#to find another shard of the excalibur
starrysharks · 10 months
want to insert an oystar - focused short arc into ultimate excalibur that takes place entirely in cosmorgana but idk if it'd go after or before shard race arc ... ???
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albentelisa · 5 months
Hello ☺️
I know you've done general Jim, jlaire, and troll dad Blinky headcanons, but do you have any specific to the new timeline and even beyond? I love all of your ask posts btw, such fantastic Au's and our hc generally almost always align!
Thanks for your kind words ❤ ❤ ❤
My oldest headcanon about the new timeline exists since July, 21, 2021 (when I wrote this oneshot https://archiveofourown.org/works/32729335 ). This one is that Jim keeps the new amulet and Excalibur in the new timeline.
My other headcanons about the new timeline and beyond were build through the two and half years (a lot of stuff keeps expanding, to be honest).
So here's my really long post about the happy ending for everyone.
Jim has managed to make everything right in this timeline, even with some stuff he didn't predict (like Enrique was still kidnapped - it just happened on a different date).
Everyone in the new timelines has these odd hunches about things they experienced in the first timeline. Like Claire having some odd attraction to Jim, Blinky being fatherly to Jim, and Barbara getting random thoughts that Strickler might be inhuman. Toby has it the worst as he can't help but think that everything is not his adventure and that Jim would be a better hero.
Because of hunches both Claire and Barbara find out the truth way earlier.
However, Toby is the first who realize that Jim somehow knows about all the incoming events. Jim has no choice but to confess about the time travel. He keeps the details from everyone though, especially those that might cause complications.
Jim brings Douxie into the team before the final encounter with Bular. Claire requests Douxie to become her magic teacher once she joins and he agrees.
Aja, Krel, and Varvatos join once they arrive on Earth.
Draal lives. Vendel is injured but also survives.
Angor gets his soul back this time. He isn't happy with Strickler but decides to let it go per Jim's request.
Toby spares Bular (much to Jim's shock). Bular starts to live in Toby's house, trying to reconsider his ways. Initially, Draal watches his actions and they eventually become friends.
Morgana fails to possess Claire. She possesses Angor instead.
Strickler manages to convince some changelings to switch sides, so more changelings survive.
Jim doesn't allow Merlin to transform anyone into a half-troll. He shows Merlin Excalibur (leaving the latter speechless), so Merlin begrudgingly agrees to try Jim's plan first.
After Gunmar's death, Bular inherits Decimaar and uses it to liberate all the trolls his father controlled.
Jim and Claire talk Morgana into trying to give co-existence a second chance. She isn't convinced fully but agrees to wait.
The residents of the Trollmarket never go to New Jersey, which means that Aja and Krel have more people to help them.
Jim is deadset on never letting anyone be hit with an onyx shard. He ends up taking the hit for Claire - only to discover that it has no effect on him (as Excalibur cannot harm his owner and Jim is technically another owner because of the time paradox).
Merlin isn't happy to learn that the Green Knight is actually King Arthur. The same goes for Morgana, but she blames Merlin for her brother ending that way.
Merlin finally realizes that he has been too stubborn all the time, refusing to see other options. He uses all his magic to seal Bellroc and Skrael and entrusts Douxie with leading the new king of Camelot.
Jim is technically the King of Camelot now, which makes him rather uncomfortable at first. However, with Douxie's encouragement, he realizes that more than an authority figure, he's King of knights, a noble protector of both humanity and magical beings, and the first among equals.
Claire continues with her magical studies, fully determined to prove that shadowmancy isn't always evil and can bring much good to this world. She consults a lot with Morgana, even though she still considers Douxie her teacher.
Toby is still this timeline's Trollhunter but lately, he mostly deals with small errands from Bagdwella and other trolls. He doesn't mind as it feels a lot like vacation after everything the team has gone through.
Blinky succeeds Vendel as the leader of Trollmarket. He thinks about bringing some reform to the Tribunal and some obsolete traditions, thinking that trolls should start a new page in their history.
Aaarrrgghh always helps Blinky in his endeavors, but he protects peace in Arcadia. He's much like a local celebrity and kids love him.
Mary and Darci start a blog about various magical creatures, trying to show humans that the supernatural isn't that harmful. Mary also tries to date a troll at some point. It doesn't work, but only because of personality differences, not because their species are too different.
Barbara returns to drawing. Strickler uses some of his connections to promote her art a bit. Surprisingly, Barbara's art becomes really popular.
After some consideration, Strickler opens the school where different creatures, aliens, and humans can exchange their culture. He takes over as a principal and also teaches human history. Blinky comes over for troll history lessons, and when Claire is older she starts to teach Human World Literature there.
Eli is still the Earth ambassador at Akiridion-5, he's rather popular there. Eli is also the one who proposes the start of technological exchange with the Earth. Due to his efforts, Earth's technical progress is busted tremendously.
Steve the head of New Camelot Knights. However, eventually, once he is sure that everything is peaceful on Earth, he moves to Akiridion-5 to support Aja and help Eli. Even though Steve is officially married to Aja, he isn't that accepted at Akiridion-5 as it is technically breaking traditions. This time Aja informs him about all the nuances of akiridion reproduction. They still have kids, but only once both ready and consented to that.
Aja has a lot of stuff to solve, dealing with all the consequences of her parents' rule. She brings in lots of reforms and eventually limits her own authority, taking over the role of the main Akiridion-5 protector, while leaving everything else to those more fitting for it.
Krel moves to Earth, becoming Akiridion-5 ambassador and trying to popularize interstellar travels and exchange. He also has a side career as DJ Kleb.
Varvatos retires and starts living with Nana. Toby calls him granpa, which he doesn't like.
Douxie and Zoe go on the world tour with ADP once the world destruction is prevented. Claire, Mary, and Darci join them as Mama Skull.
Douxie opens his own cafe together with Jim. While they both are co-owners, Douxie enjoys taking over as a waiter occasionally, while Jim often cooks. It's the place where every creature is welcome, and well the Guardians often use it as their gathering spot.
Nomura becomes the leader of changelings who wish to return to troll society. Draal helps her a lot to fight for acceptance and against prejudices. They claim each other as mates, which causes an uproar in some circles. Even though both claim to be disastrous parents, they are great once they have their own kids.
Vendel retires, fully enjoying his rest. He comes to give blinky advice occasionally, but he's mostly a grumpy grandpa for everyone at the Trollmarket.
Dictatious takes over the troll library, adding some stuff he learns.
Angor goes on a travel (for an atonement, as he claims). He's seen all over the world, fighting against slavery and injustice at night. Soon enough he becomes a kind of city legend, and a lot of criminals are scared of him.
Bular goes to the Darklands, fully intending to reform the Gumm-Gumm tribe and get rid of the stigma they have.
Barbara and Strickler have their planned wedding and adopt some of the changelings' familiars, including Strickler's and Nomura.
Ironically, despite Jim and Claire being sure of each other feelings, Toby and Darci have their wedding first. It's the final push that makes Claire propose to Jim.
Enrique grows up to be a party monster, much because of NotEnrique's influence. They both tend to start parties which only Jim can stop.
Zelda (Nomura's familiar) is a huge fan of classical music, so they both can chat about it for hours. No one else is able to follow.
Wallie (Strickler's familiar), however, finds history boring. He's more of an IT and Math kid and is extremely talented. Strickler tells him the truth about their connection, and Wallie goes to live with Jim for some time to sort out his feelings. He forgives Strickler after some time though.
The world keeps changing as humans and supernatural beings learn to co-exist. Trolls take over dangerous mining, trading some difficult-to-get minerals. Humans also realize that trolls can eat some waste, which creates new ways to save nature. Nari feels that it's the world she, Bellroc, and Skrael wished to have before giving up and hopes that one day the rest of the Arcane Order will be unsealed and admit they were wrong.
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courtorderedcake · 4 years
Hallow : ch  xxi - CSSNS 2019
“The Goblin King was prepared to host the Darkness, stealing Fae women away to their corrupted lands underneath the ground as concubines. The Darkness chose another in his stead, but not before this selected vessel enacted a devastating attack in its vengeance, revealing its hatred & rage. The battle was a lesson the old kings had forgotten; never underestimate an opponent.
Many more lives were lost as they razed over any who dared defy The Goblin King’s will. Only the pure love of our rulers united in matrimony, breaking the Vorpal Dagger, sealed the darkness and the Goblin menace away. The light flourished under their fair rule, and the queen bore a child as pure as moon beams, swan feathers, and starlight. They lived happily ever after, and shall be written in history as Heroes for All Time.”
This is the history Princess Emma memorizes from the day she is born, paraded about and presented only with the highest protection. The palace is a cage she wishes to escape, desperately. Not careful what wishes she made, Emma discovers history is written by the victors - The Dark One has an entirely different version of the events that took place.
Read on AO3 here.
Rated E for explicit themes, Mature situations, and Fae fuckery.
Written for @cssns
Ch / ?? - In which Pandora's one gift is given.
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Sand poured down on Emma, her head spinning and wind knocked from her lungs from the fall to the cave’s floor. They were bathed in darkness now, the light of day Killian had disappeared into blotted out as she struggled to stand. Jasmine yelled from somewhere on her left, or somewhere on what could be her left, and Aladdin was groaning painfully somewhere that seemed to be below her. 
It became harder to walk as more sand poured over her, anger and fear joined with grief, the unexpected stumble making her fall forward into the shifting grains. 
He was gone. 
She remembered everything. 
And he was gone . 
Emma screamed, letting her lungs work through their disuse and abuse in one long banshee chord, her fury rising in her veins. Kindling sparked, embers lit into a broad fan of flame that seemed to burn her alive. Magic exploded around her, bursting forth to bring the caves into a brilliant daylight that cast off the dark walls. Sand swirled around her in an elegant arc, up to the cave’s tall ceilings as it solidified into glass pillars, everything falling away at once to only the sound of her ragged cries. 
Pushing herself to press against the walls of whatever enchantment covered the cave, Emma attempted to pull herself outside of the cavern, but could not. She cursed in frustration, tears pricking at her eyes. 
“Emma, Princess, I am so sorry.” Aladdin approached cautiously, Emma’s head snapping up to stare at him. “I tried, I tried to -" 
"Don’t you dare talk to her!” Jasmine hissed, moving in from another direction, over a large slope of sand. “You said you loved me, then you tried to murder me, and you think you have any right to apologize to anyone?" 
"Jasmine, it’s not like that! I didn’t - I had no choice! I tried to tell you so many times, but I couldn’t -” 
"Bullshit!” Jasmine screamed. “You knew my magic was weak, I told you how my mother died from this burden, you knew that I was absolutely terrified while I played these noble intrigues to curry favor, you knew my fears and you ran to my enemy to tell him every one of my vulnerabilities -" 
"Stop it! Stop, just stop it!” Emma yelled, scrubbing at her face. She stood shakily, moving around the glass pillar she had made. Her hands shook, the feeling of being drenched in power overwhelming. “I need to - We all need to get out of here, so help me find a way out or get out of my way, but stop wasting time!" 
Her attempts to magic herself and them out of the cave useless; Jasmine jumped back slightly at the burst of magic that escaped Emma, the blast knocking Aladdin off his feet. 
He let out a rough groan, sitting up to look at Jasmine with a look of longing Emma recognized. It hurt to even acknowledge. All she wanted was Killian, and what if he wasn’t safe, if they actually killed him or made the Darkness worse? He had kissed her goodbye again, chosen for her again after everything they had gone through. She knew that they could beat the Darkness if he could just trust her, if he could just let her love him, and love her in return. 
And now… And now —
Her brain raced as they dug through the leftover sand on the floor. If she had to count every last particle of sand in the desert, she would just to have him hold her again. There was so much, so much she hadn’t said; so much they had only dreamt of together, so many times she had wanted his touch but without understanding why . Only to have him leave her again. 
"Look, look at this!” Aladdin was pointing to a crevice in the ground, broken apart by glass. Below it, a light shimmered in the form of a torch, intricately carved stairs curving down into the bowels of the cavern. Resting on a stair, glinting like starlight, was the shard on its broken chain. Killian had fought for her. He believed that this was fighting for them; no matter how wrong it was, he was trying. He was fighting in the only way he knew with the Darkness in him, and was willing to be torn to pieces for it. Her thoughts were so selfish and naive compared to his. 
Carefully climbing down the thick glass, she picked up the shard. Peering down the torchlit corridor of steps that led down further, Emma tied up her skirts and began to move downwards. None of them spoke, Jasmine staying close as Aladdin trailed behind with pining glances and a skittish pace. 
They all came to a halt at a door, clearly enchanted by ancient magic. A flowing language Emma could only recognize part of was written in the stone. 
“A heart that lies craves the answer that allows entrance?” Emma asked, tracing the words. 
“It wants truth. It says, ‘the answer is what the heart that is fed on untruths desires’, that only this will open the door. That’s what a dishonest heart craves the most, the truth to combat its lies,” Jasmine sighed. “So, truths… alright.”
Stepping in front of the door, Jasmine looked over to where Emma and Aladdin stood before looking back, clearing her throat. 
“My truth is this: I never wanted to rule. My mother died saving Agrabah from a great cataclysm, which was to be my fate until she saw it. She sacrificed herself for me only to have me turn out to be only mildly clairvoyant. Grandfather locked himself away from us to hide here. After my father was killed, I took over out of necessity. This future is - It’s nothing as my mother described. It’s empty. It’s lonely.”
“I miss not having to constantly search the future for what is coming, I miss talking to my parents, I miss having friends or loved ones I could trust, I miss singing with my birds, and I miss…” Jasmine turned to look at Aladdin. “I told you everything about myself, showed you my world while you promised me that you would do the same. Why did you pretend to care about me? Why did you lie to me at every turn? I don’t want to miss you, and I hate that I let myself ever allow you to know anything about me." 
The door shook, grinding open slightly. 
"You aren’t innocent here either, Jasmine!” Aladdin hissed. “If you want truth, start there. You recognize me like this. You know who I am, and how your father let the guards tie me to that post for days, all because I stole a loaf of bread. You know that I was taken in again for stealing a melon, receiving lashes. You knew they called me a street rat, that I was an orphan deemed to be better on the streets than in a home. All the while, you looked right past me, as if I didn’t exist. I never expected you to ever see me as anything because you are royalty, but you staring into my eyes like that only to leave me at the mercy of the shopkeeper, the guards, your outdated laws that let my family starve… I became consumed by it. I wanted vengeance. I wanted it after your mother died, and after your father was poisoned.”
When rumors spread in the underground of a challenger to your fledgling rule, I jumped at the chance to be useful. I was a thief, no one would hire me after your father marked me as an untouchable. I was beaten for scraps of food while told only my fleas would mourn me above, but below, I was treated like a king. I rose quickly in the ranks as a dependable pickpocket and artifact hunter. That’s when Jafar had me procure the magic from this cave. I had no idea I would be cursed with the plight of the Djinn, bound to a lamp he could use. Jafar only had mumbled about making a Dark One, Arthur chiming in about some sword called Excalibur, before I found myself bound as a slave to them at this very door. The Djinn inside gives the holder the curse, but the wielder is the one who holds the newly made Gene’s lamp. Finding myself inside of it and being summoned to do their bidding was overwhelming. “
Jafar was quick to remind me I wasn’t as good as a Dark One, but I was determined to prove myself. He couldn’t be a Genie, but he could be an all powerful sorcerer instead of a mediocre magician. Hades and Arthur came next, each with their own selfish wishes to make themselves more powerful. I wanted revenge and a better life for the poorest in Agrabah. They wanted Agrabah to burn. We began to see each other in a new light.”
It was Arthur’s second in command who pivoted them to you. I know now that he was one of your guards, and I’m sorry for your loss. Lancelot was a great and honorable man. I never understood why or how he could stand with Arthur until he was gone, labeled a traitor. I owe him a great debt for pushing Arthur to introduce me to you, and to his indomitable belief that you would fight for Agrabah’s people. Lancelot pushed for an insider that would gain the trust of the nobles, ferreting out weaknesses. Arthur agreed that the best way to use me was to spy on you. He used my magic to create Ab’dua with me as its fake prince, so I could bid for your hand in marriage. When I fell in love with you, it complicated things. Genies can’t use magic to take life, create life, or create love - these magics are too ancient, they are lost to us and our workings. We can’t access the light or the darkness, but can access the chaos of the hidden spaces. “
I could not kill you, no matter how much they wished it, but I pretended to attempt it. I delayed their wishes by pretending, stalling, and proposing alternatives. I broke the Genie laws and told them no to keep you safe. I refused to do as I was told. I paid the price.” Aladdin gestured to the long scars that now ran down his arms, no longer the bright blue. 
He stepped toward Jasmine as she backed up slightly, wavering. “When we flew to watch fireworks and you admitted you wanted to be just a normal peasant woman, I thought they would understand. I trusted them like an idiot. I couldn’t tell you I was a Genie without breaking your trust entirely or putting you at risk.” Aladdin raked a hand through his hair, laughing darkly. “They were already looking for other options since I refused to kill you. I thought our love would be enough, I thought I could keep them at bay, but then Jafar - 
"Jafar attacked when I rebuffed his advances,” Jasmine interrupted. “I remember.”
“He tried to ra -” Aladdin tried to growl angrily, but she interrupted. 
“I don’t need to relive the experience,” Jasmine bit out harshly. “In any case, it revealed him as a monster, a thief, and an unequivocal liar.”
“He is a monster. I couldn’t follow him any longer, but he was my master. I fought not to kill you, and I fought not to kill Emma. I made sure Killian could be freed, because I knew that he had deep feelings for the princess. I tried to do everything I could in my power. It was ripping me apart and I was lucky to survive… Which I’ve never been happier about. Please consider my apology, and allow me to protect you fully.”
The door slid open further, and Emma tried to push through. The gap was still just slightly too small. 
“My truth is that… I love Killian.” The door did not open. “But that’s the truth!” she hissed, and Jasmine shot her an annoyed look. 
“Try something a little less obvious, and more vulnerable.”
Emma paused, trying to think of something else that she could say. “I love my family? The United Realms? I…" 
The door did not move. Emma screamed in frustration, pounding on it, tears suddenly burning in her eyes. 
"Why!?” she screeched desperately, the howl nothing compared to what raged inside. “You want truth? Then why? Why is any of this, why does all of this suffering fall on me? Why can’t I just - why am I so useless?" 
"Emma…” Jasmine whispered approaching in worry, but Emma brushed her off. 
“I am so weak, I have had to be saved or pretend to be strong this entire time, to rely on lessons that never prepared me for any of this, and I’ve watched my people - my friends - get hurt again and again. I’ve watched them die ! Why? Are there no just gods? Is it my fault because of my royal pedigree I got by some prophetic birthright? Why can’t I just - why can’t I be stronger?” Emma cried, half heartedly pounding on the door with her shaking fists. “I just - I need to be stronger, because as far as I know everyone I have ever loved is gone, and they could be dead -" 
"Emma. That’s enough!” Jasmine snapped, pulling Emma up firmly. She looked hard, lips set and her dark eyes glinting. “You are strong. How much have you faced? How much have you done? This is not your truth. Love can be an easy truth, and it’s not one needed here. Reach deeper.” Jasmine gripped Emma’s shoulders, giving a shake, before hugging her tightly. 
“Jasmine, I don’t -" 
"You do know, Princess,” Aladdin chimed in. Both women broke their embrace, looking at him expectantly. “Well, I mean -” He blushed, shuffling slightly. “Look. This is how I see it: you choose to find the best in people, like a superpower. You choose to find the truth of that person. You see good in Killian. You see… You saw good in me. Emma, your truth is not dark, and it’s not light; it’s in between, it’s both, it’s -" 
"It’s hope,” Emma finished for him. “Pandora released all the terrors upon the world, until all that was left was hope. It clung to her skirts, multiplying for the eternity she walked the earth trying to undo her wrongs. I hold it in my heart, and I -” The door moved slightly, and she managed a wobbling smile, continuing on. 
“I know despite everything there is hope. Hope for me to find strength, to beat Nil, to save my parents, and to save Killian. I have hope that the Darkness will not stop my love from reaching him.” The door shuddered violently, sliding cleanly as dust and dirt rose from the ground.
“I have hope that one day this will be over, and the Fae - all Fae - will be able to live better lives than they had before. Lives that are hopeful, as we keep moving forward into becoming better.” Emma’s voice wavered, the door wide in front of her. “No one is going to save me, to keep these hopes alive, except for me. I have to fight. I have to punch back.”
Jasmine hugged her tightly, laughing with glee, Aladdin joining them in an embrace as they all whooped with happiness. 
Aladdin fit his palm into hers with a squeeze, Jasmine pulling him in for a tighter hug until shock registered. She jumped back as if she had been burnt, a reddening blush spreading across her cheeks. Looking sheepish, Aladdin opened his mouth to say something, but lost it when he looked to where Emma was gawking. 
On a stone pedestal, raised and lit by some source of magical light, sat a golden lamp carved with ornate markings that shone in the cave, brighter than jewels. 
Jasmine stepped forward and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Looking at the lamp, she called out. 
“Alibaba, Prince of Thieves, Djinn All Father and my Grandfather, I ask you to please wake." 
"Grandfather?” Emma squeaked, only to be hushed by both Aladdin and Jasmine. The cave rumbled, blue smoke filtering slowly from the lamp. 
“Ten thousand years in a lamp will give you such a crick in the neck!” a voice thundered, a man appearing from a column of smoke. He wore a bejeweled turban and kaftan, his deep brown eyes strikingly familiar. They blinked in surprise as he looked down at where they stood. “Granddaughter? Why have you come? I have told your father that I will never reconsider - " 
"My father has been gone now for several years,” Jasmine stated with a calm that bordered a line of steel. “He was poisoned. I took over in his stead and have ruled without incident until now, which is why I have broken your solitude to ask for aid.”
“Aid?” the Djinn asked, crossing his arms, his head falling to one side while his eyes surveyed Jasmine. “I will not help you fight some war, or subject you to the fate your mother sacrificed herself to prevent. If that is what you ask of me, you have only to receive disappointment.”
“Grandfather, I need the power of the Djinn at my side; not locked away under the sands in the middle of nowhere -" 
"Out of the question. No. Your mother did not want the fate of the Djinn tied to your life, and she gave everything for it.” His eyes moved to rest on Emma. “I swore on her name and her memory that the only magic I will perform is creating our kind. You are already part Djinn, and the thief has been freed from his servitude. That leaves only your powerful friend here.”
“Power? Me?” Emma scoffed. “I know my magic is strong and I’m supposed to be some sort of savior, but I promise you this world has turned that idea on its head. I can barely save myself.”
The Djinn laughed, and looked at Jasmine. “The Savior of legend? Well, I never thought - I never imagined this. That means it’s my time. A new All Father must be chosen, your presence heralds my daughter’s protective barriers on Agrabah being broken. It’s time for me to finally rejoin her in the chaos from whence we were born.”
Jasmine blinked, looking as confused as Emma felt. “Grandfather, what are you talking about? Please, just come with us, or give me more than just this intuition, give me the magic my mother had -" 
"The crown fitted with the diamond in the rough, delivered by the savior unknowingly, in exchange for shining her light on the Darkness. The diamond taking my place, to be seated on the throne with the crown. It was foretold, and now must come to pass before the Darkness is given a new host.” The Djinn stared at Aladdin, Emma trying to puzzle out his cryptic phrases. 
“I need - please, if they’re trying to free Killian from that…” Emma trailed off, unwilling to think about what Killian might be enduring. “Please just help us. If I’m supposed to be some savior, help me!" 
"I am. I have the diamond in hand, and he will be forever embedded in the crown as the prophecy foretells.” The Djinn turned, his eyes fixating on Aladdin. “Your power will be challenged immediately, and for that I am sorry. Take comfort knowing that your reign will be long.”
Aladdin sputtered, looking between Emma and Jasmine. “I don’t know anything about what he’s talking about, can someone please -" 
"You have so much power, Savior, it’s fascinating. It’s as if the solution to the scale tipping is you.” The Genie Father’s dark blue eyes grew darker to a coal black, and Emma felt its magic pulse through her own, as if it rippled through her body. “Light casts no shadow, and can blind those who wield it with reckless abandon as effectively as darkness. Be sure to walk your path with careful steps… I look forward to waking again, if just to hear the end of your tale Princess Emma. For the light loving the darkest recesses where it cannot ever reach is a romantic tragedy worthy of telling.”
His visage became foggy, body falling away like a fading mirage. A stillness fell, as if the entirety of the cavern had hushed in expectation, everything gathering where the Djinn had been. Emma could feel the magic, its pull as it ate itself, condensing in implosion. As soon as she felt it taper into almost non-existence, it exploded outwards, ruffling her hair in its breeze. There were bright flashes of a woman with Jasmine’s eyes, her dark hair streaked with a shock of sky blue. She smiled widely, bouncing a toddler on her knees, the memory changing to a young girl child holding the woman’s hand. She turned, looking back, a perfect miniature of Jasmine. Jasmine gasped from behind where Emma had stood, Aladdin floating slightly as the shimmering copper spots seemed to burn around him. 
The Genie Father laughed, his disembodied voice echoing in the cavern. “Be great and do things this universe needs. Do not get stuck forgotten beneath the sands, used up and all alone. Learn from my mistakes, and be better than I ever was. So long, Genie Father, leader of the free Djinn. Goodbye, my beloved granddaughter. I hope to one day hear tales of you, as well.”
Aladdin fell to the ground on his hands and knees, eyes closed as the air stopped shimmering around him. The old and ornate lamp on the stone crumbled to dust, and Emma caught the golden glint of a new lamp appearing in Aladdin’s hands. He gaped at it with wide eyes. 
“Aladdin!” Jasmine rushed to his side, pushing him to his side despite his annoyed grunt. 
“What just happened?” he asked, looking deeply confused. She looked him over as he began to grin, staring at her while she fussed over his exposed skin, looking for anywhere he had been hurt.
“I think,” Jasmine said slowly, shaking off her disbelief, “I think he made you the All Father. Which makes you a permanent fixture of my court. You serve as my second, my defense minister, my sorcerer - ”
“I guess you’re stuck with me, eh?” he teased. She only shook her head without speaking and he sighed, grin softening. “Jasmine, I’m -" 
"You have to maintain the barriers, you have to help me keep my people safe, and he just gave it to you without any instruction.” Jasmine’s breathing came quick, her composure falling away to fear. “How could he do this to me, to Agrabah -" 
” Our people,“ Aladdin replied softly. "I have to keep our people safe. And I will, Sultana. I’d fight to my last breath for everyone in Agrabah to have food, and to be protected. I swear to you, I will master the magic we need to keep Agrabah out of harm’s way." 
"You told me the truth and I hated you for it. How can we work together now with everything, all of it between us? This is all too much - ”
“I have faith we will be alright, and faith has gotten me through most of this life. When I didn’t have food, I had faith I would soon. The hope for something better, that spite of living just because dying would be easy - I had faith I would change Agrabah, and change you. I was wrong in the end.” Aladdin cupped Jasmine’s cheek, her face tilting into the touch. “You ended up seeing through me every time I tried to get anything past you. It’s been the most mystifying prospect as a thief to be so easily laid out by you - and not only because of your fortune telling. I did not so much as change you as you changed me.”
“I foresee you stealing my heart from me, Aladdin. Especially now that you are royalty, and no laws have to change for us to be together.” Jasmine’s eyebrow raised slightly, and Emma’s heart ached for Killian. “But first, let’s get back the Princess’ guide.
"Call me Al.” He smirked, and with a snap of his fingers, they stood in the blinding sun of the desert, sand swirling around them. “Let’s go free the Dark One.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The trip to wherever they were was arduous; Killian’s feet blistered in his boots and sand stuck to any patch of sweaty skin it could cling to. His captors hadn’t stopped for rest, making it clear that they were happy to let him drag across the scorching sand or jagged outcroppings that made up the steppe. Sand became plains spotted with squat bushes and tall spiked plants, which bled into a wooded marshlands. There was a clear path now which Killian’s feet were grateful for, the faint whispering around him forcing him to raise his head. 
