#tohoku sisters
myoncore · 5 months
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tohoku sisters themed blinkies i made!
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vocalsynthsource · 1 year
Concert Livestream: VVV Music Live
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Date: June 25, 2023 | Ticket Price: 7000 yen
With 31 vocal synth performers, VVV Music Live is advertised as the world's largest speech synthesis character festival. This two part virtual concert will be streamed at 13:00 and 16:30 on Sunday, June 25, 2023. The stream will stay up until 23:59 on Sunday, July 9, 2023 for those with tickets to watch/rewatch.
Tohoku Itako, Kiritan, and Zunko, Zundamon, Kotonoha Akane and Aoi, Iori Yuzuru, Kurita Maron, Jashin-chan, Haruno Sora, Tsurumaki Maki, ONE, IA, Kasukabe Tsumugi, Kamui Gakupo, Otomachi Una, Gumi, Sato Sasara, Suzuki Tsudumi, Kyomachi Seika, Tsuina-chan, Hasuki Nemu, Namine Ritsu, Hanakuma Chifuyu, Koharu Rikka, Natsuki Karin, Flower, Kizuna Akari, Yuzuki Yukari, WhiteCUL, and ROSA. This will also be the debut of Sora's new SynthV voicebank.
Website | Tickets
Tickets are available until July 9, 2023, 13:00.
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natsoumi · 2 years
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thescreaminghat · 8 months
so i watched suzume. . .
And it was good—the animators, vas, musicians, and other talented people who worked on this film deserve so much praise for their work.
On the other hand (and this is a purely personal exercise that isn't meant to detract from Makoto Shinkai's vision for the piece), I think the overall theme of the film might have been better served if the story centered on the ups and downs of Suzume's relationship with her aunt Tamaki, rather than Souta.
Suzume is very much a story about grief—set against the tragedy of the 2011 tohoku earthquake, Suzume's personal struggle with the loss of her mother is arguably our entryway into understanding how this tragedy continues to shape the relationship between Japan’s very geography, its history, and its people.  
I believe that central to this narrative focus is Suzume’s complicated relationship with Tamaki, her mother’s sister, who raised Suzume for much of her life after the loss of Suzume's mother. For me, one of the most important moments of Suzume and Tamaki’s relationship is shown at the climax of their disagreements with each other. After being Suzume's sudden departure from their small town (partially out of that rebellious teenage desire to not be "suffocated" by Tamaki's presence; we'll get to Souta’s role in this later) and Tamaki's understandable worry about Suzume's wellbeing (which leads her to embark on a wild goose chase after Suzume, though we’re not shown much of Tamaki’s personal journey), Tamaki yells at Suzume while the two are at a rest stop with Souta’s friend Serizawa. Tamaki bitterly states that raising Suzume after her sister's death had been a suffocating burden on her as well, as she couldn't find love and live the life that she had wanted because of her responsibility. This leads Suzume to shrink back in disbelief, as she recalls a pivotal memory where, after wandering in a snowstorm in search of her mother (and encountering the Ever After), she is found by Tamaki, who cries and affirms that Suzume will always be her daughter. It's a heartbreaking scene. We can empathize with both characters—Suzume is closer in age to most viewers, and we know that she doesn’t really hate her aunt’s presence, as the stress of her chase after Daijin and Souta’s temporary “demise” has whittled away at her emotions. Similarly, we can imagine that Tamaki herself likely hasn't overcome her grief at losing her sister, and that her outburst wasn’t truly genuine—she does love Suzume, but she wants her adoptive daughter to understand the sacrifices she had made, because she had no one else to confide in or rely on. We anticipate that this is the emotional crux of the movie, showing the relationship of a surrogate mother to a child who has gone through deep, unresolved trauma, now burdened with the consequences arising from the "imbalances" of the spirit world, itself a metaphor for the turbulence of living and of losing.
. . .and then the movie doesn't do anything with this scene. It's suddenly cut short with the random appearance of the keystone Sadaijin, and any lingering tension from that scene is resolved offscreen, with Tamaki and Suzume regaining each other's trust in the next scene. It feels unearned and deeply unsatisfying, especially when the emotional core of the film then gets transplanted onto Suzume's emotional relationship with Souta, a college-aged man whom she has known for less than a week (Suzume, by the way, is in high school, and even if they don’t “get together” in the movie, it makes me a bit uncomfortable seeing someone who is implied to be in their twenties being the implied romantic interest for a seventeen-year-old).
