#today has been a real ‘dude whatever’ kind of day
raraeavesmoriendi · 1 year
sometimes my cat kidnaps a plastic bag of cereal and just goes to town kicking the absolute shit out of it, just whooping that bag’s ass up and down the hallway and letting it suffer the pent-up wrath of all nine little lives —
and today in particular I’m like “you know what, buddy, you might be onto something here”
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goldsbitch · 9 months
That one missed lecture
part 3 to That one Christmas flight
summary: After a missed moment, both parties are trying to contemplate what to do next.
warnings: crushing hard, cheesy af, swear words I guess, typos probably, slow burn let's just admit that
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"A what?"
Surely she must have misheard Teresa. Yes. Lando has been on Y/N's mind so much these past few days that she has officially lost it.
"Sorry, not what. Who?"
"I dunno, apparently this like formula racer or something. I don't really understand it - so like we were at Al Bricco right, as usual. And there was this guy who seemed to be super into that sport and he totally freaked out. Like, the racer guy just went in and immediately left, kind of embarrassing. He like proper asked for a photo and shit. And after the racer guy left, this dude was so high off that he paid for everyone's drinks at the bar. Was nice! Shame you had the thing you had, or whatever."
Yes. Or whatever. Y/N made up some excuse for last evening, so mundane even she forgot what it was.
It was Monday afternoon after the Imola weekend. The philosophy lesson was about to start in few minutes. Y/N cursed Teresa for keeping this one tiny detail about yesterday. For fuck's sake, they'd already had two classes together today! Plenty of opportunity to mention this. Nobody famous ever came to Bologna. Y/N would expect Teresa to make it a bigger deal. But then again, usually it would not be a big deal for neither of you.
"Yeah, shame I didn't order a bottle instead of a glass," Teresa proclaimed.
"Did you see him? The racer guy?"
"Yeah. He looked like a guy, honestly nothing special about him."
"Do you know like his name or the team?"
"No, the fuck would I know that. You're focusing on the wrong thing - you missed a fun night with free drinks."
Y/N felt like her mind just got the DRS.
There were 20 drivers on the grid - the chances were low. Y/N overcame her initial shock and tried to focus on the lecture that was about to start.
For some reason Hegel's Lord-bondsman dialectic was not able to win in the battle for Y/N's attention today. Since Teresa was of little help, Y/N turned to social media. Surely, this fan must have shared his photo online. And then, once she finally discovers the photo of Ocon or Tsunoda, she will be abel to return back to her actual real problems instead of her schoolgirl crush.
They say if you need to find the "corpus delicti" these days, ask a woman to scan social media. Source more powerful than FBI.
Y/N had to excuse herself after staring at a photo of Lando's fake smile while standing in her favorite bar. Pacing around was required right now. After all, show us a problem that can't be fixed by maniacally walking around the block seven hundred times.
In her favorite bar. Lando was in her bar. In a bar, where she would have been, hadn't it been for her actually trying to track down Lando. Out of all the places on this gigantic planet. In. Her. Favorite. Bar. Must have been some random game of destiny. Y/N was getting real mad at destiny. She cursed the stupid Christmas tradition, she cursed ever getting herself involved with formula 1.
She cursed herself for missing him. In both meanings of the word.
Lando forgot when exactly had his burner account turned completely Bologna centered. But it was impossible to escape that city. So he decided to leave that account be for a while.
His fitness trainer must have been happy with him. Lando burned his the tension and confused mix of feelings in his session like his life depended on it. He went on to stream in his free time to check in on his friends, who seemed a bit confused on where his head had been lately. In the course of few days, life got back on track. Y/N slowly leaving his mind and he parting with it peacefully. Yet every was covered under a gray cloud of nothingness.
It was a simulator day for him. He was supposed be testing new configurations. Lando was never really good at simulators, it completely lacked the realness of it, so he had to push himself to stay professional and be a proper teammate.
"I'm just not sure about this breaking set up," he commented quietly, perhaps even more to himself than others after missing another turn. His engineer however picked up on it and started to get into super detailed explanation on why they wanted him to use this configuration and did not fail to mention how great it job it did for Oscar this morning. Lando simply nodded and did not bother to engage in eye contact. He was in no mood for this debate and kept staring at the screen. Just let it all flow by him. This engineer had been on the team for quite some time, so he did not hesitate to try and cheer him up.
"Come on, man. You can't just sit there. The car won't start if you don't go for it, you know?" he said as a joke. When Lando did not respond, he began to second guess his judgement. "Or we could just take a break, what ever suits you."
Lando took a deep breath. "No, you're right. I can't just sit here and do nothing." He turned to his engineer with a different more energetic look. "When I crash, we just start again next time, am I right?"
"That's my boy!"
Y/N woke up the next morning to suspiciously large amount of notifications on her Instagram account. Someone liked every single one of her pictures and few of those where she was tagged and commented on one of her selfies "nice". Curious to what this was about, she went and checked the profile out. The only thing present on it was a black and white photo with some random numbers and letters. Ok, so nothing. Just some random weirdo or a drunken joke of one the uni friends. Because for a single moment she allowed her intrusive thoughts in - and expected Lando's account to be the one liking it.
Contemplating breaking the rule and reaching out to him was the only thing occupying her yesterday's evening. But what good would that do, his account probably being run by some PR people who would dismiss it as just another fangirl trying her chances. She thought a photo might be more helpful, but it was just the same thing all over again. No, she missed her chance and it was time to start moving on.
Her usual morning brain fog breaking espresso at a coffee bar in the centre did it's job well. A lot of paragraphs she was due to write were waiting on her. Only one lecture in the afternoon. A nice calm day to spend in one of the libraries. She loved Bologna. Great food and ever-present history has cured many crushes through out the ages.
"also nice" -another notification from the same account. Y/N contemplated blocking it, but it just seemed rude, so she just silenced her phone.
When took her phone out to listen to some music on the way to her lecture, she had three more comment.
"very nice" -appeared under a photo from one of her dinner parties with the local students.
"why no smile?" -it was a selfie, so what?
"thought you were the smart one, but starting to doubt that" - written under a random photo of Bologna's stunning libraries. So what, she enjoyed aesthetics too.
The one comment questioning her brain capacity stuck in head whole the way to her lecture. What the fuck was that about. Why was anyone spending their time so uselessly. The only thing on that profile was picture with some JL043 mash of letters. She had more important things to do.
A loud ding of her comments notification interrupted the lecture in the middle of it. She gave an apologetic look to her already grumpy professor.
"check my followers"
She sighed. That's it, she'll have a look and then block this asshole out.
Her heart sank when she saw that the only account this one was following was the Japan Airlines. JL043. The Christmas flight.
Y/N has already left one lecture because of Lando this week, so she was not about to it for the second time. But she might have as well done that, seeing she would not have been able to repeat a single point from this lecture.
Lando was not a patient man. Especially not after he has decided on something. And he decided on contacting Y/N. With the newfound fire in his veins, another burner account was created - can't let her see he was following every single one of her friends, bit weird. Well, once you've started you might as well finish it. Lando was happy that he did not posses any serial killer tendencies.
He was also a cheeky boy, not about to make it easy for anyone. Had to be fun.
So he liked all her pictures and put few comments. When she did not respond immediately in the morning, he continued. And again, and again. In the later afternoon, Y/N's account followed his and smile on Lando's face followed after that.
A message appeared shortly after.
"Hey you..."
part 4
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216
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wellofdean · 7 months
So in my ongoing efforts to say nice things about Supernatural and, as @luckshiptoshore said yesterday, "reclaim this nice, gay show" together, and also probably because I listened to Bruce Springsteen earlier today while I was thinking: why is it that this particular love story has me like it does? Why can't I let this Destiel thing go? I mean... I watched all the recent queer love stories and as much as I enjoyed Good Omens and OFMD, they just don't take up real estate in my soul like Supernatural does -- and that's not a decision I made, it just is. I don't know about you guys, but my little rages choose me.
Anyway, I was thinking -- it's probably not just because of queer representation or whatever, and I don't think it's because I want to see dudes be tender -- I think I ran out of that form of interest in the life of dudes awhile ago, but yeah, Bruce Springsteen. Born to Run. He says "I want to know love is wild, I want to know love is real" and I felt like it pretty much hit the nail on the head for me, somehow.
It's been a long time since I have felt moved by a het romance story. I feel like I can no longer believe it when the roles are so pre-packaged in the tropes and trappings of what was sold to me as idealised love in my younger days. And, like, I am Gen X, so it was pretty gruesome out there when I was learning how to want love -- the power of compulsory heterosexuality was strong, and the shit that was sold to us all as ways to love and be loved were pretty gross, just watch any romantic comedy from the 80's or 90's.
I think I love Supernatural so much because of the way Dean plays the role of a standard issue dude, and postures like he is a stereotypical red-blooded American dude, but it's so transparent that it isn't him. I don't know if it's just Jensen things, or if it was consciously done, but I love how unconvincing Dean's act is, and how clear it is that he is a wounded child whose own real desires and needs have been beaten out of him somehow, and I just love the way the real Dean and what that guy wants slow rises out of him as the story goes on, until he's choking on it, and visibly swallowing it down. For me, the queerest thing about Dean is his pain, his aching loneliness, and his sense of failure at being what he thinks he is -- a violent man who only knows how to kill, and I love Dean's moments of clarity, moments when he speaks from his own soul -- when he tells Cas he's sorry, tells John he has a family, tells Chuck "that's not who I am" are just everything to me.
Both Dean and Cas are victims of conditioning and coersion -- Dean trying to be his Daddy's perfect son, and being manipulated by Chuck, and Cas horribly violated and brainwashed repeatedly for millennia in heaven -- and they love each other in defiance of conditioning, because love is wild, and it's the product of their freedom.