Crumbling homes with tents or shoddy tin, mud, and wood patch jobs lined the road, a cart on its side with a broken axle smashed into one. Children dressed in filth caked rags peeked out from darkened doorways, while shadows creeped to peer out at the newcomer. The village stank, rotten food left out near the square that an older woman added a basket too, a pig and goat happily eating away at it. They were the only ones who seemed to be happy at all, let alone healthy. 
The road curved, a towered structure coming into view. 
“Welcome to Camelot II, Dark One!” Arthur bellowed. “It’s not home yet, but it will be once I repair the legendary blade!”
Killian ignored him as he prattled about the war, refusing to ally with the United Realms, and their subsequent banishment as they walked through the gate into the courtyard. Immediately, servants flocked to help the men down, bringing fresh fruit and water with them. Killian’s mouth watered. 
“Ah, ah, Dark One!” Jafar waved a finger, chewing slowly on a fig. The juice ran down his face, into his twisted beard, Killian deciding very suddenly that he was no longer hungry. “Jawa, Anice, take the Dark One for a bath. I need him thoroughly cleaned.”
Two women came forward, flanked by a large guard who took the rope with a sharp tug. Killian lurched forward, following them with confusion. Why in seven hells was he getting a bath? He dare not complain for it, practically diving in the steaming tub that was filled for him. The women took their task seriously as they scoured his skin with rough cloth, and they were not interested in holding conversation unless it was to snap at the other. 
They rubbed him in oils when he stepped out onto the woven towel, leaving him bare but for it. Not giving him anything to wear, they led him into a darkened room that emanated a strange green glow. A glass wall filled with swirls of brown and green hypnotized Killian, like something watched him from its depths, catching him in the cross hairs. 
In the murky waters of the tank, something stirred. A dark tentacle met the glass, toothed suction cups scraping against it with a loud screech. A great yellow eye opened, something chittering as bubbles churned. Ink flooded the water making it impossible to see the thing that lay within, the tubes leading from the tank filling with black that poured neatly into a large beaker. 
“We’ve spared no luxury for your stay with us, Dark One.” Jafar smiled, appearing behind him with the other two not far behind. “Kraken ink, an unlimited supply given at will. It makes it easy to keep you docile while we work on extracting the Darkness from you.”
Killian tried not to focus on the hands strapping him down on the table, or the clatter of tools as Jafar laughed with other men. 
“Hades, Arthur, are you both ready?” Jafar practically purred. “First incision, with ink at the ready. Wound closure test one, with 60ml of ink applied topically on the left.”
The burn he felt took his breath away, the Darkness shrieking under his skin as the ink paralyzed it further. It bit into his muscles and tried to escape from around the wound, blood flowing freely without its cauterizing. He focused on the dripping ceiling above him and watched the shadows cast from the torches’ light, trying to hold himself together. 
“The Darkness is not healing the laceration, as predicted,” a low voice commented. “May I?" 
"Go ahead Hades. I have to prepare poisons, and Arthur has to get his machines ready.” Jafar was smiling, Killian was sure of it. A finger prodded the wound, his throat tightening with the need to scream. A needle pricked his forearm, ink beginning to pump through his bloodstream in earnest. 
“Alright. Preparing for reaction to flame, magical and otherwise.” The voice that belonged to Hades seemed giddy with excitement now. “Test one of six hundred and twenty four: coals placed within bodily cavities. First, the chest cavity. Administered ink intravenously to prevent rapid regeneration.”
A sharp pain shot through his chest, a knife sliding across his sternum. Hands began prying him open, his lips finally able to part as he let out a howl. The ink cut him off as his ribs cracked, the sound coming to a stop while Hades started the slow process of burning every part of his body. 
It seemed to go on for days as he drifted away, the Darkness focused on healing what it could and learning about its captors. A new, more malleable and pliant vessel suited its needs, and Killian could feel its delight at the idea even though the haze of pain. 
He breathed his own ash, Hades throwing him in a dank cell where rats scattered from the place he landed, his chest only recently healed from the hot coals they had forced inside. 
“Heal up, Arthur has many tests to perform,” Hades said in his low, mirthless intonation. 
Killian curled into a ball, shivering. If Arthur’s chosen methods were anything like Hades, the violations would make his worst nightmares seem warm. When he heard Hades’ footsteps cease as a heavy door closed, he began to laugh, his dry and cracked wheeze full of charcoal dust. Madness was setting in already, and he had promised, promised - 
Her name snapped him back, the idea of a vessel capable of taking this curse away worth any torment the world could devise. His mind drifted to where there had been absence, now filled again with her, nothing but his desire to leave a man no longer tethered to the Darkness. He could almost hear her voice, feel her gentle fingers in his hair or her lips against the corner of his mouth. 
Another voice broke through his reverie. 
“Are you the newest Dark One then?” a man asked from the cell across from his, the iron criss crossing bars and dim light obscuring their identity. “You are in for a long and unpleasant stay, creature. Not as if you don’t deserve this, but I suppose even after all this time I can muster a sliver of pity.”
Killian grunted, sitting up. 
The voice continued, despite Killian’s obvious attempts at ignoring it. 
“I’m surprised you don’t recognize me, or that it doesn’t recognize me, I suppose. We were such close companions when I summoned it into this world.” The man let out a sigh. “Of course, it’s only a scrap of what it was, it seems -" 
The Darkness took control with ease, Killian unable to leash it in his weakened state. 
"You know nothing about me, sorcerer,” it hissed through his mouth, its voice dry and gritted. “You, ever the hypocrite, should not question my strength… or your own weakness." 
The Darkness felt hot under his skin, as if it was boiling while it healed him, wanting to lunge from his bones and blood to attack the other prisoner. 
"History is doomed to repeat itself, it would seem. That I do know, and I say it with the utmost disrespect to you,” the man laughed, quietly. “When you are destroyed again, and your vessel dies because of it, I hope this time you cease to be.”
“LIES!” the Darkness screeched, Killian’s throat raw after it quieted, his panting breaths deep. 
Before he could process the words, he was forced to lean forward, then backwards into the stone wall with enough force to send him into unconsciousness. 
He woke to the man still talking, his head throbbing and mouth dry. He could feel the Darkness seething, its agitation coming in waves. 
He won’t shut up, shut him UP 
“Is it telling you to silence me?” the man asked, sounding bored. “It does that when I tell it truth. The Darkness does not like honesty, especially from old Merlin here.”
“You’re Merlin?” Killian rasped, his head throbbing. 
Don’t talk to him 
The sorcerer is a LIAR 
Silence him, slit his throat, cut out his tongue, just make him quiet! 
“Indeed I am,” came the reply, with a hint of amusement. “My reputation precedes me, I presume." 
"I must get rid of it, this curse,” Killian pulled himself closer to the bars, resting his head on the stone wall to keep from touching the iron bars. “Please, help me. I read your journals, I know that you were sure there wasn’t a way to end the Darkness, but there must be -" 
"There is no way. I’m sorry,” Merlin swallowed hard, his voice softening. “And because of what you are, you’ll break the ones around you. I loved a Dark One. I know how selfish, how cruel you can be. You can’t be saved… I couldn’t save her because a Dark One can’t love ." 
"I did. I do! Emma and I -" 
"If you have even the smallest bit of doubt, it is too dangerous. It will destroy everything you touch. It stains.” His voice took on a tone of tenderness, wavering slightly. “My love - Nimue tried, she desperately tried, but it consumed her seeking its own devices. If it had the shard and its freedom, you wouldn’t be able to stop it." 
Killian shook his head, the Darkness cackling as it tore him apart to put him back together. "You don’t know that. They can take it from me, and separate it from me -" 
"It needs a host. You two are bonded by powers almost as old as time, heat, cold: instincts. It is part of you, and only death can free you. One special kind of death - even if it takes a new host.”
“No,” Killian let the word fall from his lips like a plea. “They will take it from me. I will be free of this!" 
The sorcerer is right, for once
All she will be is a toy when you are gone, and I have a better vessel to control… 
"I wish you could be, but it’s not the case. You’ll hurt everyone you love, the Darkness only gets stronger the more you try peeling it back. It drove Nimue mad." 
"We could be different. You don’t know!" 
Images of Emma flooded his mind, the Darkness clawing at them. He couldn’t imagine life without her, but imagining her suffering because of him, his abuse pushed by the Darkness and growing more unstable - it tore him apart. Merlin had said the Darkness stained. Had he stained her? 
"You can have all the hope of a different outcome, but it will be the same. Nimue went at it with me in a full on rage, the need for power too much. I couldn’t risk her hurting anyone else, so I ended her life after it consumed her entirely. I loved her, desperately so. She didn’t believe in True Love, but I thought she was mine.” Merlin paused, wistful as he swallowed hard. “Don’t put your Emma through that, especially if you think you’ll hurt her before she can stop you." 
And you will hurt her. She can’t save you. 
"I wouldn’t, I never -" 
"I’m willing to bet you have, Dark One.” Merlin sighed. “As long as you have doubt, the Darkness will win. Without the dagger’s control, you are still only just a puppet to its whims. I’m sorry.”
Silence but for the wind, dripping water, and the rattle of chains echoed through the cells, Merlin going quiet. 
The sorcerer is right about that 
You are my puppet. You will destroy her. 
“It said you were a liar,” Killian blurted out. “What is it scared of, can it at least be destroyed -" 
The Darkness howled, his jaw clenching shut. His body buckled, and he could now see Merlin through the gloom as his head hit the damp floor. He was tall, dark eyes sad as his lips curled into a pitying grimace. 
"It can be destroyed, and sent away. I know it can,” Merlin turned away, walking out of Killian’s view. “I ran experiments; I thought - I thought I had the answer. I thought an element as ancient as it, the fundamental pillars of magic if you will, could break it. The Promethean Flame, The Philosopher’s Stone, the tears of a dying Goddess, first of her name. They all should work to destroy the Vorpal Dagger.”
“Then why didn’t you -" 
"I couldn’t destroy it completely because it was bound to Nimue. I loved her, and it made me blind. She died for it to live, until your birth as the Dark One awoke it again. I was there that night, on the cliffs. It was supposed to be the Goblin King holding the power, and keeping her alive.”
“You fought on their side? Against your own -" 
"I did. The war was a complexity I couldn’t untangle myself from. I know now neither side was in the right.”
“You helped him? He stole women, he raped them, he massacred those men -" 
"You are too young to know what the Goblins went through. It’s been all but erased from time, impossible to find except in a few unedited texts that Arthur owns, and the Goblin’s own recounted history. This is what they were made to do." 
"What are you talking about? They killed -" 
A rattle and creaking of a door silenced him, Jafar grinning as he opened Killian’s cell. "My turn, Dark One. I hope Merlin has warmed up that mind of yours. I have some lovely treats for it.”
Killian was led away, fighting weakly, still not completely healed. Pushed roughly onto a table, Jafar readied neatly placed bottles of different sizes and colors, next to several different syringes. 
“Shall we?” he purred. “I have a neurotoxin I have been dying to see the effects of." 
There was a jab in his arm, and Killian felt the burn of something entering his veins. Bright sparks began to play behind his eyes almost immediately, his body beginning to convulse. He took a gulp of air when the Darkness brought him back from death, his eyes closed tight, peace just within sight but never within reach. 
He couldn’t hear Jafar now, could barely feel the needles or poisons rushing into him to eat away at his organs. His broken mind focused on one single thought, holding its fragile light close. 
Emma. Emma. Emma. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The bandit camp came into view as Emma spat out the shells of dried cocoa beans off the side of the carpet. They’d been flying for days, stopping only if needed for quick sustenance, bartering for information, or other needs. They finally found one of the compounds Jafar was fond of using accidentally, a drunken and shouting group of men talking about the take over in less than hushed voices. It was easy enough to follow their camels until the sandstone buildings and tents caught the light of the horizon. 
What Emma hadn’t expected was the projectiles launched at them, the carpet diving into a rolling dodge. They plummeted from the sky only to straighten a few feet from the ground. Emma panted, as Jasmine and Aladdin heaved in breath, the three of them gripping the carpet tightly as it continued forward. They arrived at the western side of the camp quietly, their weapons in hand. 
Stepping out, her palms crackling, Emma felt a surge within her. Light surrounded her, magic pulled from the very air, the first man who realized something was amiss hitting the ground when her green eyes met his. She watched him wither, feeling oddly detached as Jasmine and Aladdin fought ahead of her. Or they did, until she drew near and more bodies fell to the ground. It felt wonderful to be so powerful, to look at the men with deep shadows in their eyes and scarred skin and know they lay on the ground because of her. They weren’t quite dead, but they were most definitely not as alive as they were. 
Trailing her fingers along the rough clay walls, the texture made her irritated by the lack of care they had put into making this home for themselves. It was carelessly crafted with no artisanry, the sheer utilitarianism of its lack of beauty unacceptable. The fire that jumped from her skin was white and golden tinted cream, shooting up the structure. 
Emma moved inwards, pressing through the smoke. "Killian?” she called out, but no answer came outside of the men who roared at her in rage. They all fell within moments, as if an unseen creature had bowled them over. Clucking her tongue, Emma stepped over them daintily. 
She turned the corner to find Jasmine talking to a terrified looking younger man, his face just starting to grow hair. They were speaking rapidly in what sounded like a mix of Agrabaric and something Emma could not identify, his finger pointing to where she stood as he screamed in fright. Jasmine turned to look, and seeing Emma, sighed. 
“He’s afraid you’re going to kill him.” Jasmine shrugged at her as Aladdin rounded a corner closer to where the young man was tied. 
Aladdin laughed, and kneeled to look at him. “Tell him she could kill him either way, but for the chance of a less painful death, or possibly no dying at all, he should answer.”
Jasmine hissed something sinister sounding  Emma could not quite understand, although she recognized the clear words for 'painful dying’ well enough. The man broke down into frantic speech, crying in deep gasps when he finished. 
Jasmine laughed slightly, motioning for them all to leave. 
“He said that they sent an envoy to Camelot II when they saw us arrive. The Dark One is held not too far from here, but he warns that the three plan to use him to transfer the Darkness to -” Jasmine blinked in surprise, looking back at Emma who fidgeted anxiously. “Killian has a brother?" 
Emma’s mouth opened, and she blinked in confusion. "No, he had a brother, an older brother. Liam. He died in the War.”
The man began to babble, animatedly pointing to Emma, and she heard the name Liam several times in his speech.
Jasmine’s brow furrowed, and she looked back at Emma. “He says this is Liam, the younger brother of the Dark One. He doesn’t know of any other brother to the Darkness. Are you sure Emma? Because he swears -" 
"I don’t care what he swears on, he’s wrong. Liam is dead, he died and - just ask him the way to Killian!” Emma snapped, her power making her hurt with how much it wanted to be used, as if a current ran through her body. Jasmine’s frown deepened, and Aladdin stepped between them with an uneasy smile. 
“Emma, maybe you should take a moment -" 
"I can’t - Liam was - Liam and Elsa are dead, and if Killian dies, if he -" 
"He’s going to be fine. We’re only a few days behind them, he will have held on, alright? I see the way he looks at you Emma. He will hold on until you get there,” He approached cautiously, wincing slightly. Looking down, she realized the ground around her had begun to crackle with the glow of her magic. Aladdin glowed a light blue himself as if he was wading through a river. “Please, calm down.”
Emma took a deep breath, steadying herself, pulling her power back as well as she could. Everything screamed against it, begging her to punish those who had done wrong, whispering how she could purify this land. Emma blocked it out, focusing on Killian. She could almost hear him, a feeling of grief washing over her. 
Emma. Emma. Emma. 
Jasmine ended her conversation, nodding towards the carpet. “I got it. Let’s go." 
Emma hesitated just a moment, looking at the man who trembled on the ground. She walked toward him, and whispered a word she hoped he understood. 
He fled, Emma walking towards the carpet where her friends waited. Dispelling the energy she’d been holding, the structure crumbled as flame burst from the ground, the heat blistering, blindingly bright and booming bursts of explosion rocking the ground as she joined them. 
No one said anything as they flew away from what once was the encampment, now no more than a smoldering crater in the sands. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Killian was thrown back into the cell more dead than alive, cycling through consciousness until he was healed enough to maintain it. In many ways he wished he had stayed in the relief of the dark, the poisons Jafar had used left him confused, suffering hallucinations, and left him lying in his own sick multiple times. 
"Who could ever love you?” Emma whispered, her throat cut by his own hand, heart beating rapidly in his other. “Go ahead. Crush it. Kill me, just like you thought you did - like you wanted to.”
His mouth tasted awful, his brain unsure if it was the twisted Emma’s kiss, or his own bile rising. 
Liam appeared, fussing over him while Elsa shrieked at him to join them, faces pressing themselves close enough that his thin eyelids weren’t enough to keep them at bay. 
“Just die Killian,” Elsa breathes in his ear, the cold air freezing his cheek. “It only hurt for a moment, and now it only hurts when the air goes through me. It’s that hole in my chest, it just lets the draft in!” she laughed, cackling. 
Milah fell away at his fingertips, turning to dust that sent him retching, his mother’s rotted palm clammy against his forehead.
“Hush my sweet boy. Hush. Mummy loves you sweet Killian boy…" 
The visions paraded through the cell until they were few, his breath not coming in gasps or pants and his eyes not blurring or falling away to kaleidoscopic fractals. 
He turned his head, rolling to move out of the damp mess he had created. When he looked up, a new visage sat watching him. His father, looking worn and weary even in this younger appearance, stared at him. 
"What do you want, phantom? Could they not send me Liam instead of you?" 
The ghoul cocked its head, but moved closer. "I’m Liam.”
Killian barked out a laugh, shaking his head. “No. Liam was a better man than you ever were. Liam was everything good, and you and I, we… were everything wrong .”
“I’m not that Liam. He was dead after I was born.” The phantom paused. “Do you think I’m Papa? You killed our other brother. I know all about everything wrong you did, Papa told me so. I don’t expect either would haunt you, you’re a disgrace.”
The words settled heavily over him, and Killian tried to process them. He could see the differences now, the skinny and sallow cheeks hiding the curve of Liam’s - his Liam’s - jawline, the eyes of their father set deep under furrowed brow. If the scrap of a man had been fed better and had not had a slightly different nose, he could have passed for a scrawny version of himself with Liam’s face and hair. 
But then, Father had named him for Liam’s memory, so as a child, as a babe even, he must have taken after their oldest sibling. The idea of his father siring another child made Killian’s stomach churn, his head still stinging from the nerves knitting back together. 
“How did -” Killian hesitated, trying to make sense of this development. “Did he abandon you, too? Fall to drink and beat you? Did you run here? I can - " 
"Abandon me?” Liam asked with incredulous laughter. His smile darkened, eyes glinting. “No. He got sick, Ma cared for him best she could until he died. Papa was patient. I don’t remember him drinking but he smoked a pipe a lot. He started all of this, with his hatred of nobility and what became of his sons. He said you both died in the war, but you died a coward. You were supposed to lead us until it was discovered how dearly you care for your princess.”
Killian swallowed hard. “Of course. Of course it was that simple to him.” Mumbling, Killian laid his aching head back on the stone wall. “He - Father was technically right. We both died in the war, I just came back as this. The remnants of a coward’s choice, even if it wasn’t mine." 
"It doesn’t matter now, does it?” Liam sneered. 
Killian shook his head slowly, before catching Liam’s eyes. “No, I suppose it doesn’t. Are you still sure you want to take it? To be filled with this Darkness, and become a coward yourself? 
"I would never - Will never be a coward like you are. You follow that prancing princess and all these rules of good form and noble intentions,” Liam spat, his lips curled in disgust. “I will live hand and hand with the Darkness as we remake this world in the image of the Blackwater. I’ll go back and reclaim our lineage -”. 
“No one has ever done anything hand in hand with the Darkness. It uses you, until you are empty. It will hollow you out,” Killian stated with bitterness. “I ask again, do you want this? Do you not have anyone that you wish to protect? It will hurt them, no matter how hard you try.”
Liam did not answer. 
Killian sat in the silence, until Liam spoke quietly. 
“Anyone?” Killian nodded. “Even family?" 
"Especially family,” Killian admitted, unable to hide the sorrow in his voice. “I killed my brother as I begged to stop. The Darkness reveled in it. It laughed while I broke, as I screamed for it to spare him. Do you - are there more of - do you have more siblings? Is your mum…?”
“Still alive? Yeah, she’ll live another thousand years just to be around, pull'n me by the ear. She’s a terror. Papa said she was scarier than the sea and hell combined. They loved each other though, and me. It’s just us. She misses him a lot." 
"I'm…” Killian swallowed hard again, a strange whirlwind of emotion going through his mind. 
“You don’t need to be sorry or any of that shit.” Liam grunted, then spat at the floor. “You don’t owe anything to me or to Papa. You may have made Papa ashamed, but I didn’t - and I can’t wait to destroy everything for this cause. I’ll have the Darkness at my control in no time." 
"You’ll die too then,” Killian whispered, shrugging. Liam tensed, his shoulders rising as his fists balled. “By Fath - by his standards I’m dead. You will be the end of the Jones men. It’s history repeating itself as usual - I killed my Liam, and now you, the new Liam, will kill me. Then in turn the Darkness will take over, and kill you. I’ll damn your soul gratis as I die, two Liams ended by my hand. Father will be ever so proud.”
“Shut up,” Liam hissed. He stood, leaving with a slam of the cell’s heavy door. 
Killian laughed lightly, still unable to stop as he scrubbed his face. Merlin was either quiet or somewhere else, the stillness eerie as the wind outside howled. 
Closing his eyes, he dreamt of being free, the Darkness too tired and hopeful itself to try and stop him. 
Footsteps woke him later, the time indeterminate while he slept. He could hear Arthur’s laugh before his boots even came close, Merlin groaning as he was thrown back into the cell across from his. His own door rattled, and Killian resisted the urge to open his eyes. Heavy hands forced him up by his hair, his eyes squinting open to stare at Arthur’s grinning face. 
“Time to play, Dark One.” Arthur began to walk, the man holding Killian by his scalp dragging Killian along behind his path. “I have a fascination with Mortal implements of torture. I can’t wait to see what my updates for them will look like, and how they will work on Fae. I had to get Goblins to do the iron working, I wanted it perfect.”
Something creaked loudly, metal clanging. 
“Since you seem to be so tired, we’ll let you rest for a bit. Liam told me you were crying for your princess too, so I managed to get you some company - she’s a fine maiden, but a bit steely.” Arthur chuckled, and Killian was shoved into a dark space. His back hit spikes, the iron sharp. “Enjoy the embrace of the iron maiden, mate .”
The door closed, and Killian heard the crunch of his just healed ribs. He screamed, listening to Arthur laughing in glee. 
It didn’t last long, the door opened only after a few hours and he was wrenched out, Arthur pouting. “ You didn’t scream for very long. How disappointing.”
Killian was thrown on a rough wooden table, his body stripped of the dirty clothing. Cold water was thrown on him as his wounds attempted to close, a rough scrubbing given to him by the same brute that had thrown him around. 
“This though, this is my pride and joy.” Something was attached to him, then another. Suctioned pieces stuck on  his skin in various places. “It’s a machination for torture, meant to hurt more than any magics or physical torment in the Realms. Merlin was forced to help me design it, and I must say, I hope his work is nothing short of masterful. Now, don’t hold it in this time.”
Something clicked, and Killian’s eyes shot open. He screamed, unable to stop, the pain shot up his nerves and down his spine as if he was being torn apart cell by cell. The Darkness fell away, watching something do its work far more efficiently. 
It stopped, Arthur talking to someone he couldn’t see. 
“What sort of message? Can’t you see I’m busy -" 
The messenger dismounted from the carpet while Killian took advantage of the respite, sucking in hissed gulps of air. The binds at his ankles and wrists had rubbed the skin raw, but his head and chest were the worst, burning in a horrific fire like pain. Arthur bellowed out a laugh that trailed into a dark chuckle. 
"Oh, now this… This is too rich. Sit down, Gilead." 
The messenger sat dutifully, and Killian struggled to flinch back when Arthur slowly walked back to the machine. 
"I must tell you, your obstinacy and impudence so far has been honorable. No one will say that you aren’t strong of mind.” Arthur paused, his grin wide. “ However , ever since I discovered the Darkness was so close to the surface, I have wondered how strong is the heart attached to it. To keep your princess alive for so long, against all odds and your own interests, well.” He smirked, laughing again. “I thought how weak you must be, if I could just figure out what was special about her. Did you covet her kingdom? Her power? Proximity to her parents and those who wronged you?" 
Killian grunted, Arthur cranking the lever to stretch him taut again. The piece of wood in his mouth suddenly felt too dry, Arthur’s mentions of Emma putting him in a state of unease he hadn’t felt before. 
"Alas, now I see how simple it actually is. Or, more aptly, was . You did not deserve how much she loved you. Lucky for us, that has been rectified. The princess has been removed from the situation." 
The words didn’t settle on his pain hazed mind right away, his noise behind the gag in his mouth at first in disbelief. Arthur laughed heartily, motioning for the messenger to sit up. 
"Come here Gilead. Tell The Dark One what you told me." 
The curly haired redhead stepped towards his master, gulping before speaking in a reedy voice. 
"Princess Emma of the United Realms was spotted approaching the Eastern compound near Agrabah with at least one other companion, possibly two. Our wizard took care of her.” The boy, he was more boy than man Killian could see now, mimed something crashing to the ground, Killian’s heart stopping. 
Arthur roared with laughter, almost doubled over. 
“You know, I meant what I said. You didn’t deserve how much Emma loved you,” he sneered, waving his man away. “It was sickening really, once I realized you two were always staring at each other or bickering. Yearning like some courtiers fresh out of finishing. It’s a shame that neither of us had a chance with her. She would have been a feisty little -" 
Killian lunged, the Darkness roaring out of him as if he was nothing but its rage. Dark shadow fell around him, flowed through him, his hands shaking in the straps before he freed himself from one of his restraints. Arthur backed away, just out of reach. 
The name was an endless array of emotions that made him crazy, the Darkness irritated, and part of him mourned. 
Emma, no. Not - 
Let me go, let me take a new vessel, you sniveling coward 
Die with your silly heart breaking, weakling fool! 
Emma, his Emma, if she was - he couldn’t bear the thought. 
The Darkness continued its pressure, tendrils of it exploding outward. Arthur let the machine run, doing its worst as Killian broke, Emma’s name on his lips.
"She died thinking she could save you, wanting to see you one more time. It’s your fault, but from what I’ve heard, that’s usually how this happens for you, isn’t it? Milah, Elsa, and now Emma - I know about them all. Your little princess was so worried about you when she thought she could confide in me. I wonder if she knew you would fail her like this?” Arthur laughed, Gilead clearing his throat to mumble something, his master’s head snapping to look at him. “Quiet, imbecile. Have respect for the dead." 
Let go, vessel. Give in. She no longer waits for you. 
Give me control. She’s gone, you have nothing. 
She wouldn’t want that. She would have wanted you to be strong, she loved you - the real you - not what you were when the Darkness won out - and even then she loved you, Darkness and all, despite of everything. She would have fought for you, and now you have to fight - 
She’s dead. What she would have wanted doesn’t matter anymore, she plummeted to her death because of you. You were her literal downfall, vessel. She tried to save you, but you can’t be saved. It’s better this way. I would have killed her in a much more personal manner if she had survived. 
"Poor, poor Dark One,” Arthur sneered. “I can’t wait for you to break. The Darkness damns you even after death - poor sweet Emma is lost to you forever.”
It’s better that way, vessel. This is all for the best. 
You were weak, and she died for it. It’s time to let me go, and for you to join the Darkness in eternity. 
Far off, he heard the gentle noise of her voice, calling out to him. He wouldn’t let go yet, not until he knew for certain she was gone. 
Emma. Emma. Emma. 
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Jack and Audrey (5/5)
chapters: 1   2   3   4   5
finale to the story!! i hoped you guys liked it!
“Jack..!” he heard faintly. 
