#to see comments like that in my art!!! bc ??? its my art??? i get to draw WHATEVER I WANT!!!
comradekatara · 6 months
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it's national draw your sibling day
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momomallowart · 6 months
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Imagine if you will... Ray with a tongue piercing ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ 💭
A more "messy" version under the cut bc I wanted to practice tears and stuff.. 👀
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aquato-family-circus · 4 months
So this headcanon I'm about to ramble a bit about is both about body image feelings, and minor spoilers abt some Psychonauts 2 Art Book concept art, #PN2 art book spoilers #spoilers yknow
so with that out of the way
Helmut's got some old concept art where his mental world outfit had a lot more of a classic viking inspo, and a few where he's got his shirt off have Mental World Abs added on and it comes across like how he'd wanna be shown off
and it has me thinking about how Helmut might have thought about himself and being fat... and I personally can relate to that feeling of like being really happy with and good with how my fat body looks but every so often thinking about how it could be different.
I like the vibe of confident showman Helmut once in a blue moon looking in the mirror while changing into his stage clothes thinking about like getting Muscles and Toning his Body bc he feels like that'd look nicer
but he gets reminded that he's already really strong (he can lift stage equipment like no problem even without telekinesis) and he doesn't need like a chiseled six pack for that. he's good. he looks and feels great already and can pull off any outfit bc of his natural charisma
AND. of course. bob loves his tummy very much, added bonus
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moeblob · 1 year
Hello! I'm here with ~another~ text post!
I unfortunately had assumed "ah yes, The Anxiety" has been my problem recently but in fact, no. It was The Depression! (or a combo, super likely!) Due to this, I will be taking a brief mental break from posting art here. The break may be three days, might be a week. Truly a mystery even to me.
I will be drawing daily so when I return I should have multiple pictures to show off which I will separate in posts by fandom. Drawing really helps calm me down unless I get to the point where it feels like a performance obligation which it currently feels like.
I appreciate your patience and I hope to be okay enough to be back soon.
(also, my ask box on this blog has been disabled until I return)
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bluravenite · 1 year
I know this probably wasn't intended badly or as a critique but
Do not comment on the way i draw Ghoul's bodies.
They're my personal headcanons and I don't care if you don't think a swimmer and touring musician would have a muscular build.
You don't like it? Draw them yourself.
I have designed these ghouls with my own personal headcanons and considerations of their back stories and real life inspirations.
I do not want to see tags in my art saying "he's too soft :(" "they're so buff :(" "why is she hour glass shaped?"
Especially when it's someone like cumulus who i have drawn several times before out of uniform and she is clearly not naturally "hour glass shaped" but ffs SHAPE WEAR EXISTS, especially if it's a uniform you wear to perform?!! She's gonna wanna have back and bust support!!! I have publicly headcanoned that ghouls wear corsetry for support!! I'm not just drawing her skinnier i am just considering other fucking variables!!!
Why are rain, swiss and mountain more physically built??? Because rain is a swimmer and i have used references of Olympic medalist swimmers to use as reference for how i wanted to draw him as well as looked at surfer body types, most of which were skinnier but toned!!! So that's why?? Mountain bc he's in the fucking garden doing sowing and planting work and playing the fucking drums, that's some fucking heavy ass equipment he's helping the band move and he does it seamlessly!!! Swiss also??? He's a multi, he's tall too, he's gotta be strong to help with everything they need, plus you think that he's gonna be bending ghouls over if he were so skinny??? Probably not!!
Another petty one. Consider more variables?? Aka working out releases lactic acid, and the surge of fluids causes your muscle cells to swell up, especially if you're drinking something like a protein drink without a carb/fat filled breakfast.
Do you think a DEMONIC HUMANOID CREATURE, that wakes up at dawn to have a protein shake AND GO SWIMMING AND SURFING is not??? Gonna look??? Buff????
Like??? Sorry if this rant sounds petty but I'm genuinely tired of dealing with people commenting on my own personal original designs.
I have never claimed to be drawing the people on stage. I am drawing MY OWN CHARACTERS, based on the real thing.
Don't just comment on people's characters or art if it's not something they can fix within 3 strokes of their pen.