I feel like ALL actual love eschews force and arises out of freedom. All real love is specific and weird, and is co-created in the space between lovers from what is most real in them and in that sense, all real love is queer in some way in that it is not part of the big social project of subjugating what doesn't comply. I feel like a lot of people lead lives of mindless compliance and that a thing that's wonderful about queer people and queer community is that we work against the grain to honor what is truest in us, whatever that is.
I guess I just love that, on Supernatural, the kind of love that saves the day is the kind that grows wild, like a weed you can't kill, out of more than a decade of choosing each other, again and again, and choosing to fight coercion and conditioning. Love that just fucking refuses to comply, and in fact, cannot comply, because non-compliance is it's very nature. There's something so hopeful and beautiful about that to me. I want to believe in it, and I do.
It's also why, after ALL THIS, in the context of that narrative, Dean is incontrovertibly queered, and anything else is just straight up narrative malpractice.
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talas-first-lady · 2 months
Can we discuss how Evil Gideon was lying, though?
I was thinking today about how completely unrealistic the Astra runs for President prediction was and the more I think about it, a lot of the other predictions don't add up. I'm going to go through in the order they were in the episode.
(She may not have been purposefully lying but she definitely just showed them whatever Chat GPT popped out.)
Zari: Seems plausible on the surface, but I have some concerns.
Her award show dress is UGLY. The red color is pretty but the orangey overlay ruins it. The ruching is in the worst possible place and makes her look larger than she is right through the middle. The bottom is kind of wrinkled. And then she has really small, understated jewelry and her hair up, so there's nothing interesting at all going on in the shoulder/neck region. Zari dresses better than that.
She makes billions with her cosmetics company. Despite the fact that we have repeatedly been told throughout the show that she is terrible at selling cosmetics. Her lip kits don't even sell. Everybody has lips! Her perfume destroys people's sense of smell.
Audible lipstick. Not a thing anyone wants. Not a thing that makes any sense. Evil Gideon is making this stuff up. And yes, it's the future, but nothing we've seen of the 2040s on Legends really looks all that much more technologically advanced than what we have now.
EG fails to consider that Zari has grown as a person since whatever info she has in her files, which is the whole reason Zari is upset about the prediction. It's plausible that she would go back to her career as it was, but she cares about people now. She would absolutely be doing some sort of philanthropy.
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She's so pretty. But also, I'm not 100% convinced that that even is a dress because it looks like they may have just shoved a piece of fabric at her and said "here, hold this under your arms."
Totally plausible that he could become famous, either for his talent or via his connections, but he has never wanted to be famous. You expect me to believe that the man who hid in bed to avoid imaginary TV cameras is going to purposefully go into a career of being on camera?
He can't account for his whereabouts for several years of his adult life. He is not passing a background check to become a children's performer.
His record is called "Grey Hound to the Moon." Which is great, except that both the bus company and the dog spell it Greyhound. One word.
Knowing what we know now about Sara's biology, this is plausible.
But I feel like they might run into some issues trying to sign their kid up for school when one of them is legally dead and the other was never legally born.
Do kids get to do video calls from camp these days? I don't know. I am old. I had to bring quarters to the designated calling home payphones at a predetermined time to talk to my parents.
He knows too much. They can't send him back to the 1920s. All of the Legends are aberrations waiting to happen, but sending anyone to the past is a no-no.
If they are going to send him back, wouldn't it make more sense to send him back to New York? Since that's where he last was?
He has to somehow convince someone to publish a book about how time travel is real. Nate Heywood. Who you may recall from that controversial fake documentary about time travel a few years back. He seems like a reliable source.
You don't grow a hideous beard over the Heywood jawline. You just don't.
His TV interview is totally bogus. Nate knows how to schmooze. He's not going to be all "I can't answer your simple question about what time travel feels like because you must first read all 500 pages of my book."
"I never said that out loud before but that is the title I picked out." Gideon can literally monitor your dreams, dude. I know that she's never personally kidnapped you and put you into a time loop, but she knows things.
Remember how she couldn't find a job in season 6? Because she's legally dead and legally still a child? She also has no education, no work experience, and a grand total of like 6 people who can vouch for her existence. She is a mess. No idea if she's legally eligible to run.
And she definitely wouldn't win, given that all of the above would definitely come out. She also doesn't look her legal age (which barely makes her old enough to qualify), she's terrible at keeping her temper, and she's literally a witch.
Also, she runs in 2040. We know for a fact that Dwayne Johnson is the President in 2045. So at best, she gets 1 term.
That wig is preposterous.
Again, she definitely knows too much to go back to the 1920s.
Everyone is already suspicious of Gloria Cruz. You don't think they're going to have questions when her daughter goes missing and then some 20-something shows up out of nowhere?
They are not running an apothecary. They are getting burned at the stake.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
TIMKON ANGST/FLUFF PROMPTS??? omg… how about “Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”?
Tim opens the door to an immediate, aggressive faceful of pink plush.
The teddy bear falls into his hands as Kon grins at him ear-to-ear. You're Beary Cute, reads the heart on its stomach; its little black embroidered eyes gaze adorably up at him.
"Happy Day-After-Valentine's Day, Rob!" Kon declares, and throws a ribbon-wrapped box of chocolates at Tim's head next. Tim catches it automatically, eyebrows shooting up as Kon flops onto the sofa, making himself at home in Tim's living room with ease.
"Uh... thanks? I didn't, uh... get you anything."
Why would they get each other things for the day after Valentine's? They're just bros. And, uh, as much as Tim has fantasized about... not-strictly-bro things, it doesn't matter, because Kon and Cassie have been real cozy again later, and Tim's happy for them. If they got past whatever made them break up, then that's good. Good for them, and Tim's stupid pining literally does not matter.
Maybe Tim is overthinking this. Kon probably spent actual Valentine's with Cassie. Today is just, like, Palentine's, or whatever that dumb Pinterest shit is.
"Yeah, I figured you didn't. It's chill. C'mon, sit, I got a movie all picked out already and you don't get any say in the matter." Kon pats the sofa next to himself; Tim obediently sits down, sets the admittedly very soft teddy bear down at his side, and starts to untie the ribbon on the chocolates.
Kon's arm drapes itself over his shoulders. Tim bites the inside of his cheek and reminds himself that this is bro time, and that he's not gonna be pathetic about it.
...Still. Kon is warm, and he... uh. He must have bought some new cologne recently. He smells really nice.
The opening menu for "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" appears on his TV. Tim raises an eyebrow, then nods, impressed. "Good choice."
"Thank you. I knew you'd approve." Kon grins. "Eating your chocolate now, eh? You'll have to tell me which kinds're your favorite."
Tim opens the box, surveys the collection of different drizzled bonbons and truffles with pleasure, and picks one at random to pop into his mouth. It's rich and creamy, with a dark chocolate and raspberry filling that absolutely melts in his mouth, and he closes his eyes for a moment to savor it.
"Shit, dude." He looks at the box again, turning it over to see what brand it is, but the lid and bottom are both blank. Huh. "Where'd you get these?"
Kon rubs the back of his neck, a pleased grin on his face. "Oh, I actually, uh... made them. You like, huh?"
He made them?
Tim balks. Buying discount chocolate and a teddy bear to hang out for bro time is one thing, but... this? Uncertainty festers in his gut, and he frowns. "...What about Cassie?"
Kon blinks. "What about her?"
Is he playing dumb about this? Seriously? Tim huffs. "Shouldn't you be with her?"
Kon tilts his head to one side with a quizzical look, like some kind of stupidly cute puppy. "Rob, buddy... Cass 'n' I broke up, like, ages ago."
"I mean, yeah, but didn't you guys get back together?" Now Tim is beyond confused. "I saw you feeding her pie off your plate literally last week."
"Uh, yeah, as friends!" Kon groans. "I do that to Bart, too! Hell, I do that with you, dingus!" He runs a hand through his hair, slouches back against the cushions, and mutters to himself, "Well, this explains some things."
"Wait," Tim says. "So... you guys aren't back together?"
"No!" Kon's TTK gives him an aggressive hair-ruffle; Tim ducks his head, scowling. "We talked it all out and we're a lot happier as friends. And, uh... we're not getting back together, like. Ever. Ever-ever. That's part of what we... talked about."
Tim's world is flipping under his feet. "...Oh."
"Yeah, oh," Kon teases, and flicks the side of Tim's head. "Dude, for someone trained by the world's greatest dete—"
"Not this again," Tim groans, and Kon cracks up next to him, and suddenly everything feels normal again.
"You'll never escape." Kon bumps their temples together. "Now shut up, eat your chocolates, and watch Abe Lincoln hunt some zombies with me, man."
Tim picks up another bonbon, settles in against Kon's side, and figures he can take a hint, now and then. They can iron out the details after the movie.
"That doesn't sound so bad," he agrees. Kon presses play, and Tim pops his bonbon into his mouth and smiles as sweetness blooms on his tongue.
♥ angst/fluff prompts ♥
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dihydromorphinone · 4 months
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 i can't wait to taste you..
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after watching her for over a year, tanner can't control his urges anymore and he goes to claim what, he thinks, is rightfully his.
— tanner x reader, reader/character is implied to be female and in luna's place, not really smut but very suggestive it was supposed to be a smut though, kinda dark themed(!!) but it is consensual somehow TT, stalking references, i'll definitely write a part two with smut 👅, been writing this for four months;; kinda feel like i could've done better
if you like it pls reblog!! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
an: i wanted to try something new hehehe tell me if you like how it's written!! also dude... tanner voicelines are so cannibalistic and sexy,,, and i feel sooo bad i drank too much and i was sitting outside drinking beer with some random ahh guy at 3am and I'm pretty sure that something i took today got laced >_< this is my comfort fic yall.
