in the grocery store, he’s bought about 4 pots, 2 pans, a new dish set AND knives set, 6 new mugs of different colors (Yellow for jian yi, blue for zhengxi, red for guanshan and black for him; the other two just looked nice) and a dozen of scented candles
Zheng xi, trying to keep Guanshan from committing murder in a grocery: “Why did you do this?”
He tian: “They were in sale! Buy one-take-one!”
- They make it out of the store and Guanshan vows to never let jian yi and he tian do groceries
- Guanshan mostly cooks for everyone and Zhengxi helps out but jian yi is surprisingly a decent cook???
- He needs to be supervised tho because his attention span is limited to 5 seconds and he’ll forget he was boiling water
- He tian canonically can not cook. He is BANNED from the kitchen after he put sake in a pan thinking it was water
- He tian has 2 guestrooms in his apartment but he locks the other one and assigned Zhan Zhengxi and Jian yi to the other room
- Mo guanshan forces his way into Zhanyi’s room and He tian follows. That’s how all of them ended up sleeping in a single guestroom on the floor with mattresses stacked and pushed together
- Zhengxi introduces them to anime and Jian yi’s favorite genre is surprisingly action with a lot of fighting scenes and Mo guanshan (and He tian) likes slice-of-life
- He tian and Jian yi strays away from animes and movies related to the mafia and Zhengxi and Guanshan never asks, it’s an unspoken rule that those types of stuff are banned
- They have game nights because Jian yi thinks bonding is key to make their friendship last longer (and to avoid having anyone murdered)
- Every board game turns into a disaster. There’s no exception.
The boys playing monopoly:
He tian: “Have you tried not being poor? No? Well that’s too bad.”
Zhengxi, is safe in jail and has the most land: “Lmao losers.”
The boys playing uno:
Mo guanshan: “Don’t do it…”
He Tian: “I’m sorry Mo this is the only way”
Mo guanshan: “No please you can find another way…”
He tian: “Goodbye, my love *puts a plus 4 down* Uno.”
Mo guanshan: *unintelligible noises of a loser* 
Playing scrabble:
Jian yi: “The fuck you mean gorjeus isn’t a word? That’s what I am.”
He tian: “You’re right, that's what you are. An absolute idiot.”
Mo Guanshan to He tian: “You might be smart and winning but I have the power of violence and nothing is stopping me from flipping this table over.”
Word guessing game:
Jian yi: “It’s loud, annoying, depended and cries a lot.”
Zhengxi, guessing the word baby: “Is this you?”
Jian yi: “I- okay yeah that’s valid.”
- Zhengxi is very observant, he knows Jian yi well enough to know when he’s having anxieties about the pandemic, he knows when Guanshan needs some time alone, and when He tian is getting too lost in negative thoughts. He does what he can to help
- His bonding moments with Guanshan consists of listening to pop music and staying quiet
- The apartment is almost always alive and noisy, whether it’s Jian yi suggesting another game or Guanshan screaming about something, He tian takes joy in the fact that he’s with people he cares about
- He’s thankful for the noise after living in silence all alone for a long time. Jian yi knows the feeling of going home to an empty apartment and vows to visit more often with Zhengxi once this is all over (and drag Guanshan along assuming he’s not here already)
- Over time He tian smiles and laughs become a lot more genuine. Once, He tian laughed loudly at something Mo guanshan did and the only thing he can think of is, “Oh shit, happiness looks good on him.”
- Queue gay panic to Jian yi
Mo guanshan: “WHAT IS THIS?!”
Jian yi, remembering He tian doing the same thing yesterday: “Natural selection.”
- Jian yi loves all of them, really, but sometimes he feels claustrophobic from being kept inside for so long
- Zhan Zhengxi always notices, and he would sneak Jian yi up to the rooftop and they would stay there for a while so they can look at the stars, the city lights and Jian yi can breathe easier
- During those times, He tian relishes the alone time he gets with Guanshan, sometimes they talk and banter, but sometimes they just stay quiet and secretly enjoy each other’s presence (they steal glances at each other when they think the other isn’t looking)
- They grew so used to living with each other that they developed a shower schedule and Zhengxi wakes up the same time as Guanshan to help prepare breakfast
- He tian and Jian yi tends to wake up a little later and Jian yi gravitates closer for warmth so they end up cuddling until they’re forced to get up and eat
- Zhengxi takes a picture of them and sends it to their group chat
- He tian has hundreds of pictures of him and Mo, just Mo, the group, Zhengxi and Jian yi, and a lot more stolen shots that he keeps in a separate album in his phone
- He prints out his favorites, hangs them around the bedroom and frames some of them to put it in the living room. None of the other boys have the heart to take them down after seeing how happy He tian looks every time he sees the pictures
- Jian yi asks He tian to share the pictures to him too, he doesn’t print it out but he uses one of the pictures of all of them together as his lockscreen (his wallpaper is a stolen picture of him and Zhengxi He tian took when they were stargazing on the rooftop)
- When everything settles down enough for them to go home, they’re actually reluctant to go
- Still, Mo Guanshan and Zhengxi go home to their families. Jian yi stays with He tian since he knew his mom wasn’t at home anyway, at least this way they’ll both have company
- Guanshan claims (loudly) that he’s glad to get away from them but still video calls with them everyday anyway
Mo Guanshan, in the videocall for the nth time: “I’m SO GLAD. Those were the WORST weeks of my life.”
The others, hearing the same lie for the nth time: “Mhm. Whatever you say, Mo.”