So, I thought, what if the movie kept its cast of characters, and the general sequence of events, but instead of Souta being the one cursed by Daijin to be the keystone (an act that initiates the film's events), it was Tamaki? This is going to be broken up into a few reblogs since it's too long for one post, but here's how I would structure it. (Part 1 of 2, and with a lot of my own hc interactions)
The beginning of the film can stay the same, including Souta's appearance. however, the driving force for Suzume to go to the isolated spot where the first door is located is an argument with Tamaki, rather than her implied curiosity regarding Souta. Perhaps, in this fight, we see bits of Tamaki's personality that may come across as "suffocating" to a teenager, even if she meant well.
Suzume, bothered by Tamaki's presence and the dream that she had of wandering through the Ever After, goes to this isolated spot to get away from everything, which is where she encounters the door and Daijin. Perhaps she's sulking a bit, and makes some sarcastic remark about someone like Souta being able to travel (something that would show her interest in leaving the small town she currently lives in). She then opens the door, Daijin escapes, and she goes about her day as in the film, until the worm appears above the skyline.
She then runs back to the door, where she encounters Souta again. They close the door, and Souta explains what he does and what the door represents. She brings Souta back to their house for medical treatment (except without any of the weird romantic tension between them), and they begin talking about Suzume’s life (perhaps about her room, the chair, and her dreams, as Suzume imagines the kinds of dangers—and thrills—that come with Souta’s position as a Closer).
This is where Tamaki comes back into the story. Tamaki, returning early to check on Suzume and encountering Suzume and Souta together, thinks the worst and begins to berate Suzume. They get into another argument, with Souta trying to calm the two down. Suzume, already stressed from the day's events, wishes that she can be "free" of Tamaki.
This is when Daijin appears on the windowsill, shit-eating grin and all, and says something along the lines of "Ok, Suzume. I can do that—because you're just like me." And then Tamaki is suddenly turned into a chair.
The same chaos ensues, with Tamaki, Souta, and Suzume chasing after Daijin until they get on the ferry. This is where Souta can give some more exposition, saying that he's never encountered this before, while encouraging Tamaki and Suzume to try and come together as he figures the whole thing out. Perhaps this is also the time where we get more information about Souta's personal life (in this version, it is information about his desire to become a teacher, as well as info about his relationship with his own mother, who was killed during a dangerous mission she took on as a Closer.)
The trio continue chasing after Daijin, with the group splitting up by necessity (thus allowing Tamaki and Suzume to have more screentime together). Specifically, Souta finds out that another door is opening off the path of travel they are taking after Daijin, and he instructs Tamaki and Suzume to continue their journey while he takes care of the other door. Before he leaves, he gives Suzume another key he keeps in his possession, which he reveals belonged to his mother.
Suzume and Tamaki continue onwards and meet Chika, the girl on the motorcycle. Suzume and Tamaki then cooperate in closing the door opened by Daijin. In this version, I think it would be interesting if Daijin is actually actively opening doors, not simply leading the pair to doors that are about to open. This serves as a huge bonding moment for Suzume and Tamaki, as they previously couldn’t go a day without arguing over the best way to do things.
Suzume and Tamaki stay at Chika's place (and have the downtime with Chika that is shown in the movie), except Suzume's dialogue with Tamaki consists of her confessing that she is jealous of Chika's independence and the bustling atmosphere at Chika's home. Tamaki is initially angered by this, but gradually calms down in her “chair corner” as she sees Suzume and Chika having fun, perhaps even reminding Tamaki of her own childhood with her sister.
When Tamaki falls asleep, she sees visions of her sister, which both frightens and immobilizes her (i.e. literally her survivor’s guilt “anchoring” her in place). This is meant to replace how Souta gradually descends into his “death” when he sleeps.
Suzume and Tamaki head off and are picked up by Rumi, the mother who works at the hostess bar. Initially, Tamaki whispers to Suzume that she doesn’t want Suzume hitchhiking with a stranger, but Suzume tells her that sometimes they need to rely on others to get by. The same comedy shenanigans with Rumi’s children can be kept in—I think it’s more fitting that Tamaki plays the role of the “toy chair that can speak” in order to keep the children entertained, because she probably, after all, raised Suzume on similar silly stories.
Suzume and Tamaki run to the abandoned fairgrounds to close the other door when the worm appears. I think this scene becomes more impactful when Tamaki is the chair and not Souta, as her decision to save Suzume from falling from the Ferris wheel and letting Daijin go would highlight her parental worry for Suzume, though perhaps this isn’t fully realized by Suzume in the midst of her adrenaline rush. Suzume, however, does look upon the fairground as a place that she wants to go to with Tamaki, when all of this is over, though she keeps this to herself.