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tonight was oddly peaceful. the state of Montana, especially that one – someone would say cursed – town was the complete opposite of peace. with the sudden increase in crime; murder, kidnappings, disappearances mostly the city was covered with terror. the blueblood killer was definitely a real threat, a threat that is wandering free on the sickly covered in fog streets, while the poor citizens are left in the dark – and though he enjoys the exposition he has, for tanner it wasn't enough. it's never going to be enough.
he's cruel. psychotic, even. what sane person would happily murder so many of its own kind? none. and yet, there he was. enthusiastically setting feet rhythmically on the pavement, the heels of his elegant shoes making a barely audible 'click-clacks'. so much passion in each step; the same passion which drives him to inject toxins to humans and toying them with much visible sadism. tanner – the blueblood killer, had a very distinctive way of looking at the society. for him, it was nothing else than scum. trash, refuse; all the same. no human mattered to him. he treated mankind like a child would treat its toys; fun, but only for a moment. then the toy, or in tanner's case, a human can be tossed away into some corner, because it won't serve his purpose this well again. his definition of fun, however, was as cruel as he was. stalking, trespassing, closely observing his prey's emotional reactions and how the body and mind react separately depending on the circumstances and substances. his fun ends when the victim dies or acts repetitively – so he cherishes every moment of preying upon a human.
he found one exception, though – a young woman living not-so-far-away from his hideout; the captivating lady was a detective, with her home set close to the giant, maze-like forest, where the equally handsome doctor was spending his days, and if he wasn't out satiating his disgusting urges, nights. tanner has been watching her for over a year, falling prey to the female's plush lips, seemingly sweet demeanor and her abominable desires. in their own home, each human feels safe. the only place they can be themselves, do whatever they want to do. tanner pitied them - he always did. but for some reason, he still laughed at people who acted different indoors. he defied the whole purpose of safety, stripping the victim of it.
he’s stood in the shadows – where he preferred to be, for now. the thrill of being found was growing fonder and fonder on him, but now's not the right time, tanner would always repeatedly tell himself this like a mantra. like a plea to the sober-thinking part of him to let the other, more careless and darker part have some more fun. his thirst, though, for blood and flesh was just expanding more and more... insatiable, one would think. no matter how many victims would be reported, no matter how the blueblood killer's body count would go up, the urge was almost... attached to him.
through the tinted, mostly curtain-hidden windows, he could see her moving around. left and right she swayed, not getting enough sleep and forgetting basic self care because of her almost sick, he thought, altruistic urges. such a good, upstanding individual she was - someone to look up to, to worship... the woman deserved good, proper treatment only. especially from him - all the neglect is happening because his identity, still a secret, was wanted. tanner almost convinced himself that he feels pity and cries for her, being the source of her opposite of well-being, but in the end it's hard to judge and distinguish emotions while being hazed with mad, almost lusting feelings.
there was, however, no time to reflect the past actions, even if they're undoubtedly mingling with the present. he always did whatever his body and mind wanted, more or less heart. but he would be the last one to judge - there was no place for him and his 'sick' assessment. that being said, tanner finally realised he is in fact done waiting. their time together was pleasant and wholesome, but the urge will drive him to further madness if he won't do anyting about it soon. and since this isn't a mind matter, then it would be suitable to satisfy the flesh, disregarding the heart's wishes and indulge in the woman visible through the small gap in the curtains.
but his heart cannot be silenced this fast.
after searching for his trusted syringe and the mix of liquid midazolam and some other drug he put there previously, he cracked a small smile and sighed, being able to free himself after such a long time. his playtime with victims never lasted this long - this was but a miracle, something unexpected and ready to turn his peaceful, murderous life into something even more vile, dangerous and ruined. but the thought of disposing her like a loose trash didn't sit right with him; tanner was almost disgusted by the bare thought of causing her heart to stop permantly. he was having so much fun now, it'd be almost criminal... but, what is going to happen will eventually happen, so reveal himself to her, he shall.
the woman inside the cozy home was unaware of the terror right next her door, but even if she was - it didn't really matter. for her, the most important thing to do now was to catch that damned blueblood killer, to put end to the town's suffering... and her own grief. she's lost many of her friends and few family members to his wicked fantasies, and it only felt right to do something for the rapidly decreasing community. focused on her promethean task, she couldn't hear the light creak of her door and even lighter footsteps right behind her. only after tanner stood behind her, she could sense someone's presence. shiver ran down her spine, as she vividly remembered closing the door and definitely not inviting anyone, especially this late at night. fear paralyzed her, but then came the realisation.
it could be the blueblood killer. either she will get violently gutted, or she will make a life-changing discovery. and so, the captivating lady sighed, and prepared herself for the worst moments of her life. she turned around, surprising tanner. bold. she was definitely bold, unsure of the danger's scale, yet facing it bravely. his heart barely, but still, softened. endearing, so endearing... but it was too much for her. she closed her eyes right before facing him, squinting her eyes. his little plaything was even more captivating, he thought, smiling softly. though, she could never see it.
"who are you?" she asked, knowing well the answer is going to be fake or she will get no answer at all. or maybe some pistol on her forehead would be all she needed to know before her apparent, incoming demise? but she heard a small chuckle. "i'm the one you've been searching for. pardon me, miss, for keeping you up for so many nights. figured i'd better show myself in person."
his voice was oddly attractive. so pleasant to her ears, so pleasant she almost didn't get what he was saying - clearly, the murderer who got rid of solid few percents of the town's residents was before her, and he was aware of the search. well, it was obvious he will figure it out eventually, but the fact that he exactly knew that it was her... next thing she knew, his fingers were caressing her cheekbones, which made her open her eyes in a second. the sight made her lose her breath for a second.
the blueblood killer was undeniably handsome. sharp jaw, ideally shaped brows, perfect face ratio... not a single thing was wrong. he'd definitely pass as a model, or an angel, though the circumstances made her think of him as the devil. his appearance made it easy to sin. tempting. he was clearly her type, and deep inside of herself she was having a moral battle. she couldn't help the train of thoughts, all vile and lusting, all due to the bare sight of him. that didn't go unnoticed - tanner, as the aspiring master of knowing human reactions, realized she was captivated with him as much as she was with her. the syringe in his other hand, placed behind his back, almost fell to the floor. sweet, so sweet; it seems the paradise's gates won't be opened for him only.
"i've planned some fun activities for the two of us. don't worry, honey, you won't die. yet," the murderer smiled at the woman, terrified and enamored, still gazing at him. oh, how absurdly sweet she was... a perfect mix. with his large, gentle movements he still was caressing her cheek, but slowly moved down to her neck, tracing circles and various shapes. the lady was stunned - and tanner will also be as stunned as the detective, if he regains his mind clarity. but that did not matter; not for now, at least. she's here, next to him, looking at him with lust behind the pretty, sweet facade...
suddenly, the lady felt a sting on her neck. she hissed, and tanner shushed her, continuing to inject the tranquilizer liquid through the syringe. "this will only hurt for a while, i assure you. i wouldn't let you suffer for more, that is - unless you want me to," his poor, horrid jokes made her think about the event briefly, before losing consciousness. this is awful - she is awful, for even considering this monster as a human being, someone that could even potentially become her crush. but the shame can wait, she thought, as the man dressed in white lab coat and red tie came closer to her face and hovered above her, waving his hand as her eyes became droopy and eventually closed.
"good girl," tanner told her, though she couldn't hear those affectionate words. the effects were visible shortly - as if it were not for her perpetrator and his strong, muscular hands she would surely fall down, hitting herself and creating a possible injury. not today, tanner thought, not happening ever. why should she injure herself if the feared master of terror was always for her disposal? but even he wouldn't cut her too deep. the precious flesh of hers shall not be tainted with foolish, mortal-only limited bruises.
having his prized lady in his arms, he spared a few seconds more to admire her unconscious body. not like this was the first time he's seen it - this time was different, though, as he never actually held her like this. tanner closed his eyes swiftly, took a small, but deep breath and contemplated what to do next. it would be a shame to waste the precious liquid he just injected, though it was as precious as she was.
tanner knew her home well, sneaking inside when she wasn't home, and he was about to exploit this knowledge, just as he was about to exploit the sweet, sweet detective he oh-so-adored. holding her as softly as he could, but firm, he moved in the direction of her bedroom, clearly having some sort of a more detailed plan now. after entering, he put her still unconscious body on the big, fluffy bed and then went back to the living room to turn off the lights. should add some more vibes, tanner thought, grinning from ear to ear, as if it was his first time feeling happiness.
awakening from her slumber, she felt as if her wrists were restrained. and soon, she would learn her assumption was correct - although, it wasn't rope or anything extreme as she feared, no.. it was a fine, soft material, silk probably. sitting nice and tight on her skin. in her circumstances, getting tied up was the least she could worry about, and soon, she would find out; as the man's figure hovered over her body, multiple terrifying scenarios flashed her poor mind yet again. but was it surprising? no, it was expected even. her eyes became glassy, as if she'd cry in a second, at which tanner just... cooed. "oh, what's this now? i told you already, i won't let you suffer by my hand unless you want it," tanner replied, bringing his hand to her cheek and gently caressing her already tear-stained flawless skin.
the word gentle did not sit right with him, obviously. his actions were confusing to the extreme; but she wouldn't refuse anything the man would offer. not like she'd even be able to - but he made her think she has a choice and whatever happens next is up to her. what a cruel illusion - one of freedom and safety, that he won't take anything she doesn't want him to. in his mind, she was already his. equal to him, even, though he wouldn't like to see her running around with some sedatives, tranquilizing random people on the street like he does on some nights.
tanner did not retreat his hand, seeing his darling still conflicted but not showing any signs of reluctance. if anything, she was very compliant, and so he shall make sure she's rewarded for her obedience. "could you.. um.. untie me?" she asked, earning yet another one of tanner's smiles. what a silly girl, he thought, asking questions like this. but do whatever she wants him to do, he shall.
"no thrashing and squirming, okay? and i'll give you a piece of freedom," the man said, to which she nodded. she wouldn't want to cross him, never. bringing her arms closer, he slowly undid the bindings on her wrists, brushing his lips softly on the soft flesh of hers. it was somehow... intimate. the way he presented himself to her; she knew he's dangerous. one wrong move or word could probably get her killed, and yet - the way he is now with her speaks a whole different story. one couldn't just see him as a psychotic, sadistic murderer; not when his actions were those of a lover, not a killer. thinking about him in this way was surely a sin. the woman's train of thought, however, was rudely interrupted.