- They have discord sleepovers because they all miss sleeping in the same room with each other (they never mention it but everyone knows)
- Mo Guanshan cooks meals for more than him and his mom and have it delivered to He tian’s and Zhan Zhengxi’s. When asked he claims it’s just leftovers
- Zhan Zhengxi’s body clock is fucked, he grew too used to waking up early so he just went with it and helps his mom prepare breakfast
- They all silently agree that they wouldn’t mind living with each other again in the future (again none of them ever mentions it but everyone is aware)
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mgsdays · 4 years
I have a question. I want to start reading 19days but i can’t understand the actual plot of the story bcoz flashbacks are confusing for me. I am okay with spoilers btw I just want to understand what’s going on 😅
Hey there! ❤ Ooh welcome to the club! I'll try to help clearing it up a little. See if this helps:
19 days follows the story of 4 teenagers: Jian Yi, Zhan Zheng Xi, He Tian and Mo Guan Shan. Amongst other things the story deals with friendship, first love, humor, fear and trust, usually in very lighthearted ways. The first two characters, Jian Yi and ZZX, are there from the beginning, while the other two join a little later (and, some would argue, steal the show).
Timeline wise, what we have is:
The very beginning of the story is Jian Yi coming back into Zhan Zheng Xi's life. We learn that they were childhood friends, but Jian disappeared in high school and this is the first time they're seeing each other in years.
We have a few chapters that further illustrate their dynamic, Jian Yi's love and desire for ZZX, ZZX's bitterness over the time they've spent apart. When Jian Yi left, it was because he had to be protected due to his Mafia ties, not because he wanted to. ZZX was never told why though, so he doesn't get it. And then we are sent to the days that preceded Jian Yi's disappearance.
Basically everything we actually read is a big flashback about those teen days before he left and about what kind of relationship they had built together.
Sometimes we get special chapters that show the characters as adults (a bonus that the author wrote for Christmas or Valentine's Day, for example). Most illustrations (non comic but full pieces of art) are also with them as adults. Literally everything else is the big teenage flashback.
There's always this looming threat on the horizon because we, the readers, know that Jian Yi will leave and we know the peace we're watching won't last. But the threat doesn't really impact their dynamic. Mood wise, the story is a a bit of a comedy, a bit of a romance, filled with teenagers being dumb and discovering love.
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Breakdown of the plot below ✌🏻
Ok anon, you said you're lost and you don't mind spoilers, so here's an overview of the characters and what is up.
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Jian Yi (white haired one) is the heir of a mafia family. He grew up without his dad and protected by his mom, so he doesn't know about his mafia ties. Cute, charming and only occasionally a dick (what? I'm being honest!), Jian Yi lives his early teenage years as any other kid, except mildly baffled by some of the weird mafia shit that happens around him.
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But we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Jian Yi is head over heels love with Zhan Zheng Xi, his best friend since childhood. ZZX is a serious kind of guy, perhaps the more down to earth one of the group. ZZX cares a lot about his Jian Yi though. ZZX is not in love, or, more likely, he is not aware that he is in love, but his feelings for Jian Yi are the root of his characterization. He wants to be strong to be able to protect Jian Yi. He holds Jian Yi's hand. He treats Jian Yi with a softness that is very unic to their dynamic, and he allows himself to be pulled into Jian Yi's shenanigans. Their teen days are very sweet. Their future ones are.... less. It's clear that Jian Yi's disappearance broke ZZX in the future in ways that he hasn't processed yet, and being around Jian Yi again is too hard for him.
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Resident bad boy, Mo Guan Shan is an angry redhead who is seen as a bully by his classmates. They're wrong. If anything, Mo is more of an outcast. Mo's very poor, his dad was framed and is in jail. We see in a dream that kids used to pick on Mo for it - and that Mo is sensitive to what others think. Mo adopted an I don't need anyone personality out of self-protection, because he doesn't believe there's anyone he could count on and he doesn't know how to ask for help.
Enters He Tian, a rich and spoiled kid who is head over fucking heels in love with Mo.
They clash. They clash really hard.
He Tian is filthy rich though, and he can sort of buy Mo's time by paying him to clean his apartment or to take He Tian's phone calls. That's the start, but their relationship grows so much further from there.
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He Tian is another mafia heir, but he didn't grow up sheltered. He knows who he is, he knows what is expected of him, and he knows he is on a clock until their teen days together run out. That's made him reckless. He does all kinds of stupid things to try to make the most of his time with Mo until they're pulled apart.
He Tian watched his older brother grow into a cold man to survive this business. He Tian vows to never be like him. As a kid who grew up in a violent environment though, that's not always so easy. Mo and He Tian bring out the worst in each other - He Tian's spoiled and agressive ways and Mo's fear of depending on anyone. But they also learn from each other, and come out stronger on the other side. Besides, their chemistry is just hot. 🥵
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19 days is about both what we read and what we create out of it. Old Xian has this particular ability of bringing up fantastic themes and then sort of fading the scene to black and leaving you to fill in the blanks. And oh boy do we fill in blanks. The fan created content is amongst some of the best you'll ever seen. If any of this sounds fun to you, join us! I promise you will not regret it ❤
Because Mo is so closed off, when he actually shows his emotions you go feral. Mo never lets anyone in, he thinks no good comes from vulnerability. He does let He Tian in though, little by little, and in those moments I eat my fucking hat, it's insane how intense the story makes you feel about their progress.