‘Audrey..?’ he looked around but couldn’t see anything 
“Throw him into the water again, maybe that’ll wake him up.” 
“He’s been thrown in water too many times, Merlin.” 
“We could try the alarm clock we made!” 
“That would probably break his and our eardrums.” 
“Audrey!” he sat up immediately breathing like crazy. 
“Jack! You’re awake, are you okay?” Snow knelt down beside him.
“What happened?” he asked, rubbing his head.
“We found you here by the lake.” Arthur told him. 
He then remembered “Audrey, where is she?!” he looked around frantically. 
“We were hoping you’d tell us.” Snow responded worriedly. 
“Her cloak and belt are still in there, but we haven’t seen her since last night.” Kio explained. 
“We were hoping you’d know,” Noki interjected. 
“Oh no..oh no no no it’s my fault. I told her about the curse and she got scared and she ran away because of it.” he gripped the sand. 
“That doesn’t sound like Audrey.” Merlin thought, “She wouldn’t run away just because of that. Did something else happen?” 
“I..” he stammered, “That doesn’t matter now, I need to find her. Where could she be..” he stood up and paced around. 
“Did she say anything during your time together? A home?” Hans asked. 
“No, she told me she was always wandering around the world and that..” an epiphany came to mind. He nodded, “I know where she is. And if I’m correct I have to get there as fast as possible she could be in danger.” he properly put his cloak on. 
“You lot should get back to the White Palace-” 
“That’s not happening, lad.” Arthur crossed his arms. 
“That’s right, Audrey is one of us now.” Hans nodded. 
“And if you say she’s in danger,” Snow continued. 
“Then we’re going as well,” Merlin stated bringing one of his spells out. 
Jack looked at them and gave the most adorable dwarf smile. “Merci, mon ami.” he said gratefully
 “We need to get there quickly, how do we-” A loud sound that made them jump off the ground was heard and they whipped their head around. What seemed to be the newest contraption of the triplet inventors hovered over the field of flowers. 
“Get in!” they popped their heads out. 
South West from where they were Audrey jumped down from the 24-foot cliff and landed in a bush. As she got up she looked at a certain spot in the wall. Something clenched in her heart but she disregarded it and moved forward. She untucked her hair as a guide for knowing where the wind was blowing. Audrey thought about everything her and Jack went through. Their conversations, her encounters with the group, and all the fun they had. 
She stopped for a moment, “Was that really the right decision?” she asked herself.
Deep in her thoughts, she aimlessly walked around the forest. It was only when she lightly stumbled from a rock did she realize; she couldn’t feel the wind anymore. 
Audrey frantically looked around, this was not a path she was familiar with. “Crap..I must’ve wandered off the trail.” she gasped when she heard something behind her. 
In the dark, she saw something slither into a tree. Instinctively, she slowly reached for her belt, only her hand to touch the fabric of her skirt. She had left it in the cabin, and there was no water in a dead forest. She was defenseless.
 Panicked, she looked around her surroundings, it had gone quiet. Something then wrapped around her ankle and violently pulled her in, she didn’t have enough time to scream as her head hit the edge of a rock. 
“Are we there yet?” Jack asked. 
“Just about,” Noki replied 
“Everyone stand on the doors. We’ll open them once we’re closer to the trees!” Kio told them 
“Everyone ready?” Snow asked, rolling up her sleeves. 
“As I’ll ever be,” Arthur unsheathed Excalibur. 
“Lead the way,” Hans nodded at Jack. 
The five of them stood at the platform. Merlin looked over at Jack who looked anxious. He put a hand on his back, “Hey,” Jack looked at him, “we’re gonna find her. Don’t worry.” 
Jack smiled gratefully “Thank you, Merlin.”
“T-Minus 12 seconds!” Pino yelled. 
Jack reminded the group once more “Okay, remember if you ever get lost just look for the wind and follow it. Don’t make too much noise so you-” 
What happened was that Kio had pushed the lever by accident with his elbow, causing them to scream as they fell unexpectedly. They fell through the branches and got separated. Jack looked up and scanned his surroundings. 
“Merlin, Jack, are you guys okay?” Snow whispered. 
“Yeah..” they both got up and crowded together, “Looks like we got separated from Arthur and Hans.” Merlin looked around. 
They heard a loud scream from their left and saw the seventh and sixth members of the Fearless Seven. 
“We’re okay!” Arthur shouted to a mortified trio. “We’ll handle this part, but hurry and find her! We can’t hold them back for long.” They nodded and continued their way through the forest. 
“There’s too much mist,” Merlin waved his arms around. 
Snow gasped, “Merlin watch out!” she held a vine headed towards her way and broke it in half before it slithered back into the trees. 
“Thanks, Snow.” Merlin huffed. More came crawling their way. “Well so much for being quiet,” he said in a normal voice. 
“Merlin, you take the ones on the right, Snow White north, I’ll-” 
He immediately whipped his head around, “Audrey?” he whispered looking around. 
“Jack it’s me, Audrey! Where are you?” she cried out. 
“Audrey, I’m here!” 
“Jack, go!” Merlin used his spells on the vines, generating electricity and frying them. 
“We’ll cover you here, hurry!” Snow threw a giant branch to a vine. 
Jack nodded and ran through the mist. Out of sight from Snow and Merlin his body covered much more distance. 
He heard something crack and a tree swung its branches into his direction. He covered himself in his cloak and dodged it. Several more attacks came on the way and he was able to dodge them successfully until one vine got a hold of his ankle, twisting it as it pulled him down. 
He screamed in pain and he fell to the ground. He took his mirror out and smashed it on the ground. 
Jack picked up one of the shards and cut the vine off. The excess vine wrapped around him swiveled in pain before letting go. Jack grunted and got up. The stinging sensation on his ankle made his search ten times harder. He groaned in frustration and used his cloak to quickly tie it up. Once he had made the knot he heard another set of branches cracking. 
Picking one of the shards up he readied himself. 
He widened his eyes. He pushed past the bushes and saw Audrey in the middle of a small patch of ground with no plants. 
“Audrey!” he beamed and tried to run to her before he stumbled but still managed to keep his ground. 
“Jack, you’re here. Why are you-” 
“I’ll explain everything later, Audrey. Right now we need to-” 
“Where are you?” she looked around. 
“I-I’m right here Audrey, right in front of you,” he assured her stretching out his hand. 
That’s when he realized, he was still human. 
“What,” he looked at himself and sure enough he had all his human limbs. Jack touched his face, “I don’t understand..this doesn’t make sense..what on-” 
“I don’t know where you are!” she cried. 
That’s when Jack noticed her eyes. Her eyes had gone grey. She was blind.
 “Audrey, what happened to you?” he asked heartbrokenly. 
“T-the vines. You have to be careful.” she panted holding her hands to her chest. Audrey was scared. 
“Alright..I’m coming to you, it’s alright I’ll be there soon. Er..” he thought as he limped towards her, “Talk to me. Why did you run off?” 
Her breathing became ragged, “Jack, I can’t break your curse. Even though I’m in love with you my heart isn’t pure enough to turn you into a human.” Though the middle part made him very happy in the midst of this he focused on the task ahead. 
“Audrey, don’t you see?” he laughed. 
“No not really,” she said. 
“No, yes my bad. What I mean is, I don’t care whether my curse is broken or not at this point! My heart knows what it wants and that’s you, to be with you!” Jack heard a crack in her voice
“But I’ve caused so much lives-” 
“Listen to me,” Jack told her now two meters away from her, “It doesn’t matter to me who you were before, what matters is who you choose to be now.” he looked at her glass eyes and her a sincere smile that even she could feel, 
“I love you regardless, Audrey.” she finally let her hands off her chest and gave a small smile as she reached out. 
Unkowest to him the vines had snuck on him and grabbed his face, latching themselves onto his eyes. 
“Argh!” he groaned out. 
“Jack!” Audrey screamed. 
A separate set of vines pulled her in through her wrists as she struggled. Jack cried out of pain as he managed to remove the vine, however his eyes turned glassy and he lost his vision.
 The stinging sensation in his ankle didn’t make it better either as he toppled to the ground. He called out for Audrey with a weak voice as he started to pass out from the pain. Audrey didn’t have enough strength to free herself as she became shackled to the tree. 
It was quiet. Neither of them moved from where they were. The vines had stopped moving and not even their rustling or the wind could be heard. Jack’s breaths couldn’t be made out and Audrey’s struggling movements stopped.
Then her fist closed. She twisted her wrist repeatedly and got herself loose. Jack had pulled his leg up to free them from the attached plants. Using all of their strength to get to the other, they didn’t know the other was doing the same until they heard each other as they drew closer in the center. They didn’t care how much pain was in their body, they had to get to each other. 
“Audrey,” he breathed out once he finally touched her arms. 
No longer able to move their legs they fell into each other. Unable to see each other, they both let out chuckles as Jack touched her face, 
“Don’t ever run away from me again,” 
“How could I?”
The moment they had kissed Audrey felt his face get warm. Jack’s body glowed a golden light that lit up a great portion of the forest, killing the undead vines nearby. He slowly opened his eyes. His body had never felt better. All of the pain from his body was gone and could see again. Audrey had collapsed into his arms, her ragged breathing starting up again. 
“It’s alright now, we’re getting out of here.” he gently told her. 
He picked her up after untying his cloak from his ankle and clipping it on her. He looked to his right and saw a path had been cleared to an exit. 
On the other side, the others were waiting on the beach. The triplets were tinkering with their ship out of stress, Snow sat with Hans on the sand looking at the forest, and Merlin and Arthur paced around it. 
“It’s been too long, we should go back there!” Merlin finally said. 
“No, look,” Hans raised his head. Jack emerged from the forest holding Audrey in his arms. 
“He’s human!” Arthur exclaimed. 
“Jack, you’re human!” Snow ran up to him overjoyed.
 He smiled at her and nodded, “Merlin,” he looked at him “I need your help.” 
Moments later Audrey felt something jolt in her body. 
“Ah!” she opened her eyes wide. 
The first thing she saw was the sunlight, she looked to her right and saw the waves crashing on the shore. 
“Is she alright?” she heard a female voice. 
“Merlin, are you sure you didn’t kill her?” a German voice asked. 
“Of course not, I’m very careful with my magic.” a British accent responded.
 “The medicine makes her a bit drowsy, but she’ll be fine!” that was Italian. 
“Shh, she’s waking up.” another one in a Scottish accent said. 
She looked at the faces before her gaze drifted to an unfamiliar one with golden locks. He was kneeling on the sand as he gently held her hand. She cocked her head to the side as she squinted her eyes. He looked at her with the most sincere and heartwarming smile that was filled with love. It was on a different face...but she could recognize that anywhere.
“Jack,” she spoke. 
He let out a laugh as small tears came out “Oui, it’s me.” 
She reached her hand out and put her hand on his cheek, and he leaned into her touch. “You broke your curse.” 
“No, you broke it, Audrey.”  
Audrey giggled and threw herself into his arms as they tumbled on the sand laughing. Snow had linked her arms with Merlin’s as they watched the happy couple. 
“So, you're thinking about planning another wedding?” he asked her. 
Snow laughed, “Let’s put a pin on that. After all they’ve only known each other for two days.” 
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beingallelite · 5 years
October 2, 2019, from the sold-out Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., live pro wrestling made its explosive, triumphant return to the TNT Network with the debut episode of ALL ELITE WRESTLING DYNAMITE!
Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
DYNAMITE kicked off with a bang as “The American Nightmare” Cody wrestled Sammy Guevara in the first ever pro wrestling match to air in nearly 20 years on the TNT Network. Cody was accompanied to the ring by Brandi Rhodes. Sammy was displaying amazing agility right out of the gate. There were many questions going into this contest—would the upstart Sammy crumble under the pressure of the biggest match of his young career? Would Cody overlook Sammy with his match against AEW Champion Chris Jericho at the FULL GEAR pay-per-view looming on the horizon? Cody set up a cutter off the middle rope, and Sammy one-upped him with a cutter of his own off the top rope. Cody opened up the majority of his arsenal on Sammy, and finally, after Sammy crashed and burned on a shooting star press, Cody rolled up his opponent for the victory.
As Sammy was congratulating Cody on a hard-fought victory, AEW Champion Chris Jericho blindsided a distracted Cody with a vicious assault. Jericho powerbombed Cody onto two steel chairs outside of the ring as Brandi watched on. A jubilant Jericho grabbed the microphone and taunted the fans.
Brandon Cutler squared up against Mawell Jacob Friedman (MJF) next. “This ain’t Dungeons & Dragons! This is real life!” yelled MJF as he stomped on Cutler. After landing a tope suicida onto MJF, Cutler tried to follow up with another high risk move from the top rope, but he must have tweaked his knee. MJF was quick to capitalize on this as he quickly submitted Cutler with his “Salt of the Earth”armbar finisher.
Chris Van Vliet interviewed director Kevin Smith and actor Jason Mewes of the upcoming movie “Jay And Silent Bob Reboot.” They were interrupted by Jack Evans and Angelico. Luckily, Private Party came to the aid of Smith and Mewes before things got out of uncontrol.
The trio of SCU were interviewed by Tony Schiavone about their upcoming match in the tournament to crown the inaugural AEW Tag Champs. Scorpio Sky said he was going to defer to the combined experience of Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian, since only two of them can compete in the tag tournament. He was cut off when the Lucha Bros stormed onto the ramp, declaring themselves the best tag team in the universe, and after a few tense moments, SCU and the Lucha Bros threw down in a pull apart melee.
Hangman Adam Page versus “the Bastard” PAC was the next match of the night. It was a huge change for Page to begin rebuilding after his loss to Jericho in the main event of ALL OUT last month. This was a battle AEW fans have waited months to see. They began by trading stiff forearms in the center of the ring. Page turned PAC inside-out with a clothesline and the fans chanted “That was sick! That was sick!” PAC soon gained momentum with a beautiful quebrada from the ropes to Page on the outside, followed by a springboard 450 splash. PAC went to the top rope again looking to hit the “Black Arrow” finisher, but Page countered with an Avalanche Blockbuster. PAC rammed Page’s shoulder into the steel post. PAC avoided “Buckshot” by Page, and as referee Earl Hebner was distracted, PAC hit a low blow mule-kick on Page. PAC took advantage with the “Black Arrow” and then submitted Page with the “Brutalizer” (the same move that he used to submit Kenny Omega at ALL OUT last month). PAC is now 2-0 in AEW.
Dr. Britt Baker joined the commentary team to get a bird’s eye view of the next match: “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose versus Riho, with the winner to be crowned the first AEW Women’s World Champion! The action started as soon as the bell rang, with Riho taking down Nyla Rose with head scissors. Riho had a significant experience edge, while Rose had an obvious size advantage. Riho was a clear crowd favorite with the crowd, despite this being the hometown of Nyla Rose. Riho was trained by Kenny Omega, which was evident in some of her offense, such as her running knees. Nyla caught Riho on the outside of the ring, and blasted Riho with a brutal back backbreaker. Nyla pulled out multiple steel chairs from beneath the ring, with referee Paul Turner threatening the DQ. Nyla went for a cannonball senton onto the prone Riho who was positioned on the chairs, but Riho moved just in the nick of time. Nyla crashed onto the chairs, with Riho seemingly gaining the upper hand. Riho showed plenty of moxie, and hit a near-fall on Nyla. This was countered by Nyla’s deathvalley driver, but Riho kicked out at the two-count. Somehow Riho managed to find a few more ounces of fighting spirit, and met Nyla on the top rope, hitting her with a bevy of strikes. Riho defeated Nyla with the running double knee strike to become the first-ever AEW Women’s World Champion. The celebration, however, was short-lived. Michael Nakazawa attempted to interview the victorious Riho, but Nyla nailed Nakazawa with a Liger-powerbomb. Before Nyla could grab the new champ, Kenny Omega ran down to the ring to defend Riho and prevent further destruction from the Native Beast.
The main event was up next! The Elite (Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks, Nick & Matt Jackson) versus AEW World Champion Chris Jericho and Santana & Ortiz.
Jericho and Omega started things out, but a cowardly Jericho quickly tagged out. After a superkick party on Santana and Ortiz, the Bucks took the fight outside. This left Omega alone in the ring, and prone to an attack from Jon Moxley. Omega and Moxley brawled to the VIP area. Moxley sent Omega crashing headfirst into a glass coffee-table with his DDT. Matt Jackson speared Ortiz, as the match became a 3-on-2 contest (with Omega still in the VIP area in the glass shards). Santana and Ortiz hit a sequence of double-team moves to neutralize Matt. Jericho was tagged in and attempted a lionsault, but Matt was able to raise his knees. Before Matt could tag Nick, his opponents cut off the ring. Matt finally got the tag, and Nick Jackson cleaned house and quickly evened up the odds. The hot crowd rallied behind the Bucks, but after a Judas Effect from Jericho to Matt Jackson, Jericho gained the pinfall victory for his team. Cody ran to the ring in his business attire to join his friends from the Elite and send a message to Jericho, but he was quickly countered by Sammy Guevara. It became completely chaotic inside the ring. Dustin Rhodes sprinted to save his brother Cody, but the Elite were wiped out by the surprise debut of Jake Hager!
Hager went to town on the Elite and Dustin Rhodes, sending bodies flying everywhere like Godzilla crushing a cityscape.
The debut episode of AEW DYNAMITE concluded with Jericho, Santana, Ortiz, Guevara, and Hager standing definitely in the center of the ring!
Next Wednesday we will be live from Boston!
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hookaroo · 6 years
A Captain’s Heart (27 of 33?)
Chapter 1 Chapter 26
Rated T for language and graphic descriptions of injuries.
Also on FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12937105/1/A-Captain-s-Heart
Tagging @therooksshiningknight & @killian-whump by request :) Also @zippidyzany for the “hello” ;)
Killian was unaware of the point at which the Jolly Roger sailed out of the volcano’s reach and beyond Zeus’ invisible shielding. He stood frozen in a daze, mind completely disengaged, sailing by instinct alone. Oblivious to the lightening of the sky, the clearing of the air, the softening of all ambient noise. Something buoyed him up, preventing his logical collapse, and were he asked, the weary captain would probably have credited the living spirit of the vessel beneath his feet. And maybe that wouldn’t have been so far from the truth.
But he blinked, and he was somehow still standing, and somehow beyond the threat of death, and he could feel nothing but an overwhelming exhaustion in every corner of his soul. He examined the ship stretched out before him, barely registering the beautiful rose-gold highlights cast by a late evening sun.
It should have come as no surprise when three beings materialized on deck just meters away. But Killian had forgotten all but his own name and the name of his ship, and he gawked through bloodshot, burning eyes.
“I knew you were the man for the job!” came the grating voice of a crowing Eris. Killian grimaced at the noise, which was just familiar enough to hammer vague awareness into his reluctant brain. The goddess stalked closer, trailed by her two shadows - bodyguards, worshippers, whoever. Killian knew she was after something, but couldn’t remember what.
“Where is it?” she growled, holding out her hand impatiently. Killian responded with a slow blink, a clumsy shifting of his weight, noticeably out of sync with the gentle rocking of the deck.
“Bugger off,” said the pirate thickly. His tongue was as slow to react as the rest of him. Uncoordinated. Raging, Eris began to close the remaining distance between them. Then she spotted the crystal phial, tipped sideways on the deck, having rolled almost the whole way to the gunwale. She hissed as she waved her hand. The vessel appeared in her grip and she shook it lightly. A scant mouthful remained; the rest had flooded out onto the boards when the potion had fallen forgotten.
“Careless fool!” she screeched. Killian flinched instinctively as she flung a blast of furious magic in his direction. But it passed harmlessly around him, and he sighed a single, mirthless laugh.
“Immune,” he reminded, unable to keep the taunt from his voice, tired as it was.
“Is that so?” Eris poofed the remaining distance, and when she reappeared, she drove a vicious fist into his middle, directly in the center of Excalibur’s damage. Killian crumpled to the floor, too winded to even cry out, feeling himself being gored all over again despite the blade’s absence.
Apparently deciding that he wasn’t worthy of any more of her time, Eris turned away from the half-dead pirate. As she held up the phial, she gave it another wiggle and heard the small splash of its contents.
“You had better pray there’s enough left for me to use. I may not be able to shield my handiwork from Zeus and his minions, but I can at least protect myself.”
With that, she tipped the potion down her gullet. And though Killian was expecting the outburst that followed, he hadn’t imagined it would be quite so dramatic. Curled into a ball, eyes streaming, still struggling for breath, Killian could just barely make out the goddess’ agonized writhing that preceded a ripple, then a literal explosion of unrecognizable elements. The shards swirled, coalesced into a brief whirlwind, repelled each other and scattered to the heavens.
The clatter of phial against deck was followed by a stunned silence as Eris’ henchmen tried to process what had just happened. They appeared more surprised than aggrieved. When one of them spotted the fresh droplets of potion on the wood, he began to back away nervously. The other quickly followed suit, and an instant later, they both vanished. Doubtless off to instigate their own brand of mischief, or perhaps find another deity to serve. And Killian lacked the strength to rise from his fetal position, much less celebrate their departure.
In his misery, Killian missed seeing the setting sun cast a brilliant red glow over wave and cloud, mimicking both the dried and fresh blood staining his bandages. He missed the first stirrings of a breeze caressing the sails above, the gentle pulse of the moving ship below. He even missed the first hint of a portal parting the waves ahead, but as the whirlpool gathered strength and its roar increased in volume, Killian finally collected the gumption to raise his head, discern what was happening, and realize that he should probably find something to hold on to.
With a quiet whimper, Killian made it as far as his knees. He was less than two meters from the wheel, but that distance felt like miles. The portal loomed closer, the ship began to quake, and Killian forced himself forward. One knee. Then the other. Brace clutched tightly against his abdomen. Hand not taking his weight; crumpling to elbow, forearm. Gasping. Waves increasing in intensity, the deck bobbing. Another knee dragged forward. The wheel just out of reach.
There came a violent splash as the bow split the final watery hill before beginning its descent into the tunnel. The dramatic tilting of the deck was enough to send Killian sliding the remaining few feet, and he caught the wheel with a grunt just before the portal’s corkscrew path took hold. The Jolly Roger tumbled into the void, everything topsy-turvy for far too long, especially when each shudder sent a jolt of anguish through the pirate's battered body. But if Killian let loose with a cry of pain or two, it was impossible to hear over the deafening rush of water and magic all around.
The spiral tightened. Even for a seasoned sailor, the dizzying effect bordered on nauseating. And then, just when Killian’s weight had tripled and he felt as if he would smash through the floor, the ship leapt from the portal's exit. Its crash back onto a residual churning wake tore the wheel from Killian’s grasp. He toppled forward, stopping his fall with protesting arms, hissing as different kinds of pain raced up each one. But at least he was still on his knees and hadn’t hit the deck yet again.
It was lighter here, midday at most. Killian’s exhausted brain and eyes couldn’t handle it. He knew he ought to take stock of their surroundings, look for danger, and check the ship for damage. He also knew it was hopeless to make even a token effort. So when a familiar figure appeared on board, he was hunched on his knees, clutching his abdomen and rubbing his eyes with a quivering hand, and he didn’t notice. Not until that figure spoke.
“Killian? What the hell!”
The pirate managed a strained smile of relief, genuinely happy to hear the alarm in Emma’s voice. It meant she was here. More than that, that she was okay. Killian’s hand dropped to his thigh in a moment of rest while he worked on peeling his eyes open. By this time, despite her shock, Emma had teleported to his side, and as she crouched, he reached a feeble hand in her direction.
Emma surrounded his hand in hers, all the while taking in his appalling state. Countless wounds - a number haphazardly bandaged, others exposed - decorated his person, oozing blood. Some dripping it, if he moved a certain way. He hadn’t appeared so close to keeling over since his rescue in the Underworld. Gaze slightly unfocused, butterfly bandages askew on his cheek and forehead, Killian fixed her with the saddest eyes she had seen in quite some time.
“Killian. What happened?”
At a loss where to start, Killian eventually just pulled her closer, intent on bringing her into his embrace and never letting go. Emma inched gingerly forward, apparently more concerned about protecting his injuries than he was. And then she stiffened.
“The hell?”
She sounded so thrown that for a moment, Killian forgot his physical complaints and quickly twisted to check what had her so rattled. When he saw, his pained groan was cut off before it could fully form. Frantic, he attempted to rise to his feet with muscles too injured to respond, reflexes dulled by exhaustion and blood loss. Swearing softly, Emma moved to help him; she knew it was useless to try and stop the mad scramble.
“Marvel,” breathed Killian, listing wildly, clinging to Emma but shuffling forward all the same. “You’re here.”
The human figure shimmered before them, not quite solid. The faint outline of the stern railing could be seen intersecting her torso. She wore a melancholy smile, and when she spoke, the words had an ethereal echo about them that sent a chill right down Killian’s spine.
“We’re here,” she amended. “We made it, dearest.”
Killian stopped a few paces away. With her hand a support behind his back, Emma halted as well. Killian’s arm tensed, his fingers twitching as he wrestled against the urge to reach toward the apparition. Finally, both shoulders slumped, and he leaned more heavily against his wife.
“How long?” was his plea, in a voice so low and tremulous that it broke Emma’s heart. Marvel’s expression stiffened.
“Not long.”
In the silence that followed, the waves caressing the hull became a heartbeat, the rippling of sails a repeated sigh. Ghost Marvel took a step forward, and Emma squeezed her husband's arm in solidarity.
“I only wanted to say-” began the ship’s soul, but Killian cut her off.
“Don’t. Please. Don’t say goodbye.”
Marvel’s lips twitched in a sly smile. “Hello.” Her next breath was half chuckle, half sob. “Hello, Captain. It’s so very nice to meet you.”
Killian echoed her strangled sort-of laugh and raised his hand in an automatic gesture. “Likewise, my darling.”
Marvel drifted closer, taking steps that seemed unnecessary as no friction propelled her along the floorboards. She lifted her own hand - her right hand - and rested it gently atop his, feeling like nothing so much as the faintest of breaths against his palm, the lightest of flower petals. Killian bent to kiss it anyway. And then he found he could not let her go.
“Stay?” His voice was hoarse, thick with emotion. “Can’t you just… stay?”
“Oh, Captain.” She brushed her free hand along his cheek, a mere wisp of sensation. “We’ve had such wonderful adventures. And we’ll continue to do so. But this… this is when we talked.”
Her ghostly thumb caught a teardrop before it fell. For an instant, her gaze turned to Emma’s, and they shared a silent conversation, their mutual love for the man between them providing effortless understanding. Then Marvel gave Killian a soft smile.
“Go back to your big, beautiful house, with so many people to love and be loved by. Run around, be human. Live. And know that I will always be here when you need me, ever happy to see you, but rejoicing when I don’t. Because I understand things better now. Sorrow and fear and shame… and joy.” She withdrew her hands, placing one on her own chest and the other on his. “Human or not, this ship’s heart belongs forever to her captain. And all I will ever want for you is total happiness. For the rest of your days.”
Trembling, Killian tried to reach up, to place his hand over hers, but she seemed less solid than before, and his fingers grasped nothing. He gulped a breath and began,
“Marvel, I have to say… and… and I had hopes of…”
The words caught in his throat. He couldn’t finish either thought. As tears flooded his eyes, Emma tightened her embrace and caught his lonely wandering hand. Marvel smiled softly through crystalline tears of her own.
“I know, my love.”
And then she began to glimmer. Little stars of light flickering in a random dance within her image. She seemed to almost revel in the sensation, giggling as she watched and turned her palms this way and that. Then she met Killian’s despairing gaze with one of excitement, almost glee.
“Watch this,” she winked.
The stars drifted apart and multiplied as they slowly lifted higher into the breeze. The greater the number of lights, the fainter Marvel’s image, and Killian was torn between watching the spectacle and keeping his eyes trained on the last glimpse he would have of the ship incarnate. For her part, Marvel kept her head thrown back, delighting in the beauty above.
Slowly the stars began to outcompete the cloud-covered sun in brightness. There were just so many, and each burned with a ferocity that made looking directly at it painful. Between one heartbeat and the next, Marvel’s form dissolved into a final spattering of lights, which hastened to join the others, noticeably playful in their movements.
