#to empty out the space of your self‚ in order to provide a theater for the story to enact itself
aeide-thea · 2 years
tfw you're reading a review of a book you haven't read (when we were sisters, by fatimah asghar), and can't tell whether the way it chooses to gender one of the characters—which is in tension with what's suggested by every quote it features—is justified by however the story ends, or whether it's just plain old cissexism…
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insanityclause · 5 years
Reverse chronology has become a familiar narrative device in film, but when Harold Pinter employed it in 1978 in his blisteringly personal drama about an extramarital affair, Betrayal, it was still uncommon enough to become highly influential. It makes the drama start from a place of awkwardness steeped in grief, two years after the illicit liaison has finished, and end at the beginning, with a rapturous sense of secret possibility, marbled by the deep vein of melancholy present from the first scene. That emotional complexity smolders like hot coals in Jamie Lloyd's expertly calibrated production, transferring to Broadway direct from its hit London engagement.
The headline news is the commanding Broadway debut of Tom Hiddleston, taking a breather from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to revisit the stage roots to which he has returned periodically throughout his career. The coolly charismatic star is matched at every step by Zawe Ashton and Charlie Cox, the latter trailing his own Marvel association from Netflix's Daredevil.
Lloyd staged Betrayal, one of the tightest and most straightforward (albeit back to front) of Pinter's full-length plays, as the unorthodox culmination of an acclaimed London season of the dramatist's one-acts. The director's feeling for Pinter's tricky rhythms, his freighted silences, glacial distances and brittle intimacies is unerring, evident not just in the dialogue-driven moments but also in the physical staging, the austerely elegant design choices, the stunningly descriptive use of shadow in Jon Clark's lighting and the precise attention to movement.
The action unfolds in bars, restaurants, family homes, a regular assignation address and a Venetian hotel. But designer Soutra Gilmour's set is a simple, stark rear wall in slate gray that makes intimate advances on the actors at times, with a sparingly used turntable that suggests the unkind passing of time, even as the scenes play out in backwards order. Among the few props are two chairs, the glasses or bottles required for a variety of alcohol, cigarettes, of course, and only late in the play, a table with an Italian linen tablecloth that becomes the saddest sight you'll ever see.
The three principal actors are onstage for the duration, with the third player at first remaining detached in the background through each of the mostly two-character scenes. But almost imperceptibly, the tiniest flicker of reaction begins playing across the face or in the body language of the silent additional presence as key information is divulged, twisting the knife as to who knew what and for how long. It's a masterstroke of direction, adding lacerating stabs of hurt to a drama in which none of the protagonists is overly sympathetic.
The parties involved, all in their mid-30s, are Robert (Hiddleston), a London publisher; his wife Emma (Ashton), who runs a gallery; and Jerry (Cox), a literary agent who also has an unseen wife at home. Each couple has two children. Complicating the seven-year affair of Emma and Jerry is the friendship of much longer duration between Robert and Jerry, who was best man at their wedding. The two first met when both were bright young things editing poetry magazines, Robert at Oxford and Jerry at Cambridge.
Pinter, and in turn here, Lloyd, get much mileage out of the urbane sophistication of these very English characters, consistently testing the strain beneath their polite small talk and practiced civility, with an edge of formality even between spouses and lovers.
It's thrilling when the simmering rage beneath Robert's smooth, at times bordering on smug, surface bubbles up, for instance in a discussion of the male ritual of a squash game followed by a pint at the pub and then lunch, his exclusion of Emma delivered like a casual body blow. Or during one such lunch with Jerry, when he rants about the tediousness of launching a novel while ferociously attacking a plate of prosciutto and melon. That his anger is never directed openly at its target doesn't make it sting any less.
But it's in those moments when the armor of Robert's composure is pierced by vulnerability that Hiddleston's performance truly dazzles. A scene in Venice, during which Robert dances around his suspicions to the point where Emma reads the knowledge of her transgression in his eyes and chooses that moment to confess, is made all the more wrenching by its restraint. As they sit side by side and she provides key details — location of their trysts, how long it's been going on, reassurance about the paternity of their youngest child — Robert stares straight ahead, impassively absorbing the full impact as his eyes pool with tears. The generally guarded Emma's sudden emotional release is quite different, but no less affecting in Ashton's self-possessed but finely layered performance.
Lloyd's brisk scene transitions add texture to the drama throughout, notably when that painful exchange segues to Emma and Jerry meeting at the suburban flat they've been renting, the shadow of their embrace seeming to infect the still-seated Robert like a virus.
The uncustomary choice to show one of Robert and Emma's children (an adorable girl played at the performance reviewed by Emma Lyles) also pays off. Repeated reference is made to Jerry tossing her up in the air and catching her one afternoon in their kitchen — or was it his? It rips your heart out to watch the child giggle with joy when that happens before curling up in her father's arms to sleep as Emma then meets with Robert early in their relationship, seemingly contemplating making a permanent change.
It might be argued that Lloyd's repeat use of a chilled-out, female-vocal cover of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence" is a little on the nose for Pinter ("Words like violence / Break the silence"). But the effect is powerful and the music choices, including Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Norwegian electronic duo Royskopp, help thread one scene to the next, as words and wounds bleed into the spaces between.
At the beginning of the play (which is the end of the story), Robert's infidelities also have contributed to end the marriage, two years after Emma has broken off the affair with a still-aching Jerry. But of the three, Jerry is arguably the only one who wears his guilt visibly. The excellent Cox plays that burden with a palpable sense of the pain beneath Jerry's studied attempts to keep things light and breezy. His declaration to Emma in the final scene, at the start of their love story, is one of the most searing Pinter monologues — ecstatic in its expression of romantic feeling and yet desolate in the awareness that Emma is condemning Jerry to a kind of exquisite misery.