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milkbreadtoast · 7 months
someone called me 1 of their fav twsb artists....🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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Personally of the belief that live action fans who go onto animanga posts uninvited like 'I DESPERATELY NEED YOU TO KNOW THAT I THINK THE ART STYLE IS UGLY EVEN THO THIS OPINION IS IRRELEVANT TO THE POST' should be hit with a big rock. We already moved past this ten years ago, get with it or get lost. Swallow the hunger inside of you that demands everything be palatable to you. Maybe you could stand to be a little uncomfortable for a while
#Keep ur trashy comments to yourself#It's not even ugly! It's just not the conventional anime style so you deem it ugly. That's so fucking sad of you#You're the type of person who sees a piece of art and is like OMG WERE THEY ON DRUGS?!?!?!?!?!#Idk I think the art style is very fitting for the gigantic world Oda has built#People are allowed to be ''ugly'' because not all of us were born to be models. Shock and horror I know#(this is NOT aimed at the ppl who critque the way Oda draws women (to a degree...) bc I agree he could've done the same for women as he doe#The men by giving them way more diverse features and body shapes)#No this is aimed at the ppl who think the style as a whole is ugly and demean it bc it doesn't suit their tastes#Meanwhile their taste is the most conventional cookie cutter bland pretty boy/girl bullshit out there#(I say to a degree up there bc I think ppl go way too far with the criticisms like the one person who posted the Charlotte family identical#Sisters and went LOOK HOW SIMILAR THESE WOMEN ARE ODA SUCKS when they were MEANT to look similar)#^ yes that is an actual post I saw in like 2018 or 2019 when WCI was reaching its end in the anime and it made me die laughing#There are dozens of other examples you could've given but no. You intentionally chose the triplets (quintuplets? It's been a hot minute)#Rebecca and Nami and Vivi and Shirahoshi all having the exact same face with different hair? No I will use the identical twins as proof#What a unique way to undermine your own argument bc I was with you up until that#Anyway yeah the more I think abt the more I think the live action sucks actually for getting rid of Sanji's eyebrows bc they'd 'look bad'#Who cares? It's part of his design. You are cutting off parts of his character. Same w/ Usopp's nose.#Who fucking cares if it would have looked 'bad' or 'ugly'? Is that all you guys really care about? Keeping up appearances???#I'm so sick of the shit I like getting 'remade' to appeal to people who will never actually appreciate why stuff looks the way it does#It's so shallow I hate it#<- yes I'm still bitter about what they did to my boy WW in the three guns reboot iykyk#And Livio and Razlo for that matter. What the FUCK was that about#Idk maybe it's cuz it's something I recognized in myself and attempted to squash so it's frustrating seeing other ppl do it#And again obvs Oda isn't perfect w/ this either as he draws evil women as fat old hags and his protags as skinny and beautiful#Or how he thinks not following ur dreams will make u ugly and fat and following ur dreams will make u conventionally attractive#I get it. Storytelling method. But u can do better. Use colorschemes instead of physical attributes or something like Veneer does
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ngl the worst thing about the xenoblade fandom (which I think is the root cause of a lot of other issues) is that it’s mostly on twitter. I have to subject myself to twitter for any real consistent fan talk or content. legit there's always some new stupid topic of argument ive noticed in the past few weeks on there and its all very silly and frustrating and what im saying is everyone should move to Tumblr. please. for me. 