"stop thinking so much," he murmured against her ear. "no point in being so worried. i came here to do what i wanted for a long, long time, you know?" tanner started delicately biting the skin on her ear, chuckling a bit at his own words. "tonight, you shall become rightfully mine. i was thinking of claiming you in a different scenario but i just can't keep myself away from you, sweet girl." her breath hitched, in fear or excitement - she did not know. the anticipation, his face being so close to her own; she was surely about to go insane after tonight. and as tanner buried his face in her neck, she started trying to regain at least part of her mind's long gone clarity.
he's a murderer. a terrible person. he's creating hell on earth. she knows he is awful and she should scream in terror, but her fleshy, earthly desires are clouding her judgement a tad too much. up to this moment, she knew who he is - a killer. his sly antics tonight made her forget about his cruelty, but she shall see him as a criminal, a murderer yet again - he's going to kill her all the same, the difference will be the weapon of choice. he will stab her relentlessly all the same, but not with any blade or syringe. cursing her coveting mind, she brushed all concerns aside and let him have his way with her.
she's going to let him ruin her, deprave her - and she will enjoy every second of it.
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herotome · 8 months
Hi there! I’ve been following for a fair while (I was interested in the premise) and have been meaning to play the game for a while as well, but only started the last day of 2023! One heck of a way to start a year though!
I was wondering, how would the ROs feel about/interact with an MC who is touch averse? If MC can’t stand for people to touch them without getting a little sick feeling? How would that affect their relationship? Would that be a thing that would determine if they would or would not enter a romantic relationship with MC?
And maybe as a lil tiny bonus if you’re feeling up to it, how would the ROs feel if MC one day tried linking pinkies with them? If MC told them that their specific touch isn’t that bad and they wanna try slowly building up physical affection?
Sorry, this is kind of a long ask >.< I myself am iffy on touch at best and I know it’s commonly seen as a “necessity” in relationships of all kinds. Herotome is a VN that kinda breaks down modern relationships and I was curious so I wanted to ask, but alao totally understand if you don’t want or are unsure of how to answer this. Have a lovely whatever time it is in your time zone and I can’t wait to see how Herotome progresses!
Dude(gn) you're valid as hell thank you sending this over <3
I do wanna give a quick shoutout to @crescencestudio who - I know through my direct experience of editing for Alaris - is putting a huge array of touch-averse dialogue options in their VN. Do give them a follow if that interests you...!
I also want to express how flattered I am that Herotome kinda breaks down modern relationships - that's definitely been an unstated goal of mine.
Now let's see about your ask...
Warden: Fuck yeah he's down-- gosh what's gotten into me I'm cursing so much today but I'll make an effort not to censor myself <_< But yeah... honestly a touch averse MC would be right up his alley - assuming he is reassured that he has not done anything wrong/offensive with any accidental touches. To some extent, he enjoys the concept of self-restraint(...) and begins both his professional and romantic relationships rather carefully - so not having to worry about whether he's not touching someone too much or too little - and instead focusing on not touching them at all - should be quite refreshing for him tbh? He may want to touch sometimes, particularly after spending a LOT of time together... but being respectful and ensuring his beloved is comfortable is way more important to him.
Griffin: ..... well, Griffin would do her best LOL. They would have to set expectations and really communicate upfront (which you would always be doing with Griffin regardless of touch aversion, lets be real) - what is not on the table, what could be on the table in the future, what MC wants out of a relationship - and if MC is prepared to discuss these topics and - most importantly, if MC is 100% ready for a relationship - in all likelihood a touch averse MC will be able to make things work with Griffin. Just gotta be clear and communicate.
Mia: ngl she can get pretty needy, it might be rough with her...! She'll want to hug when she cries and she can get pretty insecure about herself, so I wouldddn't super recommend a touch averse MC getting into a romantic relationship with Mia... Communication can be rocky with her even when both sides try their best. But gosh she'd treat touch averse MC sooo well in the time they spend together, if MC would allow Mia to cook and pamper!!!
Dart: Eh.... Why not? He's willing to give it a shot, and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. ....... I'm sorry this is all he's giving me ;;;;;
Jade: lmao she's touch averse on and off herself so she'd understand MC best out of everybody with very minimal communication no questions necessary. They'll be perfectly happy reading on opposite sides of the couch or something...
As for linking pinkies and slowly building up physical affection-
lol idek what to say bc that's so stinking adorable and swoonworthy
Warden, Griffin, Dart, and Jade would make sure MC is not pushing themself over their comfort zone just for their sake - they went into a relationship knowing not to expect touch (I assume?!)
Mia would be too busy having the happiest day of her life straight up vibrating and also having a heart attac like
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max1461 · 1 year
Go on reddit see the posts on r/lgbt OP is vulnerable and confused and I want to help them scroll down to the comment instantly feel bad. People's worldview is harsh and unforgiving, dressed up in supportive language. See post from r/arethestraightsok, screenshot is of someone describing treating their partner like shit I feel bad. Scroll down to comments but instead of anything thoughtful it's more thoughtless nonsense dressed up in supportive language I feel bad. See post from r/4chan or r/greentext it's harsh and unforgiving with no pretense. Scroll down to comments it's even worse I feel bad. Or maybe the post is harsh and unforgiving but also evinces great suffering. Comments are unable to engage with this or express any genuine empathy, while still endorsing the worst elements of the post. Actually go on 4chan and conversation is just impossible because of the structure of the website. 90% of all posts are meaningless dunk fests that are so empty of meaning they can't even be critiqued. Go to tumblr. People are kind, at least where I am, but everybody is anxious. Anxious about doing the right thing, the most right thing, the ideal thing. Whether it's social justice or ratsphere or whatever. Worldview is not harsh and it's not unforgiving per se but it's unrelenting. There is no room to stop and take a breath no room to appreciate a nice flower because the flower has bugs on it and the bugs are suffering. I actually like bugs and I care about their suffering. But I can't live in a dead empty mechanical world of maximum good, I just cannot do it. You know I wondered this back in the day about the really intense social justice people, where it felt like social justice was their whole hobby. I wondered "what would you do in a world where justice had been achieved? You don't seem to like anything but fighting for justice." I don't quite wonder this about the people that I see today, but I also am not sure how I could see myself living in the world they want to create. Of course I do care about the bugs. I was gingerly saving bugs from drowning in puddles since before I joined this website. So it's hard to know what to do.
Go on YouTube it's all marketing meaningless O-face thumbnail crap. Like literal schlock, hype and oooh oh I made a giant lava thingy in Minecraft what will it do???? with five minutes of buildup and no payoff. Dude I know what it will do, I've played Minecraft I know how lava works. Why did I watch this video anyway? All #content and no content.
"Go outside and touch grass then, if the web is full of shit!"
Well I'm trying. There's a lot going on so I'm spending a lot of time online to distract myself. But moreover, the web is full of people, and it's like that because of the people who are on it, who are also the people that make up the real world. It's the same people.
"Well they act different on the web!"
Yeah, a little bit. But in a lot of the ways that matter they don't.
Well anyway. Look this is just a rant I'm sorry. My general state is bad so I am perceiving the bad things there's lots of good things.
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
Couple of days late because I keep falling asleep while writing, but here is my little contribution for day 9 of @gallavichthings a.u.gust fiesta.
Got me stuck on your face and your body nine - college
There’s an alarm clock blaring, it’s been blaring for what feels like hours, and it’s not his. He doesn’t even have an alarm clock. This day and age who even owns a real fucking clock anymore? Doesn’t everyone just use their phone?
The noise stops, and Mickey cracks an eye open. Through his minimal aperture he can see a a light green colored towel, a pair of legs dusted with light ginger hair. Ian.
“Sorry about the alarm, I woke up early and jumped in the shower, forgot it was even set.”
He sounds so awake already, alive with energy at whatever ghastly hour of the morning someone like Ian chooses to rise in the morning. It’s as much as Mickey can do to roll over onto his back, and even that feels like too much of an effort. He slings one arm over his face to block out the obnoxious sunlight streaming through Ian’s cheap dorm-room curtains, and sucks in a deep yawn of a breath.
“It’s all good man,” He says, on the tail end of the yawn, “didn’t mean to fall asleep. Shoulda woken me.”
“I didn’t mind you staying.” The weight on the bed shifts like Ian has just sat down, and when Mickey drags his arm from his eyes to look he’s right there, chest bare, soft hairs on his pecs glistening with large droplets of water because the guy apparently doesn’t know how towels work and clambers every day from the shower dripping like an umbrella after a rainstorm.
He watches a single rivulet wind its way down towards a nipple, take a detour around a particularly thick hair and drop into the valley that marks the centre of Ian’s well defined chest.
He drags his gaze away and meets Ian’s eyes, warm and open, and it sinks in to Mickey what Ian had said. That he didn’t mind Mickey staying over. It’s crazy to Mickey how easily shit like that just rolls off Ian’s tongue, like he just says exactly what he’s thinking or feeling, in the moment when he’s thinking or feeling it. Mickey wonders what that must be like. To be just completely at ease all the damn time. It couldn’t be him.
“Well, didn’t mean to, so.”
Case in point. The words that roll off Mickey’s tongue are always awkward and stilted, and only ever half of what he really wants to be saying, and almost always succeeds in making whomever he is talking to smaller and less happy and less bright than they were before he spoke.
Something in Ian shuts down, his openness, that light inside him that Mickey is so obsessed with, can’t get enough of, dims, just a little, and just like every time he opens his mouth, Mickey regrets his words.
“What you got your alarm set for anyway?” He asks, dropping his hand onto Ian’s bent knee where he’s sat sideways on the bed. “You don’t got class today.”
One thing that’s great about Ian is that Mickey kind of thinks he gets it. Mickey’s words can hurt him but if he can get a hand on him, quickly, he recovers. Like he understands what it means when Mickey uses his touch to try and soothe the lashes his tongue doles out.
