#toilet paper shortage
audkitty · 2 years
I’m cleaning out my phone and came across screenshots I took at the start of the pandemic and like
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I sent this to my boss (I’m a proofreader)
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Community members checking in on us
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Showing off my new book to my friend
I uh don’t think I was handling it as well as I thought I was
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b0bthebuilder35 · 2 years
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elexuscal · 4 months
so what do we think the toilet paper situation in the Scholomance is/was? bad right? like the resources have to be as limited as anything else. the school was too old probably to have had bidets installed at inception. the enclavers are probably hoarding the two ply just like everything else, right? or does the school dole it out very carefully?
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mycomatosedreamworld1 · 5 months
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Still one of the funnier things from the beginning of the pandemic is when people were buying toilet paper en masse because "there will totally be shortages" and Czechs and Slovaks were like "ah shit here we go again. Maru, get the Rudé právo"
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yonkou · 2 years
dude you were in my dreams last night?? you were my uber eats driver and delivered my food so thanks for that and i was like yooo hold on i know you and we talked a bit lol
oop guess thats why i woke up tired because i'm running on someones mind 🫢🫢 jk lol i love appearing in peoples dreams one time someone said i was their math tutor and another i was their gym coach and now uber eats driver!! like why do i have so many different professions dkdkcjjdjddjff
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seacr8ionz · 8 months
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I was there
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icedteaandoldlace · 9 months
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And to all those of you having a Christmas season like this guy—hang in there.
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wyldwon · 9 months
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Story Time || LN4 & MV1
Random blurb that popped into my head. Lando Norris x Fem!reader, platonic!max verstappen x bestfriend!reader
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Max was streaming with his Redline Team as he usually did when it wasn’t race week. You had received the notification that he had gone live on Twitch and grabbed Lando’s laptop from beside the bed to log in and watch it.
“Okay, I have another story you might enjoy.”
Lando chuckled as he entered the room with the cups of tea he had gone to make. “His stories are the best.”
There was never a shortage of stories from Max and you were lucky to have witnessed them for a large portion of your life. You had known Max since you were young and it was through him that you met Lando.
Your boyfriend handed you the mug that he had given you for Valentine’s Day last year: a big red heart that had his LN4 symbol in the middle. It still amused you that his gift was really for himself and you happily drank from it every day.
“He can hardly keep a straight face,” you said as you pointed to Max’s video feed. “It has to be a good one.”
“So I got a call last week from my good friend, Y/N.” Max had to stop to take a sip of his red Bull as he was laughing too much. “She was on a date with Lando, still don’t know how that happened but that’s another story, and they went to dinner in Florence. Lovely, right. One thing about Lando and Y/N, their Italian is absolutely terrible.”
“I’m already offended,” you said as you grabbed your phone.
“Oh, she’s watching the stream!” Max laughed as he read the text message you had sent him and he held it up to the screen for a second. “It says, ‘eighteen years of friendship and you settle on good? I’m insulted. Sincerely, your ex-best friend and current good friend.’ I think I’ve hurt her feelings. I’m sorry, I love you.
“Anyway, my good friend, she sends me a photo of her meal and immediately calls me. ‘Like what the fuck is this? I asked for pasta.’ Blah, blah, blah. Turns out she ordered a bean salad. She’s too embarrassed to admit she messed up so she eats the salad, she fucking hates salads, and then orders dessert.
“I get another picture and phone call soon after and she’s absolutely fuming because she received another bean salad.”
Lando was in hysterics beside you as he relived the disastrous date and he put his mug down before more tea spilled over the bedspread. “I’m sorry, baby, but it was funny.”
The chat down the side of the live stream was already getting bombarded with information you could have done with last weekend.
@/tifosi1: Cannelloni = Pasta @/vinividivici: Cannellini = Beans @/verstap1: Cannoli = Dessert
“We’ll have to see if she shows up to Monza, because she swore she would never step foot in Italy again.”
You fired another text through and he choked on his laugh. “I can’t read this one out loud, I’ll probably get censored and the race is ready. That’s it for story time.”
“I hate him,” you huffed as you slammed the laptop closed.
“I don’t,” Lando grinned, taking the laptop away and pulling you into his arms. “He brought you into my life.”
“Shhh, stop being sweet and let me be mad at him.”