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title Silk summary Dissolve it into yesterday pairing itasaku, tobisaku, hot messes
Part i | Part ii | Part iii | Part iv | Part v | Part vi | Part vii | Part viii | Part ix | Part x | Part xi | Part xii | Part xiii | Part xiv | Part xv | Part xvi | Part xvii | Part xviii | Part xix | Part xx | Part xxi | Part xxii | Part xxiii | Part xxiv | Part xxv | Part xxvi | Part xxvii | Part xxviii | Part xxix | Part xxx (here) | Part xxxi | Part xxxii | Part xxxiii | Part xxxiv | Part xxxv | Part xxxvi | Part xxxvii| Part xxxviii | Part xxxix | Part XL (it ends here)
“Where to next, Boss?” Tenten asked, rubbing the back of her neck. They had finally gotten the fish factory cleaned up. Not that any cops would come sniffing around here. The cops in Central knew better than to cross one of the Red Poles of the 24K. The smell of bleach stung the insides of her nose.
“We’re going to Red Eyes Chiu. I want to at least wrap things up with him before I go to see the Dragon Head,” sighed Sakura. She held her cigarette between her teeth as she ran her fingers through her hair. 
When Tenten didn’t move to get the car right away, Sakura looked at her. Tenten was staring straight ahead, expression stony.
“Did he think the view from your apartment was beautiful, Boss?” she suddenly queried.
Sakura knew right away what she was asking. She tapped her cigarette ash onto the floor between her feet.
“Yeah. He thought the Peak was amazing,” Sakura replied.
“I see,” Tenten said. She pushed off the wall to get the car.
Red Eyes Chiu was still sleeping when they entered his hospital room. Sakura brought along two men to stand guard at the door. Their hulking figures and jade necklaces were a good signal to the staff to steer clear for a while. 
Sakura removed her sunglasses. Touched the temple tip to her lower lip. She glanced around the room, and then stared at the man lying in bed. Mouth slightly agape. She eyed the line of his nose, the furrow in his brow. The resemblance was striking. Laughably so. 
“Get up. You’re not fooling anyone,” Sakura said. 
As if embarrassed to be caught in the lie, Red Eyes slowly sat up. Blinking those long eyelashes. 
“You’re the 24K’s biggest supplier right now. Where’d you disappear to?” Sakura asked.
Red Eyes’ gaze flickered from her, to Tenten standing at the window, to the glass door. They could see the silhouettes of the two men guarding it from outside. Sakura waved her hand.
“Relax. I’m a shareholder in this hospital. I wouldn’t do anything to damage it,” she sighed. And she sat in the chair beside the bed. Adjusted the folds of her trench coat around her legs. 
“I went into hiding for a bit. Heard shit was going down in the 24K ranks,” he answered in English. Sakura raised an eyebrow. Her gloved hands folded together in her lap.
“Are you serious? Even though you’re under our protection?” she pressed in Cantonese. Red Eyes grimaced. He swallowed.
“Well, no offense, Ga je, but the rumors surrounding you and Fai Tsai don’t exactly spell ‘happy family’. Wasn’t sure how long that structure of honor would hold up, to be honest,” he went on.
“It’s nothing that hasn’t happened before. Fai Tsai and I have always had problems,” Sakura retorted. And then her eyes narrowed.
“Then again, you’re 24K too, Red Eyes. You know what vows we take when we’re initiated,” she added. Measuring his expression. Red Eyes smiled, nodding.
“But, I guess I can see where you’re coming from. You took a gamble,” she then relented. Red Eyes nodded again. Tenten’s foot shifted against the tile floor. She was always quick to sense the shift in mood. 
“Makes sense. With you being from Guangzhou. All those casinos,” Sakura remarked, chuckling. 
He laughed too. Missing the way Sakura’s eyes narrowed. She raised her hand, pressing it to her lips. 
“Ah. My mistake. You’re from Macau, you said, right?” she corrected herself. Something flickered in his eyes. He held on to the easy smile.
“I didn’t want to correct you, Aunt Cheng. I knew it was just a slip of the tongue,” he replied. 
“That was considerate of you. Saru mo ki kara ochirunda,” Sakura went on. Red Eyes chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he nodded. 
“Eh, sou desu yo n...” he trailed off when he realized what had just spilled from his mouth. Eyes flying open, 
“Ah? What’s this?” Tenten spoke up. She leaned against the windowsill, her revolver peeking out from under her blazer. Her mouth twisting in a leer. 
This time, when Sakura smiled, her teeth sparkled like shards of broken glass.
“Tenten, meet Uchiha Obito. Younger half-brother of Uchiha Madara. He studied at an international school here in Hong Kong as a kid, which is why he can understand Cantonese,” Sakura said, reaching into her coat, “But can’t speak it himself.”
“And he’s the second little rat I’ve been searching for,” she added, pulling out her phone. 
“Let me get the car,” sighed Tenten as she got to her feet. Sakura paused. Looking up, her finger hovering over the green ‘dial’ button on her screen.
“What?” she asked. Tenten stopped by the door, looking just as perplexed.
“So I can drop this one off at Uncle Hashirama’s,” Tenten spelled out. Sakura shook her head. She dialed the number.
“Oh, no. This one is coming with us to Tokyo,” Sakura corrected. And then she reached out, squeezing Obito’s chin between her thumb and pointer finger. Stroking down the scar on the side of his face. 
“Madara and I need to have a long, long talk,” she added. Obito’s tears spilled over and wet her thumb. 
He picked up after three rings.
“Iwano Deidara,” he answered.
“Tommy,” Sakura said. 
“Ah! Wei, Mama. What’s up?” 
“I want Uchiha Madara in my office at the club in two days,” she ordered. She could hear him cringing into the phone.