The constellations migrated toward the bulk of the ship, and reflexively, Killian pivoted to keep them in sight. He leaned almost his entire weight against Emma now, but for a moment, neither of them noticed. Then, with a blinding flash and a crack of displaced air, the stars raced to line every inch of the ship’s perimeter. It only served to make the normally-beautiful Jolly Roger even more breathtaking.
Killian and Emma lost track of the amount of time they stood dazzled by the sight. But then, one by one, the twinkling lights started to flicker out. And as they faded, so did the remainder of Killian’s strength. His knees buckled and he sank to the deck, pulling Emma down with him. Still watching the sparkles, silent tears tracking down his face, he allowed himself to settle back on his haunches. Emma knelt beside him and gently lay her head on his shoulder; after a moment, he rested his cheek against her.
They stayed that way until the lights winked out, the waves were water once more, the breeze no longer breath. And the Jolly Roger, marvel that she was, floated inert.
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flo-nelja · 6 years
Femslash: how alone I am
A meme taken from @convenientalias and @fucktheg0ds. Basically, ranking all my femslash ships by percentage I’ve written. Only based on AO3. I tried to count the gen fics with femslash pairings too, since they appear in the tags.
Most ships I have written only one time, even if there are exceptions.
First, all the non-rare femslash pairings I have dabbled in!
Emma/Regina (Once upon a Time) : 0,01% (1/10368)
Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) : 0,03% (1/3747)
Luna/Ginny (Harry Potter) : 0,1% (1/1047)
Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) : 0,1% (1/1027)
Pearl/Rose (Steven Universe) : 0,1% (1/908)
Cosette/Eponine (Les Misérables) : 0,2% (1/594)
Belle/Ruby (Once upon a Time) : 0,2% (1/492)
Homura/Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) : 0,2% (1/463)
Jasper/Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) : 0,2% (1/417)
Aurora/Mulan (Once upon a Time) : 0,3% (1/306)
Hermione/Luna (Harry Potter) : 0,3% (1/296)
Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar the Last Airbender) : 0,4% (1/263)
The comfortable ones by femslash standards, I don’t count the writers. Most of them are actually bigger, but they are old, and most of the fics aren’t on ffnet. I can usually find people to squee with me.
Kaylee/River (Firefly) : 1% (1/114)
Mystique/Destiny (Marvel comics) : 1% (1/112)
Raven/Angel Salvadore (X-men movies) : 1% (1/88)
Yoruichi/Soifon (Bleach) : 1% (1/74)
Utena/Anthy (Utena) : 1% (4/259)
Sakura/Tomoyo (Card Captor Sakura) : 1% (1/65)
Dorothy/Relena (Gundam Wing) : 2% (1/56)
Karolina/Xavin (Marvel Comics) : 2% (1/56)
Wendy/Mabel (Gravity Falls) : 2% (1/48)
Marietta/Cho (Harry Potter) : 3% (1/36)
Juri/Shiori (Utena) : 3% (2/71)
Mina/Vanessa (Penny Dreadful) : 3% (1/35)
Winry/Sciezska (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 3% (1/31)
OK, getting into the rarer ones!
Mireille/Kirika (Noir) : 5% (1/21). This one was bigger, it’s an old one.
Phèdre/Mélisande (Kushiel’s Legacy) : 5% (1/21). Canon kinky foeyay ship! Quite big relative to the size of the fandom.
Reiko/Hinoe (Natsume Yuujinchou) : 5% (1/21). It is an old fic and it has gotten so much bigger now! I should read the new fics!
Pearl/Connie (Steven Universe) : 5% (1/21). An unwholesome ship that antis hate. ^^
Kitty/Illyana (Marvel) : 6% (6/107). Quite a big one, but also one of my favorites, so I’ve written quite a bit of it! I’m glad it got big, really (by femslash standards), it was not that much when I’ve started.
Brunnhilde/OFC (Thor movies) : 6% (1/16). I wish Brunnhilde’s dead girlfriend had a name. I’m sure it would make the ship bigger.
Artemis/Iphigenia (Greek myth) : 7% (1/15). Another creepy ship, that I love.
Retsu/Isane (Bleach) : 8% (1/13). I was deep in Bleach fandom once. I wrote a lot of combinations. Most of them were jossed.
Spinsters (Once upon a Time) : 9% (1/11). They were in only an episode, at the time I hoped we’d see more of them. I know in the fairy tale they’re sisters, but they’re also three, and I will stay persuaded that Rumplestiltskin, after him mother left, was raised by two lesbian spinsters fairies.
Mabel/Candy (Gravity Falls) : 10% (1/10). I’m honestly suprised it’s not bigger. There’s one femslash ship in Gravity Falls and it’s eating all the other possibilities.
Gamma/Zimmy (Gunnerkrigg Court) : 10% (1/10). Lots of people ship them but the fandom and the ship are not easy to write.
Gerda/Little Robber Girl (The Snow Queen) : 11% (1/9). Most people love it, but most fairy tales rewriting are published as original stories.
Te Fiti/Moana (Moana) : 12% (1/8). I’m glad it exists, even if it’s small.
Artemis/Callisto (Greek myth) : 12% (1/8). Canon sens unique, horrible ending canon aussi.
Dawn/Amanda (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) : 12% (1/8). I actually love this one a lot!
Dani/Rahne (Marvel comics) : 12% (1/8). I hope there will be potential in the movie.
Lain/Alice (Serial Ewperiments Lain) : 12% (1/8). It used to be bigger on ffnet, really.
Orihime/Tatsuki (Bleach) : 13% (7/53). Another ship where I didn’t just pass and actually stayed a lot
Leah/Illyana (Marvel Comics) : 14% (1/7). Canon in an AU!
Cassandra/Helen (Greek myth) : 14% (1/7). It was honestly for a challenge but greek myth is so easy for crack ships
Storm/Mystique (X-men movies) : 17% (1/6). The dynamics I like is AoA!Ororo crushing on Raven, and it’s very hard to find, most of these fics are FoeYay for the first timeline.
Natasha (Avengers movies)/Mystique (X-men movies) : 17% (1/6). Quite common for a crossover actually!
Cecile/Merteuil (Les liaisons dangereuses) : 17% (1/6). It’s a friend’s ship, it was nice to write!
Nancy/Yomiko (Read or Die) : 20% (1/5). Another old one.
Dante/Rose (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 20% (1/5). Very visible but so creepy!
Lust/Martel (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 20% (1/5). This one was a random generator.
Maria/Saki (Shin Sekai Yori) : 20% (1/5). Canon but not endgame.
Yuzu/Ururu (Bleach) : 20% (1/5). Bleach phase again. I loved this one for absolutely no reason.
Cinderella/Cinderella’s stepmother (Fairy tales) : 20% (1/5). For an exchange!
Basira Hussain/Daisy Tonner (The Magnus Archives) : 20% (1/5). The fandom is growing and this ship too!
Souma/Kendappa (Rg Veda) : 22% (2/9). Another of the very old ships! It was my first femslash fic, but I found only recently the courage to write it!
Suzie/Gwen (Torchwood) : 22% (2/9). Used to be a bit bigger, bu never as much as I wished. I have only one fic, but in French and English.
Gyokumen/Hwang (Saiyuki) : 25% (1/4).  For a kink meme!
Kushana/Nausicaä (Ghibli) : 25% (1/4). I actually really love this one and have another in progress
Chizuru/Rika (Yami no matsuei) : 25% (1/4). Characters of the tome; I’m almost surprised not to be the only one.
Kumi/Yuri (Alien 9) : 25% (1/4). Another ship I really love. I wish they ended together.
Sarah/Lavinia (A Little Princess) : 25% (1/4). For an exchange, a very good prompt asking for power games.
Rei/Nanako (Oniisama e) : 25% (2/8). Yeah, love this one too!
Storm/Yukio (X-men comics) : 25% (2/8). I will ship them forever. But they haven’t been that shippy recently. Greg Pak disappointed me.
Kotoko/Sumomo (Chobits) : 25% (2/8). It’s so cute. ^^
Acolyte/Radiant Goddess (Lady of the Shard) : 33% (1/3). The main ship! They’re so cute, but cute is not what I write easily
Chloe/Kirika (Noir) : 33% (1/3). Used to be bigger, even if it was not the main ship.
Dante/Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 33% (1/3). I’m just kinky. ^^
Emma/Firestar (Marvel Comics) : 33% (1/3). Same.
Emma/Selene (Marvel Comics) : 33% (1/3). Same.
Claudine/Luce (Colette) : 33% (2/6). Oh yes, another of my favorite ones! And formative too, I was a teenager!
Gwen/Carys (Torchwood) : 40% (2/5). Whoniverse1000! Only one fic, but an English version and a French one.
Atsuko/Michiko (Michiko e Hatchin) : 50% (1/2). Should be far bigger. It’s Foeyay, and so obvious! (small fadoms curse)
Acolyte/Old God (Lady of the Shard) : 50% (1/2). The creepy mind control one ^^
Cristo Canyon/Tomie Katana (Lastman) : 50% (1/2). I’m alone with a friend.
Ozen/Lyza (Made in Abyss) : 50% (1/2). Yeah, not alone! I was surprised going back in the tag and finding another fic, actually!
Hi’iaka/Hopoe (Hawaiian mythology) : 50% (1/2). Same!
Marnie/Anna (When Marnie was here) : 50% (1/2). It is was not incest, if could be big ^^
Sistah Spooky/Mindf**k (Empowered) : 50% (1/2). Alone with another friend. This one should be huge, I’m so annoyed it doesn’t even exist. It has all the tropes I love (except that I wanted a good ending, but why are people not writing fix-it?)
Nemu/Kuna (Bleach) : 50% (1/2). I’m alone with the same friend.
Chizuru/Misato (Bleach) : 50% (1/2). Still the same friend
Cora/Anastasia (Once upon a Time in Wonderland) : 50% (1/2). Yeah, rare mentor/protegee ship! I with the only other fic was not so gen-ish, otherwise it’s good.
Mikuru/Haruhi (Haruhi Suzumiya) : 50% (1/2). It’s actually big outside of AO3?
Akira/Shiina (Naru Taru) : 50% (1/2). Very dark fandom, dark ship, I’m still so sad it’s not a Thing.
Rei/Fukiko (Oniisama e) : 50% (2/4). Romantic canon one-sided incest!
Callisto/Karima (X-men comics) : 67% (2/3). It was just so shippy in Excalibur. With tentacles. But well, obscure like all the Marvel pairings with a few brilliant scenes but no long history.
Old God/Radiant Goddess (Lady of the Shard) : 75% (3/4). Yeah! Enemies with a past, and it’s totally canon! So much my kind of ships! It could be so big if the fandom was bigger!
Dani/Hela (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1)
Luna/Valeria (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1)
Psylocke/Selene (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1)
Karima/Monet (Marvel Comics) : 100% (1/1). All Marvel pairings where I like an interaction once and had to write about it (for Luna and Valeria, it’s even only the potential of an interaction)
Tracy Zenkova/Annabelle Chang (Lastman) : 100% (1/1). I had to write it once, it’s canon after all, even if Annabelle isn’t my favorite.
Anlise/Renge (Namesake) : 100% (1/1). Canon mind control! But secondary characters in a small fandom. I still wish I were not alone.
Agathe/Nagîna ( Mesdemoiselles de la Vengeance) : 100% (1/1). Very small fandom, French historical children’s book. THe ending is a bit too heterosexual for my tastes.
Phoenix/Acolyte/Radiant Goddess/Old God (Lady of the Shard) : 100% (1/1). It’s the canon ending, but quite hard to write, especially when you’re more interested in a specific relationship. Small fandom anyway.
Malen/Rue (Princess Tutu) : 100% (1/1). Character of the week with a crush on the dark magical girl!
Nemu/Rangiku (Bleach) : 100% (1/1)
Chizuru/Lisa (Bleach) : 100% (1/1)
Chizuru/Rangiku (Bleach) : 100% (1/1). Bleach crack ships!
Dante/Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) : 100% (1/1). Just because it was super-hot
Empowered/Ninjette (Empowered) : 100% (1/1). More crack.
Amber/Bai (Darker than Black) : 100% (1/1). This one I really love, and I wish it would be bigger! To me, Amber is as shippable with Bai as she is with Hei, though in different ways. But it’s almost unheard of.
Jheselbraum/Pyronica (Gravity Falls) : 100% (1/1)
Darlene/Shandra (Gravity Falls) : 100% (1/1). These two are crack pairings written for a personal challenge. I’m nor surprised I’m the only one.
Harriet Jones/Astrid Peth (Doctor Who) : 100% (2/2). From whoniverse1000. Once again it’s only one fic, but I translated it, so two versions.
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crookedmoonlight123 · 7 years
The Rain Woman Chapter 12 - Ice Storm
The Rain Woman – Chapter 12 – Ice Storm
A/N:  The excitement continues!  So, make sure you have time to sit down and read it, oh and maybe a box of tissues!
 “We warned you.” The smaller wizard on the right spoke removing his hood first revealing his sandy blonde hair, eyes the colour of chestnuts.  A large scar ran from the corner of his left eye all the way down to his jawline.
 “We told you to leave.”  Another unhooded, pale skin and light brown hair made this guy seem like he should belong in a horror movie - namely Dracula.
 “Why didn’t you stop looking when we told you to.”  The final guy unhooded, he had tanned golden skin and short, shaven silvery hair that resembled Lyons, but he was built like Elfman.
 Gray smirked at the three wizards ready to fight cracking his knuckles, “I’ll put it to ya plain and simple.  I won’t give up, not on Juvia, ever.”  He stated he wasn’t just saying it to piss them off he meant it.
  “Well then you’re more foolish than you look.  She doesn’t want to be found kid so get lost.”  The blonde-haired guy spoke, the air around him seemed to crackle with static energy.  He must be a wizard who uses electricity.  Gray made a mental note his mouth became a thin line of concentration.
 “Yeah, I might be foolish, but at the end of the day I’ll be the victorious one.” He gritted his teeth.  Juvia is here.  The blonde guy practically admitted it to him.  The light brown-haired wizard grunted at him.  “Ice-make Arrows!”  Gray shouted as arrows of ice raced through the air at the unsuspecting figures who stood in the icemages way.  They all hit their marks as shouts of pain came from across the pale peach coloured stone bridge.  “Ice make lance!” Not letting up as lancers of ice shot towards the enemies.
 “Earth barricade!”  The lancers didn’t hit their mark as a giant wall of earth rose up from the ground blocking the attack causing the lancers to smash into tiny pieces.
 “Damn it!” Gray cursed thinking fast on his feet as he ran forwards, they wouldn’t be able to see through the wall.  Looking up to see the height of the wall he stopped dead in his tracks.  “You’ve got be freaking kidding me.”  Gray muttered annoyed, a wind user sat cheerfully above the wall on a cushion of wind looking down on him, his light brown hair unaffected by the rain as his wind just whipped it away.  How vain. The icemge thought.  “Ice-make hammer!”  A giant hammer of ice appeared in the sky coming down heavy on the wall of earth shattering half of it before it shattered itself.  This earth guy is strong.  “Ice-make cannon!”  Gray shouted firing the cannon at the wall demolishing it completely, he fired one more shot before he was struck by lightning. Screaming at the sudden pain which his organs jump.  It had just been one bolt; these wizards were clearly strong.  Gray looked at the blonde wizard who was smirking at him from where the wall of earth once was.
 “I think you’re outnumbered and outclassed iceboy.” He spoke like a bully trying to scare a little kid his eyes staring menacingly into Grays who just gritted his teeth.
 Gray still raced forwards, “I told you I ain’t going anywhere until I find Juvia!” He began moulding magic in his hand. “Ice-make death scythe!”  A deadly scythe of ice was swung at the lightning user hitting its mark creating a deep slice in his side almost slicing him neatly in two.  “Not so cocky now are you!” Gray now turned on the earth user who looked frightened before composing himself again moving his hands in a semi-circle in front of his musclebound chest.
 “Earth dome.”  Gray was caught off guard, he was sure he had heard of it before, it sounded like Juvias water lock, proved right as a dome of earth and rocks surrounded him like an igloo only with no way out.  He knew his way out of this, moulding the ice, Gray touched a part of the dome as the ice spread like a virus encompassing it.
 “Ice-make battle-axe!”  Gray roared swinging the axe in semi-circle striking the rock as the dome shattered, bits of the solid frozen lumps of earth cut into his skin as they flew off in different directions.  “Ice make sword!” A sword of ice appeared in his hand as he swung at the earth wizard trying to use the element of surprise.
“Wind wall.”  It was too late for Gray to stop his attack mid strike as his sword struck the wall of wind instead of the earth wizard.  The wind tore the nimble ice sword from his hand twisting and wrenching it upwards, Gray cried out in pain as he snatched his hand back nursing it he was going to struggle to use any more weapons with his sword arm out.
 “You bastard!”  The icemage glared at the wind user, he had to fight smarter.  Jumping back a few paces Gray sized the two wizards up.  The wind user dropped down to the floor, he was clearly underestimating Gray.  I’ve already got a hit on that earth user from the ice cannon.  “Ice-make arrows!”  Using both hands to cast the spell, Gray sent white arrows of ice towards the wind user.
 “Wind wall!”  He put a wall of wind up around himself not expecting such a direct attack as the arrows accelerated forward faster than before.
 Perfect he fell for it, Gray thought smirking again, I’ve got the upper hand now. “Ice-make geyser!” The earth user didn’t even have time to react as great spikes of solid ice came shooting up out the ground beneath him impaling him.  Another one down.  The icemage glanced over at the lightning user he was still out cold though he wasn’t surprised his injuries looked fatal from the death scythe. Just the wind user to deal with now.  “Come on!  No more blocking!  Fight me!” Gray shouted to the last wizard standing, his greens eyes flickered to Grays black ones, one more enemy Juvia, then I’m on my way to bust you out.
 “Hm.” He pondered closing in on icemage who had now taken a defensive stance.  “Why would I do that?”  His smile was wicked, “When I could have so much fun toying with you in the air.”
 “Or don’t I can still beat you.”  Gray stared coldly at him panting from the magic he had used.  “What do you want with Juvia?”  So many questions burned in his brain, why did they want her, why did they say she didn’t want to be found?  Was she hurt?  Was she happier?  No Fairy Tail was her home.
 “Me personally? Nothing.  She was a big pain in ass to fight though to get her here.”  Grays demeanour grew dark, they must’ve ambushed her she could’ve beat this guy easily on her own.  “She’s all better now and wants to stay here.  She wouldn’t want to see you.”  He spoke mockingly his lips twisting into a smile.
 Gray didn’t believe a word of it.  “I don’t believe you.  She’s a member of the guild.  She wouldn’t just turn her back on Fairy Tail!”  Grays temper was rising his muscles tensing.
 “Well if she is just a member of the guild then why are you here alone?”  He snarled at Gray whose cheeks were flushing red and he couldn’t even blame the weather. “Hmph.  How tragic you are in love her, we’ve been following you as well as her.”
   Loud banging on the door woke Juvia up with a start, brain alert, jumping out of bed flinging the door open.
 “Juvia. Get dressed we need you, there’s an intruder out front-“ Mitch was interrupted as the door was slammed in his face, a loud patter of feet on the floor of her bedroom could be heard, he guessed that meant she was getting ready, so he waited outside.  
 Juvia emerged from the room quicker than Mitch thought was possible and was already heading down the staircase before he could process what was happening, he ran after her out into the pouring rain which had taken residence over this houses location.
  “Enough!” Gray roared at the wind user. “Ice-maker freeze lancers!”  Pouring more magic into these lancers as the sky grew even blacker the only source of light was the lamps on the bridge and the lights in the mansion windows.
 “Wind wall!” A wall of wind blocked the lancers making the brown-haired wizard laugh. “Pitiful! You can’t even bypass my defences! Wind cutters.”  Blades of wind ripped into Gray who grunted in pain as one sliced his cheek trying to focus on his counter attack.
 “Ice make knuckles!”  Gray smirked as the knuckles came up from the ground behind the wall of wind striking the annoying wizard up into the air.  “Ice make cold Excalibur!”  Gray soared upwards ignoring the sharp pain in his right arm, swinging the great sword down onto the wind wizard silencing him.  
 Landing on his feet Gray slung his tote bag back on his shoulder and walked forwards off the bridge into the front gardens, gaze cast down, Juvia.  I am coming for you! As he looked forwards to the mansion, his heart skipped a beat at the person stood before him.  Juvia Lockser.  With a gaze of ice that rivalled his own.
 “Dark magic: Water whip.” Juvia spoke numbly as Gray was caught off guard by the whip crushing him into a nearby topiary bush, dislodging the tote bag off his shoulder.
 Did she say dark magic?  Gray couldn’t believe his ears as he got back up dusting himself down, casting off his shirt without thinking. A guy with green hair stood quite a way back on the steps of the mansion watching.  “Juvia.  What the hell?  It’s me!” Rain poured heavier from the sky sliding down the icemages cheeks to his chin before dropping off onto the mud as his black eyes softened studying her, it felt like forever since he’d seen her.
 “Water lock.”  Was all that escaped her lips, her voice completely void of emotion it was like she hadn’t heard him or really seen him.  Eyes unblinking, she didn’t have to use the full dark magic she possessed, just a small amount mixed with her normal magic was potent enough and besides she hadn’t done enough training to fully master It yet as much as her father liked to think she had great control of it she didn’t.
 “We’ve done this before!”  Gray shouted as he froze and shattered the water lock sending shards of ice flying trying to spark some kind of recognition in her eyes.
 Juvia looked at the half naked guy stood before her, he had shattered the water lock. He looked like the person she wasn’t allowed to think about, the source of pain, the ache in her chest.
 Juvia shook her head.  “No!”  Juvia can’t think about him!  “Dark water discs!”  Rotating disks of water flew at Gray, these discs weren’t blue like her normal magic. These ‘dark’ discs were purple what kind of water was purple.
 “Ice-make shield!”  Gray didn’t manage to stop the whole attack as two of the discs cut into to him, one slicing into his side too close to his ribs for comfort and the other his shoulder. He been too preoccupied with the colour of the magic, and the fact she was calling it ‘dark magic’ to block fully in time.  Juvia didn’t know dark magic.  Juvia, Gray thought sadly, what happened to you.
 Grays shield wore off as he held onto his ribs kneeling on the floor.  “Juvia it’s me! Gray!”  Juvia stared at him, her eyes growing slightly wider, a sharp pain stabbed at her heart, a ripple of sadness washed through her brain.  Gray-sama? The watermage sucked in a small breath.
 “Gray-sama shouldn’t have come!  Juvia doesn’t want to be saved!”  Her cries wrenched at Grays heart, the sadness and anger in them tore at him.  Fuelling his desire to save her.  The longer he looked at her the more anger he felt.  Her navy-blue eyes became dull and lifeless again like she had buried her sudden outburst deep within, she had deep purple shadows under eyes, her skin paper white, her lips pulled into a taut straight line, she was ‘The Rain Woman’ again, the one he had vowed to himself he wouldn’t let resurface again.
 “Come on Juvia, you can’t mean that!  I’ve been looking for you for a week!”  His voice strained.  “You can’t say you don’t want to come back.” He punched the rain sodden floor.  “You do remember Fairy Tail don’t you?  Natsu, Happy, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Levy, Mira, the Master, Elfman and Evergreen? Lisanna?”  He noticed Juvia ball her fists as the air went static around her, the memories of the guild pricked at her skin like the needles that had caused her so much pain.
 “Dark nebula!”  Juvia spoke calmly, pushing the pain to the back of her mind, releasing the two powerful purple twisters of dark water magic towards the mage, his eyes wide as he took the full brunt of the attack, blasting him in the chest knocking him backwards, into and through a stone statue.
 Crap, Gray thought seeing stars, she’s got ridiculously strong.  His head was still spinning as he managed to prop himself up against a chunk of the statue to speak. “You gotta remember that day on the roof of Phantom Lord.  The first time we met, we were enemies, but you; to me it felt wrong.  That’s why I saved you!  It was like I knew.  Knew what you’d become to-“ He broke off, his voice breaking.  “Do you remember when I had to show you to eat caramade franks?” Gray chuckled now looking back up at her, she was motionless.  “What about our unison raid at The Grand Magic Games?  That must’ve meant something to you!”  Gray shouted punching the wet floor again, a tear rolling down his face, “Damn it Juvia!”  His ice magic began to freeze the floor beneath him, he was letting his emotions get the better of him.
 The crackle of electricity snapped his attention up, wind was whirling around Juvia, but there wasn’t that much wind anywhere else.  She had created her own.  The static air began to crackle all around her, purple fizzles of electricity surrounded the watermage, all those memories she had seen came crashing over her, the pain she had hidden struck her like lightning, the choice she had made, to leave Gray-sama in the past, she regretted it now he was before her, but she had done it for his good. And now he was stood before her bearing his heart to her, she could feel it, but couldn’t return those feelings no matter how much it broke her, because she feared she would break him permanently. Kill him.  Her dark magic was consuming her.
 “What about your guild mark on your thigh!  That has to mean something to you!”  Gray tried to get through to her again, managing to stand prepared to shield himself, he wouldn’t hurt her.  He wanted to take her far away from here and comfort her, hold- he stopped his train of thought there swallowing hard, the rain pelting down fast, lashing at his exposed gashes intensifying the pain.
 “That mark means nothing to Juvia.”  The pain inside her subsided again, the raw energy running rampant through her veins. She raised her hand, and bits of the ground raised up with it, shattering as they came into contact with the purple static.  “You should leave.  Don’t ever come looking for Juvia again.”  A great wind rushed upwards towards the sky blowing her blue tresses around.
 The ground shook as the sky rumbled, Grays eyes went wide as the water from the moat lifted up and swirled around the vacuum Juvias power created, but not just the moat water, the rain and puddles all became part of the swirling mass.
 “Ice-rampart!  Ice cocoon!” A huge wall of solid ice shot up from the ground, another engulfing Gray, the ultimate defence.  He had to keep trying to get through, to make her see sense.
 “Juvia!” Another voice broke through.  “No more!  The power will consume you!  You don’t truly want to kill him do you?  You love him don’t you.”  The word ‘love’ was spat and scoffed at.  Gray didn’t know who was speaking but he thanked them.
 The air crackled more, the mass of water swirled faster like a typhoon.  “Boiling dark tidal wave!” An unrelenting torrent of water formed a tidal wave, a boiling tidal wave which crashed over and through Grays ultimate defences, melting them but also sending shard of it up into the sky before it rained back down like an ice storm. The scalding water burned his skin, he was used to Natsu’s fire, but this was a whole other level, it burned away at layers of skin. Gray was in too much pain to move not to mention exhausted of magic, he felt melted into the muddy ground as steam rose up, there were black spots in his vision.  He could just make out Juvia walking over to him.
 He waited for that soft cheerful voice, but all that came was a voice of emptiness. “Leave.”  She paused, “Never come looking for Juvia again.”  Her voice seemed softer, sadder but maybe he was delusional.  “Juvia is not worth saving anymore.”  The watermage walked back towards Mitch and the mansion, leaving Gray a broken emotional mess on the floor in the endless rain, tears rolling down his cheeks too numb to move.  Juvia.  She really didn’t want to be saved.
 Juvia never glanced back, she kept on walking, as a silent tear descended down her face to.
 A/N: Sorry if that broke your hearts guys! >.< hehehe.  Take a deep breath and hold on for the next exciting chapter.  
Please make sure to Read & Review they all help as inspiration!
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pandoraships · 4 years
Hello! I just read your Shards of Power ff on ao3, and I looooove it, but I gotta say, as someone who doesn't play WOD, it was rather confusing on understanding the system. I was wondering if you have any form of trivia or facts about the universe to understand it better? Thank you
Oh Geeze someone actually read it?! and you like it!? 
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First off thank you! Secondly I am so sorry about the confusion! It’s hard to balance story telling with out having Bakugo recount an entire source book to get the information out.