“Okay, he’s an absolute bastard. We should toilet paper his apartment and throw eggs at his car.”
You cupped his face and pecked him on the lips. “Thank you. That must have been hard to say.”
“Yeah,” he shivered with a grimace. “Can we not be mad at him now? I don’t like it.”
“Me neither…fine.”
You unlocked your phone and sent him one last text.
To Max: I’m still your best friend.
You didn’t receive a reply until his race finished and you smiled as you showed it to Lando.
From Max: Always.
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Someone commented, "And CVS has a special place in hell."
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Love me a CVS receipt. Toilet paper shortage? Buy a pack of gum at CVS and you're good to go.
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rarepears · 3 months
Imagine if South America/Mexico got hit by an S rank gate, what would be the world wide repercussions of the avocado industry going down? Would people beg Sung Jinwoo to clear it? Would he already be on his way as soon as he hears about it?
I don't think avocado is big enough to result in people begging Sung Jinwoo to clear it per say. A polite invitation from the avocado cartel? Sure - but I think the Korean Hunter Association filters out such requests before it would even be sent to Jinwoo and his guild lol. Plus there's S ranked Hunters in South America too! I think people would look to their local hunters first for help - and for domestic pride too. It's kind of embarrassing to be needing to request foreign aid plus what kind of compensation can the countries really provide when they have already been decimated by such a gate? They can't afford it nor afford to own a favor. That's a pretty risky political position to be in, to say nothing else of the geopolitical implications and existing alliances they have to balance.
If this was a staple crop like a wheat, rice, or potato where it would be a catastrophic failure, sure. But the good news is that staple crops are far more diversified in where they are grown so while one region getting hit raises prices (cough see Ukraine war, wheat, and fertilizer), it's not going to result in massive shortages akin to the toilet paper crisis of 2020. Avocados are a large export item. The United States is the number one market for Mexico's avocado exports, with an 81 percent share, followed by Canada, Japan, and Spain, so I think the first foreign hunters called in to help would be the American guilds. (Plus they would be more personally motivated to keep their supply of guac going.) Koreans? I don't think they are as keen about avocados.
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firegirl888101 · 11 months
in honor of spooky month, I think the harbingers going trick-or-treating(or watching a horror movie) would be entertaining
(I'm the same anon who asked about the "reader who's good at drawing thing" :D)
You have specifically asked, and I have answered dear friend!
The Harbingers and Y/N are still in modern world and NOT Teyvat. Just thought I'd put that out there.
Also, I added something my family and I used to do when I was really young! (Obviously this was way before lockdown so there was no shortage of toilet paper lol) Not sure if its the regular thing but I hardly see the tradition on the media anywhere...
This was posted before the Insatiable Madness (9) was published! (meaning there could be some things mentioned to keep in mind for the future of the series... 👀)
Decided to post this 2 hours early because I was bored and didn't want to wait for the 12 o'clock mark lol.
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Insatiable Madness
Diverted-Dimension (Halloween 2023)
|Sagau Yandere Fatui Harbingers x Reader|
Where am I..? This doesn't feel like the main storyline.
Reader is Gender Neutral!
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"You mean to tell me it's normal to wrap yourself in waste as a tradition?" Signora threw the toilet paper at you, her face telling you all you need to see.
"Pleeeeease? I promise it's clean!" You begged her, picking up the toilet paper she threw at you and offering it to back her.
"Absolutely not. Why would someone, besides Childe, have fun by wrapping themselves up in that nonesense?"
"I agree with Signora." Pantalone gently coughed into his hand. "Why would one choose to have filth around them for amusement?"
"You lot are sour little bitches."
"How DARE you--"
"Either way, it can't be too bad. Especially since this tradition has been around for atleast a century." You smiled at Childe rolling around in the toilet paper.
"I think it looks fun!" Columbina pitched in, her head wrapped in toilet paper delicately.
"Of course you would, you brown-noser. Anything you see Y/N do is an instant hobby to your personality." Scaramouche glared at her, sitting on the sofa behind her.
"Well, not like you had a personality to begin with."
All the Damselette did in response was giggle, and continued to look your way. "It's my turn now!"
"Your turn to do... what?"
"To wrap you of course! Didn't you say the whole point was who could wrap each other the fastest?" She made a 'grabby hands' motion.
