#today i met with her hisband for the first time
dearweirdme · 1 year
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mushymushyv · 6 years
25 january 2019
Q had slept with Yas the day before ans hey, he was basically her Jay Park. Uhhhh she got hickeys ans its not coverable, ditched hee sister, waited for me for 3 hourss,,,,,, bc i was occupied woth my mom ans atok,,
We ate at Bagus ans then walked around. Bought gongcha ans went to children water section on level 7 cwp. Talked about how we miss our guys,, HAHAH i mean i only had izh to talk about ans she was missing Yas :”))
We faced each other when talking about them, describing how ans what we liked, how it felt. We high fived a bunch of times bc we discussed ;
. How done we were with people who arent openminded
. How we both dint like being told what to do
. The similarities we had between our guys and how we just love gentleness ans ksbjsvxhxhdb
We high fived, bonded over how sex is important, intimacy ans how deprived and needy we are for attention from the right guys and just how little things just melt us bc were so needy.
We both dont understand how poeple dont just swallow, she taught me how to handjob, not to gag.
PS we were surrounded by moms ans hisbands who brought their children to play with water but we dint give a care in the world HAHAH as per usual.
We talked about how we met ans how we just sent each other to each othees classes, how we bond over pain and literally give no fucks ans had not expected us to go this far or expected anything at all like this,
I cried while talking bout how izharuls not in sg HAHAH imomg im such a sap. I guess i just miss him that much. Idk if this is love or just desperation or idfk love okay?? But hey all ik is i miss him ans its pointless talking to him unless he talks to me first bc idk anything about him, his life.
Ugh were both such saps for giys that are sweet and UGH sigh
She told me not to rush losing myvirginity bc she kinda did and did it 4 times with yanda HAHAH omg sore all over man the next day,,
Shes so cute she called me in the morning and asked me if she could come bc she has not place to go bc she was panicking she was like plsss youre my only hope ans im like okayyy ans i made her wait 3 hours,,,,,,,,,, im truly sorry honestly but today we bonded like for real after a while,,
We both wanna start wxercising HAHAH bc she wants to be secier for Yas ans i just want my body back HAHAHHA ive been so unhealthy. Ill workout tmr morning insyaAllah amin :)
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So yesterday I conquered my rediculous fear of getting back in the gym. For sure one of my fears was spot on.... sports bra drama. My sports bras are way too tight. Like WAY. Too. Tight. I squeezed those suckers in and zipped that thing up, but it was painful. I realize breastfeeding is part of the problem, but mainly I need to drop a lot of weight to shrink the boobs back down. I mean I had to take shallow breathes or risk busting it at the seams.
My husband met me at our local Y during our lunch break and by the time we got the baby her own Y card, and fed her and got her settled in childcare, he only had 30 mins left. We did a cardio machine and just some bicep curls to pump his arms up (my idea).
A brief refresher on my husband: Structual Engineer by day, super dad by night, Air Force National Guardsman by weekend. Voted most athletic in our highschool (10 years ago). So yeah, he is in fantastic shape. Yeah he has a bit of a Dad bod, but he literally can workout and eat well for like two months and have washboard abs.
I love it. But am SO jealous!
Anyways he never does cardio work at the gym, it is always a run with the dogs or bikeride into work. He bitched and complained doing that machine with me though. Damn that felt good- even though it was so quick. I am telling myself not to get down that this was such a short workout bc it has been almost a year since i’ve really pushed, so time to slowly get back to it.
We went to a different Y today bc we had more time and tried an “Aqua Box” class. I was in another pool watching this class a few weeks ago with my 3 year old, and it looked awesome. I have never done an aqua class bc I was timid. My husband, brother in-law, and his wife did it with me (they are also trying to get in shape). Literally this class was all women 60 and up. I love it! The insteuctor was maybe 30, it was like hip hop/rave music. I will absolutely be going again!
When we first got in I thought the class was easy, but they used the weights and I did one harder than she recommended. Both the hisband and I are really sore across our shoulders tonight. Can’t wait to see what aches and pains I feel tomorrow!
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