"I can't ever sleep again, no, listen, it's the truth, I won't walk, I'll be a cripple, I'll descend, I'll diminish, into total paralysis, my life is in your hands, that's what you're banishing me to, a state of catatonia, do you know the state of catatonia? Do you? Do you? The state of… where the reigning prince is the prince of emptiness, the prince of absence, the prince of desolation. I love you."
Those last three little words never sounded so doomed. The smile of contentment as Robert interrupts them, entering the room from the party all three are attending, seems veiled on Hiddleston's face with a suggestion that he already sees what's happening. And Lloyd stages the closing moments like a mournful dance, anticipating the pain of what's to come.
It's just six years since the last sizzling Broadway revival of this work, directed by Mike Nichols and starring Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz and Rafe Spall, all in top form. But this very fine production makes an absolutely compelling case for returning so quickly to the play, in which betrayals cut in every direction — between couples, friends and within the characters themselves. Lloyd and his actors illuminate a glimmering darkness in the drama, a deeper well of sorrows that linger in the air even after the cast take their bows.
If there's one nagging issue, it's with the audience, not the production. While it's great for business that fans flock to Broadway to see an MCU star like Hiddleston showing consummate skill, the constant laughs at inappropriate moments must be distracting for the actors, particularly in the many moments of quiet devastation. Sure, there are sparks of dry humor throughout Betrayal, but c'mon people, it’s Pinter, not Upright Citizens Brigade. It's for grownups.
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po1ypear1 · 4 years
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take it all as it comes. seize the oportunities. listen to your inner voice, and if you don’t hear it, ask.  
Always: Be greatful for the happiness feelings you feel every single day.
Recognize when the right opportunity is before you and say yes. But if you dont, know the boat will come again, and know your reason for missing it.
Plans and day dreams are nice, but let them be free. Watch out for getting too attatched. We prefer general headings.
Remember watching, “How To Be Single” and feeling like this was your time to enjoy being single while in this stage of self descovery. To remember learning how to date, how to talk to people, and how to hold onto your own identify.
Find and Do No Matter Where You Are:
Play with improv people. join a theater group
Take singing lessons. join a choior
Keep making your moon calanders! Study Astrology.
Pole Play Classes. Dance classes
underground bush doof crew
Everything written here has placed a call to me, and is currently waiting, patiently on hold.
Make movies. Research bus channels. Consider yours.
Act/Perform. Read poetry, stories and speaches to people from mobile sets in character.
Sail home for Christmas
Once Home: Set Some Shit Straight:
Impact Invest! Talk to one of those guys who makes your money make money. 
Sort out your taxes, health care, and province of residing. Get GST number for a small, legit paper trail and to justify the cerb minimum income requirements.
Lazer hair removal.  
Time to Get Your Self Some Nice Things: Good quality solar powered phone charging water proof blue tooth multi speaker linkons portable speaker. 
Books: Anatomy for the artist.  A massive “learn to read the stars” astrology book, total “yoga poses” reference guide.  
go shoping and record the items, review and return later. see how they look through the camera’s eye. find the neck lines you like. thin straps. Try less reveiling necklines, they are destracting, people will look, listen and be enchancted by everything else
.Ask grandma and grandpa a hundred questions.
Watch tissue movies with mom.
Visit Royal Pizza
Organize family activities, skating, toboganing, holrac park. Snowboarding trip?  
Propose bio mobile bus/prototype build to dad  
Have a Dance in Golden and visit kyle…  
First summer with the bio-biel. Climb mountains. Serve A Vapassana.  Learn Gin Shin Do from a master. Visit the landing.
Do you still wanna train hop? this is probably a better sooner then later activity.  
Winter town! Seasonal job. Collect thousands of dollars for passing go.
My Karman Line: Learn about starting a business. Event Organizer/Project Manager. Online Careers. How to become a home care assistant.
Stationary Routine breads clarity and focus. New Places are exciting, stimulating, inspiring, and distracting.
Biofuel Home Bus:
MIDNIGHT IDEA* bus so I dont have to pay rent while going to school/studying to get the job that will allow me to work and live around the world. hense vegabonding after bussing. No roommates, no rent, no part time job money worries, small space, less mess, fewer distractions. I can work part time if I want to, not cause I have to. I can be close to school, no comute, close to my kichen, less money spent eating out. I feel the time for study is getting closer.
I like the idea of bus before boat, cause when I get land the bus is home base while I build. Then the bus is safely left on the property. The boat is a little less safe left in the water.
You’d think I would vegabond before biofuel, but i just got a craving…. then I got an incling, “maybe these arnt one time phases.” cause now i got another thought, I'm back to the vegabond route, but a more "stay-awhilebond" feelin. Like hop into communities with the intensión of staying a while, maybe better with this new "normal" places might want you to quarentine. But, boat life, Bus life, House life, Back-pack life. and they keep heluxing round and round. And there’s always new hobbies, interests, self discoveries and purposes. With constant sweet notes of good food, friendship, discovery. And never ending curiosity.
MIDNIGHT VISION: 1 am, drinkin water by the gallon…. a song comes on. I can’t hold it in. The bus bursts open and I pour my heart out down the empty street. Pirouette’s under street lamp spot lights, broken hearts to car hoods. Coming to an hour latter, looking around, ‘where am I?´ Time to choose a walking home song. A small space will be good for me. Forces me to get outta the house.
There’s no correct order, or direct timeline. Remove the 5 hinderances, and listen to what the moon says is best for you right now. Sailing also sounds better with a crew, thanks to Swell, by Liz Clark.
short cut dotted out with Kyle Button: sail the ports and archipelagos, appartment hop the interiors, build in Canada or the perfect place once it’s found.  
Recycle Sailing Fleet. Bee Bike Troup. The little book of Aquireing Knowledge series. 