So the world of Darkness is rather thick Lore wise, and, as with all good rpg systems it allows for “different” versions of lore for each type of game. So It can be massively confusing. For this story though we can focus on the “Mage Lore”.
Mages are, as a group, as varied and multifaceted as any human population. They don’t themselves know exactly why they got the power they have, but there are few things they all agree on: 
1. The world is broken into three parts:
The Supernal realms :  This is the world of Truth, and was at one point part of our own world. It is a realm where everything is as it should be. The trees are perfect trees, the mind is not separated form the form, sickness is only there to make you stronger etc. Think Heaven/Nirvana/the summer lands. This world is separated into smaller lands, about 365 of them, and each is ruled by a different truth. 
The Fallen world / The Lie / The Mundane world : This is our world, the one you and I live in every day, but with a twist. Behind the scenes monsters lurk. They have always been with us, and humans stay blissfully unaware. The mages call it the lie, a sort of dream forced on every human through the use of a “sleeping” curse buried in their souls. Soul focused mages call it a “Shard of the lie” because it’s a part of the soul that anchors the lie to a person. It makes them forget, rationalize and dismiss any idea of anything but what the lie wants them to believe. 
Mages are humans whose souls have, at a crucial moments rejected the lie, and rid themselves of the lie to have their eyes opened to their true potential.
The Abyss: If the two worlds were part of one whole the Abyss was never supposed to exist. It is both a force of nature and a sentient angry resentful representation of every reality that never came to be. Because of this it seeks only one thing: To destroy both worlds and place itself in it’s place. It is the antithesis of truth and the lie. It is simply oblivion. 
It was summoned into being when the Worlds split apart, like an infinite ocean between the two. 
2.   Magic comes from the Supernal realm, crosses the abyss and powers spells. 
All magic is from the Supernal realm end of story. When the world split magic left, and it was only through some miracle that a few people managed to shake off the fall out and adapt to pull the power down to them. So far 10 of the realms have been accessed by Mages, through 5 paths that bridge the Abyss. Those realms are 
The Aether: Realm of the Obrimos. 
Most often called “Heaven” by those who misunderstand the path, The Aether is a place of Order and Power. It gifts those who walk their paths to it access to Prime, the coding of magic and the truth of the world above, and Forces, the powers of the forces of the universe, such as gravity, heat, kinetic force, speed.  
It’s Watchtower, the guiding anchor point of a path, calls to those willing to see beyond their own needs to the needs of others, and as such it has gotten a reputation for attracting religious types, but really anyone who believes in something larger than themselves will awaken to the Truth of this realm. 
Izuku awakened here because he so desperately believed that someone had to make things right that it allowed him to reach out to it. 
Arcadia: Realm of the Acanthus.
 Arcadia is a place of Time and Fate, where everything is bound by oaths and the cycles of time. Closely associated with the Fae this is the world that King Uther Pendragon went to visit to get Excalibur. To those willing to bargain with it for power it gifts control over Time, allowing them to swim against the tides, and Fate, the ability to create, destroy or enforce the threads that guide every person through their life. 
It’s Watchtower calls to those who trust to fate, or struggle to fight against it. It has a reputation for calling to fools, people unwilling to take control of themselves and their fate. Yet more than most Acanthus are the hardest to fool, as they can see the past present a future. 
Bakugo awoke to this path in a moment of need, but he won’t speak to anyone about it. 
The Primal Wilds : Realm of the Thyrsus. 
The Primal Wilds is a place of ever expanding Life and the Spirit of the world. It is the world untouched by humans, where boars the size of mountains roam through trees the size of skyscrapers. Those who can survive it’s trials wrest from it control over Life and Spirit.  They can control, create, destroy, change and bind both. 
it’s watch tower summons those willing to forgo the mores of society, or those willing to do what it takes to survive. It has a reputation for calling people who are brutish or violent. It also tends to call those unwilling to follow the norms of society. That being said you can find those who passed their challanges anywhere, from the Woods to a dance floor and even a boardroom in a fortune 500 compant.
Kirishima awoke to this, along with another mage, during a struggle that made him question what society wanted him to do. 
The Underworld / Stygia : Realm of the Moros. 
This, out of all the Realms, is the closest you come to a true heaven. It’s a realm of vast material wealth and rest for the shades that wander it. Damaged during the split of the worlds it is also the closest to the Abyss. It is here that all souls eventually travel to, but for those who seek to return from death and succeed it grants it’s boon. For those it chose they stand with one foot in the grave, able to speak to Ghosts, revive the dead in a way, and grant ultimate death of oblivion to their enemies. At the same time it gives all that a living mortal would need to keep themselves alive, allowing them control over the Matter of the world. Stone to bread, lead to gold, glass to jewels, all simple tasks of rearranging the basics of the world. 
It’s watch tower calls to those who realize in their last moments what it means to be alive. It grants them a second chance, a reprieve from their rest, to will themselves back.  It has a reputation for making boring mages, those that would rather tinker with the worlds systems than make big changes. The thing is Moros know well that nothing is permanent, even the massive changes, so you want to make the process better.  
An unknown mage awoke to this path because he refused to leave someone alone to fight on his own. 
Pandemonium: The realm of the Mastigos 
If the Aether is “Heaven” than Pandemonium is “Hell, but only by the ill informed. Yes it is a realm of the human mind, where all our demons and ills lurk, but it is also a realm of ever shifting perspectives and intimacy untold. It is the realm where you know yourself truly, and either you accept it or you die. For those who drag themselves through the gauntlet that this path is it gives them all the tools needed to enforce their Will on the world. They come back able to command their lesser Minds with a simple word, and makes them like it. No thought, No action, is safe from them. They can be anywhere at any time, Space is nothing to them, no walls can keep them out. 
An unknown mage awoke to this when he decided enough was enough and sent a family members mind into the void. 
There are, according to legend, more but only these have been confirmed. 
3. Sleepers cannot know, or at least until the shed their lie. 
While opinions on Sleepers vary massively from mage to mage, it is a fact that Sleepers knowing is Bad News ™. The lie that infects them eats away at magic, and can, if the magic is flashy enough, cause the Abyss to notice the casting of a spell and mess with it.  There are stories of a Mage casting a spell in front of sleepers once and turning himself inside out. Little things cause less risk, but it’s always there.  Some sleepers can shed that lie slowly, but it can cause them to go mad if you force it. 
These are pretty much the only thing every mage agrees on. Everything else depends on what you choose to believe and the society you belong to. 
Mage Society : Origins
Almost every Mage is told this when they first awaken, but no one ever can agree on the specifics, or even if it’s a real thing. The only reason it’s told is because it explains the Social order now. 
Once long ago there was a shining city, built by dragons who called to the Dreamers, people from all across the world, from every tribe and continent. They came and found that the Dragons had left, only their bones lay sleeping in the caves below the city. 
The Dreamers found they were gifted with power by these bones, given strenght for having traveled to claim it. They made their homes there, and began to strengthen themselves.  They elected Mage kings, and for many centuries sought to seek enlightenment. 
But as with all power there are those who want it faster than it comes, and soon there was a split in the city, between those loyal to the dragon dream, and those who wanted to go straight to the source.  They wrested power from those loyal and set to building a great ladder to the source of truth. 
A great war broke out between them, and the Dreamers were winning. In desperation those who built the Ladder, Now known as the Exarchs, fled up the ladders, with the leaders of the Dreamers, known as the Oracles, in hot pursuit. They fought in the true world and   in the fight the Ladder fell, ripping the world apart below them, and summoning the abyss. 
In the ages that followed even the great mages were susceptible to the lie, and forgot their gifts. Yet the Oracles were not lost. They went and built watch towers in each of their realms, and called to the brethren to reclaim the dream.  
The Exarchs though fought to keep the lie in place, so they would not need to share their power. To this day they struggle, across the panes of Truth and in the Fallen world. 
Mage Society : A primer.
Again, Mages are as Diverse as they are numerous. Mages exist in every country, demographics group, and political movement you can think of. That being said there are 3 main groups that exist consistently across the spectrum. 
The Diamond Orders/ The Pentacle : 
Known as the “Inheritors of Atlantis” these are the people who want to reunite magic with the world. This is who our main cast belong to. Depending on a couple of factors they separate themselves into 4 or 5 main groups.  Those are: 
The Diamond Orders: 
Considered the Original orders, these four Orders fashion themselves off the Orders of the Dragons from the Supposed original mage city of Atlantis. When this city fell during the splitting of the worlds they reformed and attempted to hold the worlds together. 
The Adamantine Arrow: 
Also known as :  Talons of the Dragon. 
These are warrior mages, who believe that conflict is natural and place themselves in between the threats of the Lie and their comrades. They delicate themselves to keeping all in their range safe as the war rages. They reject high offices to instead serve. The pledge Oaths and are honor bound to keep them, and often will die in pursuit of them. 
The Silver Ladder : 
Also known as : The Voice of the Dragon 
The Ladder are the diplomats and law keepers of the Diamond orders. They form themselves into a sort of Meritocratic cooperation, where you work your way up into power.  They task themselves with keeping track of the Awakened and providing for what they need. They handle disputes and law breaking with in the Concillium, (a group of mages in any give area ) and advise the head of the government. They also work as go between for neighboring groups to make sure that if needed they can help against threats.  They hope one day if they can make everyone cooperate they might be able to charge the abyss and reclaim what they lost. 
The Guardians of the Veil : 
Also known as : The Eye of the Dragon 
The Gaurdians are the cover up agency, think men in black but for magic. They believe that unchecked magic is Dangerous ™  and who has access to it should be controlled carefully, until the world is back together that is. They fight against things that the Arrows can’t, like dangerous items, creatures from the abyss, and spies in the various orders ranks. They believe that if they get their hands dirty they will spare others from doing it. 
The Mysterium: 
Also known as : The Wings of the Dragon 
These are the closest to “Traditional” Mages your going to get. They thirst for Knowledge and attempt to find and catalog every magical thing they can find. Think Indiana Jones meets your local Librarian. They experiment and push the limits of magic, and hope that one day they can find the missing link to tie the world together. 
The Free Councils: 
Also known as : The Fire of the Dragon. 
While not technically incorporated into the Diamond there is a Fifth “Order” called the Free council. Having been brought in very late (like during the Enlightenment era) These are still considered outsiders in their Conciliation, and tend to try to distance themselves from the more traditional orders. Still when push comes to shove the Councils are counted as invaluable to the Traditional orders.  
They tend to be made up of who ever agrees on 3 key principals: 
1) Hierarchy enforces the Lie 
2) Every human is Magical already, it’s just about waking them up. 
3) Seers are evil and must be overthrown. 
The Councils are loosely connected world wide, and each adopts their own style of governance. Most likely this takes the form of a town hall meeting is a with elected officials being offered as “representatives” to the various Diamond orders so they can vote in the Larger Concillium. Sometimes if they are particularly in disagreement with the Diamond they task these representatives with driving the other orders insane. They also have developed and maintained as sort of “Free council” web which they use to keep in contact. 
When referring to the Orders they often use the term “Pentacle” to include themselves. 
The Nameless: 
Neutral Mages, people who don’t believe the world is broken, or who just wants to do their own thing. These are also those who aren’t fully awakened, called hedge mages. They are considered as people who come from mages who never involved themselves in the war. 
The Seers : 
If the Pentacle inherited Atlantis these are the servants of the people who built the ladder. Gifted power in a way different the the Pentacle they worship the Exarchs as gods. They want to enforce the status Quo for various reasons, both personal and greed based. They do not see those who are outside of their group as worthy of the blessings and have no qualms with using them to their ends. They are specifically very adverse to the Free Council and often fight them openly in the streets. 
Pentacle mages : Day to Day life. 
Mages in the Five Pentacle orders tend to group themselves into 3 main social groups. 
The Order: 
The Largest is that of their order, where they move up the ranks in the Specific group. This gains them access to secrets they would not normally have, and allows them to amass status they can use in other Concillium.  This works because most mages in an order agree on a basic understanding of the best way to enlightenment. 
Each order has their own structure, but it works a lot like a secret club, with ranks that decide on policy for the order. 
E.g. Suneater is Riot’s First Talon, he is the leader of his group of Arrows and makes plans for the group as a whole. 
The Path : 
Like an extended family the path is a group of people who all share the same basic powers. While you can gain some titles in a path it’s usually something akin to a chosen rep to the Pentacle as a whole than anything like true power. Here the Mages find those who can teach them how to use their power mechanically.  The two titles assigned  to paths are “councilor” who works as a Council member and represents the Path of the city, and Provost, who works as a Secretary to both the Council as a whole, but primarily to their singular councilor. 
E.g. Present Mic is the Provost to the Obrimos Councilor of the city Eraser-head. Their task together is to track the Obrimos of the city and keep them from trouble.  Present mic Techincally also has a section of smaller groups of mages in a specific area of the city that he is expected to represent to the council as a whole, like a provincial governor to the Larger government. 
The Cabal: 
The smallest group of Mages, these are chosen pact bound relationships that in theory are completely chosen by the mages in question. They tend to have 3-5 members, with the idea being 5 members, 1 from each path.  That doesn’t mean that single path cabals don’t exist, they just aren’t considered ideal. 
Cabals are supposed to be formed around an idea or goal all members have, though most do it for resources or companion ship. 
When formed a cabal pledge an oath towards each other to bind them together. It’s very much like a mutual adoption thing, or a forming of a pack. 
They have roles, like people who go out and get everyone fed, or the scribe of the group, or the tender of the magical items, but most modern day Cabals only assign them to give a sense of whose in charge in that area. They expect everyone in the cabal to pitch in if they can. 
This is seen as a family unit. That means nothing, not the Order or path, can ask you in good faith to betray them . Arrows will not be charged to attack their own, Guardians never are asked to report on them, etc. 
This also means that taking a lover in this group is at some very basic level, considered weird. It can, with some more traditional types, cause you to be looked down on, but It’s not something most younger mages bat an eyelash at. 
Facts and figures: 
1 in 100,000 people successfully awaken  to a watch tower or through the Exarchs
Of the three groups the lowest number of people are in the Pentacle, followed by the nameless, and then the Seers are the most. 
There are further subgroups with in the nameless, such as people who worship the Abyss, those who came back “wrong” and others who want to purge the world of all magic. 
If you have any clarifications I have missed @freezesunshinebreeze or even further questions please feel free to ask! 
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dbarajas03-blog · 5 years
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This underrated Marvel villain from the X-Men verse is probably one of the most demonic looking things to ever look upon. He is not only scary in appearance but as well as in character. Like any other villain, he creates devious plans to create mutant experiments in the hopes of having mutant slaves to work for him. In this post, we will look at this cunning creature.
Powers and Abilities
He has a tongue of indeterminate length that is able to pierce almost anything, including stone, steel and even beings in gaseous or liquid form. He is also able to control his own mass. If he loses mass, the lost mass is shunted off to some unknown location, presumably an extra-dimensional space and he shrinks in size. It's unknown how long it takes him to regain his normal size. His altered metabolism allows him to heal from injuries with ease, especially those that would otherwise kill him. For instance, he survived being crushed by Colossus's boot. He also regenerated from being beaten to death by Karima Shapandar with a metal pipe, being stabbed with multiple pieces of metal, and left for dead, and being beaten up by Callisto. Sugar Man is a genius regarding anything to do with genetics. He even produced the mutate bonding process. 
Sugar Man ran the human work camps in the Pacific Northwest; specifically the Core; which housed thousands of humans. He was a capable geneticist having a lab located at Niagara Falls and regularly tormented his slaves. Magneto required a mutant with chrono-variant powers in order to travel back in time and restore reality to its proper order before the death of Professor X, whose existence was revealed by the displaced mutant Bishop. Apocalypse had ruthlessly killed all mutants with that power so that no one could undermine his regime, but Know-It-All found one mutant with latent chrono-variant abilities; Illyana Rasputina, the sister of Generation Next leader, Colossus. Illyana, a latent mutant who was one of the many slaves at the Sugar Man's Portland Core. Magneto sent Colossus and Generation Next to recover Illyana. With the various members infiltrating the Core, things went from bad to worse when Sugar Man returned to the facility. From the moment that Husk and Vincente had killed and replaced security chief Quietus, they instantly drew Sugar Man's suspicion when he learned from the Shadow King that someone had hacked into Apocalypse's databases. When "Quietus" came across their teammates’ Chamber and Skin, Sugar Man ordered them to be eliminated. Realizing that something didn't add up, Sugar Man impaled "Quietus" with his tongue, revealing Husk and Vincente's deception. He ordered his troops to slay them before seemingly being destroyed by a blast from Chamber. Sugar Man survived; however, and came across Mondo, who had just found Illyana. Mondo was killed by Sugar Man, and as he recovered Illyana before he could do anything else he was seemingly crushed by Colossus. Sugar Man survived this brush with death yet again, and in a much smaller form hid out in Colossus' boot. Sugar Man hitched a ride all the way to Apocalypse's citadel where the X-Men were battling to save their leader Magneto, and send Bishop into the past to save Charles Xavier. During the fight, Sugar Man left Colossus' boot and entered the M'Kraan Crystal. Suger-Man was transported to Earth-616, twenty years in the past. The events above in Earth-295 and we now look at the events in Earth 616. 
Sugar Man mostly operated in secret, relocating to Genosha where he provided Genegineer with the Infinite technology and ability to create the mutant slave population that the Magistrates of Genosha would rule over. In modern times, when the mutant team Excalibur was investigating the first Mutate slave of Genosha, they almost learned the secret of the Sugar Man, however, Sugar Man activated a device that killed the Mutate before his involvement in Genosha's history could be revealed. When Excalibur continued to search for the secret history of Genosha, Sugar Man prevented them from finding out by destroying a master computer that held the truth. Detecting that X-Man, another refugee from Earth-295 was active in this reality Sugar Man would send his agent Rex to eliminate him in order to maintain his anonymity. However, Sugar Man's first attempt to assassinate Nate was interrupted by Selene, much to his frustration. Sugar Man next sought to capture this reality's Alex Summers, using Scarlet McKenzie as his operative; however, she too failed to do so, and he gave up on this endeavor. When Nate Gray's Earth-616 counterpart Cable arrived in Genosha, getting involved in the conflict, Sugar Man incorrectly believed him to be X-Man and decided to finally reveal himself to the world after twenty years of secrecy. However, tracking Cable down, Sugar Man realized he had made a mistake and began to believe that someone was going to take away his secret rule of Genosha when Cable discovered his lab. Sugar Man activated the self-destruct mechanism in his lab, and as the others were busy with trying to deactivate the bomb, Sugar Man captured Phillip Moreau for his own purposes; however, his plans for Phillip remained a mystery, as the database was destroyed. Having a near brush with this reality's Mr. Sinister in Genosha, Sugar Man worked together with the Dark Beast, yet another refugee from Earth-295, in continuing to keep their existence secret, as Sinister learning of their presence in this reality using his techniques would work against their own interests. They targeted Bishop, who retained memories from his counterpart who helped bring about the downfall of their reality. Using the Dark Beast's operative Fatale in an attempt to slay Bishop failed and the two refugees parted company. Returning to Genosha, Sugar Man attempted to return to Earth-295, utilizing a hyperdimensional device that would allow him to travel back to Earth-295's past. He succeeded and began resuming his experimentation on a super-virus that he hoped to use to bring back to Earth-616 to wipe out humanity. Unfortunately, Nate Grey followed him into the past and with the help of Magneto and Forge thwarted Sugar Man's plot and sent him back to present day Earth-616.[1] Back in that reality, Sugar Man and the other refugees from Earth-295 were targeted by the Shi'ar Empire who saw the fact that Holocaust having a shard of the M'Kraan Crystal embedded in him as sacrilege. Sugar Man disappeared for a time, resurfacing in Genosha again following its decimation at the hands of Cassandra Nova, clashing with those who were snooping around his old labs and archives. In a battle against Karima Shapandar, Shapandar seemingly beat Sugar Man to death with a pipe. 
Sugar Man survived again and he was one of the mutants who retained his mutant powers following M-Day. When the Beast sought the aid of those who had skills in genetics to help saved the endangered mutant race, he asked the Sugar Man for aid. Sugar Man declined to help, telling the Beast that he couldn't afford the cost of his services (Douche move!).
Sugar Man next resurfaced back in Earth-295 under the service of the new Apocalypse, Weapon Omega. Under Weapon Omega's guidance, Sugar Man and Dark Beast used the energies of a Celestial Life Seed to resurrect deceased Alpha mutants who were then brainwashed and put into Weapon Omega's service. Their operation was interrupted by the human resistance, who sabotaged several of the resurrections, destroyed the lab, and kidnapped Sugar Man. The Human Resistance handed Sugar Man over to Penance in exchange for her co-operation. Penance planned to reform Sugar Man and utilize his science in her reformation of society.
As the final Incursion grew near, Magneto sought out the Sugar Man for his expertise in mutant genetics in hopes of discovering a way to amplify his powers beyond the effects of Mutant Growth Hormone. After Sugar Man handed over his data on mobile power amplifiers, Magneto impaled him with multiple pieces of metal, and left him for dead, telling Briar that he was a blight on mutantkind.
Having somehow survived his encounter with Magneto, Sugar Man genetically engineered six hundred mutant embryos in the wake of the M-Pox to send them years into the future, where it would be safe as the Terrigen Mist(causer of the M-Pox) would have dissipated. They would eventually grow into the next generation of mutants and Sugar Man would become their master. However, the X-Men discovered his plans and thwarted them.
When Bishop's time anomaly detector went off, it directed him to Dark Beast's safehouse in Hunts Point; however, both Dark Beast and an intruder had already escaped. Bishop followed the trail, and it leads him to the Sugar Man's safehouse in Long Island City, where the intruder shot Bishop in the back, which rendered him unconscious. When Bishop awoke, he discovered Sugar Man's remains.
Even from his beginnings, it was clear this monster was something of pure satanic-like creation. Reason for bringing up several times how he looks like something you see when you have sleep paralysis, he is overall something strange to find in the Marvel Franchise. Yes, we have villains like Dormammu and Shuma-Gorath but, when you see the evil intent of a volatile creature, you can't help being frightened a bit. So Thank You, Bishop.
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ghozt1ng-blog · 7 years
Chapter Ten - Dark Portals
Brandon was a potato acrobat. Whoever was controlling him this time had him expertly dodging, leaping, and sprinting all over the place. He now had the orc’s giant ax in his small arms and was crushing foes left and right with it, and he was complaining the entire time.
“My body is my own! It’s not to be used as a play thing!”
Naomi really didn’t pay him any more heed. The dead had dropped to her amazements another bomb. She took it and laid in wait for the stone statues to come for her. When the first Anubis statue approached, she threw the bomb just right as his left leg, blowing it away , and causing him to fall into the other stone monster. They both crumbled and dropped a ton of loot. With the orc’s bag, she could now miraculously hold a lot more items. She loaded up on gems, magical items, and some extra daggers. Sadly, she had used up her only bomb. Thankfully, she had found an invigorating potion, and she was back to full energy.
The real problem was now figuring out how to get out of this game. A storm was was forming over Hyrule Castle, and the normally smoky and fiery air was being sucked up into a monstrous funnel cloud.
“Brandon, we either need to get away from here, or brave the palace,” Naomi shouted to him. She doubted it would do much, since he was being controlled, but she could only hope. She could hope that he might die in the game. Then it wouldn’t be her fault right?
To the west, the Tabantha Frontier erupted in stone and darkness. Some of the blackness dropped like goo near them, and people of the Twilight Realm formed from the dark substance.
Oh crap, what is going on now!?
“I think I have to go to the castle,” Nate said. “The girl just suggested it in the text.”
“Sweet stuff,” Vince replied. “And now that you have some materials around you, maybe there is something good for Brandon to use.”
“Hold on a sec.” Nate brought up the menu option and then started exploring. “Hold the proverbial phone! There’s a multiplayer option!”
“No way! Would I get Loink then?”
“Who knows,” Nate shrugged. “We gotta check this out!”
“Multiplayer Breath of the Wild with super hacks!? who wouldn’t play this,” Vince gushed.
Nate kept the game paused, which kept Naomi, Brandon, and all the enemies frozen in place. Vince started looking around for extra controllers.
“Why didn’t I think of that,” Kyle said, smacking his face. “I could have paused the previous game and we might have found a way to get them out.”
“I didn’t think this game would let you do that,” Tiffany said.
“There must be a way setting this up like Smash,” Vince muttered.
“I don’t think it would have worked that easily,” Agent Miles said, trying to sooth Kyle. “I think this indeed game that requires that they play through it to get out.”
“Oh man! I think that this game had brought back Twilight Princess! Dude! Dude! The ships might just sail here,” Nate squealed with delight.
Vince soon got a new pair of controllers running, and the screen split.
“Well, that kinda detracts from the beauty of the game,” Nate admitted.
“But still, this has gotta be the coolest thing ever! We’re going to dominate now,” Vince cheered. He looked at the menu for Naomi and then said, “Woah there! Check this out! I got the girl, and she a sword called Excalibur, and it can be enhanced. Just gotta use some of these items…”
“Dude, that is legit! You gotta kill some stuff and see how it does,” Nate said excitedly.
“And the flavor text says that this sword cannot be broken. So cool!”
And with that, the two boys got to work.
Naomi felt like life had suddenly paused, but she couldn’t explain why. Suddenly, Excalibur burst into radiant light and she started being controlled! She had to agree with Brandon that it wasn’t fun having someone else determine her actions, but she made certain not to complain like him. She was directed towards a group of Blue Lizalfos charging them. The Twili huddled together and begged for protection. Naomi cleaved her way through the lizards like a hot knife through butter. They exploded on contact with Excalibur.
“Alright! Now this is the kind of sword I wanted,” she exclaimed happily.
There was a clunking sound, and a sentinel came lopping into view. Before she knew it, Naomi was racing towards it with Brandon flanking her. He now had a cool halberd instead of the ax. He looked ready to cry, the goober. The sentinel locked in on them, but Naomi deflected the laser blast with her sword. Its light then started winking out. Whatever boost it had gotten, was probably wearing off after that attack.
She jumped and and swung Excalibur through the leg of the sentinel, slicing it clean off. The machine toppled and Brandon thrust his halberd into its eye. The health bar over the machine already showed that they had done significant damage to it. Her limbs being moved by somebody else, Naomi hacked away at the sentinel, even after Excalibur’s boost ended. The machine soon rumbled and blew up in a cloud of smoke and rubble. She and Brandon were then directed to pick up the dropped items.
Naomi looked up at the gathering storm and saw a massive dragon descending from it. It did not look like any dragon she had seen in a Zelda game. It was gray with red armor all over its body and two axes in its claws. Bright blue eyes gleamed from under its helm and it started bombarding the land with fire bombs.
I really don’t want to fight that thing, Naomi thought.
She was then whisked off in the direction of the castle.
“This is going to be a crazy boss fight when we get there,” Nate said.
“But are we ready?”
“We need to see what we are up against and get some resources. Vince, quickly see if you recognize that dragon, or if the internet does,” Nate instructed to his friend.
“Hold it,” Trick screeched, sliding into the room. “I know how to get them out of there! Look, we need to find this portal!”
He shoved the paper from the mailbox into Kyle’s hands, but Kyle directed him to the college students playing on the Switch. “They are in control of Naomi and Brandon right now.”
Trick didn’t bother wasting time asking who they were or where they came from. “Look, in order to win, we need to get Brandon and Naomi to this portal. It says that it is revealed when the Twilight Realm is revealed.”
“Hold on, let me compare maps,” Vince quickly said.
Nate paused the game again to give his friend time. They soon put their heads together to look at the different maps and talked about where the Twilight Realm should be in relation to the new game.
“The Tabantha Frontier makes the most sense,” Nate finally said. The maps say it is so, and that is where we saw the Twili fall from, I think. We need to go there.”
“Better than fighting that boss dragon now,” Vince agreed.
For the next hour, Trick, the agents, and the Jackson family watched and cheered with anxiety as the two strange savior led their loved ones through the bizarre alteration of the game. They led a crowd of Twili and confused citizens through a sea of enemies and towards the fuming wastes to the west.
