#toilet paper manufacturer
softlyglobal · 1 year
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ultracaredubai · 2 years
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At Ultracare, we provide tissue papers that are highly effective for hygiene purposes, to prevent germs from being passed around easily. The daily use of tissue paper contributes significantly to infection control and the promotion of good hand hygiene in the general population. Lowering hygiene risks is widely acknowledged as contributing to improved health.
Visit: https://myultracare.com/
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ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
They realllyyy want u to have either Onlyy One small, torn corner of a paper napkin.... Or ~ 50 Whole, Entire ones,... Huhh.... Big Napkin™. (Neverr sleepss.
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anmaypaper · 1 year
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How to buy toilet paper direct from manufacturer?
The accessibility and cost-effectiveness of everyday products have become paramount considerations for consumers in the modern world. One such essential item is toilet paper, utilized by billions of individuals worldwide. Opting to buy toilet paper directly from the manufacturer can yield significant advantages, including reduced costs, guaranteed product quality, and a positive impact on the environment. This essay delves into the benefits of purchasing factory toilet paper in bulk, outlines the process of procuring toilet paper directly from the manufacturer, and offers practical tips to ensure a seamless experience.
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The Advantages of Buying Toilet Paper Direct from the Manufacturer
a. Cost Savings: By bypassing intermediaries like distributors and retailers, purchasing toilet paper directly from the manufacturer allows consumers to save on costs. Bulk purchases, such as bulk toilet paper 96 rolls packages, enable manufacturers to offer more competitive pricing due to economies of scale, providing customers with a lower cost per roll.
b. Quality Assurance: Manufacturers strive to maintain their reputation and brand image. When dealing directly with them, consumers can expect higher quality products. Stringent quality control measures are often implemented, ensuring that the toilet paper maintains consistent softness, strength, and durability.If a company has registered on the B2B platform, its qualifications can also be checked through the platform. Platforms such as Alibaba and Made in China.
c. Environmental Impact: Directly buying toilet paper from the manufacturer contributes to a reduced environmental footprint. Eliminating multiple distribution channels lowers excessive packaging, transportation emissions, and overall waste. Additionally, some manufacturers adopt sustainable sourcing and production practices, making their products more environmentally friendly.
The Process of Buying Toilet Paper Direct from the Manufacturer
a. Research and Identify Manufacturers: Conduct thorough research to identify reputable toilet paper manufacturers. Utilize search engines and online directories, considering factors like reputation, product range, pricing, and shipping policies.
b. Contact the Manufacturer: Reach out to the manufacturer's sales or customer service department to inquire about their product offerings, pricing for bulk purchases, shipping options, and other relevant details.While negotiating the price, also request samples from the manufacturer to ensure that the quality is consistent with your expectations.
c. Negotiation and Pricing: Engage in negotiations to secure the best deal possible. Bulk purchases often allow for price adjustments or additional benefits such as free shipping or promotional offers.
d. Place the Order: After finalizing the details, place the order directly with the manufacturer. Ensure all terms and conditions are agreed upon and request written confirmation to avoid misunderstandings.
e. Payment and Delivery: Arrange payment according to the manufacturer's accepted methods. Upon processing the payment, the manufacturer will coordinate the delivery of the factory toilet paper. Track the shipment for timely arrival.
Practical Tips for a Successful Experience
a. Read Reviews and Testimonials: Prior to finalizing the purchase, read reviews and testimonials from other customers who have bought toilet paper from the same manufacturer. Gain insights into product quality and the overall buying experience.
b. Check for Certifications: Ensure the manufacturer adheres to industry standards and possesses relevant certifications for their products. Look for certifications related to quality, safety, and environmental practices. Such as ISO90001 and FSC certificates, and products test reports.
c. Plan Ahead: Buying toilet paper in bulk directly from the manufacturer may require significant storage space. Plan accordingly to accommodate the purchase and avoid inconvenience.If importing from foreign factories, it is necessary to prepare a safety inventory plan in advance. Because this may take a long time to prepare the goods.
Acquiring toilet paper direct from the manufacturer is a prudent choice, providing advantages in terms of cost savings, quality assurance, and environmental responsibility. Bulk purchases, like opting for bulk toilet paper 96 rolls packages, facilitate competitive pricing and long-term supply. Embracing this approach not only benefits consumers but also contributes to a sustainable and economically viable method of obtaining a household essential. As the trend grows, individuals collectively foster a positive impact on both their wallets and the planet.
