#today is one of those days where my brain is playing like always 3 songs in my head at once that i dont even VIBE TO
halinski · 8 months
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billluver0124 · 3 months
"middle school shenanigans!"
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synopsis : tom goes through his 'first love' experience with y/n! WARNINGS: there is none, its a fluff story !!
authors note: once again, @rottinglilys helped me with the plot of the story ! i hope you guy enjoy my lovies<3
it all started back last year in grade 7, tom had a MASSIVE crush on y/n. he would always catch himself staring at her in classes because they had most classes together.
he always adored how she looked; her hair, her eyes, her bubbly personality, her willingness to be kind towards those who dont deserve it. but most of all...her smile. toms heart used to explode like fireworks whenever he was blessed to see her smiled.
then on the day before spring break started, tom slipped her a note in her locker.
"Hey, ich bin in dich verknallt. Magst du mich auch?
ja oder nein ?-t.k"
y/n was so confused when she got the note. she didn't know what 't.k' stood for, until the very last hour of school. when tom decided to man up and go up to her.
"y/n!" he yelled, jogging up to her to catch her attention. she turns around "oh hi tom!" she said, smiling. tom almost fell to his knees right then and there, but no! he needed to tell her how she felt! "did you get my note?" tom asked, his hand wrapped around the back of his neck. then it hit y/n straight in the face, t.k = tom kaulitz, how could i be so fucking stupid? she thought to herself. "o-oh uh yea!" she answered nervously. "c-can i see it?" tom asked, y/n nervously giving it back. he opens it to see that it wasnt answered "you didnt answer it, do you not like me back?" tom felt his heart sting a little but it was soon reassured. "n-no i do like you, i like you a-a lot!..." y/n blurted out "i just didnt know what 't.k' meant at first until now..." tom chuckled, "what did you think it meant?" "i-i dont know...t-turkey kabob?" she joked, causing them to both laugh. after a moment of silence, tom speaks "so, are you my girlfriend now?" tom asked, not knowing where to go from here. y/n nods, giving him a hug. tom feels his heart flutter at the feeling of y/n in his arms. "you wanna hangout this weekend? ill ask my mom if its okay" she asked, tom nods "yea for sure! ill see you then"
it was now grade 8, tom and y/n have been dating for a year! their families have grown fond of each other and they hangout at each others house after school most of the week and sometimes on weekends...
with the condition that the door must stay open of course...
today they were at toms house, tom was showing her a song he was playing some guitar for her and she just peacefully watched. y/n always admired toms talent on guitar, she knew he was gonna make it big one day.
after a little while, he puts the guitar away and pats a spot next to him "wanna cuddle liebe?" he asked, she smiles and lays next to him. he pulls her into his embrace, her pretty head rests upon his chest as he strokes her hair.
as tom stroked her hair, y/n found herself staring at a particular feature on his face, his lips. the pretty pink color, the way they curved into a smile whenever he was happy, and oh my god his lip piercing...y/ns never kissed anyone before, but she wanted to kiss him so bad. "is something wrong?" tom asked, slightly nervous. "nothing its just..." y/n took a breath before she finished her question "h-have you ever kissed anyone?" tom sighed "uhm, yeah..my babysitter when i was like..9" "oh.." "why? have you ever kissed anyone schatz?" tom asked, y/n looks down; embarassed "n-no, i havent.."
then almost immediately, tom got an idea in his little brain>.<
"do you want to have your first kiss?" "well, yeah every girl wants to have their first kiss" y/n joked "no schatzi..." tom chuckled "i mean do you want to have it...with me?" y/n hesitates for a moment, nervous of if shes a good kisser or not. shes really new to this! what if shes a bad kisser? what if she goes too far? but it couldnt be that bad right? its just a kiss for christs sake!
"yeah..is that okay tommy?" "its more than okay with me schatzi.." tom sat up, scooting closer to her "you ready?" he asked...
y/n nods, shakily moving her face closer to him. tom places a hand on her cheek then boom! their lips were sealed together! (aww so cute! >.<) y/n places a hand on his shoulder, deepening the kiss. then they let go because if they kissed any longer they would suffocate!
"woah.." y/n mumbled, tom chuckling at her reaction "did you like it?" "yeah i did" y/n said, softly smiling... "then we should kiss more often then hm?" tom said, smirking at his girlfriend.
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dapper-zappa · 1 year
His Conejita, Her Spider. | Miles Morales
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Pairing: Miles Morales x Fem!Civilian!Reader
Summary: While you're hanging out in your boyfriend's place, a particular sketch in Miles's room intrigues you and then you get to know the meaning behind it.
Word count: ~1,5k
Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, cute Miles, Uncle Aaron death mention, Mama Rio interrupting some couple's time 😭
A/N: I love how the "Childish Gambino inspired Miles" thing has come full circle so don't mind Miles and Y/N talking abt him in the first part of the fic. If you find any mistranslated Spanish, please let me know abt it <3
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Today’s one of those days where Miles invited you to his family’s place because hanging out with his girl is simply one of his favorite things to do, other than drawing various kinds of doodles in his sketchbook. While the two of you don’t have any homework for now, there’s nothing better than to spend the time together… right? Miles’s family also grew a lot on you to the point you almost see his mom Rio as an aunt figure and his dad Jeff as an uncle figure. 
“Hi… Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I’m Y/N L/N, Miles’s classmate.” you greeted shyly. 
Rio let out a warm chuckle. “Oh mija, no need to be shy around me. Feel free to call me Mrs. Morales or Tía Morales, I’m fine with both though so you’re welcome.” (dear)
“You must be Miles’s new girlfriend!” Jeff joined. “Kinda wish his uncle Aaron is still here because he’d love to see his little nephew together with a girl he pulled up, though.” he whispered into your ear, much to Miles’s annoyance. 
The tunes from various songs in Miles’s playlist flowed through the earbud you shared with him in your ear. One of his hands linked with yours the entire time he talked about why he loved the artists featured in his playlist, and you couldn’t help but smile the entire time at your doe-eyed boyfriend passionately rambling about his favorite artists. 
He’s an artsy boy who enjoyed drawing and making , but also in love with music and how it made the world feel more alive, according to him. And you loved him for that because while you’re not an artist yourself, listening to Miles’s rambles about his favorite artists and seeing the drawings he drew by himself made you appreciate the hard work between them more. Even the fact your boyfriend’s mostly self taught in art.
“So I’ve been thinking…” you mused, getting absorbed in the song currently playing from your earbud. 
“Hmm? Told you that you’d like Childish Gambino.” Miles gently nudged your arm. “It’s obvious I love Sunflower by Post Malone at this point but dude’s discography is like, everything to me-“ 
“No no no no, it’s just that for some silly reason, whenever I look at his face… he kinda reminds me of your uncle from the photos here. I can’t exactly describe why but maybe it’s because of his entire vibe? Like, both him and your uncle have this sort of warm, approachable chill vibe? ” you giggled, trying your best to dismiss how silly your brain was being right now. “I honestly don’t know.” 
He thought about what you had just said about one of his favorite artists and his uncle for a brief moment, nodding once he found himself agreeing with it. 
“You know what, you’re right.” he flashed you a dopey grin. “Actually my uncle introduced me to Childish Gambino first.”
“Wait, what? Miles, are you serious?” 
 “Cielo, I’m serious.” he immediately paused the music from his phone. “So it all started with that one time I heard ‘Me and Your Mama’ blaring in my uncle Aaron’s place, then when he told me about the song’s title thanks to him noticing me jamming myself to it, he also said that the song reminded me of my dad falling in love with my mom. While he just thinks Childish Gambino is neat, for me his music means a lot because I was really close with my uncle and he always comes up in my mind whenever I listen to one of his songs.” 
“That explains why he pops up quite a lot in your playlist.” you said. “I like that. You’ve got a great taste.”
Miles shyly scratched the back of his neck. “You do? Well thanks, I mean- yours isn’t so bad either.” 
The more you hung out in Miles’s place, the more you loved his place and his family because of how close you were now with him and his parents. Though you just noticed a particular object displayed on his desk began to arouse the curiosity within when your head turned to face the desk he often used as both his little art studio and his study desk. 
It was a drawing of you with for some reason, rabbit ears on top of your head smiling gleefully, along with sunflowers surrounding your smiling face. It was a really beautiful artwork, from what you’ve seen. Out of the many impressive works made by your boyfriend, it’s definitely your new favorite as of now. 
“Why, thank you!” you beamed, though your demeanor suddenly shifted into a nervous one as your eyes briefly glanced at his desk. “But if you don't mind… Can I look at the little drawing on your desk?” hesitatingly, you pointed at the artwork on his desk but Miles cut you off before you could say anything else.
His eyes widened at the mention of the piece of artwork you were referring to. “Y-you sure you wanna look at it?” he stammered, standing up from the bed. 
Walking towards his desk, he picked up the paper before sitting back on the bed and handing it to you. 
“I hope you’ll like this one.” 
You took the paper from his hands and now focused yourself on the drawing depicted on the paper. You couldn’t believe your eyes as you finally got to see it right in front of your eyes. From the precise ink strokes in the sketch that made up your face’s exact likeness, how the drawing pops from the vibrant yellow, orange, and pink used in it, and to the silly little addition he chose to add this time in the form of bunny ears, you couldn’t help but love the drawing (and Miles himself) more than before. 
“You like it, cielo?” His question made you snap out of your trance.
“This is way more than beautiful, babe!” you squealed, immediately wrapping your arms around him. “I can’t describe how perfect this drawing is and the sunflowers are the best addition because they look so bright and like, everything about this is so amazing.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” he replied. 
By this point, both of your faces were beaming with happiness. You from being impressed by your boyfriend’s art skills, and Miles, from the fact you loved this doodle of you that he had drawn. Keeping your arms placed on his shoulders, you slightly pulled away from the embrace in order to face him while his hands reached for your waist. 
“But one question, Miles.” you retrieved the paper again and shoved it directly in front of his face. “Why the bunny ears? It’s not like I hate them or anything, I just wanna know why.” smirking, you waved the drawing to tease him until he revealed the answer..
He playfully shoved the paper away and gave you the biggest and proudest shit eating grin you’ve ever seen as he pulled you closer by the waist, before whispering in your ear. 
“Because you’re my cute little bunny rabbit. That’s why I often call you ‘conejita’, because it literally means ‘bunny’ and the sunflowers represent how much I love you and how happy you make me.”
Before you could say anything, you were interrupted by Rio clearing her throat. You immediately scrambled away from Miles and caught the sight of her holding 2 mugs of steaming hot chocolate standing in front of his bedroom door.
“Just wanna say that I made some hot chocolate, kids!” Rio chimed in as she set down the mugs on Miles’s desk. “And my oh my, Miles, looks like you and Y/N were having some serious love conversations right now from the looks of it.” she teased, putting her hands on her hips. 
“Mamá, ¿por qué no llamaste a la puerta?” Miles whined.  (Mom, why didn’t you knock the door?)
“Dios mío, Miles, ¿no te diste cuenta de que dejaste la puerta abierta?”  (My god, Miles, didn't you notice that you left the door open?)