Suzume, watching Rumi work her shift as a hostess, comes to appreciate the struggles of being a mother more. Similarly, Tamaki wants to connect with Rumi as a peer, but is limited by her chair form. Seeing Suzume bond with Rumi makes Tamaki want to be there for Suzume, as she sees Suzume slowly maturing into her own person. However, neither Suzume nor Tamaki feel ready to fully open up about these nuanced feelings, as they fall instead into a comical back-and-forth when they’re alone.
Suzume and Tamaki manage to get to Tokyo, where they meet up with Souta. He tells them that he’s been doing whatever research he can to try and figure out how to break Tamaki’s curse. This is where he can explain the keystone lore to Suzume and Tamaki.
The giant worm starts appearing over the city. Tamaki insists that Suzume get out of Tokyo. Souta agrees, and tells Suzume and Tamaki to leave, stating that he can handle the worm himself. Suzume refuses, stating that she’s not going to let anyone else die—the “else” implying that she too still feels survivor’s guilt over her mother’s death.
Despite Souta’s attempts at reasoning with her, Suzume is adamant on staying—Daijin appears and mocks her, telling her that she only knows how to let her aunt dictate how she lives. Suzume rushes ahead without Souta and Tamaki. Tamaki and Souta chase after Suzume, with Tamaki yelling at Suzume again, calling her “rash”, "always making her worry and chase after her," and “thinking and behaving like a child”.
Perhaps Suzume covers her ears, as Tamaki’s words begin to blend into Daijin’s laughter as he scrambles towards the worm. Perhaps Suzume screams out loud, screaming that she felt as though Tamaki had never believed in her, that even when an entire city is threatened, Tamaki cares only about herself, and knows only how to chastise and suffocate Suzume. This shocks Tamaki, but before she can respond, the trio are shot up to the worm’s back, and Souta attempts to seal the worm. However, Daijin interferes and Souta is injured. Suzume then tries to grab Daijin, only for Daijin to purr contentedly and state that he understands what Suzume is feeling—that is why Tamaki will now be the keystone, and both of them can be free.
Suzume turns to Tamaki, only to find that she is unresponsive. Ice is forming around her, as Suzume’s words echo over and over in her mind. Perhaps Tamaki then screams in grief as she sinks deeper into her regret and memories of her sister—that is when we get her screams about how much she had sacrificed for Suzume, and how much happiness Suzume took from her (basically what she said during the rest stop confrontation).
(pt 1 end)
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fzkr-sndr049 · 4 months
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Vocalsynth HC post:
my 2nd HC of isotopes are applied to this (yeah rime in my 2nd hc is a male isotope and coko is a transfem, isotopes aren't blood-related, but they lived together)
chis-a, flower, and rime are childhood friends fr
Flower and chis-a have a mutual relationship, rime on the other hand, had a crush on zunko ever since (shtt i have a... fanart of these two)
In fact I hc-ed coko and rime as male isotopes (but coko becoming trans later on), that's still never change my rimecoko ship
half-beast vocalsynths seemed to hate each other, and the reason coko despises the tohoku sisters cuz of itako's presence (a fellow half-beast)
coko has her eyes only on rime, rime is said to be bisexual (?)
Imma make a 20 HCs with sketch each for rime and coko after the end of the month 😤����🥲
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A 24-minute anime movie called Zunda Horizon was released in 2017, starring Tohoku Zunko, her sisters Kiritan and Itako (known primarily for their VOICEROID and UTAU voicebanks), and other supporting characters in their lore. The anime was produced by Studio Live and WAO World.
The staff enjoyed the anime enough to fundraise for sequel projects such as a full series, though nothing new has been publicly released at this time.
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(source: Vocaloid Wiki, Anime News Network)
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So I have an Azula centric oneshot idea which is very weird and absurd, even awful but i want to share with you guys for learning what you think about it. İt's a plot i choose for the Azula Drabbles and Oneshots collection but if you're interested you can s use it.(which everybody gonna hate this plot I'm sure since it's really awkward)
So I'm thinking of a game specialized for firebenders but azula would change that rule to no bending. İ haven't decided all the rules since i hate all the ideas came up to my mind but I'm still working on it and trying to not doing it very childish or mature. Like a game for 13+ audience. İt's a team game and all the teams consist of two players. Teams would be Azula-Zuko, Katara-Aang and Sokka-Toph
Gaang tried to fight against Azula but she won because she was waiting for them and used some traps to catch them. İt's a bending special traps, for example katara can't use water because Azula blocked her bending ability with an wolfbat poison she added Katara's bending water while fighting with her. Which makes Katara's aura unbalanced and she can't can't use her bending until using an antidote, she don't have to use antidote but that way she can't bend water 72-80 hours. But of course they don't know this because it's a fact Azula learned from a royal poison expert(ozai requested it and he even let the expert use non-lethal poisons on her for immunity) and it's not a common fact. Like it's actually normal to not know it. And Azula refuse to give them antidote if one of them leaves.