“What do I tell him? That guy’s slippery as a snake, Mama,” he hedged. And Sakura looked directly at Obito. She squeezed his face a little harder. Tilting his head this way and that. 
“Tell Madara that if he doesn’t show, I’ll rip his brother’s dick off with my bare hands,” she uttered. As she ended the call, she watched the blood drain out of Obito’s face. She took in all these shifts in his expression, her face unchanged. 
She released him. Got to her feet. 
“Take him. I want him cleaned up and well-fed. We’re leaving for Tokyo tomorrow morning,” Sakura added. Tenten was already on her phone purchasing the plane tickets. She adjusted the departure time, nodding. 
“Does the hospital say it’s alright to discharge me?” Obito blurted out. 
Sakura looked at him over her shoulder. “I don’t care.”
She tapped the window in the door two times. The guards glanced at her, parting to let her exit. 
“Stay with Tenten. I don’t want you to leave her side until she leaves Hong Kong. And don’t let that little lan yeung out of your sight either,” Sakura directed. They nodded. 
Sakura adjusted her coat over her shoulders. The empty sleeves dangling behind her. Turning, she strode down the sterile hallway. Her blood red heels tapping against the tile. The sounds bouncing around like disjointed applause of a very confused audience.
Outside, she glimpsed a vendor selling curry fish balls. She bought a box before she caught a taxi to Tobirama’s office. Holding the warm takeout in her lap. As the driver pulled onto the main road, Sakura pulled out a compact. She wet a tissue and began rubbing the foundation from her throat and chest. The lingering blue and purple marks emerged from hiding, some of them already fading to yellow at the edges. She undid the top few buttons of her blouse until the lacy tops of her bra just barely peeked out. It was a sheer black material over a thin camisole. The orange and reds of her tattoo bleeding through.
When the taxi dropped her behind the yum cha restaurant. He took her money, squinting at the bills. 
“No change. You have a nice night,” Sakura said, leaning on the top of the car to look through the window. Whatever was in her eyes left him at a loss for words. He drove off without a word. 
Sakura climbed the back steps, nodding at the men on guard duty. 
She took her time. Heels clicking against the concrete stairs. Her hair falling into her eyes. When she reached up to push it back, she found Tobirama waiting at the top of the steps. His hands in his pockets. Smoke drifting up in a lazy dance from the cigarette between his lips.
A smile curled her mouth. “Were you planning on standing there, waiting for me all night?” She took a few more steps. He didn’t budge. Standing straight in the middle of her path, just his eyes flickering down to her.
“I heard your shoes,” he replied. 
“Oh,” was all she said. He held her gaze for a second longer before he shifted to the side to let her pass. And he followed her as they headed into Hashirama’s office. 
Hashirama sat on top of his desk. She could see the shoulder holster he normally wore under his jacket. The black of his twin glocks peeking out from the leather. A glass of whiskey sat beside his hand. He lifted it to his mouth as they entered the room. 
Blood painted the front of his shirt brown and red. It had even splattered onto his sleeves and his khaki slacks. Tobirama moved to sit in his usual seat. He dropped with unexpected heaviness.
“...Is Four-Eyes still not dead?” she asked after a moment. 
Hashirama chuckled into his whiskey. He tossed the rest of it back. Setting it down hard on the desk. He gestured to the box of cigarettes on the opposite corner of his desk. Sakura stepped forward to pluck out two. She placed one in Hashirama’s mouth and flicked her lighter open. But he lingered, waiting for her to lit hers with the tip of his. The smoke rising in white wisps from her mouth as she sat down on the desk too. Her arm resting on his shoulder. 
“He’s not?” Sakura asked again. 
Hashirama dragged a hand through his hair. It was starting to go grey at the temples.
“You’re not much of a shot, but you sure as hell know your anatomy. He’s bleeding, but it’s slow. He’s not quite dead yet,” Hashirama finally said. 
Sakura opened up the box of curry fish balls. Speared one on a toothpick and held it up for him. Shaking his head, Hashirama chuckled. He took the food and chomped down on it.
“You always know what I’m in the mood for, Jing-Mei,” he sighed.
Sakura walked over to the empty chair and took a seat.
For a few minutes, it was just Hashirama eating. Sakura tapping her phone against the arm of her chair. Looking down at the chips in her nail polish.
Hashirama closed the empty box. The smell of cheap curry powder still lingering in the air.
“So,” he said. Pressing his palms together, he stared Sakura in the eye. “The other things can wait. You need to tell me about that what happened the other day.”  His mouth was unsmiling. But his expression wasn’t unfriendly either.
Sakura lifted her chin. Put her elbow up on the armrest. And when she pulled her cigarette from her lips, smoke poured out like her insides hid a roaring furnace. 
“I brought him to piss you off, Uncle, mostly. And Fai Tsai too, to an extent,” she confessed. Shrugging one shoulder.
“Why?” Hashirama pressed. His face unchanged.
“You’re digging your heels in about Fai Tsai. You’ve always been a little too soft on him. And now he’s working with Uchiha Madara to undermine your holdings and you’re holding the doors wide open for the infestation of their rats,” Sakura explained. 
“Your proof.”
“It’s just a coincidence that one by one, all of the 24K’s suppliers have become unusable? Until all we had left was Red Eyes Chiu. And then there’s the matter of Fai Tsai meeting with some of the smaller crime lords in Tokyo. Who, by the way, are the ones financing all the property he’s been buying up in Sai Wan,” Sakura went on. 
Before Hashirama could interject, she reached into her coat pocket. Fished out a stack of photos. She tossed them onto Hashirama’s desk.
