#to make a move on the touchy-feely woman
yorickish · 1 month
went on a date with this woman I met last week that I'm not particularly into. it was nice I enjoyed talking to her but am not particularly attracted for her. gonna give it a bit more time sometimes it takes me time to figure that out. bought her drinks cause of the patriarchy. barely told her about my mother at all. never really been on a date before so good to figure that out. gave her a hug at the end largely prompted by her, stepped on her feet -- not good! think there was a moment there standing in the moonlight waiting for her cab I could have given her a smooch... felt the possibility in the air. but I didn't really want to and also I don't know how... need to read an article or two on that.
ahh sorry this is boring I know. this isn't my usual content. here's something for the rest of you: I took a nice solid shit this morning but when I wiped it was like... slightly yellow-greenish. been blowing chunks all week too, really gassy or something. what's up? what's up with that?
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possamble · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons or thoughts about Falin having a crush on Marcille pre-canon? Especially during her later years at the school/the years she was with Laios.
Just full on "awkward and slightly gnc teenage lesbian has a massive crush on the touchy-feely girly girl straight best friend" tropes everywhere. Even better bc it's the "best friend is also the popular girl while lesbian is the slightly ostracized quiet one" dynamic in school. Falin gets so so so good at not having a heart attack every time Marcille gets in her personal space. But she's so resigned to never saying anything bc why would a girl as blinding as Marcille ever like her back. She also doesn't make an effort to get over it either, she's just content to be trapped in that stable dynamic of silently being in love with Marcille while getting to enjoy CLEARLY being Marcille's favourite person. She gets so used to it that it's almost just background noise most of the time-- it would have to be, unless she wanted to be freaking out 24/7 bc Marcille is so goddamn affectionate.
Her feelings also definitely change throughout the time that they're in school together-- at first it was this "whooaaah pretty older girl" puppy crush that you can clearly see developing in the flashbacks we get (I think she doesn't even like... realize her fixation on Marcille is romantic at all until years after it starts, when she's 12-14 ish and all the other girls around her are talking about crushes). But then they get closer, over the years Marcille starts getting really attached and letting down her guard, and Falin gets to see the ridiculous side of her. She gets to calm her down from her tantrums when experiments don't work out, or help her clean up when something explodes in her face. I feel like the progression of her feelings from "schoolgirl infatuation" to "unrequited love" probably almost exactly corresponds to how slowly Marcille goes from trying to keep Falin at a polite but friendly distance (like she does with everyone else) to her facade completely eroding as she becomes her cheerful and ridiculous self again for the first time since her father died.
That's probably the saddest part: Falin knows that she's clearly Marcille's favourite person on the surface level, but she doesn't quite fully grasp the enormity of what that means to Marcille. She doesn't get that she's the person who made the world colorful again for Marcille, that she is the first person outside of Marcille's family to really and truly make her laugh. She just thinks she's the beloved but dinky little short-lived sidekick, one of many that Marcille has had and will have.
Part of it is that, despite Marcille becoming such a clingy and affectionate best friend, I think her initial demeanour already did its damage. You see Falin being super adventurous and weird at first, bringing Marcille berries and other stuff, only to be rebuffed by Marcille exasperatedly saying she's working or looking kind of put off by it. And by the time you see her a little older, shes already quieter and better at masking -- and I'm not saying that that's entirely Marcille's fault (being the weird girl at an all girls academy for almost the entirety of her teenhood must have been brutal, my god) but she definitely learned that she's a potential nuisance to Marcille if she doesn't tone herself down. She learned that Marcille most likely sees her as a weird little kid following her around bc she has no other friends. And for the most part, she was never given any reason to unlearn any of that.
And that all very very smoothly transitions into Marcille being her "first love that was never meant to be anyway" when she leaves the academy. Chapter closed in her mind: she loved and pined from a distance and that was that. Every now and then she'll see another woman with Marcille's build or her shade of hair and be like ":( I miss her..." But then just kinda move on with her day. Same with when she's going through her own spellbook and finds a note that Marcille left her/correction that she made-- she'll smile fondly and reminisce about how much Marcille doted on her, and then move on.
Sometimes she thinks about contacting Marcille but convinces herself that it's too late (she spent too many months focusing on getting Laios healthy again and didn't mean to go no contact, but ah well). It's only when she has a practical reason to be reaching out that would also benefit Marcille ("Marcille is studying dungeons and we need a trustworthy mage to go with us to the dungeons") that she feels like she's allowed/that it wouldn't just be 100% a nuisance.
I almost think she didn't expect Marcille to reply at all, only to get a telegraph (or some in-universe equivalent of express mail, maybe magical pigeon carrier) that's like. EN ROUTE TO ISLAND. LETTER TO FOLLOW. and she freaks out like AAAA LAIOS SHE SAID YES WE HAVE TO CLEAN UP NOW.
I do think getting a response accidentally sparks a little hope in her, judging by the way she acts in the chp 57 flashback-- she's pouty that Marcille sees her as a kid, gets really worked up about being presentable, and then tries to play it cool when she actually meets Marcille (as if she didn't freak out and force Laios to shave while rambling a mile a minute about Marcille). She's an adult now, really and truly, and she's seen and survived things that her 18 yr old self would have never even imagined-- then all of a sudden, the person she was in love with since she was ten years old appears, and she's so desperate to be seen as mature and competent. She's trying soooo hard to impress Marcille with her newfound combat and dungeoneering experience...
Only to fall right back into their old dynamic. RIP. At least she gets the girl eventually, even if it takes dying twice and being the core catalyst behind an almost-apocalypse.
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potheadkiki · 22 days
Do you take requests?? Because if sooo can you do a bakugou hc w reader who smokes🤗 nsfw included 🌚
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Use of marijuana
Pet names
Ik u wanted hc but I did a short story
It's already getting late as you and bakugo get ready for the night in your own separate ways that is. Bakugo getting in the shower after you he doesn't like to admit it but he loves to watch you moisturize as you mutter to yourself and to him about your day. He's stepping out of the shower towel hanging low on his waist as he see's you sitting there on your shared bed packing a cone before gently twisting the tip so it's straight and will burn evenly. He can't help but to watch as you gently press the filter to you lips as you light the tip and inhale, exhaling after and filling the room with smoke and the smell of weed. He doesn't smoke much and that's fine with him but sometimes he'll give in and ask for a hit once and while. Walking towards his dresser as he listens to you gently cough and your favorite American cartoon "Bobs burgers". He gets dressed quickly and slips into bed next to you looking at you for a moment before saying
"Give me a hit" he says looking at you and you admittedly are a little shocked as you hand him your light cone. Watching him inhale and exhale only to start coughing as his face goes slightly red. You giggle looking at him
"Shut up woman I don't smoke as often as you" he says trying to catch his breath as you giggle at his statement
"I know and I love when you smoke with me baby" you say as you snuggle up against his side exhaling as you take another hit before handing it to him again and hoping that maybe he'll take another hit and he does grabbing it from your fingers, inhaling but before he could exhale you gently grab the cone out of his hands and lean in to kiss him pulling away and exhaling the smoke that was originally his.
"Mhm damn baby" he says before leaning in himself and connecting his lips again this time more fierce pushing you back gently against the pillow as you lay the cone down on the side so you can wrap your hands around his neck pulling him in closer as you whine pulling away giggling
"What's gotten into you suki?" You ask shyly avoiding eye contact with him. Your high and with the way he's looking at you, the feeling of his lips on yours is enough to make you feel like a horny nervous virgin teenage girl again, he laughs maneuvering his head and gently grabbing your chin to force eye contact with a sly smile he says
"I can't help it seeing you smoke always makes me feel a certain way and I'm kinda buzzed. What am I not allowed to kiss my woman?" He asks almost in a serious tone looking at you like he wants you to answer so you do a little quiet but you say
"Of course you can kiss me suki" he smiles at that gently pinching the outside of your right thigh as a sign of dominance and for you to spread your legs a little more for him to get comfortable in between his favorite place your thighs. His hips press against yours and you feel the pressure against your clit as he grinds his hips into yours. Gasping slightly as you wrap your arms around his lower back pulling him closer as he starts to kiss at your neck. All the while his one hand was holding him up the other was having a field day touching and feeling up your body. His hand groping at your side handles as his head makes it way under one of his T-shirt that you had stolen as he start to gently kissing and nibbling at your nipple. His hips slow down as he feels you getting to the edge but not yet he thinks. Meanwhile his hand started to travel down and slip past your panties fingers eager to please in anyway he can.
"Mhm fuck suki you make me feel so good" you whimper out always loving when he is so touchy feely with you. He chuckles slightly looking up at you
"Yeah I better" he says with a chuckle as his head moves further down to meet his hand and finally get his head between your legs.
"Hmm finally" he says almost as if he's just been given some sort of life saving medication. Now that he is lowered to meet your pussy he has his other hand taking a moment to slip off your panties letting them hang off one of your left ankle. Using his pointer and middle finger to gently spread your lips enough to expose your pretty clit laying a soft kiss on it before sucking softly loving the way you whine and moan for him. Sliding his fingers down prodding at your hole before slipping his middle finger inside and curling up and rubbing against that little spongy spot inside that has your legs curling up around his head as he pulls away a little to lick at your clit instead. Feeling your legs tremble he knows your getting close. Your always so easy to make cum while high it's honestly adorable. Squealing softly as your hands grip is hair hard
"I'm gonna cum suki please don't stop" you beg and he doesn't picking up pace with his finger as your legs tremble around his head. Sliding a second finger in and curling up and one harsh suck is all it takes to push you over the edge completely. He keeps licking cleaning you up as you moan and breath heavy moving your hips away from his face from the slight over stimulation and he chuckles pulling away looking at you with a proud smile as his eyes are droopy and slightly red
"You okay baby? You good to continue?" He asks tucking a piece of hair that must've got stuck to the sweat from your cheeks. You nod gently leaning into his hand
"Words baby." He says
"Mhm yes I'm fine please fuck me I've been a good girl" you say whining softly and he laughs making the comment
"You're right you have been and I believe you deserve a reward" he says pulling boxers down to expose himself completely to you and you practically drool at the sight as he leans over to grab a condom from the second draw slipping it on and using your own juices to lub himself up. His cock gently pushes at your hole feeling as he sinks instead of you slowly not stopping until he completely bottoms out inside you with a groan of relief.
"Fuck baby your so good you feel so good" he says as his head hangs low on your shoulder panting slightly. He always gets so sensitive when he's high. His hips start to move until he's able to create a steady rhythm for the both of you. Lifting your left leg wrapping it around his waist as he thrusts deeper inside hitting that spot again and again. His hand makes its way back to the side of your bed as his other one slides down between your bodies and finds your clit once again this time being a tad bit more rough with the way he rubs circles into your clit. He can feel as you start to clench around him again so he whispers
"You gonna cum princess?" He asks almost a condescending tone to the question. But you nodd all the more and whine. He continues doing fucking you feeling your legs tremble again nails digging into his back your sure you drew a little blood. You feel as your breath gets stuck in your throat attempting to say anything but it just comes out as a broken moan creaming all over him as your back arches off the bed for a moment. He doesn't stop though not now that he's chasing his own high and he's close so close with the way your clenching around him, all the moaning and whining, and the look on your face along with wear his T-shirt sends him over the edge pulling out gently as to not have you be so sore later on. Pulling the condom off and tying it before throwing it in the trashcan. Pulling his boxers back up and giving you a gentle kiss before heading to the bathroom, grabbing a clean wash cloth and soaking it in warm water before wringing it out and walking back out to you whipping at your forehead and between your thighs kissing your face the entire time and saying how good of a job you did. Pulling the t-shirt back down and sliding behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and you soon fall asleep to the sound of the still playing show and the sound of his steady heartbeat which always puts you out.
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tea0w0stache · 6 months
I would like to ask you about the parentification of John Dory if you please
cracks knuckles.
this was inspired by a few things:
during the argument before branch leaves, jd says this; "well i'm not allowed to change!! im the oldest, i had to be the leader ! why do you think i moved into the middle of nowhere? so i didnt have to be in charge of anyone. four little brothers a LOT of responsibility!!"
and as silly as it is,
2. the way grandma rosiepuff acted during the fallout at the beginning as well as the lack of their parents in the movie.
im gonna go ahead and combine lack of parents and the quote from the movie. for starters, the way john dory phrases it implies that he had to take care of his brothers for the majority of their time together. we have absolutely 0 information on their parents yet we can safely assume they werent present for most of their lives if jd had to be in charge of the four of them that much. hes shown signs of stress and anxiety as well as the obvious perfectionism, but he really does care about his brothers.
now onto grandma rosiepuff. i love her, and from what we've seen, she was a great grandma to branch. but in families, there are favorites. i mean, come on. i know it was probably a gag to have her play cards/gamble, but it also makes you think; why the hell did she not do anything to stop brozone from breaking up? im not saying she left everything to jd, but i wouldnt be suprised if she accidentally contributed to his perfectionism and stress.
'hes the oldest, he had to be the leader.' it sounds like something a grandmother would tell their oldest grandchild. that they have to set an example for their siblings, help them out, etc. not to mention, shes an older woman. the pressure of having 4 brothers to help take care of plus a grandma can be a LOT.
so yeah, i think tbt did a REALLY good job at portraying some of the issues brozone has. branch's abandonment issues, clays desire to finally be taken seriously, bruce's desire to move on from his past, floyd's guilt and the acceptance that he may literally DIE, and of course jd's parentification. so many of these issues are realistic and are portrayed so WELL.
okay i think im done for now but yeah its been in my head and i needed to get i out. also im absolutely gonna use this as an excuse to say GO READ TOUCHY FEELY FOOL ON AO3 pretty please!! its a jd centric fic about said parentification
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Organs in the Wash Ch. 2
Miranda Hilmarson x Reader
Authors Note: Thank you so much to my loves in the coucil of gwen gc. i love you all so much.
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“Drink! You have to drink!” She half-shouted. Her hand was stretched out to you, waving frantically. All night Miranda had been unabashedly herself: grinning wildly, laughing unabashedly, and placing her hand on your leg and shoulder whenever she found one of your statements funny. 