Azula threatened the gaang while she fight with them, she said Tohoku-one of the Earth Kingdom citys i made up- is under an invasion and it started now. She acts like they're the reason of this occupation and wouldn't let them go until she take what she wants.
The deal is if Azula wins, she gains a trip to the sprit world which she has some future plans for it, but if gaang wins, she will say stop to Tohoku occupation. So with this antidote thing and stopping occupation things make deal seem more acceptable.
Either way Azula wins or lose, she will gain something that can be useful for her future plans. Even if she not wins something because she lost the deal, at least she had chance to using and improving her poison making skill which she's not using since a little kid.
İt's not actually in a season but i guess i can use early episodes of season 3, Mai and Ty Lee won't be around since Azula wanted it to be a sister-brother bonding activity and she needs them for taking information about one of her future plans. So Mai and Ty Lee is in city and they try to reach secret archive.(it includes all fire lord's yearly summary's and Azula thinks she can use it to finishing this war) She don't want to spend time with searching some secret archive that doesn't know is it real or not and she also wants to spend time with his brother. She really cares about him but she can't admit it.
Zuko will be a part of Azula's team, not gaang. Azula actually cares about him because he defended her against Ozai after coming back and Azula start to think maybe Zu-Zu is not so bad as she thought. And she won't admit but she miss teasing with Zuko like the time when they're kids. And of course she also thinks he would be an important ally because enemy Zuko really annoys him. Also she has a little regret for not helping him while banishing thing. She is not a heartless monster and she knows it's her mom's fault, not his. And burning his face in all their people is even crossed Azula's line.
And of course Zuko don't know her plans, he just think she's trying to catch the Avatar but surely he suspect Azula's planning something. Just Azula is so good at covering her secrets.
İt's supposed to be an easy with little plot oneshot but it turned into some short story.
İ hope i can explain it what I'm thinking about and thanks for all of your ideas! İ normally don't ask too many questions about plot because I'm always think it's more easy and fun to write what you think at moment. But since I'm trying to be a better writer, i started planning and editing stuff.
Please if you have any questions about this oneshot's AU ask it and I'll answer all of it. I'm having a really important exam on 17-18 June-i'm preparing this exam since last year- and i may not be able to write a lot, it's been 4.100 words but it's waits for writing. İf any of you guys have any ideas to improve this plot or fixing plot holes, please let me know.
Also if anyone's interested with writing this weird thing then i would love to read it!
This is the part where i stopped writing.
"I really just want to talk. And I'm here with only good intentions. The best option you have is listening to me."
Azula slightly waves her hand in the air, then she speaks one last time.
"Or I'll make sure they know this situation happens because of the Avatar. İt's all your choice."
The waterbender pauses for a while to consider her options, knowing if she doesn't make a quick decision, the entire team will be captured because of her. Without the bending and weakened by the poison, she'll only becomes a burden to her team. She sighs deeply before speaking in an exasperated tone, it must make her feel helpless to think about the possibility of not being able to waterbend again.
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vocalsynthbdays · 1 year
happy birthday itako tohoku(utau) !!!!!! [jun 24]
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tohoku itako is a japanese synth who was first released in 2015. she was released for utau first, then: voiceroid 2 on 8 nov 2018, neutrino on 18 sep 2020, cevio ai on 27 jan 2022, and seiren voice on 29 nov 2022 (seiren voice is a voice conversion software, so it allows ones voice to be morphed into that of a character). shes voiced by Ibuki Kido, and illustrated by Edomura Niniko. she is owned by SSS LLC.. itako is 19yo. she graduated at the top of her class from Itako Technical School. she is tohoku kiritan's and tohoku zunko's older sister. she is possessed by a nine-tailed fox (aka a "kitsune" i think) and wishes to restore its power. she keeps a little cat ghost friend inside her body.
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I saw a few people saying they didn't recognize a lot of the vvv music characters and I think the reason is it's a very, very talkbank-heavy show!
A few characters are definitely new, but one reason why you might not recognize a large portion of them is that in the lineup, eight of them started out as talkbanks, seven only have a talkbank, and there's only one single character that doesn't have one.