Oh dear, this doesn't look good.
"Yeah, Y/n..." Scaramouche teased, tossing the toilet paper in his hand up and down. "Let's wrap you up."
"You changed your mind very quickly. Are you sure you weren't feeling sad that you were missing out?"
"Of course not." He scoffed. "Hey, Damsel. I'm going for their mouth first, you do their legs."
"Perfect, that way they can't run away!~" She giggled once more.
Haha... I'm in danger-
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
You don't know how long you've been tied up with toilet paper. You reckon it's been a good hour of Columbina singing as she worked on your 'Wedding Gown'.
Scaramouche also had fun wrapping your entire head very tightly. Thankfully, Pierro cut your eyes and nose loose when you complained you couldn't breathe.
"Y/N!! You look so pretty!" Columbina clapped in delight, a wide smile on her face.
Scaramouche just stayed silent, clutching a hand to his mouth trying not to laugh.
"Thanks everyone, I definitely see you trying to help me." Is what you would have said if it weren't for the tight toilet paper wrapped around your mouth, practically gagging you.
"Now, now," Pulcinella interjected the laughing, holding your back when realising you were about to fall over.
"Let's not tease them too much, they planned our night out did they not?"
"Oh, right, they did!" Childe piped up, looking behind him and cringing at the strips of toilet paper he shredded.
I am not cleaning that up for him.
"You rarely ever let us out of the house, I'm excited to see the neighbourhood you live in!"
"One, there's a very good reason for why I don't let anyone out the house. Two, how on Earth could you be excited about my neighbourhood?" You finally managed to rip through the tissue around your mouth.
"Who said you could unsilence yourself? I enjoyed the brief moment of peace we had without your squealing." Sandrone scoffed.
"I did, plus, I was starting to choke on it and my throat feels very dry now... No, Dottore, I don't need any of your pois-- I mean medicine."
"What an insult." He shook his head in disappointment.
"Should we all get ready to begin going out? Before we know it, it'll be 9 o'clock and people will begin to walk around." You suggested, watching Dottore roll his eyes.
"I agree, however, you never mentioned why we'll be going out tonight." Arlecchino said.
"Well, on Halloween there's this tradition we have---"
"Another one?" Signora sighed, her boredom being evident from her tone.
"...You do realise festivals don't just have one tradition right?" You sighed back at her.
"As I was saying, on Halloween we dress up as things we find 'spooky', and 'scary'. Some even cosplay as their favourite fictional characters! Then, at night, you walk around with neighbourhood with bowls knocking on doors for sweets! It's pretty delicious I'm not gonna lie."
"Can't we just dress up as ourselves? I often hear my soldiers gossiping about us Harbingers when they think I'm not listening. Are we scary?" Capitano suggested with a heavy voice.
"I mean... sure, you do come off that way when you walk around killing people just because you can't find one person."
"Haha, very funny." Sandrone looked at you, tapping her finger on the arm of the sofa opposite to you.
"I hate sugar." Scaramouche rolled his eyes at your explanation.
"Oh yeah! I forgot you don't like anything sweet!"
"Anyway, I would prefer it if you didn't dress as yourselves, you'll look very out of place." You sighed.
"Yeah, no. I'm not dressing up at all."
"Well, I'll be going as an angel! I saw on your... phone? (I think that's what you called it) A lot of people were dressing up as one and I wanted to see if it suited me!" Columbina showed a white dress in front of your eyes.
"Where did you get that? I didn't give you permission to go into my room - especially my wardrobe. I haven't even worn it yet!"
"I thought it looked really pretty!"
"That is not a solid argument!" You argued back.
"Now, now, you two..." Pulcinella put his hands on your shoulder and hers.
"Let us not show animosity towards eachother."
"Oh, so she can steal my shit but can't atleast apologise for keeping it in her possessions without telling me?"
"You didn't even notice it was gone. I don't understand the source of your anger~" She giggled at you.
"You're lucky you're a harbinger keeping me here against my will."
"Are you two finished now?" Pierro grumbled. "We have a long evening ahead of us."
"'We'? I thought you insisted you didn't want to come?"
"That is true, however, I cannot help but worry about the Damselette and the likes of you going off together causing trouble only the Tsaritsa will remember."