“I’m sorry, mamá, I forgot to close the door so I didn’t notice you were coming.” 
“Está bien, mijo. Just make sure next time you don’t do it again, okay?” Rio gently patted Miles’s shoulder before she headed to leave her son’s room, only for her to pop her head back in, much to his annoyance. (It’s okay, dear.)
“What again, mom?” 
“I love you both!” she winked, closing the door and truly leaving from the room this time. 
Leaving the tiny awkward moment you two just had because of your boyfriend’s mom barging in, you both continued your previous activities of just chatting with each other while listening to each other’s playlist. It’s really sweet to know that the symbolism Miles put in the drawing of you with bunny ears meant wonders to him thanks to his adoration for you. Now you get why movies and artworks tend to be careful with the colors or details depicted there, because symbolism were pretty much seemingly small things that actually mean a lot, like why Miles chose to draw you with bunny ears and sunflowers around you in the artwork. 
You’re his bunny rabbit, and he’s your spider. How cute is that?
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whatgaviiformes · 1 year
i'm absolutely windswept
I started Thunderteers in May of 2019. I remember very distinctly being out to dinner with Hubs, coordinating the AU concept almost entirely for a long, epic first story. We were at a Chili's and I had my usual indecisive platter of appetizers as my meal. As of today there's only been 3 chapters of what mapped out that day. Some of it made it to paper. I've never been great at those long epics - I love reading them, but my writing brain is most solid with the 1K-6K word length.
So I started building the world with fic. I wrote about Virgil playing the violin, and how he made music. I explored Gordon's accident, and what it could've happened in place of a hydrofoil. I reached for Military!Bros instead of my usual FishTank, and explored the truth behind legends. I forced myself to make and break OCs, spent way too much time researching when songs were created, recipes of the time, if certain animals were classified the same way, and what name a city may have had in 1774.
Other things I decided not to research at all.
Above all that, before I posted a new story or fic, I asked myself if the imagery was there, and was it something I was proud of? Because I knew - the only way I could get others to set sail with me, was to make sure I was taking you on the journey. Not if it was historically accurate, but does this feel like our boys, and are they interacting with the environment in a way that feels like it would still be them? Is it possible to still see Gordon? Still see Scott?
That was my first AU.
Naturally, in asking myself this, I've had different images in my head all this time, and I was lucky enough this month to have the chance to ask the amazing @chenria to bring one of them to life for me. You can find the post below:
Sailor Gordon by Chenria.
Go like it, reblog it, send her support, consider joining her patreon if you can. She knocked it out of the park, and in so doing - inspired me along the way.
If you decide to read Thunderteers, just know - it's not always beautiful.
But this one - it's all love and heart. I've written the snippet for Windswept as a thank you to chenria's amazing work, to everyone who puts up with my reblogging posts for the age of sail (#ships ships ships) or who tag me in things to see, or have Wellerman living rent free in their heads and let me play along. Thanks to those that have read the story, maybe cried along, or sent me words of encouragement.
Thank you for letting me experiment with language and story, and sometimes - when I get really lucky- for the words I've written to matter to you.
Windswept (~500 words)
As far as clouds go, Gordon is among the strangest. The wind tugs at his clothing, hanging loose and informally on his silhouette, and at his hair where he stands aloft amidst the sails. The seabirds close to shore weave their dance between the ropes above, circling him curiously. Even though his form is strange to them, he’s not unwelcome in their home in the air. If anything, he’s just a part of the flying clouds that make up the rigging of their ship.
The gulls’ calls sound like laughter, and he smiles with them. The birds will accompany the ship for a time, darting towards the quick meal at the bow where the front of the ship often disturbs the sea life below. If the voyage is to be a lucky one, they’ll grace the wood of the ship with a gift or two that’ll be left to wash away only with the next rain.
Gordon can feel the sway of the ship stronger from above; though with the Thunderbird still anchored close to shore, the waves are gentle as they lap against her firm hull. The movement is a tease for the voyage ahead, as Gordon has always found himself more comfortable in their journeys out to sea than he’s ever felt in his tentative steps on land. The ship has watched him grow and come of age, from awkward limbs racing up the rigging, to strong shoulders heaving her lines and helming her wheel. She’s given him the freedom to roam, to explore lands and seas unknown, and even with the thrill of adventure, Gordon feels most safe in the comfort of her embrace. If that isn’t a home, he doesn’t know what else is.
He knows her in the early morn - the way the sunrise paints cotton and how the mist tingles at the fuzz on his arms at the start of his shift. He knows the echo of their shanties within her oak beams, and the squeak of her joy when the creatures of the sea ride along with her bow waves upon them really catching the wind and when the tang of citrus remains on his tongue from breaking fast.
He knows her in the rain, the smell of wood and cotton when burdened with wet from above as well as below, the crackle of lightning in its brief and staggered illumination of her flags. He knows her in the cold, when the puff of his breath is visible and the wind cuts into his skin. Among whales, massive and elegant as they groan their song into her hull.
He knows her in the evening – Virgil and John’s cooking and their different nuances for flavor and spice, the vibrato of Virgil’s violin paired with the warm timbre of the Scott’s cello pulsing along her foundations. The way she creaks below Alan’s eager footsteps.  He knows the soft glow around flame-lit lanterns in the darkest of night and the hush of melodies uttered in multiple languages up towards twinkling stars. The way his hammock rocks him to sleep with her movement.
He knows her in both fair winds and motionless skies, in the brightest of sunlit days and the most cloud-covered of nights. Through doldrums, archipelagos, and the far reaches of the seas, and along coastlines, he knows her.  
And his soul trembles just as she does, her unfurled sails shuddering in anticipation of catching the wind.
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kylekozmikdeluxo · 3 months
5 Random (Sometimes Brief) Hyperfixations of Mine
One of the fun things about being autistic isn’t just the hyper fixations that become part of your official lore, but also the weirder, sometimes brief obsessions that really came and went. Maybe not necessarily what might form your core interests, but still a good-sized part of you.
They formed a strong camp in your brain for about 2-3 months, maybe even a little longer, and then just left as you developed a new obsession… And you sometimes get the urge, years later, to revisit some of those things… Or maybe they are still firm interests of yours, but they’re just in your massive file cabinet room that forms up most of your electric head meat... sharing space with a gazillion other things…
I’ll share some of mine with you today, on this Disability Pride Month. (Yeeehoo! I get two Pride months in a row!)
MAPS/ATLAS/GLOBES - As far back as first grade, 1998/99, I was really into how road layouts worked. Just how all the roads I was on, they looked like interlocking noodle grids when seen from above... And how maps and atlases, carefully done up by people, depicting them. I would get lost for hours in one of my dad's county atlas books, and soon I began to know where everything was. Which exit took you to which, etc. As you could imagine, I really really like SIM CITY and stuff like that back in the day.
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But also maps in general. A playground my dad took me and my sister to had a painted U.S. map on the pavement, and I remember learning my states through that before school taught me all of that, or that episode of ANIMANIACS. I had at least one globe as a child, too, and was often mesmerized by it. Learning all the different countries around the world... Fun stuff, and because of that, I can name countries adults older than me (I'm 31 and a 1/2) have never even heard of... Yeeeeah, kinda concerning? Anyways, I think the street maps will always be the ones I liked the most. I still find them fascinating, especially when there are overhead maps of environments in video games. Could stare at those aaaaall day.
THE TITANIC - I think us autistics and neurodees all had THAT phase at one point in our lives. Titanic, Greek mythology, Ancient [Insert Civilization Here]… In third grade, in the year 2000, my class had a unit on the Titanic. I had already been aware of the Titanic because of that little 1997 indie movie that few people heard of, but that was just something in the background for me. I remember hearing the Celine Dion song incessantly on the radio, too. (Not complaining, I think it’s a lovely song.)
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From there, the design of the ship fascinated me, and I got into Titanic for a little bit. I had a big coffee table book about the ship, and found what had to have been a clearance copy of the 1996 PC game TITANIC: ADVENTURE OUT OF TIME. I played that A LOT, it’s a favorite of mine, a fascinating and sometimes ominous alt-history sort of suspense/mystery adventure. I also had this random VHS about the Titanic, I couldn’t tell you what it was… It wasn’t the 1950s Titanic movie, it was some black-and-white, almost documentary-like look at the ship? I remember just getting that VHS somewhere, and I have no idea where it went… By early-to-mid 2001, I think that phase sorta set sail…
LENNY LOOSEJOCKS - The adventures of a string cheese-looking Aussie and his canine Donga, LENNY LOOSEJOCKS came from an indie flash game site called Ezone. Launched in 1995, I remember spending quite some time on that site around 2000/01-ish (you know, in the dial-up days of Internet), playing the variety of weird little games they had. Of all the LENNY LOOSEJOCKS games, the one I played the most was the cosmic one, LENNY LOOSEJOCKS IN SPACE.
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I was aaaaall about that for some time, and while I had already learned about the Solar System in school (and was subsequently fascinated by all of that), this just made me appreciate it all even more. Each planet had a unique atmosphere and look to it, and the lack of music and the ambience really immersed me into those planets- I know, I’m talking about some flash game that inspired me greatly as a kid, not STAR WARS or whatever cool kids who had “actual” childhoods grew up with, lol. Anyways, yeah, this was my STAR WARS, my Roman Empire, something like that. I probably write so much cosmic/space/galactic stuff largely because of this game.
DRACULA - This one’s rather weird, I think it was spurred by a Hostess commercial from around late 2001/early 2002 where an ersatz Dracula transforms into a bat and flies headfirst into a neon sign that resembles Hostess’ signature telephone cord-looking cupcakes. I found a VHS of the 1931 Bela Lugosi DRACULA sitting around (not sure how that got into my orbit), and just sorta started drawing and writing a lot of horror-tinged, weird vampire stuff for a little bit. I remember whenever I’d play with my Casio keyboard back in the day, there was a pitch shifter wheel of sorts. I remember pressing the keys on the organ setting and using that dial to make it sound like a distorted horror movie soundtrack. From a beat-up film print. Even 9-year-old me in early 2002 picked up on those sorts of things.
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I’ve always had a thing for the dark, the macabre, the gothic, and such. Even went as a vampire for a few Halloweens. I also remember doing a book report (this is around fourth grade) for the book DRACULA DOESN’T DRINK LEMONADE, from the series THE BAILEY SCHOOL KIDS. I just thought the idea was pretty cool and creepy, and to this day? I still think vampires are pretty cool, and I sometimes incorporate them into what I write.
THE ROAMING GNOME - Around the mid-2000s, Travelocity - the online travel agency - ran a series of commercials featuring a little garden gnome with an offscreen voice. I caught a couple of the commercials circa summer 2005, one where he get zapped across a room by an electrical outlet…
And another where he gets hit by a cart at the airport…
12-year-old me thought these were the height of comedy GOLD. I quoted these constantly, and it was to the point where one of my uncles went out of his way to buy me… A whole-ass GNOME. And we had that at my dad’s place for a little while, I think it got chipped up over time or stored away somewhere. I’d love to find it again, if it’s all in one piece lol.