#siren says#the other root problem in the fandom is that as of 2 there's just a lot of fans who are clearly there for sexy anime lady reasons. and that#in turn bleeds into certain peoples perception of those characters as mostly sex symbols and attracts a lot of...certain kinds of#individuals. specifically ones who dont really understand what fandoms basic principals are. the amount of times ive seen someone going "um#but thats not canon or some comment along those lines is so stupidly high. and I thought it was just homophobia and certainly part of it is#but I also saw it on a fucking glimmer/nikol art??? like. neither of them have any other love interests and its a perfectly cute if cliche#pairing and you STILL have people being contrarian? I think a lot of these gamer bro types just dont understand basic fandom guidelines ngl#and idk I also feel kind of alienated from other queer fans bc I kind of like some of the ships most of them hate and I felt like if I ever#tried to reach out it would just be awkward idk. at least the people I see on tw who I think are very cool writers or artists or whatever#xenoblade really should be bigger on here Tumblr goes on and on about the romanticization of cannibalism and weird divine imagery#and machines that are also alive and maybe even angels and im like. BOY HOWDY DO I HAVE A SERIES FOR YOU#including saga and gears btw ESPECIALLY them actually. tumblr would love A's gender fuckery I just know it but A is stuck to mostly being#known by twitter a cruel fate for an enby if I ever saw one. free A :(((((#actually I just need to get a bunch of Aros into xenoblade they'd understand me then :3 understand me and my nontraditional relationship hcs#xenoblade#putting this in the main tags o7 pray for me
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victarin · 9 months
kind of obvious maybe at least to me that sun was my favorite & so i knew exactly what kind of characterization i wanted to see more of from him (and how i should write him or whatever) so ive Struggled w characterizing moon a Ton BUT ..... i think i know now . ohhoh
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#guess whos back in therapy bby 😎#the lady i saw was nice. 1st appointments r always a lotta blah blah blah so much to cover#and im always like bleh whatever im not that bad but when u put it all down on paper it is sorta a lot lol#i got the comment. hm u seem to kno a lot abt the dsm. and like listen. i have been meticulously categorizing my problems for the last 4#years. and i like to learn so ya kno. also said yea it sounds like u r having hypomanic episodes.#and asked if bipolar was a possibility and like if i was bipolar that would absolutely blow my god damn mind. im pretty sure its just pmdd#but whatever. im open to the possibility. mostly i wanna hear someone else perspective on this#i feel like im collaborating on a project. like gimmie ur notes i wanna see if were on the same track. bc im insane like that#i always feel bad when they apologize for asking invasive questions. like neh its fine. i got nothin to hide and i dont give a fuck#also i told a class of my peers that my distraction from research is drawing narut0 fan art. again bc i do not#give a single fuck. Professors response: hopefully we get to see it some day. bro. if u ask me i will show u. i do not care#i mean. probably nothing too weird but i feel like most of my stuff is safe to share. i just come off looking like a weeb i guess#but yea back in therapy bc my mum reminded me bc the ppl around me irl r also worried for my well-being based on my behavior lol#i mean its just bc i complain that im in like psychological pain a lot. so lots and lots of bitching abt my brain ^^#the lady i saw did fall a lil bit into my trap. like what woulf ur life look like if u had everything under control? bc it seems like ur#here and ur starting a phd what more do u want? and im like mwahaha but u see i can do school#i can do school so good. i am the best at school and thats it. i am otherwise barely functional#so i can be successful on paper and dysfunctional when it comes to having a life :-]#but whatever. well see what she wants to follow up on next week bc i threw a lot at her#also went to my office for the 1st time. it is really nice to sit in a working lab and watch ppl interact. but also i do feel like im#dying if i try to sit in that room with 2 other ppl lol. so well see how it goes. i may find somewhere else to hide#unrelated
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numum · 2 years
since twitter is busy shitting itself i guess i’ll have to start posting here more often bc if i’m not sufficiently annoying i’ll die
#numtalk#is my tag for text posts jsyk lol#in case I’m too annoying for ur tastes :T i guess :T#i wish tumblr would let you make certain tags into ‘tabs’ on ur blog like twitter’s media tab#ppl are so afraid to reblog things + make text posts and generally be social on here bc#it makes your blog look ‘messy’#bc they’re not used to the tagging system ig#but u Def will gain more followers if your blog looks ‘cleaner’ bc ppl aren’t always gonna click the tag links in ur desc#the more clicks ppl have to click to see your art#the less ppl are gonna see your art#so it would be nice if we could have a gallery tab/tabs dedicated to certain tags baked into the app#anyways I’m super bummed abt twitter. gaining a decent following over there has been achingly slow#and i JUST started doing rlly well and growing pretty rapidly#so that’s demotivating as hell lol#i really love tumblr though. i enjoy how interactive twitter is but tumblr is super interactive in its own way#like. you can’t really engage in reply chains like on twitter bc reblog chains are more intrusive and messy#twitter reply chains are nice bc they condense themselves and don’t clutter ur entire profile bc the media tab exists#but i get FAR more comments on my art than i ever have anywhere else simply bc of the tagging system#being able to leave comments that are super unobtrusive makes ppl feel way more inclined to comment#leaving a reply/comment on any other website feels like walking up to somebody and saying hello#but leaving comments in the tags feels more like talking to urself/whispering#so there’s less Pressure if that makes sense#ANYWAY#fuck elon musk#i’ll miss twitter a lot if it really goes down but I’ve been on tumblr for a literal decade#so i guess i’ll survive lol
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bones-n-bookles · 11 months
Things i can be counted on with zero doubts to have strong but meaningless opinions on:
Carnivore teeth in art
Shades of green
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vaugarde · 4 months
let me tell you it is so easy to tell when some people went to high school in a super liberal area or didnt suffer from bigotry there.