Naomi had no clue where they were going, but she was certain now that they would make it. Whoever was playing was really good, and was guiding them along well. They had been fighting their way to the dark western horizon. The dragon had pelted them with fire and the storm was growing stronger, but thankfully the further they got from the castle, the storm lessened and the dragon stopped attacking.
During their flight, Naomi noticed that her stamina bar acted more like it should in the game, and she grew weaker less quickly. The same held true even for Brandon. She figured it was a positive side effect of the game now being played, rather than survived by them. The players also regularly boosted and healed her and the potato kid.
As they crested a broken mountain, she saw a land riddled with portals before her. They were all made of either stone arches, or giant behemoths of metal and machinery. She couldn’t fathom why she was brought here, unless….
They must have found a way home!
She shed a small tear at the thought of finally getting free! She and Brandon were led to explore the many portals. She saw curious writing on them, but couldn’t decipher it. Abruptly, she and Brandon were thrown through one portal. Everything started spinning, and she felt sick to her stomach. Then it all slowed, and she was alone in a void.
Feeling lost and abandoned, Naomi looked around. She saw not too far off two figures, talking together. One was clearly Midna, restored to her full glory, and the other was the Tscheapwhetzar! And she could hear them talking.
“I can assure you that you will see Link again, and when you do, you will finally have the chance you never thought you would,” the cloaked and hooded man said in a low voice.
“And if I do,” Midna said slowly, almost anxiously.
“You will be able to do whatever you want, but I will ask the Twili and the people of Hyrule to serve me in the coming war when I have their need,” the Tscheapwhetzar answered. “It is the Contract: your freedom, a chance to be with him again, in exchange for your friendship.”
Midna considered and then asked, “How will this disrupt our worlds? The timelines? You being here, my actions… They could have devastating effects.”
“I will ensure that there are no negative repercussions on your side,” the man assured her. “I stand between your decision and the judgement of the Guardians and all other powers. Seal this Contract, and I will never forsake you. I remember my friends and will always be there for them.”
The way he said that, with so much emotion and force being choked back, even Naomi felt like she could trust the Tscheapwhetzar. But she still wanted to warn Midna. There was something off about this, but as she tried to call out, she found she couldn’t.
“Then you will have my friendship,” Midna declared.
“Excellent,” the Tscheapwhetzar said in a soft hiss like a snake.
He handed the princess a shard of a black mirror, wreathed in red lightning...
Naomi was then pulled forcibly back to Earth and landed with a thud on the Jackson’s living room floor. The next thing she saw was Trick coming to her and helping her up. She was finally back! She took Trick’s face in her hands, and then headbutted him.
0 notes
albentelisa · 8 months
Hi. Here's an interesting ask. What if Blinky had been the one to use the time stone?
Hi! I feel that Blinky is the one who can pull the time travel better than Jim. First, because he would never try to change the Trollhunter (for Blinky Jim is THE champion, even if he likes other kids). Second, Blinky can have additional knowledge without looking suspicious to anyone (like, he's the keeper of troll lore, so everyone would rather assume that he read about it somewhere). And Blinky has a better memory than Jim which already can be a huge advantage in keeping track of all the events.
I feel that Blinky would avoid intervening when he knows that Jim will succeed, but he still will try to change some stuff. Obviously, he will start bonding with Jim earlier (and show more consideration for his regular life this time). I also believe that Blinky won't be captured before the Battle of Two Bridges this time, planning the proper ambush this time.
There will be some adjustments while dealing with Angor Rot (like Blinky can mention that Angor knows some magic tricks, so Jim can avoid being cursed). I feel that Aaarrrgghh might still get poisoned, but it's less of a problem as Blinky knows the antidote formula (I bet he has it memorized just in case).
Blinky would definitely try to warn Vendel about Usurna but it's where he might fail. After all, he has a horrible reputation because of his love for conspiracies, and suspecting Usurna, who is a respected member of troll society, sounds a lot like another conspiracy theory. Vendel is already sick and tired of those. Still, I feel that Blinky would save him in any case.
Blinky will also be against contacting Merlin this time, much to everyone's surprise. The team will still wake up Merlin, but Blinky will refuse to cooperate and rather watch over the wizard. Merlin, however, would find a way to manipulate Jim to take his potion in any case.
I imagine Blinky would cover Jim during the Green Knight's attack and get hit with the obsidian shard instead. And Merlin wouldn't even bother with saving Blinky because to his mind he has even less value than Jim - which would lead to a huge conflict with Jim who would never let his father figure suffer.
I feel Jim will be able to save Blinky from corruption with Claire's help and most likely, Aaarrrgghh will be there too. I think it would be a nice parallelism between the past where Blinky taught Aaarrrgghh to be a pacifist, and the present where Aaarrrgghh reaches out to remind Blinky of his old ways.
And obviously, during ROTT a lot of damage will be avoided, both because Blinky might help to plan things differently and because Jim has less trouble getting Excalibur (as he never went through corruption and joining the Arcane Order).
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courtorderedcake · 4 years
Hallow : ch xx - CSSNS 2019
“The Goblin King was prepared to host the Darkness, stealing Fae women away to their corrupted lands underneath the ground as concubines. The Darkness chose another in his stead, but not before this selected vessel enacted a devastating attack in its vengeance, revealing its hatred & rage. The battle was a lesson the old kings had forgotten; never underestimate an opponent.
Many more lives were lost as they razed over any who dared defy The Goblin King’s will. Only the pure love of our rulers united in matrimony, breaking the Vorpal Dagger, sealed the darkness and the Goblin menace away. The light flourished under their fair rule, and the queen bore a child as pure as moon beams, swan feathers, and starlight. They lived happily ever after, and shall be written in history as Heroes for All Time.”
This is the history Princess Emma memorizes from the day she is born, paraded about and presented only with the highest protection. The palace is a cage she wishes to escape, desperately. Not careful what wishes she made, Emma discovers history is written by the victors - The Dark One has an entirely different version of the events that took place.
Read on AO3 here.
Rated E for explicit themes, Mature situations, and Fae fuckery.
Written for @cssns​
Ch xx / ?? - In which truths are finally revealed. 
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Twisting the strange heaviness that was Arthur's engagement ring around her finger, Emma walked slowly down the corridors with a line of attendants behind her. The walk was stop and go, breathing as troubled as her mind as she tried to contemplate Killian's transgressions. 
How long had he been plotting if he managed to do this to her? The illness was something worthy of her hatred, but she could not bring herself to feel any anger when she remembered the way he had looked at her. His eyes had been so clear, the plea in them bright, sun catching ocean waves through fog. He had begged her to listen, and why would he stay if he had the dagger shard in hand? Surely he wouldn't take her life after everything they had gone through together. His revenge on her parents and her had fallen away… hadn't it? 
The tea she had earlier on Arthur's insistence twisted in her stomach painfully, her breath catching. Her lungs constricted, burning with effort, heart deafening in her ears until she was spinning, twirling round. 
"Mmm. Well," Killian smirked, pulling her close, bodies pressed together far more intimately than was required of a proper waltz. "Not that I don't love to hear the sad stories of the poor princess -" 
"Oh, come on -" Emma hissed, rolling her eyes and trying to pull away. 
" - but I would never deny you a chance to actually be kept on your toes." He dipped her low, humming something she could not discern, something older and much more jaunty. Spinning her with expertise across the small space, Emma fell into his lead if you could call it that. He didn't follow one style of step, and any stiffness was met with a complicated step she had to focus on, until she was laughing at the ridiculous over exaggerated styles he forced her to partner with. 
Both Killian and her were out of breath when he threw her into a wild spin, bringing her in close to intertwine her fingers with his. Emma breathlessly giggled, closing her eyes to clear the dizziness away, her eyes shooting open in surprise when she leaned forward and their foreheads met.  
Emma woke, sitting up and finding herself alone in a part of the castle she didn't recognize, standing with shaky confusion. 
"Hello?" she called out, almost slipping on a strange blue sparkling residue that surrounded the area where she had woken. "What in the -" 
"Princess, I'm sorry, I had no choice," Ali rounded a corner checking behind himself as her brows furrowed. "You need to hide; they're coming, Hades convinced them not to wait, and I can't control it very well - the call, the pull is too strong."
Ali doubled over, hissing lowly, and Emma stepped toward him with hesitation. "Ali? What is wrong? Are you alright?" 
"Emma, Arthur's not who you think he is." Ali pulled her aside, checking the space for any signs of life. He lowered his voice further. "Ask him about his heartache, and strife. He - Emma, no matter what he tries to charm you with, do not listen."
"But he's -" 
"I can't right now. They're coming, I have to -" He groaned, glowing a faint blue. 
"Ali, what is going on?" Emma reached for him, his sharp turn causing her to fall back. His eyes glowed a bright burning blue. "What are you!?" 
"I don't have time for this!" Ali yelled before disappearing in a puff of blue smoke.
Emma stood up carefully, confused as she looked around. Entering the garden, hands grabbed her from behind, sweeping her off her feet. 
"Put me down!" 
"Princess, what happened? Are you alright?" Arthur said, as she flailed in his grasp. "It's okay. I'm sorry for startling you, I -" 
"I don't know what is happening, I don't know what is going on!" Emma pulled free, standing shakily. "He turned blue, and he said, he said -" 
Holding her arm to steady her, Arthur tried soothing her, cooing softly. "Emma, you're not making sense, what are you talking about? Who said -" 
"You - He said you have heartache and strife?" Arthur stiffened, gripping her arm tightly. She winced, whimpering slightly until it turned into a cough. He let her go and she fell back, leaning against the wall. "What does that mean, Arthur? I know you were married, I know your wife is gone, but…" 
"It's nothing, darling. Really." He smiled, but even if she was without the gift of the Sphinx to know truths, Emma could feel the lie in his voice. "Come and lay down in your quarters. I've made you some more tea, and I'll help you get comfortable -" 
"I need to get to Jasmine; there's something wrong here. You're - You're not telling me the truth." Arthur's eyes went cold, before he softly smiled and approached. 
"My sweet flower, I have been avoiding the topic for fear of bruising your delicate petals. It's not a pleasant story." He swallowed hard, with a sigh. "Let me walk you back through the corridor. I'll tell you as we go, sound good?" 
"I don't think I -" Emma tried, but he was gripping her elbow tightly, pulling her through the halls. 
"I was very much in love with the woman I married. My Guinevere." He sighed, Emma trying to keep herself from falling at the pace he set. His grip was tight as he dragged her, weak noises of protest going unheard. "She didn't believe in me, or my dreams of what our kingdom could be. She wanted me to be proud of what we had, to live in the past relying on the strength of our people, not the strength of our steel. I tried to change her mind, but I know now that it was fruitless."
Emma pulled away, falling to the floor as she gasped for air. She stared hard at him, trying to will away the prickling fear that gripped her as his words rang with half truths. 
"Come on now, up you get blossom," he coaxed lightly, his sharp yank of her wrist fiercely violent in comparison. She yelped and his eyes darkened, narrowing dangerously. "This would have been much easier if you had drank more of the poppy flower I brewed, I didn't want to be this rough you know -" 
"Stop! Please -" 
"You women are so frustrating! You don't know what is good for you, come along." Emma attempted to scoot away again, trying to understand what he was saying. The tea in her stomach churned, the minimal amount still filling her with nausea at his strange comment. Poppy flower rang a bell in her mind, the red or orange blooms pulled apart by Regina in one of her lessons. What had they been making? "You're just like Guinevere, pushing me to correct your mistakes." 
His fingers tightened painfully around her wrist, the leer he gave as he looked down at her not befitting the Arthur she had been courting. The memory hit her like a punch to the gut. Poppies were used in sleeping potions, or to make someone drowsy and complicit. Arthur had drugged her. 
"You're mad! You've forgotten yourself Arthur, it's no wonder she left you if this is how you corrected her! How dare you drug me!" Emma snapped, his mouth twisting and eyes narrowing at her words. He chuckled darkly. 
"She didn't just leave me, she betrayed me, Emma. I don't take kindly to betrayal, and it was not my fault. They should have known. You should know now as well, so you," He pulled her up roughly to her feet, dragging her around a corner, "Know to listen ." 
He hissed the last words, and Emma felt sweat bead on her brow, the patterned floor below their feet unfamiliar. They were nowhere near her apartments in the palace, the corridor empty of any servants. 
"What -" The words caught in her throat, the question making Arthur grin as he caressed the ring on her finger with his thumb. 
"What happened to her? I killed her lover - one of my best knights too, which was a shame - then I killed our daughter, which was more accident than intentional. But Guinevere, I made her watch until she had a final choice to make."
Emma wrenched away, backing up as he advanced on her. 
"She could die by starvation, or fling herself from her room in the tower I locked her in." He laughed, as if he wasn't speaking madness, and Emma tried to keep upright. "By the third day she made her decision, and made the leap. It wasn't as clean as I'd hoped, but Guin always had a penchant for mess. I would hope you are cleaner, but our time together looks brief."
He seemed to frown slightly at this, but his eyes showed nothing but amusement. Emma threw the ring at him, unable to utter any words between her wheezing breaths. 
"Shhh, it's okay my sweet bud. Soon enough you'll be dead, we'll blame the Dark One for it, I'll gain your kingdom in your passing along with Agrabah, and the Dark One will be our one man army as we bind him to Excalibur." Arthur grabbed her face, pressing a kiss to her temple as she tried to push him away. Killian, they were going to hurt Killian and her people, what had she done ? He chuckled lowly at her panic, her squirms to get away doing nothing. "You truly were such a prize. It's just too bad that no one could ever love you more than your station. So much power in that title, truly far too much for a desperate naive girl like you. Now, come along. We are needed elsewhere."
He tugged hard as Emma fought, touch going from rough to brutally so in an instant. She cried in desperation, his fingers threading through her hair to yank her neck back, hope becoming a distant memory as she weakened. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 The cell holding Killian was damp, the floor made of packed clay and damp sand that gave way to thick limestone blocks where manacle chains hung. Compared to the cell at the Royal Palace that had held him for what might as well have been eons, this was as flimsy as wet paper. The Darkness seemed to remind him of this on loop, but he couldn't hear it over the roar in his ears, the way Emma had looked at him from her bed like a stranger. 
She looked - Gods , she had looked - 
Arthur wanting to marry her so she could simply die had been so repulsively absurd until he had seen her. In the few days that had turned into a week's time, Emma had lost her coloring, her frame was skeletal, eyes sunken and chest almost concave. Wires and wards covered her, and he should have known, he should have been there by her side instead of ducking down hallways to prevent her from following. He had tried to lose her, and now he was to be successful, his heart breaking. 
He couldn't break out of his cell without proving his criminality, but if he stayed, she might - 
A blinding flash of blue startled and dazed him, his blinking unable to clear it from his vision at first. A man glowed before him, skin cracked like a bird shell, a bright azure light pouring from underneath. He wore a mask of twisted gray cloth and a thief's coarse linen tunic with breeches, but the eyes were unmistakable. Aladdin. 
"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, I had thought you would -" He approached Killian, and Killian was out of the manacles within seconds, his fist hitting hard against Aladdin's stomach. 
"You piece of shit," Killian hissed lowly, Aladdin letting out a wheeze. "You triple timing, absolute piece of -" 
"They're… Bandits!" Aladdin gasped out, the blue breaking through his skin more. Killian stepped back, circling him slowly, watching his movements. Arcane energy prickled in the air, small pebbles rising from the floor. "They're coming to… Kill… Arthur engaged, so Hades pushed the attack to today… They want… Kill Jasmine and take -" 
"Bloody buggering hell - why would you ally with them? Was everything with Jasmine and Emma a ruse?" Killian asked, surprised how the accusation was filled with concern. "I swear to you, I won't let Emma die because you -" 
"You have to hurry… I warned her, I tried… I'm being pulled, compelled, I can't - Emma's with Arthur. I can't hold on - gah -" He groaned, the glow becoming brighter, more skin sizzling away as he burned from within. "Save Emma from Arthur."
Aladdin looked up, their eyes meeting, before disappearing in a puff of blue smoke. As soon as he was gone, Killian was in movement, nothing but Emma's safety on his mind. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 The fist that came from seemingly nowhere broke Arthur's hold on her, sending her sprawling to the ground with a ringing in her ears. She could hear the sound of blows hitting flesh, but could barely lift herself to see her would be savior, if that was what they were. Then they spoke, and her heart beat in a strange uneven quick step. 
"Fuck," Killian ground out, his voice rough as Arthur grunted between blows, "You, 'Mate'." 
Pulling herself to her knees, Emma attempted to crawl from where the two fought. Managing to turn into a courtyard, her dress caught on a raised stepping stone, her body collapsing. Fatigue and sheer emotional exhaustion pushed her into tears, fingers digging into the dirt to pull herself forward even slightly. 
Strong hands helped her up, Killian looking at her with concern she hadn't seen from him in weeks. 
"Are you - he didn't hurt you did he?" he asked, and she laughed herself into a coughing fit at the ridiculous question. He seemed mollified at this, swallowing hard. "I left him in a heap. He'll never hurt you again, alright love? At least you didn't marry that monster." 
Emma snorted, her raw throat burning through coughs. Finally she felt it unclench, anger flowing through her to yell at his stupid face, with his stupid consternation that was far too little, too late. 
“Why do you care? Of all the times you have hurt me, belittled me, or made it clear that you despise me, why now do you care? Is he not better than Nil or leaving my family with no contingency?" Pushing him away with what little force she could, he looked surprised at her anger. Emma felt her chest constrict, but continued. "You have wasted no time making it clear that you don't want to know my plans should I die. Why now do you have the gall to say that you want a say?" Wobbling in the new space between them, she raised her chin in defiance. Killian tried to close the gap again, and she took a step back. 
 "I'm sorry Emma. You're right, I shouldn't - "
"Damn right you shouldn't. Damn right that you even being here still makes me feel…" She hesitated, arms wrapping around her frame. "You told me that you were leaving on Selune, and again once on your ship. What possible reason do you have to stay if but to hurt me at every turn, Killian? Why come back? You should have just gone when you were freed, and left me alone. You shouldn't be here. You caused all of this!" 
He carded a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "It's not - That's not -" 
"Why can't you let me go? What am I to you? Was I wrong to believe that you had any hope of redemption?" Emma tried to ignore the rasp of her voice as it broke, tears streaking hot trails down her cheeks. "Do you have any idea how much pain you have caused me?" 
"You can't marry him, Emma. You can't." He reached for her, but she flinched away, his expression turning from worry to a pained hurt she wanted to slap off his face. "You couldn't do that to yourself. You know that he would have never been a good king."
"He was better than Nil!" Emma spat. "You have no right to have any say in this, Killian. I will do what I see fit, for my kingdom and my family -" 
"Please, just listen -" This time when he reached out for her, she looked at him in disgust, shoving his hands away. He was a liar, playing her for a fool, his pleading and his unsettling worried stare be damned. Even if it was true, it was him - he had no right to lecture her on who was 'good'. 
"I have heard enough. You have nothing of substance to say to me, and no answers to my questions!" Emma shouted. 
"He's not the one from your dreams, he's working along with Aladdin, the fake prince Ali. I'm -" 
Cutting him off, she spun on her heel, jabbing a finger at him in rage. "Why should I believe anything you have to say? Why should I trust you when all you have done is hurt me?" 
"I never meant for this, I never wanted to harm you. Please, please love, you have to listen. I beg you, please -" A loud noise that sounded like stone against metal shook the fountain that burbled happily in the corner, smoke drifting out from somewhere deeper in the palace. 
"I refuse, I refuse to listen to any more of your lies. You are the last person I would ever trust. You disgust me. How can you even stand here knowing that you haven't changed at all, and that you are the same monster?" Killian's eyes widened at her sudden proximity, his posture going rigid. His hands that had been reaching for her pulled to his sides, his breath coming out in a sharp exhale. He seemed almost nervous, the air around them suddenly stifling. Emma took another step putting them toe to toe. Shoving him proved fruitless when he barely moved from the weak push, but was satisfying as she continued yelling. "How dare you say anything to me about Arthur, how dare you try and trick me again! We were never friends, you never gave one moment or kindness without thought of yourself, we were never -" 
His hands shook as he touched her shoulders, one immediately pushing back his hair in frustration as he leveled his gaze with hers. His stare was hard, intensely fixed as he seemed to fight himself. Emma raised her chin and he moved a hand to hold her face, her shiver as he cupped her cheek involuntary. His touch felt right, her heart skipping in a strange hiccup that felt so familiar and yet still foreign. "You bloody stubborn, obstinate, maddening woman. I'm not sorry for this. I won't be." 
She gasped into his kiss, forgetting her anger in the way he moved his mouth against her own. It was practiced between both of them which stunned her and made her heat past feverish in seconds, anger dissolving completely as his tongue pressed further. Emma knew this touch, knew the longing that she could feel in the way they tasted each other, barely able to pull away when all common sense said to push him back. There was no doubt: 
Killian was who she had been dreaming of. 
"It's you, it's always been you -" A resounding crash came from the other side of the courtyard, smoke growing thicker. 
"Go hide. Don't answer to anyone, and stay silent. I… I will tell you everything when you are safe."
"But -" Emma protested, still slightly dazed. 
Killian grazed his lips on her knuckles, then pressed a kiss there before pulling away reluctantly. "Go."
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Emma stumbled away deeper into the courtyard, and he stood prepared to fight even without a weapon. The Darkness had succeeded in destroying his feelings for her, but destruction was not enough. Like a flower with unseen and deep roots, his feelings bloomed again simply by being around her. The Darkness howled, and he let himself howl with it, filled with anticipation of the brawl to come. The first attacker turned the corner to the hallway, then barreled headlong towards Killian with sword raised. More turned the corner as he dodged the blade, his attempts to disarm the man for his weapons futile as the sword arced in the air to land in the courtyard while the bandit battalion continued to grow around him. He managed to steal a pole staff, disabling several of them until it was hacked to bits by an axe. 
He scrambled for another weapon until he froze, looking at a familiar face. 
Brennan Jones stood looking at him with contempt, his club raised again as he glared. Killian stared back as his father's sneer changed to the wicked grin he had reserved for beating both he and Liam; on days when he'd fallen into the bottle. He was skinnier, unkempt and underfed, wrong in his phantom form. It didn't matter when he brought down the club again, and Killian heard his own skull shatter. A bag was placed over his head as he was dragged, his father grunting with strain. 
Something shattered nearby and Killian was hit again and again, before he was pushed into a roll with a sharp kick. 
"We need him alive, bosses said so. Should still be weak from all that ink crap they made." 
"You can't kill him, don't worry. He was supposed to be in the dungeon, wasn't he?"
 "Where's the other piece? We need -" 
"It doesn't matter, they both attract the other. It's easy, and even if we don't get it, Hades doesn't care and Arthur has that sword thing." 
There was a deafening crash, his captors and father yelling as Killian was pulled away. His hood was removed, light and dust hurting his unbroken eye as he looked up into Emma's face. She held a sword that she let drag in the mess of carnage she had wrought. The phantom of his father approached as she looked up, heaving with effort to take a stance. Killian watched her block the aggressive attacks in awe as she stood in his defense, wavering with every blow. 
His father was going to kill her, he was going to run her through, adrenaline surging through him as he watched helplessly. Then in attack, his father lunged suddenly, fiercely growling in rage. Emma shifted her weight to let him use his power to her advantage, sending him through a thick clay urn in a clattering heap. Her knees buckled but she caught herself by leaning on the hilt of the sword, turning to smile. Killian felt a bark of laughter bubble up in his throat at her refusal to listen to anything he said, every bit of him trying to force out how he felt. Instead of listening to his gurgling whisper, Emma whistled, footfalls approaching from nearby, as servants joined her or ran past to safety.
"Emma -" 
She clapped a hand over his mouth as he let out a groan, his ribs shooting pain up his nerves. Soon, Iago and Abu were helping to drag him behind a thick hedge as chaos enfolded around them from more bandits coming from every direction. Servants screamed and fought, Emma looking worse for wear with every step as she defended them with weak blocks and parries until she could no longer, collapsing into sitting. With her finally among them, Iago finished drawing something in chalk on the ground. Silence fell over them along with a thick shadow, the murky bubble of safety swallowing the assorted Fae that hid with them in its thick mass. Emma leaned against Killian, looking down at his bleeding face with remorse. 
"You're going to be alright?" she asked, a hand shakily tracing where his eye socket was most certainly broken. He nodded, wincing and Emma smiled, looking as if she might cry. "I can't heal you. I'm so sorry, I wish I could. You're going to have to wait for the healers or…"
Or rely on the Darkness. The words she couldn't bring herself to say. 
He swallowed hard, nodding again. 
"Princess, you need to rest, you are safe in this shadow for the time being unless someone can undo Goblin runes. You were running a high fever before and -" 
"Yes, Iago. I know," Emma sighed. Glancing down at him again, he could see the dark circles under her eyes clearly, and the deep hollows in her face that caught shadow themselves. "I'll rest in just a moment, I just… I have questions I need answered. I know you're hurting Killian, but try, please?"
He nodded with a grunt of pain. 
"Did you mean to return the shard to me? Did you over power the Darkness?" 
"Yes," he managed to grit out. 
"Ali is… Whatever Ali is, he's a traitor?" 
"Aye. Thief."  There was blood in his brain, he could feel it, the swelling making sparks behind his eyes. "Aladdin."
Swallowing, he tried to gather his thoughts, a question burning on his tongue. "Am I… You think I'm a monster? Irredeemable?" 
Emma smiled softly, her eyes wet. She looked terribly sad, all because of him, his mind falling away to the obvious answer that would come. Yes. She was sad because of his cowardice, his misdeeds. Yes, he was a monster, him and the Darkness together. 
"No, Killian. You're not irredeemable when you keep saving my life. You are just…" She paused, searching for a word. 
"A bloody fool?" He suggested, and her small laugh through the watery smile she directed at him made his own lips twitch upward. She stroked his hair, gently pushing strands aside. 
"Did you… did you cause this?" Her voice was so small, but still so loud in his ears. Emma's hand pressed his to her chest, indicating her illness. His thumb ran along the jutting shelf of her exposed clavicle as she shuddered slightly. 
The words dragged out in a slur as he tried to make them intelligible. "Don't know, but… Maybe… yes? M'sorry, love."
"I forgive you. I have this feeling, I know it wasn't you. It couldn't be you." It was raining, drops falling on his broken face. No, they were tears, Emma was crying again, openly now. He reached his hand up further with difficulty to touch her cheek, finding it was hot to the touch, her fever in full force. Gently, she pressed the wet apple of her cheek against his palm, and he wanted nothing more than to stop her from hurting because of him. "Please Killian, forgive me for everything. I'm so sorry I got sick, I'm sorry you had to be alone with the Darkness, I'm sorry I keep dreaming of you like I do. I'm sorry for all of it, I -" she choked on a sob. 
"No," he groaned, and her coughing became worse. He tried to catch his thoughts, or put them coherently in a way she could understand, but thought was becoming more and more difficult. "Not accepted." 
"Please -" 
"Not accepted," he mumbled again. How could he accept an apology when she had done nothing wrong? 
"Killian, please…" she sighed out in a strangled breath. Her coughing began anew, a servant catching her as she fell where Killian could not lift his head to see, the world spinning into nothingness. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
It was never pleasant to fall into the Darkness when issues of mortality arose, and the sinewy bits of his body had to knit themselves back together, but it was increasingly unpleasant when the Darkness was furious inside him. It seethed, caustic as it boiled over his flesh and forced his bones back into place. It tore at muscle and dug into nerve endings just to stretch the pain out, watching the squirming of its vessel. 
However, Killian healed, and that was more than could be said of the princess. He had woken to healers bustling over her, a few pulling him onto a cot nearby while Jasmine barked directions hoarsely, but days had passed since the bandits had tried to stage their strange assault. 