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letspaperlink · 2 years
T-Tork Toilet Paper Rolls Manufacturer in UAE
Paper Link is one of the best in t-tork toilet paper rolls manufacturer in uae, Our t-tork toilet paper rolls are featured with elegant design. https://www.paperlink.ae/
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wangdagroup · 2 years
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Technical ParametersTechnical Parameter
Folding speedFolding speed
Base paper specification Specification of material
420mm 13~15gsm (3 layers)16~20gsm (2 layers)
Base paper diameterMax Dia. of material
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facts-i-just-made-up · 6 months
How do you build a atomic bomb?
All you need are a few household items, a little bit of patience, and a Class 1 Top Security clearance for the manufacture of biological, chemical or nuclear weapons under the Fermi laws of 1954 contingent to permission from the United Nations Security Council.
You're gonna need-
A box of matches
A blender
Some wire mesh (Like a window screen, for sifting)
Cake mix (Yellow sponge cake works best)
Ziplock bags
Ice cubes (The cold kind, not the rapper/actor)
A toilet paper tube
A Catholic Missal
An empty kitty litter bucket
First, you're gonna need two rare substances- Weapons grade uranium and "heavy" water. For the uranium, just take your yellow cake mix and sift it with the wire mesh. Whatever stays on top of the mesh- That's weapons grade. For the heavy water, take some ice cubes, which are heavier than water but still made of water, and put them in the blender. By breaking up the ice cubes and releasing the water, you keep the weight but make it a fluid. This is a process that scientists call "Putrefaction".
To build the weapon, pack some uranium into one end of the toilet paper tube and then cover that end with the Catholic Missal. This guarantees what we call a "Critical Mass" of uranium. Then take a smaller wad of uranium and pack it into the other end of the tube, leaving plenty of space between the two.
Tape the box of matches to that end of the tube. It will act as an explosive device to send the "bullet" of uranium into the critical mass, thus resulting in a nuclear fission explosion.
You now have a nuclear fission device! This device has a yield equal to about 10 thousand tons of T.N.T. But fission is for wimps, right? So let's turn that fission bomb, into a fusion bomb!
Tape your string to the matches to act as a fuse, and then put the nuclear warhead in a ziplock bag. Be sure to seal it tight! Now place that assembly into the kitty litter bucket. Make sure it's empty of kitty litter before the next step.
Fill the rest of the bucket with the heavy water you made in step one, and seal the top of the kitty litter bucket with the string still poking out. Once the fuse is lit, it will light the matches and detonate the nuclear fission bomb. This acts as a heat source to boil the heavy water, and when heavy water boils- Nuclear Fusion!
Congratulations, your bomb is now complete. Remember that it's illegal to carry or detonate a nuclear fusion warhead in public (except in Texas), and bear in mind this will be quite a bit stronger than your usual firecrackers. We recommend only setting off your nuclear device on official U.S. testing grounds, such as the desserts of New Mexico or islands in the Pacific only populated by tribes under no country's protection, because that's seriously what the U.S. did.
So play safe and have a good time,
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byler-alarmist · 7 months
Do people know most paper receipts are harmful to their health?
I'm going to get up on my soapbox for a minute, but do people realize how pretty much everyone is being overloaded with endocrine disruptors like BPA/BPS on a near-daily basis??
I don't think many people understand that ever since most of the world transitioned to thermal paper receipts (cheaper than ink), almost every receipt you handle from the gas station to the grocery store to the Square terminal printer at the local co-op is coated with Bisphenol-A (BPA) or its chemical cousin Bisphenol-S (BPS).
These chemicals have not only been proven to cause reproductive harm to human and animals, they've also been linked to obesity and attention disorders.
Not sure if your receipt is a thermal receipt? If you scratch it with a coin and it turns dark, it's thermal.
BPA/BPS can enter the skin to a depth such that it is no longer removable by washing hands. When taking hold of a receipt consisting of thermal printing paper for five seconds, roughly 1 μg BPA is transferred to the forefinger and the middle finger. If the skin is dry or greasy, it is about ten times more. 
Think of how many receipts you handle every day. It's even worse for cashiers and tellers, who may handle hundreds in a single shift. It is also a class issue, since many people who work retail and food service are lower-income and will suffer worse health consequences over time from the near-constant exposure.
Not only that, receipts printed with thermal ink are NOT recyclable, as they pollute the rest of the paper products with the chemicals.
People don't know this and recycle them anyway, so when you buy that "green" toilet paper that says "100% recycled"? Yup, you are probably wiping your most sensitive areas with those same chemicals (for this reason, I buy bamboo or sugarcane toilet paper as a sustainable alternative to recycled paper).