Sai was an excellent photographer. There was Kabuto walking into bars with Yamanaka Inoichi. Inuzuka Kiba. Inside hostess clubs, glittering girls clinging to their arms. Getting in and out of limos together.
Hashirama looked through them, the wrinkles in his forehead deepening with each new shot.
“And then there’s Uchiha Madara, who confessed to Fai Tsai paying him to try to drug and rape me,” Sakura added. She held up her phone and pressed play. 
Madara’s voice gurgled through, still strained by the pantyhose she had wrapped around his neck. 
‘He said it would be a win-win. Just something to shake you up so he could move into your territory while you were distracted. And it’s not like it would have been the first t-’
Sakura translated it for them, word-for-word. Her eyes as flat as her voice. She lowered her phone.
Hashirama and Tobirama exchanged glances.
“You obviously have something, Jing-Mei. But this isn’t conclusive. Has Red Eyes woken up yet? What does he have to say?” Tobirama asked. 
“No. I’m having him lifted into Tokyo tomorrow to a bigger hospital. I have a friend who can take a look at him,” she replied. 
Hashirama leaned forward a little. Black eyes glittering.
“But you haven’t answered my question. Why him? Why parade him around?” he demanded. 
Sakura smiled. 
“Uchiha Itachi is currently one of the richest and most powerful yakuza in the Tokyo area. If Kabuto really wanted to fuck with me, or with any of us, he would be the quickest route to do so. But I’ve got my claws in him instead-”
“You certainly do,” muttered Tobirama, eyeing the marks blooming up her throat. Sakura winked before she looked back to Hashirama.
“So Kabuto’s had to go around getting support from the little bosses. I’m just rubbing it in his face that I’ve got what he wants. Sooner or later, he’ll get pissed and reveal himself. He never was too smart,” Sakura finished explaining, sighing at the end. 
Hashirama crossed his arms across his chest.
“So you’re asking me to eliminate Kabuto before he becomes a bigger problem.”
Sakura’s expression brightened.
“Of course not, Uncle. You’re the Dragon Head. I’m just here to do whatever you say,” she assured him. And he looked completely unconvinced. 
“What do you think Fai Tsai’s ultimate goal is?” Hashirama asked her.
“To somehow have you killed and become the Dragon Head himself with the help from his little friends in Tokyo,” she answered without hesitation. Tilting her head, she took a drag on her cigarette.
Hashirama’s expression darkened.
“And that isn’t yours as well?” 
Sakura exhaled. Long and slow. Eyelashes fluttering. 
“It’s not. I promise you, Uncle.”
The following night, Sakura leaned her elbows on her desk. Her office upstairs hadn’t been touched in her long spaces of absence. And while the hostesses had peppered her with questions about her ‘vacation’, she knew just how to evade them. The sounds of music and laughter were barely audible through the insulated floors. 
She knew that Itachi knew she was back in Tokyo. He had eyes and ears everywhere. He had probably known within minutes of her plane landing that morning. 
She hadn’t called him.
After all, she had said, “Maybe”. Nothing else.
But she knew him well enough. He would come by the club within the next few days. A bouquet in his arms. He would order the most expensive champagne, weaving those sweet words of his around her. 
There was a knock on her door. 
“I’m doing the bills, Moegi. Can it wait?” Sakura replied. 
The handle turned anyway. 
Clicking her tongue, Sakura looked up to rebuff the intruder with some select barbs.
Instead, she found Itachi closing the door behind him. The lock snapping in place. He said nothing as he shed his coat and scarf. Hanging them on the wooden rack by the door. Right beside her white fur coat. Because it was much colder in Tokyo than in Hong Kong. With snow sprinkling down on the glimmering city.
Sakura leaned back in her chair. 
Itachi crossed the room in even, unhurried steps. He stopped, brushing lint off his pinstripe blazer. Gold and black cufflinks gleaming. 
“Am I interrupting anything that’s time-sensitive?” he then queried.
“No,” Sakura replied.
Itachi then glanced around the room. “Is there anything you particularly cherish on this desk?”
Sakura’s eyebrows rose. “...No.”
Itachi swept his arm across the tabletop. Scattering the papers and little accessories. A paperweight in the shape of a gold swan. A fancy pen set she had once gotten as a gift. And as those things went flying, Sakura’s back hit the smooth surface of the desk. Itachi’s hands slipping under her dress, caressing up her thighs.
“No ‘hello’?” she teased into his ear. Seizing the lobe between her teeth. He chuckled, but it sounded more like a growl as it traveled up his throat. Hissing hot against her chest. 
His teeth closed around the zipper on the front of her dress. Dragging it down to part the black fabric. He bit and kissed his way down her newly-revealed torso. Adding to the marks he had left the last time. Soothing the little stings with his lips. 
Rubbing his cheek against her stomach, he stared up at her. Eyelashes tickling her skin.
“This is my ‘hello’,” he responded. 
Part i | Part ii | Part iii | Part iv | Part v | Part vi | Part vii | Part viii | Part ix | Part x | Part xi | Part xii | Part xiii | Part xiv | Part xv | Part xvi | Part xvii | Part xviii | Part xix | Part xx | Part xxi | Part xxii | Part xxiii | Part xxiv | Part xxv | Part xxvi | Part xxvii | Part xxviii | Part xxix | Part xxx (here) | Part xxxi | Part xxxii | Part xxxiii | Part xxxiv | Part xxxv | Part xxxvi | Part xxxvii| Part xxxviii | Part xxxix | Part XL (it ends here)
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k-i-s-m-e-t · 7 years
The Fox, The Wolf
Fandom: 19 days Rating: Mature Status: In Progress 1/? Warnings: None Pairing: TianShan Words: 1,792
Summary: Sometimes you find success, sometimes it comes for you.