They were all in a new area of the palace, walled off from potential further attacks and better guarded. Jasmine and her team were non stop motion and action as she made sure her people were safe. The truth was evident though, that Jasmine was beside herself, even as an investigation found that the bandits hadn't taken anything of value. Killian had heard whispers from servants that 'Prince Ali' had attacked the Sultana in cold blood, but he was not willing to press his luck at broaching that subject when his worries lay elsewhere. 
Foremost, his thoughts were preoccupied with Emma. He had not left her room even after her recovery, but he could not bring himself to follow through on his desires. The new space allowed for him to watch from a distance, to observe her from enough space where the temptation could be held at bay. He wanted to sit next to her bedside, to stroke her cheek, to gently push hair from her temple when it stuck as her temperature rose, to lay by her and hold her tightly. It was cowardice that held him back, however. He knew it, but the chance that she might hear him and ask what their dreams or that wonderful bloody kiss had meant during the siege caused immediate paralysis. 
Emma hadn't been lucid since the attack, her fever spiking multiple times while the illness raged on, unforgiving. Mostly she called for her mother, begged for relief from flames, and occasionally he thought he heard her call for him but it was ignored. She had a close call the last evening Killian had stayed, startling him when a loud noise began to ring through the room. Healers and medical attendants had run in, throwing aside everything as they worked to fix whatever was wrong, which Killian had only found out later was her body attempting to give out. After that, he struggled to stay near her when she clearly didn't recognize anyone close to her, let alone him. The temptation to hold her was overwhelming, the Darkness rapidly switching between unbearably loud or eclipsed by the need to be there. 
"Killian, a word," Jasmine said, crooking a finger towards him as she dismissed a crowd of servants. An Elven man and woman stayed behind, both wearing spectacles. Killian approached cautiously. 
"Yes, Your Majesty?"
Jasmine eyed him with the same wariness. "My doctors are puzzled by the princess and her illness. She's taken a turn for the worse I'm afraid. Worse still, with the bandit camp raiding our supplies, we don't have the means to keep up her treatment. We thought she might have weeks, but..."
"She's been unable to eat very much, her sleep is riddled with nightmares or waking hallucinations, her coughing seems to be caused by some sort of constricting force, but it is not anything we have experienced." The female doctor read notes off a leather-bound notebook, her voice trembling slightly. "Her magic is weak, growing weaker each time she seems to recover. It's as if there's poison in her veins."
"I'm afraid I don't know anything of importance," he managed to interject, though his mouth felt dry. He wondered why the Sultana and her small team seemed so on edge. "I've told everyone as much as I can, so I'm unsure of what more detailed information I can give -" 
"They are asking you to bring up to her what her plans would be if she were to expire in my kingdom, Killian. She's spoken to me about them, but not to you. She said before that you managed to avoid the subject. With Arthur gone and possibly able to create false statements about a proposal - " Jasmine touched his shoulder and he yanked away, staring at her as if she was mad. 
"She - there has to be more you can do? She's only a bit worse, not - I thought Arthur was misinformed or… But she was better, she was-" It hit him like a crushing blow, a wave that pulled you deep while simultaneously pushing the air from your lungs. "She can't be, we just - she just beat a creature Dragons could not slay, survived an attempted assassination by bandits! She was doing better, she said so! No, absolutely not. I demand to know what you are doing. She is sick and you are not doing enough! She can't be close to death, it's not possible -" 
"Yes," the female doctor said simply, her dark brown eyes looking at him with sadness. "She is. I'm sorry."
"We are trying our best m'lord, but she isn't responding to anything we do any longer. We had warned her that this day was coming, and she seems to be aware, but as her second you need to finalize her wishes. If she declines at this rate for another week, three at most -" 
"No." He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to breathe. "No, do something different, try something -" 
"We - we have m'lord. Her Majesty has given us every bit of her power to do so -" 
"Jasmine, can't you see what caused this?" Killian began to pace slightly, before turning to gesture in the direction of Emma's room. "Help her!" 
"I am, Killian. I cannot see what the cause is, that is in the past. I am as desperate as you are for another vision regarding the princess. Do you believe me an unkind host with all I have granted you?" 
He couldn't breathe, his fists balling as fingernails cut into his palms. "No, no, she can't die. I -" 
"You should spend what time she has left with her then," the male scientist grumbled. 
"What are you trying to imply mate?" Killian growled, "Because I'll -" 
"I don't mean to imply, m'lord. It’s just that she begs for you when we are present, and the kitchen maids say the only time that they have seen her calm is when you are visiting. An attendant said you shared an intimate moment in the attack, that several others corroborate." The man adjusted his glasses nervously, unable to make eye contact. "Sultana, I don't want to invoke his wrath, but…"
Jasmine sighed deeply. "You asked about the black handprint Killian, you made a point of it. You delayed treatment that could have kept her alive. You carry the title of Dark One, and the power of the Darkness. My doctor does not feel that your question is coincidental, and I… We need to know that you are on our team. Arthur, Hades and Ali - Aladdin - were traitors that I - we trusted. Their accusations of you are still concerning no matter their own actions against us. I need to know you're willing to help her."
Killian swallowed hard, carefully mulling over his words. He paused, and then let out a hiss of air. "They would be right. I don't know how I would have caused this though, unless it happened in the dreams we shared. I would never hurt her."
"But, you did."
"I'm aware of that!" he snapped, rounding on the doctor with a snarl. "I - I won't hurt her. It wasn't me who - I wasn't in control of my actions, and I have no recourse for that. If you can't help her, I'll find someone who will." 
Killian fled, the one place he wanted to be forbidden to him if he valued his sanity. But still, she suffered. Why couldn't they heal her? Her light was there, it could not be his fault; her light would crush any sort of stain like it was nothing. 
He needed to see her and see this illness for himself without worry. Under the cover of starlight, he moved into her room where she lay sleeping. She looked worse still, black creeping up her chest and different pads pressed against the dark blotches that seemed to be the worst. The Darkness had no understanding of his upset, or how much he wanted her, its insistence that he could not care deafening. 
It wasn't true though. 
"I don't know if you can hear me, or if you are even aware of me, but I… It's been so hard to ignore you. I hate myself for what I've done to you, and how terribly you’ve been hurt by the way I treated you. I was trying to push you away, I was trying to let you go, but I was so wrong. I've been so close to giving in and laying here with you, only to force myself to refuse your requests. You are my constant desire, I long to simply touch you, to feel your hand in my own. I miss you, I am so ashamed of my need for you... If I would have known, I would have never stopped anything at all. I'm so tired of hurting you, of not being able to make any decisions that keep you safe. So please, if you can hear me, please make the decision to live so I can keep trying."
Her voice startled him, Emma's eyes staying closed. "Am I going to die then?" she whispered in a cracked voice. 
He squeezed her hand, the slight smile she attempted pained. "Not if I can help it, love."
"I thought you must hate me, but you're here." The awe in her voice was like a blade. How could he let things go this wrong? "You're always such a hero when it comes to me. It suits you. It suits you more than the Darkness, even."
"A hero? No, you have it wro -" 
"You… You and I shared memories… I want to remember, but…" She opened her eyes, staring at him with adoration. His immediate reaction was to swallow the urge to scream, not at her, but at the unfairness of her looking at him in such a way. She was supposed to forget everything that had transpired. She had to forget. That wasn't him, it could never be him. Not with the Darkness staining his life. 
"What are you talking about?"
"You kept coming back for me, saving me. I wanted you to kiss me, and you tasted like sweet wine when you did. We danced again and again." She lifted herself, trying to stand and he pushed her back down onto the mattress. Tucking the thin sheets around her body, he tried to keep his emotion contained. Unable to look at her, he trained his sight on his sandals. 
"Emma - you shouldn't be getting up like that. You're very ill and need to rest." 
Emma didn't seem to hear him, suddenly crying out in pain as she wheezed, coughing in a harsh fit. When she managed to end it and gulped down air, she shivered as a sheen of sweat began to cover her skin. A small smile fell on her lips, her gaze shifting to dizzily fixate on his seat. She tried to reach for him again without grace, knocking over various bottles and untouched bowls of food. "Dancing with you made me happy… We should do that again sometime. Maybe later tonight at the Harvest Festival?" 
"You need to -" Killian stood to push her back onto the bed again, but she fell back on her own, her elbow buckling under her weight. The whimper she let out broke his heart, her muscles straining. 
"I'm burning. Killian, please make it stop. I want my Mom." 
"Shh, darling." Soothing her with a few hummed notes, she relaxed into dozing while he held her clammy hand in his. 
"Am I dreaming again? Or are you real? I miss you so much from what we were there. I miss how easily you -" Her voice ended in a gasp, coughing taking the rest of the thought. Killian tried to give her a bit of water in a small stone ladle laid out, but she struggled to swallow the liquid. He was struck by how small and how tired she looked. 
"Yes, love. You're dreaming." 
"I like the dreams like this. I miss you caring about me," Emma murmured in a forlorn voice. Killian let his lips rest against her knuckles. 
Speaking into her curled fingers, he let them muffle his words. "I do too."
"Why am I so tired? I miss the dreams that I could… "
"Because you need your rest, darling. Please, just rest. I'll be back soon." 
"Do you promise?" 
"Emma - yes. Yes, I promise." 
"Please don't break it, okay? I don't want to lose you." 
"I -" 
"I told you that I loved you, remember?" Emma whispered with a soft hum of a sigh. Killian felt frozen, the way she looked up at him, gingerly intertwining his fingers into her own. Her skin felt papery, but so warm against his. "If I'm going to die, you should know that I meant it. I meant it here too, all of you. I chose to see the best in you, and I see it so clearly sometimes - "
"You don't know what you're saying. You need to sleep, Princess. Go to sleep." She coughed again, but settled as he asked. 
Emma’s condition had worsened more than he could have dared to imagine. Her whimper of pain was raspier, her hand squeezing his. The urge to scream was back, the Darkness wondering why its vessel's eyes burned. If she died, he would never forgive himself. He’d raze Selune Isle to ashes; anything to forget about her. 
"You don't have to say it back. You don't have to feel it, either. Nothing unsaid between us. Nothing, now. I love you. I… " Her breathing evened out into hard exhales, sleep hard to ignore with how little oxygen she seemed to be keeping in her lungs. 
"I never stopped." He couldn't bring himself to say any more than that, to whisper a truth she should know, or to even think it, lest the Darkness hear his murmured admission. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 In the early morning light, Emma lay still even as the sun tried to warm her sweaty forehead and the wind attempted to pull at her damp hair. She hadn't woken since the last time they had spoken, the night full of close calls and terror he hadn't known he could still feel. Killian sat by her side dutifully through it all, gently stroking her hand. The Darkness protested his urge to cry with venom, its screeching voice unable to break through his desire for her to come back to him. 
"Come back to me, love," he whispered. "I should have known when we fell from the sky into this world and I had to pull you from the water, that I would never have enough of you. I should have told you when you defeated Pan, or when you kissed me. I should have made it clear how I felt when we were reunited in Ursula's grotto, and how wrong I was. I should have whispered it like I wanted to so desperately when we danced on Selune, or I woke to you curled next to me. I should have told you that you were like an angel, when you in turn pulled me from my own hell, and I will forever regret not saying anything," Swallowing hard, he tucked a golden tendril of her hair behind her ear. "So, come back Emma. Please."
"Killian," Jasmine said from behind him. He looked up, and she crooked a finger, beckoning him to follow her into the courtyard area. He pressed a soft kiss to Emma's cheek before pulling himself reluctantly from her bedside. 
They sat in silence, a servant serving juices and a platter of various fresh fruit. Jasmine finally spoke after several minutes of both of them staring at the food but making no moves to taste it. 
"Killian, she's not going to last much longer," Jasmine said shakily. "Even if we could keep her alive, it would be cruel at this point."
Anguish and panic coursed through his veins. No. Not Emma. "What about the envoy you sent to Selune Isle, to seek out the Dragons?" 
Jasmine shook her head. "They have not let the ship into the barrier, even with our flags raised. My captain keeps circling and hoping someone greets him so he may request aid." 
"Bloody hell, they were in the process of making posts for this type of patrol but had not started." He laid his head in his hands, before standing abruptly and flipping the table in front of him. Jasmine watched, impassive, as he crushed grapes and figs among the shards of broken serving platters. 
The silence that came after, as he knelt in the shards of colored bowls and fragrant fruit, was interrupted by Jasmine's whisper. 
"Killian, Did you really hurt her?" 
"I -" He began, surprised when the word escaped him like a sob. 
"Don't lie to me," Jasmine whispered again, her voice grave. 
"Yes," Killian admitted. "I crushed her heart in a nightmare. I am the cause of her illness, and I'll do anything to help her get better. I didn't - I never meant for -" 
"It might not have been you, Killian, we don't know." Jasmine attempted to soothe, but he only barked out a cold, mirthless laugh. "It's not dark magic that is causing the strange blackness on her skin like you thought; this could be something else. Just because that happened -" 
"Tell me something, Sultana," Killian interrupted, scrubbing his face with his hand. "Is there a future you've seen, even a chance, that rids me of this curse?" The Darkness bit at him, protesting his question. He found he didn't care.
"I don't - I am still unable to see as much as I should," Jasmine said quickly before hesitating. "But… There is a future where you free yourself, yes. A few paths, almost all clouded by failure. The path I saw had you and the princess closely tied by the fates, her life in the balance."
"Because of course it bloody is. She’s going to die because of me -" 
"No - well, maybe, but not yet - there's still a chance. The path is longer, it does not end here. I am not able to see clearly with Aladdin's magic in my way. I am trying, but there's so much darkness…"
"Answer without sodding riddles, you are not a Sphinx!" 
"You said you would do anything to help her. Would you swear it instead on her name? The name of the woman I think we both know you lo -" 
"I swear on Emma, on my Swan, I swear it."
"Swear on yourself, Killian Jones, the man who is the Dark One. You must believe fully in your heart that you will save her."
"I…" Killian hesitated, swallowing hard. Taking a deep breath, he set his jaw. "I swear on myself."
Liar! You cowardly and pathetic shell of a man. LIAR. 
"Remember that, remember when you are fighting your worst enemy -" 
"Sultana!" A servant slammed the door wide open, looking at both of them in surprise. "Oh, I - uh -" 
"How dare you interrupt this!" Jasmine hissed, her eyes burning bright. "What was so important that ---" 
"It could not wait, my Sultana. I beg forgiveness, but it could not be delayed!" The servant threw himself at her feet, groveling. "Please, have mercy my Sultana! It is in regards to the sick woman, the princess." 
Both Killian and Jasmine glanced at each other. Killian stood, the servant beginning to quake with further fear as he stood next to Jasmine. 
"Who told you the princess was here?" Killian asked, his voice betraying his rising anger. "No one should know that, not a damned bloody soul -" 
"They named her by her first name! I swear! They say that they have a cure for the princess, and are friends of hers. They named you specifically Dark One, or Killian Jones."
Killian’s eyes narrowed, and he ground his teeth in thought, although his jaw protested. 
"Will you go? I can send sentries or an accompanying party," Jasmine said lowly. "If it's a threat we can -" 
"No. I'll go, and if I don't return, I don't return. If they have medicine for her, I'll find a way to get it. I swear it." 
Jasmine nodded, the servant handing an envelope to Killian before fleeing with a series of bows. 
"Let us hope that they are friends and not foes, with an actual cure for Princess Emma." Jasmine made a religious symbol with her hands, kissing the center. 
"I don't pray, and I don't hope." Killian brushed past Jasmine, without looking back. "If they don't have a bloody cure for my Swan, they won't have any prayers or any hope either." 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 Killian moved through the docks, and to their ship with practiced ease in the quiet alleyways he had discovered during his avoidance of Emma. The sandstone homes and terracotta steps that weaved to the sea were a fitting distraction for him to lose himself in, and a perfect metaphor for his jumbled thoughts. 
Who was it that wanted to speak to Emma through him? How did they know that from the thousands of ships moored in the docks of Agrabah, Emma had made a safe passage through the portals on the Jolly Roger? Who else knew? 
The thought of Nil sent a shudder down his spine, Emma's nightmare once again fresh in his mind. 
  You can keep her safe, but only if you fight for her. 
Only if you fight for your happiness, and yourself. 
 The quiet voice that was once blocked by the Darkness was growing bolder. 
 The Darkness strained against his constant pressure, snarling at his reinvigorated conscience. 
You can't save anyone, let alone your damned soul. I own you. I am you. You can't hold me back forever, and I will never go away. 
When you least expect it, I will destroy everything you love - all you have to do is let yourself relax. 
Holding his forehead in one hand, Killian pressed on, jumping on the deck of the ship with his sword drawn. Two Fae eyed him warily as he moved his feet into a fighting stance. He could not identify what sort of Fae or who they were, but they seemed to be close, the woman pushed behind the man with shaggy brown hair in a protective gesture Killian recognized as something he had done for Emma. 
The male counterpart rested his deep brown eyes on Killian, before smiling slightly. He bowed carefully, Killian grimacing and following the stranger with his sword's point. 
"You're him then? The Dark One? Killian Jones of the Blackwater?" the stranger asked. 
"Yes, and who are you?" Killian raised his sword higher, jabbing it as the man jumped back in surprise. "How did you come to know what -" 
The woman was heavy with child, which gave him pause until the man was throwing himself in front of her. He put his hands up, cowering slightly. "Is Emma alright? Did she remember to not use her magic? And you, did you take care of her? We warned her when she was under the rites, but it took longer than we thought to get here."
"You - how - " Killian faltered, but shook it off to straighten again, gripping his cutlass tighter. "I ask again: What business do you have with the princess?" 
"I'm Henry. I'm a friend I swear, and I serve fealty to her and the crown family. Emma is ill, yes? The Kitsune witch put some sort of parasitic creature in her; we told her this before we left to find you both. We sent her here to get help. We knew the Sultana could keep her alive and protected long enough for us to make our way here." Killian let his arm drop, the man relaxing without the blade in his face. "I have a spark of light magic I hold as a Hol guardian and protector of the realms. Time is completely out of control, and the Goblins are attacking pocket realms just like this one. Emma needs this to survive, and to fight back."
Henry produced a glowing ball of light that was iridescent in the sunshine. It sparkled like a faceted diamond as Henry held it. 
"I didn't know. Emma… she doesn't remember everything that happened, and she is barely holding on." Killian set his jaw, furious with himself. "I have to go, I need to save her."
The woman spoke, her accented voice drenched in exhaustion. "Thank you. We will seek passage again -" 
"Take this ship. It's stocked and ready to go, as I was…" Shame rose on his throat as he thought about almost leaving before. "Just take it. I'll save her." 
"You must know, this magic is akin to yours, Dark One." Henry approached cautiously, holding out the orb. The Darkness screeched, burrowing further into him, desperate to escape the strange ethereal glow the globe emitted. "The other side of the coin, the flicker of light that casts your shadow. Both have their extremes, and both can be addictive. Do not let her become blinded by the brightness as you cannot let yourself become lost in your abyss."
Killian let the spark fall in his palm, where it dimmed. He frowned and Henry clapped a hand on his shoulder. 
"Hurry, Dark One. Not only does Emma not have much time, but the longer you hold that spark, the more it will fade."
Killian gave no reply, sheathing his sword and turning in a single motion. The jump to the pier after launching himself off the deck was with as much grace as he could muster, his feet moving as soon as he had purchase, running as fast as his feet would carry him towards the palace. There was hope. He was absolved of one misdeed on his long list, and Emma would not suffer soon enough. Cruella had caused this, not him, and Emma had begged him to stay with faith that he was good, that he could be redeemed. She could be saved now, and he had faith she would be alright with the magic thrumming in his palm. 
It was a blur to her quarters, the sound of breaking glass chilling him. Someone was yelling, a strange blue smoke swirling around her quarters. People were on the ground coughing profusely as the shadow of a man pulled Emma into his arms. No, not just a man, his face visible as he turned. A thief Killian recognized at once. 
"Emma! No, wait -"
Emma's face was flushed against the thief's shoulder, her arms hanging weakly at her sides. She limply tried to reach out to Killian, but neither was fast enough when the thief jumped from the window. Killian ran to the window, terrified of how and where they had landed when there was a sheer drop outside, but could see no evidence of a fall from the balcony. A carpet whooshed past him as Jasmine ran into the room, Aladdin addressing them as Emma lolled in his hold barely conscious.
"We'll be at the Cave of Wonders, so don't dawdle. Especially since she doesn't have much time left." 
"No! Please, she's -" Killian lunged, almost falling the sheer drop from the balcony as Jasmine wrenched him back. 
"Aladdin, don't do this! Please!" Jasmine shouted, and Aladdin stared at her with a pained look crossing his face. The blue cracks on his skin had reached his chin and cheeks, tearing the flesh there. Emma had been right, the thief harbored magic that he clearly could not control. 
"You, Sultana, should know better than anyone that I have no choice." he said flatly. "Dark One, my Masters offer you a trade. Your life for hers. Make your choice."
"I - please don't -" Jasmine began, but Aladdin simply shook his head sadly, the carpet speeding into the sky. 
Killian roared with anger, his body full of a rage he could feel in every cell. Jasmine was barking orders hoarsely, people scurrying around behind him as he whirled to look at the Sultana. 
"Where did he -" 
"The Cave of Wonders. I'm responsible for this, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you get Emma back." She touched his shoulder, looking surprised when he took another menacing step forward. 
"I said, where -" 
"I'll take you." Jasmine looked out across the desert, then turned to a few lingering servants. "We leave at once." 
Trying to pull away from him, he held her wrist firmly. "What is going on here? What happened with your thief, and why did he take Emma?" The growl of impatience and anger in his voice made Jasmine flinch, but she didn't answer as her brows pinched together. "Sultana!" 
Jasmine broke from her thoughts, carefully pulling away at the cage of his fingers to loosen his grip. "He was rambling the last time I saw him, and sick. He's a Djinn. Obviously fighting against his master's control on him, by the looks of it, which…" She paused, looking intently at his fingers. "He kept saying that he didn't want to hurt me, he didn't want to kill me, for me to run from him because the pull was too strong. He wanted me to end his life, and I didn't. I didn't believe him, and now, Emma…" 
Killian dropped her wrist, fighting the emotions that came to the surface, the situation eerily reminiscent. A master that demanded absolute obedience, and those caught in the crossfire being hurt despite every attempt. Aladdin had seen through him and the Darkness so quickly, catching him so off guard he hadn't seen the clear understanding the man held of his predicament. 
"The Carpets are ready, Sultana." A servant announced with a slight bow. "We will have to cross bandit blockades to get through to the cave, which Iago has located."
Jasmine nodded, turning to walk briskly toward another attendant that carried a hooded cloak as well as a knapsack. "The Cave of Wonders is the resting place of the Djinn All Father, or the Lord of Djinn. He can make people Genies, which is why he has been sealed away in a magical dungeon since my mother's death."
"So, this dungeon presumably is in all likelihood highly fortified by Jafar, Hades, and Arthur's men who have not one, but two Djinn?" Killian ran a hand through his hair, his jaw working. "We need a bloody army -" 
"One Genie. Aladdin. Who is down to his final wishes from the look of his degradation. The Djinn All Father does not leave his chambers or use his magic outside of creation for any reason, not since his daughter died resulting in his self imposed banishment." Swallowing hard, Jasmine stepped onto a carpet as it floated, Killian sitting by her side. "My mother. He is my Grandfather, and never stopped blaming himself for her fate, and my own."
The carpet rushed through the air, Killian's stomach immediately in his throat as their small group wove through the clouds. They were met with brief attacks here and there as they crossed what seemed like an empty expanse of cooked earth, none requiring a full scale assault. Unease prickled at the back of his mind when more than half of their original force had fallen behind to end small fights. This was clearly an ambush, but one that there was no choice but to fall into. The Sultana knew as well based on her terse expression when they drew near a a huge sand hill in the shape of a tiger. It's maw was opened wide, light beckoning from its throat where steps led down into the ground. They landed low as men swarmed from within, swords raised, yelling wild cries.
"Do not touch anything inside, Killian!" Jasmine shouted over the sounds of steel. "It's all enchanted to try and entice you - go straight to Emma." 
Killian gave her a nod, running to weave through the sparring crowd. The Sultana barked orders to cover him while he slashed through the first trickle of men defending the place, through halls filled with mountains of gold, through a banquet room of overflowing delicacies, all while curving deeper and deeper into the earth. 
Large, columned, doors that dwarfed him in size eight fold opened to a huge chamber lined with more columns. The floor was cracked in places, sand drifting from the ceiling to the floor making small hills or rocky platforms. On one flattened ledge, lay Emma. 
Her night dress clung to her skin, teeth visibly chattering while her eyes were screwed firmly shut. Warmth flooded Killian's chest, the strangeness of his heart both jumping out of and freezing in synchrony not stopping his feet from moving on their own accord to get to her. The shard rested on her bruised chest, his presence not acknowledged even as he touched her burning cheeks. Her breathing hitched when his thumb swept over a smudge on the apple of her cheek, the sliver of foggy green under her lashes the most precious thing he had seen in the stone halls varied treasures. 
"Kil -" Emma tried to whisper, but could not do so without coughing, her breath coming out in a rattling heave. Without grace, she tried to move closer to his body, instead falling back with a resounding thump. 
"Love, oh Emma, I'm so sorry." She moaned softly at the sound of his voice, clinging to him, the concave of her bosom barely moving from her shallow breaths. "Stop, stop trying to move, please -"
"You… You can't… Must… Go." Emma coughed again, before panting heavily. "Don't…" 
Smiling softly at her he kissed her temple, her surprised face making his own heart skip a beat. "You are too important to not fight for. For others to fight for. Henry found you a cure, love. You're going to be alright, you'll be just fine." 
"You… You don't… Even… Like… Me…" she gritted out. Closing her eyes, Killian held her close. "Couldn't stand... to... stay... even a… a… few minutes…"
"You're wrong. I should have stayed, and I wanted to more than anything. I didn't want you to get hurt - You weren't supposed to remember everything that happened when you were under the Kitsune's power, but you against all odds are. You're remembering, and I acted… I am a coward. I tried to avoid you because if you remember what happened, what transpired between us - "
"The dreams about us, the ones that you feel like you lived, like they're memories - they are real. They're what happened when you went through the Harvest ritual."
Emma tried to get out of his grip, pulling and pushing against his hands. She thrashed, her voice ringing in the space. "Why! How could you -" 
"Stop it, you're going to kill yourself. This is why, right here. Between everything happening, I'm going to hurt you, or you will get hurt because of the Darkness. Why don't you understand? Why don't you value your life like you should!" 
"I… I… don't want…" She hesitated, before looking up at him, her eyes wet and full of a deep sadness. "To lose you." 
"It's too strong, Emma. It's threatening your existence, and I am not strong enough to keep it at bay. I need to go, I need to stay away from you, if you and I are to ever be able to speak candidly about what happened. You deserve that much, and more."
Weakly, Emma whispered a rough plea. "Stay."
Killian chuckled lowly, trying to memorize her features. "I'll be happy knowing that you had a future, darling. Even if I'm not in it."
Pressing the spark against her sternum as he gave her forehead a peck, his arms wrapped around her to support her as she coughed. Emma doubled over, silk like threads escaping her mouth. She let out a muffled moan, gagging until she vomited a translucent, glittering, mother of pearl colored cocoon on the cave floor. Out of it, a black slug-like creature crawled with a familiar looking red nail stinger on its end, Killian crushing it immediately with his boot. The Kitsune had put one last creeping parasite into Emma, it's manifestation draining her to death to avenge its host. Repugnant, and very on brand of Cruella. 
Emma took a steady breath, the rattle gone. She glowed slightly, her power making his skin tingle. 
"Don't go with them, they aren't -" Emma tried to say something but was drowned out by the sounds of shouting from all around them. 
Arthur's voice was suddenly echoing around the cave. "Bind him with the ink."
"Killian, listen to me," Emma begged. Something burst over him, showering them with a spray of dark smoke. Killian tried to shield her, but to his great surprise found he was frozen in place. Emma touched his face in fear, her attempts to get her magic to work proving fruitless. "No, they're going to take you, that's what they wanted all along is you and the shard together -" 
She was wrenched away by several men, laughter echoing through the caves. Jasmine was thrown next to her, Aladdin stepping in front of them. His body was in pieces, skin melting away to sparking electric blue underneath. 