"Dude, she's not even here--"
"Let's change topic." Arlecchino sighed to herself, watching Columbina run off with your dress somewhere.
"She asked me to also dress as an angel with her, the one with black wings instead."
"Oh, you mean a fallen angel?" You sighed, a headache beginning to form inside your mind.
"Let me guess, you want to borrow one of my dresses too?"
"No, that wouldn't be courteous. Besides, it would be very tight on me if I were to wear one."
"Thanks for insinuating I'm small."
"That is not what I meant."
"Heyy, Decider? What should I wear?" Childe enthusiastically threw himself on the sofa next to you.
You shrugged as a reply.
"If you don't assign me a character, I'll steal the Captain's clothes and dress up as him."
"Please don't." Capitano walked off.
"Just be a corpse. You'll be one in less than a hundred years anyway." Scaramouche suggested, smirking at his own joke.
"I actually like that idea a lot." You smiled with him. "Rather than a corpse, just be a zombie."
"Ehhhh? You mean like that girl at Bubu Pharmacy!? Y/N you're so mean!"
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"You... You lot are so boring."
"Fuck off, I am not in the mood." Scaramouche folded his arms with a scornful face.
One by one the harbingers all met outside your front door. The idea was they were supposed to come out when they'd dressed up and finished getting ready.
Unfortunately, they all didn't dress up and went in their Harbinger coats.
"Alright, I understand some of you not wanting to dress up. But what happened to those of you saying you would?" You asked, feeling slightly betrayed.
"Believe me, I was going to!" Childe looked at you guiltily.
"No you didn't you big liar, you took one look at the costumes available and left the room." Arlecchino scolded him.
"I'm sorry okay!? Won't you forgive me?" He blinked very fast, mocking a begging expression.
"I'll be honest," You struggled to contain your laughter. "I really wasn't expecting anyone to dress up."
"Ehhh? But what about you putting options for us to dress as?"
You simply shrugged with a wonky smirk.
"Well, I'm glad we all have what happened earlier behind us, as well as getting out of the house in one piece." Pierro coughed into his hand, eyeing Columbina.
"So... You're not mad at me for stea-- borrowing your dress?" She asked you hopefully.
"No, I'm still pissed off."
"Can we just leave, please?" Dottore groaned into his hand. "I'd like to finish the episode of the show I was watching."
"And I would like to distract myself from all of you impudent bastards - but oh look, I'm forced against my will." Sandrone gave a frown to you.
"Haha, very funny." You mocked her words from earlier, the mechanic's frown turning into an angry look.
"Oh... my... gosh. LOOK AT THOSE COSPLAYERS!!" Loud voices exclaimed from over your garden fence.
"Destiny, you're right! They look so... real!"
Oh no...
"Are they referring to us?" Arlecchino whispered to Pierro, the two harbingers sighing when seeing Childe walk up to the two girls.
"Of course they are," Signora answered the man for him. "They're pointing and talking whilst staring at us."
"How unmannered."
"Alright, alright, alright!" You called out to everyone around you after hearing the conversation behind you.
"We need to head up the street north, as that's where I usually trick or treat. Plus, the neighbours are nice there which is a great bonus."
"If you could move away from the gate?" Your attention turned to the girls, a stern expression on your face.
"Oh, yeah, sorry... We just got a bit excited." One of the girls holding their phones apologised.
They walked away and you soon turned to face the clueless Harbingers stood behind you.
"This is why I wanted you to dress up! You'll be noticed so much easier when you're dressed like how you were in the trailer!"
"Trailer?" Pantalone questioned you.
"Nevermind. I forgot everyone around me in this house is clueless."
"Clueless? Clueless about what?"
"As I said before, it doesn't matter. Let's go get some sweets!" You cheered, ignoring Pantalone nudging you for an answer.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"Oh... Life is sweet, life is good!" You praised the Harbingers after asking them to empty the bowls you gave them.
Somehow, although you knew there were a lot of you, you'd rounded up with a mountain of chocolate bars and colourful sweet packets. And calling it a mountain wasn't an exaggeration, it practically covered your coffee table.
"And this, my friends, is the triumph of our labour."
"I'll be honest though, it'll last me less than a week knowing me." You began picking out your favourite chocolates.