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carmenized-onions · 5 days
Oh my onions ,
This chapter was the first thing I saw when I opened my phone this morning and I immediately started reading cause when I tell u I have been waiting for it like crazy. I took a break and kept reading after my statistics class (master’s thesis kicking my ass thank u). 
It was such a relief of the tension in the previous chapters, some honest moments between Carm and Tony and also the reality and craziness of their family and faks being around. 
I am so curious to see how the DD and kids dynamic will unfold cause in season 3 I bawled my eyes out in the ice chips episode and I was so happy Sug is taking those baby steps towards redefining her relationship with her mom now that she herself is one. It would be nice to see some cathartic moments here too(obviously given the complexity of the relationships cause lord knows it’s fucked to the core). 
cuteness baby Michaela and Tony (hohoho make her and Carmy babysit pls pls) 
RICHIE THE MAN THAT U ARE. he totally is an old fashioned in my brain so I get the whiskey and peaches thought Tony u are right. 
Also …. Sydney baby I can sense the tension…. I see u getting off the floor … I SEE U NOT SAYING IT BACK SO …. 
Also side note I always listen to music while reading this to set the cinematic vibe yk yk and today I happened to listen to father John Misty’s “I love u honey bear” and “everything is free” and COINCIDENTALLY they match the vibe quite perfectly make sure to check them out if that’s your vibe, I feel the lyrics to these 2 songs were kinda fitting to this chapter (are they my personal soundtrack that played in this episode ?! Yes they are !) 
Can’t wait for next one u never fail! Can’t wait for the Christmas special if u will. ALSO 14 K I know u said for both our sanities it’s getting shorter but I’m so glad I saw a double digit no pressure my love Heheheheheh !!!! I gotta stop yapping stay safe till next one :)))))
AHHH I hope the next one isn't shit, we're dropping in like idk whenever I finish answering these last couple asks that i've let sit in my inbox for DECADES (a couple weeks). If I failed this time, no one tell me. Let's all let onion live in ignorance okay. a handful of times i was like "what if I simply restarted" at like 8k in.
But I've finished my final draft edits and I think it's fine. I think it's a very necessary chapter. It's like how I felt about Doing Too Much back in the day, but now that one's like, one of my faves in terms of how much it actually establishes--- ANYWAYS WHAT THE FUCK AM I TALKING ABOUT let's talk about your talkings
I hope your thesis went/is going well!! It's been so fucking long where is everyone on their life projects. Me personally I'm applying to OTHER FUCKING JOBS. Who wants to pay me to write CK full time? I'm so fr.
Chapter 14 will always be that girl when it comes to tension breaking. Like christ. Two Steps Back is my favourite chapter to reread because I love Mikey and Chip and I also think I am the most in my bag when I'm writing sad shit but Chapter 14 is always nice when I'm havin a ROUGH DAYY
I hope. When I do eventually cover DD. Which is tragically for me, quite soon, that I do it fucking any justice. I'm very thankful for the compliments comparing me to canon but MAN if anything is a test of my ability to understand these characters, Donna is my final fucking exam. I am so bad. At writing moms. Just in general. Ice Chips was truly like my favourite episode of the season too, so I hope I can do all the fucking insane dynamics of adulthood blended with motherhood justice. I can barely do them justice in my own life, YKNOW??? man.
Me and my roommates take christmas so fucking seriously. As we have for the past... 3 years. And now that this is our first christmas living together again, I truly start gift planning now. did someone say psychotic? NO. i just PUT THE DATES OF EVERY SALE OF EVERY IMPORTANT RELEVANT RETAILER IN MY PERSONAL CALENDAR. I'M NORMAL. FUCK YOU I'M NORMAL!! what i'm trying to say is, it's christmas whenever you decide it's christmas.
Ohhhh Michaela Blurb. Someone request it someone request it. I so hope in S4 they let that man be a good Uncle. I know he avoids family like the plague but come on man. its a BABY!!!!!
I hope everyone loves the drink menu I have planned, or I mean--- Sorry, the drink menu chip has planned. Jerimovich you whiskey peach bitch da MAN YOU ARE!!!
It's s o hard to not write like a little bit of tension with Syd. Like I can't not. It's so in my brain I cannot get squidink out of there someone call the police dont actually
i love. when an indie bitch enters my domain. i love father john misty!! I can so see those songs. There's a lot of songs I adored for this chapter. I think my most probably unagreed with would be I Like It, by DeBarge--- Listen, I know it's so cheery-- But that's exactly it. That is so Song That's Playing At The Wedding Outside The Bathroom While We Full Breakdown In Here. HEAR ME OUT OKAY
We are,,, at 15k for this chap. Chap 14 was 14k,,,, I feel like Chap 16 is not going to be 16k (but rather, horrifically, more), but it'd be cute to continue the pattern. I'll attempt to reduce myself.
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I WISH THEY MADE A CHICAGO JOKE IN CANON, esp with Carmen's drive by about Musicals in ep2? Come on man. Chicago's (the city) like. top 3 of american cities for theatre. what the fuck. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTS???
i love chicago (the musical) (maybe also the city idk), so I had to give a little credit. And frankly, while writing that bit, I watched the moment back--- He did KIND OF RUN INTO IT, LIKE I HONESTLY THINK THAT WAS KIND OF AN ACCIDENT
anyways i'm gonna shut the fuck up now chapter out soon love you bye gotta answer more asks!!
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lalazeewrites · 1 year
i know i have been gone for what in fandom time is 'forever', so thank you a million for tagging me @celestialmickey @heymrspatel @tanktopgallavich @vintagelacerosette @energievie @stocious @metalheadmickey @gallagher-milkovich
name: lala/larisa
age: 35 but i’m permanently stuck at 25 in my head, i always forget
where in the world are you? 📍 an hour north of chicago, near the wisconsin border
the meaning behind your URL: very self explanatory, i’m not creative with names hehe. but lalazee is my nickname and zee is because my last name is a z name. again, not creative lol
your second favorite color: pink!
any pets? one cat with the personality of a soft bunny & another cat with the personality of a surly dragon
favorite season: autumn!
last thing you read: ‘the only good indians’ by stephen graham jones
last song you listened to: ‘so much (for) stardust’ by fob is playing as i type! i am a true blue lifelong feral fan from ‘take this to your grave (2003) album fan onwards. i’ve already listened to this album so much that my almost ten year old knows most of the words to most of the songs lol
what are you wearing right now? grinning skeleton holding up a coffee cup w a smiley face on it that says ‘STAYIN’ ALIVE’ & pink shorts
a hobby of yours: writing! singing! hiking! camping! cooking! all things horror!
your comfort show or movie: i feel like your comfort movies & shows might not be your all time favs, but more like movies & shows that are easy on your brain to absorb when you’re skull is feeling soupy. as a true 90’s kid, i gravitate for comfort toward those big box office action or disaster films like jurassic park, twister, independence day, the mummy (and 2), men in black, jumanji, matrix, anaconda, etc. . . i have a thing for big monsters & big battles, so also count pacific rim as one of my favorite movies ever too haha
and finally, what are you up to today? it’s spring break! but my spinal surgery blah blah is still healing so i’m relaxing at home while my mom takes my kid to the arcade and candy shop! they’ve been gone four hours, so i can only assume they’ve had a good time lol
your first fandom(s): First fandom on the INTERNET would have been Star Trek XI. First media that i was unhinged about: X-Files, X-Men, Xena, Sailor Moon (apparently I couldn’t find another X related interest LOL)
your current fandom(s): My Hero Academia, Shameless, Stranger Things, Attack on Titan. . .I actively read for about 5 other fandoms other than those (Supernatural, Witcher, FMA, LOTR, Star Trek), but I’m currently actively writing in these.
how did you first get into fandom? Back when I was living in Glasgow, Scotland, it was my 21st birthday, and my friends and I were going to see a horror movie. Turned out, the tickets were sold out, so we decided to see Star Trek XI. I’d NEVER watched Trek in my life, didn’t know a thing about it, and when I walked out of that theater I was a totally changed human and now I am a Trek Encyclopedia LOL
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? Since 2009, so like 14 years.
how often do you read fanfics? Every day, if my brain is healthy enough that day! I sometimes take breaks of a couple months and only read published books though, I feel I get a different experience from both that I can equally appreciate.
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Mickey Milkovich, Bakugou Katsuki, Billy Hargrove. Angry disaster babies, I guess.
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? I’ve written 167 fics, not including those on my Patreon. So, over 170 fics, at least.
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? No! Funny that I got accepted on scholarship to NIU for Theater & Art, partially on my art portfolio, but I never create any art for anything!
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Ian loves his mom more than he feels comfortable saying, because he feels like it's a family and even personal betrayal. I think it’s impossible to accurately describe how to feels to grow up with an abusive parent who vacillates wildly between adoring and abusive, but there’s no feeling quite like loving and hating your parent, desperately wishing you could be what they wanted so they’d stay, and hoping you never see them again. I know we’ve seen Ian follow Monica more than any other kids, but I think that any time he curses her out to his siblings or whoever else, each bad word is also like a self-cut.
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) If for My Hero Academia, I would have them watch the Heroes Rising movie, for Shameless I don’t even KNOW where I’d begin tbh LOL
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? Fandom is family! I’ve been in fandom for fourteen years, and I have so so so many real life friends who have been with me through literally the hardest parts of my life. My divorce, my ex husband going to prison, the birth of my child, me being a single parent, moving back to America, my coma, my kidney transplant. My fandom friends from across the world have uplifted me and been my support system through every single high and low. I don’t know how I’d be here without them, quite literally.
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bvannn · 6 months
Weekly Update March 29, 2024
I’m pretty volatile in terms of mood, but I did get a good amount of actual work done on projects. I’m exhausted, I haven’t fixed my sleep schedule yet because I’m addicted to working. Like I’ve genuinely tried to stop and go to be early or sleep in and I just always ‘just one more drawing, just one more verse, just one more thumbnail, it’s let me find this one perfect instrument, just let me finish these four bars, just let me-‘ and before you know it it’s two hours past bedtime and you haven’t even brushed your teeth yet. Or eaten dinner. On the bright side all the stuff I’ve done has gone pretty well!
First big exciting point, that little pitch comic I’ve been working on? Thumbnailing/writing is done. Done enough anyway. I might still go back to edit some pages but I can get going on others now, which is great because even though I’ll only post the full thing once I have the whole comic complete, I might post individual panels, so there will be stuff to see! I’m also going to try to keep writing at night, so I can let other episodes and stories play out a bit, but Art priority will be shifting more to the comic. It will be 30 pages so it will likely take a while, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to do 3 or so panels a week while I’m finishing up this semester and switch to a page a day once I have more time.
Music is also going very well. I’m putting the final mixing touches on a vocaloid cover song (unless I decide to go back and redo the guitar, which I might), which I’ll try to start putting visuals to soon, although that’ll likely be pretty slow since I finally got past the thing that was bottlenecking me on the comic project. I’ll also have to get licensing settled, although that currently looks to be affordable. The whole project has given me a taste for blood and now I want to do a bunch of other cover stuff, but good news: I also found a nearly finished cover of another song that I had put aside in favor of the Green Day one. That’ll probably take a while before I can call it ‘done’, though, whereas I could probably release the first cover song today if I really wanted. I have some time tonight where I’ll try to throw some music together, maybe I’ll work on that.