This page from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has some good links if you want to learn more.
As consumers, we need to demand better from our businesses and from our governments. We need regulation of these chemicals yesterday.
If you are a buyer or decision-maker for a business, the link above also contains a shortlist of receipt paper manufacturers that are phenol-free.
If you work at a register, ask customers if they want a receipt. If they don't and you can end the transaction without printing one, don't print one!
As a consumer, fold receipts with the ink on the inside, since that's where the coating is. Some more good tips here.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
I’m a plumber. My father was a plumber, his father was a plumber, maybe his father was a plumber. We don’t know for sure. Grandpa was eaten by a tiger working at the zoo that one fateful afternoon, but this story isn’t about that. Where I work is a little company called Fel-Pro.
Maybe you’ve heard of Fel-Pro. You probably use their products. They’re one of the pre-eminent gasket manufacturers of the 21st century. Wherever there’s two tubes in your car that have to have a nice tight seal against each other, chances are Fel-Pro sells something to replace that seal. Are they as good as factory? Experts employed by Fel-Pro mumble and change the subject. Here’s the important thing: they have money, and some of that money goes to feed my kids by way of me fixing their office plumbing once in awhile.
Now, it’s not all roses. My plumber and custodian buddies who work in other companies, they say that people mostly stay out of their way while they’re working. Maybe once in awhile, they’ll get a Super Dad who chats a bit about power tools, or asks some basic questions about their toilet at home, or doesn’t want to take responsibility for having left a cast-iron shit in the tank and then trying to cram it through the manifold using thirty pounds of toilet paper. The usual stuff, right?
At Fel-Pro, it’s different. These motherfuckers have opinions about plumbing, as you would expect from their careers. As soon as they hear even the smallest pinhole leak, the bathroom is filled wall-to-wall with engineers, trying to figure out if it’s a gasket interface issue. Once they realize it isn’t, they start discussing ways to make it a gasket issue.
Anything that leaks is caused by inferior gasketry, even if the pipe itself has split in the middle. They could solve that by making a sort of very long, pipe-shaped grommet gasket to replace the pipe entirely. Yeah, yeah. And then a bunch of these pencil-necks start climbing over top of me to take measurements with their Mitutoyo digital calipers, and video-chat with the toilet manufacturer’s engineers just to call them rookie-level chumps. All the while, the bathroom is slowly filling with water up to our waists, the water-shutoff valve having been removed years before to prevent these eggheads from being tempted to fuck with it.
As any professional would, I started ignoring them, but it turns out that showed up on my performance review. Everyone at Fel-Pro has to be vigilant against leaks, said my boss, a dour expression on his face. He thrust a diagram on how to apply the proper torque pattern to the wax seal of a toilet.
Don’t get me started on how angry they get when they see me using hardware-store silicone bathroom caulking to solve the problem. That’s not the ideal thermal interface, they moan, and start bringing out all kinds of high-zoot polymer compounds, emblazoned with safety warnings in Chinese. Those make the room spin pretty good, and sometimes they get worryingly hot on application, but I must admit they work a treat. One engineer brought me something he stole from a tour he took of NASA and told me to seal a leaking air conditioner drain with it. Well, mission accomplished, buddy: Jim, the custodian I share an office with, had to use a plasma cutter to remove it last week.
It’s gotten so bad that I’ve started only doing plumbing repairs in the middle of the night, when the engineers are likely to be at home, berating their spouses for daring to bring Scotch tape into their home.
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guybitesatgames · 7 months
TMAGP 08 - They Already Named One "The Architecture of Fear"
Okay so obviously everyone is going to go bananas about what happened after the 19 minute mark (its me, I'm everyone, my response was undignified). However, Alex's tweet put me on high alert so lets dig our claws into some incredibly specific inclusions from just the case section of today's episode.
There have always been nods to real-life locations and historical figures across the Magnus-series, but this episode is particularly grounded. The case takes place here-
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-Forton services - a service station that still exists, I assume entirely thanks to its listed status. It's a semi-historical site, which means lots of pictures have been taken of it, including its interior. Behold, the restaurant Terrance Stevens was sucked into, both (likely) the version he saw vs. what he should have expected at the top of the elevator:
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I've not been to this place, but it is highly documented. I was able to find out that, just as it is in the show, the button for the restaurant floor has been disabled (unless you have the manufacturer's key). In fact, I think I might have found the exact website as whoever was doing research for this episode (Alex?) because they both mention seating for "700 people, with 101 toilets and 403 parking spaces".