“Aaaannnd cut! That’s a wrap! Thank you everyone!” 
Clapping and cheers rang out as the overhead lights brightened. “Finally,” Mo thought rising from the couch, yanking at the too tight tie he wore. Not even bothering to say goodbye to the interviewer, he headed for the studio’s exit. She’d been too intrusive anyways, focusing only on personal questions rather than about his restaurant. Despite having sat through several of these exclusive-style interviews he still wasn’t used to it. Didn’t want to be. 
At this point though, he didn’t have much of a choice. A few months ago a celebrity chef had dined at his establishment unbeknownst to him. The chef had been incredibly impressed with the food, calling it a culinary experience to die for. He’d name dropped the restaurant, The Fox, on his show & posted a lavish review on his website, photo of Mo included. Since then it’d been nonstop television appearances & interviews. Mo’s phone rang constantly - to the point he’d had to hire a PR rep. The Fox was booked for reservations months in advance and the waiting list extended into next year. He was appreciative of course, the bills were guaranteed to be paid. Fame be damned though, he was tired of it. 
He nodded politely as he passed crew members on his way to the elevator. Leaning heavily on the call button it dinged promptly, doors sliding open. He pressed the button for lobby, silently hoping for a solo ride. He sighed in relief as the doors closed, only to scowl immediately in distaste when a flurry of blond hair managed to slide through at the last second making them snap open harshly at the obstruction. 
“Jeez would it kill you to wait for me for once? You didn’t hear me calling you?” Jian Yi huffed, leaning against the wall to catch his breath. 
“You probably weren’t loud enough,” Mo responded, pulling out his cell phone to check his email. 
“Yea well we came together how did you think I’d get back?” 
“I didn’t think anything to be honest.” 
Jian Yi rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
“Anyways, the interview went well, it’ll appear between prime time shows on the Food Network.”
“Fascinating,” Mo offered. Checking his messages, he saw his head chef had sent photos of tonight’s entrees for his approval. Squinting at the screen he approved three of them, rejecting the fourth and suggesting an alternative. 
“I’m sure everyone will be eager to hear about who I’m not dating and my skin care routine.” 
“She was trying to be friendly.” 
“She was being nosey as fuck.” 
“Guan Shan, everyone knows you’re an excellent restauranteur, they want to know more about the man behind the business.” 
“Yea well I’m not interested in them,” Mo said, stepping out of the elevator into the lobby. 
“I suggest you spend more time focusing on doing your job as well. You’re supposed to be representing the restaurant not setting me up on dates.” 
Jian Yi smiled shaking his head tiredly. 
“Whatever you say man.” 
In the lobby they rendezvoused at the front desk, the cheerful attendant retrieving their coats from check. Outside the air was brisk, mid-day sunlight filtered through the clouds. Horns honked as the city bustled around them, streets crowded with the lunch rush headed back to work, retreating from the cold. Mo pulled his coat tighter around him, hands shoved firmly in his pockets. He huffed out a breath, slight fog briefly materializing before him then vanishing. 
Despite his sour exterior this time of year always made him feel lively. There would be parties to cater for, new recipes to try. He’d be having the annual staff meeting with his kitchen team soon to discuss seasonal meals and get their suggestions. The team was a slapdash mix of talented individuals from all walks of life and he fed off their energy, fond of each and every one of them. They’d all been considered carefully before being invited to work for him. Concern tilted toward their talent & compatibility with each other rather than their appearance or background. 
“Hey!” Jian Yi called, snapping him out of his reverie. 
“Let’s get going. We have a meeting at two.” He’d already hailed a taxi and it was idling at the curb. 
“M’ coming,” Mo mumbled, shifting back into work mode and sliding into the car. Jian Yi rattled off directions as the taxi merged into traffic, then pulled out his planner, discussing talking points for their next meeting. Mo only half listened, mind drifting to his kitchen, hands twitching in his pockets. 
An hour later they sat restlessly around a conference table waiting for their remaining meeting attendees, an investor and his financial advisor that wanted to partner with The Fox. Mo was silently fuming that the men were late. Jian Yi curiously had nothing to say for once, but his eyes would dart to the door every time there was a noise in the hall. Despite the lack of conversation, he was still driving Mo crazy. Consumed by a tic he kept alternating between clicking his pen and jiggling his foot until his chair squeaked. Gathering himself to thoroughly cuss him out, Mo’s interrupted when finally they heard muted conversation and made out shapes beyond the frosted glass of the walls. 
“Be sociable,” Jian Yi whispered harshly, rolling his eyes at Mo’s blank stare. 
The door opened to reveal a serious but attractive man with brown hair and grey-blue eyes. 
“My apologies,” he said stepping into the room, voice warm but carrying authority. He bowed respectfully. “Mr. He and I were caught in traffic.” 
“My name is Zhan Zheng Xi,” he said politely extending a hand. “You must be Guan-“ 
“He’s Guan Shan,” Jian Yi cut in jumping from his seat to grasp the extended hand. “I’m Jian Yi, it’s great to meet you,” he gushed winking. 
Zhan nodded, eyeing the extended hand that Jian Yi was still holding. 
“Uh,” Jian hastily retracted his hand. “This is Guan Shan, he’s the owner of The Fox.” 
Mo rose in greeting, side-eyeing Jian Yi. 
“Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. Does Mr. He plan on joining us this year.” He looked pointedly at the ajar door. He could see the back of the other man as he finished a cheeky conversation with the building secretary. 
The man perked at his name, finally ending the conversation. He strode into the room with purpose, shutting the door neatly behind him, like he hadn’t just made them wait an extra five minutes. 
“I apologize gentleman, she was an old friend, wanted to catch up.” 
“Fast friends? It’s almost like you met her today,” Mo remarked. 
As soon as he’d walked in the room Mo had firmly decided he didn’t like him. Shaking his hand only confirmed his distaste. 
“Please call me He Tian,” he’d said, managing to caress Mo’s palm with his fingertips, eyes sparkling in amusement. The bastard was charismatic and handsome as fuck. Fit, his slacks tight in all the right places, Mo could see the flex of his biceps beneath his dress shirt as he shook Jian Yi’s hand. Did he mention that he was handsome? Dark hair and grey eyes that looked sharp but playful yet seductive. Mo could already imagine him fucking him over the conference table. It fueled his loathing. 
Pleasantries exchanged, Zhan joined the table as He Tian set up his presentation. Midway through, Mo had to admit the man was well spoken & intelligent. His plan for investing in The Fox was intuitive and forward thinking. He Tian had an extensive resume of businesses in which he’d spear-headed their development and expansion - all prestigious in their respective industries. He was lateral, with dealings that weren’t centered in one industry: finance, manufacturing, healthcare and media were all areas he had his hands in. Retail was a route he was eager to get into. 
Mo couldn’t understand why he would be interested in The Fox. It wasn’t a restaurant chain, nor was it exactly in the Michelin star exclusiveness of someone of He Tian’s status. Though honestly a Michelin star was something Mo yearned for. With He Tian heading the business direction of The Fox, it seemed a possibility. According to He Tian, The Fox had serious potential and he could see a bright future ahead of it. Pondering deeply on that note Mo’s jolted when something brushed up his leg and into his lap. Jerking his head up, he saw Jian Yi gazing dreamily off to his left. Following his line of sight, he landed on Zhan who was diligently taking meeting notes, eyes focused on He Tian. 
He looked down into his lap, a yellow dress sock clad foot ground against his balls making him choke. Mo glared at Jian Yi across the table, whipping out his cell phone. 
[sent 2:29 PM] 
To: Jian Yi 
Can you get your fucking foot off my goddamn dick!!!! 
Jian Yi’s phone buzzed lightly on the table. Glancing at it in irritation, he stole another look at Zhan before snatching it up. He swiped the screen, checking the message. Mo watched in satisfaction as he read the text, eyes widening before he snatched his foot back like he’d been burned. Face turning tomato red, he pulled out his planner avoiding eye contact for the rest of the meeting. 
Once He Tian concluded they discussed for a bit. Mo offered every ‘what if’ he could muster, but He Tian countered him at every turn, sound and confident in his business plan. Mo briefly acquiesced, asking for a few days to think before he made a final decision. He wanted to discuss the possibilities with his team and his mother as he valued their input. Wrapping up, He Tian held him in a smoldering gaze thanking him for his time, and that he looked forward to their next meeting. 
The over-confident bastard. 
His mind was still whirling by the time they made it down to the curb. Jian Yi hailed a cab for him but beat a hasty retreat, calling over his shoulder that he’d stop by the restaurant tomorrow, cheeks still a vivid pink. Mo let him go, appreciating the solo ride home. The cabbie thankfully made no effort to talk to him and he got comfortable in the back seat. His weight rested against the door, warm air from the heater made him drowsy. He gazed out the window deep in thought, watching the city speed by, cars and buildings tinted with gold from the late afternoon sun. He turned He Tian’s words over in his head. This would be a big step for The Fox, the payoff insurmountable… but, he wondered, can The Fox trust this newfound wolf? 
Hi :) I do have a plan to continue & I’m working on Ch. 2!
Read on AO3
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graymalkyn · 7 years
Can you do the napping prompt with tianshan
I can, though I’m not sure I can do it well… I added an extra GIF just because. Not much napping because the latest chapter threw me off, but well, here it is. Thanks for the prompt!
8) He Tian x Mo Guan Shan ~ Napping.
As he scrubbed thebottom of the pot, Guan Shan found himself thinking that He Tian was oddlyquiet that day. He hadn’t harassed him so far, and he’d even helped take theplates and other stuff to the kitchen once their lunch was over. Of course thebastard had run away at the sight of dirty dishes and such, but that was hisusual nature. And in any case, it was fine, right? That guy could be a fuckingbrute sometimes and he really didn’t know how to handle the fine crockery.
He rinsed his handsand took off the rubber gloves. “Oi,” he called out. “There’s enough left foryou to reheat tonight and tomorrow, so…” He saw Tian skulking away. “… The fuckis this guy doing,” he muttered. His eyes opened wide when he checked out theliving room. “Huh?! What the hell?” The couches had been stripped off thecushions, and He Tian had laid them down by the windowed wall.
“It’s a napping nook,”Tian grinned as he sprawled on his side. “It’s always bothered me that thesunlight is blocked by the back of the couches, and napping like this,” heyawned as he covered his eyes with his arm, “is paradise.”
Mo gaped at him. “Butyour bed is right there! Now this place looks like a pigsty again, you asshole!”
He Tian peeked out andsmirked. “Ah… So you’re saying you’d share the bed with me. How bold, Don’t Close Mountain.”