Like now, green eyes glance down at where Mickey’s hand is resting on a towel clad knee, and a little smile forms on his lips
“You know my schedule Mickey?”
Smug bastard. And he does, is the problem. They’ve been fucking basically since class began in September, since Mickey had wandered into a frat house kitchen at a party Mandy had dragged him to and shared a shot with the giant red-head hiding from the party by ‘manning the bar’. He was the least likely frat dude you could imagine, sweet and kind of shy, not interested in keg stands or embarrassing pledges. They’d ended up back in Ian’s room that night and Mickey’s been freefalling ever since. He’s into him so deep it’s embarrassing.
Yeah, he knows his fucking schedule. Knows when his classes are and his preferred times to go to the gym, knows he treats himself to lunch outside the cafeteria once a week, on Wednesdays, on a rotating schedule of alternative campus eateries. Knows he calls his big sister on Fridays, facetimes his big brother most mornings on his way to class. Knows what day and time he goes to his book club that’s not a book club, but that he won’t actually tell Mickey what it is. He knows, and he feels like a fucking pussy for knowing, and he knows that if he replies right now he’ll say something even more hurtful than he already has because his stupid fucking brain thinks it will make it less embarrassing to be obsessed with Ian if there’s no way Ian could ever possibly know.
“Got a frat thing early, philanthropy requirement, that’s why the alarm.”
There’s a blush spreading across Ian’s cheeks, the same that always does whenever he talks about fraternity stuff, he’s the only frat guy Mickey ever met who doesn’t like to let on he’s in a frat. Mickey’d asked him once, why he’d joined if he found it so embarrassing to be a Greek. He’d said that when he’d come to college he’d been lonely, had missed the noise and the company of being at home with all his siblings, the frat had seemed like a way to have that again, on campus.
“Gotta go be a good boy, huh?” Ian quirks a suggestive eyebrow at that and the shadow of a shiver rushes up Mickey’s spine. It is way too easy to get him going where Ian’s concerned. “Guess I’ll let you get to it then, I’m gonna head out.”
He rolls himself to the other side of the bed and pushes himself up to standing, starting to find where his clothes had ended up. He finds them in a neat pile on the chair by the window, shirt and pants and boxers folded, fucking boy scout.
“You don’t have to go.” Ian tells him while he’s pulling up his pants, rooting in his underwear drawer for some clean boxers and dropping his towel to pull them on.
“I got a paper due.”
“Well, are you busy later? I’m supposed to go to this open mic thing at Java John’s…”
Mickey winces at the thought of an ‘open mic thing’ and Ian trails off, finishes buttoning his shirt, smart clothes for philanthropy hours. Mickey tries not to let his gaze linger too long, but the fact is, Ian looks good all dressed up.
“But I could skip it? If you wanted to…” He trails off again, shrugging at Mickey like he doesn’t really know what he’s suggesting.
He’s suggesting spending time together, really, that’s what he’s always suggesting. All the time he’s inviting Mickey along to some event or telling him about some party, just trying to spend time with him, and every time he does Mickey blows him off, turns it into some innuendo, or manufactures the scenario so that instead of hanging out like normal people, like Ian so clearly wants to do, they end up just fucking.
It’s not like Mickey doesn’t want to hang out with Ian, properly. Without fucking. He does. He would. But the thing is, they’re good at fucking. They’ve got great chemistry and he knows he can make Ian feel good, that he can hold his interest for that, that he won’t disappoint the guy.
But without that, if they’re just spending time together and talking and not distracted by the overwhelming pleasure of an impending orgasm, Ian might figure out that in the long run, Mickey’s not smart or interesting or worth spending time with at all. And he can’t have that.
He finishes shoving his feet inside his boots and looks up, finding Ian still looking over at him, hopefully. And he wants to say yes. He wants to say sure, and sounds fun. Wants to meet Ian at the stupid fucking Java John’s and listen to some emo loser singing acoustic covers of eighties pop hits and drink an overpriced cup of coffee and just, sit next to the guy, smile at him, make him laugh. Feel the warmth of his body radiate against Mickey’s own. He wants it so badly he can hardly breathe from the wanting.
And what if he did it? What if he said yes? What if, actually, Ian didn’t find him boring or stupid or only good for fucking? What if, actually, they had a great fucking time and great sex? Looking into Ian’s imploring eyes, for the first time he believes it might be possible.
He takes a deep breath, takes a massive fucking leap, and says.
“They got beer at the Java John’s?”
The smile on Ian’s face makes his heart almost beat out of his chest, and he hopes, hopes he’s made the right choice.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hello hello! I did some thinking and I was wondering if you could write a scenario where you're out on a date with your boyfriend but he is a big jerk. You decide enough is enough and you dump him. Meanwhile, an XDH member saw the whole encounter and now sees you sitting alone, crying. Do they approach you??? Hmmm???
Thank you for all your hard work! Have a good day, night, afternoon, or whatever part of day it is for you :))
Here's your request! I hope I wrote it to your liking. Have a great day/night as well :)
All members -[+_+]-
Summary: Xdinary Heroes witnessed you dumping your douche boyfriend. Normally they would mind their business, but how could they walk away when they notice you crying?
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“If you’re so insecure that I can’t even look in the direction of another male without accusing me of being unfaithful then let’s just break up,” you harshly told your, very soon to be, ex-boyfriend. He was always like this, very quick to accuse of being unfaithful at the slightest mention or interaction with another guy. You’ve finally had enough.
“Fine you were a horrible girlfriend anyway,” he spat at you before walking away.
It was not on Gunil’s itinerary to witness a breakup today, but the two of you were arguing right outside of the door to the building he was going to, so it couldn’t be helped. Gunil was awkwardly waiting for you to move away from the door when he heard you sniffle and then your hands came up to wipe away your tears. The sight pulled on his heartstrings. That dude seemed like a complete jerk, you shouldn’t be crying over him. He pulled out a napkin that had been in his pocket and approached you. 
“Here,” Gunil said gently, holding the napkin out to you with a kind smile. Your eyes traveled from the outreached napkin to his face.
“Thank you,” you said timidly, grabbing the napkin from him. 
“I know I don’t really know anything, but he seemed like a real jerk. He doesn’t deserve your tears,” Gunil told you before finally entering the building. Gunil took one last peak at you from the window. It didn’t look like you were crying anymore. You just so happened to turn around and caught his gaze you smiled and nodded your head in appreciation. Gunil nodded back.
It seems like time is against Jungsu today. First, he overslept. Second, he missed the bus. Third, the elevator is broken and now he has run up ten flights of stairs. If those three things weren’t enough now a couple is fighting in the middle of the staircase. He feels too awkward to interrupted and there’s not enough space for him to sneak by, so instead he waits awkwardly around the corner of the proceeding flight.
“I’m not stupid enough for your bull excuses. I know that you're cheating on me!” Your angry voice rang through the staircase.
“She came onto me I swear!” Your boyfriend shouts.
“You didn’t push her away,” you stated coldly
“I-” he began.
“Forget I’m tired of all this. I'm done with this relationship. We’re through,” it’s the calmness in your voice that made it scary. Jungsu took the dude angrily storming past him as his cue to finally continue going up the stairs. Alas things still weren’t simple because now he is met with the sight of you crying on the stairs. He debates just scurrying past you, but his kind heart cares too much. 
“You’re better off without him,” Jungsu speaks cautiously. You lift your head at the sound of his voice.
“Thanks, I know it’s just really frustrating,” you laughed. “Sorry you had to witness that,” you apologized feeling bad for the poor stranger. 
“It’s alright..uh enjoy being free from him,” Jungsu tells you, beginning to make his way up the stairs once again.
“I will,” you told him, standing up to head down the stairs. 
“I do so many things for you and you can’t do one simple thing for me?” You exclaimed at your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend. 
Maybe now isn’t the best time for coffee. Jiseok thinks after walking into a cafe at a clearly inconvenient time. Still he makes his way over the counter to order trying to mind his business. Although that’s hard since you and your boyfriends’ argument is the main source of sound in the quaint cafe. Jiseok can only awkwardly stand there as he waits for his coffee to be ready. The time it takes for his coffee to be ready is enough time for you and your boyfriend to break up, you to yank off your couple necklace, he storms out of the cafe and you’re left crying. Jiseok feels bad, he doesn’t even know you, but he could tell that your now ex definitely didn’t treat you right and that makes him sad. Jiseok doesn’t know what to do, just carry on with his day, he supposes. However his feet are seemingly stuck to the floor and won’t let him just carry on. Rather, he’s now buying you a cookie. He walks over to where you’re sitting and slides the cookie on a napkin in front of you.
“Sweets help you better when you’re sad,” he states inopportunely. Just as he begins to make his way out of the cafe.
“Wait!” You called him. Jiseok turns back to look at you.
“Thanks,” you told him.
“No problem,” he returns and finally he can carry on with his day.
Seungmin was on his way home after a long day at work. All he wanted to do was have dinner, take a shower and go to bed. He was currently grabbing a quick dinner from a street vendor when he heard a voice shout. 
“You really are just a self centered conceited jerk. I’m done with you!” You ended things with your douche boyfriend. You couldn't keep the tears from spilling out of your eyes. 
Yes, maybe it was a bit nosy, but Seungmin let curiosity get the better of him. He looks in the direction of the shout, seeing who he presumed to be your now ex walking away and you now sitting on the curb with your head buried in your hands. Seungmin regrets looking because he can’t just leave you there crying. Going home would have to wait a little longer. He finishes his food and makes his way over to where you're sitting. 
“A self centered conceited jerk doesn’t deserve your tears,” Seungmin makes his presence known beside you. You jumped slightly at his voice and quickly whipped your tears, turning to look at him. Seungmin sits down beside you and hands you a tissue.
“Thank you,” you said, tentatively taking the tissue from his hand. The two of you sit there for a bit, while you collect yourself and somehow it isn’t awkward.