Vegabond. Live, Work and Study in so many other countries.You can do this after 35 aswell. You can find amazing work oportunities that don’t require the permit, that will sponsor a permit, that wants to marry you. Or you’ll fit into the specialist or exeption section. You’re not necessarily looking for a typical, need a working vissa job anyway. Plus, some countries might not have this restriction, you never looked for your self.
We were talking with Josie the other day and we got on to the different types of lives on the security-adventure scale. For argument sake, we named 4 main ones. The people who never leave the towns they grew up in, the ones who do but settle some where, the ones who move every so often, keeping it fresh and the ones who never stop, who, say live out of a back-pack or travel the world on a bike, throwing them selves into the unknown. When she spoke of these people, my heart fluttered…..  
House sit, wwooff, work-away when the world alows open travel again. And maybe Do it by bike? As few planes as possible. LIVE in the cities of the world, get to know them, be a part of them. Know the public places, the baker on the courner, where the oldest trees and stairs are.
Entreprenuer. Have your own business. Work for your self. See one note Starters.
Homestead. Own Property out right. I will pay for everything up-front, all the money I save on interest by waiting will be trippled by keeping the money invested till there is more then enough for the propert, land and home development. Enough will be left over, and remain invested, to continue growing at a steady, live a comfortable life and travel as I wish, take what ever courses i wish rate.
Raise your kids here, with stability providing safety. Routine creating tradition that will be imprinted in them for ever, every pumpkin pie will make them feel their childhood in fall, and the excitment of starting school again. Let them grow conected to nature and their food. Atleast till 7. Then ask them what they want to do? wanna go to school in the city? wanna live in a bus and travel across the continent? Wanna live in a boat and sail around the world? Please learn another language, spanish is easy and lots of places different to us. 
Maybe kids raised in a bus or on a boat might could also be a good thing. After rocking Nera to sleep, for only less then an hour, it occured to me, a rocking boat or moving bus would be great right now.
Sail around the world with an electric assist bike and a survival libraray
Return to the nice place, with enough acres for privacy, gardens, animals, out door hot tubs, a green house, all within a food forest and be within walking distance of neighbours and a satisfying community hub. Some people watching spots and art events can be a comfortable scooter ride away. maybe this is the same place as the homestead. Maybe my parents are with my by this point.  
Bio Bus. I’ve been in the office 6 months now, and im starting to want a change. Change just might be my nature. So maybe it’s back to the bus. This time with Gatto, Pero, Pollo, bicicleta and creator machines. Traversing the continent selling soaps, teas, hot snacks wrapped in bees wax at ski hills, soaking potions, spa days at tree planter camps and tickets to movie nights.    
Movement Space: soft matt 5x5, to emcompass my whole body’s reach in every angle. hand holds ancored into the floor for traction. ropes hanging from the roof for balance, suport. golf and tenis balls for massage.
Kitchen Hacks: design cooking area to be re-panted every few years cause it gets so dam dirty and change is a must. window sills for herbs to grow. sinks with water spouts that fill in the middle and swivel. counters with an over hang so you can sit. lots of different lighting options. Wooden counter top, i hate the sound of everything clanging on marble 
Ideal Community: lots of greenery, big old trees, bike and walk friendly, inviting public spaces, big enough that I want to go out and be apart of it, that i have places and people to visit and watch. A place with seasons. I don´t want to be hot and itchy all year round. A place where people steward the land, and shape it with Peter Pan’s elegant hands. No generic, shitty, fast food joints, only healthy artisian. Beautiful works of arcitecture harmanizing our day to day with nature. No junk advertisments. 
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dxrkblaze · 7 years
so here’s another drabble/oneshot/thing from the silvaze pirate-princess au where silver is absolutely ooc but it’s ok because it’s an au. and he’s still a dork. hope ya enjoy
Silver rushed through the forest leading to the palace, kicking up grasses behind him with each stride forward. He held fast to his cap, looking every which way with frantic eyes, licking his lips chapped by dehydrating panic; he wasn’t used to this feeling. The kingdom of Sol was under attack - the life of his beloved princess was in jeopardy, without a doubt - and Silver never knew anything of it. He scolded himself each time that thought raced to the front of his conscience, for surely he could have intercepted such a plan had he stayed alert.
Through the passing spaces between trees, he soon found the despicable silhouette of fighting in the distance. Far too near in the distance for his liking, actually - one of the invading phalanxes had already advanced to the palace’s facade. Silver cursed beneath his breath, and gained a subconscious burst of acceleration once Blaze’s balcony was in his sights. It was as if all his nightmares had decided to rear their wretched heads on Sol’s shores.
After leaping over the shrubbery lining the foundation of the palace, Silver scaled the vines leading up to the princess’s balcony with an intensity he had never before employed. He moved as if he were under the eye of an archer - and perhaps he was, he thought - that would be the most typical of deaths. Sweat was pouring past his eyes, to the ridge of his muzzle, down his neck, saturating the frills of his coat and the fur beneath it. For a moment, he believed that the princess would be forced to tend to him once he reached her chambers. He also possessed enough self-awareness to laugh at such irony.
As for Princess Blaze, Silver had expected to find her immediately - surely she would be perched behind her window, gazing out with a somber contour to her lips as the enemy’s siege crept closer. He would be able to comfort her before speaking of his plan, and that would soften her to the idea of it. On the contrary, of course, she was nowhere to be found, and Silver had to venture into the hallways to stand any chance of escaping with her.
“Princess!” Silver whispered sharply, scuttering along the carpet so that his boots wouldn’t alert anyone. He peered around each corner he came to, fearing the inevitability that he would be mistaken for an intruder, or some senseless notion. He raised his voice as his search dragged on, leading him to duck behind tables and chairs whenever paranoia played its tricks.