“Oh, come on!” You lost the game fair and square, but you had consumed enough liquid courage to tease and argue with her. Together you had been sitting at the bar for a few hours and with each drink, the gap between you closed another inch. You were delighted to find she was such a touchy-feely person in a casual setting. 
Her hands came down to grip your thigh, shaking you back and forth, “Drink!”
You do as you're told and raise the glass to your lips, winking at her as you did so. Her grin falls and a wide blush spreads across her cheeks causing her to turn away from you to hide her own embarrassment. 
“Drink if you have never kissed a woman.” You try to make your statement as jovial as possible, your hand reaching out to squeeze at her side as you spoke. Her face turned back to you and her facial expression was unreadable, like a mixture of bewilderment, nerves, and exhilaration. 
From the way you asked her out, you still weren’t sure if this was a true date or just an opportunity to hang out. Self-doubt was the large reason you couldn’t believe a wonderful woman like her would even agree to drinks. This statement was one of the best ways you could nonchalantly see if this was a friend-date or a date-date. 
Smirking, she raised the glass to her lips, watching you intently as she drank. When Miranda set the glass back down, she licked her lips, obviously taking a moment to think before her eyes met yours, “I haven’t kissed a woman... but I’m not opposed to it.”
Your heart froze in your chest. Even though you seemed to initiate this flirtation, you weren’t ready to hear her reciprocate. Rather than wallow in the nervousness of kissing your newest crush, you continue flirting with her, “Let me know when you want to try it out.”
Miranda’s back straightened and her blush moved up to her ears. You tilt your head back to look at her with heavily lidded eyes. You watch as she swallows hard, wetting her lips once more as she thinks about your offer. Her phone begins buzzing before she can respond. 
Miranda throws you an apologetic look before slipping off the barstool to take the call. Her hand squeezed your bicep as she brushed by you, but you were more distracted by the feeling of her body pressed against your back as she slipped past a group of patrons. 
You began working out a game plan to earn a kiss from Miranda by the end of the night. You were distracted by an arm sliding around your shoulders and a face dipping low by your ear. A man’s voice began speaking to you, his breath hot against your ear, “Here all by yourself, huh?”
“No, my date is coming right back.” You shift your shoulders away from him, turning the barstool in an attempt to put some distance between the two of you. He didn’t seem to be deterred, rather he placed a foot on the bar towards the base of the bar stool, his knee pushing between your own. 
“I can keep you company until then.” He shrugged, placing a hand on the bar, leaning in just a little closer to you. 
“No, that’s-” 
“Who is this?” Miranda cut you off, her hand reaching out for you to take. She looked down at the man with distrust as his intentions seemed less than honorable. You grasped her hand and shoved past the man. His knee between your legs caused you to stumble into Miranda’s arms. Her strong arms caught you without an issue, one of her arms winding around your waist. When you regained your balance, her grip on you remained, pulling you flush against her body. 
Being this close to her made your head spin. She smelled faintly of deodorant mixed with a flowery perfume. Your hand braced itself on her stomach and you were sent into a form of gay panic when you realized how thin the fabric of her shirt was. You weren’t about to back out of this proximity, rather you pressed yourself closer to her, feeling her grip tighten around you in response. 
“Where are you going?” The guy turned his palms to the ceiling and his head shook in confusion. 
“I’m taking her home.” Miranda’s voice was cold as used her strength and larger frame to turn you away from the man towards the front door of the bar. Her hands rested on your hips as you pushed your way through the crowd and her head dipped low by your ear to speak to you, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
God, of course she didn’t make you uncomfortable. You wanted her hands all over you. 
Once you reached the front doors, her hands dropped away from your waist. You bit your lip in frustration, wondering what you could do to get her hands back on you. Everything happened all at once. You left the bar and rounded the corner before turning around. Your sudden stop caused Miranda to run right into you, her arm wrapping around you out of instinct, “Are you okay? He was awfully close to you.”
“Jealous much?” You teased, biting at your bottom lip as you stared up at her. 
There was a pause between the two of you before Miranda began laughing, “Jeal- I don’t think I have the right to be jealous...”
You open your mouth to respond but a man's voice from behind you cuts you off, “Hilmarson?” 
Miranda’s smile fades and she immediately distances herself from you. You turn to look at the man who was now interrupting this moment between Miranda and you. Miranda went stiff and she completely focused on him. He was her boss and the man who was cheating on his wife to sleep with Miranda on the side, “Adrian...” 
“Who’s this?” There seemed to be a twinge of jealousy in his voice. His eyes narrowed as he looked at you, but you didn’t notice his gaze as you were watching Miranda. Adrian approached you both slowly, continuing his way towards his destination while he spoke.
“A... friend. We were just out grabbing a couple drinks.” Miranda gestured to you before looking down to the ground once more, “I was just about to take them home.” 
“I see...”Adrian pursed his lips and nodded, glancing at Miranda and back to you once more. You finally turned your head to really take in his form. If your instincts were correct and this man did have feelings for Miranda, she was far too attractive for him. His lip curled as he looked at you and you offered him a similar look of disdain in response. He looked back up to Miranda to speak once more, “We should get together soon.” 
Miranda didn’t respond, rather she offered him a curt nod. He passed her by, grasping at her bicep as he did so. Whoever this man was to Miranda, he has seemingly ruined your night together. As you walk along, you brush your hand against hers, but she seems to move away from you a bit, retracting her hand away. Miranda ended up walking you home in near silence, and when you asked a question, her answers were short.
“Who was he?” You ask tentatively, not wanting to intrude. 
“My boss.”
“Hmm.” You hum in response, not believing this was the full truth due to the awkwardness of their interaction. You weren’t going to push the subject any further. Instead, you hoped that if your relationship progressed, she might be willing to share more of her with you. While she seemed to be happy-go-lucky, there was a bit to her that was hiding from you. 
As you moved up the stairs to your apartment, you formulated your final effort to let her know how much you liked her. Hopefully, if she knew you loved her company, then you would regain the talkative woman from earlier. When you were in front of your apartment door, you finally spoke, “Would you like to come inside?”
“I-I have work tomorrow and I-” Miranda ran a hand through her hair nervously, glancing back down the stairs. You didn’t want to believe she wanted to go, but you weren’t going to press her any further.
“That’s okay.” You took a step closer to her, tilting your chin upwards to look into her face, “I had a great time. I’d love to go out again..”
Miranda furrowed her brow, her face flooded with confusion, “Wh- Really?”
“Yeah. You’re a ton of fun.” You shrug and fold your hands over your chest. Miranda always loved that compliment. She always prided herself on her ability to be good company, “And I was serious, ya’ know?”
“About what?” Miranda cocked her head, another one of her sweet smiles returning to her face. 
“About me being your first kiss with a woman. I’d happily volunteer as tribute...” Her grin brought a smile to your face as you spoke. From her positive reaction to you asking to spend more time together, you decided to push a step further, wanting her to know that you were more interested in a romantic relationship than a friendship, “You are very beautiful.”
“Well I wouldn’t-” You watch her face fall to her feet, a blush returning to her face, not wanting to accept the compliment you provided her with. 
You wouldn’t be deterred. You dipped your head down, trying to get her to make eye contact with you. Even if Miranda didn’t want to kiss you, or even date you for that matter, you wanted her to know how attractive she was, “Beautiful. You are truly beautiful.” 
It was Miranda who kissed you. The kiss was clumsy at first as she came at you with a little too much velocity, but you caught yourself by throwing your arms around her neck. She kept moving at you until your back was against the door to your apartment. Miranda parted her lips, looking to deepen the kiss which you accept greedily. 
Your kissing continued, hands wandering and tongues meeting until you heard the door slam shut at the bottom of the stairs. Both of you were breathing heavily when Miranda pulled away. Footsteps continued up the stairs and you both came to a mutual decision to call it a night, knowing if you were allowed to touch anymore, things would move a lot further and faster than planned. 
“Text me?” You ask, beaming. Miranda nodded quickly as she leaned forward to place a final, chaste kiss upon your lips. She waits by the door when you pull away from her, unlock your front door, and slip inside. You stop before you close the door, peaking your head out, “Goodnight, Constable.”
“Goodnight, civilian.”Miranda tilts her head, maintaining eye contact with you until the door shuts. You peer out the peephole and watch as Miranda does a little dance to herself, bobbing her head and shaking her shoulders in triumph.
It had been three days since your date and the two of you had been texting nonstop. Your next date was planned for tomorrow when Miranda had a day off of work for the two of you to go to the beach together. 
Most of your texting was harmless flirting, but last night some of the messages turned steamy after Miranda told you she loved your eyes... and your legs. Then she proceeded to admit to fawning over you when she and Detective Griffin came to your apartment. You responded that you loved her hands and loved to imagine all the things she could do to you with them. She was typing for a long while after that and ended up only responding with a blushing emoji. 
You were in the middle of your workday when you received a call from Miranda and couldn’t hide the wide grin that spread across your face at the thought of hearing her voice. You tap the green ‘answer call’ button and greet her before she can even speak, “Hello, Constable.”
“Hello, civilian.” From the sound of her voice, you could picture the shy smile that spread across her face, “How are you doing today?” 
“I’m good. Just trying to get something else done for work. What’s up? How are you?” You lean back in your desk chair, spinning around slowly as you speak. She had you feeling like a lovesick teenager. 
What you couldn’t see on Miranda’s end of the call was Robin tapping at her watch and mouthing ‘hurry up’ at the blonde. Rather than answering your questions, Miranda jumped right into the purpose of her call, “We have another body.”
“A serial killer?” You postulate as you assume she is calling to ask you to do more cryptography work. 
“Can’t say for sure. Would… you be willing to come down to the station and decode what had been carved into the body?” You can hear the way her tone gets lighter as the question continues, hope surging through her.
Of course you would come help, but first you felt compelled to tease her about it, “Do you actually need me for this or do you just want to see me again?”
“Two things can be true.” Her response was quick, almost like she had been ready for you to ask that question. You bit your lip at her words, excitement and nerves beginning to swirl in your stomach at the thought of seeing her again.
“I can come down and help.” You stood from your desk chair and began scurrying around your apartment to prepare yourself to leave. You always liked the apartment to be particularly tidy whenever you leave. Stacking your cereal bowl on your lunch plant, you carry them into the kitchen to place them in the sink.
“Want me to come pick you up?” 
Her question made you pause your task and start grinning like a fool, “I would love for you to come pick me up.” 
You waited at the curbside for Miranda’s car. You felt silly when you were surprised to see her in an official police vehicle. She pulled up to the curb, rolling down the window to heckle you, “I’ve heard you have been disturbing the peace. Get in.”
You chuckle as you pull open the passenger door and slide into the front seat. You were expecting more awkwardness when you inhabited the same space once again, but you hadn’t gotten the door closed when she grabbed your face and pulled you into a clumsy kiss. You let out a laugh against her lips and place your hand at the back of her head to return the kiss with the same fervor. 
When she pulls away, her pleased smile makes your heart melt. You grab her face with your hand and squeeze her cheeks lightly, “You truly are adorable.”
Miranda glanced down bashfully. Rather than press on, you release her from your grasp and fully close the car door. You listen to her speak as you buckle your seatbelt, “Ready to go stare at a dead body?”
You settle into the seat, hands folded in your lap, “Oh, absolutely.” 
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
Goes Both Ways
A Bad Batch Series interlude oneshot
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Gif by @transkestis​
(no, the S2 fits aren’t here yet, this gif just worked the best)
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Summary: You and Hunter both realise there are trickier feelings that need navigating in a relationship but the two of you manage to work with them.
Warnings: Swearing, possessiveness/jealousy, reader doesn’t really stick the Jedi teachings (but we knew this anyway lol), pet name (sweetheart), Gregor being what I need in the form of a flirtatious plot device, Force communication working how I say it does, brief mention of death, no y/n, PDA in the form of making out, affectionate biting/marking, spicy and suggestive language and touches, awkwardness, getting caught/interrupted
Masterlist for S1 chapters
Word Count: 3.4K
Rating: 18+
Author’s notes: I can’t justify the main trope here, my brain just went into this headspace and took it and ran lol. Things get a bit spicier, but I appreciate this sorta thing isn’t for everyone but to those who do read, hope you enjoy :)
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The three of them watched from the bar at the scene unfolding in front of them. They weren’t sure how exactly you would react once you came back from putting Omega in Cid’s room, but one thing was certain, you weren’t going to be very happy.
“Hey guys, what are we looking-” You stopped as you saw what it what they were staring at, or rather who they were staring at. “Who the fuck’s that?” You asked, attempting levity but it wasn’t very convincing.
“We don’t know. She appeared once you left.” Tech answered.
“Did she now?” You replied, your voice tense. The feelings bubbling within you were unfamiliar and you were still getting used to the whole relationship thing, but you could already tell you weren’t a fan of what was happening in front of you.
You continued to stare at the young woman currently standing by Hunter at the other end of the bar counter. She was being a little too touchy-feely for your liking, her hands kept wandering to Hunter’s chest and hands. Hunter, to his credit, kept inching away every time she did that, but she was not for dissuading.
“Are you alright?” Echo asked.
“Uh huh.” You replied stiffly.
“You sure?” Wrecker asked as he saw the way your jaw clenched.
You sucked air through your teeth. “Yup.”
“You know he’s not going to do anything.” Tech added.
“It’s not him I’m worried about.”
“Are you sure you-”
“Relax Echo, I’m not going to cause a scene.” You said calmy as you watched them.
You understood to a degree, hell if you were in her position you’d probably try too, but he was taken now.
Now he was yours.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, where the fuck did that line of thought come from? You thought to yourself, shocked that you’d even gone down that road so quickly. That jealousy and possessiveness was something you’d been taught for years was a very bad thing, yet you jumped to it immediately. You took a deep breath. “It’s fine, I’m fine. He’ll come back over once he's done talking.”
The three of them regarded you suspiciously.
“Chill with the fourth degree. I’m okay.” You reiterated as you felt their eyes on you.