"That is not healthy, how are your teeth not rotting?" Dottore muttered, turning to your face and inspecting you.
"I'm blessed."
"You are definitely not." He mused, opening your mouth and looking inside at your teeth.
"Hwwey!" You tried to voice a complain.
"Ugh, just let them destroy their mouth. They'll learn that their pleasure will be their downfall." Scaramouche scoffed, pushing the doctor off of you.
Pantalone then laughed at the two in front of him. "I can always pay for them to get new teeth."
"Why would you need to pay when you have a qualified doctor in the house?"
"Qualified doctor?" Sandrone chuckled to herself. "More like insane experimental scientist."
"You little--"
"That's where you're wrong, they're simply heartless businessmen as I have always stated in the past." Arlecchino shook her head.
You glared at the Harbingers bickering as if you weren't next to them, and continued to pick and sort out the sweets covering your table.
I can never get a days peace. You shook your head, collecting and sharing the packets with Childe and Columbina on your left and right.
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bubblegum-glitch · 20 days
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The Catalyst: Life working in retail and the moment I finally said "fuck it, I'm doing porn."
I've been working in Customer Service off and on since early 2005, only ever being unemployed for short periods of time between job searches. I've worked in various retail establishments, with shipping companies, call centres, door-to-door sales, and even in kitchens & cafes. The only industry I have ever refused to work in has been fast food, and I'm sure those of you who have worked a drive through or two in your lives can understand my reasoning. I began in my first year of high school working at a Dollar Store that was next to an extremely seedy strip club (it eventually burned down and it was discovered that the owner had done it to try and cash in on the insurance). From customers verbally and physically abusing me, to an elderly man jerking his cock in front of me, my first romp in retail was merely a taste of what was to come for the next 20 years.
Some jobs were certainly better than others. I worked at a bookstore and a Halloween shop, both of which would have been fine if not for the politics of the company bleeding into the staff and making us all miserable. Bad management teams, abusive coworkers, bullying and drama akin to that which we experience in High School - it becomes exhausting after awhile. For minimum wage, which doesn't even come close to a living wage, it's just not worth the headaches. I rarely lasted longer than two years with any of my employers. When you're handed a penny raise after working your ass off for an entire year you tend to lose faith in the company that you've been breaking your back (and sanity) for. I promise, there was no lack of trying on my part to escape the clutches of the customer service industry. I have my BA in English, I have a certificate in photography, and I have some training in IT Web design (which proved to be far too much for my little brain to handle) and Audio Engineering. Unfortunately the job market for all of these industries in my part of the world is pretty much non existent. I'm pretty sure a BA in English is worth less than toilet paper even after the great pandemic shortage of 2020. Unfortunately, to make money in this world you gotta do what you gotta do. So to pay off my crippling debt and be able to afford an occasional package of ramen noodles so I don't starve to death, I have to continue working these soul crushing, mindless jobs.
It was in 2016 when I started working in donation rooms at thrift stores and, I will be completely honest with you - I fucking love it. Granted, it has it's downsides. I've sorted through more than a couple bags with mould, human feces, needles, and used sex toys, but the satisfaction of the treasure hunt it's absolutely worth the nasty shit that you sometimes encounter. But once again, the politics of the industry got in the way of finding my work enjoyable and rewarding. Nasty upper management was the downfall of all three thrift locations I've worked at. The first store the CEO shut us down without warning (I also later learned he was a sexual predator and was being sued by some of his employees for harassment, so that was gross). The second location had a violent customer base (we were robbed repeatedly), a bully assistant manager who would scream in your face when HE made a mistake, and a regional manager who loved to throw her staff under the bus.
So that leads us to my third romp in thrift, my absolute favourite job I've ever had, and the devastation brought upon me when everything came crumbling down.
My husband and I came into a little bit of money in 2021 and I decided to take a break from the world of customer service bullshit and return to school (This was my IT and Audio Engineering training). That summer I got a student job at a thrift store where 100% of the proceeds go into helping rescue animals. It was entirely volunteer based other than the management team and the summer students (who were there on a government grant). I had such an enjoyable experience working there as the volunteer coordinator than I returned the following summer, and they were so impressed with me they ended up hiring me on permanently part time to help with their rapidly growing business. At this point, due to some mental health struggles, I am not currently able to work full time hours, and they were more than happy to work around my disability...