“Fuck off, you jerk!” GuanShan began to yell, but… Did that mean that He Tian knew that he’d refuse to goto bed with him? Had he done that so that he’d be more comfortable as well?Shit. “A-anyway, the food is in the re—”
“Shut up and just liedown for a while,” Tian said, turning around and lying on his stomach, nuzzlingthe thin pillow he’d brought from his bed.
He looks like a cat, Guan Shan thought. His straight, black hairappeared almost warm in the early afternoon sunlight. His muscular back wasrelaxed, and his t-shirt had crawled up a little after his wiggling, revealinghis pale skin.  
“I’m gonna startcharging you if you keep staring,” Tian teased.
“I didn’t—! I wasn’tstaring!”
“You were totallychecking out my ass,” Tian grinned, wiggling his butt.
“I was not!”
“Aaah, your smolderinggaze makes me feel naked. I’m gonna go har—”
“Shut up, you major chickendick!”
He Tian stretched outhis leg and kicked Mo in the back of the knee, making him lose balance and landon the cushions with a thud and a groan. “Stop being so fucking confrontationaland relax!” He threw one of the blankets over him and grinned. “There. Doesn’tit feel good?”
Guan Shan wriggledunderneath the blanket and glared at Tian. “Why are you always hitting me?”
“Hitting on you?”
That too, Mo thought, but he just furrowed his brow deeper inresponse.
He Tian sighed.“Because you’re fucking stubborn.”
“I can’t understandwhy you’re so popular. You don’t know how to treat people. I bet you never hada pet.”
“Interested in theposition?”
“What position?”
“I meant being my pet,but now I don’t know. Do you have a favorite position you wanna try?”
“… You’re so fuckingdirty.”
“You’re the one thatwent there.” He Tian yawned and stretched. “I’m not that popular. And I didhave a pet. Briefly.”
“What was it?”
“A dog. Golden Retriever.”
“Where is it now?”
“With another owner.” Hesmirked. “Its name was Jian Yi.”
Guan Shan rolled hiseyes and snuggled under the blanket. “Fuck off.”
“Jerk off, you said?Okay,” Tian said merrily, his thumb toying with the elastic band of his briefs.
“Don’t put your hands inyour pants, you chicken tit! Ugh, it’s impossible to talk to you…” Guan Shangrumbled.
And yet, he was lying there,chatting with that guy. He couldn’t comprehend it himself. Many times he hadthought about the feelings that He Tian stirred in him. Being close waspainful, but being far was now almost unthinkable. The people he used to hangout with had left his side, and all of them had been replaced by He Tian. Whatdid it mean when one person was worth a dozen? But even though that guy hadgone so far as to tell his brother about him, Guan Shan didn’t think he was asprominent in He Tian’s life as…
“… Jian Yi,” hemuttered.
“Hmmm? What aboutYiyi?” Tian wondered sleepily.
Was your dog actually called Jian Yi, or didyou mean something else when you said it now had another owner? No, he could never ask that question. “You two…You have been friends for long?”
Tian raised his headand watched him closely.
“What,” Guan Shan saiddefensively.
“What’s with all thisquestioning? It’s as if you finally wanted to know more about me. It’s almostcute.”
“In your dreams.”
“You’re gonna tortureme there too?”
“Shut your mouth.”
Tian rested his bodyon his right arm and looked at him frankly. “Can’t be honest for once, can you?Guess it’s better this way, though. We’re all alone here, and who knows what I’ddo to you.”
Retreat! Guan Shanthought. He curled up and scowled at Tian. “You’re not going to tell me.”
“Jian Yi? Let’s see… We’ve been friends for some years, but it’s not exactly like we hang out. He only doesthat with Zhan Zheng Xi. There’s nobody else in the world for him.” His voice turnedunusually soft. “Nobody else can get in there.” He shrugged and lay back down. “Iguess it’s nice to have that one person that means the world to you. Someoneyou wanna protect…”
For a moment, GuanShan knew that he was inexplicably jealous. It was ridiculous. He opened hismouth to say something equally ridiculous, but saying too much might leave himexposed, and he realized that he was afraid of losing something that had becomeprecious somewhere along the line.
He Tian yawned and coveredhimself with the other blanket. “The food today… It was good. You should come over moreoften. Or just live here…”
“Learn to cook,fucker,” he grunted unconvincingly.
“I’ve learned a bit…These past few days… Still, your food tastes better…”
Guan Shan’s chest felt warmer than usual when he grumbled, “… I guess you’ve learned how to chop theonions.” He took a peek at He Tian, whose eyes were closed now.
“Mo has finallycomplimented me. Good…” His breathing became even and his mouth relaxed.
Only a couple of weeksbefore, Guan Shan would have taken advantage of that defenselessness and he wouldhave looked for a way to hurt that guy, the guy that had bullied him. The onethat had stuck his neck for him. The one that had chased after him day afterday. The one that had helped him out of a toxic “friendship”. The one that hadtalked to him, touched him, and…
Guan Shan shut hiseyes tight. That guy was infuriating. Smug. Meddling. Rough. Strong. Caring. Surprisinglywarm, like the blood that had stained his shirt, like the jacket he’d put roundhis shoulders; like the afternoon sun shining down on that nest Tian had built forthe two of them. He wasn’t used to this warmth, he thought, as those mixed feelingshe always had became a little more concrete, a little stronger. Gradually, helet his body relax. He turned his back on He Tian and rested his head on hisarm.
He Tian’s fingersreached out and touched his, entwining gently. He didn’t speak. He didn’t push.
Unpredictable. Thatwas what that guy was to him.
Mo’s lips twitchedinto a little smile, and with warm thoughts swimming through his mind and thathand in his, he fell asleep.
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