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the difference between the fourth wall breaks of something like the Deadpool movies compared to something like Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn and She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is that every joke in Deadpool feels masturbatory like the writers think they're so hilarious for doing a fourth wall break like that's never been done before whereas both of the other two not only feel right at home with the characters' personalities but are much more natural and much more well done compared to the jokes in Deadpool or its sequel. (do not get me started on Deadpool 2, the movie sucks ass in basically every way except for the characters of Domino and Yukio. every single joke in it was outdated before it was even written. they were making fucking dubstep jokes in 2018. it was a 2012-ass script made way too late and riding on the coattails of the first with even less effort into being actually good.)
but the difference between those properties is that Deadpool wants to be congratulated for being some insanely crazy shocking movie that's pissing off the studio system or whatever but every single joke in it was approved by those people because it makes them money like it's so antithetical to the entire point they're trying to make and it makes for a very infuriating watching experience sometimes. the cognitive dissonance is hard to swallow with that one. but the way BOPATFEOOHQ and She-Hulk do their bits feels so much more authentic and less self-congratulatory and also just like they're clearly done with so much more passion and effort and care? when I watch either of the Deadpool movies, I feel like I'm watching a bunch of executives jerking themselves off. when I watch the other two, I feel like I'm watching a passion project that the executives clearly didn't give a shit about and thus the creative team were actually allowed genuine creative freedom with not a lot of oversight. that's a little less true with She-Hulk (especially in terms of that glorious finale although even that feels more authentic and artist-driven than most things in either Deadpool movie. Kevin Feige's boring, sanitized ass does not have the range to do that finale) being a MCU property although Phase 4 was so fucking experimental and it was a joy to behold even if not everything hit but it's still true and more authentic for the most part. with Deadpool it feels like the only person who really really cared about it was Ryan and like maybe a few of the other actors who actually did do commendable work with what they were given but with the other two projects, it feels way more collaborative because every single person showed up and cared deeply about what they were making.
(this is an addition to the tags bc I ran out [apparently i forgot there was a 30 tag limit] but. anyway the point is. Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is a phenomenal movie in basically every single way and you should watch it.)