Until the new regional manager was hired.
The store closed for renovations and I was brought in to help rebuild and re-brand the store.
Sure. No problem. It's more hours than I'm available for, but I don't mind just for a couple of weeks. It's also more physical work than my body is really equipped for but, just this once, I'll suffer through with a smile on my face.
Then I'm handed a key and I'm told "You're a staff supervisor now". Oh... okay? No one talked to me or asked me if I wanted the promotion, it's more hours than I can handle, and I don't really want the responsibilities that come with a supervisor position because of my disability, but since my old position has been dissolved I guess I'll have to suck it up. At least it comes with a raise, right?
Nope. Still minimum wage. Which is currently sitting about $15 under a livable wage. Also, we won't be training you and just expect you to know how to do the assistant manager's job.
Okay... Gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
You also have to work more shifts than you're available for.
Oh... yeah, okay. That could start to prove difficult as I'm dealing with a depressive episode right now but... sure?
Then suddenly I'm responsible for everything that goes wrong. A volunteer makes a mistake? Blame Billie - even on days she isn't working. The cash or pricing machines break? Billie. Shoes, purses, dresses, and coats priced to low? Blame Billie and make sure she's the only person who prices these things from now on. Need 30 things done at once right this second, tell Billie and don't let her delegate the tasks to anyone else. If she does, yell at her! Have Billie open and close the store for the next two weekends, but don't train her how to do it and expect her not to make any mistakes. Customer has an issue? That's right, it's also somehow Billie's fault! Even when she's at home sleeping!
Blame, blame, blame, blame, blame, blame, blame.
Yeah. This was the breaking point for me.
In July of 2023 I had started up an OnlyFans account to bring in a couple extra dollars. I'll discuss why this was a challenging decision for me in a future post, but originally I was just planning to post some tasteful nudes to earn myself a little spending money. By May of 2024, as all this bullshit had begun happening at work, that mindset had officially gone from a couple tasteful nudes to "Fuck it, I'm quitting retail and making porn." By August I had amassed enough of a following to put in my notice.
I am finished with retail as of October 15th, 2024 and turning to creating adult content full time.
Honestly, this is a terrifying leap of faith as I know content creation can be a fickle beast. Some months will be more lucrative than others, while an inability to keep people invested could have everything all come crashing down on top of me.
But I'm done with working for people who take advantage of me and pay me pennies. I know my value and I'm worth more than what I'm being given. I'm not a number who is easily replaceable, I am a strong capable woman who is in charge of her own destiny.
So fuck you workforce,
I quit!
Now. If you'll excuse me, I'm off to live life how it's meant to be lived,
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writer-ace · 26 days
Living Alone Tips
There is not a max number of trash cans you can own. It is fine to have one or more than one per room
If you struggle with routinely cleaning all of your dishes, try some version of this: on a bad day clean at least one thing (can literally just be a fork), on an okay day clean everything you used that day, on a good day clean everything you used that day plus at least one more thing. This way, even if you don't clean the existing dirty dishes regularly, an okay day means you don't leave the day with more than you started
You don't need to hide your pads/tampons. I got a cheap and moderately attractive glass jar that's probably supposed to be used to hold artisan cookies or something and stuck it on the floor next to my toilet, and it probably fits like 15+ pads
Figure out one or two incredibly easy meals that you enjoy. And by incredibly easy I don't mean something like an omelet where you have to stand in front of a stove and cook something, I mean like toast and some deli meat. Find things with zero assembly and basically zero cooking required. This is your "it's midnight and I haven't eaten dinner" dinner
Have backup versions of things. I literally have backup toilet paper, which is terrible one-ply toilet paper with inexplicable Spanish-language packaging that I bought in 2020 during the peak of the paper shortage where it was the only thing I could find. It's not the normal toilet paper I use, but it's a great backup if I run out of my real toilet paper. Backup toilet paper. Backup sunglasses. Backup water bottle
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enriquemzn262 · 3 months
You know what I never got? Just why the fuck there was a toilet paper shortage worldwide at the start of the pandemic, toilet paper isn’t even a global commodity, it’s so cheap to make it’s easier to produce it locally than it is to import it, yet seemly everywhere it was gone for a good few months.
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