Silver soon found himself on one of the grand hallways, weaving behind columns that overlooked the barren dining hall several stories below. There was simply nothing to hide from. He seated himself to catch his breath, and after he had done so without any disturbance, he decided that the residence portion of the palace was empty. Still, he checked the handle of the cutlass at his belt, and looked down either side of the hall before venturing to one of the tall windows before him. He winced at the faint clashing of swords and shields; Sol was never a kingdom built for war. Powerful, it was, but only for the peace it stood for. There were no battlements, no gatehouse, nothing separating it from the people it resided over. Even a mere pirate could roam its interior in a time of such crisis. The town, only a few hundred meters away, was being ransacked - by nightfall it would be reduced to a pile of dust. Silver checked the leverage he had on his weapon once more.
Perhaps the princess had already evacuated, or had fallen back to the barracks - no. Silver’s hopes deceived him not. Blaze was more likely to be outside fighting alongside her people than on a ship sailing elsewhere. That thought was troubling enough to force him back to his search, and down another adjacent path.
Silver passed another corner, and his heart leaped to his throat when he heard a footstep behind him. Before he could even flinch, an arm wrapped tight around his head, exposing his neck to the cool edge of a blade. His shock was paralyzing, though he was only in danger for a moment - he knew that boiling touch on his cheek.
“Princess!” Silver’s cap slid off his head, exposing his eccentric quills. “My, how glad I am to see you!”
Blaze retracted her smallsword. Her brow was as sharp as her tone. “What business have you in here?”
“Oh, I thought I’d stop for tea.” Silver retrieved his headwear, grabbed Blaze’s hand, and tried to pull her in the direction from which he came. “What business have you alone?”
She submitted a few steps toward him before standing her ground. “They wouldn’t let me fight. Everyone is either outside or guarding the entrances.”
“Well, they overlooked your balcony.”
“Enough! Unhand me!”
“Where are the emeralds?”
Blaze tugged on the strap of her haversack. “With me.”
“Excellent! Forward thinking! So we can leave?”
“No!” Blaze asserted, throwing Silver’s hand down.
“Princess, I beg of you-”
“Out of the question!” she intervened, walking back to her post. “I will never abandon my people. The only way these emeralds are leaving Sol is if they’re stained with my blood.”
Silver bounced in front of her, eyes fixed on the end of the hall. “Princess, listen to me, I’ve docked at the kingdom’s rear-”
Blaze crossed her arms, and turned her head in disgust. “And what importance does that hold now? I have no time for your crude innuendos.”
“My ship is behind the palace! We’re outnumbered, but we’re not surrounded. We can escape!”
“Are you dense? I’ve told you no!”
“Princess, I admire your bravery,” Silver admitted, resting his hands on her shoulders, “and your loyalty to your people is unquestioned. But if those emeralds are stolen, you won’t have anything left to be loyal to! You can’t fend off an entire army!”
“I can die trying.”
“We don’t have much time! Princess, look at me.” The albino slouched into her line of sight, and his voice shook as he held her gaze. “It’s difficult to think now, I know, but you have to trust me. You don’t understand how badly I need you. If anything happened to you, I could never go on.” He pointed behind her. “They could never go on. You know this. Live to fight another day, my love, I beg you. Come with me.”
Blaze hesitated, but acquiesced with a sigh. They hurried back to the princess’s chambers, for that provided the most direct escape, though Silver continued to spout wit as if all was well. The true gravity of the situation didn’t intrude their reality until the enemy intruded the palace; the couple jumped back when a harsh crash sounded below them, followed by loud shouts echoing off the high walls. Tears filled Blaze’s sight, blurring the scene as Silver led her onward. There was nothing left standing between her home and utter disaster.
The princess was numb until her feet hit grass. Even then, she stumbled forward at Silver’s plea, reaching for her sword that she had dropped inside among all the commotion. For the first time in her memory, she felt powerless. Fire alone couldn’t melt all that armor. Her mind raced from regret to acceptance and back again, stomping over any emotion disgraceful enough in between. She couldn’t decide if death would have cleansed her of these thoughts anyway.
Blaze snapped out of her musing when they were approached by a few armored knights, ones clearly not allied with Sol, and ordered to halt. They identified the princess with a stark confidence. Her stomach sank - surely now she would not only die a brutal death, but one of a coward as well. She turned to blame Silver for this, and was shocked to find him laughing.
“My gods,” Silver began, staring the knights down without a trace of trepidation, “what flattery to be mistaken for royalty! Are both of our costumes so convincing, or is it only my partner?”
Blaze glanced down. Perhaps such duplicity would have been more convincing if she had her cloak - she sported a frilled blouse and tights, hardly befitting of an exaggerated royal get-up. The knights seemed unmoved, and they made it obvious by pointing their swords at the couple.
Still, Silver pursued with his game. “Gentlemen, please, we are but actors from the local theater! We have no hand in this fight. We will leave you to your business.” He turned to walk away.
One of the knights advanced, poking Silver’s neck with the tip of his sword. A harsh voice rushed through the slits of his mask. “Our king will be the judge of that.”
Another weapon was thrust close to the princess, and Silver rolled his eyes. “Yes, of course, I’m sure his Majesty will be thrilled by the capture of two peasants.” His eyes shifted to Blaze. “How laughable it will be, when you return home under the claim you’ve arrested the princess, and you present to your king a man in make-up instead. I’ll make plans to attend your execution.”
Blaze shot daggers at Silver, but realized his cruelty was part of the show. She spoke not, for she knew her voice would ruin the illusion, and nodded at the knights. The most vocal of them lifted his mask, and squinted at the princess’s frame, taking particular note of her flat chest. Blaze stared into his eyes with defiance until he was finally convinced, and all the knights turned back toward the palace with a cry. Blaze touched the bag at her side, relieved to feel the emeralds inside it, and was pulled by Silver back to their escape route. She followed him in silence.