“You’ve still not looked away.” Tech pointed out.
“And that bar stool leg wasn’t bent like that before.” Echo said, indicating to the chair you were closest to.
You glanced down and sure enough, the leg has curved slightly. Clearly you weren’t as fine as you were trying to make yourself out to be. “Wrecker, stand in front of me.”
Wrecker did as you asked. “That better?”
You took another deep breath. “Yeah. Just gotta wait until they’re done.” You stole a swig from Echo’s drink and willed the streak of possessiveness that was residing with in you to go away.
“Okay, how long has it been? Seriously, what could she be saying that’s so interesting?” You asked irritably. “Also, Hunter isn’t exactly a conversationalist, what could she be so captivated by?
The others shared a smirk. It had been five minutes and you’d only lasted two before you’d moved past Wrecker to watch them again.
“I don’t think it’s his conversation skills she’s interested in.” Tech said simply as if he was answering a question about the weather.
You shot him a glare as Wrecker and Echo both shook their heads at him. “Sometimes Tech, I forget you’re the smartest one here. I know what she’s interested in but how many times does he need to back away for her to get the hint? Or better yet, why doesn’t he leave?”
“Maybe he’s just being polite?” Wrecker offered.
“Or they’re genuinely having a conversation?” Echo suggested.
You hid your head in your hands, but you couldn’t help but laugh. “Sometimes I really can’t talk to you boys.”
“Although I doubt a genuine conversation would involve that.” Tech said indicating over to them.
You lifted your head and that possessiveness you had been attempting to quash came to a head as you saw the way she looped an arm around the back of his neck and drew her closer to him. “Oh, for fucks sake.” You muttered. The Jedi were dead, and they weren’t perfect anyway, so you didn’t have to be. You downed the rest of your drink and began to walk over to him.
“I have 5 credits on her bumping into her and making her spill her drink.” Wrecker said as he watched you go.
“Nah, she’ll use her Jedi abilities for that.” Echo countered. “Tech?”
“I think she’ll rise above and merely ask her to leave.”
Echo and Wrecker just stared at him; eyebrows raised.
Tech sighed, “Fine. She’s using the Force.”
Hunter had been itching to leave for the past ten minutes but this woman was not getting the message. He had just taken her hands off him for what felt like the one hundredth time when he felt you next to him as you wrapped an arm around his waist.
He glanced at you and saw a hint of darkness in your eyes as well as something he couldn’t quite place. “Hey, how are-” Your lips on his abruptly cut him off and it was a kiss that was definitely not meant for a public space. It was deep and intense, and he was sure it had something to do with whatever it was that was lurking behind your eyes. After what was probably too long for a casual expression of affection, you pulled away and he found that all words had left his brain.
“You were stolen away from me. I had to come check on you.” You said sweetly as you gazed at him, pleased with the slightly dazed look on his face. Keeping your hand wrapped around him, you faced the woman, and you felt a hint of smugness as you saw the flash of irritation on her face. “I see you’ve met my Hunter.”
Your Hunter? He regarded you curiously, but your eyes were focused on the woman in front of you.
“Yeah, we just got chatting.” She said innocently.
“Oh, chatting, was it? Looked to me like you were hitting on him.” You said with fake politeness.
Oh, that’s what this was, Hunter realised. You were jealous. He worried for the woman across from him since he’d never seen you like this, so he didn’t know what to expect. “Sweetheart, I wasn’t-”
“Oh, don’t worry, I trust you.” You said, leaning up to plant a kiss on his neck and you smirked to yourself as you saw her frown out of the corner of your eye.
You faced her again. “Honey, you should really look for men that are interested in you. You’re not going to get what you’re looking for here, I can tell you that.”
“Oh, I’d never-” She began, placing her hand over her heart as if she was shocked by such an insinuation.
“No?” You asked as if you were willing to believe her.
“It’s just he never mentioned you, so I assumed-”
You could tell she was lying and that was confirmed by the way Hunter stiffened next to you. “See, I think he did, and you just don’t know when to quit.”
“Well, I didn’t think sewer rats were his type.” She sneered.
You were glad you could be done with the fake niceties. You placed a hand on Hunter’s chest as you sensed him getting ready to speak. “I think you better be going now.” You said coolly and with a subtle flick of your finger, her drink spilt on her lap.
She shouted in annoyance at the red puddle that was now forming on her lap.
“Oh, now that’s unfortunate. You better get outta here and sort that cause white and red? That’s a bitch to clean and I wouldn’t want your lovely dress to get ruined.” You said with a cat-like grin.
She glowered at you and walked out of the bar.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Hunter kidded into your hair as he kissed your temple.
You looked back at him and looped your arms around his neck.
Hunter’s hands found your waist and as he stared into your eyes, he saw that that hint of possessiveness hadn’t left yet, and he realised it wasn’t necessarily just the woman he had to worry about.
“She was trying to take something that wasn’t hers.” You said as your hands threaded themselves in his hair. You pulled on it and brought his lips down, so they were mere inches from yours.
Hunter had to bite back the groan that threatened to leave his mouth and instead he tightened his hold on your waist. “We can’t… not here.” He managed to rasp out.
“See, I think it should be here. How else are people going to know that you’re mine?” You purred as you moved your lips to his ear before you bit down on his neck, using your tongue to sooth the sting of it.
“Fuck.” Hunter hissed out and he had to grab the counter so as to stay upright.
“Did you like talking to her?” You continued to whisper as you kissed along his jaw.
“No.” He replied hoarsely. His brain was having to work overtime to form even the simplest of words.
“You didn’t leave.” You murmured as you traced your lips over his. You took them away as you saw him go to make something more of it. “Why didn’t you leave?” You asked again, your hand trailing up and down his chest- thankful that they’d all decided they could take a break tonight since his armour would’ve made this difficult- whilst you sucked a mark on his pulse point.
Hunter’s head fell back, and it took all the willpower he possessed not to let out a moan. “Didn’t- Maker- didn’t want to be- Fucking hell- rude.” He ground out as your lips and tongue continued to do things to his neck that left him unable to think straight.
“If there’s a next time, Sergeant…” You crooned, bringing his head back up. “Be rude.” You whispered before kissing him once more, gently biting his lip and relishing in the way he couldn’t keep it together anymore as you heard him groan and hold you tightly to him.
“Oi, you two! This is a public space. Do that in your own place!”
Hunter snapped back to the current moment. He broke away and he saw Cid standing behind you.
You didn’t seem bothered at all. “We will.” You said simply as you took Hunter’s hand and led him out the bar.
All Hunter could do was follow you, too hooked on whatever it was you were acting like to argue or even really think.
The others had turned away from the moment that was unfolding between the two of you now, but Wrecker handed the credits over to Echo and Tech.
Echo heard Cid shout and risked a glance over his shoulder and as he saw you lead Hunter out, he guessed they’d be banned from the Marauder for a while. He sighed.
Tech and Wrecker stopped their conversation and followed Echo’s gaze.
“Ah.” Tech said plainly.
“Guess we’re going to be here a while.” Wrecker grumbled.
Hunter watched as you laughed at whatever it was Gregor had said. He wasn’t that funny. His jaw went tight as he saw the way Gregor placed a quick hand on your back. He felt that cold stab of jealousy, something he thought he’d risen above since he knew that it was really nothing more than friendly banter between the two of you, you’d told him as much and he trusted you. Plus, Gregor was a brother, and he was doing what brothers do which was very successfully winding him up and Hunter knew he should’ve been better at ignoring it. But seeing the flirtatious repartee come so easily to Gregor and watching him lean in closer to you was doing enough so that the primal feeling of possessiveness was able to take over his brain.
He got up as he saw you pass the table and followed you as you headed into Cid’s office.
Echo, Tech, and Wrecker watched from another table as you picked up your communicator and gently nudged Gregor out of your path, making your way out of the bar. Their eyes then fell to Hunter, who stood upon seeing you leave and followed you out of the room. The scene was all too familiar, and they all shared a knowing look as the deja vu settled over them.
“Who knew he could get jealous too.” Wrecker said. “I figured he’d be better than that.”
“Not with her, he’s always had an issue with Gregor. He flirts with her. It’s innocent enough but it gets to him.” Echo said.
“Yeah. Remember when Gregor brought her those flowers? Hunter didn’t leave her side the entire day.” Tech reminded Wrecker.
Wrecker nodded his head in agreement as he remembered.
“Hey fellas.” Gregor said as he sat down next to Wrecker. “Where’s the Sergeant?”
“No idea.” They all said together, and they were thankful that Omega was out running errands with Cid.
You finished finding those datapads Cid had asked you to bring to her but just as you were turning to leave, you felt Hunter’s presence but before you could say anything, he’d whirled you around and brought his lips to yours. It was the kind of kiss that took your breath away and left your head spinning as he pulled away. Gathering yourself, you put the datapads down and stared at him as he kept a firm grip of your waist. “What was that for?”
Hunter didn’t answer. He just kissed you again and tangled his fingers in your hair.
You felt it then. You felt the possessiveness that was flowing through him, and this kiss definitely had that in it. It was rough but it felt really fucking good. You just didn’t know what had set this off. What’s going on? You managed to send as you kissed him back just as eagerly.
“I never like it when he flirts with you.” Hunter muttered as he followed your jawline with his lips.
Letting out a happy sigh, you tilted your head back and let him explore your neck. “Who? Gregor?” You watched as his gaze met yours and you nearly let out a groan at the sight. His eyes were dark, and he was breathing heavily. “He’s harmless.” You managed to say, though it was a struggle.
“He wants you and I don’t like what that does to me.” Hunter growled as he kissed you again and pressed himself tighter to you.
“What if I like what it does to you?” You whispered breathlessly as you broke away, a coy smile on your lips as you leaned forward.
No. He wasn’t going to let you turn this one around. It was his turn now. “I don’t like people coming for what’s mine.”
The guttural way he said that had tingles running down your spine and your toes curled as he made his own mark on you. You’re lucky I love you, had that come from anyone else, I’d have kicked their ass.
“I must not be doing a very good job if you’re still able to find a way to speak.” With that, he kissed you again and he tugged on your lip, delighting in the way your breathing hitched as he did that. He grabbed the backs of your thighs and picked you up and carried you over to the edge of Cid’s desk.
You were grateful that the mission you’d been on had been tamer and involved blending in because if he was wearing his armour right now, you wouldn’t have been able to grab fistfuls of his shirt to hold him close to you.
Hunter brought his lips back to your neck. “Do you like it when he flirts with you?” He rumbled against your skin whilst his hand began to steadily trail a path along the inside of your thigh.
You couldn’t help the moan that left your mouth, but you stopped his hand from going any higher. “Someone could-” You broke off with another groan as he bit the sensitive spot just behind your ear before he cooled the sting of it with his tongue. “Walk in.” You said, your voice hoarse with effort.
“Maybe that’s what I want.” Hunter crooned. “Maybe Gregor should see who you’re with so he could get the message that you’re mine.” He kissed you again before he repeated his question, “Do you like it when he flirts with you?” He needed you as speechless as he was when you were this way, so he made another mark on the junction where your neck and shoulder met.
“Fuck!” You couldn’t help but shout and you removed your grip on his wrist since you needed both hands to keep yourself upright.
“Answer me.” Hunter ordered as he slowly continued to move his hand upwards.
Right. Words. Come on. “I-um- shit-” His teasing touches were killing you. “No. I’m just being nice.” You managed gasp out as your head fell back.
“Hmm.” Hunter stopped just before he reached where he knew you were wanting him. He grabbed the back of your neck so that you were forced to look at him.
You could barely keep your breathing under control. You’d never seen him like this, and you were scared by how much you were loving it. You found the edges of his shirt and found that all worries of being discovered were rapidly leaving you.
“If I went higher, what I would find there, would that be because of me or because of Gregor?” He hummed against your lips as he moved his fingers in small circles at the juncture of your thigh.
You could only moan in reply and your head fell into the crook of his neck.
Hunter paused what he was doing, pleased that you were as wrecked as you’d made him.
“You.” You croaked out as you felt him stop. “Please, Hunter.” He’d reduced you to a begging mess, but you were too far gone to care. “It’s only you. I’m just being nice. I’m yours. Please just-”
Your words sent him over the edge, and he kissed you hungrily.
You were about to lift his shirt over his head when the office door opened.
“Kriffing hell! Not my office!”
You pushed Hunter away and jumped down from Cid’s desk and you wanted to curl up on the floor and die but Hunter… he looked cool as can be.
“You two, out!” Cid yelled, shooing you out the door.
“The datapads are there.” You said sheepishly as you pointed to the small pile on the end of her desk.
“Well, now I know why you never brought them to me.” Cid snapped. “What if it was the kid instead of me?”
“It wasn’t.” Hunter replied breezily as he re-entered the bar.
You glanced at him, confused as to how he could answer so casually, but then you saw the look on his face, and you could feel that he wasn’t done with you yet and the thought sent a thrill through your veins.
Hunter snaked an arm around your waist and began to hurry you out the parlour.
“Ready to hear the rest?”
You stopped and turned to face Gregor. Hunter’s arm had wrapped itself around your front and he was pressed into your back. “Not right now but yeah, Gregor, you can finish that story later tonight.” You let out a small yelp as you felt Hunter nip the back of your neck. “Tomorrow. Can talk tomorrow.” You corrected quickly and you let Hunter push you out the parlour.
Neither of you had noticed Omega squashed between Wrecker and Gregor.
“Um…” Wrecker said.
“I know, I know. ‘We’ll tell you when you’re older.’” Omega said grumpily as she crossed her arms and slouched.
“Just don’t go to the ship tonight. I think we gotta crash here.” Echo said.
“Those two…” Cid came in shaking her head.
“Hey, we gotta live with them.” Wrecker pointed out.
“So long as we don’t get our timings mixed up, we should be fine.” Tech said.
“We can only hope.” Echo muttered.