There’s a few smaller nearly-finished songs I dug up from the depths of my WIPs too, one I need to redo a melody line, one I was bottlenecked on finding a specific instrument for, which I did the other day in lab, and a few others that also either need structure or Melodies. Plus there’s those two that are waiting on lyrics still but I’m still chugging at that, just slowly. I might also try that one tonight too, if I finish or can’t do the vocal cover for whatever reason. There’s also a couple character themes that haven’t really been priorities but I did re-outline one that I’ve been working on, so once I have recording time I can go try that one. That one is on its third draft so I really hope this one will stick.
Other miscellaneous projects haven’t seen much progress this week. I’m still thinking things through for that epithet TTRPG campaign, but I’m having a bit of trouble outlining the third chapter. I just need more brain power for that though, so earlier bedtimes would do it. A couple other art things keep coming to mind but I’ve been focusing more on big projects, so that’ll probably continue if I can. This next week I want to focus on keeping my body as healthy as I can, and then comic, second cover song, and visuals for first cover song, in that order of priority. Passive projects I can work on while doing other activities will be epithet TTRPG planning, song lyrics, and outlining future comic stuff, in that order of priority. If I come up with any song Melodies or ideas for visuals for the song I’m finishing up those priorities might shift, but right now I want to stick to more of a plan, since it worked out well this week.
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blueempty · 11 months
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Me and the Pita Man are on a first name basis now
My review of today is I'm sooooo sleepy. Before work I played all of the new FF16 songs in Theatrhythm and without context I was thoroughly whelmed. They are good, I do not feel strongly. But I was glad to be playing Theatrhythm again its been a minute
Then I went to the Pita Man's Pita Hut. That isnt what its called but I'm so sleepy. He got a new card reader which rules for him but I missed the tip screen cuz I'm used to him handing me a receipt to sign so I had to try to find paper money in my wallet to give him even though he said it was fine. I've been going there for a long time and he's never let me down, I love that guy. Then as I was leaving he asked my name and then I asked his and our names are like two letters off. It was a good start to the day
But then it got BA- no it was fine. I had to go into the cleanroom again and ran into some trouble which was rough cuz I'm still very tired and dizzy but it wasnt a big deal. I thought about how much time I spend in there doing the job that a machine could do in like a 100th of the time it takes me all because my boss is too cheap to pay for fast delivery, but I get to just listen to music the whole time so its not that bad. I'm gonna be in Pinegrove's top 3% of listeners on spotify this year
Then we had a situation in the Barony community discord where some guy joined and started spamming racist memes and zoophilia and gore and stuff, which I always forget people still do, and I hurt my own brain trying to understand the motivation. Theres a type of person who spends real effort and significant time in their day just making the world worse, and theyre proud of it and I just dont understand how a person becomes like that. Or even to a lesser extent theres another person in there who just jumps between chats acting disinterested in what people are saying and calling them stupid, and when I asked them what their deal was today they were like its funny to annoy people. I was like brother it isn't annoying its just confusing lol. Like you could be cranking your hog or learning to tie knots right now but you're in a server for a game I assume you dont play replying "ok" to everything we say. What is the motivation, what do they gain
I think its one of those things where the scariest answer is "nothing" but thats likely what we're looking at. I just wish there were a way to like appear beside them irl and be like what are you doing man, to remind them that other humans are physically real and that my big bag of rocks I brought with me is also real
I know you the reader understands this but like just try to make the world a better place because you were in it. Leave things better than you found them. Nihilism be damned, I'll tellin you that things do matter, and its important to care about stuff. Irony poisoning is a real disease affecting our youth
My night sky pics came out bad so here's Mocha reading the internet
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Peace and Long Life
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gaoootic · 3 days
I found this ANCIENT I think 15 year old by now vocaloid song today through some random shitpost on twitter, I liked it a lot!
Might be because I also played that one mesmerizer fangame update recently, but my brain's been spinning around the topic of those as of late. I think it's kind of funny how the little robot voice program served to make so much art and music and connect a lot of people. It's rather heart-warming in a sense, the way people collaborate and build on top of each other's ideas to have fun.
I didn't only think this one sounded nice, the lyrics are pretty neat as well. I've always been harsh on myself, mostly out of necessity I'd like to claim, but I wonder what that younger little bastard would think right about now in terms of how well I'm doing. Well, I say that, but I don't think I even expected to still exist by around that time lmao
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and guess he'd be really impressed; I'd like to think I'll be impressed with the future version of myself regardless of circumstance, so it's only fair.
These old nnd vocaloid songs are so charming, perhaps I think of them as simpler times because my age were single digits when they came out, but something about them has this certain... Heart, I guess? to them. Not to say a lot of present day ones don't, I find gems every so often that I decide to treasure.
In terms of my favorite vocaloid song, however, it's probably うたうたいのうた. I hold it very dearly and in high regards, it's so oddly sweet and lovely, it never fails to cheer me up. I wanted to make a drawing about it, but amidst all of my life's daily push and pulls, it's difficult to find time and motivation for it, let alone putting in enough effort to where I'd be satisfied with it. But that's fine, actually! I know there's always the option for me to come back to it and make something new, I just need to make the choice to take it. I found it after the fact of making my I think first real oc and it's really fitting to what I went through in terms of creating something.
On another note, still related to both songs, JP progress is going well! I'm nearing the one-year mark, and I know I've still got it in me to continue on learning. I think I'm roughly around the point where I can watch a random 3-minute native japanese video on youtube and with great effort and a lot of dictionary usage and grammar lookups be able to fully understand it, which is very exciting! That would certainly shock little snotty child me for sure. I wonder what will surprise me about myself in some years to come, maybe I'll have more of a handle on things? Mostly positive, I hope. Bit by bit I'll get somewhere I enjoy.
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I know normally I'm not really one to talk about personal stuff always on here but there's something I want to talk about.
I've struggled with mental health stuff in the past and I always thought those positivity things were full of bs.
But the thing is, with time I keep seeing that those little things really do add up.
It's the warm showers where you savor the moment, the nice pen that you love writing with, the little notes that you write your friends and the gifts that you see that they carry.
It's making things and seeing directly "Hey look at myself, I did that! I made this!" It's the learning to play my favorite songs on a multitude of instruments, it's the taste of a new reed when you get a new box of vandoreans.
It's those moments where you realize after, that you were truly in the moment.
The arguing in a way where your passionate, when your eyes lighting up and you feel something that hasn't been there in a long time.
It's seeing the shift in the songs you listen to, from the I need a good cry plsylist to the power Jams and relaxing tunes.
It's the being a different person than you were yesterday.
I looked in the mirror earlier today and I didn't see that young girl who just wanted to sleep all day, and who's top word was sorry. She who had the eyes a million miles away.
I saw a young man who looked like himself, not any magazine cover or anything, not bad, not perfect. But, I saw something I thought I lost years ago, I saw the spark in his eyes. The brain got a million miles a minute. The one who cares a little less about what people will think and about what he can achieve, and how to he a better person than I was last year.
There's no magical cure for anything, I'll never be "fixed." I'll probably always have some of the issues I deal with, but that's okay. For each constant ache and pain in my ankle and back there is a piece of toast with strawberry jelly and new song to listen to.
I still have bad days, days where I barely talk or ones where I go back in time it feels, but on those heavy days, all we can do is try. If sleeping on my bathroom floor means I get an extra 3 hours sleep because it works better for me, i guess that tile is a good nap spot.
I know it's a bit of a silly thing, but I'm proud of a few things mainly.
My knitting,
My confidence,
My ability to play saxophones, and guitars,
And that I'm able to get out of bed in the mornings excited a little bit for what's out there, whether it be so small, or such a mountainous thing.
I feel like I do in the forest, when alone and surrounded by trees, the animals, and the lichen that guides my hike with its old ideas and it's beard showing the path to some of the most wonderous things I've seen.
I've never been one who's had the most poetic voice, but I genuinely feel this,
I feel as light as the stars in the sky and like I can go anywhere as long as the trees stretch on.
Nothing is perfect, but I always have my collection of bits and bobs, the jigsaw puzzle pieces of my life, the future that I'm building up with the Legos that me and my brother made spaceships and castles with when we were little.
I might not feel like this forever, but I'm honestly proud of how far I've come.
I guess I can finally say I've continued my new years resolution for over a month.
I wanted to try to be more confident in my skin. To unapologetically be me. To not hide it to fit in.
And I still have anxiety, I always have and always will, but I can try to stop letting it hold me in its chokehold, I'm fucking done letting others people live my life.
So what if I get judged, that memory I made will bring me happiness for longer than they will remember it.
I have only a few words for little me of the past,
Ones that I wish I told her.
I know shutting down is easy, but the freedom of living everything you enjoy with happiness and relish is unparalleled to anything else. Dance badly, lay down in the grass when it rains, listen to your favorite songs no matter the genre, watch the shows you like, don't assume the worst in yourself. If someone doesn't want to be around you, they'll say, you don't need to distance yourself out of fear, okay. Draw bad art and drink your coffee that doesn't taste like coffee, do the things you enjoy, buy that spiderman watch. Play that pokemon game. Be unabashedly joyful and don't give a fuck if someone thinks you're childish, and don't everywhere yourself.
What seems like the end of the world can be solved with a good cry, some Taylor swift, and a hug. (And possibly some lactaid ice cream, or hot cocoa)
Just know I'm proud of you, and that we've got this. We can go anywhere and be anyone.
You deserve good things okay, I know it's hard but you're allowed too.
Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friends if they were in the same boat.
Enjoy the fresh strawberries and the chocolate milk straws of life.
Go get under a warm blanket and please get a good nap in, you deserve it.
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captainaikus · 2 years
ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕤 : 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝟙
ଘ Featuring : Itoshi Rin, Kunigami Rensuke
ଘ Pairings : Kunigami Rensuke x reader, Itoshi rin x reader
ଘ Warnings : Mentions of therapy and medication for Kunigami
ଘ Word count : 2k
ଘ Status : Not proofread, I'll edit when I re read it
ଘ Note : The Rensuke one is a little longer... cause I got carried away as usual. This one is short as I have two characters, but going ahead I'll do my best to write more than two. Happy reading and hope you enjoy it! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
ଘ Do not repost, edit, translate or copy my work.
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ʚ ɞ Itoshi Rin :
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Comforting Rin was awkward to say the least at the start and it was a pain to rack around your brain for ideas on how to comfort him. Making note of his favorite things over the course of your relationship helped you with that. 
Asking him “Are you alright?” or wanting to make him sit down and talk his problems out only causes more arguments with more agitation on his side due to pent up anger. 
Sitting alone in the corner of the sofa, Rin’s eyes boredly stared at the television screen that illuminated his face. He didn't even like the show, but didn’t bother to change as the noise was oddly comforting. You sat on the other end of the sofa, watching the ravenette’s expressions. It was cold as usual but the lines extended into a frown were more pronounced than usual, alerting you that today was one of those days where he needed to be comforted. 
Reaching out towards the bag that you were prepared to give him later that day, you brought it in the middle of the both of you, causing his eyes to shift. 