Blaze was greeted with bows and hugs from Silver’s crew once she was helped onto the ship. They set off as soon as the anchor was hoisted; they were safe from the violence, and the wind was in their favor. It was only the princess and the captain who did not celebrate; the couple stood solemnly at the stern, gazes fixed on the palace as the madness shrank in the distance. Blaze placed her hand over her bag once more.
“I am sorry, princess,” Silver admitted, “I wish I would’ve gotten here sooner.” She gave him no response, and he was certain why. “Oh, princess, please forgive me. Surely you know that you’re the fairest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He ran his hand along her side before sliding it up to her chest. “It was but a ploy to save our heads.”
“That does not trouble me.” She lied, but for once she was grateful for Silver’s deceitful nature. She removed his hand from her breast, but didn’t let go of it. “I simply fear for my people.”
Silver leaned his head against Blaze’s. “Aye, my love, but life is far too short to live fearing the worst. May we return to a kingdom strengthened by adversity. In any event, the emeralds are in the hands of their rightful owner.” He pressed his lips to her muzzle. “And she is safe with me.”
“Thank you, Silver.” Blaze lowered her eyes at a realization, and tightened her grip on his hand. “I don’t believe I could do without you, either.”
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aaronmaurer · 5 years
Movies I Liked in 2019
Every year I reflect on the pop culture I enjoyed and put it in some sort of order.
Despite everything else going on in the world, 2019 was a pretty good year for movies! I saw a lot of things I really enjoyed (thanks AMC A-List!) and managed to avoid all of the live action Disney remakes. While it was hard to whittle down my list to a self-imposed/arbitrary 10, these stood out as efforts I can see myself returning to again and again.
10. The Public
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This low-key release from writer/director/star Emilio Estevez is a deeply humanist look at systemic failures to address homelessness in American cities. During a bitterly cold winter in Cincinnati, a group of people decide to occupy a public library overnight rather than be forced onto the life-threatening streets, and media, law enforcement and politicians all attempt to shape the narrative. With a supporting cast including Michael K Williams, Jena Malone, Jeffrey Wright and Alec Baldwin, this one is worth seeking out (and has some great shots of Cincy as well).
9. Toy Story 4
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Did Toy Story need a fourth entry? I wouldn’t have thought so, but leave it to the magicians at Pixar to find new ways to animate (eh? eh?) these beloved characters – and introduce some great new ones. With the additions of Tony Hale’s Forky, Keanu Reeves’ Duke Caboom and Key & Peele’s Bunny & Ducky, this is easily the funniest Toy Story to date. However, it still packs an emotional wallop as well: if you can get through Gabby Gabby’s final scene with dry eyes you may not have a heart.
8. The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
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While not nearly as successful at the box office as its predecessor, the LEGO Movie sequel is just as funny, engaging and surprisingly moving. While the real-world metanarrative is no longer a surprise, the shift from parent-child relationship to that of siblings provides ample storytelling fodder that I related to even more than the original. And for the record, this was the first major movie released this year to feature a 5-year time jump – and time travel shenanigans (looking at you, Endgame).
7. The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
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Chiwetel Ejiofor adapted this true story of a boy in Malawi who devises a way to save his village from severe famine (his writing and directorial debut). The film doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of life in under-resourced areas but also embodies hope and ingenuity that know no socioeconomic or geographic bounds.
6. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
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I’ll admit I was skeptical upon hearing Tom Hanks would be playing Mr. Rogers – he’s a great actor but doesn’t bear much of a resemblance in appearance or demeanor. However, his success in the part comes from not trying to technically imitate Rogers as much as embody his spirit of decency, sincerity and kindness. The fact that this is not a Rogers biopic, but rather a story of his impact on the life of a journalist who is wrestling with cynicism, anger and unforgiveness, also helps matters (what a year for movies based on longform journalism! See also: Richard Jewell, Dark Waters). The writers and director Marielle Heller take some interesting chances including a cheeky framing device and transitions using Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood-inspired miniatures that help make this film something {ahem} special.  
5. The Current War: Director’s Cut
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(Note: This film was originally set for release in 2017 and an unfinished version screened at film festivals that year to critical disdain. The Weinstein scandal mired it in development hell, but it got a second life in a new, finished version this fall as the “Director’s Cut.”)
This story of the “war of the currents,” as Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse raced to electrify America at the turn of the 20th century, snuck into theaters under-the-radar at the end of the summer but I am so glad I had the chance to see it on the big screen. Far from a conventional biopic or historical epic, there is a beautiful lyricism on display here with sweeping camera movements, innovative shot compositions, gorgeous use of light and color and a enveloping musical score. For a film that tracks multiple characters and locations for over a decade, there are moments of touching poignancy and intimacy that prevent it from becoming impersonal. I found it utterly compelling and transporting, though your mileage may vary.
4. Avengers: Endgame
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It’s a rare Hollywood blockbuster that allows its characters time to grieve and process trauma, and even acknowledges the futility and emptiness of revenge. Endgame manages all that before launching into a time travel adventure and an ultimate showdown that pays off the 21 Marvel films that came before over the past 11 years. I’m sure it doesn’t make sense at all as a standalone, but for fans of these movies it was a satisfying conclusion to this era of the MCU, filled with humor and heart.
3. Little Women
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I have no connection to the source material at all, having never read Louisa May Alcott’s book or seen any other screen adaptation, so I cannot compare it to anything that’s come before. I can say Greta Gerwig’s follow-up to Lady Bird is simply fantastic, with an engaging cast and beautiful cinematography that radiates warmth. I’ve read that the novel’s chronology is linear and this movie rearranges it with flashbacks, creating juxtapositions that reveal a great deal about characters, choices and the passage of time. It all leads to a somewhat meta finale that serves as a salute to the creative voice.
