#to heck with allergies
miss-lamamia · 1 year
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@crow-n-tell I found some of Sun's siblings
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penofwildfire · 2 months
I think they should do more with Nya's perfume allergy tbh I think we could bring that back for the lolz
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tj-crochets · 5 months
Okay I have had enough salt to be probably medically inadvisable for people without my particular health issues and am feeling moderately better*! I also have another question: How do you choose a mattress when you are buying one? I think I've only ever had hand-me-down mattresses from my siblings or mattresses my parents bought when I was little (idk, I just know I was uninvolved in the obtaining), and I am thinking a new mattress might help my Slept Wrong Injuries be at least less bad, if not stop them entirely, but idk how to choose one. My dad said I'd know when I laid on the mattress but my current mattress doesn't feel bad, but clearly is? So idk that I'll be able to tell *back to my usual "muscle issue flareup" level instead of "maybe it's worth seeing how bad muscle relaxers make my blood pressure" level lol
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hollowsart · 2 months
sneezing up a storm all of a sudden and I got so fed up I grabbed the flonase. sneezing with my nose completely clogged with tissues to the point my eyes are starting to water. NO MORE. NO MORE PLEASE.
It's like this one meme:
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Thinking about lu Dark Link today and how we just know so little about him. I mean he obviously hates the heroes and is going after them in some respect (see Sunset), but they actually followed him through the portals, so it doesn’t seem like he specifically gathered them? He’s making monsters and things and hopping through time, but what’s his goal? Who is he? What does he even truly look like???
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lightgriffinsect · 11 months
in an online class rn, the smog has gotten so bad that our failure govt actually had a big brain moment and mandated everyone to stay home on friday
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lollwutoof · 6 months
So today I had an allergic reaction to some seafood and it inspired me to come up with this headcannon:
The headcannon that Percy Jackson is allergic to all seafoods because, his dad is supposed to protect them and it's his body's way of saying: "WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!? WE LIKE THESE GUYS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Also that he doesn't know this till someone offers him some salmon/shrimp/something and he just *cough, dies figuratively*
And then another demigod just so happens to have an EpiPen and uses it on him and every one is so confused about what just happened.
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aniseandspearmint · 9 months
Went to the store today. Got some basics, and melatonin which i ran out of last month and KEPT FORGETTING TO BUY.
I'm gonna make some semblance of a christmas dinner even with it just being me. 10 freaking dollars for a roast that's basically sized for one person, some good potatoes to mash, and an acorn squash to halve and roast with some brown sugar and spices. It'll be good.
Aldi only had dutch apple pie on offer tho and I've never liked those very much. There's a Kroger right beside the Aldi, so i ducked in over there and, kind of ironically, picked up a mixed fruit crumble. Which, LOOK I know the topping texture is similar to a dutch apple pies, but it's somehow DIFFERENT when it's with berries instead of big apple chunks. *gestures to body* I don't make the rules I just live here.
Got some single glass bottles of soda too while i was there, I hate Kroger, but it's one of the only places around here you can get single bottles soda.
Got a Jones's Chocolate Orange soda to try. It's- interesting? Like, it tastes like eating an orange chewie candy and a tootsie roll at the same time. I don't think I'll get it again but it's not bad!
Also got some cheerwine, for nostalgia's sake. And it was on sale. I haven't had any since I was a kid! (Cheerwine is a non alcoholic cherry flavored soda)
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simplyghosting · 1 year
Thinking about those posts cat owners make of their cats waking them up by stepping on their organs except in my case I do not own a cat but a very large, cuddly 80lb dog.
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truebluewhocanoe · 1 year
rant post feel free to ignore if youre here for my memes/reblogs
the worst thing in doctor who is when someone is doing a thing for every doctor (e.g. art piece that includes them all, some sort of fic that has one chapter for each, etc.) and its clear they dont know much about classic series and its ESPECIALLY noticeable when they boil down the 6th doctor to just being an asshole/violent/narcissistic like. its okay. if you dont know much about classic thats fine. just do the nuwho doctors. thats not a problem. heck if youre only interested in 4 and the nuwho doctors thats fine!! if you only like doctors that are prime numbers thats cool!! just stick with them! dont force yourself to make content for characters youre not familiar with because of the urge to have a full set because then youre just gonna mischaracterize them and then no one's having fun!
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tj-crochets · 10 months
I don't have an iron supplement reccomendation, but if you can have cooked garlic, but not raw, you might have an issue with allicin, which is present in raw garlic, but is destroyed in the cooking process.
Thanks! And thanks to @linguisticparadox as well, it is good to know I can be allergic to something destroyed by the cooking process (I know I said I don't care why I can have cooked but not raw, but it was more of a "no matter the reason, the solution is just to not eat it" kind of thing where I didn't need to know the reason to be able to fix it. I am glad to have a possible answer, though!)
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kuro-tsuki-san · 1 year
People have been talking about looking forward to masks no longer bejng required at work. I kinda understand but also. Im basically allergic to breathing so if anyone thinks they will be seeing my bare face in the wild again they are sadly mistaken.
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
when i was a kid and i baked with my grandma i’d often get an allergic reaction, not generally due to me eating things i knew i was allergic to, mostly because i’d touch something and put my hands near my mouth and being like 5-8 i didn’t wash my hands everytime i touched something. anyways allergic reactions were common for me as a kid bc i was allergic to raw egg which is required in nearly all baking. as an adult i pretty much never have allergic reactions as i outgrew my raw egg allergy (i think) and generally am only allergic to hazelnuts now. anyways i was looking through my grandma’s decades old recipe folder and ended up getting an allergic reaction from something that was on the sheets.
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Coworker 1: if I eat shellfish, my throat swells up like a softball.
Coworker 2: same thing happens to me with tree nuts.
Me: I'm allergic to lettuce.
Them: ...
Coworker 1: *goes to fridge to get lettuce
Me: 😱😱
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Brb gonna go strangle whatever tree it is that’s making me feel like death
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rabbitslikecarrots · 6 months
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Last year the caterpillars ate all my apple blossoms before they could bloom, but this year they are looking lovely!! Hopefully that means apples are on the way 🥰
In other news, I went to the shop to get some new gloves, soil and antihistamine- being a gardener with a grass allergy is the worst 😅
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