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy​, @tpwkcalli​, @fuckoffthanos​, @arctrooper69​ @graciexmarvel​, @flyingkangaroo​, @nightmonkeysstuff​, @a-streakofazure​, @ladytano420��, @dragonrider9905​, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf​, @yyourmotherr​, @xxeiraxx​
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seungmonggg · 2 years
Request - Mikey’s Girl
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request:  Basically reader used to be a stripper for one of the haitanis clubs, since she was foreign she used to make a lot of money. Mikey falls in love with her after a vip lap dance and become obsessed. She becomes his girlfriend and the two are so touchy feely. Especially after he finds out she’s pregnant
Warnings: female reader!!, curse words, reader is a stripper in this one, unprotected sex, timeskip! Mikey x reader, Mikey is a little obsessed hehe, reader is preggers. every character is of age 
Word Count: 1,5k
A/N: sorry for posting this soo late aghh!!! I was kinda stressed with work and stuff.. Anyways, I hope yall like this, let me know! Requests are still open, so let me know if yall want something special!
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You were standing in front of the huge mirror, looking at yourself nervously. Fuck, how did you even get here? Where did it all go wrong? Your body was clad in nothing but a cute little set of lingerie that you’d normally never even think about wearing. Well, here you were, standing in your changing room, waiting for your client to arrive so you could give him a lap dance.
You had heard from the other girls that he was a bad guy. An asshole, but he paid well. He was dangerous, so much you knew, which made you even more nervous if even possible. Somewhere you had heard his name. was it the news? You didn’t remember.
Flinching as soon as the door opened you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that it was one of your friends, Hina. “Come on Y/N, its time for you to go in.” she gave you one last reassuring smile before she led you through the load club, all the way back to the VIP lounges.
Suddenly, she came to a halt. “Don’t worry too much. Just do what you always do.” She said before the door slowly opened for you to see a man sitting on the big leather couch. You could only see the back of his head, but from what you saw, you could tell that he was handsome.
Thank god, you thought, not some stinky old fuck. You took one last big breath before you entered the small room. You were going to do your best and make so much money, that’s all, that’s what you told yourself in your head. But as soon as you stood in front of him all of those thoughts flew out the window. Holy fuck, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen.
Slowly looking up at you, he gave you a small smile. Did he look tired or was that just the light of this room? You didn’t know, and it didn’t matter because he gave you one slight hand movement to tell you to come closer.
As prettily as possible you made your way towards him, coming to a stop right in front of his knees. You leaned down slightly, ready to listen to what he had to say. But he didn’t say anything, instead he just looked you up and down, almost hungrily. Your cheeks became a soft pink when you saw his sight travel downwards.
When you heard someone whistle slightly behind you, you stood up properly and were greeted with the sight of your boss. The Ran Haitani. A good guy, just a little too flirty at times. “I see you already met my Pearl, Mikey?” he said to which he got a low hum from the man in front of you. Shit, you wanted the man to call you his pearl, not your boss.
“I hope our little princess here behaves and shows my beloved boss a good time, huh?” he said, looking at you expectantly. You nodded, sending the man, ,Mikey’, a small smile, almost innocent. Mikey gave the Haitani a look, making him leave the room with a joyous smile on his lips.
You heard the music turn on slowly, fuck yes, that was one of your favorite songs to perform to. Slowly, you started to move our hips sensually, following the beat. Mikey leaned back, clearly enjoying the view of this absolutely gorgeous woman dancing just for him. Something in him sparked, something dark, dangerous. He just had to have you. You had to be his, he would make sure of that, no matter what the cost might be.
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That was three years ago. Crazy, isn’t it? Thinking how you used to dance for the man in front of you right now. The man crying silent tears as you show him the positive test in your hands. How could this all happen? Was all you could think about. You were so lucky, so fucking lucky to have danced for him years ago.
“I’m so proud of you, Baby. I’ll protect you and our Baby with all I have, I promise.” He whispered against your temple, kissing it softly. He took your face between his slightly cold hands, caressing it softly. “You’re all I need in this whole wide world.” Always speaking quietly, so his men couldn’t hear you two from the room beside the kitchen. You didn’t plan to tell him during  one of his meetings, but you just panicked and ran to him.
Ran into his arms, his warmth, the comfort he gave only to you. You were his precious girl, his biggest gift. He was protective of you, pretty much from the start, never letting anyone touch you or dare come too close, he’d fucking kill them. And he had done so on more than one occasion, but you didn’t have to know that, right? He held you for a couple more minutes, whispering about his love for you, kissing you sweetly, leaving the trace of his never ending love on your skin.
A couple of months into your pregnancy, now a bump clearly showing, you panted slightly as you walked up the last few stairs to the bedroom. “Babe! Where are you?!” you said, looking around confused as to where your man could be. He should be home by now, shouldn’t he?
A small noise caught your attention, coming from your bedroom. The hairs on your neck immediately stood up. He wouldn’t do that to you.. or would he? You were starting to sweat slightly coming closer to the door as  the sounds got louder, unmistakably Mikeys moans. You gritted your teeth and ripped the door open, ready to get your heart broken and world crashed.
But what you found was rather… inviting. He laid on the bed, in all his glory, slightly sweaty. His head was lolled to the back, a clear sign of him nearing his high, and he was whimpering your name again and again. Heat shot through you immediately. He was masturbating, to you.
“W-Why are you still s-standing there? Hnng, H-Help me, please” he groaned as he looked at you, or more like stared. You made your way towards him, ironically thinking of the time you danced for him for the first time. “Need help, Handsome?” you asked while smirking.
Not wanting you to play around any longer he softly laid you down next to him. “Tell me if anything’s uncomfortable, okay Princess?” he breathed against your ear, making you nod. Your clothes were fast gone, Mikey leaving kisses on your body wherever he could.
As soon as you had gotten pregnant it was like a flip had switched in his head. He became even more protective, not leaving you alone these past few months. And if even possible, he became hornier, by a fucking lot. You didn’t know if it was your swelling breasts, your full hips carrying his child or the cute bump.
“Need you so bad Baby, fuck, couldn’t wait anymore.” He groaned as soon as his hard cock slid through your already wet slit, making you moan loudly. “I-I’m here now Baby, please, need it.” You whimpered, making him get behind you and slowly enter your tight hole. Holy shit, he thought, you were so tight and so so -warm-.
You let out a strangled moan as he started moving his hips, careful not to hurt you in any way. He himself started kissing down your neck, panting softly against your skin as he began building a fast rhythm for you. You were already on cloud nine, clawing at his arm that was draped over your stomach, his thumb and forefinger rollinger your nipples slightly.
“F-fuck..” you heard his broken moans, he was getting close again. “G-gonna make you such a beautiful mommy, shit. Gon’ be s’good for me, yeah?” he huffed against your ear, fucking you into oblivion. You couldn’t think properly anymore, any thoughts long gone from your brain, only incoherent babblings of how good he was fucking you leaving your lips.
“All. Fucking. Mine.” He growled, punctuating every word with a thrust right against the spongy little spot inside of you. You screamed his name with all you had and finally let the orgasm wash over your body, letting you shake and let out broken moans of his name and profanities. A few thrusts later, he was letting his head fall back, moaning almost animalistically as he painted your insides white.
Huffing, he slowly let go of you to stand up and get some towels for you. “You okay Princess?” he grunted with a slightly gruff voice as soon as he was back, starting to softly and carefully clean you. You hummed in his direction, letting your spent body relax. “Y-Yes, thank you Manjiro.” You softly whispered, making him try to hide the furious blush starting to spread on his face and neck from hearing his name roll of your tongue so softly.
Yeah, he was down hard for you.
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aarcanechaoss · 1 year
When in doubt f**k it out
It’s not often she comes back to the Black Bulls base angry enough to take an entire bottle of wine into her room but when she does only Yami knows how to take care of her
Warnings: smut, alcohol, swearing, not edited
Note: reader (fem) is a Fox shifter
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It was the telltale slam of the front door that alarmed the Black Bulls Squad. Very rarely did anything happen that made of them made enough to make it known.
Yet here she was, the Bulls very own Vixen looking as though she could murder someone.
All eyes were on her as she aimed for the liquor compartment that Henry had conjured only moments ago. She hadn’t even looked as she grasped an unopened bottle of wine and quickly left the room for her own.
“Captain?” Noelle asked quietly. “Is y/n okay?”
“Tough mission I’d say.” Yami answered, taking a long drag of his cigarette. “I’ll deal with it while you brats go train or something. Surpass your limits and what not.”
“So you gonna talk about it or get so drunk I have to waterboard you?”
“The first sounds like effort and the second could be nice and cooling.”
The Captain only snorted as he moved to sit on her bed.
“Come on Fox tell me what happened.” Yami said, softer than normal- he wasn’t good at being touchy feely but… they were different.
The Fox mage sighed, taking a deep swig of her wine and offered some to Yami who (against his wants) declined.
“The fuck asses from Silver Eagles and Purple Orca thought it would be a great idea to undermine me the entire mission- Julius put me in charge for fucks sake.” She growled. “And don’t get me started on the things they called me when they thought I was out of ear shot- I could have mauled them.”
Her nose was scrunched dangerously, she looked like the snarling Fox she is but in human form. Yami took note of it, he knew who’d been placed in her team and fuck the other Captains if they thought he’d let it go.
“C’mere Foxy.” He said, pulling the wine from her hand and placing it on the desk by her bed. She grunted.
For being in human form she really took on those Fox like similarities. From animalistic growls and grumbles to hyperactivity that came out of no where (zoomies she said her parents called them). But in human form she was easier to deal with while angry- because she wouldn’t bite him… much. (Yami confirmed do not try to calm down angry wild foxes).
“Alright then.” He said, puffing cigarette smoke away from her. “What do you want to do then? Drink away your sorrows here, march up to Julius and explain the situation or-”
“Or what?”
“What was it you said last time?” He smirked, watching her face contort as she tried to remember. “When in doubt fuck it out.”
Her eyes snapped back to him like lightning- seems he has a winner.
Her face was pressed into her pillows, fingers gripping and grasping at the cotton sheets. His hands held her hips high and tight, his own pressed deep against her, rocking into her so she could accommodate his size.
Yami knew his Fox was an attractive woman- at least by his standards (which he admittedly has none), but nothing compared to this right here. Her smooth skin glistening with perspiration, her body shaking in excitement and need. He let a hand slap against her ass, a surprised squeak muffled in the pillow.
“Now… I hope this improves your mood.” He laughed, pulling himself away until only his tip remained and slammed back into her mercilessly.
The moan she released was as animalistic as it could be and it only spurned him on more, grunting as he tightened his hold on her hips. She mewled into the pillow with each harsh thrust of his hips. She whined as his hands tightened against her hips, pushing and pulling her against him, meeting flesh to flesh with a resounding sound.
This is how it goes. Hips slamming and bodies shaking. Her whines and mewls only spurned him on for more. Yami pushed his Fox into the bed further, his hands now holding himself up as he ploughed into her. Her nails tore the soft fabric with the new position.
“Please. Please.” She begged against the pillow.
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum.” She almost sobbed.
“You can hold on a little longer.” He smirked. He knows just how long she can hold on after all.
It’s not like they haven’t done this dance before.
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rizzraa · 2 months
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ᯓ★Jams and Jellies
Chapter 2: Longing for You (part 2)
A/N: I hope this is another banger, please enjoy! We're starting to get more romantically INCLINED >W<
Tags: mainly fluff, friends to lovers, post outbreak, yearning and burning, slight age gap (reader is in late 30s, Joel is in early 50s), reader insert, cute nicknames, shy n awkward Joel, Joel x f!reader, angst, touchy touchy Feely (nothing too graphic), small description of reader's body (very vague),
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Chapter 2: Longing for You (part 2)
You and Ellie leave your house and make the small journey to the diner. A lot of people gawk at you both, unfamiliar with the laughter and disapproving of the language used. But you don't care-- you love hearing the sound of laughter, especially from children. It's reminiscent of your life with your brother and mother. Ellie takes your hand and drags you past the diner. As you're about to remark about it, Ellie says "Let's go to the stables, maybe Joel's finished his shift." Your heart practically lunges out of your throat. Joel??? You look at your disheveled state; messy hair tied into a ponytail, worn out baggy shirt and jeans, AND a huge flannel on top. You don't want him to see you like this. At least let me wear a better shirt, you thought to yourself. Reluctantly, you allow Ellie to guide you to the stables. You peek around, hoping not to bump into Joel. "Joel??? Y'around??" Ellie calls. Ellie runs outside while you hang back, looking at the horses. One catches your attention, a beautiful, coffee brown steed with a contrasting white diamond-shaped mark on his head. Its beautiful equally brown mane hangs around the neck. You look at its eyes, and they feel familiar-- like you've seen them before. Piercing brown eyes, with a contrasting softness and fierceness flickering though its eyes.
"He's real handsome, ain't he?"
You jump, and turn around. You already knew who it was, you know that booming voice anywhere. There was Joel, looking as handsome as ever. His casual arms crossed against his protruding chest, practically bursting out of that tight cotton shirt. You make eye contact with him and then suddenly-- sparks fly. It's love at first sight. You're on top of the moon when you stare into Joel's golden brown eyes. You've never felt so safe, so seen. He made you want more in life. His intoxicating gaze left you wanting more. He made you feel pretty, sexy, flustered, flirty, and possessive-- just by looking at him. Never in your life did you feel such strong, passionate emotions for a man, or woman. You don't know what to do with yourself, so you just stand there staring at him, this gorgeous man. He shifts from leg to leg-- he can't handle your penetrating gaze-- eventually deciding to stroll up to you. You gasp a little bit and come back down to Earth- move a little for Joel so he can approach his horse.
"He.. he sure is handsome." You say, peering a glance at Joel. Wow. He's even more gorgeous up close. You see his graying streaks defining each brown curl, leading a path all around his face and chin. You study his strong profile, the curve of his nose and the way his Adam's apple bobs whenever he speaks. You look away and start caressing the horse. "What's his name?" You ask
"Old Beardy", he chuckles. "Pfft-- why'd you decide to go with that?"