2. Ad Astra
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As with the likes of Gravity and First Man in recent years, James Gray’s Ad Astra recognizes that traveling to our inner spaces is as transformative as venturing to the stars. Set in a near future where the moon is a rundown spaceport and Mars has been colonized, Brad Pitt plays an astronaut tasked with finding out what happened to his father’s missing mission to Neptune decades earlier. Atop a fascinating backdrop of space futurism, the film is a meditation on the loneliness and isolation of space and the meaningfulness of community and connection.
1. Knives Out
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This relentlessly entertaining murder mystery from Rian Johnson (The Brothers Bloom, The Last Jedi) not only satisfies from a plot and character perspective, but delivers a level of social commentary and critique of white privilege akin to Get Out without feeling didactic about it. The cast is terrific all-around, but Daniel Craig’s starring turn as thickly drawling Detective Benoit Blanc is note-perfect, especially as he chews his way through Johnson’s hilariously meaty dialogue.
Bonus! Honorable Mentions:
Apollo 11 – Comprised of newly discovered and restored NASA footage of the first moon landing, this fresh and immediate documentary brings history to vivid life without leaning on talking heads or narration. (View alongside last year’s Neil Armstrong biopic First Man for an even richer experience.) 
Spider-Man: Far From Home and Captain Marvel – two more solid additions to the MCU that are honestly probably in my Top 10, but it seemed excessive to give 3 slots to Marvel and Endgame was the clear standout. That said, Gyllenhall’s performance as Mysterio was all types of fun (see also: his gleefully unhinged turn as “Mr. Music” in Netflix’s John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch special) in the former and directors Bowden and Fleck bring warmth and humanity to a great buddy comedy in the latter.
A Hidden Life – Terrance Mallick’s best work since Tree Of Life tells the true story of a rural Austrian farmer who refuses to swear a loyalty oath to Hitler and is arrested for treason. The three-hour run time could have probably been trimmed but its thought-provoking meditations on resistance and conscience get under your skin.
Klaus – A Netflix original that presents an origin story for the legend of Santa Claus sounded a bit rote to me, but its story contains surprising emotional weight (that honestly brought me to tears a few times) and it’s gorgeously animated in a style that finds a groundbreaking medium between 2D and 3D.
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sentrava · 6 years
What’s On in Stockholm: April 2018
Spring is finally here and we are happily basking in any sunlight we can find! In Stockholm, spring also ushers in a great music season as people begin to emerge from their hibernation. Whether you’re keen to check out a concert, enjoy the outdoors, or stroll through a gallery, the Swedish capital has something for you!
Here’s the best of what’s happening in Stockholm this April:
Sunday 1st April
Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami at Bio Rio
A movie breakfast? What a cozy idea for a Sunday! First enjoy breakfast supplied by the cinema, then the film “Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami,” and finish off with a conversation about the film. Tickets are 195 SEK including breakfast, and 145 without breakfast.
  Sunday 1st April – Sunday 8th April
Easter at Skansen
For one week, open-air museum Skansen is hosting Easter-related events. There are activities for children like face painting and pony rides, as well as activities for adults such as glass blowing. Some of the events end earlier than 8th April, like the Easter Market, so check the schedule for those you want to attend!
    Thursday 5th – Saturday 7th April
ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships
The public is welcome to the free opening ceremony in Kungsträdgården, where there will be entertainment and the starting order will be decided. Friday and Saturday events will be held in Ericsson Globe, including the competition and award ceremony. You can purchase a ticket for a single event or for all of the events to see this fascinating sport.
    Friday 6th April
Justin Nozuka at Södra Teatern
Nozuka comes from a musical family: three of his siblings are also musicians and he has been writing songs since he was 12 years old. His folk-style music often focuses on heavy topics. Tickets for this show are 195 SEK.
    Friday 6th – Saturday 7th April
Davis Cup: Sweden vs. Portugal at Kungliga Tennishallen
Are you a tennis fan? Come support the Swedish players! Tickets cost between 150 – 250 SEK if you’re over 18.
    Saturday 7th April
La Paulée Nordic at Operakällaren
Treat yourself to a day of wining and dining. The program for La Paulée Nordic includes a seminar and tasting (both in English), followed by a gala dinner with a tasting menu and an all Burgundian wine pairing. Prices vary depending on how many of the events you choose to attend.
    Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th April
Hornstulls Market Premier
Enjoy the first Hornstulls Market of the season! This market runs every weekend throughout the summer (except for midsummer), with new collaborators every month. The market features a range of food, antiques, art, design, and vintage clothes. If you’re an interested vendor, check out the website for more details. An outdoor market is the perfect way to welcome spring in Stockholm.
      Thursday 12th – Sunday 15th April
Urban Burn at Nobelberget
Nobelberget brings a Burning Man-style event to Stockholm for the third year. Tickets give you access to the empty 2000 square meter indoors space. From there, the community has the opportunity to co-create. Tickets to this event are 600 SEK, and ticket sales end on 9th April.
    Friday 13th – Sunday 15th April
Market Art Fair at Liljevalchs
Prominent galleries, artists, and collectors all in one place for the weekend. Whether you’re looking to purchase, or just look, this fair will have the latest in the Nordic art scene. There will also be talks scheduled. For a full list of galleries and artists that will be represented, check out their website.
    Stockholm Writers Festival
The first-ever Stockholm Writers Festival promises to be a treat for established as well as up-and-coming writers. The events are in English, and include speakers, workshops and more. This is a great way to make industry contacts and surround yourself with a community of writers!