"Don't hurt them -" Killian bit out, Jafar sliding past him with a smirk. "I'll go willingly, just don't hurt them." 
Jafar laughed, a fist connecting to his face from the other side of his head. Arthur's voice oozed into his ringing ear. "Thought you might deserve that one, mate. "
Hades appeared in his peripheral, leaning down to hold up Emma's chin as her arms were held back. 
"This does put a damper on our timeline. Her being alive does not provide the Dark One the emotional turmoil we had initially planned on," Hades stated, his eyes flicking back to Killian. "We'll need to kill her here. Genie, please - "
Jafar scoffed. "The Genie is worthless for killing. He can't make anyone fall in love, bring back the dead, or kill anyone according to his code of honor. That's the only reason the Sultana still breathes." 
Aladdin looked down at the ground, Jasmine staring at him in surprise. 
"So, what's the plan then?" Hades asked, rolling his eyes. "We could take them to the compound which is a waste of time and resources, kill them here which wastes some time, or leave them behind to die here. There's no way out for the two of them."
Killian felt his voice loose before he could hold himself back. "No! No, please. I'll go with you willingly if you let them live, I swear it. I want to be rid of this scourge, and I will happily let you do whatever you want with me as long as you let them go."
Emma's head snapped up, her eyes wide. "No, Killian, what are you even saying? You can't be rid of it, they'll kill you -" 
A hand clapped over her mouth, her muffled words shrill. 
"We truly should keep the girl if she has this much hold over him. Imagine what torture on her would do for his compliance," Arthur mused, rubbing his scruff. Killian could see the bruising on his face from their last encounter, his eye still slightly purple. "I could also use her for the takeover of the United Realms -" 
"No. It's not worth keeping her alive." Hades shook his head, tone still methodical and cold. "My plan hinges on her death as a means of cooperation between the Goblins, United Realms, and the manipulation of the Dark One." 
"If you kill her, or harm her at all, I will never serve you. The dagger piece will never hold me, no matter how much magic you pour on me," Killian hissed, seething. He moved forward, striking towards Hades who had to lunge away. More of the black smoky substance was thrown at him, but he managed the best he could to fight it. "If you let them go, I won't fight. Only if you let them go."
There was a yelped curse from one of the men holding her, then Emma's voice pained and pleading. "Killian, no!" Emma cried, their eyes meeting. 
He smiled gently, as well as he could manage. "Let me die, or release myself from this torment, darling. Let that be the man you remember: The man who died the hero he wanted to be, for you. For us."
"Please, no. I can't -" Emma whimpered, the hand clapped back over her lips roughly as she struggled. 
"Fine. Deal taken." Hades nodded. Jafar scowled coldly. 
"Well, if we're discarding them here to be let go, Aladdin should also be left behind," Jafar drawled. 
Hades snapped his head to look at his partner. "What are you -" 
"Aladdin, for my second wish, I wish to be the sorcerer Sultan of Agrabah."
"No! You can't -" Jasmine cried out. 
A burst of magic surrounded her, her jeweled crown evaporating into dust, her clothes replaced by brown muslin. In a flash of light Jafar changed as well, his clothing embroidered in golden thread, the vest he wore covered in jewels. Upon his head sat a turban with a deep set ruby, the facets glittering like a crimson eye. "And as for our deal, for my third wish, I wish you were free of your binds as a Genie, living without your phenomenal cosmic powers. Be a Djinn no more." 
Hades groaned, his face full of obvious fury. 
Aladdin shimmered, the blue that had been eating away at him exploding outward as he fell to his knees. When he wobbled to his feet again, the fine clothes he wore dissolved to rags, blue dust shimmering over his skin. Jasmine blinked, her mouth opening in surprise. 
"You!" Jasmine pointed at Aladdin, a hand covering her mouth in shock. "But you're that peasant -" 
"I wanted to tell you Jasmine, but -" Aladdin started, sand beginning to pour from more gaps in the ceiling. 
"So you see, Prince Ali is merely a street rat. Just a bore, no longer so worldly, a weakling once more, brought down to size. As for me? " With his long, gnarled fingers he pointed to Jasmine. "I don't have to waste my time thinking of ways to kill you any longer. This will be a fitting grave for you, Sultana."
"No, you're not to hurt them, not to kill them as I said!" Killian grunted as he was dragged backwards, more of what he thought might be the same ink they had used before on the shard thrown in his face. It became hard to speak, his lungs burning from their inability to give him oxygen. 
"We aren't hurting them, and certainly not killing them, just as you desire Dark One." Jafar's smile was wide, crazed. "Leaving them here fits your requirements. If they starve in these caves, or fall prey to the many traps, it was not us."
Killian tried to struggle, but more of the substance kept being pushed on him, hands gripping him tightly as he was dragged back. He almost lost sight of Emma, but a captor dropped him without grace, and he could finally see her again. She was no longer looking at him, but instead stared at Arthur. 
Arthur approached Emma, his smile wide, lifting her chin. She pulled away in disgust at his touch, still unsteady as her hands shook. 
"You're just like Guinevere. Neither of you deserve me. You don't see my greatness; you're selfish just as she was. You could never have helped me wield Excalibur, or control the Darkness." He tugged on Emma's chain necklace, the protective enchantment giving way around his own force. It slipped from her neck even as she struggled, hanging from Arthur's palm. "At least I have this as a consolation prize. It makes it much easier not having to pretend to have feelings for you. All kingdoms for the price of the Dark One."
With a wave of Hades' hand, a golden elevator cage appeared around Killian and his captors. Emma shook her head, Killian frozen by the black concoction they'd thrown at him, the Darkness roaring with glee. She reached for the rising bars, reaching for him, her fingers wrapped tightly in his instead of caring about the shard like she should have - why him, what could he - 
"No, I can't say goodbye to you again!" Emma yelled, her face set in stubbornness. His limbs loosened, her magic weak but her determination strong, Jafar letting out a frustrated noise of disgust at her outburst. 
Killian came back into his body, clutching her hand tightly as her fingers scrabbled desperately trying to hold him. They parted, her scream of fury and sadness tearing at him. 
"I will find you, I will always find you! Please Killian, know that I will not ever stop until we are together again." 
The words gave him courage, his heart filled with pride and adoration. Emma would find him, he had no doubt. He would not let this place be her tomb. When he was able to move fully he rushed forward, smashing his forehead into the sorcerer's nose as hard as he could, grabbing the shard as they passed upwards into light of day. Pushing it into the abyss below as sand swallowed what was the entrance of the Cave of Wonders, Jafar bellowed out a noise, kicking him down and face first into the scorching sand. 
It didn't matter how many times the livid sorcerer kicked him or shouted to the skies, Emma would get her magic back. She would heal, they had the shard, and if he had any chance to peel the Darkness currently howling inside him away, he would take it. She would find him, free of his curse, and they would finally be together. 
  I can feel your doubt, boy.
  You know that you can't be free of me. Even in death, I remain. I am the constant in this body, you are just an echo. When Emma finds you again, I will have so much fun tearing her limbs off as the Dark One, without a trace of you left. 
  Nothing can save you now.
 "No," Killian moaned, as they dragged him through the sand, their camels forcing him to stumble blindly behind them. "No, never. Not Emma. No."
In the end, Killian hoped Emma would forgive him, and by some miracle he could be free. 
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britesparc · 6 years
Weekend Top Ten #346
Top Ten Swords in Fiction
So. Swords. Swords are great aren’t they? To paraphrase Dexter Fletcher in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, guns are for show, but swords show you mean business.
Swords are great cinematically because they allow characters to have a physical confrontation that showcases aesthetically pleasing choreography but avoids the gratuitous nose-breaking violence of a fistfight. It’s harder to create balletic gunplay (although not impossible) whereas a good swordfight flows like music. Pointy, painful music.
And what is a swordfight without swords? Swords can be beautiful and ornate as well as deadly; they can speak as extensions of the person who wields them, carry with them weight and history and deep thematic resonance. They are more than just a weapon, they’re a story in and of themselves, if done right.
With all that in mind, here are my ten favourite fictional swords! Oh, and lightsabers don’t count; I'm specifically talking about bladed weapons here. Mostly I'm talking about specific ones too, although I've made  a couple of exceptions for, I guess, types of sword where I think their differences from the norm and their important in that franchise’s overall story or fictional culture is important enough to make up for them being a more generic “one of a type” rather than an individual exception. You’ll know ‘em when you see ‘em.
Anduril, The Lord of the Rings: forged from the shards of Narsil and wielded by Aragorn, Isildur’s heir, this is the perfect marriage of cool-looking weapon and deep mythology that also serves to drive both narrative and character.
The Sword of Power, Masters of the Universe: representing childhood wish fulfilment, it carried the physical gimmick of unlocking the secrets of Castle Grayskull whilst also  just looking really cool. Shout-out, too, for She-Ra's Sword of Protection; whilst it feels a bit rote for the bloke to have “power” but the woman to be all about “protecting”, really protecting is the better gig.
The Sword of Omens, ThunderCats: another heirloom of a doomed culture that also serves as power-endowing narrative gimmick, Lion-O extending his weapon (steady) and asking for “sight beyond sight” is cool on many levels.
Grimlock’s Energon Sword, The Transformers: across multiple timelines and continuities, Grimlock always seems to be one of the few Transformers to favour melee weapons, it being present in cartoons, comics, and even the toys. A big old pointy sword that’s often aflame, not with your common-or-garden hotness but with some kind of “energon fire” or something that can slice through metal like Reduced Salt Lurpak.
Leonardo’s Katanas, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: my understanding, limited though it is, is that ninjas didn’t really wield duel katanas that they kept in sheaths mounted on their backs; but seeing as he was taught ninjutsu from a talking rat, I’ll forgive Leo. A very cool and integral part of his character, these Leo to engage in some old-fashioned well-choreographed swordplay with major villains.
Bat’leth, Star Trek: the first weapon that represents a whole class of weapons rather than one specific blade, the Klingon Bat’leths may seem unwieldy, impractical, and a bit silly, but as a piece of design they’re very cool, and allow for the Klingon characters to engage in the types of honour-bound duels that the highfalutin Federation types usually look down upon.
Excalibur, Arthurian legends: yes, it’s true, supreme executive power really does depend on a mandate from the masses, on not moistened bints lobbing scimitars or what have you. But as a mythical representation of power, and as a fundamental part of an enduring myth that has permeated so many other aspects of Western culture and storytelling, the sword that symbolises rule is an evocative image. Although I prefer it being pulled out of a stone. That’s cooler.
Sting, The Hobbit: perhaps a bit lower than I’d have ordinarily gone simply because it feels like cheating to have two swords from Middle-Earth. But Sting, especially in The Hobbit, is a terrific little sword, instrumental in Bilbo finding his inner adventurer; glowing when baddies are near is a cool touch, and it’s great in The Lord of the Rings when it becomes an heirloom passed on to Frodo. Yeah, I should have put this one higher really.
Katana’s sword, DC Comics: this one doesn’t impress me with its design or its use but merely because it contains the soul of Katana’s dead husband. I mean, come on; who doesn’t love a haunted sword?
Energy Sword, Halo: like the Bat’leth, a type of weapon not an individual; and, like the Bat’leth, something that looks rather impractical and cumbersome to use. But, again, like the Bat’leth, it’s just a unique and supremely cool design. I especially love the way that, once its energy runs out, it’s just a handle; they found a great way to make a “sort-of lightsaber” that looks nothing like a lightsaber. Does that mean I should have excluded it from this list? Well, it definitely looks like a blade, and it seems to have some kind of edge; so I’m going to allow it. You snuck in under the wire, you freaky Covenant flick-knife, you.
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sabrpendragon · 6 years
The Once And Future King || Drabble
“Aryah!!” The nurse called frantically as she watched the blonde haired girl bound across the field, closing in on the tree line.
“Aryah!! Come back here this instance!!” She bellowed, her fury and fear finally reaching a high note that carried on the wind after the racing child. She stilled in her tracks when the noise of her nanny caught in her ears. She turned back and her blue eyes were ablaze with amusement and wonder, tendrils of golden hair whipping around her face in the winds that swept over the open fields.
“I’ll be fine, Nan!” She called back and pulled her small, short sword from her scabbard and brandished it in the air.
“See!?” She yelled. The sword splintered the light and sent shards of it into Nan’s eyes that made her squint and blink.
“It’s an adventure!! I’ll be back soon!” She turned and bolted headlong into the forest.
“Dammit,” the nurse cursed between her teeth and nearly tore her handkerchief in-twain with the force of her anxiety. “SABER!!” She called out to her once more, hoping that her nickname would ilicite a better response than her given one.
She slank through the undergrowth with easy steps, slashing out and hacking away anything that dared to stand in her way.
The short sword she wielded was like a true extension of her arm, as she had been handling the instruments since she was four and was now ten. Her uncle had placed one in her hands one morning when he had come to visit, fancying teaching his favorite niece a thing or two since he was a world-renown swordsman. Medals upon medals lined his living quarters, and he was somewhat of a celebrity in the European nations. He had no children of his own to teach his craft, and so he had taken Aryah under his wing, despite her mother’s constant tuttings. She had been so enamored with sword play that she was hardly ever seen without one in hand, and he had taken to calling her his “little Saber”. She had loved it so much she had mounted her rocking horse and stuck her sword forward as if she was charging into battle at the age of 6 and yelled, “I am the mighty Saber, fear me and bite of my blade!!”
Not only had her uncle filled her heart with the love of metal edges, he had also filled it with love of stories of knights and kings of old. Whenever he was about, she wouldn’t go to sleep without a story of the Roundtable and the Knights that sat around it.
Now she was older. She was fearless, and she could wield a sword more competently than most of the grown men in Europe. She was off to make her own story, to slay monsters and make a story of herself. She hacked away, a smile ever on her face.
“I am the mighty Saber, fear me and the bite of my blade!!” It had become her battle cry, and she giggled in pure delight as she vaulted through a curtain of vines, imagining a band of robbers and bandits were just on the other side, awaiting a good clash of tempered steel.
Despite her best efforts, her boot caught on a hidden root in the vines and she stumbled out, rolling over and losing the grip on her sword it flew from her hand and splashed into a sizeable pool that had collected in the forest. She immediately got up on all fours and frantically searched the surface, not able to see the bottom.
She pounded her fist on the ground, making mud splash up on her face. She was angry with herself… how could she have been so careless?
“Are you looking for this?” A small voice asked. Aryah’s head snapped to side where the soaking-wet girl was standing and startled and flipped over, stumbling backwards.  The girl covered her mouth and giggled at Aryah.
“Here, catch!” The small girl threw the lost sword up and Aryah snatched it out of the air with an expert hand.
“Good catch!” The stranger giggled again. “What’s your name?” She asked.
Aryah looked at her with a stern gaze, but she seemed harmless enough. Besides being soaked through, she was slight of stature and had big, brown eyes.
“Aryah Penhallow,” she said, but then put an obstinate hand on her hip and twirled her blade in the other hand. “But you can call me Saber.” She offered, smiling and jutting out her chin slightly.
“Penhallow?” the girl asked. “Are you sure it’s not Pendragon?”
In the next moment Aryah heard a commotion of snapping branches and heavy footfalls as her uncle called for her. When she looked back the girl had vanished.  He came through the curtain of vines and sighed a breath of relief.
“My Little Saber!” He caught her up and hugged her tight. She pushed back against him. “Put me down, this instant, Uncle Thomas!” She squirmed free of his embrace and sheathed her blade. “And I’m not Little anymore.” She crossed her arms across her chest. “I’m just Saber.”
“Fine, fine.” He put his hands in the air. “Come along then, my Saber.” He held out his hand for her. “Your mother is going to have my head for this.”
“But-” she looked around for the girl that was there just a moment ago.
“What is it?” He looked around, seeing if he could spy what it was she was looking for.
“Nothing, I suppose.” She took his hand reluctantly. Knights didn’t hold hands with their uncles.
He led her back to the mansion, but she constantly looked over her shoulder as they went, wondering if her stranger would show her face again. They made it back to the edge of the woods and Nan was waiting for her, and the face she met on the old woman made her forget about the girl completely.
Some Years Later
Aryah threw a stone across the water and it skipped across the surface so many times that she lost count. She picked up another smooth, flat rock and fiddled with it, looking at it as she turned it over and over in her hands. She had been at odds with herself, lately. Nothing seemed to satisfy her. She had just finished a tournament, having beat the competition single-handedly. Literally. She had used only one hand in her sword fight this time.
The competitions had taken her all around the world, and she was currently in New York. After the commencement ceremonies had finsihed she had ventured out to look at the city and found herself in Central Park, skipping stones across the strangely calm waters.
There was no fun in sword fighting anymore. All the competition was beneath her, including Uncle Thomas. She was known now, just as he had been. Medals littered her apartment and she had even started an Academy back in England. She was Saber Penhallow, the Undefeated.
She chucked the stone, then, tired of contemplating her existence. She watched as it sped across the water and then cocked her head to the side in confusion as it stopped suddenly, sitting on top of the water as if it was solid.
“What?-” The water rippled out from the rock, it being the center of the origin. The ripples were hued in blue light and the sight of it made Saber gasp in shocked surprise. A figure began to rise and a hand caught up the rock she had thrown.
“Aryah Pendragon.” She spoke coolly as mists gathered around her feet and she glided across the water and stopped just at the edge in front of Saber.
“It’s been quiet some time, hasn’t it?” The strange, almost translucent woman asked her. Saber stumbled back a couple of steps and looked around, not finding anyone else that was witnessing what she saw.
“Oh, come now… don’t you remember?” She smiled at her and Saber thought she had never seen anyone so beautiful. “I am the MIghty Saber, fear me and the bite of my blade!” The woman laughed faintly.  Saber’s mouth gaped open, remembering that time she had run off into the forest to find an adventure so many years ago.
“You’re… you’re real?” She asked incredulously.
“Did you think me not?” The woman tutted. “Your family has a long history with the Lady of the Lake.”
“What?” Saber blinked and crossed her arms. “You’re confusing the Penhallows with the Pendragons. It was Arthur, not my great ancestor who-ever…”
“Times change, Dear Saber, and so do names.” He dress rippled like it was made of liquid silk and she stepped off of the water’s surface and onto the ground beside Saber.
Saber laughed. “You mean to tell me that the Penhallows are actually Pendragons and I’m somehow distantly related to king Arthur?”
“Directly. You are directly related to King Arthur. Your family is the family of the once and future King.” She reached out in a fluid motion and touched Saber’s forehead with a single finger. Saber rocked back on her heels as she was racked with visions of knights and horses, clashes of warring kingdoms and blinding light that sprang from a sheath.
When Saber’s vision cleared she saw that the woman was holding something in her hands and she lifted it up, offering it to her.
“Excalibur, in all of its holy glory. It is your birthright and destiny…
Aryah… Saber Pendragon. I proclaim and name thee King of Knights, the Once and Future King, protector and wielder of the Great Sword Excalibur.”  The Lady of the Lake bowed and held aloft the sheathed sword.
“This is one trippy dream.” She said as she reached out and grabbed the hilt. What felt like the power of a river surged through her fingertips and up her arm, causing her to step back and along with her she pulled the sword from its sheath. Light lept out of the crevice created by the hilt and the sheath and she shut her eyes against its intensity. The blackness of her eyelids bled out into white and everything around her vanished.
The next morning she awoke in her hotel bed in New York and set bolt upright and looked around the room wildley. She was aware of a blooming headache and reached up to message her temples.
“Crazy dream…” She swung her feet of the side of the bed and stubbed her toes on something. She looked down to see the sheathed sword laying on the floor beside the bed.
“Oh. My. God.”
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impvarjack60 · 7 years
23 The Test
She let out a blood curdling scream as the blade swung to it's final destination, hopefully in a heart chamber. As much as I hated what she has become, I didn't want her to suffer, well not too much anyhow. As the blade neared her chest, there would be no way to stop it now, the deed had already been done, and the people of the Ark would be free.
Once the blade was a smidge above her heart, it exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. The shards nicked me all over, including the face. She however was untouched, and still very much alive. The impact blew me off her and onto the floor, the doors swung open and guards had me in their grasp. I had failed, and now I would probably die, or worse.
"Congratulations, 'King' Michael, you passed! I'm so happy for you, sweetheart!!" She ran up to me and gave me a big kiss and a hug, then when she backed off she was stomping her feet, pumping her fists in the air, and sounding just like the excited little girl she used to be. "You shoulda' seen your face!, you were all like, 'GRRRRRRR!!!', and so soon too, I love you!!" My jaw was on the the floor, what the fuck just happened here? "Queen Anna, what's going on here? I just tried to murder you, and you're standing there looking like you just won the lottery!" "Oh, you can just shit-can that Queen stuff, and in a way, I just did!" Her voice went into that childish high squeak. She could barely contain her excitement.
"Am I on crazy pills?, ANNA, I JUST TRIED TO KILL YOU!!"
"No Prince Michael, you sacrificed your life for your people, and saved them from a tyrant. Like any strong, selfless leader would." Her voice was now stoic, and somber. "Oh, shit,... this was another test." "Guards, let him go, and clear the room." "Are you sure that is wise, your highness?" "Please do as I instruct." "By your command." Then she held her hand up to her mouth and whispered; "Battlestar Galactica stuff,... pretty cool huh?" The room cleared, and we were alone.
"My God, Anna. This has to be one of the most elaborate ruses in human history, why did you go though all this?"
"We had to be sure, Michael. Keep in mind there were no battles for you to win, no countries to be conquered, no dragons to be slain, and no Excalibur to be pulled from a stone. You were a mess, Prince Michael, and now look at you! You gave up your life for people you barely know, to save them from the same horrors they prayed to be rescued from. You delivered them from evil." "But why you?" "Who would you have the most problem killing, Michael? A complete stranger, or me?" "But I watched you BEAT people!" "Same shield technology as this necklace, he didn't feel a thing." She touched a button on the center of it and a slight shimmer appeared briefly over her body. "All actors Michael, you said we should put on a play, what do you think of our performance?" "I RAPED YOU!, do you hear me? I RAPED YOU! I don't know if I can ever get over that." "Rape usually refers to an unwilling victim." "Oh my God Anna, you enjoyed that?!" "Well, um,... I'm sorry Michael, I do remember some of the porn you watched. Plus the fact that you are totally buff right now." She started running her fingers up my arms, then she gently wiped the blood from the cut on my face, and tasted it as she stepped back.
"Do you also remember how I avoided any porn that reminded me of you?! I couldn't bear the thought of treating you that way." "None the less- I still liked it- at least consider breaking out that animal again." "Anna, I don't know if I can fully recover from this, I plunged a knife into you in a murderous fervor." "Yes,... for all the right reasons." "This is going to take some time." "I know, but how do you feel right now, after the fact? I don't see you drowning in tears right now." My God! She was right!, I should be in full blow meltdown mode right now. Deep breath. "So, partners then?" It's all I could think of at the moment. "Yes." "Ugh.... I can't help but love you." "And I have always loved you."
Kisses, hugs, joy. They would slowly return. Once again, another life changing event. But I have some mighty big shoes to fill, and this is not over yet.
I spent the night in my room. Anna was camped out in the room beside mine. She wanted to be close, just not in the same room as I. Truthfully, I was all for this idea. We needed some space, just not too much space. We went down to the kitchen in the morning, it was all medieval looking, disguising the replicator. Breakfast was kinda' somber, but it was time for some questions.
"So, how was all this planned out?" "We had a few meetings when you were,......away. They voted for me to be Queen." "But why a monarchy? It seems kinda' old fashioned, and tyrannical, as demonstrated over the last few days." "That's the thing, Michael. When things go bad, monarchies suck, and history is full bat shit crazy monarchs. But when the King and Queen are benevolent, they have the best track record of any government style in history. We have done some research while you were away." "Speaking of away, just how long was I gone?" "Four months." "You said it would be three, and Olaf said I was out for eighteen." "Well,.... we had some problems getting this joint ready, and they said they could tack on an extra four centimeters to your height." She was squirming when she said this. "Your totally into this beefcake thing, aren't you?" "I'm sorry, Michael. This is what I'm physically attracted to." She was once again running her fingers slowly up my arm, with a look of allure in her eyes. "So,... You didn't like me before?" "Did I ever once appear to not like you, until you went off the deep end? I loved you then, I love you now. I'm just more attracted to you in this form. Your brain chose this form- ya know- the one with the freckles, and the tiny breasts?" "OK, far enough. Just keep in mind, this is not my ideal self." "Good point, this isn't about you, it's about them. When you look at yourself in the mirror, think about how the people will look at you, this is to keep them satisfied, and me?, just as a bonus. OK?"
She is becoming a treasure trove of wisdom, at the age of eight months. Ten years from now, she will be a formidable queen.
"I guess I'm not in any position to argue, I should be swinging on a rope at noon." "And instead, we have a coronation to plan, King Michael, and a wedding!" "Hopefully not here!" "Yea, speaking of which, we'll be going back home for a month or so while Castle Greyskull here gets a makeover." "How much say do I get in the remodeling?" "Practically none, I'm going to be the Queen, Hunky Man." With that she sat in my lap, and stroked my stubbly face, while batting those giant lashes at me. "Deal, but I want a large study, somewhere where my big speakers can breathe. And a sign on the door that says; 'No Girz Aloud'." "Deal, shake on it?" "Done and done." "There's some things I want to show you before we leave, come on!" So we go out to the back green space, it was all fenced in meadow, off to the side was an outbuilding, a stable. She was practically skipping out to it. "Whatcha' think, huh?! Can I bargain or what?!" It had stalls for eight horses. Wow, she could sell ice cubes to Inuits. "I told them Royalty simply had to have horses." "I suppose I'll be learning to ride?" "Damn straight!" "But so will you." "I was born to ride." That you were, Princess. "Got one more thing to show you." She took me to a large set of doors in the courtyard. "Ya ready?" "Hit me." She opened the doors,... Bicycles! A dozen of them, even had one in my frame size, which was now quite large. These were the lightest bikes I've ever felt. When I went to pick mine up to get it out of the rack, I practically threw it in the air, I guess it weighed two kilos. "Thank you, Anna." "I know how much you wanted one,..and after all you been thru..." God, how absolutely selfless can one person be? Ten hours ago I was plunging a knife into her. "I'm assuming you don't know how to ride one of these things?" "Way ahead of you, Silly Buns." She hopped on one and took off around the courtyard. "I've been practicing." "So I see." She didn't want me showing her up when I got back, clever girl. "We've got one more thing to attend to before we split,... Olaf!" "Yes, m' lady." "Summon the cast." "By your command." Damn, even Olaf is on a leash. "Let's go to the balcony." So we went back into Drearyland, up the steps and down the hall to the balcony. All of the people involved in the test showed up, in there tattered costumes. Anna shouted over rail; "All hail King Michael!" "Hail, King Michael!" went two hundred voices, booming off the courtyard walls, followed by cheers and clapping, I so wanted to cry, but I can't. I must show strength. I am however, finding it easier to hold back emotions now. So I just waved- but I have to wonder- is this what they wanted? It seems like it. They all went thru with this charade, now they sing my praise. Months ago, when I gave my speech, I figured the most authority I would get would be heading some committee. Now look at me, waving at my loyal subjects, who can't wait to led in some meaningful direction, at the dawn of a new civilization. By the future King.
Then the Princess made an announcement.
"Once the castle has received it's rightful decor, there will be a big party. Everyone in the Habitat is invited, and the drinks are on me!" Once again, cheers erupted. "Please, go back to your homes and be at peace, I will be sure to reward each and every one of you for your sacrifice in the time of Prince Michael's trial, and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! Long live King Michael!" "LONG LIVE KING MICHAEL!!" It was absolutely thunderous, I'm assuming by design. we waved to the crowd and they disbanded. It was time for us to go. "Let's put on some riding clothes, shall we?" So we got some proper attire for the ride to the Pulaski house, it was time to go home...
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