If anyone's curious about who all these characters (talkbank or otherwise) are and how they may relate to characters you do know, I've made *unrolls paper* the promotional image into an extremely detailed infographic. The biggest icon is the engine they started out on, and the smaller ones are where they got banks after that.
Below the cut I break down the lineup, starting with Vocaloids and Vocaloid-related characters (+ UTAUS), then the singing characters from other engines (like SynthV), then the talkbank-only characters, telling you a bit about all of them.
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[ID: The VVV Music Live promotional graphic—an image with all of the performing characters in boxes—with text and icons over it detailing who the characters are and which engines they’re on, turning it into an infographic.
A guide to the engines at the top reads as follows: A. Singing: 1. Vocaloid, 2. UTAU, 3. CeVIO + Voisona (branched out into talkbanks too), 4. SynthV. B. Talking: 1. Voiceroid. A few V3-V4 Vocaloids were given talkbanks on Voiceroid (Una), some lining up with their release (Yukari, Sora). You can hear Yukari talking in some older Vocaloid songs for this reason. Some Voiceroids went on to get singing banks on Vocaloid (Zunko, Akari), and some eventually got singing banks on SynthV (Maki, the Kotonohas, Tsuina-chan). 2. A.I.VOICE. You may have recently seen Gumi and Zola Project get A.I.VOICE talkbanks. 3. Made Vocaloid Zunko’s pet human, gave SynthV Genbu and his friends talkbanks, introduced WhiteCUL. 4. VOICEPEAK. Various banks. C. Singing again: 1. NEUTRINO: Zunko’s sister, UTAU Kiritan, was their first bank. 2. CoeAvatar. See post. D. Morph: 1. Voidol, 2. Seiren Voice. Additional text reads “talk engines made specifically for one/a few vocal synths (like Gynoid Talk) are excluded.”
The characters are as follows: 1. Tohoku Itako. Started on UTAU. Also on Voiceroid, NEUTRINO, CeVIO, and Seiren Voice. Has a talkbank. 2. Zundamon. Pet form started on UTAU. Human form started on VOICEVOX. Also on NEUTRINO, Seiren Voice, and VOICEPEAK. Has a talkbank. 3. Tohoku Kiritan. Started on UTAU. Also on Voiceroid, NEUTRINO, and CeVIO. Has a talkbank. 4. Tohoku Zunko. Started on Voiceroid. Also on Vocaloid 3 and 4, Voidol, NEUTRINO, CeVIO, and VOICEPEAK. Started as a talkbank. Itako and Kiritan are Zunko’s sisters, and Zundamon is her pet. 5/6. Kotonoha Akane and Aoi. Started on Voiceroid. Also on SynthV, A.I.VOICE, Voidol, NEUTRINO, and Seiren Voice. Started as talkbanks. Akane and Aoi are sisters. 7. Iori Yuzuru. Started on Voiceroid. Also on A.I.VOICE and Seiren Voice. Currently talkbank only. 8. Kurita Maron. Only on A.I.VOICE. Currently talkbank only. 9. Jashin-chan. From the series Dropkick on My Devil! On VOICEPEAK. Currently talkbank only. 10. Haruno Sora. Started on Vocaloid 5 and Voiceroid. Also on SynthV. Has a talkbank. 11. Tsurumaki Maki. Started on Voiceroid. Also on SynthV and CeVIO. Started as a talkbank. 12. ONE. Only on CeVIO. Has a talkbank. 13. IA. Started on Vocaloid 3. Also on CeVIO. Has a talkbank. IA and ONE are sisters. 14. Kasukabe Tsumugi. Only on VOICEVOX. Cousion of Vtuber Kasukabe Tsukushi. Talkbank only. 15. Kamui Gakupo. Started on Vocaloid 2. Also on Vocaloid 3 and 4. No talkbank. 16. Otomachi Una. Started on Vocaloid 4. Also on Vocaloid 6, Voiceroid, and Voidol. Has a talkbank. 17. Gumi. Started on Vocaloid 2. Also on Vocaloid 3, 4, and 6, Voidol, and A.I.VOICE. Gakupo, Una, and Gumi are Internet Co. Vocaloids. 18. Sato Sasara. Started on CeVIO. Also on Voisona. Has a talkbank. 19. Suzuki Tsudumi. Only on CeVIO. Started as a talkbank. Sasara and Tsudumi are friends. 20. Kyomachi Seika. Started on Voiceroid. Also on SynthV. Started as a talkbank. 21. Tsuina-chan. Started on Voiceroid. Also on SynthV. Started as a talkbank. 