"I- M'not too sure, darlin'." Joel scratches his neck. You stiffen and stare at the horse, completely red after Joel called you... darlin'. You replay it in your head, completely infatuated with his Southern charm, the way each letter has a twang in it. Darlin'. You only want him to call you darlin', his darlin'. Your breath is shaky, and you're about to fall apart. Then you hear pounding footsteps, "There you are, Joel! Didn't you fucking hear me screaming your name?" Ellie said. She runs to Joel and gives him a quick hug and a cute smile. Watching this warms your heart, your lips form an earnest smile because you're grateful that people can still find each other. It reminds you of how family feels, how love feels. Your heart pangs with sudden sadness and nostalgia and you walk down memory lane. You think about your brother, your caretaker, your dear parents-- how they were snatched from you. You look at Joel, and you wonder if someone he loved was snatched from him as well.
"We were planning on having dinner at the diner, care to join us?" Ellie said.
"Wouldn't be real gentleman-like if I declined, now would it?"
"It certainly would not" You giggled. Joel steals glances at your vibrant smile, not catching the implied sadness-- he's just mesmerized by your beauty. Ellie picks up on this and stores it for later, deciding she'll tease Joel about it at home. She grabs your hand and leads you out, "Let's go then, I'm starvinggg."
"Don't say that! Your dad'll think I wasn't feeding you!" Joel chuckles, and you scream internally when you hear the smooth bass rumbling through his throat.
"Oh-- Joel, you've gotta try her lemonade. It's the greatest shit ever." You blush slightly, getting ready to rebut her statement, but then Joel turns to you and says,"I'd love to." Your heart starts to race a million miles a minute. You're awestruck by Joel. He looks so excited and happy that he can share something with you and Ellie. He reminds you of a dog wagging its tail, his puppy-dog eyes go wide when he hears you laugh and say, "Sure, I'd love for you to try it."
You 3 make your way to the diner, familiar eyes linger a little too long when you rush down the roads. Joel is practically jogging to keep up with Ellie's fast pace, and your breath starts to fall heavily. You get there and catch a table, Joel and Ellie sit beside each other, and you're across them, immediately ready to order. You order a classic cheeseburger, Ellie orders a turkey sandwich with fries, and Joel orders a grilled chicken sandwich and a cup of joe.
"So, how was patrolling today, Joel?" Ellie says, after handing her menu to the waitress. "S'alright, we didn't find anyone. Sure was pretty outside, though." Joel answered
"Would've loved to see it." Ellie said sarcastically, reopening an old argument that never got resolved. Joel becomes slightly annoyed, and says "Y'know why you can't be outside, Ellie. It's too risky."
"It ain't risky. You just said there was nothing out there! Hell, you even said it was pretty outside!" Ellie replied angrily.
"That doesn't mean I want you outside, Ellie. Drop it now." Joel warned. Ellie just scoffs and gets up to sit next to you. You lightly chuckle and pat her knee. "Aw, c'mon, Ellie. Cut Joel some slack, he just wants to protect you." You insist. Joel looks at you with a smile and mouths a thank you. You memorize the way his lips move when he forms each letter. God, you want to kiss him so bad. Honestly? You don't care that each moment is cementing you further and further into an obsessive crush. You're actually welcoming it. You know that you're studying his lips, his eyes, so you can draw them again. So you can imagine them when you sleep tonight.
You just shoot another smile at Joel, hoping he'd pick up the affections you have for him.
"Anyways.. Joel, you should see the sketches Ellie worked on today, they were magnificent." You beamed. "She has such an intricate sense of detailing. She really bears her heart in each line, it's very inspiring." You go on and on about Ellie's innate skill with a pencil, heat creeping up her face as Joel looks at her with a huge smile and pride in his eyes. "That's m'girl." He grinned, and she completely forgot why she was mad at him.
"Alright-- food is here." The waitress sets the food at your table and whisks away to other customers. You 3 sit in comfortable silence while eating your food. Ellie snarfs down her fries and starts on her sandwich, and you look slightly concerned. "Wow, I didn't know you were that hungry Ellie. You should've told me, I would've made you something to eat!" You look at Ellie with concern, you don't want her to choke on the food. Ellie looks at you with big eyes and a stuffed mouth, "..sorry" she says with bits of food flying out of her mouth. "You don't need to apologize, just slow it down. I don't want you to choke." You pat her back reassuringly and smile. You turn to your food and lock eyes with Joel, who was watching you the entire time. He was going to make a remark about Ellie's hurriedly way of eating, but was pleasantly shocked that you mentioned something about it first. He thought you were going to be snarky about it, or make some remark about being lady-like, but you were just looking out for the hungry child. He really liked that, he really liked you. He smiled at you and looked down at his own food, leaving you with a childish grin on your own face.
After you all finish your food, you relax a bit and pat your stomach. "Man, I'm stuffed" You beamed with satisfaction and turn to Ellie, reflecting the same smile you have. "Like a big ol' pig" she joked. Joel is the first one to get up, "Alright ladies, let's hit the road."
"Man, I didn't think you'd be the one itchin' to leave." Ellie says teasingly. Your cheeks flush red for probably the thousandth time today and Joel's eyebrows shoot up to his forehead. "Let's get a move on kiddo, y'already bothered your teacher the whole damn day." Joel gently grabs Ellie's arm and pulls her forward. "Ugh-- fine." She yanks his hand off and exits the diner. Joel offers his hand out to you, looking in your eyes as he says "Let's get you home, darlin'." You don't think your heart can handle anymore of it. This reminds you of a "once upon a time" fairytale book of the past, where the gallant, charming prince and the quiet, beautiful princess fall in love. Once upon a time...
You take his hand, feeling every scar and callus on his big, rough hands. Your hand fits perfectly into his, like pieces of a puzzle coming together, like 2 notes forming a harmony. It just makes sense, your hand instinctively knows where to go. He leads you out of the diner, hand in hand, mouth agape, and silent words sitting tight in the air.
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Thanks for reading! Please lmk what you thought LOVE YOUU👹🩷
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cainluvr69 · 5 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 23
Previous Chapter
Cain: …kh…
Chloe: I can't…breathe…
Hwylryn: Of course not. This is the bottom of the ocean. Children of man aren't meant to live here. So can you hurry back to land already? Anyway… I guess I should be getting back to Shylock now.
Rustica: …My apologies, but… I'd like you to accompany us for just a bit longer. <Amo…> …gh!
Chloe: Rustica…!
Hwylryn: Nope, you don't get to do that. Your singing makes me start daydreaming. The next whirlpool is going to take you right up to the surface. Don't try to fight it. It's pointless. And it'll only rip you up.
Rutile: …Hwylryn…! Please, listen to what I have to say…
Hwylryn: I'll see you tomorrow. On land. Now withdraw.
Cain: …I won't…let you…! Uwaaahhh…!
Rutile: Aaahhh…!
Rustica: …Chloe…!
Chloe: Rus… Everyone…!
Natalie?: <Cure Memini>
Hwylryn: …Oh, my.
Cain: …You…you're… The lady from earlier…?!
Natalie?: … Excuse me…?
Cain: You were really a wizard?!
Natalie?: Excuse me? The fact that you can see me should give you all the answers you need.
Cain: …Huh? I mean, we got pretty touchy-feely earlier.
Natalie?: We did?
Cain: Huh?
Natalie?: Hah?
Cain: …You're Owen!
Natalie?: Sir Knight. Don't tell me you did something unbecoming of a knight to this woman.
Cain: Of course I didn't! I just didn't have a handkerchief, so…
Owen: You don't even have something like that? Chloe, can you believe this. Cain doesn't have a handkerchief.
Chloe: …sniff…Owen…
Owen: Heh. What, did this guy make you cry? What a wretched sea snake you are.
Hwylryn: Oho. Something interesting showed up.
Owen: I'm going to turn you into dog food. <Cuare Morito>
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Hwylryn: I don't think that little puppy's tummy can fit me.
Owen: …kh… (This guy is…strong…!)
Lennox?: …!
Faust: … (Leno's moving his arms the same way the mermaids with spears did, now that he has one at hand…)
Shino: Faust, watch out! Lennox is good with a lance!
Faust: …I know that…!
Lennox?: …!
Faust: …Waugh…!
Heathcliff: Mr. Faust…! (He forced Faust against the reef, and now he's lifting his spear…!) (He's going to stab him…!) Lennox, stop! Please, don't hurt him…!
Lennox?: …
Heathcliff: …He stopped…
Shino: Lennox…
Faust: … …Leno…
Lennox?: …… …Lord…st…
Faust: …! Leno…!
Lennox?: …!
Faust: …?!
Shino: Stop, Lennox! Don't hurt him…! You'll regret it until the day you die if you do…!
Lennox?: … ……. …
Shino: You can't! Put the lance down…!
Lennox?: …!
Faust: Leno?! Why did you stab your own leg…?! Stop! Stop, let go of it…!
Lennox: …gh…
Faust: Leno! Leno…! Stop it, your leg's already hurt enough…!
Lennox: …Fau…st… …Lord Faust…
Faust: …Leno…
Heathcliff: Mr. Faust! We finished the circle!
Shino: All we need to do is scatter the firstlight salt… Done! <Matzah Sudipas>!
Heathcliff: <Repsev Aivulp Sunos>!
Faust: … <Salliuqnart Mulcredo>!
Lennox: Hah… …Haah… …
Faust: Leno…!
Lennox: …Lord Faust… Woah…!
Faust: …I'm so glad you're okay… Alec told me your unit might have been completely wiped out…
Lennox: Several others survived as well. Things seemed hopeless, but we still managed to return alive.
Faust: Thank god…
Lennox: …
Faust: …What's wrong?
Lennox: I'm just surprised.
Faust: By what?
Lennox: I didn't think that you'd jump on me the same way Lord Alec does.
Faust: Sorry. Are you hurt anywhere?
Lennox: No. …Haha…
Faust: What…? I don't hear you laugh very often…
Lennox: Haha… I could say the same to you.
Faust: I do laugh. More than you, at least.
Lennox: That's true…
Faust: …Haha…
Lennox: Ahaha!
Lennox: … …That's right… …I'd forgotten… I found him, Courir. I found the person I'd been looking for. I need to go to him. I'm glad I got to see you again. You always trusted me. And you were always by my side. I never really spoiled you, but you still always slept next to me. I love you very, very much. And having to part with you hurts very, very much. But, I need to… Goodbye. I love you. Goodbye, Courir. I hope you can run freely as far as you want. Thank you.
Faust: …Leno… Leno…!
Lennox: … …Lord Faust… Woah…!
Faust: …Thank goodness…
Lennox: …
Faust: …Sorry. I did that when I know you're injured…
Lennox: No… …Haha…
Faust: …Are you okay? He's not controlling you anymore?
Lennox: No… I should be fine now.
Shino: Lennox, are you okay?!
Heathcliff: Lennox! Do you know who we are?!
Lennox: Yes, I do. I do know. … I can't clearly recall what happened, but I'm sorry for putting you through so much trouble…
Faust: Don't say that… Let me look at your wounds. Give me your leg…
Lennox: …
Faust: Lennox…?!
Shino: Did he pass out?!
Faust: He must be completely exhausted. I should get him out of the ocean as soon as possible. The two of you must be at your limits, too.
Heathcliff: You're right… I still feel okay for right now, though.
Faust: Shino, Heathcliff.
Shino: What.
Heathcliff: What is it?
Faust: This was only possible because of the two of you. Thank you.
Shino & Heathcliff: …!
Shino: Heh, yeah!
Heathcliff: It's an honor!
Faust: Let's return to the water's surface. Vespa, can you show us the path up?
Vespa: …! …!
Heathcliff: Let's go, Shino!
Shino: Yeah!
Owen: <Cure Memini>
Hwylryn: Ahaha! This is fun!
Owen: …tsk!
Rustica: I'll support you! <Amores Viesse>
Hwylryn: You're kind of annoying.
Rustica: …cough…!
Chloe: Rustica!
Rustica: ……!
Rutile: Rustica…!
Rustica: …
Rutile: Oh no…! Rustica isn't breathing!
Chloe: What do we do…?! Rustica! Rustica!
Rutile: We need to bring him to the surface!
Owen: Then get on with it. Or else your teacher's gonna turn to stone!
Chloe: But…!
Owen: Whatever, just go. You're at your limit.
Chloe: Owen…
Owen: Tch… Yeah, that was stupid. You're going to die here. Just like I thought you would.
Cain: Go, Chloe! I've got things covered here!
Rutile: I'll stay, too! Please look after Rustica for us!
Chloe: …Okay…! Thank you…! (I need to hurry! I need to hurry!) (I'm definitely going to save you, Rustica!)
Owen: Hmph… And what do the two of you think you can do?
Cain: Swordplay and magic.
Rutile: I can heal, and fly very, very fast.
Owen: Lame… Just so you know, if I die, the two of you have exactly zero chance of winning. So if I die, just run.
Cain: … No, I won't.
Rutile: I won't, either.
Owen: Super lame…
Hwylryn: Are you guys ready yet?
Owen: The lamest one here is you.
Hwylryn: I like your dog!
Owen: Shut up. <Cure Memini>
Hwylryn: Let's play.
Torta di Cocco Shopkeeper: Here, it's finished baking.
Riquet: Wahh, it looks so tasty!
Mitile: It smelled so good while it was in the oven!
Nero: Hmm… Y'think you could teach me the recipe?
Mithra: Is it done? Can I take it to the bottom of the sea now?
Mitile: N-not yet! It needs the cream and coconut on top first.
Mithra: Then can you hurry, at least?
Mitile: If you could, please!
Torta di Cocco Shopkeeper: Yes, of course.
Claudia: My, what a delicious-looking cake.
Riquet: Yes! Thank you for being willing us to let us have your cake so we could know how it tastes. I'm incredibly grateful.
Claudia: My, what a good boy you are. I'm happy I could meet you boys again, in fact. It sounds like you've helped Dianne out a lot, too.
Riquet: How is Dianne doing…?
Nero: She's talkin' to Bradley right now.
Riquet: Did she ask Bradley to help her?
Nero: Uh, somethin' like that.
Riquet: Thank goodness. She seemed to be having a very difficult time, and Bradley can be a very helpful person.