Reaching out towards the bag that you were prepared to give him later that day, you brought it in the middle of the both of you, causing his eyes to shift. 
“I got you something.” was all you said, pushing the bag towards him. 
“What is it?” was all he said, taking the brown bag and placing it in his lap. 
“Open it.” Giving you a displeased glance, he begrudgingly put his hand into the bag, fingers digging into the soft material of the object. Pulling it out of the bag, his eyes scanned the soft plush. 
It was an owl. 
“Press it’s chest.” 
Poking the soft cloth of its chest, a voice came from the owl. 
“Don’t give up Rin, Hoot hoot.” 
Rin’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, causing him to press the chest of the owl a second time. 
“On a field where Rin plays, people will come to cheer. 
 Kick the ball fast and hard, like you always do. 
 I will always be with you, no matter where you are, don't fear.” 
“The lyrics are lame but the shopkeeper enjoyed it.” You said with a sheepish smile. 
Snorting at the owl, Rin relaxed into the sofa, hands turning the owl around. 
“It’s such a lame gift.” “Good news is, it is refundable. So… I’ll take it back to the store tomorrow.” you replied, hand reaching for the owl. 
Slapping your hand away with a glare, “Did I say you can take it back? No. Don’t assume things, dork.” Rin said with a roll of his eyes, clutching the owl close to his belly. Biting your lip to suppress a grin you looked away, staring at the television screen that continued to roll, only for a hand to reach out to yours a few moments later with an assuring squeeze. 
‘Thank you.’ was everything the gesture said, making you smile in relief. 
Bonus : While you are away on a work trip or getaway with friends, Rin gets more acquainted with the owl, playing the song over and over again until he falls asleep. He will douse the owl with your perfume and when you find the bottle half empty as well as the owl smelling like your scent you are answered with a. “The damn thing smells. The least I did was maintain it or it would have found itself in the trash.” 
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ʚ ɞ Kunigami Rensuke :
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Getting up from your seat as the bus came to a stop, you felt a smile on your face as you watched the man you loved get down from the vehicle. Holding your umbrella, you went to greet him only to feel your heart stop as you looked into his lifeless eyes. Knowing the man who left on that bus would have hugged you tight, lifting you into the air as he laughed in njoy upon seeing you again was no longer there, only a stranger who was now standing in the rain with his luggage beside him. 
“Rensuke?” you asked tenderly, squeezing his arm only to earn no response. Picking up his bags, he walked alone before you heading into the direction on the street where your shared apartment was. 
This had been the case since his blue lock days. 
“These would help you sleep,” the therapist said, setting down a bottle of pills. Nightmares had become frequent in the resting world of the auburn haired man. Waiting in the chair, you watched as she set down the bottle of pills into the bag. “Only one and no alcohol.” she said warningly to which he nodded.  Walking down the street, you watched as the man you once loved continued to stare lifelessly at the scene of people moving before him. 
“Rensuke, why don’t you go home?” you asked, coming to a stop on the sidewalk. Giving you a blank side glance you explained further. “I didn’t want to bother you for dinner and I’m tired of making it as well. Besides…there is that old ramen stand around the street and I know what you like…” you rambled. 
“Be quick.” 
Were the only two words he gave in response before turning away to go down the same route that had become habitual. 
Lying in bed, Rensuke stared at his hand. Watching the calloused lines that ran on the surface of his palm, he was reminded of the days he had spent in the wretched facility. It had made him into the footballer he was today, but at what cost? 
The old Rensuke who could see the horizon of opportunities saw nothing but a desert in front of him, numb to the feeling of joy and instead had the incessant need to crush the spirit of the opposite team who loved the game just like he did. Clenching his fist he knew the trouble he had put you through. 
The two of you had been in a relationship long enough for being labeled official, yet he was distant from you, barely talked or simply brushed past you for the last three years. 
‘Let’s take our time with this.’ 
‘If you’re not ready to talk, then it's fine. We’ll go with your pace.’ 
‘I understand it's a struggle but Rome was not built in a day.’ 
His pace had cost over three years now running into the fourth, causing him to wonder why you were stuck with him. He was nothing but broken, unfixable yet you choose to chain yourself down with him instead of exploring the world out on your own and maybe… with someone you could find new. The thought of you leaving made him grit his teeth, yet he couldn’t seem to shake the fact that if you had made that decision he couldn’t find any reason to be upset with you except that he hadn’t been enough. 
Hearing the jangling of the keys unlocking the door from the living room, he turned his head towards your side of the bed that faced the bedroom door. 
“I’m home!!!” you bellowed, setting four bags down to the floor. Getting up with a huff, Rensuke walked towards the living room, watching you kneel over and hiding something under a blanket. Looking at the clock that was hung on the wall, he read out, 
“It’s 10:30.” 
“Yeah, I know… took me over three and half hours for the food cause I was busy picking up a special guest.” you responded, holding the shifting blanket to your side. 
Raising an eyebrow to your response, you reached into your pocket, taking out a small figure. 
Extending your hand out, you placed it into Kunigami’s palm that was much bigger than yours, causing his lips to fall into a tight line. 
“A polar bear.” he said, setting it on the table.
“Yep. And…” you said, pulling the sheets down to reveal the contents of the blanket. “This is our special guest.” 
“What is that.” Kunigami stated with his eyes widening. “Polar bears can’t survive in Japan… but this little guy can.” you said, repositioning the puppy closer to your chest, 
“This is Momotaro. Kunigami Momotaro, the baby polar bear also known as the Samoyed.” 
Kunigami watched as the puppy licked its teeth, watching the tall auburn man before him wagging his tail. 
“Hold him.” you ushered, extending the puppy towards Rensuke. “I don’t-” 
“Reach your hands out and act as if you were holding a football but its a baby.” you instructed. 
Placing the dog into his nervous hands, Kunigami sat on the sofa, worried about dropping the puppy to the floor. 
“These are his chew toys, bowl of water and food. We have to get him vaccinated soon and also need to have a collar made…” you said, arranging the bags in order while placing takeout on the coffee table.
You paused looking at him. 
“Why… are you still doing this for me?” Rensuke asked, looking at you, expression a bit different with his eyes turning red, a tear threatening to escape. 
“Why are you even still here?” 
Sighing through your nose, you walked towards the sofa, sitting beside him as the puppy squirmed in his arms, placing his paws on his chest while wagging its tail. 
“Because I love you.” you said, placing your hand on his knee. Rensuke felt his breath hitch at the mention of the three words that hadn’t been said in a while. 
“I know you’ve been distant, Rensuke. I saw you when you got down from that bus. I don’t know what happened in that facility, but I know that you worked really hard to earn and keep your place there. All I was happy about was having you back.” you said, with a small smile. 
“At the cost of what? Going to therapy with me? Staying in this fucking house all the time with one damaged person? Do you really want that?!” Kunigami exclaimed, causing the puppy to whimper. 
“Rensuke.” you said, calmly, petting the puppy over the head. “You’re healing. Healing doesn’t come easy and that’s okay. I want to be there with you, no matter how or what form you may be in. Being a football player, you make a lot. You could date a TV star, a model or a singer, have anyone really… but you stuck with me. I can’t tell if your head is up in football or how much you can achieve or your goals that  restrain yourself from beautiful women around the world who are ready to throw themselves at you… but, if I give you anything, it is my all. Going through a tough time alone isn’t easy but it is if you let me walk with you. Would you let me do that, silly boy?” you asked with a smile, ruffling his hair. 
Giving you a watery smile as he leaned into your shoulder. 
“Always.” was all he said as you felt a few drops seeping through your clothed shoulder. 
Bonus : 
“We should get the blue one.” 
“No. Red.” 
“No,blue.” you argued. 
“We’ll let our son decide.” you said, holding up a cheerful momotaro. 
Rolling his eyes, Rensuke took the two collars and placed them on the floor. 
Taking a stance behind the red collar, you placed momotaro on the ground, telling him to stay. 
Placing yourself a few feet away from Rensuke, you stood behind the blue one. 
“Come here Momo” 
“Come here Taro!” Rensuke said, getting on his knees, causing the puppy to run towards him. “Red it better isn’t it?” “Woof!!”
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
awake with you | s.todoroki
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♡ pairing: shoto todoroki x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 1.7K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: ua student!au, angst, comfort, fluff.
♡ summary: during the night, bad things happen but your boyfriend is always there to keep them away. by your side always, shoto todorki makes it his mission to fight your demons and make sure you know that you’re loved.
♡ warning(s): please read ! character death, mentions of car accidents, nightmares, guilt, lack of sleep, but a lot of fluff and the best boyfriend in the whole world :(
♡ author’s note(s): guys! it’s shoto’s birthday, so here i am postiing this shoto request from anon a while back, i hope you all enoy and have celebrating the beautiful boy’s bday <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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it was hard for you to sleep.
harder, when shoto wasn’t around.
sometimes it was your thoughts that kept you up; late at night— dark thoughts that swirled around in your head and slowly poisoned your brain with heavy black venom. it was hard to sleep when your mind was heavy with fear, but ever since dating shoto todoroki; those nights became easier and sleep wasn’t so hard to come by.
you weren’t so sure what it was about your boyfriend that made it easier for you to get some shut eye; it’s not like he really knew either. todoroki just didn’t like seeing you in pain, the way your face twisted with discomfort or the way sleepy tears would wet your cheeks under the moonlight— but you had somewhat of an idea, that his fresh peppermint smell and warm arms are what often helped you.
shoto would so lovingly sneak into your room, no matter the time, dusk or dawn— he would hold you tight under the sheets until you drifted off to dream land. even if it meant being teased by the others for stumbling out of your room in the morning, his pretty hair a wild mess creating the image that’d you’d both been up to no good, he’d face it all for you, over and over again.
but tonight, your loving, caring and doting boyfriend was nowhere to be seen— everyone’s second internships had begun and todoroki had chosen to work with his father along with izuku and katsuki, so it was no doubt that they wouldn’t be home until late. what with endeavour being the number one and all.
your friends knew about your struggles to sleep, of course, todoroki bluntly mentioning how you ‘like to sleep together’ to soothe your nightmares ( iida had lectured you about it after, saying it was inappropriate while deku and ochako turned as red as your boyfriend’s hair ) so offered to stay up with you— but you needed rest, today’s training sessions  having taken a toll on your body, and wave them off with a smile laced with tiredness.
you could call him, he wouldn’t mind and you know it— but he’s with his father and that takes enough out of him as it is.
you decide, instead, to trudge to the dual quirked boy’s bedroom, instantly calmed by his sweet peppermint scent embedded into every inch of his dorm. you swipe one of his clean sweaters straight from the closet before hitting the lights and snuggling into his bed.
tonight would be fine, todoroki would come home, wrap you in his arms and with the aid of his scent surrounding you— you would sleep safe and soundly.
is what you hoped as you drifted off to the land of dreams.