    Saturday 14th – Sunday 15th April
Licorice Festival at Annexet
The Licorice Festival returns for a 10th year and we Scandi fans are excited; Swedes definitely know how to do licorice. You can purchase tickets in advance or at the door for this event (140 SEK/day). There will be entertainment and, of course, as much licorice as you can eat!
    Thursday 19th April
Sam Smith at Ericsson Globe
Sam Smith’s exquisite voice will fill Ericsson Globe and we can’t wait. Tickets range from about 500 to 800 SEK, some of which goes toward War Child, as Sam Smith has partnered with PLUS1.
    Saturday 21st April
The Girl 21K
Start your spring training for this event! You can choose to do the full 21 kilometers on your own, or split the distance with a friend. Stayed tuned: time and location are still tentative!
Female Athlete Running Outdoors
    Saturday 21st April
Cherry Blossom Day in Kungsträdgårdsgatan
The aim of this day is to celebrate Japanese culture, including multiple Japanese performances. There will be workshops, food, and activities. And (hopefully) cherry blossoms!
      Saturday 21st April
Culture Night
This night affords the amazing opportunity to explore cultural institutions, museums, studios, theaters and more for free! For information on participating venues, check out this website. We love the comfort of our home city, yet it’s so easy to forget to continue exploring. This is the perfect opportunity to broaden our view of Stockholm.
    Tuesday 24th – Wednesday 25th April
Sunny at Dansens Hus
Emanuel Gat originally planned to become a music conductor, until a workshop changed his mind and he became the well-renowned French choreographer that he is now. With its playful choreography, Sunny is perfect for springtime.
    Tuesday 24th April
>Mystique: The Inspector is Coming at Scalateatern
This magic show ensemble performs a completely new show every month, each with a different guest performer. This month the guest is Gabi Pareras from Spain. Tickets are 220 SEK when pre-purchased and 300 SEK at the door.
    Friday 27th April
Lauv at Södra Teatern
Lauv is stopping in Stockholm on his first world tour. Maybe he’ll leave with a song dedicated to our city! Stockholm in the Rain? Tickets are 175 SEK.
    Sunday 29th April
Bryan Adams at Ericsson Globe
We’re going back to the “Summer of ’69” with this one! He’ll be performing songs from his new album, “Ultimate,” which includes new material and some of his classics.
    Monday 30th April
River Rafting in Uppsala
At the end of April, students of Uppsala University celebrate Valborg. One of the events is rafting down the Fyris River. The rafts are homemade, and there are often entertaining ones to see! If you are a student, there are more events that you can attend during Valborg so check out the website for information about specific events.
    Ongoing in April
Free Photographers’ Department 2018 at Kulturhuset
This exhibition includes photographs from over one hundred participants, from beginners to seasoned photographers. Rules for participation in this exhibit were minimal. We are so excited to see what the creative eyes of Sweden have presented us! Open until 22nd April and shown in Gallery 5.
  My Olsson at Gallery Anigo
Throughout April, you can view My Olsson’s colorful work. Check the website for hours; the gallery is only open Thursday through Sunday.
  Weaving Silk at Millesgården
Traditional looms and weavings from Nanking are on display throughout April. The exhibit will also highlight the beginnings of silk production. Entrance fee is 150 SEK, and 120 SEK for students. Consider downloading their free audio app to enhance your tour of the museum!
  Sigrid Hjertén at Waldemarsudde
It’s no secret that we love the influence of a strong woman, and this exhibit highlights just that. Sigrid Hjertén was at the forefront of the Swedish Modernist avant-garde movement; she’s been both praised and criticized for her use of strong colors. She was a pupil of Matisse in Paris. Entrance fee is 150 SEK, and 130 SEK for students and seniors.
  Self-Guided Hiking Tour
Stockholm Adventures provides self-guided hiking tours all-year round. We think that April is a great time to get yourself back outdoors. For 290 SEK, they provide you with all of the provisions you need (map, daypack, lunch, etc.). You can choose between three trails, ranging in distance from 6 km to 13 km.
  Bergmans Filmstaden
Ingmar Bergman, as many Scandiphiles will surely know, was a Swedish director, writer and producer of film, born in 1918. On 12th April, Filmstaden opens an outdoor exhibition of photographs to tell Bergman’s life story. These will hang all year. There will be events throughout the year, such as film screenings and tours, to honor his work.
    If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Stockholm: April 2018 published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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po1ypear1 · 4 years
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you must take it all as it comes. seize the oportunities. listen to your inner voice, and if you don’t hear it, ask.  
Always: Be greatful for the happiness feelings you feel every single day.
Recognize when the right opportunity is before you and say yes. But if you dont, know the boat will come again, and know your reason for missing it.
Plans and day dreams are nice, but let them be free. Watch out for getting to attatched. We prefer general headings.
Remember watching, “How To Be Single” and feeling like this was your time to enjoy being single while in this stage of self descovery. To remember learning how to date, how to talk to people, and how to hold onto your own identify.
Find and Do No Matter Where You Are:
Play with improv people. join a theater group
Take singing lessons. join a choior
Keep making your moon calanders! Study Astrology.
Pole Play Classes. Dance classes
Everything written here has placed a call to me, and is currently waiting, patiently on hold.
Make movies. Research bus channels. Consider yours.
Act/Perform. Read poetry, stories and speaches to people from mobile sets in character.
Sail home for Christmas 
Once Home: Set Some Shit Straight:
Invest! Talk to one of those guys who makes your money make money.
Sort out your taxes, health care, and province of residing. Get GST number for a small, legit paper trail and to justify the cerb minimum income requirements.
Lazer hair removal.  
Time to Get Your Self Some Nice Things: Get a proper ear stretching kit. Good quality solar powered phone charging water proof blue tooth multi speaker linkons portable speaker. Blue tooth solar powered ear buds. 