“You don’t have to sit here with me, I'm sure you have somewhere else to be,” you finally said.
“Are you sure you can get home ok? I can call you a cab?” He offers.
“I live nearby, it's ok. Thank you though,” you told him, standing up he mirrors your action. Then the two of you parted ways.
Hyeongjun and his friend were out at a restaurant having lunch together. Everything was ordinary until the couple at the next table over started arguing.
“How could you just flirt with other girls right in front of me?” You yelled at your boyfriend.
“They were pretty,” he replied like it was nothing. You scoffed.
“Then we’re done,” you matched his tone.
“Fine, there’s nothing special about you anyway,” your ex gave one final blow before walking out of the restaurant. Hyeongjun tried to turn his attention back to the food in front of him.
“They’re crying,” his friend spoke sympathetically, bringing his attention back to you. You were indeed crying and he felt bad for you. 
“Let’s pay for their table,” Hyeongjun said. He didn’t have the guts to actually approach and try to comfort you, but he wanted to do something nice for you. He and his friend flagged down a waiter and told them that they would pay for your expenses. The waiter agreed and let them pay your bill. After that Hyeongjun and his friend went back to eating their lunch. 
You finally collected yourself and went to pay for your food when you were informed that it was already paid for. You asked if you could know who paid for it. The waiter answered you with their eyes as they shifted them over to Hyeonjun’s table. You felt grateful towards them, but also lacked the guts to actually go up and thank him. Instead you grabbed a napkin and a pen from your bag. You wrote out the words “Thank you” on it and asked the waiter to give it to them.
Jooyeon was still trying to process the scene that he had just witnessed. He simply just wanted to take a relaxing evening stroll in the park, but that was too much to ask for apparently.
“I know that she’s clearly not just a co-worker of yours, don’t give me that crap!” You lividly shouted.
“If you know so much then why are you even asking me?” Your boyfriend shouts back.
“I just want you to be honest with me,” you told him tiredly.
“Ok. Fine. You want honesty? Here, I only got together with you cause I thought you were hot, but if I’d known that you were gonna turn into such a hassle, I wouldn’t have ever bothered,” he stated.
“Then I’ll stop being a bother. Let’s break up. Go run to your co-worker,” you told him, eyes shooting daggers.
“Gladly,” your freshly turned ex walks away. You didn’t even bother walking over to a bench, you just sat down on the grass and let your tears flow. 
It was like a dramatic breakup scene from a movie, but it was real life and now there’s no cut scene. Only Jooyeon who’s left standing there thinking about if he should just go home or attempt to comfort you somehow. He might regret this he thinks as his feet carry him over to your crying form.
“A dude like that doesn’t deserve to be cried over,” Jooyeon says, causing you to look up at him. 
“You saw that whole thing? Sorry,” you apologized. Jooyeon sits down next to you.
“Don’t be sorry. He’s the one who should be sorry,” Jooyeon tells you.
“Thanks,” you replied. The conversation was a bit awkward, but it still made you feel better.
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dianaladrislovebot · 4 months
my book annotations : book 3 edition - lies
why hello there hasn’t it been a hot minute since i did one of these. i randomly remembered that i was in fact doing this series so without further ado here’s the lies version of my really bad annotations that aren’t funny and half are missing
‘computer jack was a tech genius who, as far as dekka could tell, had absolutely zero moral centre. wave a keyboard under his nose and he’d do whatever you wanted.’ - girly has a point (lies, page 30)
‘“he broke my bed!” “he’s in your bed?”’ - yeah aren’t y’all like twelve (lies, page 30)
‘the ‘restaurant’ changed names every few days. it had already been smokey sues, perdido i can’t believe it’s not pizza kitchen, eat and urp, in ‘n’ get out, smokey toms and le grand barbecue. today the sign read ‘wtf?’, and in smaller letters, ‘what the food?’ - IN N GET OUT ??? (lies, page 56)
‘astrid sighed. “why am i with you?” “because i’m incredibly attractive?” “you are mildly attractive, actually,” astrid teased. “so, i’m a kind of really hot dictator?” “i don’t recall saying ‘really hot’.” sam smiled. “you didn’t have to. it was in your eyes.”’ - samuel please. (lies, page 60)
‘little pete woke up. dark. dark was good. light filled his brain with too much. it was quiet. good. sounds made his head hurt.’ - he’s so real (lies, page 138)
‘“because bug is an idiot and it didn’t occur to him,” caine snapped.’ - i can physically hear him saying this (lies, page 188)
‘the only one zil even really liked was lance. lance was cool. lance was the good looking, smart one who made zil feel like maybe this was all okay, like maybe zil really did deserve to be the leader, capital t, capital l.’ - the closet is glass dude (lies, page 190)
‘“i don’t know what you pay that boy, but it’s not enough,” howard said, jerking his chin at edilio.’ - edilio supremacy <3 (lies, page 322)
‘diana couldn’t stop giggling. a leper colony. that’s what but had read about. a leper colony paid for by two rich movie stars. their charity thing.’ - why is this so funny (lies, page 355)
‘“look at choo. he doesn’t look scared, does he?” actually, choo looked scared to death.’ - i love irony (lies, page 403)
‘brianna dropped a skateboard in front of sam. “don’t worry, i won’t let you fall off.” “yeah? then why did you bring a helmet?” brianna tossed it to him. “in case you fall off.”’ - she’s so thoughtful <3 (lies, page 430)
‘caine stood at the top of the cliff, unafraid of falling. he was a guy who could fall, sanjit realised. caine could step off the edge, and like the road runner simply hang in mid air, beep beep, and zip back to solid ground.’ - why does he think like this (lies, page 448)
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timotey · 9 months
Ficlet: Of Sucky Days
The Sign. Yai/Sand. Missing scene from ep 5. Unbeta’d.
Coming home after a sucky day.
(My first Yai/Sand ficlet, yay!)
“Oh, hey, hi. How was work?” That’s all that Sand manages to say before she’s enveloped in her boyfriend’s strong arms.
Yai walks into their flat, kicks the door shut and lets his bag drop to the floor, then he almost falls into his beloved’s arms, and wrapping himself around her, octopus-like, buries his face in her neck and groans.
Sand lifts her eyebrows, blinking rapidly in surprise, then she returns the hug, stroking Yai's back soothingly. “That bad, huh?” she says sympathetically.
“Today is a sucky, sucky day,” Yai whines pitifully and squeezes her tight, almost lifting her off the floor.
Sand laughs a little, simply letting Yai breathe her in, soak her in like sunshine after a cold season. “I’m all ears,” she offers.
Now it’s his turn to laugh. “No, you’re not. Which is good. I know I said I would love you in any and every shape and form but I just might draw the line at you being all ears.” 
Yai pulls away from her and with a twinkle in his eyes, he sweeps her off her feet and carries her to the couch where he proceeds to sprawl lazily with her in his lap.
“Alright, alright,” Sand says, still smiling wide as she settles down comfortably - and wiggles just a little, for good measure. “Not all ears, then, just two. But ready to listen, if you want to talk.”
Yai groans again though this time for different reasons; Sand knows very well what she’s doing, squirming like that, right on top of his little friend. He orders the lively thing to behave, at least for now, and pulls his girlfriend close.
“I can’t really go into details,” Yai says, “but, well, we caught our guy. Which is great. But it also sucks. Because he's a murderer who forced innocent people do unspeakable things but he was also a victim first, before all that. And if the cops had done a better job back then, none of this would’ve happened. So that sucks too. The whole situation sucks, from the beginning to the end.”
Sand hums and she leans against his shoulder, stroking his face and listening.
“And if that wasn’t enough, Phaya had a row with Tharn. He actually hit Tharn, the bastard,” Yai grumbles, voice laced with real irritation and worry.
That makes Sand raise her head and look at Yai in concern. “Phaya hit Tharn?” she asks in dismay.
“Well, it was most likely an accident, I give you that,” Yai allows grudgingly, “at least Tharn insists it was. But I would probably be more inclined to believe that if Phaya hadn’t punched a wall first. That guy has a real temper, let me tell you.”
“Is Tharn okay?” Sand asks, worried. Tharn's always been like a brother-in-law to her, like family, and treated her with nothing but kindness and affection.
“Yeah. Yeah, he and Phaya made up, apparently. Or... whatever. After Tharn got stabbed,” Yai finishes morosely.
Sand freezes, eyes widening. “He what?” she exclaimed.
“Got stabbed. The vest deflected the hit, mostly. But, yeah, he did. Protecting Phaya. Yet again,” Yai mutters, annoyed. “Like I said, today sucks. Big time!”
“So Tharn’s okay?” Sand assures herself. “Where is he now?”
“Yeah, he is, more or less, okay, I mean,” Yai tells her. “And he’s at home. Phaya went with him.”
Sand lifts an eyebrow. “Did he now?” 
“Yeah. He wanted me to pick up some clothes for him at his house, can you believe that guy?” Yai fumes. “First he punches my brother, then he allows him to get stabbed and then he wants me to play a manservant. Dude can waltz around naked for all I care!”
Sand’s lips twitch. “I bet Tharn would appreciate that.”
That stops Yai short. “Huh. Maybe I should have brought him his things, after all,” he muses, frowning a little.
“But Tharn is okay, right?” Sand asks again, just to be sure. Though she knows that if he weren’t Yai wouldn’t just be sitting here, grumbling. She knows how much Yai loves Tharn, with all his big foolish heart and then some. “Both he and Phaya?”
Yai sighs, dropping his head back against the backrest. “Yeah, they are. Just a little banged up, is all. Probably playing doctor right now.” He straightens up again, narrowing his eyes. “Wait.”
Sand laughs, seeing his disturbed expression. Then, with a wicked gleam in her eyes, she runs her hand down his chest, lower and lower - and wiggles in his lap again. “And what about you?” she whispers, leaning closer, her breath hot against his ear. “Up to playing doctor with me?”