Nero: …True that.
Claudia: Both I and my sister should have realized how much Dianne was hurting so much faster than we did… No, I'm sure my sister knew. That must be why she tried to turn that story into a heartwarming tale, to try and take her pain away. But instead, that simply made Dianne feel like no one would protect her honor…
Riquet: It's a very complicated problem. Even with so much love and kindness given to her, her pain prevented her from finding her path… Guiding people is a very difficult prospect. It's important to carefully ascertain if what lies at the end of the path you lead them down will truly be good or not… Wanting someone to walk down a path is very similar to forcing them to think and act a particular way. It's frightening. I wonder what Bradley is telling her? Do you think it'd be okay if I listened in?
Nero: Nahh, that's prob'ly not a good idea. I don't think her Lordship would wanna have anyone eavesdroppin'.
Riquet: I suppose you're right…
Mithra: Excuuuuse meeee. We don't have any time to chat like this.
Nero: I know, man. Just wait a lil' bit longer. Actually, speakin' of, Claudia. There was somethin' I wanted to ask you about the disappearances…
Claudia: Yes, I suppose I'll spill the beans. I've seen a door through which I could see the past on the island's shore. I can't help but wonder if that door isn't related to the disappearances.
Riquet: A door to the past… That story we heard was real? Did you really see the past?
Claudia: No, it was just an illusion.
Mitile: What kind of illusion did you see?
Claudia: A man I fell in love with many years ago stepped through it and told me he loved me.
Mitile: I… I see.
Claudia: But he'd never said those words to me before, not even once. It was very obvious it was just an illusion. We had a good relationship, and he was a good friend. But though I fell in love with him, his status was far too high… He already had a fiancee before we even met. And yet, here is what I thought to myself. Perhaps if I open that door, I can see him again… Were it twenty years earlier, I imagine I would've found myself drawn to that door despite myself.
Riquet: Why not now?
Claudia: Because the paint I drew up my dream with has long since dried.
Riquet: You painted your dream…?
Claudia: The things that make your heart tremble and dance are what make your dreams shine so brightly, like light on a freshly-painted canvas. He was the one who said that to me. The paint of my dream has dried, and my heart has calmed down and put itself in its place, and so… I can't go back to such fresh and youthful excitement, not when I'm so afraid of so much as brushing against it, much less taking it into my hands directly. It's like appreciating how a cake is decorated before demolishing it with your fork, to put it another way.
Riquet: I…think I understand…
Claudia: Because the paint of my dream had already dried, and left it calm and quiet, hearing him say that didn't make my heart dance. It was an odd feeling, both lonely and relieving at the same time.
Riquet: Like looking at your plate after you've finished your cake?
Claudia: Yes. It's not like being scared of destroying something, but more like having properly eaten and savored it instead. But Dianne's dreams are still bright. They're delicate, strong, and still gasping for air. Just like fresh paint on a canvas. The idea of touching them before they're ready and smudging their colors into one she doesn't want, polluting her canvas forever, is terrifying. That's how it feels, looking at the beautiful, vivid scenery she's painted. It's as if time has stopped in place.
Lennox: …ah…
Faust: Leno, are you okay? I'm going to get you to the surface soon. Just hold on tight to me.
Lennox: …Yes…Lord Faust…
Dianne: …What do you mean by throwing away my fear? Are you going to cast a spell on me?
Bradley: …
Dianne: Or are you planning on providing counsel? How am I meant to do this without trembling?
Bradley: What do you think? We're here to talk about you, girl.
Dianne: …What is there to talk about…? … …Things always go so well in my imagination. …I can always make the best, safest decision for everyone, without making a single mistake in the process. I've worked ever since I was a child to become that kind of person. And yet, this is what happens instead… I'm sure my grandfather would be disappointed in me. …I'm so pathetic…
Bradley: Y'don't have to change who you are. Y'don't have to be someone you aren't.
Dianne: …But if they knew about the real me, they'd all laugh… I don't want them to laugh at me…I'm weak, and pitiful…and embarrassing…
Bradley: 'Course you don't. Who wants to be turned into a laughingstock? But I won't laugh at you. You're tryin' to fulfill your responsibilities, and that's why you're standin' here.
Dianne: …
Bradley: You good? I've got something I used to say to newbies right after they joined up, to get 'em to throw away their fear.
Dianne: Newbies…? Were you the leader of some kind of organization?
Bradley: Yeah, a bandit gang. That's why I'm a prisoner now. Still wanna hear what I have to say?
Dianne: …Yes… I want to hear you out. Please, tell me.
Bradley: Alright. Everyone's experiences protect 'em, no matter what that experience is. Failures, successes, all of 'em do the same thing. But newbies like you don't have any experience to protect yourself with. And at times like that, when y'don't have any foundation to prop yourself up with, you start doin' weird shit like this. Y'start thinkin' that if you don't protect your honor all on your own, you won't have a place to belong anymore. Even though you don't know right from left yet. So, here's what I tell 'em. You ready to jot this down? I'll protect you. I'll protect your life, your honor, your perspective. So you need to protect your comrades.
Dianne: …
Bradley: Dianne. You're about to walk out that gate and talk to the crowd, yeah?
Dianne: Yes.
Bradley: If for whatever reason you can't do it, I'll talk for you. And I'll hold that position 'til you're ready to take it from me. If anyone tries to jump on you, I'll protect you from 'em. But I've got a feelin' you'll be able to do just fine without me havin' to do a damn thing.
Dianne: …
Bradley: Remember. You're the lord of this whole big-ass castle. That ain't your average job. And you were the one who made it there. Have more faith in yourself. Anythin' else you're scared of?
Dianne: … I…don't think so… Why not…? I was so scared, but now…
Bradley: Don't hold back now. If there's anythin' worryin' you, just say it.
Dianne: … You're not lying? You're not going to betray me…?
Bradley: 'Course not. Hell, if people found out I turned on a little lass like you, that'd just make me more infamous and not in a good way. I'm not gonna betray you, Dianne. On my honor, I'll protect your honor. Now step forward. The first step's always the scariest. The rest'll be a piece of cake. Don't be scared. I'm right next to you.
Dianne: …sniff…okay… …I understand. I'm going now!
Bradley: Hell yeah! You got this!
Next Chapter
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A Sensual Education - Laszlo Kreizler
I learned a lot about clits for this fic, didn't realize how much people (mostly men) hated them. Everyone, go touch your clits, treasure them, they deserve it after people like Freud wanted to get rid of them cause they were too insecure of themselves and scared of women🙃
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), typical 19th century ideology, misogyny, religious guilt, pining, innocence kink, fingering, virginity loss, soft dom!Laszlo, consent is sexy, flufffff
3.4K Words🤙🏻
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From an early age, you were always taught that anything do to with sex was a sin. You weren’t really told why but it was an unspoken moral rule. 
Women weren’t allowed to have sex until after marriage and if the man wants it. Women were for men’s pleasure and to make babies; that was it. From an early age, you were always doubtful of this but you were always too scared to make your concerns known.
You had asked your mother about it after you started your courses, but you were immediately shut down and scolded for even thinking such a thing. So every time you had a question or concern, you always had to push it down and you never spoke about it.
Once, you had heard, in the middle of the night, your mother with your father in their bedroom, it sounded like they were both in pain. You peaked inside their room and what you saw shocked you to your core. It was not in fact your mother, but it was your father with another woman. It looked painful. Why would someone engage in such acts if it was painful? It didn’t make sense.
From an early age, you were already seeing contradictions from everyone and you didn’t know what to believe.
One night, you tried touching yourself, just out of curiosity. It felt…different, but good. Though you were too scared and embarrassed to continue. Surely, you were going to hell for what you did. You prayed for forgiveness, and you never touched yourself again.
You knew it would probably bring shame upon you and your family, but you had always wanted to pursue a career in psychology. The mind was fascinating, and you had always wanted to figure out what causes people to do what they do; why they lie, why they hurt others, why they are so insistent on following old rules. Doctor Laszlo Kreizler had been looking for someone to intern for him. Despite being a woman, the doctor seemed happy to welcome you to his team.
It was very early on when you started to see Doctor Kreizler in a different light, one that you had not seen anyone before. He was very handsome, even your mother had confessed that to you privately. But it felt different this time. You had crushes before, but you never thought to act on them. You just figured that your parents would find you a man to marry and that would be that, but thankfully they weren’t that old fashioned. You were allowed to choose someone for yourself if you wanted, and you found that Laszlo was someone you wanted very badly. Just one small problem: he was your boss and you had no idea if he’d ever feel the same way.
You’d feel embarrassed every time you interacted with him, which was a lot. You would have to really concentrate whenever he was teaching you what to do with certain patients, and you managed well enough. Sometimes you’d sit in on one of his counseling sessions to see what he does and how he goes about it, but his voice was so mesmerizing that you’d forget exactly what he had been saying. It was debilitating, your crush, always feeling such yearning whenever he caught your gaze; but you had to move on. It definitely would not be professional if you acted on your sinful feelings to him. 
Your lust got even worse when Laszlo started to get more touchy feely with you. He wasn’t inappropriate of course, just lingering touches here and there whenever you did a good job with the patients; but that was more than enough for your fantasies to run wild with false hope that he might’ve liked you back. He even insisted you call him by his first name, before you always addressed him as Doctor Kreizler. He unknowingly was only fanning the flames of your infatuation.
Your crush just kept growing stronger and stronger.
Finally, one day, one of the doctor’s other employee’s told you that he needed to see you in his office later that day. You were instantly worried, thinking you may have done a bad job or worse, he had found out about your crush on him. But the employee said you had nothing to worry about, telling you that you were the fastest learner they had ever seen. It lessened your nerves…only slightly. You’d just have to find out for yourself.
You decided to go to his office early, otherwise you’d be worrying yourself to death and you didn’t care much for that. But when you arrived, the doctor wasn’t there. Serves you right for being impatient, you supposed.
You waited in Doctor Kreizler’s office, twiddling your thumbs and failing to calm your nerves. So instead, you decided to look around, despite knowing you shouldn’t, but you didn’t know what else to do. 
Scanning his bookshelves absentmindedly, you came across a particularly eye-catching name. Kama Sutra? You let out an audible gasp as you saw the cover on the front of the book. It was a man and a woman being…intimate with each other. You tried not to judge, but what kind of deviant would keep a book like this? Despite your initial horror, you couldn’t help but skim through the pages, feeling yourself growing uncomfortably hot at the words and illustrations. There were words on those pages that you didn’t even have a clue what they meant, but they felt dirty regardless.
You were so enraptured by all this new information that you didn’t notice Doctor Kreizler walk in. You all but jumped out of your skin as you heard him clear his throat, looking at you expectantly. “Oh, Lord, I am so sorry, Doctor. I was just waiting for you to get back but this caught my eye, I didn’t mean to pry, I promise.” You rambled with a slight stutter, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest when Laszlo took the book from you with a ghost of a smile. “Please, sir, don’t tell anyone I was looking at this, if my parents found out, they’d throw me on the streets! I’ll pray for forgiveness!”
Laszlo gently shook his head, patting your shoulder reassuringly. “It’s quite alright, it’ll stay between us. Please, you don’t have to put on the pious act for me.”
You furrowed your brow, tilting your head slightly in confusion. “An act, sir? What do you mean?”
“The whole pretending that you think every single thing pertaining to sex is sinful and immoral.” He said with a brittle chuckle.
“It…it’s not?”
Laszlo froze, his eyes scanning your face for any indication that you were playing up the innocent act, but he didn’t find anything about your expression that would lead him to believe that you were lying. Were you actually this innocent? “You’ve never been taught about sex before? Anything about it?”
Your cheeks felt like they had been lit aflame, you looked down, your hair hiding your face slightly. “It’s a sin, especially before marriage. The only reason to do it is if you want to have a child.” You recited from what you learned from your parents and pastor.
“God, is that what your parents taught you? Hypocrites. It’s ridiculous. Of course sex isn’t sinful.”
“But…what about touching oneself? Surely that’s a sin, right?”
“It’s a natural part of growing up. Everyone has done it, there’s nothing to be ashamed about.” Laszlo noticed your nervousness, the fiddling with your hands and your eyes anywhere but his. “Have you never touched yourself before? Never even tried?”
You bit your lip, rubbing your hand up your arm as you felt goosebumps start to rise. “Once, but it didn’t feel right…at all. I never tried again. I never should have done it in the first place.” You felt ashamed talking about this with someone as professional as Laszlo. He must’ve been so ashamed of you as well, you wished you never even set foot in his office. But what you didn’t know was Laszlo was feeling ashamed of himself for how lustful he felt all of a sudden. The thought that you had never experienced sexual pleasure made his pants feel way too tight in that moment, and he felt sorry for you, but not in a condescending way. It would be a risk for your professional relationship, but it was one he was willing to take.
You didn’t notice Laszlo walking closer to you until you felt his hand gently graze your hand that was nervously holding your other arm. You felt your heart skip a beat as you finally looked up at him, finding his eyes to be searching yours. His tantalizing stare felt like it was penetrating your soul, him being so close to you that you could see your own startled expression in his dilated pupils. “Do you want me to show you how it’s done?” Laszlo asked in a low tone, his voice almost gravelly, causing a shiver to run down your spine in anticipation.
You didn’t know why, but you suddenly felt a burning hot desire in your lower stomach, a slick wetness pooling at the apex of your thighs. Your expression reflected in his eyes turned from being startled to almost dazed. Out of anything he could’ve said, Laszlo surprised you with that. You wanted to say yes, so badly. But… “What will happen to me if I say yes?” You asked timidly, glancing down at his hand on yours.
“Nothing that you don’t consent to.” He smiled softly, but with your fearful expression, he realized what you actually were asking. “I promise, you’re not going to hell if you allow me to do this.”
You exhaled shakily. “Okay.”