And Terrance Stevens was doing such a good job with his sources up until this point! And I mean that - early in the case he cites (Zumthor, P. 2006), (Augé, M. 1995), (Bachelard, G. 1994) and (Trigg, D. 2012). Now, it'd be super easy for a writer to make up some names and append some years on them and call it a day but- no! Peter Zumthor's lecture Atmospheres: Architectural Environments, Surrounding Objects was published in 2006. We can similarly find Non-Places by Marc Augé, The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard (reprinted in 1994), and The Memory of Place: A Phenomenology of the Uncanny by Dylan Trigg.
Given the emphasis on Smirke's architecture in The Magnus Archives (and the preponderance of liminal spaces as a source of horror, generally) I shouldn't be surprised that the authors have read up on academic papers linking structures to emotions. I was just a little blindsided that they would hand us a "further reading" section.
The real question at the end of all this is: will any of this be on the quiz?
Surely, surely if the writers wanted to be so precise as to get information about which elevator buttons are currently accessible in a real life truck stop correct, there must be something important about Forton services, right? Thankfully, we have an answer, from the Q&A for The Magnus Archives Season 3.
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Well done, I am slightly worried.
Though the details of specific locations may not really really matter, I think the idea that there are nexuses of fear - places that themselves just aren't right - was laid out quite plainly in this episode. Forton services could harbor another gap in reality much like Hilltop Road, and I don't think this will be the last we hear of "hungry architecture."
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sepdet · 12 days
[9.11.24] Seth Meyers summarizes Trump's presidency and everything he's done since in an incredible 60 second monologue.
Transcript below.
This monologue is from the end of Late Night with Seth Meyers on 9/11, the day after the Hartus-Trump debate. As Seth Meyers speaks at his desk, an inset video slideshow on the left shows images to match his words, either newspaper headlines or photos or short video clips.
Seth begins:
Donald Trump's entire argument, aside from weird lies about eating dogs and windmills and Hannibal Lecter, boils down to one thing. When he left office, things were awesome.
[Screen changes temporarily to clip of the debate with Trump speaking]: I created one of the greatest economies in the history of our country. We did a phenomenal job with the pandemic. We handed them over a country where the economy and where the stock market was higher than it was before the pandemic came in. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. [End of clip]
Back to Seth:
Ah, yes, I remember the halcyon days of 2020, when the economy was soaring and toilet paper was plentiful, and we weren't all wiping our mail down with Clorox, and filming our TV shows at home without our hair and makeup teams leaving us all looking like ghosts haunting a Dickensian orphanage. [ British accent] "Please help me! I've been trapped here ever since I died from eating spoiled gruel!"
[ Normal voice ] I can't believe I have to remind some people of this, but Donald Trump's presidency did not end well. Just in case you need it, here's a quick refresher. This shouldn't take too long.
Seth: Donald Trump was the first president since Herbert Hoover to oversee a net job loss. Unemployment soared, and the economy shrank by more than 3%. Corporate profits went up while manufacturing jobs declined. Home prices soared by nearly 30%. The national debt rose by nearly $8 trillion. Crime spiked. The number of Americans without health insurance rose by 3 million, and the number of presidents who have humped American flags went from 0 to 1.
He undercut the nation's response to a deadly pandemic that spiraled out of control because he ignored warnings about it, lied about its severity, disbanded agencies that were tasked with preparing for it, promoted sham treatments for it, said we could stop it by injecting disinfectant, and promoted a quack doctor who believes demon sperm is real, insulted servicemembers and feuded with Gold Star families, saluted a North Korean general, got reprimanded by the Army for desecrating Arlington National Cemetery in violation of federal law, and made the Queen of England disappear.
Said he had the best memory in the world, then forgot he said he had the best memory in the world, got laughed at by the United Nations, including the Germans, got impeached for threatening to withhold military aid from Ukraine, and encouraged Russia to interfere in our elections.
He doctored a weather map with a Sharpie to lie about the path of a hurricane, threw paper towels at hurricane victims, called Hannibal Lecter his wonderful man. A chief of staff called him an idiot. His national security adviser called him a dope. A secretary of state called him a moron. He got on a plane with toilet paper stuck to his shoe and didn't know how to close an umbrella.