Books: Anatomy for the artist.  A massive “learn to read the stars” astrology book, total “yoga poses” reference guide.  
go shoping and record the items, review and return later. see how they look through the camera’s eye. find the neck lines you like. thin straps. Try less reveiling necklines, they are destracting, people will look, listen and be enchancted by everything else
.Ask grandma and grandpa a hundred questions.
Watch tissue movies with mom.
Visit Royal Pizza
Organize family activities, skating, toboganing, holrac park. Snowboarding trip?  
Propose bio mobile bus/prototype build to dad  
Have a Dance in Golden and visit kyle…  
First summer with the bio-biel. Climb mountains. Serve A Vapassana.  Learn Gin Shin Do from a master. Visit the landing.
Do you still wanna train hop? this is probably a better sooner then later activity.  
Winter town! Seasonal job. Collect thousands of dollars for passing go.
My Karman Line: Learn about starting a business. Event Organizer/Project Manager. Online Careers. How to become a home care assistant.
Stationary Routine breads clarity and focus. New Places are exciting, stimulating, inspiring, and distracting.
Biofuel Home Bus:  
MIDNIGHT IDEA* bus so I dont have to pay rent while going to school/studying to get the job that will allow me to work and live around the world. hense vegabonding after bussing. No roommates, no rent, no part time job money worries, small space, less mess, fewer distractions. I can work part time if I want to, not cause I have to. I can be close to school, no comute, close to my kichen, less money spent eating out. I feel the time for study is getting closer.
I like the idea of bus before boat, cause when I get land the bus is home base while I build. Then the bus is safely left on the property. The boat is a little less safe left in the water.
You’d think I would vegabond before biofuel, but i just got a craving…. then I got an incling, “maybe these arnt one time phases.” Sail boat life, Bus life, House life, Back-pack life. and they keep heluxing round and round. And there’s always new hobbies, interests, self discoveries and purposes. With constant sweet notes of good food, friendship, discovery. And never ending curiosity.
MIDNIGHT VISION: 1 am, drinkin water by the gallon.... a song comes on. I can’t hold it in. The bus bursts open and I pour my heart out down the empty street. Pirouette’s under street lamp spot lights, broken hearts to car hoods. Coming to an hour latter, looking around, ‘where am I?´ Time to choose a walking home song. A small space will be good for me. Forces me to get outta the house.
There’s no correct order, or direct timeline. Remove the 5 hinderances, and listen to what the moon says is best for you right now.
Vegabond. Live, Work and Study in so many other countries.You can do this after 35 aswell. You can find amazing work oportunities that don’t require the permit, that will sponsor a permit, that wants to marry you. Or you’ll fit into the specialist or exeption section. You’re not necessarily looking for a typical, need a working vissa job anyway. Plus, some countries might not have this restriction, you never looked for your self.
We were talking with Josie the other day and we got on to the different types of lives on the security-adventure scale. For argument sake, we named 4 main ones. The people who never leave the towns they grew up in, the ones who do but settle some where, the ones who move every so often, keeping it fresh and the ones who never stop, who, say live out of a back-pack or travel the world on a bike, throwing them selves into the unknown. When she spoke of these people, my heart fluttered…..  
House sit, wwooff, work-away when the world alows open travel again. And maybe Do it by bike? As few planes as possible. LIVE in the cities of the world, get to know them, be a part of them. Know the public places, the baker on the courner, where the oldest trees and stairs are.
Entreprenuer. Have your own business. Work for your self. 1 (of many, ideas) multi functional bobcat/tractor owner and oporator. 2 Bulk goods supplier. Recycling sail boat. Bamboo farming.
Homestead. Own Property out right. I will pay for everything up-front, all the money I save on interest by waiting will be trippled by keeping the money invested till there is more then enough for the propert, land and home development. Enough will be left over, and remain invested, to continue growing at a steady, live a comfortable life and travel as I wish, take what ever courses i wish rate.
Raise your kids here, with stability providing safety. Routine creating tradition that will be imprinted in them for ever, every pumpkin pie will make them feel their childhood in fall, and the excitment of starting school again. Let them grow conected to nature and their food. Atleast till 7. Then ask them what they want to do? wanna go to school in the city? wanna live in a bus and travel across the continent? Wanna live in a boat and sail around the world? Please learn another language, spanish is easy and lots of places different to us.
Sail around the world with an electric assist bike and a survival libraray
Return to the nice place, with enough acres for privacy, gardens, animals, out door hot tubs, a green house, all within a food forest and be within walking distance of neighbours and a satisfying community hub. Some people watching spots and art events can be a comfortable scooter ride away. maybe this is the same place as the homestead. Maybe my parents are with my by this point.  
Bio Bus. I’ve been in the office 6 months now, and im starting to want a change. Change just might be my nature. So maybe it’s back to the bus. This time with Gatto, Pero, Pollo, bicicleta and creator machines. Traversing the continent selling soaps, teas, hot snacks wrapped in bees wax at ski hills, soaking potions, spa days at tree planter camps and tickets to movie nights.    
Yoga Space: soft matt 5x5, to emcompass my whole body’s reach in every angle. hand holds ancored into the floor for traction. ropes hanging from the roof for balance, suport. golf and tenis balls for massage. 
Kitchen Hacks: design cooking area to be re-panted every few years. window sills for herbs to grow. sinks with water spouts that fill in the middle and swivel. 
Ideal Community: lots of greenery, big old trees, bike and walk friendly, inviting public spaces, big enough that I want to go out and be apart of it, that i have places and people to visit. A place with seasons. I don´t want to be hot and itchy all year round. A place where people steward the land, and shape it with Peter Pan’s elegant hands. No generic, shitty, fast food joints, only healthy artisian. Beautiful works of arcitecture harmanizing our day to day with nature.    
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