Yai draws in a sharp breath, eyes blazing up, when Sand brushes her fingers against his belt buckle. His little friend immediately jumps to attention.
In a split second, Yai is back on his feet with an armful of a laughing girlfriend. “Yeah. We should definitely do that. I think that a thorough check-up is in order.”
And with that he rushes towards their bedroom, Sand’s laughter echoing through their flat, and all worries are forgotten, at least for now.
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Destined With You : Episode 15
We’re at the homestretch everybody and I don’t think I’m ready to let go 😭
also everytime I tune into a new episode in a new week it takes me 2 seconds to settle into the universe like for a second I was completely oblivious to the cheek holding and then remembered 🫡
as we get closer to the end I MUST give a shout-out to our girl Hong Jo’s wardrobe especially the sweaters like they’re so cozy !!!! NEED THEM
he is SO SWEET to her 💕💕💕
I know it’s the plot but he’s so kind and adorable with her which makes me genuinely laugh at his and Nayeon’s relationship 😭🙏
hug it out !!! your past lives were terrible 💜
‘sorry to interrupt’ nawwwww even I forgot the bodyguards 😭
hold hands !!!
oh they did
I’m so happy to see them
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Hong Jo gets me even I was wondering if he’s okay to drive. Honestly since episode 1 I’m anti Sinyu drive hive like it just gives me anxiety
now sister you better stay in that car 🤨🤨🤨
kdrama security team actually doing their job and doing a quick sweep of the place ?!!! someone pinch me 🤩🤩🤩
they’re holding hands !!!
keep going besties
get back here 😭
i lost so bad
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lmao this blanket situation. #real
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just lost everything I wrote here omg tumblr drafts you will crumble !!!!
to summarise her dad ate with the monologue of her not being there in the hospital and just leaving lol (like she literally jumped town)
but then he ruined it by being a weirdo and being mean to his wife !!! she’s adorable and I literally don’t know why his dumbass is THAT mean to her if he chose to marry her
aunty get with the cute younger best friend !
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also Hong Jo’s landlord aunty is the sweetest little sunishine !!!!
the cut fruit plate, someday Mr. Kwon will make someone very happy
not this office couple blind date thing…. my precious minutes 😭
fighting over someone you didn’t even go out on a BLIND date with oh she has too much time !
Hong Jo missing out on the most fun day in office
the plot refusing to let me see my mains kiss it’s bad for me
let them kiss !!!
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lmao who is this random boss, we saw him twice in the office scenes today and I don’t remember seeing him earlier
the spectacle bun lady is so sweet
Hong Jo finally getting a gossip circle I used to pray for times like these 😭
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Hong Jo come get some lessons from the assistant man 💕
???? Sinyu’s just unserious
oh the cute bestie who took Sinyu’s mom for the shooting stars thing is the one serving the papers💅
one thing about Sinyu’s dad he’s going to be annoying 😍 he’s been demeaning her since episode 1 lmao
aunty you’re not selfish at all, stay away from that loser of a man at all costs 😭🙏
I literally don’t know what exactly this man is still here for but the actor is gorgeous !
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someone needed to thread the villain arcs a little better because I’m failing to grasp the importance of whatever this dude is doing (similar to me not grasping whatever the stalker was doing before he suddenly started vodooing)
wait are they actually making Mr. Kwon into a bad guy bad guy ? (let me have a little faith in him anyway 🤨)
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their horrified faces at the public proposal! these girls get it 😭😭😭 (I’m terrified of it)
but also…. this isn’t the romance I’m tuning in for, I’m sorry to Mr. Gong stans….
not them pressuring her to say yes MY GOD ???? she literally just got out of a terrible marriage
lmao was this show sponsored by a bank 💀 okay !!! 💸💸💸
I adore Sinyu’s mom down so her and Hong Jo bonding just makes my heart fuzzy 🥰🥰🥰 !!! they deserve the world and I suddenly wish this show was 4 episodes longer so we could sit with moments like these 😭
let my sister divorce in peace, she has nothing to do with this construction business lol
the audacity to mistreat her for so long and then to say he’s fine with losing the company but not her like BE SERIOUS
wine on the table and my sister in a white sweater I’m worried
I feel like we as the audience were already pretty chill with the Sinyu and Hong Jo situation lol 😭
Nayeon is a different level of nasty omg ??? lock her up ???
I need Hong Jo to slap her once I BEG 😭😭😭
NO WAY 😭😭😭😭😭😭
at least throw the wine back !?!!
no kisses and no slaps this show hates me
I adore clingy Sinyu
they really baited me with last week’s preview but Sinyu wasn’t wrong when he said she looks good in everything !!!
that’s one way to do it 😭😂
in the walk in closet 💅💅💅
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oh wow 😳 !
wow I thought the Shaman was going to ruin our life with some twist 😂😂😂
‘it’s a daughter, I had a conception dream’ 💀
from groot to a momentary lawyer Jang Sinyu to my beloved groot 🥰
oh no did the stalker talk to this old man ???
saw the bodyguards visible in the shot and a hesitant old man and knew my inner peace was about to be ruined
old man you were so unserious for this !!!!
it's this loser wet tissue of a man again >.<
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oh wow Rowoon's crying acting is SO REAL ??? (need to check out his other projects) because the pain and worry in his voice as he said Hong Joo-ah got me actually 😭😭😭
cant wait to do this once again with y'all. see you tomorrow besties, let me just
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s14e1 stranger in a strange land (w. andrew dabb)
pre-ep recap being ac/dc shot down in flames much better fit than metallica's nothing else matters from 13x01 vibe-wise and matching the pace of the clips. good job, guys. and smooth segue to it being on in the car
s14e1 / the matrix
wtf jackles, what is this speaking voice/cadence. reminds me of keanu reeves?? usually when i make really out there sound associations, i'm a little high. but that is not the case today. he's acting more like an agent than neo, but getting the keanu vibes :p i can't think of what movie specifically i'm thinking of. the devil's advocate and constantine are the other two keanu movies i've seen a bunch, but i dunno
never good when i'm pulling a clip in the first few minutes 🥴 gonna be a 2-3 day watch i'm guessing.
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also don't really understand the styling choices. i get that it helps make a big visual difference between michael and dean, but like. dude wasn't dressing like this old timey fancy man with a flat cap in the au world. is this 20s-ish? never seen peaky blinders but this seems kinda similar? reading about collar pins and bars now. lol
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is this the grief beard i've heard about. well maintained, if so
MARY Sam, we’re gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it’s been three weeks since Dean… Something will break. It has to. SAM Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that.
so like why does sam need to be in charge and involved in this vampire thing with this bunker full of people? they were fully self organized and fighting before they came here. even if sam is de facto leader for whatever reason; delegate, my guy. no help to anyone if you're not sleeping. call jody in, i bet she could talk some sense into him. also vaguely funny that we're all Team Family Go! but the family i connect with the most for them is jody and her girls
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CASTIEL Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is? KIPLING I’m sorry, did you just say you lost a Winchester? Because, one -- that’s… interesting. And, two, how is that you lost Dean? I thought the two of you were joined at the… [Kipling glances down in a suggestive way.] …you know, everything.
in a way i wish i could have watched this without any knowledge of fandom because my knee jerk response is, ew. because i just don't see anything between dean and cas, i have a hard time grasping they're even close, i've just tried to accept it because the show tells us all the time. but maybe i could have come around to it more if i didn't know about the screaming zeitgeist that is destiel. or maybe i'd have the same reaction, i don't know. but anyway perpetually disgruntled knowing that my reaction is always colored somewhat due to fandom. i try to watch objectively but i know my feelings on things outside the show color my feelings of stuff inside the show
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oh, cas. what have you gotten yourself into this time.
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SISTER JO Why would he say “yes” to you? MICHAEL Love.
short and sweet
man i know jackles is trying to do something different but i do not enjoy the way he's speaking as michael. ok now i'm getting umm. brad pitt in interview with the vampire?? like when he's talking to what's his face. for the interview. lol. christian slater! kind of slow, flat fairly emotionless narration.
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um. how in the world is nick's soul in his vessel? didn't crowley remake it or whatever? or did he not die at any point in the ... 7 years intervening between lucifer dumping him in s5 and getting popped back in during s12
from 12x13 CROWLEY I managed to pervert that spell. So your essence wasn't sent back to the cage, but instead, we found your discarded vessel a few years ago… repaired it, improved it, making it a fitting final home for the real you.
whatever, man. nothing makes sense to me anymore. also thinking about jimmy novak called being possessed by castiel like "being chained to a comet" - for all those years
NICK Ow. I don't get it. I don't understand how Lucifer could die and I could live. SAM Yeah, um… I think that maybe it's because the archangel blades were made to kill the archangel inside a-and not the person they, uh -- NICK Possesses and uses to almost end the world twice?
sure. SURE. that makes sense. not at all how anything else ever works on this show, but sure! i mean, i love mark pellegrino too but come on, guys.
SAM Stop saying that, please. MARY What? SAM “It's gonna be fine,” that everything's gonna be fine, we're gonna find Dean, and -- MARY We are. SAM You don't know that. Dean's gone, and we have no idea where he is or -- or if he's even still alive. You know, Michael could have… burned him out or… worse, and… MARY I know. I know he's out there, scared and alone. I know. I know he might never come back. Never think I don't know that. But -- I can't -- I have to think about the good, Sam, because, if I don't, I will drown in the bad. For Dean's sake, I can't do that. We can't do that.
that's fine and reasonable but it's also reasonable that sam doesn't want to hear a baseless placation.
jack getting a grandpa bobby now too apparently
completely zoning out on this demon monologuing. why did they bring the girl along who isn't a hunter. what happened to the devil's trap bullets? and couldn't they make the bullets made out of the angel blades they had on the au world? because with all the dead angels they surely must have a stockpile. wouldn't get this several minute action sequence with fake tension though so
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SAM Enough! There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anybody wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? (breathing heavily) So, what's it gonna be?
lol okay
SAM It's the -- It's the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the President. I thought we could use it on Michael, but -- Ketch can't find it. So, that's another dead end, which is just awesome.
i'm glad the show remembered because i completely forgot about that thing. thanks for preemptively ruling it out
CASTIEL Sam, are you all right? SAM Yeah, I've been better. I've been worse. You? CASTIEL I'm -- I'm just sorry. I should never have gone to those demons. SAM Cass, I -- No, I-I-I don't blame you. I… Honestly, I-I wish I'd have thought of it first. If it meant finding Dean, I-I'd work with -- I'd do anything.