22. Hasuki Nemu. Only on CoeAvatar. Talkbank only. 23. Namine Ritsu. Started on UTAU. Also on DeepVocal, VOICEVOX, ACE Studio, and various other talk programs. Has a talkbank. 24. Hanakuma Chifuyu. Only on SynthV and CeVIO. Has a talkbank. 25. Koharu Rikka. Only on SynthV and CeVIO. Has a talkbank. 26. Natsuki Karin. Only on SynthV and CeVIO. Has a talkbank. Chifuyu, Rikka, and Karin are friends. 27. Flower. Started on Vocaloid 3. Also on Vocaloid 4 and CeVIO. Has a talkbank. 28. Kizuna Akari. Started on Voiceroid. Also on Vocaloid 4, Voidol, CeVIO, A.I.VOICE, Seiren Voice, and Voisona. 29. Yuzuki Yukari. Started on Vocaloid 3 and Voiceroid. Also on Vocaloid 4, Voidol, CeVIO, A.I.VOICE, Seiren Voice, and Voisona. Akari and Yukari are Vocalomakets’ Vocaloids. Yukari is the moon and Akari is the stars. 30. WhiteCUL. Only on VOICEVOX. Talkbank only. 31. ROSA. Only on CeVIO. Talkbank only. WhiteCUL and ROSA are Vocaloid CUL’s sisters. End ID.]
On Voiceroid and CeVIO engines
You'll see that several synths here are from Voiceroid, which is a pretty old talkbank engine. If you're interested in Voiceroid characters like Yukari and Akari, Maki, Akane and Aoi, and others, producer GYARI was making iconic and comedic songs with them before they got songbanks, and I'd definitely recommend you check them out. A couple CeVIO related notes, several characters here have the CeVIO logo by them because they have CeVIO talkbanks, not necessarily singing banks, and Voisona is CeVIO's new engine. Onto the character explanations!
Vocaloids and Vocaloid-related characters / UTAUS
Vocaloid: Zunko. Originally created to promote disaster relief in the Tōhoku region, she's since gotten Voiceroid (talking) and Vocaloid (singing) banks, as well as a 24-minute animated movie. She has a Zunda mochi (green soybean rice cake) motif.
Itako and Kiritan are Zunko's sisters, introduced as UTAUs with newer voicebanks on Neutrino. Itako dreams of restoring her power of the nine-tailed fox, and Kiritan is a gamer.
Zundamon is Zunko's pet. They recently gave them a human form and a Neutrino voicebank, as well as multiple talkbanks.
Vocaloid: Sora. One of the only V5-introduced characters. Made a good impression by having a design where she looks like a pirate as well as a pretty, flowy one. Released with a Voiceroid talkbank.
Vocaloid: IA. Started out as a Vocaloid and was later released on multiple CeVIO engines. The CeVIO Vocaloid.
ONE (pronounced oh-neh, like how IA is ee-uh) is IA's sister. She's only on CeVIO engines.
Vocaloids: Gakupo, Gumi, Una. You probably know at least Gakupo and Gumi. Una, just because she's a little more recent, is a younger, eel-themed Vocaloid from the same company as the others (Internet Co.). She also got a Voiceroid bank.
Vocaloid: flower. Famous, androgynous. Got two Vocaloid banks before recently getting one on Cevio AI.
Vocaloid: Yukari. Moon rabbit theme and lots of voicebanks. A handful of famous songs, like There's Supposed to Be a Cheat Code for Happiness and Chururira・Chururira・Daddadda! Did some talking in a few older songs because she was a decently popular Vocaloid with a Voiceroid talkbank.
Akari is Vocalomakets's other Vocaloid, with a starlight theme. She also has a Voiceroid talkbank.
Vocaloid: CUL. She isn't part of the lineup, but she has sisters who are, so I'm covering her. Another Internet Co. Vocaloid, CUL started out as the mascot for the show VOCALO Revolution, which aired interviews with Vocaloid developers and producers, and showcased PVs. Videos featuring CUL used VY1's voice before she debuted as a Vocaloid herself.
ROSA and WhiteCUL are CUL's sisters. CUL was revealed to have several sisters, each named a variation of "CUL," except for ROSA. So far, only these two have designs and banks, and currently, they only have talkbanks, although ROSA is planned to get a SynthV voicebank.
You likely know Ritsu, a VIPPERloid UTAU, who went on to get voicebanks on DeepVocal and ACE Studio, as well as several talkbanks.