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when you were younger, you watched your older brother, haru, get hit by a car.
the scene haunts you to this very day, crawling up on you while you rest at night— choking you out in your dreams. you see it now, feet glued to the ground as you’re forced to watch the younger version of you, mess with your older brother using your new found quirk. your parents had called it scenery, back then your powerful quirk had been their pride and joy, giving you the ability to create a mirage in a certain targets mind— make them see things that weren’t really there.
back then it was fun to play tricks on your sibling— you made haru see all of his worst nightmares, everything but the road.
everything but the oncoming car.
everything but his untimely death.
you want to scream at little you— tell her to stop and that it’s not funny anymore as she forces your brother back into the road— he’s giggling, he doesn’t know it yet and neither do you. but the words you want to say die down deep in your throat, suffocating you from the inside although they burn at your lungs to burst through.
why cant you speak? why cant you stop her?
adrenaline trickles into your blood stream as you will yourself to run out into the street and protect haru from the oncoming traffic just as he slips off of the sidewalk. your senses are blown out of the water, static noise filling your ears and intertwining with childish screams and the sound of a not so distant honking horn.
you claw harshly at your throat. speak. save him. for god’s sake; do something.
“you’ll kill him! stop! you’re going to kill him!”
the flickering of artificial, yellow light behind your closed eyes has you jolting awake, sweat forming at your brow and hands clenched tightly around your boyfriend’s plain bedsheets. your gaze darts across the room while your heart thumps loudly in your ribcage from the fear that struck you in your dream and finally, your stare settles on a shirtless, bewildered shoto todoroki. his face is a little scratched up no doubt from being on his father’s patrol and he looks exhausted but that doesn’t stop the concern he has for you taking over his expression. “yn—?”
“s-sho,” you hate how your voice caves so easily, the single syllable of your nickname for him falling wetly from chapped lips. todoroki is by your side in an instant, not caring that he’s only half dressed and half awake. he’ll deal with that later.
with tender hands shoto cups the back of your head, letting you sink into the warmth of his flesh. you reach out for your boyfriend and he’s there, taking your free hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze to help ground you. “love, what happened? why didn’t you call? you know i don’t mind—” his timbre voice fills your ears like warm honey, calming your rapid breathing but all you can do is shake your head.
“nightmare ‘n you were working,” you pant, cutting him off while the death grip on your lover’s hand begins increasing. you feel so far from the ground, the scene of haru’s death dancing across your mind. “i killed him, again—“
shoto watches your body twitch with fear and your usually glimmering eyes gloss over in away that makes him feel sick. you’re not here with him yet, still tangled up in the black string of your bad dreams. the world around the dual eyed boy begins to change and it seems you’ve activated your quirk by accident— showing him scenes of the day your brother died.
you screw your eyes shut as flashes of his body tangle with reality to the point where you don’t know what’s real and what’s not. you’re losing control of yourself so easily, fresh sets of tears stinging their way down your streaked cheeks. trapped. you feel trapped like a bird in a cage even while you’re awake and the sounds of cars and screaming burn at your ears once more.
make it stop, please.
“yn... come back to me love, i’m right here,” todoroki’s calm voice cuts through the suffocating song of death, dragging you back to reality while the effects of your quirk drift away. his fingers, although contrasting temperatures, now cup your cheeks to tilt your face towards him so that your eyes lock with his under the crescent moon. “you didn’t kill him. that wasn’t you. it wasn’t your fault.”
you blink away more tears like a helpless child, chest heaving but todoroki doesn’t give up. “but—“
“no.” your boyfriend says softly, yet sternly, leaning down to place an eskimo kiss to your nose. your eyes flutter shut at his simple gesture, although it raises saftey and warmth across your body— black radiates behind your closed eyelids, no longer plagued broken bones and blood. it’s easy to keep breathing from there, focusing on that as todoroki pulls you into his lap and the sheets fall away from your body.
“no,” you repeat back to him while shoto’s arms settle on your waist and his familiar scent of fresh peppermint fills your senses. “not my fault.”
it wasn’t your fault, that day the car had come speeding down a usually safe road in a residential area. the accident was a hit and run, but being a child made you feel every ounce of the blame. shaking the thought away you curl into your lover’s chest, listening for sounds of his heartbeat while he toys with a lose string on his sweater— the one you wear.
“that’s right, good girl...not your fault, here with me yet, love?”
when you glance up, todoroki is looking right back down at you— brows creased with worry but there’s love in his stare, overwhelming amounts that make you hum into his bare chest, grounded by the feeling of his skin against yours. “present and accounted for,” his chest rumbles with relieved laughter, soothing you even more. “thank you, sho. i’m sorry for making you do this so late at night.”
this time, shoto shakes his head— sending locks of red and white flying. “don’t thank me and don’t apologise,” his words are feather light in the dark while he manoeuvres you both onto his back to settle into bed. you’re about to mention that he’s still half in his suit, but your boyfriend doesn’t seem to care, already closing his eyes. “i’m yours, your boyfriend and i’m going to support you no matter what. i’ve got you, okay? you’re always here for me so i’ll do my best to do the same for you. what kind of man would i be if i wasn’t?”
“a very unmanly man,” you tease with a kitten like yawn, already feeling the confines of a more comfortable sleep, taking over.
todoroki rolls his eyes but pulls you closer to him anyways. “you’ve been spending too much time with kirishima.”
“at least i don’t spend everyday working with bakugou, now that’s true nightmare.” you counter, narrowly missing a pinch to the side from your boyfriend.
the pair of you sleep soundly that night, wrapped in each other’s arms. you feel safe, knowing that nothing could ever harm you, as long as you were with him. shoto todoroki would give anything for to you to have a goodnight’s rest. no matter what. even if it meant staying awake with you and being late to patrol with endeavour the next day.
not like he cared, he hated his dad anyway.
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vicious-vixxxen · 3 years
Tenya Iida X Male!Reader: Comfort for a Broken Heart
Hey guys :3 Just something I wrote on a whim, for myself: didn’t plan to post it, but thought maybe it might help those of you who may be going through similar feelings to these. Or have before, and they flare up from time to time.  Happens to the best of us, so if this can help in any way, here ya go <3
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“My turn,” Denki called, snatching up the aux cord and immediately beginning to shuffle through his playlist as he jammed the cord into his phone, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Leaning more heavily into Tenya’s side. The class rep rumbling contentedly in his chest, before steeling himself and taking a deep breath as he slowly slid a hand over your shoulder, cupping the one opposite him and bringing you in close to his side. Blush high on his cheeks, as you looked up at him and smiled. Winking at him, in your own little world together as he turned back to his book, and you continued to scroll through your phone. The sound of Denki and Mineta bickering over something dumb more or less ambient, in the background. It was a typical Saturday in the dorms, all things considered. Most people lounge around the common area, taking turns playing music, sharing their taste and just having a nice time. You loved nights like these. They calmed your inner anxieties, made you feel…safe. Cared for. You wouldn’t trade them for anything. “Hey, I love this song!” Kirishima shouted, a little louder than the others, drawing your attention out of your mind and back to the music. Missing the worried look Momo through your way as you stared ahead, and the lyrics finally registered. Oh. Oh no.
Your chest grew tight suddenly, and try as you might to inwardly, frantically remind yourself it was fine, the part of yourself ruled by your emotions- the larger part-began to take effect quickly. Cheeks heating up comfortably, as you glanced around, as though everyone could tell. Though in reality only Momo knew, though Tenya, bless his heart, felt you stiffening next to him, and stared down suddenly at you by his side, one brow curled, as he set his book down. “Y/N, are you-“ “I uh- I’m gonna go lie down guys, I’m starting to get a little tired. Might come back out if I can’t sleep or something. Sweet dreams,” you announced, hurriedly, cupping Iida’s jaw gently with one hand-Offering an apologetic smile, but not quite meeting his eyes as you turned to leave, shaking your head briefly at Momo as she made to follow you- pursing her lips, and settling her hands in her lap nervously as she watched you leave. Turning to Tenya suddenly, and debating briefly, before motioning him to come into the kitchen with her. The taller boy following quickly, glancing back over his shoulder at you as you disappeared around the corner Making your way to your room, you breathed deeply, carefully. Good, then bad. Good, then bad. Breath coming in smaller pants, as you grew anxious. Frustrated tears welling up in your eyes as you rushed the last few feet to your room. Shutting the door quickly behind yourself, and crawling into bed without even changing. Sighing in relief at the scent of your sheets, the feel of your various pillows surrounding you, cradling you. It was okay. Everything was okay. All over a fucking /song/. You were so pathetic. It was okay though, you were okay. Everything would be okay. You’re alright. You were so /stupid/. Why were you like this? Why allow him any more rule over your life? Get OVER it. God. Sniffling was followed by soft sobs, as you clutched at your pillows. Allowing it to happen, as it always happened. Some days were better. Some days you were actually very good at ignoring it, or going unaffected as a whole. But some days, like today, the smallest thing could set you off. Make you feel small, and lonely, make you…miss him. Miss a time, and place. Miss…everything. Thoughts flooded your mind without your consent, fueling your sadness. Dates, smiles, kisses, /songs/. God. What would Tenya think? Pathetic. You were so pathetic. Lonely and pathetic. You didn’t deserve him. Yes. Yes you did. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t be sad about things that passed, you reminded yourself in your mind quietly as you cried. You were human. This was okay.
Maybe you were more emotional than others, maybe it was taking you longer to let go. To forget…to forget. But that was okay. Things take time. Sometimes you have bad days. It’s okay. It’s okay. “It’s okay,” Tenya echoed, voice soft, and sure as he slid in next to you in bed- you hadn’t even heard him come in. Glasses set on the bedside table, and house slippers next to the bed, Tenya, with a heavy heart, slid an arm around you, bringing you as close to his chest as humanly possible, as you cried. Harder now that he was here. Seeing you this way. Speaking as though he knew. Did he know? …of course he did. What didn’t Iida know? “I-I’m s-s-sorry,” you hiccuped, turning into his chest, hands fisted in the crisp, unwrinkled material, making it quite the opposite as you cried into your boyfriend's chest. Tenya closed his eyes to stave off his own tears, as he racked his brain for anything, ANYTHING to say. He always had something to say. Always knew what to do. Had all the answers. So why wouldn’t they come to him now? “It’s okay,” he repeated, voice cracking, now unsure as he wrapped you in his arms and squeezed.