Laszlo smiled, running his hand up to your shoulder and moving a piece of hair out of your face. “Sit on my desk and lift up your skirts for me please.” He instructed, and you obeyed nervously, feeling your whole body heat up as he watched intently as you exposed most of your legs to him. “Good girl.” You try not to squirm as Laszlo stood right next to you, feeling his breath on your neck as he lightly held you in place with his right arm and using his left hand to gently trail up your inner thigh, eliciting another shiver from you. “If I do anything that you don’t like or want to stop for any reason, just tell me and I’ll stop. Okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
You took a deep breath as Laszlo finally reached your aching cunt, exhaling sharply when his fingers made contact with your sex. “Spread your legs for me, my dear.” You gasped as he touched a spot that was particularly sensitive. “Is that painful?” He asked, but you quickly shook your head no. “This spot is called the clitoris, it’s the only human organ where its sole purpose is to provide pleasure. Isn’t that extraordinary?” He spoke huskily into your ear, causing goosebumps to rise all over your body, all while you were still struggling to keep still as he kept slowly rubbing circles on your clit. You wanted him to go faster, but all you could do was whimper pitifully as Laszlo started to kiss and nip at your neck. “How does that feel, Schatz?”
“G-Good…” You whimpered, “so good but…”
“What is it?”
“Can you…move a bit faster, please?” Laszlo smirked at your stuttering voice, finding your shyness adorable. Instead of giving you what you craved, he did the opposite, removing his hand from you and moving to stand in between your legs, spreading your legs even further. “What are you-? Oh!” You gasped as Laszlo slowly pushed one of his fingers inside you, the intrusion foreign but not entirely unwelcome…
“And how does this feel? Still good?” He asked, adding a second finger and gently thrusting into you, the stretch causing you to wince slightly but you didn’t want him to stop. You let out your first moan as he rubbed your clit with his thumb in tandem with his thrusts. “I assume that was a yes, hm?”
“Y-Yeah…” You moaned, your hips moving against his hand mindlessly, starting to feel pleasure building and building inside you. “Feels so good, Laszlo…” 
Laszlo lifted your chin with his other hand, forcing you to make eye contact with him. He wanted to see your face. He finally kissed you as he sped up his hand movements, swallowing your loud moans, a deep guttural groan escaping him as he felt your walls clench around his fingers. “You feel that pressure building in your body?” You nodded quickly, panting and moaning but you still tried to pay attention to what he was saying. “You’re getting close to what’s called an orgasm. It’s a feeling of euphoria when you reach the peak of sexual pleasure.”
“Are…are you getting close?” You stuttered.
Laszlo smiled, hiding a wince when his cock jumped in his pants. “I’m not the one getting pleasured, you are.” And as if right on cue, you felt yourself reach that peak and it was indescribable. Your body burned all over, but in a good way. You moaned loudly as you rode out that wave, gripping onto the doctor’s waistcoat for purchase. Your corset felt almost painful as your nipples hardened as you came, it felt all too restrictive. But you came down from that high, and you already wanted to feel it again. “Are you okay?” Laszlo’s soft deep voice brought you back to reality.
“Can…can you make me do that again?” You asked shyly, causing Laszlo to chuckle.
You winced as Laszlo lightly tapped your clit, the feeling almost too much to handle. “You’re too sensitive. Some people can’t come again right after because of the oversensitivity. But you might be ready to go again after several minutes.”
“But I want you to feel good too. I want you to…come.” You spoke timidly, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He almost melted on the spot.
Laszlo frowned, shaking his head, trying to ignore his aching cock that was just crying out for stimulation. “I don’t want to hurt you. It might be too much, especially right now.”
“But I want you, Laszlo. I really do.” Laszlo didn’t say anything as you reached for the buttons on his pants, feeling guilty as he let you nervously palm his member through his trousers. “Please, I want you to be my first…”
Laszlo exhaled a shaky breath, grabbing your face and kissing you lightly with a frustrated growl. “First times for women can be painful…”
“I don’t care. I want you to show me what it’s like.” You begged, gently biting his bottom lip, doing everything in your power to let him know that you’d be okay.
Laszlo finally gave in, kissing you again with much more fervor, allowing himself to crave your touch. Your hands were all over him, messing up his perfectly styled hair and undoing the buttons of his waistcoat so you could feel more of him. You moaned as he squeezed your breasts through your dress, running his hands up and down your torso as you pulled his cock out of the confines of his pants. But he suddenly stopped, taking your hand away before speaking. “We’re going to take this slow, okay? If I hurt you, tell me and I’ll stop, okay?” He said seriously.
Laszlo slowly rubbed the head of his cock in between your folds, you letting out small whines as he rubbed himself on your still overly sensitive clit. He looked into your eyes when he lined himself up with your entrance, silently asking for your approval. You nodded, holding onto his hand that was gripping your thigh.
His cock was much bigger than his fingers, that’s for sure. You let out a silent cry when he entered you, just his tip stretching you far more than his fingers. It was a burning pressure, but you still didn’t want him to stop. Despite the initial pain, it felt so natural for him to be inside you. You accepted him as best you could, him stilling inside you when he bottomed out. “Are you okay?” He asked, already panting from holding himself back.
“Yes, Laszlo, please. Keep going.” You and Laszlo both let out deep guttural groans as he started to thrust into you slowly, him keeping a firm grip on your thigh as he rocked his hips back and forth. Soon, you started to feel a new type of pleasure. It didn’t feel the same as when he was rubbing your clit, but whatever it was, it felt amazing. Every time Laszlo thrusted, the tip of his cock would hit that spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your skull. His slow thrusts weren’t enough now. You wanted more. You needed more. “Faster…please.” You whined, moving your own hips up to meet his.
“You sure?” It was sweet that he was always checking in, you appreciated it, but sweet wasn’t what you needed at that moment. You nodded vigorously, grabbing the collar of his shirt roughly and bringing him down to kiss you.
“Oh, my God-!” You gasped, moaning in his ear as he sped up his thrusts, his skin slapping against yours echoing around his office. “You feel so good.” You smiled tremulously, tears of overwhelming pleasure brimming your eyes. Laszlo’s grunting and soft moaning had to have been the prettiest sound you had ever heard, each others’ moans mixing together like a symphony. 
“You’re exquisite, my dear.” Laszlo breathed out, moaning every time he felt you clench around him, your velvety walls taking him in deep and holding on with a vice grip. “You’re doing so well…fuck.” He cursed, his cock twitching as he sped up even more, chasing his own release desperately, your pretty moans spurring him on. “I’m so close.” He voiced, his words coming out strangled, his hand tightening around yours, bringing it up and placing a light kiss on your knuckles.
“Do it, come. Please, come.” You whimpered, crossing your legs behind his back, not allowing him to remove himself from you, pulling him as close as possible. His heavy breaths and soft moans fanned across your skin as he neared his climax, placing sloppy kisses on your cheek and down your neck, his neatly trimmed beard scratching at your skin. You cried out as Laszlo started to rub your clit once more, desperate to feel you come around his cock. “Please, please…” You whined, not even sure what you were asking for. His circular motions on your clit paired with his cock roughly splitting you open over and over again was almost too much, but you fully relinquished yourself to him, happy to be used by someone you admired so much.
“Come for me again, Schatz. I want to feel you, please.” Laszlo moaned, speeding up his ministrations on your clit.
“Laszlo!” You squealed, your legs shaking uncontrollably as you reached that peak once more, falling limp in his arms as you rode out your second orgasm.
“Oh, Scheiße!” Laszlo stilled as you clenched around him, letting out a loud strained grunt as he finally released inside of you, coating your walls with his cum. He buried his head in your shoulder, panting heavily along with you, trying to steady his heartbeat. “Are…are you okay?” He asked nervously as he pulled out of you and stuffed himself back into his trousers, looking into your eyes with concern. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No, no. You didn’t.” You shook your head, wearing a tired satisfied smile. “I really liked it.”
Laszlo let out a relieved sigh. “Good.” He said, wearing a lopsided grin, placing a short light kiss on the tip of your nose. He chuckled breathlessly, running a hand through his hair. “I wasn’t expecting the day to turn out like this…but I’m glad it did.”
“Me too.” You smiled timidly, but then you remembered something. “So, um, why did you want to see me in the first place?” You asked.
Laszlo chuckled nervously, gently caressing your cheek while a slight blush. “Oh, I was, uh.” He cleared his throat, “With how well you’re doing, I was going to ask you to work for the Institute officially. Paid and everything. But now…I want to take you out on a date too, if you’d allow me.”
“Really?” You beamed.
“I’d love that. Both. Both of those things. To work here and go on a date with you.” You rambled with a giggle, making Laszlo smile.
“Great…I suppose we should get back to work now.” He said reluctantly, holding onto your hips like he never wanted to let you go.
“I promise, I won’t let you regret hiring me.”
“I don’t think you could make me regret anything, my dear.”
back on my bullshit (aka, i'm obsessed with Daniel again). nobody talk to me.
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blackfangedreaper · 2 years
Thinking of informant!black!Y/n being this love sick🥰gf of luffy, wanting him every second but can't visit cause of his safety but one day says fuck it and visits.
Pairings: Luffy x Black!Fem!Informant!Reader
Warning: fluff💞, touchy feely y/n👀 and grammatical errors.
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You met them having trouble with a couple of marines on their way to dressrosa.
You help them but they're all sceptical thinking you were going to blackmail/threatened them, since you were an informant.
You apparently knew alotta shit about everyone, but to be honest you would rather threaten the world government by releasing songs that have hidden meanings.
But instead you taunt them by circling their captain making them all on guard including law.
You run your hand down luffy's back causing him to stiffen.
"A little tense aren't you, relax a little." You teased going to his front, his gaze was shielded by his straw hat, until it was taken by you that is. You traced his scar with your finger while harbouring his strawhat on your head. He did say it looked better on you anyways.
This seemed to make the whole crew tense. He let you take his straw hat? luffy lets on one take his straw hat.
"What do you want?" Law asks raising his eyebrow at you suspiciously, his hand on his sword and the other spread out, ready incase you decided to play some cruel joke.
"Why does everyone assume i want something?" You pouted, but instead of looking at him you look up at luffy whose eyes are slightly shadowed by his hair.
"-plus if i want something, it's mine." You retorted shifting your gaze to his chest now running your hands up and down his pectorals slowly while biting your lips.
Hmm firm. Has he been working out? Damn you were definitely drooling.
"Is that a threat?" Luffy asks surprising his crew with his serious tone especially law, this doesn't seem like the idiot captain he made an alliance with.
His tone sending pleasurable shivers down your spine. Ugh you really missed him.
"Hmm, what if it was? After all i know every.single.thing about you, that's no fun now is it?" You taunted wrapping your arms around his neck and lifting your left leg only to place them on his waist, causing everyone on board to act, only to stop abruptly as luffy raised his hand.
Humouring you he ran his hand up your thighs before going over the curve of your plump ass to rest on your waist, this caused his crew to raise an eyebrow in confusion and you to shudder.
"Its your job after all." He said smiling brightly while flicking the straw hat on your head.
"Oh how I've missed you, anata~" You said bearing a love struck gaze.
'ANATA?' The strawhats froze solid with their jaw dropped , this was his darling?!
The one that would send Love notes and songs, excessive amounts of money and care packages and flood his special den den mushi which only took calls from you.
Clearly they thought luffy had landed another boa hancock or rather another fangirl thinking he would ignore such gestures but surprisingly he was also as in love with her as she was with him.
He made sure to write back, listen to your songs playing them and showing them off proudly and when he talked to you, was when he was the brightest, his smile reaching his eyes, his pearly white teeth on display and kicking feet raised in the air while he was on his favourite or rather 'captain seat'.
You definitely were a beauty and getting the most beautiful woman in all the seas proved rather difficult but definitely not for luffy.
"Shi shi shi as have i!" He said wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate and desperate kiss.
His hands cradling your head while his fingers pulled at your curls gently, your arms running up his chest before you moved one arm to his head running your fingers through his hair. He groaned subtly at this, tighten his hold on you and deepening the kiss.
Making not only his crew but law stunned, how the fuck did this idiot of a captain pull such a dangerous woman not only in the name but her looks too. 'Come the fuck on she was bloody gorgeous and she could kill you or for you, regardless who wouldn't want a woman like her'.
Zoro sheathing his swords back, flustered and flabbergasted "get it i guess?".
Nami salivating on how her captain beloved's bounty could set her for life "ooh she rich rich, welcome aboard big sis!".
Brook covering his crimson coloured skinless with his bony fingers watching the couple make out, perversly "Yohohoho, what a bold woman".
chopper hiding with ussop behind zoro while they both tried counting her bounty with their fingers and toes... It wasn't working "w-what d-did she d-do t-too ge-get h-her bounty t-th-that high!!".
Robin chuckling knowing this was coming cause apparently she could understand some words of the foreign language you sang in your songs for him, they were mostly very lewd and descriptive, oh her captain's darling seems to be a needy one.
This was language you supposedly taught him to keep nosy beings out of your scandalous and lewd conversations. "oh my, seems she got tired of waiting."
Franky sighing knowing he was going to need to build a separate room for them "haaa, well i guess i better start making blueprints for a suppperrrr captain room, a personal and soundproof captain room."
And law slightly relived maybe you would keep your rambunctious lover on track atleast he could tell you could definitely handle luffy. "Ha...i might actually make it to zou in one piece".
Luffy was happy, excited infact, he finally got to meet the love of his life after five years, rather than random glimpses of her in most of the places he visited.
The last glimpse of her was in sabody archipelago, he was on the flying fish on his way to save camie from the auction house when he saw her shadowed figure.
Seeing just her shiny brown skin and wisps of her (h/c) curly (h/l) hair flowing in the wind, that was enough to know it was her even though she was covered head to toe with a black cloak and hat.
Their eyes meeting,his dark brown hues locking onto her mysterious (e/c) eyes, holding so many unfortold stories and secrets, his brother, ace would say at times.
A peck on his forehead bringing him out of his mindwandering, looking down to see you.
"Your really here." He said breathlessly.
"Of course." You assured equally breathless. oh how you missed him, body, mind, and soul.
"Not gonna introduce me?" She smirked.
"I was!! Your gonna love them!."He said beaming.
"Oi you guys this is my darling!"He hollered.