SynthV characters
Tsuina-chan is an ogre hunter. She started out on Voiceroid and eventually got a voicebank on SynthV.
Seika is the district mascot for Seika, Kyoto, Japan. She was a Voiceroid who later got a SynthV voicebank.
Rikka, Chifuyu, and Karin are three high school students in a music club. Rikka's character is up to interpretation, while Chifuyu plays drums, takes photos with an old camera, and dislikes sweetness, and Karin plays bass, likes archery and cute things, and dislikes matcha. All three have CeVIO talkbanks.
Akane and Aoi are twin Voiceroid talk vocals who went on to get SynthV voicebanks.
Maki is another Voiceroid vocal who got a SynthV bank. Like Kiyoteru, she also has a band comprised of characters that don't sing.
CeVIO singing characters
Sato and Tsudumi are friends who don't have a lot of interests in common. Sato started out with song and talk banks, whereas Tsudumi started out talk-only and got a songbank later on.
Talkbank only characters
Yuzuru is described as "kind and gentle, but rumored to be scary when angered," and "maybe not human." He started out on Voiceroid.
Maron's appearance is based chestnuts and autumn themes. He's currently only on A.I.VOICE.
Jashin-chan is from the series Dropkick on My Devil! She's currently only on VOICEPEAK.
Tsumugi is the cousin of Vtuber Kasukabe Tsukushi. She's only on VOICEVOX.
Nemu, and the engine her talkbank is on, CoeAvatar, have heavy NFT involvement.
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asknarashikari · 9 months
Kari-chan, what if Junya Komatsu voiced Komasan from Yo-kai Watch.
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(Komasan's human form left, and Komajiro's human form right)
Just in case you don't who Komasan is, Komasan is a friendy, peaceful, shy, yet curious komainu Yo-kai that likes discovering new things and was once a guardian at a shrine for centuries until it was demolished, leaving him wander into the city and get used to modern life. Komasan along with his family are all from the country and speak with Southern accents, which leads to him to add slang to his sentences, while he adds -zura suffix to his sentences in the Japanese version. When excited, frightened, or surprised, he usually says "Oh my swirls!" in the localizations or "Monge~!" in the Japanese version.
Here some clips of Komasan of what he sounds like, imagine it with Junya's voice over Komasan when you watch again. Also, he and Komajiro, the orange one, are both voiced by the same voice actress.
Komasan's theme
Now, let's talk about Komasan's family.
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Koma Kaachan is Komasan's mother and is a blob-like komainu Yo-kai. Also, she's the ony
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Komajiro is Komasan's younger brother and looks exactly like him. He's also DJ.
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Komami is Komasan's younger sister and looks like a younger Komainu. She's also an undercover agent for a Police Organization.
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Now, have you learned anything new about these characters and how much do you like them now after learning more about them, Kari-chan.
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Huh. I'm not sure why but this ask has inexplicably disappeared from my inbox (I remember it being sent days ago but only showed up now)
If Junya Komatsu suddenly decides to do voice acting, I'll watch it just because he's in it, especially if it's really accessible via streaming or download. Yes, I'm that much of a simp.
Honestly, when you mentioned the southern accent, it made me think that I really want to hear Junya talk in his native dialect. He's from Miyagi in Northern Japan, so he probably speaks Tohoku-ben outside of his work, especially to his family. It's not really a common dialect to hear in Japanese media so it would be interesting how he'd mix standard Japanese and Tohoku-ben.
(No, Revice doesn't count, literally the only Tohoku-ben he spoke during the entirety of show is "gaga", even with Hiromi also supposedly being from Miyagi like Junya is.)
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I Sorted the Age of Every Vocaloid for a Website that Doesn't Care
I just had to send a very long email to a website that had no idea what it was doing. It was trying to list the youngest Vocaloids, and not only did they use Kasane Teto (who is an UTAU and now SynthV), but they put in Megurine Luka, who's one of the oldest Vocaloids!
So, here's what I wrote:
Hi there, PLEASE do not put Kasane Teto on this list. Not only is she NOT a Vocaloid (she's an UTAU and now a SynthV), but she's super old compared to everyone else!