#James talks#sorry I just wanna scream about how much I love BOPATFEOOHQ again#the first CBM since 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 that felt more like the voice of artists than the voice of a studio.#I love Shazam but even that felt like it was a little studio driven instead of being a David F. Sandberg movie.#like BOPATFEOOHQ feels artist driven the same way The Batman does and the TASM movies do.#not to derail this tag rant but the TASM movies are Marc Webb movies through and through.#yes they have Sony's grubby hands on them with the product placement and shit but they are inseparable from Marc's vision#they are what Marc cares about more than what the studio cares about. the thematic interests are all Marc Webb.#anyway point is: more art like BOPATFEOOHQ bc it actually cares and less shit like Deadpool that is just pointing and laughing.#Deadpool feels like it's laughing at the concept of superhero media and it's a horrible boring deconstruction of it bc it doesn't get it.#it feels bad to the psyche the same way those meme disney show record scratches do—#like 'my life is kinda crazy' but it's 'ironic' now so it's 'funny'.#'see it's funny bc they're self-aware!' okay but what are they doing by being self aware???#I'm not saying every piece of art has to be some profound exploration of whatever but Deadpool feels bad to watch in a way the others don't#BOPATFEOOHQ is actually fucking commenting on something using its gags!#the fucking 'they call her... the crossbow killer gag' is actually thematically relevant!! women telling their own stories!!#a subversive joke actually playing into the themes of the project!! imagine that! care ajf effort put into saying something!!#anyway Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is phenomenal.#genuinely one of the greatest CBMs out there. also just a phenomenal time. even tho Parasite is a better movie overall#— BOPATFEOOHQ was my favorite movie of 2020.#some of the best action around with a great script with amazing pacing and phenomenal acting and a great score and soundtrack!!#literally nothing more to ask for.#one of my usual criteria for evaluating how good a piece of art is how much I'd add to it to help it do what it was trying to do.#like not cutting anything from it unless absolutely absolutely necessary. just adding like maybe 10-15 minutes to the runtime and—#helping maybe a few weaker elements shine more. with BOPATFEOOHQ the only change I'd make is to have more of the characters.#let us see more of Cassandra and Black Canary. more of their inner lives and backstories.#Christina Hodson tells us their stories with great efficiency and it's done really well but visually I'd just like to do more with them.#give them each maybe a 2-3 minute scene with what their daily routine is like.#maybe explore Canary's history with her mother more. see how it ties into the GCPD more effectively.#maybe actually see Cassandra's parents and how she deals with them daily instead of hearing about it from her hiding outside
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heartburstings · 1 year
do u ever see comments on posts and artwork full of effort and thought and passion etc and like. think about that post that talks about how people have the darndest time interacting with art without trying to crack a joke about it. is it really so boring to take someone's art seriously? is it necessary to demean someone's efforts, however unintended, for a 'joke' that consists of you being like "ooOOoOh how weird lol!!" like i don't want or mean to be a killjoy. but i think about that post a lot. like y do u need to add a punchline to something that doesn't need one. who asked u. why does it need to be funny. and u don't even have the decency to acknowledge its merit ;/
#wynn speaks#don't get me wrong i love being silly it's 1 of my most valued traits#but like. idk.#imagine seeing a genuinely cool animation of how a feathered dinosaur might look in a jurassic park-esque movie#and you comment that it looks like a big bird creepypasta. like rlly u couldn't keep that to urself?#sorry it's probably not that serious. i'm just extremely petty and that comment annoyed me and now i am in my petty mode#i went to check the artist out (they're on twitter @wobblyworks) and turns out dinosaurs is their Whole Thing#tbh the feathered dino animation reminds me of like#so i went to this science museum to chaperone my little sister n her classmates and they had this fun li'l thing#where a guy was in basically a full-body puppet which was a feathered t-rex#and they treated it like a 'real' t-rex while talking abt dino facts#they let kids throw a light ball at it to 'play' w it it was very cute#and like you could See the puppetteer u could see their legs and shoes and stuff#but even middle schoolers were able to look past that and see how genuinely fucking cool that was!#like yes they made jokes abt the sneakers and how a human crawled out the rex when the show was over and they had to put the suit away#but they were in so much genuine aw it was rlly cute. and it makes sense bc the suit was really well made! it had a moving mouth/jaw#and i wouldn't be surprised if it had a mechanism to blink its eyes#but i digress#i'm not saying that u can Only interact with art with complete seriousness. like jokes r fine#but idk. becomes a problem when that is the only way u interact with art. and also if you're unfunny and personally annoy me#and i'm not saying that person is the kind of person to do that. bc idk them. i'm just like#kind of annoyed with seeing repeat instances of comments that r like 'hmm this art... what if i made it about how funny i am!''#i say kind of but then i look up and there is an entire wall of tags that r just me griping about it and a detour about a dino puppet suit#sorry besties i just needed to get that out of my system ily <3#btw the dude's part of a project/kickstarter called 'forgotten bloodlines'#and it seems to be an animated documentary about prehistoric creatures#i recommend u check out the trailer it looks soo cool
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erythristicbones · 1 year
i need to rb my friends/mutuals art more often
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