"Hello i'm (Y/n) (L/n) Nice to meet you!" She said mirroring luffy's smile.
Oh ho they definitely knew the name '(Y/n) (L/n)' the most wanted woman in the world, meaning Dragon was second on the most wanted list
You were number one meaning you also had the highest bounty, you would expect people to come after you but how can you find someone who has the ability to vanish off the surface of the earth.
Not only that but she was dangerous, bringing down organisations after organisations that threatened the wellbeing of innocents around the world and utterly humiliating the world government taunting them, the seven warlords and emperors of the seas, yes a menace she was, releasing records after records, slandering her enemy's in them, but a beacon of hope appeared, a way to stop her or rather keep her leashed.
After she released a song involving her beloved in it, it all began, gathering clues, intercepting in all her calls, but she was too smart, jamming their radios, vaguely descriping the love of her life in every song to tease and taunt them, to torment them making it known that they would only be wasting their time and even if they searched the whole bloody world they would only eat what was being fed to them by her.
'Black hair?!! It could be anyone for fuck sake, Aoijiki also has black hair what are you going to do? Execute him?'
Slowly but surely a quest to find this mysterious lover of her's, the man that makes her swoon and turn to mush everytime he is mentioned, turned to a whole investigation not only the world government but the emperors and warlords sending out their best to investigate, to find who this so called lover of hers was.
Surely they'd have her under control if they could find him, right? Handful of people who found out were definitely shocked namely; shanks, mihawk and dragon.
They found out when she finished recording a song on shanks ship, mistakely she moaned his name on a call with him, shanks and mihawks over heard this, so did ben and lucky roo AND yassop, in short they were spying on her.
I mean who wouldn't, you literally ran out of the recording booth squealing while holding a den den mushi that looked vaguely similar to the strawhat bearing man they seemed to know.
And dragon who was actually seeked out by you to tell him that you'd marry his son, he was flabbergasted really, not only were you dating his son but you wished for his blessings. Why though he never was in his son's life to begin with, but he respected you greatly after that.
Plus even if they knew they couldn't tell why?. Well, because who would believe them?. 'The dangerous and alluring (Y/n)'s lover turned out to be the captain of the Straw hats; Monkey D. Luffy.'
Come on like they'd buy that, they rather believe a woman like you would fancy Trafalgar law or Portgas D. Ace, they were dangerous men after all but luffy?!
It's was gonna be a lot to swallow.
Well the crewmates were certainly shocked it was luffy all along how couldn't they bloody see that, the endless calls, the love letters, bloody hell the fucking love songs.
"Thank you for taking care of him, my man is high maintenance after all." You chirped out.
"You have no idea." They all said which stunned you causing you to chuckle.
"Hey! I can take care of myself." Luffy said looking at you before pursing his lips and turning to look elsewhere while sweating nervously.
"And he apparently still can't lie to save his life." You sighed
"-Anyways why don't we all go inside and talk i'd love to hear all about your adventures." You clapped turning to them.
"Right this way ma'am" sanji said hearts twirling around him.
"Hmm a gentlemen, i'm swooning already." You said laughing.
"Hey sanji watch it! Mine!" Luffy said wrapping his rubber hands around his darling several times before snapping at sanji.
"I'll cook for you if you behave." You said smiling sweetly.
"Yes ma'am". He released you, leading you into the kitchen stunning his crewmates and law who were following behind you both at his personality change.
it was definitely going be a long night, because everyone wanted to know how luffy bagged such an exotic woman.
Hi hi! Back again! (●'◡'●)ノ♥ i actually wanna make this a series cause i have so many ideas ackkk can't wait, anyways the title 'Baby'm' is actually 'My baby' but in my language, i just thought id add a lil twist ₍⁽˚⑅̆˚⁾₎
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Mentopolis OCs time, baby.
Lore below:
EDIT: SORRY I CHANGED HIS NAME. Roman Entic is now Romeo Entic. Because he has to be. Proceed.
Two artists residing in the mind of Elias Hodge; one a sculptor focused on form and feeling, and the other a strict Romantic in both senses of the word as well as an amateur poet. They're frequent collaborators (though often have their own solitary projects as well) working for the Daydream Workshop in the Hippocampus' Imagination Gallery, which has always struggled with funding under Mayor Logic and has received so many budget cuts come the Big Guy's new job that they've been promoted from merely hungry artists to starving artists. The only people still well-funded there are the Nightmare script writers and stage crew, who've been writing that show for decades now.
Moneyless and museless, the pair of artists wait out their days in hopes that the Big Guy gets a promotion that makes him relax and start thinking about others again. Or at least that he finds his interest piqued by a co-worker in some fashion--both are willing to cheer for the other.
Dee is a friend of Dan Fucks, as their tasks are closely related--he provides the desire to fuck, and she figures out who the Big Guy wants to fuck. She used to have her sculptures set up at Shuga's, but always has them removed after a while once the passion for the muse of that period wears out. With the dry spell regarding muses or any fun at all, she hasn't provided any new works after taking back her old ones yet.
Rome does not care for Dan that much, they get along best as co-workers who meet only when the time is right. He does move in the same circles as Imelda and Anastasia and had to deal with them loudly debating whether the Big Guy should "go for it" while they check out his paintings before their falling out. Anastasia also interviewed him for the article about the smiling woman that got canned.
Other details: --Rome constantly uses pet names for everyone. "Dear" and "darling" are the most common. --It's not very visible here, but Rome has a painted hand pressed to his heart on his shirt, for romantic gestures. --He also has large "rose-tinted glasses" :) --Dee is very touchy-feely, though she doesn't really mean anything by it. --While Dan Fucks, the active desire to fuck, is dressed for success in deep v-necks and fine pants, Dee, the passive observation of attractive people, is much more casually dressed. She represents a low-effort sort of sexiness that Dan does not. --Romance puts people on cloud nine, so Rome is surrounded with 'em. Dee is steamy all the time. I'm sure you can piece together the joke.
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haileymunson · 2 years
random robin headcanons
robin buckley x fem!reader
NSFW under the cut!
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this girl is the best girlfriend in the world argue with you mf mom
will let you look around the video store and talk with her while she’s at work but steve has to constantly tell robin to get back to work because she’s always ogling at you or perhaps caught y’all making out while they were in the middle of closing
will let you run your hands through her dirty blonde/brown hair. while her head is in your lap, during cuddles, when she lets you do her hair on the rarest of occasions, pls for the love of god do it while y’all are making out she loves it
goes on the cutest days with you. the “wlw being better at dates” trope TO THE MAX
small parties, the drive in movies, a diner, picnics, coffee, ice cream parlor, roller skating rink, shopping, swimming at the lovers lake, making out at lovers lake…..
wearing each other’s clothes and jewelry
painting each other’s nails and doing each other’s makeup
reading, listening to music, watching tv, drawing and painting, knitting or embroidery, collecting knickknacks together, video and board games
for whatever reason would get a cat or a pet lizard with you
wants to move out with you and get an an apartment with you so y’all can have a plant and animal family
would have a kid with you later in life if you wanted one, but otherwise doesn’t and won’t have one if you don’t plan on wanting one either
if you love reading she’ll take you to underground, small businesses to buy books
if you love video games she’ll go to the arcade with you and will buy you video games
if you love watching movies and tv she’ll buy or rent your favorites or movies you’ve been wanting to see, spending her off days with you
if you play sports or cheer she’ll watch you from the bleachers with her instrument on the bleachers, admiring you from afar
if you’re interested in learning to play an instrument she’ll help you since she’s played a few bug if you know how to play an instrument or multiple she loves hearing you play
if you sing she’ll join you with music accompaniment, loving the sound of your voice
if you draw she loves watching you, but jeez if you ever draw her she’ll be seconds away from proposing to you
if you’re girly she loves watching you get dolled up and loves your masc x fem dynamic
if you’re more of a tomboy like her OBVY y’all are sharing clothes and matching with her
talks nonstop but you love to hear her ramble and love her facial expressions. how passionate she is about certain things and can go on and on all day about her favorite movie or why she believes aliens exist
has multiple pictures of you and the both of you scattered around her room
and in her wallet <3
definitely would sit at your lunch table next to you with a few other bandmates and friends
would either go to the same college as you to study music and film studies
she’s not a long distance girly i feel like she’d fold if she wouldn’t be able to hold you on a daily basis
for someone who likes girls but has little to no experience, god she’s an amazing kisser
speaking of experience……
she’s probably most likely a virgin, if not she has very little experience
queen of head jesus christ
as a fellow woman she knows exactly what gets you on, and how to make you cum in less than 5 minutes TOPS
also is a top…..speaking of……i don’t make the rules
not aggressively dominant but not incredibly submissive, most likely a switch but is a soft!dom
queen of tribbing and does in fact use her strap like a GODDESS
^ usually likes the strap but wants to be more touchy feely and close to you when y’all are being more passionate and intimate
likes when you top her too
if you’re inexperienced she’ll help you out and vice versa
listens to slow, soft music while doing it, feels awkward with complete silence
likes lighting candles and low lighting, or the moonlight
not. a. fan. of. quickies.
likes to take her time but isn’t a huge tease
not terribly serious but a little more playful during sex
also the queen of aftercare
y’all bathe, say sweet words to each other, maybe feed each other snacks or sumn before y’all cuddle each other to sleep
takes such good care of you
asks how she did, tells you how good you were, and asks a million times if you’re okay and if you need breaks or water
defo has a vibrator, and that mf is NOT FOR THE WEAK
would definitely use a double dildo with you
gets you off for her pleasure
seeing you squirm, moan, whiter, whine, and take short breaths actually makes her short circuit but dear god you make her so wet
keeps her nails short just for you ;)
would never do anything you’re not comfortable with, but is open to experimenting
69, tribbing, using the strap or a vibrator, double dildo, face riding, missionary, doggy, spooning, and scissoring. need i say less?
would combust if you squirt. literally on the verge of passing out
the first time she saw you naked was at a sleepover with just the two of you. she dared you to show her your tits and she’d pay you $10 (you’d do it for free let’s be honest). you rolled your eyes and showed them to her and she was as red as a tomato. let’s just say y’all weren’t just friends after that night (I have a sleepover fic planned 🫣)
although she loves your pretty sounds, she can be decently vocal in the bedroom. she’ll gladly groan, grunt, moan, and scream of pleasure in your ear
might be silly during sex but is so passionate, sweet, and adorable after sex. like i said she’s the queen of aftercare.
will give you millions of kisses all over your body
one of the sexiest things she ever did was after you’d both scissor each other, she came on your cunt and pushed her cum inside of you, awaiting the start of yet another orgasm she had given you
would be into phone sex
would also take risqué photos of you with her camera
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quotergirl19 · 1 year
“I would caution any young lady from getting caught up in the sexual nature of her fêtes. For one scandalous move between an unwanted couple, a wayward touch, or heaven for bid, a kiss. Would banish any young lady from society in a trail of ruin.” - Lady Whistledown
Bridgerton - Season 1: Episode 4 “An Affair of Honor”
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If Colin’s touchy feely “friendly,” behavior with Penelope draws the wrong kind of attention from society he might unintentionally ruin Penelope’s reputation. Colin would propose if that happened because he’s obsessed with saving a lady in distress and Penelope is extremely important to him. Then as a betrothed couple spending more and more time together Colin feels happier than he has felt in months and starts to realize it’s because of Penelope and how happy she makes him.
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As their wedding approaches Colin is having difficulty controlling his quickly growing passion for his dearest friend. Penelope on the other hand is boldly determined to fan the flame of Colin’s passions in order to please him as a woman and wife, unknowingly torturing her fiancé and leading to scandalous behavior whenever they are alone… most notably in a carriage.
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simsroyallegacy · 1 year
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Princess Annaliese CAUGHT On the Arm of MARRIED Duke?!
Last weekend King Arden’s golden child had all of us raising our eyebrows at the 53rd Annual Diamond Plumbob Awards afterparty. 
His Majesty’s favorite child certainly stole the spotlight from the rest of the stars attending the party, causing a ruckus when photographed getting cozy with one Alexei Savalani, the Duke of Margate. The forty-five-year-old Duke is a prominent member of the House of Lords and has been a staunch opponent against Princess Ana’s father. This is not the only reason we predict this relationship will be subjected to His Majesty’s ire, however, since the age gap has even the public raising their brows.
The Princess, twenty-four, is a little over twenty years younger than the Duke, a man only a few years younger than her father. She has never been connected to any man or woman romantically, preferring to keep her private life under lock and key as much as possible. Her ability to stay under the radar, however, didn’t keep us from noticing her getting a little touchy-feely with Duke Alexei! 
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(Above: Snapshots taken earlier in the evening of Her Royal Highness and the Duke conversing with some award winners and nominees.)
While attending the star-studded soirée in her capacity as Royal Patron of the Moving Picture Council (MPC), the Princess was originally photographed mingling with the same crowd as the Duke, who is the owner of several well-known production companies within the industry. Their initial interactions were hardly suspicious until the source of our publication’s photos below saw them leaving the party together.
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“They were careful I’ll give them that,” our correspondent told us. “They rarely were seen in the same group barring a couple of times and only really exchanged pleasantries. I didn’t really think anything of them until I happened to catch a photo of them leaving together out onto the rooftop halfway through the evening.”
The photos taken of the two taking a stroll through the venue’s rooftop garden depict a much more intimate relationship than previously assumed of the two – at one point, Princess Ana was seen with her hands actually caressing the Duke! Our source claims that the two were out there seeming “like a couple on a date” for a good forty-five minutes before separating to return to the party.
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The rumors being fueled by these photos are not reflecting well upon Princess Ana and her “good girl” image. Alexei Savalani is not only much older than her and a part of the HoL, but he is still currently married?! He was even spotted that evening still wearing his wedding ring!
The Duke of Margate has been married to his wife, Duchess Reagan, for a decade. The two met during his travels to Celestre, the Duchess’ native country, dated for a year, and married two months after he proposed. There have been rumors circulating about a break in the marriage but until now no proof has been captured. Perhaps he’s finally making a statement?
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