Here are all the available canon ages of every publicly available Vocaloid (Note: many of them do not have an age):
Hatsune Miku - 16 Kagamine Rin and Len - 14 Megurine Luka - 20 Gumi/Megpoid - "roughly in her teens" Sonika - 17 Kaai Yuki - 9 Hiyama Kiyoteru - 22 Big Al - 25 (This makes him the oldest Vocaloid.) SeeU - 17 Tone Rion - 16 Oliver - 12 CUL - 16 Yuzuki Yukari - 18 Aoki Lapis - 15 Luo Tianyi - 15 Mayu - 15 Maika - 19 Macne Nana - 14-15 Tohoku Zunko - 17 Rana - 0 (Yes, canonically 0. This makes her the youngest Vocaloid.) Xin Hua - 16 Yuezheng Ling - 16 Unity (Otori Kohaku & Akaza) - 17 Xingchen - 16 Otomachi Una - 11 Macne Petit (Macne Nana's younger sister) - 10 Uni - 18 Yuezheng Longya - 23 LUMi - 15 Kizuna Akari - 15 Zhiyu Moke - 14 Mo Qingxian - 17 Haruno Sora - 17 Meika Hime & Mikoto - 11-12
As you can see, the median age is 15-16 years old, and so is the mean age without outliers. So, with that in mind, here is that same list of Vocaloids sorted from youngest to oldest: Rana Kaai Yuki Macne Petit Otomachi Una Meika Hime & Mikoto Oliver Kagamine Rin & Len Zhiyu Moke Macne Nana Aoki Lapis Kizuna Akari LUMi Luo Tianyi Mayu CUL Hatsune Miku Tone Rion Xin Hua Xingchen Yuezheng Ling Haruno Sora Mo Qingxian SeeU Sonika Tohoku Zunko Unity (Otori Kohaku & Akaza) Uni Yuzuki Yukari Maika Megurine Luka Hiyama Kiyoteru Yuezheng Longya Big Al
I hope this helps! Please stop spreading misinformation and feel free to use this for your new article! Here's the link to where I got this information from: https://vocaloid.fandom.com/wiki/VOCALOIDs
Thank you very much and have a good rest of your day!
I did their fucking job for them. Took me an entire hour. I would like my minimum wage now, please.
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77ngiez-archive · 2 years
oooh what fukase hcs ??
ehe ! so i decided to write a fic abt how he met point (bcs i havent fleshed that out yet) and decided he saw point while weeding. he was trying to get it to drink something when his older sister fukisa came in and was like “Wuhat the Fahck” & then reccomened that fukase talk to tohoku itako who (as she said) is “really good at supernatural shit”
so he goes over to itako’s to get some answers abt point!! and point is just a little guy apparently, made a few centuries ago by some random immoral wizard. so now fukase and point are besties :)
my fukase hc is also a lot more chill than most characterizations… like i love “hAhA mEmelOrd” characters as much as the average joe but i thought it woild be funnier if oliver took that role. so i kinda switched their typical fanon personalities lol? fukase is just a sweet guy who rlly likes cats. hes vv autistic also :3
i usually dont think much abt him outside of the context of olikase or the meme squad so it was fun to think more abt him !!
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minothtime · 4 months
Was messing with her CeVIO and her V4 and she sounds so different.... that is NOT my beloved child but i love her anyways
Her CeVIO does ironically sound more natural than her V4 but also her V4 has the nicest voice and tone ever so idk man. zunko <3 i'm so glad ahs has the tohoku sisters so well pampered
I will say tho her CeVIO AI vb does have some weird issues with the [d] and [g] phonemes that drove me up a wall,,,, anyone knows what's up w that?
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jeronimovie · 2 years
2020年12月26,27日 宮城県民会館(東京エレクトロンホール宮城)
【DAY1 セットリスト】 1. 3000days 2. 天下一品 ~みちのく革命~ 3. TOHOKU FUNKY RAIL 4. 妄想方程式 5. おのぼりガール 6. Action! 7. Papa 8. 恋はじめ 9. HOME 10. 乾杯ニッポン 11. 気楽に行こうよ 12. ワンダフル東北 13. リライトガール 14. ハイテンションサマー! 15. いただきランチャー 16. feeling 
 【DAY2 セットリスト】 1. re;star 2. BUBBLE POPPIN 3. ウィンターのアゲアゲバッコーン! 4. No Make 5. 百花繚乱物語 6. シャニムニポジティボー 7. Love is here 8. トラベル 9. おぼろ花火 10. sister 11. Chim Chim Chim Knee 12.Trophy Girl 13. Let's シンガソング 14. 我ら 15. Whatever 16. Burnin' Heart 17. あなたは 18. 桜プロミス 19. 伊達サンバ
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peach-sea · 3 years
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New stickers are up! and I'm doing a 20% off sale on everything through December 1st
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jasohill · 5 years
Lonely Fall
Lonely Fall by Jase Hill
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