He took millions from foreign officials, including a possible $10 million bribe from Egypt, brushed dandruff off the shoulder of the president of France. He staged a months-long coup attempt, stoked a violent insurrection, tried to coerce
Republican officials, into overturning the election, claim dead people were voting and Democrats were selling mail ballots, got impeached a second time.
He brought a crazy pillow salesman to the White House, and his lawyer gave a press conference at a landscaping company.
He lost the popular vote twice, got indicted four times, convicted of 34 felony counts, falsified business records to pay hush money to a porn star who said she spanked him in the ass with "Forbes" magazine. He was found guilty of fraud and libel and sexual abuse, possibly farted and definitely fell asleep in court.
Bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said he was against a Florida abortion ban, then said he was for the Florida abortion bill. Called the CEO of Apple Tim Apple, called Elon Musk "Leon Musk," said Nikki Haley was the Speaker of the House on January 6th, claimed the price of bacon goes up because the windmills blow, shark attacks are caused by electric boat batteries, again said Hannibal Lecter was dead and real, wonderful, even though he's fake and famously a bad guy, insists he's not weird by saying the word "weird" 11 times in 30 seconds, which is, let's admit it, super weird.
Became the first president -- [photo at this point shows Trump staring straight at the sun without eclipse glasses before the 2017 eclipse]
And, guys, we ran out of time, but there were a bunch more things.
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smimon · 12 days
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a lucky thing happened to me on Friday 13th, I found a toilet paper 8-pack with 9 rolls inside thanks to a manufacturing defect 🧻
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ultracaredubai · 2 years
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If you're looking for cleaning solutions that involve paper, we've got you covered. Toilet paper and paper towels are all essential for maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, and comfort. We provide tissue papers that are soft, strong, comfortable, thick, and lint-free.
To know more, get in touch with us: https://myultracare.com/product/toilet-tissue-rolls/
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1americanconservative · 4 months
Jon Dawson Is A TikTok Influencer With 920k Followers. He Says He Doesn’t Care About His Brand Partnerships, He Doesn’t Care About Losing All His Income, He Is Speaking Out For Donald Trump “I'm for sure voting Trump 2024. Ain't no question in the world, dude. I am voting Trump 2024.“ “—The reason I'm gonna vote Trump 2024 is because one main reason. This man getting the people treatment. He's getting the people treatment. He ain't getting treated like a billionaire. He ain't getting treated like a President. He ain’t getting treated like a politician.He's getting treated like me. And the people that I despise, the elites, the people that don't answer to the same law that I answer to, the people that can literally bat an eye and say, hey, make that disappear from me, and it's gone. The people that never get challenged on the disrespectful BS that they commit every single day, I can't stand. But this man's getting popped for things commoners don't even get popped for. This man is under scrutiny more than a black man downtown Compton with a bag of good good in his pocket, a sifter so fine that they're checking what type of toilet paper he uses to make sure there's nothing illegal in it. And this man is now a felon, one of the only people in politics, period. That's a felon. And y'all acting like you're fighting against the system when you are on the same side as the universities, the mainstream media, 99% of politicians, every manufacturing company that does their business overseas. You think you're fighting the system when your entire face is plastered over Target, Nike, Walmart, every time your month comes around, you think you're fighting against the machine when you literally go to universities and they preach, they preach what you preach.” “Please, you are not going against the system. You are just not smart enough to realize you are the fuel and the cogs in the machine you don't even understand is bending you over a barrel. This is what's insane to me. Fight the system. I'm voting Trump 2024. This man does not get the special treatment. He is not on the side of the universities. He is not on the side of the Bilderberger meetings. He is not on the side of the Clintons, the Obamas, the Rockefellers, the universities, the large corporations. This man is the guy who's fighting the machine. This guy is the rage against the machine. He is the one that is giving you the ability to say, F this, I will not stand for it anymore. I am not gonna let you raise my taxes and have you send them overseas. I am not gonna let you tell me what I should put in my body, what I have to put in my body, just the function in the world that is supposed to be free. No way, no how.” This is a 5 minute video so I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but I recommend watching!
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anmaypaper · 1 year
How to buy toilet paper direct from manufacturer?
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
Paper, you can't just tag a post "thinking about the bee urinals again" and not elaborate. I mean, I guess you *can*, but I'd still like some context.
Ok so two facts are key here
The Latin name for bees is Apis
And if you hit the wrong part of a urinal you get splashback
Combine these and you get some Victorian manufacturers (looking at you Thomas Crapper) putting little bees on urinals as a target (they also show up on some toilets just below the waterline. Not sure if that's for the same reason or just for the piss joke)
- Paper
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