And there you lay together, well into the night, as you worked through your feelings. Shushed assurances from Tenya, and your quiet, hiccuping sobs are the only thing filling the space. Until finally, you’d cried yourself out. Breathing heavily, mouth open against Tenya’s chest, as one of his large, warm hands rubbed circles in your back. His warm breath flush across your neck where he’d nuzzled his face into: tentative, hesitant kisses ghosting the column of your neck as you calmed down. “I…I read, quite a lot. As you know,” Tenya started slow, almost too quiet, waiting to see if you’d stop him. If you needed more silence. But you nodded, urging him to continue silently. “Sometimes I read…wonderful books. Books with knowledge, and wisdom. Books that stay with me, teach me new things. Incredible books. And while I do believe all literature is to be respected…sometimes I read bad books too. And sometimes, I read books that are simply…books. Neither good, nor bad. Sometimes I’ll remember those unremarkable ones, once in a blue moon. Because that’s how the brain works. In funny ways sometimes…” Iida paused, face a deep red as he tried to figure out where he was going. What he was trying to say… “Think…think of him. As a chapter, in the book, that is your life,” he began again, even slower, as you held your breath. “Good. Bad. Remarkable, and unremarkable. Sometimes you forget you read it at all, and sometimes you suddenly remember the good parts. Or the bad parts. And you wonder how in the world it can still come up. Make you feel things. Good things, or bad things” “As humans, this is just something we do. Our brains are capable of incredible things, but even they get things wrong sometimes. Are flawed. Can hurt us in an attempt to help us.” “Think of it as a chapter of a book. It’s happened. Maybe it was wonderful, maybe it was terrible. But it’s there, on the pages.You can’t change it. But you can read some more, so much more. And eventually…all the good things you read, will outweigh the bad, or even the unremarkable things you’ve read previously. It’s…hard to see now, for example. Especially if it was your last chapter. How could you forget it so easily right now? But I promise…I promise you’ll feel better. And I’ll,” Tenya paused, choking up A bit, as he recalled all the good times you’d had together in just the last few weeks. Finally getting close..becoming more. “-I’ll be here to make sure those next chapters you read are more than remarkable. I’ll make sure they’re spectacular, y/n. I promise.” He kissed your forehead then, lips quivering as his own emotions overtook him, and you began to cry again. But for a whole new reason. Lifting your head up to press your lips to Tenya’s. Grip tight on his shirt as you kissed him hard. Trying to convey just how much you loved him with one little action. Things were gonna be okay, you reminded yourself quietly, as the two of you were a mess of tears, and kissing. You were gonna be okay. 
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shinazugawaswife · 4 years
If You Love Him - Harry Styles
This is based on the song If You Love Her by Forest Blakk
This song breaks my heart every time I listen to it, and I just thought of this idea. It honestly made me so sad to write and I really got in my feels, so I’m sorry beforehand if it’s too sad, but I’m actually really proud of it so I hope you enjoy<3 (Olivia Wilde appears in this, and it’s in no way meant negatively towards her) 
Summary: you have a hard time living without Harry, and when you find out he’s seeing someone else it breaks your heart and you write a song to his new lover
Warnings: none, it’s just sad:’(
Not my gif, so creds to the owner
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You sat in front of the piano, fingers brushing the keys, just barely touching them. You've been crying all day it felt like, and now you just felt numb. You were absolutely drained of all your energy and you felt like you could fall asleep on the spot, but every time you tried closing your eyes, old memories flooded your brain a thousand miles per hour and prevented sleep from taking you with it.
You missed him, fuck you missed him so much. It was so hard just breathing without him and it felt like climbing a mountain just getting through one day without Harry beside you. You barely slept, just the thought of waking up and not seeing him in bed next to you, was enough to start a waterfall of tears streaming down your face. Every day you were in physical pain too, your stomach was in knots, your head was pounding from all the crying and your body had gotten so used to just laying in bed that your muscles had started hurting too from lack of use.
Every day was a hell to go through, but today had been the worst without a doubt. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling you'd felt when you’d checked Twitter that morning and saw rumors that Harry had found someone new. It had been all over the internet after a picture had been caught of him and someone else from the night before. Even though your brain had begged you to stop looking at the pictures and just turn off your phone, you'd spent the entire morning reading articles and fan theories. Eventually, it had hurt more than you could bear and you'd put down your phone and spent the rest of the day soaking your pillow from your unstoppable fountain of tears.
Now it was some time in the middle of the night, maybe around 3 a.m? You honestly didn't know. You hadn't touched your phone since you'd tossed it away earlier and you hadn't moved from your bed until an hour ago when you'd made your way to the piano in your living room.
One time what felt like an eternity ago, Harry had found you absolutely devasted after you thought a heavy argument with one of your close friends had led to the end of your friendship, and he'd told you: "some times emotions are easier to feel if you express them through music" and he'd made you sit down on the same piano bench you were sitting on now, listening while you wrote a song about every emotion that you'd felt. You remembered how he'd been right, that the feelings had actually been more bearable after you'd sang the words. Maybe it would work that way this time too? Honestly, at this point, you were willing to try anything to minimize the painful aching in your chest.
You'd just been staring at the piano in front of you for the last hour though, no words coming to mind that could express exactly what you were feeling. You kept thinking of Harry with this new person: was he with her right now, lying next to her in bed? Were they cuddling? Did he pull her tight to his chest while his head rested atop of hers as he'd always done with you? Were they having deep pillow talks till far into the night, like the two of you used to? Did he touch her the way he'd touched you? Did her entire body ignite whenever he kissed her, as yours had always done?
You knew who she was, Olivia Wilde, the director of the movie Harry had worked so hard on the last couple of months. You remembered the day he'd come home, so excited that he'd gotten the role in the movie, and you'd been equally as excited for him and so fucking proud. Not once had you imagined that you'd be sitting here now, while Harry was starting a new relationship with her. Was she treating him right? You fucking hoped so. Even though you wanted to hate her with your entire being, you couldn't seem to be mad at her. Maybe she was giving him what you couldn't, maybe he was happier with her. God, he deserved to be so happy.
Suddenly a thought formed in your head and the fingers that had only been lightly touching the piano keys now pressed down to make the instrument play out a soft melody.
Take it If he gives you his heart Don't you break it
Your voice was weak as it escaped from your lips. You hadn't spoken to a lot of people the past couple of weeks, having barely used your voice and you couldn't even remember the last time you'd been singing. Losing Harry had made you shy away from your passion for music and writing, too many memories.
Let your arms be a place He feels safe in He's the best thing that you'll ever have
You kept going as the words formed in your head, directing the song to Harry's new lover. Even though it brought you so much pain to see Harry with someone else, you were willing to let him go if she was for him what he needed. All you wanted was for him to be happy and complete, you wanted him to have the world and you'd never been able to give him that.
Memories started appearing in your head like flashbacks behind your closed eyelids. Memories that you and Harry had shared, memories that made you smile slightly even though it shattered your heart to know that you would never share moments like them with him again. While being with Harry, you were the happiest you'd ever been and maybe you were never gonna feel that again, but it was okay as long as he was happy.
He always has trouble Falling asleep And he likes to cuddle While under the sheets
You'd spent many long nights next to Harry in bed, running your fingers through his hair and speaking softly to help him find sleep when it had been so hard for him. He'd always told you how there was no feeling that could compare to being curled up to you in bed, holding you so close to him that you could hear his heartbeat. The most peaceful moments you'd ever experienced with him were these intimate moments where you never wanted to move out of his embrace, praying that you could just stay in his arms forever.
Reality hit you now, that those moments were long gone, but you just wished with all your heart that she would hug him just the way he loved it and that she would be there for him during those sleepless nights he had when adrenaline wouldn't stop running through his body after working too much, or whenever a storm of thoughts in his head was keeping him awake.
He loves Pop songs And dancing, and bad trash TV
Harry's taste in music had always been something else. It was so wide, almost every genre of music was presented on his playlist, but you remembered you'd been surprised when you found all the cliche pop songs on there. You knew, of course, that Harry had spent five years in a boyband, singing pop songs, but to you, he just hadn't seemed like the type to listen to Ariana Grande and Katy Perry, but you'd been so wrong.
You couldn't count how many romcoms and shitty reality shows you'd watched with Harry during your time together. He'd always found them very enjoyable, and you would be lying if you didn't enjoy the times you'd been cuddled up to him on the couch while watching Love Island and discussing all the people you voted for and all the people you absolutely couldn't stand with each other.
He loves love notes and babies And likes giving gifts
A single tear escaped your eye and ran down your cheeks at the thought of all the love notes Harry had given you in the past. After you'd started dating, you'd worn his clothes so much, just because it smelled like him. His hoddies, shirts, sweatpants, jackets, you'd stolen it all from him, you're excuse being that it was more comfortable than your own clothes. Harry had never minded though, in fact, he'd always loved to see you walk into the kitchen in his shirt in the mornings or walk out of the house in a pair of his sweatpants paired with something like a white tank top.
At some point, he started putting little notes in the pockets of his hoddies or pants, knowing you'd put the items on the next day and find the sweet notes he hid. It was just small things like I love you or have a great day, love or excited to see you tonight, but they had always melted your heart, making you love him just that more.
Has a hard time accepting A good compliment
Harry had always showered you with compliments, every chance he got, always making you smile. You'd always made sure to tell Harry what an amazing person he was and how talented he was, how beautiful his music was and how absolutely gorgeous he looked, and every single time a sweet comment like that had left your mouth, Harry had blushed slightly while looking down at his feet. He would start making excuses, saying that it was nothing special every time you were amazed by a new song he'd written, and telling you he didn't know what you were talking about every time you'd told him how good he looked.
Knowing that he'd never been good at receiving compliments, you'd made sure to attack him with them all the time, and even though he never admitted it, you knew he thought about your words with a lot of consideration, eventually, you hoped, he started believing them.
You just wanted her to keep telling him those sweet things every day because he needed to hear them.
He loves his whole family And all of his friends
You thought of Harry's family and how he'd been so proud when he'd introduced you to them for the first time. He always put his family above everyone and though he didn't see them as much as he wanted to, he made sure that they never questioned how much they meant to him.
You'd admired the relationship he had with his family, especially his mother and sister, you could just tell how much he adored them. You'd never really had a home with that kind of love. You were an only child, so no siblings, and your mother had passed away while you were still young, leading your father into years of alcoholism and depression.
You'd never felt safe and loved until you met Harry, he was your family. That was probably the hardest part for you to let go of, the feeling of safety you'd had whenever you were wrapped in his arms or from simply being in the same room as him.
He was such a giving person, never asking for much. He had a lot of friends and they all adored him, how could they not? He had this ability to make you feel so special and he was such a good listener too, giving you all his attention whenever you told him something, not letting anything distract him.
So if you're the one he lets in Take it If he gives you his heart Don't you break it Let your arms be a place He feels safe in He's the best thing that you'll ever have He'll love you If you love him
You sang, and god, the words hurt. It felt like your chest was being pried open and your heart ripped out and shredded into pieces. You had to mov eon though, for your own good. You never wanted to forget Harry, he would always have a piece of you, but this grieve that you were feeling had to decrease, you could barely live a life when it hurt so bad.
If Olivia was the one for Harry, then so be it, if she made him happy you couldn't argue. Obviously you hadn't made him as happy as he'd made you, but you hadn't realized that until he'd walked out the door and it was too late. He had let go of you and now it was time for you to do the same, you just wanted, no needed her to treat him right.
On days when It feels like the whole World might cave in Stand side by side And you'll make it He's the best thing that you'll ever have He'll love you If you love him like that
You always thought that Harry and you could get through anything, and your relationship had been put to a lot of tests throughout your time together but never had you thought that one of these obstacles would actually get the better of you.
You remembered that day so clearly. The day your whole world fell apart slowly with every step Harry took towards your front door, and it all crashed down on you when he sat down in his car and drove away without even one last glance in your direction. You hadn't talked to him after that, but still, he remained the single thing on your mind 24/7. It hurt you how quickly he had moved on, but you couldn't be mad because you felt at blame for your relationship ending in the first place.