❤️ take what i can get. (still need to sleep, sammy)
MICHAEL Now, you -- you know exactly what you want. You don't pretend to want to help people or save the world. Your want is pure and simple and clean. And that's why you are worth saving. That's why we are going to work so well together. Because you -- you just want to eat.
LOL what. michael loves vampires!
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole "can't kill michael now that he's wearing dean" is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don't kill the vessel?? 😂
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nutzworth · 8 months
DAY 5: JANUARY 31, 2024 (i got to start reading more consistently.)
STATS: read for ~3 hrs pages read: 1052-1359. 307 pgs. act 4! slur count: 8 + 1 = 9 (john r slur on 1 of his defaced posters) silly count: 11 + 0 = 11 (i might have missed some. to be honest) piss count: 1/3
THOUGHTS: today started with john's alchemizing spree! i really like the alchemy even though i can NOT understand how the binary and codes quite work. john does though. johns really smart about alchemy in sburb specifically. this section also has a lot of funny john faces. i love this guy
FINALLY the end of dave and bros strife! jesus! been 2 sessions sicne it started! i said this last time but i think its SO INTERESTING how bro doesnt cut or stab dave in any way during the strife. they clash and lil cal gets torn up and daves sword gets 1/2ed and daves SYMBOL gets scratched but when hussie shows dave after the fight hes winded and bruised and battered but hes NOTABLY NOT BLOODY! obviously being bruised cus youre FIGHTING! WITH YOUR DAD! is bad and your dad (bro) is a criminal but. man. how much restraint was bro USING. to be SO PRECISE! did he have to choose between slashing dave and slashing cal in that split second? why else would he possibly have slashed cal? for paradox reasons? i really like dirk strider
the unofficial homestuck collection website is bugging out SO BAD for me. for so many flashes today the music just did not play. it SUCKS! but its fine i just play the music in another tab. i hope they fix that but i know its not priority
i really like the few dave logs i read today. dave is sooooo sad puppy on the other side of a cracked door that sees you and wants to get in the room but cant figure out how to push open the door so he just whines. "hello" "what are you doing" "man where are you" "are you there" he is so cute. in contrast the other dave log today was DAVE AND TAVROS!!!! HOORAY FOR TAVROS! and dave in this one is really funny hes so nonchalant and like "no man. if you want to have sex with a 13 yr old boy okay dude. im on board. time and place." and tavros is like UM! NO! IM GOOD! HAHA! }:) ! they are so funny. the striders are SO internet troll. dave does it flawlessly
KANAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE KANAYA! SHES MY FAVORITE TROLL! shes so awesome in the kanaya/rose log she is so funny. start talking to this girl like "humans cant understand time travel when its really so simple youre all kind of dumb" and ending with "hey we should be friends". i literally love her
EXILES! not much happened with the exiles. introduced to aimless renegade. what a cop. pa harley heart! thanks for your guns pa!
THE FLASH WHEN ROSE ENTERS THE GAME IS SO COOOOOL!!!!!!!!! i really really like it unfortunately the sound didnt work so all the beats didnt hit quite right but they hit ENOUGH. SO COOL! I LOVE ROSE!!!! theres so much going on all the time for that girl. i love you rose
INTERMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really like the intermission i think its so fun trying to parse what the hell is happening. i have GOT to read problem sleuth because so many of the things i find funny are straight up just problem sleuth bits
hussie averting the readers expectations with the like You have a deck of cards. ==> play solitaire With what cards? Dumbass? Fuck off. You only have your WAR CHEST. i think this is hussie like softdropping his rivalry with his audience. it starts with silly banter and then hes like im going to make a character representing the fandom and im going to kill her off (calliope)
the felt are SO COOL! if anyone knows all the pun names for them lmk. i only know a few obvious ones.
the intermission is SO gory. theres so much blood and death and guns and knives. like ok dude i get youre in mafia gangs or whatever but cool it on the blood and yucky faces! yeesh! there is also more crude jokes in it than normal i think. maybe cus these are real adults with pornography in their briefcases than like 13 yr olds. "jack king off" "you beat it(your heart) pretty often" "fist full of penis" etc
you kjnow what drives me crazy. the ACTUAL REAL TIMELINE of the intermission. or at least what it means for the rest of the comic. obviously the intermission is foreshadowing (esp when slick gets his eye and arm cut off; mentioning lord english; etc) but like. its MORE. when i first read homestuck i was under the impression that the intermission was just some other timeline in some universe. granted i dont remember slicks eye and arm getting nixed or karkat vantas reveal or lord english mention or anything that foreshadows anything. but NO! its NOT some other timeline! but it IS another universe. its ALTERNIA!!!!!!!!!!!
the story of jack noir (spades slick) as i know it is as follows: jack noir spawns in derse ==> commits a crime (probably shittalking the queen) ==> gets exiled to... um. somewhere. ==> i assume he meets karkat here? and stabs him. and karkats blood is revealed and then theyre friends ==> slick (now scurrilous straggler) is left on the green moon? exiled in rags ==> he builds a city ==> the felt's mansion is there also. they form gangs and become rivals ==> intermission starts; midnight crew infiltrates lord english's lair to get the vault prizes ==> slick goes in the vault and begins commanding karkat. if im wrong about any of this correct me im so curious
i really like clubs deuce and diamonds droog. i wish crowbar was in the intermission more. clover is just like nagito komaeda. trace and fin are insaaaane. i wish i knew more about the felt
ACT 4! GAME!!!!! game on lowas. its really cool i didnt get to play it my first readthrough. love the salamanders and love the captchalogue nonsense. it is so fun. thats all for today folks
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fartquen12 · 8 months
So yall... went CRAY Z for my onceler head cannons which ik ik im literally so arthristis whatever- so today I have an actual fanfic. Which by the way I have already made another one before so.
(Trigger warnings..... I have no words)
It was 6:00 am and you were peacefully asleep..
You had a crazy night last night with all the partying since your crazy boyfriend got his first "thneed" factory. The thought of him being gone all day made you feel quite sad-
"YA WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" you yell slamming your head up to see a SPIDER ON YOUR BED!
"GAHDAMINIT!!!" you yell just before seeing your bedroom being invaded by the whole damn zoo (All the crazy ass bears)
Greedler switched off the camera just before starting to beat the everloving shit out of you.
This happened frequently... At first you liked it.. and now.... well... honestly you still kind of like it but whos gonna tell him that.
"YO GODDAMNT!!" You yell as his fist hits your (nutsack)
Greedler starts laughing at you before running his ass away and rubbing his palms together like a 2 year old.
You honestly have been thinking about breaking up with him for months but.. your just not sure how to go about telling him that.
"BABE!!!! GET YOUR ASS LOOKING DECENT FOR ONCE CUZ MY MOMMY IS COMING OVER!!" he yells from downstairs while running out the front door and getting into his car(which btw has pics of him all over it and a pic of you crying)
You sigh looking at his car leave.
Wait. *What if i just.. leave* you think beginning to giggle. Soon giggles turn into laughing your ass off which quickly wears off seeing the LITTLE LORAX standing in your doorframe...
"ya uh oh gay boy"you say
"YA YA GAY BOY!!! IM THE LORAX AND IM PLAYING MOBY DICK FOR REAL!" The little shit comes at you with a knife
Time skip 3 days.
You were sitting at the table for dinner.
"H-hey so uhmmm." You maneged to stutter out
"YA WHATTA!!" greedler yells with his mouth shoved to the brim with food and hes editing another youtube prank. (the one were he recorded you on the toilet and broadcast it to the whole world.)
"I.. Goddamnit" You sigh
"WHATTTA!!!" he yells throwing the tablet at you
"OUCH BITCH!" You yell.
He gets up and whips off his belt faster than you can say shit.
He begins beating the shart out of you again
"YA YOU LIKE THAT??" He says
Everything goes silent.
"What..." he says
"I wanna-"
You stand up from the table knocking your glass of weird yellow juice you assumed to be another prank for his channel right off the table.
You ran outside after grabbing shoes, keys, and coat and got in his "Oncler-mobile" But as you were starting the engine...
Greedler grabbed you out of the car and forced you into the trunk before locking it shut. nice and shut.
*the car begins to start*
"SHUTUP!!!" greedler yells from the front seat.
This is gonna be a while.
after a while you decided to sleep. and when you woke up... well.
You were tied to the floor in a suspicous room...
"O-Oncie??" you managed out.
"Yes bbg.." he says
"what are you doing with that..." you say looking at the gun being pointed at your head.
"Im gonna..."
He shoots the gun and a punch of thneed stuff comes out..
"HAH GET PRANKED!!" He yells in delight... rubbing his palms again.
"YO WHAT IS THE WHITE STUFF!!!!" You yell out pointed to the white "stuff" that also came out of the gun...
He started singing how bad can i be...
Which really makes you mad..
Days went by... You never even asked why you were here or what he was gonna do. you didnt really care. It seemed like every day was the same. He would come it... whoop your ass. laugh a little film a little then leave.
Well one day he came in (or night cus whos counting)
*he began to untie you*
"W-What ar eyou doing!!" You yell
"well... guess what" he says kneeling down and grabbing your chin..
You leaned into his touch feeling warm.
"what..?" you smile.
He lets go.
He yells as "mrbeast" Comes barging in throw the door. and money begins to rain from the ceiling and lights flash and the youtube fans are going at it.
*Miss Y/N L/N Has sharted.. Miss Y/N L/N has sharted again*
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