Harry had always said that as long as you stood together, then absolutely nothing could come in the way of you two, and the only time you hadn't been side by side, that's when you fell apart. You'd always appreciated him so much, sometimes you'd thought it was impossible to care so much for another human as you cared about Harry.
Your hands started shaking a bit and you could feel the tears slowly appearing in the corner of your eyes. You would never stop caring about Harry, he had such an impact on your life, what were you supposed to do without him? God, would this pain ever stop? As you started the second verse, the tears escaped your eyes and silently ran down your cheeks.
Kiss him with passion As much as you can
You missed kissing Harry. Just his touch had been such an essential part of your day and now that you didn't get to feel that, you needed it more than anything. When you thought of it, it was as if you could still feel his lips on yours, kissing you softly.
You'd kissed a number of guys before you met Harry and you'd thought all of them had been fairly good, but that was until you kissed Harry. You'd shared your first kiss one day while you'd been chilling at Harry's and he just couldn't stop himself as you'd stood in his kitchen and looked so beautiful. You knew Harry had experience, but you remember being completely taken aback by how comfortable the kiss was. It wasn't too wet, but not entirely without his tongue roaming your mouth either. He'd grabbed your waist while your arms snaked their way around his neck, and he'd tasted good after the smoothies he'd made for the two of you earlier that day. You hadn't been able to get enough and he had seemed to have the same problem because you'd barely taken your hands off each other for the rest of the night.
Harry was a very affectionate person and he’d loved holding you, kissing you, just touching you in general. It had made you feel so loved and now where that feeling had belonged in your chest, was just emptiness. You were certain no one could ever make you feel the way Harry had, he could make your entire body feel like it was on fire just by holding your hand.
Run your hands through his hair Whenever he's sad
It wasn't often Harry had been sad in front of you, let alone cried, but it had happened a couple of times, and many times he'd come home and you'd been able to see that something was wrong, but he would deny it. It wasn't because he’d been embarrassed to be sad in front of you, but he’d often pushed it away because he didn't want to burden you. You knew him well though and you could tell the second he would walk in the door, that something was wrong. If he didn't want to talk about it, mostly you'd just put a romcom on the television and pulled him into your arms while you'd cuddled on the sofa, gently running your fingers through his soft curls. You would do anything to brush your fingers through his hair right now...
And when he doesn't notice How amazing he is Tell him over and over
So he never forgets
On the outside, Harry had always made a great effort to appear confident and independent, but when you'd managed to get to know him behind that exterior, you'd discovered that he had a bunch of his own insecurities. He always questioned if his music was good enough, if his performances were good enough, if he was a good idol, if he deserved everything he had, if he was good enough.
Once you'd found out he felt this way a lot of the time, you'd always made sure to tell him how absolutely extraordinary you thought he was. You hoped that she would tell him too, help him build a better image of himself in his head.
You managed to get through the chorus again before your feelings became too overwhelming and you had to stop. Your fingers halted on the piano while your tears had become slightly more uncontrollable.
You couldn't help but think that you were pathetic for sitting here when Harry had clearly moved on with someone else. You'd realized how much your joy had depended on him, but you had to be able to live a life without him. How could you move on when Harry had completed you though?
It was cliche, but you felt like you were missing a part of you and without Harry, you would never be able to get it back. It was like he'd been too good for you, so he had been taken away from you. You had always known you didn't deserve him, but you'd tried your very hardest to be worthy of his love, but you weren't and now someone was making you pay for those years where you'd been granted his affection without actually deserving it.
What were you supposed to do? How the fuck were you supposed to live a life when your source of happiness had been taken away from you?
With tears still in your eyes and your body shaking, you removed yourself from the piano and went back to bed, hoping that maybe tomorrow would be the day he would come knocking at your door, because moving on from him clearly wasn’t an option...
A/n: I've got a bunch of requests that's been sitting in my inbox for so long and I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to them. A bunch of them are with JJ and I just haven't been in the mood to write for him lately, I've just kinda been diving deeper and deeper into my Harry obsession (when am I not), but I'll get around to them at some point. Again I'm really sorry, school is just really stressing me out too, so I haven't been writing much at all, please don't stop requesting though<3
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“Incorrect Quotes with Haikyuu Boys„
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10
Synopsis : Different Quotes From Brooklyn-Nine-Nine as Haikyuu Characters
Genre : Comedy
Pairing(s) : Atsumu x reader , Nishinoya x reader , Shirabu x reader , Oikawa x reader
Word Count : 1.03k
Warning(s) : She/her pronouns used , slight violence , suicide mentioned once , eating disorder undertones
Masterlist Link : Here
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*Inarizaki manager in this*
Ginjima : Dance with me, Tsum-tsum.
*Whatta Man by Salt ’N’ Pepa’s starts playing*
Atsumu : Ha! No, and a will never dance to that song.
[Name] : Way to go, Tsum-tsum, *Throws a bunch of colorful thumbtacks*.
Ginjima : Whoa!
Atsumu : Are those thumbtacks? What the hell, [Name]?
[Name] : I thought they’d make good confetti.
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*Nekoma manager in this*
[Name] : We’re supposed to die together— me in a big explosion, and you committing suicide at my funeral out of respect!
Lev : I know!
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*Karasuno manager in this*
[Name] : *Peacefully doing manager duties*.
Nishinoya : *Startling her*, Hands up, [Name].
[Name] : *Quickly put him in a headlock*.
Nishinoya : Hey— no, no, no— It’s Noya! Your boyfriend!
[Name] : Aww, boyfriend.
Nishinoya : *Still in a headlock*, Yeah. Can you release me now?
[Name] : Oh, right! Yeah!
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*Shiratorizawa manager in this*
[Name] : That is so cartoony, thumbs down.
Shirabu : What does that even mean?
[Name] : The human languages cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.
Shirabu : Oh, god.
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*Inarizaki manager in this*
Atsumu : Look, let’s just agree to say “I’m sorry.” on the count of three. One, two, three.
[Name] : *Unimpressed silence*, ...
Atsumu : See? Now, I’m just disappointed in both of us.
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*Shiratorizawa manager in this*
Shirabu : Coach asked us to stay after school for extra practice. I had plans tonight!
Reon : It’s okay, you can reschedule your plans.
[Name] : Mhmm, or you could just lie to coach. That’s my policy for everything and it always works.
Shirabu : I’m not gonna lie. I’ll just tell the coach that I have important plans, and he’ll understand.
[Name] : Mm-kay! But, if you do lie! You can’t go wrong with dental emergency. Or death of a triplet. Now that one you can use twice! Haha, smart!
*Later that morning*
Shirabu : My apologies, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to be at practice today.
Coach Washijou : Why is that?
Shirabu : ... Dental emergency. I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled.
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*Shiratorizawa manager in this*
*Semi, Shirabu, and manager try dieting together*
Part 1/4
Goshiki : *Accidentally bumping into manager and making her drop her food*. I’ll get that for you, [Name]-San! *Misplacing his feet and stepping on the food*, Oops!
[Name] : *Screech*.
Goshiki : Butter feet— sorry about that!
[Name] : Sorry? You bumbling son of a bitch! You just ruined my life! I hope you get hit by a truck and a dog takes a dump on your face!
Semi : Nothing to see here— just a little hypoglycemic rage. Move along!
[Name] : I’m so sorry, Goshiki! That’s not me, I’m never like this!
Goshiki : It’s okay! It was my fault, I shouldn’t have bumped your cashew.
[Name] : Cashew? It was almond, you idiot!
Semi : Shirabu, get your girlfriend.
*Shirabu stepping in and dragging her out*
[Name] : I hope you drown in a tub! I hope you have aneurysm after aneurysm after aneurysm!
Part 2/4
Semi : Where is she?
Shirabu : She went outside like, 20 minutes ago.
*Both of them leave the school gym and follow a trail of burger wrappers they see on the ground*
Semi : [Name], where are you? It’s cantaloupe time!
[Name] : *Chewing two burgers at a time*.
Semi : [Name]! Stop! It’s not too late.
[Name] : I failed, Semi-San! This is my second burger!
Shirabu : ...
[Name] : Okay, I lied! This is my fifth!
Semi : You both betrayed me!
Part 3/4
[Name] : Please eat, Semi-San. You look weak.
Semi : I’m fine! I’m stronger than ever! Watch this, *Heads to a car and desperately attempts to lift it*.
Shirabu : Semi-San, what are you doing?
[Name] : No, no, no, no, no... No!
Semi : See? I’m fine! *Stomach gurgling sounds*.
Shirabu : What is happening?
Semi : Just a tummy gurgle, diet messed up my system... Oh no... *Farting sounds*, Go back inside! *Groaning*.
[Name] : Are you talking to us, or the fart?
Part 4/4
*Semi sulking whilst sitting on the bench*
[Name] : *Milkshake in hand*, Why the long fart? Oh, I meant ‘face’. Why the long face?
Semi : Keep walking, [Surname].
[Name] : Okay, but this is really good, *Shaking milkshake*.
Shirabu : *Nodding whilst eating his chips*.
[Name] : Listen. Shh. Shh. Listen. *Loud slurping sounds*.
Semi : That’s it! I give up!
Shirabu : Why do you care so much about this diet? You’re in perfect shape.
[Name] : Mhmm, amen!~
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*Aoba Johsai manager in this*
Part 1/4
Coach Irihata : The good news is, if you go and apologize right now, he’ll let the whole thing go.
[Name] : Fine, I’m great at apologizing. I’m a very sweet person. *Walks out the room and pushes Kindaichi out of the way*.
Kindaichi : Ohh!
[Name] : Out of my way, dork.
Part 2/4
Coach Irihata : How is your apology to Oikawa going?
[Name] : I’ve been working on a letter to send to him
Coach Irihata : Yes... I saw a draft of it on the bench.
[Name] : What did you think?
Coach Irihata : It was so horrifying, I had to destroy the whole pad.
Part 3/4
[Name] : Oikawa, I came here to say I’m sorry.
Oikawa : Oh, good! Go ahead.
[Name] : No, that was it. I did it, I said “I’m sorry.” Hey I said it again. Now I got one in the bank, so I can do whatever I want to you.
Oikawa : What are you even sorry for?
[Name] : Come on, man. I said the words. I paused afterwards. I even averted my gaze to make you feel like the alpha.
Oikawa : Yeah, but you didn’t mean it! I’d like you to apologize like you mean it.
[Name] : Fine. I’m sorry you screwed up my entire day. I’m sorry you’re a terrible volleyball player. I’m sorry for your goat face, rodent brain, and your weird goose body. I meant all of that.
Part 4/4
[Name] : Hey, Oikawa. I’m sorry for making fun of you in front of everybody... And also for making fun of you behind your back.
Oikawa : Didn’t know you did that, but thank you for the apology, [Name]-Chan!
[Name] : I’m not done. Also, sorry for making fun of you during my book club. Those people don’t even know you. That was uncool.
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Author’s Note : I think it’s very obvious that I was in a mood to write for Shirabu JANDKDJXEN, I just love him Sm and he’s so underrated— OH AND THANK YOU FOR 20 FOLLOWERS, THIS MEANS SMEJDENDN ILYYY
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